#at least they have the shapeshifting excuse unLIKE SOMEONE
losyash · 11 months
On the matter of Greedling's eye color
okay so usually it's said that the eyes are brown when ling is in control and purple(anime)/red(manga) when greed is, right? but the thing is
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episode 57. do you see it??
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bitch's purple. but this is ling
i have like 15 more pics to compare so i put them under the cut
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they even make a clear as fuck shot of his very purple eye.
then i went to check the mental space ling to see if it transfers and i had a lot of pictures here comparing different shots which all came down to that his eyes look like this which is NOT his eye color normally
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but i am assuming it's a lighting issue because uh ep 28 where we get the ultimate close up of his eyes in soul space or whatever it is they're his natural color
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also fun fact the moment ling gets injected greed his eyes change in the real world
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...yeah that was painful
anyway next i checked the only times i remember ling driving again between that ep and promised day
ep 45:
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that's still ling but greed IS trying to come back so might not be that good of an example. he doesn't open his eyes earlier =3=
the vs gluttoby and pride battle was useless because with the lighting they have you can't see shit
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there is sooome color but i can move my mouse slightly to the left and get a different result so i wouldn't rely on those here
and since i started dealing with Very Inconclusive Colors i went ahead and checked the manga too
here is the same point that started it all
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here for comparison is an early ling
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and early greedling
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do you see the grey tint? HOWEVER
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here is the og greed who is supposed to have the same eyecolor as greedling when greed is in control and yet there is no grey (27)
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but in 31 in some specific spots the grey appears (i put there a greed from two pages earlier for comparison)
here is a piece of fucking color (chapter 99)
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and with og greed too
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see? same color!! sorta
here is greed getting smacked which serves no purpose except me thinking it's hilarious
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and here is actual greed in chapter 100
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with tint being back
conclusion: ??????????? greed's eyes in manga are weird but i am ready to argue they're purple regardless of whoever is in control in anime
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charliedawn · 4 years
Imagine being the only angel that still believes in Lucifer's redemption part 2
https://charliedawn.tumblr.com/post/646303435890769920/imagine-being-the-only-angel-that-likes-lucifer 1st part
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Lucifer doesn't know what to do..He had woken up to a bunch of children poking him with little sticks, with no sign of you or Gabriel. He had no way to communicate with you and was feeling that the gates of Hell had closed their doors..He couldn't enter. Gabriel had made sure to block all of his usual accesses and even Mazikeen couldn't enter. He sighs loudly out of frustration before joining his hands and looking up, wondering if you could still hear him.
" I don't know if it will work but..I miss you, angel..I know that you thought you were doing good in replacing me, but I..I'm afraid that your decision may have altered things too much. I do not hear the souls of all those who should be suffering in Hell, and I feel empty without you by my side..You don't belong down there. It isn't your cross to bare.."
He takes a drag of his cigaret and let's out a puff of smoke before chuckling bitterly to himself.
" You know..I've noticed something. During your last visit, you said that you loved me at least 3 times..But I never thought about saying it back..In fact, I don't remember ever saying it back..Not once in 50 times you decided to come visit me.."
He seems to freeze for a moment at the realization before hitting his forehead with the palm of his hand, trying to hide his tears from the world as the guilt takes over him.
" I'm such an idiot, angel..You must feel so lost and confused right now.."
He tries to keep his cool, but it is becoming harder and harder. His hands are shaking and he feels the tears welling up at the corner of his eyes. Even his tears sting as he thinks of you, ruling Hell and scared of being caught. The thought only making him grip his hair tightly and groan in frustration. Chloe had tried to cheer him up the best she could, but..
"..She isn't you.."
He finally mumbles to himself and suddenly, his grief turns into rage as he remembers that you had defied him..HIM ! He was supposed to be the one keeping Hell, you had disobeyed his direct order, as if what he had said was of no importance..You are mad..There is no other explanation..
" I won't leave you there ! You hear me ! Can't you see the state in which I am because you're gone ?! My little angel..Your trick won't last long..And then ? What will you do ? Any demon could get their hands on you and..?!"
He closes his eyes and inhales deeply as thousands of thoughts of what those creatures would do to you..He had seen what they were capable of, and many wouldn't bat an eye before dismembering you for their own sadistic pleasure..The thought alone makes him shiver and turn his eyes red.
" If you can hear me, angel. Run. Get out of there. I don't want you to see to which extent this place is depraved, to which extent humans are. I don't want to see the faith you have for them falter..nor your love for me.."
He pauses before admitting that last part, knowing that that was his own selfish desire. He sighs loudly, he needed to get out of here and teleports himself to the nearby beach to take a big inspiration of the salty air and relaxes before continuing with a heavy heart, knowing that it would hurt you if you heard his next words.
" We should have never met, Y/N..I tend to destroy everything that I touch..You were only an innocent little angel and we both knew that, one day, this relationship would lead to something disastrous..I'm so sorry for not having reacted sooner..Dad was right..It would have been better for me to erase all of your memories, instead of keeping the first ones. They only paint a very different version of me..If you come back, I promise to give you everything back. I know that some of the memories will make you hate me, or even feel disgusted..But, that way, you will finally see the monster that you're trying to help.."
He lowers his head and nearly jumps out of his seat when he hears a voice behind him.
" Talking to someone ?"
He turns around swiftly to see you standing there with a small smile playing on your lips.
" Aren't you tired of praying someone that can't hear you ? It's been 5 years, brother..She can't hear you. She's been ignoring my calls as well.."
He only groans in annoyance when he recognizes the condescending voice of his twin and turns towards the counter as fast as he had turned around. But, unlike what he had previously thought, Michael doesn't leave and sits next to him, asking a glass of wine to Mazikeen that first glances at Lucifer for approval, which his finally gives with a slight nod of his head.
" So..What brings you to my charming little establishment, brother?"
Lucifer asks when Michael has his drink, that he gulps in one go to Lucifer's astonishment. Well..So much for the vow of sobriety..
" I know that you know where she is, Lucifer..Even though you won't admit it. An angel can't just disappear without you knowing something about it..I won't ask you where she is, I just wanna know if she's alright?"
