#astrea reads dark age
shazzeaslightnovels · 2 years
Astrea Record 1
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Author: Fujino Omori
Illustrator: Kakage
Label: GA Bunko
Release Date: 14 October 2022
My Score: 4/5
A new Danmachi spin-off! This time, the focus is on a young Lyu and the Astrea Familia. It takes place around 7 years before the start of the main series, shortly after the demise of the Hera and Zeus Familias as Orario has entered the dark age and the town is terrorised by the group Evilus. This one also serves as an adaptation of the Memoria Freese event of the same name. I was not aware of the event before reading this volume so I was expecting this to be more of a lighthearted look at the days of the Astrea Familia but it ended up being one of the more dark and serious entries in the franchise. It had a slow start for me but I could not stop reading it once I reached the halfway point and the action really ramped up.
So, this volume features a young Lyu who’s a lot more naive at this stage in her life. She believes in the pure justice that her familia strives for and struggles when questioned as to what that justice actually means. It was interesting to see a Lyu that closely resembles Bell in the main series. We are also introduced to her fellow familia members. Alise, Kaguya, and Lyra get most of the focus here and they’re all fairly likeable but Lyra felt like she was the only one given much exploration.
But the volume doesn’t just focus on the Astrea Familia as we get more of the Ganesha, Loki, Freya, and Hermes Familias as well as some cameos from characters who are important in the main and SO series. My favourites of these cameos were Lili and Filvis. It was just good to see them. Artemis is also name dropped quite a bit. Of the new characters introduced, my favourite was Ardee, a member of the Ganesha Familia and the little sister of the familia captain. She loves Lyu and their interactions were very wholesome. I do wish her attachment to Lyu had been explored more but she was the standout character for me.
I do think the villains were a little weak, at least at first. Evilus does feel like a real threat to our heroes but they don’t seem to have much of a reason for their actions aside from being evil. They did become more interesting in the last quarter of the book though as the true identities of a few of their members were revealed and I’m interested to see what happens with them.
I really enjoyed this volume. The story was so tense and exciting, especially in the latter half, and I enjoyed seeing more of the Astrea Familia characters. I’m very excited to see how the story continues in the next volume.
I’m not sure whether I would recommend this to people who aren’t familiar with the Danmachi series. The story is engaging enough that I think such a reader would still enjoy it but there’s so much service for fans of the series and the setting isn’t explained much because it assumes that you are already familiar with it. You don’t have to be caught up with the series to read it but I would recommend at least being familiar with the setting before jumping into this one.
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astrea-drake · 2 years
Character Profile: Astrea Drake
A S T R E A × D R A K E
The Basics
Age: 24
Nameday: 7th Sun of the Third Astral Moon (May 7)
Race: Dunefolk Lalafell (1/4 Dravanian)
Gender: Nonbinary femme
Pronouns: They/she
Sexuality: Disaster Demisexual/Polyamorous
Marital Status: married to the gil and/or sugar {does have a slight crush on Thancred} (super minor, barely an inconvenience)
Server:NA ¬ Diabolos, Crystal
Physical Appearance
Often with a dreamy-look in their pale gold eyes, Astrea is a white mage with a warm smile and easy-going gait. Her hair is a mix of pale lavender and dusk red and often shows that she definitely hadn't slept well the night before. She's tall for a Lalafell and often finds that she either underestimates the distance or overestimates. They're plus(h)-sized and whilst they can keep up with the rigors of being a WoL, their natural inclination is to be laying in bed and reading something fascinating. Aside from the warm afterglow and scent of newly warmed cider (some would argue that she smells like something far from home that you haven't had since you were a child), you can tell that it's Astrea about to crack you upside the head from their pale white crescent moon markings under their eyes, the dark gold freckles peppering their dark skin, the slightly longer fang on their right side and the dragon tattoo on the side of their face. If she's angry enough, you'll see that her eyes do in fact have pupils—draconic limbal pupils that glow a searing white.
The reoccurring joke about her appearance is that she looks as though she's been interrupted mid-conference about an ancient necromancer's library for umpteenth time—very goth/dark academy with the addition of an oversized hat to cover her horns.
Introverted and talkative. Once they're certain that they can trust you and you'll listen, good luck getting them to stop.
Has a hard time keeping organized but luckily enough their retainers help out a bunch!
They're open-minded and try to hear the other side of the story for the most part; it's how they try to differentiate themselves from the more prolific Dunesfolk in Uldah.
Is so anxious they appear outwardly calm and seem to have a hairline temper because of this but really they've sat on it, mulled it over and had a brief panic attack before cracking you over the head with a stone is even an option. Unless you involve kids or her friends, she's not going to make a split second decision.
She's more reckless because she's a healer and knows she'll bounce back faster than other people would but she's still a nervous person and enjoys plans and procedures.
Usually a more diplomatic person, becoming a Scion has made them a little more suspicious and wary of people. Still they maintain that easy-going nature through short breaks to their guild and innroom at Gridania.
They're a pessimistic optimist or a realist as they'd say, there's not much that a God can do if you don't do it yourself or reach out to others. And so they find that they keep a back up plan for the backup plan and a prayer in their back pocket.
They're content with the wait and see approach for now with the Scions but they've left an entire lifetime behind once. They'll do it again... There's somewhere in the realm that they can't reach right?
Has more compassion than empathy and can shut it off temporarily if they think it may impact their decision negatively.
Loves new technology and culture, she considers it a sign that man's goal in life is not to destroy as they've been wont to do for eons but to create. To love. She clings to that and finds history fascinating.
She feels like she's got a duty to make up for her family's... Past actions. And so has a hard time with traitors.
They speak two languages fluently—Uldahn Sign Language and the common spoken tongue.
