madameximon · 4 years
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Mercury in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries today, so tonight's mask features pine needles in soothing blue, to represent the combination of efficacious treatment with knowledgeable and gracious communication that is the hallmark of good medicine. Chiron in Aries shows us the wounds to our independence and our identity, but also shows us how to treat those wounds holistically, to see the whole person and how their internal and external systems are connected - mental, emotional, and physical with social and environmental. Mercury in Libra wishes to understand and connect multiple systems in a symmetrical order, and seeks to harmonize. Chiron in Aries may be averse to talking about injuries, unwilling to show perceived weakness. These two in opposition may find us struggling to articulate what ails us. One way that people can relax enough to talk about our hurts is over a cup of tea, and pine needle tea is full of antioxidants and tart green flavor. Plus, it reminds us of our place in the natural world. Pine needle tea has a host of reputed health benefits as a tonic for the immune system, the heart and circulatory system, and the respiratory system. There are many toxic varieties, however, so please seek the advice of a trained herbalist if you going to try this tea for yourself. Who might you invite to join you for a cup of tea tonight? Who shall you confide in and seek healing with? If you find any of this helpful, please hit "like" and let me know in the comments how this transit is impacting you! ❤ #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyastrology #digitalart #greenwitch #herblore #mercuryoppositechiron #myart #pineneedletea #witchesofinstagram #witchofthewoods #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-onEdnjjz/?igshid=7n2q7ds3kd8y
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pardumansuri · 2 years
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यदि आपके विदेश यात्रा के योग कमजोर हैं तो सोमवार को कच्चा दूध, कांच की शीशी में भरकर भूमि में दबाने से योग बल मिलता है ! ~Astro Parduman #astrologyconsultation #astrologyforthesoul #astrologytoday #astrologyisascience #astrologyfact #astrologypredictions #astrologyinsights #astrologylife #astroparduman #bestastrologer #astrologyconsultant #astrologylove #astrologythoughts #quotesoftheday
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madameximon · 4 years
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Tonight's digital art features stylized dogwood branches and flowers, from a tree planted by my father, reminding me of stability, practicality, and comfort, all traits associated with the Moon in Taurus. Today is a day of only lunar aspects, which pass quickly but can still have a potent impact. Thankfully, these lunar aspects are all flowing and supportive, with the Moon in solid, comfort-oriented Taurus, first trine the Sun in Virgo & Jupiter in Capricorn, then sextile Neptune in Pisces, and finally trine Pluto in Capricorn. While that last could still raise some discomfort simply due to the disquieting and obsessive/compulsive nature of Pluto, all of these aspects benefit from the emotional stability of the Moon in Taurus. With the Sun and Jupiter having set a benevolent tone for the day, the Moon's connections with the outer planets during the evening are likely to feel far less unsettling than so many of your recent encounters with forces beyond your control. You may find yourself feeling more stoic about your place in the Universe now, even perhaps bolstered and empowered, knowing that you have the stamina to carry yourself through the days to come. You've got this. Where can you make use of a practical outlook on life tonight? How will you relax, rest, and revive under this steadying influence? Where will you renew your inner power now in preparation for challenges yet to come? #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyastrology #digitalart #dogwood #myart #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CE253pVnipj/?igshid=1despn7c84ey0
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madameximon · 4 years
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The Moon entered Virgo this morning and Mercury enters their home sign of Virgo tonight, so today's digital art is "Curiosity," emphasizing the Virgo affinity for gardening and the process of growth. Like plant tendrils unfurling toward the Sun, personal growth takes time and patience, but also a willingness to explore our immediate environment, to send testing shoots into unknown territory. Today's entry of both Moon and Mercury into Virgo puts our hearts & minds into alignment with that patient, growth-oriented mode of being, and in the wake of yesterday's New Moon in Leo, this is a great time to cultivate new habits that encourage us to shine. What new habits do you wish to grow? Like plants, habits don't spring up overnight. And often the greatest progress is made through the smallest daily steps. #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #digitalart #gardening #growth #habits #mercury #newmoonintentions #plants #virgo #witchesofinstagram (at Camano Island, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEF06OnnwwF/?igshid=n6tdfn4myzp
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madameximon · 4 years
