#astro indicators
sakurapandadreams · 28 days
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer.
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This is a new series of post I'm planning on continuing
This post consists all the placements that makes or causes someone to feel left out with in a place or a group or from people.
If you have some or any of these placements rest assured these placements doesn't mean you won't find any friends at all.
🖇 Mercury or Moon in Aquarius
Natives with these placements have trouble sharing their thoughts with others as they feel it doesn't align with their peers. Which is a big reason why these people rarely relate with anyone. In this world where people live by socializing they build their small world at home on their computers or phones through social media.
🖇 Capricorn Moon
These natives grow up the hard way, they mature at a young age. Growing up they can realize how people only make relations if it benefits them. However they disfavor this very idea, there more serious and want people to take their friendships seriously [which many unfortunately don't].
🖇 Cancer Rising
They don't feel left out everywhere but in certain groups yes. Many may get along with people elder to them as they find comfort in sharing their ideas with them. People with this placement even if their in a trio, can feel like someone who is third wheeling between a duo. Many people with this placement are ahead of their time.
🖇 Venus in 0 degrees
Of Course this is the purest form of the planet. Natives with this placement can get sidelined or get mistreated by people around them due to their looks. Most might be clueless or have trouble understanding certain aspects of love which inturn secludes them from their peers.
🖇 Saturn in Gemini
These people may have trouble understanding what to share and how much to ?. Hence these people keep to themselves and instead of talking things they express themselves better in writing. These people avoid gossips or conversations that may lead to drama which ends up making them left out.
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🖇 Saturn in the 11th house
The most mentioned one of all. People with this placements feel left out because they have grown up learning it's better to be cautious around others. Many natives keep formal relationships with their peers making them hard to reach or feel free or comfortable to talk to.
🖇 Uranus in or ruling the 7th and 11th house
These people are highly intelligent, many people won't be able to match their intellectual wavelength. Hence more often than not they get alienated by people their age. Nothing is wrong with you guys. It's just your ideas and philosophers are different from people your age.
🖇 Neptune square Mercury
These people do have friends but within their friend groups they tend to feel left out. Because most don't understand which friends is reliable and many also desire to be liked by everyone hence in this process they aren't able to make close friends. This makes them feel left out in their own groups.
🖇 Rahu conjunction with Mercury
These natives get alot of friends [depends on signs and degrees] but most of them harbor jealousy for these people. Many may take advantage and keep friends till they benefit them. Many could have faced backstabbing. Their friends could have made them feel dumb. Hence these people feel left out.
🖇 Chiron in the 11th house
Quite less spoken one these people may have wounds regarding friendships or how they view themselves in friendships these people may often times feel that they don't deserve such people or may feel inferior to their friends on the flip side they could have been betrayed by their friends hence don't want friendships.
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Credits for the images and dividers goes to the rightful owners
Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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novy2sirius · 1 month
Indicators of being seen as “weird” or unique
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uranus dominance, uranus in the 1h/10h/11h, aquarius stellium, 11h stellium, aquarius sun, 11h sun, aquarius moon, 11h moon, aquarius rising, chart ruler in the sign aquarius, chart ruler in the 11h, rising at 11°/23°, chart ruler at 11°/23°, a lot of 11°/23° in your chart, aquarius chiron, chiron/saturn in the 11h, 7 life path, 7 day number, 7 attitude number
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uyuforu · 2 months
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Romance Numbers in Destiny of Matrix
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Hi people! So I have been discovering Destiny of Matrix for some days and I LOVE this technique. And of course, anytime I discover some thing, I love to check with the people I know to see how accurate it is. Moreover, I feel like it hasn't been talked much on Tumblr? Like there are posts but not enough in my opinion. I wanted to try to give my interpretation as I have made some researches based on people I know. So this post is totally my own interpretation! Though, I hope this can give some insights, and some good tools too.
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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What is Destiny Matrix?
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Destiny Matrix is an Esoteric tool that explores the 22 Arcana's of the Tarot to see a different approach of yourself and your life, as a Chart, similar to Astrology. It's a tool that also enable you to develop your full potential as an individual. Numbers and Chakras are used instead of signs, houses and degrees.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Calculate your Destiny Matrix Chart here.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Numbers on the Chart will go from 1 to 22, representing each Tarot's 22 Major Arcanas.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Colored Numbers are your main energies, they are also great tools to understand your true potential and why you came into this life, but also past life, desires, and your soul's purpose. Though this isn't the theme in this post.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Some more ressources on Tumblr here!
How do you use Destiny Matrix?
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ In this post, we will talk about the romance and love part of your life. And mostly numbers. On each sides of the chart, you'll see your different ages, representing different eras of your life. And above those different ages, you'll see a number, between 1 to 22.
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⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ As you may have guessed it, those numbers will express the energy of what is happening in your life in those eras. It doesn't only mean one thing, it's a global energy. So this energy can be taken in romance, career, etc.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ It's more about energies and main events. It's a life forecast.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Now, each numbers above your different ages represent a Tarot Major Arcana, to know more, here is the Wikipedia page.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Of course, each Arcana have also their own energies and meanings, and the way I interpret cards have always been taking both positive and negative energies. In this tool, I think it's important to take both.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ I have so studied this technique with my personal knowledge and thought of doing an observation post about it, please read this before continuing:
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Please know this post is based on my personal researches. I practice Tarot too and I have some knowledge on the cards, but I am still new at Destiny of Matrix. My main goal in this post is to give more insights and my own point of view on the matter. I of course use relatives and individuals I knows to support all theories here. This is truly an observation post. Please take it lightly!
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Also please use your intuition, I bet you'll not have children at 5 years old, so even if you see a number that can indicate pregnancy, think twice that it might not happen when you are too young. Use your own discernment, and take it in an open-minded way! Those are possible indicators only!
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Meeting your Future Spouse Numbers
1: The Magician
The first Major Arcana can be an indicator of meeting your Future spouse. This card is the very first card, which usually represents new beginnings, something new coming to your life. It also indicates lovestruck, beginning of a relationship, and building a story with someone. In this case, this can be taken as a something new starting, and def something major in your life.
5: The Hierophant
The Hierophant, also called The Pope, is the 5th card and is an indicator of meeting your FS. This card is considered linked to marriage, as the man on the card usually seal a union between two individuals. Usually this card represent a union that can go far, meaning to marriage. So this can also be an indicator of meeting someone you'll marry in the future. It seems like this number happened with people when they realized who they will marry.
6: The Lovers
The Lovers is the 6th card and it's also an indicator of meeting your FS! It's a quite strong indicator in my opinion, since this card is a divine union card, so soulmates for example are often represented with this card. You could meet a destined lover with this number, or just fall in love too.
10: The Wheel of Fortune
The 10th card usually represents major change in our life, so if you have a 10 number, this can be a year when you'll meet someone who will deeply change your life. This can be a year when you'll meet your FS, things will change!
14: Temperance
This number can also indicate meeting your FS, as this card is also a Soulmate card. Just as the Lovers card, you could meet a divine partner this year but also someone who you'll love deeply. It can also be a soulmate, but this can def be an indicator of meeting the person you'll marry.
