#will damian regret his choices?
h3lenofsparta · 1 year
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The robins watch the Lego movie. They choose violence. Good for them:)
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oldfangirl81 · 8 months
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They gave each other serious nods.
"For the honor!"
"For the honor!"
"And the first ever Celebrity Metropolis vs Gotham Bake off has begun. Our team Captains- Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are taking it very seriously." There was a sigh from the host, Oliver Queen whose city won the previous year..
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op-sys-chaos · 2 months
DPxDC prompt (demon twins au)
A video from your son, the email was titled. Bruce was confused. Which of his kids would send a video to his public work email??
Bruce clicked play.
On the screen was a boy who look a lot like Damian, but most certainly wasn’t him.
“This video is for the eyes of Bruce Wayne only.
Hi Dad. I’m Danny. You likely don’t know I exist, and if you’re receiving this, I’m already dead. Well, more dead than I already was. Maybe it’s cruel of me to send you a message post-mortem, but you deserve the truth, and telling you earlier would’ve put you in danger.
This email is set to automatically send if I haven’t opened my computer for 3 days. I sometimes set it longer if I’m on vacation or expecting trouble, but I’ve mostly likely been away from home for a bit over three days if you’re receiving this.
I don’t know who killed me. Obviously. I’m recording this in advance. But it was probably either the GIW or my adoptive parents, the Fentons. I half-died at 14 and became a local ghost superhero, but they never realized I was trying to help and kept talking about tearing ghost-me apart molecule by molecule, so I bet that’s what happened. There will be nothing left of me to bury. Sorry about that!
The rest of the story is this. I was raised in an assassin cult, eventually escaping at the age of 6 when they sent me on mission and I successfully faked my death.
My biggest regret is that I escaped alone. And that’s the reason I’m reaching out to you.
You’re a civilian. If you know too much about the League of Assassins you’ll be in danger. But I need you to save my twin Damian. He’s likely still there after all these years. He never wanted to escape; he took pride in being the heir to the league. He’s probably going to be stabby; he’s an assassin after all. But it’s not his fault. Ra’s - our grandfather - brainwashed him a lot more than he brainwashed me because Damian was more susceptible to it. It’s not his fault. Please. Save him. I’m begging you. My biggest regret is leaving Damian in the league. You have a chance to save him. Please, please do it.
I wish it would’ve been safe for me to get to know you. You seem like a cool dad, from what I’ve seen of you on the news with your oldest kids. I bet you’re like that with the youngest you hide from the public too. I wish you all the best. Thank you for listening.
Your long lost almost certainly dead by now son, Danny Fenton.”
Bruce took a second to process this, then picked up his phone and dialed his youngest’s number.
“Damian, did you have a twin named Danny?”
“…Who told you?”
Bruce hung up and sent Damian the video. He needed a minute to process this anyway.
Damian called back a few minutes later, after watching the video.
“Father. I do not care what state he is in. We must discover exactly what happened to Danny. Even if there is only a single molecule left. We must discover the truth.”
“I couldn’t agree more, Damian.”
Dealer’s choice on whether Danny is alive. The few ideas I have for this are:
- they find him mid-vivisection and rescue him
- they find what’s left of him post-vivisection and post his core being crushed
- he’s perfectly fine and just forgot to open his computer (maybe clockwork made sure he forgot?) and now he’s panicking about the fact that his family knows about him and could be in danger. He wanted them to know he existed, not make themselves a walking target for the league by finding him and trying to bring him home!
- Jazz found the automatic email and, deciding to meddle in her brother’s life and him back to his family and maybe get a good parent for herself as a bonus, sent it early
- Technus decided to start shit and sent it while haunting Danny’s computer
- Clockwork screwed with time to make sure it got sent
Lmk what yall do with this!
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incorrectbatfam · 1 month
What's Bruce's biggest parenting regret (wrong answer only)
[at a gala]
Tim: *brings Damian to Bruce's table*
Tim: He keeps interrupting my conversation with a potential merger, so he's your problem now.
Damian: Father, I was just trying to find someone to talk to.
Bruce: I understand it's hard being the only kid here.
Damian: It's boring as hell. I want to go home.
Bruce: We have an hour left. You think you can tough it out?
Damian: There's nothing to do.
Bruce: I just have one more speech to give and then—
Damian: I want to leave now!
Bruce: Dick, can you take him home?
Dick: I wish I could, but Clark's in the bathroom and I promised him I'd give him an interview about the Bludhaven PD.
Bruce: Jason?
Jason: I walked through Crime Alley to get here.
Bruce: Well, Tim's busy with the merger, Selina's out of town, Barbara left an hour ago with Kate, and Steph, Cass, and Duke all came with me. I'm sorry, Damian. It looks like you just have to wait.
Damian: If we do not leave this instant I will cause a scene so big it will make headlines for a month.
Bruce: No you won't.
Damian: Try me.
Damian: *starts screaming*
Bruce: Stop! There is one thing I can do.
Steph, gasping: No. You don't mean...
Bruce: I have no other choice.
Duke: Come on, B. Let's talk this over.
Bruce: *reaches into his bag*
Cass: Don't. Please.
Tim: You don't have to resort to this. There's always another way.
Jason: I'm telling you, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
Bruce: I'm sorry, guys.
Bruce: *puts an iPad in front of Damian*
Dick: *falls to his knees wailing*
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hello-eden · 2 months
Unexpected Hope
Damian has been disoriented all week. When he was told that stopping the ritual would have repercussions, he did not expect this. He had been dealing with the memories on his own but unfortunately he could not postpone this gala. 
He had been stopping a ritual that would end up summoning the being he now knows as Undergrowth. Damien does not regret that choice especially now that he has the context. Unfortunately it brought back his memories of Phantom.
He didn't quite understand they were memories for quite a while honestly he was a little bit concerned he got possessed. Thankfully after some compartmentalizing and a little bit of isolation, he figured out what was wrong. It did not help the confusion that comes with being a Midwestern teen and an assassin child put into one body but he has gotten the hang of it. 
Unfortunately Damian did not get long before he was forced back into the presence of his family. he had put off many public family events in the last few months so he was not able to get out of this event. he probably could have faked being sick but he'd much prefer to be able to pass off any of his symptoms from the memories as uncomfortableness being around strangers then be alone with his family. 
He's honestly very happy with his choice after he sees her. He doesn't recognize her at first with the dark auburn braided hair and the dress being something other than black but something made him turn around when he heard her rant.
She was giving a humanitarian speech to one of the investors. At first he got closer just to hear about it. It's always funny to see the faces of the imbeciles when people don't bow to their wishes.
Damien thought he finally found someone who was not a gold digger or a social climber. What made him really stop in his tracks was her body language. It was like a neon flashing sign opened up and said ‘hey this is Sam Mason’. 
Damien walked over with hope in his chest that he was not alone. she eventually seemed to get tired of the man or maybe he was able to scramble an excuse and walk away. he couldn't quite hear but by the time he walked over there it was only her.
 “you seem to be quite passionate,” Damian says, trying to start a conversation and figuring out how to ask the hard question.
 What is he exactly supposed to say? ‘Hey, are you my best friend for my last life or hey do you remember being on my ghost hero vigilante team that ended up with all of us being Undead royalty.’
The girl looks him over, probably trying to figure out what he wants. 
“Are you here to argue?” She says angrily, obviously ready for another fight.
“Your speech reminds me of someone, have you ever heard of Samantha Mason” Damien says trying to be nonchalant.
Her eyes seem to widen and look him over again.
“Where'd you hear that name.” She ordered.
“I've heard enough of her rants to be able to pick it out from a crowd.”
 “Danny,”  She said softly her grabbing his hands and squeezing as she looked around to make sure no one saw. “what how I thought it was the only one” Hope seemed to be filling her eyes. 
“Hi Sam” Damien Whispers just as softly just as glad he is not alone. 
Without another word Sam drags them to the stairway rushing up to the floor upstairs and trying to find a room that isn't being used. She eventually finds one two floors above the room they were using for the gala and pushes him into what looks like a break room.
 “How the hell did you get your memories” Sam demands 
“Why are you yelling at me? You have your memories too obviously if you are recognizing your name” Damian says shouting back at her. 
Sam always has a way of catching him off guard. She was happy just a minute ago. 
“yeah well I did something stupid which means I know you did something stupid” Sam said pointing her finger at him.
“ Well I may have accidentally stumbled upon a ritual for summoning an ancient and when I stopped it the backlash gave me my memories back. ” Damien stumbled over their words trying to justify themselves. "What stupid thing did you do?”
