#kirche rambles
kirchefuchs · 2 months
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I've had these drawing sitting arpund since early February but kept forgetting to colour them. So here they are.
I believe I just wanted to try drawing JD and Hickory in new outfits, also cuz I was wanting to start writing a hickdory fic, so these happened.
Ever since I designed that BroZone hoodie for John Dory, I've been drawing him in it almost exclusively since. I want it to be real so bad.
I have acrewed a bunch more doodles over the month, so imma try to get them all posted soon.
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there’s way too many people who think mencken isn’t a fascist and that everyone is just *being dramatic little lefties*.
succession is not the type of show to spell things out for us, but even prior to election night, he was very literally saying he would reference anyone including “h”….. like who do y’all think that is….?? and if it wasn’t clear enough, roman had a response to that comment that made it clear who he was talking about. he also evaded the question of if he was a fascist from roman and just said he “doesn’t have a lot of boundaries”
and in this season, they start spelling it our more explicitly. mencken’s victory speech was full of dog whistles of cleanliness and purity…. then in the most recent episode he made a reference to n@zi terminology, “kinder küche, kirche”. mencken just being able to reference stuff like that should be very telling. most modern fascists or n@zis don’t say, “hey i’m a proud ____”, instead they rely on things like coded language and dog whistles to garner support.
i apologize that this turned into a large ramble, but i think it’s concerning that people for some reason are justifying or minimizing the type of rhetoric mencken is spreading. many modern fascists are just like him and i hope y’all wouldn’t defend them either.
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gaym3bo1 · 3 years
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shadouko · 4 years
So, Dust of Osiris is Sion Eltnam Atlasia IF she went straight back to Atlas after the Night of Wallachia. And I think that there is the chance that Osiris is maybe Sion Eltnam Sokaris because the two of them are from an alternate world, but they both have one key aspect in common; both Sion’s have stayed with Atlas (Sokaris/FGO Sion is 30 lmao).
However, the both of them have met different conditions to end up where they are now, with Osiris staying the head of Atlas because she didn’t run away, and Sokaris never having experienced the Night of Wallachia. FGO Sion also has an unknown motivation for finding a cure for vampirism; Atlasia’s driving force is the Night of Wallachia and Riesbyfe’s sacrifice/staying in suspension to buy her some time to run away.
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amourdesetoiles · 5 years
The Maine is the nicest band in the world and no one can change my mind.
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nostalgic-vamp · 5 years
Crushes and Concussions
So,  I got this idea at work and decided to make it a collection of little connected one shots. It basically goes as follows:
Carmilla sighed and stretched her neck as she turned yet another page of her Camus book. Closing her eyes, she rested her head back against the tree she was perched under. Taking a small break, she took a moment to look at the quad in front of her.
Students with overly large backpacks making their way to and from classes, teachers walking to their next lecture, other students basking in the sun. Usually Carmilla would find herself hidden amongst the book stacks of the library, but today she just needed air. Fresh, non artificial, stuffy, claustrophobic air.
Taking in another deep breath, she turned back down to her book, tuning out the world around her.
“Kirch! Slow down!” Laura huffed, jogging up to catch up to him.
“D-Bear is already at the quad waiting for us Little Hottie- I want to get my frisbee on.” Kirch grinned, focused on his path.
“I know, I know, but we will get their either way. And, plus, I’m sure Danny is-”
“Laura! Hey!” The blonde was interrupted by a towering redhead jogging over to meet them. Laura gulped hard as she watched Danny approached; she could feel heat rising on her cheeks as she, not so subtly, checked out her long tan legs.
“Hey Danny! I Hope you weren’t waiting long. I’m sorry we were a little late because someone,” Laura turned and gave a glance at Kirch, “couldn’t decide what tank top he wanted to put on.”
“Hey! I’ll have you know I just wanted to make sure I wore the right tank top to show off the best amount of utter hotness for the ladies.” Kirch grinned and wagged his eyebrows.
