#astra zeneca
viejospellejos · 5 months
La Comisión Europea ha suspendido la comercialización de la vacuna covid de AstraZeneca:
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Esta decisión se toma tras admitir el laboratorio que "puede, en casos muy raros, causar TTS (síndrome de trombosis con trombocitopenia)".
Así lo ha informado la Comisión este lunes tras una petición de la propia farmacéutica. La medida tendrá efectos a partir de mañana 7 de mayo de 2024.
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megachirottera · 1 year
Chi possiede il CDC?
Molti di voi sono comprensibilmente indignati per la recente decisione unanime del CDC di aggiungere il vaccino COVID-19 al calendario pediatrico. Source: Oct 21, 2022; by A Midwestern Doctor on The Forgotten Side of Medicine (more…) “”
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aaravos-answers · 2 years
(mia) is there a Startouch elf named Astra Zeneca? seriously I need to know
Not to my knowledge, little one
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We asked long-time Bitcoin Cash advocate @SallyMayweather for his thoughts on stablecoins and whether they serve as a backdoor proxy for fractional reserve banking within the crypto space, effectively extending the traditional financial system's "casino" model.
Listen To The Full Conversation: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/podcast/podcast-sal-the-agorist-unpacking-pro-palestinian-protests-trump-vs-rfk-astrazeneca-cancelled
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tilos-tagebuch · 5 months
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Rund 69 Millionen Mal verarbreicht : EU widerruft Zulassung von AstraZeneca-Impfstoff
Die EU-Kommission hat die zuvor erteilte Zulassung für den COVID-19-Impfstoff von #AstraZeneca, bekannt als #Vaxzevria, offiziell widerrufen. Dies geht aus einem, bereits am 27. März erstellten Durchführungsbeschluss der Kommission hervor, der erst vor einigen Tagen veröffentlicht wurde. Der Widerruf tritt demnach am 7. Mai 2024 in Kraft. Die Bundesregierung hat das Präparat im März ausgesetzt, nachdem es in #Deutschland 12.803.142 Mal verabreicht worden war. #Europaweit wurden etwa 68,8 Millionen Dosen des Vaxzevria-Impfstoffs an EU-Bürger über 18 Jahren verabreicht.
Source - https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Rund-neunundsechzig-Millionen-Mal-verarbreicht-EU-widerruft-Zulassung-von-AstraZeneca-Impfstoff-visit-11444.html
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bukimevieningi · 2 years
Tikroji vykimo į Švediją priežastis. Pagaliau mes tapome normalūs #5 (video)
Tikroji vykimo į Švediją priežastis. Pagaliau mes tapome normalūs #5 (video)
„Tai – jau trečioji Vaido ir Eglės nuotykių Švedijoje dalis (I dalis čia, II dalis čia). Šį kartą buvo atskleista tikroji kelionės į Švediją priežastis, nepatiksianti visiems antivakseriams. Gero žiūrėjimo, ir, tikimės, kad atsiversite į tikrąjį kelią… Normaliųjų kelią.“
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Not to be an extreme right-wing conspiracy theorist, but it's just funny how we knew from the get-go that COVID-19 vaccination was linked to a higher risk of blood clots and stroke in females (especially females taking The Pill, of which the official medical advice on most types of The Pill specifically state 'do not combine this medication with any other drug, treatment, lifestyle choice, etc that will increase the risk of blood clots and stroke, bc The Pill will amplify the shit out of that risk'). And now we're also finding out that COVID-19 vaccination effects most womens' menstrual cycles. And that young females are generally more susceptible to side effects and vaccine injury from COVID-19 vaccination.
And that's not to say the vaccine wasn't necessary and didn't save lives. But the way in which womens extremely valid and demonstrable health issues were just swept under the rug, and continue to be swept under the rug, says a lot to me about how the medical industry and the entire world in general do not give a singular fuck about women.
I had to read a government propaganda piece from the ABC about how 'oh well yes, the COVID-19 vaccine does effect female menstrual cycles, but only by an average of plus one day in all women'. Like lmao, tf kind of scientific reporting is that? Yeah, a heart attack only increases heart rate by one BPM if you average it out over everyone's heart rates, so no one should worry about a heart attack? Like what even is a bell curve amirite?
And like, I would still want to get vaccinated regardless, because COVID-19 ain't no joke, but I also want to know which vaccine is safest for me as a woman, what I can do as a woman to minimise the risk of vaccine injury, what specific side effects can I expect as a woman, etc, etc, etc. Instead I just gotta play russian roulette because the medical industry can't be assed in providing the same amount of product safety and control for women as they do for men.