16: The Tower
The Tower is also called "The House of God" in the French Version, and it can then represent something fated by a higher force. The number 16 can be a time when you'll meet someone who was "sent" to you, someone who is destined to meet you, and they could perhaps be your FS. It usually also represents a happy union.
17: The Star
The Star is the 17th card of the Tarot for Major Arcana, and it is a sign of hope, happiness and optimism. This number can also be an indicator of meeting someone who will bring you great joy. This is an indicator of having a protected Union, being a couple that will last a long time but also a couple who will having high chances to have children together. Fertility is a keyword for this card.
18: The Moon
So, at first I wasn't going to include this number but two of my family members got it the year they met their FS. So it caught my interest. This card can indicate meeting someone you'll want children with. And it is also a sign of fertility. This number can then be an indicator of meeting your FS since it also talks about meeting someone you'll feel at home and comfortable with, and perhaps meeting someone who is a soulmate too. I have also noticed a pattern with this number: both my relative who got this number met their FS while being in a relationship! Perhaps this can be an indicator...
19: The Sun
AH the Sun! The happy card! The Sun to me makes it obvious we need to add the number 19. This number will bring great happiness and joy into your life, so this can be a year you can meet your FS since they will usually (I wish you that at least), great happiness. This card represents union, a couple that is a great fit for one another, but also a couple that is very tender and wish to build a future together. But it also represents universal and unconditional love!
20: Judgment
The number 20 can be another indicator of meeting your FS. That number is about meeting a person who will be a major meeting in our life. It's also about love at first sight. But also about our destiny. So we could be meeting someone who was meant for us.
22: The Fool
This is the last card in the Major arcana, and it usually represents a meeting a new person in a very unexpected way. But it also represents honeymoon, and meeting a passionate lover. While this can be surprising for others, I think it's important to remember this card represents endings leading to new beginnings. So yes, this can also be an indicator.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My mom was a 10 when she met my dad.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My dad only married my step mother, and he had number 10 the year he met her.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ The year I met my FS online I was a 6.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ And the year we met in real life I was a 16!
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Both my grandma and my aunt were a 18 when they met their FS, yet both met them at a time they were already in a relationship!
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My grandfather was a 20 when he met my grandma.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My other grandma was also a 10 when she met my other grandfather.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My FS was a 16 when we first met and 5 when we met in real life.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ One of my best friend was a 5 the first time she met her FS.
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Getting Engaged / Marriage Numbers
2: The Popess
5: The Hierophant
6: The Lovers
7: The Chariot
This card is about moving, and things moving fast, forward. An engagement or a wedding is a new step in a relationship, so this card can be an indicator.
8: The Justice
Marriage contract
10: The Wheel of Fortune
16: The Tower
19: The Sun
20: The Judgment
21: The World
22: The Fool
A new era of your life, something totally new coming.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ When my dad and step mother married, she was a 21 and my dad was a 20.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My grandma was an 8 when she got married for the second time.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My grandfather was a 22 when he got married the second time.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My other grandmother was a 21 when she got married too.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My aunt was a 5 when she got married.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ If I follow my predictions, I will be an 8 or 16 when I'll get married.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My mother has indicators of getting married soon and she will be a 7 soon LOL.
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Pregnancies/ Having Children Numbers
2: The Popess
The Popess represents the oldest woman, the woman who has knowledges and experiences, so it can also represents a nurse, or women who help during the pregnancies. And it is also a sign, as the card itself, of pregnancies. It is governed by the Moon. It represents the desire to have children, and also to be pregnant. It is also a sign of maternal wisdom or nurturing.
3: The Empress (for women specifically)
The Empress represents the woman, and it is a major number to have for years to be pregnant. I would say that it represents being pregnant best, and more if you are a woman actually. This card is represented by Venus, and it is a huge indicators of being pregnant, being fertile, and having children. Pregnancy is a huge theme on this card. The Empress represents the mother in Tarot.
4: The Emperor (for men specifically)
As the Empress represents the mother, the Emperor represents the father! So if you are a man, this can be an indicator of becoming a father a certain year.
6: The Lovers
It wasn't an indicator to me at first but I saw two of my family members being a 6 during pregnancies or when they had a child, so I have decided to mark it. I guess since the Lovers represents being two, and when a woman is pregnant, she is two (her + the child), it can be an indicator. Both of those family members had this indicator with their first children!
10: The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune isn't necessarily a pregnancy indicator in Tarot, at least not specifically. But, this card represents big change or transformation in one's life. So it's obvious it can mean something is changing. This can so indicate pregnancies, and if you are a woman, this can even indicate something is changing in your body!
13: Death
While Death represents change and transformation, it can also apply in this case in my opinion. It means new beginnings, it's a card that indicates deep change, so even physically and mentally. So this can mean deep change and transformation in your body, but also in your life, as having children brings total new beginnings.
16: The Tower
This card brings happy news and it's a card about fertility, and also men's fertility. It represents pregnancies in some cases as it brings happy news specially to the home.
17: The Stars
This card represents women, fertility, feeling harmonious, and wishes for pregnancies. It represents possible birth and children.
18: The Moon
This is a feminine card too! A card ruled by Cancer, and a big indicator for pregnancies and children. In Tarot, this totally represents being pregnant. It also represents the desire to be pregnant, and the action to fall pregnant (so s3x, but def in order to be pregnant).
19: The Sun
So, there are two reasons as to why I think this can be an indicator. First, this card represents happy news, and so this is obvious (generally) a pregnancy is a happy new. But this card is also ruled by the Sun & Leo, and it so is the card of children.
21: The World
The World is a card that can also represents pregnancies. First, it's a card that has more feminine and women energies. This card represent the end of a project, and it can be the outcome of a couple project (what do couples do together... iykyk), it also represents a perfect project.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My mother had number 3 when she had me.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ When my step-mother was pregnant with my sister, she was a 18.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My aunt was a 10 during her first pregnancy.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ The next years she is a 13 and then 16, I am pretty sure she will fall pregnant again (I have astro indicator of having a new cousin this year).
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My dad was a 18 when my mom was pregnant, and a 10 when I was born.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ He was a 10 again when my brother was born.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My grandma was a 21 when she was pregnant with her first child.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ Funny thing, my grandma was a 4 when she had my mother, but the story was that my grand father reallyyyy wanted a child that year.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My other grandma was a 21 when she had my aunt.
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FS being a Foreigner Numbers
For this part, we will focus on the numbers near the hearts, and actually those three (see pictures). Those numbers are indicators and a way to describe your FS. In those numbers, you can see if your FS can be a foreigner. Here are some numbers can indicate such thing.
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7: The Chariot
The Chariot is a card that represents the act of moving, and it can also indicate traveling. Despite it's not necessarily a card that means this, it is still connected to the world, since the Chariot goes and doesn't stop. It can go anywhere, so this can be an indicator of having a foreign spouse.
14: Temperance
Temperance is a card that is related to holidays and traveling for vacations, so this card can also be linked to the foreign world. This card also reminded me of the foreign land, foreign people and people who are open-minded. After all, Aquarius rule over this card, so it makes sense.
19: The Sun
This can be surprising, yet I don't think it's a major indicator, but it can still be. Actually, the Sun as a card represent countries that are hot, and places where we can go on vacations, so this is again linked to foreign lands and foreigners.
