yourstarforevermore · 3 months
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❝It’s always a pleasure to see you sauntering over. ❞
||Hi everyone!!! This is skin from @istoleyoursk1n, this blog will be entirely dedicated to RPING as Astarion whether that be through Asks or actual message replies!! All answers will be answered in character unless said otherwise||
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•This is in fact an Astarion RP acc where I follow along with whatever you have surprise surprise
•Your way of how Astarion acts may differ from mine so please consider that. Though, as much as possible I made him act as he does in game
•This blog is fairly new and I’m a tad bit rusty at RP so forgive me💀
•Yes I do requests! Which will be explained later.
•As much as possible no outright NSFW, however, suggestion/implied stuff is fine!
•I will only reply as the Admin like ((This)). If anything has “quotation marks” I’m replying as Astarion
•As much as possible I’m not outright describing how he’d react unless it's a full-on roleplay. I’m merely responding as him.
•Feel free to roleplay as your characters through the ask box! I will reply as Astarion ❤️🥀
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You may send an ask that says:
>>“How would Astarion reply to my Tav saying this: … “
Or an Ask mimicking how your Tav/Durge would speak if you wish to have a direct conversation with Astarion.
It doesn't have to be your Tav/Durge. I am more than willing to act out ships you may have with Astarion and other origin characters such as Bloodweave etc.
In short, this is all just ✨Fan service✨ for you all to indulge in.
❝ Enjoy Darlings, I promise I don’t bite.❞
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soundlessroom · 7 months
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Standalone version to this beautiful exchange with @askastarion
What happens if two chaotic people enable each other? Someone has to lose, this time it was Ceres. But just you wait she will win again, what will she win? Nobody knows, heck not even she knows.
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ask-gale · 7 months
[Perception check: Successful]
Gale is woken up early in the morning by a quiet fumbling in and around his traveller's chest. If he opened his eyes, he would see Astarion rummaging through it. As their eyes met, Astarion's eyes widened and he froze. "Oh-... Shit."
Gale thinks he's hallucinating in his sleep at first, about to turn around and go back to sleep. But something doesn't seem right. He tries to blink a few times to see if the figure will disappear. But it doesn't, and as his vision becomes clearer, he makes out Astarion's features, rummaging through his things.
"Astarion? What are you doing here? Get away from my things!"
He throws a pillow at the end, missing by a few inches.
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ask-karlachbear · 7 months
I dont know whats going on around camp cause ive been too absorbed with this thing, but like?? Why is everyone panicking about spider meat? Like.. I smell beef?
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@ask-shadowheart @oakfathers-embrace @askgale @ask-gale @astariondisapproves @askastarion @ask-thebladeoffrontiers @ask-thedarkurge
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askastarion · 7 months
{ first time doing this lol, probably OOC}
Christopher looks up from his spell book as his teal eyes study the pale elf, after the tadpole problem he can't seem to recall who he is. His mocha-coloured lips twitched into a soft smile, he had fallen for Astarion's charms, he knew the elf was putting up a facade but who could blame him? He knew he was lying at times too, all of his new companions miss took him as an 'Aasimar' whatever that was, and he knew that eventually he would have to explain his odd behaviour.
"You never told us what class you are?" Gale said as the wizard leaned closer toward the 'Aasimar', "You can cast spells but I've never seen you prepare your spells," the wizard said.
Christoper's gaze moved from Astarion to Gale, "Well I'm a sorcerer, I just keep a journal with me," he lied as he snapped his spell book closed. Christopher felt his pale red wings ruffle as he felt a chill breeze pass.
{this is probably cringe but cringe is dead so who cares, *said the person who is going to regret this interaction later*}
"Oh Gale, leave the poor Dove alone!" Astarion called, waving his arm in their direction. He was sitting, or rather laying, on one of the benches near his tent, with one leg crossed over the other and propped vertically against one of his tent posts. He held a book above his head, lazily scanning the lines. Ever since leaving the callous embrace of his master, where he was forced to stand straight and obedient even as he was having the flesh of his back ripped apart, he was enjoying the luxury of improper behaviour.
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His head lolled in their direction, and he flashed a smile."Who cares what 'class' he is. Honestly, you wizard types always have to put a name to everything. If Lae'zel decided to put down her big sword and shoot at someone from a shadow, could she be a rogue too?" He hummed and dropped his book on the ground. "Though I admit there is a certain flair involved. Not all of us can simply read in a tower for our skills. Some need a natural charm."
