the-child-ender · 5 months
(@asktotallyhuman) Lady Sarah cautiously approached the small enderman, kneeling down in front of them. She smiles warmly. "Hello young one. It is rare to see an ender as young as you so far from the end realm. Are you lost? If you would so desire, I would be happy to offer any assistance. Mine people and I are friends of enderfolk. In fact, mine younger sibling is of enderkind!"
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The Child looks up, drowsiness clouding her eyes. Seems like she is happening trouble resting in between the trees. SHe blinked several times, unsure what the figure standing before her. To ALmie, this one looks close to an Enderman but the proportions are all off! Maybe she ate too many of the teal and red mushrooms. Perhaps it's the exhaustion that refused to leave her.
"... Friends?"
Ether way, this one is offering help and friendship, something Almie desires greatly.
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roleplayingorchids · 1 year
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The group made camp for the night, looking over a map of the area...
"It looks like there is a village over here... We should stop for supplies..." The female hero stated
"Na, with Illagers in our group. We should take the long way around... Avoid trouble." Said the male hero
They looked over the map again...
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orchid-151 · 1 year
I had some ideas for the journey Orchid and her group were going to take, I haven't fully planned them out but if any of you all like this idea involving your OC's do let me know... Or if you don't like the idea then also let me know because I can change/shorten the 'Inner Evil' arc...
I will list a small summary for each picture...
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Again, these are just ideas... if any of you don't want your OC to show up for a mini arc just let me know... I won't do it if you ask me not to.
Under readmore because long...
@lilium2034 Amicus and Fidus
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The idea is after they reach land, Mason stirs up an argument with Orchid about not needing to be so reckless with her actions with her firing comments back at him about trying to be a team player... After she walks away to blow off steam when she runs into the Duo. Amicus heals her shoulder while hearing her out and tries to give her some good advice...
I might add more when I get to that part but that's it for that mini arc...
@asktotallyhuman Sarah
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To be fair, I have been reading all I can about this girl and her village, and thought of a good arc where Orchid goes alone and tries to make a bargain with Sarah to help her brother and the group. Orchid would stay and make a few double chests of 'God Apples' and Sanah would allow Mason and the others to pass and continue (Valkyrie and Archie would be given two of the 'rings' to make them look like villagers)...
I don't think Sanah is evil but I think she would rig a double chest to drain the apples into another dozen double chest below Orchid cell making her work even harder to make more apples then offered... Only later finding out more about the strange Illager and finding that Orchid is literally going to kill herself trying to fill the last chest to fulfill her end of the bargain...
In the end, Sanah does a good deed and finally lets Orchid go after letting her recover... But Sanah's mindset of Illagers doesn't change. And Orchid understands that, tell Sanah she can keep the extra 'God Apples' for an emergency with no ill will to the human...
Not fully planned out again but again, I don't think Sanah is evil... Just untrusting of ANY Illager that comes to her with a bargain...
@ask-wretched Wretched
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(Damn is Wretch hard to draw for me... Even if it is just his foot 😓)
Ok, this idea was running a mug through my head for a while now so here is some of the idea...
As Orchid's group continues on, they start running into some of Drake's forces... While Orchid goes looking for some ingredients for a few potions a small party of four ambushes her in a cave mouth and chases her into it. One uses a tipped arrow with blindness on it and aims it at her. Orchid suddenly notices that she had blindly ran into a Wardens territory and stops to hide and be quiet... Only to get hit by a tipped arrow in the back and knocked down... The 4 are then 'mowed down' by the warden of the area, obviously being loud and aggravated when they found their target and almost lost her... Orchid tries to get up but realizes she is low on health and is blind for who-knows-how-long...
Wretch would be humongous next to Orchid and if he did try to help would probably be scared to even hold her, she so smol... (I don't have her exact measurements yet... Maybe 4"6' or 4"10' somewhere in that range of shortness...)
(originally I was going to have her a few weeks pregnant with Smith's child but I might not do that... Unless y'all like the idea of more drama but I don't think I'll do it.)