Free(r) Time
HOBBIES: Culinary apprenticeship/botany/weaving/goldsmithing
PROFESSIONS: Part-time chef/botanist
Where are they now?
Residence: Gridania/Nomadic, typically crashes on a vertical surface provided by friends and allies
Mentally: Having a smoke at the Bismarck with Dove.
Siblings: Corinth (sister - deceased), Finn (half-brother, alive)
Parents: Momora Lora (mother deceased), Thorne Finfirr (father deceased)
Smoking Habit: infrequently, uses when stressed and specifically a lavender/island hemp* mix they make themselves
Drugs: Curious enough to try once but hasn't.
Alcohol: Social drinker, something about a good Ishgardan alcohol makes them very cuddly.
Food: Stress bakes more than they stress eat but can still find themselves anxiously pouring an extra bit of sugar in their tea.
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darrowsrising · 5 years
You beautiful bastard. Rhonna found us. The Star paved our way. You beautiful genius. You sick, twisted god.
Thraxa au Telemanus being a whole arse mood towards Darrow of Lykos
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cringeanator · 2 years
Down to Earth: Prologue
“We’re surrounded. What do we do?” Felix asks.
“Rime, can you make another ice wall? Rime?” I say. At first, Rime says nothing. Then, he faces us. His ordinarily bright red eyes are flat and dull with a calm more chilling than the legion descending upon us.
“There’s no way you’re making it out alive… I didn’t want to do this, but I don’t have a choice.” Rime says chillingly as Felix’s grip on my hand grows painful.
“What do you mean?” I ask but I sense Rime’s spell stirring, it’s already too late. A web of crackling dark magic strikes Felix. He falls to his knees, then crumples face-first onto the ground. “What the fuck?!” The Astrolabe appears in my hands in a flash, but Rime’s faster. My breath is punched as he plunges a blade into me. I look down. Rime’s hand grips the hilt of the knife jutting out from between my ribs. I follow the line of his arm up to his shoulders to his stony face. Our eyes meet for a second. His lashes tremble and he looks away. A wave of lethargy washes over me, heavy and irresistible.
“We’re out of time.” Rime fades in and out of sight as my life drains away.
“But… why…?”
“It has to be this way. I’m sorry, I really am.” For the first time ever. I’m certain he’s telling the truth. It’s a cold comfort as my body goes numb
My head is pounding as I feel my skin rub against the carpet I’m lying face-first on. With a groan, I push myself upwards to the spinning room. There is a person’s face blocking up my field of vision and the nasal hum of her voice fills my ears.
“Are you okay? Seems like you took a pretty hard fall there!” I can barely make out her words as ears ring and the room around rocks back into place. She shoves a water bottle in my face. “Here drink this, you’re probably sweating in that costume.”
“What happened,” I ask as I take the bottle from her and take a swig, quenching my dry throat. It feels like I ran a mile then got hit by a bus. Around me there are people of all ages dressed up in bright get-ups wielding foam swords and huge wigs. Oh right, Fan Expo. I must’ve not drunk enough water and passed out, it is sweltering in here. But how did my costume get so wrecked? It’s covered in tears and the patterns of my chest plate are worn off? I spent weeks painting those symbols! At least my staff didn’t break during the fall.
“Someone found you knocked out in the lobby. You’re about the 5th unconscious person I’ve dealt with today. Why they don't have more vending machines in this place is beyond me. Hey! Where are you going?” The woman complains as I stand up, using my staff to support me. Now I can clearly see the “SECURITY’ printed across her vest.
“Just gonna go take a walk,” my legs knock together as I walk away from the now yelling security guard. I wave her off and make my way back to the main hall. Jeez, it’s a circus here. Groups of people are crowding these huge posters of a new video game. “Last Legacy II: Ex Nihilo” they read. Oh yeah, how could I forget. They’re unveiling the new Last Legacy game today. This strange feeling of familiarity washes over me as I gaze into the posters, especially when I see a man crowded by a group of cosplayers loudly chattering about his cosplay and how accurate it is. On further inspection this guy looks really familiar, where do I know him from? Behind him on the poster there is a text that reads “The son of Magister Escell seizes his birthright. Will he rise to the occasion, or bring his noble house to ruin?” Oh, that’s just Felix… wait FELIX?! As the memories rush back into my head I have to hold onto the wall from a bout of dizziness. I remember everything: Astrea, the Lord of the Shadows, my friends, and Felix! It’s all real and I forgot about it all. I’m snapped out of my dizziness as I realize that one of the cosplayers is not so subtly flirting with my disoriented boyfriend! My body reacts first and I tear through the crowds, calling out to him.
“Felix!” I’m running as fast as my legs can take me. His head snaps in my direction and relief floods his face as I lock eyes with him. He rushes towards me, ignoring the cosplayers still trying to get his attention. As our bodies collide I wrap him up in the tightest hug my trembling limbs can muster. “A-are you okay?”
“Yes- I think,” he’s shaking and struggling to get the words out. “I don’t understand what’s going on. Where are we? Who are those people? And what is that?!” He points to a cosplayer decked out in a 10-foot robot costume. I can feel his whole body shake in fear as he looks around the convention center, jumping at every little noise.
“We’re on Earth somehow. I’m just as confused as you are.” I rack my brain trying to remember what happened before I woke up on the floor. There’s a face talking to me as they hold a knife buried into my abdomen, Rime. The staff, no , the Astrolabe in my hand glimmers as I remember the spirits and cultists following us. The image of Felix, dead on the ground, comes to mind. “Rime killed us.” Felix’s eyes widened, suddenly remembering.
“The spirits! They’re after everyone, we need to go back,” he’s frantically panicking now. The Astrolabe glows brighter in my hand, I know what I have to do but I can’t do it here.
