#astraea's thoughts
astraeasilvers · 4 months
Deimon Devilbat Headcanons
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Hiruma Yōichi:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay or Omnisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, but he couldn't care less about gender norms
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Sena will always be my main, but I can also see Hiruma/Musashi
A random headcanon: The black around his eyes? Eyeliner. Soon to become a tattoo.
General Opinion over said character: I love this psychotic boy
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Sena Kobayakawa:
Sexuality Headcanon: GAY BOI
Gender Headcanon: Libramasculine (It means to be primarily Agender with some hints of masculine)
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Sena FOREVER but Shin/Sena, Riku/Sena, Juumonji/Sena and a few other more minor ships (Kakei/Sena and Yamato/Sena) are some casual likes of mine.
A random headcanon: He would 110% be the first out of all them to get a tattoo
General Opinion over said character: Precious cinnamon roll (who is not a cinnamon roll)
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Gen “Musashi” Takekura:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: FtM Trans Icon and you can’t tell me otherwise
A ship I have with said character: Hiruma/Musashi
A random headcanon: He is 100% taller than Hiruma. He gives me tall vibes. Also, he can read Hiruma pretty well.
General Opinion over said character: Good Boi
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Kurita Ryokan:
Sexuality Headcanon: He gives me many vibes, but primarily Gay/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Masc Nonbinary
A ship I have with said character: I honestly can’t think of a ship for this cinnamon roll. Maybe Kurita/Gaou, but idk
A random headcanon: He’s not as naive or innocent as he looks and when his friends start in on more interesting conversations, he is very much interested in listening LOL
General Opinion over said character: Cinnamon roll
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Raimon “Monta” Tarou:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight. That’s all I have to say about him on this front
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender, but possibly Demiboy
General Opinion over said character: Funny Monkey
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Mamori Anezaki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual, possibly Lesbian
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender
A random headcanon: Her type is Milfs and Buff women
General Opinion over said character: Sometimes brothers me, but she’s silly and fun
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Suzuna Taki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Demigirl
A random headcanon: She has a sixth sense, and knows when her friends start dating/get crushes
General Opinion over said character: Cute, silly, and fun
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Kazuki Juumonji:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay, possibly Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Juumonji/Sena
A random headcanon: He would hurt anyone who harasses his friends. Said friends are well aware of him being gay, but since he doesn't want the whole world knowing, they make an effort to make sure people don’t find out (but do a bad job of it)
General Opinion over said character: He protecc
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Koji Kuroki:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: He’s cis, but people keep expecting him to come out as something -anything really- at some point
A random headcanon: He’s well aware Juumonij is gay and doesn't want people to know, so he tries to throw people off that thought whenever it’s brought up.
General Opinion over said character: Game Addict (mood)
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Shozo Togano:
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary
A random headcanon: He’s the one that gets the most angry over any bigotry directed at his friends. Kuroki and Juumonji have had to forcefully take the bat from his hands a few times. He's especially bad at hiding Juumonji's sexuality, but that's just because he's a doofus
General Opinion over said character: Manga Nerd (mood)
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Daikichi Komusubi:
A random headcanon: He can speak normally, he just likes to watch people’s confusion when he doesn’t
General Opinion over said character: Mini cinnamon roll
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Manabu Yukimitsu:
Sexuality Headcanon: Aro/Ace
Gender Headcanon: Questioning
A random headcanon: After graduation, he made it a hobby of his to help his friends analyze their matches
General Opinion over said character: Dude, can I have some of that determination? I’ve lost mine.
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Natsuhiko Taki:
Sexuality Headcanon: You’ve undoubtedly heard of “Flamboyant Gay” but he somehow accomplishes being “Flamboyant Straight”
Gender Headcanon: Cis, but people wouldn’t be surprised if he came out at some point.
A random headcanon: He’s not good at flirting, simply because he has no idea how to be subtle, nor does he even really know what flirting consists of.
General Opinion over said character: Silly boi lacks braincells
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Tetsuo Ishimaru:
A random headcanon: His soul has withered up long ago. Look in his eyes. You can’t deny that.
General Opinion over said character: Poor bastard just got dragged into this mess and went along with it… Admirable
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Doburoku Sakaki:
A random headcanon: He’s incredibly confused how so many people on the team are queer, but just rolls with it
General Opinion over said character: Drunk but has some wisdom somewhere in that alcohol-clouded brain of his
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I only got interested in Elden Ring after the DLC came out so I don't know what the fandom was like before, but I thought Miquella being morally questionable was actually a super interesting plot twist.
Not necessarily in that "good guy is actually bad guy," way, but in how it plays with the player's expectations. It really surprised me to learn how controversial it was.
Miquella in the base game is only truly selfless demi-god, with a dream of a world of kindness and equality. He represents the "perfect option"
One thing that Elden Ring shares with it's FROMSOFTWARE predecessors is that there are no perfect options.
In the basegame, this concept is carried out by having this "perfect option" unavailable to you. Miquella has been diminished by Mogh's mad actions, reducing him to a thin arm falling out of a strange cocoon.
It's part of the tragedy, That even if you wanted to fix everything, you cant.
The DLC furthers this concept, revealing that this perfect option never even existed to begin with.
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Babe, wake up, new OSP Misc. Myths just dropped.
Now that I've watched it, I have to say, wouldn't Astraea make a great well-meaning villain for a Greek Mythology piece?
Think about it. Astraea lived among and basically ruled humanity in an age of perfect ignorance where everything was happy and fair but we were basically slightly more intelligent animals that couldn't even build ships. Then Kronos gets overthrown, Prometheus gives fire to humanity, the seasons become a thing, and suddenly we start to outgrow her. Things become strifeful, but we also begin advancing in new ways.
Astraea can only see the bad. She wants humanity to go back to what they were back in the good old days when humans were living in perfect blissful ignorance.
Maybe her greatest enemy is Prometheus, who doesn't like the Gods either, but sees all that humanity can achieve and wishes to see them realize their full potential, eventually eclipsing the very Gods who created them.
Dunno. i think it could be interesting.
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mila-bee · 5 months
Oh I’m in love 🥰
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lavampira · 1 year
the name of alia’s carbuncle is helios — something about the name calls to her, some sort of instinctual pull to it that she can’t describe even if she wanted, but it seems right for her little glimmery topaz being of aether. and after she learns of astraea and concepts and familiars, a part of her wonders if it’s somehow lingered across lifetimes that she can’t remember and transferred to this one in a connection between soul and aetheric companion, even if she isn’t the same. she doesn’t know if she’ll ever get the answer, but it doesn’t really matter anyway at this point, having found a semblance of purpose and peace with the legacy left to her.
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aintashes · 6 months
me staring at the show writers with malicious intent: tell me what happened to the tre.ating surv.ivors of c.hildho.od abu.se book d.aryl took from the shelter in season 5
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francescaswords · 11 months
Introducing ROTTING TREES, a 'Bezzina's Emporium of Magical Artefacts and Antiquities' novel, with FAQ
Once upon a time, I nicknamed a manuscript ‘cursenovel.’ More recently I finished it, named it Rotting Trees and, when no one I’d approached wanted to sell it, decided to publish it myself. Then I wrote this post. I do have some graphics planned to share to my social media as part of the never ending PR machine that is required of self publishing, but I thought it would be fun to have a master…
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bluejay-in-write · 1 year
Sol: *acting like a kicked puppy dog after seeing Rae’n laughing with Wolffe*
Rae’n: *thinking that he's worried about being replaced as one of her best friends* Oh don't be jealous you know you'll always be my favorite trooper
Sol: 😳😳😳
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
if i knew redbubble had a daily upload limit i wouldnt have put so much dumb shit on there
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musical-chick-13 · 4 months
ALSO, re: Covers Often Serve Different Functions So Comparing Them Isn't Always Productive, one Ship Playlist™ has two different versions of a song on it because as their relationship develops, the CONTEXT OF THE LYRICS CHANGES. AND THIS IS REFLECTED BY THE ARTISTS' DIFFERENT ORCHESTRATIONS AND VOCAL DELIVERIES.
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timelessworry · 9 months
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This about sums up my BG3 experience so far. I love it, but I keep forgetting literally everything can and will kill me. I think this was, I forgot to put my torch down before walking into a room full of flammable boxes 🫠 I couldn't stop by the time I realised and she was just carrying on in there.
But at least I grabbed Astarion this run, so I have an extra person for carrying my shit.
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astraeasilvers · 1 year
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Hiruma saying this to Vamp!Sena
Based on this meme I found on Twitter ahem I mean... "X"
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starsasunder · 10 months
Inanna: THE FOOL
there is an endless road ahead of you. long and winding, it is impossible to imagine every fork, every path you could take. like looking down from a high place, the sheer magnitude is dizzying. but it is freeing. god, it is freeing. you have all the time in the world to explore– endless choices to make; take time to appreciate it all. just be careful not to lose yourself to the recklessness that comes with such wondrous freedom.
UPRIGHT: beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
REVERSED: holding back, recklessness, risk-taking
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Astraea: THE TOWER
where is the line between awakening and self destruction? is it thin? are you walking toward it? on it? already too far gone? there is nothing more disheartening than trying to find yourself, only to learn that you detest the person you've been looking for. can i tell you a secret? you are allowed to love yourself. required to, even. how can you go forward without it? make no mistake– it is not easy. but it is essential. you will get there, and it will be warm.
UPRIGHT: sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening
REVERSED: personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster
Tagged by: @avaloniamagus (thank you very much for the tag. <3)
Tagging: no one, please feel free to steal it.
