#at least there is a CHANCE we'll have the chapter by this weekend though!!
singsweetmelodies · 2 years
my dear, dear fake dating au friends... i need you all to know that i am not well. and it appears terminal.
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we are two-thirds (yes, only 2/3) of the way through the already-reduced chapter plan for ch6. lord help me 🥲🥲🥲🙏
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arcadia-of-pluto · 1 month
Twist of Fate; Chapter Eight
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Pairings; LADS OT4 x reader
Word Count; 2,969 (nice)
Themes; isekai, eventual smut
Rating; 18+ for swearing and some mature language
Notes; Last chapter for the weekend, so I hope you all enjoy it! Also, the first of many Sylus-centric chapters. I'm a Rafayel girlie at heart, so it feels wrong to have so many Sylus focused chapters, but it feels like Sylus needs a lot of chapters since he has a lot of good scenes.
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Don't forget to check out my ideas for the future to see what other plans I have for this story and any future ones I plan to write! Also since I accidentally posted seven early, I might as well post eight early as well and then I'll do nine later on today as a treat! 🩷
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The next time you wake up, you're in the back of a van with your hands tied together. Your head was pounding, your mouth felt drier than a desert and you could taste something metallic on your tongue. You really didn't even want to open your eyes because of the pain, but you do take a few mental notes. The smell of cheap leather and that the van was still moving, be it shaky and rickety. You're most likely on a dirt road or a road that hasn't been used in some while.
Even though the man threatened to inject you with the neurotoxin, you really thought he'd at least keep his word and not go through with it if you didn't fight, but it seems like he did anyway. Good thing you took the inhibitor Xavier gave you.
Even though it's dark inside the vehicle, you notice your jacket is off to the side but your watch and your guns are missing. Possibly in the vehicle somewhere. As you think of a way to get out of this mess, you notice the man is talking on the phone.
“I took a big risk snatching prey from the Nest. The reward needs to be better than that.” You try to look and see what the man looks like but he's wearing a black cap and a mask over his mouth, though you can at least see his hair. It's not white so he's not the man you're looking for.
You begin struggling with the binding on your arms, trying your best to make them even a little bit more loose.
“You sure this is right? I've driven down this same road three times. I'm not going anywhere.” You hear the man sigh before the van makes a noise. “Just my luck. The car broke down all the way out here..” He angrily opens his door to step outside before he opens the back of the van. “Get out. We'll wait here.” He grabs you by your restraints and pulls you out of the van. You take the chance to look around at your surroundings hoping to see anything familiar but it's dark out.
He all but throws you to the ground on your already injured knees and you hold back a hiss between your teeth. “Not a soul to be seen..Just an abandoned yard. Hurry up and send someone over.” The man was still on the phone.
You notice dead trees, a metal fence that seems to have been broken before, large boulders and rocks. This place seems more like a graveyard than anything. Your gaze turns to a dirty cobblestone structure nearby, you assume it used to be white but its more of a cream or light tan colour now.
“You're wide awake, huh. Guess you're a tough gal but I'm warning you, don't try any trick on me. You hear? I'm not against hurting a woman.” The man scoffs, clicking his tongue as he brandishes a pocket knife and taps it against his palm. “So you're just a middleman. Are you working for people in the N109 Zone?” You ask with a raised brow, putting on a tough act.
“Shut up. Let me inspect the goods before I hand you over.” His voice was cold as he points the knife at you. “Where did you hide the aether core?” You can't help the laugh that bubbles from your lips, finding it amusing that he's looking for something intangible. He'd have to cut it out if he really wanted to 'inspect the goods'. Though before you can say anything else, you hear another voice.
“Kidnapping Onychinus’ prey without letting us know..Wow, that's not exactly polite now, is it?” The disembodied voice sounded amused and taunting.
“Who's there?” Your masked kidnapper quickly pulls you to your feet, holding the pocket knife to your throat as he looks around. Seems like he's panicking. But Onychinus? Hmm…so it seems like they weren't the ones who kidnapped you.
“She's ours, by the way. We called dibs a long time ago.” and then, seemingly out of nowhere, the man's hand gets cut.
You flinch and the man drops you from the sudden pain in his hand. You fall to the ground once more, scowling at the pain in your legs before sitting down on the ground so as to not hurt your bloodied knees anymore. Maybe a skirt was a bad idea… You turn back to look over at your kidnapper who was now on the ground as well, holding his arm.
Your eyes widen as you notice two masked men appearing from red and black smoke. “I'm really curious..She's brave enough to drink from a black glass.” One of the newcomers twirls a knife around in his hand before resting his foot on your kidnapper's back. The other man starts walking toward you. “I wonder what will she do when backed into a corner?”
The masked man kicks your kidnapper to the side, taking a few steps toward you and that's when you notice they're both wearing a full black mask with a hooked beak. You can't see their eyes or anything. They have their hood up and it seems like there's tiny red horns on the top of the hood. “You're pretty bold for releasing information about the aether core in the Nest like that.” The one with a piercing through his left horn says and the other, who has one through his right, leans his whole upper body to the side. “Explains why boss is interested.”
