#asoiaf summer
nothoughsheadempty · 2 years
Posting a pov character from asoiaf until winds of winter drops ✨ shitty doodle edition ✨: #1 Bran Stark
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My bestie @santsikai and I decided to do a challenge in which we draw a pov character twice a month, more or less. Let's see if we run out of characters or the book gets released first 🤣
Sorry my handwritting is hot garbage btw.
I gave him an ugly bowl cut cuz it felt just right 😌
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visenyaism · 2 months
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bumpin that
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milaeryn · 1 year
Ned: "You will train them yourselves, you will feed them yourselves, and if they die, you will bury them yourselves."
And then probably Ned 20 minutes later:
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laurellerual · 1 year
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I love this things @melrosing
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scorpiusartistry · 2 months
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Hello! This is my first post here on this Tumblr page! Hi, I'm Scorpius! I decided the first thing I'll post here is the Stark direwolves from ASOIAF
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motorway-south · 1 month
i know its pointless to debate meaningless tumblr litcrit terms but "haunting the narrative" as a concept gets thrown around all too much for my liking. you can't use haunting the narrative to describe absolutely any character who was grieved over (especially if the character functionally exists within the narrative to die i.e. the dozens of dead dance era targs)
i think to truly haunt the narrative the central thread of the story needs to be a clash of interpretations over what the characters intentions or feelings were (or at least a clash of perceptions). the first one i can think of is Suddenly, Last Summer by Tennesee Williams
in this story, cathy is a young woman who witnessed the death of her cousin sebastian last summer, and she wars with sebastian's mother violet over what exactly happened, who sebastian was, if cathy is or isnt mad. it's revealed that sebastian was queer and also kinda a predatorand also catherine was super into him, and obviously violet doesn't want this getting out. cathy and violet both mourn the versions of sebastian they each have in their heads: as a mommas boy or a sexy older cousin, while they both aim to stamp out the secret they both hold about him. but sebastian is slowly revealed to the audience in a careful peeling back of his character, in a way that his ghost physically occupies so much of the page
the other example is the titular rebecca from rebecca by daphne du maurier, who's character the audience and narrator have to uncover entirely posthumously through mr de winters or mrs danvers or whoever else. the narrator is literally haunted by rebecca, but the narrative form is too - it is deciding what her intentions are, and how this untimely death with resolve itself in the characters
its why i balk at the idea of robb stark "haunting the narrative" (no hate to robb we love robb here). first of all hes alive for 2.5 books but second we don't really uncover more about him after his death. his siblings mourn him but theres hardly a question of what his legacy/intentions/or character were like before his death that is reshaped afterwards
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llutik · 1 year
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learning names
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cregnstark · 22 days
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ride-thedragon · 4 months
Black girls of ASOIAF.
Sarella Sand (half Summer Islander)
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Bellegere Otherys (half Summer Islander)
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Missandei of Naath (Naathi)
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Chataya (Summer Islander)
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Nettles the Dragonseed
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Alayaya (Summer Islander)
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Bellegere Otherys (descended from Summer Islanders)
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emprcaesar · 11 months
i just love the idea of the stark kids making a comeback and being absolute monsters.
like house stark is basically fucking gone and the heirs are everywhere but winterfell. they have all had major personal growth and major trauma done to them so now they are so tired and will take zero shit.
also special shout out to nymeria you really are the backbone of the stark PR team really selling the ominous stark comeback and giving westeros a taste of what the starks are gonna do.
the stark kids are the reflection of war. the cold ugly truth is clear on their faces of what war does.
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visenyaism · 4 months
Sorry if you’ve been asked this but what do you think of all the rot in asoiaf? Obv some of it is related to the problems with monarchy but I feel like a lot of it isn’t and it just leaves me curious. Like cold hands or people killed by the others idk what that symbolizes there. Jon is in a land in which rot is in stasis from the cold and it’s creepy as shit. And then there’s stuff that could have multiple interpretations like dany by proxy of selmy experiencing bio warfare with the corpses like I know some people see it as the fall of old ghis but I wondered if maybe it was a sign to dany about breaking the wheel and doing as her ancestors did. Idk I know it’s a nasty series and sometimes grrm is just doing stuff so that it’s gross but I feel like rot comes up SO much and I people are usually talking online about like Tywin when it comes to rot.
Oh one of my favorite things about the asoiaf series is how heavy-handed george rr martin is with the rot symbolism. and (at the risk of sounding like an mfa vomited on my keyboard) the way that the political, pestilential, societal, and climatological aspects of the rot symbolism all interconnect.
In a society founded on so many feudal evils that has perpetuated for centuries, something has to give. It is a recurring theme in these books that violations of human decency under feudalism cause cataclysmic societal collapse represented through literal and metaphorical pestilence.
There’s the sociopolitical collapse in the riverlands caused by war of human decency and norms like guest right and prohibitions on kinslaying or cannibalism just dedicating away as times get hard. broken men. bodies left to rot in the sun for the crows to feast on. There’s the fermenting wildfire under every major street in Kings Landing. There’s the familial/relational decay of incest especially the targaryens and the lannisters. The people who hold power and that society rot, despite everyone’s best efforts at keeping up appearances: Robert Baratheon the “war hero” dies of a very nasty festering stomach wound he got in a drunken hunting accident, Tywin gets shot on the privy and his corpse putefies in the sept.