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astrxealis · 1 year
hmmmm lightwarden au ideas
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nomname · 10 months
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O'ercharger With Death
Lambert x Narinder || Royal AU
Still unsure what this AU should be about. Pretty much it's just me throwing stuff in there to see what sticks, no solid story just concept ideas.
warnings below → drinking blood, blood, eye gore and murder
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Haha funny instrumental representing the living body and the old faith being conductors capable of influencing mortals' music with tragedy.
Although Narinder can not influence anyone. death isn’t capable of changing the outcome. death is the end of ends something already pre-decided. Lambert though…
If one of the hands of death could conduct music wouldn't it be similar to reanimating a corpse?
It was prophesied that Narinder would share the role of death with a Lamb, Hence his arranged marriage with Lambert. However, even with Lambert as life and could revive the dead, Lambert still struggles to reanimate the dead and simply refuses to do so despite narinder's encouraging gifts but soon would be enough.
Standing underneath the shattered stained glass ceiling, drenched in his sibling's blood that was beginning to burn his flash and soon leaving nothing but bone. his neck snapped upward to the heavens above, chanting his forbidden scripture.
The ear of pestilence silenced all sounds before all sounds became louder with the mind of war ripping the fabric of space in half, the gods, they saw through the eyes of chaos and spoke through the throat of famine. Narinder was going to unstable the balance and bring an apocalypse to the crowns if it would undo the vile prophecy.
That's when the guards started piling into the castle doors.
His actions resulted in banishment his siblings decided; to chain their brother beneath the kingdom's catacombs. These catacombs connected the vast territories of Darkwood, Anura, Anchordeep, and Silk Cradle. In this place, Narinder would serve as an eternal undertaker.
Someone had to take on the role of death, and Narinder was deemed unreliable. And I think it would be cool if Shamura and the others would have to take on that responsibility.
The prophecy would soon be brought forth. Shamura and the others can try to prevent it, but it will come to fruition. Thus the madness above and beneath the kingdoms began.
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I chose butterflies because of their mud pudding; I thought it would be neat to represent butterfly blush sprouting from the lambs' corpses.
For-Get-Me-Nots is pretty self-explanatory.
Aster is based on the tears of Astraea.
The Golden Beams is about Narinder and Lambert becoming one… and their marriage. Lol
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Think the cult grounds being built on top of Narinder's kingdom would be a neat concept; might play around with it at a later date.
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damn-stark · 2 months
Chapter 14 Autumn sadness
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Chapter 14 of Moonlight
A/N- Aemond stop being horny for your wife challenge (Impossible)
Warning- Swearing, talks of pregnancy, Aegon!, mentions of sexual harassment, angst, fluff, SPOILERS, LONG CHAPTER.
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode- 2x04
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
“Here again?” You query while you shade your eyes from the luminous sun starting to peek over the roof of the Dragonpit. “Another rendezvous?” You smile.
Aemond looks away from Aerion in his arms and shakes his head. “No, it’s something else.”
You squint your eyes and probe for more. “Like?”
Before Aemond can answer a Kingsguard shouting catches your attention. “Stand back!”
You look over and notice some Smallfolk trying to approach the stairs in an attempt to reach you. “Princess!”
“Over here!”
Unlike before this time the calls aren’t born from admiration and excitement, you can hear the desperation in their voice as they try and steal your attention. You can see the plea for help in their eyes, the helplessness, and the hunger.
“Bring us some food, please!”
Your help wasn’t widespread, you would feed and give money to those few people you came across. You were never allowed to do more than that, but your charity is well known now that they’re looking for any kind of help. Anything that can feed their growling stomachs, and needing children.
“<I told you,” Aemond remarks in High Valyrian. “Feed one stray dog and others won’t fail to follow to beg too.>”
You glance at him with a disturbed look before you take a look at all the people you can’t help when they need you the most. You have money, but what good is that when there’s hardly any food for them to buy? All you can do is offer them an apologetic look before you ignore them and drive your attention to this early morning adventure Aemond has yet to explain.
“So are you going to tell me why we’re here?” You pressure him to fill your curiosity.
Yet he just smirks at you, making you roll your eyes and focus on the building holding sacred power just under its surface.
Which is pretty unbelievable! These powerful dragons your family can ride, that you can use to burn down towns and people to ash are kept in chains under a stone building that they can easily destroy, or that can also easily be their death.
It’s crazy to think about, but it’s true isn't it? If your mother decided to come in secret with all the dragons at her side they could attack the Dragonpit, and the rubble could be the dragon's death. Your dragon's death…
Thinking of Astraea dying is worse than thinking of someone you love dying. You’ve known your dragon since you were a babe, literally, she hatched when you were only a few months old, and you haven't been apart a moment since then. She's your soulmate. Losing her would be like losing yourself.
But your mother wouldn’t be so desperate as to attack the Dragonpit and kill the power of your house, they’re sacred, powerful, and majestic. Better than any army of men…
“I wish we had more family to ride dragons,” you express what springs to mind.
“What do you mean?” Aemond quickly follows up on your comment.
“Just that,” you counter with growing excitement as this idea keeps unfurling. “If we had more family we could trust, they could ride the other dragons that reside at Dragonstone. All who had riders in the past.”
Aemond gives you all his attention as his interest is completely stolen by what you’re trying to get at.
“There’s Vermithor,” you list the dragons that live in Dragonstone, on your fingers. “Silverwing, and…my father's dragon, Seasmoke.”
Thoughts turn behind Aemond’s eye before it all seems to come to a halt as he comes up with a conclusion. “We don’t need the other dragons, we have Vhagar.”
You scoff and get closer to him to argue for a sole worry, his safety. “Yes, but Vhagar and Sunfyre alone won’t win against my mother's dragons. They have 5 to your two, or three if you count me,” you add.
“There’s Tessarion,” he brings up the forgotten son, making you quickly brush him off.
“Still not enough, he’s young—Do you want to know what Daemon wanted to do when he found out Aegon was crowned?” You share with a bit of desperation, which is why you don’t let him answer. “He wanted to attack King’s Landing with all the dragons. Tell me if Vhagar would’ve survived that?”
Aemond looks ahead and answers with silence because he knows you’re right. He doesn’t want to admit that though, so instead he deflects with a question that he’s been wondering about since the war started. “Would you have attacked me with them?”
There’s nothing to think about, you know this answer as clear as day. “No,” you admit confidently. “I wasn’t mad at you then. I told you…I missed you.”
Aemond’s guard falls, and his eye falls on Aerion before he looks back at you with his eye reflecting the sun's beams peeking over the roof.
“You know,” you finally have a chance to admit something you haven’t talked about, and something he hasn’t asked out of fear of what you’d say? Who knows.
“If I knew what Daemon wanted to do I…don’t think I would have let him go through with it. Even if I thought I hated you at the time.” You swallow thickly and a breath escapes past his lips, making him collect himself to finally dig into this matter that has been running in his head.
“Where were you?” He asks.
You sigh and briefly steal a glance at the approaching entrance. “We were in the North,” you say quietly. “When we arrived at Dragonstone Daemon was not there anymore. I didn’t even know about his plan until the next day after I returned from Driftmark. And when I did find out,” you pause and sigh deeply before you meet his curious eye as he waits for more.
“Before Jacaerys could finish telling me what actually happened I was struck with fear…my world went dark when I thought you were killed,” you admit and feel yourself grow flustered as he keeps his eye on you. “And then when Jacaerys finished telling me the news I was horrified. You believe me right? I would never have let Daemon kill Jaehaerys.”
Panicked tears well in your eyes and he quickly assures you.
“I know.”
You nod in comprehension and breathe out that slight panic that just rattled you. “Anyway,” you continue with what you started with. “I couldn’t fathom you being killed, so it’s lucky that you were gone,” you feign a laugh. “I mean I’m not glad where you were, but it saved you so.”
Aemond comes to a stop, and you climb to the top before you stop and face him with a quizzical brow.
“I was not at the brothel because I sought lust,” he says again to get it through your mind and heart, but this time he adds something else that makes your heart skip a beat. “I did not think you would return home, I needed to talk to someone.”
A smile slowly spreads on your lips and you climb down to be in front of him before you assure him of one thing. “We would have found our way to each other eventually. I believe that. We’re one heart, one soul, one flesh. We literally drank each other's blood.”
He scoffs softly and you grin, making bliss glimmer in his eye and pull a soft smile to his own lips before he reaches over to cup your cheek and gently stroke your flesh.
You swoon at the touch and can’t help but reach over to grab his hand and hold his warmth.
There’s so much both of you can say on the aspect, you can reminisce about the past when getting married was a prospect that excited you both, and that you wanted more than anything. You could admit that fear is something you don’t feel when he’s close, but it is something he does feel because of the love he harbors for you. Yet neither of you says anything.
Your love is shared through the windows of your soul, right there on top of the steps, under the soft morning sky, with your son as a witness. Actually, he’s the one who interrupts the moment when he notices you just a hair's breadth away by reaching for your cheek with his little hand to try and grab you the same way Aemond was grabbing you.
When Aemond and you notice, you both share a laugh.
“<Beautiful, huh?>” Aemond directs at Aerion with a proud smile, making you giggle before you fall by Aemond’s side and hook your arm around his.
“Now,” you move this moment along by making him continue forward, and by moving on with this conversation. “Will you tell me why we’re here with our son?”
The corner of his lips tug up and he looks at you with a mischievous look that intrigues you.
“Spill,” you encourage him.
“Shrykos, the dragon egg chosen for Jaehaerys hatched the other day,” Aemond reveals, making your lips part with surprise—“I wanted to bring Aerion in hopes they will bond.”