“I see…So Sylus sent you.” The man on the ground laughs as he rises up to his knees. “But the aether core….is mine!” He suddenly pulls out a gun from behind his back and aims it directly at you before shooting.
The smell of gunpowder fills the air as you flinch back with your eyes closed. Though, you don't feel any pain. Instead, when you open your eyes, you see the man covered in a dark crimson and black mist. His actions constricted and the bullet, so close to your face, wrapped in the same mist before it disintegrated the bullet as if it were never there. The fog wraps around the man's hand, causing him to drop his gun before it swells up around him, wrapping around his neck and lifting him into the air. The mist swirls around him, almost seeming like it's working its way through his body until the man…explodes. Or at least that's what you think.
You see no blood, only the smoke slowly falling down toward the ground as if it's job is done. Then you notice that the two men in crow masks are walking away. It seems their part is done so that must mean…your gaze is brought back to the cobblestone structure, there's now a person standing on top of it with their thumb looped through their belt loop. The sound of a large bell chiming in front of a seemingly red moon.
You now realize your binds are undone, you could leave at any time but you're paralyzed with fear. You haven't been sure what to expect for awhile now and you honestly thought you'd be happy to see Sylus for the first time but, in fact, it's actually terrifying.
A crow caws, flying through the sky until landing on his shoulder as the man on top of the wall reabsorbs his energy with a stretched out hand. He then steps toward the edge of the wall and disappears in a swirl of that same coloured mist before appearing a few steps in front of you.
“Take out the vermin that are still running amok.” The white haired man says, his voice a deep timber that you'd usually be freaking out over but right now you're freaking out for an entirely different reason. The men in the crow masks echo a ‘yes sir’ as Sylus slowly walks up to you. Once he's in front of you, he tilts his head to the side with a scoff.
“You're…also here for the core, right?” You manage to say, trying your best not to look at him because he's hot, but also scary. He crouches down, leaning a bit forward as he says, “Even if you wanted to sell your soul, you still have to find someone who can pay the price.”
He reaches down to grab your chin, lifting your head to look at him. “Look at me.” His voice void of any emotion, even though his facial expression was rather soft. “You-” you flinch as his right eye begins to glow. Voices that you feel like shouldn't be here begin chanting in your head. “Devour him..” They echo. "Take the power.”
Your head begins to pound as blood rushes to it. You suddenly look down and your hands are bloody. “Take it…” “Just…kill him.” You want to hit your head, you want to tell yourself this isn't real because you know it isn't. You're confused and your head hurts and you try to look away from him, realizing something is wrong with his eye.
Your hand darts out to grab the dropped pocket knife and you find yourself cutting Sylus’ cheek, the black and red energy holding your wrist in place so you can't cause anymore damage.
He chuckles, amused by your actions. “Is this how you greet a new friend?” He swipes his thumb across his cheek, the wound disappearing as if it were never there. “I guess you don't remember anything.” He says as he brings his hand up to brush his knuckles against your cheek. “Allow me to jog your memory.” His hand goes further down before wrapping around your throat. That's when you begin to panic, grabbing his wrist with your free hand. “Let go of me.” But your attempts are weak at best.
With his hand around your throat, he makes you look back into his eyes. “From your past to your future…to even all of the crimes you'll inevitably commit. After all, you and I… were the same. True kindred spirits.”
You've must've blacked out because the next time you come to you're on the ground. “Three days. Yet we're unable to achieve even a simple resonance. How disappointing.” You hear Sylus before you see him. Three days? How come you don't remember any of that? You wince and turn your head to look in his direction, noticing that he's sitting with his legs crossed on a plush red chair. It almost looks like a throne.
With a wave of his finger, his evol wraps around you and pulls you toward him. “What do you want?” You ask, exasperated and you're almost to the point of giving up. Especially when you don't know what'll happen next or even what path is the safe one. You tug at the energy wrapped around you but your hands go through it like smoke until you find yourself in Sylus’ lap. Now any other time, you'd be throwing a party about being in a hot man's lap but right now? You're not sure how to feel.
“You went through all that trouble to enter the N109 Zone. I must fulfill my duty as your host.” He says before he uses his evol to lift your arm up, his fingers dancing along the soft skin of your wrist before making their way to your tightly closed hand. His index finger trying to wiggle its way under your fingers before he adds a bit more pressure, using his evol to pry your hand open. His palm pressing flat against yours before he intertwines your fingers and pulls your connected hands to his chest. His eyes closing as he tries to force the resonance. “Stop-” you try to pull your hand away but his energy evol keeps your hand and your body where he wants it.
The voice in your head coming back to rear its ugly head. “Devour him…He's yours..” You get that, you get that he's hot and all, but do you really need to devour him? It's not like he's yours either- “He's right there..before your very eyes.” Damn okay voice, chill. Thirsty much? “His..” “eye..” the voice is cutting in and out, you can only hear a tad bit of what it's saying until the energy dissipates with a tiny flash of light. The resonance worked?