21: The World
This one is obvious, the World literally represents what it is meant to. This is the biggest indicator to me.
22: The Fool
The last card of the Tarot to me is an indicator of having a foreign spouse as well, and I would say in my opinion, 2nd biggest. This card is ruled by Uranus, so Aquarius too. This card represents the travelers, people who go and just want to discover, curiosity, it represents "everywhere".
Not a lot of people around me married foreigners for now, I don't have much examples, except my FS is a foreigner and I have a 22 number lol. But this is just my guesses since those are cards that are linked to foreign lands.
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Being Single / Breaking Up / Divorce Numbers
1: The Magician
New beginnings, starting a new project, cheating, being cheated on etc.
7: The Chariot
Moving on, moving to someone/ something else/ searching for something else.
8: The Justice
Breaking a contract, divorce.
9: The Hermit
Wanting to be alone, being left alone, someone breaking up with us, breaking up and staying single, being single.
10: The Wheel of Fortune
Change, suddenly breaking up, changing partner, passing from one partner to the other, etc.
12: The Hanged Man
Stop of a relationship, breaking up, divorce, the end of a relationship, leaving a partner.
13: Death
End of a relationship, divorce, separation, break up, being heart broken.
14: Temperance
End of a relationship, breaking up, could be a break up in good term, but also a break up because of miscommunication, couple not being made for each other.
15: The Devil
Cheating, being cheated on, doing terrible things against your partner, or your partner being terrible things to you, divorce, break up, leaving your partner for someone else, your partner leaving you for someone else, having bad intentions.
16: The Tower
Break up, divorce, separation, fights, arguments, cheating, being cheated on, breaking up on bad terms.
21: The World
Being rejected by your partner, being cheated on, partner breaking up with you, couple failing, couple not being made for each other, divorce, break up, cheating, wanting adventures.
22: The Fool
End of a relationship, stepping away from a partner, wanting to be single, being single, wanting to go on adventures, cheating, being cheated on, a partner leaving us, sudden endings.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ When my mom and dad divorced, my mom was a 13. My dad was a 10.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My step mother was a 12 when she and my dad divorced.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ I was a 16 when I had a big break up with one of my ex who cheated on me (and then made me believe it was my fault lmao).
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My aunt left her partner to be with her current husband the year she was a 10.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My dad was a 12 the year he got divorced from my step mother.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My grand father was a 12 when he left his first wife.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My grand mother was a 10 when she left her first husband for my grand father.
⋆.˚₊˚⊹ ᰔ My grandmother was a 8 when she got divorced from my grandfather.
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Thank you for reading!
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whassupp · 11 months
-Top beauty indicators in a chart based on research-
Neptune in the 1st house (literally every person that i met and found them beautiful has this placement).
2. 7th house stellium
3. Venus in leo or leo degree(5,17,29) , aries venus, taurus venus.
4. 8th house sun
5. Mars in scorpio or leo ( hot people have this placement)
6. specific aspects:
Sun opposition asc,
Neptune sextile pluto
Venus square jupiter
7. Pluto aspecting asc (any aspect)
8. Cancer placements
9. Jupiter in venus ( Taurus, Libra)
10. Venus aspecting MC
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cutiepieloves131 · 5 months
Indicators of having a hourglass or pear body in Vedic
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𓆩Note𓆪: First off let me make this clear obviously genetics have a huge for this, and second I've listed certain indicators in this post is because of what I had found in most celebrity women's charts, also some of the indicators and aspects is applied in tropical too. 🤎
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon Dominance
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Jupiter Dominance
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Venus Dominance
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mars Dominance
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 1st Ruler in 4th house or aspecting 4th house
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 1st Ruler in 7th house or aspecting 7th house
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishta in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Rohini, Hasta, and Shravana in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purva Bhadrapada in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Bharani, Purva Phalguni, and Purva Ashada in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Venus - Jupiter
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon - Jupiter
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Venus - Mars
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon - Mars
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mars - Jupiter
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon - Venus
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Pushya in Big Three
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Jupiter - Ascendant
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon - Ascendant
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mars - Ascendant
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Venus - Ascendant
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon in 4th house or aspecting 4th house Ruler
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon in 7th house or aspecting 7th house Ruler
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Jupiter in 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, and aspecting 1st house ruler
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moon in 1st, 4th house, 7th house, and aspecting 1st house ruler
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐚’𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
Fama is based on Pheme in Greek Mythology who was the goddess of rumors, lies, and illusion. Pheme was also described as a creature with many faces though which was like the drama masks of the era. Pheme put on multiple personas. This means the Greek Mythology meaning of this asteroid is acting fame (lies+illusion+character=acting) and also rumors that can be spread about you when famous
Another meaning of Fama could be “famous” in general since Fama in Latin translates to famous. I’ve noticed that a lot of asteroids are based on the Latin language. Most likely because it’s one of the oldest languages
Overall it can tell you how you’re most likely to gain fame, rumors spread about you when famous, and acting fame
𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬
1st house: You’re most likely to gain fame through athletics, fighting, things involving beauty, fashion, rapping, or confidence
2nd house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your singing voice, finances, or material possessions
3rd house: You’re most likely to gain fame through writing, cell phones, voicing your opinions, or through your neighbors/siblings
4th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your family/mother, real estate, expressing your femininity, after healing your inner child, or using your emotions/emotional expression
5th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your talents, things involving drama, your creativity, your children, your hobbies, entertaining, lovers, or taking big risks
6th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your step siblings, pets/animals, daily tasks, health, fitness, or things involving hygiene
7th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your lovers, marriage, conflicts, attractiveness, or business partnerships/partnerships in general
8th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your seductive/sexual side, inheritance of fame (connections), psychology, mystery, or your partners resources
9th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your grandparents/in-laws, things involving traveling/exploration, tv/media, law, or religion
10th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your father, career, achievements, bosses, status, or sense of mission
11th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through your friends/friend groups, step/half children, step/half parents, politics, technology, film, inventions, gains in general/money made from your career, social networking, science, desires, or manifestations
12th house: You’re most likely to gain fame through things involving hypnotism, spirituality, mental health, impersonations, isolation, karma, or sleep
Asteroid Code: 408
𝐓𝐡�� 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
All house/sign explanations for what specific careers are most likely to make you famous are on my Patreon. Click the “sub to my patreon” link below to subscribe
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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astroa3h · 7 months
asteroid fama [408] ✨
When you look at where Fama sits in your birth chart—the sign and the house—it gives clues about the kind of recognition you might attract and in what areas of life you're most likely to shine or be acknowledged by others.
For example, if Fama is in a creative sign like Pisces, it might mean you could gain recognition for artistic talents. If it's hanging out in the 10th house, which is all about career and public image, fame might come through your professional life.
What does your Fame placement say about your journey to fame?
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✨ Through The Signs ✨
Aries: You're gonna be famous for being a trailblazer. Think pioneering a movement, inventing something out of this world, or being the first to do something daring. Your fame comes from your courage and audacity to jump headfirst into challenges. You're the trendsetter, the one who plays by their own rules.
Taurus: Your fame will be built on your sensual pleasures and a keen eye for beauty. Perhaps launching a revolutionary beauty brand, becoming a culinary genius, or even leading a movement towards sustainability. Your consistency, reliability, and connection to the material world make your contributions lasting and impactful.
