#astv thoughts
theyluvlyss · 11 months
just saw that u watched atsv, and I've been wanting to rant to somebody about it for so LONG. Im curious about your thoughts on it tho, mind sharing?
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𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧...
you've unlocked one of lyssa's mile long tangents. prepare to crumble under my wrath of fangirl-ism. to lie buried beneath the wreckage of my infinite declarations. and to suffocate amongst my many, many convictions /ᐠ○⩊○マ~ !
no, but fr, this may be a lot, so I apologize in advance for the length. however, I'll organize all of my thoughts into cute little sections for you and the others who may read this, if that helps any :).
oh, and short disclaimer, the following is my own opinion. I want to remind y'all not to take whatever I say so seriously/to heart. if you don't like what I have to say/think, then just scroll on and go about your day. no hate needed. and, if you'd like to discuss more in depth, dms are always open (I love to talk😻).
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𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 :
I give the movie a solid 8.5/10. the only reason it's not a full 9-10/10 is because of two things;
a.) the pacing was crazy, like, it kind of overstimulated me? not in a bad way, exactly, but it definitely made it hard for me to focus while being slung through, like, ten different emotions every ten seconds. so much so, that when the movie ended, I felt nothing💀 (I was mad/hype/in my feels later, ofc) but like... after everythingggg, I felt very numb and needed a second longer than usual to recollect.
b.) everyone needed to take several high dose chill pills. like, am I the only one who feels as though certain character arcs/developments were erased? and that everyone needed to just sit tf down and t a l k fr? idkidk, don't press me✋🏽😃✋🏽.
other than that, solid movie and I'm so, so, excited for the next one, and I can't wait to start writing fanfic and make a spider-sona (or two...or three or four or five💀-).
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𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐬/𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 :
the soundtrack is so fire !! straight heat🔥, not one bad track, just banger after banger fr😻😆. when I give it my second watch (cuz no, I didn't watch it again yesterday like I said, I got busy, it's halloweekend, give me a break lol), I'll definitely list some of my faves from the track.
to be honest, though, I don't know what I expected. of course atsv had some heat. so did the first movie ! so I expect beyond the spider-verse to deliver again.
visuals... they ate down for the most part, I was totally expecting that. I only have one, eensy-weensy little pet peeve, and that's the way gwen's world/coloring is done. personally, it's just not my cup of tea, I didn't really vibe with it, which made it hard for me to enjoy a lot of her home world/dimension scenes. and ofc, it's just my opinion. if you liked it, awesome. I don't expect to start something or like... have the whole artstyle be changed, that's not what I'm saying.
I just wasn't messing with it, and that's totally okay :). everyone else was *💋* perfect, and my faves definitely had to be our miles' (y'know, 1610!miles) dimension, pavitr's, hobie's... okay, so, basically, everyone else's but gwen's (y'all are going to start to notice a theme here, btw🥴💀). but, if anyone has some niche facts or interpretations on why her world was colored as such, I'd love to hear them :).
now onto the good stuff >:3...
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𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 :
I- *crying about him every second of the day*...
poor boy needs a break, bro, like... (minus the spider-duties, ofc) I was deeply/heavily relating to his struggles. having all of these different things running through your mind at once, all things imperative for a good future/outcome. and then the constant stress of worrying about/for all of this different shit. especially the family bits, him just trying to do right by them but also needing s p a c e hit home mad hard😭.
and then, omg, all of these people telling him all of these different things... how he, A TEENAGE BOY, has to make all of these life altering (some life ending) choices for MULTIPLE realities, including his own ?? have the adults in the building (movie) lost they whole entire minds?! anyways, sorry, lemme chill out. this is supposed to be about miles💀.
as usual, I loved him and his personality like, truly resonated with this awkward swag vibe he has going on (and have since the first movie) and I just-...
he's pookie, fr, and I wish the world and the ppl who claim to love him in it so deeply would act like such😭💋. and he was so, so, so real for dissing peter (b. parker) every time he'd try to talk because bro, he was such a snitch, idcidc💀. and then real again for the whole, "everyone keeps tryna tell me how my story is supposed to go. Nah... i'ma do my own thing." line, like yesss king, go off✨️.
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𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐰𝐞𝐧 :
she-... ouuu...
y'all, I can't express how much this lil' girl got on my nerves. not to say that I don't understand, I do, trust. but it's not an excuse. and oh my days, did she make me cringe like... she gives me sheltered person vibes, which I was gonna say isn't her fault, but it kinda is when she shut herself out from the whole world willingly😭. again, I understand why, but she set herself up doing that. on top of being so stereotypically white?
no offense, but I audibly gasped when she called mr. and mrs. morales by their first names😃. like girl🥴- ! and then this whole, "I like you but actually lol no I don't because I'm lowkey with hobie, but no, I'm not." thing she's doing with miles? either miss girl is terrible at social cues, orrrr😗... she's an ass🤷🏽‍♀️. sorry but that wasn't cute, like if I were miles, I would just have to let gwen go, I mean, she even said it herself;
"in every universe, gwen stacy falls for spider-man... and in every other universe, it…doesn’t end well.”
