#at least before he turned into a mass murderer
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snoopyearss · 6 months
When jjk characters call you ‘clingy’
Feat. crybaby-ish!reader
Gojo, geto, toji
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Cw: hurt, guilt, angst (if you squint)
This is inspiration from a mini series i read a few days ago by user @fumekara. It was so good, I love me some angst to hurt/comfort.
But i also wrote this from personal experience too, my bad yall i treat this like my own personal diary
Anyway, enjoy!
Satoru Gojo
He was pissed. He doesn’t typically show it much, but when he does, he gets kind of scary. He’s more quiet, his voice gets deeper, and his whole body language just shifts. So when the higher-ups piss him off after a very long meeting, the last thing he needs is someone to pounce on him. He usually loves it when you greet him at the door when you’re home for work. But today, he just wanted to strip off his clothes and hop into bed.
Gojo huffs as he leaves the elevator of your shared apartment and grabs his keys from his pocket to unlock the door. As he opens the door, he sees you in the kitchen grabbing ingredients for dinner. “Hi baby,” You softly greeted him. “Hey.” was all he said back. It confused you for a second because he’s never greeted you like that before.
“Is everything okay?” You walk up to him to try to kiss him on his cheek. “God- Y/n, please.” He grumbled, walking right past you and placing his briefcase on the table. “I’m just trying to help,” you defended, walking up to take his coat off for him. “At least let me take your coat-” That’s when he snapped. Something he’s never done to you before. “Y/n, I fuckin’ got it! Geez, you’re so fucking clingy!” He aggressively shrugged your hands off his shoulder. It scared you a bit, to see him so angry at you. You were confused, all you wanted to do was make him feel better. Were you really that clingy?
“I-I’m sorry.” your voice came out shaky and defeated. Hearing how small your voice sounded in response to him lashing out made Satoru’s heart shatter into thousands of pieces. He wanted to turn around and apologize, but the words weren’t coming out. By the time he turned to face you, Your back was already facing him, preparing dinner for the both of you as tears rolled down your face.
Suguru Geto
It was 2 weeks after Suguru deflected. 2 weeks since he committed mass murder in that village. 2 weeks since he left Satoru, Shoko, and the others. It was weighing on him and you could tell. Nothing but him, his two adopted girls, a few people who believed in his cause, and you.
You promised him you would go wherever he would go, and he was so grateful for it. He loves you deeply and would do anything for you. But some days just threw everything on him at one time, today was one of those days. Monkeys non-sorcerers begging him to exercise curses left and right, Nanako and Mimiko begging him to take them shopping, missing payments from those begging for his service. It was all too much. And the guilt was eating away at him.
He genuinely wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying and it annoyed him how much talking you were doing in his ear at that moment. You were both sitting outside watching the two girls play in the yard. “Y/n,” He interrupted you. “Don’t you have something better to do than to just bother me?” He sighed sounding so condescending. “What do you mean?”
“Must you always cling to me? Isn’t there something else you can do besides following me everywhere I go, at all times of the day?!” His voice raised a bit as if he was talking to a non-sorcerer. “I didn’t realize I was. I was only trying to tell you about what me and the girls did today,” You defended. “You’re always so busy, I rarely get to see you anymore.”
“Yeah, because you’re always underneath me. Sometimes-” He stopped mid-sentence because of the saddened look on your face. His eyes softened a bit. “Sometimes I just need my space.” He sighed. You only nodded and started to walk back inside. “Ok, I understand.” Your voice cracked. Leaving Suguru alone to think about what he had just said to you. As if he didn’t feel guilt then, he definitely feels guilt now.
Toji Fushiguro
Toji was a bit frustrated today. He was cheated out of his money after doing a side job, the bet he placed on the race he kept constantly telling you about fell through, leaving him with zero, and to top it all off, the child support payment was coming up. You being an empath and knowing your boyfriend so well, you wanted to help him any way you could.
He was sitting in the chair by the island in the kitchen with his fingers combing through his hair. He was on the phone with multiple people at once, trying to solve his money issues. “Shiu, you guaranteed me way more money than this! How am I supposed to cover this months child support with this amount?!” You walked up to where he was, wondering what all the commotion was about. “Baby?” You softly called out. You could hear Shiu on the other line trying to calm him down and explain the situation.
“That sounds like a bunch of bull and you know it Shiu, you better have my money by next week thursday or else I’m taking it myself.” He grumbled and hung up the phone. “Baby,” You gently placed a hand on his broad shoulder.
“What, Y/n.” He sternly said. You merely blinked a few times. “I was just checking to see if you were okay. What’s with the attitude?”
“I’m fuckin’ frustrated okay? Please leave. You aren’t helping right now.” He waved you off.
“I barely did anything, I just wanted to know if you needed help with anything-”
“Jesus, I said enough! I don’t need your help. Fuck, you’re so clingy.” His voice booming caused you to remove your hand from his shoulder in fear. Seeing your reaction caused him to think about what he said and how he said it. The last think he wanted to do was scare you. He wanted you to feel safe around him. But with the way you jumped at how he raised his voice, it saddened him a bit.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” He was cut off by the sound of his child wailing in the background. “I’ll take care of it.” You said in the smallest voice, not even leaving him time to protest against it and apologize.
Part 2
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buttercupblu · 1 month
Satoru's Psyche|Surfacing
"Power dynamics, they're fluid."
Session 1 of 10|Next Session
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🗂️Patient Chart Update: Routine patient visit and care performed. Patient is stable, mostly corporative, and only mildly rowdy today. Vitals are clear, appetite is normal, nothing of interest to report other than slightly abnormal behavior resulting in the [REDACTED] incident, pending Nurse deliberation on how to proceed with patient disciplinary action. 📋 Length of Session (w.c): 5.2k out of "we will cross that bridge when we get to it 🤠" 💊Intake Chart (tags): this is a full-blown AU with a slowww build-up, yandere-ish behavior, pet names, angst, compulsive flirter Gojo (he literally cannot help it), mentally unstable Gojo, Nurse!Reader ✏️doctor's angel’s note: there’s something very, very special about how this story was born. extended author’s note at the end of this chapter if you’re curious|kk I'm done talking - enjoy Satoru’s Psyche. 🎼 Waiting room music: Child's Play|SZA
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They all worshipped the strongest. 
But no one saw the man; no one noticed the cracks until it was too late.
The first appeared after the Star Plasma Vessel mission—Gojo's near-death experience and first awakening. 
Then, it was his best friend, Suguru Geto. His betrayal, death. Murder. 
The blood on Gojo's hands left such a deep mark.
Devastation. Irreparable damage.
No matter what Gojo did after that, death followed him like a loyal dog. 
And when the final crack happened in the Prison Realm, with no distraction from his own thoughts and burdens and painstakingly harsh reality, Satoru Gojo bent..then snapped.
He can't remember what happened after being unsealed. 
All he knew was the blood that came afterward.
Apparently, he went on a rampage, but in his psyche, it didn't matter.
Nothing mattered.
And he didn't feel guilt—not in the slightest. 
They must have gotten what they deserved, right? 
The thoughts were deafening.
But Gojo’s natural tendency to play the hero was even louder and got the best of him. The realization of what he’d done was haunting—plaguing and persuading him like a Devil in his ear until he turned himself in to shut the voices the fuck up. 
Once again, good ruled over evil and the world was safe.
In Gojo's own sick and twisted way, he had once more saved the day.
And as a thank you? He's here, in a fucking straitjacket, seals all around to make his cursed energy dormant. At least, that's what those old fools believe…
Gojo can't help but scoff, recalling all their nonsense. 
“You're unstable. The mind needs to be healed.”
Blah fucking blah. What a load of bullshit. 
However, society never took too kindly to a little mass murder, so fine.
Gojo will play nice... for now.
And for the most unexpected reason why.
His grin only deepens, a borderline predatory look as he hears those familiar footsteps. 
Ah...how wonderful.
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“There you are.”
The man waits by the door, shoulder framing your entrance and leaning on the wall. Welcoming, warm and expectantly, before the locks can disengage. 
Like many times before, your eyes meet through the window pane. A dull blue under snowy white lashes, heavy and following yours, but barely piercing the plastic—small and artificial—only a thin layer of careful separation, but you both see right through it. Neutrality on your face but wavering sharpness in your eyes. And a glint in his as the familiar buzz! ushers you into his world.
“How’s my favorite nurse?” he asks like a broken record. All casual-like, as if his arms aren’t meticulously tucked into tight restraints that work hard against his muscled frame. “Missed your favorite psychopath?”
He couldn’t sound more arrogant, but still has to smirk watching you brush past him—expecting nothing less—but feels a different air.
There’s a pep in your step, carrying you into the stark white room and making it impossible to miss the subtle sway of your hips and dangling supply bag on your arm. Naturally fluid as if you’re oblivious to its sensual nature.
Gojo rarely saw you wear any emotion on your sleeve, let alone what he thought was hints of joy, but something was slipping through the cracks.  
And what’s that? A slight grin on your face? 
What exactly do we have here?
This attitude is foreign. Better than the blank slate or frequent exhaustion you usually walk in with, but this was a side of you that was unfamiliar. 
What’s got you in such a mood, he wonders? And what else could it be, if not him? 
It’s all because today is an “okay day”. And in places like your ward, “okay” is as good as gold.
Rounds have been fairly simple in the usually chaotic hospital—a small win if you put things in perspective, but it’s enough for you to feel good about it. 
Hell, with the way things usually go around here, it feels like Christmas came early and you got just what you wanted. 
A big, whopping present called “all of your co-workers showing up to work”. The standard for most workplaces but here, such miracles only exist in your daydreams to get through your usually fucked schedule.
But not today. Today, the angels personally visited your ward to carry your burdens and lighten your load. For the first time in months, you didn’t groan the second you saw your patient roster for the day and instead had to do a doubletake because the list was surprisingly short. Only your regulars sat on it and that could only happen if the ward was fully-staffed.
You thought it was a mistake when you checked the schedule this morning, but no, everyone’s name sat prettily on the sign-in sheet at the front desk—a sight you hadn’t seen since orientation and was confirmed with every familiar and slightly foreign face you passed in the halls. 
There were no call-outs, no extra work, and the best part, no unexpected shift changes. 
Overtime would not get its hands on you today and the thought alone made you feel lighter because enough time is spent in these melancholy walls as is. 
With thoughts on the week’s end, you found yourself drifting through the day on autopilot. Wondering if you should make plans—doubtful you’ll see them through—and time seemed to be flying by with your thoughts. Following the rarely-seen routine you know like the back of your hand helped you blaze through the morning and grow closer to sweet rest for your already aching feet. 
Miracles were coming in left and right, proof that today just might be your day. It’s still early, but no one had broken out of their room or flung any property around yet. Guards sit comfy and reclined at their posts, lounging around more than they’re being called, and you haven’t even had to run off to the lockers to change your scrubs that are usually ruined by now. Luck is keeping you high and dry—free from accidents or patient tantrums, both of which are all too common. And always seem to have your name on them.
But the cherry on top, second to none, pièce de résistance.
Is a possibility.
Just the teeniest, tiniest, sliver of a chance…to walk out of these doors early. 
Be still your beating heart.
Early release?? Unheard of. You almost skipped through the halls thinking about it. Dreaming of the reclaimed time—the deliciously healthy heap of rest. 
With no signs of trouble, aside from forcing yourself to chug a wildly unhealthy energy drink to fight off tendrils of sleep, you just may be in the clear.
Things seem steady in the sleepy ward today. So sure, you’re in a relatively good mood. 
But is it good enough to deal with Gojo? 
It puzzles you, how he always knows you’re coming before he sees you. How he sort of announces your presence before you get the chance. Like the honor belongs to him.
The psychopath. 
Your head tilts at the diagnosis, hearing it come from his lips for the first time. Even if unseriously. 
He’s self-aware, at least. Not that the confession makes your visits any easier. 
Over time, after working so closely with a personality like Gojo’s, you’ve learned to take everything he says with a grain of salt. Especially when it comes from such shameless lips.
Answering his question with an eye-roll, you set your supplies down to pull out your clipboard and check his vitals. Something that once upon a time made your palms sweat and throat dry, but never showed on your face. You knew what the role required, what it would need for you to survive—intimidation and cowardice were not a part of it—and eventually, after you banged that into your head enough, even if you had to fake it til you made it, you became used to the routine.
As has Gojo, complying with each step on the checklist like it was second nature. Walking over to his favorite spot to be taken care of, the bed. Lifting his tongue to take his temperature. Offering his arm to check his blood pressure. Noting that his eyes aren’t bad today—not needing to wear his blindfold due to the security system. Doing it all without needing you to say a word. All within his control.
But the one thing he can’t get a grip on is how his heart begins to beat. Every time like clockwork the moment you lay a hand on his back to listen to it. Racing in his chest—thumping through your stethoscope—while he wears the calmest face. 
Curiosity called you after noticing it a few times once you determined it wasn’t a condition. Guaranteed to start up with the gentlest touch that he was surely used to. 
So, what exactly goes on in his mind in these moments? Despite hiding it so well? 
What could possibly be making Tokyo’s most unhinged, mass-murderer, so flustered? 
You never have much time to think about it because it won’t matter in the next few seconds anyway. Sitting still enough to get through vitals was as serious as Gojo gets, making the quickest part of your visits with him the easiest. 
Everything that follows the second you put your kit away is pure…surprise. 
“So…are you gonna undo the straps this time, sweet nurse? My arms are sore.”
He pouts. Sweetly. So devilishly charming. As he did so often with a flash of those cerulean, blue eyes that could make and break hearts.
You sigh. One could almost forget that by society’s standards, he’s a “dangerously unstable individual.” 
Something you’re acutely aware of. And trained for. Which is why you don’t mind the coquettish jabs he throws your way—and why he keeps on throwing them.
You aren’t aware but these hourly visits, along with his agreement to stay put, are the only reasons why he’s still here despite being Satoru fucking Gojo and simply walking out. It’s not like anyone could stop him if they really wanted to, and he knew that. 
Truth is—it pissed Gojo off, being stuck here. Cooperative. It was fucking irritating, to say the least. 
He’d rather be tortured than bored and might’ve second-guessed his decision to surrender if he knew the punishment would be…this. 
But lo and behold, here you are. Relief in the flesh while he bides his time. One that he wasn’t expecting.
“You sure are possessive today.” You hide a smirk, draping the stethoscope around your neck, his heartbeat returning to normal after losing your touch. “Am I really your favorite?” The leather straps hug his pale skin a bit tightly, but his mobility is good enough to ignore his request to loosen them. That would be suicide. 
He tsks, eyes sparkling at your words—a warning glimmer hidden beneath the icy gaze. 
Chilling. But the least bit surprising. 
Gojo and cattiness go together like love and war—and he wears it with his whole chest. 
Even when unprovoked, he’s known for being….testy. Trying his hand again and again until he gets some kind of reaction. Waiting to see what makes someone bite. 
But there was something disingenuous about this petty quirk. The repetition and how it seemed to lack a goal. How he seemed almost…desperate for interaction—attention—any attention.
Eventually, once you sat in his face long enough to learn how to disassociate with a straight face, you figured out that he just loves to hear himself talk. Like that one kid in class who’s always inserted themselves into every conversation and made it about them. 
He rarely gives you a hard time though—less than most of your other patients in fact—and usually sends more kisses than cuts. Occasionally, when you find them…okay, or tolerable enough, you indulge him and this charade between you two—like the high school crush it resembled. Strict. But harmless. 
And you’re only entertaining him now because he’s one of your last patients for the day. A fact not lost on him, but disregarded nonetheless. Even if you were just playing along, he knew there had to be more depth. All the masks in the world couldn’t hide that smile on your face.
His laugh breaks the tension. “I'm a yapper, not a liar...Am I yours?” He raises a brow. “You didn’t answer me earlier.”
His low tone carries an unspoken weight. Cryptic. Eerie. Needy. Almost calling you like a possession more frequently than ever.
It isn’t lost on you that his affections have blossomed as you’ve spent more time together. Visits are supposed to be 10, 15 minutes tops—collect vitals, serve meals, give meds, and avoid accidents. But Gojo? He drinks up your time. Going on 30, sometimes 45 minutes of routine maintenance and “extra care”. This wasn’t standard practice, but they didn’t tell you that, among other things when you accepted the position.
Every time you cross Gojo’s threshold, you’re reminded that you’re not actually supposed to be here. You’re just a nurse after all, not a therapist, and lacked the credentials to even begin to handle a patient like Gojo. But in the end, qualifications don’t matter when his staff has a famous history of running away. 
A fate shared by his previous nurse and therapist. Both fell victim to Gojo’s whimsical and relentless personality and suffered a mental breakdown from hell before quitting the ward. Capacity for hospitality completely shot, they nailed the coffin shut by ditching the healthcare industry altogether. 
And that was after only a few hours. 
In the beginning, you had absolutely no faith in yourself. Swore it was a sick joke as you couldn’t begin to fathom why they would even consider you for the job. 
Gojo the Psycho’s nurse? It would’ve been easier to turn in your resignation right then to avoid living in hell.
You wondered how your life would change as you got to know the world’s most hated man. 
How long you would last—if he would let you. 
Anxiety and nausea gnawed at the back of your throat as time grew closer to meeting him. But eventually, after running the scenario in your head a million times over and trying to come up with some sort of plan or plea for your life, the day came, and you stood before the unpredictable man who looked like he saw right through you. 
Just the idea of being in Gojo’s presence is enough to let you know it’ll be unnerving. 
But the moment was…odd. 
Naturally, you wanted rely on book smarts and previous patient experiences to get you through what you knew would be a short and traumatic failed attempt at connection. But then you took a second to really look at Gojo, not study, but a kind of look that catches something…a conflict in his eyes—and instantly knew he was no ordinary patient. 
He was something you’d never met before, and any attempts to use a cookie-cutter facade would quickly be chewed up and spat out. 
So, you went with your gut—hoping to escape with some remnants of your sanity at least. 
Who knew you’d end up surprising not only yourself but also the Director and all the other staff in the ward who watched with held breaths? 
Gojo practically welcomed you with open arms. Flashing his pearly whites and dimples in a closed-eyed smile. You could hear a pin drop.
He didn’t bark, he didn’t bite. Only teased, feeding you sultry words with cunning lips until your face visibly flushed with blush. They didn’t warn you about charm. Debatibly the “worst” part about working with the blue-eyed lady-killer. Or that his devilishly handsome face would make you second-guess his sanity and guilt.