Gemini: You'll be famous for your words. This could mean becoming a viral social media influencer, an author of groundbreaking books, or a journalist who changes the public discourse. Your quick wit, curiosity, and ability to communicate complex ideas in simple ways will be your ticket to fame.
Cancer: Your path to fame is through emotional connection. Whether it’s as a caregiver making a significant impact, a family vlogger who captures the hearts of millions, or a creator of a home-based empire, your innate ability to nurture and care for others will make you a beloved figure.
Leo: You're destined to be famous for your dramatic flair and heart of gold. Think of becoming a celebrated actor, a philanthropist who’s always in the spotlight, or a creator whose work is bold and makes a statement. Your warmth, generosity, and desire to be seen will bring you adoration and acclaim.
Virgo: Fame comes to you through your service and meticulous attention to detail. You could become famous for innovating health and wellness, starting a movement towards efficiency, or being an activist for the betterment of society. Your practicality and ability to solve problems will earn you respect and recognition.
Libra: You'll be famous for bringing beauty and harmony to the world. This could be as a fashion icon, a diplomat who brings peace to troubled regions, or an artist whose work speaks to the balance of life. Your charm, sense of justice, and ability to connect people will be at the heart of your fame.
Scorpio: Your fame will stem from transformation and depth. Whether it’s as a powerful influencer who speaks about taboo topics, a researcher who discovers something revolutionary, or an artist who isn’t afraid to explore the dark sides of life. Your intensity, passion, and resilience will draw people to you.
Sagittarius: You’re going to be famous for your adventures and philosophical insights. Think of being a travel vlogger who goes to the edges of the earth, a motivational speaker who inspires with tales of adventure, or an educator who brings new ways of thinking to the masses. Your optimism, love for freedom, and quest for truth will capture the world’s imagination.
Capricorn: Your route to fame is through your ambition and incredible work ethic. You might become a renowned entrepreneur, a political leader who enacts significant reforms, or an authority in your field of expertise. Your dedication, discipline, and leadership skills will make you a figure of respect and admiration.
Aquarius: You'll be famous for your innovation and humanitarian efforts. This could be as a tech mogul who invents something life-changing, an activist who rallies for social justice, or a visionary artist whose work predicts the future. Your originality, independence, and commitment to making the world a better place will be your legacy.
Pisces: Your fame will come from your creativity and empathy. Whether it’s as a musician who touches the soul, a filmmaker who crafts otherworldly narratives, or a healer who brings comfort to many, your ability to connect with the emotional and spiritual realms will make you beloved and celebrated.
✨ Through The Houses ✨
1st House (The Self, Identity): Fama here makes you famous for simply being you. Your personality, appearance, or a specific trait about how you present yourself to the world is what will catch the public's eye. Think of becoming an influencer or public figure known for your distinct style or personal brand. You're the face in the crowd that everyone remembers – for your charisma, your look, or that indefinable something that makes you, well, you.
2nd House (Values, Possessions): With Fama in the 2nd house, your fame could come from your wealth, assets, or a revolutionary approach to personal finance. Imagine becoming a celebrated entrepreneur with a Midas touch or an influencer who changes the game in sustainable living and values. Your possessions or your unique take on valuing them could become your claim to fame.
3rd House (Communication, Community): Here, Fama could make you famous for your words – be it through writing, speaking, or social media. You could become known in your local community or on a broader scale for your ideas, your way with words, or your connections. This is the blogger who starts conversations, the speaker who inspires, or the social butterfly whose network seems to know no bounds.
4th House (Home, Family): Fama in the 4th house could bring fame through your family, your heritage, or your home itself. This could be as a family vlogger, an advocate for home-based businesses, or someone who becomes a public figure through real estate or interior design. Your foundation, your roots, or the way you nurture and care could be what puts you in the public eye.
5th House (Creativity, Love, Children): With Fama here, your fame might stem from your creative endeavors, your children, or your romantic escapades. You could be celebrated as an artist, a performer, or a creator whose work captures the heart. Alternatively, your role as a parent or your approach to love and dating could thrust you into the limelight.
6th House (Work, Health, Service): Fama in the 6th house suggests you could become famous for your work ethic, your service to others, or your approach to health and wellness. Think of becoming known for your groundbreaking health regime, your dedication to public service, or being the hardest worker in the room whose efforts finally get recognized on a grand scale.
7th House (Partnerships, Public Enemies): Here, Fama could make you famous (or infamous) through your partnerships or your rivalries. This could be a high-profile business partnership, a marriage, or even public feuds that catch the world’s attention. Your ability to collaborate or your encounters with adversaries could be your path to fame.
8th House (Transformation, Shared Resources): With Fama in the 8th house, fame could come through transformation, crisis, or managing shared resources. This might mean becoming known for overcoming significant personal obstacles, working in fields related to finance, inheritance, or psychology, or becoming a symbol of rebirth and change.
9th House (Philosophy, Foreign Travel): Fama here could bring fame through your adventures, your beliefs, or your academic pursuits. Imagine being recognized for your travel vlogs, your philosophical or spiritual teachings, or your contributions to higher education. Your quest for knowledge or your journey to far-off lands could be what makes you known.
10th House (Career, Reputation): In the 10th house, Fama suggests your fame will be tied closely to your career and your public standing. This is the CEO, the politician, the celebrity whose work in their field earns them widespread recognition. Your achievements, your status, or your authority in your profession could be the source of your fame.
11th House (Friendships, Goals, Social Groups): With Fama in the 11th house, you might become famous for your social activism, your innovative ideas, or your role within a group. This could be as the leader of a movement, an inventor whose creations change society, or someone whose circle of friends includes the who’s who of the public eye. Your dreams and the people you surround yourself with are your keys to fame.
12th House (Secrets, the Subconscious): Fama in the 12th house could mean your fame comes from what’s hidden, your inner world, or your ability to heal and help from behind the scenes. You could become known for your spiritual insights, your charitable work, or your artistic endeavors that touch on the universal human experience. Your connection to the collective, your compassion.
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own astrology reading @ astroash.net TikTok - astroa3h
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botanicalsword · 8 months
Indicators for “it’s impossible to ignore you ♡ ” • Astro placements
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Harmonious aspect between Sun and Jupiter
Sun conjunct Jupiter + Jupiter in Sagittarius/ Pisces / Cancer
Chart Ruler in 10H + Harmonious aspect with personal planet
Personal planets in 2H / 4H / 10H
Venus in Libra, Asc in Libra w/o challenging aspects
Venus in Leo w/o challenging aspects
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter
Sun/ Moon / Venus / Jupiter in 11H + Harmonious aspect
11H Ruler in 1H / 4H/ 7H / 10H
11H ruled by a domiciled planet
Chart ruler in 11H / 2H
5H ruler in 11H
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter
Harmonious aspect between 2H and 5H and 11H (rulers / planets)
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Harmonious aspect between Sun and Jupiter - wisdom and compassion
They have a captivating aura that attracts people and ensures their safety. They remain calm, never losing their composure. Their wisdom and kindness secure respect and support from everyone, regardless of the location or situation.
they tend to handle difficulties actively. When faced with difficulties or troublesome situations, those with a positive outlook tend to actively work to find solutions. They don't face major issues often, but smaller problems help them improve.