“Come on let’s go somewhere less crowded,” I grab his hand as I run outside towards the fire exit. Outside is quiet compared to inside the convention. My grip on the Astrolabe tightens making it glow brighter. I close my eyes and conjure any sliver of magic I can feel in myself. There’s only one thing I think about, home.
“MC, what are you doing?” Felix asks me but I’m too focused on transferring my energy. I grab onto him and hold him close.
“Please bring us back to Astrea.” My mind races with all the memories from Astrea as I beg. From the first time I saw Porrima to sewer travels with Sage and casting my first spell all swarm my head. All the energy in my body floods into the Astrolabe. The wind around us whips up and my relic is glowing brighter. We’re almost there! I can see Blackthorn Hall and the gloomy sky above. I reach out but a sharp flash of light cuts everything off, making me lose focus and collapsing on the ground. Everything hurts again as I roll off my stomach. My relic is dull and lifeless now as it sparks with dying energy. It feels hollow as I shake it. “No no no no! Please take us back!” I look back to Felix who looks equally as hopeless as me. He stares at the Astrolabe and opens his mouth to say something before shrugging.
“What now?” I ask no one.
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bouncingkadachi · 3 years
Winter Olympics AU
Eyyy it’s that time again so it’s time to daydream about one of my (many) guilty pleasure AUs. (Also go watch the figure skating events! Man, I miss skating.).
Tucked under a read more because, as always, there’s a lot going on.
Alwin and Ena -- Ice dancers, only because it would stress Alwin out too much to yeet Ena into the air for jumps. Lifts though? Perfect. Fine. Excellent. They trained at the same facility with Red back in the day. Alwin, originally trained in men’s singles skating, was initially skeptical about switching disciplines since his performance scores had always been a bit shaky. Ena was always an ice dancer, and she was the one who first asked Alwin to try a routine with her (with much wheedling from Red).
Red -- men’s single figure skater, best known for his dark horse showing at the Olympics where he skated off with gold. Best known for the sheer height of his jumps when he was still actively competing. Retired to coach for the kids in his local neighborhood, much to the confusion of his competitive friends, who thought he was squandering his potential. He’s still alive and kicking and currently coaching his granddaughter.
Astrea -- Red’s granddaughter, who was put on skates at a young age for the inaurgural opening of Mahana Village’s one and only ice rink. Since Red’s coaching approach was a very hands-on, do-whatever-you-want-just-have-fun, her first actual teacher was Kayna in her local junior “club”. Carries a dragon-shaped tissue box cover with her that’s affectionately named Ratha. This will be her first Olympics games, but she made it against all the odds.
Avinia -- women’s singles figure skater. Most notable for her well-choreographed step sequences and transitions into spins, so she shines particularly in the free skate. Has a cat named Frostfang and there’s always a patch of him on her equipment (jersey, bag, etc.)
Lute & Cheval -- once upon a time when they were young and stupid Lute said something to the effect of: “wouldn’t it be cool if we did sledding but like, professionally?” And Cheval, equally young and stupid at the time, hadn’t known to contest this notion until it was too late and they had already built a scrappy little bobsled and were doggedly making their way through the local competitions. Their sled is affectionately called Rathi for the rugged little scrapes she’s got on her side from their manhandling of her. Lute is the pilot, Cheval mans the brakes.
Reverto -- somehow managed to become a snowboarder against his will (he hates the cold, man). Somehow still managed to be really good at it too. Somehow, on top of all that, picked up a kid to mentor when a friend of a friend called in a favor. Competes in half-pipe and slopestyle events.
Kyle -- was taught to ski at a young age from his father. However, like most of his brothers, thought the biathlon was too boring and sought greater thrills. Kyle found his in snowboarding, and he’d rather die than admit it out loud but he’s thrilled that he gets to train under Reverto. Competes in half-pipe and slopestyle events. This will be his first Olympic games.
Lilia -- up-and-coming sports commentator. Despite Lute and Cheval’s best efforts she does not focus on bobsledding. Since she’s training under Simone, she’s learning a lot about snow sports like snowboarding, but she’s also determined to be able to call for figure skating one day as well.
Zellard -- Rutoh Rink Manager.
Additional Shenanigens
Kyle’s mother liked figure skating, which is about the extent of his knowledge in the other sport. It’s because of her that he makes an effort to catch some of the figure skating events in person, because he also knows that his dad likes to get updates on the happenings every now and then, but it’s entirely his fault when he puts his foot spectacularly into his mouth and pisses off the other team.
Simone calls for several different sports, with her specialties being in the snow sports and snowboarding (she blames Reverto for that). She’s been enjoying learning about figure skating alongside Lilia though.
Mahana Village’s singular rink, Astrea’s home rink, was built by Red after his retirement. For his own competitive career, Red trained at Rutoh Rink, which was the current home rink of Ena and Alwin.
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
OC Master List
Updated OC Lists (current as of 5/18/20)
Celean- ESO
He's my necromancer vestige! He's about 24 when his story starts, and he got into necromancy when he was 16! He's very much a disaster gay, so much so he becomes a stuttering mess around Jakarn and any man that compliments him. Very sweet but has anxiety.
Ravis- Skyrim
He's a Ohmes-Raht Khajiit! So hes the Dragonborn and Harbinger for the Companions, along with being a veteran for the Civil war. He came to Skyrim as a secret agent of the Empire, being hidden in the ranks of the Thalmor to spy on them. He gets discovered and spends some time in one of the Thalmor prisons which was... less than kind to him. He ends up escaping with Kaidan and goes on to join the Companions and save the world and all that Jazz. He married Kaidan about a year and a half later, with their home being a cottage in the Rift.
