shade-at-the-beach · 1 year
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Volume 2 is here! Enjoy it just like I enjoyed trying to post it three times already someone call Mad Hatter I need some tea
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Mentions: @daikichixkarube; @astuteknaves; @boss-of-the-beach; @niragi-of-bitches; @chuckyjigsaw; @prosopagn0sis; @andromedagarcia; @kuinaoflight; @hinataxsunshine. Yes, we know we made an error on page 2 and tagged Risa instead of Kuina. Sorry! We need vacation after our vacation.
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xoxo, Alice
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airi-of-hearts · 1 year
Wonderland AU starter for @astuteknaves
——— ☆ • ♡ •♥• ♡ • ☆ ———
The Knave of Hearts and the White Rabbit
Before the Red Castle became little more than an executioner’s playground, before the only words uttered by the Red Queen were “off with their head”, before, before…
The Knave of Hearts and the White Rabbit weren’t exactly friendly with each other, but their exchanges were polite enough. Both of them were loyal courtiers of the Court of Hearts, and each of them took pride in their role. However, other than delivering messages to the commanding officer of Her Majesty’s Army, Airi never had much reason to seek Yukina out.
The status quo didn’t change once the tenuous peace between the Red Court and the White Court broke and the bloodshed started. The King had made his choice, the White Queen had rejoiced—if only briefly—and the Red Queen had retaliated.
And what had come of all of that? Loss, only loss.
The King had lost his head one fatal final time. The White Queen had lost her reason, piece by piece, tear by tear. And the Red Queen had lost her husband and her peace of mind. Not to mention some of her subject’s fealty.
Airi hadn’t just woken up one day and decided to betray the Red Queen. Her change of Heart had happened gradually, with each of the King’s beheadings; slowly, as she witnessed the White Queen becoming unhinged.
The roses had spoken. White, white, white. No matter how much Mira tried to change that. They had spoken, and Airi had listened even if no one else did.
And so, she had made an allegiance with the White Court, putting her heart and her faith behind it, but her plan with the Jabberwock came to nothing. More loss.
This time the White Queen lost her siblings, and Airi lost her head. Almost.
Airi knew the Red Queen would want to punish her. Proof of her involvement in the attempt on Mira’s life was found in the Jabberwocky’s claw: Airi’s pocket watch.
She didn’t even get a trial. The fearsome Knave of Hearts had caught up with her just outside the Red Castle. The last thing Airi saw was the glint of Yukina’s silver sword, the one with the heart on the hilt.
The war had raged on with countless casualties on both sides, but Airi hadn’t crossed paths with Yukina again. Until now.
The fog shrouding the forest was thick, but there was no mistaking that silhouette. The Knave of Hearts approached. 
Airi caressed the scar on her neck as a shiver ran down her spine. ‘Yukina must have hesitated that time,’ she mused. ‘Otherwise, my head would have rolled clear off my neck.’
The Knave stopped, still too far for them to hear each other, if what she wanted was to talk. A courtesy, maybe? 
Airi waited for her pulse to slow down again. ‘You’re not an actual rabbit,’ she scolded herself. ‘Even if you turn into one from time to time. Even if your eyes are red. So calm down.’ When Airi felt calmer, Yukina still hadn’t moved. She would have to take that first step.
The White Rabbit walked toward the Knave cautiously, weary. What was Yukina after? Was she another traveler, joining the Mad Tea Party? Or had she come to collect Airi’s head again, this time for real?
When they were just a few steps away from each other, Airi raised her hands to show Yukina she had no weapons on her and then stood very still, waiting for Yukina to approach.
‘What business brings the Knave of Hearts to this side of the Pool of Tears?’ Airi asked once they were standing face-to-face.
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oukiyaba · 1 year
"Hm. You have a unique sense of style, it isn't often I see people with suits around here. It suits you though. I'm not here to ramble on that, however. I'm Yukina, pleased to meet you." ーユキナ
"I'm going to assume the pun is not intended, saying that my suit suits me. A post-apocalyptic world isn't an excuse for laziness. Perhaps less of one, given the abundance of stores with quality clothes. It's a pleasure to meet you, Yukina. You may cal me Yaba."
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herculesgarcia · 1 year
Starter for @astuteknaves, wonderland AU
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'Why me?'
Hércules asked once again, and not for the first time, wincing at the pain that shoot up his left leg every single time he took a step. Which he couldn't stop doing, as he was anxiously pacing up and down in his Commander's tent. His older sister. Andrómeda. Also known as the Jabberwock. A fearful monster, like that of legends, with a forked tongue, snake-like eyes, dark scaly wings and hands that ended in sharp, menacing claws. One that had sang him lullabies and slept with him during thunderstorms. One that had been by his side when he had cried, that had dried his tears, that had raised him like a parent when that role wasn't supposed to belong to her.