Lucifer would have normally made a joke about him becoming attached to you, gladly invited him to leave or ignored him all together..But, surprisingly, he didn't have the will to and he sounded so genuine in his worry that Lucifer has to admit with a loud sigh.
" I don't know, Michael..As you could have guessed, every communication with her has been answered by a deafening silence..Wherever she is, she doesn't want to be found.."
Michael mimics his sigh and, for a moment, the same expression of worry and silent contemplation appear on both their faces as they stare far ahead at an invisible spot in front of them..Angels were archangels charge, not important enough to inform Father himself. But, still..Michael couldn't get you out of his head..Not that angels didn't frequently disappear, either slayed by some demon or wanted to become some guardian angel of Earth..But, this was you they were talking about. You had never left this long before and were too weak to be of any particular interest for any demon..However, that didn't mean he didn't worry about you. Where have you gone to? Knowing that he wouldn't probably find any answer with Lucifer, he decides to stand up and take his leave. However, to his surprise, Lucifer asked as he looks at him with a small mocking smile.
" You know that your an idiot, right?"
Michael frowns in incomprehension and also a bit vexed by Lucifer's insult. Lucifer that picks on his confusion as to what he was talking about, adds while pouring himself another glass of whiskey.
" You've had so many occasions to tell her how you truly felt..But each time, you were too much of a scaredy cat to do anything about it. Even when I was up there, it was so painful to watch. It's funny how we were born with the same face, at the exact same time and place..But, we are so different..I immediately knew what I felt for her the moment our eyes met, and I didn't waste my time like you did.."
Michael doesn't turn around, he only turns his head just enough to catch a glimpse of Lucifer's face when he replies.
" Is that so? Then, tell me, how did that work out for you, brother? She would have done anything for you, and you still find ways to hurt her..How many times must you fall before you realize that she is the only one to have ever truly and unconditionally believed in you?"
Lucifer doesn't respond and Michael doesn't wait for and answer as he walks towards the door..Fools. They were both fools in love with the same damn angel. Unaware to the both of them that someone was spying on their discussion..
" Master ?"
You had been so concentrated on listening to the discussion that you had failed to hear that the demon besides you was talking.
" Mmh?"
You mutter at the end, clearly not interested in whatever he was saying. However, the demon doesn't seem that surprised, Lucifer surely wasn't the most attentive angel after all..
" What do you think we should do with the rest of the murderers on level 4?"
Before you could truly think about the answer, you say out loud.
" Oh..Uh..Forgive them?"
The six eyes of the demon widen at the same time and he quizzically looks at you with confusion.
" My lord?"
The demon seems to not comprehend your demand and you want to face-palm yourself so hard..How did Luci ever managed to know what to do?!
" I mean torture them! Why are you coming to me for that, don't you know how to do your own job? Must I send you in the pit of eternal fire for you to finally understand not to disturb me?!"
If you were being honest? You loved pretending to be Lucifer. He was free and spent most of his time just barking orders on his throne. Since the humans were all sinners down there, nobody cared to do paperwork and everybody was obeying you..While in Heaven, you were just an angel, not a high-ranked one either..The only advantage you had was that power, the power to shapeshift. You usually used it to prank people of joke light-heartedly while mimicking archangel Gabriel when he would come and lecture you..Most of the other angels never understood you, and maybe this is why you had never assigned a higher post in the hierarchy? Not that Gabriel would ever let you become an archangel..You smile at the man that you had learned to consider as a big brother and a friend..It was thanks to him that you had met Luci. One day, as you were welcoming a new soul, a man that you recognized as archangel Michael came to supervise your work. To say that you had been stressed would be a huge understatement. Of course, he couldn't exactly fire you, but you knew that angels could be sent to Hell to take care of the bad souls..or worse. You remember Gabriel telling you that archangels, unlike common angels had the power to "kill" angels, or make them disappear anyway..This is why, you had decided to be on your best behavior that day, however you hadn't counted on Luci being there. You didn't ask when, in the middle of the meeting, Michael had excused himself and left, only to reappear a few moments later with a huge grin..
" So, how's the angel business doing?"
You forced yourself to smile and look back at him to list him a bunch of names you had processed that very day. Many angels did not see the point of your job..However, Luci was different. As soon as you looked up at him, his smile faltered and he frowned, as if he knew that you weren't genuinely smiling.
" Stop that."
He had ordered you and you had looked confused at the time.
" That. Don't smile..You look fake.."
You knew better than disobey an angel's direct command and stopped smiling.
" Does my appearance displease you, archangel Michael ?"
You asked, wondering if it was your face that was not to his taste or your whole appearance in itself ? He shook his head negatively before turning around and sighing.
" I thought you would be more interesting..A shame. From what I heard, you like to think outside of the box and make sure that everybody gets to laugh in Heaven..However, I've been following you since this morning, and you haven't succeeded in making me crack up even once..Care to explain why ?"
His accusative tone caught you by surprise, the great Michael wanted you to..make him laugh? That was unexpected..But, since he asked..A true smirk appears on your face as you think of some human joke that may earn a reaction from the archangel.
" Okay..Let's see..Do you promise not to get mad ?"
He arked an eyebrow, intrigued before smirking.
" Depends.."
Well, here was nothing..You had very few information on mankind and the future..Only Father had this sort of information. However, you all had been given the book of Truth that guided humanity..including the passage which talked about his son falling and being crucified to save humanity..You knew better than to joke about that, but what could you do to try to make the great Michael to laugh?!
" Why doesn't Jesus trust mankind ?"
The eyes of Lucifer widened, he hadn't expected that..
" Why ?"
You looked around, as if you were afraid that someone might hear you before whispering.
"He's afraid he'll get double crossed.."
At first, Luci stayed still, but soon his mouth etched into a grin and his eyes brightened with a certain amount of amusement.
" Ah ! I think that joke nailed it!"
His answer made you blank for a moment, but soon, you felt excited. When you had told your joke to Gab, he had simply sighed in utter despair, quickly reprimanding you on how this was no laughing matter..However, knowing that Michael could understand dark humour was the best surprise you'd had for centuries of existence.
" Listen, I have to go..But, keep up the good work and I'll be sure to check in once or twice.."
You smiled genuinely and nodded vividly, impatient to see him again.
" Ah! Here it is! You have a rather beautiful smile, angel..Try to use this one more often.."