Lyandra- Skyrim
She's a snow elf, who lived in with the group of Snow Elves that hid with Gelabor (ok for this I use my headcanon of time traveling elder scrolls just go with it). When the Falmer attacked the Chantry, (around 4e198 for reference) she runs through the tunnels and ends up literally stumbling into a group of Thalmor. After that, for 3 years she was trained by the Thalmor to be an asset. Elenwen saw Lyandra as a daughter, and even throughout her story still saw her as one. Lyandra joins the Dawnguard and is the Dragonborn, and also dabbles with some stuff at the College of Winterhold. She tries to look for more Snow elves for a few years, but gives up when she finds none left in Skyrim. She doesn't end up with anyone, but she has a huge group of friends that basically live at her giant house in the Pale.
Astreae- Skyrim
Astreae is a Breton, and a demi prince of Light and Stars! She gets fought over by both Azura and Meridia (turns out she has one of them further back in her family tree so it's just in her blood). She lived in High Rock before she came to Skyrim to join the Bards College in Solitude. She ends up with Marcurio. She helps rebuild Windhelm, since she loves the old city (hates the racism). She really brings back the life into the city, while keeping the old rustic stone feel.
Athena- Skyrim
Athena is a wood elf who came to Skyrim with their friends and fiancee. They were ambushed by both the Stormcloaks and Imperials, and Athena watched them all fall around them. Their story is long and difficult, with betrayal at every corner. They end up nearly broken, being nursed back to sanity by Serana.
Raven- Skyrim
She was raised by ex-assassins, trained to join the Dark Brotherhood from a young age. She doesn’t know until the events of Skyrim that she’s actually a demi-prince, related to Mephala (who is confused about why their child would look more like a bosmer than a dunmer). She is in the same world as Keian, and ends up being close friends with her. She ends up as Listener, and both her and Keian are Dragonborns
Keian- Skyrim
Keian is a vampire, born at the beginning of the 4th Era. She was raised Markarth, and lived as an Alchemist in the hills. She was turned when she was out hunting for ingredients. After that, she fled Skyrim and stayed with a small clan in High Rock until 4e201, when she left to explore the world. She is obsessed with history and, along with funds donated by Raven, rebuilds most of the Chantry of Auri-El to give snow elves a home once again when they are found. 
Seline- Skyrim
One of my Half Dragon dragonborns. She was born in the Imperial City, to 2 normal Imperials. She’s dragonborn and ends up as Arch Mage. She does go through the dawnguard questline, but only because she was looking for rare books and finds Serana instead. She ends up living with Serana in Winterhold, where they rebuild the city and make it a haven for wizards and nonviolent vampires. 
Nikoli- Skyrim
Another one of my half dragon ocs, but he was born with the features instead of them coming in later in life. His mother is a Nord and his father is a high elf. He grew up with his mother, far from society until he was 12. From then on he lived at the Rorikstead Inn. When Erik turns 19, he and Nikoli leave to become mercenaries.
Kiliana Ebon-Talon -Skyrim 
She’s a pure Nord, born and raised in Falkreath. She lived with her parents her entire life. When she was 20, she came home from a weekend of hunting to find her parents murdered. She left town after that, drinking her grief away and avoiding any of her friends who would try to find her. She got her dragon looks (horns, scales, and tail) after the battle with the dragon at the West Tower! She goes on to be Dragonborn and Guild Master of the Thieves Guild.
Ran’ik Tzan -Skyrim
Very chaotic, very impulsive fire mage! She accidently ended up in Skyrim due to messing up a portal spell very badly and arrived at the College of Winterhold! She ends up as Archmage and ends up with Ancano
Eats Much Bread -Skyrim
They’re an argonian! Their actual name is a little hard to pronounce, and instead of listening to racist nords purposely mispronounce it, they just went with this instead! They join the Dawnguard
Xianna Septim -Skyrim
A lost descendant of Martin Septim, her family line has been waiting for the Empire to be weak to reclaim it. She was trained as a child at High Hrothgar to be Dragonborn. She ends up reclaiming the throne and marrying Brynjolf. 
Rowan -Oblivion
He’s a demi-prince of Meridia! He doesn’t do much with that knowledge except saying “cool.” He’s a healer, and hes an ancestor to Astreae
Citrane- Oblivion
She ends up joining the DB and falling pretty hard for Lucien, but realizes it too late. I think I’ll have her mantle Sheo, but I haven’t made my mind up yet.
Yakar- Skyrim
Yakar is one of the last Dwemer, hidden away deep in the mountains with the rest of his clan for generations. He leaves to travel Tameriel after no one doing that for generations, and uses the fact that dwemer Animunculi don't attack him to his advantage. He also ends up being wrapped up into the DB. May or may not technically share a soul with Emnoral
Emnoral- Skyrim
Hes the Son of Hircine, literally. He's a demiprince, and half Altmer. He's a very sassy, very charming asshole who only meets Yakar due to being too flirty with the citizens of Tameriel. May or may not technically share a soul with Yakar.
Quinlin- Skyrim
The child between Hermaeus Mora and Uriel VIII (the man had an interesting life), they're the demiprince of Fate. Growing up in apocrypha, the only access to Tameriel they had was through books, so they read all they could. They escape Apocrypha with Miraak and help with the take down of Alduin.
Talnori- Skyrim
She's my daughter of Vivec! She's been around since before the time of the nerevarine, and after Vivecs disappearance, she slowly traveled Morrowind and then all of Tameriel, making a name for herself as a treasure hunter. She makes her way to Skyrim after being hired to help with getting some artifacts (LOTD) when she finds out she's Dragonborn as well.