But you knew what this was. Or at least what it wasn’t and quickly put on blinders to every distraction he threw. Holding your breath the whole way through and surprising yourself every time you walked out his room. After your trial period had run for a few days with no mishaps—the opposite, really— you were promoted. And given a big, fat new check (certainly not for collateral). 
You didn’t know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or concern.
Congratulations! You were now in charge of Gojo’s physical AND mental health. 
Which meant longer, more thorough visits.
The idea was nerve-racking for weeks, to say the least. And because he has the nerve to be a karate-chopping ‘sorcerer’ or whatever it is that makes the man so dangerous, he needs careful safeguarding. Which means having his very own wing and accommodations in the ward. The only barriers between Gojo and doing whatever the hell he wants is one guard stationed near the entrance and some type of security system they can’t disclose to you. It’s supposed to suppress his abilities or something, you don’t quite understand itself yourself, but most importantly, it keeps him tame.
Still, choosing to grace his space almost daily always feels like tempting a snake. 
But somebody has to do it. 
And in a way, by his own means, offering a satisfied grin and all, Gojo had chosen you. 
Even in the confines of a cell, with seemingly nothing left to live for and no room for emotions, you, this wonder, have managed to catch his eye. In a way that made him want to sink his teeth in and soak up your attention. For reasons you couldn’t be more unsure of. 
“It would break my heart if it weren’t true,” he continues, sitting in the only chair in the room, “You’re my entertainment, you know? My doll to play with.”
You scoff, arms folding. The word doll echos in your ear like a chamber. That was a new one. 
“You sure talk a lot of game for someone in your situation.” 
“I love games.” He leans, eyes drinking in his favorite powdery blue scrubs that hug your frame in an all too professional manner. “Play with me, Nurse.”
Time belonged to Gojo, and he chooses to bide it with a little fun until release—or escape. His ever-changing mind hasn’t decided yet but it was far from a concern. Because the truth of this truce was painfully obvious. He knew he wouldn’t be here forever. And is quick to mention that he’d love to take you with him.
“If you can handle me.” He licks his lip. “Unless I’m too much for you.”
And there it is. That cool smile that sends shivers down spines. Irresistibly stirring your core every time he parts his lips. 
You hated it—no one could deny his charm or his intimidating presence. Even in chains, shackled and restrained, he maintains some kind of control: crumbling walls with his charisma, waving around his amorous, overassertive reputation like a big red flag.
But you’ve already proven to not be like the rest, easily swayed or reduced to puddles. Your wall is firm. Solid. He baits you time and time again—a smile here, a sinful gaze there—only to be met with dismissive yawns. Rousing something inside of him that deemed you a challenge. Something worth exploring. You were…difficult.
You’re the one who laughed this time, shaking your head and tucking a hair behind your ear. He oozes confidence from every fiber of his being—and bores you.
“Are you going to tell me what you’d like to lunch today or just keep bothering me?” 
And goddammit he has the audacity to grin. To tuck his lip under his teeth slow enough to make you catch it. 
Your insolence is adorable, yet maddening; a cocktail he drinks with delight before realizing how much he loves the taste. 
You were becoming really good at it, beating up his ego and turning a blind eye to his silly little flirts, but interest never faded from his gaze no matter how careless you seemed. Or were trying to. 
He tsks. “C’mon, Nurse. If I can’t have fun here, where can I? Besides,” Sunlight streams in from his barred window as if on cue. “You’re the only thing here worth talking about.”
Butterflies? Knots? Maybe both fill your stomach.
Neither can be good for you in a situation like this.
The dreamy words whisper sweet nothings into your ear, and stroke your ego with a delicate thumb. Soft and gentle—and from a shell of a man. 
A good turned evil. 
And you don’t have to look too far to remember how he got here—to remember why the enchanting man before you is dressed in heavy white restraints and public enemy number one. 
Guilt tugs at you for even joking around with him sometimes. You picture his victims. The lives forever changed. And how he didn’t seem sorry for it. 
Besides, even if Gojo wasn’t a basket-case, it’s hard to look past how childish he is anyway—something you heard has always been a part of him. Something you couldn’t imagine dealing with for too long, even casually. It certainly wasn’t your taste, and under different circumstances, you’d no sooner fall for him outside of these walls than you would now.
But above all of the boundaries, restrictions, and pep-talks you give yourself, is the simple fact that you aren’t the day-one nurse he once knew. Now, you have a backbone and don’t hesitate to remind him.
“You’re such a flirt, Patient Gojo.” You make sure to catch his eye when you say it, “But compliments only get you so far.”
It hangs in the air. Brisk and stale. A bit sour on the tip of your tongue. And acid in his ears.
With that, Gojo sits back, resting his cheek on a propped-up arm, gaze long and longing. Breathing slow as he thinks and nerves buzz between you two. Then his request comes, simple and direct.
“How about sushi? Raw and fresh.” And a psych ward delicacy.
He’s the only patient in the entire facility with such privilege—envy-worthy and used to his heart’s content. With full-scale unlimited access to all the gourmet treats and fine dining he could ever want, his meals are often better than the ones you bring to work. Gojo is above common hospital dishes, of course, and his indulgent appetite would accept nothing less. 
But it wasn’t just about the food, no, negotiating that was too easy and barely worth mentioning.
This is a conveniently constant reminder that he is still capable of influencing things and making decisions with ease, from those he’s allowed to have access to him, down to his choice of meal.
It intrigues you. How he subdues himself to the masses but finds meaning in smaller wins. What he finds significant.
But none of that mattered right now, you’d finally been given an order and another win, even if it felt like pulling teeth. For now, it’s time to feed him and let him believe whatever he wants.
You pick up his tray from this morning, scanning the room to make sure no cutlery or dishes are missing. “Sushi it is,” you wink and call to be let out.
None of his staff are allowed the room key as a preventative measure to keep his chances of escaping to a minimum. As if a door would stop him but a key does exist and you’ve only seen it on the day the Director introduced you two, and it looked nothing like the keys used for other rooms. 
When you come back with lunch, Gojo grows curious. Noticing how your body has relaxed over time, getting used to his presence every time you come in. Little nuisances like how you breathe a little easier in his space and sometimes smile with your eyes when he tells a stupid joke. The air is…changing. He wonders just how comfortable have you gotten?
“Finally back? I started to miss you.” It’s light but he can’t possibly resist testing the waters. “Would you like to eat with me, pet?” And it takes everything in you to suppress a visceral reaction.
He’s on a roll with the names today and you wonder what his affections might have been like in his life before. Sure, he’s a talker and a flirt, that much is obvious, but you wonder what his actual love was like? How did he show it if he ever got to? And if so, if he ever left anybody behind?
“You know the procedure, Gojo.” You wait with the tray in hand, brushing the thoughts away. Though the temptation savor what you knew would be premium cuisine begs you to do it, you know better than to start breaking boundaries now.
He deflates, brows furrowing. “Is it…really so necessary?” He knows the answer, of course.
You gesture for him to turn around but he holds your gaze, having a little stare down like he enjoys the silent confrontation. You raise an annoyed brow. “The food’s getting cold,” and tap the tray.
“It’s sushi.”
 You huff.
He smirks before finally facing the wall, stilling his body in the tight jacket. When you’re sure he won't move, you set his food to the side and slowly approach to attach him to the latch on the wall. 
Skilled fingers reach across his waist and you have to crouch a little to glide the heavy chain towards the loop at his hip. His skin flushes at your warmth, your proximity, as he can’t help but enjoy the intimacy of the routine power shift. Even if it was a sham, it was still one he reluctantly agreed to. To play nice. To be weak. 
But this exchange, giving himself over to your authority, was oddly invigorating—like placing himself in his victim’s shoes to get a minuscule taste of his own medicine.
“Well, don’t look so happy about it,” he chuckles. Relief finds your face as you gently tug on the chain to make sure it’s secure, amusing the man towering over you.
The thoroughness is cute, all a part of a job well done and strict boundaries that drive a heavy wedge between you two. But it doesn’t bother Gojo. Because he’s certain, he knows, that your guarded walls will crumble sooner than later. All it takes is patience.
“Remember, Nurse,” he doesn’t turn around, “Power dynamics….they’re fluid.” 
And you can almost hear the wink—the implied warning living on his slick tongue that pokes and prods with every interaction and sends heat to your rosy cheeks. 
“You have a way with words, Gojo.” Again your eyes roll as you reach for the key to his restraints. The shackles fall to the ground, shrilling in the mostly empty room to allow him to feed himself.
A mix of groans and relief escapes his lips as he relishes the freedom from the stiff leather. He sighs, “Thank you, Nurse.” and rubs his tender wrists before abruptly filling your space. Nearly knocking you off your feet, but stopping just shy of your face. The monstrous chains strain against the wall, playing tug of war with the beast of a man and the florescent lights cast a spotlight on the sudden distance between you two. 
You had never been this close. 
“But don’t forget, I can turn these roles around. Anytime.”
Twinkles play in his eyes, dazzling you with a shine so bright you can see your reflection. But you also see the unhinged nature behind them just as easily as he sees the quiver of your lip feeling his breath graze the curve of your neck and raise goosebumps on your skin.
This isn’t just idle banter. It’s a stark reminder of Gojo’s capabilities that you had grown comfortable enough to forget. That you thought maybe you had become the exception to. 
As he steps back and leans against the wall he could’ve torn down, there’s an unmistakable silence filling with tension. Hot and sharp like pins and needles. But instead of pushing you to run for the hills, to quit while you’re ahead and savor what’s left of the life you know, for once, your unrelenting mind dares to wonder where this twisted ballet will go.  
It kills you to admit that their is something interesting about cat-and-mouse game he thinks you’re playing. Just as his affections have grown, your thoughts push you to imagine what could happen if you were actually…caught..
It’s idiotic, you know. You don’t need a sign telling you not to play with your life.
This is Satoru fucking Gojo, for Godsake. The murderer. The villain. A literal stain on the face of humanity. 
Forget about what he may have been before. You never saw that Gojo, and he’ll never be seen again. 
Your motto has always been that everyone is redeemable—but these types, Gojo’s type, are so beyond saving that it feels more like babysitting than redeeming a mentally unstable murderous toddler who could destroy a city in seconds.
Even for a man who speaks so carelessly, but teases a sugary-sweet tongue, it’s easy to see how and why he ended up here. Life had made him an example.
Proving that too much of a good thing will always spoil.
And as you watch him turn a wink and begin to casually snack on his meal, completely unconcerned with you or your reaction or response, it’s plain to see that his “affections” spare no one. Not even you. 
You clear your throat and steady a breath. With the lightest voice you can muster, you remind him, “Empty threats are the best you can do, patient.” And turn to leave.
“I’ll be back later for your bath. Or maybe send someone else. Since you’re so excitable today.”  
He pauses. “Oh?”
Is that a challenge?
His laugh echoes around the room like something out of a cartoon, fading away just as quickly as it came. He leans back, hair blending into the wall as he licks bits of rice off his thumbs—gaze sharp despite the jest. 
Because the stakes are clear and you’re both aware. 
But in case you don’t know the consequences he asks, “Do I seem threatened to you?” 
You shift your weight. If Gojo is anything, he’s always playful. The man does not have a serious bone in his body, which makes him damn near intolerable sometimes, but it’s something you’re used to it. But not this tone. This tone has rocks in it, hard and heavy as he calls your bluff. 
“Because my threats—,” he continues eating, “—are never empty.” He pops the last roll into his mouth. “You sure you wanna do this?” 
There’s no denying the chill running up your spine at those words—playing out like casual banter over lunch instead of the battle royale it was.
As if the question were rhetorical, he adds, “Okay but like,” and coughs up another laugh, as if finding the entire idea ridiculous. “Who’d be dumb enough to replace you?”
To feed or not to feed? Now was a chance to bail out.
“Don’t worry about that.” And you don’t as you call to the guard, hoping to catch your break on time. “Just behave yourself.” Gojo would keep you here playing 20 questions all day if he could.    
A bemused smile settles on his face and he shakes his head at your antics. 
You were becoming increasingly enjoyable to interact with. And steadily digging yourself into a hole. You’ve been sitting front-row to the darkness within him enough times to be sure it is, in fact, very real, but still it’s impossible to ignore that there’s something driving you to pick up the shovel. 
It isn’t just his pretty face and boyish charm. No.
It’s like he wants to get under your skin. In the best way.
Yeahhhh, this death wish is turning you every way but loose.
It’s silly, so stupid to even think about. Giving Gojo a smidge of an inch just because you feel there may be something more. Like there’s depth to his pretty words and clashing ways. Who's to say any of it is “real” anyway? He is insane after all. 
Your mind and the door shut behind you, and you turn to peer at him through the small window. A mischievous yet bored look rests on his face. 
You think you actually will send someone else. Just to show him what happens when he crosses the line. To reinforce business and boundaries. 
You could also use a break yourself—Gojo is starting to feel… claustrophobic these days and if you aren’t careful who knows what could happen. 
“Choose wisely,” came his voice from within the room,. “Every move you make counts. And cheating has consequences.” Footsteps approach the door. “You may think tagging out is all it takes to avoid our game, but let me tell you something…” He stops. “...you underestimate how quickly I can escape confinement before I’m noticed.”
And suddenly, this isn’t just a game anymore. And Gojo isn’t just some harmless tease.
Your throat is too tight to swallow and you fidget with your lanyard as if responding to his words. 
Of course, he’s capable of breaking free. That’s not what’s worrying. But if it was because of you poking the bear, you trying to get on even ground with him and have the upper hand, would you be responsible if he did?
“No matter where they send you or who they send instead—” And Gojo’s comment makes it crystal clear. 
“—I promise you, you’ll end up right back here.”
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extended angel's note: first and foremost, just to give credit where credit is due, this is a chatbot i turned into a short story🧍🏾‍♀️. it was actually my first time dicking around with janitor a.i. back in like...april? and i came across this gojo bot with a suuuuper interesting prompt. [all of the prompt idea and calibration credit goes to the original creator.] i didn’t decide to actually get serious and start creating a story until around the end of part 2 - i realized i was having too much fun and was in too deep 🙇🏾‍♀️. SO after my decision to indulge madness, i didn't want to run up 10000 messages on janitor a.i. and decided to create the rest of the story on my own from there.  everything after the prompt are my own words and i've had to weave every last bit of part 1 and 2 into a coherent story but everything afterwards is all me.
you can find the chatbot and play around with it yourself here but i strongly recomment doing so after finishing this short - think of it as a choose your own adventure afterwards in case you want my head on a stick after the ending 🤠.
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tags list p.1: @reddiamondjazz @blkkizzat @kiwismoother @rune1920 @suguwife
@xerroe @enthyn @gloomuri671 @startatdawn @heijihatsutori
@inluvkai @ixqiix @strawnanamilk @rosso-seta @05-simply-06-simping
@sims-4lifers @bratidol @hyunsuks-beanie @luna-v-roiya @neteyamsluvr111
@supsiii @natadecoco30 @chiyokoemilia @ririoutspoken @kyoxko
@strawberrymilkshakes-posts @nen-nyy @cinnamorochiroll @kazeniya @maybe7tommorow
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sunderwight · 4 months
Thinking about an SVSSS AU where, after Shen Qingqiu self-destructs, Luo Binghe does successfully resurrect his dead shizun.
But it's the wrong shizun.
Shen Jiu doesn't remember anything after his actual death, so the last thing he knew, Luo Binghe was his much-loathed teenage disciple, Liu Qingge hated his guts, and his reputation was maybe not the best in the cultivation world but he certainly hadn't been outed as a mass-murderer or embroiled in some twisted, perceived love affair with his least liked student, who it turns out is also some kind of over-powered demon. He doesn't adjust well to the developments that occurred while he was out of operation.
Meanwhile Luo Binghe at first thinks it's reverse amnesia or something, that whatever memories SQQ lost before have been regained, but also that he's lost other memories in the meanwhile. Struggles a bit with the idea that he apparently became the new traumatic thing that his shizun wanted to forget. And then he starts to think that it might be worse than that, and that his shizun has Come Back Wrong, because he does know what Shen "Qingqiu" is like when he's stressed out and furious and struggling, and it's still not like this vitriolic snake of a man he's somehow ended up with.
Eventually, Luo Binghe pieces together that something else must have happened when his shizun qi deviated all those years ago. That this soul is just flat-out not his shizun's soul, but it is also clearly Shen Qingqiu's, which means that Luo Binghe's actual shizun was some kind of spirit that took possession of Shen Qingqiu's body for a while. This is intensely distressing news, although not for any of the normal reasons -- how can he resurrect Shizun if he can't even use this body to call back his soul?!
Meanwhile Mushroom Shen Yuan is trying (and failing) to talk himself out of going to just like, check on Binghe. Quickly. Before he finalizes his whole disappearing-into-the-horizon thing. Which he is definitely absolutely going to do. Once he's just, y'know, sure that Binghe is okay now.
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mymegumi · 11 months
⠀ for: @driaswrld sorry pookie for the emotional dmg (-ω-、)
“yuu,” you grunt, hands flailing out in the darkness as you try to push your lug of a boyfriend away from you, “stars, you need to stop eating so much, you weigh as much as a tractor trailer.”
the response you get is a long snore, followed by the soft smacking of his lips.
normally, you wouldn’t complain about your sweet boy’s body weight or the comforting pressure of his limbs draped over you, but currently, you’re facing a singularly unique experience that no one has ever seen happen before—you need to pee. badly. yuuji has been bulking lately, meaning for dinner you have to make about three servings of food, all for him, and then a fourth serving for yourself (of which he usually finishes off for you if you can’t manage to eat it all).
not to say you dislike watching your boyfriend’s gym experiences, or even that you discourage them, but you’re just annoyed now that he’s gained about 5-10 pounds of muscle mass that you can barely manage to push him off of you.
he’s not a gentle sleeper. in fact, he’s single-handedly the most violent sleeper you’ve ever met and the first time you’d stayed over at his apartment, he scared you awake at least three or five times. now, you’re so used to his sudden spasms and uncontrollable snoring that it hardly phases you, or you can just ignore it and fall asleep again, but the discomfort of needing to pee has taken precedence over anything else.
yuuji is truly lucky you love him more than anything else, right now, because he’s star-fished himself across your queen-sized bed, an arm over your stomach and his legs flung over both of yours while the blanket is tangled between both of your bodies. he is happily snoozing away, blissfully deep in dream world as you continue trying to push him off.
this wouldn’t be an issue, because despite his bulking and the near constant complaint of ‘yuu, you weigh too much for us to wrestle properly because you always win!’, normally, you can at least shove him off enough to scramble out of the tangle of limbs.
tonight is an issue because he’s clingy.
yuuji is a stage-five clinger in his sleep only a third of the time. most of the time you’re free to come and go as you please, but sometimes, on rare occasion, he can psychically know you’re trying to leave the bed and stop you in his sleep. he’ll grab your waist and shove his face in your neck, he’ll snag a wrist and interlace your fingers, and on the one rare time, he’ll somehow hook his foot around your leg and make you fall back onto the bed. it was insane, the lengths he would go to to make you stay in the comfort of your bed—all while miraculously asleep.
so, you’d tried to sneak out of bed to pee and he’d grabbed your hip, forcing you back into bed with the grip of a man desperate to keep you by his side. you’d find it endearing if you weren’t about to pee your pants.