Sylus scoffs, looking at the light dancing across his hand, “It's a shame your evol has deteriorated into its current state.” You take a deep breath, trying to steel yourself and you throw some bait out. “My family's deaths…You're behind them, right?” If he's a love interest, you know there's no way he is but you have to, at least, act that way to find answers. “Family?” Sylus chuckles to himself, “The people closest to you might be the ones who want to kill you the most.” Your brows furrow at that. Huh, that was a theory you never thought about. But who?
Wait, act angry. Right…uh say something, anything. “Shut up! Right now, I just…I just..” your head begins hurting again, “I just want to kill you myself!”
What? That's not what was meant by “say anything” but alright.
You flinch as soon as the words leave your mouth. You didn't mean to say that, did you? Though as you're unable to control your actions, Sylus catches your hand. “Do you think your evol will help you in a fight against me? Your courage is admirable.” He pushes your hand away with an unamused expression. “You're lucky I don't like picking on the weak, kitten.”
Before you have any time to dwell on what he just called you, he holds his hand out and uses his energy to pull something toward him. One of your guns lands in his hand. “What're you doing?” You ask, a bit nervous at the firearm held firmly in his grasp. He makes sure it's loaded, cocks it, and then holds the gun out to you. “Didn't you want my life? Or do your words just ring hollow?”
Ah shit, here come the voices again. “Kill him.” Wait, the voices didn't want you to fu- Nevermind that, you really don't want to grab the gun but it's out of your control. Your hand moves on its own, taking a hold of the gun and even your mouth moves on its own. “You think I won't do it?” You hold the gun up to his head, internally screaming and pleading to not let this happen because it would be a shame if you were the one to kill such a handsome man. “Now…that's much better. Though, you do owe me a curtain call grander than death itself,” Sylus muses, wrapping his fingers around the muzzle of your pistol as he slowly brings it lower and presses it against his chest as your hands shake.
“I..” “Why're you trembling? Has your resolve already begun to falter? You weren't just bluffing, were you?” He tilts his head to the side and you honestly want to yell at him and ask if he's crazy or thinks he has nine lives or something but you can't since whatever mysterious power you have inside of you is still controlling your movements. “No, of course not. It's just..” you trail off and he slowly moves his hand down to wrap around both of yours on the gun. “Want some help? Yes? No? Maybe so?”
He's so hot, he's so-
You…you shot him? You actually shot him? Are you sure you won't regret this later? That's actually like crazy that you shot him just now. Well- it's not like you had any part in it. You couldn't control your actions to begin with..
Darkness is all you see. You felt so…hungry. So empty. Anything would be great to fill this emptiness you felt inside.
“Devour him..” Shit the voices were back. “Its…your power.” It was probably Sylus’ power, but pop off voice.
You weren't sure how long you had to endure the voices but they finally went silent. Leaving you in the dark, alone. It almost…felt cold.
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The ending is a bit abrupt, so I'm going to apologize up front for that- I honestly didn't realize just how cut it was since it lines up pretty well with the next chapter. You'll have to wait to see that next week though, unless I end up feeling excited enough to post chapter nine early! 🤔 Either way, I hope you liked the comedic turn I took with the second half of the chapter. It was too good to pass up. Also, I tried something different with the paragraphs. I added double spaces between specific, important ones and just the standard singular with everything else. Let me know which you like between (between chapters 6-8 and I'll start doing them like that in the future!)
Anyway, if there's any spelling errors and stuff like that, then that's on me. I've re-read all of these chapters so many times and re-worked so much of it, but I'm bound to miss some errors so hopefully it's not too bad!
Taglist; @orphicmeliora
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soot-and-salt · 2 months
Aaaand here we go: writing update
WSBE 8: has a title, has an outline, is like 25% written. I don't expect it to be as long as WSBE 7 (please god) so I'm hopeful I can maybe release it this weekend or early next week. We'll see 👀
WSBE 9, the final installment: has a title, has an outline
WSBE epilogue: ??? Maybe????
I'd like to get some one shots finished. I have three in various states of written. A comedy, a radiostatic, and a radioapple. Not sure which one will move me first
HUMAN AU!: We have a title! We have chapter titles! We have an outline! We have VIBES. We are going to try to do this!!! I want to have at least three or four chapters written before I publish it on AO3. I want to give myself the best chance to succeed. I'm very excited about it though, there are some scenes and set pieces I'm really looking forward to. It's going to be vaguely radioapple with some radiosilence (finally going to earn the "Vox's one-sided psychosexual obsession with Alastor" tag!), but more of the story will be focused on the mystery of it all. But Soot, how is Vox there if it's human AU? Oh man, just you wait...
Thank you everyone for sticking around and reading my dumb little stories. I've never felt so creatively invigorated before and everyone's exceedingly kind comments really help me a lot. Thanks for believing in me.
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silverynight · 2 years
A full moon
Chapter 2
After visiting his friend Uraraka, Izuku goes back to the dorms with a weird sensation; it's like someone has been following him. He had to look around before knocking on Uraraka's door and did the same when he found himself back in the hallway at night.