“The girls in my stupid Prep School in my grade went through a very witchy phase. there was a slumber party and they were stupid enough to actually find real magic. I had a cut on my hand earlier in the day and try to freak them out by adding a little bit of my blood. apparently my protection spell is literally stuck into my soul, so things went down” Sam says just as hesitantly as Damien
 “you have zero leg to stand on okay fine we were both stupid” 
They both sat there in silence for a while, mostly just basking in each other's presents realizing they weren't alone anymore.
“it's good to have you back," Damian says, giving her a weak smile and running his hands through his hair.
He'd been trained out of all of his nervous ticks but it probably makes her more comfortable to see him just as nervous as she is.
“it's good to see you too da- do you have the same name?” both of them don't seem to realize at the same time that they didn't get each other's names. 
“Damien” he says as he pulls his hand out of his hair and puts his hand out for a handshake. 
“Sarah” she says, grabbing his hand and giving it a shake.
the two of them shake their hand for a moment before they look at each other's eyes and burst out giggling. 
Damien's really glad he decided to not pretend to be sick.
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bruciemilf · 6 days
So glad you clarified that "Alfred bleeding out at brucie's day party" was step 1 in becoming pennywaynes. I was just about to ask lol
Also thinking that Alfred doesn't say "fuck" because Thomas says it enough for both of them. And how they're both feral in opposite directions (loud and vulgar vs poised and eloquent) makes me wonder what direction Martha is feral in. Exceedingly painfully viciously polite? Barefoot in the dirt, she'd love poison ivy fae-tinged feral? Does this make sense? I'm sick. All I can think about is Thomas and Alfred preparing to carve someone up and you don't even know who you are supposed to be more scared of
I like to imagine Martha as Morticia Addams feral. Regal, majestic, peculiar, and could wipe the floor with your self-esteem in a minute if crossed. Bruce’s mama was a silent badass for sure.
I like to think Damian inherited her affection for animals! Hers pets were just more… Unique, let’s say.
Imagine you’re Alfred. You’ve been working at the Wayne manor for about two weeks now.
Thomas, your husband boss hands you a huge chunk of bloody meat hanging from a butcher hook, while yelling violently at a business partner on the phone.
“Al, go feed Bruce, will ya?”
Bruce gently grabs Alfred’s hand (Alfred has to tilt down) and he’s taken to the pool area.
There’s a big ass tank.
There’s a big ass, 20 foot long, great white shark in that tank. Bruce hugs the glass. Alfred may or may not pass out. Martha gently takes Bruce in her arms, kindly asks Alfred to clean the floors, and vanishes in the shadows.
She also has an albino ball python that Bruce adores. Occasionally, she wears him as a scarf. Alfred is severely loving and regretting his life choices.
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Out Of Choice, But Not Out Of Reach - #1 Inevitabilities And Such Unfortunate Things
Sometimes your destiny is completely out of your hands – Danny Fenton couldn’t seem to find a way to avoid learning that lesson. First; when he was shot when Slade invaded the headquarters of the League, and subsequently his family, was using, while the fight between Slade and Grandfather was going on, he used the chaos to get to the Lazarus Pit before he bled out; a second time when he died in that godforsaken portal; the most prevalent one was definitely his first meeting with Clockwork, there he noticed that it doesn’t matter how hard you try, if it isn’t meant to be, someone will interfere. It doesn’t mean he won’t still do things as before, but now there’s forever the dread of knowing.
It’s been about a year since what he, Jazz, Sam and Tucker dubbed “The Dan Incident”, and Danny can't seem to stop thinking about it. Well, not really about Dan, no, but about Damian. He can’t stop thinking about how Dan likely ended up killing Damian – it’d be inevitable, and, considering the state the future he had been shown was in, he hoped Damian went early on, really, he also hoped it was quick, like he tried to do when he was in the League.
What really bothered Danny, though, was that he couldn’t help but wonder if staying with the Fentons even was a good idea at this point. Surely he has learned that misfortune would follow him anywhere he went, so why wait for the shoe to drop? Before the accident, he was relatively safe to live the rest of his life in Amity, sure, it was kind of a deadend, but it was tranquil, so he couldn’t really complain. Now, though? He was in constant danger inside and outside his house, being half dead meant no place with the living and no place with the dead. He should leave while he still can.
The League isn’t likely to spot him, considering it’s been years since his “death” and he probably looks different enough from Damian now… which is something he’ll have to think about later. And the threats of dissection (vivisection?) by his parents keep increasing – he doesn’t want to fuck around and find out.
So, the League is probably not an issue anymore, staying seems to get more dangerous each day and he’s pretty sure most ghosts only come to Amity to fight him.
Nevertheless, running away also came with a plethora of problems, for one: leaving Jazz and his friends. When he got adopted into the Fenton household he tried not to get attached to anyone. He couldn’t keep that up for long, as a touch starved 9 year old that came from a violent background and got thrown into a very loving family. First, he got attached to his parents, then Jazz, Tucker, and finally, Sam. He doesn’t regret it, not one bit, but it might make this choice hard to make – since the easiest way to run away would be to fake his death and forgo any contact with everyone from his old life. Maybe they’d know he wasn’t (fully) dead, maybe they’d just be extremely miserable, he wouldn't know. 
Another issue is that he’s the current Ghost King, and oh boy doesn’t that complicate things? He keeps getting more powerful, which means keeping his cover is getting harder – an unsettling and overpowering aura surrounds him now, and sure, it reacts to other people’s emotions as well as his own, which in theory should make it easier to hide, since everyone in Amity seems to have differing opinions on his two  personas, but the fact that his aura is big enough that others take notice is concerning enough on its own; he’s control over his abilities needs to be impeccable or he risks getting found out; and he’s pretty sure some of his more ghostly traits are beginning to bleed over into his human form. He also needs stable access to a portal, since he needs to take at least two trips per month to the Ghost Zone so he can check over things with Clockwork and parade around to remind the citizens of the realm that he is their king; he can’t officially take over since he’s still alive, once he’s entirely dead he will, but for now the observants act as regents and that’s more than fine by him.
And third: he’s not really sure where he should go. You’d think Gotham would be his first option because of his father, but he has too much media presence, so Danny’d be brought to the spotlight. Does anyone in Amity care about Gotham? Not that he knows of. But it’d still be too big of a risk. Plus, Tucker really wants to work in Wayne Enterprises in the future, he’s sure that it’d become a problem in no time.
So… what to do? Money isn’t a problem, since he has access to all the treasure hoarded by Pariah Dark over the centuries, but that’s not all he has to consider. He needs some sort of safety net, that much is obvious, and since he won’t be able to count on his regular support system, he should fall back on his blood.
Maybe he could go to Blüdhaven? It’s close enough to Gotham that he can go there if he somehow needs to come into contact with someone from his biological family but not enough that he’d be immediately clocked… but then there’s Nightwing… as long as he doesn’t get  into any trouble it should be fine, right? It’s not like there’s a city without a hero nowadays… Urgh, nevermind, he’ll come back to these thoughts later, he’d rather not spend his rare moment of peace coming up with what to do after he fakes his death.
Sometimes fate decides that things should be ultimately out of your hands – but Damian Al Ghul Wayne fights with all his might to avoid such a thing becoming a rule in his life. When he came to live with his father, around 7 years ago, he held out hope that his twin had made it and would eventually return to his side. That never happened. And now Damian isn’t sure how to approach the topic of Danyal with his family, so he just… doesn’t. Even after all this time, it feels wrong to keep the memory of Danyal to himself, he should be celebrated, even if his death was premature and almost a decade has passed.
Danyal had died the same day as Grandfather, which is why his grief isn’t questioned –, even if the Bats are well aware of his distaste of his Grandfather’s actions, now that he’s recognized them for what they were. Damian isn’t sure if it’ll ever come to pass, because in quiet moments like this, he thinks of what could have been.
His twin was never needlessly violent, and his killings were virtually a mercy, compared to the others in the LoA, even himself. Maybe he would have adapted faster than Damian did, maybe he would have made a better Robin, maybe they would still wake up together and share little moments of quiet.
It’s all speculation, all it will ever be. They never found his body, but even now, years later, the image of his pierced chest is burned between the other twin’s eyes, it wasn’t likely to survive a wound like that, and even if he did, the bloodloss would’ve killed him regardless. But to a 9 year old, the what ifs often overshadow reality, which is why Damian had kept his hopes up, afterall, one of the many teachings of the League was that “if there isn’t a body then one should always consider the possibility of the victim having survived”. But now, at 16, he could see it for what it was, the foolishness of a child longing for what is gone – he’ll never admit it, but in the darkest, deepest and most hidden part of his heart, Damian still has a little bit of wonder, almost completely squashed, but a bit of hope of seeing his brother once again remains.