“Ugh gross, keep it in your pants Kirch.” Danny rolled her eyes.
Laura clapped her hands loudly and took a big breath.
“So, Danny. How does this work?”
“Oh! Yeah, here come on. I already grabbed us a small patch of grass over here.” The three turned and made their way over the where Danny had her bag. Leaning down, the redhead picked up a bright red frisbee.
“Okay, so I figured we could just mess around a little bit. I can leave my bag over here to signal an end zone or something.”
“Sounds great D-Bear!” Kirch said
“Laura?” Danny smiled and looked down at the blonde.
“Uh, y-yeah totally. I mean, I’ve never really played before but I’m sure it’s not that hard. Plus I bet you’re a great teacher just like you are in Lit, I mean how couldn’t you be? I’m sure you’re great at this and- I’m sorry, I’m rambling again aren’t I?” Laura felt the blush rise up her neck to her cheeks and she finally slowed down to stop talking. Danny only laughed and put a hand on Laura’s shoulder.
“It’s find Laura, and thank you. I like to think I’m a good teacher.”
“So! Who’s ready for frisbee!” Laura clapped her hands together and shouted a little too loudly.
“Sorry!” The frisbee hit the ground again beneath Danny’s feet. Laura sighed again at the 100th failed attempt to make a somewhat decent pass.
“It’s okay really, practice makes perfect right?” Danny smiled softly at Laura before picking up the frisbee. Turning She throw a smooth pass to Kirch who jumped up to catch it with one hand.
“Yeah, don’t worry Little Hottie! You’ll be throwing like a pro in no time.” Kirch threw a soft pass to Laura which went above her head and back away from her. Reaching out for it, Laura nearly slipped over her own feet before barely grazing the disk with her fingers.
“This is why I just stick with yoga. The only coordination I need is my own balance.” Laura huffed out and picked up the frisbee off the ground.
“I never had good hand eye coordination.” She softly grumbled and twisted the plate in her hands.
“Alright Laura, just remember. Look at where you want to throw. Band your arm and give a smooth flick of your wrist. Okay? Look, I’m right here wide open.” Danny waved her arms around ridiculously and Laura giggled.
“Okay, okay. I get it.” Laura smiled and took a deep breath.
“Bend arm, hold lightly, flick wrist.” Laura whispered the movements to herself. Taking another deep breath, she flung her arm out and let go of the frisbee…. Behind her back…. And it went sailing, rather fast one might say, right towards-
*Smack* *Thud*
“Son of a bitch!”
Carmilla slowly let herself drop the the ground as pain engulfed her face. The world felt like it was spinning and she didn’t want to open her eyes, because if she did, she feared she would just see it whizzing by.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I am so so sorry! Can you hear me? Are you okay? Of course you’re not okay, I just smacked you in the face with a frisbee and now you’re bleeding. Oh my god! Now you’re bleeding!”
Confused by the sudden flash of words and presence, Carmilla slowly opened her eyes. If Carmilla didn’t already feel like she was dying, she certainly felt it now. She felt her breath hitch as she was met with worried, gorgeous deep eyes and dazzling honey hair that shone under the sun. She had to be dead, she must be.
“I didn’t know angels talked so much.” She roughly gruffed out.
“Oh yeah, definitely not okay.” Laura said fighting a blush creeping to her cheeks from the spontaneous comment. She sat starstruck at the brunette, whom Laura now realized was absolutely breathtaking- besides the blood pouring from her nose. Laura turned her head back to Danny and Kirch who were awkwardly staring from afar.
“Danny! Do you have any tissues or an extra shirt?”
“Uh, no sorry. Are you okay over there? Should I call som-” Danny said taking tentative steps forwards.
“Here you go Little Hottie.” Kirch ran up, stripping his tank off, throwing it onto Laura’s hand.
“Um, I- Kirch? Are you… sure? I mean, she’s bleeding…” Laura looked down and back up from the tank to the shirtless man.
