#at least I was taught by them to be polite and not a hateful asshole like you lol
hearts401 · 9 months
Hai :3 do u have any wacky wild michael hcs
oh do i!
both adult and teen. loser has been on my mind again.
He gets super fucking cold for no reason and blamed it on ghosts until after fnaf 6 where he brought it up as a joke and the ghost kids were like "...none of us did that" and now he's convinced theres a whole extra ghost after him. (it was cc he didnt mean to initially but cassidy thought it was funny)
He talked to the animatronics all the fuckin time. like he just. chatted with them. especially the fnaf 2 ones. charlie had to sit there and watch him talk to actual robots thinking they were kids. they werent and she told him that in fnaf 6 because she found it so fucking funny
clumsy as HELL i know that man was banging his knee in the SL vents and swearing under his breath
teen mike was also clumsy. probably split his lip on concrete all the time as a kid.
he was also the kinda kid to say "nah, check this out!!" and wake up in the hospital
this is a gross one but. he dealt with bugs a lot post scoop (especially. flies. and what comes with them. iykyk). he'd come into work on mondays smelling like a can of bug repellant. you wont believe what he showers with instead of water.
He was williams least favorite but they had a weird relationship between him moving out and elizabeths death. like some days william despised him and michael just wanted to blow them both up with his mind and some days he comes home like "Hey mike whats up want some pizza for dinner tonight?" and michaels like "fuck yeah why not."
he's henrys favorite afton as a teen and he knows it. and he uses it. Henry fuckin loved that kid he had the man wrapped around his finger. William also notices it and he gets mad at henry over it.
in relation to that, henry was really gentle with michael which was. not helpful im sorry 😭
mike sleeps pretty casually. hes not a light sleeper but not a deep sleeper. unless hes tired. if he hasnt been getting enough sleep youll know because he sleeps like a ROCK.
he fucking loves italian food. for no reason. he just does
he unironically eats beans on toast. He tried it as a joke and then just. never stopped.
he still has his foxy mask it just doesnt fit him. he tries it on again and it hurts his head
cannot afford to go out to eat often and GOD does he complain about it. he is SO FUCKING LOUD when he complains about it. he wants his takeout man
Loves animals but they hate him. A crow tried to take a bite out of him post scoop once nad he had to fight for his life. bro saw his family for a moment there
he is so polite most of the time but if you talk to him after his shift he'll fuck you up. rudest bitch on the block and he was an asshole teen so he knows how to run his mouth
he plays solitaire.
does not know about the context but whenever hes depressed he says "tomorrow is another day" because time moves on anyways!!!! also idk i think its neat
he ate shit in the middle of his shift once and bashed his face on one of the counters and his coworker found the blood the next day and managed to start a rumor that someone died there until michael came in to work with his face bandaged up.
these are so rambly but funny so im gonna keep going
skateboards <3 totally tried to show off and ate shit until william told him if he went to the hospital again he'd take the skateboard. he still ate shit. just hid it better.
taught evan to do a lot. If he didnt feel like bullying him (for an array of reasons, but the biggest is just. boredom. or loneliness. or a mix) he'd teach him something just because he could. skipping rocks, flying a kite. michael doesnt remember it very well but evan does
cassidy kicked him in the knee so hard he was limping for an hour and so he found the golden freddy suit and kicked it too at one point. she didnt feel it tho. and jumpscared him out of spite.
he loves dogs and once brought evan to see one because his friends were busy and he hates being alone and the dog bit the shit out of evan. foreshadowing.
oh yeah i totally think he gets lonely btw. do not leave that guy alone he will get very sad and pathetic!!!
im capping myself here because jesus christ.
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starstruck-sunshine · 1 month
🎭 - what are your character's morals?
🗡- what would it take for your character to go completely against their morals? for cinna (of your choice)...and ricardo!
Under the cut because this got long!
🎭 - what are your character's morals?
Cinnamon Maeweather (Starstruck): As a rule of thumb, they hate the rich & greedy - particularly those at The Aris Foundation. The tragedy of the Odyssey has left a mark even a century later, seeing as none have returned to the stars since. Cinna HAS shoplifted before, though, and if it were the right time period, they'd pirate moveies and games and all that. They do generally try to minimize harm with their actions, even if it could potentially knock down those they detest a few pegs, hence why they're working on it from the inside out. They also would never kill anyone, ever.
Cinnamon Xochitl (FFXIV): Their morals are sort of... iffy. They're a good person at heart, but also immensely fucked up. It sort of comes with being made to kill so many (at LEAST 400! still counting canonical murders but I took a break to do MSQ/etc). They aren't above killing to do what they need to do, but they detest it.
Ricardo Hernandez: He's more of a goody two-shoes, not because he views petty crimes as bad, but he can't be bothered to do so. He's also not a snitch, though if you disturb his library or garden too much, he will get on your ass about it.
Pepper: She's very much a goody two-shoes, she won't snitch on you if she catches you doing something minor, but she'll definitely distrust you a lot more.
Varya Graves: You generally won't find morals here. He hasn't killed anyone - or rather, if he did, nobody found out. In every universe he terrorizes Cinnamon (disambiguation), to varying degrees of success.
Daisy Maeweather/Xochitl: She's taught her kid how to steal without getting caught, has gotten into fights, etcetera. She's a good lady though, polite in the Midwestern kind of way.
Valentine Maeweather/Xochitl: Polite woman - disapproves of her wife's thieving and the like but doesn't love her less for it. The only exception is if you're an asshole, in which case she will give you the scolding of a lifetime (assuming her wife has not gotten to you first).
Elilwyb Helblaetwyn: While she did serve as a Temple Knight, that does not inherently make her a good person. She does detest petty crimes, but understands that in most cases it's from a flawed society.
🗡- what would it take for your character to go completely against their morals?
Cinnamon Maeweather (Starstruck): At the end of their bout in the Land of Oz, they're tired and sick and hurting all over. This would be a great time for them to do something really bad or stupid, but they're bedbound at this rate so they really can't... for now.
Cinnamon Xochitl (FFXIV): They would do anything for Fray. Anything. Unfortunately, the same applies for Fray to them, so...
Ricardo Hernandez: You'd have to pretty much abandon him out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but the clothes on his back for him to consider theft. He would somehow still make his way back to where he was financially/etc speaking though, without doing so, seeing as he doesn't need to eat/drink like most do.
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noonmutter · 4 months
my brain is an annoying little douchebag that tries way too hard to convince me that I should just keep doing something I hate that is making me miserable because it might--not will, not does, but might--inconvenience other people, particularly my coworkers
starting a 50/50 remote version of my job sounded great in March, but then the last six months reminded me that they still have a shitload of fallout to contend with
as a reminder, since November, this household has had
two car accidents
a family death
an illness that had me friggin hallucinating
a charity event I was really excited about getting yanked out from under me
witnessing another super bad car accident what the fuck that taught me that I am now mildly triggered by the smell of air bag deployment,
other guy's car insurance ghosting us the entire fucking time
my eldest cat getting so sick that we were scared he was going to vomit himself to death
the plumbing for the entire house backing up
probably some other shit I can't remember right now. I made a list but I'm too burnt out to pull it up
and yet here I am, trying to learn new processes and figure out a new internal hierarchy and change my schedule and drive less and not have to work weekends anymore but that means I also don't have a weekday free which is really fuckin problematic when I have to keep talking to doctors, insurance companies, and billing companies at the drop of a goddamn hat
and then I finally get to take a few days off, which I scheduled at the beginning of the year, my first actual vacation since January (where, as a reminder, I was violently sick the entire time), and I realize just how much stress I was getting rid of while not working...
fuck me. I'm so mad. I used to be a machine. and it's bad that I was. but I'm still mad that I can't be anymore. I didn't get to freely choose to stop pushing myself too damn hard, and that's bullshit
I'm so fucking angry at that asshole who nearly killed us, all over again, and my emotions in general are wierd and spiky all the time (relatively speaking, I guess. I don't have manic episodes but I definitely have distinct up and down periods that even I'm noticing). and I need to not be doing the remote job anymore. It's been a little over a month of that and feeling like I'm doing two jobs is. not helping.
don't be a shitty driver, kids. even if you don't kill anybody, it sucks. I wasn't even a driver at all in my accident, I was a passenger, and the other driver was the shitty driver, and my spouse and I almost died because of them, and the almost-dying is the least agonizing part when all is said and done. the hospital was at least attentive and polite.
Iunno I just needed to rant. I'm angry about a ton of shit that I can do virtually nothing about and I have nowhere to put it except harmlessly in text where it won't get me fired. probably.
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Re the don Giovanni post you made in October, I would like to read those shitty essays you're talking about if you got em
OH yes! Don Giovanni essays!
In order of least favourite to favourite:
The Operas of Mozart - William Mann. I hated this book and the one chapter I read. He basically says listen I don't think Anna was raped but I think it would've been good for her if he did. 0/10, misogynistic asshole.
Mozart's Operas, a critical study - Edward Dent. Really not much better. Ignores Anna's pain and grief to just paint her as a cold, naive socialite. 1/10.
I got these two from physical books so I don't have any links for them. The rest, I do!
Music, Sexuality and the Enlightenment in Mozart’s Figaro, Don Giovanni and Così Fan Tutte - Charles Ford. I couldn't find much about Anna here but it does talk about Elvira and Zerlina. Not very kind to them, the gist is that they behave kind of in spite of themselves? 3/10, not exactly what I was looking for.
The Problem of Donna Anna: 'Risk-free identification?" - Catherine Laws. I got a lot from this about how the women of Don Giovanni fit or defy stereotypes. It also talks about how romanticized the opera has become, and issues that stem from not looking at the work in a critical light. 7/10, love a work by a female scholar.
The sexual politics of teaching Don Giovanni - Liane Curtis (couldn't make this one show up as a big link for some reason). This was an Interesting read. She talks about Don Giovanni's place in the classroom, and how it's been perceived in the courses she's taught. There's a lot about how student's reactions to the work are informed by rape culture and how the work could be quite triggering to those who have experienced SA, and argues that teachers really need to dedicate time to understanding the whole of the opera instead of glossing over it and allowing harmful ideas to perpetuate. 9/10, incredibly interesting, i think all music history profs should read it.
And Finally!
Understanding the Women of Mozart's Operas - Kritsi Brown-Montesano. Now this is a full book that I only read the first chapter of. But WOW was that first chapter eye-opening. It discusses Donna Anna from the first Don Juan story until now, gives scathing critiques of the victim-blamey scholars at the top of my list, and makes a well-researched case for Anna and her quest for vengeance/justice. I love it. I want to read the whole book. It took me quite some time to get through, the text is quite dense, but it's well worth reading. 10/10 I want to write her a thank-you note.
I was able to access these papers/books through my university, so I can't guarantee how accessible they are if you don't have a connection to a library or academic institution, but I know this is the website of getting around things like that. I won't be posting my actual paper bc 1) it's not actually done yet, still needs a final draft, 2)it's an undergrad summary paper and 3) it does have my personal information attached to it. Basically imagine it as all these papers and my opinions of them combined.
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goopgirlie813 · 2 months
I just wanna put this out there;
I spend a lot of time talking to/debating people in comment sections of political posts. Not as much as I did when I was in high school, but I still do it.
This has taught me a lot about dealing with differing viewpoints (and I know I still have a lot left to learn) and one of those things is that hostility provides zero practical benefit. It makes you feel better, especially if the insult was particularly witty. It makes people who agree with you happy because snappy comebacks are entertaining when you already agree with them. But it doesn't actually persuade anyone to listen to you who doesn’t already agree. In fact, it does the opposite by giving people who were skeptical of your stance something to "prove" that you're unreasonable. It gives people a reason not to listen. It makes them shut down.
I have encountered at least a dozen people who were at one point open to progressive ideas but, upon trying to engage with others to learn more, found that they were treated like villains for not being fully on board at that point. Mistakes and ignorance were given no compassion, they were always assigned malicious intent. These people were not given the space and grace to learn from their mistakes in a welcoming environment. The expectation placed on them was that they would drop all "bad" things immediately and on their own or else be a bad guy treated with suspicion and vitriol.
And these people looked at that environment and said "fuck that. I'm not walking on eggshells around my own social circles." And they dipped. Some of them eventually came back to progressive spaces, but many became conservative right-wingers who used this negative experience both to justify their own vitriol towards progessives as well as to persuade others into conservatism with horror stories of how the "nasty, hypocritical progressives" proclaimed to be for love but showed them only hate.
Point is, no matter how justified the anger is or what moral reasoning is used to justify its expression, the outcome is the same; it turns people away from the causes you are defending and facilitates vitriolic polarization. Being an asshole, even if they did it first and you're "giving them a taste of their own medicine" has a tendency to backfire when the goal is to make them change their stance.
Be kind, it is far more powerful than you think in far more ways than you were ever told.
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misireads · 7 months
Taivaanpallo ("Celestial sphere") by Olli Jalonen
[ audiobook, listened in finnish ]
a coming-of-age story (well, almost anyway) about a boy who spends his childhood on the small island of saint helena in the 1600s. he's taught to observe the night sky by the british royal astronomer edmond halley who visits the island, and then to read and write by a local priest. at around the half-way point of the story, he's sent off to deliver news about unrest on the island to halley who lives in london, and now the country bumpkin boy has to learn the ways of a big city. there's also a shitty boat trip to the UK in the middle there
➕ i do like stories set in real places and name-dropping real historical figures so i can read about them on wikipedia.
➕ there's an interesting theme of religion vs science in here. (at least implied. not very explicit but it's there)
➕ it felt good every time angus got to own some rude asshole with his superhuman eyesight or reading skills.
➕ there isn't anything wrong with this book per se, it's beautifully written in finnish…
➖ …that said, i really really really didn't like this book, for several reasons. most notably, this is a specimen of this genre of finnish literature that's exclusively Very Long stories, in a historical setting, and nothing really happens in it. i've read three of these books now. i have not enjoyed any of the three. this is not a genre for me. i literally knew from the very first sentence that i wouldn't like this
➖ second biggest reason and partially tied to the first, is because this book makes me feel stupid for not liking it. it's like ohhh this… epic whatever the shit… wonderful gorgeous language ooh aah so many details, literary genius, what a deep book what a contemporary classic. and i'm like… so i'm stupid for not liking it? is that it? am i too stupid and rotten-brained to appreciate it??? and that's why i hate this book
➖ but also just fucking nothing happens. there is no plot. there is no story arc. there are no highlights. things just happen. sometimes the first-person narration of angus talks about animals on the bible for half an hour (since i listened as an audiobook). i guess this is the sort of story that's meant to evoke thought rather than tell an adventure, or even tell a story really. but i'm not fucking interested in thoughts on god or how filthy people were in 1600s. i'm not interested in random details that go on and on and on and on and you can stop paying attention for an hour and don't miss a single thing about the story because that hour was probably about angus thinking about how he's learned a new thing and how he and his life are now forever changed because he learned the new thing, or going on and on about how he needs to be polite and in what specific ways he needs to be polite and how. i found myself spacing out listening, wondering which ass this author even pulls this shit out of. like, so many details in this book are just so mundane, this is nothing but a flow of mundane scenes and thoughts, and my own experience as a writer and just my writing process in general is so different from this. of course i'm partially in awe that someone's brain works like this that they'll casually drop in all these completely needless details about side characters we hear about once and then never again. but it's exactly that, needless. i didn't need any of that information for anything. another two-star reviewer had left a comment on this saying it felt like it was written with a literary award in mind and that's exactly how i feel too. like sort of pretentious blah blah I'm So Deep whatever garbage
➖ more of a neutral thing but i learned that edmond halley was a real person literally yesterday (and finished the book just now today). so that trivia brought very little to my reading experience.