“i love you,” you whisper, turning your head to press your nose into his cheek and trying to burn a hole in his head, “but i’m gonna murder you if you don’t wake up and let me leave.”
“s’love you.” he mutters. he tilts his head towards you and presses a kiss to your nose.
you narrow your eyes. “what’s megumi’s middle name?”
he’s not awake. the poor boy wouldn’t have lied so easily if he was awake, and you are left to flop against the mattress helplessly.
you hate waking him up because he always looks like someone kicked a puppy in front of him and then told the dog it sucked. it just wasn’t nice and he deserved all the nice things in the world. you also hate waking him up because he is somehow such a deep sleeper. you’d have to be screaming your lungs off at an intruder for him to wake up in perfect lucidity.
you’ll have to find another plan to sneaking away from him and going to the bathroom. you wouldn’t give up, but you’d bide your time. eventually he’d have to move away from you and then, that’d be your chance to slip away.
(you end up falling asleep in his embrace and running to the bathroom frantically when the sun rises.)
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inthehouseoffinwe · 5 days
I sometimes think about Fingolfin being the sole Uncle looking after all his nephews/niece/kids. Like, there’s 16 children. Before taking the Helcaraxë he no doubt promised Finarfin that he would take care of them. And I feel like once he found out about Fëanor, and especially saw the state of Maedhros, he silently promised his half brother he’d do his best to look after them too. Not that he wasn’t going to anyway.
But the burden that must have been, especially with how volatile and independant all these kids are. Oh they might be grown. But he’ll never see them as such. Even now he remembers Nelyo’s birth and how the baby would toddle after him, crying when it was time to leave. Curvo going through all his mechanical devices, Turukano right behind him as Fingolfin explained where each came from and listened to the children tell him all about the workings. Carnistir carefully running little hands over the embroidery of his cloak, Anairë laughing quietly and explaining the techniques that went into it. Ambarussa and all the chaos they caused, enough so that Fëanor and Nerdanel would dump them at his house for days at a time, usually a couple of brothers tagging along. Tyelko and Irissë wrestling in the mud, neither group of parents knowing what to do when they trudged in, a sticky trail behind them.
Findekáno’s duets with Makalaurë, the little musician quietly asking to play before his uncle and cousin to make sure it was perfect before he showed his father. Finno, Nelyo, and Findarato encouraging him with whoops, Fingolfin and Anairë applauding with wide smiles at the end as he was swarmed by his cousins and brother. The four’s ‘secret’ sleepovers whenever they were in the same place. Aikanaro and Angamaitë raiding his kitchens, Fingolfin joining in with a finger on his lips, helping steal pastries in the middle of the night. Artanis insisting she could join in whatever game his boys were playing, Ireth backing her with a scowl until they were let in. Little Orodreth and his own Arakano, friends since birth. The screams of delight whenever they saw each other.
Despite everything, or maybe because of everything, he doesn’t know. All of them are now his children. He couldn’t stop the Fëanorions from taking the most dangerous lands because he had no argument to give. He can’t stop Turno and Ingo from making hidden kingdoms and taking Ireth and Artaresto with them. He couldn’t save little Arakano. He can’t stop Artanis hiding in Doriath, although he’s grateful at least one of his kids is safe… even if that safety comes with disowning the rest of her family.
He can’t even protect little Tyelpë and Itarillë who never asked for any of this.
So when the Dagor Bragollach comes and he hears Aegnor and Angrod are definitely dead, Curufin, Celegorm, and Celebrimbor might as well be for the trail of bodies leading to Doriath and the mass murder at the Girdle, Maglor’s land has been burned so far beyond recognition, they can’t even *find* bodies, Turgon, Idril, and Aredhel he wouldn’t even know if they were killed, and he hasn’t heard from Finrod in months-
He can’t.
So he makes a last ditch attempt because maybe, just maybe, he can make their battle the slightest bit easier. Give his kids if any of them survive a weakness to exploit. A slight advantage to turn the tables…
A stab to the foot does the trick. Morgoth will be limping on that one for millennia.
He hopes his brothers can forgive him.
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eroguron0nsense · 9 months
Garp Rant #11543
Because I'm something of a Certified Garp Hater/extremely obsessed with this man, and because Tumblr people seem to like my Garp takes and/or find them extremely pain-inducing, here's another one for funsies! Again, Garp is an incredibly written character and I massively enjoy his moral failings and human shortcomings, hence why I won't shut up about how much he sucks. So we all remember Garp crying in front of Ace during his imprisonment and awaiting his execution, lamenting the fact that his son and grandson could have maybe avoided this horrible horrible fate that awaits them at Marineford if they'd just become good marines like he'd tried to press them into. Every time he says it, he sounds more desperate, sadder, and angrier, like he's experiencing the stages of grief and going through denial, anger bargaining all at once, lashing out at his grandkids for supposedly causing him grief by defying his wishes, or maybe praying or wishing for a world where they could have followed in his footsteps and lived happily ever after. And when Ace hears that again at Impel Down, he says this:
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Here's the thing though: Ace is unequivocally correct Garp should, by all rights, know this. He lived through the fallout of Roger's execution. He knew long before that exactly what would happen to Roger's loved ones and anyone the government could get their hands on who'd ever associated with him. Even before they started committing femicides/infanticides in Baterilla trying to end Roger's bloodline, he knew that the Marines were going to target completely innocent people in the name of purging the bloodline and cementing their "victory" over the greatest threat they'd ever faced. He specifically had to smuggle Rouge out of there so she could give birth to Ace, and all the while dozens of families were being brutalized by his peers and having their lives torn apart. That was the cost the Marines were willing to incur to kill a hypothetical infant, and years later, when that very same child is set to be executed, Sengoku goes on a remorseless public tirade about the necessity of killing babies and the horrible trickery and audacity Rouge displayed by dying so that they wouldn't kill her baby too.
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Garp knows every single piece of this information in painful, excruciating detail. He's so horrified by it he feels the need to fulfill this wish of Roger's because he knows blameless people will die. He has Ace raised in secret to protect him from Marines who are figuratively and literally out for his blood. And yet, throughout this boy's childhood, he clings to the notion that maybe, just maybe, the people he knows regularly commit atrocities, who have carried out at least 3 genocides that we know of in Garp's lifetime, who were willing to commit mass infanticide for a woman and child they hadn't verified the existence or identity of at the time, would have accepted him within their ranks and turned a blind eye to that information when it eventually, inevitably surfaced. That Ace can find salvation from the people who stole every loved one he ever had before he was even born, who slaughtered his mother's community and pushed her to her death, and were slavering at the opportunity to kill her. That even though Ace was born in direct opposition to them, has had a target trained on him before he was born, these people who tried so goddamn hard to kill him would surely welcome his presence and not murder him the second they found out if he could just be a compliant model soldier and make himself useful. It's hammered home pretty effectively–especially in the manga– and One Piece has never been known to be subtle in its messaging, but I swear to God I see so many people echoing the notion that Garp's attempts to force his grandchildren into serving the Evil Empire was done because he knew was their only shot at safety from the WG, and I fucking despise this take. Ace saying that he could never be a marine here in Impel Down isn't some young man's rationalization for his (beyond valid) desire not to subscribe to the preset path Garp laid out for him; it's literally the only logical conclusion if you know literally anything about the circumstances of his birth and upbringing, and Garp only thinks that the leopards wouldn't eat Ace's face because he's fucking delusional This in and of itself is extremely telling of how horribly warped Garp's perception of the Navy is, and how deeply he's willing to buy into the Marines and their warped propaganda no matter how many glaring examples he sees throughout his life that counter his worldview, but let's not forget that this applies to Luffy too. This is slightly hairier, in that if Luffy was a) the sort of person who could willingly accept a career in the marines and b) managed to cling really, really tightly to his grandfather's coattails and legacy, there might have been a very, infinitesimally small chance that he could have joined the Navy. The higher ups know that Dragon is Garp's son and therefore Luffy is Dragon's by logical inference, but I could see some AU where Luffy is a fundamentally different person and manages to build himself up in the Navy if not for two things I think warrant examination. It's pretty evident, and Dragon explicitly confirms, that Luffy being known as his son would have put him in incredible danger, only feeling comfortable with acknowledging it and the possibility of actually reuniting with his child after Luffy was both publicly recognized due to factors beyond his control, and proved that he was more than capable of holding his own. But I want to draw attention to this one otherwise pretty silly little gag moment between Garp and Sengoku when they learn that Luffy's broken into Impel Down, and present a theory that's kind of a reach but also not really
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Now the phrasing here kind of interests me, in that it ties back to earlier demonstrated patterns that the Navy uses repeatedly in collective punishment for the families and loved ones of their primary targets. Rouge and Ace barely escaped the mass murders intended for them because of their connection, but Tom was also originally sentenced to death for having had a connection to Roger, and ultimately chose that as the offence he wanted to be sentenced for at Enies Lobby. Law, as a child survivor of Flevance, has multiple hospitals try and turn him in to the World Government to be killed when Cora tries to find someone to treat him because their policy is to pull out the roots and salt the earth whenever they deem a person or population politically inconvenient. Robin's flashback shows us Akainu blowing up a refugee boat on the off chance that one of those people that they were planning to evacuate might have gotten past their initial screening for archaeologists/poneglyph readers. At Marineford, Akainu specifically targets Luffy not because of his prior offences or even his attempt to rescue Ace, but because he's Dragon's son and his and Roger's bloodlines need to be eradicated. This is not an institution that is in any way reluctant to destroy anyone tangentially affiliated to a designated enemy, and Luffy being the son of the worst criminal in history seems to put him right in line with all of those other cases. In light of this, and Garp's massive blind spots and wishful thinking regarding his peers and employers, it's not that much of a stretch to assume that the only reason Garp's exempt from being targeted like Dragon is because of his popularity/symbolic importance/utility, and that Luffy likely wouldn't have been safe even if he weren't a pirate. Garp's circle of confidantes/friends in high places is powerful, but clearly there are factions (Akainu, Ryokugyu etc) that would be substantially less willing and who are given preferential treatment by the Elders and Celestial Dragons. There might be something to read into based on the fact that Garp is the only known person from a D bloodline who's achieved massive success in service to the World Government and not defected from the Navy after realizing its true nature (props to Saul), and therefore he might project the fact that he's been rewarded by the system despite being a "sworn enemy of the Gods" onto his family, but that still doesn't account for the massive, delusional arrogance he displays in insisting that, despite everything–especially, especially the murders committed in pursuit of Ace, that robbed him of his birth mother and community–the Navy is the best and safest place for either of those boys. TLDR Garp not wanting his grandsons to have a bounties on their heads is one thing, but it says a lot that in spite of everything he knows, he's willing/determined to put Ace and Luffy in an environment that's extremely dangerous for them –and in Ace's case 100%, unquestionably fatal– because he's so convinced that compliance and the platonic ideals of "justice" and military service/hard work being rewarded by the system could supersede all of that.
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strawberrypoundtown · 4 months
Yandere!Minotaur x Yandere!Fem!Reader
You live isolated from your village in the mountains, a large forrest surrounding your house. After a chance encounter near your new home, the beast from the falls catches your eye, and you can't help but want more of him. But after he disappears one day, you'll burn everything to the ground to find him...
(I didn't proofread this and I honestly had to force myself to finish it lol it's fairly long, so be warned. I hope you enjoy! Strawberry 🍓)
Contains: murder, arson, unhinged behavior, voyeurism, exhibitionism, sexual harassment, size kink, slight cum inflation, slight dubcon? (non-verbal consent)
You had found yourself face to face with the most... interesting creature you had ever seen. You were bathing near your little cottage in the waterfall. Behind the cascade of water, you saw a large, dark mass. You thought it was a bear at first, but as he stepped out from behind the waterfall, he made eye-contact with you. He froze when he saw you, dropping something next to him as he stood there for a moment.
You took in his frame as you two stared at each other and your eyes adjusted. His body looked like a human for the most part, or at least it seemed like it. His body was muscular and stromg, covered head to toe with fur with cloven feet. His head was in the shape of a bull, with large horns that would make it difficult to get through doorways if his large physique didn't already make that difficult. He looked like something that had stepped out of one of your wildest dreams. You should have been terrified, but all you felt was need burning inside you.
He looked over your naked frame in the waist deep water, his face expressionless, but his eyes seemed to burn into your soul. The water dripping from your hair and down your body made his eyes wander more. Your skin glowed under the sunlight as he seemed to take the time to appreciate every curve of your body. You were the only human that hadn't run away from him after laying eyes upon him. You also didn't cover yourself, so it was the first time he had seen anyone fully naked around him. Your nipples were hard and your chest moved with every breath, and he watched you intently. It lit something inside him seeing you face to face and not just observing you from behind the falls like he had for weeks. You saw the cloth tied around his waist start to tent, making your face flush.
After noticing his own arousal, he shrunk back behind the waterfall, seeming to disappear into the darkness as quickly as he appeared. You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding and held a hand to your chest. Your heart is racing as you thought about the monster that stood in front of you just moments ago. You felt your core get hot as you approached the waterfall. You climbed out of the water and onto the edge where you saw him drop something. It was a dead duck, with a piece of string wrapped around it's neck and tied in a bow, a wilted flower under the bow. It seemed to be already drained of it's blood and prepared. It almost looked like a gift for you...
You glanced behind the waterfall, seeing a dark cave with what looked like faint glow at the back of the cave. It didn't seem like he was coming back anytime soon, so you took it upon yourself to take the duck and bring it home. You wouldn't turn down a free dinner. You didn't want to be rude...
The minotaur hid deep in his cave for most of the day after seeing you. He was worried that you didn't take his gift, or worse, that you'd never come back. He had never seen such a beautiful human before you had started visiting the falls. When he first noticed you bathing there, he made sure to stay hidden. He didn't want to scare you like he did most humans that occasionally wandered the woods. You didn't come into the mountains to hunt like the other humans that came into his land. You simply just lived nearby and only caught the food you needed. He appreciated that. You weren'tgreedy like the villagers that lived at the bottom of the mountain. You didn't even seem scared of him at all.
He nervously waited in his cave for hours, nervous that the duck would still be there. He wanted you to stay well fed, so he hoped you had taken it. He didn't want to get too close to you yet. Just in case. If you took his gift, he would consider it a good sign, but wasn't sure if you would be okay being around him if you didn't. He had been building up the courage to give you the gift, hence why the flower was slightly wilted.
He had decided that when the night fell, he would go and check on his gift. When he had left his cave, he had found that his gift was gone. He knew it had to have been you that took it, based on the faint scent you left behind. He savored it as he readied himself to go on another hunt tonight. He had to make sure you didn't have to waste time hunting when you could be bathing in front of his cave again...
For the next few weeks, you found whole animals or parts of animals placed in front of your door in the morning, every morning. This morning was no different. A large deer leg laid on your front step as you stood in your nightgown. Once again, blood drained, and a string tied in a bow with a flower once again. A fresh wild flower every time. Sometimes it's a deer leg, like today, other times it's been a rabbit, and the occasional bird. You smile to yourself and gladly take the deer leg, a plan sparking in your mind to hopefully see the strange creature again in person...
Later that day, you approached the waterfall once again, wrapped in a dark cloak to keep your naked body hidden as you carried a steaming picnic basket with you. You had made lunch from the deer leg for you and the beast... you hoped he would join you this time since you brought food with you. Ever since you laid eyes on him, you had gone back to the waterfall to "bathe," but in reality, you were there to try and entice the beast. You enjoyed him watching you, although you wanted him to join you more than anything. Your patience was thin and hoped that maybe the food that you made for him would be enough to lure him out from behind the waterfall. After that first gift, you never saw him more than peak from behind the falls. He seemed very shy.
As you were lost in thought, you didn't hear the footsteps approaching you until they were right behind you. You turned around to see a group of about 4 men armed with weapons. You hadn't seen any other humans in the mountains since you encountered the minotaur, so you were thankful you wore a cloak at least to cover your body completely. However, your blood ran cold as they each got a twisted grin on their faces as they stared at you.
"That food you have smells delicious." One of them chirps. You notice them all slowly stepping towards you, and you squirm in place awkwardly. All you had with you was a small sharp knife in your basket, but it was underneath everything, so there was no point in trying to grab it.
"Um... thank you..." You said politely as you took a small step backwards.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing up here?" Another spoke as they all kept their eyes glued to your cloaked body. Although covered, it wasn't hard to tell that you had nothing else on underneath you cloak, and they seemed to have unfortunately noticed.
"None of your concern." You said coldly as you had noticed the looks in their eyes start to turn more sinister.
"All alone without a man around to keep you safe... let's take you back to our village and enjoy your company for the night..." The man closest to you says before grabbing your wrist harshly. You gasp
"No thank you. I have plans."
"I wasn't asking." The man says coldly as the grin falls from his face. As he approaches you, you start to slowly step backwards. A few moments later, you feel yourself bump into some kind of... wall? A very hard, warm, wall?
A huff of warm air bathes the back of your neck as the 4 men stare up above you in fear. You slowly look up yourself to find your minotaur admirer giving the men a terrifying glare while huffing through his nostrils. The look made the mens' blood run cold, the one that grabbed you quickly letting go and talking a few steps back with the other men.
Every breath your beast took bathed you in his scent as your heart raced. His arms cross over your body to guard you protectively as he points his horns at the group. It doesn't take long for them to take off running and screaming down the mountain.