Like, can you imagine, if COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of men having strokes and male baldness and whatever, that the official medical advice would still be 'shut up and get vaccinated'? Can you imagine that entire half of the population would just be expected to 'quietly take one for the team'? Like apparently women are expected to? Lol as if
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ajokeformur-ray · 2 years
Incredibly grateful for the gift and privilege of a free fourth covid vaccine at my workplace today.
antivaxxers dni or i'll clown on you <3
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theprestigegirly · 1 year
my life this year has just been leon’s life in resident evil 4
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aressida · 5 months
"Astra Zeneca have admitted in court their Covid Vaccine can cause Blood Clotting
This means every single Health & Government Official who quoted “safe & effective” knowingly or unknowingly Lied.
Astra Zeneca was quietly pulled from the market after several high profile cases of vaccine induced death, strokes & Blood Clotting
Let the litigation floodgates open."
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gusty-wind · 11 months
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-Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
-Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
-Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
-Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson
-Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
-Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum
-Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
-Anthony Fauci
-Peter Daszak
-Francis Collins
-Bill Gates
-George Soros
-Barack Obama
-Hillary Clinton
-Bill Clinton
-Joe Biden
-John Podesta
-John Brennan
-James Comey
-Adam Schiff
-Peter Strzok
-Mark Zuckerberg
-Melinda Gates
-Nancy Pelosi
-Lindsey Graham
-Gen. Mark Milley
-Volodymyr Zelensky
-Henry Kissinger
-Ralph Baric
-Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet
-MN Gov. Tim Walz & Keith Ellison
And about100 other treasonous bastards in politics,7 Dem. Governors Grandma & Grandpa Killers, Judges, Prosecutors, Federal Agencies, Darpa, DOD, FDA, CDC, WHO, WEF, WEF Health Governors, United Nationals, *Liberal Main Stream Media*, *Big Tech*, Medical Field, Hospital CEOs, Pedowood/Pedoland/Pedo-world, Banks & Corporations, etc…..
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The Supreme Court on Monday rejected the appeal of a Minnesota woman who said she was wrongly denied unemployment benefits after being fired for refusing to be vaccinated for COVID-19 because of her religious beliefs.
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development determined she wasn’t eligible for benefits because her reasons for refusing the vaccine were based less on religion and more on a lack of trust that the vaccine was effective.
The case shows that the vaccine debate continues to smolder after the pandemic and after the Supreme Court in 2022 halted enforcement of a Biden administration vaccine-or-testing mandate for large employers but declined to hear a challenge to the administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care facilities that receive federal funding.
Still pending is an appeal from military chaplains who challenged the military’s vaccination requirement. Although that requirement was later rescinded at the direction of Congress, the chaplains argue they lost out on training opportunities and promotions because they requested religious exemptions.
Minnesota said the unemployment benefit appeal denied Monday wasn’t worth the Supreme Court’s time because benefits have been given to others who were found to have a sincerely held religious objection to the vaccine, so there’s no overarching question to address.
Lawyers for the Upper Midwest Law Center, which represented Tina Goede, had argued she was treated differently by the Minnesota courts than others who successfully appealed their denial of benefits.
After refusing to get vaccinated, Goede was fired in 2022 from her job as an account sales manager for the pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca. Her position had required her to meet with customers in hospitals and clinics, some of which required proof of vaccination.
She told the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development her religious beliefs prohibit injecting foreign substances into her body, which is a “temple of the Holy Spirit.”
A Catholic opposed to abortion, Goede also objected to the COVID-19 vaccine because she believed it was manufactured using or tested on an aborted fetal-cell line. (A cell line from an abortion decades ago was used to create Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine. Fetal cells were used in the early testing, though not in the production, of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.)
But Goede told the unemployment law judge she wouldn’t receive the vaccine no matter how it was made “because it doesn’t work.”
The judge said Goede was declining to take some vaccines, but not others, “because she does not trust them, not because of a religious belief.”
Goede’s attorneys said the judge had interrogated her religious beliefs with “unfair `gotcha’ questioning."
“He couched his denial of benefits in Ms. Goede’s credibility and then discounted her religious beliefs by determining that her secular beliefs outweighed them,” the lawyers told the Supreme Court.
At the same time the Minnesota Court of Appeals upheld that decision last year, it reached the opposite conclusion for two others who had been denied benefits after asserting religious objections.
Goede’s lawyers said her case presented a question that will reoccur: how to analyze a religious objection to an employer policy when those objections coincide with secular beliefs.