And there you go, four ideas I had for mini arcs in the comic, I still plan to put the few OC's in the background in some panels so be looking out for the small cameos~
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eltehdork · 17 days
You know a movie is going to be bad when I can say with full confidence that I can and am writing a better story than a multi-million dollar company
Anyways nows a good opportunity to remind people i run a minecraft ask blog based on a survival minecraft world with some mods added
We're about to enter a new "chapter" as it was so feel free to send some asks for my characters to answer! (Once at least one of them regains consciousness that is)
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gyronope · 10 months
Fanart of Nyzak for @eltehdork's ask blog @asktotallyhuman 💕
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I just think they're neat
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askroddcreeper · 3 years
(asktotallyhuman) Ny-Kak "Nyx": "Aww...you're adorable! And you can speak? That's...how does that work? How come you're sentient and can talk and my Boomer can't?" *they hold up their pet creeper, he has a purple collar on with a tag that says "Boomer." He's about half the size of a regular creeper* "I found his egg in a chest underground and hatched him. How come he's stupid and you're smart?"
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Rodd: i mean if other beings can have creepers as pets.......i guess any of us can be very smart not more.....beast like?
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ask-vulcan-and-toby · 3 years
(asktotallyhuman) Sarah: "How fascinating! I have not ever seen a hybrid of enderfolk and of another monster before. I had not even considered that slimes had the capacity reproduce!" *she opens up a book labelled "Journal of Discovery #15* "If I may ask, tell me, how does that work? Was your mother a slime and your father an ender? Or was your creation something new entirely? Your existence is a fascinating enigma!"
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twilightmite · 3 years
(asktotallyhuman) Ny-Kak "Nyx": *they crouch down and poke ritz in the head with a stick, squinting* "How are you an endermite. You're way too big and fluffy."
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Ritz: "There's not an inch of fluff on my body. Rude."
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ask-zackender · 3 years
(asktotallyhuman) Ny-Kak "Nyx": *perching up on a tree* HEY! HOW COME YOU HAVE EARS?
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I just find them neat
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granbullyganda · 5 years
Hey guys need y'all to do me a favor
If you like Minecraft please go follow @asktotallyhuman and send asks it's mine Minecraft oc ask blog, the recent drawings and stuff were based on it being April fool's so ignore that lol
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roleplayingorchids · 2 months
Mason pulled out a bracelet like trinket. "My friend made this for our journey. It's an item that allows the user to change into their opposite form; AKA turn a Villager to look like an Illager and vice versa... He warned us that it has a 15 use limit and that the more it is used, the harder it is to remove it..." He held it up to show Sarah and the Captain. "I've been saving them for an emergency... And considering the circumstances in our situation, this seems like an emergency to me..."
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askageniusneko · 6 years
This blog is dead guys. Go follow my new ask blog
@asktotallyhuman and send some asks for me to draw
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spacepuppyart · 6 months
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Posting this here first cuz it's my sona and this isnt teeeeechnically cannon?
Sarah from @asktotallyhuman meets the player my self insert, Nix the beast tamer!
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eltehdork · 7 months
If ur following me you have to read this
I have an art blog
Where i post art of my oc's and world
I also have an ask blog
So go take a look! Give a follow! Send an ask!
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Obligatory attention grabbing gif.
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spacepuppyart · 9 months
I know I only have like 5 followers and havent posted anything since the queue ran out but
Let me just explain:
I do have some more art I could post. The problem is some of it is explicit, and while I have censored versions I worry about this blog being flagged.
As well as that, some of my art is just. Character references. And I'm not sure anyone gives a shit about just character references? (Even if my ocs are pretty cool if i do say so myself) I also have a lot of sketches and unfinished art.
On an aside, I've got a little mini-project I'm working on. Here's a preview
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This silly little project has been helping me with the art block I got working on the ask blog. Which, if you're not following, you should
-> @asktotallyhuman
I'll hopefully be back to working on asks here soon. But as for this blog, I'll be posting more art as soon as I can.
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spacepuppyart · 8 months
This is a reminder that i do run an ask blog on the side
Feel free to send questions and ill draw my lil Minecraft dudes answering them.
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