However, you weren't paying attention to anything but the hulking beast that came to your rescue. Once the human men were gone, he stood up and took a few steps back away from you. You quickly turn around to face him and give him a soft smile as you take a few slow steps towards him. He only took one extra step back before freezing, deciding to allow you to approach him. You stood only a couple feet in front of him as you present the picnic basket, before taking his arm and continuing towards the falls. He watches your every move as he tries his best to act like a gentleman like he had seen a few times previously. He totally didn't go and stalk to villagers to find out how they acted around potential mates...
Your every move had him entranced as he led you through the forrest towards his home. Seeing you up close was completely different than watching you from afar. Although your body was covered aside from your arms and face, you still had an allure that made him want to show you how he feels about you, since he can't tell you. Your hand holding his arm while he could smell your arousal right next to him was driving him mad. He wanted to pin you down and take you right there in front of those arrogant humans that dared to touch you, but he knew better than to try and take you by force.
You felt your pace getting faster by the step. He tried to walk slowly, but with how long his legs were, you still had to keep a quick pace with him. You wanted to get him to the falls and give him the food you made for him. You weren't sure if he would even like the food you brought him, but you wanted to give him a give of your own before you tried to be more forward with what you really wanted. You kept looking up at him occasionally, his golden eyes meeting yours as he couldn't help but stare at you. It looked like he was thinking as he slowed down to a stop.
He stared into your eyes as he leaned down, gently scooping you up in one of his arms as he took the picnic basket in his free hand. You were now at eye level with him as he held you like you were nothing. Your face flushed as you maintained his eye contact and rested your hands on his shoulders. You knew he wasn't some mindless, murderous creature of the woods like the villagers had claimed. His eyes were full of thoughts, and he held you so tenderly. He wasn't dangerous. At least not to you.
He only broke eye contact to look ahead as he stepped forward, carrying you through the trees. You continued to stare at him, however, as you couldn't get the grin off of your face. His body heat warmed your soul as he held you close. You gently rested your head against his shoulder and slowly closed your eyes. Even without any words exchanged between the two of you, you trusted him more than you had any other human. You found yourself drifting off peacefully for a few moments, allowing yourself to be vulnerable with him.
It seemed like only moments later, when you hear him let out a soft grunt next to your ear. You open your eyes slowly and look around. He had already brought you behind the waterfall and seemed to be waiting at the opening of his cave. He looked into your eyes, waiting for you to say something. After you rubbed your eyes for a moment to fully wake up, you realize that he might be waiting for you to say something. He looks between you and the opening of the cave briefly, trying to hint at what he wants to ask you.
"Let's go inside then. What a gentleman." You say softly to him with a bright smile. His eyes widened for a moment as he heard how softly you spoke to him. He didn't fully understand what you said, but based on how you were acting, he could figure it out. He gently nudged your cheek with his big wet nose, earning a giggle out of you as he brought you inside.
It was a bit of a long downward trek, your eyes taking a bit of time to adjust as you shivered. It was cold and damp, and although your cloak was warm, the draft went right through you. He noticed your shivering and held you a bit tighter to his chest, his other arm crossing over your body to help warm you up as much as possible. He brought you to what looked like a large bedroom, with a fire in the center of the room that bathed everything in a warm glow. There was a small pool of clean water in the ground next to the fire as well. There was a pile of clean furs that resembled a very large bed along the wall, and he walked over to it. He sat you down gently on the bed, stepping back and sitting on the hard ground himself as he placed the basket next to you.
You looked around for a moment and took in the room, sinking into the plush furs. There was the freshly killed deer, missing a leg, on the other side of the fire near the entrance that you didn't see at first. There were foraged greens and berries on top of a makeshift table made of what looked like human bones next to it as well. You didn't want to ask where those came from. Your gaze returned to him as he let out a huff, staring at you expectantly as he waited for you to do something. Say something. Anything.
You smiled at his cute face. He was a lot more friendly than you were expecting and very respectful considering he didn't speak. You'll have to teach him how to speak, if he even can, which you didn't mind. You heard his stomach grumble softly as it seems like he hadn'thad the chance to eat yet. You pulled the picnic basket into your lap and pat the bed next to you while looking at him. He slowly moved himself to sit on the bed next to you.
You smile as you eagerly open the large picnic basket, pulling out the bread first. You made the biggest loaf you could, unsure of how much he would be able to eat. You ripped off just enough for yourself, still leaving about 80% of it for him. He sniffs the bread as you hold out his piece to him and looks a bit confused. You take a bite of your piece with a cheeky grin to show him the bread is for eating. He gently took the bread from your hand and took a bite himself. His eyes widened as he looked between you and the bread in his hands. His tail swayed behind him slowly as he seemed to smile at you and continue eating the bread. He was already over the moon with the bread, but when you pulled out a large bowl filled with roasted deer. The smell had him salivating a little as you handed him the bowl. Before he dug into his meal you prepared for him, he held out the bowl for you to take a few pieces for yourself. Once you do, he wastes no time in eating the deer and the bread like a starved man. In the blink of an eye, the food he had was gone and he let's out a satisfied huff through his nose, his long tongue licking and cleaning his face.
You couldn't help but laugh as you watch him eat. He seemed very pleased with the food you brought and it made you feel happy that he seemed to enjoy it. He took the picnic basket from your lap and put the empty bowl into it before putting it on the ground. He then sat paitently as he waited for you to finish your food, one of his hands reaching over and rubbing your back tenderly. He was trying his best to show affection without making you uncomfortable.
You wondered if he was waiting for you to say something. You honestly didn't think you'd get this far. You thought at best that you would have gone to the waterfall and he would have ravaged you right there, but you more expected him to keep his distance like he usually did. You didn't expect him to be so gentle with you. You definitely didn't expect for him to save you from those men. To be so protective of you.
"Um... thank you for helping me... for saving me from those men... you may not understand me yet, but I could help you learn to speak if you'd like?" You asked, not really sure what to expect in response. His ears twitched a bit as he watched your soft lips move. After you were done talking, he seemed in thought for a moment before nodding.
"Can you understand me?" You asked, a bit confused. You didn't expect him to understand you, but maybe he got bits and pieces from the village. Once again, a moment later, he nods. You giggle a little bit and jump up happily, excited that he can at least somewhat understand you. He seems a bit startled at first but relaxes once he sees the ear to ear grin you have on your face. A thought comes to you while staring into his eyes.
"I have one more thing to show you. Would you like to see it?" You ask him with a bashful smile. He nods immediately as he stares into your eyes. Your cheeks flush a bit as you move to unbotton your cloak. Once unbuttoned, you let the cloak fall to the ground. His eyes widened as he stared at your stunning naked form in front of him, his hands moving over his groin to cover the tent in his cloth
You gently take his face in your hands, your head at eye level with his while he sits on the bed. He's a bit stiff at first, but his eyes slowly close as he melts into your touch. You step between his legs and he leans his head down. You take the opportunity to plant a kiss on his furry forehead. The musk he carried was calming in a way. Pleasant and warm.
His hot breath bathed your neck before he swiftly took you up in his arms, standing up abruptly. He walks over to the pool near the fire and slowly steps into it. It was warm due to the fire, and as he sank into it, your body relaxed against his. He had you straddle his lap and you're suddenly aware of the fact that he already removed the cloth he had around his waist. You felt his heartbeat through his muscular chest as it started to speed up.
His cock hardened beneath you, making your core heat up as the warm water against your sensitive skin was already making you aroused. His hands are resting on your hips as you find yourself grinding down against his dick, rubbing your pussy along his huge cock. He grunted and grinded back against you. His cock was shaped like a humans, but was much bigger than any dick you had ever seen. You wanted him inside you so badly, but didn't know if he would fit.
You felt one of his hands leave your hips as the other squeezed them and held them in place, making you stop moving. His now free hand moved down, rubbing your folds gently. You noticed that his hands had no claws, instead smoothed over nubs for nails that he seemed to have filed down with something. Without warning, he slides one of his thick fingers inside you, making you cry out in pleasure. He gives you a few seconds to adjust before he starts thrusting his finger slowly, trying to work you open for him as you moaned out in pleasure. His palm rubbed against your sensitive clit, the warm water making your need for him even higher as you were helpless with him holding you firmly in place for him.
His finger curled slightly and hit your g-spot in the most delicious way, earning more gasps and moans from you. You felt him thrusting his hips gently against you, his dick rubbing against your ass as he continued to stretch out your pussy with his finger. He seemed to be getting impatient, feeling you start to tighten instead of loosen, so he decided to add a second finger to speed up the process.
What he didn't realize, is that you were already teetering on the edge of orgasm, and his second finger entering you sent you over the edge. You scream as your eyes roll back, your pussy tightening around his fingers like a quivering vice as your orgasm rips through you. He doesn't stop, however, continuing to thrust his two fingers inside you until you stop shaking. You're finger fucked through your orgasm, your pussy now fully relaxed and ready for a new challenge.
Your beast slowly pulled out his fingers as you rested against his chest for a moment. He rubbed your back gently for a few moments, but didn't waste much time before he stood up with you in his arms once again. He stepped out of the small pool and walked over to the bed. He laid you down on the bed and crawled between your legs, rubbing the head of his cock against your warmed up pussy impatiently.
You were still out of breath, your wet body sticking to the furs while you watched him. You wanted him to take you. You wanted all of him. You had wanted him for so long.
As if he answered your internal begging, he slowly pushed his cock into your pussy. You both groaned in pleasure as he managed to fit his whole cock inside you. You looked down to see your lower stomach bulging as he held himself inside you. He seemed to stretch you to your absolute limit, and although it was a bit painful, the pleasure quicjly lverwhelmed you. He was panting over you as he held your hips with one hand and gripped the furs under you with the other.
His knuckles gripping the furs turned white as he started to thrust into you. He started out slow, but quickly lost some of his self control. He sped up quickly, his full balls slapping your ass with every thrust. Your pussy quivered around his large cock, every bump and curve of his cock hitting your most sensitive spots like he was made for you. His hips continued to crash into your rapidly, bringing you both closer and closer to each of your climaxes with each thrust.
"Please, cum in me! I want your baby!" You moaned out into the air while staring up at him. His ears twitched as he looked back down at you. He nodded to your surprise as his thrusts got rougher, earning screams of pleasure out of you as he forced you over the finish line. Your brain goes blank as you ride out your orgasm, him fucking you through it once again as his grunting gets louder.
He let's out a loud moo, a warm feeling flooding your insides as he fills you to the brim with his cum. He thrusts a few more times, a few more spurts of cum filling you as he pants. You have a little bit of a belly due to all the cum until he starts to slowly pull out. Your pussy is raw and sensitive, every movement of his cock making you tremble. His cock slides out of you with a soft pop, cum pouring out of you as he watches in awe.
All of a sudden, his ears twitched, and he stood up abruptly. He looks at you worried, but holds out a hand for you to stay put. You listen as you sit up. He quickly ties his cloth around his waist to cover himself again and gives you a gentle hug before leaving the cave. After a few minutes, you suddenly hear screaming in the distance. It only sounded like humans at first, but soon, you start hearing what sounds like a bull screaming. You know immediately that it has to be your beast.
Your heart raced as you struggle to put on your cloak, grabbing a piece of partially burnt wood from the fire to use as a torch. Despite your wobbly legs, you manage to climb out of the cave without any issues with the torch. You walked out from behind the waterfall, hiding behind some boulders as you listened to your surroundings. You heard your beast still screaming in the distance, but weaker, the laughing of humans drowning it out.
The laughing got cloaer and you spotted them walking past you, two of their horses slowly dragging a metal net with your minotaur. It was the 4 men from before... well, 3. One of them was a corpse on the back of one of the horses with a broken neck.
"Too bad we couldn't spend time with that girl before that beast ate her. We should make him pay for it." One man said before kicking your minotaur side.
"I can't believe we actually caught him." Another says in disbelief.
"This metal net is enchanted. I was waiting for a chance to use it. Nothing can break it from what that witch said." A man said with a hearty laugh. You felt your blood boil as you watched them take him away. You had to stay hidden for now, but you were going to follow them and do everything you can to get him back.
A few hours later, the smell of smoke fills the air as your minotaur comes to. He's still stuck in the net, but covered in bruises and cuts from being beaten through the metal. He could hesr screaming all around him in the distance as he starts to panic. Every inch of his body hurts, but he breathes a sigh of relief as he sees you run up to him. You manage to free him after a small struggle with the chains. You take his hand and pull him out of the small house.
You're both panting tiredly as he looks around in shock. The whole village is in flames and your cloak is partially burnt. He quickly looked you over and sees that you're okay other than your cloak. He looks at you confused, wondering if you had done this.
You gave him a twisted smile as he holds your shoulders. You lean your head back as you start to laugh for a moment. You let out a soft sigh before holding his hand, leading him through the sea of burning homes and people. The screams slowly died down as the people did. While walking into the woods, he squeezed your hand gently, letting you know that he's okay.
"No one touches what's mine."
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
When a Star Wars writer engages with the material but not the narrative.
I'm writing a long post about the Jedi and the clone troopers and there's a whole section that I had to remove because it was too long:
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Karen Traviss' take on the Jedi and the clones.
I already wrote about why Karen Traviss' take on the Jedi and Yoda doesn't track with what George Lucas had established in his narrative of the Prequels. Since then, I've been able to do more research.
It's no secret that one of the reasons Traviss listed for criticizing the Jedi in the Expanded Universe books she wrote is their treatment of the clones (or at least what she understood it to be).
In 2008, she wrote a now-deleted blog post about it (it was really long, so I'm only including the part relevant to my point, if you want the full context you can look it up, this is old stuff).
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So if you ask me, in the above quote, Traviss is essentially doing the equivalent of saying:
"Batman is a psycho elitist who beats up the mentally ill and indoctrinates kids, turning them into child soldiers for his unending crazy vigilante war on crime, and if you can't recognize that then you scare the living crap out of me."
Like... you can argue that, and a couple of comics have argued that.
But by and large, the general consensus is that Batman is a superhero, the Robins are his sons and daughter, and the "mentally ill" are in fact the Joker and Two-Face aka mass murderers.
So if you make that argument, that's you applying your real-life values and conclusions to a narrative that deliberately doesn't acknowledge those points, in-universe, in order to tell the story it wants to tell.
It's counting on your suspension of disbelief, defined as "the avoidance—often described as willing—of critical thinking and logic in understanding something that is unreal or impossible in reality, such as something in a work of speculative fiction, in order to believe it for the sake of enjoying its narrative."
The Jedi accepting the clones and the clones being slaves isn't a "delicate point". It's barely a point at all!
It's never addressed in the film (because of course it isn't, the Prequels are about Anakin and the Republic, not the clones).
It's only addressed once by Slick, an unreliable narrator, in The Clone Wars.
That's it. Hell, in 2008, when The Clone Wars writer Henry Gilroy was asked to comment on the relationship between clones and Jedi, he explicitly said he'd "rather not get into" that particular point.
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I recently got Mythmaking: Behind the Scenes of 'Attack of the Clones' and nowhere is that detail touched on by Lucas at any point.
Nobody wants to touch on that point with a 10ft pole, because it's not relevant to the story.
So while Traviss acknowledges the Jedi are fictional characters, she doesn't follow that thread through to the end by acknowledging that fictional characters don't have free will, they must abide by the story and the whim of the writer.
She's engaging with the material, but refusing to engage with the narrative. She's having her cake and eating it too.
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My reason for saying all this is that in the book Star Wars on Trial, she elaborates on her thought process upon discovering this detail.
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Shortly before to this, she acknowledges twice that she knew nothing about Star Wars, beside seeing the original films in her youth.
Another writer who saw the new films and saw Mace Windu argue against there being a war...
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... the worry on his face at the prospect of the Jedi being thrown at the Separatists...
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... and the sheer melancholy on Yoda's face upon announcing the Clone War had begun...
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... might have instead wondered how the Jedi, so opposed to war, could've ended up being generals.
Because while we don't see the Jedi openly protest the use of the clones in the film... they're not exactly giddy about it, either. All they can do is watch powerlessly as it gets voted by the Senate.
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"The Jedi are there. But the Jedi aren't really allowed to be involved in the political process. They're there, but they can't suddenly step up and say, "No, no. You can't do that." They have to let the political process go." - George Lucas, Attack of the Clones, Commentary #2, 2002
We also don't see them take on the role of generals, either.
We only see them begrudgingly lead troops on Geonosis, specifically.
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But they're not referred to as "generals" yet.
Another writer might have imagined a scene where after Geonosis, Mace Windu talks to Palpatine thinking the Jedi will go back to their roles as diplomats, and that what we saw in Attack of the Clones was a one-time thing to save Obi-Wan, but Palpatine politely goes:
"Ha! No. Didn't you hear? The Senate was so impressed by your performance on Geonosis that they voted to make you all generals in the GAR. Now, get back to the front."
Another writer might've elected to write them having that "big moral debate" she mentions.
Instead, Traviss immediately jumps on the "Jedi are elitists" train.
Because her personal experience with the military makes her sympathize with the clones and her personal belief is that - while the story may frame the Jedi as "the good guys" - nobody is that good a guy, real life people aren't that pure and selfless. There's gotta be something off about them and aHA! That's what it is!
That's her choosing to take that line of thought instead of one more in-line with the story, because she perceives it as unrealistic. But like... Star Wars isn't real life, it's a fairy tale.
That's like saying:
"The hunter in Little Red Riding Hood commits animal cruelty by cutting the Wolf open. He should've let nature take its course, the wolf earned that meal fair and square. If you think the hunter should've saved Red Riding Hood and her Grandma, then clearly you're the kind of monster who thinks one life is worth more than others."
... no?
The story's narrative clearly portrays the wolf as the villain of the tale and frames the Hunter saving Red Riding Hood as a good thing.
Disagreeing with that narrative is absolutely fine, but anybody who acknowledges the wolf is the bad guy in the story isn't automatically an animal hater and/or a bad person. Just because you say "the wolf is the villain" doesn't mean that you think that, in real life, killing wolves for shits and giggles is good.
Conversely, the narrative of the Prequels asks you to suspend your disbelief and not consider the implications that having a clone army entails. Because the use of clones doesn't have a direct impact on either Anakin or the Senate's stories.
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Edit: I finished the post this one here originally spun out of!
You can find it here:
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simply-ivanka · 8 days
Are the Democrats trying to assassinate President Trump, or are they just rooting for it?