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Brazilian-developed vaccine against Covid-19 registered by Anvisa
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The new vaccine against Covid-19 developed by the Brazilian company Zalika Farmacêutica has been entered into the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) this week, Agencia Brasil reported. The drug can be used in people aged 12 and over and is to be administered in two doses, 21 days apart, with boosters after 6 months for those over 18 years of age.
The technology used in the Zalika vaccine is called “recombinant” because its molecules are formed by combining two different sources. In this case, the protein S antigen (spike) -capable of promoting a response from the immune system- and the saponin-based adjuvant allow the mixture to enhance the production of antibodies. This form of production brings greater safety to the pharmaceutical industry, Anvisa explained in a statement.
The new immunizer is the sixth to receive definitive individual registration from Anvisa, in addition to Comirnaty Ipfizer/Wyeth, Comirnaty bivalent (Pfizer), Janssen Vaccine (Janssen-Cila), Oxford/Covishield (Fiocruz and Astra-Zeneca) and Spikevax bivalent vaccines have received this type of authorization. Pfizer/Biontech, Astra-Zeneca, Janssen, Moderna, Sinopharm, and Sinovac also have definitive registration in the form of the Covax Facility consortium.
Continue reading.
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dejufuniverse · 5 months
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Je zou maar door je werkgever gedwongen zijn om je te laten prikken met die troep en dit er van hebben gekregen. Ik heb al vanaf het begin gewaarschuwd maar ik werd uitgemaakt voor weet ik veel en nog wat. Of ik niet langs de dokter zou gaan om mij zelf na te laten kijken. Vele zitten nu met de ellende of kunnen het niet eens meer navertellen.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
WASHINGTON − The Supreme Court on Monday rejected the appeal of a Minnesota woman who said she was wrongly denied unemployment benefits after being fired for refusing to be vaccinated for COVID-19 because of her religious beliefs.
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development determined she wasn’t eligible for benefits because her reasons for refusing the vaccine were based less on religion and more on a lack of trust that the vaccine was effective.
The case shows that the vaccine debate continues to smolder after the pandemic and after the Supreme Court in 2022 halted enforcement of a Biden administration vaccine-or-testing mandate for large employers but declined to hear a challenge to the administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care facilities that receive federal funding.
Still pending is an appeal from military chaplains who challenged the military’s vaccination requirement. Although that requirement was later rescinded at the direction of Congress, the chaplains argue they lost out on training opportunities and promotions because they requested religious exemptions.
'Cancel culture' Supreme Court rejects case on dust-up between Catholic student and Native American
Minnesota said the unemployment benefit appeal denied Monday wasn’t worth the Supreme Court’s time because benefits have been given to others who were found to have a sincerely held religious objection to the vaccine, so there’s no overarching question to address.
Lawyers for the Upper Midwest Law Center, which represented Tina Goede, had argued she was treated differently by the Minnesota courts than others who successfully appealed their denial of benefits. 
Refusing to get vaccinated, fired from a pharmaceutical company
After refusing to get vaccinated, Goede was fired in 2022 from her job as an account sales manager for the pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca. Her position had required her to meet with customers in hospitals and clinics, some of which required proof of vaccination.
She told the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development her religious beliefs prohibit injecting foreign substances into her body, which is a “temple of the Holy Spirit.”
A Catholic opposed to abortion, Goede also objected to the COVID-19 vaccine because she believed it was manufactured using or tested on an aborted fetal-cell line. (A cell line from an abortion decades ago was used to create Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine. Fetal cells were used in the early testing, though not in the production, of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.)
But Goede told the unemployment law judge she wouldn’t receive the vaccine no matter how it was made “because it doesn’t work.”
The judge said Goede was declining to take some vaccines, but not others, “because she does not trust them, not because of a religious belief.”
Goede’s attorneys said the judge had interrogated her religious beliefs with “unfair `gotcha’ questioning."
“He couched his denial of benefits in Ms. Goede’s credibility and then discounted her religious beliefs by determining that her secular beliefs outweighed them,” the lawyers told the Supreme Court.
At the same time the Minnesota Court of Appeals upheld that decision last year, it reached the opposite conclusion for two others who had been denied benefits after asserting religious objections.
Goede’s lawyers said her case presented a question that will reoccur: how to analyze a religious objection to an employer policy when those objections coincide with secular beliefs.
