#at least admit that i'm incredibly hilarious :D
amethystina · 5 months
I just wanted to say that it was thanks to you that I watched Black Knight, and boy was it worth it! It's such a good drama and your fanfic is so good to read. I love how useless 5-8 is while pining meanwhile Sa Wol is working so hard. It's hilarious. 5-8 doesn't really think about much else and it's so funny.
I'm so glad to hear that! :D I agree — Black Knight is such a good drama! It probably won't change your life, but it's a nice and solid post-apocalyptic story that knows what it wants to do and does it well. So while it didn't do anything groundbreaking, it was still very satisfying to watch. And I just love the world and all the concepts they introduce! It's so interesting!
Yeah, 5-8 truly is such a mess when he pines x'D I mean, I can understand why, though? Some of it is definitely restlessness brought on by PTSD and the fact that his life's mission is suddenly over. Like, he doesn't really know what to do now? Because, tragically, he didn't seem to have much else in his life outside of the rebellion? And so his mind latches on to Sa Wol — in more ways than one — and that ends up being the only thing 5-8 can think about.
Also, I can't deny that I have a fondness for the big and strong tols being so in love with their chosen smols that it makes them actively lose brain cells. And 5-8 fits so very nicely into that trope. 5-8 may not seem to have all that many weaknesses at first glance, but Sa Wol is definitely one of them at this point.
Sa Wol, by comparison, is really doing the most right now, yes. That boy knows exactly what he wants and he's going to pursue it with the stubbornness and fortitude we all know and love. Godspeed, tiny chaos goblin — I'm sure you'll get 5-8 to admit he's in love with you sooner rather than later.
Thank you so much for sending this ask! I admit that I feel very frustrated with how long it has been since I last updated that fic :/ I know it's not my fault (because I certainly didn't ask for the whole burnout thing) but I'm just so eager to keep telling that story. There are so many scenes I look forward to writing! So I'm hoping to be able to write at least one chapter for it after I've finished editing my current project (Marvel this time, because people have been waiting literally six years for this fic). So let's keep our fingers crossed?
Anyway! Thank you so much for telling me! That fandom is so incredibly small and it brings me so much joy to hear that people are reading and enjoying my fic! Thank you 💜
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kexing · 1 year
Hiii, hope you're having a wonderful day/night!
As the queen of the forcebook lovers squad :D, what interviews/videos would you recommend to a new fan? I've been following fb a bit before abaab, but lately i feel like i'm truly falling down the rabbit hole haha. i am now almost up to date with all their new stuff, but i wanna connect to them more so i've been trying to see if there is any content that I can watch. i would be really thankful for any recommendations!
hi!! thank you!! hope you are too!!! 🧡
akdkskdkskdk pls you flatter me too much 🥰🥰🥰
i know the feeling!! even though i’ve been following them for like 18 months now, i have to admit that lately it’s gotten considerably more intense (and i think it shows lmao)
yes, totally valid of you!!!! the thing is, i Wish we had a lot more interviews with them. or at least more interviews with eng subtitles because a lot of the things we learn about them are through fan cams translated by twitter people (god bless their souls or else we’d be doomed)
so i don’t know how much new content i can offer you but i will Try akdkskdk pls ignore the ones you’ve watched already!
btw HAVE YOU WATCHED FORCEBOOK SHOW REAL???? great way to bond with them!!! season two WHEN?????
i find the interview on my pinned post one of the most important to date. it really offers a good insight into their dynamic. it’s fan subbed and priceless. so even though you might have watched it, i’m still recommending!
this is to me the best interview to come out of the enchanté era akdkskdkks they really know each other. it’s incredibly endearing.
their most recent mint magazine quiz interview is really good and funny. i’ve been waiting for the other interview to be subbed for A WHOLE YEAR and so far so nothing. only twitter people have translated a few bits.
this interview for abaab. they answer more questions about themselves.
now the super funny ones but that i also think you can have a Great time and connect more with them
THE VALENTINE’S DAY BATTLE remains one of the most iconic forcebook moments ever akdksksk and it’s hilarious.
this episode of my boys call me because once again, they are hilarious. they should be comedians imo
the tay tawan show episode about movies is really fun too!!
the abaab special is too precious so i’m adding it here. and so is the enchanté special!!!
the forcebook 15 years of love video is fan made but very dear to my heart. worth checking out!!!
THIS VIDEO covers the abaab final ep fan meeting. also fan made and incredibly dear to my heart. thank you op for translating things for us aldksldk
anyways!! these are the major ones based around them. there are others more focused on abaab that you might have watched too. and some episodes of school rangers.
but hope this helps for now! 🧡
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friendsim2 · 1 year
Personally what’s your favourite trolls and least favourite? (Reasons why would also be really appreciated)
Personally I like Elwurd and Lynera the best for reasons that are definitely not related to projection. Least favorite is hard for me to pin down because I've spent so much time thinking about these folks and trying to expand on areas where they're less developed. I guess Vikare because he's pretty one-note. -Jonaya, director/lead writer
my hs og fave trolls have always been the meteor ones bc im tragically unoriginal but i don't have strong preferences for friendsim (wait i forgot i do love chixie) -Sollay, artist
Love me some clowns, I've always had an appreciation for unhinged characters, but my absolute favorites are Chahut and Karako. Least favorite… I dunno, there aren't really any that I dislike in FS? In Homestuck in general I took personal issue with the Zahhaks because this is not how I want Sagittarius to be represented WHY -Hal Elsen, voice actor
I like Elwurd, Daraya, Lanque, Mallek, Tagora, Polypa, and Skylla. I'm gay. Not a huge fan of Zebruh, but damn do I love voicing him, and also not a giant fan of like. Fozzer, idk why. I'm a bad VA so I haven't played the game yet. -CL, voice actor
If we're gonna go with Friendsim- Elwurd, Chixie, and Tyzias all appeal to my typical Character Likes. Chahut also appeals, but I feel Incredibly Conflicted About It because of my stance on purple characters in general also Polypa is my Secret Homegirl Now because I can't help but develop attachments to characters I've voiced X,D Tagora's smug aura mocks me and I don't care for it -Juniper, voice actor
As a cancellable offense i will still admit Zebruh still holds my thoughts on a gorilla grip because his route is absolutely hilarious despite his yikes. But Galekh is my baby boy baby and skylla is the queen i would give everything she ask me to. for fs2. Marsti because how can you not? i mean gestures then dies of gay. -Mikky, artist
specifically referring to their canon appearances and not fs2, our favorite is probably Chahut? She's got a lot going on, we like her design and her relationship with Amisia is very cute And uh - We… Don't really care for any of the ceruleans tbh (Wait, append that: mallek is cool he can stay - The rest of the ceruleans we dont care for)
As for fs2… Control in volume 11 is great we wish we could take credit for her The murder victim in volume 1 always felt kinda flat to us, like they're more of a plot point than an actual troll so they're our least favorite -Lorelei, writer
Favorite - i like mostly any trolls but also… tirona. Shes a lik freak. Least favorite - tirona. She is like scrappy doo of the homestuck universe. I want to throw here baby soft spot head towards a wall -Fable, artist
i'm not well versed in the ~lore~ but i like diemen's character lol no particular reason -Seth, voice actor
Favorites: all the members of Daraya's Punk Band (especially tyzias, no need to explain, I am her canon voice), plus tagora (he's the honorary 5th member) Least favorites: Vikare. He bores me. -Anna, writer/composer
Eridan has always been my personal favorite. I'd say my least favorite would be Karkat--I get he's set to be redeemed but the team did nothing with him except make him whiny and force vriska into leading everyone -Valentine, voice actor
hmm, well for favs theres Ardata, then Daraya and also Chixie or Elwurd. Partial to Chahut and Cirava bc they make me go :DD Least faves: Tirona and Zebede, just not my type of characters :/ -DDP, artist
amisia because he's pretty chill -The Dandy Man, voice actor
My favourites are xefros (because he's a good boy doing his very best) and cirava (because they're a fucking gremlin) -Alex, voice actor
hmmm we wanna say favorite hiveswap troll are either folykl or mallek, but really it's more of a rotating cast and whoever we thought about last is our fave. least favorite has to be zebede on the basis that we forgot he even existed. -Breeoche, artist
I will have to say Marvus is certainly my favorite ! I love his design but also his whole presence and attitude in his volume.