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An unusual little spider hanging out on the rosemary on the back porch seems like a lovely avatar for Uranus' station retrograde in earthy Taurus today. Rosemary is an herb of remembrance, so it is a good reminder that Uranus' retrograde is a good time to rethink our relationship with our bodies, our planet, and our material resources, that we may liberate ourselves from patterns and behaviors that no longer serve us. Especially for those of us who are feeling trapped in a spider's web of survival concerns exacerbated by the current economic crisis, now is a time for reviewing our previous strategies in order to understand what to cut loose and what to reinvent. Uranus remains in retrograde until mid-January 2021, so we have half a year to reconfigure our strategies for liberation. #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #herblore #rosemary #spider #spiderwisdom #uranus #uranusintaurus #uranusretrograde #witchesofinstagram (at Camano Island, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD7O94cHMkq/?igshid=126pf609mdznp
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madameximon · 5 years
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The view from the steps down to the Seattle waterfront tonight as I head back home after making use of today's transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun to tutor one of my students in astrology. There is nothing finer than the space held between a teacher willing to teach and a student willing to learn - both grow in that experience. I am deeply grateful for my students and all that they teach me! #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #gratitude #learning #mercury #mercurycazimi #mercuryinscorpio #mercurytransit #student #teacher #teaching #tutoring (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4v02tDFxr1/?igshid=bp5pg8tx55r1
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madameximon · 4 years
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Today's New Moon in Virgo is ruled by Mercury in Libra, currently facing off in a square with Jupiter in Capricorn. Jupiter in turn is ruled by Saturn in Capricorn, who trines the Sun in Virgo today. So, we've got a lot on our minds. Together these aspects suggest that our New Moon intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle revolve around navigating complex systems. Thus, tonight's digital art is called "Synapses." Mercury governs mind & communication. In Libra Mercury seeks symmetry & harmony, smoothing over rough edges in both dialog & design. With Mercury in a challenging square to Jupiter today, we may find words taken out of context, blown out of proportion, or thoughts proliferating, getting scattered, conversations becoming difficult to follow. Capricorn's ruler Saturn reigns in many of Jupiter's excesses, & in alliance with the Sun in Virgo today helps to focus & structure our awareness of practical details that might otherwise be lost when Jupiter amplifies cacophony in our heads & our social circles. Though Saturn frequently gets a bad rap, Saturn excels at teaching patience, helping us slow our pace & process data more steadily, so we can be mindful & emotionally present with what best helps our long-term growth. Saturn may see us stuck in old patterns, our choices hardened by fear or depression, & with Saturn, Jupiter, & Pluto transiting Capricorn for most of this year, stuck in fear is where a lot of us have been. But for the brain to survive trauma, it needs to regularly form new synaptic pathways, to expand mental possibilities as Jupiter in combination with Mercury can help us do. On the other hand, too many synaptic pathways can turn genius into madness, so we need to maintain a balance between Jovian expansion & Saturnine restriction. Where can you cut out unbalanced or anxiety-producing information clogging your bandwidth today? Where can you focus on the details conducive to health & harmony while remaining mindful of the larger picture? What new pathways will you create now, in order to be more adaptable in an increasingly complex world? #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyart #dailyastrology #digitalart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFQq34-nrXD/?igshid=1xtec7alavluk
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madameximon · 4 years
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The Sun in Virgo squares the Nodes of the Moon in Gemini & Sagittarius today. These mutable signs together suggest a concern w/ examining facts to find the truth of a larger matter, so today's digital art is called "Where We Cannot Lie." We may feel out-of-step with the natural progressive of things around us now, as though we've suddenly stepped aside and said "Hey, wait a minute," sucked into the details of a situation that we see clearly but others do not. We may feel on-the-spot now, under scrutiny, pulled between our ideals and what actually draws our interest on a daily basis, or between what we are moving toward and what we must leave behind. Now more than ever we can see the progression from old beliefs to new narratives, whether true or nor, and we may seek time out to keep from being swept along in a stream of thought that is not our own. For some of us it is our health that is disrupting the normal flow of the day, or a habit that keeps tripping us up that we now see we need to change before we can progress. The Sun in Virgo favors tending to your own process of growth on a practical level, tweaking small details in order to affect bigger changes down the road. This is not a time to get bogged down in criticism or self-denigration. Whatever is tripping you up now is only temporary, and this is the perfect time to course-correct. Where will you step aside now to address something small with a big impact? How can you make your habits and environment more conducive to better physical and mental heath? Where do you need to move to your own rhythm and get out of lock-step with the crowd? #abstract #abstractart #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyart #dailyastrology #digitalart #growth #myart #suninvirgo #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNvNcKn1JR/?igshid=rz6tzxz0v9mq