'You're the only person I trust.' Andro hissed, like a serpent would.
'I'm too old for this.'
'You're twenty-four.'
He was, yes, but he should have retired from this war business long ago. He shouldn't have even begun, in the first place. Now, instead of a dodgy knee and a backpack full of shame at what he had done, he would have a beautiful wife, maybe even a baby or two, a nice house. He would be sitting at his porch with a glass of whiskey and ice in his hand, watching his children play, smelling the air; roasted potatoes and spiced beef, his favorite, coming from the open window of the kitchen, where the love of his life was making them dinner. The sun setting, submerging in the sea... as did corpses. The corpses of those they killed in yesterday's skirmish, that they had disposed of in the nearest body of water ― a small river, the water in it no longer blue and crystalline, but crimson red and reeking of death.
'I don't want to do it.'
'I'm not giving you a choice.'
His boots were dirty with mud, blood, and other body fluids. Grass and other plants were clutching on to them, as if telling him don't go, you won't find anything of use there, you're just about to get yourself in more trouble... but he didn't have a choice, did he? He'd do it. For Andro. For Cass.
Every time he thought of her, the White Queen turned Mad Hatter, he felt his heart thumping and pounding not only in his chest, but also in his ears. And it had nothing to do with the fact that he was out of shape after living what could be considered by most a comfortable life and they had been climbing a slippery slope for the last half an hour. They ― him and his soldiers. Pawns in this chess game that had little to gain and everything to lose, but that were here because... of what? Loyalty to a Queen who was no longer sane? Who could no longer be relied upon? Because they felt that she had been wronged and wanted to make it right? Cass was his sister, and he needed no more motive than that. But the others...?
Far away, now that he was on leveled ground, he saw the faint glow of a campfire. The wind was growling angry, but he could still hear the animated chatter going on around the source of light; as if those men were not fighting a war, but friends who had gathered to share stories, drinks, and food. Their voices brought a wave of fear at what he was doing. He was taking a big risk, but it was a risk Andro had bestowed upon him, and that had been enough to convince him. That, and the promise that if he didn't do as his superior desired, he'd join the mountains of corpses looming everywhere, an oath he knew his beloved sister was not going to fulfill, but that had still sent shivers down his spine. Only the dead knew how this would end, and he wasn't in the mood to join their ranks just to find out.
So, after checking that every piece of his armor was still in place, including helmet he walked towards them. As his eyes adjusted, he counted the figures wrapped in furs and frayed coats. Seven of them. The lucky number. Both men and women, most with scarred faces, worried looks or almost-friendly smiles. Shields, swords, axes and other weapons. Weapons that could find their new home in his skull if he didn't choose his words properly.
'Good night!' He yelled, approaching them with both his arms lifted, palms of his hands looking towards them, his sword sheathed, resting on its scabbard. Of course, the opposite faction warriors' own hands moved towards their blades, or whatever tool was nearest to them, faces turning in their direction. 'I'm here... to parley.'
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somatheking · 1 year
"...Greetings, Soma. I do hope you're well, despite the shortcomings of your circumstances with some of the other members around here.. Anyways.. what have you been up to?" ーユキナ
Hi, Yukina! Yeah, I've been well! Collapsed with patients, with Mira and Kuzuryuu's thousand hour speeches, with the Magic Mike shows...
But nothing out of the ordinary today. How about you, how's being a militant treating you? I think I got a bunch of you guys down at the infirmary a couple of days ago, no? What the hell was that about?
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
"Kukki, it seems like a bit of a long time since I've last seen you. Perhaps I'm exaggerating, I'm not sure exactly, but shall we take this moment together for a refresher? Whether you want me to teach you with weapons or anything else you have in mind, it's your call." (Her way of saying that she misses you lmfao) ーユキナ
"YUKINA!" Kukki is soo happy to see her friend again after such a long time, that the moment she sees her at the door, she jumps on the black haired woman, giving her a big and warm hug. "I missed you soo much! Ever since Hatter changed your patrol schedule and area, we barely got time to see each other, so you can't even begin imagining how happy I am that you came to visit me!" Kukki gives her another happy squeeze for good measure.
"Yeah, sure, I would love resuming our combat lessons! They were soo much fun! And if you ever feel like getting into a new casual hobby, I can teach you how to bake or give you some drawing lessons. Oh, I am soo soo happy right now!"