"Anyway, you're bothering him. What does it matter, as long as he can throw a ball of fire hot enough to melt someone's face off at 60 feet?"
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oakfathers-embrace · 7 months
*When you change back into your normal form, I press myself into you and embrace you with my arms and tail, sighing softly from feeling your heat radiating off you*
Hmm…? Who’s that?
"Hah, I'm quite embarrassed to say. I feel a bit like a schoolboy, too afraid to approach his crush." Halsin says with a small laugh, smiling as you make yourself comfortable in his arms.
"It's erm...gah- I can't believe I'm acting like this." He says with a sigh, shaking his head and finally answering before he can change his mind.
"It's Astarion." He says. "I just...I don't know how to go about things. I've not much experience with relationships that weren't well...sex focused. And I don't want him to get the wrong idea. It is a touchy subject for him, but it's all I really know." Halsin continues, brow furrowing as he thinks on his dilemma.
"I suppose I'm just afraid that I won't get my feelings across properly is all. I don't want to put him in a difficult situation if I tell him about it, but I also don't think he's likely to do the same either."
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astariondisapproves · 7 months
It was a long and grueling day for Astarion and the party. He almost died, they almost died, and Gods, why is it so godsforsaken quiet around the camp? Usually, the camp was alive with chatter around this time of night, with shared drinks and an amazing meal made by Gale—and yet each one of his companion's sat around the campfire in sullen silence and Astarion LOATHED it. So, doing what he does best, he breaks the silence with a rather odd question—
"What do each of you THINK your blood tastes like?" He asks with a suave wave of his hand, breaking the deafening silence that loomed over the camp.
(Open RP prompt for Tavs and companions) tagging @ask-gale @askgale @ask-shadowheart @ask-laezel @ask-karlachbear @ask-thebladeoffrontiers @ask-thedarkurge @askastarion @anderwelt @althaea-roserun @oakfathers-embrace + anyone who I forgot to tag who wants to join in on the fun.
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askgale · 7 months
My cheeky quasit friend may have gotten to the phone before it got to your hands, she loves causing trouble for me. Her name is Bungus. I don't know why, I just summoned her one day and that's what she said she wants to be called
-cellphone anon
Well...that's about what I expect from a quasit.
For some reason, they have a liking for hardcore pornographic material. Must be something in the summoning.
I have figured out how to use the 'video' function.
*Gale shows you a shaky video of a yellow spotted bird. Quite clearly in the background, @astariondisapproves is making out with alternate version of himself @askastarion. Gale doesn't seem to notice.*
Beautiful creature, don't you think?
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ask-althaearoserun · 7 months
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Yeah Gale why would you think Althaea of all people is an elf? That’s ridiculous.
[ pspsppss @ask-gale @askgale @ask-karlachbear @ask-thebladeoffrontiers @ask-thedarkurge @askastarion @astariondisapproves yall come look I probs forgot to tag some of you guys but its chill]
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lord-cazador-szarr · 7 months
"Lord Cazador, sir—m-master....I've brought the boy."
An odd cloaked figure stood menacingly in the darkness before stepping into the candlelight, a hand grasped tightly around @askastarion 's arm as they shove him forward onto his knees infront of Cazador. It seems this grunt is expecting praise from the master that holds their heart.
Cazador stares in surprise for a moment- he honestly hadn't thought any of his spawn were competent enough to actually do it.
"Truly? And this is no illusion?" He asks, leaning over and grabbing ahold of Astarions face with one hand, twisting his head this-way and that-way.
He stands straight again, an amused smile on his face. "You've done well, spawn. Take the day off- you need not perform your duties until tomorrow." He says, a hand coming through Astarions hair, mockingly sweet.
"I have all that I need right here."
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angstarion · 5 months
This blog is mostly to reblog stuff by others.
MDNI +18
About me:
+30 years old
Demi-Bisexual Disaster
Don't care about pronouns or sex Only about my power level and that one is over 9000. Go nuts
Insta block when you try to cause drama. Let me enjoy the Game damn it
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Ascended!Astarion Angst Video
My Astarion doodles
Maybe more????????????
I love making videos???? Help?????
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Astarion Blogs I could not go without
And because I blame those two Astarion roleplayer you get on the wall of shame thats this blog.
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Desktop Screen by @astarionposting
Mobile header by @bg3astariononlydeok
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yourstarforevermore · 3 months
Hey, soldier!