A least fav is harder because there is a number of trolls I don't "like" but they are such good characters that I still enjoy them a lot ! So I'll have to go with zebruh even if he is very entertaining as a bad guy xD -Herk, artist
Chiming in to say chixie is probably my favorite troll cause her struggles are relatable. Second place goes to Marvus cause he's pretty chill all things considered.
Least favorite is zebruh for because he's like THAT -Rainy, composer
Marvus! And I don’t have a least favorite cause I only really know the purple bloods and THEY ARE MY DARLINGS ALL OF them -Miranda, writer
I think Wanshi and Nepeta are my favorites for Cat Reasons, but also because I was a strange little catgirl before I was a boy and I appreciates them a lot. Zebruh seems like the obvious choice to dislike, but Ardata legit scares me and I am unsettled by ticks and leeches -Bucky, writer
I think this will be stupidly obvious but my favourite trolls are Terezi Stelsa and Tirona, basically just the ones I usually voice haha Terezi because I voice her and basically am her at this point honestly, and the other two are silly and dramatic and I love voicing them I also love Nepeta, Karkat, Aradia, and Tyzias Gamzee is my least favourite ever I hate him -Tex, voice actor
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animehouse-moe · 2 years
D-Frag! : Near Limitless Fun
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Yes, this is an old series. Yes, it can be hard to find physically because of that. And yes, it is fun as all hell. I recently managed to get my hands on all but 3 volumes of the series so I've done a re-read from scratch on it, and it really is just incredibly hilarious. It can be a little formulaic with the whole straight man routine, but it gets both incredibly meta and off the rails with it. I mean, the sheer amount of jokes that they break out in relation to it always keeps it fresh. Getting tired of Kazama making comebacks? There's probably a joke or a remix on the horizon for it. And personally speaking it always gets me, whether it's one volume in or 16 volumes in.
Anyways, let me backtrack a little. What is D-Frag! ? Well. Well.... It's a high school comedy taken the max of what can be weird, with lots of other little bits mixed in. Kazama is a young delinquent who comes to Fujou high believing he'll be able to take it over and make a name for himself. Too bad he gets suckered in by the curious ongoings of a video game club and gets tortured into joining them. From there, his high school career of insanity and infamy as the king of comebacks (and second fiddle to the most fearsome people around) begins as they galivant and explore and in general cause mayhem and headaches.
Oh yeah, and there's 17 volumes and it's still not been a full year in real time in D-Frag! Yeah, that's right, this thing is stretched out, but you don't even think about it. One could only imagine how experiencing all of these moments one after the next would affect a young high schooler. Moving on, some art to break up my monotonous explanations of what D-Frag! is!
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I don't think words could really explain what's so appealing to this manga. It's got such a classic feel to it and is so incredibly true to itself. No matter what trope it brings up, it'll subvert expectations and find a way to turn it silly and diffuse any and all tension. It builds things up and up and up, and just as it's about to place the final piece on top to complete it, Tomoya Haruno (the author) comes swooping in to topple it in the most satisfying way possible.
Not to mention, it's running jokes are absolutely top notch. There's definitely some that are rather cliched, but also more than a few that are fresh and enjoyable within the overall approach of the series. Like the constant jokes about the envy and fear that Takao's (one of the characters) chest instills in fellow women and girls.
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It's really hard to talk about how D-Frag! is so much fun and such a great read without spoiling because I could talk on end about how refreshing, unique, and interesting redacted was. Or how the entire redacted arc was a wild card that was incredibly fun. Maybe this. Parents exist in D-Frag!, they really do. We see both Kazama's mother and father, we see Roka's mother, Takao's mother, Chitose's older sister, and a handful of others. Oh yeah, and just for effect, Sean Connery is a teacher at Fujou High.
And who totally could would forget the unique side characters of D-Frag! ? There's , and there there's , and of course you can't forget about . Jokes aside, the side characters have a real thing for being bald and weird in general and I'm all for it. It's so out of left field and random that it feels like two series collided to form this single one.
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I swear, at least one chapter every volume has these ridiculous battle shounen introductions and interactions, and no matter what they get me every time. And they're so detailed? Haruno sensei absolutely put a good amount of effort into designing them and adding random throwaway details just to make them seem more absurd.
I don't know, I fully admit that D-Frag! isn't some foundational, groundbreaking series that has incredibly well timed or apt and effective humor, nor is it something super relatable or anything that really stands out by critical metrics. But to me, it's just plain dumb fun. One stupid thing after the next, one ridiculous escapade followed by another, guided by Haruno sensei's incredibly odd sense of interest and direction. It's something I don't know I'll ever grow tired of because Haruno sensei has stumbled upon a golden formula for D-Frag!. We're going to hit 15 years of publication this year, so here's to many more. (Also, check out the anime, it's loads of fun for what it adapts from the manga).
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thatpinkbetch · 4 years
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I'm going to answer it this way, because I'm actually not a fan of some of those, and I've heard this is the way to do it if you don't want it ending up in the tag or the search I think? If i censor any of the ship names it's not out of malice! I simply don't want any of this to end up in front of eyes that just want to enjoy their ships 💖💖💖 if there is anyone who doesn't want to see opinions against t*d*d*ku, k*r*b*ku, or even iz**ch*ka, please don't read any further! Oh my goodness i hope this is all legible...
Anyways, hello!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I love talking about my opinion avkvmsocnaocjsoxks it also makes me really happy you like my blog 🥺🥺🥺 (I hope this answer doesn't ruin that avskvneognsocjs)
I'll start out by confirming that I'm not a multishipper. It makes me excited to see how the act of shipping itself can make others happy, but it's just not that way for me. I actually never read fanfic until I got into bnha (bkdk is just that powerful 😁😁) I'm actually...a little serious when i ship, or when i enjoy media, i analyze pretty heavily, so also, if that doesn't sound like anyone's cup of tea, i would once again recommend to stop reading and enjoy your day please!