Shortly after Donald Trump was inaugurated after the 2016 election, a so-called comedienne posted a picture of herself holding Trump’s severed, bloodied head. That apparently passes for comedy among Democrats.
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In a presentation of Julius Caesar in the venerable Shakespeare in the Park production in New York City a few months later, a likeness of Trump was cast in the role of Caesar. I don’t need to remind you what happens to Caesar in the end.
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The violent rhetoric from Democrats just keeps on coming, through Trump’s first term, into this year’s re-election campaign, and right up to weeks before the election. And now, it’s predictably escalating from violent rhetoric and into violent acts.
A month ago, a would-be assassin missed Trump’s cranium by a quarter-inch with a bullet from an AR-15, only because Trump luckily turned at the last possible second. It came out that the Trump campaign had requested beefed-up security prior to the incident, and the White House had denied his request.
The Secret Service at the time was headed by a DEI hire, and the agents at the event were test-failing amateurs. They allowed the shooter within 130 yards of Trump on an unsecured rooftop. Even after they saw him there, with a gun, they failed to take him out and failed to alert Trump or his staff until he’d fired eight shots, killing one man, seriously wounding another, and grazing Trump’s ear.  
In an apparent admission of near-lethal negligence by the Service, five agents were later suspended.
Their replacements seem not much better. In yesterday’s attempt, a Democrat donor got within easy range of Trump on a golf course with a rifle equipped with a high-powered scope. The shooter was wearing a Go-Pro, apparently to post his assassination on YouTube where Democrats everywhere could cheer it. He was thwarted only because he was foolish enough to poke his rifle out of the bushes, where an agent happened to see it.
The shooter had been on the golf course for at least 12 hours. One must wonder, how did he know Trump’s golfing schedule at least 12 hours in advance?
Even now, after two assassination attempts that missed due only to incredible luck or Providence, President Trump is not afforded the level of protection that President Biden or even Vice President Harris receives.
Most recently, President Doofus again falsely accused Trump of saying that neo-Nazis are “fine people” even though that accusation has been thoroughly debunked even by leftist fact-checkers.
Kamala Harris repeated the lie in her debate with Trump – and was not corrected by the moderators even though the moderators purported to correct at least seven Trump statements (some of which were not factual claims, but mere opinions).
You might think the mainstream media would condemn these assassination attempts in the strongest words possible. But if you do think that, then you haven’t been paying attention to the mainstream media for the last ten years.
The mainstream media is implying – no, they’re outright stating – that Trump has all this coming because he’s a Republican who says nasty things. The Washington Post has already dismissed the assassination attempt and has framed it instead as Trump unfairly capitalizing on the incident politically.
The media take their cue from Biden and Harris. They routinely equate Trump with Adolf Hitler, the mass murderer of millions.
The Democrats let their rank and file connect the dots: Everyone has been taught, correctly, that killing Hitler would have been a heroic act that would have saved millions. So, the Democrats don’t exactly say “kill Trump” but they do suggest you’d be a hero if you did.
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tropes-and-tales · 6 months
Ten Months as Yours
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Colonel Horacio Carrillo x F!Reader
CW:  Angst (reader is CIA and has feelings about it; failed first marriages; talk of Catholicism); smut (oral, m! and f! receiving; PiV, unprotected); 18+ only.
Word Count:  10,951
AN:  This was from an "Arranged Marriage" prompt list. An anon asked for it, and it was supposed to incorporate dates where the couple gets to know each other. I, an idiot, didn't remember that until nearly the end, but if you kind of squint, you can see it.
AN2: Not edited. Not even a little bit.
AN3: Sigh. I dunno, folks. It's whatever.
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Horacio Carrillo’s first marriage was standard Catholic fare:  the reading of the banns beforehand, then the long wedding Mass.  Heavy on the incense, crowded church, a red-faced priest droning through the Gospel.  Juliana, his blushing bride in a heavy lace veil, clutching a bouquet of lilies already wilted and brown at the edges in the Colombian heat.
Then, years later, the dissolution of that marriage.  Papers signed separately in the presence of lawyers after an ice age formed between the couple.  Then more years of Horacio being single again, but the time slipped by like water.  He was so busy with work, he hardly registered the empty house he returned to every evening.
Horacio Carrillo’s second marriage is something else entirely.
It’s not, strictly or spiritually speaking, a real marriage.  It’s a bit of maneuvering on the  part of the U.S. government, logistical choreography as part of a larger plan.  To the world at large, Horacio Carrillo is dead:  murdered by Escobar’s men in a trap.  Only a handful of people know the truth—the doctor and nurses at the American hospital who healed him under a temporary alias.  And this man, Johnson, a U.S. Marshal and handler for the U.S. Witness Protection program
Johnson is the sole witness to this so-called marriage, if one could even call it that.  It happens on the cargo plane from Bogota to Atlanta.  Johnson sits in the jump seat across from his two charges:  Horacio…and you.
Horacio doesn’t even learn your real name.  There’s no exchange of vow and certainly no incense or bouquet of lilies.  Instead of a blushing bride, there’s a silent one.  Your mouth is set in a thin, straight line as you listen to Johnson’s rundown of your new life, and every time Horacio chances a look at you, he only sees the tension in you.  Grim-set mouth, clenched jaw…and the white edge of a bandage on your temple, mostly hidden under the sweep of your hair.
Horacio wonders if you’re dead to the world too.  You aren’t DEA or CIA, at least not in the Colombian theater, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t nearby.  The U.S. agencies have their sticky fingers all over South America.
The broad strokes of the situation:  you and Horacio are newlyweds.  You met in Spain and are returning to the U.S.  Horacio is dead, but he’s been replaced by Davide, and Johnson hands over a thick packet of official documents—Spanish birth certificate, Spanish passport, U.S. green card. 
You are also dead, but you’ve been replaced by Gwen.  Another thick packet of documents detailing your fake life as an ex-pat American in Spain.
Each packet also contains a simple gold band for each of you.  Horacio turns it over and over in his hand, contemplates the little twist he gets in his gut to put a ring back on his finger after years of being divorced.
You slide yours on too, but you fuss with it the rest of the flight, twisting it around and around your finger.
“You’re going to Vermont, of all places,” Johnson tells you.  “There’s a mid-sized college there with a lot of international folk coming and going, so you’ll blend in.  The house is handled, and you’ll get a stipend every month, but we expect you to find jobs as quickly as you can.”
Johnson doesn’t even attempt to say how long it will be.  Horacio knows he has to wait out Escobar before he can return to Colombia.  You?  Who can say?
The rest of the flight is silent except for the low roar of the engines and the creak of the netting holding the cargo in place.  Once you land, you stand and follow Johnson and Horacio off of the plane to transfer to a smaller passenger plane that will take you to Vermont.
The final leg of the journey is silent too.
When you deplane in the small regional airport in Vermont, you stumble on the step down from the fuselage.  Horacio catches your arm, keeps you upright.
“Watch your step,” he says softly.
“Thank you,” you reply.
It’s the first words you exchange, and his hand on your clothed arm—that’s the first time he touches you.
Horacio has never been to the United States before, but when he thinks of it, he thinks of what he’s seen in the movies:  New York City, perhaps, with the traffic and skyscrapers and Statue of Liberty.  Or Miami with its white beaches and turquoise water and neon-tinged nightlife.
Vermont is something else.
It’s green.  Everything is so green.  The rounded mountains in the distance, the old trees with huge, spreading branches.  The grass of the lawns in this college town.  Even though it is near twilight, even the shadows are green-tinged as the sun sets.
“At least we arrived in the spring,” you say.  You glance at him, explain that New England winters can be brutal.
The house is small, trim.  It’s a simple ranch but well-built.  There’s a fair amount of land, and the nearest neighbors are far enough away that there’s privacy.
Of course it’s awkward.  You don’t know each other at all, and you’re both in hiding.  Horacio is out of habit with living with another person, and he has to guess you are too.
That first night, the first moment of awkwardness:  when you arrive at the house, there’s two bedrooms, and you both hesitate in the hallway that leads to both.  You’re married on paper (kinda) but who would expect you to share a bed?  But you’re also both exhausted, and Horacio takes in the dark circles under your eyes.  The larger room has a full-sized bed, but the guest only has an uncomfortable-looking daybed.
“Take the master bedroom,” he says.  “I’ll take the guest room.”
“You sure?”  Your words, Horacio notices, are slightly accented, like you’ve been around people like him who speak English as a second language.  He wonders about your past and what landed you here with him.
“Of course.  Take the room.  We’ll talk in the morning.”
You nod, and he glances down at where you twist that gold band over and over around your slim finger.  It’s here, he’ll realize later, that he starts to feel something for you, but at the moment, it’s only sympathy.  You’re trapped in the same miserable situation as him, so sympathy is an easy emotion to access.
“I appreciate it…Davide,” you reply, and you give him a nod, then turn in for the night.  He hears the quiet click of the bedroom door as you shut it, and he turns in too.  The daybed is cramped, and he can’t stretch out completely, but he’s so bone-tired that he’s asleep the minute his head hits the pillow.
The first month, April. 
It’s awkward.  It’s more awkward for Horacio; everything in the U.S. is familiar, but just different enough to make it seem like he’s dreaming.  You’re already an American, and life in an idyllic New England college town is easier for you to settle into.
Living with another person is strange.  Horacio finds that the two of you engage in a civil, stilted dance each day that first month.  You each tiptoe around the other, defer to each other in a painfully polite way.  When Horacio catches you singing along softly to the radio one night, you snap the music off and go quiet.  When you walk in on him in the bathroom once—he was only brushing his teeth, so it is hardly salacious—you apologize and refuse to meet his eyes for the rest of the week.
The two of you don’t really talk, not that first month.  You aren’t supposed to share details about your real lives with each other, so neither of you know how to converse in the weird liminal space you find yourselves.  Your conversations are limited to menial topics.  The weather, the house and yard, what you each want for dinner that night.  You trade off chores, you drift around each other, and it’s like living in purgatory with another ghost.
Sometimes, Horacio swears he can hear you crying softly through the wall that separates your room from his, but you never offer any insight into your feelings and he doesn’t ask.
The second month, May.
Johnson told each of you to find work, and you land a job first:  you get a position at the college.  You ask him, a bit shy, if you can take a certain portion of the monthly stipend to buy some new clothes for your office job, and Horacio’s gut does that twist again.  Of course you need new clothes.  You left wherever with nothing, the same way he left Colombia with nothing.
“Of course,” he says.  “You don’t even need to ask.”
That makes you smile a little, and you make a weak joke about not wanting to be the sort of wife to spend frivolously.  It makes Horacio chuckle.  It breaks the uneasy tension in the house a bit, and he ends up going to the mall with you that weekend as you shop.
There’s nothing like a mall to encapsulate American culture, and Horacio tries to play it cool at the conspicuous consumption on display.  The giant building, the icy air conditioning, the cacophony of sound echoing around the marble floors and walls.  There’s so many people and only a handful of security guards.  When Horacio studies them closer, he sees that they don’t even carry guns—they only have walkie-talkies as they saunter around at a lazy pace.
His life now is a far cry from his life as the leader of the Search Bloc.  And when he glances over at the woman walking beside him, he realizes how far this second marriage is from his first.
But the thought leads to him ruminating about his first marriage and all the little ways he failed Juliana.  This situation with you isn’t a marriage, of course, but it doesn’t stop him from wanting to be better.
So once you are done shopping, he pulls you into the Sam Goody and insists that you buy an album to celebrate.  He catches you singing all the time in the house, listening to the radio, humming or singing along.  When he imagines your mysterious life before now, he imagines an apartment filled with a big stereo and shelves of albums.
“Seriously?”  It makes you smile again, and Horacio thinks you have a nice smile, though he wonders how often people ever get to see it.
“Well, it’s our stipend,” he clarifies.  “It’s not like I’m treating you, really.  I guess it’s not really a gift if it’s ours.”
Another smile, and he stands back and watches as you rifle through the stacks of vinyl records and CD’s, as you pull one out and read the list of songs, then replace it.  You finally settle on one, and the two of you check out, and Horacio pulls out his wallet and pays.
And even if it’s your shared stipend, you thank him and smile again, and it feels like something that he can’t quite name.
The third month, June.
You leave the house every weekday for work.  Horacio finally has some firsthand knowledge of what Juliana must have felt when he left each day.  He had always prided himself that he was able to provide for both of them, that she never had to work. 
He had never considered how bored she must have been.
He wakes up early out of habit, but you do too.  In the soft pre-dawn light, you go out for a run every day.  Part of him remains Search Bloc; he stands at the living room window and watches for you until you return, panting, your t-shirt ringed with sweat.  He finds he can breathe easier once you’re in sight. 
While you shower and dress, Horacio makes you coffee.  The two of you sip at your coffee in companionable silence, and then you’re off.
It leaves him with a full day with little to do.
He cleans the house, but that takes no time at all because both of you are fastidious and neat anyway.  He maintains the lawn, trims back the unruly rhododendrons.  He bought a weight bench and a set of free weights from a yard sale a few weeks after you moved, and he spends some time lifting in the garage.
That takes him to noon, if he’s lucky.
His afternoons are when he thinks of Juliana the most.  Is this what her life with him was like?  Back then, he used to scoff at the claim that women needed a life outside of the home.  His mother had seemed happy to be a housewife and mother, and he had always assumed that Juliana was the same.  Except the children never came, and Juliana had a degree in fashion design from the university—yet when she broached the idea of a job or even an internship, Horacio had dissuaded her.
He had thought he was being a good husband.  Now, as he sits and drowses to “Days of Our Lives,” he wonders how he had missed the obvious.
But if he’s Juliana in this situation, you are no Horacio.  For one thing, you return home in the late afternoon—he’s never left to eat dinner alone in a too-quiet house.  For another, you immediately kick off your shoes and pad over to where he’s cooking dinner, and you fall into an easy rhythm of helping him finish it off.
Halfway through June, you get comfortable enough to start calling out, “honey, I’m home!” each time you return.
Which makes him smile, every time.
And he’s only a passable cook, but you praise every meal he puts in front of you.  You joke once, say “I should have gotten a husband a long time ago,” and that makes him smile even wider, and it is easy to fall into the fantasy that this easy domesticity is real.  The fantasy only falls apart at night, when you each retire to your separate rooms, as you do every night.
The fourth month, July.
The easy domesticity cedes to something deeper and darker right at the start of the month.
Horacio has never been to the U.S. before, so he hasn’t experienced the usual Independence Day celebrations.  When he asks, you grin and tell him that a good old-fashioned U.S.-style barbecue might be nice, and that’s what the two of you plan.  You and Horacio as Davide and Gwen:  patriotic Americans.
The day starts off great.  The weather is hot and humid enough to feel like Colombia, and Horacio will admit that you look nice in your cut-off shorts and cotton tank top.  He will admit that if you were really his wife, he might never even make it to lunchtime before taking advantage of a quiet house set apart from its neighbors.
The barbecue is nice.  It’s all-American fare:  hot dogs and hamburgers, corn on the cob steamed over hot coals.  You buy an apple pie from a nearby farm stand, and you also make some trifle type dessert, and the two of you wash it all down with ice-cold beer.  By the time dusk rolls around and lightning bugs start to flicker across the lawn, Horacio is pleasantly buzzed.
The town puts on a fireworks display, and as the sky turns a velvety black, the light show starts.  Your house is in the perfect place to see it, slightly set on a ridge, and blossoms of red and white and blue sparks explode across the sky.  Horacio, tipsy, watches the first few minutes, completely mesmerized…but when he turns to say something to you, he finds you missing.
He finds you in the house.  More specifically, he finds you in the bathtub, hugging your knees to your chest, forehead pressed to knees.
“Gwen?” he says, and he feels stupid saying the obviously fake name, but he doesn’t know your real one.
You don’t answer anyway, and he steps into the bathroom.  Studies you closer.  Sees that you are shaking, and between the muffled booms of the fireworks, he can hear your panting breath.
He moves without any real thought.  He knows—or can guess, at least—at what is happening to you.  Horacio has led enough men through enough battles to recognize a panic attack when he sees one, but you aren’t one of his men and this is no battle, so he puts a gentle hand on your shoulder to alert you that he’s there.  Then he climbs into the bathtub with you.
“Scoot forward a little,” he orders softly, and you do.  He maneuvers himself behind you, then pulls you closer to him.  Your back pressed against his chest, and his arms wrapped around you, he holds you close despite the heat and humidity of the day. 
“Just breathe with me.”  He takes a deep, slow breath, feels his chest push against you.  He does it again and again, and after a long while, you start to mimic him. 
The fireworks end, and eventually you stop trembling.  Tucked this close to him, Horacio can see the edge of a thick scar disappearing under your hair, and he remembers the bandage on the plane from Bogota.
He wonders if the moment that caused that scar is linked to this moment now. 
After you calm, and after you sheepishly untangle yourself from him, he urges you to do whatever you need to.  To take a cool shower or go to bed.  That he’ll clean up.  You gaze back at him a long moment, like you’re trying to decide something, and then you nod.  You leave the bathroom and disappear into your bedroom, and he hears that quiet click of the door closing.
The rest of the month is uneasy.  The panic attack seems to have dredged up the muck in your past, the trauma of a life that has resulted in you being in Witness Protection, injured enough at some point to have a thick scar on your head.
Something about this feels like an echo from his first marriage.  Juliana went silent on him too, but for different reasons.  Your silence is driven by an inner turmoil that he can only guess at, and he feels powerless to help.
So he only does what he can.  He makes you coffee each morning before work.  He makes you dinner each night.  He asks gentle, tame questions about your work day, and when you don’t have much to say in that quarter, he tells you that day’s drama on “Days of Our Lives.”
“Stefano DiMera is back,” he tells you one night.  “And Marlena is possessed by el Diablo.”
That’s the sole smile he is able to coax from you all month.  You pick at the dinner he made, pushing it around with the tines of your fork, and repeat, “the Devil?”
Horacio nods.
“Like, Lucifer the Devil?”
You smile.  “That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.”
He nods again, smiles back at you.  “It really is.”
The fifth month, August.
Horacio finds a job with a state nursery, and when he applies, he nearly despairs at the cliché of it:  a South American immigrant becoming a landscaper. 