“Oh yeah, it’s no problem. I mean I’d do anything to help out a hottie, so now, I’m helping out a hottie while shirtless. It’s the perfect plan.”
“Thanks? I guess?” Laura shook her head and carefully folded the shirt into a small bundle. She carefully placed it under the bleeding girl’s nose.
Carmilla groaned at the ever groaning pain in her head and new presence on her face. She tried to breathe in but stopped short. What the hell smells so bad? What is on my face?
“Can you tell me your name? Do you know where you are?”
Carmilla opened her eyes to meet gorgeous brown ones again. This time, Carmilla tried to take in every detail of her face. The furrowed eyebrows, the tight line of lips, the perfect smooth face. Carmilla opened her mouth to respond but quickly shut it as a wave of nausea flooded her system. Groaning Carmilla turned over to her side and gagged.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” She gritted through her teeth.
“Oh god, oh god. Definite concussion. Definite definite concussion.” Laura panicked and watched the girl contort her face in discomfort. Laura turned her head up to Kirch and now Danny who finally made her way over to the scene.
“I’m going to take her to the hospital. I think she has a serious concussion.”
“Well, can’t you just call an ambulance and let them take care of everything. I mean, it is their job.” Danny retorted and crossed her arms looking down at the groaning brunette.
“I can’t just leave her alone Danny! I did this, it’s my fault.” Laura pulled the bloody shirt away and set it on the ground.
“Hey, um, miss? I’m going to help you up now okay? I’m going to take you to the hospital.” Laura softly said while her hand rested on the brunette’s shoulder- she groaned in response.
Laura looked up at Danny, “Can you please help me get her to my car.”
“Okay, okay, fine.” Danny sighed and knelt down on the other side of Carmilla.
“One, two, three.” Laura said, placing her arms under the brunette’s body.
Lifting her up, Danny swung one of Carmilla’s arms around her neck while she leaned lopsided against Laura.
Groaning, Carmilla tried to keep whatever was in her stomach, in her stomach. But she just felt worse as she realized she was now upright and moving. Why the hell am I moving?
Blinking her eyes, Carmilla looked to her left to see the shorter girl with her arm around her neck. Sweat dripped from her forehead and she held tight onto Carmilla’s arm-scared she would fall.
“Wha- Where?” Carmilla groaned out. The blonde looked over to Carmilla in surprise.
“We’re just taking you to the hospital. I think you have a concussion.” She said carefully.
“H-hospital? Why does an angel need to take me to the hospital?” Carmilla questioned.
Just then, Carmilla widened her eyes, and bent her body forward before finally the contents of her stomach escaped.
“Did she just call you an angel!?”
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With our backs against the wall, Lundy, Kirsch and I were made to de-mask.
Just before taking my mask off, I kept reminding myself to take a deep breath and hold it in, but what I did was, exhaled, than took my mask off and began to inhale. I instantly started to choke on the wretched taste of the gas.
Several Drills bombarded Lundy, Kirch and I with random questions as we stood with our backs to the wall doing the NBC (nuclear biological chemical) shuffle.
"What’s your social security number"…? I couldn’t fucking remember it, so the Drill moved on. Unable to completely inhale, I groaned and danced in place. I was too consumed with the burning and couldn’t make out any communications between Lundy, kirsch and the Drills.
Then the Drill Sergeants came back to me and barked out with a muffled tone through his perfectly working mask “blood type?” I paused – That wasn’t the question I was prepared for either. “I don't know!” Again The Drill began to move on. I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed the Drill’s arm, he shook my grasped hand off and pushed me back against the wall. “O positive!” I shouted out, then I began rambling off my social security number. The Drills moved on anyways.
I stood dancing in place, gagging and kicking at the floor. Eventually the rear door of the chamber flung open flooding the room with a bright light and  revealing our exit. As we ran out of the chamber blind with eyes, flesh and throat burning, and snot pouring, we screamed out "warriors!"