You blushed at the compliment and Lucifer winked at you before walking away. Was that just your imagination or did the archangel Michael gave you a compliment ?! You squealed and let yourself do a little victory dance, interrupted by someone coughing loudly behind you. You turned around to see Michael standing there and blushed even more as he eyed you up and down with an amused smile.
" May I know what inspired that sudden little demonstration of happiness, angel Y/N ?" " You decided to ignore his question and ask teasingly instead.
" Did you perhaps come to hear one or two more of my jokes, archangel Michael ? Couldn't get enough ?"
Suddenly, archangel Michael walked straight towards you and lean in so close that you were starting to wonder if you hadn't made a mistake..He arked an eyebrow at you before replying quizzically.
" Weren't you informed that I was supposed to see you today ? The inspection ?"
Your eyes widened, stammering your answer.
" B..But you already d..did ? No?"
He raised an eyebrow in surprise before sighing loudly, understanding what had happened.
" You must have met my brother..Lucifer can be a little eccentric. Do not mind him. I hope that he wasn't too much of a hassle ?"
You turned around to hide your embarrassment, as you had confused Michael with his brother ! However, Michael didn't seem to really mind and only sighs before looking at the files you had made on the advantages of laughter, which earned you a small smile from him.
" I must admit, we were impressed by your work..Especially, the "twin prank". Me and Lucifer had a lot of fun in trying it on the other archangels..and even Father who laughed when we both started dressing as each other and walking around to see who would recognize us..But, what was the funniest, I must admit, was your own reaction. You created that idea, and yet had trouble recognizing it..Wouldn't that mean that we outsmarted you?"
Michael looks up at you with a mischievous grin and you can't help but smile back. At last, you had found other players among all of the archangels..Lucifer and Michael, huh ? Well played..Well played, gentlemen..
" No..Not at all..It just means that the rematch will be sweeter for me.."
You start shifting to their appearance and take one step towards Michael with a daring smile.
" See, archangel. When you try to prank the prankster, you must always expect the game to go on. Now, good luck to differentiate me to your brother.."Am I him ?" You'll both ask yourselves and I will be enjoying immensely your confusion as you both lose your heads.."
Michael, far from feeling threatened, smiles at you..You were different from the other angels he had ever encountered, that was for sure..He suddenly tookyou by the waist and watched as you blushed intensely. He then lowers his face to whisper in your ear. " I've got other ways to find out if your my brother or not.." You both hear a chuckle behind you and and look at Lucifer, smirking widely as he looked over the both of you. This is how you three had bonded: over a prank. And since then, you had never left their sides..Or at least until Lucifer's great fall..
The scared voice of the demon besides you gets you back to reality.
" No! Of course not my lord! I'm sorry..Please, forgive me..The level 4 is overcrowded and we must find a new place to put the new arrivals. Maybe if your majesty could create more space in this area?"
One of tree things that you had not predicted however is that Lucifer was a being capable of manipulating Hell's pit, as he was the one that had created it. Whereas your power only consisted in copying the physical aspects of a being, not its powers..
" I..I.."
You try to find an excuse, but nothing comes to mind, until a hand puts itself on your shoulder.
" No problem. I'm sure the lord is just feeling a bit lost after his long stay in the pitiful human world.."
You look up to find a demon with half of his face burnt down to a crisp and who looks at you with big green eyes. Somehow, he seemed far more intimidating than the other one and also intelligent as his eyes seem to pierce right through you. You shiver at his devilish smirk and quickly stand up to face him, in order to not make yourself even more suspicious.
" And who are you to tell me if I'm lost or not?! Who even gave you the permission to touch me, hmm?"
The demon suddenly takes a step backwards in surprise and kneels on one knee in front of you, his head lowered in respect.
" My apologies, my king..I didn't think that you would find my gesture so inappropriate. I am Azrath. Your second-in-command and faithful servant.."
Perfect ! You had just gave away that you had no clue that the man in front of you was your second-in-command ! You take a profound breath before taking back your emotionless mask and smile.
" I know who you are, Azrath..Your presence is just unexpected..What are you doing here ?"
The demon stands up again and you suddenly are very aware of how tall he was compared to you..His pale face contrasting with his half eaten half worm-infested chest. You have to look away in order for him not to see your eyes prickled with tears at the stench. Not that Hell smelt good in general, but the throne was so high above everything else that it was bearable, which you couldn't say for the walking corpse next to you..
" I just wanted to see if the rumors were true..You did come back.."
He seems almost disappointed for a second, but quickly composes himself and then gives you something that make your eyes widen as big as saucers..hearts..bloody hearts !
" Also, I took the liberty to gather the fresh hearts of the new arrivals..Just as you like them. Still beating."
Lord..Help me. You could see them moving and it takes all of your self-control not to throw up your own heart at the sight..However, you can feel it beating more widely in your chest..Even though you technically didn't have one, the feeling of pure horror conjured one..You force yourself to smile up at the demon and take the bag, trying your hardest not to look back at them..
" Thank you ! This is...lovely..."
This time, both demons seem to be taken aback by your words and you frown, what have you said this time?! The less intelligent of the two, noticing your confusion, takes it upon himself to answer your silent question.
" My lord..You've never "thanked" anyone before..You even forbid anyone to say it in Hell 1000 years ago.."
You understand and sweat profusely at the realization..The other demon remains silent, but the way he was staring at you suspiciously was enough for you to have doubts as to whether he was starting to understand what was going on..You had to do something, quick. You grit your teeths and yell as loud and as scary as you could.
" I am tired of this! Now, I've been gone for a while and wish to be left alone with my thoughts! Would it be possible or is it too much to ask?!"
Both demons fly away and you let out a sigh of relief. You look around and your eyes fall on a little demon that was flying by, transporting some letters. You frown, wondering what it was doing until you notice that it is going towards the gates. It must be a messenger! You summon paper and start writing a letter to Gabriel and call the little demon.
" You ! Send this to archangel Gabriel !"
The little she-demon quivers in fear, but doesn't dare refuse and takes the letter to the only communication link between Hell and Heaven. The tall and lanky skeleton that had talked to you earlier was sure to become a problem..He was far too smart for his own good..You would have to find a way to make him believe you somehow..You sigh loudly in frustration before running you hand through your...his hair..Suddenly, you smell something rotten just behind you and don't have the time to turn around before a dark chuckle sounds nears your ear.