Easy success can dampen motivation, while challenges fuel drive. Even conflicts can be beneficial. Handling minor frustrations early fosters resilience. A blend of support and issues prevents complacency and maintains goal pursuit.
Sun conjunct Jupiter + Jupiter in Sagittarius/ Pisces / Cancer - they are defined by their cheerful outlook on life. With a harmonious astrological aspect boosting their mood, they tend to see the positive side in any situation. People enjoy their energy and smile easily in their presence. Their can-do attitude also helps opportunities come their way. Their natural luck maximizes when paired with practical wisdom about ups and downs.
Chart Ruler in 10H + Harmonious aspect with personal planet - They are strong, can handle high pressures and challenges, and stay resilient in adversity.
Personal planets in 2H / 4H / 10H - Coming from a wealthy family background, receiving strong support from their loving family circle.
Growing up with financial security provides a solid foundation for success. Their chill, can-do attitude lets their skills and talents to thrive in the work sphere. Recognized for contributions, opportunities come readily - good stuff just seems to find them.
With a little help and faith from the family, they keep their confidence sky high. No sweat, they can handle any bumps in the road.
Venus in Libra, Asc in Libra w/o challenging aspects - elegance and nobility. their gentle temperament makes people feel very comfortable and intimate.
Venus in Leo w/o challenging aspects -When everyone is watching, they stand amidst a vibrant light show, feeling incredibly classy. It's as if they have a unique filter making them look even better. The show is extraordinary, and all eyes are on them. The audience may express approval, jealousy, or admiration, but they accept it all. Because this is their stage, and they are the star of the show.
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter - Their financial success and enjoyable experiences are like eye-catching flowers. They display their wealth and easily gather attention. It's not just about getting rich, but also about having an impact. They're charmers, kind of like how flowers pull in bees. Living like this, they stand out from the crowd, just like a blooming flower in a field of grass.
Sun/ Moon / Venus / Jupiter in 11H + Harmonious aspect
11H Ruler in 1H / 4H/ 7H / 10H
11H ruled by a domiciled planet
Chart ruler in 11H / 2H
5H ruler in 11H
The 11th house is closely about forming friendships and spending time with your community. It primarily represents popularity and online traffic, both of which are crucial factors. As a social media influencer possess strong likability, their content will attract a larger audience, and they'll attract more views, leading to more clicks. Traffic is also a significant indicator of success in the realm of social media. All of this bodes well for them seeking exposure on their journey as social media creators.
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter - Venus, as a symbol of aesthetics, grants us a unique perception and appreciation of beauty, enabling us to seek and create elements of beauty in our daily lives.
Jupiter, as a symbol of opportunities and expansion, provides us with the ability to seize opportunities and amplify our influence in the digital age. These abilities are not limited to the physical world; they extend into the digital realm, allowing us to share our creations and ideas with a wider audience through the power of the internet.
Harmonious aspect between 2H and 5H and 11H (rulers / planets) - There will be a more direct relationship between wealth, traffic, and creativity. This means that wealth not only depends on our efforts but also on our ability to create compelling content and generate a significant amount of traffic. The value of such content will be more prominently recognized, and their wealth will more accurately reflect their creative abilities.
The more traffic and creativity they generate, the more wealth they will accumulate. The key is to invest effort in creating exceptional content that attracts a lot of viewers. The value of their content will be recognized appropriately, and the income they earn will accurately reflect their talent.
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a-d-nox · 22 days
web of wyrd: annual energies and relationship milestones
my best friend is newly engaged, as i said recently, which has inspired me to focus a little more focused on love and romance posts than you typically would see from me. i previously covered annual energies and some broad themes associated with them, so i thought lets look a bit more at the romantic themes seeing that it's over a year later (since that post) and i have seen WAY more webs at this point and picked up on some other trends.
something to keep in mind though - these are COMMON energy markers, any of this can happen any year. these are just the best case scenarios in my opinion.
for instance you can get married in a 22 year, but i feel like it may not last long term or it might be an elopement that upsets the couple and those around them long term...
or you could have a baby in a 12 year but need a c-section.
just some examples. by no means should you feel limited by what i say below!
let's get to it!
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energies that indicate meeting your person
3 (the empress): finding a relationship where both people feel nurtured. it's a loving connection with a great potential to become something beautiful. this is a connection where you can dream about a life and a family together.
5 (the hierophant): meeting someone who shares your values and beliefs. this often leads to a conventional, committed relationship, often marriage.
6 (the lovers): friends to lovers energy for sure - it starts with simple conversations and evolves into love. it more often than not leads to meaningful and deep connections.
10 (the wheel of fortune): suggests that meeting your future spouse / person could be a part of your destiny, often through unexpected or "serendipitous" events.
17 (the star): the relationship is blessed/guided by a higher power. destiny seems to bring you both together. you can sleep well knowing you're on the right path and that the universe is bring you a significant relationship.
19 (the sun): a connection will bring happiness, warmth, and a sense of completeness.
21 (the world): finding a partner with whom you feel whole, a sense of completion, and/or a deep understanding. this leads to a long-term, potentially lifelong partnership.
energies that indicate moving in together
4 (the emperor): moving in together often requires a stable and organized environment, which aligns with the themes of the energy such as establishing a solid foundation and practical arrangements.
5 (the hierophant): moving in together can be seen as following milestones in a relationship leading towards a more traditional or serious commitment (like shared housing).
7 (the chariot): directly linked to movement and travel. represents taking control of one's life and moving forward, which can include physically moving to a new home or location.
energies that indicate becoming engaged
4 (the emperor): suggests that a relationship is entering a phase of solid commitment, usually it's the formalizing of a bond through engagement if that is the next phase of commitment in terms of your relationship.
5 (the hierophant): suggesting that a relationship is moving toward a more traditional and committed phase - if you are in a relationship, it is likely that the next step will be an engagement.
6 (the lovers): this energy is all about love, union, and making choices that align with one's heart. it can symbolize making a significant commitment, like being engaged.
11 (justice): there is a desire to make things official, usually this is an engagement leading to marriage. this is the most common marker i see in the years where people get engaged to one another.
19 (the sun): suggests a joyous occasion, like getting engaged, where both parties feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness surrounding their future together (there might be a large engagement party to celebrate).
21 (the world): signifies reaching a milestone. it can indicate that a couple is ready to complete one phase of their relationship and move into the next one, like engagement.
energies that indicate a wedding/marriage
4 (the emperor): often this is a sign of "securing" the partnership, which can extend to the formality and structure of marriage.
5 (the hierophant): represents tradition, societal norms, and formal ceremonies. this energy can signify a traditional marriage or commitment in the eyes of the community/law, suggesting a formal union. all of the events of a wedding are ticked off: engagement party, bridal shower, bachelorette, bachelor, rehearsal, ceremony, reception, send off, and honeymoon.
6 (the lovers): the union of two individuals. it doesn’t always spell out marriage ceremony, but it often comes up in the context of a relationship oriented commitment.
11 (justice): this can indicate making things official through marriage.