You blink in surprise, but that quickly transforms into nothing but worry that knits your eyebrows and pushes you to share your concern. “But won’t Aegon be mad that you’re trying to bond Aerion to Shrykos?”
Aemond scoffs. “Why should he?” He retorts as walks you inside the dimmed arena. “Shrykos is free to claim now. It doesn’t belong to him.”
Is that what he said about Vhagar too?
“Hm, I suppose you’re right, but Aerion is still a babe,” you express more building-up worry. “He can’t defend himself if it doesn’t work.”
“I will have my blade ready,” Aemond makes sure to quickly assure you, but nothing he says actually gets rid of that feeling weighing down on you. Especially not when you reach the hall where the hatchlings and eggs are kept. It starts to feel like you’re lacking fresh air to breathe.
If anything happens to Aerion you’ll go mad.
“Aemond,” you try to express your worry, but he turns to assure you again.
“It will be fine, the keepers are here, and I have my hand on my pommel. I won’t let anything happen to our son.”
You hold his gaze to take more of that reassurance you need before you approach the stone table where Aemond sits Aerion, and where they have Shrykos’ carrier.
“<Since the one trying to bond is a babe, there won’t be commands, we will have to trust they communicate from within, the way you also communicate with your dragons.>” One of the keepers explains, making you clench your fists before you press your hands on the table to be ready to snatch Aerion if it all goes wrong.
“<Ready?>” The second keeper asks and looks between Aemond and you, making you and Aemond share a short speechless look before he answers with a nod.
The keeper then unties the crate's latch and lets a small swamp-green hatchling slowly crawl out of the darkness of her crate.
At first, it seems too timid to fully leave its crate, it stands there and tilts its little green head while her orange eyes focus on Aerion directly ahead of him.
Aemond and you share a curious look that's also mixed with worry that steals more of your breaths, and triggers your heart to race; causing the blood in your veins to pump rapidly, whilst also making your hands tremble.
Aemond notices your fear taking over, he senses it too because he feels concerned too, so he reaches over and wraps his hand around yours, letting a deep breath escape through your nose, and making your racing heart find some ease.
Yet not enough, it still thumps as you watch the hatchling completely leave her crate with her eyes locked on Aerion. All the while your babe glances over at you with no idea what’s going on; he doesn’t seem to be scared, he just steals a glimpse at Aemond and you before he returns his attention to the dragon and tries to reach for it.
Shrykos seems curious by Aerion’s movements so she crawls forward without that initial timidness that held her back before. She comes to a stop in front of Aerion and tilts her head to the side to look at him.
Aemond lets your hand go and uses both hands to hold his blade's handle and pull half of it out of his sheath. You lift your hands off the table and leave them out to be ready.
Aerion coos and leans forward to try and get a hold of the dragon, seeming to attract Shrykos to Aerion’s legs. That's when the babe finally brushes his little fingers over the dragon's head and smiles.
Shrykos blinks and her pupils seem to dilate before she coos back and suddenly climbs on Aerion to wrap itself around his shoulders and nuzzle her head against his cheek, making Aerion squeal.
You gasp and turn to look at Aemond at the same time he turns to look at you. Nothing is shared at first, but when you grasp that Aerion bonded with Shrykos you both share a proud smile.
“<It's done,” one of the keepers confirms what you concluded. “They are now bonded.>”
All the tension escapes you and you can’t help but grin and hug Aemond’s arm before he reaches over and takes Aerion in his arms with a proud grin on his long face.
“Good job, my boy,” you coo at Aerion as you stroke his cheek, but the boy is too focused on his dragon to pay any attention to you.
“Now no one will look down on you, my boy,” Aemond whispers to Aerion before he presses a kiss on the side of his head.
Your gaze drifts to look at Aemond as you take in what he said, as you detect the hurt in his voice brought by his childhood trauma when he was dragonless and picked on for that reason alone.
“We would never have let that happen if this hadn’t worked,” you tell Aerion whilst you also reassure Aemond. “And if they tried I would have protected you like I protected your father.”
Aemond hums and leans over to press a kiss on the top of your head.
“What time is the council meeting?” You ask him as you grab his arm.
“Not until noon,” he says. “Why?”
You offer him a mischievous smile and even if you know that he takes his responsibilities seriously and that the war outside this city's gates brings a tension within the Red Keep that takes a grip around everyone's throats, what’s wrong with a little escape? What’s wrong with getting carried away in the joy and pride that is brought by Aerion bonding with a dragon?
You aren’t making him abandon his responsibilities, you’re just asking for a little escape. And surprisingly he accepts your proposal and lets you take Astraea out so you both can mount your dragons and take them to the skies with Shrykos mounted on Aemond’s shoulder since her wings are still delicate to fly long distances, and she wants to be close to Aerion, who is strapped to Aemond’s chest.
It’s true, perhaps being on dragonback out of enjoyment is insensitive, tragedy has struck the kingdoms and you are royalty. Perhaps it’s also reckless considering the blockade that doesn’t stand too far away, and maybe it’s also a bit irresponsible. There are other moments and places to take time for yourselves where there aren’t millions of desperate souls watching, but neither Aemond nor you care. What other people might think doesn’t cross your mind.
All that exists is each other upon the skies; feeling the cold sea water splash over your face as Astraea grazes the tip of her wing in the water as she flies within Vhagar’s shadow. After a moment she straightens out and flaps her wings to fly forward. When she's past Vhagar, Astraea tilts up before she spins upward to reach Vhagar’s level and cut her off.
You chuckle and it's soon carried away by the rushing breeze, but your beaming smile is something that can’t be blown away, just like the bliss that completely fills your heart. It’s actually a contagious thing, your bliss. It’s a wonder that heightens Aemond’s own happiness the moment you beam at him over your shoulder.
Now he isn’t as expressive as you, that’s something that’s always been true. You have always been the one that shines the most and it’s something that never bugged him, not then and not now. He does get bothered when other people stare too long in awe at you, but that’s only because they might try taking you away from him, that’s it. He’d never try and diminish your light, and he’s glad it hasn’t snuffed out after what he did.
He fears that this war will diminish you, but even then that wouldn’t matter, he’d still look at you with the same admiration. He’d just have to work to revive that divine light; even if his presence alone is a spark of life itself. As long as you have him close, as long as he’s alive, that luminous light that he sees but you don’t, will never die.
Doesn’t he know that he’s like the moon and stars that you cherish with your heart? He’s cool like the moon in the night sky. And like the moon and the stars, it’s impossible not to admire and love him when he’s not looking or even when his attention is focused on you, like now. He looks at you with that cool blue eye that glimmers under the sun's kiss, and you just get lost on his face not tense with trying to look intimidating; he's smiling softly without stress, his long hair is flowing back, and he’s nothing but playful in this stolen moment as you fly next to each other in understanding that whoever lands on the empty patch of land first is the winner.
However, the winner is an easy guess. It’s you and Astraea. He may have cheated by taking a shortcut, but Astraea is faster since she isn’t as old or gigantic.
Your dragon actually ends up swooping around Vhagar and Aemond, and neither of you loses eye contact, causing a tense need for each other to burn hot and only escalate when you’re on the ground with your back pressed against his chest, his lips brushing over your ear, his breaths unfurling over the goosebumps on your skin, and his hand over yours as he shows you how to practice a certain action.
“Okay, I got it. Let me do it,” you whisper and slide your feet back to your usual fighting stance; something which makes him push your feet back to the way he’s been teaching you.
“Why do you keep standing like that?” He queries.
You glance down at your stance and realize that it’s the way Cregan stands with his sword.
“When you watch different fights you pick up on different things,” you throw out as an excuse which is actually kind of true. There’s been so many others you have taken notes on so you have grasped different techniques.
“I can still kick your ass,” you tease and he huffs softly, so you show off by swiftly managing to push him back with your elbow. You then swiftly spin around and flip the sword in your hand to point the tip to his throat. In the exact same way, you saw him do it once.
“Your own move on you, my love,” you taunt with a wink.
Aemond’s eye falls on the sword before he meets your gaze and can’t help but smirk.
“You caught me off guard,” he points out, making you snort and nod.
“That’s the trick to winning isn’t it?” You tease him and start to lower the sword, leaving him the opportunity to lunge forward and capture your wrist to twist you around and yank you against him with your back pressed against his chest again.
“No fair,” you complain in a whisper as he slides his hand down to cup your hand and press it gently so you can let his sword go and be left unarmed.
“That was not right,” you add and let out a punctured breath as he drags his other hand around your torso, letting his fingers brush over the flesh your gown leaves exposed.
“I really like this gown,” he whispers against the shell of your ear and feels his way all over your body covered by the sea-green gown you wear, making you shiver and draw in the same deep breath he stole.
“You’re distracting me,” you don’t actually mean a word you say, you want him to keep touching you with those firm yet gentle touches that light your skin on fire.
“A warrior doesn’t get distracted,” he rebuttals.
You laugh breathlessly and tilt your head to the side to let his lips touch your cheek because you’re starting to ache for his mouth to be on yours, but don’t want to move away from his touch.
“This is not fair,” you keep saying and he lowers his head to press his nose against your neck and take in a deep breath of your sweet scent.
“I hate when you do that,” you murmur without actual meaning and bring one hand down to wrap it around the hand he has around you and slide it down to your hips, causing him to grip onto you with a mischievous grin.
“Aemond,” you coo out and turn your head, making your lips touch and driving you to insanity. You can’t hold back anymore, you turn around to meet his hungry eyes before you glance at his inviting lips and indulge your desire for a heated moment. You don't linger too long, you pull back rather quickly, leaving a string of saliva that connects you both until he leans in and presses a gentle peck on your lips.
“You remember what I have to do today,” he brings up.