" Archangel Gabriel, huh ?"
Your eyes widen and when you turn around, you find yourself in front of the same clever demon from earlier. His eyes seem brighter somehow and he is covered in..You have to muffle your mouth not to let out a scream or even vomit at the guts hanging from his shoulders and limbs..Oh my Goodness..The demon seems to perceive your uneasiness and hangs his head on one side, wondering what was wrong..You close your eyes and, after a few minute, open them again to see the monster actually smirking mockingly at you.
" What is the matter, Lucifer ? Did the human world affect you so much that you can't even stomach the sight of blood anymore ?"
He laughs at your horrified expression and suddenly takes you by the arm to yank you harshly forward, making you nearly fall from the throne.
" What are you doing?! Unhand me!"
You scream, but he only does a crooked smile before asking, almost expectantly.
" Aren't you going to use your wings, "my lord"?"
The way he had mockingly pronounced the two last words make you quickly understant that he was on to your masquerade and you glare at him.
" I won't let a pitiful demon like you intimidate me..I am your king and I am to he respected as such!"
However, far from feeling threatened, the demon only gets out something that you had forgotten about..the sword of Lucifer..
" The sword of Hell..Only demons or lord Lucifer can wield it..If any other etheral being were to try to use it, they would fall to the core of Hell to burn there for the rest of eternity..And one of the only weapons capable to kill even angels..Now, tell me..Still going to pretend to be our great master?"
You know that what he is saying is true..The sword is as sharp and bloody as it was the day Lucifer got rejected from Heaven..You didn't know what to do, so you admit reluctantly.
" I am angel Y/N, caretaker of humans joy and laughter of sector 45."
You were sure that he would pierce your body with the sword as soon as he would know, but the pain never comes and you open your eyes to see that the demon was now facing you. His wide green eyes were dancing around their sockets and his smile goes from ear to ear, showing his sharp and yellow teeths. He runs his tongue over them and has something in his eyes that makes you shiver in fear..hunger. He eyes you up and down and laughs darkly as you try to get away from him. However, you slip and fall. Not having any choice, you open your wings and all of the demons turn their heads towards you, the blinding light catching their attention. As soon as they see you, they all screech or roar in your direction and fly up in the sky to attack you. You start flying towards the gates, followed closely by waves of demons and Azrath that yells at the guards to cut the entrance. The two huge demons at the doors try to catch you with their bare hands, as if you were some kind of mosquitoe and you have to do multiple spins in the air to escape them. You know that their must be an entrance somewhere since the little demon messengers were able to pass. However, you didn't plan on the said entrance to be tiny orifices, big enough for the little demons to go through, but not you. You turn around to see the wave of demons coming closer..Well, looks like Luci was right..You hadn't totally thought that through..You would probably die here. You close your eyes and smile. At least, you had bought some time for Lucifer to live as he wanted among the humans for 5 whole years..However, suddenly, you feel a hand around your wrist. You open your eyes to see Azrath, dragging you towards the gates where he gets out the sword of Lucifer and cuts you with it. The burn is insufferable and you scream in pain as Azrath forces you to put your injured hand against the door.
" What are you doing?!"
You scream incredulously at his strange behavior, but he only lets out a spine-chilling groan before answering you.
" My great escape, sweetheart ! And if you want to leave, I would advise you to do as I say and shut up!"
You open your eyes wide as he starts pushing against the door, trying to get it open. You look behind you and see the demons flying in circle in the sky, wondering what their boss was doing..
" W..Why are you doing this?!"
You finally ask and, just as the door starts bulging, he answers you with terrifying smirk.
" I'm going to get back Lucifer..I've had more than enough of this place and I'm sure that if he is so reluctant to come home..then that means the human world must be a very nice place. Now, are you going to stay here with the nice little other flying monstrosities, or are you going to follow me, angel Y/N?"
He extends his hand towards you and look back at the screaming harpies and horned devils flying above your heads. You finally sigh and take his hand. As soon as your hand in his, his grin only widens and he runs outside, followed by you. You close your eyes and try to communicate with Lucifer.
" I'm sorry, Lucifer..I've failed."
On Earth, Lucifer was sitting besides Trixie that had grown into quite the young lady, as you had predicted..He finds himself smiling as the door opens and he sees Chloe come in with a loud sigh.
" Today was absolutely crazy at work..There has been some calls all over the cities..missing cats. Can you believe it?! Cats?! What are we?! The Cat Police?!"
The girl and Lucifer look up at her from the sofa while Chloe arks an eyebrow at them.
" What?"
They both look at each other with a serious expression, both nodding understandingly at each other and smile widely before looking back at Chloe with their hands joined together in a gun shape.
" You are under catrest !"
" Paws where I can see them, detective !"
They both yell at the same time and Chloe snorts..Of course those two would do cat puns..typical. However, she acts her part and raises her hands in the air.
" Oh no! You got me!"
They all smile, all the sion having left the room..But then, a loud caught catches their attention.
" Sorry to interrupt this..whatever this is..But, I must talk to Lucifer."
Here was Gabriel, in their living room..after 5 years of absence and Lucifer's smile automatically goes downwards as his eyes take a bright red tint. Chloe, sensing the danger, urges Trixie to go in her room. As soon as the girl is upstairs, Lucifer is quick to react and jumps on Gab to choke the angel.
" You! How dare you show your face again?!"
He shouts angrily, his eyes flashing a bright red. It takes Chloe to grab him by the shirt to yank him off the angel that stands up again to answer him between each pant.
" It's..It's Y/N..I..I made a mistake.."
Lucifer growls at him and responds sarcastically.
" You think?!"
The etheral being looks up at Lucifer with, for the first time in ages, an apologetic glance.
" It wasn't meant to last that long..You were supposed to get back down there a year later..But, she closed the gates, Lucifer. I couldn't come in myself. She closed the gates to anyone but the souls and now, I'm afraid that she may be in trouble, because of me."
Lucifer, far from feeling any compassion towards the angel, is bewildered by his apology and smiles in astonishment at his brother's admittance.