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madameximon · 4 years
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Tonight's digital art bears flowers once again as Venus in Leo squared Uranus in Taurus earlier today, bringing with it a need for unusual beauty, unexpected connections, and changing values. Uranus' transit through Taurus has been shaking up our relationship with our bodies, our material resources, and our physical world. Things we once thought were dependable and certain are now anything but. Venus in Leo is bold & confident, heart-centered & passionate. When she is doing well she lights up a room. But when she feels the seismic shock of Uranus in her home sign of Taurus, she is none too happy to have the cosmic jester tipping her throne, even when it's all in good fun. We can't always be the center of attention, even when we deserve to be. Sometimes greater forces upset our plans. The key now is to roll with the unexpected, and learn to see the beauty in it. Make room in your plans for spontaneity and adaptability, and don't let your pride get in the way of a good time. You might find yourself in the company of those you never expected to be friends with. Be willing to experience new insights about your relationships and social circles, and try some new aesthetics on for size. Just be sure to keep the receipts if you've made any purchases today, as you may find yourself wondering just what hit you when you look at them again tomorrow. #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyart #dailyastrology #digitalart #myart #roses🌹 #rosesofinstagram #uranusintaurus #venusinleo #venussquareuranus #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLox-_HvLE/?igshid=pvke4flh27hp
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madameximon · 4 years
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Today's trine from the Sun in Virgo to Pluto in Capricorn helps us to see & understand what lies beneath the surface of things, so tonight's digital art is an abstract design based on the roots of an uprooted tree. The combined forces of pandemic & shutdown with resulting economic hardships, disastrous weather events, & ongoing wildfires have alternately locked down & uprooted so many people. We're seeing aspects of our society, our history, & our families that have previously been hidden. Secrets are coming to light. Sometimes ugly ones. Now we have a chance to look closely at what we may have been afraid to look at before & see clearly what needs to change. Today's Sun/Pluto trine helps us examine what we're finding & understand how it affects us on a core level. What's also becoming clearer is the long-term growth we can achieve as a result of these intense circumstances. We're being transformed from the ground up. Who we are is the result of foundations & patterns set long ago by our forebears. Chances are we've been following those patterns & relying on those foundations without ever truly examining them. Until now. How many toxic behaviors & systems have we accepted for too long, because we thought "that's just the way it is?" In the midst of so much devastation, we're now being asked to reconsider what was ingrained into our lives from birth. It's time to re-examine the systems that we've previously accepted even when they weren't actually healthy for us. We're being asked to change, to cut out what is rotten, to grow. Humans tend to resist change. It's scary & uncomfortable, even painful. But profound change is needed if we are to survive our current challenges & save our planet, & our humanity. What's rotten in your own life? What toxic patterns have you inherited that you may begin to address now? Change & healing take time, so this isn't an invitation to be hard or impatient with yourself. Where can you make little changes that will add up with time? #abstractart #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyart #dailyastrology #growth #myart #plutoincapricorn #roots #suninvirgo #suntrinepluto #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFIuwdWnQCM/?igshid=1ga8b7sxjowg5
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madameximon · 4 years
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Tonight's digital art bears an abundance of flowers for today's trine of Venus in Leo to Chiron in Aries. Venus in Leo connects us through what stirs our hearts, our passions, our pride. She wants to be seen, to be recognized and honored for who she is in the core of her being, her inner warmth visible to all who encounter her. Chiron in Aries shows us the wounds to our identity, the places where our courage falters, where we distrust ourselves, where we feel we are not up to the challenges we face, and where we feel betrayed by our own choices. Chiron in Aries shows us where we struggle to show up. Venus in Leo can help with that. 🙂 This trine from Venus to Chiron brings her pride as a balm to our capability and our sense of our own self-worth that is necessary for us to believe that we can prevail in the face of the forces of destruction and chaos around and within us. Venus and Chiron in fire signs aligned together give us fortitude of spirit by bringing the warmth of companionship to our hurts. Who are you willing to confide in and be truly seen by now? Are you willing to love and be loved completely, with all of your imperfections? Can you let yourself see how the ways you hurt can strengthen you? What pain will you bring into the light of day to be healed? #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #chironinaries #dailyart #dailyastrology #digitalart #myart #venusinleo #venustrinechiron #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFGJAY-nvG2/?igshid=26u91b90m82t