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hinataxsunshine · 1 year
"Hold still, won't you? Fidgeting around will make it worse, you know.." ーユキナ
“ Yeah.. but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna hurt any less “ Hinata mutters quietly, as Yukina tended to one of his more gnarly arm wounds. His last game involved these animals, and some of them managed to get their claws on Hinata. Luckily some of the militants were there to… stop them— and he was able to wake away from the game, but not before squire a bunch of wounds. That definitely needed to be cleaned right away.
Hinata had tried to do it himself first, in the room where they designated the first aid place to be. But he was failing miserably, and any more would probably result in his wounds getting worse.
So when he noticed Yukina walking by, he asked if she wouldn’t mind patching him up, and when she accepted- it made him happy. “ Again, “ He muttered for probably the third time, “ I really do appreciate this. It just- “ he sucked in a breath as she put some cleaning stuff on the wound, “ Ugh.. I really do need to get more used to the pain. “
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Yukina's cover @astuteknaves
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prosopagn0sis-a · 1 year
"She's a ten but I don't understand the motives hidden behind her. (but yet it does make me curious somewhat)"
she's a 10, but…
w-what hidden motives? i am just a silly shy girlie...
— fate
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andromedagarcia · 1 year
"Ah, so you're one of the new members if I'm not mistaken? Well, I'm Yukina Kuwahara, nice to meet you. I hope the Beach will serve as some sort of relief for you (since it doesn't for others). I look forward to being civil with you, despite being a militant." - ユキナ
Yeah, just arrived. Just me and my siblings, Cass and Hércules.
I'm Andro, happy to meet you too!
I... guess it will? I hope it will, anyway. It's better than just wandering around, isn't it?
Why are militants so feared around here, anyway? What's up with that? Like yeah, you carry the guns and ACAB and all that, but is that really it? Shouldn't it be fine as long as we all give Hatter all the cards we obtain?
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cheshire-shuntaro · 1 year
(ooc: first off can i say i love ur writing and second off i was so shy of sending an ask when u said i could earlier... sorry ><) "Ah, Chishiya, was it? I've seen you, once or twice, but you always end up out of sight in many cases. A wonder why, perhaps asking the man in question himself will do the trick, no? I'll say, I'm intrigued."
I, on the other hand do not have to ask for a name confirmation, Kuwahara, pleasure to make your accquaintance. Once or twice? If memory recalls correctly you have been present during many more executive meetings, way to diminish your importance to the Beach.
To answer your question, well, minding your own business in most cases has its benefits, wouldn't you say? Keeping others in the state of suspense, attacking where and when you are least expected, just to return to lurking and analyzing the enviroment around you for the most favourable moment to repeat the action again? Thrilling.
— Chishiya
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heartsmajestymira · 1 year
[ trail ]   my  muse  watches  as  your  muse  traces  one  of  my  muses  scars,  asking  them  about  it
Word Prompts Compilation
Eyes of onyx followed the various stretches of lighter shaded skin, transfixed by the potential story held behind each, moments frozen in time in the form of something simple yet complex as a scar. Mira herself was a blank canvas, porcelain skin smooth and perfect as a doll's, her pride and joy. She'd bathe in the blood of the younger if she could. In a way she did, considering her title in the Borderlands and the fact that she was a face card citizen.
There was one scar in particular Mira kept returning to that decorated Yukina's skin, one that seemed to stand out more than the rest. "Yukina, may I ask how you got this scar?" She hoped the story would be enticing, push Mira to the edge of her seat, delighted in the potential possibility of hearing a tale of anguish and sorrow. But the way the question is presented is as though they'd been friends for ages, Mira ever the attentive and kind.
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niragixpsych · 1 year
Send me a 📁 for a small random headcanon about my muse
📁 - He has a driver's license but no car. He rents himself one for the rare times he wants to get out of the city.
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oukiyaba · 1 year
★ "Your style is already exquisite, so let's see your preference on me,"
Meme: Leave a ★ in my inbox and my muse will pick out an outfit for your muse to wear!
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siwooofhearts · 1 year
"I believe we haven't been introduced. I'm Yukina, one of the Militants around here, from word, you are an executive, yes? I do hope that we are civil to one another and work efficiently together moving forward from here."
Ha—it seems so. I look forward to working alongside you. A pleasure—I’m Siwoo, i’d you haven’t heard that already as well.
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jackofspad3s · 1 year
“Ah, a new face was it? Well, welcome, do let me know if you need some sort of guidance around this mess here. You’re a Militant as well, no? Good to know you can hold your ground with your experience.”
- ユキナ
❝ pleasure's all mine! could use a tour around the area, ya know, so i don't get lost patrolling. would ya be so kind? ❞ — j♠
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