But it’s not landscaping at all.  It’s a quiet, peaceful job.  The summer interns have already left for the year, so Horacio is hired on to help the old-timer, Lawrence.  Lawrence has a thick Yankee accent, says little, but Horacio finds the job a revelation.  He walks the rolling grounds and checks on the saplings that will one day be planted across the state.  They’ll go into parks and line city streets, and it knocks something loose in him.  A job where he’s nurturing life that will potentially live on long after him.  The oak sapling he waters and feeds today could live hundreds of years when he’ll be long forgotten. 
With him working now, you and Horacio switch off on meals.  You teach him how to use the most American of small appliances, the slow cooker.  You make him the most American of working class meals, the one-pot dish.  He makes you the comfort food from his childhood, and together you find an egalitarian balance.
But something about July and your low mental health…it makes Horacio want to do better.  Who knows how long the two of you will end up living like this?  He wants to understand you better, and he wants you to know him, because the two of you exist as the sole inhabitants of this weird, unlikely life as Davide and Gwen.
“Let’s each say one true thing about ourselves,” he proposes over dinner one night.  He’s bone-tired from work—he spent the day mulching rows and rows of tender little Eastern Hemlocks (and he knows the difference now between them and a balsam fir and a spruce).  You look tired too, but at his suggestion, your eyes light up.  Maybe you’ve been wanting some familiarity with him too and just were waiting on him to suggest it first.
So August is this:  getting to know each other.  Dumb stuff, usually.  Favorite colors, favorite songs, favorite foods.  Most embarrassing memory.  Best memory.  Age of first kiss. 
The sixth month, September.
The weather starts to turn.  The nights grow cold, and the leaves transform from all that green to a riot of reds and yellows and oranges.  Work at the nursery slows way down, and Horacio spends long hours following Lawrence’s lead, which means an hour or two of paperwork, then lunch, then quietly reading a book at his desk.
You’re busy with the new academic year, but the weekends are spent doing day trips.  You’re six months into this, and you’re both braver, more willing to travel afield.  You go into the mountains to look at the leaves from a different angle than what you see from your house.  You go to pick apples, and you spend a weekend cooking them into pies, cobblers, and apple sauce.
The dinner-time “one true thing” game ends, and it turns into natural conversation.  It’s so comfortable now.  You chat and laugh and joke, and sometimes he teases you, and it makes you duck your head to hide your pleased smile.  You like being teased, Horacio finds.  You like being the butt of gentle jokes, so he obliges you as often as he dares. 
It’s a revelation to find that he has a sense of humor after all.
Over one dinner, he mentions his first marriage, his first wife.  You ask him questions, and he answers them honestly, and then he asks if you’ve ever been married.
“No.”  You shake your head to emphasize the point. 
“Ever engaged?”
You hesitate, then nod.  “Yes.  A long time ago.”
“What happened?”
You shrug, lifting one shoulder up before dropping it back down.  “Life.  Expectations.  It’s hard to say.”  You take a sip of your water, then settle your gaze somewhere past Horacio, like you’re looking at the specter of your failed engagement.
“I was young and very career-driven,” you add.  “And not many men want that in a wife.”
“I’m sorry.”  He is, of course, and he’s doubly-sorry because he was arguably one of those men.  He kept Juliana at home, stifled her own career aspirations.  A flush of shame courses through him at the memory of his own failings.
Another shrug.  “It was for the best.”
“And now here you are, married to me,” he teases, and yes—you duck your head, but he catches the shy little grin, the curve of your cheek as you smile at the joke.
The seventh month, October.
It’s the first time you’ve actually ordered him to do anything, so Horacio finds himself busy each weekend, decorating the house for Halloween.  There’s ghosts strung in the trees in the front yard.  Fake gravestones jut from the lawn like rotting teeth.  Purple and orange lights are strung around the windows and banisters of the porch, and the two of you set to carving more pumpkins than Horacio thought possible.
But it’s worth it, because your town goes all out for the holiday.  You bought him a costume weeks ago, and when he dresses after dinner, he’s surprised to find you openly checking him out.  Your gaze sweeps from the hair on the top of his head—longer than Search Bloc reg, curling at the nape of his neck—to his shoes, and you take in his vampire costume.
“You look handsome,” you tell him, and he tries not to ogle you in turn and utterly fails, because you’re dressed up like a witch but the black dress hugs your curves, and the ridiculous hat, complete with a floppy brim, does nothing to detract from how sexy you look.
Horacio finds himself sitting on the front porch with you, handing out candy to the children that come by.  And it charms him, how much you get into it, how you guess at what each child is supposed to be.  You read the kids perfectly—you’re sweet with the scared little ones, but you play up the witchiness with the older ones, crooking your fingers and cacking at them.
When there’s a lull in the crowd at one point, he catches you as you shiver, so he pulls you close to him and wraps his cloak around your shoulder.  He never touches you much, but this is blatant, and the moment feels heavy with intent.
You lean into him.  A moment later, he feels your arm wend its way around his waist, under his cloak, so he holds you closer.
The evening continues like that.  The two of you play it up more and more, comfortable with pretending.  Not you and Horacio, and not Davide and Gwen, but a vampire and a witch, and the more you cackle and scare the children, the more Horacio flashes his fake teeth and hisses at them. 
Who ever knew handing out candy in a cheap drugstore costume could be so fun?
When another lull happens, he pulls you back to him, and the motion takes you off balance a little.  You hold him back but lean away from him, searching for your equilibrium, and it bares the smooth column of your neck to him.
Horacio forgets himself.  Davide forgets himself.  The vampire he’s pretending to be dips his head, and he presses the plastic points of his fake teeth into your pulse point, and you give a squeal of surprise, but when Horacio lifts his head to study you, he sees you staring back at him, your eyes wide and dark with obvious desire.
“That’s a good way to get a hex on you,” you warn, but there’s a smile on your red lips, and you don’t release your own hold on him.  You don’t shove him away.
“I enjoy a good hex,” he replies. 
The stream of children eventually dies off.  The bowl of candy has been replenished multiple times, but you fill it one last time and set it on the porch for any stragglers. 
Inside the house, you go from room to room and check the locks on the doors, turn off the lights.  Horacio lingers near the hallway, and when you turn to make your way to your room, he stills you.  He puts his hand on your waist, lightly, and he doesn’t say anything.  The moment hangs suspended as you both stand there, silent.
What does it mean for Horacio Carrillo to take you to bed? 
He has always tried to be a good Catholic (the killing of narcos aside).  He’s never been with anyone other than Juliana, and he feels a tinge of doubt.  Guilt, too.  He’s always prided himself on his fidelity, and post-divorce, he took a perverse pride in the fact that he never took a lover.  That he still honored his vows despite the legal fact that he was no longer married.
He doesn’t mourn Juliana anymore, and he knows that something is growing between the two of you now, but what does it mean?  Would it be right to sleep with you, knowing that this is just circumstantial?  That it may end at any moment?  That if you both weren’t in WitSec, you’d have never met, and might have never liked each other if you had?
Is this thing growing between the two of you only the result of being flung together by circumstances out of your control?
All of those questions rapid-fire through his head, and you seem to see the doubt in his eyes because the moment deflates.  The energy and anticipation sour, and he sees it on your face.  Your soft smile falls, and then you nod to yourself, as if you knew it would happen like this.
Then you smile again, thank him softly for his help handing out candy.  You stretch towards him and brush the lightest of kisses against his cheek, and you step around him to go to your room.
When Horacio goes to bed, it takes him a long time to fall asleep, and he swears you must be awake too, separated only by the wall between you.
The eighth month, November.
Your department at the university puts on a wine and cheese social, and spouses are encouraged to attend.
“We never really practiced our cover story,” he says as he bends over to tie his dress shoes.  “Do you remember all of it?”
“I have a eidetic memory.”
“Yeah?”  He glances up at you.  “You’re full of surprises.”
“Don’t sweat it.  It’s a bunch of tenured professors.  They love to talk about themselves and nothing else.  They are all narcissists of the worse variety.”
But you aren’t entirely correct.  The party is at the house of the department chair, and Horacio finds himself cornered by a pair of fellow lecturers.  They are older women, charming and gregarious, and they sing your praises…and his own.
“I can see why she’s kept you hidden away,” says the taller of the two.  “She said you were handsome but—”
“You make a gorgeous couple,” the shorter one cut in.  “And she’s brilliant, you know, she planned out this—”
On and on they go, cutting each other off, redirecting each other, not letting Horacio get a word in edgewise.  It’s not far off base from how you explained it would go, and when he catches your eye from across the room, you smile but mouth, “you okay?”
He nods, smiles back at you. 
The evening is halfway over when he realizes with a start that he hasn’t cased the room once. 
He hasn’t counted the exits and windows, hasn’t studied the egresses and any obstacles to them.  He hasn’t scowled at each face to try and determine what dirty secret they held, if Escobar or one of his men had compromised them or their family.  He hasn’t studied the lines of their clothing to see who might be hiding a piece.
What does it mean for Horacio Carrillo to lose his edge? 
It’s another question he ponders at night, since the minor disaster of Halloween.  He knows he hurt you by hesitating in that moment in the hallway, but it’s a subtle hurt.  He can see it in your eyes each morning, the way they study his face as if you could perhaps read his thoughts if you watch him closely enough. 
More and more, these questions plague him because there’s no easy answers.  Horacio is used to solving problems, but he’d be the first to admit that many of his solutions were just brute force.  Displays of power.  The Search Bloc has a problem?  Send in men, armed men, men with guns and night-sticks, men with flint in their souls, men with hearts cased in granite.  Send in Colonel Carrillo himself to a clandestine meeting place where a suspect is strung up.  What’s a little light torture and murder when the fate of a country hangs in the balance?
That man is dead now.  Horacio Carrillo received a state funeral, and his empty coffin lies in the mausoleum.  Davide, his replacement, spent the week wrapping tender saplings in burlap in anticipation for the coming snows—all the while considering his place in the greater world and what his legacy may be.
At the end of the evening, Horacio finds you, brings you your coat, holds it out while you shrug your way into it.  When the two of you leave, you pass the pair of lecturers who had cornered him, and their exchange is like a Greek chorus that follows him home.
“He is handsome, isn’t he?” says one.  “She’s a lucky woman.”
The other one scoffs lightly.  “He’s the lucky one.”
You must not hear them because you don’t react.  You only let him lead you to the car, and when he brushes away the light dusting of snow with the snow brush, his eyes find yours through the windshield—and you smile at him.
The ninth month, December.
The university shuts down for most of the month, and Horacio is on an abbreviated schedule a the nursery. 
The two of you have so much time together.
Horacio has seen snow before, but never like this.  Vermont, so green when he arrived, is swaddled in thick layers of white like cotton batting.  It absorbs and reflects sounds in weird ways, and a hush falls over your little home.
Being Colombian, he should hate it.  He should curse the cold and the snow and the quiet, but it does something to his soul.  It soothes him in a way he never would have guessed.  True, the cold is difficult at first, but you take him to the mall one weekend and load him up with sweaters and thick woolen socks, and he’s better after that.
Everything is so calm.  Peaceful.  Horacio has never slept so well in his life, bundled under layers of blankets, even on the uncomfortable daybed.  He sleeps, he doesn’t dream, and he wakes up naturally, in slow measure, to a soft light creeping across his bedroom floor.
Being on break, you still wake up early.  Earlier than him, some days, and when Horacio wakes to the scent of brewing coffee and something delicious baking in the oven, he wishes sometimes that this was the afterlife.  He wants to freeze the moment in time and never let it slip past him.  He wants nothing more, in this moment.
He’s always half-asleep those mornings, but the smell of food draws him out.  One morning, he pads out to the kitchen in his thick socks and startles you when he grumbles “good morning.”  You shriek, then swear, then lightly try to swat him with the spatula in your hands, but he’s still half-asleep, still incredulous that this is his life at the moment, and he takes the spatula from you and pulls you into a big bear hug.
“What’s this for?” you ask.  Your words are muffled against his chest, but after a beat, you wrap your arms around his midsection and hug him back.
“Just because,” he replies.
You spend your days doing puzzles, reading, listening to music.  You watch “Days of Our Lives” with him and you both laugh at the bad cosmetics and even worse acting on the demonic possession storyline.
Your evenings are spent cooking dinner together.  You make the trip into town every few days, and you rent movies and watch them too.  You watch everything together—old Hollywood classics, campy horror, meandering romances.  The two of you sit on the couch side by side, and it takes all of a day before you’re tucked in against his side, his arm firm around your shoulders.
Sometimes he glances down at you and sees your face in profile lit by the flickering light of the television.  Sometimes he can make out the edge of your scar, but he doesn’t linger there.  Instead he takes in the whole of your face—the curve of your cheek, the sweep of your lashes as you blink.  When something funny happens on the screen, you smile, and it makes Horacio’s heart stutter in his chest to see it.
What does it mean for Horacio Carrillo to fall in love?
Another question to ponder.  Another riddle to solve.  He’s losing sight of the man he was.  Maybe that man is completely lost already.  The thought doesn’t unnerve him; he thinks he likes the man he is here.  He likes the man he is with you, the job that coaxes life into being instead of snuffing it out.  He likes wearing cable-knit sweaters and thick socks and eating the banana bread you bake on mornings you don’t have to work. 
He likes sitting on the couch with you and watching a rental VHS of “Beetlejuice.”  He likes the feel of your body pressed against his, and he likes looking down to see you smile.
That’s the night he dares ask for more.
After the movie, you do your usual pre-bedtime sweep of the house—locks, lights—then brush your teeth and go to your room.  The usual quiet click of your door closing.  Horacio, as usual, goes to his room, peels back the layers of blankets, prepares to tuck himself into the cramped bed….then doesn’t.
Instead, he returns to the hallway.  He taps a finger on your door, a soft staccato, and he hears you call out, “Davide?”
You tell him to come in, and you’re sitting up in bed.  Your eyebrows are furrowed together. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
He shakes his head.  How can he begin to explain it?  He’s fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, and his Italian is passable, yet not a single language he knows can capture the maelstrom of emotions roiling through him.  He loves you, he wants you.  He’s afraid you don’t feel the same for him.  He’s afraid you do feel the same for him.  Is this just situational or are you truly the woman he was meant for all along?  Has he gone mad?  Is this some tame mental breakdown, the result of coming close to death and then finding himself, improbably, in Vermont with a woman who also was near death? 
From your “one true thing” game, he knows you’re a polyglot too—English and Spanish and Russian—but that shake of his head to your question seems to transcend the need for language.  You seem to read it exactly, the turmoil in him, and you climb out of bed slowly, make your way over to where he stands by the door.
You reach down and take his hands in yours, and the touch bolsters him.  Reassures him.  He’s Horacio and Davide both, and you’re both Gwen and yourself, and he doesn’t need to parse the two.  He can be both with you.  You’re both complicated people with complicated pasts, but none of it matters right now because the world is swathed in layers of snow, and the two of you are the only two who exist in it.
Neither of you say much else for the rest of the night.  When you turn your head to peer up at him, Horacio tilts his head to kiss you, and it’s like a bolt of lightning when he does.  Maybe he fell in love with you by small moments, but this is the moment that seals it forever:  this first kiss, his mouth on yours, writes your name—your real name, even if he doesn’t know it—on his heart like a line of fire.
You each lead the other back to bed; you tug him, he pushes you, and you fall gracelessly back on the rumpled covers, but each kiss, each searching touch peels back another layer of reserve.  Horacio slides his hand under your shirt and cups the softness of your breasts, pinches lightly at your hardened buds.  You slip your hand under the waistband of his flannel pajamas and grasp his growing erection, stroke it into full hardness as he groans into your mouth.
There’s no art to it.  No seduction.  You’re both starving for each other, ravenous, and you both kiss the other as you each strip out of your layers.  He kisses down your neck, nips at your pulse point like he did on Halloween.  He licks against the hollow at the base of your throat, draws the sweetest goddamned moans out of you, then returns to kiss you, to lick against the inside of your mouth so he can feel the sounds you’re making too.
If he’d known how vocal you were in bed, he would have summoned his courage months ago.
Your mouth is on him too.  It’s another line of fire, each press of your lips on his bare skin.  He finds himself on his back and you astride him.  He reaches up to touch your bared breasts, but you don’t even notice because you lean down, focused only on him.  Your mouth on his neck, along his stubbled jaw.  You kiss his collarbones, his chest.  You bite lightly against his nipples, your teeth making him huff at the sensation, and then your warm tongue laving him.  Further down, a trail of kisses across his belly, which is less firm than it was in his Search Bloc days but you make a pleased noise as your mouth places wet, lingering kisses there.
Then even lower, and this is uncharted territory.  Love-making with Juliana was only ever for the purpose of making children, and while Horacio had convinced her a time or two to go down on her in the interest of foreplay, he never has received head in his life.  Juliana had called it dirty, and he had left it at that.
He doesn’t even register it until he feels your hand grasp him at the root of his cock, then feels the smallest, most kittenish little lick of your tongue against his leaking tip.
“Dios,” he groans out, and then he feels the rest:  your tongue tracing a pattern along the length of him, then a teasing rhythm where you work him into your mouth.  First just the tip.  You lavish him with attention there, suckling against the most sensitive part of him, lapping up the pre-cum that leaks from him.  Then more and more and more; you work him into your warm, wet mouth, and he feels your breath tickling against his groin, feels you breathing carefully through your nose as you take him as far as you can, and then you swallow against him, you hum against him, and it’s nothing like he’s ever felt before.  You press your tongue against the underside of him and you hollow your cheeks, and when your warm palm reaches up to lightly fondle his balls, Horacio’s orgasm breaks around him like a tidal wave.  His hips judder once, twice, and he thinks he warns you, but you don’t move.  You only hold yourself there, and when he comes, you swallow every drop of him, and he wishes he could explain this feeling to Juliana:  that it doesn’t feel dirty at all.  It feels like a sacrament.  That it feels like love.
It's only fair that he shows you his love for you in turn.
Once he recovers, he flips you onto your back and repays you in kind.  He kisses his way down your naked body, makes a note of all the spots that you moan at.  Make a note too of all the scars that speak to a life a lot like his was in Colombia.  He kisses your scars, presses his lips to each raised ridge as if he can take away any lingering pain.
Then he settles between your legs.  There’s no shyness he can detect; you spread your thighs eagerly for him.  You allow him to put a pillow under your hips to tilt your pelvis into a more agreeable angle.
He’s not especially skilled at this.  The handful of times with Juliana had been a race against the clock—a sprint to coax her to orgasm before she gripped his hair and made him stop.  There’s no clock now, so he takes his time.  He settles your legs on his shoulders and he bends his head to your gorgeous pussy, and he takes his time.