You sigh and nod stiffly. “Yes,” you say back and pull back to meet his gaze. “I was hoping I could leave Astraea out to just protect the city while you and Vhagar are gone. I will feel better knowing she’s out on the ready.”
Aemond holds your gaze and you plead speechlessly and hope desperately.
“In truth, I would feel better if she was out too,” he says, letting you let out a relieved sigh. “I will tell Aegon, but leave her out regardless.”
Now you can send your mother her warning without risking you or anyone else.
No one will keep track of Astraea's whereabouts, and if they ask where she is you will say she’s hunting for her meal. She likes to eat fish after all.
“Thank you,” you tell him with a sweet smile.
He hums and presses a kiss on your cheek before you part away, and both speechlessly decide that you should head back to the Red Keep now.
Nevertheless, when you go to Aerion you find him asleep with his arm around Shrykos neck as she too is lost in deep slumber.
“Oh my,” you muse and touch your heart as it completely melts inside you at such a precious sight. “Look, Aemond.”
Said man sheaths his sword that was left on the ground and then walks to you. When he’s behind you also watching what you’re watching, you look back at him with a wobbly smile and happy tears in your eyes, catching him smile in awe and pride because now he doesn’t have to worry about his son getting bullied the same way he was because he didn’t have a dragon.
It’s never hard being quiet when you’re sneaking through the secret tunnels. You always make sure to take your shoes off so the heels don’t reveal your presence, while any jewelry that dangles and makes noise is tucked away. That’s easy to control, but natural occurrences like coughing or sneezing are always an aspect that terrifies you.
You'd be caught right away and there would be no excuse that could save you from any consequences.
It’s not to say you feel any urge to cough or sneeze, but it crosses your mind as you approach the window and listen to the council meeting.
“Fuck you,” is the first thing you hear Aegon spat. Graceful. “I told you we should’ve sent our dragons. And now look what’s happened. Daemon, of all people, has taken Harrenhal.”
Does he mean that in a good or bad way? Because if it’s bad then maybe he needs to really reveulate his uncle's capabilities. Not to toot Daemon's horn, but he did win the battle at the Stepstones, he knows more about war than Aegon does. It should not be surprising that Daemon took Harrenhal. He should be surprised that he has no army to defend his stance there.
“I give you a job, and now you just sit there,” Aegon’s voice rises with his frustration. “It's your fucking castle!”
“Well, that castle is more crippled than I am, Your Grace,” you hear Lord Larys defend himself, making Aegon scoff— “It’s like to drive Daemon to madness as he attempts to make use of it. It is beyond his faculties. It’s also penniless,” he adds to try and reassure Aegon. “As I happily control all of its gold. So, as Harrenhal saps Daemon’s resolve, the false Queen remains trapped on her Island and Ser Criston continues felling castles in the Crownlands.”
“Wh—” Aegon stammers whilst you hear his feet stomp about the room. “I need to be informed of these things if I’m to make informed rulings. I will not be made to look a fool in front of my allies and enemies.”
“Harrenhal must wait,” Aemond interjects, causing a breath to escape past your lips. “Ser Criston is marching on Rook’s Rest.”
So he’s finally telling them.
“Rook’s Rest—a pathetic prize,” Aegon stammers. “I gave no such command—”
“The castle is small,” Aemond cuts Aegon off as you hear a chair creak before you recognize your husband's footsteps strike the floor. “Weakly defended and Lord Staunton sits on Rhaenyra’s council. After Cole smashes it, we’ll have Dragonstone effectively cut off by land. This war will not be won with dragons alone but with dragons flying behind armies of men.”
And that is why Aemond and Ser Criston have been secretly planning because Aemond is obviously the most strategic. Sure, his plans don’t favor your family, but you can still be proud that you married someone smart right?
“No! Have him turn about,” Aegon wastes his breath. “I want Harrenhal back.”
Aemond’s footsteps once again hit the ground and you imagine he’s returning to his seat while he responds. “Cole is already preparing his attack.”
Which is why after Aemond leaves you have to send word to your mother.
“Uh, how-how do you know this?” Aegon demands to know in a more perplexed way than upset.
“He sent word to me,” Aemond reveals half the truth as you hear him sit back down.
“To you?” Aegon asks, and you can’t help but detect a bit of hurt. “The two of you have been…plotting…without my authority?”
A second of silence passes before you hear Aemond fill the hall in Valyrian. “<You had more pressing matters to attend to. Such as holding court, choosing your sobriquet, and naming imbecilic lickspittles to our Kingsguard.>”
You can’t help but smirk at Aemond’s counter, knowing damn well that Aegon is only understanding part of that.
“Mm,” Aemond hums before he goes on as if trying to make Aegon look a fool. “<Do you have a wiser strategy, my King?>”
Oh, that rolls off his tongue so smoothly that it makes you tingle.
<If so, you should voice it to your council. We all wait your answer,>” Aemond finishes saying, making that smirk on your own face deepen, while a pride grows within you and grows exponentially as Aegon takes a moment to answer.
“<I can have to…” he responds in High Valyrian hesitantly. “Make a…war?>”
You cover your mouth to stifle your laugh.
Please! His own daughter probably knows more Valyrian than he does!
What a joke.
“Mm,” Aemond hums back, causing people around the table to clear their throats in response to Aegon’s failed attempt.
“Harrenhal is a useful morass,” Aemond continues in the common tongue. “It will keep Daemon well-occupied while we strengthen our host and weaken Rhaenyra’s support on the mainland. We will deal with it in the Riverlands in time. But right now. Rook’s Rest is an easy target and a worthy effort. Don't you agree, my King?”
You lean your ear towards the window and wait for him to agree. What else can he say? He had no other plan up his sleeve that could actually rebuttal Aemond’s plan, so all he can do is agree to that plan, and Aemond’s plan to go with Vhagar too.
Maybe this will teach him to be more strategic so he doesn’t get made a fool again, which is a bit pitiful, you do admit. If he were anyone else you would feel bad that his brother keeps upstaging him and planning behind his back, but he’s Aegon. You don’t feel pity or remorse, especially not after the way he treated Aemond not long ago in that brothel. Just like your husband, you relish in his torment.
If only you could witness more, yet Aemond is left satisfied and you depart from the shadows to return to your chambers before the meeting is done and Aemond accidentally discovers you.
And leaving at the time you did ends up being a lucky choice because the moment you sit down with your book, and pretend that's what you were doing, Aemond walks in.
“My love,” he greets and marches over to grab his sword right away before he finds his way to you on the ground keeping Aerion company.
“How was it?” You pretend to be clueless.
“As you would expect,” Aemond shares and crouches down to give Aerion some attention as the boy spends time on his tummy. “Aegon is fruitless when it comes to war, he’s bloodthirsty, thinking boldness is the better option. He’ll have all our dragons killed if we act out his plans.”
You close the book and tilt your head up to look at him. “Which is why it’s a good thing you sit at his table. How did he take the news?”
Aemond scoffs and a sly smirk plays on his lips. “What do you think?”
You sigh and guess. “Whiny and offended.”
Aemond nods before he snickers. “He tried speaking Valyrian, but he butchered it. He couldn’t even form a sentence.”
You laugh softly, but not as much as you would want knowing the actual context. Then again not like it matters because your amusement is quickly killed because you know you can’t escape the inevitable.
“Will you stay for dinner at least?” You try to make him linger behind.
Aemond lifts his eye off Aerion and catches the gloss in your eye that accompanies your speechless pleas, so he looks back at his son and gives you his answer. “I have indulged in my pleasures today. Rhaenyra might have already heard about our approach and may attack soon, I cannot risk leaving Cole defenseless.”
Your eyes flicker down and you sigh deeply with worry, pulling Aemond to his feet, and attaining his gaze that attracts you to look up and meet his gaze before you listen to your impulse and follow him up.
“I will return,” he reassures the worry creasing a frown on your features. “Sooner than you think.”
You close the empty space left between you and gently place your hands on his chest before you slowly trail them up his shoulders and bring them to a stop on his jaw, noting his armorless body left vulnerable to any deadly attack.
“I wish you would armor,” you express your concern.
Aemond’s gaze hardens and he grabs your elbow to remark. “Do you doubt me? Why is it that you never seem to trust my capabilities? I am met with doubt every time.”
Your eyebrows pinch together and your eyes harden as you’re confused by this outburst, but just as you want to argue, your anger fades when you realize that he doesn’t really understand where your doubt is coming from. So you sigh softly and look at him with a softening gaze that fills with admiration, and brings a teasing smile to your face.
“No matter how many times I tell you, you still don’t understand,” you quip and bring your hand down to smack his shoulder. “You may be smart with war plans, but there is something you do not seem to understand.” You scoff and your smile widens as your eyes perk up with bliss. “I do not doubt your skill Aemond, not on dragonback and not with a sword, I worry. It’s concern that I share because I love you.”
Aemond holds your gaze for a moment before he looks down as he loses that hardened demeanor brought by self-defense, and instead grows flustered.
“I do not wish to have your corpse returned to me,” you continue softly and try to find his eyes. “Vhagar may be the biggest dragon, she may have more battle experience than any other dragon, but she nor you are invincible. It takes one arrow, Aemond, raging fire, or a lucky bite from the other dragon's jaw and I am left a widow. Do you understand that?” You push your love into his heart, making him express nothing but love and awe in return as he finally lets you find his gaze.
“I just would feel more comforted if I knew something protected your face and your body. That’s all.” You say and slide your hand up to cup his cheek.
This time Aemond moves his hand up to meet yours so you can keep it pressed against his cheek and he can take in all the comfort you offer, while also making sure to stroke your knuckles with his thumb.
