#asriel reapertale
blvdcharms · 2 years
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I wish there was more love for this lil Asriel. Today features ReaperTale Asriel, aka the god of hope! I would imagine the scrolls he holds are the hopes and dreams of the mortal realm. ^^
ReaperTale | @renrink
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redrobber13 · 4 months
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Another doodle dump cause I realized I never posted that Reapertale Undyne or Dream!Papyrus and that's a crime that had to be atoned for.
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darkpetal16 · 7 months
Horrortale Chapter 2 - Snowdin has been released.
In this update, you can:
S n o w 
Die. This is becoming your new normal. You aren’t sure how you feel about that. 
Pick your route.
Shimmy out of a window.
Save a life. 
Added two more secret endings. One is exclusive in chapter one, and the other will be available in all chapters.
Fixed minor bugs
Amended typos
I have added a light mode
I have also added step-by-step instructions & screenshots on how to access the settings / saves on desktop & mobile.
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In Subterkamytale there are several Ships and those Ships are canon.
In the rest of the alternate universes created by us...that is me/Adley and Daniel, there are no Ships.
In SubterLoved there are Ships between characters...obviously.
-Those Ships are:
-Frisk x Sans.
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Frisk and Sans have a daughter.
Her daughter is the Goddess of Mercy and Venerate Life and Death.
(His daughter teaches mortals venerate/respect life and death).
Frisk and Sans had their daughter in their human forms.
Her daughter is 7 years old (7 years old is her human age).
Her daughter's name is: Silvia.
Silvia obviously possesses a human form.
-Chara x Papyrus.
Chara and Papyrus have a daughter.
Her daughter is the Goddess of Gratitude for Life and Death.
(His daughter teaches mortals gratitude for life and shows them the good and happy side of death).
Chara and Papyrus had their daughter in their human forms.
Her daughter is 9 years old (9 years old is her human age).
Her daughter's name is: Sofía.
Sofía obviously possesses a human form.
-Asgore x Toriel.
Their children are: Asriel and Chara.
-Asriel x Lyra.
Lyra and Asriel have a daughter and a son.
His son is the God of Hope and Compassion.
Her daughter is the Goddess of Honesty.
Lyra and Asriel had their daughter and son in their human forms.
Her daughter is 11 years old (11 years old is her human age).
His son is 13 years old (13 years old is his human age).
Her daughter's name is: Olivia.
His son name is: Adair.
Olivia obviously possesses a human form.
Adair obviously possesses a human form.
-Undyne x Alphys.
Alphys and Undyne do not have children.
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magicdreemurr17 · 4 months
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3rd Anniversary
"Along This Trail"
“You’ve been quite the little busy body, haven’t you?” Magic growled.
The child’s malicious smile turned into a tormenting smirk. They had taken the lives of everyone and everything living in the underground, multiple times, so it shouldn't have been so surprising that they weren't faced by her aggression. Doing this, they'd already been through hell and back, so Magic's frustration was much tamer by comparison.
“What? Did you think I’d feel any remorse for those idiots?” an unfamiliar voice spoke out of Frisk’s mouth. That was… strange. That voice sounded nothing like Frisk’s sweet and mellow voice.
“W-Who are you?! You aren’t Frisk!” Magic stammered, taken aback from the shock of there being someone else pulling the strings.
The child began to cackle maniacally, these odd, black tears streaming from their crimson eyes, “You STILL haven’t figured out my true identity? I think you’ve been spending so much time gawking at that sorry excuse of a robot that it rotted away your brain.”
Magic clenched her fist, her blood boiling from the hate she felt, “Listen to me now, kid. You can say whatever you want about me. Frisk or not, I don't care what you think anymore… but don't you dare insult Mettaton!”
They never even tried to get to know him personally, so what gave them the right to attack his character? The way she saw it, this entity would stab first and ask questions later. Perhaps whoever was using Frisk’s body and allowing no remorse or regret from Frisk’s portion of their intertwined soul to come through so they could maintain control.
“Who do you even think you are?! You never bothered to even learn about any of the monsters..-”
“WRONG!!! I know everything about each and every single one of them! Especially that traitorous scum of a goat prince, Asriel!” The child yelled in pure hatred.
Magic gasped as her eyes became wider than ever. She knew that name all too well. Asriel was the prince of all monsters, son of Toriel and Asgore Dreemurr, the queen and king. There were several timelines where she and Frisk discovered, at the end of their journey, that Flowey was Asriel. It was strange that this child brought up the deceased prince, almost like they knew him before he became Flowey, as if they were… best friends. There was only one person Magic heard about in the underground who fit that description.
“C-Chara..? The first human to fall… but that was years ago! There’s no way you survived your illness!” Magic snarled in anger, showing only slight surprise.
“Ah, but you forget that I had a small chance of turning into a lingering spirit.” Chara replied with a smirk pasted across their features, “I’m just getting my revenge on those pathetic monsters.”
“What would you even want revenge for?! They never did anything to hurt y..-”
“THEY DID EVERYTHING TO HURT ME!!! Asriel betrayed me and broke a promise he made to me. That sweet, innocent monster that was my best friend, he said he trusted me, that he would never argue or judge my opinion. When it all really mattered, however, he betrayed me, like he didn’t even care!” Chara monologued in anger and sadness.
“Still! How can you blame all the monsters that were alive today for a mishap that occurred years ago? Can’t you see it’s not fair to the..-” Magic’s sentence was cut off as Chara lodged the Toy Knife they had kept with them since the ruins right through the older human, stabbing clean through her chest. Blood splattered from the open wound as Magic fell to her knees.
Not like this…
“Aghh..!” she cleared the draft in outrage, “Why is it so much harder to write about something you lived through while also making it sound interesting!?”
“Relax… you've been staring at that screen for the past four hours, procrastinating.” Magic took a sip of her bubble tea, one hand resting comfortably in the pocket of her MTT-brand hoodie, “You're gonna wear yourself out if you keep doing that. Why don't you take a break? Mettaton's fired up the disco room alongside his Dancetale counterpart. You like to dance, don't you?”
“I can't just relax right now. I've gotta get this done so I know what to build off of for the next chapter.” Pacifist replied.
“I know, I know… but I feel like you're taking this a little too seriously. Yeah, you might've lived through it, but I feel like you're exaggerating this story just for the publicity.” the human raised an eyebrow at her as she took another sip, “You sure Mettaton and Undyne weren't a bad influence on you..?”
“That's not the point..! It's not like I'm retelling our story just for my readers..! I… have some personal motivations behind it too.” Pacifist leapt in her defense, only earning an eyeroll from her lookalike.
“Uh huh, sure. Come with me a sec, yeah?”
Without warning, the girl in glasses snatched Pacifist's wrist and dragged her out of her room in the studios located in the Omega Timeline. The building itself was massive, hosting enough rooms for almost every person who's been to this place. CORE!Frisk really went above and beyond to make sure everyone felt at home, or at the very least welcomed, here. On the way to the cafeteria, they passed by a recording studio, where some members from XTale were getting ready to rehearse for a special movie that Ink!Sans wanted to put out for everyone to see. It took a lot to convince Mettaton to play his part, mostly because he'd been salty over the fact that he gets killed off in his debut episode… or at least, that's what he claimed, despite the implications of the script saying otherwise.
XGaster sensed them pass by and turned towards the door for a brief moment, exchanging tense glares with Pacifist. This didn't go unnoticed by Magic as she yanked on the anomaly's arm harder to get her attention.
“Will you just stop glaring at that mummy-man and keep moving?” she ordered impatiently.
“He doesn't have enough plasters on him if you ask me…” Pacifist grumbled.
“I heard that,” XGaster responded.
“Oh, good. You can listen… selectively.” she retorted, earning her an undignified snort from XChara and surprisingly Cross, who both earned an over-the-shoulder death glare from their universe's creator.
“Come on, Pacifist.” Magic walked around and literally pushed Pacifist out of the doorway so she couldn't exchange glares with the apathetic… skeleton..? Monster..? Honestly, they didn't know what to call him anymore. Ink!Magic insisted that he wasn't just a skeleton, yet they didn't want to find out what he actually was.
Moving into one of the recreational rooms, they noticed several kids from various AUs sitting around a table, coloring together. Among them were Underfell's Frisk, who had dragged their Asriel over with him, but seeing the now taller goat prince trying to sit comfortably in a kid's chair was just pure comedy. In the corner of the room, Fell Magic was watching them like a hawk with the Royal Guard captains by her side. Hiding behind her leg was her daughter, who sheepishly kept her distance from the other children (she was antisocial, there was no getting her to join the crowd). In another corner of the room, Outertale Magic was accompanied by her robot companion, trying to teach some of the AU children to understand sign language. She was planning on asking one of her alternatives to help her, but Outer!Mettaton insisted that he had to keep an eye on her. It probably didn't help that just a few moments ago, her Horrortale counterpart had triggered some… disturbing memories of his.
