#at least I'm consistent
tricornonthecob · 6 months
Chapter 2 opening: James Hiller is miserable.
Chapter 3 opening: James Hiller is still miserable.
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sunset-a-story · 10 months
Happy Fav's Friday!!
Who is your current fav character of your WIP?? AND...you can't say Baguette!! *snickers*
Damn, well, Baguette's a given. XD Thank you for the ask, friend! I think it's currently Anise, probably 'cause I just got a tattoo for her the other week. She doesn't have a huge presence in Arc 1 but it sets up her storyline to take off in Arc 2 and explodes in 3.
She's such a tiny force of nature and we, pretty rudely, put her through a helluva gauntlet, but there's this core part of her that nothing strips away--and that's that she is ruthless.
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soufre-de-paris · 4 months
migraine, and still awash in the glow of 「君たちはどう生きるか」 and therefore not really able to think about much else but that
i want to finish the mott book today: last essay is about the sexuality of the devil, which so far seems barely on topic for me but too intriguing to pass up. next i think i'm going to move onto one of the books about funerary practices in the colonies/XVI portugal, or the historicity, achronicity essay which i am dreading bc it seems to fellate the policia militar a little too much for my stomach
oh and speaking of which @zapatism cara, eu ADOREI o arco e o cesto. adorei. absolutamente perfeito, MTO obg pela dica, foi perfeito pra minha pesquisa!
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verraising · 5 months
i keep joking with my partner that my go-to type of guy be it video game or real life is like. show me the blandest looking, kindest man you have. so now every time i see a picture of ardbert i'm just sitting here nodding like. yeah.
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twstinginthewind · 7 months
I officially have my Christmas Deuce icon up. Let the festivities commence.
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safetydance · 9 months
Been on an absolute self-inflicted emotional roller coaster today
I decided to cut my hair myself for the first time, basically shaved down the back and a side to 3/4" to 1/2" while leaving the rest, and right as i was finishing it up and super happy with it, I went to blend a spot in better and didn't realize I took the guard off the clippers already and took a big strip out of the back 8')
cue having to cut the rest of it super short to blend in the mistake, and angry crying to myself about it
BUT i was redoing the color as well and it turned out so good I'm much less upset now
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luv-assangiebatch · 10 months
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amethystina · 1 year
Fanwriting asks: 13
13. Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
No, I do not. As a rule, music is too distracting for me when I try to write, especially if the songs have lyrics. I might be able to listen to instrumental music but it depends a lot on my mood and overall mental state.
So, for the most part, I only listen to ambient sounds or things like rainfall, the crackling of a fire etc., since I still need something to block out all the noises around me.
That said, I did have this on a loop while working my way through chapter 25 of Who Holds the Devil — a.k.a. The Depression Chapter. Because I needed things to feel appropriately tragic, I guess?
Fanfiction Writing Asks
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I know that you have a lot on your plate, so you don't have to answer this, BUT, if you have a Gravity Falls au where the characters are in Aerwiar then consider a Wingfeather Saga au where the Wingfeather characters are in Gravity Falls.
I’m assuming by “Gravity Falls AU where the characters are in Aerwiar” you mean Anniera Falls? So like, a full alternate universe thing? Since in Wingfeather Falls the Wingfeathers do visit Gravity Falls. That’s what I’m going to go off of for this, if you had something else in mind let me know.
****SPOILERS FOR THE WINGFEATHER SAGA. Mostly just books 1-3, I think there's only one vague spoiler for book 4, so if you've read through book 3 you should be okay, but my memory is bad so read at your own risk****
Soooo back in the day I kind of had some ideas for this. It actually kind of works purely because you can keep the dynamic of two brothers, one goes missing, the other desperately tries to get him back, and years later the nieces and nephews visit.
Aaaafter that the plot gets a little more difficult. It is kind of fun to imagine Artham and Esben living in a cabin in the woods inventing things and going on adventures but I don’t think either of them are stupid enough to get involved with Bill. Unless they’ve been in Gravity Falls for a long time and they accidentally summoned the Dorito when they were kids or something.