He licks against your folds, then reaches down to part them with his fingers.  Licks a slow, tortuous route from the firm bud of your clit to your entrance.  Over and over and over until you squirm underneath him—then he slides a finger into your clenching heat, then another, then a third, and he feels how your pussy twitches against the intrusion, how you grab against his fingers like you’re trying to pull him deeper into you. 
He fingers you in a lazy rhythm, and he circles his tongue against your clit.  That does something for you; you whine out a curse, and a moment later your hand is on his head, your fingers tugging against his hair, so he purses his lips, suckles against your clit, and that turns your whine into a wail.
He wishes he could tell Juliana this too, that this isn’t dirty either.  When you come, he feels a flush of pride at drawing pleasure from your body—your thighs tight against his head, your pussy clamped down on his fingers, and the slick cum that pulses from you, that coats his tongue and lips in the taste of you.
He’s hard again, but he wouldn’t press his luck.  This is more than he ever dared hope for.  He’d be happy to curl up with you now, to fall asleep beside you, but when he lifts his head from where he’s perched between your thighs, he sees you gazing back at him.
“Please,” is all you say, and he knows what you’re asking for because he wants it too.
If there’s an argument about this being two people pushed together because of circumstances beyond their control, there’s also an argument about the two of you fitting together so well.  Because you do.  Your body seems like it was made for his; you fit together like two jagged puzzles pieces.  Horacio settles over you, lowers his body onto yours, and it’s like magic:  his cock bumps against your inner thigh, but he moves half an inch and he finds your wet heat, and then he’s pushing into you, feeling your feverish flesh part and mold to the shape of him, and then your legs are around his waist, holding him to you as he bottoms out inside you.
He stills for a long moment.  He’s unable to move.  It’s not because he’s afraid he’ll come too soon but because he’s afraid he might cry.  Horacio Carrillo is not a man who cries (maybe Davide is), but gazing down at your face, seeing the stunned love written in your expression, he nearly cries at how lucky he feels.  How blessed.  That shootout in the Medellín alley should have killed him, yet here he is.
Eventually, you give him the faintest of nods, and he starts to move.  He’s gentle at first.  He warms you up to the feel of him, and him to you.  You lay one hand on the side of his face, cupping his cheek as he thrusts into you, but the other hand settles over his heart.
He could love you like this forever.  He coaxes a second, then a third orgasm from you, and he watches your face during each one—the way your eyes go wide, then close tight, the way your mouth takes a hitching breath then goes slack as you breathe through it.  The look on your face as it ebbs away, your eyes shiny with tears, and happy little smile curving your lips.
“I want you to come,” you whisper to him.  You must feel the tension in him, and you bear down on his pistoning cock to urge him along.
“Where?” he pants out. 
“Inside me.  Please.  Come inside me.”
He knows you’re safe.  He’s lived with you for nine months now, and he’s run enough errands with you to know that you have that little plastic compact you pick up from the pharmacy once a month.  He sees you swallow the same pill each morning with your vitamin.  But still—he’s a man with his history, so he doesn’t register your contraceptive use in this moment.  The thought comes to him that if he comes inside you, he may make you pregnant, and Horacio is surprised by how quickly the thought urges his orgasm forward.
“You sure?”  At your words, he’s amped up his thrusting, driving forward in deep, strong strokes until he swears he can feel the crown of his cock nudging against the end of you, and the thought takes hold:  you round with his child, the two of you in this bedroom with a child in the guest room converted into a nursery.  At this moment, it’s the tamest of breeding kinks, but in the morning, he’ll realize it’s just more of this perfect life extrapolated.  You not as his pretend-wife but as his real wife.  A child as tangible proof that this isn’t just an incongruous moment in time.
“Yes.  Please.”  You lick your lips, blink up at him.  “I-I want to feel you coming inside me.”
It’s only fair that he obliges you.  You ask so nicely, so he does:  he thrusts three, four times more, then feels his pleasure snap and spark up his spine as he fills you.
Then he collapses on top of you, and a moment later, he feels your fingers combing through his hair, lightly running over his back.
“You can sleep here, if you want.”  You say it shyly, like you think this might just be a physical release for him, so he lifts his head to kiss you and reply that he wants that very much.
Horacio never sleeps in that cramped daybed again.
The tenth month, January.
What does it mean to Horacio Carrillo for the lines between real and pretend to blur?
It means that through Christmas and into the new year, you live as husband and wife.  You live as newlyweds.  You make love in every room in the house, and you spent lazy days tangled up together.  It means you draw straws to see who has to drive into town for provisions, and it’s all a joke anyway because you always go together.  It means your world collapses down into the most basic of human needs:  feeding and fucking. 
It means that between love-making, the two of you share more about your real lives.  Horacio learns about your family life.  He learns that you’re CIA, and you’ve been stationed in Panama post-Noriega.  He learns that it was an explosion, a car bomb outside of your headquarters, that left you with that scar on your head.
You learn about the Search Bloc and Escobar.  You learn about his childhood as the son of a great military leader, and how that legacy shaped his own life and career.
But what does it mean when that line blurs?
It means that when Johnson returns to your lives, everything ends abruptly. 
“Everything is all clear,” he tells you when he turns up one Saturday in the middle of January.  He sips at the cup of coffee you made him, and if he notices the stunned silence of both of you, he doesn’t remark on it. 
“Escobar was gunned down early today.  It hasn’t hit the wire yet.”  Johnson glances at you.  “And the group that bombed your HQ has been cleared out too.  You’ve been safe for a few months, but we didn’t want to upset the situation here.”
“So now what?” you ask, and Horacio feels sick to his stomach as Johnson explains that your old lives are waiting for you and that it’s time to go.
The end comes that day, but not the way Horacio thought it would.
You gesture to Johnson after he gives the rundown on the logistics, and the two of you go outside.  Horacio watches from the kitchen window as you cross your arms against the cold.  You talk, Johnson listens.  Then Johnson talks, you listen.  Back and forth, and by the end Johnson shakes his head, shakes your hand, and returns inside.
“Okay, so change of plans,” he says, and he rubs his hands together briskly to bring the warmth back to them.  “It’s just you and me now.  Go pack and say your goodbyes, and I’ll be back in an hour.”
He leaves, and Horacio watches him pull out of the driveway, and when he turns back to the interior of the house, he sees you standing there.  Crying openly, tears cutting tracks down your face.
“I can’t go back,” you explain, your voice thick with tears.  “I won’t.”
Then you break down into sobs, and it’s second nature to stride over to you, to pull you into his arms.  He tries to soothe you—rubs your back, holds you to him—as you choke out the words.  That you have had a crisis of conscience.  That you wonder if your work in the CIA did more harm than good.  That you think it’s the former, and how you want to spend the balance of your life not doing more harm than good.  That you want to live in a quiet town that is green in the summer and swaddled in white in the winter.  You want to teach, you want to come home to a house with….and you catch yourself at the last minute.  You don’t say it, but Horacio can guess it.
You want to come home to a house with him in it.  You want to come home to him.
“I love my life here,” you amend hastily, but you push away from him, aware he’s leaving and that your life won’t be exactly the same either way.  You mumble something about not wanting to say goodbye, about wishing him the best, and then you disappear down the hallway.  He hears the click of the door and your crying, and it doesn’t abate while he packs. 
When Johnson returns, Horacio taps on the bedroom door, but you don’t answer and he doesn’t push it.  He’s sleepwalking through the moment, numb, so he leaves.  He doesn’t say goodbye.  He only climbs into Johnson’s rental car, and each mile that Johnson puts between you and Horacio only makes the numbness grow.
“Women, huh?” Johnson says as they near the airport.  “That’s why I said they should never take field work.  They don’t have the stomach for it, in the end.”
Horacio grunts a non-reply, but he thinks Johnson is off the mark.  It’s not that you don’t have the stomach for it.  It’s that you don’t have the heart.
He goes from Vermont to Miami, this time around.
Horacio is given a hotel room, and he’s given the orders to just chill for a bit.  Johnson has extricated him from his fake life as Davide, but his old life as Colonel Horacio Carrillo isn’t quite ready for him yet.
There are mountains of paperwork to bring a man back from the dead.  There’s talk of giving him a cushy role in Madrid.  There’s talk of commendations, medals, a comfortable pension to retire on.  He’s done a lot for his country of Colombia, and Colombia wants to reward him.
He sleepwalks through this liminal space.  The not-Davide, not-Horacio time.  He wanders the streets around the hotel and picks at the food he orders in restaurants, and each time he hears a woman speak, he looks up expecting to see you. 
I don’t even know her real name, he thinks. 
Gwen, his one-time pretend-wife.  Gwen, who had a panic attack on her country’s birthday.  Gwen, who questioned the harm she may have caused to another country, another people.  Gwen, who only wants the chance to do a little good now, or at least to do no more bad.  It wasn’t Gwen at all, but he has no other name to use, so he runs through all the lovely little moments he had with Gwen.
Watching for you to return from your daily jogs.  Walking through the falling leaves of autumn with you.  Making you coffee, pressing the steaming mug into your hands each morning.  Handing out candy to the children at Halloween, tucking you under his cloak at the autumn chill.  Watching movies with you as the snow fell outside, then curling up in bed with you, slotting his body against yours, giving you pleasure and taking pleasure from you in equal measure.  Threading his fingers through yours as he arched over you, his eyes falling on the glinting light in the gold band in your ring finger, it’s twin on his own.
What does it mean for Horacio Carrillo to finally make a choice?
Of course he’s made choices before.  Every day, he made a million choices, large and small.  But the big stuff, the giant stuff, the life-shaping stuff—did he have much choice?  His father’s military career pretty much guaranteed his own career in the Search Bloc.  His family’s status pretty much guaranteed he’d marry a Catholic girl from a family of similar standing.  And when Juliana chose to leave him, he really had no choice then, either.
Same with his pretend life of ten months.  He had no choice in being paired with you, no choice in ending up in New England, little choice in working as a man who tended trees.
He imagines you in your shared home, alone.  Johnson explained on the plane that you’d be able to buy the place, that WitSec only rents homes across the U.S.  He explained that this has happened more than once, and that it’s actually not too difficult to let a witness slide into their pretend-life permanently.
The choice comes down to the most mundane thought.  Horacio stands in his hotel room in Miami and wonders, who will make her coffee in the morning if I’m not there?
Winter always loses its charm by the time February rolls around.  The fleecy white snow turns into grey slush, and everything is cold and soggy and depressing.
Davide leaving doesn’t help at all.
You knew it would end eventually.  You didn’t have much insight into his situation, but you knew that the cartel targeting you would be easy enough to neutralize.  They were only there because of the power vacuum left behind by Noriega, and they were poorly organized.
You just thought when it ended, you’d have more time.  Which is one of your fatal flaws, always thinking you’ll have more time.  Your father died from a heart attack when you were in high school, and your mother died from a car crash when you were in college.  You, more than anyone, should realize that time was never a guarantee, yet you always think you have a surfeit of it.
It's not your proudest moment, those final minutes with Davide.  Not falling apart in a wash of tears, and not fleeing to your room.  You should have committed to one extreme or the other.  You should have either calmly explained your decision and bade him farewell…or you should have given in to the emotion of the moment and spilled everything.
Why do you never learn your lesson?  You never had a chance to tell your parents that you loved them before they died.  Why didn’t you tell Davide you loved him before he left to return to whoever he was before?
You know you could find him.  You’d caught his lightly accented English and guessed at South America.  Colombia, if he was hiding from Escobar.  He told you about the Search Bloc.  You knew some people in that theater.  You could find him and tell him that you loved him, but would it do more harm than good?  Doesn’t he have the right to return to his previous life without any baggage from this one?
February, then:  grey, cold.  You go to work.  You teach your classes and hold office hours.  Political science can create real monsters, so you gently try to steer your students towards the path of diplomacy and not war.  Maybe this is how you make amends, if such a thing is even possible.
You go home each evening and pull together a sandwich for dinner.  Sometimes you get take-out, and you eat over the sink.  Sometimes you watch T.V. and sometimes you read, but you always sleep alone with Davide’s pillow clutched to your chest, the lingering scent of him fading away within days.
Then March.  The snow starts to melt a bit, and under some of the trees in your backyard you start to see the little purple and white jewels of budding crocuses.
You resume your runs in the mornings.  The campus shakes off its doldrums too and the students seem livelier.
You made the right choice to stay.  You go to the bank with your real name and get a mortgage.  You buy the house under your real name, and you go to the university human resources and hand over the paperwork Johnston gave you, and it’s weird at first, explaining why you’re not really Gwen, but it shocks you how quickly people adapt to using your real name.
March is still fresh when there’s a knock at your door one Saturday morning.
Your first guess is that it’s a delivery.  Johnson promised to ship all of your stuff from your apartment in Panama City.  Not that you have anything valuable, but it would be nice to have your record collection back.  You don’t want to have to rebuild that from scratch.
You’re already out of practice from your prior life.  You don’t bother to check who it is, don’t look out the window before you open the door, and so it’s a shock to see Davide standing there, his fist lifted like he’s about to knock again.
He drops his hand and opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.  You are speechless too, but you don’t need words to because as he drops and unfurls his hand by his side, you see the way the gold ring on his finger catches the morning light. 
He’s still wearing his wedding ring, you think, and your body moves towards his, you leap into his arms and he’s there to catch you.  You breathe out his name, but he chuckles, pushes you gently away from him.
“No, cariño,” he replies, shakes his head.  “Not Davide.”
“Well, no.  I mean—”
“I’m Horacio,” he interrupts.  You reply with your own name, and he repeats it, almost to himself.
“Everything else was me,” he adds.  “Everything but the name.  What we had…”  He trails off, fixes you with that dark-eyed stare of his. 
“Everything else was me too.”  All of the bare facts of your fake life as Gwen hold little weight to that nebulous everything else:  every joke and shared laugh, your Fourth of July panic attack.  The feel of his hand on your waist when you went apple picking.  The way his hair curled after a shower, and how you loved to run your fingers through it when he fell asleep beside you.  All of it.  Every stupid little moment that most other people would have already forgotten. 
Horacio holds up his hand to show you the ring you’ve already noticed.  “I never took it off.  It didn’t even occur to me to.”
You hold up your own hand.  “Me neither.”
He looks away, squints his eyes as he looks off into the distance, but you swear you can see tears there.  He clears his throat, but his voice comes out rougher than usual.
“I’d like to see if I’m as good a man as Davide was,” he says.  “I’d like that chance, but only if you…”  Another cough as he clears he throat, then continues.  “Only if you’ll have me.”
You reach out and take his hand in yours.  You touch the warm metal on his finger, then the thought comes to you.  You slide the ring off, and you feel Horacio watching you.  On the plane, you each put your rings on yourselves, but that wasn’t how it was supposed to go, was it?
Now, nearly a year later, you take his wedding ring off.  For a long beat, you study it—it’s a simple thing, nothing elaborate.  WitSec wasn’t going to waste money on an expensive ring for a fake marriage, and it already has a shallow scratch in it, likely from his job at the nursery.
Then you lift your head and gaze at him, and without breaking eye contact, you slide the ring back on his finger.  The smile that spreads across his face when you do is enough of a promise as any vows recited in a church, and he repeats the motion with your own ring—takes it off, then slides it back on with intention.
And then, because there’s no priest there to give the order, Horacio bends down and kisses you for the first time as himself, and the first time as yourself, and perhaps you learn your lesson about time after all because the moment you part, you whisper, “I love you” to him.
And perhaps he needed to learn the same lesson because he sighs, pulls you closer to him, and whispers “I love you too.”
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sky-is-the-limit · 1 year
Afab!reader x Abby Anderson
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CW: NSFW, Masturbation
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Can you imagine being Abby's first gay sexual awakening? She started dating Owen because she felt like 'she had to'. He was her best friend, a person she trusted and cared for, and everyone else their age was starting to get their first romances, experiencing their first kiss so it was only natural that she felt like she also had to do the same thing.
And Owen was always there for her, especially after her dad was murdered, he was kind and took care of her when she was left with no one, so when he kissed her, she kissed back, obligation eating her alive. It was engraved in her head that she owed him at least that even if she didn't get all these butterflies and excitement the other girls were talking about.
There were no sparks, no feeling your knees getting weak, no thinking about it all the time. At first, she truly believed that that's how romance was supposed to be experienced. Then her first time happened and she thought that maybe something was wrong with her. Not only she wasn't enjoying it, she couldn't wait for it to be over. Again and again. It was purely just for Owen, for always being there.
When they finally broke up, she felt guilty for feeling relieved because she truly loved him and cared for him. It just felt.. different. She didn't want to lose her best friend or for things to get awkward, and so she thought that it was what people call a 'heartbreak'. She couldn't understand, though, why not spending the nights with him felt like a cure to an everlasting sickness.
And then you came along. It felt like she was living in a dark room her whole life, and you just walked in with your soft skin, eyes radiating warmth and flipped the switch. Suddenly, she could see crystal clear what it was.
The butterflies abruptly made their appearance, and it was all because of you. At first, she wasn't sure if she liked this change. How her confidence came crumbling down whenever you two were patrolling together, turning her into a mass of nerves. How she could feel her cheeks fill with blood, fighting with all her being not to blush but failing whenever your skin brushed hers. How her core pulsed with anticipation whenever she could steal a look at your cleavage or bare legs whenever you put on a skirt.
Ultimately, she experienced the craving to touch herself alone at night when she was laying between the sheets, caressing her skin softly, dreaming it was your hand instead. Improper thoughts of you started clouding her mind, desire filling up her body, feeling her core pulse and twitch as her fingertips find their way down to her clit and she wondered.. How would your touch feel, how would you do it.. or if you would let her do it to you instead.
Soft whines escaping her parted lips, her movements picking up the pace, making her hips back up and down against the bed, craving friction, craving you with every fiber of her body, mind and soul.
She can't help but say your name breathlessly, sucking on her own finger before slowly bringing it down to wet her nipple, sending a shiver down her spine as she drags her fingertips through her own slick arousal.
There wasn't a moment in her life so far that made her feel like such a mess. Suddenly the cool temperature of the room turned into unbearable heat, sweat dripping down from her forehead, brown hair messy against her pillow as she bucks up her hips against her palm, biting down on her bottom lip in an unsuccessful attempt to be quiet but as she gets closer to her climax, she can't control it.