“Better watch out, robot. If you lose sight of her again, she might scream for help if she's in danger..- Oh wait, she tried, but nobody came.” she had said, a belligerent smirk on her face.
That instantly sent the poor robot into a “what-if” spiral, as not even CORE!Frisk could reassure him that they were safe in the Omega Timeline. Luckily, Horror!Magic didn't get away with it, as she was employed (against her will) to help the librarian organize their books. Unfortunately, she wasn't very good with her organization skills, so she got yelled at a lot for not putting things in the correct order. It got a laugh out of her Undyne though, who enjoyed watching her wallow in her frustration… even if it was at a distance where they couldn't get into one of their… “confrontations”.
A sudden voice snapped Pacifist out of her thought train, “Well, look who finally crawled out of her little cave… Finally remembered to touch some grass once in a while?”
The human anomaly looked over to find Fell Magic's eyes piercing through her soul. Behind that cold glare, she could faintly see hints of concern laced in her expression.
“Actually, I..-”
“No, Blackthorn, she did not remember to touch grass.” Magic interjected, “As a matter of fact, she was still staring at her screen, moping about our autobiography before I dragged her out of there myself.”
“Of course she did…” Fell Magic shook her head slowly, rolling her eyes, “Papyrus, Undyne, go upstairs and bar her door shut for the rest of the day.”
“Yes, ma'am!” the edgy skeleton quickly replied, rushing upstairs in an instant.
“Hey! Wait, don't do that! I haven't even gotten past the prologue yet!” Pacifist whined.
“Or eaten something half decent in almost three days! You can't keep gorging on snacks twice a day and call that a meal just because you're stressing out..!” Fell Magic growled, “I swear, if I wasn't restricted from it, I'd smack you upside the head for your stupidity, dumba..-” she looked down at her daughter, who had her head tilted in confusion as she gave her mother the large, timid but slightly curious eyes, “ergh, I mean… I'd lightly tap you on the back of the head for not taking care of yourself.”
Outer!Magic nodded her head slowly in agreement, affirming her alternative's concerns silently.
“The last time any of us saw you leave your room, it was because you and Genocide had a debate over plot elements.” Underfell's Frisk added.
“In my defense, he was arguing about how I should've changed my weapon from a sword to a lance since I favor polearms.” Pacifist crossed her arms and huffed in offense, “Every great story I know has a main character with a sword.”
“And most of those stories you know have the same, monotonous, god-slaying sword.” Fell Magic rolled her eyes again, earning a scowl from Pacifist.
Moving past the recreational room, Magic dragged her to the cafeteria and into the kitchen where Epic!Toriel was engaged in pleasant conversation with her XTale counterpart. Sitting at one of the tables in the main dining area were XTale and Epictale's Magics, the former being carefully monitored by her bodyguard and partner. It didn't take long until the two monster queens noticed they were no longer alone in the kitchen.
“Ah, good evening, children,” greeted Epic!Toriel.
“To what do we owe this pleasure..?” XToriel asked, checking them both for any cuts, scuffs or bruises, “You didn't get into any trouble, did you..?”
Pacifist shuddered in slight discomfort at how maternal XToriel was being, throwing up her hands quickly in defense, “No, no! Nothing like that..! We're just here because… well, Magic insisted that I eat something.”
“Well, I've been so preoccupied with writing that I kinda lost track of time.” she replied.
The room suddenly got much more tense, as both goat moms exchanged a… perfectly ordinary glance with absolutely no hidden message beneath them. Epic!Toriel's face darkened as the tension in the air grew thicker, making Pacifist feel incredibly small where she stood and Magic grateful that she wasn't the one under the goat monster's intense gaze.
“My child… when was the last time you ate..?” she asked, her voice flat and emotionless minus the inquiry.
“U-Umm, s-s-solid meals or snacks?” Pacifist laughed nervously, swallowing hard.
“Snacks are hardly a meal!” bellowed Epic!Toriel before covering her mouth in shock, “Ah, forgive me. I've been needing to raise my voice a lot as of late to a… certain, stubborn someone. We must correct this at once! Go on, out of the kitchen with you. We shall make you something more substantial to eat.”
“But..-” Pacifist got cut off as she was ushered out of the kitchen by XToriel, moseying on over to the table where Epic!Magic was chatting it up with XMagic.
The two noticed her presence quickly and smiled as she approached them. The XTale General immediately took a bow out of respect, but it made Pacifist physically uncomfortable.
“Lady Pacifist, allow me to pull a chair for you.” XMettaton implored.
“That's… That's not necessary, General. I can seat myself.” she replied.
“But surely you must be exhausted…”
“General, I was upstairs writing; that doesn't require much physical activity, last I checked.” she clarified.
“Yes, but it requires brain power, and that can only be draining for someone as fragile as yourself.”
Who's he calling fragile..? He's lost his limbs multiple times, including on set… accidentally, Pacifist thought.
“We from XTale know how that can be, I assure you. We wouldn't want someone as delicate as you getting any ludicrously absurd ideas that torments your health further or jeopardizes the ones you care about, now would we..?” he let out a nervous robotic chuckle, but Pacifist could tell he was attempting to side eye his princess over the shoulder without her noticing.
Unfortunately for him, XMagic's brow twitched slightly, catching the slight tilt of his head in her direction. Without warning, she snatched the tail-end of his cape and, with all her strength, flipped it right over his head, blinding him temporarily which caused him to flinch before spiraling into a panic.
“Gah! Milady, forgive me! Please! Please, I beg you! Fix this cursed thing!” he whined, “Darling, please..! I can't seeeee..!”
“Oops, so sorry, General… My delicate hands must've slipped for a moment.” she retorted, a touch of salt dripping in her tone, causing her Epic alternative to let out a hearty laugh in amusement.
Pacifist giggled slightly, “That's what irked you? Not him addressing me as ‘Lady Pacifist’?”
“He refers to your universe’s Magic as ‘Lady Magnolia’,” she took a sip of her tea, maintaining an air of decorum as she spoke just to taunt her robot companion, “I think you'll find I am not the jealous type. If anything, I should think it's a compliment.”
“Oh, I'm flattered, don't get me wrong…” Pacifist replied, “but I'm still not used to hearing it, y'know? I don't really like being treated as royalty..-”
XMettaton was quick to correct her, “With all due respect, you are the adopted child of the original Dreemurr family! There is no greater honor in all the Multiverse… That title alone should be celebrated, regardless of your origins.”
Pacifist scowled slightly, “You know if you were one of those overpowered skeleton characters that I begrudgingly know exist out there, I would not take those words very lightly… but you're one of Mettaton's alternatives, so you're lucky your cute looks force me to bite my tongue.”
Epic!Magic wiped a tear from her eye after recovering from her laughter, “I see now where Snowdrop got both sides to her personality.”
Pacifist paid her a confused glance, unsure of what she could possibly be referring to, but before Epic!Magic could answer that question, she stopped when a sudden chill went down her spine. It was so paralyzing, even she couldn't muster the guts to turn and look behind her.
“Is there a problem with our Magic's personality..?” a rough, feminine voice interjected, with Reapertale Undyne looming over, glaring down at Epic!Magic.
“Great to see your hearing in regards to her is still top-notch, Undyne…” the paranoid human responded with a nervous smile that screamed ‘help me’ as the goddess of war just stood there… menacingly.
“Hmph. Don't you dare speak her name in vain, mortal… Alternative or not, I don't care. If you dare soil her reputation as a goddess, I'll pull you aside and knock some sense into you, got it?” she threatened.
The sudden sound of heels clicking against the floor broke the tension in the room as a softer voice interrupted, “Honestly, Undyne… Are you ever going to leave me to fight my own battles..? The tension you are bringing to this room won't help Pacifist calm down… and you know it makes a majority of the refugees uncomfortable.”
“But she was..-”
“I heard her… but did you not hear what I've told you about controlling your temper? You can't always go on a warpath whenever you hear something you don't like.” the blonde-haired goddess replied, maintaining composure even in the presence of the enraged goddess.
Reaper!Undyne grumbled and crossed her arms, dropping the conversation but not without muttering incoherent words under her breath in frustration.
“Thanks for that, Snowdrop…” Epic!Magic replied, letting out a relieved sigh with an expression that made it seem like her soul had left and was just reentering her body.