Perhaps it's just his imagination; it's been a difficult and weird week. It's Friday night now and even though he doesn't have to go to any class tomorrow he feels like he's exhausted.
He's going to be alone for the weekend, Shoto is visiting his sister and he'll be staying with her a couple of days; he knows it's important to him because she's the one (along with his older brother) who has been really supportive of him all this time.
It's really late, Izuku can only see the path back to the building because there are lights outside; he's dragging his feet, too tired to move quickly. Trying not to think about all the homework he'll have to do tomorrow, he thinks of what Uraraka said about his situation.
She's really protective of him and basically told him to be careful (because she didn't like when Izuku told her Bakugo was a bully in middle school) but at the same time said he should give him a chance.
"It's almost like he's..." She didn't finish the sentence though, she just chuckled instead. "Just one opportunity... I mean if he's Kirishima's friend he must be good or at least have good intentions. I don't think Kirishima would be friends with someone who actually hurts other people."
She's right. It's just that Izuku doesn't exactly know what Bakugo wants... But he should give him an opportunity.
There's also the possibility that Bakugo is not interested enough to even try to see him again...
Suddenly, Izuku hears a noise; he turns around and gets startled when he gets a glimpse of the biggest dog he's ever seen in his life. From where he's standing, it looks like a huge shadow, its eyes are red, and almost glow in the night.
It's probably not wise to get close to a dog he doesn't own, especially considering that they're not allowed inside the campus which means someone is keeping it hidden (which is unlikely, considering the size of the dog) or it got inside on its own.
"Hi!" Izuku grins, moving closer. It's weird that the dog hasn't moved or looked away from him the whole time; at first it almost seemed like it was watching Izuku's every move. "How did you get in here?"
Oh. It's not a dog... It's a wolf or at least it looks like one now that Izuku is close enough to actually look at it under the lamp light. No, it can't be. What's a wolf doing there? Besides, it's an unique one because Izuku has never seen a wolf with blond fur in his life.
Izuku stops for a moment; if it's a wolf it means it's a wild animal that could attack him if it feels threatened.
Suddenly, the creature moves; it trots towards him before Izuku can even think what to do, but then he realizes it's wagging its tail.
Maybe he's a half wolf, he seems to be used to being around people.
"Are you lost?" Izuku chuckles when the wolf nuzzles against his left side, demanding attention. "Such a handsome boy!"
The tail goes crazy when Izuku finally kneels and starts stroking the wolf's head and scratching behind its ears.
The fur is incredibly soft and is clean, which means the wolf must have an owner.
"Let's go to my room!" Izuku says, rising from the ground. "Come quickly, before someone sees you. I promise I'll take you back home tomorrow."
The wolf must be trained, because he moves carefully and doesn't make any sounds, he stops when Izuku asks him to and they both manage to get inside Izuku's room.
He? Since when he thinks about the wolf as he? Well, it doesn't matter, it feels better than think of him as it and Izuku is sure the wolf is a boy.
Izuku still can't believe no one saw them; it's late sure, but it's Friday and he's sure most of the students are still awake.
"My roommate won't be here this weekend so I think we'll be fine for now," Izuku explains to the wolf; he probably doesn't understand, but Izuku likes to talk to him.
Izuku doesn't have any dog food so he gives the wolf half of his burger and puts some comfortable clothes on after eating his half. He finds hilarious that the wolf turns his back on him when he's taking his clothes off and wonders if he was trained to do that too.
"You can look now," Izuku chuckles. "I'm decent."
He doesn't expect the wolf to understand, although to his surprise the wolf does turn around when Izuku asks.
Probably a coincidence.
He jumps on his bed, too exhausted to do anything else. His eyes are almost completely closed when he feels the mattress shift under the creature's weight; he can't believe he didn't notice him getting on the bed.
"No, wait, you have to sleep on the floor!" The wolf looks so offended at that it's almost like he understands every word. Izuku can't help but laugh. The wolf is really warm next to him and so soft Izuku gives in almost immediately. "Alright, just this time. But if I'm going to let you sleep on my bed I feel like I have to give you a name, at least a temporary one. What about bubblegum?"
The wolf huffs, looking outraged; he curls up next to Izuku and even though he's huge, they both manage to fit on the bed.
"Fine. I don't like that one either, I just wanted to see your reaction... Cotton candy? Okay, I get it, I get it! Nothing soft because you're a big bad wolf!"
It seems the wolf doesn't like any name because Izuku tries a couple and the creature hits him on the leg with his tail every time, looking unhappy and grumpy.
"What about Kacchan?" Izuku whispers, fighting the need to close his eyes. The wolf doesn't hit him, but doesn't look convinced either. "Come on! That's a cute name! I know you like to look scary and tough, but I think you're actually kind and sweet inside."
Before the wolf huffs, Izuku starts caressing the fur behind his ears and the creature almost purrs in response. His tail starts wagging happily.
"Kacchan it is then," Izuku giggles, before moving away from the creature a little bit to give him space. "Goodnight, Kacchan."