like girl, if that's what you believe, then quit it with the, "you might have a chance with me but probably not, let's find out." vibes you're radiating, please😭🙏🏽. like, throwing the whole spider-verse off balance because, "i JuSt wAnTeD tO sEe hIm aGaIn x'0 !" when she literally knew and AGREED that she shouldn't have ever gone to see him again in the first place (because it's not like miles knew she had the ability to come see him whenever, so she should've just kept it that way) was such a foul move, bro...
anyway, I'm done dragging her, because on the flip side...
gwen deserved so much better from her father. sure, he came around towards the end, but where was the unconditional love and support that a parent is supposed to give, regardless of anything else? like, I was wholeheartedly shook to my core when gwen told him she was spider-girl, and his response was to arrest her.
sir...?! if it were me, I'd take all my shit from my room and never speak to that man again. like, oh 'ight, that's how you feel? I'm out here essentially doing your job after having to deal with the murder of my best friend (which you blamed me for, mind you !) and you want me in jail? still?? even after finding out I'm your lil' princess baby girl a.k.a. your daughter, bitch ???
sorry, but I'll say it again, my dad would never see me again 'cept when I'm busy being spider-girl on the tv😹. and just in general, poor gwen fr, like, I truly felt it when spider-woman swooped into the scene in the start of the movie, and gwen's immediate response was to go, "can you adopt me?" and like, sure, "sHe wAs jOkInG/bEiNg aWkwArD" but, coming from a girl who wished she'd had better parents...
that was not a joke, she fully meant that shit, you're not changing my mind😹🥴. anyways, all in all, I have very 60/40 feelings about gwen. sixty being my dislike, forty being my like (or, more accurately, understanding of her person regardless of my dislike).
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𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 :
let's just acknowledge that she's voiced by the queen, ms. issa rae😻 !!! like she ate down, I don't care what anyone has to say. now, onto her actual character, she was so honorable for taking gwen in. like wow, I wish someone would swoop into my life, via sick motorcycle and sweet webs, and snatch me up into a better life🤩. and then further advocating for her (gwen) and her actions throughout the movie, even though it was risky?
she's so amazing (as all spider-people tend to be, harhar, puns). and yes, it was unfortunate when she couldn't do much for gwen upon miguel finding out what had been done and yada-yada, but she did all she could/agreed to/said she would do. She stood on her word, and that's all that matters🤷🏽‍♀️.
honestly, I don't have much on her except for the fact that I remember thinking she was pretty sick, so yeah :).
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𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 :
um, I don't... dislike him, I guess? but I definitely don't like him, nor am I attracted to him. I kind of don't get/understand that, but to each their own.
b u t... I do wanna say one thing because I hope that once I do say it, I start seeing a bit of a change/more of it...
I've read some miguel fanfiction, both before and after watching the movie. not saying I scoured the depths of tumblr for it or anything, read every last piece of writing on him there is to exist. that's not the case. but, from what I have read, y'all didn't get his character right imo. some aspects, sure, but his whole persona has been completely misconstrued. misinterpreted.
he's not this extra stoic, leader, jason todd-type/esque dude. to me, that man gave awkward and anti-social. I'd even go as far as to say he might've been a little autistic coded, but again, as always, that's just me ✋🏽😗✋🏽. and sure, yes, there was stoic behavior, which comes along with being rather awkward and potentially on the spectrum. and I'm not at all denying that he's a badass, he totally is.
but outside of that, and outside of him being super aggro towards miles, any scene of him was either him keeping to his lonesome unless absolutely necessary. self-isolating (which can be moreso due to trauma/other mental troubles rather than autism), and wanting nothing to do with anything he wasn't comfortable with (and I definitely wanna say he didn't want to be leader of anything/in a position of power, that's just how shit lined up for him, and it's just like... what can you do🤷🏽‍♀️?).
he was consistent with his information, both giving it and explaining deeper. he didn't like to be interrupted while doing so. and there was that one moment where talking to lyla (lila? lyla?¿) where he said something like, "do the explaining thing that do you do."
"what thing?"
"wha-😃? what do you mean, 'what thing?' the information explain-y thingy😐🤨."
and it's not even the only time where him and lila have had this awkward (but cute, ngl) dynamic with each other. anyways, whatever, I could just be talking out of my ass and being contradictory (becauss he is stoic but he isnt but he is-?¿), but-
I need/wanna see more awkward and introverted miguel content, not so much no-nonsense and hella apathetic...
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𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐚 (𝐥𝐲𝐥𝐚?¿) :
someone tell me how to spell her name so I can do her proper justice lol🙏🏽.
but anyways, I like her a lot :D. I mean, I know we barely see her, but just from her fit, voice/lil valley girl accent, and vibes alone...
oh yeah, we'd be besties if we ever met, I just know it. lila is so cool and I hope she plays a bigger role in beyond the spider-verse😻.
