#asoue thoughts
mirefireflies · 6 months
i am once again thinking about a series of unfortunate events and the way that it twists the idea of being doomed by the narrative. specifically the song at the end of the first season and the effect of having the villain, a cartoonishly evil and awful man, sing about the inescapability of tragedy. because he IS the tragedy he is what causes all the unfortunate events and suffering… but when he sings that there’s no happy endings it almost seems like he’s also trapped in the narrative. the story has already happened, its being told to us after the fact when it’s too late for anyone to change how it ends, but the song creates this strange feeling that olaf is also doomed, except he’s doomed to be the villain in this story. it’s not as if he makes any effort not to be the villain of course, but for just a moment, you realize that his fate is also already written and his role in the story cannot change because the story cannot change. he has already done all these terrible things and the story has already been written but then there’s this brief moment of awareness, where all the characters turn to the audience and say “this is a tragedy and it has no happy ending and that’s just how the story goes,” and it’s as if none of them have any control over the narrative, not even the villains. that’s just how the story goes
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random-dragon-exe · 1 month
Okay hot take, but I wouldn't mind if adult Timmy doesn't appear in FOP A New Wish.
Maybe it's just me, but I think it'd be great to have some ambiguity to his fate.
Think of it like the fate of the Baudelaires in ASOUE, at the end of The End, the audience doesn't know their fate. However, it's up to the person's imagination to create their fate. Sometimes, we won't get all the answers, and it's up to the audience to fill in the gaps.
I honestly think it'd be for the better for the show to continue the stories of a couple of OG characters to further the plot, except for Timmy.
Mainly because I'd like the show to continue on its own merit, not just for the nostalgia of showing the OG characters we've seen.
For example, I like the direction that we've seen so far, allowing a few OG characters to return to have an actual impact on the plot, and it feels natural to their story.
A.J founded the Galaxa Institute
Crocker is a janitor at the Institute still with a fairy obsession
Vicky is a birthday princess who terrorizes kids when the adults aren't looking
Again it's a hot take for a reason. I'm aware that I'm in the minority here.
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spatio-rift · 1 year
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sorry toritsuka if this looks gay to the viewers
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clarasghosts · 3 months
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Aasif Mandvi as Montgomery Montgomery in A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019) and Ben Shakir in Evil (2019-2024)
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oops! all lemonies
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lionmythflower · 3 months
i truly believe that lemony never held an ounce of judgement towards Bertrand for marrying Beatrice ever. Like yes, lemony did love Beatrice, and it is shown that he still loves her even after her marriage and then after her death. But in all of his poems about her, there is not a single thing talking about Bertrand in vain. Nor at any point does lemony show that he's mad or jealous at Beatrice's husband. I don't think that he is a jealous person. Yes, he still loves Beatrice, and there is a good chance she still loved him. But she moved on. They parted and she moved on. But Lemony is not mad about it in the slightest. He might not have moved on, but he isn't petty about it at all and he doesn't hold a grudge. He writes poetry as a healthy coping mechanism to deal with the heartbreak and her death but he's still the bigger person and isn't about to be a bad person about it. In other words, he has the reaction that any women respecting man should have.
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transmasccofee · 1 year
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ooh reading Asous thoughts on the anime is actually really interesting. also saiki flat affect REALLL
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i cannot stop over-analyzing asoue netflix but guys. do you think that scene in hotel denoument when the baudelaires are trying to get everyone to leave the hotel that all of the side characters' reactions represent their fatal character flaws.
like how olaf's mentors immediately started berating him and calling him a disappointment just because they believed he didn't set the hotel on fire. so their fatal character flaw was cruelty.
and mr. poe and vice principle nero refused to take their blindfolds off, despite the situation, making their fatal character flaw their incompetence, which made them the series' definition of useless adults.
babs and jerome first tried to find a way out, but ended up panicking and staying in one place, so their fatal flaw was cowardice, the original reason neither of them were able to help the baudelaires in the first place.
with esmé and carmelita, it's a little more complicated, since olaf was able to trick esmé because of both her vengefulness and greed (which manifested in her obsession with the sugar bowl), but to some degree it was also about carmelita's stubborness and entitlement (which manifested in her choosing to stay with esmé)
and, finally, justice strauss, who attempts to stop the baudelaires from running away on the roof. i've always interpreted her fatal character flaw as naivety; she believes that all problems can be solved without breaking any rules. she trusts the system too much, which is why she couldn't ever fully understand what the baudelaires were going through, and that they really did not have a choice.
overall, this scene is so important to the story, because it's the exit of all of these characters. it's the last time we see any of them. that's why these negative character traits of theirs were put in the spotlight for this scene; even though these characteristics are flaws so fatal they literally end up being the characters' dooms, they're still aspects of the characters we need to remember in order to understand why nothing went right in the lives of the baudelaires: all of these characters were too cruel or incompetent or cowardly or greedy or arrogent or naive...to be able to help them.
so, as tragic as it is, all these characters end up dying (literally or metaphorically) because of the same flaws that made them useless to the baudelaires in the first place.