“I will be careful,” he assures you. “I won’t fall today. Nor tomorrow for that matter.”
You scoff in amusement and pull his face closer to you. “I need you to come back,” you express what torments your heart. “To me. I…can’t do this without you.”
Aemond’s breath catches and after a second he drags his hand up your arm while also raising the other one to grab your face with both and reassure you sweetly. “I will be well protected with Vhagar, I will return. I will be okay and I do not need armor to assure me of that. I will come back.”
Your breath trembles and you nod softly before you lean in and share your love with a deep kiss you linger in to keep him with you a bit longer, while also hoping that a deep kiss will convince him to stay. Yet he begins to part away.
But before your lips can be greeted with a cold abandonment he takes you in for a second kiss that’s shorter, but surpasses the passion that already fueled your first kiss.
Unfortunately, there’s no third indulgence, you do stay close and press your forehead against his to linger in each other's presence for a moment longer. Not letting anything penetrate this moment in time where all that exists is each other, your intertwined hearts, and your interconnected souls.
“I love you,” you break the silence after a while and caress his cheeks.
Aemond presses a kiss on the heel of your hand and whispers back. “I love you too. Come see me off?”
You scoff at the ridiculousness of his question. “Of course.”
After getting the last things he needs, and after bidding goodbye to Aerion, you walk with him all the way to the last gate, but no further because he doesn’t want you returning to the Red Keep alone.
“Astraea is allowed to roam the skies as freely as she wants while Vhagar and I are gone,” Aemond lets you know and unknowingly connects the missing link you had to help your mother. “If you mount her, don't approach the blockade or do anything reckless.”
“Reckless?” You feign innocence and touch your chest. “Me? Never.”
His lips tug to a smile before he goes serious and presses that. “I am being serious.”
You offer him an assuring nod and whisper. “I know. I will stay out of trouble.”
He hums and before he can leave, you reach for your neck to take off your necklace that holds the sigil of both of your houses, Velaryon and Targaryen. “I do want this back, it’s my favorite,” you say and grab his hand to give him your pendant. “For luck.”
“Your favor?” He teases with a smug smile.
You hum timidly and watch him snatch your hand before all he has is your haunting touches, and slowly brings it up to his thin pink lips to press a gentle kiss on your knuckles, causing your heart to skip a beat and a giggle to escape past your lips.
“Everything will be fine,” he adds in his soft voice that works like a trance. It keeps you under its spell now, but you know later it will wear off and your concern will drown you again.
“<Be careful,>” you tell him one more time, but this time you pass him a confident look also oozing with pride.
Aemond steals one more touch from your warm cheeks before leaning in and pressing his forehead against yours to steal one last sweet moment before he steps back and stands tall to show off the intimidating persona he’s built over the years, but never scares you. You see his confidence and his determination, but he does not intimidate you.
“<Goodbye, my love.>” He bids.
You offer him a last smile and whisper back so only he can hear. “Goodbye.”
You wave at him and linger where he left you behind to watch him get further and further away until not even his long shiny silver-white hair is visible. Now when you're sure that he won’t walk back for something he forgot you turn to head back inside, but the moment you do face the Redkeep, you catch Aegon looking out one of the windows of a high tower.
His eyes are unmistakably on you, letting you know he saw your last goodbye with his brother.
Was it with envy? Annoyance? Anger?
You don’t know, you can’t see the expression that paints his features from where you stand. Besides, when your eyes meet he turns away and abandons the window, letting you head inside.
At first, you walk at a normal pace, but when you’re inside you hurry back to your room to write that warning to your mother in High Valyrian so there’s less of a risk of someone unwanted reading your note. Which is unlikely because Astraea will carry your letter, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
“<Ser Criston Cole is preparing his attack on Rook’s Rest. Vhagar and Aemond will be there too in hopes of catching one of your dragons by surprise, which means he will be leaving the city defenseless for today and tomorrow. I will write more soon.>
You don’t sign your name, nor do you address it to anyone out of caution. You keep the letter short even if you wish to write more. And before anyone can interrupt you, you rush off using the tunnels so no one can stop you, or see you and report your comings and goings to anyone who shouldn’t know.
Once you make it out to the cove behind the castle, your dragon is already waiting for you.
“<Good girl,>” you praise her and caress her snout. “<Now go to Dragonstone and deliver this message. Be careful.>”
Astraea brings her head down to let you attach the note to one of her long horns.
“<Now go,>”, you tell her and press your forehead against her before you step away and watch her fly off to Dragonstone, wishing that there wasn’t a raging war happening so you could go too without worry or fear.
“The powerful are powerless to someone aren’t they?” Helaena comments and leaves you pondering about the actual significance behind such a simple comment.
“Yes,” you muse and prop your elbows on the stone railing to rest your chin on your hands and admire the crimson blood that stands out like shining rubies on Astraea’s purple feet as her large claws puncture her prey while she drags their lifeless silver body with her.
You like to think that your family got your message, you went to see Astraea a few hours after she returned yesterday and neither the letter nor the ribbon was attached to her horn anymore. Do they have to send anything in return? No, but maybe they could send back a different colored ribbon or something small like a shell in your satchels hanging on her saddle. You looked and looked but it was all empty, so you were left hoping the letter did not fall in the water when she flew there.
You’ll have to let them know to send you some discreet message in return next time to let you know that they got your letter.
“Even the King's answer to someone…” you add to your forming thought. “They may be powerful, but that power can easily be taken by anyone really. They just need the right motivation.”
Helaena hums and her eyes then slide to watch you watching your dragon.
“How are you feeling Helaena?” You ask and turn your attention to her. “I haven’t asked today.”
“About?” She probes.
You push yourself up and carefully bring up what worries you about her. “Your boy. This war. You being Queen.”
Her chest raises high and when it goes back down she looks out at the horizon. “Well…being Queen comes with more attention, I can feel them all looking at me, waiting for me to do something. But I don’t want to. I don’t want them looking at me.”
“Hold your head up high,” you try to advise her sweetly. “Paint on a facade and they won’t really see you. Just worry about caring for your daughter, that’s all that matters.”
Helaena blinks and her eyes fall. You study her face closely to watch for any change in emotions, but she’s harder to read than her brothers, so you wait for her to give you her response.
You offer her a kind smile and look back at the horizon past the window, coming out surprised when she continues to share what troubles her soul.
“And Jaehaerys,” she pauses and your eyes return to her. “My sadness isn’t as grand anymore. I miss him, but he’s not suffering anymore.”
You swallow back and can’t help but frown with pity and sorrow that you don’t hide so she knows it’s okay to be sad, that if she wants you can be sad with her.
Yet she puts on a brave face so all you can offer her is a faint smile.
“Daeron sent me a letter,” she shares with glee. “And he sent me a butterfly with it. It was dead of course, but I added it to my collection because I did not have it yet.”
“That’s nice of him. I would like to see it after we see the maester that is.”
She nods. “Of course.”
Silence follows but she doesn’t let it last. “Are you scared?” She asks back which is a general question, but you answer with what plagues you the most.
“Yes…I have a lot to lose,” you murmur and step back, making her wait for you to start walking forward to be able to follow at your side.
“But I know I must put my trust in them,” you add and fiddle with a starfish that decorates the golden chain around your waist. “They are strong in their way. I just…don’t want to lose anyone anymore. I don’t want to…end up alone.” Your voice breaks without warning.
“But,” Helaena’s parting lips echo down the lonely hall. “You won’t end alone.”
The corner of your lips form a quick smile and you can’t help but show it off to her. “I will have you that’s true—”
“No,” she cuts you off, and her eyebrows furrow as she seems to grow impatient. “But you won’t end up alone.”
Your smile disappears, and your anguish leaves with it, letting conflict push your eyebrows together, and part your lips as a small gasp leaves your mouth.
Helaena watches you and she can’t seem to get a hint of what you’re feeling, but her impatience to be heard gets lost.
“No?” You ask for reassurance even if a part of you warns you not to believe her simply out of self-protection, while the other part of you completely trusts what she just said.
“You,” she pauses and comes to a slow stop, making you stop, and bringing Ser Jason and her guards to a stop behind you. “You believe me?” She asks softly as she doesn’t see that same pitiful smile everyone offers her when she shares something ominous she needs them to understand.
“I believe you,” you throw all your trust in her and offer her a sweet smile.
Helaena’s gaze lingers on you as her thoughts swirl behind her eyes. “Okay,” she breathes out. “Thank you.”
You hum softly and continue down your path back to your chambers. “Why shouldn’t I? We are part of a special family, my favorite ancestor is Daenys the Dreamer, she’s the one who saved our house thanks to what she dreamt. And even still we follow the rule of men when it’s women who have saved us from doom.” You grumble and roll your eyes.
“Well, men—”
“No,” you cut her off and scold her. “Don't well men me. Women are just as capable as men. In ruling and combat if given the chance. And we are not afraid of blood…well some of us at least, because we bleed all the time. Do you see what I’m trying to get at?”
She shrugs lazily. “I suppose.”
You loll your head to the other side and click your tongue in disappointment.
“Anyway,” you drag out and clasp your hands together. “Sunfyre and Astraea were nuzzled against each other yesterday when I went to take her out. Isn’t that so cute?” You change the subject to a more lighthearted matter that doesn’t really catch her attention, but she still shares a comment nonetheless.
“I’m sure Astraea is happy to be out.”
You smile and nod. “Delighted. She has been spoiled beyond belief with her freedom, which makes it hard for both her and me when it comes to putting her in chains here.”
“I’m sure she knows it’s not because of ill intent,” she tries to comfort you.