⭐ score: 2 -- i have nothing more to say. this is the first part of a trilogy and i will now proceed to pretend i didn't know that
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thediaryofs0nic · 2 years
I have a problem... well... several. I'd say I needed professional help but no thats not it even. I need to go back in time and be taught proper self control as a young kid, I need to be loved by my father, and I need to be taught not to resort to anger in frustration. I dont think people can be perfect but I do think they can be better. I know my mother tried her damndest to be the best mother she could and she achieved it in my eyes. My father on the other hand, to his admittance, was a manipulative, avoidant, asshole who didnt care to watch his mouth or behavior. He thought he was worthy of attempting to control my view on him and the world and he thinks he's succeeded. He is so lost on his narcissistic, egotistical, high horse that he can't see how he's harmed people. He can not see that he is the problem and refuses to feel any important emotions. He suppresses the important ones and expresses the rest in anger. Boys don't cry or at least they do in private because crying is shameful and a sign of weakness. Two genders but you can be whatever you want. I love you yet I'll call you a clown when you finally seem happy. You're brilliant and important but you're not trying hard enough. I've watched you scare away countless people and the only ones you still have are internet trolls or people that need to be around you why tf do you think you don't have friends. My cousin hangs out with you because he likes laughing at your shit takes plus its not like your moral "lessons" are getting through to him he literally has 4 kids all to different women. He isn't too bright.
My parents have also lost themselves into their political ideologies. My mother thinks Ben Shapiro is brilliant and my father wishes death on all Democrats. From the blatant sexism to the upfront racism (all from father) I don't feel safe around him all the time. There are times I remember being in fear of my father drinking a little too much and attempting to kill me. There are times where my father has inadvertently called me useless and said my life wasn't worth anything. ((Context: He said suicidal people/people who commit suicide don't care about anyone and shouldn't have been born to begin with)I was in therapy for my depression and had been sh for a few months at that point) Really racking up the great father points there. When I said I wanted a nose ring he angerly asked if I wanted to be a cow (I just thought they looked cool and I got one the second I turned 18). I was fighting with him about something at the dinner table (I was summoned even when I didn't want to eat with them) and got into a fight over whatever with him and then he interrupted me and started talking to my mother who was crying (because of him) and I responded (because he was only gonna make her feel worse) he didn't let me finish and in a cross, angry, pointed tone through clenched teeth said "not everything is about you" LIKE A FUCKING 4TH GRADER. It made me highly angry so I went up to my room and fumed in my notes app so I could tell my therapist. I hate my father. He also mentioned to me that he wondered what id be like if they didn't give me all the hormones in the milk because he thinks I act the way that I do (feminine and like men) because of the food. He genuinely thought that was a good talking point with me, the queer in the household, his only child, the one person with mental health and identity issues in this house... GO FUCK YOURSELF. God fucking damn it I don't like him at all. He implied my existence wasn't valid or real, that I am not the person I couldve been. I DONT GIVE ANY FUCKING SHITS WHAT I "cOuLDvE BeEn" YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS APPROPRIATE. GO. FUCK. YOUR. SELF. He also told me genderfluid wasn't real for no reason when I had literally thought of going by that. The thing is I NEVER mentioned that anywhere near him, when I said the word and that it made me comfortable to my friends I wasn't even on the same floor level. He wants me to kill myself at this point. I could probably think of more but im too angry now and it's 3 am so maybe ill stop.
(My mother rarely defended me when she was the only one I was comfortable talking to so she knew how I must've felt hearing a lot of those things)
Tldr: I hate my father
Overall conclusion: He will never enter my living space once I move out of this bitch.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Ok when you have the time I thought of this Arvin x reader scenario. Arvin comes to a small town after the events of the movie and falls for the sweet girl working at the bakery and visits her everyday. If you wanna add smut, angst, fighting, or make it only tooth rotting fluff , I don’t care. Have the freedom to write it as you see fit!⭐️👄⭐️
His angel.
A/N: Thank you so much for sending this in! It got kinda long! I really hope you enjoy!!💕
Warnings: Language, Violence, misogyny.
Arvin had moved to the small town after the events of Knockemstiff, that's where he met you. You worked at the local bakery and Arvin was almost addicted to you, he found himself seeking out the bakery almost every day in hopes you were working.
Arvin thought you were sweet and kind, he often found himself thinking about you when he was working on a car at the garage he worked in. Your sweet smile always managed to pull a smile from him, you made his heart do flips and he wanted to work up the courage to ask you on a date.
He'd tried a couple of times, he really had but it always got caught in his throat and he found himself with sweaty palms and a racing heart. He was not the only man in the small town who liked you, no, most of the men did. It angered Arvin, their thoughts were nowhere near as innocent as his own.
Arvin hated the way the men in town spoke about your body and the things they wanted to do to you. It upset him that they couldn't see the sweet girl who deserved the world, only saw you as a piece of meat. He'd almost punched his work colleague for a remark he'd made about your physique.
It wasn't that Arvin didn't find you attractive because god he did, but you were so much more than that in his eyes. He'd gotten to know the sweet and caring nature you had, the way you would try and help anyone regardless of what it cost you.
He was yet again in the bakery, his daily routine, he felt a need to see you at least once a day, allow you to brighten his mood just by smiling at him. Grayson, one of the dickwads that liked to make remarks about you walked in, Arvin felt his anger rise as he watched the man rake his eyes up your body, eyeing you like a prize.
"Y/N? You got any of them sweet cakes left? You know, the ones I like?" He asked and Arvin watched as you gave the man that sweet smile of yours.
"Sure." You answered in that angelic voice. Arvin swears he never believed in angels or any of that stuff until he met you. "How many do you want?" You asked politely, making your way back around the counter.
"I'll take them all." He answered as you bagged them up before charging him, Arvin watched as he handed over the money shooting you a wink.
"Keep it. I'm sure you'll enjoy my tip." He said and Arvin nearly flew for the guy. How dare he? He watched as you gulped slightly, face draining of colour. "How about it doll? Me and you?" Grayson continued and Arvin watched as you shook your head in response.
"I think you should leave her alone." Arvin said as he stood to full height, he might have been slightly shorter than Grayson but Arvin looked far more intimidating.
"What's it got to do with you? Oh, sorry am I trying to muscle in on your territory? I'll happily have her once you've had your fun." Grayson laughed and Arvin felt his blood boil over, taking quick and firm steps towards the man.
"Now listen here you fucking asshole. You leave her alone or you'll have me to answer to, she's not interested." Arvin said, he'd subconsciously grabbed Grayson's shirt.
He watched as Grayson shook slightly, fear shooting through his eyes before he composed himself and held his hands up in defence, cocky smirk on his face.
"Sorry, sorry. Didn't realise it was so serious. I was only having a laugh."
"Fuck off out of here before I throw you out." Arvin said through gritted teeth and Grayson did as he was told, Arvin loosening his grip on his shirt. He turned to look at you. "Sorry." Arvin said sheepishly, he was annoyed with himself for losing his temper in front of you.
"Thank you, Arvin." You said and Arvin nodded before making his way out of the little shop. He was almost kicking himself for losing his temper, thoughts about how you were too good for him flooding his thoughts.
You were completely the opposite, he was all fists and violence and you were all sweet and lovely, there's no way you'd ever be interested.
Arvin didn't see you for almost a week, too embarrassed to step foot back in the shop. You shouldn't have had to witness him snap like that, memories of his past flooding through the back of his mind. You were too good for him, too good for a man who'd murdered people, whether they deserved it or not, he didn't want to drag you down.
Arvin was aware he could be a self destructive person, he could be grumpy and not see the fun in most things. You were the opposite and he just didn't want to drag you down, you deserved better, the world in fact. Arvin was so caught up in his own thoughts as he walked through the quiet streets that he almost didn't hear it.
"Grayson, stop." It was your voice, but it sounded sad, panicked, strange to Arvin's ears. "Seriously, I'm not interested you need to leave me alone. Go home." You shouted, you were trying to keep your voice steady Arvin could tell that much but it wasn't convincing.
"Oh come on Y/N, a bit of fun never hurt anyone." Grayson's voice echoed off the quiet walls and Arvin hastily made his way towards the voices. His heart hammering in his chest as the panic rose, he needed to get to you and make sure you were okay, make sure you weren't hurt.
Arvin quickly found the two people the voices belonged to and his anger rose again. Grayson was stood, hand wrapped around your wrist as you struggled to get him to let go, this fucker was in for it.
"Oi!" Arvin shouted and your eyes locked with his own, relief flooding them. "Let go." Arvin snarled and he watched as Grayson released your wrist.
"Fuck off Arvin, this has nothing to do with you." Grayson said, great he was drunk Arvin thought.
"I told you last week to leave her alone and I fucking meant it." Arvin snapped as he made his way towards the two figures, your feet quickly carrying you towards him. Arvin felt almost relived as as you stood in front of him and Arvin couldn't stop himself as he moved you behind him.
"Empty fucking threat. Come on, hand her over." The drunken male said as he made his way towards you, Arvin's hand instantly landing on his chest, stopping him. "Fine, you want a fucking fight over a stupid whore, then let's have at it." Grayson spat, far more confidence due to the alcohol buzzing through his system.
Arvin felt his anger reach a dangerous level at his words, he almost forgot that you were there as he swung for the man. Grayson must have expected it as he ducked just in time, Arvin's fist connecting with the wall. The pain almost didn't register to him as he swung again, this time knocking Grayson backwards.
He watched as the man stumbled, split lip evident and a look of pure anger in his face. Grayson made a move for Arvin but Arvin was smarter and far more powerful than the man in front of him as he knocked him onto his back. Arvin almost couldn't stop himself as he climbed on top of the man and repeatedly shoving his fist into his face. It brought back memories of the time he'd taught Lenora's bullies a lesson.
"Arvin, stop." He heard the words, but they didn't register. "Arvin!" He heard a little more firmly. "You're gonna kill him, you need to stop!" He heard again and he felt a soft hand touch his shoulder, Arvin came crashing back to reality as his vision cleared and he took in the man below him.
Arvin stood up quickly, Grayson groaned before rolling over spitting blood onto the floor. Arvin had just completely lost his temper and in front of you. He felt ashamed of himself, what the fuck where you going to think?
Arvin turned to face you, all thoughts of Grayson leaving him, you looked utterly terrified and Arvin felt awful. He'd probably just scared you off forever, your hands shook slightly as you reached for his hand, carefully holding it in your own.
"I just want to go home." You said just above a whisper, Arvin nodded slightly he walked you home, he needed to make sure you got home safe even if you spent the rest of your life hating him for what had just happened.
The walk was silent, you were unreadable, facial expression something Arvin had never seen before. It wasn't your usual happy self, you seemed deep in thought and Arvin wondered what was going on in that beautiful head. You were probably thinking of ways you could avoid him, a way you could get him to leave you alone.
You silently unlocked your door and Arvin waited for you to let go of his hand but you didn't as you made your way inside, pulling Arvin with you. You sat him down on your couch and silently left the room, returning with a first aid box.
You carefully took his hand in your own and only then did Arvin notice the blood and cuts on them. He watched with furrowed brows as you took a washcloth and wiped the blood away, almost like you were slowly removing the evidence of his violent outburst.
"This might sting a little." You said, voice soft as you looked at him with a sad smile before applying the alcohol rag, Arvin hissed as he felt the alcohol enter his cuts. He resisted the urge to pull his hand from your own, he didn't want to frighten you with any sudden movements.
"I'm sorry." Arvin spoke through a sigh when you grabbed a bandage to wrap his hand in. You looked at him with furrowed brows.
"What for?" You asked and Arvin looked at you like you'd grown two heads, his now bandaged hand leaving your own.
"For losing my temper." Arvin clarified.
"Arvin, you saved me tonight. I'm grateful, sure you could have held back but you saved me." You answered with that sweet smile and being here, in your lovely home, his hands bandaged up he realised he could never have you, you deserved more.
"Stop being so nice. I could've killed the guy." Arvin snapped and you looked at him shocked, he'd never taken that tone with you. "You are too nice for your own good."
"I, you," You tried to speak but Arvin cut you off.
"Don't make excuses for me. I'm a violent person Y/N, wherever I go violence follows and you, you're a good fucking person. You shouldn't be around people like me." He ranted.
"I wasn't making excuses Arvin!" You said, voice slightly raised.
"You should stay as far away from me as possible."
"But Arvin, I don't want to, I really like you!" You exclaimed and Arvin scoffed.
"I saw that look of fear in your eyes tonight. You saw it didn't you, how dangerous I am when I lose my temper." He raged and you stood your ground, determined.
"You wouldn't hurt me." You said confidently.
"You don't know that." Arvin spat back and you shook your head.
"You won't. I know what you're trying to do. You think I'm too good for you so you're just trying to push me away, make me hate you but I don't." You said as you took a step towards him.
"You are too good for me!" He shouted, "you can't fix me Y/N, I'm not like all those old people you help, I can't be helped. I'm violent and I'm no good for you." Arvin was trying desperately to get you to see what he did. "What if I lost my temper with you?" He shouted again.
"You have." You pointed out and Arvin furrowed his brows in response. "You're angry right now and look, I'm fine. You haven't tried to hurt me because you won't. You think I'm some perfect woman Arvin but I'm not. I don't want to fix you, I want you for you." You said as you stepped ever so close to him.
Your scent filled his senses and he became almost drugged from how close you were, his heart beating, palms sweaty. He looked at you and the anger washed away and all he was left with was a sadness.
"Y/N," he sighed. "I like you, so fucking much but I'm no good, you have no idea the burden's I carry, what I've done."
"I don't care," you said as you took his face in your hands. "I don't care what you've done. I care about you and how you make me feel. Arvin, you are a good man, you just need to let yourself see it." You smiled at him. "Kiss me." You demanded of him.
Arvin studied you for a moment, studied how close you'd gotten, how he saw no evidence of fear in your eyes, only adoration, for him. Maybe he wasn't a good man but he would always protect you, always make sure the ground you walked on was worshipped. Maybe he didn't think he was good enough for you but you did and how could he deny you? He would always treat you the way you deserved even if he did have flaws.
Arvin took your face in his hands, yours falling over the top of his own as he pulled you towards him, capturing your lips in his own. The kiss was sweet as you wrapped your arms around his neck, one of his hands slipping to cup your neck. The kiss deepened slightly but out of need and longing, he'd wanted this for so long.
"Stay?" You asked as he rested his forehead against your own. "Please? Arvin, I want you, I want to be with you." You spoke and Arvin felt his heart flutter. He was never going to be a danger to you, you were a goddam fucking angel in his eyes.
"Okay. I'll stay." He agreed as he pulled you in for another kiss. He knew he'd have to tell you why he came here, knew he'd eventually have to come clean about his past and he was terrified it would scare you off. He wanted you so badly and the knowledge that you wanted him to, allowed him to let go of his fears. You were his angel and as long as you allowed him to grace your presence, he would.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Could I request the brothers (and maybe Diavolo, if you're comfortable) reacting to a knightly/chivalrous m/c, please?
I haven’t written Diavolo in a hot minute, I’m glad he’s being requested again. I’m guessing you mean an MC with the attributes of a knight? The same sort of mannerisms and traits and not an actual knight! MC? Lemme know if I did this ask wrong because I was low key confused lmao.