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isbergillustration · 2 years
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Today's inktober is courtesy of today's creative writing assignment, which you can read under the cut;
Mask, gloves, hand sanitizer, that used to be all you needed. Then you could go out, have as much fun as you like. Not here, though. Not any more. In other places, they got vaccines. Well, they are getting them. Twice a year, every year, because those are the important people. The ones with access. The same sort of people, maybe, who during the regular lockdowns have vast houses and gardens in which to isolate, not tiny shithole apartments. Have you tried walking up fourteen flights with post Covid lung capacity? It’s not fun. And in the mask, too. We’ve moved past the cloth and paper masks, most of us. They don’t last long enough, and they’re not sufficiently secure for when you use your one allotted day out waiting in queues all day with people trying to hide their coughs, who have somehow faked their tests. They never quite figured out a foolproof way to stop people from doing that. No, it’s proper gas masks, these days. I got mine off the net in the early days, I was lucky. It’s from the cold war and there’s probably remnants of worse stuff, but it’s got filters and it keeps the Covid and the smells out. So far.
I’ve only gotten it four times in the last five years, which is pretty good. I got a shot of Astra-Zeneca, back when they still bothered producing it, when they figured the leftover from the rich West were good enough for us. After the heart attacks and deaths. That’s all, though. No more shots for me, at least not of that kind. Maybe a few of some cheap vodka. If I can get any. It has been hard getting anything not local and dirt cheap for years. I’ve got contacts, but even they are becoming unreliable.
I finish closing up my protective suit, such as it is. It was sent by the government, three years ago now, and several patches are taped up from the inside, painted the pale grey white to blend in. I can’t afford a new one. I also can’t afford to get sick again. Last time it was months before I was able to function again, and that was back when Emily was alive. When I still had someone to- anyway.
As I close and lock the door behind me, the automatic disinfection shower starts. Before I can leave my little airlock made from cheap plastic, I have to get sprayed down. At least this time it is scented, but the scent they have chosen seems to be brackish water with rotting seaweed.
No one else on my floor is allowed out today. Can’t risk contamination. It works, I suppose, as a system. Part of these new blocks they built, designed for social distancing, as the ads say. Dirt cheap rent, so all the people with the highest risk get stuck in the same space, and are easier to quarantine. Means that other than the noises that seep through the walls, you don’t get to know your neighbours. I know there lives a family above me. I know that there’s only one set of running and jumping toddler feet I hear from there lately.
The fresh air would be nice if it wasn’t filtered through fifty year old filters, but I enjoy it anyway. You only get to go out every fourteen days, after all, and it’s been a while. If you’ve got a pet that needs air, or a small enough child, there’s exception. I’ve got neither, these days. I’ve got no one. It’s safer, I hear people say. You’ve got no one else you’ve got to worry about getting sick. No, I agree, not any more.
Within five minutes I reach the queue. It snakes through the few green spaces between the apartment buildings. It’s not to bad today. Two kilometres, maybe. I forgot to check the app before I left, and I can’t open the suit to get at my phone. No one can. Suppose that’s the bright side of this. We’re forced to talk to each other, because there’s nothing else. It’s hard, though, through the masks. A sort of sign language has developed, combined with gestures. It’s not proper sign language, for that you need to see the mouth, and have better finger mobility than these gloves allow for, but it’s enough. How are you? What about this weather, huh? Lost anyone? Condolences. Wonder if there’s fresh bread today. In other places people got into baking during the pandemic, but, well. With the price of things these days…
Later, after an efficient 5 hours of queueing, I got my shopping for the next two weeks done. It’s locked in my airlock for 24 hours for safety. Much of it is canned, don’t know what good the sanitiser does for that, but I’m no biochemist. My contact, though…
When I got home, I found an encrypted message waiting for me. After making sure it was safe, running it through decryption, it was there: an offer of a new underground vaccine. Not tested, no. This was that. Illicit search for human test subjects. And it paid, too. Not a lot, but enough to matter. Would I be interested?
Fcuk yes, I type, sending it before I can catch my typo, sign me up.
I haven’t even read the risks found in animal trials, but god, if it works? Anything for the kind of freedom those who can afford to go abroad and get the vaccines have. There’s parts of the big cities, blocked off from everyone who couldn’t get vaxxed. I hear it’s real bougie now, all nice and not constantly covered in trash. The environment is recovering too. Isn’t it nice, they say, strolling through sparsely populated parks, not even bothering to carry masks these days. Some of them don’t even have some remnants of long Covid symptoms. God. Most people have had it a number of times, now. And it doesn’t get easier. It’s worth a little, I check the list, vomiting, migraines, heart disease, certain cancers and strange dreams. A hint of kidney failure if you’re lucky. Poor mice. But hey, what have I got to lose?
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