#ask wretched
orchid-151 · 1 year
I had some ideas for the journey Orchid and her group were going to take, I haven't fully planned them out but if any of you all like this idea involving your OC's do let me know... Or if you don't like the idea then also let me know because I can change/shorten the 'Inner Evil' arc...
I will list a small summary for each picture...
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Again, these are just ideas... if any of you don't want your OC to show up for a mini arc just let me know... I won't do it if you ask me not to.
Under readmore because long...
@lilium2034 Amicus and Fidus
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The idea is after they reach land, Mason stirs up an argument with Orchid about not needing to be so reckless with her actions with her firing comments back at him about trying to be a team player... After she walks away to blow off steam when she runs into the Duo. Amicus heals her shoulder while hearing her out and tries to give her some good advice...
I might add more when I get to that part but that's it for that mini arc...
@asktotallyhuman Sarah
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To be fair, I have been reading all I can about this girl and her village, and thought of a good arc where Orchid goes alone and tries to make a bargain with Sarah to help her brother and the group. Orchid would stay and make a few double chests of 'God Apples' and Sanah would allow Mason and the others to pass and continue (Valkyrie and Archie would be given two of the 'rings' to make them look like villagers)...
I don't think Sanah is evil but I think she would rig a double chest to drain the apples into another dozen double chest below Orchid cell making her work even harder to make more apples then offered... Only later finding out more about the strange Illager and finding that Orchid is literally going to kill herself trying to fill the last chest to fulfill her end of the bargain...
In the end, Sanah does a good deed and finally lets Orchid go after letting her recover... But Sanah's mindset of Illagers doesn't change. And Orchid understands that, tell Sanah she can keep the extra 'God Apples' for an emergency with no ill will to the human...
Not fully planned out again but again, I don't think Sanah is evil... Just untrusting of ANY Illager that comes to her with a bargain...
@ask-wretched Wretched
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(Damn is Wretch hard to draw for me... Even if it is just his foot 😓)
Ok, this idea was running a mug through my head for a while now so here is some of the idea...
As Orchid's group continues on, they start running into some of Drake's forces... While Orchid goes looking for some ingredients for a few potions a small party of four ambushes her in a cave mouth and chases her into it. One uses a tipped arrow with blindness on it and aims it at her. Orchid suddenly notices that she had blindly ran into a Wardens territory and stops to hide and be quiet... Only to get hit by a tipped arrow in the back and knocked down... The 4 are then 'mowed down' by the warden of the area, obviously being loud and aggravated when they found their target and almost lost her... Orchid tries to get up but realizes she is low on health and is blind for who-knows-how-long...
Wretch would be humongous next to Orchid and if he did try to help would probably be scared to even hold her, she so smol... (I don't have her exact measurements yet... Maybe 4"6' or 4"10' somewhere in that range of shortness...)
(originally I was going to have her a few weeks pregnant with Smith's child but I might not do that... Unless y'all like the idea of more drama but I don't think I'll do it.)
And there you go, four ideas I had for mini arcs in the comic, I still plan to put the few OC's in the background in some panels so be looking out for the small cameos~
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ask-wretched · 2 years
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Been a hot minute
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lulu-the-warden · 2 years
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Day 25: tempting
Err...hey, uh big fellow... I'm making soup, but I misplaced an ingredient. Can you help me find a bone?
I can hear you licking your chops, so I know you're hungry.
Inspired by some meme questionnaire that @ask-wretched and I did awhile ago.
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
there is such a trauma to daughterhood. it comes from the lack of agency - not only from being born as a woman but existing in the world as a child. an oppression on top of an oppression. people make jokes about girls with daddy issues but nothing compares to the kind of trauma you recieve from having a complicated relationship with your mother. people talk about it so often. and it's one thing to have a mother who hates you which is always awful, but often it feels worse to have a mother who doesn't. to have a mother who is simply exhausted by the fact you were born. a mother who doesn't hate you, but loves her men more. a mother who maybe wanted to be a mom, once, and then came to realize what a thankless job it was. and she didn't want to hate you, but it was hard to love you and even harder to like you. a mother who doesn't hate you exactly, but never outgrows her desire to be attractive and beautiful and makes you her enemy in that way. or a mother who has nothing more to her than being a mother and clings to coddling you in a way thats suffocating. so many daughters develop deep empathy for the mothers because they were women, daughters, girls once. everyone deals with it differently. but at the end of it, you still need a mother and that is the most horrible and wretched part of all. the trauma of being alive, of being a woman, and of having a mother but still needing one. such a uniquely miserable feeling
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bananafire11 · 4 months
Does Kaufmo exist in your horror au or is he dead? Also, Horror Jax should get a small bag of candy, just this once ☝️
I'm still thinking of how to properly include kaufmo! Will definately play into how i want to include abstractions though. Writing this down in my notes to expand on cuz Kaufmo has REALLY good plot potential me thinks
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I think he approves
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endivinity · 9 months
R u fr pro monarchy or is ur title a reference
girl it's from the lion king.