13 (death): this could be a symbol of a brand new era in your relationship (aka marriage).
19 (the sun): this energy can symbolize the happiness and celebration of a wedding, suggesting that marriage will bring joy and fulfillment to the couple.
20 (judgment): like 13, this could be a symbol of a brand new era in your relationship (aka marriage).
21 (the world): indicates that a partnership has reached a stage where marriage feels like the natural and fulfilling next step. symbolized a long-term commitment.
energies that indicate having a child
2 (the high priestess): often this energy shows up when a couple has been trying to no avail to become pregnant and suddenly does. this is because this energy signifies hidden or secret aspects of life (like the early stages of pregnancy). the energy is also connected to the moon and other feminine mysteries.
3 (the empress): the most obvious energy linked to pregnancy and fertility - it symbolizes motherhood, creation, and nurturing. there is a strong possibility of pregnancy in these years
17 (the star): symbolizes hope. this is a time of fertility and holds the possibility for new beginnings. may suggest a blessing or a dream come true (becoming pregnant after a period of trying or waiting).
18 (the moon): deals with cycles (ovulation), intuition, and hidden aspects of life. like 2 energy (but more common in the outer ring) this energy signifies the mystery of pregnancy and the feminine cycles. sometimes i see this in the ring where people weren't trying and tested negative or they don't show (physically or publicly) when pregnant.
19 (the sun): can signify a healthy, happy pregnancy, and the birth of a child (come on it's a kid on a horse). suggesting a positive outcome (you test positive hCG on the stick or with blood).
20 (judgment): suggests the arrival of a new life / the transformative experience of becoming a parent. this could also be a positive sign for couples looking to adopt or foster a child (as it could be a sudden and somewhat unexpected change of events (the list is often long)).
21 (the world): symbolizes the completion of a cycle, such as successfully conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term (if not beyond the "due date"). can represent the fulfillment that comes with creating life.
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harmoonix · 10 months
🌺Beauty Indicators in the birth chart🌺
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🌺VENUS: (both harsh and positive aspects)
Venus - Pluto aspects 🌺
Venus - Ascendant aspects 🌺
Venus - Saturn aspects 🌺
Venus - Moon aspects 🌺
Venus - Neptune aspects 🌺
Venus - Mars aspects 🌺
Venus - Sun aspects 🌺
Venus feels at home in the 2nd and 7th house so if you have Venus here, it can function normally with a lot of blessings (If you don't have Venus in these houses check your Venus persona chart or your sidereal chart)
Venus in the 10th house 🌺 (Big glow ups in your life)
Venus - Mercury aspects (very pleasant and enchanting voice)
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🌺NEPTUNE: (both harsh and positive aspects)
Neptune - Ascendant aspects 🌺
Neptune - Moon aspects 🌺
Neptune - Venus aspects 🌺
Neptune - Sun aspects 🌺
Neptune feels at home in the 12th house🌺
Neptune in the 1st/5th/7th/8th/10th applies too 🌺
Neptune - Midheaven aspects 🌺 = Very alluring to the world
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🌺MOON: (because moon can also represent the feelings and our inner world is not always about beauty)
Moon Prominent in the chart 🌺
Moon - Ascendant aspects 🌺
Moon - Venus aspects🌺
Moon feels at home in Cancer but loves to be in Taurus🌺
Moon has feminine energy and it can feel🌺 very good and charming in Water/Earth signs because these elements represent the🌺 feminine energy, (yes it can feel good even in Capricorn, Capricorn Moons are awesome)🌺
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🌺 PLUTO: (both harsh and positive aspects). (Even if Pluto doesn't really represent beauty in a chart, the aspects with the planet Pluto can give magnetism and accentuate other aspects
Pluto - Ascendant aspects🌺
Pluto - Sun aspects 🌺
Pluto - Venus aspects 🌺
Pluto in the 1st/4th/8th/10th/11th/12th🌺 houses can have a very pretty good appeal and magnetism🌺
Pluto Prominent in a birth chart 🌺
Pluto - Mars aspects 🌺
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🌺MARS: (both positive and harsh aspects)
Mars - Ascendant aspects🌺
Mars - Sun aspects🌺
Mars - Venus aspects 🌺
Mars - Mercury aspects 🌺
Mars - Midheaven aspects 🌺
Mars feels good in the Aries/Scorpio/Capricorn as well in the 1st/8th/10th house🌺
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🌺 Asteroids Indicating Beauty 😍
These asteroids are more impactful if they aspect the personal planets and points in birth chart (Ascendant/Rising,Sun,Moon,Mars,Venus, Mercury, Midheaven) and additional plus (Lilith)
BOTH POSITIVE AND HARSH ASPECTS are applying (Only Major Aspects)
I use these 7 asteroids for looking in beauty/attractiveness
Asteroid Aphrodite [1388] 🌺
Asteroid Bella [695]🌺
Asteroid Medusa [149]🌺
Asteroid Sirene [1009]🌺
Asteroid Fox [16248]🌺
Asteroid Casanova [7328]🌺
Asteroid Salome [562]
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astro-vogue · 2 months
People here don't really care about astrology unless it's about observations, money, future spouse and fame.
thinking about leaving, I think my efforts aren't worth it.
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sokosmic · 11 months
Astro Observations #7:
Trauma Edition
⚠️Trigger Words⚠️: suicide, sexual abuse, self harm, cutting, miscarriage/abortion, death, addictions
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Trauma in a natal chart is a complex and sensitive topic. While specific placements in an individual's natal chart can indicate potential vulnerabilities to trauma, it is important to note that astrology does not predict trauma itself. Trauma is a multifaceted experience influenced by personal and environmental factors. However, some astrological factors can shed light on an individual's potential tendencies or vulnerabilities that may contribute to their response to trauma.
It's essential to remember that an astrological chart is just one aspect of a person's life, and it does not determine a person's fate. Trauma is a complex issue influenced by a wide range of factors, including family, environment, and individual resilience. If someone has experienced trauma, it is crucial to approach the subject with empathy, sensitivity, and professional support from therapists or counselors who specialize in trauma recovery. Astrology can provide insights, but it should not be used as a diagnostic tool for trauma.
For emphasis: These placements or aspects in the natal chart do not guarantee abuse, but may be indicators for the potential or having a predisposition for abuse or trauma to manifest in the native's life. Please take what resonates and leave what does not!!
Specific aspects or placements are mentioned below, but first, here are some astrological indicators to consider:
Challenging Aspects to Sensitive Planets: Hard aspects (squares and oppositions) involving sensitive planets like the Moon, Chiron, and Pluto can suggest a predisposition to emotional and psychological challenges.
Moon in Hard Aspect to Saturn or Pluto: A Moon in a challenging aspect with Saturn or Pluto may indicate difficulties in emotional expression and coping with intense emotions or control issues.
Chiron Aspects: Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," can highlight areas of vulnerability and potential sources of healing. Chiron in aspect to personal planets or angles can reveal areas of deep-seated wounds.
Saturn in Hard Aspect to Personal Planets: Saturn aspects, particularly squares and oppositions, may indicate difficulties with authority figures, self-esteem, and self-worth that can contribute to traumatic experiences.
8th House Activations: Planets or sensitive points in the 8th house, which is associated with transformation and crisis, can suggest experiences of deep emotional and psychological transformation, which can include trauma.