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𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 :
he's so hot and cool and aesthetically pleasing to look at, I just wish I could understand what that nigga was saying🥴💀. no shade, I'm so deeply infatuated with him, I just... that accent is thick as hell, so that's my sign to be sure my next watch has captions on😭.
through context clues, though, I was happy when he sided with miles/supported his journey to do whatever he felt it was best to do. and how he quit being apart of... what was it called, the spider-society? I-... and then at the end when he shows up to help gwen and them help miles. also, hello, the friendship between him and pavitr is so cute, I live for that😭.
also, his suit kicks ass. I thought the spikes and the fact that he fights with a guitar was a very nice touch, and I really dig how when miles was like, "how are you even cooler under the mask?" he's like, "I was this cool the whole time😌.
like okay, periodt, love that for you, king✨️. like shiiii, I believe it🥴😻. also, is it canon that him and gwen were together? or is it a friends with benefits type of deal? who knows, who cares. I don't >:) (I will being writing fanfiction about him).
also, quick headcanon !! I don't know why, but he gives me vibes that he can't stay focused for the life of him. er, like... he can, but to do so, he has to be focused on something completely unrelated. also, hello, he's a spider-person... shooting off un-asked for quips and jokes is kind of part of the spider-package. like, there were so many times where a person (irl or in the movie, doesn't matter) could swear hobie wasn't paying a lick of attention because he's off doing something else, talking about something totally unrelated...
just a completely unserious ass dude, right? wrong. well, not fully. but no, he's paying attention by... not paying attention. does that make sense😃? anyways...
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𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐫 :
he's my silly little meow-meow babygirl and I want nothing but the very best for him😆🥺. no but for real, I was on edge watching him try to "do both." save his girlfriend or save her dad (which was apparently a canon event that miles disrupted but he just wanted to helppp😭).
I was so happy when everything went okay, even if it meant that a canon event was fucked with, but stillll...
also, I thought it was so funny how he's "perfect" lmao. he fr achieved that healthy, work-life-spider-man balance. truly peaked😌✨️. also his theme...!! the cultural tune implemented into it !!! what a bop, an absolute jam, a certified banger. I also really vibed with his spider-suit, like, the colors and incorporations clashed so well together, and just the design itself was so...💫sparkly💫, and the way he used his webs??
again, I adored it ! I have no clue what the arm cuffs (??) at the ends of them are called (plz let me know, because I know they're important/cultural, I believe🙏🏽), but once again, beautifully done and amazingly executed. I'm sure people (especially teens and younger) probably went nuts in the theater seeing that, like, y'all... representation matters, I will scream it until my own ears bleed.
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𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛. (𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲) :
when I tell you miles and I went, "you/he had a baby😃?!" at the exact same time, you would've thought I was in the movie lmao💀.
I don't know, I just wasn't expecting it (even though I probably should have been), but she was the cutest darn thing😻🥺 !! her red hair like mary jane's, but having peter's spider powers was just adorable, and the fact that I saw everyone hold her at least once... my heart... it aches😫♡.
never thought a cartoon would give me baby fever, yet here I am. and it was so special to me how he admitted to miles (even though/while under shitty circumstances) that he was the reason he (peter) even wanted to have her in the first place and made him ready to commit. he wants her to be just like him (miles) and that made me-
😭😭😭♡ plus, him constantly having her with him in the little baby carrier thingy... adorable. like, yes, mj, he did take her on another mission, and she was clearly having the time of her life, lay off😆✨️.
now, on the flipside... peter,,, you're a terrible mentor💀. like, I get he was doing his best, but his best was trash, what can I say🤷🏽‍♀️. just doing miles dirty, snitching and switching sides left and right. I mean, the fact that he only showed up during the "intervention" (more like trap-) just so there was a higher chance at helping miguel to convince miles to let innocent people, plus his own father, d i e? shit move, some mentor/father-type figure you are😒.
also, this next bit should really be in the miguel section (oh well), but... how uncool of him was it to literally set miles up with all of his spider friends and then have them try to convince him, "oh yeah, it's a canon event to let people die, including one of the closest people you have in your life. sorry, that's just how it is, accept it lol." like actually, fuck uncool, shit was totally buckwild and uncouth. on top of the fact that none of them thought to visit him for who knows how long?
yeah... no, get fucked, I hope miles figures out a way to beat the system in the next movie, just out of pure spite🙏🏽.
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𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐞-𝟒𝟐 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 :
I know he was only there for half a second, but listen... how scary was it, coming to that realization that 1610 miles was in the wrong universe. like dawg, I had chilllsss, I was so nervous for him, like genuinely, the stress sweat was insane😃✋🏽.
y'all said tmi? gotchu. anyways, so yeah, but then immediately when uncle aaron showed up, I just knew, I was like, "oh shit, wait, okay, if he's here, and jefferson is dead..." like I put the pieces together so fast, I figured out e-42 miles was the prowler way quicker than I think I should've🥲✋🏽.
but when that mask came back, my mind wiped, cuz um...
like... I'm not the only person that... reacted... to the accent right? like-
I was shook, but when I was... it was like, "😱...😧...😳...😻" yk? like what buisness did he have sounding like that😃💀. anyways, sorry, I'm done. except I'm not, because my mind now contains sooo many headcannons on just earth-42 in general and then e-42 miles, like ?! and that shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone because I'm a writer I do this, this is what I do, I do this, this is what I do🤷🏽‍♀️<3.
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𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 :
- loved it when they did the thing... yk...
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lolll that thing. I giggled very loud :).
- spot was nonchalantly terrifying and funny, and I really a d o r e villains like that. just unhinged and doing thier own thing while still proving themselves great threat and standing on buisness? yeah, he was awesome, I have zero nitpicks on him, he was done very well. althoughhhh.... I know I just said I have no nitpicks, but why is his backstory/origin so insignificant😭? like it's kind of lame, but at the same time, kind of... genius? like, I don't hate it, but I definitely wouldn't have come up with it so I guess that's a good thing. original/unique, in this specific case, I'd say🤷🏽‍♀️.