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snckt · 10 months
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there is a certain thrill to wearing a disguise — a thrill that is half excitement and half danger. i once attended one of the famed masked balls hosted by the duchess of winnipeg, and it was one of the most exciting and dangerous evenings of my life.
@asouefanworkevent day five of woevember : the masked ball, alternatively titled,   the dragonfly.
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asouefanworkevent · 1 year
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another fall is upon us! another woevember is coming!!
what is it?
woevember is an asoue fanwork event week, that will take place from november 12th through november 18th, 2023. last year there was a different group of characters each day, and this year, each day of the week is dedicated to a different location for a series of unfortunate events or all the wrong questions.
what do i do?
the prompts will be revealed now, so everyone has time to make something. between now and the week of november 12th, you’ll create fanworks about the prompts, and then post it on the corresponding day during november 12th - 18th!
don’t forget to tag this tumblr (asouefanworkevent) in the post so i can find it and reblog it, and tag the post with #woevember !
what do you mean by fanwork?
everything! fanfic and fanart are of course allowed, but woevember has always been meant to be an event that is as big or as little effort as you want! fanwork also means edits, gifs, analysis posts, headcanons!! your cosplay!! your photography!! your photosets!! your web weaving!! your super short fics!! your sketchiest drawings!! your most ramble-y half-fic idea posts!! your wip scenes!! you merely saying 'lemony snicket, though. am i right?????' (and you are. you're so right.) whatever you are moved to make from the prompts! i want people to be encouraged to and be able to create even something small that didn’t exist before for the snicketverse, and share it with other people!
are there any rules?
to keep the event open and comfortable for everyone, no explicit content. also, as always, sibling romance and age gaps will not be tolerated.
do i have to make something for every day?
only if you want to! feel free to just make something for one day if you want :) the point of having a different theme for each day is so some part of canon that you like comes up eventually, and you can at least make something for one of the days. or you get struck by an idea you might not have considered before! i want to get people thinking about all the intriguing people and places in asoue and atwq and the exciting different ways we can interpret and create from the same idea.
what are the prompts?
the description under each prompt is just some ideas to get your brain going -- feel free to take them in another direction too!
november 12th - olaf's mansion
to celebrate the 24th anniversary of the bad beginning! what becomes of the house post-canon? was it olaf's family home? what sort of nefarious, or, perhaps, completely innocent shenanigans have occurred here, pre-canon? does this house also have a secret passage somewhere?
november 13th - the baudelaire mansion
did beatrice and bertrand build the mansion? what sweet pre-canon moments have we missed with the baudelaire children and their parents? what visitors came there? do people still think the mansion remains are haunted post-canon? what sort of new home do the baudelaires make for themselves when they return to the city?
november 14th - the clusterous forest
the wild and lawless place. what was it before the water was removed? what sort of beach or shore was there? where did the water go? does it ever come back? what does lemony, or anyone else, find in there? does another train ever come through after the thistle of the valley? do the stain'd-by-the-sea crew ever go in to investigate it? what sort of rumors might be created about a place like the clusterous forest?
november 15th - the hotel denouement
the last safe place! is it vfd-owned, or denouement-owned? what happens down in the archives? are the archives ever found? what sort of firefighter or firestarter meetings have taken place here? what relationship might they have with the preludio hotel? what were the denouements up to at the hotel? what hotel, or what sort of home in general, might frank and ernest create for themselves post-canon, with dewey's absence?
november 16th - the masked ball
the duchess of winnipeg's masked balls have so much potential! what happened at that last one, where lemony tried to contact beatrice? when was that? what happened at past balls? what is the duchess's relationship with the parties? (whether the duchess is jacquelyn or r or jacquelyn is r's daughter is up to you, dear reader!) what costumes do they all pick! or is there even a different masked ball you might have in mind?
november 17th - the reptile room
to also celebrate the 24th anniversary of the reptile room! what becomes of this house post-canon? how did monty come to own the reptile room, where does his herpetology career fit into vfd? why was the quagmire mansion connected to it? how did jacques get there and find quigley? what other moments with the baudelaire children in the reptile room might we have missed -- or pre-canon moments with the baudelaire parents? do not forget about our beloved, the incredibly deadly viper!
november 18th - free space!