The Brothers + Diavolo with a knightly/chivalrous MC:
-He really didn’t like you upon first meeting
-He hated how he couldn’t intimidate you into not being a nuisance the way he could with most of his brothers
-But, to be honest, you had gained his respect rather early on
-I think, even though it may have annoyed him to no end, Lucifer was very fond of your bravery a lot of the times
-The way you would stand up for Mammon or that time you protected Beel and Luke from his outburst
-Courage is not a trait one would usually associate with humans, especially when more superior beings like demons are involved
-Your humility was also a characteristic of yours that he, surprisingly, was really fond of
-And your overall mercifulness was something to be congratulated as well
-I mean, him and his brothers put you through so much shit and for you to forgive and move on without an angry word at any of them kinda speaks on its own
-I think he understands, to an extent, the reason you’re so loyal to the people you care about too
-He has a certain devotion for Lord Diavolo and his brothers, more than he lets on
-To him, having someone like you around is something to be appreciated
-Because you are similar but also completely different and nothing like he deemed you to be at the beginning
-yo i think you remind him of himself back when he was angel tbh
-He’s sort of tired of saving your ass tho because you are very just, so you feel the need to help people all the time which leads to you getting involved in fights
-Bring him his 20th cup of coffee for the day please, it’s hard being a single father of 8 children (yes I’ve added Lord Diavolo he counts as one of the kids)
-He’s the definition of this incorrect quote I stumbled across a while back
-Lucifer, from behind them “ Do not.”
-Ok so this random human comes to DevilDom and has the audacity to slap his hand away while he’s trying to steal from Diavolo’s castle????????
-“MC ya’re forgetting I’m a demon, my moral scale is wayyy different than yours-“
-“Put it back.”
-You’re coming at him with rightfulness and honor and your presence is gonna hit him like a truck
-Cuz he ain’t stealing anything when you’re around (lucifer uses this to his advantage ofc.)
-That was basically the only thing he disliked about you
-Other than that, after your first week in DevilDom, he thinks you’re a goddamn S A I N T
-Everytime you stand up for him when his brothers are being assholes-pls he melts into a puddle of goo from your perfection
-Good thing he was wearing sunglasses, because holy fuck was he weeping under those Gucci shades
-He’s gonna give ya props for having the courage to stand up to him and his brothers
-Lucifer especially because big bro scary
-Think about it like this: literally every single one of them could have you seasoned and roasted for lunch, love
-And yet you still have the bravery to look them in the eye and tell them: “Ya’ll are dysfunctional as fuck and need family therapy.”
-Again, he doesn’t understand your morale, he’s the Avatar of Greed, if he sees something he likes or seems worthy of his presence, he takes it
-But with that look you’re giving him, he honestly feels so guilty he can’t help but put it back
-He also appreciates your patience with him when it comes to anything that involves him talking about his emotions and thought process
-Because at this point he is widely known as scum so-
-Ahhhh, in the end, he thinks you’re pretty badass for a human and would low key want to see you in an armour of sorts agajwhisebhwjwwhehgdhdh
-And he really likes it when you make the effort to open doors for him too but he’ll never have the nerve to admit it
-Believe it or not, he warms up to you in less than a day...?
-It’s probably because he’s a navy commander and he’s used to having soldiers around and you sort of remind him of that
-Out of everyone, he reacts the least when he sees how you carry yourself because to him it’s second nature
-Even if he does tend to slouch most of the time
-Almost dropped to his knees and started worshiping you when you yelled at Mammon to give Levi his money back on your first day
-And then a friendship started to blossom (im not friendzoning y’all, relax)
-Levi has a tendency to just walk into your room with his laptop, point at the screen which is paused in the middle of an anime and go “Look, the protagonist is a knight. You’re also...really knightly. I like the protagonist. I, uh I like you too, I guess.”
-He loves how honest you are because he knows that no matter what you wouldn’t lie to him
-“MC, do you think I’m a yucky otaku?”
-“Oh ok.”
-But on the inside he’s like 🥰🥰💞💞💞💞
-I just think that a knightly MC would connect on an emotional level with Levi for a lot of reasons, idk
-He’s gonna be a sputtering mess when he realises how much effort you put into this relationship (platonic or romantic) and how loyal you are to it
-Like how you actually bother learning all of his stupid passwords because you are just as serious about them as he is
-He just crashed, give him a moment to reboot please
-He takes a while to warm up to you because for some reason your overall demeanour reminded him of Lucifer lol
-He thought you might be just as stuck up as him
-It didn’t take him longer than a week or so to come to the sudden realisation that you are way more pleasant than his brother
-Like his daddy, you manage to earn his respect pretty quickly after that
-He just thought the way you handled everything that was thrown at you in DevilDom was very sophisticated but firm nonetheless, if that makes sense?
-Like, you weren’t itching to escalate fights or anything but your tone of voice could easily end a whole conversation if need be
-You were still a human of course, it would be real easy for some low rank demon to kidnap you or something
-But for some reason, your confidence seemed to intimidate a few of the weaker ones into leaving you alone
-Obviously, that didn’t mean you were completely safe or anything
-There were still others that could effortlessly overpower you
-Even so, Satan found it sort of reassuring that unlike some humans, you weren’t one to back down without a confrontation
-Don’t get me started on all those times you rebelled against Lucifer, because that’s what truly got him to get to know you better
-He found you pretty interesting and then that interest sort of evolved into actual fondness
-Another thing that caught his eye was that even though you have very strong feelings about justice and fairness, you are completely level headed most of the time
-And patience, while it’s something he can manage, is the one that he has been trying to control for centuries
-He learned a lot from you about behaviour, whether you intentionally taught it to him or not
-And if there is one thing Satan thinks highly of; it would be knowledge
-Therefore, from that point onward, your existence was so much more precious to him than your soul could ever be
-What can I say about our sweet Asmo?
-You could have the personality of a trashcan and he’d still love you
-You were so polite and honourable from the beginning to the point you managed to get the attention of the Avata of Lust himself????
-He thought you were pretty hot basically
-Your righteousness always sort of nagged him because he low-key believed Diavolo snuck in another angel into the program, I-
-And for some reason, your loyalty to everyone in general ticked him off immensely at the beginning
-Mainly because he recognised that’s one of the traits he lacks entirely and he came to the conclusion that he needs to revaluate himself on that one
-He is so desperate for your attention, he will tattle on his brothers just to get you to yell at them and then comfort him
-he is so petty istg
-Your nobility still catches him off guard every now and then
-Because you’ve been living with demons for so long and yet you’re still, theoretically speaking, pure?? get your head out of the gutter people
-He probably applauds you on the fact that you can even scare Lucifer on some occasions because imagine having a scarier death glare than the eldest prince of hell
-Asmo will personally buy you clothes that he thinks suit your “aesthetic” (wtf Asmo)
-Might’ve bought you a sword and then got shouted at by Lucifer because oops turns out it was cursed
-Again, supportive mom vibes
-“MC, do you know how stunning you look strutting around with that confidence of yours? Don’t get me started on your posTURE!”
-You pulled a chair for him once and he practically swooned lmao
-He figures you’re really nice from the start
-Mostly because you kept running errands and opening doors for him even though he let it slip that he might lose control and eat you
-Like most brothers, he finds you comforting in a way
-Beel appreciates your honesty to him too because he can count on you to tell him when he’s doing something wrong
-And he sort of needs the validation that even though he blames himself for a lot of things that took place in the past, his brothers and you are more than ready to forgive him (even if they didn’t blame him to begin with)
-Rather than respect, Beel puts a lot of trust into you, which I would believe to be more intimate
-If it’s just the two of you hanging out, he has an easier time opening up about Lilith because he knows you would never judge him and respect his feelings enough to let him get it out of his system
-You always share your food with him and give him a bigger portion and he goes so soft-
-Like who allowed you to be this generous?
-Tbh, he thinks it’s sort of refreshing having someone like you around
-Beel has been surrounded by demons for millenniums now and he’s gotten used to their...uh ‘evilness’
-Ever since you got dropped off in DevilDom, you really stood out with your nobility and morals
-It was like a breath of fresh air in a way
-He may or may not believe you’re a good influence on his siblings-if you can even influence demons of all things
-I’m not saying he invites you to work out with him and give him honest criticism, but he definitely invites you to work out with him and give him honest criticism
-“Out of all the humans they could’ve chosen, they picked the most annoying one, oH MY FUCKING GO-I MEAN DAD-“
-You go up to the attic that one night after tricking Lucifer into vibing to some classical TSL tunes
-He spotted you and was immediately irritated
-Like, he KNEW you were going to be a pain in the ass just by judging your posture and how you carried yourself (very knightly)
-At the start, he’s even hesitant to lie to you because he had a suspicion you wouldn’t buy his bs
-(Spoiler alert: you didn’t but you went with it either way)
-It takes a while for you to forgive him when he literally fucking kills you because that was rude af but you got over it in time
-AFTER of the whole ‘Sorry-for-choking-you-can-we-be-friends-now’ incident, you still get on his nerves a lot but at this point, he believes that’s his punishment for being a murderous dickhead
-You don’t really piss him off tho, you just confuse him a lot
-Why are you so polite? You keep pulling chairs and opening doors for him??? Why are you treating him like royalty?? Stop it, he doesn’t want to be like Lord Diavolo (he def likes it when you do that)
-Pls stop dragging the poor man to breakfast, he just wants to sleep in-
-He doesn’t understand how you’re always one time for everything
-My dude tries to wake up 20 minutes early to get somewhere in time and he is still 2 hours late
-All the same, you’re a very forgiving person so he’s just grateful you don’t hate him or anything
-And in the end, it doesn’t really matter how much your chivalry and righteousness and all of that pisses him off every now and then
-Because he can’t deny the fact that you brought him and his brothers the peace they needed
-And he so loves it when you and Lucifer go head to head mhmm
-This big tittied man right here takes a liking to you immediately
-A couple of days in DevilDom and he’s already inviting you for tea at his castle
-You managed to befriend the prince of hell faster than the demons you live with, huh
-He’s lonely ok? He loves having people over and having cozy chitchats
-Not to mention he thinks you’re such pleasant company!
-Most demons would be afraid to even say anything in his presence but you always speak your mind while continuing to be respectful and he’s so happy, you don’t understand-
-Only demons in close relations to Diavolo like Babrbatos and Lucifer actually know how much it takes for someone to anger him
-He doesn’t take offence to much lol
-And he’s really content that you acknowledged that
-He sometimes visits you in his spare time just to talk and hang out since Lucifer is a big meanie who doesn’t want to indulge him and Barbatos is busy making him dinner >:(
-SPEAKING OF- if you and Barbatos don’t bond then i don’t know what to tell you
-I mean, you would both have so many things in common (strong sense of loyalty, honesty, just in a way etc.)
-You’re his favourite guest to have over at the palace, sorry Luci you’ve been replaced
-He genuinely finds you interesting as well so please tell him stories from the human realm!! He’s dying to learn more!
-Diavolo notices you demeanour sort of gives off warrior vibes so-
-He really considered making you into a knight bc it’s Diavolo-what he says; goes
-“I know they’re human but they’ll be fine. Look how tough they are! They managed to survive a year with you and your brothers didn’t they?”
-“My Lord, that doesn’t amount to anything, please don’t get our human killed-“
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.2
Also yes this is a 5 part story arc, why do you ask, no I’m not “avoiding real life work”
Main Chat
Wu Xie: And we are just so grateful you are above all that.
Zhang Qiling: You were fully awake and insisted we pack and go as soon as possible in case there was, and I quote, “more weird shit happening we can cash in on.”
Wu Xie: I mean it’s kind of interesting that the Zhang family sent a car for us. We could have driven. So what is going on there, I wonder?
Zhang Qiling: I agree, in this particular case, with Pangzi. You should not have gotten in their vehicle while we were still inside the house. It forced us to follow you into the van to prevent separation, and they seemed to be expecting that. I don’t know whether Zhang Rishan intended this, but I don’t trust him.
Wu Xie: :( I got excited and didn’t think it through. I’m sorry.
Wu Xie: oh relax, I’m fine. No fever at all today, remember? I feel a lot better, too.
Zhang Qiling: It is odd to say this, but Pangzi is right again. You are barely back on your feet and could easily get worse again. Wu Xie. Jacket. Now.
Wu Xie: Oh fine. Teaming up on me, I see. Happy now?
Wu Xie: If it is an abduction, it wouldn’t be them moving against the whole Wu family—not with Uncle Erbai in charge. Zhang Rishan strikes me as someone who doesn’t make a move unless he is sure of his plan, and this is all a bit last-minute to be a big shift. Besides, they let Xiao Ge keep his sword and we still have all our phones.
Zhang Qiling: In fairness, you were waving them around and yelling that if they tried anything it was going to be “yippeekiyay motherfucker all up in this bitch.”
Wu Xie: me too. That’s Zhang Rishan on the steps. This must be urgent. Everybody stay shiny.
Zhang Qiling: I will be getting out first. Wu Xie in the middle, Pangzi at the rear.
Wang Pangzi: AND WHAT A VIEW;)
An hour later…
Main Chat
Wu Xie: Is everyone okay? I tried knocking but nothing is getting through, these are some solid walls.
Wu Xie: guys???
Zhang Qiling: Apologies, I was trying to break down the door.
Wu Xie: fuck Pangzi, I know, okay??
I’m an idiot, I’m so fucking stupid. It’s not like it’s the first or fiftieth time I’ve put you two in danger, either.
Zhang Qiling: I’m sorry. This is my fault. My line has a ruthlessly pragmatic streak and they’ve clearly wanted to test us separately to see why the necklace reacted to our arrival like that. It does not excuse Zhang Rishan trapping us in these separate rooms.
Zhang Qiling: no. Wu Xie?
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie, answer me.
Wang Pangzi: WU XIE
Zhang Qiling: I’m going to try breaking down the door again.
Wu Xie: Hello, Wang Pangzi and Zhang Qiling. My apologies for the rather inhospitable circumstances, but this seemed expedient considering the unknown qualities of the necklace. I could not be sure who was causing what, or what could happen next, and thus have temporarily set you in separate rooms for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Zhang Qiling: Your concerns for everyone’s safety are noted. Thank you for whatever you believe you’ve done right here.
Now. If you release us immediately and return Wu Xie to us, we will consider leaving without direct personal retribution.
Wu Xie: I regret that this has happened, I hope to make it up to you in the future. For the purpose of today’s needs, however—I will have my men escort the two of you out if you so desire, but unfortunately Wu Xie will need to stay until we have finished examining him.
Wu Xie: There is no call for rudeness. He will not be harmed. The artifact was responding to him directly. It has not lit up like this in over 200 years, and I need to understand why it is responding, and responding to someone who is not our kin, which it has never done before. This could have implications for everyone in my family if it could protect someone at the right moment.
Wu Xie: The testing would be going better if Wu Xie wasn’t worrying himself unnecessarily over where you both are, it’s making our readings difficult.
Zhang Qiling: Zhang Rishan. I appreciate that you must think of our family first in your decisions. As must I. I hope you can appreciate what that means for decisions I make.
Zhang Qiling: A compromise: we stay with him as you run your tests. That will calm him and assuage Pangzi’s concerns and prevent me from…testing the limits of your lifespan.
Wu Xie: I accept that this may temporarily impact our relations, but am hopeful that you will come to understand that sometimes I need to make certain choices for this family that are…difficult. I will come to let you—One moment. Something seems to be happening.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: I’m attempting to convince him to let us out. Of course we will not simply sit there. Some lying to gain trust is necessary here.
At the same time…
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Xie Yuchen: …so, this is not what I expected to find.
Hei Yangjing: yeah kiddo is a bit freaked out:/ this sucks. I mean I get that they are concerned blah blah blah necklace goes brightbright but maybe we should go find the other two
or at least find a way to let Wu Xie know we are here, that room he’s in looks like a dungeon and not in a good way
Xie Yuchen: Does it look like I’m able to do anything right now? Also, I’m fairly certain they won’t be harmed. Zhang Rishan may be callous, but he isn’t stupid.