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evercelle · 6 months
You're very obviously into Genshin (and your art for it is absolutely gorgeous), but have you ever tried Mihoyo's Star Rail? One of the more recent main story characters is very Kokichicore, and feels like one you'd really like.
okay. so. here's the story. it is, that i played hsr on release at the pace of a lunatic, and i got to tb 65 in like a week and a half, BUT i swore a blood oath to be f2p in THIS hyv game so i tried REALLY REALLY hard to get blade on his first banner without opening wallet. naturally, i failed! so i quit bc i didnt have the energy to grind two hyv games at once
and now a year later my friends are trying to lure me back in with aventurine. unfortunately, it's working because i have a critical weakness for smiling knifecats with a death gambit. so. ive been scrabbling in the dirt for free jades with my wretchedly out dated builds. i just met firefly and the Thing That Calls Itself Sampo (i think). why are aventurine's eyes so beguiling? these soda dogs are kinda beating my ass. i have 50 pulls saved and a dream. i'll keep u posted on how it goes 😔
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rudeboimonster · 1 year
~help your local rat get stable housing~
dramatically sprawled out on the floor
so i gotta move for the third time in that many years. unfortunately between health problems and the General State of The Economy, I have been unable to find work to be able to save any money. i have no choice but to leave the entire state. i thankfully have somewhere to go, however I need help getting there. i've been trying to do the math to get what I need to its lowest amount possible, but even that is still at least $2.5k.
after this move, i should be able to get things more stable and I might even have a couple job prospects lined up in that area, but right now I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel funds wise and desperately need help.
if you're able to spare anything, i've set up a goal through kofi so i can track it publicly. i have trouble asking for help but i really need what help i can get. thank you, so so so much.
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buwheal · 5 months
Out of curiosity, you don't have any magnets nearby, do you? I've heard that those make electronics go all funky-fied :/
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edenfire · 4 months
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💀❤️ devotion ❤️💀
this episode is still living in my brain rent-free😳💗💞
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orchid-151 · 2 years
🌖 a night they’ll never forget (Orchid)
"A night I'll never forget.... Hmm..."
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"I remember when Smith asked Jay to distract my brother for a time while he showed me something..."
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"In a way, it was our first (and only) date before our lives changed forever..."
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"The moon never looked more beautiful in my life.... It was my happiest moment~"
(a future scene under the cut from the comic...)
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"A night I'll never forget... Smith and I found a lush cave while exploring for some extra materials for our group. Mason went with Yumi and Valorie to the village close by, so Smith took me with him. We fell in the water and had to dry out our clothes. Luckily, Smith was prepared with a blanket... But he only had 'the' one so we had to share. It reminded me of our only date before everything changed...
I will never forget that night."
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ask-wretched · 2 years
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horrible man is getting facial hair
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lulu-the-warden · 1 year
ღ Wretched, for funsies (for Geode)
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
These would increase most likely as Wretched and Geode get to know each other better. Geode isn't the most sensual guy, he shows his love in other ways typically. He will take on the role of a doe when around the larger, dominant warden. Fun fact: if Geode had known it was a thing he could do earlier in life, he would probably identify as a doe.
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lokh · 5 months
Imagine Robert Sean Leonard playing Chilchuck maybe in the deeply cursed live action adaptation of Dungeon Meshi I made in my head
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oh my god its him... chilchuck tims.......
also god. can you imagine chilchuck doing wilsons wretched dance
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bananafire11 · 2 months
Man. After seeing that Wretched!Ragapom post of yours, I need to know how Ragatha would respond to seeing what became of Pom-in-the-box...
(Also, is pom-in-the-box different from normal pomni? I'm still a bit unclear on how people change mentally after Caine gets them)
Im keeping Pom-in-the-box as a nickname for her omg. Ragathas reaction was.. not so great.
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only certain players minds are altered to fit Caines criteria. And the line between trauma responses and Caines own additions can most certainly be blurred. Pomni, for example, acts like a skittish animal due to what she has experienced, but she has hunting instincs given by Caine... i hope that helps answer your question!
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thoodleoo · 2 years
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reading an article on weaving and birth in aeschylus and i am obsessed with the idea of evil weavers weaving evil fabrics now. if you were an evil weaver what evil fabric would YOU weave
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