You huff. “Yes, she knows that. She just…prefers her freedom.”
Before you know it you reach your chambers and Maester Orwyle is already inside preparing what he needs for your examination.
“Your Grace,” he greets Helaena first before he greets you. “Princess.”
You offer him a faint smile and a warm greeting. “Hello Maester, I hope you haven’t been waiting long. We were taking a stroll after breaking fast.”
He shakes his head and responds. “No, I got here a moment ago myself. Now will you tell me what you have been feeling so I can conclude to the right results.”
You sigh and watch Helaena take a seat on one of your couches before you let your eyes wander ahead as you tap into your memories. “Well, it has been a month since I last bled. I…started feeling more exhausted than usual a couple of weeks after the war started. I have been craving foods more than usual, and…well I have had more frequent headaches as well as stomach aches.”
The maester hums and he studies you before his gaze goes to Vanessa. “How has she eaten?”
Oh because he couldn’t ask you?!
“Not well, but it also varies, some days she tends to eat like normal, while on other days she hardly touches her food,” she happily obliges with sharing…well a lot of what you would have not shared.
“Ok, Princess, if I may ask you to change into a lighter gown so I can do your examination.” He orders while you pass Vanessa an annoyed glare she doesn’t fret to brush off as she pushes you behind a divider to help you undress.
“You did not have to share all of it. I eat,” you whisper sharply, and she turns you around harshly to untie the corset, while you pull the halter strap over your head.
“Define what eating is to you,” she rebuttals and you try to sass her.
“Eating is when you—”
“Prince Aemond would have my head if I did not reveal the truth to the maester. He already pressed me to feed you more,” she cuts you off and shares what you didn’t know.
“He shouldn’t have,” you mutter as you purse your lips together.
Vanessa sighs. “He's just worried…in his own way, that's all. And why shouldn’t he be? You haven’t told him.”
A perplexed look flickers on your face before all that paints your face is anguish. “I just…need to be sure first. I mean I need to hear it from a maester.”
“I understand,” her voice eases off the frustration. “Ok, it’s done.”
You let the gown fall to your feet before you step away from it and slip on a lighter gown to rejoin the maester out in your room.
“It does seem that you have lost weight,” The maester points out now that he takes a second look at you in a less busy gown. “But that may be grief as well. I’m certain it has not been easy.”
You scoff and gently shake your head as you make yourself to your bed, and he follows suit with gadgets that he uses inside you…
“Okay just try and hold still. We have done this before so you remember the procedure, right?”
You gulp and offer him a breathless response that gives him the okay to proceed and examine you carefully so as to not miss something, or diagnose you with the opposite of what you may have.
Like he said you have gone through this before, but it still is quite uncomfortable. You get lost on the ceiling above you and wait for him to stop before you move so he can press your belly with his fingers, and also feel your breasts to check if they are tender.
Once his quiet examination is done he steps back from your bed and stands formally before he finally addresses your anticipation. “Congratulations Princess, you are indeed with child.”
It’s meant to be a happy moment, but you’re tormented by anguish as the truth is finally proven and you can no longer hope that it's all some silly mind game played by all your troubled emotions.
Now…the possibility of your passionate night with Cregan resulting in a joyous bundle is more real. Then again you hide behind the hope that one night did not lead to a child. You convince yourself that Aemond is the father because it is true, your fear is just wicked and playing with you.
“Twins?” You ask and he blinks with surprise before he nods hesitantly as if surprised that you know what isn’t meant to be obvious yet.
“Yes…there are two babes. Two different placentas.”
“I told you,” Helaena blurts over the couch before she returns her attention to the books you have spread all over the couches since Aemond has his map on the small table.
“But,” he adds and your heart drops. “I would like to keep a closer eye on you. It seems one babe is smaller than the other.”
You drag yourself to the edge of the bed and press him for more. “Wh-what does that mean? Will they be okay?”
Maester Orwyle lets out a deep breath before he makes your heart hurt with his honesty. “I cannot say for certain, that’s why it’s important for you to eat princess. If you are not healthy and strong the babes will not be. This time you will have to eat for three which will take that much more energy.”
“I understand,” you whisper your comprehension.
“Like I said I will come and check on you more often. I want to make sure that the babes are growing as they should.”
You nod and he bows his head before he offers you one more congratulations and then turns to talk to Vanessa about teas and different foods that you should and shouldn’t eat. And before he left he did not forget to tell you to share your news with Aemond, as if he didn’t already plan to do it himself because apparently you are incapable of controlling your own life.
Regardless, now you know. Now there’s no use hoping you’re simply overthinking and that Helaena’s head is too lost in the clouds, she was right, and you are with child. You are going to have twins with Aemond.
Okay…maybe that prospect does excite you more than you thought. You might have your own Daenys soon, and maybe another girl or more boys!
Whatever they may turn out to be your worry turns to overwhelming bliss you can hardly contain. If only Aemond was here to tell him, but he’s too far and you would be too reckless to fly to him just to share the news.
You have half the mind to go, but that would be oh-so stupid. You’ll have to wait and maybe think of baby names?
Or embroider a nice cover? You are terrible at sewing, but you have the urge to.
Maybe you’ll sing to them and Aerion! You would sing to Aerion when he was in your belly all the time and he would kick like crazy when he got older because of it.
So yes! That’s what you’ll do! They may be too small now to hear, but you need to do something that will release your excitement. Besides you can take advantage and learn more of the songs and ballads that are in the book Aemond gave you.
They’re all so beautiful and full of rich stories. And as sad as some are, knowing that these songs were sung by people in Valyria does delight you as well as make you feel honored that you now get to know them, sing them, and cherish them. It makes it easy to get lost in the songs and have the day pass. Before you know it, noon has already crept in.
The sun is still high so the entire day didn’t pass under you. The only reason you do break your attention from your book is because a persistent knock raps on the door.
Is it Aemond?!
You beam at the possibility.
“Come!” You welcome the visitor as you throw the book on the couch and stand up to spin and face the door.
Nevertheless, who comes in isn’t your tall long-haired husband, it’s his brother, Aegon.
“Your Grace,” you mumble in confusion and look him up and down as you note that he looks smaller than usual in such historic armor that Aegon the Conqueror once wore.
“Niece,” he greets and flashes you a smile before he closes the door behind his guards.
“Aemond is not here,” you state the obvious even if the hairs on the back of your neck rise as they warn you that he’s not looking for your husband.
His heavy footsteps thud as he begins to make his way toward you with a mischievous glint in his eyes that deepens that smirk on his face.
“Yes, I know of my brother's comings and goings.” He says, causing fear to strike your heart. “But I am not here for him.”
You glance at his Kingsguard for help, but you should have known better, they look away, and at that very moment they let you know that you’re alone and defenseless against whatever antics creep into Aegon’s mind.
“Then why are you here? In armor.”
He shrugs. “I am going to battle. Obviously,” he chuckles and his smirk turns to a grin.
You see that he’s past the couches so you continue to back away until you’re behind a couch. “That seems rather reckless. You are King—”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” he spats and his grin falls back to a smirk that keeps that mischievous outward.
“Why are you here Aegon?” You ask again and he keeps making his way toward you, not caring that you’re obviously trying to keep your distance.
He huffs. “I’m here for your favor,” he finally reveals and you swallow thickly and run into a chair.
“I already gave it to Aemond,” you try to keep Aegon away. “And you have a wife. Ask for her favor.”
He lets out a sigh. “It's not the Queen's favor I desire,” he quickly brushes you off and hops over the living area to hurry over and trap you against the chair so you cannot keep running away.
“It’s yours,” he whispers and leans his face closer to you, letting his strong wine breath whaff all over you which causes you to try and slide away, but he throws his hand out to grab the chair and block your exit.
“Is not here,” he cuts you off again and uses his other hand to start reaching out for your arm, but you grab your golden waist belt to avoid his incoming touch.
“Aegon,” you hiss. “Leave.”
“After a kiss goodbye hm?”
You shake your head and rebuttals by throwing his hand around your arm, but he doesn't pull you anywhere, he just grabs your arm and makes you feel utterly powerless. You hold so much battle knowledge, you know how to make someone unhand you, you can sweep someone off their feet, and so much more, but at this very moment with his hand on your arm and his wine breath unfurling over your cheek, you can’t move a muscle.
“Aegon,” you try to call him off you again, but his hold loosens and the tip of his fingers travel to your hips.
“Stop,” you mutter with a quivering lip. “Please,” your voice trembles.
He spares you a glance before he tilts his face to the side to force you to kiss his cheek first.
You don’t want to, you want to push him away, to scream, but he won’t move and you can’t find the strength; it hides like a coward under Aegon’s presence. Thus you’re left with no choice, you pucker your lips and lean your face forward to press a light kiss on his cheek so it can make him leave faster, feeling disgust swirling what little you have in your stomach.
When you pull back you expect him to back away and leave you alone, but his hand presses against your hip and you feel the warmth of his hand start to travel up.
“Aegon stop it,” you sneer shakily.
Said man’s hungry eyes start to lower to steal a glance at your chest exposed by the v-neck your bodice was designed with.
“Aegon,” you call out desperately, making him find your gaze and smile.
“Wish me good luck,” he says in return.
You swallow back nervously and part your lips, but before you can utter a word the doors get thrown open, pulling your eyes to the welcoming visitor, and seeing Ser Jason with his sword halfway out of his sheath, and his face hardened.
“Ser,” you call out with relief.
Aegon looks over his shoulder and his smile dies.
“Your Grace,” Ser Jason greets coldly without letting his sword go but making Aegon’s kingsguard grab their own swords to prepare for an attack.
“Just in need of my niece's favor,” Aegon is quick to throw out an excuse. “Ser.”