There’s no use for pondering at the moment, time doesn’t stop and soon one of his siblings will notice his absence at breakfast and come to pester him, thus he gets up and readies himself to face another hectic morning.
“If I were to go missing, where would you search for me first?” was not a question Tucker was ready for, like, at all, but especially at two in the afternoon on a saturday. Danny hadn’t been the same since that thing with Dan or whatever they had dubbed it, he didn’t change much, but he seemed to get lost in thought more frequently, and Tucker didn’t blame him! Really! But man, what went through his head was morbid at times, and he maybe shouldn’t voice those out of nowhere.
— Uhh I guess… your parent’s basement? — awkward silence fills the air, it’s the most obvious answer, but not a thing they normally consider outloud. A grimace crosses Danny’s face for a second.
— No, I mean, if I …ran away. — he says, and there’s some hesitancy. Obviously, there’s more to the question, but Tucker can’t for the life of him figure out what it could be.
— I’d guess Wisconsin, since it’s close by and you might be able to rely on Vlad if push comes to shove, but that is not likely at all, — Sam starts before coming to a slight pause to think. — Maybe Missouri?
— Why…?
— Cause it’s close by, it’s not like we’d let you get far before going after you. — she smirks and gives his arm a little punch.
—  I think we’d find Danny in Florida, actually, — Tucker chuckles before continuing — it’s the only place where he wouldn’t stand out.
— Oh, screw you. — He says before he lunges at Tucker.
Sam watches for a bit, the conversation got to her more than it did to Tucker. She decides that now isn’t the time to worry about it, she doesn’t think Danny would leave them behind without saying anything, not after all they’ve been through, but it did leave a sour taste in her mouth. To stop herself from spiraling down a rabbit hole, she jumps – literally jumps – into the struggle. 
That is how the three friends end up scratched all over, with dirt and grass stuck to their clothes and silly smiles on their faces, looking up at the sky as the clouds pass by. Moments like this used to be common, but with the chaos that is Amity Park nowadays a chance to just relax and joke around as friends seems more and more like a luxury.
Their peace is interrupted when Danny sighs, a defeated sigh that usually comes after his breath fogs – which means there is a ghost nearby. A shout ruptures the quiet and kills any hopes for the rest of their afternoon.
— Alright, — he gets up and stretches. — Just wait for me, I’ll be back in a sec.
Sam and Tucker look at each other, worried glances on both ends – they didn’t even need to say anything. Things will never go back to the way they were before, that is something all three know intimately. Danny died. Everything they have witnessed is bound to leave some sort of mark as well. And there are the Fentons. Sam and Tucker knew Danny and Jazz loved their parents, but at this point it seemed inevitable that someday they’d turn on Danny, and it seems that even if he doesn’t talk about it, it’s also something he believes.
It feels unfair, Danny seemed to have come from a bad background and was settling into his own skin and fully letting his guard down for what felt like the first time before the accident. And wasn’t that heartbreaking? He’d adjusted to the life in Amity early on, but to actually enjoy himself? That took some 2-3 years, and to trust that he could always rely on the people around him? It had just started happening into the beginning of their ninth grade. Then the portal opened and he had to put some of those walls back up to protect himself, not just emotionally, but physically as well. Now, they’re in 11th grade, they should be looking for colleges and studying for entrance exams, but instead, Danny is thinking of running away.
They know how their friend thinks at this point, and it’s undeniable they’ll likely have to say goodbye soon.
Dealing with the Box Ghost wasn’t hard, but it sure was annoying. After the fight (if you could even call it that) ended he went back to Sam and Tuck, they laid on the grass for a while longer, ultimately, they got hungry and headed to the Nasty Burger and ate before parting ways.
Danny plops face first into his bed. Well… he could have approached that with more subtlety. Maybe it was his subconscious trying to get them to look for him, or something, to prepare them for his absence. That sounds too close to something Jazz would say…
He turns around, putting his arm on his forehead. His thoughts keep getting away from him, always back to Damian – would he have liked Amity Park? Probably not, if he was being honest with himself. He couldn’t even see himself liking it there when he arrived – in fact: He had hated it. The city was so calm it felt forced, the Fentons so loving it felt like a trap, the kids lacked any malice at all, everything screamed danger at him, like he was about to be ambushed. Nothing ever came to that, just a nice, cozy, little town. 
Well, until the portal opened, that is. 
He stops and just looks at his ceiling for a bit, the old glow in the dark stars already discolored and lacking any actual functionality, there was no reason for them to remain there but the attachment to what they used to be, kinda like him. There was no escaping his current reality. No escaping his need to desert this city, this family, this life. 
Danny sits up and looks around his room, which for the last few years had become his safe haven. He looks at the stained carpet, marked by his many sleepovers with Sam and Tuck, he looks at his ceiling fan, that was cracked from the time the trio had tried to recreate the solar system on it, he looks at his closet, his posters, his desk, everything that was proof of the life he had lived here.
He needs some water and something to eat before setting his plan up.
As he heads down the stairs to the first floor he hears his mother’s soft voice coming from the kitchen.
— Oh Jack, I’m so worried about Danny, — the phrase startles Danny, he turns invisible and intangible, floating a bit so as to not make any sound, — his ecto-contamination has only gotten worse over the years… how can we be sure he’s okay?
— Honey, I’m sure Danno is fine! He must be building up resistance!
— But what if… what if it’s fusing to him? What if there’s no reversing this? — His mom is chewing on her lower lip, clearly distressed. 
At the sight, his dad softens up and hugs her, his voice comforting as he speaks, — We’ll make sure he’s fine, Maddie. We might not know what happened, but we know each other and we know what we’re doing, we’re experts in our field. 
Danny can’t stay there anymore, they know he has ecto in his system and they know it’s getting worse. They know and they want to “fix” him. He’s completely and utterly fucked. 
Alongside his nervousness there is also newfound resolve. He quickly phases into his room, grabs his thermos, maybe two shirts and a pair of pants, he shoves it all inside an old backpack he hasn’t used in years. He will need to dispose of his phone, taking anything electronic with him will leave a trail and he can’t have that. Hopefully his parents don’t have his ecto signature yet, he doesn’t think he has the time to get rid of it if they do.
He checks the kitchen again, they aren’t there anymore, likely back in the lab, then. He has to leave through the front door, to not raise any suspicions. Now, how to make this realistic? Maybe he can fake being murdered? No, Amity doesn’t really have that type of violence. Maybe he can fake being a casualty in a ghost attack? But he’d have to damage public spaces to do so and he doesn’t want to endanger anyone else… Fake getting kidnapped? It wouldn’t be the first time it happened, even as a human.
He could also just up and leave. It’s not like Amity has any actual investigative police force… Maybe he’s complicating things too much. He needs to go before he has time to chicken out. His parents will probably make a move on his ecto contamination within the week and he can’t be there for that.
— Bye mom, dad, be back in a bit! — and so, he shuts the door – leaving his house for what will probably be the last time.
Inevitabilities And Such Unfortunate Things > Those We Leave Behind
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Time traveling Tim AU, but he was never Robin:
In the first timeline, Jason never dies. For the plot's sake, let's just say Sheila was found out and arrested. Jason never runs away, but he does end up crashing at Dick's place for a while.
Jason eventually takes on a new mantle (not Red Hood).
A few weeks after this, Bruce sees a purple vigilante fluttering about. She thus becomes the third Robin.
That relationship isn't the best, so Steph eventually sheds the Robin mantle for a batgirl one (not sure how Cass fits in quite yet).
This is in time for Damian to pop up and become Robin.
All of that is background information that Tim keeps track of in the OG timeline. He never becomes part of the batfam.
When his mom dies and his dad is thrown into a coma, Tim does the fake uncle stuff. Tim's dad wakes up. They don't have a big blowup about Robin, but they also don't really know each other. They try, but it's intensely exhausting trying to navigate their grief, stress, lies, and lack of relationship with each other.
Tim goes out one night to hang with one of his friends.
He doesn't get his dad's call.
He comes home to his father murdered.
Batman puts Captain Boomerang away and doesn't look into Tim's established fake uncle. Since the uncle has already looked after Tim once, Bruce has his hands full with the other kids, and Tim is just a civilian, Bruce leaves him alone.
And Tim? He's fucking pissed. He was finally starting to get a relationship with his dad, and this guy took that away from him. Jail doesn't feel like enough.
Tim can't take him on like this, though. If Batman won't get him the justice Tim craves, the teen will just do it himself.
So Tim's uncle declares the teen is going abroad to get away from his grief as well as learn from an international boarding school. Tim manages Drake Industries remotely as he goes to Paris to train.
He gets much of the same training he did in his early Robin years, and that whole arc plays out. Tim isn't Robin, though. He kills.
