#asmo: ahh very aries of you
gifti3 · 7 months
I think asmo should really get into astrology out of no where for a set period of time
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downinthedevildom · 5 years
Ahh, if matchups are still open, I'd love to know mine! I'm a trans man who really likes science (foresnics), math, and art (though my art is currently buried under Obey me! Memes). I like reading a lot, and favourite genres are sci-fi and horror. I also like cooking, gardening, and knitting. I used to be on a Badminton team, and I'm an Aries! Also, my younger sibling is like 80% of my impulse control, jqksoksod. I'm also horrible with directions of any sort, constantly lost.
You sound like my kind of person, lovely! Science ALL the way 😤 (though struggle street is a REAL thing when it comes to math, I envy your love for it! 😭) That being said, I match you wiithhh;
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Your vast range of hobbies and interests are sure to get his attention. He’ll often find you everywhere and anywhere around the House of Lamentation studying, cooking, gardening, knitting, maybe even challenging his brothers to badminton too; you know they’d want to challenge you after finding that out - you’ve really got it all! 
At first, he’d remain on the outskirts, observing your stay and enjoying the subtle changes and fun you can bring to those around you. Family is very important to him. So when he finds you sitting shoulder to shoulder over a book with Satan or getting into debates and discussions with Leviathan on the best genres; maybe even cooking up a meal with Beel and Belphie or having Asmo chatter away to you while admiring your knitting skills, it’s not going to take too long before Lucifer finds himself joining in on these things too. 
Though your impulsiveness might be disarming and, at times, more work than the demon is cut out for, he finds himself becoming more endeared than disgruntled by your next best thing. He likes your unpredictability, it’s already common in his house and adding you to the fray really brings a life to the halls that he never considered possible until you were there. 
You can be sure that he finds himself becoming more attuned to your whereabouts and thoughts; he’ll always be there to help you out of a mess if you need it or even fondly sigh before berating and teasing you over a silly decision. Nevertheless, you have his support, even if he may not realise or accept it at first! This support most definitely extends to your internal compass. 
Getting lost has never been so interesting with Lucifer somehow knowing through instinct alone that you are somewhere where you shouldn’t be. Expect texts throughout the day checking up on you or even ridiculous texts like “If you find yourself thinking of something, think to yourself; “What would Mammon do?” If it’s something he would do, don’t.” 
You’ll even find yourself with the odd call as he insists on the reason simply being that he wanted to make sure you were actually making it home, to work and to your classes safely. Although… your company is quite nice, perhaps we could talk some more? 
He enjoys hearing about your day and your opinions on new art and forensic discoveries. He finds himself looking forward to your phone calls, giving his own opinions and sharing his own discoveries over the years, sharing what it was like to watch humanity learn and evolve their understandings; he’s quite knowledgeable once you get him talking, and he certainly finds himself doing so quite freely around you. 
On particularly bad days when you find yourself completely out of sorts with nowhere to go (and definitely spelling trouble!), Lucifer will personally come down to find you and accompany you himself. 
The first few times this happens he’ll probably claim it necessity, but when he wakes you up early to join him, alone, for breakfast and then finds himself the last to leave? You find yourself with a new routine, one where the avatar of pride keeps you at his side. 
Honourable mention : Mammon
Probably an interesting choice you might think but I can see this boy being consistently amazed by you every day. Like Lucifer, he finds your charm in the things you have passion for; you can bet he’s itching to ask you a million questions while you’re gardening or knitting, having no idea the effort that goes into these things at first until he hears it from you, or is royally flustered when he tries to do it himself. He’s absolutely the first to challenge you to a ridiculous match of badminton which ends up more of a show when he manages to ignite that sibling rivalry and turn it into an open battlefield. He brings a lot of silly fun and excitement to your life where, in turn, you provide a bit of an even balance... sometimes. You know the two of you are going to end up in all sorts of shenanigans, the words ‘impulse control’ are not apart of your vocabulary, you have no idea where you are, Leviathan is chasing you and you’re running for your lives; how did you end up in this situation again? Who knows, but Mammon is there and you’re definitely both laughing with exhilaration and a little bit of fear; you thrive in each other’s company!  
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