The Reapertale variant of Magic snapped her fingers, forming a makeshift chair for herself out of vines and branches uprooting from the ground beneath the floor, taking a seat calmly while she sipped on a teacup she got from… gods know where.
“That was worse than anything Sans has come up with.” Reaper!Magic suddenly interrupted, looking over at Pacifist.
“Whuh..-? I didn't say anything.”
“Not you… per se...” she inquired.
What is that supposed to mean? thought Pacifist.
“Nevermind. So how is your… I mean, our story coming along?” Reaper!Magic asked, “Everyone around here seems to be waiting with baited breath, and yet you produce nothing. There's also been word that you've been tiring yourself faster than you can get a single chapter done… to the point of skipping meals.”
“I wouldn't go that far..! You make it sound like I'm doing it on purpose. I may be stressed because I can't find the right words to… well, write, but I'm not beating myself to a pulp over it.” the human anomaly replied.
“... You've become a perfectionist, haven't you..?” XMagic inquired.
“Say what!? You mean that old geezer rubbed off on her?” Epic!Magic stood up so fast, she knocked her own chair down, “Where's his ugly mug!? I'll reintroduce him to my battle axe for corrupting Pacifist with his influence!”
XMagic glared at her alternative, her eyes going hollow briefly, “Amaryllis. Sit. Down.”
“Uhh… S-Sure thing, Hibiscus.” she replied nervously.
XMettaton shook his head from behind, looking upon the other royal Magic in disapproval, “Such rash behavior from a Royal Guard…”
“General, if I may be so bold, hypocrisy is no virtue to live by.” Reaper!Magic interjected, sipping her tea casually, “We've all seen how you and Cross behave in interaction, or do I need to remind you of a certain incident involving a popularity contest..?”
The monochrome robot general immediately shut his mouth, his mind blanking at the obvious callout. Yeah, there was no way out of that one… he and Cross have had many heated interactions with each other in the past, especially ones where the General lost his cool… namely that incident.
“Ahem.” XMagic cleared her throat to get their attention before continuing to scold her Epictale counterpart, “I can assure you XGaster did no such thing. For him to corrupt Pacifist would be among the tallest orders… next to him getting along with your AU's Gaster, of course…”
“I’m insulted that you even think I’d let him do that; I thought you knew me.” Pacifist responded in mock hurt before getting more serious, “I've been trying to make this story perfect, yeah… but I think I'm so worried about what others will think of it when I start to reveal where it goes, no matter how accurate it really is. I mean… in the eyes of some random monster or man on the internet, most of it sounds completely made up.”
“That's because you have a wild imagination and a tendency to exaggerate just for suspense. With you, anything can sound made up.” Reaper!Magic commented.
Pacifist laughed slightly, “I mean, if I'd been told about four years ago our time that I'd have seen this many alternate universes and met all of you guys, I probably would've said ‘you're making that up’. I would've believed someone who told me I was going to turn into some kind of supernatural animal that leaves a blue blur as it runs before I believed that.”
“... Again I say, a wild imagination.”
“What!? That's a real character in the fighting game that Asriel and I like to play!” Pacifist replied in offense.
“Super Smashing Fighters?” asked Epic!Magic.
The human anomaly facepalmed, holding her head in the palm of her hand as she rolled her eyes, “Who the heck invented that ripoff name anyways..?”
Reaper!Magic giggled slightly, “It is truly a joy seeing you get so passionate about what motivates you… though you needn't be such a perfectionist with what you love. That's the most important thing… just doing what you love for the sake of doing what you enjoy. Mistakes can and will happen… but it's okay. Just live and learn.”
“Easier said than done, but… I can give it my best shot.” Pacifist replied, smiling slightly, “Thanks for the pep talk, guys. I'm used to being the person who does that.”
“You've given pep talks to last us to Ink's twentieth birthday since XTale's arrival. We've heard enough.” Epic!Magic answered, making Pacifist somewhat confused.
“But… you know Ink!Magic doesn't age, right? I mean… Moonflower looks like she's nineteen, but she's older, and also doesn't age because… well, y'know.”
“Yeah, but she doesn't act her age and being reminded of that gives us, her creations, an excuse to baby her because HAVE YOU SEEN HER!? SHE DESERVES TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS!” Epic!Magic responded, slamming her fist against the table and knocking her and XMagic's drinks into the air, startling the monochrome woman a bit.
The General quickly stretched out his arms and swiped both glasses before they smashed against the floor, glaring at Epictale's oldest human angrily.
“You could've indirectly burned her highness like that!” he complained.
“Come on, she's fine. Live a little, General! You're so overprotective of her.” Epic!Magic waved her hand at him dismissively.
“FOR GOOD REASON!” screeched the robot.
Pacifist watched as the two royal guards started to bicker back and forth, with the XTale princess caught in the middle looking amused that what was once a mutual respect was completely shattered the moment that she met her Epictale alternative. It was little moments like these that made her truly adore the life she had now, even if it was still plagued with its stressful moments. It didn't matter whether the day was plagued by scorching sun nor freezing cold, there was always a journey ahead to look forward to; a new day to celebrate with the colorful characters she'd befriended.
“You know, guys..?” Pacifist spoke up, grabbing their attention briefly, “It's moments like these where I truly don't miss the old life I had. I never really had this kind of stuff back home… so thank you for that. May these peaceful days last… I look forward to the tomorrow with you.”
Her words made their hearts melt from their honesty. It was written on her face.
“That old conflict was not our adventure's end… merely a fresh start to see what else lies beyond the sky.”
“Please… S-Spare us….. g-give…. us….. m-mercy…….” the commoner fell to the ground, limp after the sword that had been lodged into their chest was removed.
The sword's wielder stared at the blood from behind their mask with a lifeless gaze. That was the last light that was to be snuffed out from this world… one of the outer realms from the world they came from. They stopped when they noticed their reflection in the blade's metallic sheen, dark as it were, as they flinched and lowered the sword, sheathing it with the last soul taken from this place.
“In the end, it didn't even matter…” they spoke softly, “your rulers tried to put up a fight and failed… your most valuable soldiers killed, and for what? A promise to a good future..? Promises are useless. Certainty is all that counts… if you want to defy fate, you must have the conviction and determination to grasp that certainty.”
They stopped and held up a heart-shaped locket in their free hand. In contrast to the black and dark purple armor they adorned, this locket was a bright gold, much like the luminescent parts of their old body… their weak, mortal body that was destroyed what felt like years ago. They weren't sure how much time had passed; only that it had been over five years. A stray tear formed in their eye, but immediately dried up when getting caught in the mask they wore to hide their face. They clenched the locket in their hand, causing it to crack slightly.
“There… Now, like me, it is broken.” they stated, “Hmm. It left behind an x-shaped crack… how intriguing.”
The sounds of footsteps approaching caught their attention as their fellow comrades joined them, overlooking the destruction, both donning a similar black armor… One lethal swordsman, and one skilled mage.
“It appears we could not retrieve the data belonging to the two queens.” said the mage, “Tch… and after we went through all this trouble.”
“... Destroy the ark containing every last bit of data for this world.” they ordered all of a sudden, causing the swordsman to widen his eyes in slight shock.
“Are you certain..? That data will be lost forever…” he reminded them.
“Not forever,” they retorted, “I can OVERLOAD its destruction. I have a copy of each of these worlds’ data saved to my personal bank, along with the code of every individual soul that belongs in these worlds… or have you forgotten..? Death doesn't exist to us.”
He turned away without another word, understanding his comrade's instructions now.
“The World of Two Titans… and the World of Blades shall cease to exist now… just as the worlds we attacked before them. All that leaves is… that world…”
The mage hesitantly spoke up, “Are you certain this is the path you'll take..?”
“I will not depart immediately… our contractor has... other plans for me.” they reached into their cape and pulled a suspicious-looking canister, one with a smell that reeked so bad, it could turn up even the least sensitive nose, “I'm afraid I will be detained for quite a while… At least until I'm finally able to manifest this blasted curse.”
“You call it a curse, just as he did…” the swordsman pointed out, frowning behind his mask, “Do you still miss him..?”
The first one was silent for a while, but then finally spoke, “I am the False Light… I hold no ties. I miss none and have no one to miss.”
“Nemesis…” The mage answered sympathetically.
The first character marched past their two allies, tormented by a single lingering thought that had pestered them since they slaughtered that last commoner.
Spare them? What kind of fool would do such a thing..? All enemies have to be eliminated… they're in my way. That's how you play the game. Simple as that.