South Node: The South Node can indicate past experiences and tendencies. Difficult aspects to the South Node may suggest karmic patterns related to trauma that need to be addressed and transformed.
Retrograde Planets: Retrograde planets in the natal chart may indicate areas of internalized or introspective energy that can manifest in different ways, potentially contributing to trauma.
Difficult Lunar Nodes: Challenging aspects to the North and South Nodes can highlight areas of karmic challenge and unresolved issues that may lead to traumatic experiences.
Chiron in 1st House or in aspect to Ascendent or Sun may have been made to feel insecure about their self-expression, appearance or overall identity.
Saturn square Mars in the chart can indicate the native was violated in some way by someone older. Could be the father, but depending on Saturn's house placement, could be a sibling or cousin (3rd House); mother/mother figure (4th House); spouse or partner (7th House); spiritual mentor or counselor (9th House); boss or someone from work (10th House).
Mars in 12th House often experiences spiritual attacks and engages in spiritual warfare frequently. May suffer from night terrors and attacks during sleep. May have been isolated in an institution such as hospitals, mental facilities or prison. May have suffered abuse in these settings.
Saturn Conjunct, Square, or in Opposition to Moon may have experienced emotional blockages from a parent...often the mother or a mother figure. There could have been an environment where the native was restricted from showing their feelings or made to feel insecure and inadequate; having to take on more emotional responsibility than a child should be required to take on; or having to balance emotional demands from an authority figure, such as being free to express like a child vs. play the role of a parent.
Moon in Scorpio may have experienced emotional abuse from the mother or a motherly figure.
Pluto - Moon aspects may have had a controlling, domineering, manipulative, or abusive mother or mother figure.
Pluto near Ascendant/1st House may experience suicidal thoughts. Wanting to unalive themselves. Often exasperated during transits forming squares from Mars, Moon, Saturn, and Pluto.
Pluto in 3rd House may have been sexually abused from someone in their community.
Pluto in 5th House natives may experience several pregnancies, but may have miscarriages or decide to abort. Children from this placement bring intense and transformational experiences to the native. Could attract controlling and/or manipulative love interests.
Mars in 8th House may cut themselves (Aries or Capricorn particularly).
Pluto in 8th House lowkey scares me to even think about the potential abuse here. Native may have had near death experiences. DISCLAIMER: All abuse is deviant, but the level of abuse that is potential from this placement is very deviant. Native suffers incredibly deep shame from what has been inflicted upon them. However, Pluto in the 8th is very well placed for transmuting the negative effects of this placement. Of all placements, this one embodies the "Phoenix Rising" concept the most.
Pluto in 12th House individuals may frequently have thoughts of dying alone.
Neptune in 6th House may indicate addictions or mental health issues.
Neptune in 8th House people may have predisposition to psychological challenges, such as anxiety, depression, or a tendency to repress deep emotions. The line between reality and illusion may be thin, making it challenging to process trauma or emotional issues. Neptune's influence here may also blur boundaries, making it challenging to distinguish personal boundaries from those of others. This can lead to vulnerability to manipulation or exploitation. The native may have be exploited sexually from this placement as well.
These are my observations and opinions. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Thanks for reading!
-So.Kosmic 👽💜💫
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novy2sirius · 4 months
Hey babe,
What placements, aspects or degrees in your natal chart can indicate getting fame from your beauty?
The main indications of fame from your beauty
— personally from what i’ve seen it’s mostly venusian, martian, and neptunian energy which also makes sense astrologically speaking
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the most common ones i’ve seen
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces sun
• | sun in 1h/7h
• | aries/taurus/leo/libra/pisces ascendant
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces midheaven
• | black moon lilith in 1h
• | lots of 1°/5°/9°/25° in chart (especially if it’s the sun/venus/neptune)
• | sun in 1h/2h/7h/12h
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces midheaven
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces ascendant
• | venus/mars/neptune in the 1h/5h/10h
• | aries/leo/pisces venus
• | chart ruler in aries/taurus/libra/pisces
• | chart ruler in 1h/10h/11h
• | mars/venus/neptune to sun
• | mars/venus/neptune to midheaven
• | mars/venus/neptune to ascendant
• | venus to neptune
• | venus to mars
— in my personal opinion i think the numerology degrees are more accurate but it’s up to personal interpretation
• | aries degrees (1°/13°/25°)
• | taurus degrees (2°/14°/26°)
• | libra degrees (7°/19°)
• | pisces degrees (12°/24°)
• | 1°/10° - according to numerology
• | 5°/14°/23° - according to numerology
• | 9°/18°/27° - according to numerology
• | black moon lilith in 1h/7h/10h
• | venus/mars/neptune dominant
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces dominant
• | born under the goat/tiger/dragon vietnamese zodiac
• | born on a tuesday or friday
astrology behind this
• | sun = how we can gain fame
• | venus = beauty/attractiveness
• | mars = sex appeal (which most models have)
• | neptune = higher octave of venus/ethereal beauty
• | ascendant = what we’re known for in general
• | 2h = face (some astrologers disagree)
• | 7h = attractiveness
• | 10h = fame/what we’re known by the public for
• | 12h = ethereal beauty
• | lilith = related to sex appeal
honorable mentions
• | moon/pluto in the 1h/10h
• | sun/moon/uranus dominance
• | aphrodite asteroid in 10h/12h - code: 1388
• | poseidon asteroid in 10h/12h - code: 4341
• | leo/pisces aphrodite asteroid
• | leo/pisces poseidon asteroid
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- novy2sirius - plz don’t copy me word for word
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elysiansparadise · 11 months
Hello! 👋 I was wondering if there are any synastry placements that could make someone believe their partner is really smart or look up to them because of their intelligence. Thank you!!!
Hello love! I really like your question, thank you so much for suggesting it. 💖
Intellectual Admiration in synastry 
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🤎Sun conjunct the MC/Sun trine MC/Sun falling in the other’s 10th house. It makes you see your partner as a very capable, intelligent and ambitious person. You can admire the other person for their tenacity, professionalism and because you see their personality as something appealing or something you can aspire to be. MC/10th house person feels mesmerized by the other person's essence, their creativity and their way of behaving.
🤎Mercury conjunct the MC/Mercury trine MC/Mercury falling in the other’s 10th house. This meaning is a little more direct, since Mercury shows intellect, skills and abilities. This overlay or aspect can cause you to see in your partner someone with great mental capacity, someone who is mentally agile, and you may even admire a particular skill he or she has. You see in the other person someone very capable, and not only in the areas they master, but in any other area due to their great learning capacity.
🤎Jupiter falling in your partner’s 10th house. Similar to the previous one, let's remember that Jupiter represents complex knowledge, going beyond the details, so in this case you admire the other person's ability to see the big picture, how they understand things that seem simple at first glance, and the depth of your mind and heart. You see in them a very cultured person, open-minded and very capable in certain specific areas.
🤎Saturn falling in your partner’s 10th house/conjunct or trine MC. House person find it admirable how the other's mind operates, how they take many things into consideration, their ability to reason, their expertise and how they seem to have a plan for everything. Various types of admiration come in here, from the professional, the personal and the intellectual. You may even be inspired to put your life in greater order with the other person's presence.