Suddenly it's hard to breathe, her thighs start to tremble whilst her fingers stroke her clit faster, she can feel it coming. It's an unprecedented sensation, sending her body in trance. The thought of you kissing her, touching her, brings her finger back into her mouth, wetting it with the tip of her tongue. Would you let her do that? Stuff her long fingers in your mouth while she's grinding her hot core against yours? A soft moan fell from her lips at the thought of it, pinching her nipple, her eyelids fluttering to the sensation.
For Abby, it didn't occur to her along with an existential crisis. She expected a thousand powerful waves crushing down on her like they do when there's a storm. That never happened. To her, it felt like the calm that follows after.
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vashtijoy · 9 months
why everybody is wrong about the unlock date for akechi's rank 6 (and why it matters)
So It Is Known that Akechi's rank 6 unlocks on 9/3, right? That's the first day he'll show up in Leblanc to go to the bathhouse and tell you about his sad backstory (again). That is his unlock date. R...ight?
Game says no.
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This is the function that (usually) tests Akechi's rank 6 time lock, SUB_COOP_TIME_[L]OCK6(). What does it do? It sets a bit, 0x1 831, if we fail the check. Which we will unfailingly do on every single day within a specified date range. And what is that range?
That range is between 4/1 and 8/28.
Read that again. Not 9/2, the day before 9/3. 8/28.
The same 8/28 we all know and love for, uh, some reasons:
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That's right. The reason Akechi's confidant is locked until 9/3, the reason he has not one but two "let me tell you about my backstory" events inside of a week, is that one triggers the other.
Akechi shows up at Leblanc on 8/28. He finds a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on—because, remember, we're smack in the middle of Akechi Hate Month:
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This kid, who is so desperate for attention and approval that he's become a mass-murderer over it, is now in the middle of a public hate storm. And on 8/28, you listen to him. You make him welcome. You accept him for who he is—at least, for a little part of who he is.
And so he comes back less than a week later. On 9/3.
if he unlocks on 8/29, why 9/3?
Akechi's availability is often quite limited. Between 8/28 and 9/3, he's only available on one day, 8/30—though if you're already at rank 5, you can't do anything with him then.
Why doesn't he come to Leblanc on 8/30?
The Leblanc field (areas in P5 are technically known as fields) calls a very long, very unedifying function called NPC_FLAG_SELECTOR(), to see which NPCs it should load when. In short? It does this by testing the day of the week.
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GET_DAYOFWEEK() returns a number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday). So, because Akechi will only come to Leblanc if GET_DAYOFWEEK() returns 6, Akechi will only ever come to Leblanc on Saturdays.
And the first Saturday after 8/29? It is, of course, 9/3.
why does this matter?
Does this change anything? In practical terms, no. Akechi is still always going to be inaccessible for rank 6 until 9/3. But does it confirm anything about him? Well, yeah.
Akechi's rank 7 unlock really is on 11/2, the morning he tells you "I was working last night, so I'm tired today"—that time lock terminates on 11/1. His skill checks (Knowledge and Charm) are all exactly what you think. He even has a hidden lock for rank 8 (still called a time lock by the code) which verifies that he's currently a team member and won't let you proceed otherwise; that, too, acts exactly as you'd expect.
It's rank 6 which turns out to have this secret, to truly be as closely connected to 8/28 as it always appeared. Akechi comes to Leblanc in his hour of need, and he finds something—and then, the next day, he wants more.
And so he comes back—the very next evening he can get away to spend time in Yongen-jaya.
(Incidentally, I'm pretty sure Akechi lives in Kichijoji, and this kind of backs that up. It's the sort of super-trendy place he'd make a show of liking, and in fairness, he clearly does like it. He can only come to Yongen on Saturday nights because it's a lot of travel, close to an hour each way in the early evenings. But Kichijoji? He can hang out there far more often—because it's right on his doorstep.)
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2023/12/26)—first posted.
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nerogeto · 2 months
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Only been with you.
Yami Sukehiro Smut/Fluff (female reader)
Lord help me cause this man is soooo fucking fineeee. I just finished the series and I stg if they don’t finish that show I’m gonna raise hellll. Anyways this one isn’t very detailed but there is some fluff in the mix too. Hope you enjoy :)
Finally I can relax. It had been at least a week since the battle with the Eye of the Midnight Suns. After the fight came the clean up and checking for dead bodies of those who were murdered by the elves to possessed our comrades. It was a devastating loss though and the kingdom suffered many casualties. However we were able to do most of the clean up in a week. The down side is that the council is wanting to kill Asta and Nero, blaming them for the whole thing just because they don’t understand his anti magic and Neros forbidden magic and believe they are the reason for the mass destruction.
So now it has became a mission to get both of their names cleared and the team decided to set out on adventures to find answers. Answers that can help their case. I was already planning on going on my own to help with the cause. Asta was like my little brother and I can’t, no, won’t let him die for something that wasn’t even his fault.
But now it’s time to relax and the first thing I’m gonna do is get in the hot spring. Thankfully non of the squad mates were at the hide out so I can have peace and quiet for more than 10 minutes.
I got in letting the warm water surround me, my body experiencing major relief. I grabbed my loofa and some soap and started cleaning my body. I started reaching for my back when I heard someone start speaking. “Need some help?” Fuck… It’s Captain Yami.
I slowly turned around and my eyes widened. He was naked. Not like I’ve never seen him naked before in fact I’ve seen it before, many times. “Awe doll are you blushing?”
“Uh no. You just startled me, I don’t need any help and would you mind putting some clothes on.” He started chuckling and walking close to me. His hand reached the back of my neck and pulled me in to kiss him. “Sir, I thought we said we were done with this.”
“No I didn’t say that, you did. You just said it because you saw that the Blue Rose Captain was flirting with me. You don’t have to be jealous though my love. I want you and only you.” I rolled my eyes and started to laugh. He didn’t seem to like that much he wrapped his hand around my neck and squeezed it just a bit. “Mmm you know, jealousy is not a good look on you. Don’t worry. You are the only girl I’ve ever wanted.” He pushed his knee between my legs putting pressure where I need it the most.
Ah fuck it.
“Yami. Please. I need you.” I pleaded and started rubbing my pussy on his thigh. “That’s what I thought. Let me make you feel good and after I gotta give you something that’s in my bedroom.” With that he thrusted two fingers in me without warning.
“So wet for me. You wanna know something? I know for a fact that I was your first and I know that you haven’t had anyone else besides me. Isn’t that right?” He wasn’t wrong, he’s the only man I have ever been with. “Y-yes it is. Only been with you.”
His fingers were set to a brutal pace making me moan loud for anyone to hear. Sorry if you’re hearing this Henry. “Fuckk Yami. Feels so good baby.” He was enjoying this to much, his other hand started rubbing at my clit. “Yeah does my girl need to cum?”
No not yet, I wanna cum on his cock and not his fingers. Not only did I wanna cum on top of him, I wanted him to cum inside of me. “Please. Wanna cum on your cock.” This made his hands go faster. “I want you to cum on my fingers first little girl.”
Adding a third finger and curling them upwards, he was so deep. My moans started becoming louder. I had no control of my body at this point. “Doll, look at me.” My eyes met his and he smiled. I could feel the tightness in my belly my body feels like it’s on fire. I don’t know how much longer I can last.
“Your squeezing around my fingers baby, are you gonna cum?” I could only nod my head. The way he is making me feel is something I’ve missed for the last few weeks. “I’M GONNA CUM, YAMI!!!” My body jerked. “Fuck good girl. Let’s clean you up and take you to my room, how does that sound?” I couldn’t speak so I nodded my head yes.
After he helped clean me up, picked me up bridal style and walked me to his room. Thank god non of the others were here to see us like this. As we got to his room he gently laid me on the bed.
“So, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you. For quite some time now actually. I know I might not seem like the romantic type but I want you to know that I am in love with you. The last few years we have known each other we’ve fought together, laughed together, cried together and spilled blood together. I know it’s seems like I never really wanted a relationship but the truth is. You are all I want. All I need. Please Y/N. Be mine forever?”
He pulled a ring out… DID HE JUST FUCKING PROPOSE?! “Uh… Yami are you-“ “Marry me Y/N.” Oh my god he is holy shit. “YES!” I screamed as I jumped on top of him. He grabbed my face and started kissing me. I reached between us and gripped his cock. He was extremely hard. “Hey don’t tease me baby, wanna feel your tight little pussy wrapped around me. Gonna breed this pussy and maybe get you pregnant. You would like that wouldn’t you?”
Fuck it’s gonna be a long night.
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cartoon-cass · 6 months
Comprehensive breakdown of MURDER DRONES - Episode 7: Mass Destruction
I saw a breakdown of this episode on youtube and it was just clearly rushed so I want to do this episode justice so here's my comprehensive breakdown.
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New intro, look at them! They look so happy, that is not the case in the episode, to say the least. With how much rubber hosing this animation has I would not be surprised if this was done by Kevin Temmer Tunes with what he learned from amazing digital circus Edit: N was animated by Micah Preciado and Uzi by Zachary Preciado
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Bad day to accidentally grab the wrong uniform, I do wonder where the actual Dr.Chambers was in all this. Wonder if it would have made a difference... probably not.
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Not actually important but having the shadows of the claws that aren't actually there be the thing to interact with the world is fucking cool as hell. This whole scene is a cool twist on an exorcism with robots and science.
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Like look at this, it's a pentagram magnet, a normal pentagram from my basic pop culture understanding it's meant to not only summon a demon but also keep them from leaving the circle. A strong magnet is so smart for this case as it's used to keep Nori in place, I mean it doesn't end up working in the end but it's the thought that counts.
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It took my second watch of this episode to realize why the lights got turned on, it revealed the tentacles and claws but it's sun light, the same stuff that burns the Disassembly Drones and Uzi. It even has the same effect as in the end of Episode 4
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Can I just say how extra it is making the USB a crucifix, I love it. Also I just notice that on the end of the crucifix the detailing is actually in the shape of a USB symbol, the details in this show is amazing, you can see all the love that went in to it.
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This is probably the most terrifying way to hold these robots. I couldn't blame any of the robots for wanting to kill the human good god. Also Yeva playing Tetris, the game has a lot of ties to Russia so wonder if she spoke Russian too, she doesn't speak in this episode and not sure if we'll get more flashback with her so not sure if we will ever find out.
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Not sure why Mitchell stop Yeva from entering the church but I like to think he thought Yeva was like a kid, look at him holding her hand in the scene before, and was trying to keep her save and knew something was off. That being said I'd love to hear what you think is his reasoning, sound off in the comments/reblogs.
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Pulling back we can see Nori, specifically her core, looking at a crucifix comparing it to the USB crucifix in the video to see if it's the one with the patch, it's not, so she goes out for the hunt to see if she can find it.
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Like daughter, like mother, honestly cool little details that lets us know what kind of character Nori is with the very little time we have with her. Drawing made presumably by her of herself as a human cat girl, twice, motor oil cans everywhere, a fricking ninja star, nightcore music, a anime statue that might be a reference to something but I have no clue, also magnets which have been used in the passed like drugs so that's um... something.
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was originally just going to point out the funny little animation errors in this scene, as the paper goes through the Ipod and the crinkled paper is mirrored but then I wanted to check what was on the paper and...
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It's a missing poster of all things? it uses the exact posters used in episode 3 it's probably just reusing assets but I thought it was a cool thing to point out.
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Uzi bleeds blood in these scenes and it's not necessarily mentioned out loud, clearly something AS related, but there might be more to it, or it just looks cool.
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This man is in some serious denial, but credit where credit is due, when "Tessa" tells N to stop he turns around, and when Uzi apologized for not being able to help he immediately apologized for Snapping at her. Also look at Tessa's little pointing, thought it was funny.
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N: "We're not going to hurt you."
I can't blame Uzi for taking this the wrong way, he's clearly telling Tessa off but all Uzi hears is "hurt you", hence why she only parrots that part.
Thad: "Aaand you won't tell me why we're wandering around 'cause...?" Lizzy: "I'm a good friend, and secrets are blackmail. And it's not about football." Thad: "Okay. Does your secret friend want to know about football, or...?"
Anyone else wondering who Lizzy's good friend is? The only 2 characters we know are good friends with Lizzy are Doll and V. It's possible that through everything Doll sent a text to Lizzy asking her to do something but I feel like V just makes more sense. This does assume V made her way away from the sentinels, if I had to guess she's just a core at the moment which might be why she couldn't do it herself, no wings nor weapons as a core, also makes the blackmail line make more sense.
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N: "I deserve this. I deserve this. I deserve this."
Baby girl NO! no you don't, your too hard on your self
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That scream. That cut. *chef's kiss* perfect.
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This scene just shows us why Uzi went towards the church. Also note when she's the most stressed her eye turns yellow so it does seem stress is the deciding factor whether she can be possessed.
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V/AS: You know, you're one of the main reasons... [voice glitching] ...I wanted your team to retain your personalities.
This quote I think has some interesting implications, I mean it obviously confirms that the DD squad was influence by AS but it might also be why it keeps a bit of the personality of which ever host it's using.
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This scene holy shit, the music, the lighting, the sound design and animation, that's how you do horror! You don't even need detailed gore, in fact most of it is just off screen. like look at the DD's off in the distance one catches the pilot of the helicopter mid air then they fight over it like hungry animals.
Ok so I hit the image limit and it's almost 1 in the morning so I'm gonna go to bed and continue this tomorrow
~to be continued~
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persephonesgarden30 · 4 months
Car's Outside but i dont want to go tonight(A s6 Sterek Ficlet )
" Okay what is it with you?" Stiles quipped throwing his hands up in the air balancing himself by grabbing onto the chair next to him in the tiny motel room
" What do you mean what is it with me ?" Derek asked turning to face him
" You've been acting so strange ever since I saved your ass from the FBI" Stiles stated
" I'm not" Derek said walking over to the other side of the room where his bag was kept
" Yeah right, you haven't said one word to me since you came, not even a thank you! " Stiles called out annoyed
" Alright, Thank you" Derek said rummaging through his bag
Stiles scoffed before saying " Yeah real nice Derek. I end up saving your ass from the FBI and hurt my toe doing so , but you can't even stand to be in the same room as me "
Derek sighed rolling his eyes " I didn't ask you to save me "
" Yeah well that's too bad, I'm not the kind to just let people I care about be in trouble. I'm sorry if I didn't want you dead!" Stiles called out
Derek turned around clenching his jaw.
" What the fuck are you so pissy about huh? " Stiles said slowly walking up to him " Was it because, I a human saved your ass, not once but multiple times ? Or is it because I managed to find you even when you wanted nothing to do with me or Beacon Hills?"
" You don't get to throw your attitude at me big guy" Stiles took a step closer poking a finger in the middle of Derek's chest earning a glare from him
" If anyone " Stiles said his voice laced with anger " gets to be angry. It's me."
" You left." Stiles said looking up at Derek " You don't get to come here and throw your attitude at me when I'm the one who risked my fucking FBI Internship to come and save you " He said as Derek just looked at him with the same stoic expression he always had .
Derek walked an inch closer before looking down at Stiles's lips " I didn't ask you to. You did that on your own" he said looking back at the familiar brown eyes which were looking at him with anger
" Don't blame me or hold me responsible for decisions you make " Derek replied looking back down at his lips before looking at his eyes
Stiles grabbed the front of Derek's shit balling it in his fists " Listen here Derek because I'm not going to repeat myself. " He said looking between his eyes.
" I saved your ass and the least you can do is be a little fucking grateful." Stiles said raising his eyebrows
" So I suggest we stay civil until we part ways tomorrow, then you can go do whatever the fuck you want and becomes a mass murderer for real." Stiles said as Derek looked between his eyes and lips
" and I'm not ever going to make the mistake of helping you again " Stiles said letting go of his balled up shirt pushing him back before turning to walk away
Derek glared at Stiles watching him limp slowly to the bed before swallowing hard and walking up to him.
" And to think I knew you" Stiles scoffed grabbing his things and heading to the door.
" Where are you going?" Derek asked following him
" Wherever the fuck I want" Stiles quipped turning to face him as his back faced the door " What is it to you?"
Derek remained silent while Stiles rolled his eyes and turned to open the door when Derek's hand reached over stopping it.
" You can't go " Derek said as Stiles slowly turned around
" Why not? You need an alibi in case you decide to go on a murder spree?" He asked as Derek remained quiet .
Stiles scoffed trying to move Derek's hand from the door when Derek grabbed his wrist pinning it to the door when Stiles grabbed Derek's shirt with his free hand .
" What the fuck do you want now" Stiles called out
" I didn't ask for this ." Derek replied glaring at Stiles
" I've heard that twice already, which is why I'm leaving , I don't need to be around someone who isn't grateful that I saved their ass" Stiles quipped
" My cars outside, I'm leaving " Stiles said pulling Derek closer in an attempt to threaten him
" I didn't ask for this, I didn't ask you to help me, I didn't ask to be saved " Derek said looking between Stiles's eyes
" I know !" Stiles yelled getting angrier " You didn't ask for shit, you don't need anyone !"
" I need you!" Derek called out breathing hard as Stiles looked at him in surprise " I didn't ask for any of this . I didn't ask to have this feelings for you. I didn't ask for you to be the one to save me."
Stiles loosened his grip on Derek's shirt a little but not letting go looking at him curiously trying to make sense of what Derek was saying.
" I didn't " He said swallowing hard " I didn't want to bring you into this, have you risk your life. I ..I blame myself for you injuring yourself " He continued
" But I didn't." He paused " I didn't ask to have these feelings for you. To care about you. So deeply. That it scares me."
Stiles looked between Derek's eyes which now he's a hint of sadness as he continued " I can't lose you Stiles. "
" Derek." Stiles said pulling him closer " Don't push me away. I care about you a lot and that's why it drives me crazy everytime u push me away. Why do you do it ?"
" Because everyone around me gets hurt" Derek said looking at Stiles
" Bullshit" Stiles said " If you care about me, and trust me. You need to know that I can take care of myself "
Derek looked down at Stiles's lips before looking back up at his eyes as he closed the distance between them capturing his lips in a slow tender kiss as Stiles pulled him closer.
Stiles pulled away for a second looking at Derek .
"Stay with me " Derek said his thumb grazing Stiles's cheek
Stiles nodded and that was all it took before Derek grabbed his thighs carrying him earning a surprised noise from Stiles before carrying him to bed
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