UPDATE: Hello everyone! Happy third anniversary to Undertale: Lost In The Echo! I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, and likely most of you have given up waiting on Chapter 11, but, well, I'm actually here to explain what happened. See, I was SUPPOSED to post Chapter 11 back in Summer, I wanna say around the end of June, early July... the problem came from the fact that I wanted to release a promo poster to go along with the start of the Waterfall Chapters, but the artist I recruited to assist me with that while I worked on the chapter got overwhelmed with other things and couldn't finish it.
That being said I did manage to get another friend to do the piece for me, and with Chapter 11 finished and ready to be posted, I ask that you please wait just a little longer and it'll be out by the end of the month at the very least, early March at most.
Oh, and for those wondering if this story is canon to the events of Lost In The Echo; no. This story is NOT CANON. This rush job was put together last minute after I realized today was the anniversary for Lost In The Echo and needed an excuse to put something out to appease my readers. I won't be uploading this story to Wattpad or AO3, so uh... I guess those people will have to just be patient?
Again, sorry for the delays, beauties. Thank you for reading this and remember to always stay determined!~ <3
Oh yeah, this should go without saying, but uh... The AUs mentioned in this short story don't belong to me (though the alt Magics do). Go give props to the creators of Underfell, Outertale, Horrortale, Reapertale, Dancetale, XTale, Epictale, and the creators of Ink!Sans, the Omega Timeline, and CORE!Frisk. Also, shoutout to one of my Discord friends for listing the first five AUs in that list to use in this crazy little spinoff story. You're a true bro. Who knows if I'll be using these AUs again in the future? Maybe you'll have to wait and see for yourselves. ;)
Bye now!
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theauthor0 · 1 year
This Au is not balanced at all and is still incomplete, if you plan to include Omega!Tale in a multiverse then you must get rid of Alpha!Tale, Reaper!Tale, Dream!Tale, Error, Core, and Ink since all these characters replaces their roles and has some aspects of them. I’m fine with you giving feedback but just don’t ask me to limit them (unless on certain abilities) because there supposed to be OP, I do plan to balance some abilities though and add weakness, and they have a backstory but that’s in progress also there might be some errors or abilities that are not explained well if so please tell me, also in the description of characters were I talk about the combination, it is NOT a fusion, I’m just saying which characters I took inspiration and aspects from.
These artifacts are stored in God Domain
If it has a bullet point that means someone is using it
There are more artifacts but that is left for you to create
Name: Book of the creators
Description: A black book with gold lining on it that is the size of a dictionary but smaller
Ability: Allows the user to communicate to the creators
Drawback: None
Holder: Protector!Asriel
Name: Wishing Orb
Description: A pink Orb
Ability: Can grant the wish of the user
Drawback: It only has 2 uses (It was originally 3 but Asgore used it on his son) and there are limits on what it can grant
Name: Valkyrie Set
Description: A weapon and Armor that relates to Valkyrie it provides wings, changeable weapon orb
Ability: status immunity, increased speed, strength, and defense, and auto healing.
Drawback: None
Holder: Chara
Name: Decyring
Creator: made by ThatGuyWithTooManyAUs
Description: A small, hoop earring. It looks fairly normal, but the energy can be felt on it.
Ability: It can allow the wearer to understand any language they hear.
Drawback: The wearer can only speak backwards, and the translation is the evil spawn of Google translate and autocorrect.
Artist Set
Description: A weapon and Armor that relates to a Artist it provides an Fountain Pen, a infinite paper bag, increased speed, agility, and reaction time.
Drawback: None specific ones
Holder: Frisk
Twin Techno Set
Ability: Armor that uses technological attacks, it provides flight, laser beams, EMP, missiles, remote bombs, railgun, Plasma weapons, and etc, it increases defense and speed
Holder: Mettaton and Napstablook
Description: Looks exactly like Gold but is heavier, and shines like a rainbow
Ability: A material created by Omni!Asgore that is immune to magic, physical, code, and etc. This material is used for Asgore Armor and the castle in God domain
Drawback: None
Name: MultiIron
Description: looks exactly like Iron but more shiny and heavier
Ability: A material created by Omni!Asgore it is the same as OmniGold but is much weaker. This material is used for Undyne Armor and her castle
Drawback: None just weaker than OmniGold
Time watch
Description: A golden pocket watch with a gold chain on it and a little dial
Ability: Can rewind, slow and accelerate time
Drawback: it lasts for 20 seconds
Creator: Something Funny
Description: it's looks like an average bronze pocket watch.
Ability: can freezes time (meaning attacks, turns, and movement) but the person who froze it is unfrozen
Drawback: the user can't move but can look around, it lasts for 3 seconds
Foundation of Laws
Description: a Small pure white crystal that can fit in the palm of you hand
Ability: This Crystal in simple is the manifestation of all laws mainly the ones of reality, space, time, and etc, while the Crystal itself does nothing it is said that given the proper vessel it would allow a being to control, bypass, and set new laws
Drawback: the crystal itself is extremely fragile and once broken there is no way for it to be brought back or repaired, it also needs a vessel to handle its power if the vessel cannot handle its power it would be Erased
Holder: MK
State: Destroyed
Mystic Crystal- a crystal that infuse with magic can allow the user to travel anywhere and even to the God domain however if that place blocks teleportation it will teleport the being somewhere far from it
Description: a blue and purple crystal
Ability: the crystal allows the user to traverse through time and space with ease even being able to travel to other multiverses and at any point in time
Drawback: the crystal itself is extremely fragile
Sword of Space
Description: a sword that is pitch black with stars all over it, it looks more like a saber but is much bigger
Ability: Can cut through space to hit its opponent and can create portals
Drawback: None
『"Irrationality and all that isn't"』
Creator: Karma
Description:〔A book bound with something that looks like leather, but has the distinct notion of not being such. Looking at the books is difficult, as it's innate properties cause light to fail at its basic functions sending back an erratic series of every possible color back to the eyes instead of the actual book pages, and even the cover is notable in that it cannot be seen, simply noticed. Those who can read the book don't actually read it, they simply perceive the knowledge given.〕
-Ability: The book teaches a strange view and perspective on reality, and that, when mixed with the books other unknown teachings, causes the owner to not quite function under normal logic
-Owner can change their own perspective on reality, being able to physically perceive and travel across spacetime. This is not time travel nor teleportation in any strict sense, although it can achieve similar effects.
-Owner can seemingly ignore attacks entirely, even those which would by all logic be Incapable of dodging or erasing. Stranger still, any forms of code manipulation, soul manipulation, or any other method used in an attempt to kill the owner will paradoxically both happen and not happen, causing an innate mental confusion in any who witness it, and leaving the owner somehow unharmed despite this.
-Owner gains an unknown classification of reality manipulation, which works seemingly on the simple rules of "turn that which isn't into that which is".
-Drawback:〔One cannot simply look at the book and gain its abilities, they must be fully comprehended before its powers can be utilized. This cannot be bypassed via any forms of knowledge transmission without killing all who participated, nor any other method of "cheating" such knowledge. All known owners of this book who have comprehended it have, after approximately 1-10 years, died of seemingly random and illogical causes, such as one which was, to the best knowledge of everyone who saw the event, erased with what seemed to be literally brush strokes while simultaneously being "painted" into existence, which ended with the would be god "shattering" in all directions simultaneously and vanishing〕
-Requirements to utilize
「Cannot hold a fully rigid view of reality」
「Cannot be connected to any individual in any magical or soul-based」
「Cannot actively wish to read specifically for the powers given. Those who wish this will simply be unable to read the pages」
Locket of Insanity
Creator: Emton
Description: A Locket of Madness, driven by rage and anger, once a cherished item and now a curse to the wearer
Ability: When worn the Locket becomes one with your mind, fusing with it putting you into an enrage trans giving you an immense amount of strength, agility and ect. (Also if the wearer has an ability themselves, this would boost the properties of the ability if it makes sense)
Drawback: When taken off, stamina and health is drained by a lot, depending on how long it's worn. Maximum amount of HP and Stamina that can be drained is 70%
God Domain
Members: Fate!Toriel, Omni!Asgore, Protector!Asriel, Ink!Frisk, Valkyrie!Chara, Keeper!Gerson, Guard!
Fuku's and Guard!Grillbies
Entrance: The Entrance can be summoned by Toriel, Asgore, Gerson and Asriel, everyone else cannot summon the entrance unless given permission.