Although it seems he doesn't like the space because the wolf gets closer again and nuzzles against Izuku's neck before closing his eyes.
A wet tongue on his face wakes him up. Izuku groans before actually opening his eyes and remembers everything that happened last night.
"Kacchan!" Izuku scolds him, although he only pretends to be irritated; the wolf wags his tail in response like he knows. "It's too early!"
A heavy, almost possessive paw lays on his chest and stops him from moving away. The wolf looks at him before burying his cold nose in the curve on Izuku's neck. It makes him giggle.
"Come on, we have to get off the bed eventually," Izuku pats the creature on the head lightly, reminding himself that he has to take him back to his owner or at least somewhere safe.
Izuku pushes him softly, but the wolf huffs and moves even closer.
"Come on, Kacchan!" Finally, he manages to sit on the bed with his legs crossed, but the wolf shifts his position only to place his head on Izuku's lap. "You're really clingy, you know? You must miss your owner."
The creature is huge and stubborn, which means Izuku might actually need some help to get him out. But he doesn't know who could help him without saying a word about it... Shoto is not there so he's out of the question.
Before he can regret it he sends a quick text to Kirishima and hopes for the best.
In order to avoid getting anxious, Izuku finally gets completely off the bed, ignoring the wolf's outraged growl, puts some clean clothes on and makes the bed.
He's sitting on the floor, trying to do homework, with half of the wolf's body on his lap when he hears a knock on his door.
"Kacchan, no!" The wolf is immediately on all fours, grumpily growling at the door, although he looks more irritated than angry.
Fortunately, it's just Kirishima at the other side.
"Listen, I know I didn't explain anything to you in my text but I need your help with something..."
"Sure, Midobro! That's what friends are for!" He grins before actually walking inside. "By the way I heard something weird and–Bakugo?"
The wolf huffs, sitting stubbornly next to Izuku and glaring at the redhead like he wants him to go.
"Bakugo?" Izuku repeats, confused. "You mean Kacchan is Bakugo's wolf?"
Kirishima looks suddenly nervous and surprised by the wolf's presence in Izuku's room.
"That's exactly what I meant of course! He's Bakugo's wolf!" Then he blinks a couple of times before adding: "Wait a minute... Kacchan?"
Izuku blushes before looking back at the grumpy wolf next to him.
"It's the name I use for him... It was temporary, I was planning on finding the owner..."
"Kacchan!" Kirishima laughs, prompting the wolf to growl at him, although the redhead doesn't look worried at all. "Kacchan! It's such a cute name!"
"Please don't tell Bakugo I found his wolf!" Izuku says, flustered. "He must be really worried! He'd probably get mad at me if–"
"Oh, trust me," Kirishima cuts him off, smiling amusedly at the way the creature starts nuzzling against Izuku's leg to calm him down. "He wouldn't mind."
Feeling a little bit better, Izuku kneels in front of the wolf and hugs him tight before scratching behind his ears; his tail starts wagging.
"I'm going to miss you."
The wolf starts nuzzling against his chest, cheek and neck almost with determination until Kirishima smacks him on the head; the wolf huffs with irritation at him.
"Ba–Kacchan!" Kirishima scolds. "You know you shouldn't be doing that; it's not fair!"
"What?" Izuku asks, confused. He rises again much to the wolf's irritation. "He's only being affectionate..."
"He's scenting you."
"I don't understand..."
Kirishima sighs.
"It's okay, Midoriya. You did nothing wrong I... Listen, I think it's time to get him back home."
"Sure. Do you need help?"
"No, I can manage from here, trust me," Kirishima assures him. However, he does roll his eyes when the wolf sits behind Izuku's legs. "No, none of that! You know this is not how... things are done."
"It's okay, Kacchan! If... Bakugo lets me maybe I'll pay you a visit some day, okay?"
Reluctantly, the wolf trots towards Kirishima almost in defeat.
"By the way, how does Bakugo keep a creature like this in the campus without anyone noticing?"
"Bakugo doesn't actually live here, he has his own apartment."
"Oh, that makes sense," Izuku mumbles, even though it doesn't, because it means the wolf got inside on his own.
He has no idea how Kirishima is going to get him out now.
"Are you sure you don't want me to help you?"
"It's fine... I've done this before."
"Alright, goodbye, Kirishima. Goodbye, Kacchan."
There's something weird about this whole situation... Although Izuku is not sure what it is.
For the first time in a while, Eijiro narrows his eyes at his friend as soon as they're in the empty dressing room; Bakugo has finally shape shifted and put on some of his clothes before starting to pace around the room.
"That was not manly at all, Bakubro!"
"I know, I know!" He hisses, running his fingers through his own hair with a little bit of desperation. "It's just... I only wanted to see him at first, but I didn't want him to think I was a creep following him around..."
"Even though you were," Eijiro points out, trying not to chuckle.
Bakugo frowns, but pretends he didn't hear that.