He regrets it, he despises it, but he tries to convince himself it's necessary. If he's going to get revenge for his dad, he'll kill later anyways.
He, unfortunately, also catches the eye of Ra's. He accepts the man's offer to train and tries to becomes okay with killing.
Eventually, Tim leaves. He promises to return to Ra's at a later date after fulfilling his revenge.
When it comes down to it, when Boomerang is about to die from his own choices, Tim backs out. He becomes horrified with what he's allowed himself to become. His hands are stained red, and Tim doesn't believe he'll ever wash it off.
Batman finds out about Tim and tries to tell him he did good by letting Boomerang go (because their relationship is obviously different here. Bruce sees a kid used to killing refraining and not his son about to kill). Tim, so absorbed in his own guilt, flees.
He becomes obsessed with fixing his mistakes (which Tim... buddy... Maybe the issue is you getting so absorbed in your goals and losing sight of what matters/your morals). He accidentally slings his consciousness back to when he was nine.
He's nine, has the memories of an adult (he was about 19 by the time he got shot back), and thinks he needs to pay for his sins. Thus, he becomes an independent vigilante/informant. He drops information off with Batman or other heroes.
Most estimate his age to be between 25-30, and he's known for finding information, clues, and people when others can't. He is also known for vehemently being against murder (though, due to his time with LoA, he sometimes suggests cruel methods).
When Jason first goes missing, Tim instantly notifies Bruce.
Jason still dies.
Tim blames himself. By going back to the past, he's obviously condemned Jason to die. It's Tim's fault (butterfly effect sucks ass. Not Tim's fault, but guilt also sucks).
From Tim's time in LoA, he monitors them. He will thwart certain plans if he can get away with it without them noticing. He's also in their system.
This is how he learns about Jason.
His vigilante persona, known for finding even the impossible, brings evidence of Jason's existence to a grieving Bruce as well as proof of Damian.
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aaron-romave · 1 year
My Only Sunshine
It was a quiet night in Gotham, when suddenly the coms crackle to life, with a voice, that seemingly none of the bats recognized. That is all but one. Damians blood ran cold as he heard something that should not be possible. He had never even let himself think about it, because even recalling the mere memory of it would shatter him. 
The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you 
In my arms
Batman's voice was the first to come over the coms “oracle who is this? Where are they?”
“I’m working on it B.” She crackle back in her slightly mechanical disguised voice.
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried
Oracle may not have known where it was coming from, but he did. He knew it as he knew the heart beating in his chest and the air within his lungs. Without thinking he leapt off the building, grappling across the city that his father loved, but he has never thought of as his true home.
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy 
When skies are gray
He was vaguely aware as Batman cried out for him, but that didn’t matter. His blood was rushing too quickly through his ears. Any protest or question simply ignored. He had somewhere he needed to be, and he needed to be there now. 
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take 
My sunshine away
“Oracle location!”
“I’m trying B! But these people are good I can’t work faster than I am!”
Was the last thing that came over the coms before he reached up and muted everyone, everyone but the voice he was focused on. The world had narrowed down to the wind whipping past him, his heartbeat in his ears and the one voice that he had wish to hear again for so long.
I'll always love you and make you happy 
And nothing else could come between
His lungs burned as Wayne industries came in to view. Why? Why of all nights was he on the outskirts of the city?  He needed to move faster, faster, please be fast enough. He begged to himself, to whatever god was out there be fast enough ….and for him to be there for this not to be some sort of cruel trick.
But if you leave me to love another 
I’ll support you as you follow your dreams
It was him. It had to be him. only he knew to sing it that way.  His brother quietly singing and holding him as he silently cried. He was never good enough for grandfather, he will never be good enough to be the heir to be excepted never daring, hopeing to be loved, but it was never like that with his brother. His brother loved him more than anything, and he couldn’t stop anything as grandfather ran his sword through the heart of the one person he truly loved. Through the heart of Damien’s one weakness. 
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy 
When skies are gray
Even at the end, when his brother knew grandfather was coming for him, his too kind brother never forced him. Always giving him a choice and he had failed his brother when he was willing to give up everything for someone as weak and pitiful as him. He wasn’t strong enough to run. He wasn’t strong enough to protect the one person who loved him above all else. 
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take 
My sunshine away
He was so close three minutes out. Almost there the highest spot in the city, the best place to see the stars. 
Northstar, I’m so happy you made it out. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you.
My Northstar please stop blaming yourself. This was my choice. It was always my choice and I don’t regret a second of it so neither should you. You are without a second of doubt the best thing to have ever happened to me. 
Damien felt a pit open up in his stomach.  Less than two minutes to Wayne enterprises
You have to let the others in Northstar. Being family to them, loving them it’s not replacing me or dishonoring me. Quite the opposite Northstar it’s keeping me alive; In a different way, but I’m still with you. 
Go on brother adventures with Dick, try things that make you uncomfortable, but know that he will keep you safe. 
Spend time with Babs in the library, read books that let you travel to fantastical worlds that we could never dream of.
Go to Jason for advice. You two are more alike than you even know, lean on each other, use that. 
Try photography with Tim. Take pictures of all those animals that you love.
Less than one minute
Pull pranks with Stephanie. Let yourself be a kid and laugh at stupid and dumb things. 
When things get too much go to Cass for quiet and understanding.
Go to Duke and ask him to take you out shopping at a regular store or to go to the mall to buy a toy for yourself. Enjoy the normal quiet moments.
Go to Bruce for comfort, he is Batman but he is also our dad don’t forget that, let him be a dad.  
The world went blurry. There is no one on the roof. 
Northstar I’m gone. I really am gone. You know how magic is Northstar your big brother had a few tricks up his sleeve, but I’m afraid this used the last of it. In the future in the far, far, far, future when you come join me in the hereafter, I’ll be waiting for you with open arms. I love you, Northstar now let our family love you in my stead. 
As his feet made contact with the roof of Wayne enterprises a small, glowing object made it self known in the center of the roof. It appeared that stars itself littered and sprung from the object, beckoning him forward. 
He was vaguely aware of the rest of the bats and birds joining him on the roof, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that his shaking hand was reaching out to grab the old dog stuffed animal as the last glitters of Stardust left the plush.
A drop of water fell down and landed on the left ear of the love worn dog. Reaching up and touching below the domino he realize that he was crying. When did that happen? When was the last time this happened?
As he clutched the dog plush to his chest, a frivolity that would have never been allowed in the league, but still his brother who he loved most in this world snuck it in for him. Hiding it behind a loose stone in the wall. Bringing it out for him to hold as his big brother comforted him and told him stories of a better life that they could have. 
The demons heir, Robin, Damien sobbed, cried for the injustice of the world, for his brother who even waiting for him in the hereafter was still looking out for him. 
His body shook as wave after wave of agony and despair ripped through him. Years of repressed grief tore through his body sharper and with more deadly aim than any blade. The floodgates had been opened. His big brother had given him this one last gift. 
So when Batman, his father, his dad crouched down in front of him concern showing through his usual stoic expression he does not ignore what his brother has given him and leaps forward, clutching onto his dad and weeping for the brother that he lost and the son his dad will never get to know.
( inspired by this)
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sophiethewitch1 · 8 months
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Before any asks come in, I figured I'd do some for my current crowning hyperfixation, which is the boys. Did one for each of their initials but Dick got two because I couldn't choose <3
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! , gen soft yandere behavior, murder, kidnapping, dacryphilia, sadism/masochism
D = Darling (Beyond Morality, is Any Act Justified in Their Pursuit of Their Darling? Is Consent Merely an Obstacle to Be Overcome?):
Dick: Dick is the most moral of the yandere batfam, and considers doing the right thing very important. Of course, you’re still much, much more important but… He’ll definitely start small. He’s manipulative. Always begging and pleading for a little more of your time, whining when you don’t give it. And he does it openly, too, not even trying to hide it. Maybe that will absolve him of some of his sins, he thinks a little pathetically. Things like murder and other crimes are harder for him to get into, as he’s quite loyal to Bruce’s code. And he probably wouldn’t kidnap you, just move into your house instead, then your bedroom, then under the covers and with your arms around you. Very slowly, so he doesn’t scare you away. And as someone who has experienced s/a before, he wouldn’t do that to you. No matter how desperate, no matter how many nights he spends taking a suspiciously long time in the shower, he’d never do that to you. In the end, he just wants you to be happy so… so the other stuff doesn’t need to matter as much.