" Oh well..My heart bleeds for you, Gab..It really does. Not even recognizing your own brother must be terrible.."
Lucifer doesn't wait for an answer before pushing Chloe to the side on the sofa before punching Gabriel in the nose. Gabriel stumbles back with the force of the impact and raises his hand in surrender and repeats.
"I know that you are angry, brother..But, I'm not joking, Lucifer. She's in trouble."
Lucifer, astonished by the nerve of this angel that dared come to him for help, can't help but replying ironically.
" Oh! You're not joking?! Well good..Because neither am I !"
His eyes lighten up in orange and he nearly growls at Gab that gets out the letter you had send him to extend it towards Lucifer.
" She wrote me this..One of the demons is on to her..And, as I said earlier, I can't go in there. Not only did she close the doors, but you know as well as I do that I can't go in there without Father's permission.."
Lucifer snickers at Gabriel's pathetic excuse and shakes his head.
" No. I am not going to read that. Fuck off. She chose to disobey..She chose to replace me and she told me herself! She finds my job "extremely complaisant and entertaining". Even if I were to go there, she wouldn't want my help..Plus, as you said, she closed the gates! Only the spirits are allowed in..How do you suppose I get in?!"
However, it's Chloe that reacts first and grabs the letter out of Gab's hands to give it to Lucifer with resolution.
" Open it, Lucifer. You still are the king of Hell! Act like it!"
His eyes widen at Chloe's sudden agressive reply and his voice softens as he looks down at the woman and finally opens the letter to read it.
" Gabriel, my brother and my friend..It has been 5 years now that I've sealed the gates of Hell. I know you must be pretty furious, as our deal ended 4 years ago..However, I couldn't deny Lucifer of his happiness. I know that you can't understand my decision, nor why I did it..But, it's not that bad. I succeeded in blending in among the demons. I think Lucifer would be proud. However, I wanted to know if you could please enlighten me on one of the demons that just arrived in Hell. His name is.."
Lucifer's eyes widen at the familiar name and he looks up at Gabriel with shock..The name of his second-in-command was written on there, but he had deserted eons ago..Why come back now? It didn't make any sense, unless..His jaw clench and he fixes the letter intensely..Unless he had found his sword..as he had asked of him..And if it was the case, then his little angel had some serious problems on her hands..However, before he could voice his concern, he feels a vivid pain in his chest that cuts his breath off..He can feel that you're in danger somehow..But how to find you?! He groans in agony, trying to think of how to find you..until he remembers that there had been mysterious disappearances of cats in the neighborhood. He looks up at Chloe that is by his side, supporting him as he doubles on the floor in pain.
" The..cats.."
He tries to utter, but Chloe doesn't understand and leans in to have a better hearing.
" The cats..Where were they going? Where did the largest number disappear?"
" Around the old church..Why?"
He looks at Gab that instantly understands and nods before disappearing. Asrath was also known as the master of cats, this is why it had been easier for him to search for the sword undetected..He just had to believe that Gab would arrive in time. Chloe frowns at him and asks, bewildered.
" Well?! Are you going to stay there?? Go save her !"
He looks up at her with widened eyes, astonished that she would ever suggest it.
" I can't..I can't leave you, Chloe.."
Chloe takes a big breath before looking up at Lucifer with a small sad smile and caressing his cheek tenderly.
" Go, Lucifer..She needs you. We'll be fine.."
He finally nods and smiles up at her before kissing her on the forehead.
" I love you.."
She smiles with tears in her eyes and forces herself to nod.
" I know.."
And with that confirmation, Lucifer disappears as well, appearing near the old church and the pain worsens with every step he takes. When he enters the said church, it is filled with cats and he sees Gab, fighting Azrath. He looks around to spot you huddled near the cross, your face hidden behind your Y/C hair and then..he sees the blood. You were bleeding from your upper arm and he sees red. His body feels hot and overwhelmed by a new-found energy. He looks up at Azrath that was handling HIS sword against Gabriel that was struggling with fighting back. He walks towards them and as soon as Azrath notices him, he smirks and gets rid of Gabriel by throwing him against the cross that breaks in two. Gab wants to get up, but he feels a pain to his side and sees that Azrath had succeeded in wounding him..In normal circumstances, his wound would close itself immediately. However, this mighty weapon was one conceived especially to kill archangels, and Lucifer had made it with his own hands..The wound would take longer to heal and he felt himself fall unconscious. You whimper and try to help Gab by applying pressure on the bleeding wound, but Azrath notices you and stops you. You back away in fear, your wide eyes full of terror and Lucifer then sees why he had felt your pain..Azrath had carved an upside-down cross on your forehead, sending him a direct invitation..His blood is boiling in his veins as he sees what the vile creature had done to his poor angel, while Azrath seems proud of himself as he takes you by the hair and yanks you forward so you fall to your knees at his feet. It takes you a few minutes to look up, but when you do, his heart stops. In your eyes, the innocence and joy were gone..replaced by unbidden fear. He tries to help you up, but you scurry backwards and his eyes prickle with tears, as you were now afraid of even him.
" Oh..angel.."
He utters apologetically at you before glaring up at Azrath that frowns in incomprehension.
" Why are you looking at me like that?! She's an angel!"
He stands up and Azrath takes a step back as he senses the radiating rage of Lucifer that walks calmly towards him and extends his hand towards him expectantly.
" The sword. Give me the sword."
Azrath takes back his blank expression and shakes his head negatively before looking at the bloody sword in his hands.
" I'm sorry, Master..But you know I can't do that..You need to come back with me. Your kingdom needs you and this sword is the only thing hat can force you to come back.."
Lucifer sighs, knowing that he wouldn't give him without a fight. He suddenly tries to surprise him by sending him a punch, but Azrath, having premeditated it, uses the sword as a shield. But Lucifer, far from being bothered, takes the sword with his bare hands before kicking Azrath backwards. Azrath growls at him, showing his sharp teeths and snake-like tongue. He hisses, his voice dripping with venom.
" You really are going to fight me for her?! She's only an angel! The enemy!"
Lucifer glances back at you and smiles reassuringly at you before looking back at Azrath with eyes glowing in the dark.
" No.."