I love analyzing characters and storylines and dynamics, but i will admit, I'm not a fan of most of the ships - not romantically. I think all the characters have interesting relationships to each other, all of the kids are great friends, and I love bonds and friendships so much 🥺🥺🥺
Those first two are perhaps the biggest, at least they definitely were the biggest when I first entered. Once i caught up, I didn't really understand the enthusiasm, but people have fun shipping, so that's nice! I think of those two as easy ships, if that makes sense? They're pretty simple, and easy to digest.
I personally am not a fan of romantic t*d*d*ku for a very specific reason; it feels weird to me for Todo to immediately fall in love with the first person who's ever shown him kindness (since his mother of course). Todo had never had any friends, nor any want for friends, obviously because of the abuse he faced as a child. Mido was his first exploration at a life outside of his father, a life he got to make for himself, it just doesn't feel right to me that he should immediately think "oh, is this romantic love? Is this the one and only for me?" Well, perhaps a teenager might think that way, but i don't think that's actually how he feels deep down, and I'm sure that's something a lot of us have to learn as we grow (I've definitely struggled with my own understanding of romance for the past 8 years). I think he still is trying to learn how to socialize and to make friends and to be a friend (and he's doing SUCH a good job!) But to immediately plunge into romance, which can be complicated, i don't think that would be right for him. I hope that makes sense! I know they're a very cute ship, which makes for fun! But again, I can be a little serious when i ship...
K*r*b*ku kind of falls into similar territory for me? Baku definitely had friends growing up, but he's seemed to always have trouble understanding his feelings and where he stands with others, causing trust issues. Kiri is really the first person he knew where he stood with, a person for him to be comfortable with and feel on equal ground, which i think is such a huge and positive role in his life, and i don't necessarily think that it needs to be romantic - for both of these, i think these relationships are incredibly important, to everyone involved, and making them romantic doesn't make them any more important!! In fact, i feel like them as friends actually can offer a more complex, interesting, and human dynamic between these characters, as sometimes people simply default to romance and then end up pushing for the same old tropes and ignore all the intricacies Horikoshi includes in his writing.
Again, I love Mido's friendship with Todo, and I love Baku's friendship with Kiri. I think these relationships are incredibly important, and friends are incredibly important. People who ship them are having fun, which is so lovely, and i hope they continue to have fun! I hope you personally find more fics about them that make you smile and brighten your day 💖💖💖
Iz**ch*ka is a little difficult, because they certainly are cute, separately and together. I thought they were cutest before Ura was told about her potential crush on Mido, when she was simply a source of bubbly energy and positivity that helped Mido open up and feel comfortable around other people. I feel though that, romantically, it's extraordinarily one-sided, and at this point, i have to wonder if they really are "end goal." End goal for shounen, of course, is hardly ever explicit ahzovndlfjsoxo but i feel like a better storyline for Horikoshi to take would be for Ura to realize that she's been confused, and these feelings haven't really been a positive experience for her. I've definitely gone through things like that as a teenager. Now, the ship can be very cute! They're basically the same person, and they're cute and bubbly! But again, it simply isn't for me.
I think Momjirou is very cute!! Of course, as a lesbian, i sense strong lesbian vibes from Momo, and strong bi vibes from Jirou, and I also saw the ship potential ever since the USJ attack - which i think, so did everyone else ahaovndofjsojfsk they're best friends without a doubt, though i have to say, i really like Kamijirou. She just makes him so soft, and he's so in awe of her, and she thinks he's so funny, I love how supportive he is of her, especially since she can be really insecure 🥺🥺🥺
I also think Ura and Tsu are very cute but another easy ship, and i kind of really like Ochamina 🥺 they're both pink and space themed, they're bubbly and energetic and kick ass, and i think they'd be super cute...
I saved todobaku for last, because, you know what they say, best for last! 😇😇😇
I've said it before, but if there was no Mido (impossible obviously, and i would never want that) then todobaku is where my heart would lie. Baku has never really been shown chasing after anyone except for Mido...and Todo, which really gets at my heart. There's a grudging respect there - very, very grudging ahakckdkfjskdk which i find very appealing! Todo is very important to Baku and he has also been able to show Baku some things about himself that he needed to question and reevaluate. Meanwhile, Todo puts up with exactly 0% of Baku's shit, which i find absolutely hilarious. It's funny to me how Baku wishes to intimidate Todo as he does everyone else, and Todo simply does not care. And Baku wants to be mad, and ends up mad that he can't be mad since Todo is a strong and worthy opponent. They just have such an interesting chemistry, there's so much friction, so much tension, and I enjoy it, particularly since they clearly should be friends, would be great friends, want to be friends, but Baku simply won't get over it 😂😂 I do prefer them as friends, but friends that are incredibly close, two people that understand each other on almost a telepathic level, two people that give each other shit while also refusing to take the other's shit.
I do agree that many people in this fandom seem to think their ship stands on some moral high ground? It could be a disconnect from the previous generations of fandom, or it could also be the growing mentality on this site that everything needs to be a battle of moral superiority, and also that what you like is part of your personality, and if someone doesn't like what you like, then they don't like you or that they think you're factually incorrect. I personally have stopped going into the bn/ha tag simply because I don't enjoy, well, many things i find there, and I'm happy with those that i follow. I've definitely seen hatred and invalidation for both LGBT ships and m|w ships, neither of which I'm comfortable with. I definitely don't go off tumblr for fandom stuff because there's practically no acceptance for any same gender ships, or any queer headcanoning, which, I'll be honest, makes me scared, as i am a very anxious person avdkvndkfje i do think it should be noted that we should be as accepting of cishet ships as we are of queer ships - no debate on this one - but again, you are right when you say that many cishet headcanons have been used to invalidate LGBT voices, and any and all allies must always be aware of this! It is much more often that queer voices are silenced, that queer ships are ridiculed, that queer shippers aren't allowed to enjoy or see themselves. And to anybody that doesn't want to be an ally... Whelp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what are you doing here ajxkvmdogjdicjsicjsodj I'm gay
I haven't really read much of anything recently, let alone other ships, platonic or otherwise, because energy has been low for me for a long time. I wish i could participate more and support all my friends and other fans, but it's been a bit of a struggle 😣😣😣 I'm so sorry! Something that I can do is make posts and analyses and metas, as those are quick and make me excited, so I'm always happy to respond to asks like these! (I say as i take two hours to write this response...)
I hope people have been taking care of themselves and remember that tumblr is really good at letting you cater to your own interests! I hope if you've made it to the end of this response that you enjoyed it, and you're not mad at me ahsovjekgjsocjwodkso if you are, that's fine, I'm sorry, I probably am really bad at social/internet etiquette and such that help you filter 😣😣
To any who are curious, you cannot change my mind ahdogmdocjdidk thank you to whoever sent this ask!!! A lot of this is a bunch of rambling I've always wanted to talk about but was frankly too scared to post! I hope I made sense and answered everything you were asking!! Please have a good day/night/life!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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"Kai-" You whined holding the box up "Please love I never once played this in the forst place!"