Damian: Damian has a very black and white form of thinking. It took Bruce a hell of a lot of work to change that, and with the advent of you in his life, he swings right back to that black and white. Morality is thrown right out the window when it comes to getting you, to getting you to love him. Murder? He’s done it before. Kidnapping? He’ll keep you safe with him. He’s a romantic, though (like they all are) and he wants you to love him back. He’s irritated that he can’t force that, that if he broke you, you wouldn’t be you. So in the end he won’t ever do anything too far, nothing that would truly get in the way of his goal. Still, with the kidnapping thing, you guys are just going to get stuck together for a while, because he’s certainly not letting you go. The two of you are just gonna have to suffer together till you inevitable fall in love with him. Don’t worry, he’s got a plan!
J = Jealousy (Does Jealousy Course Through Their Veins, Leading to Possessive Outbursts and a Relentless Need to Eliminate Perceived Threats?):
Jason: Jason is so unbelievably jealous it sometimes physically hurts. Like he’s being burned alive by it, which, well, he knows what that’s like so he can say it with confidence. He finds your presence calming, usually, but that first time he sees you laughing at a close friend’s joke, he realises you bring out every emotion in him. This time, fiery rage from the literal pits’ of hell. He won’t ever hurt you (and if he ever thinks of it, even for just a moment, the pure horror is enough of a cool bucket of icy water over his head to snap him out of it) but others? Oh, oh no. He left that silly ‘no killing’ code behind a long time ago, and he’s very glad for that as he beats one of your admirers into the concrete. And if you have other yanderes under your thrall? You’ll find yourself constantly breaking up fights, and maybe one day, cleaning up a body. Even then, Jason doesn’t like seeing you touch them, so he does it for you instead. What a sweet guy, eh?
R = Regret (Would Guilt Ever Be a Foreign Emotion, Overridden by the Conviction That Their Actions Are Justified? Is the Idea of Letting Their Darling Go Inconceivable?):
Richard/Dick: Constantly. Dick is constantly suffering under the weight of his choices, the way he’s treated you, the things he thinks about you. And even as he does it again, does worse, he’ll still have that bit of guilt in the back of his mind. He wants to stay with you, to fucking climb inside your rib cage and live next to the comforting sound of your beating heart, but he knows that’s all unhealthy. He sometimes can’t banish the guilt from his head, sometimes it’s overwhelming, and those are the moments he’ll back off a bit.
T = Tears (Does the Sight of Their Darling's Suffering Evoke a Twisted Pleasure, a Morbid Satisfaction Reinforcing Their Control?):
Tim (Going to play around with this one a bit, if you’ll forgive me): Tim is purely fascinated by you. He’s one of the yanderes who gets obsessed with you first, and falls for you second. Your tears, just simply by being a byproduct of you are fascinating to him too. And yeah, they turn him on. Everything about you turns him on, but the sight of your weepy face, has his cock weepy too. As a sadomasochist switch, he likes it when you’re suffering just a little bit. It’s just too cute to resist. But on the other side… he likes when you make him cry too. He likes when you hurt him, as long as you’re paying him attention, looking at him. He’ll cry all you like, if you think it makes him cute, too.
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
I have a question for thr Danyal Al Ghul AU - What if Danyal was the one who was 5 years younger? I know that a lot would change, but I'm just wondering what exactly would change
That's a really good question!! And to answer: practically everything. Danny being five years older than Damian has a huge impact on how things go. He's the older brother! He's in charge of Damian's safety and training in his eyes. Danny being the older brother influences his choices, decisions, and everything leading up to him leaving the league and beyond it. Danny being five years older is one of main driving points behind the au. The other main driving point being that he loves his brother like the moon loves the sea.
So this is a good thought exercise; what does change with Danny being the little brother now? His opinion on Damian changes: instead of loving his little brother as the oldest, it's now the baby brother looking up to his big brother. It also means Damian's opinion and treatment of Danny changes -- because now Damian's in the position of 'you can't have a relationship with your brother'. So, how does he take this information?
Lets do something new; rather than keeping an active part in his brother's life, Damian pulls a Frozen and ices him out. He's not cruel to him - he just ignores Danyal entirely. At least, he does when Danyal's looking. And Danyal? With very little recollection of his toddler life, where Damian was far more active, vies for his big brother's attention.
He wants Damian's acknowledgment, he wants his attention. He's training his ass off and then turning and waving at Damian and going "look! look! did you see? did you see? did you see?" and he's just. not getting it.
(outwardly, at least. Damian is puffing up with pride internally and turning to mother during their private sparring sessions, regaling her with Danyal's training he saw earlier today. He's a prodigy, mother. He'll surpass even Damian one day, and one day soon.)
Danyal still sombers up and locks in with that League seriousness, but his motivations are largely geared towards getting a shred of attention from his big brother. Poor child is chasing shadows.
So, what happens when the Death Match™ rolls around? Well, I think Danny finds out differently. Rather than be told about it, he overhears it instead -- and, like every five year old is ought to do, makes an impulse decision. He's got tunnel vision: he doesn't want to fight his big brother to the death, he doesn't wanna die either, what will keep them both safe?
He comes up with his fake death himself -- danyal really is too clever for his own good; he inherited it from his mother and father. He convinces his beloved mother to take him with her on her mission that week, and splits up with her during the mission. It just so happens that a fire starts in one wing of the building they're in, and Danny gets a pretty convincing body, plants it near the heart of the fire, trapped under a collapsed beam, and disappears. The entire fire is set up to look like an accident from the kitchens, caused by something else entirely.
This could be where he gets his facial scar, but either way, he's gone like the wind.
(Meanwhile, Damian hears about the death of his little brother and collapses in his grief. He has a lot of regrets -- being unable to keep his brother safe is his biggest one. A few weeks later he's under the care of his father, and lashing out being there. Haunted by the fact that Danyal will never meet him either.)
Meanwhile, Danyal gets picked up by CPS and put into foster care, and a few years later is adopted by the Fentons. He's not exactly like his older brother counterpart version, but he's still not like canon. he's still relatively closed off, but his memories of his league are a little hazy. He still holds onto their core beliefs however, and clings tightly onto the memory of his older brother.
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currentfandomkick · 4 months
Desiree overhears bruce wish for a do-over with his robins.
Said robins end up aged down and only with those memories of when they first were acknowledged as Robin by Bruce. Anything after? Gone.
Now Dick is 8 ready to destroy these people stealing his mom’s nickname for him. Yes he is deranged and feral. Yes he is assaulting Damian the most, as the kid also attacks him. He’s also certain Damian is mew to the states too and annoyed he cant understand the kid.
Jason is 12 and dealing with a Lot of homeless kid truama and whiplash of rich place and who are these other kids and why is the tiniest one trying to kill the second tiniest? Stop that! (Jason, the most responsible somehow) Damian listens to him best without the use of orders. (Only way to get Damian to listen otherwise) and is working on teaching Damian about how the states and Gotham work. Jason is the Great Culture Teacher, and hoarding food stashes and go bags everywhere. Just in case. Yes he has some for everyone and is only a little upset his peer Tim vanished before he could give him his.
Tim is 12 too, realized Batman had Jason Right There and fucked off back home to see what happened timeline wise. He decided to visit his apparent step-mom, Dana, and gets to meet his apparent(?) boyfriends (deal’s choice, just have there be two for Tim’s confusion as ‘i pulled not one but two hot boys? How?) reasons. Tim is Learning what he did in the last 6 years and is questioning how his older self stopped with a semi-regular sleep schedule and.. had no spleen? Dana, can we get that checked for me that mine’s still there and if i keep it? Yay. Oh, this should last a few months? Okay! He can work from home online and have Lucius handle the meetings—why was he made a teen CEO again?
Stephanie? Is the oldest at 15, and is baffled by the whole situation. She goes to see Oracle and handles patrols under Babs’ eye with a confused Cass. Yes Stephanie is mad at Tim and believes he was cheating on her at this time, but knows the Tim she saw was smaller. And this is in the future from her POV. She’s still mad. Also the least likely to cause problems on patrol atm as she’s already trained and threatened to break out Spoiler if he tries to stop her. Her favorites and Damian (he gets killing should be an option, but needs to work on his selection process) and Jason, who Gets being a poor kid. Dick stops attacking her on sight but is a savage and insults her form. He ranks below Tim due to proximity, and the fact this is a Tim before they dated.
Damian? Back maybe 2 years, to the mindset of ‘if i dont kill my predecessor, i am unworthy of my role by Father’s side.’ Problem: he and Dick are fighting (both initiate) and Alfred and Jason (when did his zombie guard get so small?) are the only ones able to separate them successfully. He is not allowed on Patrol, but Brown is as she’s able to run solo otherwise and Father has recruited her using Robin. Father has explicitly forbade attacking her in the manor, cave or otherwise on property, and forbid killing. Brown is the only one besides him questioning this, even if it’s mostly over comms… and he is absolutely working on learning magic to undo this spell and return to his rightful place damnit!
