questionthebox · 2 years
Embroidered on my belated AK-47
Such a time to be alive
When that weapon of yore has become passé
Holler at my
Tickle me Elmo
I’m no longer a nostalgist
So my records
Are either peddled by
Venice beach dwelling
Askshakic White Women
Addicted to
All manners of Ethnic Cock,
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joblessjeno · 3 years
but red hair is so 🔥🔥🔥
that is
a wild haechan appears
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Askshak his bangs weren’t even straightttt
But yeah my red was more orange actually. I liked to call it fire truck orange in like the first two weeks. Like bitch was vibrant and shiny and could be seen from miles away
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silvercrane14 · 3 years
☁️ people tell me I’m quite the character. Anyways the third years sometimes in revenge, tell Naruko that only adults are allowed in their conversations, since Naruko is the youngest by 5 months (after Takeru) and the others were born during the summer (except Hanayama, he was born in August) he was born January 13
Askshak Tabi hits him with the ‘when I was your age’ and it pisses him off so much
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soft-husbands · 5 years
Beacouse Aaron and Luke are Hot 🤮🤮, many people do not care the story etc for them it is enough that they are two hot guys , not to mention the anti for them everyone is fine the important thing is not Robert
Ugh I know... how they can see any chemistry or anything ‘sexy’ between a mentally unstable man who has probably not slept nor showered in weeks and drinks constantly and a wet wipe of a dude with no personality is beyond me askshak it’s so gross though that the only thing that matters to some people is: if they are hot, and if they kiss a lot (have sex etc etc) no matter how poor it is..... *ahem*
Antis really doing everything they can to erase Robert from Aaron’s life but oops don’t think that’s happening anytime soon.. guess that’s what happens when they’re soulmates ya know?
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starberrymilk · 7 years
Do you play an instrument??
i like... have a kazoo.. if that counts... otherwise no
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starberrymilk · 7 years
HAHA We thought David saying fuck was heartbreaking get ready for all of the feels
if by get ready you mean gone already then you rite
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starberrymilk · 7 years
There are So many campers that I worried for!! Except Nurf and his mom seem chill
im still kinda worried like?? parents can’t always be perfect and not all of them are super bad and like at least some are in a decent place but nurf’s mom is in prison so who takes care of him at home? his dad?? im still worried
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starberrymilk · 7 years
Can I,,,, draw your counselor sona?? They're really cute,,,
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starberrymilk · 7 years
Psst, you can catch the new episode on a website called animepace if you needed a link!
thanks for the heads up but i caught it on a stream
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