phantomofagoodtime · 3 months
"So is Chicago pizza really a pizza or a pie?"
“Who cares? Both sound delicious round about now.” Dean practically hummed in delight at the very thought of it, watching the different shiny bright billboards for different fast food joints pass them on the sidewalk was making Deans stomach growl even more. “Fancy a bite?” Dean asked as he turned into the car park of a pizza joint, he had already made up his mind but it would be impolite to not ask the lady.
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nuyoucare · 7 years
Hello my fellow Southern Nevada Visually impaired/blind individuals Our NFB meeting in June 24th at Bonito Michoacan on Decatur We look forward to all of you being there. Any questions please text 702 272 6470
At your service
Ryan C Hernandez
President of
National Federation of The Blind of Southern Nevada Please if you know or have a blind relative give him/ her the message We are making change with love, hope and determination to ensure our dreams come to reality
#AskDean, #WheresHeller?
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deanwithmoose · 9 years
thinking about making this a Dean Ask blog to get more into character
so anyone want to ask a question?  tag with #askDean
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And? Whoops, sorry that I hurt your feelings princess, but I ate it. And digested it. It’s my pie. If you want I could pay you back with dinner ;)
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hunterandangelboy · 11 years
Ask me things while I'm online for a while. 
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peachybratz · 11 years
Hey, Dean here...
Hey, it's Dean here. The blog is still in the works, but go ahead and ask me anything you want. Cas will be here with me too. Will never separate from this angel ever again. 
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phantomofagoodtime · 11 months
you're nothing like i imagined. (For Dean)
“Uh, not sure if that’s meant to be a compliment or you’re just pulling my leg, or somethin’. Either way, it was nice meeting ya.” Dean said shoving his hands in his pockets, “You are definitely unlike anything me or my brother have seen before, and trust me we have seen some bizarre shit.” He smiled a little at the thought of it all before the look fizzled quickly from his features.
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ahuntforpurple · 11 years
Ask Dean # 3 : How to Steal a Girl from her Boyfriend
First of all, I've never done this... but my friend from high school did so I'll make him as one of the sources. I won't mention his name though. Also, this are also from my experience on how my ex-girlfriend from high school behaves and replaces me with another guy. The steps are easy. :) As they say... It's easier to catch a chicken that's already been tied than a free chicken running around the barn.
Step 1 : Talk
See? It's easy trust me :)) You won't even break a sweat because you have nothing to lose anyways :) Get some communication between the two of you. This may take time because she's getting to know you better by talking to her. Be patient, she won't just leave her boyfriend for someone who just talked to her for the first time. The more you communicate, the more you pull her closer to you and farther from her boyfriend.
Step 2 : Trust is important
Do things together with her. Make her laugh, tell her stories and listen to what she's saying. Tell her some secrets so she'll know that you trust her. Warning, don't go way overboard and tell your feelings to her right away! Yes, the two of you are talking but don't slip! Most girls look to their boyfriend as a leader or the one who's in charge. If you admit immediately, you'll be used as a love adviser for the two of them.
Step 3 : Look for something that she wants that her boyfriend can't give to her.
This is a bit tricky, but because of step 2 this will be a piece of cake. So what did your target wants that her boyfriend can't give her? Time? Sweetness? Hair? Charming Personality?
Just look at her boyfriend.. Then look at yourself. What do you have that he doesn't have? Are you more fit? More handsome? More rich maybe? More athletic? Take this as an advantage and then find out what she wants that her boyfriend doesn't have. Don't feel sad if her Boyfriend is more fit, handsome etc. while you look so plain. :)) Just find other stuffs that can boost you. Does her boyfriend always get angry at her? Does he act like he doesn't care? Does he flirt with others? Show her that you are different from that guy! This may not sound right but... Let her think that her boyfriend is not as good as you. :)
Step 4 : Continue on being with her and be the replacement.
As far as I know, boys get jealous easily when her girl spends time with another guy. Since you are the OTHER guy, you'll have no problem with that. Instead, you can use that jealousy for their breakup. As you can see, in step 3, you are filling up the holes that her boyfriend can't give to her, meaning that you are better than her boyfriend. Since her boyfriend is always angry at her, she'll turn to you since you are always there, listening to her and never leaving her. There are several things that you can do while the drama is going on.
You can wait for them to breakup(this will come eventually if you continue what you've started). It's boring and it needs patience since some girls just can't leave their boyfriends that easily. They'll just go cry, apologize, and do the same shit they do even though there's nothing left to save their relationship. The only bad side of this is that if she continues going with her boyfriend( :( so much for all your hard work)  and not talk to you anymore.
You can also make their breakup faster by encouraging her to break up with her boyfriend. If steps 1 - 3 were successfully accomplished then she'll probably tell you about the mistakes her boyfriend does. Tell her that she's beautiful, understanding, or any compliments that you can give to her. Make her realize that her boyfriend doesn't deserve to have someone like her. Tell her also that you will never do the mistakes her boyfriend does to her.
You can also do the first move. This is risky since you'll be asking her to cheat on her boyfriend. But since you're doing steps 1 - 3 haha that's making her cheat already so why don't you just do the finishing touches? Try to get at least 1 kiss from her. This kiss will make her realize that you are a better choice than her present boyfriend. This will DEFINITELY lead to a breakup if you manage to do it well.
How to kiss? Well, you can't kiss her if she backs out. That's why this is risky. But most of the times, added by the drama that's going on with her life, you'll surely get that one kiss that you want. Just go get her into the mood. Maybe have dinner together or take her somewhere relaxing like a park or a seaside.
So goodluck guys :)) Oh BTW, don't expect too much so you won't get hurt. :)
Oh yeah, tips..
-Take your time! Be patient! This takes time.. Seriously. If you can't wait, then go look for another girl.
-Find out her likes/dislikes. Her boyfriend doesn't know everything.
-After their breakup, don't let them be friends anymore or else it will be hard on her because she left her boyfriend to be with you.
-If the girl is keeping you from her Boyfriend(keeping the things you do a secret) then you are closer to the prize.
and uhm.. think about this. If you can steal her from her boyfriend, what's to keep some else from stealing her from you? :)
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All pie is property of me, dean winchester, as of 2005.
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hunterandangelboy · 11 years
It's Dean here...
Dean here, ask me anything you want. Cas will be joining me shortly, so hurry your asses up before I burn you.
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phantomofagoodtime · 9 months
where-where's the corridor gone? - Elliot to Dean @curseoffrell
Dean blinked his eyes and the corridor was gone sending a shiver up the hunter's spine, this was not good. He hated messing with ghosts or even wraiths for that matter. Anything that played with illusions was not on the top ten coolest bad guys - put it that way. "Damn it." Dean cursed as he loaded his gun, this was not a good situation to be in especially with a non-hunter practically clinging to him.
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ask-impala-blog · 12 years
will 67 caprice brake drums rear fit a 68 impala.
I'm not sure to be honest, why don't you ask Dean? He'd probably know.
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ilikethursdays · 12 years
All's fair in love and war.
If I were you, I'd keep a close eye on the Impala.
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Yeah I did... In a bar.... and you took my pie...
Oh COME ON! Not That! I thought everyone knew I liked PIE! It’s…so…good :D
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