- I wish my mom was like rio. that's it, that's the post, #mommyissues🥲✨️.
- why did they wash out jefferson's character so badly? like, he still had his moments, but outside of that, he was basically just comic relief, which was... a little jarring given how he behaved in the first movie. I definitely feel like he could've been done a little better, but I supposed it wasn't a crazy bad change. like, there was the fact that miles (as spider-man, but still-) still had to tell him to get off of his ass, so it wasn't a complete 180° change or anything. just a noticeable one.
- ben riley had me giggling hard💀🥴✋🏽. emo ass, I loved him😭✨️.
- the live action editing/clips just- shdjfjekgoekkr !!! like how freaking cool, like I was deadass in my room screaming like a lunatic, like, I get it's the spider-verse so it's obvious those shots would be there but IDC LEMME FANGIRL IN MF PEACE !!!
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alright, that's all lol. if there's anything or anyone else I've forgotten to put in any of the different sections, I'll add them. but yeah, those are basically my surface level thoughts🥴. But of course, if anyone wants to go in depth with me, I'm totally open to that, and I hope to be posting headcanons and stuff about them soon (just gotta... set up the masterlist and stuff first😃).
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐨, 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐡... 𝐛𝐲𝐞, 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 !
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sweetimpurity · 3 months
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Thinking about how Miguel’s dick is just so big and he knows how to use it so well. And you do too ;)
Not only does he know exactly how much prep his love needs to take him, but he knows how much you can take, even when you say you can’t take anymore.
And he does things that he knows make you feel brain meltingly good even if they don’t do that much for him. In other ways, they actually do so much for him because seeing you lose your mind over his dick gets him off way faster than just pounding into your pussy.
Like when you ride him, he doesn’t mind if your thighs burn and you can’t bear to push yourself up anymore, opting for grinding on him, not even bouncing up and down, just grinding your clit down on his pelvic bone while he’s buried deep inside, pressing kisses to your cervix with his gummy tip, the dark hair at his base, the friction making your eyes flutter and roll back. He’ll hold your hips and help you stay steady, encouraging you with deep praises and letting you get yourself off on his dick. Even though you’re not moving up and down on him anymore, he’s still getting closer to cumming at every face you make, the squeeze of your velvet walls on his thick shaft. The soft sweet sounds that leave your kissed lips, your shaking hands on his hard muscular abdomen.
“That’s it baby… there you go… it’s all yours…” He husks deep and breathy, his chest tinted red and flushed under the hair that covers his chest.
And when he’s on you, he doesn’t just stick it in. At least not when he’s getting in his groove. Spreading you out and working his cock inside in ways that make you scream, that make you cry and tremble. Staring down at your teary face, gliding just the first few inches through your slick in shallow quick thrusts, 1, 2, 3, 4 times until “Ngh!” he pushes all the way to the hilt, deep and hot. Groaning low and rough in contrast to your soft fluttering whimpers. Then pulling back again, 1, 2, 3, 4, push, “Mm!” Bringing you closer and closer to orgasm.
He’s unlike any man you’ve ever been with and you know he has to be the last man you’ll ever be with. Sex with any other man for the rest of your life would be deeply disappointing.
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yanderestarangel · 6 months
Hear me out—
Dad body Miguel.
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art credits:_Insomniac_RED_ on twitter ( X )
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Thinking about DAD BODY MIGUEL makes me feel feral, his voluptuous and soft belly along with some muscles covered by the softness of his skin. He could really walk around shirtless, with some stretch marks on his belly, arms and back from time to time and some hairs could be seen in the middle of his belly matching the scruffy beard on his face. He is a peaceful man towards you and bad tempered towards others.
── Maybe he's your DILF neighbor, tired single dad, obsessed with you.
You can feel his soft belly hitting your ass with every thrust he gives you as he fucks you doggy style, the happy path of hair leading up to his thick, slender cock tickled your sensitive skin while the fat tip of his cock kissed your cervix ─ his scruffy beard rubbed against your skin as he pulled your hair and gave you a clumsy kiss each of his scars glowed from the sweat on his body; you could see the growing gray hair on his arms, chest and even the hair on his head.
He would just shower soft praise on you as he slid his dick with minimal force, turning you to look directly into his eyes. "Eres tan bueno conmigo... apretándome tan fuerte. Keep it up pretty boy, I want to make you squirt for me."
You feel his hot cum leak from his tip as the friction of his soft skin touches yours with each movement ── Miguel uses his thick fingers to stimulate your clit even more, watching you squirt on his belly and dick, making him laugh and look at you satisfied and tired.
"Can you give your old man a break here? I really promise to fill you up later..."
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Y’all wanna know what I’ve been thinking about lately?👀
Brat tamer Mafia!Miguel….
Being completely self indulgent but entertain me y’all. (NSFW MDNI)
(Mean dom!Miguel, Brat tamer kink, implied spanking, usage of sir, mentions of bondage, degrading kink, overstimulation, slight dumbification, praise kink.)
“I’m-Im sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry sir.”
“You weren’t sorry when you were running that stupid red bottom up and down my crotch during my last meeting. Now stop blabbering, or I’m start over, keep counting.”