Hei Yangjing: r u kidding
he split up Romeo and Juliet, then left Romeo with a sword—seems pretty stupid to me
Xie Yuchen: Yeah I’m not going near that. He made his bed with that choice. What can you see? These Neanderthal guards are blocking my view.
Hei Yangjing: uh so there’s like a lab table situation
Wu Xie isn’t tied up, a good sign in this context
I can’t see what those people are holding, they’re talking a lot and some asshole just grabbed Wu Xie’s arm, looks like maybe they are putting in an IV?
The necklace is—oh. Oh shit.
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leia-imogen · 3 years
aaron & the family he's found all by himself; vol. 1 // vol. 2
( ft. the first meeting & the first family game night )
okay, rundown of his first meeting w the vixens!
the vixens don't really like the foxes. they cheer at their games and all, but outside of that, they mostly stick with the football players
bcs, well, the foxes are,, intimidating and most of the vixens don't get how or why katelyn started dating one
especially one half of the terrifying duo that is the twinyards. like these tiny blonde angst goblins have absolutely zero chill, and this is the backliner one, the one that shattered the nose of a dude basically twice his size
they may be short as fuck but they're scary, and the vixens are worried that he might break katelyn's heart
but katelyn's sure about aaron minyard, and when cleo softly asks, "is he worth it?" she knows her answer is a yes
savannah and the rest of the girls aren't convinced tho, so she asks aaron if he'll meet them for one of the afterparties they have after games
he agrees after seeing the hopeful look on her face
and surprise, surprise, it isn't a complete disaster!!
see, aaron has a habit of mirroring the nature of the person he's with. in the book, we mostly see him as an asshole bcs it's from neil's pov, and neil, as much as i adore him, is an asshole
i think that when he's with nicky ( someone he loves and trusts ), he's like, nicer. it's not in his nature to be cheery or anything but he's less,, hostile? and way more relaxed
and katelyn's been nothing but sweet and polite to him, bcs katelyn's sweet and polite till you give her a reason not to be
so he's sweet and polite back, or at least, sweet and polite as aaron minyard can get.
yeah, he's definitely interesting enough, clever and quick-witted enough, respectful and loyal and insanely talented enough, that katelyn decides he's worth it. doubts he'll ever get boring
and yes, she knows this is a big risk, bcs she knows the foxes' rep, knows how fucked up he must to secure a place on the psu foxes, notices how aaron flinches when she makes any sudden movement
but you know what? fuck it
so when aaron tells her his strange, twisted little deal with his brother, katelyn's willing to fight for him
and after nearly 2 months of this, she drags him to the vixens with their fingers interlocked and a hope in her heart that they'd play nice like she's asked ( practically begged ) them to
aaron's buzzing a bit with nervous energy. it's very endearing, how his eyes had lit up at the sight of her, then how she felt her anxiety about the night melt away into excitement
sav tries, bless her, tries to engage aaron in half-hearted conversation about exy ( which she hates ) and aaron tries back, but that fizzles out bcs for someone on a full-ride exy scholarship, aaron doesn't like exy at all
thank god that marissa, who's been trying to be less of a bitch all night, bless her too, lets it slip that sav detests exy
"okay, i can't anymore. minyard, savannah actually hates exy and she hates the foxes too, but we're hoping that you're an exception."
aaron, holding back a laugh: honestly? same.
sav: oh thank fucking GOD we have something to talk about then
"yeah, the entire sport sucks, doesn't it? i literally play it at college level and i still have barely figured out the goddamn rules."
"exactly! and my entire family's fucking obsessed for some reason, it's so annoying! ugh and the foxes suck even more, they're all so goddamn rude for no reason. except maybe the cute goalie."
". . ."
"eww not your brother, i meant renee walker,, and maybe you're not too bad either, minyard."
"you flatter me."
katelyn watches their exchange with more than a little amusement. aaron's not smiling, but his features have softened and he's flushed from the alcohol he'd had and she can't rly believe that this is the boy who they all thought would break her heart
bcs later when aaron comes up to her with a cookie dough cupcake ( her favourite ) she didn't even know was served at the party, leans into her so his face is buried in her neck, whispers "thanks for taking me", when she takes in all her friends laughing and chatting and waving at her, when sav gives her a thumbs-up and nods to aaron, she's never felt more whole
like she was part of something bigger than herself
then aaron starts hanging around them more! yeah he saw the look on katelyn's face and he was going to TRY for her or so help him- usually just with katelyn, sav, and cleo
she invites him to the "family game night" sav is making them have, and he's like "sure why not."
he knocks on the door of sav and cleo's dorm and sav lets him in
"yo, minyard! glad you make it, katelyn's out on a donut run but she'll be back soon."
okay,, okay. so he'll,,, what? interact w people?? hell fucking no
then he realises that it's only cleo in the dorm, plugged into her headphones, playing mario kart, and thanks katelyn for ensuring there would only be ppl that like, he didn't mind
the other vixens were okay, but way too LOUD, and aaron wasn't rly up for spending a whole night w them
cleo hands him a controller, an invitation to play, and he takes it gratefully. he and cleo hadn't talked that much at the party, but she was perfectly tolerable so far, which was a good sign
and mario kart was a part of his childhood, one of the only few that nicky's parents had owned, so he and his cousin had spent hours curled up in front of tv trying to beat each other
even tho he beats nicky most of the time, cleo absolutely destroys him. he mentally tries to brush it off as him being rusty ( which he definitely is ) but damn, cleo's good. still, she brushes off the compliment when aaron blurts it out
okay so then katelyn comes back with like way too many donuts and they start playing monopoly gathered around the coffee table
sav insists on putting on some music. wannabe starts playing. she winks at aaron and aaron winks back, still not smiling. cleo snorts and katelyn kisses his cheek
listen, cleo is a monopoly master. soon, she owns over half the board and it's pretty clear she's gonna win, someone ( savannah riley jameson, everyone ) flips the board
"jameson, what the actual fuck."
"shut the hell up, minyard."
"come on, sav, i was winning!"
katelyn's trying to pick up all the pieces and aaron bends down to help her, shaking his head at sav, who pouts and joins them while cleo grins, headphones slung around her shoulders while she perches herself onto the arm of the settee and hums to wake me up before you go-go
next, sav begs them to play twister. cleo's great at most games, but she has a particular dislike for twister, so she's out quick
katelyn is super bendy, bcs she took gymnastics for years, and aaron holds his own surprisingly well, considering the fact that he's short as fuck
sav: katie, right hand red
katelyn, ending up right on top of a blushing aaron: okay, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
sav: i stopped spinning like 15 turns ago, i'm surprised you didn't notice sooner
eventually aaron collapses and katelyn is hailed as the queen of twister and they spend the next 10 minutes just calling out random spots for katelyn to try
she gets all of them, and aaron is actually smiling now and it doesn't matter that it's only a tiny quirk of his lips, it's something and katelyn cherishes it
they play some sort of surgeon simulator thingy next, and aaron "gonna be a future neurosurgeon" minyard is awesome at it, bcs duh
katelyn's not very good at this. her hands get SHAKY okay
cleo also sucks at this, bcs she keeps getting nervous and having muscle spasms. sav's just doing the dumbest shit bcs it's bringing aaron closer to the edge of cardiac arrest
aaron: jameson holy shit what are you DOING
sav, slicing open the spinal cord: okay so what if i take out the lungs through the back haha
and now sav is sulking over the fact that she hadn't absolutely murdered the others at a game
so she brings out the ultimate game. the game of bastards, one that tears families apart, sets friendships on fire, starts wars too gruesome to be started by anything other than this wretched, cursed artefact. . .
s c r a b b l e
aaron's already having war flashbacks. katelyn groans and goes to make popcorn, bcs this shit's gonna take FOREVER and she knows it. cleo, an english major, is preparing herself for battle with the force of nature that is savannah
"the fuck do you MEAN fergalicious isn't a word???"
"savannah, please."
"no, here, listen to this."
"sav, we were listening to that!" katelyn complains. sav sighs and switches the song back to her "90's bops" playlist, then changes it to "hell yeah feminism" which instantly starts playing run the world ( girls )
katelyn happily starts singing and aaron's not even reluctant to hum along
sav and cleo are still arguing. this has been going on for so long. sav looks ready to flip over the board again, so cleo does it first
katelyn: cleo what the heck
cleo, the tired mom friend: don't fucking curse
aaron is also tired, but in a good way, in kind of that soft lazy droopy way
he falls asleep leaning against the sofa and katelyn's shoulder, with god is a woman playing in the background while sav and cleo continue arguing. cleo is standing on the coffee table. it's true anarchy
he wakes up on the sofa with a blanket thrown over him and sunlight streaming in through the lacy curtains and katelyn making a complete mess of the kitchen in a futile attempt to make breakfast. sav and cleo are draped across each other on the floor
katelyn, struggling to pick up burning toast: morning babe, how did you sleep?
aaron, calmly using a pair of tongs: pretty well. who wants pancakes?
sav, instantly shooting up: DID YOU SAY PANCAKES
so he makes pancakes! nicky taught him as soon as he'd gained custody of the twins, so he's pretty much an expert. he tries to teach katelyn, but then just gives up bcs she's clearly not listening in favour of staring at him
and they all gather around the coffee table and cleo's humming along to the song on her headphones and wow these pancakes are rly good omg
while aaron is chatting to cleo about what video games they should play next, sav whispers, "kate finley, if you don't marry this boy just for his god-tier pancakes, i will."
"sav, you're a lesbian."
"not anymore, i've decided that i am pancake-sexual."
aaron hears all of this btw, bcs cleo stops when she hears them talking. he blushes, and smiles, just a little bit
( if anyone actually cares about this, tell me! shoot me an ask if there's any particular ask you want to see with these characters, or just the foxes! )
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dopesotherstuff · 3 years
Ariadne’s opinion of VTMB regulars
Prince Sebastian LaCroix: A disconcertingly beautiful and well-spoken monster that I wouldn’t trust with one of my books, let alone my life. Sometimes, in my darkest moments, I wish that I could take control of him, and force him to use all that cleverness and power for the good of his people. But the only way I know to do that is not only disturbing to me, but likely impossible to achieve.
Regent Maximillian Strauss: He has my gratitude, respect and loyalty. (And he and his honeyed voice make me weak in the knees, but that’s something that no one must ever find out). I want very much to impress him, and gain his respect. But I wonder what the cost may be, for through him I am yoked not just to the Pyramid, but to the dysfunctional Camarilla.
Andrei: Like a Cenobite and a dinosaur had a baby, Bela Lugosi taught it to speak and Josef Mengele taught it ethics--and interior decoration. Also, it wants to wipe out my whole clan, tried to slaughter Mitnick and his people and has an ego that makes LaCroix’s look modest. This city will be safer when Andrei is ash.
Primogen Gary: An amazingly entertaining curmudgeon with an asshole streak. But he looks after his own, and I respect him for that. I don’t want to see them harmed. Otherwise I wouldn’t have bled to prevent it.
The Sheriff: I do not trust that man any more than I trust his employer. Nor can I forget that he murdered Victor on LaCroix’s command. At least he made it quick.
The Barons Voerman: Therese is an imperious, homicidal bitch and I don’t trust her. Jeanette is my friend, but manipulative, so I still don’t trust her. I guess that’s just what friendships with Kindred are going to be like. I hate that, but it is what it is.
Bertram: Doesn’t he get yet that I can see right through his attempts to manipulate me, and that basically he’s asking me for help with extra steps? I’m neurodivergent and young, not an idiot.
Mercurio: If I could, I would count him as a friend. But he’s too observant. He keeps asking if I’m all right, and I can’t show weakness in front of a man who must answer to LaCroix.
John Doe: The so-called Southland Slasher turned out to be a vigilante with the best possible reasons for his rampage. I tried to direct him to someone who could help him. The fact that the Camarilla would have killed him outright does not speak well of them. Another reason I wish I was free to choose my own sect. But I am Tremere, and Strauss’s apprentice. That does not leave much room for choice.
Vandal Cleaver: He belongs to the Voermans, apparently, from listening to his babble when he thought he was alone. If he did not, I would have dragged every last drop of his blood out through his skin for what he did to Lily.
Smiling Jack: I will always like Jack. I will always be grateful to Jack for helping me out when I was at my worst. I will always enjoy Jack’s company. But Jack has an agenda, and I know better than to expect him to be honest about it. That really puts a damper on things--especially since I would happily agree to most requests from him otherwise.   
Nines Rodriguez: How can you be a good man among the Kindred and not be angry? How can you be a clear-sighted man dealing with the Camarilla’s insane ideas of justice and not end up an Anarch? I owe Nines much. I will always be his ally, and if I could choose, I would join him. But all I can do is aid him and his where I can, and refuse to act against them unless I am defending myself and mine.
Damsel: A knight in prickly armor. Her heart is in the right place, as abrasive as she can be. I wish I could make her understand my dilemma when it comes to sect politics. 
Skelter: Smart, observant, knowledgeable, and plain-spoken, with zero bullshit and a thoughtfulness of others. I honestly wish that more Kindred were like him.
Pisha: A cold-blooded monster, but one with a point. Still, there are corpses aplenty in this town, and she could easily fill her belly on those who have already died--or must die. She does not want to. Were it not for her occult knowledge and resources, I would have killed her on meeting her, and Dominated her last victim into silence. As it is, I hope that she moves on soon.
Mitnick: What can I say about someone who shares many of my areas of interest and expertise, is part of the community that I so extensively studied, and seems both as neurodivergent and as well-adjusted to his new state of being as I? My world would be bleaker without him in it.
Barabus: Smart and badass, and rather interesting in general. The combination of Nosferatu features and that remarkable body leave my sex drive in utter confusion, but that’s hardly his fault.
Imalia: What was supposed to be a somewhat nasty revenge prank drove a woman to suicide, and Imalia was gleeful over it. It made me sick. And I am wary of anyone whose life centers on how they can manipulate others with their beauty. I should never have helped her. Live and learn.
Baron Isaac Abrams: My feelings about him are very mixed. His mistakes in dealing with Ash and his inaction over the hunter invasion stick out in my mind. And yet he is a good man, and with his aid I was able to find the Nosferatu. Moreover, he was able to see me and value me as I am upon witnessing my diligent efforts, and their fruits. LaCroix will never do that. No accomplishment of mine will ever raise his opinion of me out of the dirt, no matter what he says. Under Abrams’ rule at least, I could be seen as more of a person, and less of a pawn. But it is not to be.
Ash Rivers: Part of me thinks that he is a Hollywood-spoiled, self-pitying fool who does not see how Isaac saved him out of love. Then I think of all that he has lost, of what depression does to the mind, and how I myself am not adjusting well--only masking it, as I always do. So I can’t judge him too harshly.
Velvet Velour: My introduction to this woman was when she saw my sire and I kneeling for execution not feet from her, and thought so little of it that she took the opportunity to flirt with my Regent. Yes, she turned away when they took Victor’s head, but did she protest? Did she show one bit of sympathy? No. Only Nines. She just sat there. And then I show at Vesuvius and become her errand girl, killing for her because she is afraid to, tearing up her friend’s magnum opus because she can’t bear to. Pure manipulation. If she had any respect for me she would have simply asked, not tried to toy with my feelings. As for the scriptwriter, she could have easily busied him by asking Isaac to admit him to the industry and load him down with work, using some excuse to keep the Masquerade-breaking script in limbo. Instead, it vanishes, and he will think I did it. Their friendship stays unstained. How convenient. Were I beautiful, charismatic and sexually confident, I would never use these qualities to toy with people as she does. I am only glad that my Regent’s will is nowhere near so easily swayed. And that mine is not either. But I wear my Pavis now whenever I visit Hollywood, or one of the Prince’s gatherings, and she is part of why.