Location: A Separate dimension/plane of existence
About: The God Domain is in a separate dimension that has a forest with fruits, rivers, and many different plants however there are no animals in the dimension (except the ones Toriel created), this dimension is finite and once a being reaches the edge they will be transported to other side of the forest. In the middle of the Forest exist a Castle, this is where they live, the castle has walls surrounding it, a garden, a infinite library, a Throne rooms, a dinning hall plus kitchen, a treasure room, a artifact room, living quarters for the guards, rooms fit for a king, prince, and queen, two extra rooms for chara and Frisk, 8 different bathrooms, and etc, the castle is enchanted with many defenses and is made of OmniGold. The castle itself seems to be alive (sorta) and when more beings come to live here, rooms are created by the castle itself. A barrier surrounds the castle not letting anything in without permission and even blocks teleportation, reality manipulation, space manipulation, time manipulation, and etc, although it is possible to break the barrier. It is much larger on the inside than the outside.
Death Living quarters
Members: Crash and Reaper!Person
Entrance: Just a normal door
Location: The Void
About: Crash lives in a simple wooden lounge with one room and a kitchen and living room in the same room, it is located in the Void and despite being so simple it is actually pretty hard to destroy it. Reaper likes to hang the souls around and inside the house.
Judgement Prison
Members: Judge!Papyrus, Watcher!Flowey, and
Entrance: A giant gate made with a Multilron
Location: The Void
About: The Prison seems to look like modern day prison mixed with a castle, a barrier also surrounds the prison similar to the one in the God domain but it is much weaker and does only defends against space manipulation and teleportation, it walls are grey and are also made with the Multilron but it is much weaker, despite being quite small inside the prison it is much more larger it contain near infinite cells, Living quarters for the guards, a judge room, and a room for papyrus. The prison has many security features incase a escape happens like various traps and closing doors.
King Castle
Members: Multiverse!Undyne, Moderator! Alphys, Timeline!Muffet, Guardian!Mettaton and Napstablook, and Guard!Grillbies
Entrance: a giant gate made of wood but is enchanted
Location: Depending on how you make your multiverse it can be located in the Anti-Void or in the multiverse
About: Well not as big as the one in God Domain, The castle is pretty big and seems to be made of Multilron, it contains a throne room, 4 rooms, 6 bathrooms, and a living quarters for the guards and Muffet's, a barrier does surrounds the castle but is weaker than the one in God domain.
This section contains abilities that all characters have.
If it has a bullet point the character does not have it
Status immunity- are unaffected by poison, stuns, and etc
Valkyrie!Chara however if chara has the Armor on she will not be affected
Undyne and Asriel have a resistance NOT an immunity
Unwavering Soul- are unaffected by telekinesis, possession, and other similar abilities
Timeline!Muffet and Guard!Grillbies however they are not affected by possession
If Chara does not have the Armor on she will be affected by those things
Ink!Frisk is not affected by possession but is affected by telekinesis
Uncorruptable Mind- Any form of Physiological attacks, mind altering attacks, illusions, unwanted emotions, and etc do not affect them
Timeline!Muffet, Guard!Grillbies, and Ink!Frisk
Chara, undyne, and Asriel have a resistance to it
Anti-Hack- code cannot be accessed, edited, or seen and code attacks do not have any affect
Timeline!Muffet, Ink!Frisk, Valkyrie, Multiverse!Undyne, Guardian!Mettaton and Napstablook code can be seen but not edited and can be damaged
Corrupt!Gaster code can be seen and edited but its so messed up it wouldn’t do anything, Code attacks affect him a lot
Denied- All forms of buttons do not work in their presence
Timeline!Muffet, Protector!Asriel, Guardian!Mettaton and Napstablook, Ink!Frisk, and Valkyrie!Chara is immune to reset and overwrite
Deletion Prevention- cannot be erased or deleted
Timeline!Muffet and Guard!Grillby
Asriel, chara, and frisk have a resistance to being deleted or earsed
Flight- You know what this does
Watcher!Flowey, judge!papyrus, and Multiverse!Undyne
Corrupt!gaster can only fly if he possesses someone that can fly
Ink!Frisk but he can fly if he has his pen
Time immunity- Are immune to time stopping and time alteration (killing their past selves will not affect their future)
These have a resistance to time stopping Valkyrie!Chara and Protector!Asriel
These characters do Not have an resistance or immunity to time stopping Timeline!Muffet, Guard!Grillbies, Corrupt!Gaster, Ink!Frisk, Guardian!Mettaton and Napstablook
Continue- It is not possible to Erase the characters attacks
Chara, frisk, Guard!grillbies, and timeline!muffet
Undyne and Asriel have a resistance to it
The List goes from Strongest to Weakest
Omnipotent!Asgore- King of the Gods who represents order in the multiverse
Fate!Toriel- Queen of the Gods who is the goddess of Life and Positvity
Crash!Sans- The God of Death who manages death in the multiverse
Judge!Papyrus- The God of Negativity who keeps the criminals in check
Moderator!Alphys- The God of Code who manages the timelines and Au's
Keeper!Gerson- A God without a title who manages the Artifacts and knowledge
King Multiverse!Undyne- The king of the multiverse who helps manages the multiverse
Reaper!Person- A being created by death to serve Crash
Protector!Asriel- The son of the Omni!Asgore and Fate!Toriel who protects the Aus from threats
Corrupt!Gaster- Once a god that controlled negativity but now has lot his status due to a creature fusion with him
Mad!Mecha- The Leader/Captain of the Royal Guards who trains and protects the Gods, is also the strongest guard
Guardian!Mettaton- One of Royal Guards who is the second strongest
Guardian!NapstaBlook- One of the Royal Guards who is the third strongest
Valkyrie!Chara- A human created by Fate!Toriel to protect Asriel
Ink!Frisk- A human created by Fate!Toriel to protect Asriel
Watcher!Flowey- A monster created by Fate!Toriel to serve papyrus and watch over the prison
Guard!Grillbies- The Royal Guards who protect the gods
Guard!Fuku- The Royal Guards who protect the gods
Timeline!Muffet- A being created by Alphys to help manage the timelines of the Au's
Lost!Kid- A broken being who is forgotten across all of time
This Au was inspired by
Alpha!Tale by @shadikal15-blog
Reaper!Tale by @renrink
Error!Sans by @loverofpiggies
Ink!Sans by @comyet
Core by @dokudoki
Dream!Tale by @jokublog
Undertale by Toby Fox
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wickjump · 1 month
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My name is Wick (she/they), also known as Wickskip (TikTok), Wickjump (Tumblr), or Hopwick (AO3*).
On all platforms my content centers around Undertale and the Undertale Multiverse, however I’ll also sometimes reblog/post about a few other fandoms.
What I post and reblog can contain themes of violence, mental illness, suicide/self harm, suggestive themes, or more. For those reasons, this blog is intended for audiences 16+ in age.
information zone /ᐠ - ˕-マ。˚ᶻ 𝗓
[⁉️] byf/dni:
dni: pro/com/darkshippers (i do not support harassment or doxxing), TERFs, zionists/pro-isreal, anti-semitics, basic dni criteria (bigots). also xvials shippers, the person who popularized the ship (and even made the ship name) literally admitted it was a proship. you can stop pretending
byf: i will sometimes post/reblog things of a suggestive nature, but none of said posts will be graphic nudity. i am not an nsfw account, and will not reblog or post nsfw content, but it may be briefly mentioned or discussed. any suggestive posts will be tagged as such so you’re able to block the tag and not see that kind of content.
*my ao3 account is not intended for children.
[⚠️] boundaries:
pls no asks referring to alcoholism, substance abuse, or proship content.
don’t flirt with me or make sexual comments towards me, regardless of age or relationship status, including jokes!!!! conversations with graphic sexual themes are generally uncomfortable for me and i’d prefer not to have them.
don’t drag me into fights/start them under my posts!!!!!!!
sometimes i can be wrong about things. if i am wrong about things, tell me so i can improve!! i never mean to make anyone upset because of something i said.