Aegon proceeds to snap his head back around to steal one more glimpse at you before he slides his hand off your body, letting you finally breathe when he backs away and gives you his back.
Even then, though, as he's leaving he makes sure to take his sweet time more so to taunt you that he has power over you now.
“Ser,” Aegon directs at Ser Jason with a taunting smirk that he makes sure is the last thing you see before he disappears down the corridor, knocking out any sort of confidence you could show off to Ser Jason as he remains there past your doors.
“Th-thank you,” you clear your throat and fight the urge to cry as you’re left defeated and feeling powerless. “Ser. For coming to my aid.”
Ser Jason finally lets his sword fall back in his sheath and his blue eyes soften to pity as he watches you fight back your tears.
He wants to ask if you’re okay, but he also knows that would be a stupid question considering he can see you shaking, and hears you heaving.
“Princess,” he whispers and you pull your eyes up to give him your attention through a teary gaze.
“I’m—I’m okay, Ser” you stammer and nod even if you feel violated.
Ser Jason whispers his comprehension, but rather than walking out and standing guard outside your doors, he steps further inside and comes to a stop shortly after to watch you with a certain conflict battling in his deep blue eyes, a conflict that you pick up on before you turn away and clutch onto the chair to try and calm yourself down after something you feared the most happened.
You tried so hard, but you were utterly useless. You couldn’t move a muscle, or find the right thing to say back. You were nothing at that moment but something else he can now order around.
You feel so stupid, so weak, and—
“Princess,” Ser Jason calls out and now you hear that he’s closer than before.
“Ser,” you breathe out and turn around, seeing at that moment that your eyes fall on him, that his eyes express his pity while also trying to offer you the comfort you need the most.
“You…you are not alone,” he says and you can’t help it, you break down and all you want is your mother or Cregan…
He was always there when you felt the most anguished without a fault.
But he can’t be here, nor can you go to your mother. And even Aemond is gone to feed his hunger for battle, leaving only your sworn protector.
“Okay,” you whisper with relief and he slowly starts moving toward you with his hand slowly rising off his side in an attempt to offer you a comforting touch.
Albeit before he can even get near, your eyes find Lord Larys limping toward your open doors, causing you to drop your head to hide your tears.
Not like it was a fruitful act, the Lord takes note of your anguish.
“Lord Larys,” you address his presence, making Ser Jason almost throw himself back as he backs away from you so the Lord doesn’t get the wrong idea.
“Princess,” the lord greets in return. “Forgive my intrusion. I was coming to pay you a visit and I came across an open door.”
You shake your head to dismiss his apology. “Do not worry about it, Lord. You are welcome.”
You glance up at him and catch an exchange of looks between Lord Larys and Ser Jason before your sworn protector walks out of the room in a hurry, leaving Lord Larys and you alone in the confinements of your chambers.
“Please take a seat,” you point to your table. “I would offer a seat in front of the fire, but I’m ashamed to say Aemond and I have a mess.”
Lord Larys shakes his head. “It’s quite alright,” he reassures you and limps toward the table to take a seat on a wooden chair.
You turn to walk towards the flagon of water and wine so he won’t see the tears that leave your eyes red.
“Water? Wine?” You offer as you wipe your cheeks and draw in a deep breath.
“No, I’m fine, thank you.”
You nod in comprehension and serve yourself some water before you turn and face the Lord in hopes he will reveal what brought him here.
“I hope you have found yourself well, a gaze stuck between two sides must be heavy on the heart,” he says.
You bring your gaze down to watch the water within the golden goblet. “I find myself quite well,” you lie with a smile you direct at the Lord. “It was difficult at first, but now…my conflict has been resolved, and the only weight I carry is the worry for my husband and son's safety.”
He hums and you notice him dig his hand in his pocket as he interjects. “As you should be, with Prince Daemon on a path of revenge, who knows what else he might do.”
Your gaze narrows to a glare for a brief second before you take a small sip and take a seat across from him.
“I have been meaning to thank you for telling me about Prince Aemond’s whereabouts when I was gone,” you address the matter and set your cup down, but keep your fingers around the neck of the goblet. “Telling the truth really helped us reconcile.”
The Lord brings a fisted hand up to hang over his cane while he offers you a faint smile. “I’m gladdened. It’s important that the realm sees the picture of unity among the royal family. Now more than ever.”
You scoff. “They need food. Not a glimpse at our marriage, they could care less about us whilst they’re starving,” you rebuttal bitterly and take a glance out the balcony.
“That’s easier said than done with the blockade cutting off any transport of food,” he adds, making you return your gaze to him.
“If only there could be something done about it,” you mumble bitterly and leave out the fact that the crown could spare food, or send a dragon to break that blockade.
“Maybe you can,” he suggests, piquing your interest. “You have Prince Aemond’s ear, and he has a seat upon the council. You could ask him to give an idea to the council.”
You tap the neck of the goblet as you think about what he just said. Which is honestly not a bad idea, but would they even agree to offer any help?
You could bring it up nonetheless. Maybe.
“That is a great idea, I might do exactly that,” you don’t hesitate to give Lord Larys his props.
Lord Larys bows his head to offer you his thanks before he moves his fisted hand and pushes it over the table. “I did come to give you this…back.”
You slowly sit up straighter and press your hands on the table as you watch him put down a small brown wooden box on the table.
“It seems you lost it recently,” he pauses and pushes the box toward you with the tip of his finger, causing curiosity to tug the corner of your lips to a faint smile.
“…in the North.” He finishes and your hand freezes just as you’re reaching for the box.
At first, you were completely in the dark about what he was reeling up to, but now that he pulls the truth out of the murky waters, you start to realize what the box might hold, and the insinuation he might have as bait.
And alas, when you grab the box and bring it toward you to open it, you see exactly what you suspected; the sapphire ring you had lost in Castle Black. The ring Aemond had gifted you when you first returned from the North. The ring you dropped as you were kissing Cregan.
“It was brought to me from Winterfell,” Lord Larys adds with a certain change in his tone of voice. “It seems someone found it in the bed chambers of the Warden of the North.”
So the ring was given back to Cregan. That’s…nice.
“Any idea why the Lord would have such a meaningful ring in his chambers?” Lord Larys presses, and you start to hear it, the insinuation he does not directly say.
“I had lost it,” you try not to express your horror and close the box to hold Lord Larys' gaze without fear. “He obviously found it. Are you suggesting Lord Stark stole from me?”
Lord Larys scoffs in amusement and shakes his head. “No, I could not see Lord Stark doing something so below him. Albeit it seems his honor does dwindle when it comes to a much more valuable Gem of the Sea.”
The nonchalance you wore falls, but you don’t break. You are not stupid either, you know who Lord Larys is referencing when he brings “Gem of the Sea.”, but you do not let him bait you, nor do you find yourself powerless like when Aegon was here moments ago. What is Lord Larys?
He’s no King. No Warden, no knight, he only holds the title of Lord because his family has not tried to fight him for the title and lands, and the other part of his family is dead. He’s not fearsome, he’s a man with a club foot.
You will not cower behind a shadow that cannot even overshadow yours.
“Lord Larys,” you feign a laugh and open the box to pull the ring out. “Answer me this…do you take me for a fool?”
Lord Larys sputters and ends up saying nothing after he did not expect you to rebuttal as fearless as you did.
“I know what you are insinuating,” you continue and slide the sapphire ring back on your ring finger. “And it really is a nasty thing,” you roll out and snap your eyes up to look at the disbelief he’s trying to wipe off.
“But just so we are on the same page, tell me what exactly you are referring to,” you lull out and bat your eyelashes while a large winged shadow suddenly flies past the windows before a chitter breaks in the sky, and a growl soon follows.
He nor you need to look out to know it’s your dragon, it’s why he swallows back nervously and parts his lips, but you interrupt him because you know a bunch of shit was going to come out of his mouth.
“That’s what I thought,” you mutter with your voice losing that sweet honey and growing intimidating. “Did you know that rats are easy to kill here? Be that with traps, poison, or corner them where they nest and burn them.”
A loud roar rattles the room and a smirk begins to grow on your face, making Lord Larys clutch onto his cane and lean back against the chair.
“Come at me with that shit again, or threats and some bait to try and control me,” you spat. “And I will not need someone to get their hands dirty for me, my Lord. I enjoy chasing and catching my own prey.” You giggle. “It’s exhilarating. And I bet seeing how fast you run will be quite amusing.”
You stand up from your chair and point to the door. “There’s the door my Lord. It was,” you pause and drag out a deep breath before you finish. “Refreshing speaking with you. Come again.”
Lord Larys gets up from his chair and bows his head before he mutters his goodbye. “Princess.”
You raise your nose in the air as you watch him leave between your lashes.
“Oh,” you add as he’s making his way out. “And if I hear that wicked rumor spread about, I know who to look for, so don’t worry trying to hide, my Astraea is a great tracker.”
Lord Larys doesn’t add anything in return, he walks out in defeat. It’s only once the doors close behind him, and you’re enveloped in silence that you let out a deep and exhausted breath.
Having Jacaerys and a stranger find out is completely different, your brother wouldn’t out you to anyone, or spread your secret like a plague, but a stranger would so you had to show your teeth. You had to be threatening, which is new! It’s such a new feeling, but…it’s such a rush seeing people squirm in fear under you!
You can’t say you dislike having that power or any power at all for that matter. You can’t say you dislike showing it either, you want to relish in it. You want to bear it proudly.
“And…” you trail off and lower the wooden bow your hands embrace to watch the sharp metal arrow puncture the bullseye. “That’s how you do it.”