Romero: A horny zombie hunter who is good at his job and works for the Baron. I can’t match his appetite for casual sex, but it was tempting. I could use a good cuddle, if nothing else.
Beckett: This man is very dangerous to my whole internal equilibrium. He is the closest the Kindred seem to come to a celebrity, and I am both dazzled and exasperated by him. I would talk with him for hours if I got the chance. I would just spend time with him for hours, if I could. I want to impress him, just as I want to impress Strauss. As it is, I wonder if he’ll even remember me when he leaves this place. Probably not. One day, though, I’ll be much more memorable. And perhaps then, things will be different.
Bonus: Sects and Clans
The Sabbat: Terrorists with a fanatical apocalypse-cult bent. Skelter is right about them. They claim to be freedom fighters, but I have no doubt that the ones using them as pawns laugh to themselves when they hear them say it. Anyway, they want us all dead, so the answer to dealing with this is a lot simpler than with most. Kill them all.
Anarchs and Independents: This is where I should be. I should be able to simply be Tremere, and have all other loyalties be determined by those who have earned them. The Anarchs ruled this area for decades with little apparent issue. The Masquerade was kept, and we weren’t overrun by their childer, so why is Camarilla control of this region even necessary, except to serve LaCroix’s ego? I fear the other Camarilla-supporting clans have been dragged into the conflict over this area strictly because of LaCroix claiming praxis.
The Camarilla: It seems that I am “married into” this extraordinarily flawed sect by virtue of being Tremere. Regent Strauss will never hear me speak against them. But all I have seen so far are misuses of its laws and traditions. The Prince is easily the wickedest man among its members in the city, and yet he leads, and we obey. They abuse the helpless, they condemn those who act out of ignorance, and they protect many who spread misery among human and Kindred alike. I fear that the Camarilla that Strauss believes in so firmly is no longer what he remembers it as. I wish that it was worthy of his staunch loyalty, but I see no signs of that.
The Kuei-jin: They hate us, and they want us dead. Two claimed to me to have a treaty with the Prince, but meanwhile they were kidnapping and experimenting on Kindred behind his back to find ways to kill us. They were infiltrating Santa Monica and making deals in Downtown. Their High Priestess is behind it all. I have warned Strauss, Mitnick, and Nines of these things. I know that LaCroix would never listen to me, so I pray the others can do something about this.
The Thin-Bloods: I will never in all my existence understand those who antagonize people for things they can’t help. The Malkavians are dismissed for being “crazy”, as I often was as a human when people got too close. The Nosferatu are dismissed for being disfigured. And the Thin-Bloods are dismissed because...why? An old legend? Not being able to fight back well? It disgusts me. I do what I can for the local ones. Perhaps we could even be proper friends, but I know the lot of them are moving on. I can’t blame them.  
The Giovanni: I have heard all sorts of bizarre rumors about them. However, I infiltrated their mansion without killing so much as a ghoul. I can confirm the bit about extensive necromancy, but that was not reason enough to slaughter them. Still, I stole LaCroix’s precious box from them, so they’re likely to be incensed at me if they sort out who did it.
The Malkavians: On the one hand, they’re the only clan that exists whose members will not judge me for how my neurology works, and how sometimes I simply can’t act “normal”. On the other, they are too observant. I don’t want to share my loves, hates and frustrations with someone who doesn’t care about me. But they can pick up on such things, apparently even when they don’t want to. And in that clan, for every Jeanette, there’s the fanged equivalent of Vandal fucking Cleaver.
The Tremere: I am of their blood, and they have accepted me. They have my loyalty. My oaths will be kept. How ironic that I had to die and be transformed before any august institution would accept me, and let me seek my path among them. I will make sure that they know--that Strauss knows--that I will not waste their time and trust. I will make of myself a sorceress and scholar of great merit among them, not to have power over others, but to achieve the personal excellence and expertise that I seek, and be known for it. I want to make my mark among them, like I wanted to make my mark on the human world. My clanmates will have my cooperation, my hospitality and aid if needed, and of course, my discretion. Yet I don’t know if any among them will become trusted friends, or loved ones, either. They may all disdain such sentiments, or consider them inappropriate. All Kindred may. I may be just as out of touch with them internally as I was with humans.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
sequel to A Sick Thought (aka the Mo Xuanyu & Wei Wuxi-cat fic)
“Did I do something to make Hanguang-jun not like me?” Mo Xuanyu asked.
Jiang Cheng wasn’t expecting the question, so he reacted as usual – incredulous glare with a side order of ‘who are you to dare talk to me directly?!’ – which to nobody’s surprise was massive overkill for a shrinking violet like Mo Xuanyu, who quailed at once.
“I’m sure he likes you fine,” Jiang Cheng said hastily, trying to make up for it. He hadn’t had much practice at trying to be not scary in years. “What makes you say that?”
He wasn’t really good at making conversation, either, but he was the only one here right now. They’d all been taking shifts to support Mo Xuanyu with spiritual energy per the doctor’s recommendation for treating the mercury poison that was still affecting his mind, and Jiang Cheng usually volunteered to take the late night-early morning shift because Lans simply weren’t properly functional at those hours until their official wake-up time hit.
Also, it was the one time he could generally guarantee Wei Wuxian would be either busy or napping and he wouldn’t have to deal with – any of that.
He knew he’d eventually have to deal with Wei Wuxian, but…not yet.
Right now, he turned to look at Mo Xuanyu, who was lying very still, covered in acupuncture needles to the point that he resembled a pincushion; he had very large eyes that suggested trembling even when he wasn’t, and that irked Jiang Cheng, somehow, when he’d already made an effort not to be scary.
“He doesn’t seem happy when I’m around,” Mo Xuanyu explained.
“That’s not about you,” Jiang Cheng said gruffly. “Hanguang-jun just doesn’t like anyone. You wouldn’t believe it based on his righteous reputation, but he can be a real ass to people.”
Jiang Cheng supposed that the ice-block must like someone, given how often jokes were made about him looking as though his wife had died, but he’d never seen it in person. When they were young, Lan Wangji had already been stern and cold, with occasional bouts of being snappish – especially towards Wei Wuxian. There’d been a few months during the Sunshot Campaign when he’d been a little softer, during the time they were looking for Wei Wuxian together, but he’d gone straight back to asshole right after, sticking his nose into everyone’s business and harassing Wei Wuxian for his demonic cultivation. And once Wei Wuxian had died, he’d gone into seclusion for years on end, only to come back as his current glacial self –
“No, that’s mostly just to you, I think,” Mo Xuanyu said. “He’s very polite to all the juniors, everyone in the Lan sect…even Jin Ling.”
Jiang Cheng really hated that his first thought was at least I’m unique because being the only man Hanguang-jun is consistently rude to was a stupid prize to be happy to win and he knew it. He didn’t even like Hanguang-jun enough to care what the man thought!
“But I really do think it’s something about me in particular. Recently I’ve noticed that he seems to scowl when I’m around –”
“There’s a time when he’s not scowling?”
“…I mean, actually scowl, as opposed to being expressionless?”
Jiang Cheng tilted his head to the side, reviewing instances in which he’d observed the two of them, then nodded. “That might be the case, actually.”
Mo Xuanyu sighed, sounding almost relieved by the confirmation. “I don’t know why! I didn’t think I behaved all that badly when we first met, and I never met him at Koi Tower before –”
Jiang Cheng didn’t like to think of Mo Xuanyu and Koi Tower.
He’d only ever seen Mo Xuanyu distantly, a wallflower even when decked out in Lanling gold, and Jiang Cheng hadn’t been in Lanling for very many visits during the short time Mo Xuanyu had been there – a few years, maybe, half a decade at most, and most of that time Jiang Cheng had been focused on his sect or his nephew to the exclusion of everything else.
Still, his first up-close view had been truly disturbing.
All the more so because Jin Ling clearly hadn’t realize that it was so disturbing, because Jin Ling – his Jin Ling – thought it was somehow normal for what had once been a perfectly ordinary, if shy, man to suddenly become a lunatic, raving with fits and terrified of everyone dressed in yellow…
(He’d have to have words with Jin Guangyao about it, whenever he found the time. Had they done something wrong in raising Jin Ling? And who was it that had so tormented Mo Xuanyu while he was there? Surely Jin Guangyao would know something…)
It was all extremely uncomfortable, and doubly complicated by the fact that Jiang Cheng himself had been driven to the edge of a nervous breakdown when he heard Wei Wuxian’s voice again after all these years. He’d dreamed of his shixiong coming back, back the way he used to be before the war had ruined everything; he’d had nightmares of him coming back, too – not again I don’t want to have to kill him again please no – but somehow the idea that he’d come back as a cat had just been…too much.
They said only the worst sort of people reincarnated as animals.
Later, of course, he learned about the body sacrificing array (he’d nearly been sick at the thought of Wei Wuxian’s familiar gaze looking out at him from Mo Xuanyu’s big trembling eyes, the actual man’s soul gone who-knows-where), and the fact that someone had taught that and only that to Mo Xuanyu, intending on squeezing him dry and then discarding him to use the shell…
It was sickening.
He should have paid more attention.
“- and anyway I can’t figure out what it might be.”
“Well, think over what the instances that you saw him scowling were, and figure out what there was in common,” Jiang Cheng said. Circulating spiritual energy into another person was tiring, but not necessarily mentally stimulating – it wouldn’t be too much to devote some time into the puzzle of the mysteriously scowling Hanguang-jun. “Were you at a particular location?”
“No. Once I was at the dining hall, once walking through the field, a few times in here…”
“Were you doing anything in specific?”
“I don’t think so? I don’t really – do anything.”
That was certainly true. Maybe they should be encouraging Mo Xuanyu to pick up a hobby.
Jiang Cheng thought about it a bit more. “Would you say Hanguang-jun scowls at me?” he asked.
Mo Xuanyu was caught by surprise and failed to hide his smile – it was a surprisingly cute smile, broader and more full-fledged that Jiang Cheng would have expected from such a shy person. It transformed his whole face: his eyes crinkling at the sides, his cheeks dimpling, his nose scrunching up.
Really, surprisingly cute.
Was that what Mo Xuanyu would have been like, if it wasn’t for the poison and the abuse?
“Yes, Sandu Shengshou,” Mo Xuanyu said, his eyes twinkling a little in his amusement. “Hanguang-jun always scowls at you.”
Jiang Cheng felt a stupid little spike of pleasure, which, damnit, he does not care. Stupid prizes were not worth winning – he just had to keep reminding himself of that.
“Well, that’s something, then,” he said, deciding not to think about it. Much like he was not thinking about Wei Wuxian: very purposefully. “That means it’s not you he doesn’t like, because then he’d scowl every time, instead of just sometimes. Is there anyone with you during those times?”
Mo Xuanyu pursed his lips when he thought. “I don’t think so?” he said doubtfully. “It’s usually just me and Wei Wuxian…it couldn’t possibly be Wei Wuxian, though. They like each other.”
“You think so?” Jiang Cheng asked, surprised. “Why?”
“Well, I mean, they’re always together, aren’t they? Unless Wei Wuxian’s with me, Hanguang-jun is always keeping him company – in the library pavilion, in the dining hall, in the cold spring…”
Jiang Cheng was starting to get flashbacks to his teenage days. “Surely you mean that Wei Wuxian is the one keeping Hanguang-jun company?” he said, because that sounded much more likely. “Or, well, pestering him?”
Mo Xuanyu shook his head. “Hanguang-jun brought him a little bit of meat from the town outside,” he said. “He must have gone there especially to get it, since there’s no meat in the dining hall here. And he even let him have a jar of some wine.”
That – did not sound right. Whether from the perspective of what Jiang Cheng knew about Lan Wangji, or about Lan sect rules, or even, well, general guidelines for what was appropriate to feed to a cat.
“You’re sure?”
“Mm. Here, come to the window, I’ll show you.”
Somehow Jiang Cheng found himself on the bed next to Mo Xuanyu, shuffling around carefully so that he could look out the window without being too obvious about it.
Just across the way, Lan Wangji was standing guard at one of the central areas of the Cloud Recesses – judging the time, he would have just finished up the last leg of his patrols, having presumably utilized his considerable willpower to stay awake until this hour. As they watched, a faint wind picked up, ruffling Lan Wangji’s hair and causing the ends of his forehead ribbon to gently flutter.
The picture would have been one of the classic cultivator, lonely but righteous, standing sentinel on behalf of others, except for the fact that Wei Wuxian was crouched right behind him, red ribbon and black tail and all, trying his level best to leap up high enough to catch the ribbon.
Jiang Cheng briefly closed his eyes. “That idiot.”
Mo Xuanyu elbowed him lightly. “Open your eyes, you’ll miss it!”
Jiang Cheng felt absurdly proud over the fact that Mo Xuanyu had apparently gotten over his fright well enough to do as much as that, and opened his eyes.
His eyebrows went up as he watched Lan Wangji – still stone-faced as always, but (and it was perhaps a trick of the light) a little softer than usual – lean down to rub behind Wei Wuxian’s ears, and to pull out a bit of dried fish from his sleeve where he’d clearly been keeping a stash.
He even crouched down to better speak to him, taking in account that Wei Wuxian was, while moderately porcine for a cat, now much smaller than him.
There was a great deal of staring happening.
It took nearly the length of two incense sticks for Jiang Cheng to actually process what he was seeing.
“Hanguang-jun likes…cats?”
“No,” Mo Xuanyu said, his lips twitching. “He likes Wei Wuxian. Isn’t it obvious?”
It was, in fact, a little obvious.
“When you say like –”
Mo Xuanyu reached out his own paw and patted Jiang Cheng’s arm in sympathy. “Trust one cutsleeve to know another,” he said, and then he left his hand on Jiang Cheng’s arm.
“But when did they even start?” Jiang Cheng asked, honestly bemused. “They were always at each other’s throats before! And – and he’s a cat now. Don’t tell me that Hanguang-jun has some sort of – some strange – I’ve heard things about catboys –”
Mo Xuanyu burst out into giggles. “Where did you hear about that?”
“An old acquaintance with bad taste and a penchant for sharing it,” Jiang Cheng said, since obviously Mo Xuanyu wouldn’t know who Nie Huaisang was. “It’s not that, though, is it? They must have – before.”
That would explain Lan Wangji’s decade-long mourning for a dead wife, he supposed. Also his seemingly inexplicable resentment of both the Jin sect and Jiang Cheng personally.
“I think so.”
Jiang Cheng was going to murder Wei Wuxian for not telling him that he’d apparently run off to have a whirlwind romance with Lan Wangji during the time he’d been the Yiling Patriarch – that was the only time when it was possible, since Jiang Cheng had been there all the other times, and he was pretty sure they didn’t get together before that.
If only because Wei Wuxian wouldn’t have been able to resist boasting about it.
In fact, it was a little strange that he hadn’t done so now, cat or no cat – it wasn’t as if everyone didn’t know he was planning to cultivate towards a human form as quickly as possible, so why wouldn’t he –
A horrible thought crossed Jiang Cheng’s mind. “Does Wei Wuxian know? Does he – does he like him back?”
Mo Xuanyu pursed his lips. “You know, I’m not sure?”
“I thought you said cutsleeves could tell.”
“Well, the whole cat thing has been throwing me off a bit.”
Jiang Cheng covered his eyes with a hand. “I don’t think I can deal with this. The cat thing was bad enough…at least it explains your issue.”
Mo Xuanyu, who’d finally removed his hand, blinked. “What?”