If you integrate the idea of the Fangs and all that it could work because Gravity Falls is a profoundly weird place and I believe it could have stones that meld people with animals and well water that heals people etc. Now, Gnag I could imagine working with Bill, so if he summoned him and built the portal and all that and Artham and Esben tried to stop him, that could work. Stuff starts to go down and Esben sends Nia and his little children away to live with their grandparents. The brothers get sucked through a portal while fighting Gnag and the Fangs and they seal the threat inside but trap themselves in the process. Years later, Artham escapes, broken and mentally unstable. Nia has some contact with him after that, but he never tells her what happened to Esben and he never gets better.
Hoping that if she sends her kids to visit it might help her brother-in-law, Nia sends Janner, Kalmar and Leeli go to Gravity Falls for the summer. The kids are a range of confused, worried about, and unnerved by their eccentric uncle.
Artham doesn’t run a tourist trap like Stan does, at least, not intentionally. He displays an eclectic arrangement of items and taxidermied animals from his and Esben’s adventures when they were younger and allows people to see it after paying an admission fee. He also gives tours of the forest. People mostly come to see it because you never know what Artham’s going to say on any given day since his mind is so messed up. Some days he just tells disjointed, unrelated stories. He still stutters and mixes up words. He doesn’t wear socks, but he does wear like, fireplace gloves that he never takes off. He’s kind of a mix of Stan and Fiddleford.
Sara works in this version of the Mystery Shack, along with Maraly. Sara runs the register and Maraly fixes things sometimes? No one’s actually sure what she does, they mostly just find her eating food out of containers in the fridge and hunting monsters in the woods. She captures or kills these and brings them to Artham to display in his ‘museum’. She fixed the golf cart once.
As for Janner, Kal and Leeli, they go on adventures and work to solve the mystery they fell into just like Dipper and Mabel. Janner finds Esben and Artham’s old journals (they wrote them under pen names tho, so he doesn’t know they’re by his dad and uncle) that Artham buried in the woods after he escaped the portal. Kalmar has a blast pulling pranks and encountering creatures, he teams up with Maraly whenever he can. The image of Leeli hitting gnomes with her crutch lives rent free in my head.
The cloven exist, and they live deep in the forest, still headed by Artham’s lost love Aurendelle. Townspeople are a mixture of Glipfolk, Stranders, and Hollowsfolk from the series. Glipfolk include Oscar and the Shoosters, Stranders include Maraly’s family, Hollowsfolk include the O’Sallys and Rudric. Gammon’s also there somewhere because someone has to adopt Maraly. At some point Nia and Podo show up to help with whatever chaos is unleashed.
WAIT I GOT IT, BONIFER SUMMONED BILL AKJHGKJAHSFD he’s still living somewhere in town, waiting for the portal to open again so he can free Bill/Gnag/the Fangs. He befriends and later betrays the kids.
ARTHAM AND ESBEN GET AN ACTUAL REUINION *glares at Andrew Peterson* Artham tries desperately to get his brother back, but struggles to get the portal running again until the kids uncover vital clues about it. Artham’s terrified to see his brother again, but Esben’s not actually angry with him for what happened. Esben probably lives in this AU. Also, Idk how exactly, but Artham does get wings.
Aaaaand yeah, after that it’s not too hard to follow the base plot of Gravity Falls and modify it as needed. Hopefully that made some modicum of sense, I’m pretty tired. xD This was fun tho, I love AU’s.
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andloveistoolong · 2 years
- Dad tells me to pick a song on the jukebox
- I choose Carry On Wayward Son
- Song starts playing, I'm sitting there jamming
- I remember I'm wearing three (3) pieces of Supernatural merch
- Neither my dad nor his wife know anything about spn and cannot really appreciate this moment
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awsteb · 2 years
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it seems this is a chronic problem of mine
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ikilledyvette · 2 months
I just glanced at the first fanfic I wrote (over 20 years ago), and oh god. Mistakes were made. MISTAKES WERE MADE. Learn from my most grievous errors, and do not be look back. Never look back. Learn from Orpheus and keep your eyes FORWARD as you march onwards from Hell.
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sunsetzer · 3 months
Other fandom blogs: a healthy mix of general content regarding the whole IP
My fandom blog: a pile of content largely centred around a handful of specific blorbos from different IPs who live in my head rent free at all times
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husband-steve-cortez · 5 months
Unintelligible post about my current fixation
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homoeroticvillain · 1 year
ah i see
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areadri · 1 year
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     not sure what anyone was expecting because violence has Always been my answer
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