Hank was patrolling in the forest when he suddenly came across a lone vindicator and an evoker. Upon seeing him the vindicator put his hand protectively over the evoker and drew his axe. It wasn't everyday you'll see exiled illagers, Hank thought, but it wasn't that rare either. The vindicator spoke: "State your intentions, pillager! Are you letting us pass or do I have to raise my axe against you?"
Mod: hank just looking for his enemy
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orchid-151 · 1 year
I had some ideas for the journey Orchid and her group were going to take, I haven't fully planned them out but if any of you all like this idea involving your OC's do let me know... Or if you don't like the idea then also let me know because I can change/shorten the 'Inner Evil' arc...
I will list a small summary for each picture...
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Again, these are just ideas... if any of you don't want your OC to show up for a mini arc just let me know... I won't do it if you ask me not to.
Under readmore because long...
@lilium2034 Amicus and Fidus
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The idea is after they reach land, Mason stirs up an argument with Orchid about not needing to be so reckless with her actions with her firing comments back at him about trying to be a team player... After she walks away to blow off steam when she runs into the Duo. Amicus heals her shoulder while hearing her out and tries to give her some good advice...
I might add more when I get to that part but that's it for that mini arc...
@asktotallyhuman Sarah
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To be fair, I have been reading all I can about this girl and her village, and thought of a good arc where Orchid goes alone and tries to make a bargain with Sarah to help her brother and the group. Orchid would stay and make a few double chests of 'God Apples' and Sanah would allow Mason and the others to pass and continue (Valkyrie and Archie would be given two of the 'rings' to make them look like villagers)...
I don't think Sanah is evil but I think she would rig a double chest to drain the apples into another dozen double chest below Orchid cell making her work even harder to make more apples then offered... Only later finding out more about the strange Illager and finding that Orchid is literally going to kill herself trying to fill the last chest to fulfill her end of the bargain...
In the end, Sanah does a good deed and finally lets Orchid go after letting her recover... But Sanah's mindset of Illagers doesn't change. And Orchid understands that, tell Sanah she can keep the extra 'God Apples' for an emergency with no ill will to the human...
Not fully planned out again but again, I don't think Sanah is evil... Just untrusting of ANY Illager that comes to her with a bargain...
@ask-wretched Wretched
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(Damn is Wretch hard to draw for me... Even if it is just his foot 😓)
Ok, this idea was running a mug through my head for a while now so here is some of the idea...
As Orchid's group continues on, they start running into some of Drake's forces... While Orchid goes looking for some ingredients for a few potions a small party of four ambushes her in a cave mouth and chases her into it. One uses a tipped arrow with blindness on it and aims it at her. Orchid suddenly notices that she had blindly ran into a Wardens territory and stops to hide and be quiet... Only to get hit by a tipped arrow in the back and knocked down... The 4 are then 'mowed down' by the warden of the area, obviously being loud and aggravated when they found their target and almost lost her... Orchid tries to get up but realizes she is low on health and is blind for who-knows-how-long...
Wretch would be humongous next to Orchid and if he did try to help would probably be scared to even hold her, she so smol... (I don't have her exact measurements yet... Maybe 4"6' or 4"10' somewhere in that range of shortness...)
(originally I was going to have her a few weeks pregnant with Smith's child but I might not do that... Unless y'all like the idea of more drama but I don't think I'll do it.)
And there you go, four ideas I had for mini arcs in the comic, I still plan to put the few OC's in the background in some panels so be looking out for the small cameos~
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pixzyn · 1 year
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Happy pride month for you all!!!!
Amicus belongs to @lilium2034-deactivated20230606
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karmonysan · 1 year
before the light goes out
it is for you @lilium2034 amicus and fidus the pretty children
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mae910do · 2 years
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Fanart inspired by @lilium2034 ’s ocs Fidus and Amicus ! 🖤
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roleplayingorchids · 1 year
Not soon after, the front door started to open... To reveal Mason. His eyes were closed and he looked ruffed up but he smiled "I'm back, boy you would believe the mobs out there..."
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While he talked Orchid looked over to the Illager duo and put a finger to her mouth, showing that she wanted the two to be quiet... You could hear George tense, the old iron creaking as he stayed between the 'villager' and Illagers...
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"So brother, how many apples did you get?" She said as sweetly as she could...
"Apples?" 'Mason' seemed confused at first but then said "Ah, yes well... I dropped the basket running from a zombie and..." He took a step forward. George moved to block the Villager from getting closer, like a huge shield...