“Wei Wuxian is a perpetual headache that exists for the sole purpose of tormenting me,” Jiang Cheng explained because really it was the only logical conclusion at this point. He wished that he loved the man (cat) a little bit less; it would make every bit of it much less agonizingly personal. “But apparently Hanguang-jun like that sort of thing, so whenever Wei Wuxian is spending time with you...”
“…you think he’s been drinking vinegar? About me? Hanguang-jun?”
“Why not? You’re open about the fact that you cut your sleeve, Wei Wuxian is already protective of you, and it’s not as if you’re not cute – it make sense that he’d be worried, especially if he’s been pining all these years.”
Mo Xuanyu had turned pink. “Cute,” he said dazedly, reaching up and pressing his hands to his cheeks as if that would help cool them down. “Uh –”
“Don’t do that,” Jiang Cheng said irritably, reaching up and catching his hands. “You’re covered in needles that you really shouldn’t be moving around – here, lie back down already.”
Mo Xuanyu obediently shuffled back into place, and Jiang Cheng returned to his previous place as well.
“I’ll need to talk to Wei Wuxian about it,” he said mournfully. Even after everything that had happened between them, it was his duty as Wei Wuxian’s only living relative to make sure the idiot wasn’t getting involved in something he shouldn’t. “I don’t want to talk to Wei Wuxian. He doesn’t even like me anymore.”
That was the problem, too.
“Uh, Sandu Shengshou –”
“Just call me Jiang Cheng. Everyone else does.” He was pretty sure he hadn’t even heard his courtesy name without a heavy dose of sarcasm or cringe-inducing toadying at any point in the last five years, and his title was far too formal if the goal was to be less intimidating. “What, do you have an idea on how to make it easier?”
“It’s just a thought.”
It couldn’t be worse than any of Jiang Cheng’s. “I’m listening. What is it?”
“Have you considered…catnip?”
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veryreallyfuckinbad · 3 years
FIRE AND MOSS // Daryl Dixon X Reader// CHAPTER 5
TW: Strong language, implied abusive relationships.
Days passed quickly at the farm. Your schedule was filled with hunting, scavenging, killing any walkers that wandered too close, taking watch. You fell into a pleasant routine- one that was rare in a world full of nothing but surprises. You were busy every day, but once the sky darkened and cheerful conversations faded into faint whispers around a crackling campfire, you felt the same freedom that accompanied you when you were on your own. You loved every single member of your new family- maybe besides Shane, who was an asshole to everyone who didn’t agree with him. You became close with Maggie, she was like an older sister that you’ve never had. Daryl was still very much an enigma, but you felt most comfortable in his company. He began cracking small, dry jokes from time to time and never complained when you ran your mouth or tried to lift the mood with a stupid joke. Once his patience ran out, he would eventually kick you out and send you back to your tent, but you didn’t mind. You knew the man by now and were grateful for the smallest of talks with him. Despite enjoying the “mundane” life on the farm, you were like a wild animal- you couldn’t stay in for too long, eventually beginning to pace around your cage in a haze. The cage opened once the sun set. You enjoyed running around the dark, empty fields and rolling in the grass with Jake and telling him every Greek myth you could remember his namesake telling you. You knew he couldn’t understand you, but somehow hoped he could. The grass under your body felt cold and cooled you down, the blades ticking your legs and hands. Tonight was one of those nights.
Your hands traced circles in the grass that you and Jake were laying on. A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you took a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Jake was lying beside you, you haven’t seen him this relaxed since you were alone in the forest with him. The stars were shining bright above you, moonlight giving everything a dreamy glow. You closed your eyes and took in the moment, basking in the cold light of the moon. The grass smelled fresh, and made you feel more awake- more alive. Your eyes shot open when you heard the familiar crackling of a campfire. Once you sat up, your eyes were met with a familiar orange glow. Daryl was sitting by the campfire, his face illuminated by flames. You stood up and carefully made your way over to him, making sure to stay out of sight and not make any noise. Once you got closer, you could see the man clearly.
His face was partially covered with loose strands of hair, but his eyes were filled with disappointment, anger and sadness. He was exhausted- a single look at him proved it. Dark circles outlined his cold eyes and he looked paler than usual.
“Daryl?” your voice was nothing more than a whisper, but he still jolted up, startled. He eyed you and sighed, dipping his head.
“What the hell, woman?” He spoke roughly but quietly, no louder than you. “Ya watchin’ me?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, taking a step out of the shadows with Jake carefully following you. Daryl was selfless, brave and tough but awful at speaking to people. Bad with people, in general.
“Funny coming from you, Dixon” you heard him scoff as you motioned for him to scoot over so you could take a seat next to him. He complied with a slight grunt and made space for you.
Daryl was tense, more so than usual. You wondered whether he was hurting- physically or emotionally. Whatever it was, something wasn’t right and instead of prying, you decided to do everything you could to cheer him up.
“Wanna talk about it?” you looked at him and for a brief moment, your eyes met. He was surprised- you caught him off guard.
“What d’ya mean?” he asked, turning his head to look at you properly.
“I’ll take that as a no, then” you shot him a tiny smile and turned your gaze to Jake, who sat by your legs. You looked down at him and as your eyes met with his, you decided to stand up and take a seat on the cold, wet grass and rested your back on the log you previously sat on with a sigh. You closed your eyes and began running your fingers along the fox’s fur, whose eyes also shut.
Daryl watched you in pure disbelief. He had so many questions that he didn’t know which one he should ask first. He’s seen you rip walkers apart with your bare hands, throw knives, hunt, yell at the undead to come out already so she can kill them and sleep (which, that one time it was Daryl, not a walker). She was dangerous, but not because she would hurt him. She was dangerous because (Y/N) occupied his thoughts more often than she should, he spent a lot of time thinking about how brutal, violent and fearless she could be, just to come back to camp and ask him how his day was or tell him about things he didn’t care about, like the TV shows she liked back when television was a thing. She could be violent, covered in blood, but she always turned into a gentle, caring and understanding person during every conversation she had with him. Moments like these made him reflect on himself and his friendship with her. Her previously blood-stained hands were now ever so gently running along her fox’s fur. He would never admit it, but he admired how she didn’t treat him like a pet, like so many people would. Both her and her fox were nothing but wild, with two sides to them.
“What d’ya like to draw?” the question left his mouth without him even realizing it, he was so lost in thought that the words slipped out on their own.
“People, animals, sometimes places I like” you answered truthfully, with a smile, enjoying knowing he was curious. He might’ve asked it for the sake of being polite, but you knew that wasn’t something Daryl Dixon would do. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you stood up and looked him in the eyes. “Hold on” you jogged to your tent and after shuffling around for a couple minutes, you came back and trotted to the spot where you were previously sat. You handed him something you’d never willingly show someone else- your sketchbook.
He examined it and opened it gently, as if afraid of tearing your most prized possession apart. He flipped through the pages and stopped to look at a sketch of Jake, then at a halfway-finished picture of Rick, Carl and Lori, sketches of Glenn and Maggie. He flipped over to the last filled page- the very campfire you were sitting by. He looked at that particular sketch longer than at the others. Daryl examined the picture and with every glance, he found new details he hasn’t noticed before. The fire was in the center, the logs you sat around it, some out of view. He noticed your tents in the background and smiled when he saw his crossbow laying in the grass. His fingers brushed against the paper with a tenderness you’ve not yet seen in him.
“It’s not the best, I know, but I-“ You began, but before you could say anything else, Daryl’s voice sounded over yours.
“Nah, I love it” he sounded genuine, a spark appearing in his eyes for a brief moment. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head.
“It’s yours!” you offered him a big grin and affectionately patted his knee. He didn’t flinch away like he usually would, simply looking at you and back at the drawing. You nodded and took the sketchbook from his hands, your hand brushing against his. You carefully tugged on the paper and ripped the page out, about to hand it to him before your eyes widened and you retracted your arm. Daryl didn’t say anything and watched in silence as you grabbed a stray piece of charcoal from your campfire and used it to write something on the back of the page. Finally, you handed it to him and once again leaned against the log.
“That’s the first gift I e’er got.” He almost whispered as you felt your stomach turn. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You looked him deep in the eyes and shot him a confused look, hoping he would elaborate. To your surprise, he did.
“Shit childhood. No Christmas, no nothin’.” He looked away, his cold gaze turning to Jake. You had to physically hold yourself back from wrapping your arms around him. Daryl tensed, frustrated with himself for opening up to you for no reason. He didn’t know you cared or that you appreciated him sharing at least a tidbit about his past. His eyes were still fixed on your fox companion, you weren’t completely sure of his intentions but you knew that he wouldn’t hurt him, so you relaxed slightly. Daryl began chewing on his thumb, something you noticed he did as a nervous tic. You knew he hated pity but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Daryl, I’m so sorry” despite being at a loss for words, you went on, “You didn’t deserve that.”.
As soon as the words left your mouth, he turned his head to look in your eyes, but it felt like he was staring right into your soul, your heart. Nobody has ever told him that. Still, despite being grateful, he refused to believe you said it just to be polite, or because you didn’t know what else to say. There was still a part of him that believed you meant it and it made him more confused than ever.
“I didn’t have the best life, either” you began without even thinking about your words, all you wanted was talking to him, “You know, even before shit hit the fan. My love life was about as pretty as one of them undead assholes” you joked in order to lighten the mood, trying to make light of your very unpleasant, even horrifying relationships- the kind that left bruises on your body and moss on your heart. Daryl didn’t even flinch. Not even a scoff of disapproval, so you continued, “Then, after it all began, I met a group- no, my family. They saved my life and taught me everything I know.” Daryl was convinced you were finished sharing and opened his mouth to speak, but you went on, not caring whether he would see you as weak if you cried when recalling your previous group. “The man that kept me alive, he was like a second father to me, his name was Jake.” Your eyes welled up with tears as you pressed the fox sitting beside you close to your chest. He climbed onto your lap and snuggled into your touch, comforting you the best he could. “He gave me my knife, he gave me a second chance, he gave me all the skills I have, but when our camp was attacked I just-“ your whimpers, which turned to full sobs by the middle of your confession, were interrupted with Daryl’s voice, sounding more tender than usual.
“That’s enough.” He sounded concerned, but comforting. “What matters is yer okay now. Yer here an’ yer alive.” By now, tears were streaming down your face and dripping off your lips and nose. “Besides” he began again, not sure if he should say what he wanted to say, but one hopeful, curious glance of your glossy eyes pushed him to speak. “Ya still have Jake”
You couldn’t help it, you stood up and stared at him, whimpering from time to time. You opened your arms slightly and looked him deep in the eyes. “Can I?” You desperately needed his comfort, no human has comforted you in your moments of weakness since the days of your old group. Daryl simply nodded in response and grunted as you inched forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, sobbing into the crook of his neck. He didn’t hug you back, but you didn’t mind. The man avoided physical contact with everybody in his group, so you were grateful he even let you get so close to him. “Thank you”
Jake’s whimpering caused you to pull away and look at him with confusion, wiping your nose with the back of your hand.
Daryl chuckled and smirked lightly, shaking his head at the fox.
“Didn’t take him for the jealous type” he motioned towards Jake with his head and smiled. “I like him” he said, causing you to giggle. You felt much better, all thanks to him. The whole night, you caught him staring at your companion, he was clearly intrigued. You decided to take your shot.
You placed your hand on Jake’s fur and stroked it gently with your palm. Once you felt him relax, you reached your free hand out to Daryl, who was watching you with curiosity in his pale blue eyes. “Give me your hand” you instructed and hoped he wouldn’t ask any questions. Thankfully, he obliged but flinched slightly when your hand touched his. You guided his hand to Jake’s snout as gently as you possibly could, not wanting to scare either of your rather wild friends. You brought his rough, ragged hand to the fox’s nose. Jake looked up at you. You were never very religious, but in that very moment praying seemed like a great idea. You were all but horrified that he would take a bite of Daryl’s fingers, ruining the chance for mutual trust between him and the animal.
You sighed with relief and released a breath you didn’t know you were holding as Jake sniffed Daryl’s hand and didn’t move, simply licking his snout afterwards. The archer’s hand felt less tense now, as if he wasn’t bracing himself for the animal’s teeth in his hand at any second. You took his hand once more and you could swear you could hear a breath hitch in his throat, but he didn’t flinch or pull away. You placed your own hand on the soft fur of Jake’s scruff and grabbed his, pulling it closer carefully, until it was laying on top of yours. His hand was much bigger than yours, covering it whole. Your hand began sliding from beneath his, and soon, his hand was laid on top of Jake’s soft fur. You looked at Daryl and gave him a big grin. Happiness completely overtook you, allowing you to completely forget about the tears you shed just moments ago. Daryl gave you a huge smile, bigger than you’ve ever gotten from him. It was genuine, you could see the pure joy in his eyes- almost like a child petting a stray dog for the first time. His hand travelled through the flame-colored fur, making sure to be as gentle as possible.
“Holy shit” he breathed out and looked at you with the same smile he gave you earlier, his eyes lit up. He looked at Jake with emotions you weren’t sure he could feel until then- joy, awe, love. Daryl was completely invested with brushing the animal’s soft pelt and hardly noticed you chuckle.
“I never realized you were such a softie” you jabbed playfully, somehow knowing he wouldn’t take it personally.
“Shut up”
Once you convinced the hunter to try and get some shut eye, you kept watch with Jake and scratched him behind his ears. Pride filled you, as if you managed to tame two wild beasts at once. The quiet crackling of the flames caused you to get lost in thought, almost putting you in a trance. Daryl’s words echoed through your head, like a lost voice bouncing against walls in your brain. He was so gentle with both you and Jake, allowing you to open up and finally feel completely comfortable around him. You chuckled to yourself when the image of Daryl’s hands shaking slightly when touching the fox ever so gently, as if he was afraid that he could break him into pieces with one wrong move. A strange feeling fluttered in your heart- and stomach. One that you haven’t felt this strongly yet, you were unsure what it meant, but you didn’t want to dwell on it and hoped the answer would just present itself someday.
You’ve already guessed that Daryl’s childhood wasn’t stellar but you never expected it to be quite that horrible. He was sweet, in his own Daryl-Dixon-tough-asshole way. In your eyes, he deserved nothing but gratitude and-
And idea popped into your mind. You remembered the way his eyes lit up and how you felt the walls he built around himself crumble a bit when you gave him your drawing. You smiled and gave Jake a pat on the head while reaching over to retrieve your sketchbook and grabbing a piece of charcoal from the sizzling fire. You got to sketching, beginning with a two circles and some simple shapes, and before long, the shapes turned into two beautifully rendered figures- Daryl and Jake sitting next to each other by a fading out campfire. Daryl was smiling softly while Jake was leaning into his hand, which was placed upon the fox’s head, between his ears. The picture was incredibly tranquil, you could almost hear the hushed chirping of crickets in the grass behind them. Content with your work, you stood up and tiptoed to Daryl’s tent, careful not to wake him up and slipped the drawing in the opening of the tent. It was halfway inside, halfway outside of the tent, like a letter delivered by a lazy postman. You shot his tent a smile and decided to get some sleep yourself.
Daryl turned over and sat up as soon as he heard you zip your tent up. Once he was sure you were inside, he grabbed the piece of paper you slipped through the crack of his tent opening and examined it. A smile appeared on his face as soon as he realized he was in the center, petting (Y/N)’s beloved companion. He felt grateful and incredibly happy, but he also felt something else- a foreign feeling which made him wonder. That woman really was dangerous, she could occupy his thoughts for hours without him even realizing it. Despite his confusion about the new, strange emotion, his smile never wavered. He crouched and dug inside the bag that laid right next to where he slept and finally, pulled out a handful of colorful drawing pins. With a quiet grunt, he pinned the drawing to the wall of his tent in a spot where he could easily look at it while laying down. Staring at the gift, he remembered the other picture you gave him, and the note on the back that he didn’t read yet. He retrieved the now bent in half piece of paper and turned it over. He choked on his own breath when he read the message written on the back.