Celrin- Morrowind & Skyrim
He's a Maomer, one of the last that traveled the seas when he was arrested and sent to Morrowind. He's the Nerevarine, and does his "job" to the letter, and as soon as he's done, he leaves, going back to the seas. He reappears in Skyrim and travels with Talnori. He remembers her, but she doesn't remember him.
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LFRP: L’yhta Mahre (Balmung)
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Character Name: L’yhta Mahre
The Basics ––– –
Age: Somewhere in her early to mid-20s (thanks, time bubble)
Birthday: 12th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 12th)
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual. Prefers women romantically, prefers men sexually.
Marital Status: In a poly pod. By mutual agreement, the pod has certain open characteristics.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Elemental Affinity: Astral, Wind over Fire
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Adventure, including IC dungeons
Fellow mages to talk shop with
People with problems that need Magic! to solve
An apprentice
Possibly, romance?
What I’m Not Looking For ––– –
Unpleasant or abusive rivalries
Villains (got enough of those already...)
Mean, demanding, or uncommunicative RP partners
Other OOC Notes ––– –
Hi! I’ve decided to put this out there to see about expanding my RP circle. L’yhta’s a fairly easy to get along with character, as long as you don’t mind (or if you’re especially interested in) adventuring and magic theory. She has other interests, but being somewhat of an awkward sort at heart, she tends to fall back on what she knows -- and gets quite excited about it, to boot.
I’m usually in XIV during the evenings US Central Time (after 8pm or so), but I’m also available on Tumblr and Discord much more. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you’d like to interact! I swear I’m not scary.
More under the cut!
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Highly variable, but naturally purple.
Eyes: Bright heliotrope.
Height: 5 fulms, 5 ilms
Build: Lanky, rangy, bony, and muscular, without many curves. She looks rather like a runner who eats far less than she should.
Distinguishing Marks: One thin white scar across her throat. What’s most distinguishing is her utter lack of distinguishing marks; outside of that scar, her skin looks eerily perfect and almost painted on, as if it were magicked to be such by some obsessed with flawlessness.
Common Accessories: L’yhta typically carries a pouch of candied fruits with her, along with a small ritual kit. She wears a linkpearl stud in her right ear that looks like a rainbow-colored flower. Her constant companion is Astrea, one of the Stardust Rods from the age of Mhach that she’s carefully restored over the years. When she can’t carry that artifact with her, she keeps a small mythrite scepter with a ruby focusing gem in a garter on her upper thigh.
Usual Attire: In public, L’yhta is often found wearing the robes of a mage with a taste for the historical (leaning towards Mhachi or late Allagan styles), along with short skirts or tights, ring guards, and ankle boots. In more casual situations, she prefers light skirts and sleeveless tops or Doman-style attire.
Personal ––– –
Profession: ~ Adventuring mage: L’yhta is a member of the Adventurers’ Guild of Eorzea and holds an honorary commission in the Maelstrom’s Foreign Levy for magical services rendered. She is known to actively practice all four Eorzean Disciplines of Magic and then some, with her primary adventuring praxis being thaumaturgy augmented with arcanima. ~ Researcher of esoterica: She’s also relatively well-known at the four magic guilds (though their opinions of her vary) as a researcher and once student. She has a reputation for devising new spells and trying to explore areas of magic that don’t neatly fit into the Eorzean Disciplines of Magic.
Hobbies: Reading, exploring dark places, listening to ribald music, writing questionable poetry, drinking to excess, musing about grand schemes to improve the world, swimming
Languages: Eorzean Common. She can read Belah’dian, Mhachi, and Nymian, and has a passing familiarity with Allagan script. Beyond that, she knows a few phrases in Doman. She does not know huntspeak.
Residence: An apartment in the Ivory Tower in Shirogane. She also has a small apartment in Fisherman’s Bottom in Limsa Lominsa.
Birthplace: A small coastal village in Vylbrand, about 100 malms north of Limsa Lominsa.
Religion: Worship of the Mothercrystal
Patron Deity: She would say the Mothercrystal, for all that matters.
Fears: Losing friends and family; the disintegration of her poly pod; an ignoble and irrelevant death; being unable to help someone she finds in need; the Empire steamrolling over Eorzea, Doma, or Hingaishi; being hated for no reason. Oddly, she doesn’t really fear death, and a part of her wants to die as a martyr.
Nicknames: Lyta, Y-hta, Lady Sorceress, Mistress Lyta
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Divorced. She is part of (and quite committed) to a poly pod, but none of them would describe it as a “spouse-type” relationship.
Children: None
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Six sisters and one brother, all of whom reside in the tribe where she grew up.
Other Relatives: She has about ten nephews and nieces at this point, as well as several cousins. One of her nephews followed her back to Limsa Lominsa and is a newly minted Yellowjacket.
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Personality: L’yhta is impulsive, but largely good-natured, as long as she doesn’t view someone as Evil (which usually requires they demonstrate a desire or intent to harm others for their own benefit). She has an unfortunate tendency to speak her mind and to accidentally flirt with people, and while she’s often quiet at first when in a large social situation, she’ll quickly engage with anyone who interacts with her. Those who get to know her will discover that she can sometimes be dryly snarky, cares for others quickly, is often impatient, loves and trusts her friends deeply, and can have a very nasty temper.
Recreational Substances: L’yhta has a very high alcohol tolerance and tends to drink to excess. She also partakes in recreational herbs, but only ones she considers “mind-opening,” such as hallucinogens and empathogens. She very assiduously avoids drugs like somnus.
Favorite Foods: Sweets, fish, miqa’bobs, and most Doman fare.