Azrath seems to be relieved by his answer, but it quickly fades out when Lucifer takes his original form and shouts between gritted teeths.
"..I'm going to kill you!"
Lucifer couldn't just control Azrath, he was too powerful for that..and had always been by his side since his great fall. Azrath closes his eyes and inhales deeply before looking up at Lucifer with his bright green eyes in which his pupils turn to slits and raises his hands in the air.
" As you wish, Master..Know that I never wanted this.."
Suddenly, the cats surround him and cover him from head to toe, melting into a sort of black armor. The great armor of Azrath. Great..Lucifer cracks his head to the side and grins up at his ex second-in-command.
" Always the attention seeker, aren't you Azrath?"
Azrath would have only ignored his comment normally, but this time, his comment earns him a slight chuckle, knowing that one of them would die tonight.
" You know me, Lucifer..I guess I took some things from you.."
After this exchange of ironic comebacks, they both become serious and in a flash, they are both at each other's throats. Azrath bites his shoulder hard and Lucifer slashes his face. Both of them are panting, but in their eyes the same fire burning bright..Suddenly, someone crashes inside through the window and interposes himself between the two demons.
" What is going on here?! What are you two doing here?! Hell is chaos and I find you both here?!"
Michael booms in obvious discontent, not having noticed the sword in Azrath's hands yet..Azrath takes it as an opportunity and raises his sword to strike him down.
" This is for you, Lucifer!"
He brings it down, but you use your last strength to stand up and stand in front of Michael. The three men are shocked and Michael is the first to react, he gets out his lance and decapitates Azrath in one swift blow. As for Lucifer, he quickly kneels besides you and takes you in his arms. He looks at his hand in horror, recognizing the smell and color of blood. He shakes you, trying to wake you up while crying out loud.
" No. No! No! No! Angel! Stay with me! You hear me?! Stay with me!"
He sobs and gets the hair out of your face, cradling your face kissing your face over and over again, hoping for your (Y/C) eyes to open again..Michael, after having made sure that Gabriel was alright, turns towards you and, for the first time in forever, feels tears prickle in his eyes at the realization. He falls to his knees by your side and gently pets the top of your head. He then looks up at the sky and asks for a miracle, begging his Father to bring you back..
" Dad! Please! Do not punish her even more! Please, bring her back!"
But his prayers are unanswered and the only one who seems to be affected by his words is Gab that gasps loudly as he wakes up. He looks at his wound and smiles as he sees that there is nothing left..However, when he sees your cold body on the ground, his smile turns into a pained grimace, his whole face twisting in sadness.
" Why? She saved Michael..She saved your son!"
Lucifer shouts, his eyes pointed towards the sky, not expecting an answer.
" Because, this is Michael's punition.."
They all look towards the direction of the voice, their eyes widening as they see Gab, his kind eyes looking above all of them with a numb stare, having finally understood why Father hadn't said or done anything.
" Michael, you really thought Y/N wouldn't know how you felt ? Your jealousy of your own brother..Jealousy that only grew to win the love of one being and threatened to destroy Heaven and Hell..The very same being that only wished for you two to be happy..She tried to make things right and replace you, Lucifer..Father gave her what she wanted, and what you both feared more than anything..She knew the price, but she asked HIM for your salvation and redemption."
Lucifer and Michael both stand up at the same time and open their mouths to voice their disapproval and utter outrage when Gabriel interrupts them, wanting only one thing now.
" Let's go home.."
He takes your body and looks at both brothers with tearful eyes.
" I hope you will be able to appreciate the second chance she has just both given you..You are both free."
And with those last words, he flies up with your body in his arms. Lucifer and Michael both look at each other and, without them knowing why, they both start tearing up. However, Lucifer forces himself to talk through his sobs.
" We can't..We can't leave her..She didn't deserve this..I know what punishment looks like, and she didn't deserve this! She didn't deserve to be sacrificed for our sakes!"
Michael, for once, agrees with his brother and extends his hand towards his brother.
" I know we had our differences in the past, brother..But, we need to show Dad that we are more! That we can be more than just hateful beings, if we want her back..Are you with me?"
Lucifer nods, and for the first in the History of the World, the Good and the Bad were to become allies in order to save you..
You open your eyes wide and straighten up to look around you, frowning in confusion at your surroundings. You were in the middle of a luxuriant forest with tall trees and bright purple fruits..Where are you? And most of all, how are you alive?! You look at your stomach to see that your wound has completely disappeared.
" How are you, my darling?"
You look up with astonishment as you see a tall woman with a bright green dress making her way to you. Her smile and welcoming expression make you think that she is not a threat, but you still have to ask.
" Hum..Thank you for saving me but, who are you? And where am I?"
She only chuckles at your question, as if it was the funniest joke.
" I'm sorry, my dear..Those are very good questions but, it's been a while since I've got some company so..hearing another human voice is quite exciting.."
You don't reply, waiting for her to answer your questions, which she does and you whiten at her answers.
" My name is Lilith..And this is my prison. I would say that it is the garden..but I've been locked up in here for so long that I can't remember much."
You had heard about Lilith, the first woman, the mistake, the mother of monsters..She had died so many millenias ago. And if you were with her, then that only meant one thing..
" Welcome to the Other Place! The place where angels and demons come when they die ! Of course, as not many angels or demons truly die..They stay here until Father needs them again..Come. You're the first one to get here since a few centuries..I'm sure you've got many stories to share."
Lilith extends her hands towards you with a wide smile and you look at her hand hesitantly for a few seconds before finally taking it with a small sigh.
" Yes. I guess I do.."
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
Why do you read that stuff?
I like a man who brings me weapons.
Nice wake up call.
We won't have to find them. They'll find us.
Revenge, as they say, is a sucker's game.
I'll settle for tearing this jerk IN HALF!
Want to see me use both hands?
That's no way to treat a lady!
That was no lady.
Thanks for saving my bacon before it got fried.
Look, just promise you'll call if there's trouble.
Go ahead, try something!
I'd love to do that again!
That wasn't a tranquilizer dart.
It was loaded with a mutagenic formula!
You don't know anything about her!
Why are you stomping on my friend here?
I was particularly proud of my death scene.
You never let me drive.
The important thing is, you're alive.
Are you sure this is a good idea?