“I guess it took the apocalypse for you to get a gift, but you better get used to it now. You deserve it, Dixon.
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spaceskam · 4 years
For Title Tuesday can I get Malex + 25?
tags: alternate universe, swordfighting, blindfolds, the inherent romance of finding your equal in battle
25. the color of your eyes [ao3]
“Do you remember what they said about Icarus?”
Michael grinned wildly as he held Eurydike between his thighs, checking his hair in the mirror before he started tying the blindfold around his eyes. Isobel just didn’t understand. Maybe he was being overconfident in insisting he could do the entire competition blindfolded, but he was here to look good and show off for all the little earthlings. The blindfold accentuated that more than she could possibly comprehend.
“That he had high desires and died going for them,” Michael responded. Isobel scoffed so loud that Michael couldn’t help but laugh.
“If that was what you got from that story, we need to give you a better review,” she snapped. Michael shook his head.
“I’ll be fine, Isobel. Do you really think any of the Earthlings are going to pose any real challenge? And, let’s be real, no one from our entire planet is going to fuck with me too hard. They wouldn’t stand a chance even if they did, but we all know we’re against them and not each other,” Michael explained. 
This was the first time his father had (stupidly) invited the humans to their competition. It was to show camaraderie. Put up your finest soldiers, you sons of lords, let them show off in this battle! But no one wanted them here. Michael felt the need to make a point.
“You worry me, that’s all,” Isobel sighed, “At least Max is properly trained with his sword. You trained yourself on your little spear.”
“Hey! Don’t call Eurydike a spear, she’s a glaive. Apologize,” Michael pouted to her general direction.
“I will not,” she said, “And for someone who hates humans so much, it’s bold of you to name your spear after one.”
Isobel patted him on the cheek and gave him a warm hug. It was clear she was genuinely worried and he tried not to take it as a personal insult to his capability. It wasn’t a secret he was the best swordsman in the Dreq Coterie and was probably the best out of all of the different Coteries on the planet. 
His mother along with Isobel’s mother and Max’s mother all three ran the Dreq Coterie politically and socially, though Michael’s father was the one who ran most of the social events. That being said, Michael was well known and, admittedly, very privileged. He’d begun sword lessons very young and had found his calling in the glaive by the time he was 16. He remembered his mother having a fit about his choice of weapon while his weapons teacher had praised him for giving him something fun to work with for once. Everyone chose swords.
Not only was the glaive badass, but it often threw the average swordsman for a loop. It required a different stance, different balance, different placement, different strengths. How could they possibly compete with something they know nothing about?
It always meant Michael excelled at these things. He understood their weapons and they never understood his. It was a very, very beautiful thing. A beautifully hilarious thing. It meant he looked forward to every competition. It was all for fun, no one really got hurt past a few scratches or anything, but it was to show off nonetheless.
Michael waited in his room until Sheyric, his unofficial brother, strolled in and immediately snorted.
“I look good, don’t I?”
“Your arrogance precedes you,” Sheyric said. Michael felt his blindfold tighten before Sheyric touched up his curls a bit. “There. Now you look good.”
“I always look good.”
Michael laughed and grabbed Eurydike, holding her in his hand as they started their walk towards the competition grounds. Sheyric would be competing as well, though in a completely different facet. His specialty was archery and while the man was incredible at hand-to-hand combat, it was never smart to bring an arrow to a sword fight.
“Did you get a look at the humans? Were they trembling with fear?” Michael asked, leaning close.
“Not quite trembling, but they were clustered together. They seemed to take this whole competition thing as more of an actual fight than an event to celebrate our Coteries and togetherness,” Sheyric said. Michael went to open his mouth to say that he took it rather seriously, but Sheyric was already ahead of him. “You don’t count. You just like to show off. You’re still kind to the people you best.”
“Well, of course. I don’t want them to hate me because I’m an asshole. I want them to think I’m kind and better than them and hate me for that,” Michael said. He took each turn with practiced ease. He’d walked these hallways so many times in his life, his eyes weren’t necessary to get through them.
“I should push you into the wall.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would and The Bloodvisage would do that little laugh she does and shake her head and say ‘oh, Sheyric, don’t be mean’ and I’ll say I won’t be and smile and then I’ll do it again,” Sheyric said with the tone of someone who knew he was the favorite. Which really didn’t count because he was his mother’s apprentice. Everything he knew about archery, politics, hand-to-hand combat was because Michael’s mother taught him. Michael might’ve been jealous if he cared.
“Shut up,” Michael laughed anyway and then they stepped outside, taking a deep breath and smiling at the sound of people talking and preparing for the fight around them. It was a nice sound.
“Are you going to be able to make it to your spot with your dumb fucking blindfold?” Sheyric asked.
“Of course I will,” Michael insisted.
“Mn,” Sheyric grunted, clearly lacking faith in his abilities. Michael would’ve argued, but he and Sheyric were already walking to the same spot. 
The Dreq Coterie was filled to the brim of skilled fighters and politicians and it was why they were one of the big six. If Michael felt like being polite (which he often didn’t) he might’ve extended that to Earth and say the big seven. But there was absolutely no kind of alliance on Earth. The only thing the entire planet agreed upon was that they were skeptical of Michael’s people.
He wanted to keep them skeptical.
“Michael,” Max hissed the moment he got close, “What are you doing?”
“Being a show-off, I guess.”
“You’re going to get yourself actually hurt if you do shit like that,” Max told him.
“I already said that,” Sheyric said.
“And so did Isobel. Look, I get none of you have any faith in me, but that doesn’t mean you have to be total dicks about it. Just accept I’m better than you and we can move on,” Michael bragged. Max and Sheyric both shoved him at the same time and Michael laughed loudly.
The competition began with his father’s booming voice, his natural bravado carrying across the entire yard. Michael remembered thinking he was so cool for that when he was little. He knew now that the cool one, albeit strict, was his mother. She was the one who gained the title of The Bloodvisage after defeating thirteen men with nothing but a classic cutlass, a battle axe, and skill.
Different fighters from different Coteries fought with skill and Michael almost wished he was able to see it, but he wasn’t about to risk taking his blindfold off and seem less cool. Instead, he listened while Max fought Evarius of the Piri Coterie and won before losing to Gontas from the Zand Coterie. Other Coteries were battling it out on different parts of the field and whoever the last two standing were would be brought together.
Michael sat back and waited for his turn. His name was eventually called and he got up, listening to the cheers as he twirled Eurydike with practiced precision. He loved that sound. He would be going against the previous winner, Astram of the Kynd Coterie which was a smaller Coterie in the southeast. Michael hadn’t seen him today, but he knew he was a pretty big guy who was a fan of dual swords.
“Ah, Little Rath, you’re feeling bold, I see,” Astram taunted. Michael grinned.
“I’m going by Michael these days,” Michael said. These days really meant since he was six and Astram really knew that, but it wasn’t uncommon for people to still call him Little Rath if only to remind him that he was named after his father. 
“I know,” Astram said.
The beginning of the fight was announced and Michael dodged his blades with ease, already knowing that he swung nearly immediately to catch his opponent off guard. Michael swung Eurydike and hit the wooden side against his calves and he heard a soft grunt. Michael grinned.
It went like that with the next string of opponents, dodging and knocking them around with Eurydike and fighting blade against blade until they ended up on the ground and his foot on their chest. He knew them and their fighting styles well which is probably how he got away with it all while blindfolded, but he would never admit to that.
Rath, his father, let him be praised as the winner of this round and a break was announced. They were meant to eat, gather their strength, and socialize. Michael kept his blindfold on.
“You’re ridiculous,” Sheyric scoffed, handing him a flask of water. Michael downed it and leaned back, smiling in his general direction.
“I’m winning.”
“You’re going to be blinded the moment you take that thing off.”
“I heard a guy from Earth made it to the final four, so you might get to fight him,” Sheyric said. His hand touched Michael’s chin and a damp cloth swiped across his cheek where he’d got nicked. It wasn’t deep enough to really even bleed or hurt, but it was a cut nonetheless.
“Good, I hope I do.”
“I hope you don’t,” Sheyric scoffed, “You’re going to get your ass kicked. He’s a general’s son.”
“I’m The Bloodvisage’s son, what does that have to do with anything?” Michael wondered.
“Because you don’t know his fighting style. That’s right, I know that’s how you’ve gotten this far,” Sheyric said. Michael didn’t stop grinning.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to kick his ass.”
Sheyric sighed, loud and long, and swatted his leg with the cloth. “You’ll have to kick Lachlia’s ass first, then.”
Michael pouted just a little bit at the name. She was easily one of the most gorgeous people his planet had produced and he hated that he had to be blindfolded while fighting her. She was from the Rhox Coterie, a little group of under 100 in the North, and they all specialized in war hammers which was unbearably sexy. They usually didn’t get very far in competitions though since it was rather easy for them to accidentally destroy others’ weapons and they usually played it safe. Lachlia, as always, didn’t give a shit. He always cherished the bruises she gave him.
“Don’t pout, she thinks you’re annoying,” Sheyric laughed.
“No, she doesn’t, we’re best friends.”
“Sure,” Sheyric snorted.
After a while of relaxing and re-hydrating, his father’s voice announced that the next round would be beginning. The first set would be Michael against Lachlia and then Desiric from the Krin Coterie, another one of the big six, against Alexander from Earth. How boring did that sound? Just Alexander from Earth. How did he even make it that far with something that boring attached to his name?
“Please be gentle with me,” Michael said as he strolled up to where Lachlia was. She huffed a laugh.
“You’re lucky they let you keep your precious stick,” Lachlia said.
“Why is everyone so mean to Eurydike? What did she do to you?” Michael wondered. She laughed again and then they announced that the fight had begun. “Come closer so you can pretend you can win in a non-deadly fight with that hammer of yours.”
“You’re such a loser,” she told Michael. He grinned.
Michael could hear the air around her hammer as she swung and he dodged it, though he felt that it was close enough to almost hit. He liked that feeling. It was exhilarating.
Now, Michael wasn’t that skilled at battling against war hammers. He was used to swords and other bladed weapons, but this was a little different and Lachlia knew how to use it. The only reason he got around it was that he knew how she fought. They’d been fighting since they were kids.
He knew that she relied on her left leg rather than her right and he knew that she was swift and nimble. That being said, he swung towards her right side and anticipated her jumping out of the way, so he quickly spun Eurydike and hit her left leg with the blunt end of his blade. Lachlia gasped and he really did almost take his blindfold off to make sure it didn’t cut her, but he realized it didn’t matter when she straight up punched him in the arm.
“You can’t just punch me!” Michael said, trying not to let his guard down though he found it funny.
“Oh yeah?” Lachlia asked and he didn’t have a warning before she just jumped on him. The wind knocked out of him as he hit the ground and pushed Eurydike out of his reach.
“This isn’t a wrestling match!” Michael said as he caught his breath, but he was laughing and let her pin him down. She was strong, he had to give her that, and it took him a bit before he wrapped his leg around her and flipped them over even while she was laughing.
“You’re such a dick.”
“Sounds like you like me,” Michael said.
He put his full weight on her as he used his leg to feel for Eurydike, trying to keep Lachlia pinned even as she squirmed and hit him, but they were both still laughing. He got Eurydike and quickly pushed himself to his feet, putting his foot on her abdomen and putting the wooden side of Eurydike on her chest until they announced him as the winner.
“Piece of cake.”
Michael extended his arm to her, pulling her up to her feet. He shook his head as he tugged her in for a friendly post-fight hug.
“You let me win,” he said quietly, keeping by her ear.
“They announced the Earthling as the winner far too quickly,” she said, “He wields a curved one-handed broadsword, favors his left side, and can jump pretty high. You’re better at fighting broadswords. Kick his ass.”
“Have I mentioned today how you’re my favorite?” Michael mused, grinning even as she shoved him back.
Michael went back to his side to hydrate and receive a little mini-pep talk for his fight with Alexander of Earth. Sheyric even did him the honor of making sure his hair looked nice. Michael was more than a little pumped with adrenaline. Of all the times he’d had to meet Earthlings, he never got to fight any.
He couldn’t wait to show this one that he was much, much better.
Michael walked back out to the field and waited until he heard footsteps approaching him.
“You think that blindfold is a good idea?” the guy asked in rather impressive Antarii. Michael was instantly struck by how fucking nice his voice sounded in his language which was actually not at all fair or allowed. He twisted his grip on Eurydike.
“Yeah. I plan to win and, well, I’m a guy that likes to make a statement,” Michael bragged.
“So it’s not an excuse to use for when you lose?” Alexander of Earth asked. Despite the niceness of his voice and fluency of which he spoke his language, Michael couldn’t even offer a cocky grin. He just wanted this to begin and he wanted to win.
“I’m not going to lose.”
“Mhm, okay.”
His father announced the beginning and Michael kept his hearing keenly aware of Alexander. He heard his footsteps crunch as he walked  to the side of him slowly. Michael raised Eurydike and spun her casually, preparing to dodge or throw or slash when needed.
The broadsword caught the sound of the wind as he swung and Michael blocked it with his blade with perfect precision, pushing him back and spinning Eurydike to use the wooden end to shove him back even further. He didn’t stumble to the ground though, unfortunately.
He did, however, swing again very quickly. Michael matched him beat for beat, relying on the sound of the air. He was a little annoyed that he hadn’t tripped Alexander up yet. He kind of liked the idea of not even working up a sweat. That would’ve been super cool.
Instead, Alexander delivered a swift kick to his thigh less than a second after he swung his blade, catching him off guard. Michael stumbled and grunted in annoyance and swung Eurydike in his general direction, but he didn’t hit anything. How high could he jump exactly?
Michael listened for him again and heard nothing for a second too long and received a swift kick to his ass which did actually manage to knock him to his knees. Before he could get up, Alexander of Earth kicked him in the back which pushed him to his hands and knees. 
“Oh, come on, this is too easy,” Alexander laughed. Michael quickly rolled onto his back and swung his blade with enough power to throw Max off course, using that moment to get to his feet.
“Don’t get too cocky.”
“Pot, kettle.”
“Huh?” Michael asked, but he didn’t let the weird words distract him as he dodged another swing and then another. Lachlia didn’t warn him that he was fast.
The broadsword almost broke a rule just then as he swung right for Michael’s face. He was fast enough to block it by holding Eurydike with both hands out in front of him, though even he had to admit his pulse spiked.
“What the fuck?!” Michael spat, throwing him off, “You don’t go for the fucking head!”
“Who said I was going for your head?” Alexander asked and he kicked Michael again square in the chest. It did knock him on his ass and Alexander’s foot pressed into his chest, forcing him on the ground. Michael was heavy breathing through his teeth.
The tip of Alexander’s blade caught the blindfold and the blunt side grazed his nose as he took it off. The light blinded him momentarily, but once he adjusted, he got a good look at this asshole’s face.
And not only was he a good fight who spoke fluent Antarii, but he was the most attractive man Michael had ever fucking seen. They locked eyes and he had the most beautiful brown eyes he’d ever fucking seen, full of mirth as grinned.
“Now, fight me for real and not just a way to show off,” Alexander instructed.
What the hell kind of beast was he?
Michael didn’t waste time, though, as he grabbed Alex’s ankle and threw him off. He made his way to his feet with Eurydike in hand and charged. This time they met beat for beat with much more authenticity, blade clashing against blade, matching each turn and lunge and dodge. They fought. And they fought.
And never had Michael felt more like he’d found his equal than he did then.