there's tons of other locations, too! prufrock prep, heimlich hospital, 667 dark avenue, paltryville, caligari carnival, the city, the punctilio, veblen hall, the orion observatory, the opera, the sewers, the hemlock tearoom and stationery shop, the museum of items, the museum of bad breakfast, the snicket mansion, the quagmire mansion, the island, the mortmain mountains, lucky smells lumbermill, wade academy, killdeer fields, anwhistle aquatics, the queequeg? or do you care not for locations! use the free space to write about the character or relationship or thought of your choosing!
if you have any questions about anything, feel free to drop me an ask or a message!
happy creating, and i hope to see lots of you november 12th-18th!! ✨
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emmettverhoogen · 3 months
currently (always) thinking about:
jacques sent a letter to jerome squalor not to marry esmé ??? (surname blurred) while olaf preferred to be called S and he just investigated an accident at the lumber mill that wasn't really an accident, but an horrifying murder (TMM)
jacques published what he discovered in The Daily Punctilio and got fired
esmé manipulated geraldine to know about jerome's life
esmé ??? married jerome squalor after only one night together
r, the duchess of winnipeg, had beatrice’s and esmé’s wedding letters sent to kit presuming it would be safer with a volunteer such as ike
jerome squalor wrote a letter to jacques because his dear friend didn’t write back after being invited to his wedding and because esmé couldn’t wait to give jacques what he deserved (presumably some kind of gift, because she got mad when jerome asked about it); he mentioned they were thinking about adopting children
esmé squalor fan-club won the (deceased) mamba du mal
jerome mentioned to esmé they only moved in to the penthouse weeks ago (TEE)
quigley mentioned (TSS) the city’s sixth most important financial advisor was in charge of the quagmire heritage when his parents died in a fire and his brothers were sent to prufrock school (TAA, prior)
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fluffydice · 9 months
A major problem I think people run into when looking at terusai that might make them dislike the ship is that if you don't have an understanding of their development throughout the series, the relationship is going to seem overly shallow. Teruhashi and Saiki are not static characters, nor are they simple. Both of their growth comes from learning that they are just humans at the end of the day. Teruhashi genuinely starts to like Saiki (and all their friends) because she realizes she's not above it all like she originally thought. Saiki is attracted enough to gasp, but only when she shows this true self of hers! If you stick them together when they're still in their early characters, of course it's going to seem forced. Learning to let characters grow, especially in comedy animes, is hard for a lot of people, especially when it's not an 'in-your-face' kind of thing.
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listieshadows · 2 months
If you wanna know how bad I am at posting, consider that I meant to share the below picture months ago, saying alongside it that after I'm pretty sure a decade I'd finally managed to collect all the books, and that I'd finished re-reading them for the second time ever in my life.
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omg i can’t believe lemony snicket really co-wrote one of the songs on taylor swift’s new midnights album
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crumpetsandbiscuits · 3 months
Fandom Fighters: A 100 Reblog Event
tags: @theoneandonlypjofanatic @clarissaweasley-10 @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @dawninglark @tigresslily
@mango-cheese67 @thishumanformislimiting
(and my follower tags) @myfairkatiecat @mothalas @magicalmyths @cutebisexualmess @swans-chirping-in-the-distance
@permanently-stressed @iggydancebreak @unaside @dont-do-rice-babes @alaydabug2
@justmossyall @axelwelch @weareallpanickingatthisdisco @taylor-swift-fosters-it-again
@baguettes-and-biscuits @elephantinahawaiianshirt @lyssadoo @onemoreattempt @iheartleopards
@fangirlingovernothingg @strange-cat @suldreensophie @supern0vashii
@frog-with-a-top-hat @hushwoodmice
For my 100 reblog celebration, I’m doing a tournament of the Fandoms. If you’ve ever reblogged any of my posts-or you have no idea who I am- you’re invited to enter in the tournament! Even a singers’ fandom can join! The way it works is that I will pair up two lucky accounts that entered the contest, and they will both choose one different fandom each. The winner is the one who gets the most reblogs. I’m also following the winner, not that that makes a difference.
HOW TO ENTER: Dm me saying you want to be a part of it, and tell me what fandom you want to fight for. Your deadline is August 1, 12:00 am, 2024 EST. Good luck, and may your fandom win.
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pipbellerophon · 12 days
l/b/b is actually canon To Me because i find it makes more sense that the night klaus remembers b&b seeing la forza del destino a few months before their deaths would be The Opera Night and the fallout would come the same year instead of it having been before b&b were married and then olaf and esme wait 15 Years At Least before doing something about the murder, the theft. like did we need to stew for that long? no. and if lemony had to be engaged to beatrice (AND bertrand?) that very same year for this to work out? then so be it.
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