The climate stuff is also very salient. The series starts during late summer and as things get worse and worse in the world declines into the autumn where the summer fruit and all of the abundance is literally rotting through the hands of the characters. (see: renly’s peach vs doran’s blood oranges!) The cold up at the wall keeps the rot at bay for a while, but it does not entirely stop it. Coldhands’ hands are still blackening. Things are still unraveling at the hinges of the world. that’s pretty representative of the way that the violence of the border wall and the penal colony stationed there to patrol it are not sustainable. The decline of the night’s watch from a once proud order to a penal colony full of cruel and often impoverished convicts dropped off there by circumstance is a symptom of the society that sends people up there. But something still has to give. The wall will fall down and the existential crisis will come, it’s just slowed.
Critically, there is also the forgotten parable of Old Valyria: a society founded on extreme cruelty and slavery which eventually experiences cataclysm coming up from the very tunnels they send the enslaved into to die for the empire. A lot of what Daenerys experiences in Essos is an extension of that commentary on slave societies to me. Like. as the slavers try and reconquer places dany has liberated, people fleeing the violence, bring disease like the bloody flux with them. The rot creeps back. (important: disease and rot in the series is not always something people get for being morally bad. it often happens to people who just have no choice but to live in these places.)
But that’s why I think the way Volantis is described really ties a lot of those elements of the rot symbolism together. This is a society that has founded itself up from out of the corpse of old valyria. The city maintains some veneer of old glory, but the fountains are dry and the paint is chipping. The people there eat food that is so sweet it literally causes your teeth to rot out if you were to consume it every day. In terms of climate, I think it’s relevant that it is described as extremely, almost disgustingly, humid, and everything is excessively perfumed to cover up a tangible smell of decay.The air is quite literally cloying and difficult to breathe. You feel dirty after walking through it. The evil of slavery is rotting the city to its core in the same way that the evil of feudalism and the wars for the iron throne is affecting the city of king’s landing.
To wrap allllll this up. Rot is a signal that obviously societal collapse is coming, but it’s also transitional: the empire of old ghis brought about its downfall, and then valyria found itself on the same principles which brought about its own downfall, and then the Targaryen went to westeros and engineered their collapse in Kings Landing while the freehold did the same essos. I think the climatological and disease aspects of it are really heavy-handed symbolism that something has to give in the societies and we’re at the point in the series where that’s about to happen.
I think the ultimate arc of the series ends in some form of significant societal collapse, but instead of building upon a rotten foundation again people are going to have try and hope for something new and gather the courage to build that.,quite literally dreaming of the spring.
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naggascradle · 3 days
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all im saying is twow could have a rickon pov with his dog. and the dead cousin he thinks is his brother possessing another dog. and then his only living brother possessing a dog also. which would be peak reading of course. anyway dogys
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hyacinthecanard · 1 year
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"Brandon the Knight" , they called him. At first, it was to mock him. Behind his back, of course, as he was still a son of house Stark even if his legs didn't work. But then it was just a fact, as nothing could stop Bran at achieving his dream, and no one could say that a direwolf at a tourney or in battle wasn't impressive.
Alternate Universe : Winterfell isn't taken, or maybe it is just Bran's escapist dream as he waits in that cavern.
I didn't think too much about the saddle as I know nothing of riding, even less of medieval riding. I tried to make somthing that could hold him enough, but he doesn't really need something to direct his direwolf as he is a very competent warg.
Note that he dresses in some very southern clothes (although in Stark colors) because Knighthood is still a pretty southern concept.
Forgive me I traced the wolf and the lettering, I was lazy.
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coldraindropsss · 3 months
Bran Stark, Brandon Stark, and his direwolf Summer.
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thequeenwechoose · 11 months
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Magaery Tyrell's turquoise cut out dress in 4k
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here-be-tangents · 10 months
I love when George has POVs meet (in general), but specifically when he addresses differences in knowledge. What one POV is ignorant of but that is basic facts to another POV.
Like when Sam and Bran meet at the Nightfort, and Sam learns who Summer is:
"Jon... Jon was my brother too. He was the best friend I ever had, but he went off with Qhorin Halfhand to scout the Frostfangs and never came back. We were waiting for him on the Fist when… when…" "Jon’s here," Bran said. "Summer saw him. He was with some wildlings, but they killed a man and Jon took his horse and escaped. I bet he went to Castle Black." Sam turned big eyes on Meera. "You’re certain it was Jon? You saw him?" "I'm Meera,” Meera said with a smile. "Summer is…" A shadow detached itself from the broken dome above and leapt down through the moonlight. Even with his injured leg, the wolf landed as light and quiet as a snowfall. The girl Gilly made a frightened sound and clutched her babe so hard against her that it began to cry again. "He won’t hurt you," Bran said. "That’s Summer."
Like yeah! Of course Sam would think the unnamed girl was 'Summer'.
'S'not, tho
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