"Is a game for kids (Y/N), we are adults." He showed with his palm at both of you, arching one eyebrow up "See the difference? So that's still a no."
You sighed in defeat, holding the box in one hand while getting up from your bed to quit the room.
"Where are you going?" He more demanded than asked, but the feeling was still there.
"Tell Kurono and Irinaka that you aren't going to participate." You pointed innocently at the direction of the living room.
He deadpanned at that explanation... no, no they didn't just...
"They agreed on playing... this?" He pointed at the box in your hands while you nodded.
"I gave them the idea and Irinaka's words were- wait a minute," you lifted one of your fingers up before coughing " 'HeLL YeAh A BiT oF FuCKinG FUn On ThIS DaMN HoUSE!' While Kurono just sayed 'Yeah sure why not?'"
Okay, first; he had to bite the inside of his cheek to contain his chuckle at your own immitation of Mimic's voice.
Second... did the most trustful commurates of his accepted on playing such a childish game? WITH HIS ANGEL WITHOUT ASKING HIM FIRST?
Oh not fucking happening.
"There is no way that you're going to give up on playing this, right?" He sighed in annoyance before you shook your head.
"I never played 'Jenga'..." you pouted and made those puppy eyes once again in a last attempt of tagging your boyfriend along "Please my devil?" You cooed "I promise I will play with you all the rounds of Shogi with you but please just this once?"
He hated those puppy eyes with such passion. Not because they were disgusting or anything related, no, it was because he couldn't say no to them. He just COULDN'T.
He sighed through his mask and llacedd his gloved hands on the inside of his pocket while walking towards you.
At least he got a time alome with you after, and as a bonus his favorite game, which he not only admired by the rules but he could see that adorable pout of yours whenever you losed.
Which was almost all the time.
"One round. And we call it night. Understood?" He rolled his eyes at your happy expression as you thanked him with a kiss on his mask, surprinsing him for a bit.
"Yes Kai I did brush my teeth and showered..." You huffed while he sighed a relieved 'thank god'.
"You three better not use your quirks on this I swear." You mumbled as you positioned the pieces together, ignoring Mimic's snickering.
"My quirk is not exactly suitable for this, and I am not in the mood to be killed or to be screamed over later." Chrono said pointing at on one his arrows in his head.
"Can't say the same for me though. These things are smaller than a fridge so-"
"So you better shut your mouth Mimic, and do not dare to enter those things." You and Chrono snickered at the way Mimic flinched at Chisaki's tone of voice as he stared at you building that tiny little tower.
"Ridiculous..." he mumbled through his mask before pushinh you to sit on his lap instead of the cushion.
You blushed at the avtion awhile Chrono and Mimic only satred for a couple of seconds in disbelief and yet finding that scene extremely hilarious.
"Any words spoken about this that left of either of you two mouths expect that your bodies will be found in nine dofferent countries." He said darkly before tapping your thigh. "You start."
"A-Ah! Y-yeah I forgot!"
Ok, he had to admit it. This game was way tense and stressful than he thought bit incredibly at testing your physical habbilits.
He also lost count of how many times you send him a look whenever he threatened to use his quirk when he thought the tower was just too trembling and at the point of falling.
"Shit. Why you bunch of people leave the harddest for me?" Hari complaimed as he eyed the atrocity of the tower, thinking of how and which one he was going to push without being prejudiced by it.
"Hurry arrow haired you got only one minute left." Mimic said between laughter as he holded the timer.
"Shut the fuck up Irinaka." He mumbled in response as you giggled, the vibrations hitting Chisaki's chest in the most glorious way.
Huh... this was actually kinda nice.
"Twenty seconds blockhead." Kai said monoustly bit with a hint of arrogance and teasing om his voice.
Which happily you were the only one that got it.
"Kai he is your childhood friend. Don't be so cruel." You whispered to him with a smile whole he arched one of his eyebrows.
"I am being realistic and he is being a idiot, there is at least 45 per cent that this thinh will fall." He whispered lowly back in your ear while you mumbled 'is that so?' With a evil smirk.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6-" you counted along with Mimic, whoose was almost dying from laughter.
"Oh screw you (Y/n)." Chisaki's hold on you tighten as his eyes narrowed at Kurono in a murderous way.
"What did you just said Chronostasis?" He went to take his glove off before you stopped him with a smile.
"Relax, is just a game and I poked him. It happens."
"That doesn't mean he has the right on talking with you like that." He growled before Kurno just mumbled a 'fuck it' a d just took one alleatory block of the tower.
Which didn't fell.
"SUCK THAT MIMIC!" Kurono almost throwed the block on Mimic with his enthusiasm while Irinaka just looked at the tower with a look that screamed 'I'm fucked.'.
"See why I prefer Shogi instead? It isn't this loud." He said numbly as he secretly carresed your hair from behind, se ding goose bumps onto your whole body each time his gloved fingers touched your scalp.
"Ah come on!" You turned your head to look up at him from his shoulder "I caught you smilling when you were passed without destroying the tower and not using your quirk." You said the last part in a joking manner as he rolled his eyes before both of you jumped at the shout Irinaka just gave it while throwing the block on Kurono's head.
Yeah, he didn't back down.
"My turn!" You chirped as you eyed the tower, choosing the best one to not ruin it for your victory.
While Kai was mentally expecting that things fall, Kurno and Mimic were being very... vocal about it before Chisaki sended them a glare.
You successfully and slowly took one of the blocks away with a 'yes' as Kai carresed your side as a reward bjt still a bit dissapointed that it didn't fell.
"Your turn boss."
Chisaki arched his back a bit, covered chin almost resting over your shoulder as he analyzed and prepared his strategy with the little time he had.
The base was a totally forbidden area, the sides were too unstable, and the top completely destroyed ... he looked more carefully until he noticed a piece in the middle that could easily be removed without the tower falling... he smirked underneath his mask and went to pick, already claiming his victory because there was no way that Kurono could take another piece without making the tower fall.
You three weren't even surprised at that, Kai was way too smart for these things but still was fun, and in your case cute and hot as hell, seing his concetrate face.
Before he could even push it from out of there a voice echoed on the room.
"What is going on here?" Pops asked with curiosity but still smirked at the sign.
This took Chisaki's concentration away and he accidentally let the tower fall... making him, Mimic Chrono and you go wide eyed as you three jaws almost hitted the floor.
Did... did Overhaul just... lost?
"HoLY SHIt ThIS Is FoR ThE REcoRd! OvErHaUL JuST LoST!" Mimic broked the silent while screaming in laughter, making you and Chrono crack into your owns as Chisaki stared at it... disbelief lrinted on his face.
"I swear I never once saw that this day was even going to become reality holy shit!" Kurno said between laughter, not caring about the death glare he was receiving from Chisaki.
"W-what-" you tried once "What did you say about this being a game for kids my devil?" He pinched your side and one of your thighs for that, bit you only muffled your laughter on his neck, feeling the vibrations while he growled in irritation.