You spin on your heels and stretch your arms out like a dragon spreads its wings.
“Eagle eye,” Ser Jason mocks, and you chuckle and jump up to go and collect another arrow from your satchel.
“I mean that—” Ser Jason begins to stumble over his words as he realizes he was perhaps too bold, so you cut him off.
“Hush, it’s okay. And! Actually, my friend Lady Arra Norrey, Lord Stark’s wife, used to call me that because well…at first I was not a good shot.” You muse with a growing smile. “Do you mean it mockingly, Ser?” You shoot him a pointed look that makes him squirm and ends up making you grin. “I’m messing with you Ser.”
He scoffs and lets the tension fall from his shoulders.
“Now watch this,” you keep his attention on you as you turn on your heels and position your arrow before you break into a jog and bring your aim up.
Yet just before you can shoot your arrow, in the flash of a second, you swiftly spin on your heels and hastily aim at the third dragon head on an ugly green banner, before you let the arrow fly.
The arrow whizzes through the air rapidly, and the sharp arrowhead rips through the third dragon right in the beady eye.
“Fantastic!” Ser Jason praises you as he claps for your wickedly good shot.
You bow again as you laugh with glee.
“Lucky shot, but my ego will grow nonetheless,” you tease as you walk over to grab another arrow.
Albeit just as you take the arrow and turn to walk to your spot a guard walks over and clears his throat to let you know he means to talk to you. “Princess, Vhagar is approaching the city.”
A smile breaks on your face and you let the arrow and bow go to pick up your skirts and run through barriers of space thinking of no one else but Aemond, the cure to your solitude, and the warmth that left you in the cold.
Ser Jason is quick to follow after you in a hurry to make sure nothing happens to you whilst you run from courtyard to courtyard and swerve busybodies. When you reach the last gate that leads to the city you come to a stop and he doesn’t fail to come to a stop a few paces behind, making sure he never lets you out of his sight as you wait for your husband to appear down the cobble street, and slightly worrying of what he will do if your beloved husband doesn’t return alive.
It’s an outrageous thought, but he plans ahead just in case. Plus he can’t help but plan ahead. It’s how his mind works.
Nevertheless, his relentless planning is for naught because from one moment to another your fidgeting hands relax, the corner of your lips slowly rise, and your searching eyes lock on him, your husband, your Aemond.
From afar he seems unharmed, but that’s something you still need to make sure of before you truly thank the gods for his return.
Yet checking for his well-being is not what pushes you away from your spot, when his eye finds you just outside the gate your breath catches as you’re riddled with relief over the fact that he’s walking to you on his own two feet and not lifeless on a carriage.
All while Aemond himself comes to a stop, not because he’s overcome with relief that you’re alive, he never feared for your death whilst you stayed in the Red Keep. He freezes and is riddled with disbelief because no matter what, he did not expect you to be waiting for him past the gates of the Red Keep. He expected to find you in your chambers even if he knows how much your excitement can drive you.
And he's not thinking that catching you outside the Red Keep gates bothers him, his heart skips a beat as he realizes that you’re not some fever dream, you’re there, beaming at him before you break into a sprint to rip through barriers of space just to join together in a clashing embrace.
“Aemond,” you chuckle and cry with joy.
Said man is still caught by surprise for a second so he remains stiff before he melts in your warmth and returns your embrace with a much tighter hold that assures you that it's really him.
“I was worried,” you share softly against his neck.
Aemond caresses the back of your head and nuzzles his nose against your neck, letting himself display his affection for you around bypassers because he wants people to know that he is loved and that he loves someone dearly.
“I’m alright. I told you, didn't I?” He whispers and you can't help but hold him tighter as his voice travels in your ears.
“I will always worry,” you mumble before you pull back and grab his arms to look him up and down to check for any injuries. When you find nothing but soot and his messy hair your heart jolts nervously, but you also feel relief wash over another part of you as you reassure yourself that he came back to you in one piece.
“Nothing hurts?” You still ask him and slide your hands down to grab ahold of his. “Vhagar?”
His eye falls on the ground and he hides a timid smile. “No, I’m fine. I did not get hurt. And Vhagar is fine too.” He says quietly.
You study him one more time before you raise your hands to grab his face. You don’t say anything, nor does he. Aemond just slowly brings his eye up and looks at you with admiration while you watch him completely enamored. At that moment, without the need of opening your mouths, expressing how much you love each other, and how much this time apart was like a strain on the heart. It ached you both.
You also keep expressing how glad you are that he’s back, but it’s that twinkle that joy brings to your eyes that makes his jaw clench, and a deep breath to furl through his nose as he remembers the news he bears, news that will break your heart.
“Uh, I did not have time to warn you, but you must have seen,” you interject and fall on his side to hook your arm around his and head back to the safety of the Red Keep. “Aegon and Sunfyre went to Rook’s Rest.”
Aemond nods and rolls his eye in annoyance. “Yes, we unfortunately crossed paths.”
Your hand stiffens around his arm as you remember Aegon’s visit before he left. “Where is his Grace?” You mutter.
Aemond answers with silence for a moment before he gives you his response. “Aegon got hurt during battle.”
The corner of your lips threaten to pull into a happy smile, but you manage to feign worry. “What? How?”
Aemond stops and slips his arm away, but makes sure not to let go. He grabs a hold of one hand, while he uses his other hand to grab your shoulder.
“<Aegon,” he says in a High Valyrian accent before he continues in the same language. “Was fighting another dragon.>”
You hold his gaze and try to find his concern or pity, but rather than finding any flicker of worry, you catch a darkness dancing in his blue eye.
“<And the dragon burned him,” Aemond continues to add stiffly. “It was…a foolish act on his part to go to battle and challenge the dragon, but that act was repaid with dragon fire and broken bones.>”
You can’t pretend to be worried, you don’t care if he’s hurt or close to death. If you could you would clap and celebrate, but you hold it all back behind a shocked expression that raises your eyebrows and parts your lips.
“<What…” you hesitate as the other part of you that had begun to worry slowly starts to take over you. “…Dragon was it?>”
Aemond doesn’t answer right away, he keeps holding your gaze, and the corner of his lips twitch up, while that darkness brings a malicious gleam to his eye that you don’t miss.
It’s not difficult to read into these small expressions, for you at least. For anyone else who doesn’t really know Aemond beyond the facade he puts up wouldn’t realize the truth he masks behind that lie, but you do. You see it clear as day. Is it because he let you read him? Or because you know his soul?
Both, but regardless, you know it was no other dragon that brought Aegon down. Not after Aegon humiliated Aemond at that brothel, not after knowing the tension between the brothers, the pranks Aemond never forgave. It was Aemond and Vhagar. You don’t need him to put it in simple words for you to know.
Nor do you care that it was him. You’re actually proud it was him, and he sees that pride, just like he also reads your speechless praise between your lips twitching up and that gleam in your eye.
What a cruel pair you make huh?
“It was Meleys,” Aemond finishes sharing in the common tongue, bringing that relief and that pride to an end as the worry that only captured a part of you now takes over you completely.
“Meleys?” You mumble and clutch onto his hand while your eyelashes bat frantically as you try to find the reason why she would be there. You warned them. You sent it early so they’d know!
“Yes,” Aemond mutters and brings down the hand he had on your shoulder to grab your hand. “Listen to me...”
He says it. He shares the cruel truth and it all comes crashing down.
You don’t want to accept it at first, you can’t accept what came out of him, but he wouldn’t lie about it. What reason was there to lie about your grandmother dying along with her dragon Meleys?
Yet you want it to be a lie. You want it to be a cruel jest.
“Please,” you beg in a quivering voice. “Do not lie.”
Aemond doesn’t respond, he swallows back nervously and that only helps to reaffirm the truth; your grandmother Rhaenys is dead. She’s gone and so is Meleys.
Your grandmother…is gone. Someone else is dead, and you don’t need to ask who it was, you see that victory in his eye. It was Aemond again.
But right now that’s not what occupies your mind, right now all you know is grief once again. Agonizing, and heart-tearing grief.
It doesn’t let you breathe, it doesn’t let you think of nothing else but the pain. There’s so much pain.
You can’t breathe, it all weighs down on you. You want to be numb to it to not feel a thing, but you feel it all in all its glory.
“No,” you croak and feel streaks of tears rush down your face. “No,” you cry under your breath. “Please no.”
Aemond tries to pull you into an embrace, but you push yourself away and try to catch your breath, you try to take it all in to try and calm yourself down. However, your blood is rushing in your ears, making everything inside you hectic, making the noises around you louder than they are, and making the world move faster than it is which disorientates you.
You don’t know where you are, that knowledge is lost. All you know is the pain and the deep need to see your grandmother again. You want to see her one more time. You want to hold her longer. You don’t want her to be gone forever.
“Please,” you beg under your breath. “Help me.”
She told you that if you needed help to let her know, to tell her. You’re telling her now, you want her help now. You need it like you need to breathe.
But it won’t come, she won’t come to your aide. She won’t embrace you, or tell you that it will all be fine, she’s gone, and you can’t breathe because of it...
Everything around you begins to spin, and you start to feel lightheaded. You want to keep yourself stable, but you can’t find a wall. You actually stumble and the world that was once spinning around you stops, but only because a darkness begins to consume you.
You try to call for help, but your lips part and nothing comes out. You do however hear another voice, but it doesn’t belong to you, as you get swallowed by the darkness you recognize Ser Jason’s panicked voice. “Princess!”
Yet it’s not him who catches you, you know that much. The last thing you see is clear, it’s Aemond’s worried face above yours...
A/N- You reacting to Aegon is how Daemon thought Rhaenyra would react to Blood and Cheese
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