Likes: Adventurers, people who don’t take themselves too seriously, open-minded mages, battle, surviving nearly getting killed, helping others, the sense of a spell well-executed
Dislikes: Religious zealots, most nobility (knights she can be okay with, depending on their behavior), boredom, abusive individuals, being alone
Virtues: Loyal, trusting, defends others without hesitation, playful
Vices: Drinks to excess, lustful, holds grudges, temper
RP Hooks ––– –
Mistress of Magic: Whether you’ve got a magical problem that needs fixing, a desire to learn new magicks, a drive to talk shop about magic, or just an interest in the Art, L’yhta can range from anything from sounding board to plot device dispenser, drinking buddy to teacher, research friend to spellcrafter. She knows a lot about magic and I enjoy sharing the lore.
Adventuring Buddies: Need someone to blow things up for you? Maybe some combat healing magic? As a member of the Adventurers’ Guild, L’yhta can pick up leves that can put her just about anywhere in the world. Maybe she gets assigned to your adventuring party, maybe you end up investigating the same ruins, or maybe you’re looking for adventurers for a job.
Anything else! We can come up with lots of reasons, I suspect, for our characters to interact!
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aastrea · 6 years
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“Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am.” 
“And what is that?”
“I... am a librarian.”
-The Mummy
FULL NAME: Astrea Joseph Abernathy Croft NICKNAMES: AJ, Asstrea, pufferish, beautiful wife, abernathy AGE: Twenty-three BIRTHDAY: June 21st, 1996 GENDER: Cis female PRONOUNS: she/her
MOTHER: Rosemary Lillian Finley, world famous archaeologist  FATHER: Harold ‘Harry’ Joseph Abernathy, world famous archaeologist SIBLINGS: n/a.
FACE CLAIM: Natalia Dyer RACE/ETHNICITY: White NATIONALITY: American HEIGHT:  5′1″ but she tells everyone 5′3″ thank you very much BUILD: slim and petite, dainty-looking HAIR: usually about shoulder length. it curls at the end. it’s surprisingly thick but very, very soft FACIAL HAIR: none. HAIR COLOR: naturally a mousy brown, but she she dyes it blonde sometimes. rn it’s blonde but she has dark roots. EYE COLOR: bright blue *billie ellish’s Ocean Eyes plays in the background* DOMINANT HAND: left SCENT: very sweet, usually like cherries or honey. there’s always a distinct berry smell about her. she smells like the dirt and the sidewalk after it rains. ACCENT: she doesn’t really have one. i’d imagine she sounds a little posh. mostly, i imagine her like natalia dyer. here’s a clip.
LEARNING DISABILITIES: none ALLERGIES: very allergic to carrots. she’s not allergic, but she refuses to eat seafood. DISORDERS: none. FASHION: very nancy drew. she wears a lot of skirts of all lengths and cardigans. she’s usually wearing one of elvie’s hoodies. she likes to wear long jackets and heeled shoes. button up shirts and pinstriped trousers. very fancy. usually a scrunchie in her hair or on her wrist. NERVOUS TICS: biting her lip, scrunching up her nose, eye-rolling in serious situations, licking her lips, dropping her gaze, playing with her fingers and rings. traces her tattoo on her finger. QUIRKS: has a wealth of knowledge of history, archaeology, and marine biology. she loves strawberries to a concerning point. she gets jealous easily. has a tattoo of a scrab on her back. loves rewatching old documentaries. she loves playing the game clue. she can knit very well. SHE’S AWFUL AT SINGING but she does it anyway because it makes her happy. she loves to dance and dress up. SHE LOVES FISH.
RESIDES: an apartment in the Upper East side, NY with her husband BORN: Salem, OR RAISED: Salem, OR &. Salem, MA
VEHICLE: she doesn’t have one rn, but at one point, i imagine sh has a jeep wrangler
PETS:  freddy and jason - tarantulas & harriet - lizard
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: graduated, valedictorian  COLLEGE EDUCATION: attended nyu, graduated with honors MAJOR: archaeology MINOR: anthropology, religious studies CAREER: archaeologist and librarian  OTHER:  she’s trying to be an author
RELIGION: she believes in all the gods (including God) of the 5 major religions. BELIEFS: she’s a firm believer in fate and in ghosts. everything happens for a reason. she believes in soulmates. she believes in mermaids. she thinks time-travel is definitely real. she believes in atlantis. she knows money does not always bring happiness. she believes in truth and seeking out the truth. MISDEMEANORS: arrested in saudi arabia for protecting an artifact that someone wanted to destroy,, later dismissed FELONIES: n/a TICKETS AND/OR VIOLATIONS: n/a DRUGS:  yes / sometimes / no SMOKES: yes / sometimes / no ALCOHOL: yes / sometimes / no DIET: absolute garbage. everything has to be sweet. her veins are filled with chocolate sauce and honey. she loves maple syrup in her cocoa. she loves weird food combinations and half the time everyone thinks she’s pregnant
LANGUAGES: english, greek, latin, french, ancient sumerian, arabic, and others
PHOBIAS: marriage for a long time HOBBIES: reading, reading, researching, yoga, writing, doodling, swimming, more reading, not really a hobby but she takes bubble baths all the time, she likes cosplaying, painting 5 POSITIVE TRAITS: brilliant, brave, selfless, kind, strong-willed 5 NEGATIVE TRAITS: jealous, impulsive, stubborn, insecure, sheltered
LOCATION: oregon coast aquarium  SPORTS TEAM: oregon ducks nfl team GAME: pandemic SONG: sunglasses at night by corey hart SHOWS: Ghost Gallery, Timeless, Outlander, Firefly, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Peaky Blinders MOVIES: the mummy, braveheart, ferris buller’s day off, zathura: a space adventure FOOD: anything sweet; especially enjoys chocolate covered strawberries and milkshakes BEVERAGE: hot chocolate with maple syrup, ginseng tea COLOR: green and burnt orange
MORAL ALIGNMENT: true neutral  MBTI: ENTP (-A/-T)  “the debater”  ENNEAGRAM: the achiever  TEMPERAMENT:  sanguine WESTERN ZODIAC: cancer CHINESE ZODIAC:  year of the rat HOGWARTS HOUSE: ravenclaw SONG: Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys IDEOLOGIES: believes in finding the truth to everything the world has to offer, even if it seems difficult are hidden. somehow, the universe will make sense eventually- one way or another.