"Place that thing back together again, it didn't count."
"It didn't count my-" Chrono punched the back of his Mimic's neck before he could say any thing as he mumbled a 'sure'
"Will you four mind if I join you? A bit of distraction is never a bad thing." Pops asked while taking a sit between you and Irinaka, since you had gotten off of Chisaki's lap for respect at the old man.
Pops participating or not, he was going to crush his enemies mercilessly...
Ah, he felt your hand on his gloved ones... adorable but that wont save his angel.
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songofclarity · 4 years
Hi. Sorry to suddenly come into your askbox like this but I saw your tags on the Nie Bros sickfic you reblogged from me. Thank you so much for the lovely tags! I'm so happy to hear you liked the story :D (I'm not sure if you've seen the donghua adaptation but NHS was sent to the Wen camp in that version haha. I did really like how in CQL though it looked like NMJ was preparing to fight the invitation but then the whole mess with the XY and MY happened)
Hello! ♡ Thank you again for sharing such a wonderful fic! Nie brothers and sickfic and hurt/comfort, it’s a feast of my favorite things! ♡♡♡
You’re absolutely right, Nie HuaiSang did go to the camp in the donghua! And I saw it in your tags too, I swear, but by the end I was apparently buzzing in my own little world...! It’s been awhile since I’ve watched the donghua, I admit, and my mind is on default setting to the original canon where his incredibly loud absence at the camp has always struck me as a story in and of itself. Like what sacrificial Wen messenger would have dared to step foot into the Unclean Realm in the first place considering the Nie Sect already hates the Wen Sect? And then dare order Nie MingJue to send his little brother to them as a hostage? Like the absolute audacity!
I also liked how CQL Nie MingJue was preparing to fight the invitation! But then the donghua and CQL needed more familiar faces present due to being a visual adaption, so welcome to camp, Nie HuaiSang! Seeing him happily handing over his saber in CQL is hilarious and watching him hide behind everyone and everything in the donghua is so pitifully precious, so I still enjoy them all! Plus the more Nie HuaiSang we get, the better!
But as your wonderful fic so demonstrates, Nie HuaiSang in the camp aftermath is such a wonderful spot to fill with headcanons. Swimming out of that cave (can Nie HuaiSang swim or did he have to hold onto someone!?), having to make it back home with his people without sabers or food or anything and the Wens still chasing them... That was honestly the most dangerous thing that has ever happened to him, most likely. Having him finally get home and his health has taken a beating? Bring on the hurt/comfort! Nie MingJue having a crisis over his little brother being dead or dying at any point during all of this? My heart is bleeding and I love it, please continue!
Plus thinking ahead, Nie HuaiSang at the camp and coming home in a dismal state, of Nie MingJue having to face the possibility of losing him, adds extra meaning to Nie MingJue being so protective that Nie HuaiSang is sent off to Cloud Recesses during the Sunshot Campaign (in the novel, at least). Like Nie MingJue handed Nie HuaiSang to the Wens and that almost ended in complete disaster. You’d think he’d then want to keep Nie HuaiSang as close as possible or at least at home, but to then send him off to someone else instead?? That speaks to the unfathomable amount of trust he has in the Lans and Lan XiChen, but that really should come as no surprise to anyone.
I kind of went off there but just! Nie brother feels! Sickfic! I love it! Keep up the great work writing, my friend!
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feather-dancer · 4 years
“I know there is still a lot both of you have and are still are keeping from me, leaving me with little more than the scraps like you think I'm so fragile that I would break if I went and anything found out. You know like the incidents you turned into innocent dinner conversation while he went and waved me off or straight up lied with talk of camping while really he was out there fighting for his very life."
The sheer discomfort of being so ceremoniously outted must be rather blatantly on show along with the crushing realisation of exactly where this is going now even before a finger is pointed at his chest all judgment and fire. Her gaze only hardens further when it meets his own widening green.
"So I need to know: was it you, Walter. Were you the reason he wrote that letter?"
The implication is clear: Honesty as had been promised or else.
Ok, I adore all of the Stricklake interaction in chapter 2 of the Ghost AU, but this part always gets me. She’s just like - tell me the truth or that’s it. No more excuses, no more bullshit.
And internally he’s like,
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The letter originally was just a what if scenario I tossed in as the potential to do it was right there because as far we know, it was never brought up again after Barbara challenged Jim in the hospital (Where she said she never read it) and given everything that had happened since then it’d be... Well if he wrote it THEN before she knew either time how dangerous things were for her son and essentially shut off since, what kinda things was he facing at the time that led him to genuinely fear he was going to die? Strickler was always gonna be the first person her mind would jump to on reading it even though hilariously in this is that rare case he is both completely innocent and oblivious to the actual cause.
Which is very :D Oh no for us.
This was actually one of the parts of the entire Stricklake scene that got shuffled around a lot because of the flow not working right, the original version of this being very different in how it happened too. Barbara still was very upfront on her thoughts though, I remember sending an early version to a friend which might still be blowing around my DMs though bits and pieces of it survived intact? I know they suggested (Having not seen Trollhunters, they’re incredibly indulgent of me) throwing in a mention of exactly what those two were doing behind her back which later became that first paragraph! Really glad they did as it gave more of a focus for her to collect her thoughts together before the accusation happens..
The line “The implication is clear: Honesty as had been promised or else.” actually kept haunting me as it sat at the top of a page staring at me anytime I was doing edits around there, clearly I needed reminding too.
I’m so glad it paid off tho given how damn self indulgent the entire Stricklake section was! The second one I at least had a genuine excuse to happen but that one? Noooot so much. The one I’m writing atm is a tad self indulgent too I will admit but it’s needed for those who might not read the oneshot.
Ty <3 My morning has been made.
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whottheactualfudge · 7 years
pairing — kwon soonyoung / hoshi (svt) | reader
genre — friends to lovers | fluff | non-idol au
warning — drinking (of age) + a lot of kissing
word count — 3892
summary — moving into a new apartment wasn’t the only thing that was going to change for you
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The night was only beginning as your two friends waltzed into your living room, shouting to announce their arrival in your new apartment.
  “Y/N!” one of your closest friends, (F/N (friend’s name)), yelled.
  “In here!” you responded from a nearby room, poking your head out to smile at them before hurrying out to greet them swiftly. “Sorry, I’m almost done.” You knew that many more people were about to arrive, so you air-kissed them quickly and ran back to your room.
  Looking at yourself in the mirror, you sighed, seeing that your makeup still needed a little bit of adjusting, as well as your hair. 
   "Ahh Y/N, you have to relax," your male friend, Soonyoung, commented. "It's just a party. You've had them before."
   "But I'm super late —"
   "You're not late at all!" He interrupted, smiling, but shaking his head. "No one's here yet."
   You let out a groan, beginning to curl your lashes. "That doesn't mean that I'm not late!"
   "Soonyoung’s right," F/N said as she stood to your left and looked at you in the mirror. "Chill. It'll be great."
   "Easy for you to say," you retorted, applying mascara. "You're ready." A smile stretched across your face when you glanced at her for a brief moment. "You look great, by the way. I love your hair."