Bruce has Many Regrets about that wish. And hates magic
Meanwhile Danny is trying to work out which wishes of Desiree’s are safe to undo, as apparently her last spree included taking out Joker, who was well overdue for that, and helping a lot of families reunite. He’s not undoing that. But also she did help gorilla grodd take over a city. He. He’s gonna need help, isn’t he?
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sentienceisoverrated · 11 months
Imagine the batfamily playing dnd on patrol:
Barbara: So you try to open the door and it’s locked.
Jason: I kick open the door
Barbara: Roll me a strength check
Jason: …
Jason: FUCK
Barbara: The door…. kicks you back
Barbara: Ok, Tim I need you to roll initiative
Tim: Wait… some goons just—
Steph: Roll the initiative, Tim.
Dick: Yeah, roll the initiative.
All, chanting: Roll the initiative!
Tim: Ok, fine.
Tim, to the goons: Wait a second, guys.
*rolls d20, gets a nat20.
The goons: Ooooooooh
Tim: So that’s 26
The goons and the batfamily: OOOOOOOOH!
Bruce: I open the chest.
Alfred: Batman, I don’t think you should do that.
Duke: Yeah I detected something suspicious about it.
Bruce: I open the chest.
Barbara: The chest opens its jaws. It’s a mimic.
Duke: Wow, who would’ve guessed.
Alfred: Delightful.
*deep, long sigh over comms.
And last but not least:
Dick: Damian, for the love of everything holy, please do not kill the mayor.
Cassandra: kill him.
Dick: No, No. Do not.
Damian: I go to his house.
Cassandra: I follow.
Dick: No—
*Radio silence as Barbara talks to them separately.
*Cassandra and Damian giggling
Barbara: They—the mayor regrets his life choices and moves out into the countryside. He leaves you the house.
*giggling intensifies
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Lex Luthor unaware who Batman is and regrets it.
Lex, on a tv screen: Batman, show yourself or this brat will die!
Lex pulls back the curtain and Damian Wayne (dressed in his Robin suit) is tied up, hanging up over a vet of Joker liquid.
Robin: Hey.
Batman: Is that my fucking son?!
Oracle: Batman, relax.
Lex: What will happen when he falls in the Joker vat? Not great things I imagine. God, I'm so evil!
Batman: Joker... Joker... Joker...
Batman laughs stoically and then grows into a cackle.
Oracle: Okay you're enraged. I get it, but you have to remain calm.
Batman: He's got my youngest son over a vat of Joker toxin!
Oracle pulls out her earpiece from the usually monotone friend screaming in her ear.
Oracle: I found the room, go there and be calm.
Batman: Calm? Calm. I am calm. I am calm.
Batman runs down the hall repeating that mantra.
Robin (uninterested): Shoot, I forgot to finish my essay for class. Eh, I'll do the rest before class.
Lex: Your choice, Batman. I'll do five minutes. Yeah... Yeah I'm fair like that.
Robin spins counterclockwise while focused on other things.
Robin yawns.
Lex: Could you be a little scared?
Oracle: Batman, when you go in there- Why did his comm go off? Oh... Oh shit.
Robin (yawning again): Nope. He's not going to be kind to you. I hope you have good insurance.
Lex: He's all talk.
Robin (chuckling snidely): Okay, sure.
Batman kicks in the door. The viewers can't see him off camera.
Robin: Hi, Batman.
Batman sees his son over the vat and the calmness disappears. Only filled with heavy angry breathing.
Oracle, acting fast: Working on cutting off the feed.
Robin: Yeah... You fricked up.
Lex: Oh please, he won't do anything-
Camera feed cuts out as Batman rushes to the man. The rest is only what Damian sees partly before closing his eyes.
Nightwing and Red Hood watching from another room they're trapped in.
Nightwing: Probably for the best she cut the feed.
Red Hood, proud: He's awesome when he gets like that.
The vent at the top of the room they're in opens and Red Robin falls into the room.
Red Robin: Did I get- Damn it!
Nightwing: We might as well wait for him.
Three minutes later, Oracle's phone rings. the number is unknown, but she answers it.
Oracle: Yes?
Superman: Do I... Does he need me there?
Oracle: No. No, I can see the footage and he's good. Lex is down and bleeding.
Superman: That's my best buddy. Tell him thanks.
Oracle: Totally.
She ends the call and taps her finger on her desk.
Oracle: How did he even get my number?! One thing at a time girl.
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Hello author. I hope your having a splendid day
May I request a reader x batfamily ( a year younger than Damian)
They are a Demi god of lightning and electricity.
He has been having a hard time with cases and failing and stuff like that, too much pressure. And he’s kind of hitting his breaking point.
So during a fight with a villain, alone. The villain corrupts the reader and makes him evil.
For a few months he became a villain and barely anyone could stop him. The batfamily at first didn’t know it was him but during a mission that was orders by the villain that corrupted him, to kill Althea (your oc) but Althea got away with injures but saw his face and told her mom and her mom told bats.
So with this new information the batfamily were more devastated .
With the help of the justice league the batfamily are in a show down with the reader, somewhere near a cliff and they fight and while also talking about their memories together. Reader was too powerful though and restrains everyone with use his electricity. His eyes are red and with dead eyes he walks towards any batfamily member of your choice and was about to deliver the final blow before the bat member looks at them and says ‘ I love you, my son/little brother’ reader hesitates and his eyes widens and filled with tears, the red disappearing.
He’s of course confused and disoriented, he steps back and not notices the cliff. His mind coming back to me as he slowly lets his restaions of the others disappear. He steps back near the cliff and looks back into the abyss and back at his family and friends. With regret and a messed up mind right now thinking he won’t be forgiven, he purposely steps back and fall down the cliff. No one was fast enough to stop his fall and he dies.
They retrieve his body and they’re just depressed and stuff for a while hut Damian won’t allow his only little sibling to die and takes his body to talia and he gets revived back.  when he brings unconscious reader back, the batfamily are upset at him for doing a dangerous act but happy that it went well.
Sorry it’s too long.
Hi anon, I hope you have have a splendid day too. Also, don't worry about the length. Lets go.
Summary: (Y/N) gets taken and is broken. The family has to save him.
Warnings: angst, fluff, SUICIDE- read at your own risk everyone!, near death of another character, the fam is suffering...
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(Y/N) Wayne, the youngest child in the family and the only child who isn't really human. He is a demigod you see, a demigod of lighting and electricity. I think you can guess that his biological dad is Zeus. Because of it, he got close to Wonder Woman her daughter, Althea. He liked them both and he didn't mind hanging out with them.
He was a good detective too. Bruce was happy and proud, but made sure he wasn't over working himself and neglecting himself like, ahem, Tim. He was different from the rest of the family too. He didn't really have a traumatic past. His mom left him, but the Justice League and Bruce took care of him.
He was really close with his brothers too. Jason and Dick made sure he didn't overwork himself, Tim was fascinated with his powers and how they worked and Damian liked to just hang out with him in general. (Y/N) is the only person he liked and tolerated.
But times have shifted a little bit. (Y/N) was overworked and he was just dead inside. The pressure to solve the cases was piling and piling on and while (Y/N) knew that Bruce wouldn't mind if he took a break, he knew it wouldn't fit his own image. He would be disappointed in him, although not outwardly, inwardly.
He was nearing his breaking his point. He hid it well from the others, not wanting to disappoint them or worry them. He worked himself to the bone, closing in and refusing to open up. He knew he needed to do this and solve this. These cases need to be solved one way or another.
One way or another. It was time to get this shit over with and to do this as best as he can. He needs to get as far away from this pressure and from this breaking point as soon as possible. ASAP. Bruce explained to him that whenever he is nearing that point, he should take a break, but there are people depending him to solve this shit.
(Y/N) hated this shit more than anything else in the world. He really wanted to get this over with. Frustration, anger, sadness... He really wants to feel happy...
Is that so wrong to feel and wish for.
(Y/N) knew that he had to tell someone. Maybe Wonder Woman and Althea would be a better option to talk to, but those two were raised as warriors and they probably don't put emotions on the first place. Mental health is a difficult area to navigate. (Y/N) didn't even sleep from time to time, for a few days, school also being a big overwhelming factor in this stuff. He had good grades, not a straight A student, but still a good student. That was more than enough for Bruce who simply says to do your best in school.
If (Y/N)'s grades dropped, then Bruce would've caught on. Really caught on and he would force (Y/N) to stop with the cases and patrol.
(Y/N) knew it was a bad idea to do this. But there was nobody to help him in this fight. It's said that every single batkid has his own villains. Well, (Y/N) could fricking confirm it. This bastard was a pain in his ass for him and for the rest of the family. (Y/N) was thrown into the wall and he grunted as he tried to get up.