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madameximon · 4 years
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Today's digital art honors the planet Jupiter, who stations direct in Capricorn today. Jupiter is known as the greater benefic, a force of expansion and opportunity, and like the Roman god for whom the planet is named, opportunity can strike like lightning, swift and unlikely to repeat in the same place twice. But Jupiter in Capricorn is within the realm of Saturn, subject to Saturn's rules, and here opportunities require work and persistence to become real. Jupiter has been retrograde since May 15th, reassessing what grounds us, our roots, our foundations, our traditions. How can we make or change our luck under challenging circumstances? Are the opportunities that we have been presented really fortunate, or will they only bring more hardship in the long run? And do our roots actually sustain us, or do they only serve to limit us? During the past few months we may have felt as though our luck has been operating in reverse, our optimism weighed down by cold, hard reality. Jupiter's station direct presents us with the opportunity to rekindle our faith with the knowledge that we have gained during this retrograde, and take practical steps to expand our options. Jupiter is still in Capricorn until December 19th of this year, still within Saturn's realm, so direct motion now doesn't guarantee good fortune. But dedication and persistence are far more likely to pay off now that we have a better idea of where we've been, snd what did and did not work before. Where can you take real steps now to broaden your horizons? What have you learned since May that has given you a better grip on the big picture, and how will you use that to tip fortune in your favor? What did you once think was fortunate that you are now ready to leave in the past? #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyart #dailyastrology #digitalart #jupiterincapricorn #jupiterstation #myart #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFDkxlFH_fk/?igshid=1gr67s1rncn0b
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madameximon · 4 years
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Today saw the Sun in Virgo's annual opposition to Neptune in Pisces, so tonight's traditional art is a coloured pencil drawing of water and light forming fanciful shapes, much like our consciousness now may be inclined toward fantasy. While the Sun in Virgo is likely to be concerned with practical details and the cultivation of healthy habits, Neptune in Pisces is prone to daydreaming, escapism, and seeing the best in people even when it's not all there. Neptune's propensity for otherworldliness is not all bad - it can inspire compassion and creativity, an appreciation for the arts and cinema in particular, and is excellent for cultivating dreams. But it can also encourage deception and delusion. The Sun in Virgo wants to keep us grounded in the real world and getting things "right," down to the smallest detail. But in opposition to Neptune in Pisces, it can have a hard time seeing exactly what "right" is. This is a time to exercise our imaginations, rather than concerning ourselves with facts. So, anything reliant on factual reality should be saved for a time when we are more capable of discernment. Since this is Venus' day, and Neptune is sometimes considered the higher octave of Venus, tonight is best spent enjoying the arts and seeing the world in a kindlier light, knowingly wearing those rose-coloured glasses for a bit, and sharing loving companionship where appropriate. Where will you let perfectionism fade into soft focus for a bit, and give yourself and others the benefit of the doubt now? How will you lovingly feed your imagination tonight? How will you cultivate your dreams? #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyart #dailyastrology #drawing #myart #sunoppositeneptune #traditionalart #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CFBP9NenFPB/?igshid=7c90xzi1pgy8
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madameximon · 4 years