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phynxrizng · 7 years
PAGAN This Mabon, Honor the Dark Goddess SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 BY ASTREA Every autumn equinox, I imagine the goddess of light and the dark goddess meet in a forest clearing. The young mother-maiden swings a picnic basket, and lays down a blanket, bread, and cheese. The old crone pulls a bottle of cyser mead from her carpetbag, and pours it into glasses. They clink and make a toast to Mabon, or the autumn equinox — the day when the light and darkness are most equal. I imagine the goddesses speak of the things that happened in the past six months. The maiden tells the dark goddess of human events and earthly occurrences, of devastations and accomplishments. The dark goddess speaks of the world of emotions and subterranean forces, of feelings beneath the surface. They nod, laugh, and shake hands. When the afternoon light turns strong and warm, they hear a satyr’s pipes and a distant faery song. They dance to the music, their skirts brushing the forest floor. Finally, when orange and coral clouds line the horizon, the goddesses hold hands. They close their eyes and envision a better future for the earth and humankind. The goddess of light yawns. She gazes lovingly at her bronze scepter with the glowing golden bulb, propped against a pine trunk. She picks it up and passes it, with the utmost love and respect, to the dark goddess. Upon her touching it, the metal oxidizes to black. The globe turns white and becomes cratered, like the moon. The goddess of light seems to fade a little. She curls up beneath a tree, yawning, and falls asleep. The earth rearranges itself to cover her. It will keep her warm until her rebirth in March. The dark goddess glows. A flush of power flows through her skin. Her hair becomes electric and wild, and a cool breeze blows. It is her time now. * The dark goddess archetype is a rich amalgam of the crone, the dark moon woman, the unseen transformative fire beneath the rich earth, wild magic, and the intuitive subconscious. She is Baba Yaga, Persephone, Hecate, Lilith, Hel, Kali, the Morrigan, Tiamat, Cerridwen, and many more. These are not your mother goddesses. These are the aged, the hidden, the untamed, the transformative, and the magical. Now, at Mabon, it’s finally their season. People who have a relationship with the dark goddess have a certain vibe to them. They know more than what’s spoken aloud. They are ‘old souls’ — people whose eyes are like portals into another realm. They’re most comfortable in deep conversations with other old souls. They can sit with their own pain or another’s pain and not run away, screaming. They know the twists and turns in the dark alleys of their minds and souls as well as they know the lines on their own hands. They face their own darkness as well as that of the subconscious of the entire human race. They are the people who say, ‘I see. What can we do . You’ve probably heard the call of a dark goddess, since you’re reading this. You don’t have to be a crone to relate to her. Women and men of all ages have felt their hearts and souls stir at the mention of one of her names, or at the changing of the seasons. Perhaps you’ve had an experience with her, or dreamed of her, or maybe your journey with her is just now beginning.The autumn equinox is a perfect time to make room in your heart for the dark goddess archetype. If you’re willing to face your own shadow self and do the work of the dark goddess, read on.  Just before sundown, perform ritual preparation — physically and mentally cleanse yourself. Practice intentional breathing and don ritual clothing. At sunset, call the directions. Light a non-floral incense and an autumn-colored candle (or black). Think of your dark goddess, and say, “Goddess, I call upon you, and humbly ask for your insight.’ Be aware of your surroundings — you may receive an omen, such as a flock of ravens, symbolizing the Morrigan. Repeat the phrase as many times as you feel necessary to invite her insight into you. Still your thoughts and follow your intuition. The dark goddess may tell you to meditate or dance. Perhaps you’ll feel the desire to embrace a tree or bow and press your forehead to the ground. Don’t be surprised if you’re moved to move. After all, integrating the body-shadow is a journey in and of itself. Perhaps you’ll spill your heart out, or maybe you’ll be still and silent. In any case, go deep. Go within.  The dark goddess demands that you look at yourself — all parts of yourself. Look at the parts you show to others, the parts you keep to yourself, and the parts you don’t even want to acknowledge. Sit with the entirety of yourself. Sit with the pain. Feel it. Acknowledge it. Cry if you need to. After you are in touch with your shadow self / selves for several moments, say, ‘I release my pain. I trust that this energy can be recycled into a better possibility.’ Take several deep breaths and release the emotion. Repeat the mantra above until you feel the energy is truly gone. Bring new energy from the earth up through your chakras. Balance your chakras as the energy travels upward, and consciously hold them in place. This will help to integrate your shadows. To close out the ritual, give thanks from the bottom of your soul and your heart.  ‘Thank you, goddess, for your insight, and for any other gifts you choose to give me.’ Make any additional movements or sounds you feel appropriate. Release the goddess and close the circle.  Cerridwen, by Elena Darktear 83, Creative Commons 3.0 Welcome to the tribe of the dark goddess. We’ve been waiting for you. You’ll want to practice good post-ritual self-care. Drink clean water. Eat clean food. Breathe deep breaths and be good to yourself. Write your experiences down in your Book of Shadows to have the option to repeat the ritual again next year. This can be an exciting marker to see how much you’ve grown.  