“…si- dear god-six…”
“I told you, hands stay at your chest, don’t make me get the rope out.”
“But I wanna touch you!”
“This is suppose to be a punishment, you know that right? But it doesn’t matter cuz you get off on it anyways, slut.”
“Please just touch me Mig.”
“I-I mean sir.”
“Only since you asked so nicely.”
“No-No more-“
“Come on cariño, una mas…” (beautiful, one more.”
“Its too much-ahh-fuck-fuckfuckfuck”
“Good girl, doing so well, I think you can handle another one.”
“Can’t even think anymore can you, too cockdrunk to say anything but my name huh?”
“Not so much of a brat now huh?”
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st
@mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout
@reader-1290 @laysmt @migueloharasoulmate @fruityfucker @pigeonmama
@scaryplanetdestroyer @migueloharastruelove @krentkova19 @genny1019 @maiyart
@stressed-cherry @haveclayeveryday
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madschiavelique · 1 year
hear me out, miguel letting a bunch of ‘i love yous’ while he’s fucking you? especially while he’s close, him just being like ‘iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou’ does something to me…
ANON I'M SCREAMING THIS IS SO SWEET i felt way too poetic and had to write smth like come on
this man just worships you, every curve of your body, every inch of your skin, and every discovered or unexplored meander of your personality
he'll never tire of your smile, your eyes, the way your body welcomes his hands
the mere thought that you love him makes him less miserable, almost to the point where he feels blessed. What has he done in a previous life to deserve you?
He kisses your forehead to thank it for carrying all your ideas He kisses your cheeks and lips to thank them for making you smile He kisses your neck to thank it for making your voice bloom He kisses your shoulders to thank them for being so gracefully illuminated by the sun He kisses your hands to thank them for speaking and expressing when your mouth can't He kisses your chest to thank it for carrying your heart He kisses your soul to thank it for existing
But he needs more than just thanking you. He would offer you pearls of rain from countries where it never does, he would dig the earth until after his death to cover your body in gold and light. What would he be without you than this hour stopped on the watch face, what would he be without you than this stammering.
"I love you," he whispers against your ear as he buries his head in the crook of your neck, his pelvis touching your thighs as your lips let out the most beautiful sounds that music has ever created.
What would he be without you but a sleeping heart? You took him by the hand in this modern hell where the man no longer knows what it is to be two.
"I love you," he murmurs as he kisses your cheek, inhaling the scent of your skin until he's intoxicated and the sensation never leaves his memory.
Those who speak of happiness often have sad eyes. Isn't that a sob of disappointment? He felt like a broken string in the guitarist's fingers and yet he now says that happiness exists elsewhere than in dreams, elsewhere than in the clouds, elsewhere than imagination.
"I love you," he breathes as he kisses your lips and you give him the gift of pleasure, as you make him feel the perfect pairing of sentiment and carnal desire.
He's waiting for the universe to shrink down to your hearts, to be safe from the wicked and the mad, waiting for your moments to drag on for hours and for the thread of time to wrap itself around you.
Prepare some of your time, because for you he has all of his.
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theorphicangel · 9 months
thinking about showering with Miguel, nothing sexually implied, just you and him basking in each other’s presence.
Miguel knows your routine for your hair and he’s gentle when washing your hair for you. his fingers softly massaging your scalp, so softly in fact you can’t help but let out a few groans of at his touch.
“feel good, nena?”
“uh-uh don’t stop.”
you don’t have to tell him twice.
and he’s also so very gentle in washing your body and you his. he watches you as you lave soap over his body. as you wash his chest, you can’t help but notice him stare at you, his face merely centimetres away from you.
“you okay?” you ask.
he’s more than okay. he’s never been better than ever. he has all that he ever wanted right in front of him.
“I’m good.”
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pedanticat · 1 year
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I usually hate the "Parents dislike their child's love interest" trope but Spiderverse mamaged to pull it off. I think it helped that because Miles was already hiding things from them, they were suspicious of Gwen since they never met her before. So it had less to do with them disliking Gwen because of her being someone that Miles was interested in and more so just another thing Miles was hiding from them. The interaction was also legit funny rather than being painful to sit through
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webdollzz · 5 months
hear me OUT. hobie brown mutual marking/branding smut@?11!1?1? pic this:
basically whole premise is reader writing "[names property]" on hobie after they've had sex as a silly wake up prank and taking a pic of herself writing it on him, while unbeknownst her hobie's WIDE awake
So he turns the tables and just fucks her dumb again and writes "[hobies property]" right above her pussy and takes a pic so they're even
sorry this idea is so random i just HAD to get this out my system!!
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a/n🌟anon, I love you. here's ur fic + the tallys you added! ur ideas are GORGEOUS. this is quite hobie hand focused ngl...n i kinda don't like this??
warnings!: fem!reader x dom!hobie choking, hair pulling, overstimulation, slight mocking, slight mean hobie but gets soft at the end. use of y/n once                                                 ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
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his grip on your sweaty body loosened, a sign that he had fallen asleep after sex. he always did — he was out like a light everytime. you didn't mind, you enjoyed the sleepy cuddles. but you weren't that tired this time. you were still led ontop of him, puffing small amounts of air from your lips as your eyes drifted to the sharpie he used to sign autographs, immediately smiling at your little idea. you snatch up the sharpie, gently sliding down his body and writing 'y/n's property' along his hip bone with a cheesy grin.
with the remainder of your smudged lipstick, you kiss right next to the writing for affect. you giggle, grabbing your phone, pushing his boxers band down to make sure the writing was clear. You snap a picture of it, staring at it for a couple seconds before moving your phone away. you let out a yelp of surprise when you see hobie staring right at you, a very unimpressed and unamused look on his face.