It was difficult, but he managed to do it.
He glared at the villain, clenching his fist. He could feel electricity coursing through his veins, out right refusing to back down. He could feel his eyes turning electric blue. The villain used his powers to disappear into the shadows, making (Y/N) scowl.
" Did you really come here alone? " The villain said from the shadows, making (Y/N) look around, trying to pinpoint the source of the voice. He really didn't like this at all.
" That is brave. Coming here alone to face me. " (Y/N) scowled more as he heard mocking tone in his voice, knowing that facing alone this type of villain is not good and not advisable. (Y/N) threw some electricity at the villain.
He didn't know whether or not he has hit him, but he moved, not wanting to stay somewhere where he could be a sitting duck and more so an easy target for the villain. Shadow and darkness is a scary place and although his family could often be found in it, (Y/N) thought of them as some sort of beacons of light. Sure, they were dark figures, but they were bringing hope and justice.
That sounds like a paradox or oxymoron, but it was true. But being a person in the darkness and shadows and being evil... Yeah... Not good. Really not good.
(Y/N) turned his head when he heard something behind him, but that was a distraction. The real blow came from the front, leaving (Y/N) no time to react as he was thrown into the darkness and into the shadows. (Y/N) couldn't get his bearings together and he was panicking now. He had to get out of this cloud of darkness. He really had to.
He had to.
He started walking, hands reaching out to try and feel where a wall is. Everything was dark and he had no idea where he was going. One guess would be hell, one would be the exit for this stupid building. (Y/N) hoped that he was on his way to the exit, but hey, you can't have it all, can you?
(Y/N) pushed on, but screamed only a few moments later when the shadows pulled him in, invading his mind, breaking through his defenses easily. NO! Fighting was futile though, (Y/N) knew it. (Y/N) knew that very well.
" Just surrender. It will be easier. " The voice said and (Y/N) knew that he couldn't fight and with the last bit of resistance, (Y/N) allowed the darkness to take over his mind.
For now, it was over.
The entire family was loosing their collective minds and their shit. Each in their own way. Some were silent, but some were more emotional and taking it out on criminals. Ahem, Jason. Bruce was quiet and worked non stop to to find his youngest son, his child. Alfred was on the verge of killing someone.
It was difficult to even function normally without their family member. Also, there is another problem on the horizon. A new villain was on the prowl and he was good. Bruce saw he had a lot of training that was far too good for some amateur.
What the hell is going on here?
Bruce was overworked and asked Wonder Woman and Superman to try to locate this new villain because his son was a far more bigger priority than some stupid villain coming to their scene so to speak. Bruce had no time or patience for it.
If only Bruce knew.
Wonder Woman and Superman were doing a good job at tracking the new villain, making sure to communicate with Batman and offer comfort whenever they could. They would often see their nephews, trying to bring some comfort to the poor boys who lost their brother.
For a few months, there were no clues, nothing. Not about a new villain, not about (Y/N) either. Bruce was on the edge of an abyss and he can't do anything to stop himself from going over the edge. A little push was needed and then he would be long gone in that aspect.
The entire batfamily was at the Justice League HQ, looking through intel. Wonder Woman and Superman were in the middle of presenting the intel they managed to obtain when Althea burst through the doors, falling down on her knees, making Wonder Woman gasp before running towards her daughter.
" Althea! " She said, clearly worried and Bruce walked up to the duo, trying to see if Althea is okay.
" Mom, it's (Y/N)... " She said before coughing up more blood, making the inside of her mouth red.
" What about (Y/N)? " Bruce asked quickly, hoping she would stay awake and conscience long enough for him to know. Everyone was waiting patiently for Althea to start.
" (Y/N) is the villain. " She said, coughing even more and Wonder Woman picked her up and ran towards the medical wing of the HQ.
When Wonder Woman left, the room was shrouded in silence. Tense and palpable. Bruce had to sit down. No. No. (Y/N) couldn't have... Dick wiped his eyes as he started crying softly. Bruce broke out of his trance and quickly hugged his sons in a big group hug.
" I know... " Bruce said, pausing to compose himself. " But now we know that (Y/N) is alive. He is somewhat okay. " Bruce said as he swallowed with a bit of difficulty.
(Y/N) was alive. (Y/N) IS alive. They will bring their brother and son home. No matter what.
Well, (Y/N) got stronger during his kidnapping. His eyes were red and nobody could even get close to him. Tim and Dick were unable to move from being restrained by electricity and the other three members were trying everything they could fricking think of. Everything. They have tried to awake his memories. From when he was little, from when they did stupid pranks... Anything they could think of.
Nothing worked.
Soon enough, everyone was restrained with electricity and (Y/N) looked like he was going to kill them. Bruce watched his son as he walked over to him, ready to finish him. Bruce watched in silence as (Y/N) was ready to kill him. But there was one thing that they didn't try just yet.
Bruce watched as his son raised his fist up, ready to strike. Ready to kill.
" I love you son. " Bruce said as he smile and (Y/N) stopped.
The red was gone. The red was gone! Bruce smiled even more and the boys were waiting with a baited breath as to what would (Y/N) do. They didn't expect the tears. But by God, it was a sight they were hoping.
The shadow chains were getting broken.
(Y/N) was slowly moving backwards, going to the edge of the cliff, hands gripping his hair and head. Everything was coming back to him... What he did to Althea... His brothers... His dad, father.... What he did when he was under the villain's control...
(Y/N) looked back at the edge of a cliff, seeing the waves crash at the hard stone... Usually, (Y/N) would love to watch it, just to relax. But now, (Y/N) only sees the dark abyss. Everyone at one point is just standing at the edge of that abyss and then, sometimes, the abyss blinks back at you.
He glanced back at his family, who were out of the restraints, just waiting for (Y/N) to say something. (Y/N) couldn't really see their faces due to tears, but he did wonder one single thing.
Would they forgive him? Would Althea forgive him?
(Y/N) shook his head as he took another backwards, he could feel the edge, right at his heels. His mind was in shambles, ruins... He wouldn't be forgiven...
He knew that his family wouldn't forgive him. But Althea might kill him... (Y/N) looked back at his family once more, one last time. He swallowed and closed his eyes for a moment.
" I'm sorry. "
Bruce's eyes widened and he knew exactly what he was going to do and he got up and ran towards (Y/N), but it was too late. (Y/N) took a step over the edge, falling backwards into the waves and onto the hard rocks. Bruce leapt forward, hands grabbing the edge, but it was too late.
Bruce watched his son laying down there, waves washing over him. Bruce closed his eyes as he heard a scream behind him and then there was sobbing. Bruce looked up towards the sky, which opened up and Bruce for a moment thought that the sky was crying over their son.
The boys were destroyed and Bruce was destroyed with them... Oh God... Alfred will be destroyed too... Bruce allowed his tears to fall, and those tears were mixed with the rain.
Bruce swore that someone came in and took a part of soul. Just took it and ripped it out of his chest. A part of his heart was also taken and shattered. He look back at his sons, quickly grouping them into a hug, wanting to give them as much comfort as he can.
" Why? " Damian asked, shaken to his core.
" He said he was sorry... He thought we wouldn't forgive him... " Bruce said, burying his face into Damian's hair.
The boys all cried, crying out for their brother. Their souls and hearts were shattered too.
The world seemed to cry for (Y/N) Wayne.
Unfortunately, they couldn't bury (Y/N) just yet. They had to make sure that there were no restraints on his mind and body... And maybe they weren't ready to bury him just yet. They all hoped for a miracle to happen. Maybe (Y/N) would wake up and just be hey guys... But they all knew that wouldn't happen.
They were all grieving for (Y/N) in their own ways, but Damian was hurting the most. He was thinking about (Y/N) all the time and he cried alone in his room, thinking about his brother. The house was silent and there was no way it could ever be the same.
Damian thought about his grandfather and the Lazarus pit... Maybe... Just maybe...
The way back was easier than the way to Lazarus pit. Talia didn't expect him to come, especially not with his younger brother, well, half brother but still. Talia met (Y/N) and she did like him. She didn't know what happened, but she felt bad for the poor boy. She also didn't expect that Damian would want to use the pit, but she wasn't going to stop him.
She helped him put (Y/N) in the pit, waiting and watching. The color was coming back to his cheeks. There was that infamous white streak in his hair... Damian watched with a bated breath, hoping it would work.
After a few minutes, they checked for a pulse. Damian sighed in relief as he felt a pulse. His brother was alive... He is alive.... Talia watched as Damian took (Y/N) into his arms, lifting him out of the water, hugging him tightly.
She left the two brothers alone, allowing Damian to have a moment to get himself ready. He had to go back home...
As said before, the way back was easier and oddly enough, he made it just in time for dinner. He didn't question it and walked through, carrying his now alive brother.