Something's not right here.
Then you leave us no choice!
How are we supposed to find them?
Please, I beg you, be quiet.
This isn't a good idea.
I'm best qualified to go.
My memories are clouded.
Why should I trust you?
If you can't trust me, then trust your heart.
Why do you fight me, my love?
We are destined to be together for all eternity.
I will choose who I love!
Now we'll see what this creature looks like up close.
Why stare at marks on a page when you can rent the video?
Well, I can't read and I don't think I'm missing anything.
Harrier jets! They can take off and land like helicopters. When your life's this exciting, who needs books?
Are you all right?
I had a little trouble.
This beach isn't safe after dark.
Do you need a doctor?
Come on in. I've got a fire going.
There's little I can offer in return, except my thanks.
You understand, I don't get any real pleasure from this. Well you've got courage, beastie. I'll give you that.
Funny, something about your voice made me think you were a soldier, once.
You were there.
I'm old, but I'm not that old.
I'm glad you came back.
I'm afraid I can't stay, but I think I left something on the terrace this morning.
Have you come across a large canister?
The name sounded phony.
I do know him, but he's not a friend!
A magic book?
They're worthless. No magic at all.
The written word is all that stands between memory and oblivion.
Without books as our anchors, we are cast adrift, neither teaching nor learning.
Books are lighthouses erected in the dark sea of time.
Is this how you welcome all your guests?
They have a sense of humor. You have none.
Yeah, I know, you're as relieved I am that everything's back to normal.
Wouldn't it be great to be a shapeshifter?
Well, let's just get this over with, shall we?
How can I be of service, hmm?
Out with it. I haven't got all night.
I'm sure you'll fit right in.
What is it you really want?
This just might be fun after all.
I thought everyone knew this.
Shapeshifters, elves, fairies, you mean they're real?
You mean, you thought I was ugly?
I want you to get rid of the humans. ALL of them.
Does this look like Aladdin's lamp? I have limits, after all.
Humans love a battle hearty.
I'll never get the hang of jumping off rooftops.
I'll always be there to catch you.
Do it, and you win your freedom.
It will be my pleasure. But afterwards, I'm going to need a very long nap.
There. You're free.
The sun, it's glorious! I never thought that it could feel so good.
I'm sorry about the bomb. But it proves how dangerous this case is.
When someone messes with your partner, you're supposed to do something about it.
You still haven't learned that crime doesn't pay.
A trade?
Let's just say, I don't trust you with it.
So, now you know my weakness.
Only you would regard love as a weakness.
A momentary lapse, I assure you.
Halloween! Tonight is the night!
Come on. I've wanted to stroll down a city street with you for a long time.
Marry me.
Are you serious?
We're genetically compatible, highly intelligent, and have the same goals.
You could've been hurt. I should've been with you.
Oh-well, spilt milk. Let's move on to plan B.
Don't listen to him. It's a trick! He couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it!
Even if what you say is true, why should I help her?
Because you know what it means to lose some you love.
Not a good night for you.
You can't believe anything he says.
If someone like him can love, perhaps there is some hope for this world.
Take this as token of my love.
Upon this I pledge my heart to you forever.
Why do you need all this?
I wanted it, so I took it.
It's so unlike you to attack first.
I simply invited you here to talk.
Our past encounters have not inspired me to trust you.
It's crazy to even consider going!
I'm not interested in reminiscing!
Have you no respect for anything?
Believe me, I know exactly how you feel.
I will never be like you!
I do not wish to hurt you.
I do not wish to be you!
What am I to do?
Do nothing.
Do not worry.
Live in the moment.
Attend the petty angers and jealousies that fill your heart.
Fortify yourself with love and trust.
Fulfill the vows of love you make, for they can surely save you.
Time travel's funny that way.
Get away from me, you sentimental fool.
It's a pretty good likeness.
You know more than you're letting on.
T'was your handiwork.
very life is precious.
Take care not to become what you fight against.
Vengeance begets only a further cycle of more vengeance.
Do you want vengeance or a solution?
This is bigger than either of us has ever faced.
We'll have to work together to stop her.
You are the cause of all this.
Humans will learn to respect you.
I would rather they fear me.
What are you doing to help?
That's one way to settle an argument.
I thought I'd rid myself of you long ago
You've forgotten about me.
You're too late. You can't save them. No one can!
I'm not here for them. I'm here for you.
I want it over between us!
I wear this as a reminder of your treachery.
Let's not start that again. You blame me, I blame you. Aren't you tired of talking about it?
I'm not here to talk.
Killing me will gain you nothing but your own death.
Death is never the answer. Life is.
I'm just so tired
Your thirst for vengeance has only created more sorrow.
I offer you one last opportunity for forgiveness and mercy.
I merely offer a sample of what you planned for me.
You have learned nothing.
I will still have my revenge!
What do we do with them?
You come in handy now and then.
I'm quite glad the plan worked.
I'm no hero, I just do my job, and my job for tonight is over.
All I want to do is hit the sack.
Why would you want to hit a sack?
How long was I out?
Even shadows must be true to their shade.
We don't need to wait for sunset.
Is it supposed to hurt that much?
Just get on with it.
Recognize the woman?
She seemed familiar, but I just couldn't place her.
You're getting real good at bypassing alarms
Don't give me credit.
It was too easy!
Maybe misery loves company.
If you're human, then you're subject to human laws.
Either way I win!
I fear no human!
There are forces at war within me.
I will return some day, if I can.
You sound like every human employee I ever fired!
Crush all of them together and you couldn't squeeze one iota of personal integrity from the lot!
No excuses, creature!
Learn to take responsibility for your own actions! And STOP whining!
Oh, I am trembling in my chair.
You believe I am not responsible. Yet I remain your prisoner?
Who said you're not responsible?
It doesn't matter that you were tricked, you know now that your actions inflicted grievous damage. Do you take responsibility for them or not?
Well, what are you going to do?
You seem distracted, having second thoughts?
We'll celebrate over breakfast.
No more excuses. I accept full responsibility for my actions. I was wrong.
Integrity is never easy. It's a daily struggle, a costly struggle.
I know I owe you a great debt for the mistake I made a year ago.
If the text wasn't new to me, it was at least worth revisiting.