   She grinned before lightly punching you in the shoulder. "Thank you! It took about two hours!"
   To your right, Soonyoung grumbled and rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, you both look good and it takes you both forever to get ready; we get it."
   "Shut up." You scoffed, adding finishing touches to your hair as you looked at him. "Besides...you also look good, Soonyoung."
   "Ha, I always look good." He joked, doing a hair flip that didn't exactly work since he had short hair.
  “I think it’s great that you’re having this party,” F/N mentioned before you could sarcastically reply to Soonyoung. “It’s the best way to announce, ‘this is my new home. Come on over and trash it whenever you want to’.”
  It was your turn to roll your eyes. “It’s a housewarming party, F/N. It’s not like you guys were gonna throw one for me.”
  “If you had asked, we would have!” Soonyoung countered, overreacting offense.
  “Whatever.” You said. “Let’s just clear the boxes before anyone else shows up. There’s room in the back.”
  Without a word, F/N walked out of the room. You started to follow when Soonyoung abruptly stopped you by putting his arm around your waist. He looked at you and smirked, flirtatiously raising a brow.
  With a nervous chuckle and a slight shake of your head, you curiously looked into his brown eyes. He had been acting quite strange recently; flirting with you a lot and doing a lot of things he never did at first. You were giggly and full of butterflies whenever he did so, therefore it wasn’t much of a problem — but, you couldn’t help but feel like it was a bit odd, and wonder, why now, after 3 years of knowing you and being a close friend to you?
  A part of you didn’t like it since that part of you worried that he was only doing it for a reason you hated to admit to yourself.
  (Just. Sex.)
  “What?” you smiled, feeling a blush creep into your cheeks.
  “Are you going to wear heels tonight?” he questioned, removing his hold off your waist.
  “Most probably…why?”
  “Argh,” he threw his head back as he groaned. “Nothing, nothing…just don’t wear anything that would hurt your feet. Whenever you wore heels somewhere, you always end up taking them off. Do I need to remind you?”
  “Soonyoung, that would only happen after hours upon hours of walking. This is my apartment; I think I can manage to walk around in here as much as I want to without feeling the need to remove them.”
  He seemed unconvinced. “Are you going to get incredibly drunk?”
  For some reason, the question bothered you. “No, not tonight; I’ve got early plans tomorrow.” You answered with a frown, and he took notice.
  “All right,” Soonyoung nodded. Looking away, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry for all the questions. It’s a new neighborhood…”
  A part of you felt like it was an excuse for something you couldn’t quite understand, but you let it go. “It’s fine, Soonyoung. I appreciate it.”
  Looking up, he smiled at you unevenly, and you couldn’t help but return it.
  “…D-did I tell you that you look beautiful?” he murmured, clearly nervous as he inched closer to you, making you take a step back.
  “I think so,” your smile almost faded as your blush deepened; a part of you held your ground while another part wanted to back off. You weren’t exactly sure which part of you was louder – or rather, which was the right one to listen to.
  “Am I third-wheeling here?” F/N exclaimed from behind Soonyoung, carrying plastic plates and cups in both of her hands.
  Soonyoung visibly jolted and looked over his shoulder at her, but didn’t say a word.
  “N-no, no, sorry, F/N,” you stuttered, walking past Soonyoung and joining her. “He just wanted to discuss something about the apartment.”
  “OK, good. Let’s get started, then.”
                                            ✧ ✧ ✧
Finally, the party had come to an end.
  The apartment felt warm and smaller than it actually was, and you felt comfortable; as though you had been living here for an entire semester already.
  “I’ll see you next week!” you called out after your last guest departed your new home. “Bye!”
  You closed the door and leaned against it briefly before striding over to your couch, dropping onto it with a smile on your face. You weren’t sleepy, but you were tired, and you couldn’t wait to go to bed.
  Scratch that — you didn’t want to go to bed; you barely wanted to move. You pulled the blanket on the couch over your legs and let out a deep sigh, letting go of the stress that had been sitting on your shoulders the entire night.
  “Aaaand done!” Soonyoung appeared to your right, clapping his hands together as though he had just finished building something. You faintly jumped at his exclamation, thinking that you were alone in the flat until he showed up. “Your apartment is now as clean as it can be, after its first party. Congrats! It has been deflowered.” He snickered at his silly joke.
  You groaned as you sank further into your couch, kicking off your heels and putting your legs up. “Thank you so much, Soonyoung. You’re a godsend.”
  “So I’ve been told,” he shrugged, joining you on the sofa and placing the blanket over himself as well. A couple seconds passed before he turned to you and asked, timidly, “Do you mind if I…?”
  He meant to put his arm around you as he gestured to your shoulders. His slightly uneven jawline made his small, unintentional pout even cuter than it already was.
  Without hesitation, you replied with, “No! Of course not; why would I? I mean, not from you, at least.”
  Chuckling, he placed his arm around you as you leaned onto him and located your head on his chest, wondering whether or not you could put your arm around his waist this time. You kept thinking of asking him, but the words never came out, and you didn’t know if it were because you were tired, or shy.
  Endless thoughts began to race through your head; it was the first time you and Soonyoung did something like this. Suddenly, he asked, “What are we watching?” interrupting your train of thought.
  “Flip through the channels.” You smiled, when in fact you weren’t even remotely focused on what was on the TV ahead of the both of you.
  What did this mean, if it meant anything at all? You wondered, somewhat anxious. Has Soonyoung liked me the entire time we were friends, or is it something recent? Does he even like me at all, or is he just being really nice? Are we going to start dating now? Or is this some sort of ‘sign’ of extreme friend-zoning me…? Like when girls are extra touchy with their gay best friends?
  You never thought of Soonyoung in that way; there were a few times when the thought would cross your mind, but you never actually – seriously – considered it. And at that moment, you asked yourself, why didn’t I?
  The notion intrigued you, in a way. Your train of thought returned, bringing forth endless scenarios as you recalled all the times you spent with him. It’s not like you two had been close friends since childhood – no; you two met and became close right before the two of you graduated from high school. Speaking to him and spending time with him was the highlight of your days, especially since he could always find ways to make you laugh.
  Still — there was a lot to go on.
  You questioned every move he made. And then began to question yourself.  This was what you had in mind as the minutes passed:
  Dating Soonyoung PROS:
• He’s so!!! cute!!!!!!!! But also sexy?
• SO talented. I could listen to him singing forever
• Always making me laugh. Hilarious
• Is my closest friend!! <3 thankfully. I’m so lucky to have met him
• One of the BEST people I know. Seriously. So open-minded and accepting.
• Supportive and encouraging. Wouldn’t have done so many things if it weren’t for him
  Dating Soonyoung CONS:
• Can be obnoxious and mean. It hurts me, sometimes
• Will totally make F/N the third wheel –  which is the worst thing!
• Is my closest friend…
• So…it might ruin the friendship if it doesn’t work out. Maybe there’s a way to avoid ruining it?