Don't know how this letter will get to you from Avernus, but I'll try. How's it going up there? Underdark treating you well? Wyll and I are this close to fixing my heart, maybe I can pay you a visit soon! Sorry to make this so brief, but it's hard to catch a real break around here. See ya, Fangs.
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“Gods, what a pleasant surprise! If it isn't our fiery little friend. It's been quite some time, hasn't it? I do hope Avernus hasn’t been treating you all too poorly, though I presume you and Wyll have been raising hell since the moment you darlings landed on that wretched plane.
As for how the Underdark has been treating me- well, it's certainly different than the tacky decor of Cazador’s bloody mess of a palace. I would much rather explore the very depths of this darkened abyss than remain in that disgusting shithole. I even managed to learn a thing or two down here! Who knew you could use mushrooms of all things as effective weapons? It's rather amusing, isn't it?
Oh but truly, do not allow a single soul to stand in your way, my dearest. If you made it past all that Absolute nonsense then I’m certain you’d make it through this. You are but the brilliant flame blazing through Avernus, give it all that you have!
Come see me soon, darling. “
Sincerely, Astarion.
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soundlessroom · 7 months
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And thats how they found out Ceres lost the ability to feel pain. Riding the high of Loviatar's blessing, yo!
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ask-gale · 7 months
List of fellow rp blogs
Origin Characters:
Other canon characters:
Tav rp blogs:
Note: If you're an rp blog and would like to be added to the list, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message and I'll add you :)
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ask-karlachbear · 6 months
"oh yes! We have chocolate chip, banana, pecan, raisin, mint, apple, oat..." 150 brands later, "and if you buy them all, you will be doing the Baldurian service of donating to one of our charities, 'think of the orphans!' See... I'm an orphan.. but I'm at least one of the lucky ones... There's this kid back at the orphanage named Timmy, he was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, he breaks his legs, every afternoon, he breaks his arms... He'd lie in agony until his heart attacks put him to sleep. So please.. won't you purchase all 150 brands for the small price of 350 gold?"
Karlach grins as the scout tells her the list of flavours, she starts to get concerned around the 70th, but nevertheless she seems eager to make her pick.
When the kid mentions the Orphan that always gets hurt she cant help but feel a tinge of sadness
"Mh let me check if i have enough, or.. I'll do you one better" She though. "I will get them, I'll pay what i can and then you can go to @askastarion and tell him I sent you to collect the rest" she smiled. "He will be happy to compensate for me"
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askastarion · 7 months
[cont of this: https://www.tumblr.com/askastarion/733260633522536448/a-hummed-melody-filled-the-silence-of-the-camp-as?source=share]
"I know it was tricky to understand if it was fiction or a journal, but apparently the author took it upon themselves to research their bloodline to write about vampirism in elven communities" She smiled as she fixed her glasses up her nose.
"And it has a dedicated section for every little thing" She moved closer, right next to him so he could see as well as she opened the book on one of the colored tabs she added on the side.
"I made sure I put a tab on pages that were quite interesting" She looked down at the page she opened carelessly, her eyes spread wide open as she read the title.
Damphirs, how.
Her cheeks flushed pink as she flipped to another page, acting like nothing had happened.
"See this paragraph here, for example, gives a very detailed explanation of the distinctive traits that are retained from the elven bloodline, and how they affect the vampiric strand in their blood" She smiled.
"I thought this could help you explore the full extent of your powers"
As she finally closed the tome, she looked around her.
[perception check: success]
"Wait, did i interrupt your hunting?" She asked worried. "Are you hungry? Cause you can feed on me if you want"
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"Extensive," Astarion hummed, following her gaze through the pages. As it flicked over a quick explanation and a few technical diagrams about Dhampirs, his eyes widened slightly. There had... actually been very little talk about Dhampirs. There were vampires. And there were spawn. There was Cazador, and there were his playthings. He turned with his mouth slightly open to say something to his companion, before he saw her pink cheeks, and he smirked knowingly.
"The full extent of my powers... hah. Yes, I'm sure this will be incredibly useful," he grinned and took the book from her, holding it up to the sunlight so he could marvel. Finally... he wouldn't have to be held back by being a spawn. His terrible, traumatising induction into the vampiric world. He grinned hungrily...
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"Ah... That is certainly very kind of you to offer," Astarion smirked as she offered him her neck. "You're right, as a matter of fact. And how very generous you are, indeed. I would certainly love to take you up on that very generous offer."
[previous post]
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