[⭐️] faves:
aus: xtale, handplates, dusttale, reapertale, aftertale
au sanses: cross, reaper, lust, dream, dust, error, sci and fresh
canon ut characters: chara, frisk, asriel, toriel, alphys
other au characters: xtale alphys, xchara, xtale toriel, uf!toriel, uf!flowey, reapertale chara, handplates gaster, starlo (ut:y), outertale grillby, core frisk
ships: lustblue, kross, hypersomnia, afterdeath, bad sans poly, errorink qpr, and drinkberry. im not a picky shipper though :))
tropes: devotion, childhood friends -> lovers, hurt/comfort, opposites attract
color, animal, movie, book: pink/red/yellow, cat, the little prince (1974)/the last unicorn, fading echoes/the forgotten warrior (wc)
coffee order: 60-120k word slow burn rivals/strangers/friends to lovers modern au (possibly with a fantastical twist)
[🕯] other assorted info:
no twitter, discord, or insta :(
i have another name btw it’s winnie :3
every time i talk about ink in a relationship it is always queerplatonic on his part, even if i don’t clarify!! i personally don’t like shipping him romantically.
i have diagnosed autism, adhd, anxiety, and some others but that’s my personal biz. if i come off as awkward, ‘trying too hard’, unable to realize when a joke’s ended, or just weird/unlikable, that’s why. i’m seriously bad with that stuff but i’m trying my best!!
i’m an ace lesbian (i love women) and fem non-binary
i am squirrelstar, nightcloud, and mapleshade’s biggest fans and defenders ever!!!!!!!!!!! it’s fine if you don’t like them, just please don’t hate on them in reblogs of my posts or my askbox. common courtesy you know?
pls stop telling me to block people bc they draw gore art i don’t care as long as they’re not sexualizing it or endorsing the actions, it’s a genre of horror u cannot watch saw for fun and then get made at sans fangirl 172838373 for drawing sans undertale being crushed alive. this is the same for most* other dark themes.
*please google the definition of most. i do not mean all. there are some themes i personally wouldn’t want to interact with.
[🐇] links to my projects
Undertrap Sans/Milkbone Sans
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(warrior cats divider by skelos-cath)
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utmvarchive · 2 months
Reapertale: a summary.
As stated before, some AUs seem to run in different formats. "Reapertale" is another such AU, but rather than running as a soap opera, this Tale seems to play out like Greek mythos, positioning monsters as gods.
Toriel, goddess of life and warmth, gave breath to the earthly realm and sprouted humankind... but they were not yet mortals, and as they continued to propagate, so did conflict among them, and the balance of the earth tilted. His majesty Asgore, god of the sky from which he and the other first gods were born, and to which they would return if ever they passed on, turned to Gerson, god of wisdom, for answers. And Gerson, in turn, commissioned Gaster, god of the arcane, to conjure a counterbalance. Together, they used the power of darkness to invent the gods of death– Sans and Papyrus. Their conception deeply offended her majesty Toriel, and she secluded herself on the earth to swear off any further creation.
Though life would continue, sterility and stagnation would break out in the goddess' absence, and humanity's faith in the gods would falter. This brought on the loss of the god of hope– Asriel– as he was reaching to save Chara, a devoted acolyte, from tragedy. He was too late, and when his stardust fell into a pool of their blood, he would be reborn as an emissary of despair... again as a golden flower.
As it would happen, Chara would be the reapers' first job; but the gods of death were still newly-formed, and the dark magic used to conjure them still leaked from their forms and their scythes. Thus, only a moment's hesitation was enough for Sans' essence to corrupt Chara's SOUL, which was already embittered by the betrayal of mortal and immortal alike. They would escape, adopting the role of a demon in the following centuries.
In his effort to find Chara, Sans instead found Toriel's hidden sanctuary. The two were confrontational at first, but soon it became clear that Sans liked finding somewhere that allowed him reprieve from his thankless job, being the brother in charge of collecting the SOULs of the damned and the restless. In secret, they grew close...
...and then, claiming a role as harbinger of entropy, Chara too found Toriel. Though a god, they struck her down using a scythe stolen from Sans, igniting an Era of Corruption– an outbreak of strife, stagnation and stillbirth.
Undyne, goddess of war, was next to find what was left of the fallen god's hideaway, and confronted Sans before she could see could see that he too was grieving. Papyrus managed to intervene and calm Sans, stopping the spread of his necrotic influence, redirecting Undyne's attention to seek guidance from the father gods.
Of the first gods, Asgore was still in mourning, Gerson had gone quiet, and Gaster had gone to consult an all-seeing mirror. The mirror could show him everything– past present and future– but Chara had found it first, clouding its vision to lure him closer. They trapped him in it, and they shattered the mirror, scattering him and all memories of him with its shards.
In an effort to buy more time to rediscover life, the goddess of knowledge... Alphys... would be tasked with finding alternatives for creation. Her... first attempt involved the willing sacrifice of other gods, but these efforts would be in vain. The second attempt involved making a new vessel for a prematurely disembodied SOUL, and so... Mettaton would be created as a golem, embodying self-love.
What remained of the slain goddess was eventually detected by the opposing reapers at the same time, but Sans was thankfully faster than Chara and took her SOUL into hiding within his and Papyrus' own realm. He procured a stained-glass flower she'd once made for him after his touch withered the live white lily she previously tried to hand him, and he sacrificed the gift to bring her back with the essence of hers it had preserved. Thus, her restoration was secured.
But it would not be until the emergence of Frisk, demigod of mercy, that Chara would be cured of corruption and instead represent faith, and the balance of their world would finally stabilize.
...Seeing that mirror for myself would make my job so much easier if it were still intact...
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fantasticalbiology · 4 months
So does anyone remember anything about the undertale au Reapertale other then the fact that Sans is a grim reaper. If you answer yes to this your probably lying. So here is Godtale plus Godtale yellow
Asgore- All father and god of Mount Ebott, he who started a war with Mortal due to the death and disrespect of his son by Chara the Blamed. Said to have slain the six mortal champions that came to the mountain to quell his fury
Toriel- The goddess of Hearth, family, and symbol of the mother bears and Formally married to the All father Asgore. After the declaration of war on mortals Toriel left Asgore ands retreated for a cave until the time was right to strike against the foolish all father
Sans- The god of good times, relaxing, bad humors, tormentor of the god of good mental jests, judgement and psychopomps who found himself in good company with the goddess of the hearth Toriel. She asked of him a promise to judge the mortal fairly when they cross hin and he agreed
Papyrus- The god of wheat, tomatoes, mental jests, platonic friendships, brother to the god of good times and allies to the warrior god who serves the all father. When Papyrus encounter Frisk the Determined he himself was determined to capture them so that he could join the illustrious ranks of the warrior god
Undyne- The one eyed Warrior god of wrestling, the spear of the All father and fire ironically as she’s often depicted as a humanoid fish. She is good friends (and nothing else) with the goddess of occult knowledge, considered a good friend with the god of wheat to which they get into cooking matches. Now supposedly when she was still a young wild god she encountered the mortal warrior known as either Gab or Cody the kind, sources vary. There is an even more  conflicting information that she has an aspect known as the Undying remains to be seen, but what is held as fact is that this due to her encountering Chara the blamed who was trying to kill a young spirit, she took the attack and from her body sprang the Undying.
Mad Dummy- A spirit that represents anger, one of their epithets is Mad Dummy Za Worldo, but that neither hear nor there. What is important is that Mad Dummy has a major aspect known as Mad Mew Mew, who represent a form of death and rebirth ironic if you ask me.
Naptstablook- A spirit that represent malaise. They often credited as being a great musician with toon capable of sending you to a different realm
Alphys- The goddess of the occult, forbidden knowledge, accidental corruption of life and golem making. Ancient scripts says that she usurped a god known as Gaster, but that is only hear say and rumors of the crazy.
Mettaon- A spirit who inhabits the body of a golem the goddess of the occult created.
Mettaon the cubed- An aspect of Mettaon that represent constraint, but solid defence
Mettaon Ex- Represent coming out of your shell, and performance
Mettaon Neo- Another aspect similar to the Undying after an encounter with Chara the Blamed. Some say that they represent a solid defense, but that is a lie spread by mad men
Frisk- Frisk the determined is one of the mortal warriors who came to Mount Ebott for unknown reason. It is said that their journey ended with them getting other mortals to respect the old gods as they are said to be the only to reach Mount Ebott’s top.
Chara- It is said that Chara is an aspect of Frisk or the other way around as they share the epithet of the determined They also go by Chara the blamed as they represent those whose curiosity got the best of them and now need a scapegoat to blame. Ironic as it is said that they were adopted by the All father and goddess of the hearth.
Flowey- A trickster deity and the husk of Asriel the god of hopes and dreams. He tricked the god of Wheat into bringing the other god together so that he could steal their power, turning into or back into Asriel the absolute. It is said that Frisk the determined defeated Asriel the absolute and with his defeat able to ascend to the top of the mountain
Godtale yellow
Dalv- god of lighting and lord of the deep dark within the cave Toriel dwells in. He accept offering of corns and has association with the goddess of sweet dreams.
Marlet- The goddess of craftsmanship and duty. Apparently traveled with the Mortal Clover the just according to some stories. Was imprisoned by those who surround the god of corn. Some say she an  aspect of Papyrus, but this is false.