"Fuckin' hell! I thought you were asleep." You gasped, your hands on his lower abdomen now as you sat on his lap.
"Yeah, can fuckin' see tha'. The bloody 'ell do y'think you're doin'?" He grumbled, sitting up and gripping your hips, sliding you closer to him, your breath hitching as your panty-clad cunt brushed against his already rehardening cock.
"was jus' having some fun." You shrugged. he rolled his eyes, placing his hand on the back of your head to brace you as he flipped the both of you over, your back now hitting the mattress as he flipped your positions, glaring at you from above. he pulled down your panties once again, making you shiver.
"we just finished." You grunted, your lips parting softly as he ran a finger through your folds, gathering your slick from previous rounds.
"so? should've thought 'bout that before you started tha' shi." He huffed, grabbing your hips and yanking you towards him, placing his head between your thighs. he kissed up them, nibbling softly on occasion, smirking at your impatient whimpers. he dug his fingers into your skin to make you stop squirming.
"hob — quit it." You whined, your legs attempting to close around his head to stop him but he forced them open.
"naw." He licked a stripe from your entrance to your clit, making you jolt with a moan. he smirks, putting your legs over his shoulder. in no time he started devouring you like you were his very last meal, like you didn't finish fucking approximately half an hour ago. he was insatiable. give him a ten minute break and this man can go another couple rounds. you shudder around him as he eats your cunt like he never will again.
"yeah? you like that, doll?" he murmured against your pussy, making you mewl with a nod.
"mhm! don't stop, please." you begged, your hands finding their way to his wicks, tugging him closer to your cunt. he hummed lowly, sucking on your clit as his free hand that wasn't holding your down snaked between you two, his middle and ring finger prodding at your entrance before sinking in and immediately curling to your sweet spot. you gasp shakily, whining as you tug harder on his hair.
"Hobie! fuck, m'gonna cum." you cried, the overstimulation from earlier on still lingering, making the build up painfully good.
"c'mon ma, cum f'me. you got it." he cooed, pulling away to let his fingers to the rest of the work, leaning down to drink up your cries in a messy kiss you can barely reciprocate. as you gush around his fingers, he didn't slow his movements, prolonging your orgasm until you push his hand away, muttering a "t'much.." he kisses down your neck, humming softly.
"open up, good girl." he grunted, making you suck your own slick off his fingers, your tongue lazily swirling around the digits, making him groan and his cock throb. whilst you sucked on is fingers, his other hand pulled away from your hips to grab the marker. he put it between his teeth to bite the cap off, spitting out onto the bed next to you. you frown, wondering what he was doing, but before you could pull away to ask his slender fingers pushed deeper and made you gag and grab his wrist. he grinned cockily at your gag before leaning down to your inner thigh to draw one simple line. a rally, if you will. he pulled his fingers away from your lips, nodding towards the black line on your thigh.
"think we should keep addin' onto i'?" he rhetorically asked, his answer already being yes. his large hands grabbing your hips, flipping you over with ease and pulling your ass into the air. you yelp, your hands flying back to grab his arm. he tuts, shaking his head.
"c'mon, baby. be a good sport." he mocked with a shit eating grin, pushing your head further into the mattress. "hobie..s'not fair." you whined, but pushed your hips back to grind your ass against his dick anyway.
"aww, it's not fair?" he repeated as he reached down into his joggers to pull out his dick, pumping it a few times before lining it up with your entrance. you meet him half way, pushing back until you're buried to the hilt. you both let out a moan, before hobie slid his hand to the middle of your back and pushed down to deepen your arch. his other hand remained on your hip, gripping the flesh there hard enough to bruise.
"go on, then. fuck ya'self on my dick like a good girl." he urged, watching how you rocked your hips back and forth slowly, nearly moaning at the sight of him sliding in and out of you, your slick coating his dick. "oh god, feels s'good, hob." you mewled, nails digging into the sheets so hard they might as well rip them apart.
he hummed knowingly, both hands now holding your hips. he took over, not liking the slow ass pace you set. his thrusts were deep and rough, each one making a small ah! ah! ah! sound spill from your lips and into the fluffy pillow.
"fuck, such a slut fo' me, hm? yeah, you like having your lil' cunt pounded everyday." he said between his teeth. it was hardly a question anymore. you did.
"mhm! mhm! fuck, faster, please." you cried into the pillow, your already pre-smudged mascara wiping off onto the white pillow case. he went faster, one hand sliding up your body and wrapping around your neck. he yanked your body up to meet his chest, still thrusting unforgivingly into you as his veiny hand gripped your neck firmly.
"faster? fo'real? can't ever ge' enough, can ya?" He teased, his breath brushing your ear as he hovered by your neck, just being able to see your fucked out face through the corner of his eye. strained whines and whimpers fell from you, the hand on your neck making your head spin so good.
"I asked ya' a question." He scoffed, slowing his thrusts. you shake your head, your hand flying back to try and make him resume. he loosens his grip on your throat so you can speak.