My neck and face felt of instant sun-burn. I was trying so hard to keep my eyes open, as per this Drills instruction, but they burned and watered and fought against my will. I uncontrollably hacked, and coughed and spit out the foul burning taste in my mouth. My lungs were on fire, I was unable to fully inhale for a moment. My mouth watered, and snot drained from my nose, flowing down my chin, and hanging down to my knees. It was by far the worst experience of the Army so far.
After being Gassed, Alpha Company Marched in the cold rain back to Sand Hill – the smell and burn still lingers with us.
2000/11/09 (Thursday)
(Part 03)
#military #militarylife #army #soldier
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kirchefuchs · 4 months
Hey guys, can we talk about how Tinky's human form apparently wears a non-insignificant amount of yellow eyeshadow?
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Cuz I think we should talk about this, just sayin 👀
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kirchefuchs · 8 months
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So, I was bored at my old job two weeks ago so I drew all 24 of the Skills with red pen on sticky notes. Great use of company time if I say so myself.
Anyway, I stuck them on my wall above my computer so I can look at them in all their glory. I've decided I hate drawing Visual Calculus, and Hand Eye Coordination was also a nightmare to draw without a sketch (all of these were without sketches). Though I have to say, Drama was super fun to draw, and so was Reaction Speed.
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kirchefuchs · 8 months
Sooooo anyone remember when I was drawing piggies a bit ago? I may or may not have had an ulterior motive with those pig doodles.....
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Listen... I really wanted to be able to draw freenoodles art better than I used to a little over a year(I think?) ago. So.... yeah....... the other piggies were practice for drawing my favorite celestial swine.
My Lego Monkie Kid, and especially my freenoodles brainrot, came back with a vengeance after I finally got around to watching the season 4 dub and The Emperor's Wrath. Took me way too long to get to it imo. So I've basically been drawing a ton of lmk art the past two weeks, and I'm finally getting arpund to posting it 👉👈
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kirchefuchs · 3 months
Just lil work induced daydream, But, Ted getting worried about sending Pete to Abstinence Camp for obvious reasons, and so bites the bullet and asks Tinky to keep an eye on his lil brother. Que Tinky at first thinking it's just a easy babysitting task but then quickly realising how wrong he was- XD
Also Tinky slipping candy into Pete's pockets to help him cope with low blood sugar OwO
You have no idea how much fun I had drawing these. I love this idea so much, it's so funny
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Course Tinky needs to have his human teenager disguise. I find the idea of him just slapping on some braces and calling it good really funny for some reason. Lords know his teeth are crooked, he needs them, lol
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And Pete trying to avoid people associating the two of them together cuz Tinky is just so weird. It doesn't work cuz Tinky is just gonna follow him almost everywere
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He's helpful when he needs to be, but he's also a huge menace ofc
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Also, I loved the thought that he didn't know about the Hatchet Man. It's just soooo funny. Was he just not listening when his brothers were talking about it? Or did the creation of the Hatchet Man have nothing to do with the Lords, and so none of them know about it? Either way, hilarious
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kirchefuchs · 1 month
@fulltime-bigtoe-remover and I jokingly called the part I'm writing in my Hickdory fic The Big Sad™. So I drew this.
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JD's fine. He'll get over it.
Side note: I'm already 2,859 words into this fic, and I still don't know what I'm doing with it. I can not express enough how self-indulgent this thing is. I just think to myself, "I want this to happen," and then put it in. It's a bit of a mess, lol. Will I finish it? Who knows? Not me, that's for certain.
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
On a bit of a human Narrator roll here. Thought I'd post these sketches I did of him a while ago
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These idiots still be trying to control one another outside the Parable, even though they're evenly matched and married now.
And yeah, his left eye still does the bleeding thing. Kinda awkward and a little concerning since he's human now, but.... eh? He's used to it and it's not doing any harm to him even as a human so, yeah :/
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kirchefuchs · 4 months
a random day dream for you if you'd like.