• Often childish (((((not immature))))) but still annoying in a way
• Not always available…busy. So many times when I wanted to talk to him, he was busy
  “Closest friend” ended up being on both lists since you didn’t know if it were an actual con or a pro. Talking to him about what’s been going on in your life was the only stress reliever you knew you needed – there were not many people you could open up to the same way you opened up to Soonyoung, excluding F/N, since you could tell her anything.
  Still; with Soonyoung, it was different.
  Maybe deep down, I always knew there was something more, you thought.
  “Aw hell yeah!” he abruptly exclaimed as he adjusted himself on the couch beside you, which resulted in his hand finding its way to your waist — again. “I love this movie. I hope you don’t mind me restarting it.”
  “No, go ahead.” You looked at the TV but your mind was elsewhere; mostly, you were focused on him. The sound of his voice and his steady heartbeat, the way you shifted when he laughed, and the way his thumb was rubbing your elbow and his fingers clenching around your clothes – like he wanted something a bit more.
                                 ✧ ✧ ✧
“Psst, Y/N. Wake up. It’s almost 3:30. I gotta go.”
  You felt a soft tap on your cheek as Soonyoung gently shook you to consciousness. “Why are you still here…so late?” you asked, slowly lifting yourself off of him and faintly opening your eyes, looking at him. Even though you had just woken up, you immediately took note of your arm around him. “And why did you let me fall asleep?”
  “I was watching the movie,” he said, as-a-matter-of-factly. “And…I couldn’t wake you. Not right away. You deserved to sleep – even if it were just for a little bit – after such a busy day.”
  You sighed, feeling yourself cave in from his thoughtfulness. “You’re so sweet, Soonyoung. Thank you.”
  He chuckled, removing his arm from around you as he glanced away briefly, and then looking at you again. It was quiet; you watched his eyes dart from your own, your lips and your surroundings. For a moment, it appeared as though he wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth.
  It felt like the both of you were slowly inching closer to each other. You watched as his eyes began to close —
  And then, it happened. Your nerves took over, making your heart pound and your insides shake.
  You didn’t know who exactly initiated it, or who leaned in first; all you knew was that…it felt so wonderful. It felt like something you had been wanting for the longest time, and now, you finally have it; like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a closed-off room for hours.
  When the kiss was over, it was silent again. Soonyoung’s cheeks were visibly pink as he gazed at you, only inches away from your face; the tips of your noses still touching, along with your lips. He said your name, but you only hummed a response.
  You breathed in his scent as your eyes closed once more, enclosing the space that separated the two of you. Placing your hand on his neck, your fingers entwined with the tips of his hair as you continued to kiss – slowly, as though you had all the time in the world, as though you two had been in love for the longest time and the truth had finally revealed itself. In a peculiar way, you felt liberated.
  He’s kissing me back, you thought. For the second time. It must mean something, right? He didn’t reject me, after all. Didn’t change the subject. Didn’t awkwardly move away or dig up an excuse to leave. Could this be the beginning of something new between us?
  His hand roamed your back as his other hand ran up your thigh, delicately pulling you closer. You took notice of the way he was kissing you; like it was something he had always wanted to do as well, breathing you in and gripping you close, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
  And you did the same: stayed as near to him as you could be, your fingers in his hair and your hand on his neck, unable to detach yourself from him as you fell for the way he moved and the way he smelled.
  He took one deep breath before reluctantly parting from you, however still placing small kisses on and around your lips.
  “U...um…” he breathed, leaning on his shoulder as he watched you through tired eyes. You separated, becoming two individual beings once more. “I should get going.” He continued, rubbing his eyes before ruffling up his hair. He looked down at where his hands were now resting on his lap, and glanced up at you again. For some reason, you felt as though he were upset.
  He didn’t say anything. He just looked at you, and smiled softly before turning and standing. “Sorry if I kept you up.”
  “No, Soonyoung,” you peeped and then cleared your throat. “You didn’t…what’s wrong?”
  “Nothing,” he sighed, disheveling his hair again and shaking his head, looking at the front door as if he wanted to leave right then and there. “I just…I thought it would be different. I wanted it to be different.”
  You blinked. “…Different?”
  Had he been planning something…? And how long was he planning it for?
  “Yeah,” he admitted, glancing at you. “A bit more…romantic, I hoped. Not after a party…”
  “Yes.” He sighed heavily, plopping back down onto the couch and rubbing his face. It looked as though he were preparing himself to say something. “I’ve…” he was staring at his hands, playing around with his fingers, looking for the right words to say. “I kind of…really enjoy being around you…and… maybe, like you, in a way, so I wanted to confess differently. Do things a bit differently.”
  You couldn’t say anything, especially when he looked at you. You didn’t know what exactly was going to happen after the kiss, but things were abruptly clearer to you, and in your head, you kept telling yourself, I should have thought about it more; about what would happen once the kiss was over.
  “It’s okay…” you managed to say, not entirely sure that you, yourself, believed in it. “These things usually happen when you least expect them to. I think that makes it romantic, in a way, too.”
  He looked tense. “…And?”
  “And…? And what?”
  “What do you think?” he looked at you, back at his hands, and back at you, continuously, nervously. “Do you like me…?”
  Only a part of you knew the answer to that, but at the same time, you weren’t sure. Still, you felt the need to reassure him. “I mean…I kissed you, didn’t I?”
  I do like Soonyoung, you told yourself. He’s my closest friend. And maybe…maybe something more, from now on. I’m certain that I like him.
  “…You’re not drunk…or tipsy at all, are you?” he questioned carefully, almost seeming like he regretted the question as soon as the words left his mouth.
  You chose not to complicate it. “I did drink a little bit from here and there, so I am a little tipsy, even after a nap…but I’m being honest, Soonyoung.”
  At the sound of your words, he grinned. You saw the happiness reach his eyes and you wanted to do nothing more than embrace him tightly, caress his hair and continue to kiss him.
  He bit his lip, holding back a laugh, still looking at his hands.
  He’s so cute.
  “Okay…” nodding slowly, he chuckled, appearing relieved. “Okay, then. It’s not exactly what I had in mind…but I’m okay with this.” He turned to you and smiled, making you blush and smile in return. “I’ll come back later, okay Y/N?”
  “Where are you going?” you snickered, unable to stop smiling. It was unexpected, but you were happy, too; it was as if his presence made you all warm and fuzzy, for the first time.
   He must’ve seen the sad look in your eyes since he started talking faster – but he also laughed. “Not-not because I don’t want to stay…I want to, I really do, but I have to go. I have an early shift tomorrow and it’s almost 4 AM…my shift starts at 8.”
  “I like you, Soonyoung.” You blurted, not thinking about it. Your confession caused his eyes to momentarily widen. “I really do.”
  “I like you, too, Y/N. I like you a lot.” He was stopping his mouth from stretching out into a smile by pressing his lips together and leaning towards you to place a soft kiss on your cheek. As soon as his lips left your cheek, he started to giggle impatiently. “I can’t believe it.”
  “Yeah,” you grinned, half confused, half excited. “Me neither. But I’ll see you later…right?”
  “Of course,” he beamed widely, standing up and gathering his things. Clearly, he couldn’t control his facial expressions anymore. “Call me before you come to visit, okay Y/N?”
