lily-drake · 2 years
The Demon’s Queen
Chapter Seven
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“You will refer to me as Master.”
“Really, another one of you?”
“Fine, look, all I’m asking is if you can let us talk to our Grand Guardian.”
The black cat asked agitatedly as it flew around the room unable to touch any of his property.
“No.  I will not have you corrupt the girl more than you already have.  I can only imagine how much life you have stolen from that boy.”
Damian said passively as he looked over the documents and reports from his shadows around the world.  It appeared he may need to leave for a few days in order to deal with a partner that was thinking of going rogue.  That wouldn’t do.
The little god flew right in front of his line of vision, stopping him from scanning the papers. Damian sighed and pushed away from his desk.
“We can’t touch our jewels, we can’t help her, you made certain of that.  So why can’t we talk to her when she is alone in her room?”
“I do not trust you, and  know not to underestimate her.  With you there are many things that she can do, even if you do not directly help her.”
The cat let out a sly grin, turning upside down as he stared Damian down.
“You’re a smart one, I may start to like you if you believe in our guardian’s abilities that much.”
“I do not choose people that I would like to keep close to me lightly.  There is a reason she is here instead of continuing a never ending battle back in Paris.” 
The cat hummed before sighing as he flew over to where the spotted bug was seated far away from Damian and the other kwamii were situated.  Damian sighed as he turned his head to look out the windows.  The sun was completely gone, and it looked like there would be a snow storm soon, he better get some air before then.  Calmly, Damian left the room and began his walk through the halls towards the courtyard so he could look at the night sky before he began his nightly patrol.
As soon as he stepped outside, he knew something was amiss.  It was fine though, he would figure it out, if it was deadly he would have noticed by now.  He walked the grounds until he noticed a shadow hidden behind a pillar.
“Stop hiding Marinette, you do not blend in with the shadows very well yet.”
Slowly he watched as the young girl limped from the shadows.
“Why do you limp?”
“Why should I tell you anything?”
“Because I am your Head.”
“Not of my own volition.  You kidnapped me, you bas*!”
She shouted, arms crossed around herself as a slight shiver wracked her body.  No one had ever addressed him like this.  No one had ever dared.  He narrowed his eyes at her, but she didn’t back down.
“I could have you flogged for that.”
“Then do it!  Everyone here says that I’m going to die, so better yet, why don’t you just finish the job?!  Kill me!”
Damian didn’t know what to do.  He had never been put in this situation, no one had dared to question him like this.  His hand instinctively reached for his katana, clenching his fist around the hilt to keep himself grounded.  He had been getting better at controlling his anger, especially when he needed the support of the person he was interacting with.  
“I do not wish to argue with you, nor do I wish for your death.  Unfortunately, in this line of work, the likelihood of casualties is high.  That is why you are training.”
There was a long pause where they both stared the other down, emerald green against sapphire blue, the earth versus the sky, and it seemed neither of them would back down.
“So did you kill them?”
She asked, disgust and anger heavy in her tone.
“I’ve killed many, you will have to be specific.”
Damian replied plainly.
“You know exactly who I’m talking about.”
She growled, though he couldn’t hear a slight tremor in her voice.
“If you are referring to the terrorists in you city, then no.  I received news that the ambulance had made it in time.”
“What did you do to Chat?”
He is alive and well, no harm came to him.
He watched as her shoulders fell slightly in relief at his words though she never dropped her fierce gaze from his. 
A cold breeze passed through them, a reminder of what was soon to come.
“A storm is coming, it would be best if you return to your quarters unless you wish to freeze.”
“Freezing to death sounds better than returning to a cage.”
Damian kept his face neutral, but he just did not understand.  His heart was beating a mile a minute, and while he was agitated at the defiance he was not angry.  The fire in his eyes he had seen while they had been sparring and witnessed many times while she was in the midst of battle burned with a ferocious intensity.  As he stared at her he could pick apart each of her emotions, her body an open book.  
Her eyes showed a fierce anger and hatred, her body was ready for action though from the shaking she was both cold and exhausted.  Damian had never cared whether or not someone had liked him before.  All he cared about was that they kept their oath and did their job.  But for some reason the idea of her hating him made him…uncomfortable.  The wind picked up once more and small flecks of white began to float through the air.  It was time for this conversation to come to a close.  
“I will return you to your quarters now.”
“No you will not.”
“You do not get a say in this.”
And before she could say another word he grabbed her wrist and began to drag her away.  He felt her fight against his grip, twisting and turning as she tried to escape his grasp, but he kept a firm grip. It was loose enough that she wouldn’t bruise, but she would not be able to break it anytime soon, especially in her weakened condition.
“Let go of me you psychotic jacka*!  You can’t keep me here forever!”
She yelled, her breathing picking up as panic corded through her body.  Once they were in front of her door he let go of her wrist, watching as she pulled it close to her chest as if she could shield it a way from his grip.  He watched as she took in shuddered breaths, her eyes watering as her face turned down into a frustrated snarl.
“Why can’t you just let me go?  I’m useless without my Miraculous and you already destroyed the threat to my city.”
Goodness this girl was frustrating.  Did she really not see her own strength?  Not understand how the people around her were holding her back from her true potential as they greedily usurped her spirit.  The longer he stared at her the more he could see that she truly believed that she carried little worth.
“I told you before, and I hope that I will never have to repeat myself.  So listen closely, Marinette.  I chose you because you have great potential to rise above others.  You are skilled, far more than my one would expect as you have had no training before you became a hero.  And on that fact you stepped up and protected what you found important while others would either shy away or use the power for selfish reasons.  You have lost so many years of your life simply because you wanted to protect what you found was important.  People use you, they will hold you back.  You are here because you will lead others to greatness.  I do not tell people these things lightly.  Now be the warrior you were in Paris, the League will one day need your guidance.”
And with that, he turned and left to his own quarters, heart racing in an unfamiliar pattern.  He didn’t know why his heart was acting like this, why a feeling of righteous fury filled his bones when he thought of her saying how unimportant she was.  What other powers did this girl hold, and how could he use it to better his League.
Marinette watched as the boy retreated, her attempt of escape thwarted.  Her heart beat quickly in her chest as her blood flowed with an angry heat, and she could feel her throat closing in as she held in the urge to scream.
Fine, if he wanted her to be part of this organization so badly, she would do it.  But she wouldn’t do it for the reasons he wanted.  No, she would do it so that she could escape and if she failed, she would take this place down with her.
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