"So I changed into my wolf form and followed him for a while... I only wanted to make sure he was okay! But then he saw me outside the dorms and invited me into his room and he let me cuddle him! Sure, he thought I was just a pet, but he let me get closer to him! And you know all my attempts at courting him have gone really bad! He doesn't want me near when I'm like this, but–"
"I told you you should try to court him another way, humans don't understand how werewolves do it..."
"I just wanted to be close to him!" Bakugo explodes, eyes glimmering with a very deep and strong longing. He really looks like he's in pain.
"Okay, I get it... He's your mate," Eijiro sighs. "But you can't keep lying to him like this... At least try to woo him like humans do. You have to earn his trust and his love before you try to explain the truth about yourself to him."
Bakugo takes a deep breath, but he nods.
"Fine... Although he might miss Kacchan so I could–"
"No, I don't think that's a good idea."
"We'll see."
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windowsandfeelings · 2 years
Have you ever struggled to find the last line of your fics? I mostly write one shots and sometimes it takes me days to write the ‘perfect’ last line. Even with chapters, though. Am I giving too much importance to them? Does this happen to you, too? Any advice you could think of sharing with this silly fellow writer?
(Can’t wait to read the next chapter of your fic!!!)
ugh, yes, all the time. I feel like my last line is always cheesy or too tidy or something. And then with these chapters I kinda locked myself into the pattern of having them start with Rory waking up and end with Rory falling asleep, which both helps and hurts.
I do find it helpful sometimes to write the ending first, or if not first then not last, at least. That way I have more of a chance to keep going back and futzing with it.
Also I try to just embrace that it's sometimes going to be kinda cheesy. Which is okay, I'm kind of a cheesy person. And one line won't undo the rest of the chapter. Not every sentence can be a winner.
(Thank you! Hoping to get it up this weekend? But we'll see.)
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miss-smutty · 3 years
The Destructive Secret
Chapter 7
A/N- I'm back! At least I think I am 😂 I wrote this while I was struggling with writer's block so I don't think it's great but the next chapter I'm working on I feel back to the old me 🥳🤞
Summary- Are your lies finally going to catch up to you?
Word count- 2.8K
Pairing- Chris Hems x reader x Liam Hems
Warnings- Mature themes, cheating, swearing, smut
Strictly 18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 2nd Sept 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
The Destructive Secret Masterlist <
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The guy turned to leave before looking back over his shoulder at the door, his hand on the door handle.
"If it makes any difference I would choose you over your brother any day." He winked as he left the room.
"What the actual fuck." You shout, storming out of the bathroom in a huff. "There's no way he's gunna stay quiet, it'll be all over the press come tomorrow." You paced the room, your heart beating fast as the adrenaline rushed through you. This was it, this was how it was all going to end. Liam would know as soon as he saw the headlines, all those late night and weekend conferences at the same time as Chris was conveniently away with work.
"To be fair, he does have good taste in men." Chris' usual nonchalance annoyed you, how come he could stay so calm? Why did he make you sound like a crazy person for actually worrying about what might happen.
"It's really not funny Chris, do you want our business known by strangers before we even have chance to speak to Liam and your Mom Chris, she's going to hate me." You feel the warm tears dripping down your cheeks before you even register you're crying. The thought of their mom hating you upsets you more than the thought of Liam hating you. Cathy, their mom was like your own mother, from day one she'd taken you under her wing.
"My Mom would love you no matter what, you know she thinks of you as her own daughter. It's me she's going to blame, Liam's her baby." 
"Yeah you're probably right but still what are we gunna do?" 
"Let's relax babe, you don't know what's going to happen and you can't change it if it does happen so what's the use in worrying about it. Come here."
"You piss me off Chris, you're so laid back. This isn't something you can just sweep under the carpet. It's serious." You needed to take your anger out on him, to let it all out so you could feel better. The four walls of the hotel room were becoming claustrophobic, you wish you could just put your headphones on and just run for a while to clear your head, that's what you usually did.
"I know it is but what can we do? I've done everything we can do, now it's out of our hands. We'll work it out tomorrow, can we enjoy our last night together without all the serious talk?" He raises his eyebrow at you, smiling that sweet, goofy smile of his that has your heart melting.
"You piss me off even more when you look at me like that. I can't stay mad at you and how could I say no to that?" You put your arms around his back, loving the way his height makes you feel so small and safe. He wraps his arms around you, stroking your hair and holding you close.
"That's why I love you yanno." 
"Why?" You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes, your neck stretching to reach his height.
"Because you never say no." He laughs, a real laugh that you can feel on his toned stomach, shaking against you. It was the best feeling hearing him laugh like that, it'd been so long since you'd heard him laugh. Your life being full of a lot of drama and upset recently that you were appreciative of the little time you had left together.
"Maybe I should start then." You pout pretending to sulk.
"No way, I love how easy you are." He picks you up so you can wrap your legs around him, looking down on him for once. You punch him lightly on his shoulder, still pouting. "Ok, ok I'll stop teasing. You know why I love you though." 
"Tell me." 
He sits down on the end of the bed with you still in his arms, resting on his great big, thick thighs. He moves your hair behind your ears so he can see your face, studying it carefully with a look of adoration in his eyes.