  It was a dopey smile that drew you into him a lot more – more than you thought was ever possible, with Soonyoung. The fact that the feelings you were feeling were directed towards him was strange and new, but utterly thrilling.
  I can’t wait to see him again, you thought, genuinely feeling that way.
  “I will.” You smiled back, abruptly feeling lightheaded as you turned off the TV and went back into a lying position on the couch, closing your eyes. I guess I’m still tired and sleepy. “I’ll…I’ll call you later, Soonyoung.”
  He let out a loud groan and suddenly, his arms were under you. “You don’t expect me to leave and let you just sleep out here, do you?”
  Before you knew it, you were off the couch and airborne as he carried you into your room. Giggling, you put your arms around him, feeling his fast heartbeat against you, making you blush. You reached up to kiss him, which he didn’t return since it took him by surprise.
  But to you, it already started to feel natural, as though it was something you were supposed to do and something you should’ve been doing for a long time.
  “One, two,” he counted, still grinning from ear to ear as he placed you down on the bed and began covering you up with the blankets. “Stay warm and sleep well.”
  You hummed, looking up at him with a sheepish smile. He turned to leave, but you stopped him. “Wait. Why don’t you stay the night?”
  “You want me to sleep over?” he hesitated, already standing near the entrance to your bedroom.
  “Why not? It wouldn’t be the first time you do.”
  “I told you…as much as I’d love to stay over, Y/N, I have to go in early tomorrow,” he explained, slowly striding in your direction. “I don’t think it’ll work out tonight.”
  You didn’t want to force him, even though, if you had, it also wouldn’t be the first time. Still, you groaned and rolled your eyes. “Okay, I guess…just…”
  “What?” he chuckled, stroking your cheek. “It’s only a few hours.” He joked.
  “Not that, Soonyoung. It’s just that…I have one key. If you leave and lock the door, taking my key, I’ll be locked up in my apartment.” It wasn’t a lie, but it was definitely the perfect excuse to have him sleep over — or so you thought, at least.
  “Ha-ha, you’re cute.” He shook his head. “You’re forgetting that you already gifted F/N and I extra keys to your new place?”
  Your eyes widened, and then you sighed as the memory hit you in the face. “…I remember.”
  “Y/N, I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?” he said, giving you a kiss on the cheek and turning away again.
  You whined, intentionally. “Soonyoung…”
  He rotated back to face you, throwing his hands up in confusion before understanding what you wanted.
  “If I had known you felt so strongly about me…” he teased, leaning down to you once more. “I would’ve planned for this more carefully.”
  “Shut up,” you grumbled, putting your arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer for another kiss. It resulted in him sitting on the bed, trying not to fall over when he was standing.
  I could kiss him for hours…
  “I’m not staying over,” he breathed heavily once he forced himself out of the kiss, pushing his hair back as he sat up. “You can’t make me.” But you both knew that that was a lie.
  “Fine,” you gave in, rolling your eyes. “It was worth a shot.”
  He groaned. “How do you expect me to leave like this?”
  “Hey,” you shrugged. “It’s not my fault.” A giggle escaped your lips, and Soonyoung perceptibly clenched his teeth.
  “I’ll get you tomorrow,” he warned, pointing a finger at you as he stood up and hurried towards the door. “Same time and place, yeah?”
  Nodding, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. “Yeah, same time and place.”
  Once again, he shook his head, and finally waved a goodbye. “Goodnight, Y/N!”
  “Goodnight.” You smiled, watching him vanish in a flash. “Soonyoung.”
  You hummed to yourself, repeating his name and attaching a cringe-worthy nickname after it, such as ‘gumdrop’ or ‘cupcake’, smiling and laughing yourself to sleep as though he were still in the room.
  And, for the first time in a long time, you felt like you were going to explode from happiness.
  I can’t wait…to see him again.
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dcnightmare07 · 7 years
"Fighter" is actually one of my mom's favorite MX tracks too, it's cute. :'^) STELLAR!!! :0 AHHH, I feel so guilty because the oversexualization by their company made me skeptical at first (just personal issues), but they have so many incredible songs!!! Their name certainly suits them. It took me awhile to get into Red Velvet, but now I'm a huge fan. Joy and Yeri are my biases. My dad is also a big RV fan. And I miss f(x) too, like really tho, wtf, SM? SNSD are QUEENS, L E G E N D S. (1/2)
I think Girl’s Day have top notch vocals, which is why it’s so weird how I never see them mentioned on lists for the top ten best singing girl groups??? Like, when I was first discovering them I binge watched a bunch of their MR Removeds and I was blown away, especially at their performances of “Expectation” bc that choreo is so intense. AND!!! I have been a CLC stan since their debut, same with Pristin. It’s so damn hard to pick biases for those two groups tho, for me, anyway. :“’^((( (2/2)
Lol I’m just going to say right now that this response is going to be LONG, because I LOVE talking about girl groups.
Your parents listens to and like Kpop?? That’s pretty neat! I’m trying to get my mom into it. I think she’s finally stopped silently judging me because she actually asks me questions about it and stuff now, so progress! My dad will never get into it (he thinks my sister and I are nuts for spending money on music we can’t understand, but it’s whatever).
BUT OH MY GOSH, I ENTERED PHASE 3 OF STANNING STELLAR ALMOST EXACTLY ONE MONTH AGO SO I’M STILL ON THAT MAJOR, HONEYMOON KICK. Archangels of the Sephiroth just rocked my world (plus it came out on my birthday so that was an added bonus). What’s funny is that I started listening to Marionette in the summer of 2015 having absolutely no idea how risque the music video was or anything, so when I did find all of that out, I will admit it was a bit off-putting, but I loved their music so much, I quickly got over it. So I was in phase 2 in like October of that year? It was before Sting, I know that much because I was pumped for that comeback, and then AOTS happened, and I got dragged in and became a Twinkle, so it took like 1.5 years rip, but I love and adore every single one of their songs. Insomnia, Guilty, and Ringtone are my FAVORITES of their b-sides.
As for Red Velvet, my ultimate queens, I at least entered phase 1 sometime just before ICC, and then it wasn’t until Dumb Dumb that I hit phase 2, and then just before Russian Roulette, I became a Reveluv (gosh, it’s so nice to have a fandom name). Now I’m sitting here with….a lot of their merch. I’m such trash; it’s a problem. My bias is Irene (and she’s actually my ultimate bias, too), but freaking Kang Seulgi likes to cause me problems. Wendy, too. Actually, they all cause me problems. It’s just a rough life Lol.
Girl’s Day were my ults the summer of 2015 tbh, and my bias is Sojin because a) she’s gorgeous, b) she’s hilarious, c) she’s incredibly talented (though they all are), and d) she studied mechanical engineering, which is what I studied in college, so yeah Lol.
I thought I knew who my bias is in CLC, but I keep getting distracted by a different member all the freaking time, I can’t decide anymore Lol. As for PRISTIN, Eunwoo is my #1, but literally everyone else is right on her heels trying to steal me away.
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