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kiiriminna · 1 year
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Siblins: Korinna, Juniper and Eldos (plus very confused Uno).
Little background: this is based on PKNE #6: The Event Horizon, and on my own (unfinished) AU where Eldos Eidolon (Odin's future version) came to help Korinna so that she wasn't pulled into another dimension, and then they all just... bonded.
Here they are saying goodbyes, and Korinna, in a very "big-sistery" way, cannot resist to roughhouse him just a little bit before letting him go - all in good nature, of course. Juniper is holding Uno, since he's now considered as their baby-brother and the sisters have decided that he clearly needs some help to realize that Everett really isn't all that great in this parenting-thing as he still seems to think...
About my version of Eldos... He's much, much younger that Odin, about the same age as Korinna & Juniper (maybe little yonger?), and is officially known as his grand-nephew.
I was told by lilium2034 about his headcanon where Odin has one green and one red eye, due to his dualistic kind. I thought that was neat, but didn't really fit to my Odin. But when it comes to Eldos... Well, he's young and has a strong rebellious streak, especially in everything what comes to Everett (which is why he and Korinna get along so well from the very start!), so it would be just his style to add this little feature, just to remind their creator that "you really scewed up back then, didn't you?"
I took some inspiration into his clother from the armor Odin was wearing in PKNE #1: Might and Power.
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vanillaarts · 2 years
My end of an art trade with @lilium2034
They own Fidus and Amicus
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ask-tdw-0666 · 1 year
I'm not staying quiet about this anymore...
@lilium2034 is a user who made a post about me about a situation that I had NO part in and was the fault of my partner...I wasn't even aware of what happened either yet she decided to namedrop me in her post no matter how many times I have told her I. DIDN'T. HAVE. ANYTHING. TO. DO. WITH. IT! That got me a lot of hate messages and death threats...I am gonna come out about her and her behavior because I am so sick of people not believing the actual person she's caused a lot of pain to... She's NOT innocent...
She's had people who I was friends with to drop me because I got mad at her for accusing me of "making her deal with my issues" even though SHE came into my DMs asking me "What's wrong?" like if you didn't want me to tell you what was wrong then why the fuck did you bother to ask me and I wasn't "making" you deal with anything of mine neither so I don't know why the fuck you even said that! next, when another ex-friend who she told to stop talking to me was trying to make us have a civil discussion, she start to act like a mega brat saying " I don't need to apologize for the hate mob! You need to apologize to me but you aren't entitled to one from me." which not only pissed me off, that ex-friend took HER side in this! Lily, you caused me so much stress and pain and even had me consider suicide from all your fucking bullying and making people who I considered friends and fellow artists to hate me, and telling people to stop supporting me on Ko-Fi where I need the money to pay for my medication! I need my meds or I can't control my outbursts! She called me a "creep" because one of my ocs had a crush on someone's oc which I wasn't aware they didn't like because nobody bothered to drop me a dm and said I was a "danger" to others when I'm not. I may have a few mental disabilities but I'm not "dangerous". You also tried to fucking DEMAND I apologize to you?! YOU are the one who needs to apologize to me! for everything fucking thing you took away from me and put me through! You ruined my life and you keep lying about me to people, if anyone needs to be kicked out of the MC community, which may I add, that you and another user were so gleefully and happily saying should happen to me and how excited you were everyone was believing you and how happy you would be when I got my old account banned, it should be you... you are the "danger". you are the bully. you are the one in the fucking wrong. and for everyone who's taking her side in all this, congrats, you got played for an idiot. Lily can cry about how this post is " being mean to her" and "lying about her" but what I am saying is nothing but the truth...I'm tired of keeping silent about her and what she did to me for too damn long... I'm so fucking sick of being told I am lying or I need to fucking kill myself by her supporters...I'm tired of being seen as a horrible person... I just wish someone out there would at least listen to my side or believe me when I come out about this because Lily has gotten away with too much already... and No, Lily, this isn't me "slandering" or "harassing" you, this is me calling you out on your fucking bullshit and no longer going to be taking any more of your abuse/slander and harassment or hate mob.
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skaiwindcaller · 2 years
Dear, @lilium2034
I want to apologize for what I done, it was dumb for me to do… I shouldn’t do that… it was wrong for me to do, is very stupid for me to do and know you want to quit the Minecraft Community…
What I done is to protect my husband Asher, and what you said was true, I am immature… You don’t have to forgive me… I’m so sorry what I done…
To be honest my reality was rough… and I been though a lot of things, but what I done was wrong…
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Just recently got into this ship and I'm like years late from the hype train, but can I have some snatchmoon (in their ghostforms) kissing?
