lotldraws · 1 year
i hope this ask isnt weird or anything but something i used to follow you back when you did star wars rebels stuff (like. before ezra cut his hair kind of old. i dont even want to think about what year that was) and i randomly remembered your url. and your art has really improved! its really cool seeing it now and im still amazed by the gesture in your art. i hope things are going well for you!
this is very sweet of you to send , thank u anon !
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
Ceres, it is literally midnight in my area (12:13 AM) and I am very much suffering an insomnia thing tonight but wHATEVER
ahem soooo
regarding your sona
Ceres Coelacanth
yk how you said that they (you?? they?? idk man but just in case) interview us asks as lil ghosties?
I was watching an animated streamer video when I suddenly got an idea for the lil ghosties (us)
let's call them (us?? them?? huh??)....., uhhh,,
Question Spirits??
Local annoyances???
or maybe we're just overly-curious poltergeists
ehe... so lisTEn
yk how we're (they. or. or they. idfk anymore) little ghosties
imagine if Coelacanth (Ceres = [You] II Coelacanth = [Your Sona]) gets these Askalots (I like the name ok) even when they're just,, trying to,, relax.. at home.
just imagine Coelacanth going up to their kitchen counter, all tired n stuff cuz they just woke up early, and a lil Askalot is like
Coelacanth is like "hello" with a tired lil wave
and then they just
they just stop
they're like
and the moment of realization hits
and Coelacanth just looks down at the Askalot like
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(sorry if it looks bad I'm half asleep but I just really wanted to draw this ok)
just imagine
we (asks) literally appear anytime so I just imagine one appearing in the randomest situations ever lmao
anyway that's all I wanted to say
goodnight,, finally ☠️
— 🅰️non || 06/03/2023—06/04/2023
I love this idea so much 🅰️non!! Also askalot reminds me of axolotl. Consider, askolotl? Anyways, yes I love this. Coelacanth would get blindsighted so hard by these ghosts. They just *appear* and he has no clue what to do about it, lmao. This is just his life now, lol.
Anyways, I hope you slept well!
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taxipsychy · 4 years
i hope this doesn’t seem out of nowhere but taxipsychy rocks and I’m stoked to see it return!
Thank you so much!! I’m stoked to get to show it off again!!
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aalexfletcher · 4 years
Hello! I hope I'm not being inconvenient, but I wanted to ask. I believe I started reading Taxipsychy in 2018 and I LOVED it! It ended at a very interesting part so I wondered how things gonna go as well as what direction the story will lead to. To my demise the last update was in April 2019 I think, so I wished to ask: Will you be continuing Taxipsychy? That's all, I wish you well and have a nice day!
Hi there!
short answer: yes! I have plans to keep updating Taxipsychy
long-ish excuse for an answer: yes! I have plans to keep updating at a pace/process that is better for my metal health, and a pace/process that is better for my life-work schedule etc...Around the time I stopped working on the comic, I was in the middle of moving And dealing with some strain mentally from a lot of different things that snowballed late ‘19, then spent half a year working on it to be better for myself.
so yes! I actually have several pages ready to go (including the like last two from this ‘current’ chapter I never posted whoops) and been working on story stuff to make the comic the best it can be, since around Feb/Mar...which like..current stuff notwithstanding...I’m trying my best to have a better relationship with my work and the project!
It’s been a lot of work to even get (back) to this point and to my friends and readers who are still even remotely interested in the comic, I sincerely thank you all :’)
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pixiemage · 2 years
Mr. GoodTimes said “ass”
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bigfrilly · 7 years
Your worst enemy?
The Axolotl was first thoughtful, then uncertain, hesitating before answering.
“I suppose the answer you’re looking for is a certain demon, but it isn’t him,” it hummed, looking off into the distance somewhat dreamily. The Axolotl took a few more moments before continuing. “There are beings of cruelty and hate in every universe. There are certainly those that I consider enemies, but I am not sure if I consider one a greater enemy than the others. However...”
The Axolotl smiled vaguely, long tail swaying in the cloudy space.
“Cipher’s allies are rather high on my list...”
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second-worst-thing · 3 years
Yes this is the same anon every time, hello. yes you should make an etsy and profit off the amphibians. what is your job? Are you in school?
Hmm I will consider... That takes work though and I will have no concept of free time starting 9/24 lmao
I'm a nurse tech in a postpartum unit, and yes I'm at a university studying nursing :)
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axolotlkins · 3 years
Hello! Can I please have some userboxes that say “This person loves Cream Puff Cookie” with the icons being Cream Puff Cookie’s sprites from Cookie Run: Kingdom, the ones where she has a blue cape and blue star wand? Thanks in advance!
Here you go!
Of course, she's so cute and one of my favorite
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fluid-quartz · 4 years
3(•-•)Ɛ askolotl
awww, that’s one excellent askolotl! ^^
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3(•-•)Ɛ Askolotl
cuuuute ;w;
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getgoodlol · 4 years
3(•-•)Ɛ askolotl
this made my day thank you
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lotldraws · 3 years
YES YES YES!! boys and girls being platonically intimate!! cuddling as friends!! Sharing clothes!! You get it!! YOU GET IT!!!
ehheh i just think they’re neat and should be friends!! :)
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twitchyglitchy · 4 years
3(•-•)Ɛ askolotl
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koguri3108 · 4 years
3(•-•)Ɛ askolotl
*Gasp*! I was blessed by the legendary askolotl! What an honor!
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aalexfletcher · 8 years
Do you remember how you first came up with the idea for Taxipsychy? Is there anything you can share about how it has changed since its inception?
Thanks for the ask! Some of the general concepts for Taxipsychy came way before the actual story, but the first chapter of it basically came to me in the parking lot of a Target. Almost everything that has happened so far actually came from that first story idea! I’ve had the first scene in the science center roughly thumbnailed for almost two years.
Right now we are pretty on track for hitting all the story points I laid out originally, even the ending! There have been some characters that have been added/removed but besides that the most that is changing is the bridging between the story beats.
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sfthearts · 4 years
3(•-•)Ɛ askolotl
I strongly agree
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