"no! can't get enough. m'sorry, please. don't stop. don't stop." you panted, voice sounding like you're on the verge of sobbing as your nails dug into him to try and make him continue. he smirked, realising how pathetic he makes you. it was adorable to him, gave him an ego boost the man definitely did not need.
"since ya' begged so nicely, doll." he mumbled, giving you a quick kiss on the side of your head before his hand slid from your neck to your hair, gripping it tightly to force you down again. you moaned, your arms attempting to force yourself upwards but he wiped them out with his free hand before it went to your hip. he resumed pounding into you, the sound of skin meeting skin, your moans and mewls, and his breathy groans filling your small bedroom.
your orgasm was building quickly, his hand tugging at your hair, his tip practically hitting your cervix and bruising it — it was all too much. "h-hob! m'gonn-" you barely got the words out before your orgasm crashed over you, making your entire body tremble and a loud cry fall from your puffy lips. you coated his dick with your release, and he released your hair.
"good girl, tha'sss it. jus' like that." He praised, leaning down to kiss your shoulder as he grabs the pen he tossed aside earlier, marking your inner thigh once more. that makes two tallys. "can ya give me one more, ma?" He whispered, kissing your back and shoulder. you whined breathily, shaking your head a little before he pulled out and flipped you over.
he reached over to your bedside table, tapping your jaw gently as he raises the glass full of water to your lips. "open. take a drink, doll." He whispered softly, his free hand tucking your hair behind your ear. you smiled gently, putting your lips to the glass and letting him raise it slightly so you could take a couple sips of the water, the coldness easing your dry mouth and sore throat. he smiled softly, putting the glass back down on the side table.
"good girl. such a good girl, hm?" He muttered, kissing your lips softly a few times, and it almost made you not notice the way his hands went to grab your thighs. almost.
"he-hey! what're you doin'?" you mumbled, looking up at him with fluttering eyes. "well, you're a good girl, righ'? a good girl can give me one more." he cooed, pushing your legs to your chest, admiring the way your cunt drooled for him. you huffed, but nodded nonetheless.
"mhph. one more." you warned, but your tone failed you as it turned to a whine half way through as his dick prodded at your entrance.
"yeah, just one more, baby." He mumbled, pressing a kiss to your calf before sinking himself into you with a groan from him, a mewl from you. his thrusts were slow but deep, making you feel every inch of him sliding in and out of you.
"oh — oh — oh!" you moaned each time he hit that sweet spot inside you, your nails clawing marks into his back. "tha's it, ma. you got it. jus' relaaaxx." he drawed, kissing your nose softly before looking down to where you're connected.
"look a' her...takin' me so well, pretty." he praised, feeling you clench around him. your moans were breathy, your eyes fluttering closed as you gripped onto him.
"m'so close, m'god." you whined quietly, your back arching slightly. "s'okay, baby. you got it, cum f'me." he whispered, kissing your calf again softly, the coldness of his lip piercing a stark contrast to your hot skin.
you let out a high pitched, long moan as your legs shook against his hold as you came around his dick once more. your orgasm triggered his, making him groan softly as he filled you to the brim, softly pulling out a few moments later and muttering an apology when you wince. he laid your legs softly back onto the bed, kissing your body a few times as he tucked himself back into his boxers.
you were half asleep at this point, all fucked out and tired. he took the pen once more, gently writing 'hobie's property' right above your cunt. he grabbed his phone, snapping a quick picture of his n yours cum spilling out of your used cunt and the markings, grinning to himself. he then tucked his phone away, standing up to go to the bathroom and wet a flannel. he came back, carefully cleaning you up so he didn't disturb you, avoiding the now slightly smudged tally marks and his marking, before tossing the flannel to the side. he put your panties back on, grabbing one of his shirts from your floor and muttering a quiet — "cmon, help me out." as he slid it over your head, your arms going into the sleeve before you went back limp.
he curled up next to you, tucking you into him and kissing your head.
"i love you, sweetheart."
"love you more." you mumbled before falling into a deep sleep.
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lemon2099 · 1 year
I saw a headcanon that said that Miguel would cope with refusal of forming strong bonds with people by having meaningless sex, and I like happy endings so allow me to propose this:
Sure the meaningless sex feels good, but when he makes love to someone for the first time, the experience is surreal.
He’s fully in the moment. It’s just him and his beautiful partner, touching, kissing and feeling each other.
He’s making sure to find all their sweet spots, and that they get plenty of attention.
He’s putting his all into giving them the most pleasurable head he can, instead of half-assing it, but doing just enough to make sure he can still pass as a good lay.
He’s more active about checking in with them, making sure they’re okay, that the pace is good, if he’s holding them too tight, or if he’s making them uncomfortable in anyway. 
He doesn’t care that they haven’t shaved or they’re still wearing those dumb pickle tube socks. All that matters is that they’re staring into his eyes as he fucks them. He throughly enjoys the bliss of carnally bonding with someone he loves for the first time in too many years.
All he wants is them to have a intimate and relaxing experience: making them scream so loud the neighbors complain, milking them of every drop of cum their body can produce, and covering them in hickies to claim them as his own.
As a result, he starts to have fun too, way more fun than his hookups.