He wasn’t sure when it went from being infuriating to exhilarating, but it happened and the fact that there was an entire crowd watching them faded from his mind. It was just them, fighting, matching each other and enjoying it.
“Okay,” Michael said, both of their breaths mingling between them as Alexander stepped closer. Their weapons were crossed between them and he was even more attractive up close. He was sweaty and strong and talented and beautiful and why the fuck did Michael ever go blindfolded, he missed a whole day of watching him fight. “Okay, we could call it a draw.”
“We could,” Alexander said, but he shoved Michael back as if trying to get him on the ground again. It wouldn’t be that easy this time.
“Alexander,” Michael said in response, unable to repress the grin on his face.
“Alex,” Alex corrected, eying him slightly, “Rath.”
“Michael,” Michael corrected.
“Michael,” Alex repeated.
They stared at each other for a moment before Alex took a careful step back. Michael grinned and took a step back of his own. The more space put between them, the more he became aware of the fact that they were still being watched.
“It’s a draw,” Alex said, pointing his blade at him, “This time.”
“This time,” Michael repeated, nodding because that meant there would be a next time. “Hopefully once more before you return to Earth.”
“Watch your back,” Alex said, looking Michael up and down with those fucking eyes, “I don’t plan to go to sleep tonight as a draw.”
Michael grinned so wide it was probably obvious this wasn’t just a normal fight to anyone around them, this being the first draw in decades aside. He couldn’t wait. Alex was… incredible.
“What the hell was that?!” Isobel and Sheyric both hissed at him once he got back. Michael could barely hear the other noise around them, his eyes still on Alex as he faded back into his people.
Michael could barely even blink.
“I think I’m in love.”
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Bølger (2)
Merman!Kae x Reader.
Words: 3,183
bølger means waves.
Chapter 1.
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Merfolk were almost divine to your eyes, living near the coast gave you the blessing of discovering these amazing creatures, well, or the thought of actually seeing them. 
You were 7 when your mother gave your guard to your aunt Betty, your mom grew sick and she wanted to be sure you would be cared for when she passed. But it took her cancer to reach stage 4 to allow you to live with Betty. 
The thing was, your mother hated the coast, the town, and the ocean.
When Betty went to visit you, she would take small cards with fairies, merfolk, werewolves painted on it. She would tell you to believe in magic and accept that we aren't alone on the big blue planet.
Which made your mother mad because she hated the mere idea of mermaids, so much that the little mermaid movie was never allowed. But she had to swallow her revulsion to be sure you would be cared for and not thrown on the orphanage in the end.
So you went to live on Walrey Coast with your aunt. She was a good woman, a bit light-headed but good nonetheless. She taught you how to cook, even though you hated it, taught you how to work in her small restaurant and how to read and love Julio Verne's work. 
The house was small but notably comfy and colorful, each room had a color and somehow it didn't get overwhelming. Your bedroom had fairies painted on the walls, and a lamp with a mermaid painted in gold.
But you never saw a mermaid or a merman in your life.
And since your city was a small place each person ended up knowing another.  You were homeschooled till your 11, but Antony -your aunt friend- told that his nephews were your age and that his sister could teach you too.
Antony's nephews were three, a girl called Hope, and two boys, Archie and Hunter. Hope and Archie were twins, and Hunter was a year younger but their mom taught them the things at the same time so they could always be together if they ever went to a "normal" school.
So, with your 20's and seeing Archie leaving the town to persuade his dream university made you happy, but sad in seeing Carla's tears, after all, she always wanted her kids together.
"C'mon, Y/N, I consider you like a daughter so let us re-form your brother's bedroom..." Carla tried to smile through her tears, Hunter hugged you and Hope rolled her eyes at her brother's trial of reaching your interest, the poor boy has been crushing over you for 6 years already.
You kept your routine of woking at your aunty Betty restaurant, Antony tried to coax you to leave town and go to uni -as every elderly person tries to tell us to-; But something held you in Walrey Coast, maybe it was the trauma of the last time that you left your home was due to a loved one passing, or maybe Betty being abandoned in her big picturesque house... or who knows, perhaps something else, something unseen, or forgotten.
Hope didn't want to go to university, she craved to open an auto-shop, Carla said she didn't mind, but everyone knew deep down she wanted her small girl to be the perfect wife-to-be. And Hunter wanted to become a biologist, the boy adored the sea more than the air he inhaled and after years and years of Antony pulling his ear telling him that the idea of being a professional surfer was as idiotic as his hair, he swallowed down and picked another profession that connected the sea, too.
You loved them, and the town, but you were lonely. You had your first kiss, and even that you studied in "not a homeschool but it was basically one" you knew the other people in town, the men in their 20's that lived near and also the visitors that came and go. And working in the restaurant you saw lots of people, soldiers, biologists, families, even sailors, travelers, wanderers, et cetera. 
So you had your 'first times' but nothing serious, and even that Hunter tried several times to date you, you couldn't see him farther than a brother. He was attractive, smart, polite, liked animals as you do but he was... a brother. Through and through.
So your life was based around this minimalist and simple presence. Waking up, helping Betty at home, go to the restaurant, visit Carla and your dear friends, go back to the restaurant, sit in the pier where Antony lived while you ate your dinner looking at the sea, go home, shower and sleep.
Antony tried to make you go swimming or try to surf with Hunter, but you were terrified of the ocean, you loved it, it was fascinating and very very beautiful, but scary.
Yet, gazing at it brought you a level of peace that couldn't be accomplished in any other form.
So finishing your meal and making sure to set any trash inside a bag so you could throw in the trashcan later, you stood up and gave one last look at the dark waters and went home.
Deep in the waves, stood Kae, gazing at you leaving your favorite spot in the docks, each day you went there and in each one he approached the surface to make you company, a silent one.
Sometimes you hummed a song, one that of course he had not heard before. And sometimes you would put music to play in a small black device he saw humans carrying around all the time, the music was a mixture, but he enjoyed them, and loved when you sang along.
Merfolk took singing into high consideration, it was important to lull food, to find a good partner, to... well, everything!
And he hummed back with you, but he knew you didn't hear him. You didn't remember him.
It was funny how different worlds that co-existed, should know about another, should collide.
Humans are evil, everyone says. But what Eros did with you wasn't it? Hurting an innocent cub, or better saying: a child, and bringing your unconscious body as a trophy was the most repugnant thing he ever witnessed. After that episode years prior, Kae never glanced at his cousin in the same way, Eros was still family, but he wasn't the good merman Kae thought he was.
And with their adult forms and getting the spot of protectors of the ocean society, the mating season was approaching. 
Jaxi was in love with a mermaid that was from oceans away, they found each other in a hunt for food and after that, they've been planning their wedding ever since. Melin grew to be an insatiable lover, the mating season was an open feast to him, especially since it didn't involve a mandatory loyalty. Eros had the most beautiful sea creatures he could find, he was handsome and strong, but he was a player, which wasn't so shocking.
And Kae had some encounters, had his first sex in his 16's but he didn't like the notion of marrying and being away from the bare soil, away from his little friend that didn't even remember his existence.
He wonders if you still have Eros's nails wounds scarred in your skin, or maybe you healed after he rolled the algae around it? The alkaline water helped sea beings to heal and regenerate their skin, maybe oxygen did it too to humans? And if it hasn't healed, have you ever questioned the origin of it?
Kae didn't see himself as a stalker, he was more of a curious merman. And after leaving you in the waves near the sand, he has been reaching the surface searching for you. Ecthelion realized his peculiar interest in you, so he at least told Kae that his human friend, Antony, has told him that you were alive and well. And that the human's healers said you declared that you floated too deep in the ocean and the waves took you away.
Only that.
And as much that was a relief to hear you didn't remember the evilness Eros committed, Kae was still disappointed that you wouldn't remember him, or Jaxi and Melin that were also very much curious about human's anatomy and helped to save your life.
He wanted to talk to you, to see how different you are, would it be shocking for you to see him? Would you run away seeing his different form? He was very pretty, and one of the most desired young merman between the merfolk, but their physiology are different for various reasons. Maybe you wouldn't think he is pretty, his monster form would push you away. Scare you.
Hunter lost his mind, inviting you to go surfing? Insane.
"You know I'm afraid of the sea,  Hunter!" You told him and your friend only shrugged.
"Y/N, i know but we can try. There won't be big tides today, and I'm an expert at it."
His sad voice made you feel bad, you loved him dearly but couldn't answer his romantic feelings. "Is just... we are not kids anymore and with our brother away and Hope getting you away for 'girls night i barely have time with you. And i don't want to be an asshole, i swear, but that accident that happened years ago was an accident. You were a kid and now you're all grown."
Yu chuckled and hit his shoulder slightly. "All of this only to convince me to go with you?"
He narrowed his eyes and gave you a shy smile. '"Only if you say it worked."
"It did. But! If the waves get too big or anything we will come back, alright? Don't try to prove a point."
"And which point would that be?" He seemed offended.
"That you know how to suffer."
"Right, I won't do anything stupid."
Carrying Hope's board firmly you questioned if the straight material could hurt your palms. "Come on." Hope yelled cheering you up, she agreed with Hunter that it would be good for you to test the waters. Being afraid of it was a dangerous thing.
Hunter extended his hand while his other one was carrying the board under his arm. "Trust me?"
"Yeah, but please if I want to come back help me."
"Don't worry."
You held his hand and walked to the waters, Hope clapped her hands a couple of times yelling "you got it" to give you motivation.
It was a pretty day, the sun was out but it wasn't awfully warm Some seagulls flew through the skies and you admired the blue water touching your skin.
The water wasn't cold, and so far no big waves came and snatched your nor Hunter's life.
"Now in the way we tried back there." Hunter held the surfboard you were firmly grasping and helped you to jump on it. He did the same on his and held your hand looking at you with nothing but honesty.
You laid your chest on the board and moved your arms in the water to push you a bit far from the sand. Hunter was smiling, he adored the ocean and adored you so he was very happy.
A small wave came and you looked at him. "Hunt!"
He didn't tell you to go, he gave you a tiny nod and told you the two of you could swim around until you felt more relaxed.
After some minutes you tried to surf in a tide, it was small, amen for that, and Hunter seemed proud. He went to the bigger ones and even when he fell in the salty water he would emerge smiling and laughing.
Hope entered the water too and swam around, you never swam with your friends before.
Some minutes passed and you lost your fear from the ocean, the salty water, the rays of sun, Hunter's smile and Hope's laugh was a blessing and you wondered why you never gave Hunter a chance when he asked you to surf with him since you two were 12.
A medium-wave came in, and you told them you would try. Hunter has surfed and tides four times bigger so he was secure you wouldn't get hurt.
You moved your arms in the water to push you near the growing wave, you managed to feel it moving the surfboard, and you got on your feet and yelled in euphoria when your body kept firm above it. It was amazing, a sensation of pure joy.
The adrenaline, the beauty on it.
Hope and Hunter were cheering you up, and you smiled at then before noting a big movement near the tide, head got out of the ocean and the creature knocked your breath out of your lungs.
Was it... a mermaid? Well, better saying a merman?
"What?" You lost balance and fell into the water, the string holding the surfboard to your ankle made a pressuring pull and you whimpered at the pressure. You shut your eyes as the salty water burned your eyes but soon your foot was realized from the surfboard-pull.
You opened your eyes terrified that you lost the board because you were being dragged further in, but you saw something, someone. 
The strong features, the gills on his neck, the floating long hair... the tail. 
"Y/N!" Hope yelled. "Where are-", "Y/N!" Hunter yelled too.
He swam to you and leaned in, you got terrified, the water was burning your eyes, the lack of oxygen making you anxious and this creature was placing his hands on your cheeks. The cold hands made you stare at him but he only leaned in to kiss your forehead and then your nose. 
Hope's and Hunter's yells going deaf to your ears. You could only stare at the merman.
Before you could do anything else he smiled and touched your feet pushing you up to find oxygen.
You broke out of the surface and coughed as Hunter pulled your body to his chest. "Jesus Christ! You scared me." He said and kissed your forehead over and over making sure you were alive under his touch.
Hunter's kisses were gentle, urgent, and you enjoyed them, but it wasnt like the creature's touch. 
The monster's touch that could certainly snap your neck in a fraction of seconds, but the same touch that made your heart beat faster a moment prior.
And when he held your feet... you thought he would pull you in, to kill and eat you.
He launched you up, assisting you, freeing you!
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought you." Hunter cried and you leaned in his touch, holding his neck and looking over his shoulder seeing familiar eyes gazing at you miles away in the water.
Sitting in Hope's bed and having her blow-drying your hair, you told Hunter for the 45° time that you were okay and wasn't his fault. He gave you a cup of hot chocolate and checked your fingertips again searching for any hint of extremity cyanosis. He was terrified of losing you, shit, he even argued with Hope when he told her he wanted to help you to take a shower. And even if crushing on you, his intentions weren't sexual, he only wanted to be sure you were warmed up.
"It's okay, it was my fault. I thought I saw something. I got distracted."
Hope brushed your dry hair and you held Hunter's big sweater closer to your chest, he was taller than you so his clothes were the most comfortable. "Hope, i'm sorry for-"
"No no, it's okay. The thing was old anyway." She hugged you from behind and assured you it was okay the loss of her surfboard. "But i wonder how the safe-string got out of your ankle."
You remembered the pressure the string was making, remember the relief it was when it was snapped away from you... the merman did it.
"I don't know either." You lied and tried to get up, only to have them push you back in Hope's bed and ordering you to rest.
Hunter called your aunt to tell her it was all okay and that you would have a sleepover.
You fell asleep, dreaming of waves and gentle touches.
Waking up you looked at the covers and searched for a clock to see how long you've slept. It was 2 AM and Hope was passed out, you gently got up from the bed and grasped a pair of Hope's boots.
You got off the stairs and unlocked the door discreetly before closing it behind you.
You walked to the docks and sat in your dining-spot. The vision of the water moving slowly under the stars always eased your thoughts. 
Yes, you consumed a bit of seawater but you didn't imagine what you saw. "Hey, uh, thank you for saving me." You spoke, feeling stupid and looking over your shoulders to be sure no one was near to listen to your nonsense.
"I... nearly drowned and if it wasn't you... I... Fuck!" You swore under your breath. The quietness of Walrey Coast at the dark night was comforting, silence was everything, it meant peace.
Holding your legs together and leaning your head on your knee, tears formed in your eyes. You missed Archie, you felt bad for making Hunter so worried, for destroying Hope's surfboard, the silence that engulfed you, and the thought of going crazy.
As tears drop reached the water, Kae got the courage to break out of the surface. He cursed himself so much earlier on, he should have reached you, if you haven't seen him you wouldn’t fall. So saving you was nothing less than his obligation. 
And touching you... well, that's another story. He couldn't help himself, you were so soft, so grown and stunning. Watching you from afar was something, but perceiving you centimeters away was enchanting.
With your eyes closed, you moaned a song that you loved, and even that the music spoke about heartbreak and a lost lover... it was beautiful.
Stopping to hum while you cleaned your nose, you opened your eyes startled when the song kept resounding,
Widening your eyes you looked at the water and placed your hands on your mouth to avoid a scream to leave your mouth.
There he was, the same thing that saved you.
"Hm, hi-hi!" You gagged.
Kae looked down at his torso, he hated how the human guy held you in his arms early on. His chest was free of hard skin, freed of scales, his skin color was near yours... it wasn't pale as his.
"Maybe you don't speak my language, I, uh actually I'm sort of believing i'm dreaming. My name is Y/N."
The smile on your features was all he could see, the previous shriek apparently wasn't from his ugly self. But surprise, or so he hoped.
"I know," His stark tone of voice made you gasp, he spoke! He could speak, and your language! "Hi, little human."
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