"I love you because you're absolutely drop dead gorgeous, I mean the first time I met you, you literally knocked the air from my lungs. I've been obsessed with you ever since." He shuffles slightly beneath you, getting himself comfy. "This would never have happened with just anyone, I'm not a dick that goes around sleeping with his brothers girls." You give him a questioning look, your eyebrows furrowing. "Seriously, it took fucking everything in me to try and resist you. I'd never felt that before, never been one of them that wants what they can't have. Until I met you. Fuck me you were an absolute bombshell." You frown at him. "Are, still are a bombshell, don't look at me like that." He laughs.
"Tell me more." You whisper, feeling yourself tear up at his revelations as you run your hand through his hair, his eyes closing as you do.
"Am I stroking your ego?" He smiles slyly. "Do you remember the first time you met me?" 
"Of course I do, me and Liam had already been together a year but you'd been in Australia. I was eighteen, young and dumb..."
"And full of..." 
"Do not even finish that sentence, you're ruining the moment." He laughs at you but quickly gets back to being serious.
"You were eighteen and ridiculously mature for your age, I was twenty six and still acted like a teenager. I remember you walking in in that little denim skirt and tank top, smiling at me with that beautiful smile. The first thing I noticed was your eyes, the way they lit up when you smiled. You had me right at that moment, I was smitten. Then you introduced yourself as Liam's girlfriend and my heart sank." 
"I can't believe you remembered what i was wearing, it was twelve years ago." You kiss his forehead, holding his face in your hands. So glad you had the opportunity to talk like this, knowing all this made you know you hadn't made a mistake. "I was so nervous walking up to you, I'd only ever seen you on photos and crushing on you when you were in home and away. Then you're there in front of me looking sexy as hell and I knew I had to make a good impression."
"Little did you know, five years later I'd be bending you over that table and giving you everything you'd been searching for?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow at you with a smirk.
"No, dick! Little did I know you'd sweep me off my feet and make me question everything I ever knew." 
"I am a dick but that's why you love me isn't it?"
"Your ego definitely doesn't need stroking. I fell in love with Liam when I was still a girl and I fell in love with you when I was a woman. People change, needs change and..." 
"And I give you everything you need." His hand travelled to your ass pulling you into him, pressing against his growing erection.
"You do, you need to work on your arrogance though." You laugh. "But seriously I'm done with all this now, we can't go on like this anymore. I want all of you, all of the time."
"So you've made your decision." His lips part, his head resting against your forehead.
"Was there ever any doubt?" You question, running your finger over his lip and grinding against him subtly making him groan.
"Fuck Y/N, I fucking love you so much it's crazy." He says through gritted teeth, holding the small of your back as you raise your hips, your face contorting with need. "What would you do if I asked you to marry me?" His hand travelled down the back of your shorts, cupping your ass in his hands.
"What do you think?" You tease, taking his bottom lip in your teeth and pulling gently.
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking." His face was set seriously, he wasn't joking, he wanted to marry you.
"Of course I'd say yes, once we'd dealt with everything." You smile watching his face light up.
"You're going to be Mrs Hemsworth and mine, not Liam's. I can't fucking wait." He picks you up, gripping your ass making you squeel before planting you back on the bed on your back.
Leaning over you, his palm caressing your stomach, kneeding your breasts with his long fingers. His erection poking into your clothed heat.
"You're so fucking perfect, are you ready to cause destruction?" 
"Like now, in bed or?..." 
"You know what I mean." He laughs, reaching down to attach his lips to your neck, sucking gently.
"If it means I get you then yeah, I'm ready." 
"Right answer. You've made me the happiest fucking man in the world yanno?" His hand moves under your top, pushing it up to your chin as his lips finally meet yours. Kissing you deeply with everything he's got, your body rising from the bed to meet his.
"I think... I can... Make you even happier." You say between kisses, pushing down his boxers, your nails scratching his skin gently as you do. 
He rests on one elbow watching you free his cock from its barrier. You cup his balls in your hand, stroking along the length of his cock with the other. He groans, pushing himself into your hands.
"I'll be happier once I'm buried inside this perfect pussy." He kneels between your legs, pulling your panties off before hovering back over you.
"Go slow baby, I want to feel everything." You whisper.
"Fuck, I can't guarantee how long I'll last." He moans, lining himself up and slipping in making you both moan as his cock stretches your walls perfectly.
He rests on his elbows, holding your face in his hands as he gently thrusts into you, wrapping your legs around him and pushing him in further, deeper. Hitting your spot with the curl of his hips, agonisingly slowly. You look into each others eyes, his forehead resting against yours. Tears in your eyes from the intense intamacy.
"I love you Y/N." He declares gruffly, his voice deep with lust.
"I love you too." You whimper.
Moaning everytime his thighs connected with yours, flesh slapping together, bringing your hips up to meet him. Him grunting with every thrust, your sex noises filling the otherwise silent room. The sound like a symphony to your ears, turning you on even more to hear his exclamations of ecstacy.