If you’re new to working with your dark goddess, perform this ritual a few more times over the next few months. Sit with your pain or darkness so you can integrate it before you ask for anything besides insight. Any requests for specific gifts or boons without laying the groundwork may not be appropriate, and may not be granted. For the next six months, meditate on your dark goddess from time to time. If she bids you to create an altar for her, do so. Buy her statue, or a stone, or print a piece of artwork of her. Build the bridge. Until the March equinox (where we’ll experience the rebirth of the maiden), revel in your new depth and intuitions. You’ll find yourself following your gut more and more. The more you listen to the intuitive voice within you, the closer you’ll be to her. You’ll know you can’t always trust what can be seen, but you’ll be in touch with something deeper — a whole world hidden beneath the skin. That’s a good thing.  Per aspera ad astra is an ancient Latin phrase that’s quite fitting for working with a dark goddess — through the dark and rocky road, to the stars. The way forward may not always be clear or easy, but integrating the dark and unseen parts of ourselves can be deeply rewarding and makes our lives infinitely richer. Personally, I wouldn’t have it any other way. * There are many other stories of the changing of the light guard, such as Persephone transforming from a maiden into the Queen of the Underworld and the Oak King and the Holly King, etc. While my story certainly isn’t historic, it’s from the heart and resonates with my beliefs. TAGGED WITH:AUTUMNAUTUMN EQUINOXDARK GODDESS...MORE August 30, 2017 The Worst Witch: Magical and Entertaining  Sponsored Links You May Like This Workout Sock Makes a Huge Difference Cup of Jo for Bombas Socks I’m a Woman Who Joined Dollar Shave Club. Here’s What Happened. Dollar Shave Club Here Are The Best Satellite TV Internet Plans Yahoo Search by Taboola RECENT COMMENTS 2 COMMENTS "This is beautifully written. I am new to practice but not really new to belief, ..." ROSEMARY BAY BIRCH THIS MABON, HONOR THE DARK GODDESS "I love this piece, especially your description of the two Goddesses meeting. It mirrors the ..." CATE BROOKE THIS MABON, HONOR THE DARK GODDESS "I just started watching it and I'm only halfway through the first episode. My daughter ..." ANNA THE WORST WITCH: MAGICAL AND ENTERTAINING BROWSE OUR ARCHIVES   FOLLOW US!   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darrowsrising · 5 years
Dear sci-fi fanboys who told me long time ago on Hic Sunt Leones that Darrow doesn't have the razor Virginia gave him anymore and were passive-agressive Pixies, choke on this:
'"...best bloodydamn present I've been given since my wife gave me this beauty.' He sets his hand on the famous white blade. It is inert and coiled around his arm like a snake. " Basically, the razor Darrow gets back in Attica is the same razor Virginia gifted him in Aegea. The hilt has the pegasus in flight, but also Darrow's family etched into it.
Also, bonus for ReaperMustang shippers: 'My wife once told me a man's soul can be seen in the room he keeps the cleanest. I asked her what room is my soul. She tapped my razor.'
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darrowsrising · 5 years
I am the son of the Morning Star. The flesh and blood of the man who broke your chains. Yet you hold Electra and me as insurance to bargain for ships and information. So I look upon you with my father's eyes to ask: what does your old ways say of honor?
- Pax au Augustus to Sefi Volarus, Dark Age
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darrowsrising · 5 years
Lyria of Lagalos just thought Sevro 'glorious' and 'comely' and Cassius 'stooped, ugly, but very tall' when she saw a holo of the ones who killed Aja.
I love her and so should you!
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darrowsrising · 5 years
Lysander's existance offends me.
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darrowsrising · 5 years
Darrow of Lykos fought everywhere in Heliopolis, all his soldiers said they saw Reaper. He used up four starShells, and lots of batteries. He fought for 38 hours on Heliopolis, but before that he fought in the Plains and crossed the Ladon in a week without sleep. He had 10 stims that could have killed a horse and he still asked for more to help his men. He could barely walk, but he kept asking for stims and batteries to fight. The Howlers had to keep him upright to go to a medicus and he even then he didn't want to sleep.
In conclusion, the next person who says Darrow has become a tyrant, gets sliced stinker to pucker like any Pixie should be.
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darrowsrising · 5 years
I look at the bodies, at their faces. This is why I left Luna. Those glossy peacocks in the Senate read our reports. But the further you are away from it, the more war reads like arithmetic, and past that it reads like fiction, past that it's just an annoying video on your info stream. How could they possibly imagine the anguish on the faces of the dead? How could the mob in the streets demanding handouts ever know on a sensory level that when a human rots, it isn't just the skin that stinks, but the intestines, the stomach, the liver?
How could they know that weird tremble of the soul when you realize there is no civilization? There's just a lock on a box. And inside the box is this. Virginia wanted me to reason with the senators. What common language would we speak, I wonder, when they have not seen inside the box and I am its lock?
It drives me fucking mad that they refuse to understand how sick and dogged and obssessed with our destruction our enemies are. Yet they live in a fantasy built on the bodies of my friends.
- Darrow of Lykos, Dark Age by Pierce Brown
In case you forgot, senator-sucking Pixies, peace with the Society remnant is...well, piss.
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darrowsrising · 5 years
As someone who used to mock the concept of hope and scoff at novels that praised hope in flowery sentences, I can honestly say that Pierce Brown's Red Rising Saga gave me hope. Darrow is my hope even when he is hopeless. Because he isn't a concept. I cannot mock or scoff at him. He is an amazingly written character. His words are natural and they flow of the page and into my heart through my brain. It's genuine and sincere. It's beautiful. The hope he inspires is sublime. His heart is pure and undiluted. His spirit strong and unwavering. I too would stand with Reaper, no matter the consequences.
Hail Reaper! Hail libertas!
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