Zenith Marlet- An aspect of Marlet and a psychopomps from story of Clover the unjust. Represent the fury against those who believe themselves to be just and will punish those with claws and feathers a flying. Some say the Zenith is an aspect of Sans, but this false because they were kicking about at the same time
Starlo- A god of corn, heroism, justice (debatably), honor, the sands of the west and friend to the goddess of motherhood and legacy. He is accompanied by four minor gods. 
Morray-A minor god of the sword, who was incorrectly labeled as an aspect of Undyne until it was discovered Morray uses a sword. 
Ed- A minor god of strength and is alway willing to lend a hand.
Ace- A mystery minor god of luck and card play
Mooch- A minor god of thievery and sneakiness. To me it kind of odd that Starlo is associated with this one.
Mo- A god of commerce and persistent merchants. Apparently if you believe the tales of Clover the unjust, Mo himself is also the god of illegally squandering money.
Ceroba- Originally thought of as an Toriel, but later denied. Ceroba is a odd in that the yellow pantheon she and her “family” seem to have come from somewhere else, but that’s neither hear nor there. She is the goddess of motherhood, legacy and the willingness to keep it alive.
Chujin- A god thought of by yours truly as a god of the occult, technically not untrue he is more known for the creation of golems. Apparently one of his golems dispatched one of the champion Flo the integral, after they almost harmed his child, the goddess of sweet dreams.
Gardener- One of Chujins golems, they are known as the protector of flowers
Axis 014- The soulless champion slayer, apparently in the tale of Clover the unjust he was integral in unlocking the bounds of which Clover lived up to their epithet as the unjust.
Kanako- The goddess of sweet dreams and sacrifice and the child of Ceroba and Chujin. Its not written any where, but apparently one tale describes after Chujin death Ceroba did something to Kanako and that’s why she’s not widely worship and she was later given to Alphys to aid her. Now this is speculation on a lot of people parts, but apparently Frisk the determined did meet them in the realm Alphys wished not accessed to tuck them in.
Clover- Clover the just or unjust depending on who you asks, is the mortal champion before Frisk the determined. They entered the mountain to find and rescue those who came before them, but ended up among the ranks of the dead by their own choice. There also are two retellings of Clover, one in which it ended with Clover defeating the trickster Flowey and a more grim retelling of their epithet as the unjust in which they slaughter everyone including the all father.
Flo- The champion before Clover the just. Honestly not much is known about Flo the integral, but what is known is that they were at the very least somewhat violent and that they were ended by Axis
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orcakt · 2 years
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I finished it. So please, let me explain what this is.
First, it’s Undertale September, but I decided to just do everything at once. Second, I liked the idea of every character being from a different AU. This was pretty much randomly assigned, so I had to design a few of the characters that didn’t previously exist in the story. Third, I liked @tatatale​‘s Palette Challenge so I did every character in a different palette.
And so, I ended up with this
Gasttale Frisk by (unknown), palette 11 Stroyshift Asriel by voltrathelively, palette 12 Spirittale Flowey by my friend (Belle), palette 12 Chesstale Chara by (unknown), design by me, palette 3 Xtale Toriel by Jakei, palette 4 Underswap Napstablook by Popcorn Pr1nce, palette 15 Underlust Sans by NSFWShamecave, palette 6 Birdtale Papyrus by Greyscales(I think?), palette 7 Undertale Annoying Dog by Toby Fox, palette 18 Magusverse Grimm(Grillby) by xfr3eax, palette 19 Burstale Shopkeeper by Aymar, design by me, palette 10 Othertale Undyne by Superyoumna, palette 1 Overtale Gerson by (unknown), design by me, palette 2 Horrortale Mad Mew Mew by SourAppleStudios, design found online, palette 13 Underpray Shyren by (unknown), design by me, palette 4 Dancetale Monster Kid by Teandstars, design by me, palette 15 FNaFtale Temmie by JadaE (me), palette 16 GZtale Alphys by Golzy Blade Dee, palette 17 Quantumtale Burgerpants by perfectshadow06, palette 8 Underdecay Mettaton by Little-Noko, palette 9 Deltarune Bratty by Toby Fox , palette 1 Reapertale Catty by Renrink, design by me, palette 20 Epictale Muffet by Yugogeer, palette 2 Neurosistale Asgore by JadaE (me), palette 3 Deathflower  Gaster  River Person by JadaE (me), palette 5 Clickertale Onion-san by Vitjok, design by me, palette 20
AUs that landed on the amalgamates (which kept them the same): Underfell by Underfella (Memoryhead, palette 14) Outertale by 2mi127 (Lemon Bread, palette 5) Endertale by TC-96 (Reaper Bird, palette 16) Glitchtale by Camila Cuevas (Endogeny, palette 17) Abysstale by Meta-kaz (Snowdrake’s Mother, palette 18)
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blvdcharms · 2 years
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And so AzzyTober comes to a close! I love Asriel's character and with all the sans stuff that floods the tags, I thought I could lighten the load with a bunch of fluffy boys and just give em all some love <3. I don't know about you guys but I had fun making all 31 of these pieces. If you'd like to check them out, I'll provide some quick links to them here!
Day 1: Undertale Day 2: Prince Day 3: Star Day 4: Fire Day 5: Playful Day 6: Mother Day 7: Father Day 8: Hope Day 9: Dream Day 10: Photo Day 11: Thorns Day 12: Hyper Goner Day 13: Sacrifice Day 14: Determination Day 15: Flower Day 16: Sorrow Day 17: Deltarune Day 18: Lightning Day 19: Human Day 20: Horns Day 21: Pie Day 22: Camera Day 23: Barrier Day 24: College Day 25: Locket Day 26: Paws Day 27: Rainbow Day 28: Statue Day 29: Sweater Day 30: Hyperdeath Day 31: Free Space Happy Halloween!
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kamari333 · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Ship List
I'm gonna put the undertale/UTMV ships of my kinktober 2022 here:
Horrortale Sans / Underlust Sans
Dancetale Sans / Underfell Sans
Dr33mtal3 Nightmare Sans / Xtale Sans
Swapfell Papyrus / Underpatch Sans (G)
Bittybones Sugar Plum / Mafiatale Sans*
Reapertale Sans / Underlust Sans
Dr33mtal3 Papyrus / Dr33mtal3 Dream Sans / Dr33mtal3 Nightmare Sans
Grillby / Papyrus
Dancetale Sans / Underfell Sans / Underlust Sans
Dancetale Sans / Something New Sans (Killer)
UndeRNG Sans | Falsi / Underlust Sans
Swapfell Papyrus / Underfell Papyrus
Dr33mtal3 Nightmare Sans / Mafiatale Sans*
Burgerpants / Doggo
Gaster / Sans
Dancetale Sans / Underfell Sans
Underfell Papyrus / Underlust Sans
Dr33mtal3 Nightmare Sans / Swapfell Papyrus / Underfell Sans / Underswap Papyrus
Underfell Sans / Underlust Sans
Sans / a fucking machine
Bittybones Sugar Plum / Mafiatale Sans*
Vegetoid / Reader (You)
Dr33mtal3 Dream Sans / Underlust Sans
Dancetale Sans / Underfell Sans / Underlust Sans
Dancetale Sans / Fellswap Sans
Sans / ??? (unknown person)
Fellswap Sans / Underfell Sans / Underswap Sans
Fresh / Underlust Sans
Sans / ??? / ??? (unknown people)
Sans / ??? / ??? (unknown people)
Dr33mtal3 Asriel / Sans**
I'm not too outgoing this year but some of these are pretty rarepair of me uwu
* Catsitta Edition
** Specifically "Nightmare" Sans, but due to the nature of Dr33mtal3 as an AU, and the specific time this chapter takes place, it probably isn't really recognizable as being "Nightmare" so much as just Sans.
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🖤❤️🤍♥️In this post we will put the latest alternate universe of Subtertale called:
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😇🪽🪽-Subterkamytale History:🪽🪽😇
The story of: Subterkamytale takes place on the Earth...where the Reapertale characters...I mean gods reign over humans and monsters and where the gods, monsters and humans live peacefully in the Earth.
In Subterkamytale the monsters are new monsters that have similarities with the monsters in Undertale.
However, the peace that exists on Earth is threatened when a radical group of humans began to spread hatred towards the gods and fear towards monsters, triggering a devastating war between humans and monsters.
The devastating war ended with the overwhelming victory of the humans, the monsters were expelled and exiled in the underground, where they were locked by a magical barrier imposed by the humans.