🤎Uranus falling in your partner’s 10th house. Something interesting happens here, and it is that they admire both the unique, witty and fascinating personality of Uranus person, and that quality of genius that they perceive when working with them/knowing them well. They can put their intellectual abilities and capabilities, as well as their creativity and inventive spirit, on a high pedestal.
🤎Mercury falling in your partner’s 5th house. House person admires and finds the other person's cunning and skills very attractive. They see this person as a mixture of mischief and great intellectual abilities, a combination that they consider lethal, interesting and somewhat hot. They like to listen to this person talk about what they like or are passionate about and it is very easy for them to pay immediate attention when they start a conversation.
🤎Mercury aspecting the other’s Sun [especially conjunction or trine]. Besides the fact that communication flows in an ideal, dynamic and constant way, Sun person will feel very interested in talking with Mercury person due to the affinity of ideas, while Mercury person will directly see Sun person as someone very sharp and clever. 
🤎Mercury aspecting the other’s Jupiter. Both may feel fascinated by the amount of hours they can spend without getting bored, they see in the other someone with an interesting mind and, in general, as very smart and witty. They love being with each other, as it helps them notice details that may go unnoticed [Mercury person] or see things from a new perspective [Jupiter person]. They love how each other's minds work and have a lot of intellectual affinity.
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🤎Jupiter aspecting the other’s Sun [especially conjunction, opposition, trine or sextile]. Jupiter person will see in Sun person someone from whom they can learn many things, someone with whom they feel very comfortable and is very likely to leave very positive lessons in their life. For its part, Sun person will see in Jupiter person a reliable, wise and very cheerful or positive person. They will contribute a lot to each other's lives, they will support each other and there will be respect, approval and acceptance for what the other is and knows.
🤎Jupiter harmoniously aspecting the other’s Saturn. They both have experience and maturity that they love to share with each other, because they feel that they understand each other on a deep level. Beyond admiring the other's ability to listen and immediately understand what they want to say, they feel admiration for the way the other behaves, sees life and their ideas.
🤎Saturn making harmonious placements with the other’s Sun. Sun person will admire Saturn person's stable, hard-working and clever personality, and will feel more grounded by their presence. Saturn person sees in the other person someone with a lot of potential, with many capabilities and can admire certain traits of their character and mind.
🤎Saturn making harmonious placements with the other’s Uranus. Even if they initially seem very different, on an intellectual level they connect in interesting ways. Saturn person will see in them someone with great intelligence, someone very unique in their way of thinking and seeing things, and can be greatly inspired by this. Uranus person will see in Saturn someone admirable, respectable and someone in whom he will place a very high esteem. Despite their differences, they understand each other and find in each other someone who is intriguing to say the least.
🤎Pallas conjunct or trine Sun. I remember mentioning it in some synastry observations, and these aspects usually indicate that the Pallas person sees the Sun person as someone admirable, rational and in general can have a very positive opinion about them. Sun person is very the mix of creativity and intelligence in the eyes of the Pallas person. You may think that the person is very prudent and mentally skilled. 
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peanutmarls · 1 year
Beauty Indicators 💄💋
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*keep in mind that beauty is subjective and everyone has beauty to them, this is more conventional beauty from an astrological perspective *
also, these are just a few that come to mind ...
-rising signs ruled by Venus; Libra risings/Taurus risings; libra rising tends to be conventionally attractive and have symmetrical features of the face, taurus risings have more soft, earthy beauty (pretty/handsome), (ex; Gigi Hadid)
-having the ruler of your rising be in a venus sign, ex. Gemini rising with a libra mercury
-having a pisces venus, in a sign of its exaltation , meaning the venusian themes of beauty, love, finances, self-worth expresses itself in a highly positive way
-venus in the 1st house; the first house is the body, it's how you look, it's how you present yourself to the world; having venus there would show how you look is attractive, especially if venus is in close aspect to the ascendant
-having a sun-venus conjunction; it shows who you are at a soul level, where you shine is intertwined with beauty, aesthetics, attractiveness
-having a libra, taurus, or pisces moon; the moon in astrology has an association with the body; having an appealing body
-venus in the 5th house; venus loves to be in this house, and it shows beauty through artistic endeavors, makes someone popular, very outgoing, charming, and tend to attract attention
-venus-neptune aspects; neptune gives venus an ethereal, creative, attractive, idealistic type of vibe; that movie star quality type
-neptune in harmonious aspect to the ascendant; how you look has a dreamy quality
-being mars dominant (personal planets), as well as fire placements (leo,sag,aries) would have more of a sexual appeal, more fiery, assertive
-venus in the 2nd house; the 2nd house has an association with the face
-venus in a conjunction to the midheaven, known for their beauty by the public
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cutiepieloves131 · 5 months
Sidereal Vedic Beauty Indicators Pt.1
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୨🩷୧ Rohini: The most attractive people that I've seen around the world have this placement. Rohini prominent placements in anybody's birth chart are blessed to be very BEAUTIFUL! Rohini folks are born with an enticing and captivating beauty that makes people chase after them. Their best physical features are tantalizing plump lips, round and soft facial features, and medium to big eyes which are extremely hypnotizing and alluring drawing many people in. Remember out of the 26 nakshatras Chandra chose Rohini because of her beauty, charm, and sensuality. Truly a gorgeous nakshatra. 🌸
Rohini Women {Left to Right}: Gene Tierney, Brooke Shields, Marilyn Monroe
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୨🩷୧ Pushya: Pushya has been ranked #1 of the most beautiful nakshatras for women, the folks that have this lucky placement are known to be mesmerizing and good-looking. Pushya individuals facial features are cheek bones that are broad and high and tend to be full, plump lips, round wide set eyes, and a high nose bridge. Their faces are in between softness and structure, they're considered the "beauty blueprint". The most beautiful women in the world have Pushya prominence in their charts. 🪷
Pushya Women {Left to Right}: Halle Berry, Selena Gomez, Monica Belluci
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୨🩷୧ Chitra: Those who have this placement in their birth charts are born to be eye-catching. Chitra people are the epitome of beauty in ancient text, with their adorning apple cheeks, charming smile, and seductive tiger-like eyes they're always serving looks. Most beauty icons, models, and beauty pageant contestants have Chitra placements and are absolutely stunning beauties! Chitra natives shines bright like pearls and gems~ 💎
Chitra Women {Left to Right}: Doja Cat, Adriana Lima, Madison Beer
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୨🩷୧ Revati: It honestly sucks to witness how Revati is underrated when it comes to their beauty, I mean hello do people not see how ravishing Revati individuals are?! They're the bratz doll pretty nakshatra and boy let me tell you, Revati people attractive features consist of soft entrancing features, full lips, and spellbinding eyes. At the same time they're called the "fish pretty" but to me their beauty reminds me of the siren, the tempting and seductive beauty that pulls you in like a song~ 🧜‍♀️
Revati Women {Left to Right}: Janet Jackson, Rihanna, Shakira
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Note: All nakshatras are extremely beautiful but, I've put up certain nakshatras that are the most linked to beauty, and by my research. Every single human, and you that's viewing my post are beautiful inside and out! ✨
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