PFT- sure my dear, as much as you want❤️
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1. thank you, thanks to you, I won't have to look for reasons to post snatchmoon (again)
2. and there is no hype train, this ship has never been popular 😔
so congratulations, you came just at the right time in the right place! 🎉
feel free to ask for more next time, I'm pretty than open for that
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aueua · 3 years
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In other words: Be silent.
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@lilium2034​ yes hello of course I will always take more excuse to draw nonsense (:
unnecessary brief explanation of: soul master himself handling the matter personally 1.) to remove the possibility that any tricks are pulled, and 2.) he has an Ego^TM and ensures he has less issues to have a headache over if he just. does it himself. shoehorn some city pride in there and other nonsense I’ll keep to myself aheem heeh
anyways have a bonus series of Extremely Bastardized doodles I never cleaned just for you //blows platonic air kiss
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orchid-151 · 1 year
About that ask thing: Orchid 56
56. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults?
It's more about the journey than it is the ending but to answer this question would lead to Spoilers...
So for those who don't like spoilers avoid the 'read more'...
The quick answer: she gets a happy ending...
The longer backstory...
For the rest who don't care (or are curious)...
The overall goal is to develop Orchid and for her to find that she is linked with the Dead and Death itself...
Let me (try to) explain...
If you pay attention to what the prologue had and to what some of those from her past refer to her...
'He strained to look before himself to see... The blurry image of A young cleric in robes the color of blue orchids. Their skin was gray as stone...' Prologue: the storm
This was from a dream but what does that tell you... The desert village Orchid started her life at had NEVER seen an Illager before. They didn't even know she was an Illager, they just thought she was rare...
Even Smith's home village had the same thought: "Oh what an unusual villager..."
After his village was burnt down they went after the 'Fallen Hero' that did all of this...
"So what does this have to do with Orchid and Death?" You ask, well...
If you pay close attention to the prologue, Father Syrus hears a faint scream before thunder hits... Mathew and Jenny live right next door to the church... Jenny was due any day... Have the dots connected yet...
If not, spoiler: Jenny dies during childbirth and the baby doesn't survive... This devastates Mathew who was looking forward to being a father. During the last day of the storm, Mathew in his grief takes the two out into the desert and buries Jenny... He placed the dead newborn on the grave.
However, when Father Syrus confronts him about this Mathew admits that he left them out there with little emotion and just leaves it at that...
Father Syrus has a different outlook and decides to go looking for the two, if only to bring them back to have a proper burial... What he finds instead is a crying newborn and an Allay singing to them.
At this point I don't have to repeat this part where she is raised by the cleric... But it's the fight with the Big Bad that is the Twist...
Drake was known for trying to tamper with playing God... In turn he has learned many spells, one to even change time...
I hear some puzzle pieces click together...
Orchid (as well as Smith and Jay) were from the far past, before Illagers made the scene... Mason was from the present and was (spiritually) transported to the past to relieve (literally) as Orchid's older brother...
(can y'all tell I've been wanting to tell all this? 😆)
She has connections to spirits and the dead far greater than any envoker could manage...
(Fun fact: this is why God Apples, Gold Apples, Gold Carrots, and anything gold-plated and edible harms her... Potions of healing and other potions work though...)
In the original timeline (after Drake killed her only two friends), she took control of Drake's wither storm and summoned 3 Ender Dragon Sprits, the very three he brags about killing by himself, and fused the three spirits with the wither storm... (It's a little op, but keep in mind she lost it when she had to watch the one she secretly love die as he confesses to her his love for her... She lost control of herself, but not of her monstrosity...)
I changed it in the new timeline that she didn't do this nor lost anyone, the fight was well too quick for Drake to summon the wither and change it to a wither storm...
But she still can summon the dragon spirits, she just doesn't know or doesn't remember yet...
I know the whole "you're really a god" trope can be overdone, but I want it to be a slow reveal...
There is more but it's all a work-in-progress...
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pixzyn · 1 year
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A humble gift for @lilium2034
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karmonysan · 1 year
I arrived and with more drawings for and @lilium2034 of me xd
long live the illagers
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mae910do · 2 years
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Wonderful illager couple Fidus and Amicus belongs to @lilium2034 💖
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