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Tonight's digital art is called "Fire Flowers," because in the midst of wildfire devastation & the intensity of Mars' station retrograde in Aries today, there is still the possibility of renewal. Just like the Tower card in Tarot, Mars retrograde can show us how destruction of what we once thought was eternal may yield opportunities to sweep away all that was stagnant & toxic, & rebuild our lives on better foundations. Mars stationing in his home sign of Aries is drawing attention to how we strive to get what we want, or cut what we don't want from our lives. Mars can be pursuing, but Mars is also severing. This retrograde is an opportunity to consider how you do both, & whether your methods are working. The planet Mars is named for the Roman god of War, so all things that require or elicit conflict are drawing our focus now. When Mars is retrograde, we do best to be aware of our options & not initiate conflict, lest we find ourselves on the losing side. That doesn't mean roll over - if you are the focus of someone else's attack now, this is an excellent time to hone your tactical response. It's time to slow your roll & remain patient while others engage in conflict around you. Peacemakers may be called to mediate, but that doesn't mean all parties are interested in listening. Mars is re-applying to challenges w/ Saturn, Pluto, & Jupiter in Capricorn. Tou can find yourself drawn back to situations you thought you were done with, to revise your position if necessary. Just working harder may lead to you butting your head against a wall; working smarter is the name of the game now. The Sun in Virgo trines Jupiter in Capricorn today, so big egos are in the mix as well, but good intentions & noble efforts may prevail. This alignment favors working for the greater good, & may bring luck to beleaguered firefighters & those coordinating logistics. The right actions now may be entirely different from what you previously thought. Pay attention to details now, to seize opportunities & change your luck. #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyastrology #digitalart #marsretrograde #myart #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CE78Hj9H1VH/?igshid=ojytw004akmx
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madameximon · 4 years
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Washington state is currently on fire, like California and Oregon. The Moon here was a tawny red last night due to the smoke. So today's digital art is a waterfall, to aid in envisioning the safe and swift containment of these fires. The Moon enters Gemini this afternoon and this thought keeps ringing in my head about it: This is the curiosity before the storm. Mars in Aries stations retrograde tomorrow, to challenge anew all the forces in Capricorn that he just finished facing off against, retracing his steps in the deadly dance that has cost so many people's homes and lives. Wildfire season and election season are both picking up momentum, and the ongoing protests show no sign of slowing, either. The fires in Washington state all appear to have been human-caused, like the climate change that is fueling them. More than ever now, we need to be mindful about what we are doing to inflame or de-escalate incendiary situations both physical and metaphorical. It's time to get curious about what is happening and how to find solutions, to be as responsive as a Gemini Moon can be, taking necessary precautions without winding ourselves up with fear in the process. Gemini is an air sign, so protecting ourselves from smoke inhalation seems like a good start. The Moon in Gemini processes feelings by talking about them, and heavens know that we need Gemini's gift for communication now to keep people informed about air quality, closed roads, and evacuations, in addition to staying in contact with loved ones. When the Moon sextiles Venus in Leo tonight, we may feel a heightened need for connection, a friendly ear and a shoulder to lean on. To all of my fellow West Coast folks, please stay safe out there, and be extra kind to each other tonight. #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyastrology #digitalart #mooningemini #myart #wawildfires #witchesofinstagram #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4gRwfnFHH/?igshid=h8lwye6lthi8
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madameximon · 4 years
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Tonight's digital art was created to honor Venus' ingress into Leo early Sunday morning. The Sun rules Leo, so Venus in Leo brings warmth, joy, and pride to our personal connections. Plus, Venus in Leo has a well-developed sense of fun and exuberance! 😘 Venus leaving Cancer may bring some welcome relief from the oppressiveness of this past week's cardinal T-square with Mars and Saturn - though Mars and Saturn are still locked in their challenging square, Venus has moved on to sunnier climes. Earlier this evening I was feeling frustrated with the myriad obstacles, great and small, that so many of us with cardinal placements (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) have been experiencing under the current astrological weather. So, I talked with one of my favorite people born under Venus in Leo, and like always, her embodiment of this placement was a balm for my woes, like the Sun breaking through the clouds on an overcast day. 🤗 Leo is all about heart. ❤ Venus in Leo enters into personal interactions with passion, courage, and a recognition of her own value. Embodying her wholeheartedness may be just what the doctor ordered when we need to feel fortified from the inside out. How will you honor your heart in your connections now? What will you do in recognition of your own value? Where will you let your joy shine, even and especially when things sedm darkest? #astrologersofinstagram #astrology #astrologythoughts #dailyastrology #digitalart #floralbeauty #floraldesign #flowers #leo #myart #venus #venusinleo #womenartists #womensart https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0zdFxndpF/?igshid=v9tfk96e57ak
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