Bruce spat out his water and the rest paled. There was (Y/N), but he looked like he was sleeping. He had more color than he had...
" Damian, " Bruce started as he stood up, not sure what more to say. The rest was quiet. " What did you do? "
" I used the Lazarus pit. "
That sentence... Bruce's eyes widened as he walked closer to his now alive son... He took (Y/N) into his arms, trying not to cry. (Y/N) was alive... He is alive.
" Lets put him to bed. " Bruce said with a strain in his voice. The other 3 boys jumped from their seats to really see if their brother is really alive.
(Y/N) was alive... They all cried softly as they realized that (Y/N) was alive... (Y/N) is alive!
They were happy, but mad at the same time since Damian didn't tell anyone of them what the hell he was planning. But they were happy and maybe their family could be whole again, once more.
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romanstheory · 3 months
Midnight Flowers a Damian Priest One Shot PT 2
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Warnings: smut, oral sex (fem recieving), language, male POV
Word Count: 1,740
Part One
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I can't stop thinking about her, the night we had... Or didn't. I stop myself from calling or texting her what feels like a million times that night. I scrub my palms over my face as if that'll get rid of the thought of her. A huff of hot air escapes my nose before I sit back in the chair in the locker room. "You good bro? You haven't been all the way there lately." JD says from beside me. "I'm fine." A lie, a clear lie but I would rather slam my head into the wall than talk to him about it. A nod from him before he leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts before I leave the room as well.
I fucked up and I know I did but does she really have to mess with my head about it? Not mine but she fucked me like she was. Not mine but she owns my thoughts like she is. Selfishly, I wasted her time to get where I wanted to be, but was it worth it if I had it all now and not her? I thought I wanted this championship... El Campeón but without her, it feels pointless. No, what's pointless is to be so hung up on her when she's made her choice. She wants to sit in some bar getting drunk then I guess that's what she gets to do. My jaw tenses before pushing through the curtain and entering the arena. Some would say I was more aggressive tonight than normal, I might agree because I picked up a quick win not bothering to even allow the ref to raise my hand before I stormed up the ramp, Carlito jogging after me.
"What was that about?" He asks, eyebrows raised to his hairline. All I can do is stare at him to avoid the emotional outburst fizzing at the tip of my tongue. "Look hermano you don't gotta talk to me about it but whatever it is you need to resolve it. And I'm not speaking to you as a member of the judgment day... I'm speaking to you as your friend". Once more my jaw ticks "She hates me" The fizzing rage shifts to sorrow. "She fucking hates me and I deserve it". My head hangs to my chest. "Oh... That's what this is about" Carlito rubs his temple. "I keep apologizing and she just... hates me". A long pause of silence makes me regret being vulnerable. "Show her you mean it" Finally he says "She doesn't believe you so show her you mean it".
I've been pressing her for weeks, text messages, flowers to her house, I don't know what the hell she wants from me. I've tried every was possible to prove myself to her over and over again and fuck i'm getting tired. "You look awful" Rhea says walking next to me. "You're such a ray of sunshine" I retort quickly. "What's up with you?" She asks, abruptly stopping mid stride. "Nothing". "You're a bloody liar". A deep sigh escapes me "I haven't heard from ... her... in weeks and I've tried everything" Saying her name feels like a criminal offense at this point. "Oh cause she doesn't believe you" Rhea shrugs. "I've said sorry in every way possible dude" Frustration seeps into my veins.
"Did you?" She raises an eyebrow before she walks away. Shit, did I? My match is a quick one, I'm distracted and I think everyone can tell. Back at my hotel I get into a shower so hot it fills the bathroom with a thick blanket of steam, I didn't bother going out with the boys. Water rushes down my body, the impact of the water stinging my skin. The water runs over my head, covering my in an embrace of hot water. Rhea's voice echoes in my head over and over again Did you? My head shoots up... No... I didn't. All she said she wanted from me was my time, that I never gave it to her. Fuck. I'm so damn stupid I still haven't been giving her the only thing she wanted. Quickly I wash and get out of the shower, grabbing my bags and fumbling out of the room. I need to get to her.
A three hour drive isn't so bad when you're determined. The sky is a sheet of darkness, stars filling the sky as I pull up in front of her house. The light is on... She's home. I can't help but to feel a tug in my chest where my heart is, like we're connects and I can't stay away. I wonder if she feels it too. I wonder if she feels the longing that I do, I wonder if I've consumed her thoughts the way she has mine. I wonder if she even will let me in. Maybe she'll slam the door in my face, if she did I deserve it. I don't deserve to ever be in her presence again but if I don't knock on this door right now I'll never forgive myself.
Slowly I reach my hand up to knock on the door, palms sweaty, jaw clenched. knock, knock, knock. The tv pauses and I swear my heart does too before the knob turns and the door open... there she is. Big t shirt and I swear there's nothing under. Is that my t shirt? "Luis.." She says eyes wide as if she's trying to convince herself that it's really me "It's two o'clock in the morning". My chest heaves, what the fuck am I even doing here? "I couldn't stay away" I mutter "I can't stop thinking about you I-" The rest of the words escape me. She opens the door wider, allowing me in. "Can we just... Spend time together?" I ask, turning to her.
A softness covers her face. "Please" She replies just above a whisper. We watch her show, somehow the gap between us is eventually closed. "Thank you" She whispers again. She feels like heaven, everything about her is beautiful. "I couldn't stop thinking about you either" She says, eyes not meeting mine "Everyday after that night as the bar I wished that you would somehow end up at my door. Everyday after that night I missed you more and more". My heart clinches again. "I love you" I blurt out "nd even if you never forgive me I don't think I'll ever stop loving you, or thinking about you, or regretting being such a shit boyfriend"
She's silent for a moment "I love you too... I've always loved you, that's why it hurt so bad when you wouldn't give me... This" She gestures wildly at the air. My hand cup her cheek moving her face so our eyes meet. Beautiful. Softly I push our lips together, initiating a passionate kiss. My pulse quickens and the desire to flip her on her back and have my way with her consumes me. "I'll never make the same mistake again" I breathe into her lips. "Prove it" Her voice laced with lust. Softly I lay her on her back, lifting her shirt... my shirt. I was right, there is nothing under here. Slowly I kiss her stomach leaving a trail of kisses down to her plump vagina.
Already soaking for me. My eyes lock on hers while my tongue trails circles around her clit, a soft moan creeps through her lips, something feral purrs inside of me at the sound of her soft voice. Softly I suck her swollen clit between my lips and I slide my fingers into her slowly. My body threatens to release now, but I won't allow it... Not yet. More than anything I want to make slow passionate love to her, more than that I want to feel her, hold her. My belt jingles as I fumble to get my pants down, she lay there watching, that lust coated look smeared across her face. Slowly I line the head of my member up with her warm entrance.
"I want to take my time" I grumble. "Take as long as you want" She replies. Slowly, painfully slowly I push myself into her. Air escapes my lungs at the feel of her. She felt amazing that night so many weeks ago but this, this feels differently. Her warmth surrounds my member while I continue pushing myself into her slowly, deeply. "God damn" My voice hoarse. Over and over again I slowly pull myself out, push myself back in, stroking her like i'll never see her again. Her body melts into mine, the tv in the background is but a muffle, the world around a blur. It's just me and her filling the room with moans and the wet noise coming from her dripping vagina. Wrapping her arms around the back of my neck she pulls me into a deep kiss. Not wild like they had always been before, but controlled and passionate.
It felt as though our souls danced while I deeply pushed myself into her. I palm her breast, her perfect fucking breast and suck it into my mouth. Nipping, sucking and licking it. I can't get close enough to her, can't have enough of her. I quicken my pace, making love to her feels like the best drug. Pressing down on her lower stomach I stroke harder, sending shockwaves through the room. "Oh my fucking god!" She gasps loudly, eyes shooting open. "You like that?" A smirk spreads across my face. "I love that" She moans. Harder, deeper my strokes become more sloppy. "Luis! Oh fuck!" She screams. "Say it again" I demand, slamming into her harder, our bodies clap together like thunder. "Luis!" She screams. Fuck! "Who am I?" I demand.
"Daddy!" She barely gets the word out. Fuck, she is going to be my undoing. "Whose pussy is this?" I growl, slamming into her even harder, my climax approaching. "Yours! Fuck! It's yours!" She screams, her body stiffens, vagina clinches around me. I press myself deep into her before filling her with my load. "Forever, it's mine forever" I say breathlessly.
I took the next two weeks off of work, Hunter was gracious enough not to ask why. We spent every second together. After not having her, I never want to go without her again. A mistake I will never repeat. Mine, she is mine... Forever.
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