He smiles as he kisses them. He doesn’t roll his eyes when their heels knock on his back a bit too hard. He giggles as they blush and stutter through an apology.
He’s genuinely moaning, and not faking it like during the countless mediocre blowjobs he’s gotten.
It’s the most intimate experience he’s ever had, and the aftercare makes it even better.
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galadrail · 1 year
For anyone using "Flower" or "sunflower" as a hobie nickname for miles or even just anyone wanting to put flowers in their fic or whatever, here's some information about it:
- In the language of flowers, the sunflower clearly means "you are my sun". It's a lovely message of love. But the "Flower of the Sun" can also represent recognition and respect for someone.
- In this case, the sunflower is a symbol of fidelity, accompanying the sun from morning to night. Of course, sunflowers also look like little suns.
- sunflowers are summer flowers and grow from June to September.
- there are 70 different types of sunflower, the most common of which are the 'italian white' sunflower, the silver-leaved sunflower and the ten-rayed sunflower.
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pizzee · 1 year
Love how Hobie’s British slang has to be explained but the Spanish doesn’t have captions. Like yes English is sometimes harder to understand than an actual other language
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fariesoiree · 6 months
hobie “will find any way to pull your hair during sex possible even if he has to attach a web to your bald head and pull that too” brown
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sweetimpurity · 10 days
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Thinking about how much Miguel craves connection. Like he always needs to know what's going on with you, what you're feeling. So much so that he's a little obsessive about it sometimes. He's not so good with his words, but you've been with him for so long, just a look can soothe his racing mind. And he's a busy man, yet always worrying you need him or you might be upset about something. Upset with him. But you give him that look and he nods, feeling that tension release from his shoulders.
He can read your body so well. When something feels good, when something hurts, when you're about to come. And he's big on eye contact. Looking in his eyes when he's 8 inches deep in you is flustering. Straddling his lap, one of his hands cradling your cheek and the other wrapped around the back of your waist in lotus position. His dick working through your soft heat, snapping through your slick. The perfect speed because of course he knows exactly what to do to get you there.
The warm morning sunlight washing through the blinds and over the blankets. Maybe he got back from a long mission the night before or he's just been busy with the society. But he's needy for you. More than that, he's needy to make you feel good; to know he's making you feel good and giving you something that you need.
His plush lips parted as he focuses, looking in your eyes and watching you get worked up to climax. Jutting his hips up and meeting your movements in perfect tandem. You're on the edge, buzzing and tingling, moaning his name unabashedly, your bodies one entity, moving to bring each other to unimaginable pleasure.
If you look away, he's finding your eyes again, coaxing them back open when you're hiding from him. "Look at me, corazón... let me see you..." He whispers. Both arms now wrapping tight around your waist, splaying out on your back. Weak to the pure pleasure that is your perfect body. Just so close to you, like no time or distance could pry you apart again. That connection is what gets him off the most. Pressing his hot hairy chest to your breasts, head in the crook of your neck. Feeling your fingers digging into his broad back and knowing he's making you feel good. He's the one doing that.
He's in heaven, hearing the sighs and sounds that leave your sweet lips. Knowing it's all for him, all his. One big hand cradling the back of your neck as your head tips back, gushing and coming on him with a gasp of his name. And he's soon to follow. The gentle tug of his fingers in your hair as he comes with a low growl against your chest. Filling you all the way up and he feels closer to you than ever.
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paranormallyscared · 1 year
Thinking about Hobie flashing different colors when he’s close.
That’s it, that’s the post.
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This is me and Miguel btw
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madschiavelique · 1 year
omg okay so
thoughts on sub!reader with miguel and peter
miguel who degrades you and tells you why you deserve it, with peter who praises you and talks you though it
lucky for you, i have an insanely good memory, and i will rewrite my thoughts right here HEHEHE
peter as a soft dom would be such a sweet dom, he'd give you the lovely nicknames like "honeybee," "bunny," or "sweetheart"
miguel on the other hand being a hard dom will definitely use more degrading ones such as "my dirty slut" or "my little whore"
peter would just shower you with praise for every breath you take, saying things like "you're such a good girl/boy for us," or "i'm going to take care of you now"
miguel would degrade you harshly, "your slut pussy exists for me to fuck it," his sentences almost sounding like warnings from time to time like "you don't want to see what i can do to you"
peter would spoil you with little gifts, like offering you belonging necklaces or bracelets so that everyone knows that the pretty person you are belongs to them. he will undoubtedly say "you're doing such a good job" at any time because he wants you to know how proud of you he is
if reader is a brat ? oo boi, Miguel will take care of that, he will undoubtedly warn you like "i can take care of that attitude" or "are you sure you want to test me ?", so you better not push his buttons too much, because you will regret it
peter will definitely push you to overstimulation, but you feel like you can't refuse him anything. when he asks you to come once more for him, because he is obsessed with the lovely expressions of your face and the adorable moans you make when you come, he tells you "you should see how good you look right now, angel", and you of course oblige
i do have one thing to say about miguel tho, because he might seem like he is all tough and a hard dom, he does cares for you, so much you have no idea. he doesn't want you to believe that he doesn't, so if he chokes you, his whole body pressed into yours, he'll kiss your forehead and say "i would never, ever hurt you"
aLSO they both MAY or may not have a yandere attitude towards you BUT that's for another day/ask if you send it 🫣
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