Imagine A: Tinky himself can go in and out of the box to mess with Ted and any Spankoffski inside as he pleases.
B: he can somehow carry the box while inside the box. For everyone BUT Tinky, that box could also be the key out. Or at least it's rumored to be by those inside.
C: As basically a time god, the moment someone makes the decision to do something, Tinky could potentially see it coming if he's focused enough.
Imagine one day while messing with however many different timelines of Ted in the box, one version of Ted actually got bold. Instead of running, he tries to get the drop on Tinky to get the box and fails. But Tinky's amused enough by the attempt he makes a new game out of it. Basically "take this pebble from my hand" with the energy of roommates fighting over the remote. After many failed attempts (cause of course one of the only moments Tinky actively uses this kinda time sight is when he's messing with someone.) Ted gets desperate enough to decide the only weapon he's got left...is the ol Spankoffski charm. This time he reaches not for the box, but Tinky himself and pulls him into a kiss.
The moment Tinky sees it coming catches him off guard enough that the moment it happens, he's a flustered mess twice in a row. Like brain sounds like dial up for a good long minute even after Ted pulls back and runs with the box in his hands.
It may very well have been the moment Ted went from favorite toy to Tinky's hopeless crush. And then the moment after, the realization that his box is missing would send Tinky after that Ted like a bat outta hell.
Just the most out of nowhere daydream I ever got that I thought you might appreciate.
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This took up 2 whole pages in my sketchbook, but I had to draw it. I couldn't stop thinking about this since you sent this ask
Anyways, I love this and I love you so much, this is amazing and you are brilliant. This is canon in the little tinkoffski story in my brain now. This is 100% what kicks it all off. I feel like Tinky would run off to Stopwatch after this to ask about what it in the world emotions are, cuz he's the only human he'd be willing to talk to. After all, he couldn't go to his brothers about it cuz A: they wouldn't know either and B: they'd 10000% judge him for it, or worse. From then on Tinky starts going to Daniel whenever he needs help with human issues and slowly but surely starts learning how to be less evil, lol
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kirchefuchs · 5 months
Also very much thankful for all the tinkoffski content <333 there really should be more of it 🟨💛🐐
Awwwwww!!!! Thank you so muchhhh!!!!!
I'm glad you like how I draw the silly guy ♡♡♡ here's a silly doodle of him btw
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Also, yeah, when it comes to crackships, if no one else is making the content, sometimes you gotta just take things into your own hands.
Side tangent:
I gotta say, I can't really do that fanfic-wise (i rarely ever finish what I try to write), and it saddens me that 2 of the 5 fics for the ship are rated E cuz I don't read E fics as a general rule. There's just so much untapped potential for insane shenanigans and sillyness, and I don't love the more serious(?) take on it. That could just be me, though. I'm very ace. Though ihavenoideamanokay's chatfic is absolute comedic gold, and I am thrilled to see that continue. I'm just rambling at this point, but tldr: I wish there were more tinkoffski fics in general, but especially ones with silly shenanigans.
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kirchefuchs · 9 months
I've been very normal about @arainmorn-art's narumitsu comic, Deciphering
(Seriously though, I've been screaming about it to my friends on discord for a few days now. It's so good)
Anyways, I decided to sketch some of my favorite panels from chapter 1 (and one from chapter 2) 👉👈
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(You can click the images to read Feen's thoughts better. I was too lazy to draw backgrounds)
I'll be honest, I was planning on drawing my favorite panels from the entire comic so far, but it very quickly became a lot (because the whole thing is amazing). So if I do end up drawing all of them, I will probably take it a chapter at a time. For my own sanity.
Anywho, for anyone who hasn't seen this amazing comic, go do it now!!! It's so good and I can't recomend it enough!!! The masterpost is pinned on @arainmorn-art's blog so it's easy to find, now go read it!!!!!!
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