"It's always been you Chris." You whisper, making his pace become sloppy, losing his composure and restraint at your words. You can see it on his face as it twists, his cock twitching inside of you.
"Come for me baby." He grits his teeth, the muscles in his jaw tightening as his body goes rigid.
"Ah fuck." He brings you over the edge with the last of his powerful thrusts, your legs shaking around him, the feeling of satisfaction melting through your body simultaneously. A proud look on his face as you both come together and he falls limply onto your sweat laced body.
You stay like that for a while, both enjoying the moment, his cock still twitching inside of you. The heaviness of his body burying you into the mattress but you don't complain.
You don't want him to move, you want to memorise the feel of his heaviness and how his cock feels inside of you. How his rough face feels against your smooth skin, his hair tickling under your chin. You trace the muscles on his back, the defined shoulders and lean waist. Your hands gripping his tight, round ass and you close your eyes, remembering every dip and ripple, dreading the thought of being without him in your arms for at least another couple of weeks.
"I don't know how I'm going to watch you walk away tomorrow." He rolls on to his side, pulling you into him. "I think that's the hardest thing to deal with out of everything."
"I was just thinking the same thing." You looked up at him through your eyelashes, your fingers brushing against his tight pecs. "You know we've been doing this for nearly 6 years now and I don't think I've ever felt as close to you as I do now. It's going to be even harder for me to leave this time." 
"I don't even want to think about it but we only have hours left together, what's our plan?" 
"You mean when and how do we tell Liam?" You ask sitting cross legged in the bed, reality kicking back in. You have to go home to Liam and leave Chris all over again, back to the lies and sneaking about.
"That and when am I going to be able to see you again? I don't want to wait as long as last time, you know how crazy i start getting when I don't see you." 
"We've got your cousin's wedding next week. I'll see you there." You risk a glance at him, pain set on his face.
"You'll see me but you'll be arm in arm with Liam and I'll be alone again." 
"How about once the weddings over and done with, we can tell Liam about us?" You watch his face change, like a little boy.
"A week? I can do that, I think. But I'm not going to the wedding alone." 
"What do you mean? A date? With who?" Panic laced in your voice.
"I don't know but I'm sure I won't be short of options." 
"Are you fucking with me? Liam thinks you're dating a married woman, where you going to find one of those?" 
"I don't know but I'm not turning up to a family party on my own again, my aunties can be fucking brutal." 
"Well don't expect to playing all happy families and me being all nice." You sulk.
"Are you jealous?" 
"Yeah, duhh."
"Come here." He pulls you into arms wrapping his legs around yours. Comfortable silence drifting over you both as he strokes your hair and you fall asleep in his arms.
You wake up in the morning smiling, then remembering what day it is and that you have to leave to go back to boring reality and your smile fades. Chris stirring beside you, his muscly arm resting over your stomach, locking you in place.
"Chris, wake up." You whisper in his ear, admiring his sleepy, perfect face. "It's 9.30 we've gotta check out at 10." He makes an unrecognisable sound of exasperation, his eyes opening, puffy with sleep or lack of in this case.
"Aww man, can't we just stay in bed a little longer, I don't wanna let you go." 
"You need to go check out first so we don't leave the hotel at the same time." 
"Fuck sake. Back to reality it is then." He says all hint of jokiness gone from his tone as he sits up and rubs his eyes. 
"I'm afraid so, I need to go grab my things. Text me when you've left please." 
"Wow! I feel used, do I not even get a kiss before you run out on me?" 
"I was just dealing with the business before I dealt with the pleasure, like I'd just leave without giving you a kiss." You threw yourself on him, wrapping your legs around him as he leant against the headboard. Taking his lips in yours, open mouthed kisses that left you both breathless.
You packed up the couple of things you'd actually taken out of your pull along suitcase, you'd spent most of the weekend naked or slobbing about in Chris' t-shirts so all your clothes were still folded and packed.
You were anxious about going home to Liam and having to pretend again, having to try and not slip up about where you'd actually been. You literally had to go through possible conversations in your mind, conjuring up imagined answers to Liam's possible questions so you didn't get caught out. It was hard work.
Then you got the text from Chris telling you he was out of the hotel and on the road back home, followed by how much of a good weekend he'd had and how much he loves you.
You couldn't help having a spring to your step as you walked through the lobby, a weekend full of love making and reminiscing would have that effect on anyone.
After you'd checked out, the anxiety set in, like stepping out of this hotel would be like stepping in to an alternate universe. A universe that wasn't simple and easy like it had been this weekend but stepping through those revolving doors would mean that will all end. This safe feeling of being alone, away from prying eyes would end as soon as you stepped foot outside and it did, a ominous feeling sweeping over you, goosebumps covering your flesh. Maybe you conjured up the feeling in your own mind, manifesting it into existence but you couldn't shake it.
A feeling of being watched, was it your imagination or not? You didn't know, all you knew was how much you wanted to get out of public and back home. As you stood in front of the hotel, picking up your suitcase to carry it down the stairs, something caught your eye. A flash. And then another flash coming from your peripheral.
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