The story continues with the original gods, that is, the gods of Reapertale, since...the gods, witnessing how the population of humans and monsters began to spread, the balance of life was being broken since there were too many mortals living on Earth...and that in addition to that, humans and monsters had destroyed the peace on Earth, they decided to do something to regain balance and to recover the peace, they decided to create a God with the power to kill: Sans and Papyrus.
The gods, after creating their God with the power to kill, decided to send their two: Emissaries and semi-goddesses of mercy: Lyra and Frisk to the Earth.
Frisk in this Au is in charge of teaching mercy to humans and she will do everything possible to recover the peace that was on Earth.
Lyra in this Au is in charge of restoring the hope that the monsters lost and she will look for a way to free them from the underground.
🪽🪽😇Subterkamytale characters:🪽🪽😇
(Before starting with the characters of this Au, tell you that All the gods of this Au including the demigoddesses: Frisk and Lyra...and finally including Chara are divine/spiritual beings.
Therefore they do not have a physical or established form, they can take on multiple forms (one of those forms is their human form with which they can go to earth without mortals discovering their identity as gods), and "Death/Sans and Papyrus" takes on multiple faces/appearances, and the "Sans" we know in this Au is one of them).
-Emissaries and semi-goddesses of mercy:
Frisk and Lyra.
In Subterkamytale Frisk keeps the six human souls that are emissaries of the same character but corrupted by darkness and hatred.
-Beloved acolyte of faith/The Corrupt former Goddess that corrupts souls/former Goddess of Hope alongside Asriel and princess of the gods:
She slowly became an outcast, as humanity grew with the hatred of gods and fear of monsters, she remained firmly well.
Over time, Chara had also suffered harassment and abuse from the humans who began to hate gods and fear monsters, which would have caused Chara to steadily begin to or she new eternal mission is: corrupt the souls of humans even more.
Deep down, she never wanted to disappoint the gods she loved so much...especially Toriel, Chara sought solace in her love for the gods more and more so she forged a friendship with his brother Asriel, Chara and Asriel became inseparable.
Chara once managed to steal Sans's scythe which she uses to take Toriel's life or so she thought... since Lyra before being sent to Earth saves Toriel from being killed.
She dislikes Sans quite a bit but without actually hating him.
She has a great hatred for humanity, yet she appreciates without loving monsters.
She appreciates the humans who use the hatred that Chara uses to further corrupt they souls.
Chara also she dislikes Lyra a little but without hating her for save Toriel.
-Goddess of life and queen of the gods: Toriel.
She brought life to the world and created humans and monsters, all of them are her creation and her children, she learned that Asgore, Gerson and Gaster propose the creation of death.
Toriel, disgusted by this decision, fled the divine sphere and hid in isolation on Earth, where if it had not been for Lyra saving her, she would have been killed by Chara when she lowered her Guard before Chara.
-Gods of death: Sans and Papyrus.
Subterkamytale Papyrus and Sans' appearance and clothing are the same as Reapertale Sans and Reapertale Papyrus.
Papyrus is the kind and compassionate side of death while Sans is the not kind or compassionate side of death.
The two take care of souls truly corrupted and completely contaminated by hatred.
The two also take care of all the souls of the Earth, both human and monsters, obviously.
Sans and Papyrus can manipulate a Soul, that means they can harvest souls, that is, take the souls of mortals.
Everything Sans and Papyrus touch dies instantly.
Sans has two clocks with sand of souls where in one of those clocks he observes the life of each living or mortal being, that is, human and monster, and in the other clock he observes how much time they have left to live. His watches are black and the souls inside are the same color as the 6 human souls but the souls inside the watches are not the 6 human souls.
His brother Papyrus also has a single clock that allows him to observe the lives of mortals and when they will appear where he wait them.
Papyrus also carries most of the burden as he takes responsibility for organizing events and maintenance on Earth while Sans takes the role as judge of souls.
Finding Chara's corrupted soul, Sans tries to end her suffering but she is more cunning and steals one of his scythes.
Sans has a big addiction to coffee.
Sans and his brother Papyrus have black wings.
Sans uses his black scythe as a weapon, Chara stole a another scythe from him.
Papyrus uses a smaller black scythe than Sans.
Every time Sans kills or takes some healthy and pure soul, Sans becomes very weak and his soul decreases a little.
Sans can fight other gods without receiving serious damage, also in this Au the gods cannot kill each other.
-Goddess of fortune: Muffet.
-God of the home: Grillby.
-Goddess of knowledge: Alphys.
Alphys is quite shy and saved Mettaton's soul with her magic.
-Goddess of war: Undyne.
She mistakes Frisk for Chara so she attempts to destroy her corrupted soul but she is stopped by Sans clarifying that she is not the one she is looking for.
-God of the heaven and king of the gods: Asgore.
Asgore was aware of the imbalance that Toriel's love generated and he made a decision that had to be made but no one blames Toriel and that is simply because he decided that way.
Asgore realized that due to the imbalance, human beings are taking advantage of life and therefore are victims of darkness and apathy, death was necessary to take advantage of life and he understands that what Toriel did was with love but In the end Asgore made a difficult decision but he did so with humility and sadness.
He is a kind and gentle god and king...but he does what is necessary.
-God of hope/now demi-god of hope and prince of the gods: Asriel.
He and his sister Chara were the gods of hope but Chara stopped being the goddess of hope.
Asriel is the eldest son of the gods: Toriel and Asgore and Chara's brother, he wanted to protect Chara since she believed in him.
When Asriel died, his soul was corrupted and divided into two parts:
-One part created a being that possessed the capricious magic, faith and broken hope and broken dreams of Asriel called: Flowey.
In this Au Flowey is the embodiment of despair and bitterness.
Flowey became Chara's partner and Flowey and Chara are not friends.
-The other part unfortunately began to break but thanks to the determination of Lyra and Frisk since they knew that Asriel died...that part did not break and Asriel returned to life.
Now Asriel is a demi-god just like Lyra and Frisk.
He is a human who, upon losing his life due to being killed by a human after protecting several monsters and humans from the attack of the human that killed him, his soul was used to turn him into a crystal golem.
-God of wisdom: Gerson.
He has a great indifference towards human beings and has an admiration towards monsters.
-God of magic: Gaster.
Gaster was in charge of creating and ending death in its entirety, giving them magic, however due to the fact that Gaster had never created anything before there were unpredictable consequences and two gods of death were created instead of one, Sans and Papyrus...both with the title of God of death as two sides of the same coin.
Both...I mean Sans and Papyrus are made of a mixture of magic, wisdom and darkness.
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friisans · 3 years
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dreams & spacetime
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itzmee-07 · 2 years
Misc stuff?? (doodles i guess)
These are just random things I drew hjghfhgj
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This was part of an Undertale AU idea I had but the inspiration sorta died down and I dunno what to do with it anymore :')
I could try and make something out of it when I get a little time though :D
Undertale and all its characters belong to Toby Fox (I only own the idea of my AU U-U)
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One of my friends gave me an idea to draw this :0 (It was mostly for me to figure out my art style)
Please ignore the ink blotches, I usually draw in used notebooks >:'0
Horror!Sans belongs to @horrortalecomic Killer!Sans belongs to @rahafwabas Murder!Sans (Dust!Sans) belongs to @ask-dusttale
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Geno!Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies
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Again, another prompt by my friend :D
Sans Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
Reaper!Sans belongs to @renrink
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Frisk and Chara belong to Toby Fox :D
I'll leave it at that for now U-U
I do have much much more planned to do once my exams are over >:0
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edenverseedentale · 4 years
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Edenverse Chrismas/New Year 2019 (8 - 11)
Credit :
First one : AnotherTime, AT!Hope, AT!Despair, AT!Chara/Char’, AT!Asriel/As’ and AT!Toriel belong to @draniae-blog Eden!DustTale!Chara and Rancœur belong to @pokeamifeatherstar  Original DustTale belong to @ask-dusttale Core!Frisk belong to @dokudoki Reapertale!Chara/Reapy belong to @renrink
Second one :
Proto!Sans/Proto and Proto!Nightmare/Nighter belong to @draniae-blog The original Nightmare!Sans belong to @jokublog
Third one :
Twinned Souls, TS!Sans, TS!Frisk, TS!Gaster and TS!Alphys  belong to @pokeamifeatherstar​
Fourth one :
Wolftale!Sans/Wave, Wolftale!Gaster, Ilais, Zai and Silencer belong to @draniae-blog TwinnedSouls!CuddlyFennec/Star belong to @pokeamifeatherstar Nihil/Proto!Undermemory!Nil belong to @pokeamifeatherstar Wave Nihil/Proto!Nil original version Undermory!Nil belong to @undermemory
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