All I know is I'm about to be wiped out!
It doesn't have to be that way.
I can break these chains. But only you can get me past the bars.
Automatons know nothing of betrayal or honor. They know only what they're programmed to know.
Only living beings possess the ability to change, and make new choices.
You've given me much to consider.
We are friends.
I'd rather not have your death on my conscience
You'll never reach the bridge!
You have two minutes until impact, one minute before I detonate.
I don't want any innocents hurt!
If it goes down, I'm going down with it.
I knew you wouldn't let me down.
Yes, well, you have that effect on people.
I built this company for you!
I'd probably give it to you, if you'd just stand up and ask me for it honestly!
Asking for it wouldn't be any fun at all.
'Fun' is still more important to you than honor. I can't understand that.
Well, maybe you'll have better luck relating to the next generation.
You should've heard him laugh.
Made my hair stand on end, if I had any.
Surely you know I am not in the habit of playing childish pranks or laughing maniacally in the dark.
Do you even know how to laugh maniacally?
Don't tempt me.
Typical. You do and do and do for them, and what happens? They twist the knife in you!
I think I've created a monster.
Have you ever considered the bounties of genetic engineering?
Or maybe cybernetics is more your style?
Save the horror show for Halloween.
I'm sure tired of taking punishment, and I'd love to be able to give some back
That's the source of the trouble.
I hope you not planning to eat your catch.
Now that I'm in charge, I'm not taking any more of your cracks!
You're barely our species!
I'm in charge, here!
I find him very attractive.
Well, that's sicker than usual.
I'm a partner in a freak show!
I should'a figured it was crazy to stick with this crew
And if you play it smart, there'll be plenty of lettuce for everyone!
I should get my own cable TV show.
Oh, me and my big mouth.
It is the cure! It has to be!
Of course it's the cure! You must trust me!
It was you all along! I trusted you!
You turned me into a monster and I defended you!
I'm sorry it had to turn out this way.
You always overplay your hand
Tell me something' Why me?
You're old, and getting older.
I thought you might even appreciate the opportunity.
Growing old terrifies you, doesn't it?
Nothing terrifies me, because nothing is beyond my ability to change.
True immortality isn't about living forever, man; it's about what you do with the time you have.
When all your scheming's done, what will be your legacy
You're still alive! It's a miracle!
Boy, the city sure is different when it snows.
Not a bad life, all things considered.
There is a cure. There must be!
You can't keep me in here forever!
I'll get out! Do you hear? I'll get out!
About time you came back.
Why did you kidnap me? What do you want of me?
See, it wasn't as hard as you made it sound.
Ah, you wish to be immortal.
If the procedure is successful, I'll release you.
This is just a sculpture's model. The real thing is life sized, and lifelike.
What's in this for you?
Service is its own reward.
I wouldn't even know where to start looking.
You may as well be of some use to me.
Open this cage, and I'll show you how 'useless' I am.
It's hard to top that.
What you seek demands a heavy price.
Death and old age have their price as well. And it's too expensive for me.
Without your sword, you're helpless.
Swordless? Maybe. Helpless? NEVER!
What you choose to do with your life is your own affair, as long as it's got nothing to do with me.
You're just full of surprises.
No, let him go. He's earned it.
I wish it hadn't turned out this way.
I was so close to finding out if the legend was true. Now there's no one to test it on.
Throw down your weapon!
Is this a whole city of fools and lawless ruffians?
I'm the law here, pal!
You are a guardian, like myself.
I will submit to your law.
You are learning.
It will take some time.
Prepare to do battle!
I have no fight with you.
What is this, merit badge test night?
Oh well, better make sure it's an uneven fight.
The weak are to be protected, not exploited.
Aaah, who died and made you king?
If you don't know anything, why were you shooting at us?
Do I really need an excuse to have a good time in my own home?
They say a man's home is his castle, and what fun would a castle be without a dungeon?
If it gets any more saccharine in there, I'm going to put a finger down my throat.
I'd sure like to know how you got here, but I'm programmed to shoot first and ask questions later.
I demand a favor.
Death is always pointless. That is the point.
I demand reparation! My son was cruelly and unfairly taken from me!
Death is the ultimate fairness. Rich and poor, young and old - all are equal in death.
Our planet cannot support so many lives at once.
I apologize for any trouble I caused in my efforts to reclaim it.
It seems I'm out of practice dealing directly with mortals.
It seems I am unaccustomed to dealing with a god
We have all gained rare enlightenment this night
Mmmm, what a peculiar sight.
Now, that's odd.
Do you often go wandering about at night, young lady?
My dear, are you saying you don't remember your own name?
I can't seem to remember anything. I feel lucky I know how to talk.
How did I end up in the middle of the Pacific?
I guess I could use a ride
I thought you looked familiar. We've met before.
Do you know what a scroll is?
Get your claws off me!
You might want to reconsider your request.
We're gonna die!
I will not let anything harm you.
You win. I'll behave.
I cannot believe you pulled the trigger on me.
Just shut up and land.
I just don't remember! I'm not even sure I want to remember!
I understand your words, I simply do not believe them.
You have been long expected.
This trough is filled with acid. In about ten minutes its going to do a very nasty job on that soil carving, not to mention your rugged good looks.
It's my first real stab at clichéd villainy. How am I doing?
How are you doing this? No machine can hold me!
I should sue you for trademark infringement.
I've always considered myself a trickster at heart.
History cannot be changed.
You will not win!
What are you going to do? Bite my kneecaps off?
I know from experience the transforming power of a child's love.
The future is not written yet.
I have a sunny disposition and I'm always kind to animals
I've always respected you as a fellow inmate
He's a fool, but he may be useful.
I can work with that!
Now, now! That's your friends' genetic make-up you're insulting.
You are master now?
I should've known. But why this subterfuge?
Hey, I live for subterfuge!
I do not want escape, I want vengeance!
There's no such thing as "a little" vengeance.
No catches. No tricks. No strings.
So, things have come full circle.
You know how I feel about you, right?
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megumis-lashes · 4 years
Love, but make it Magic!
Werewolf! Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
*Contains*: mentions of blood/fighting, slight angst (if you squint), bullying, fighting, slight swearing, Enemies to lovers if you squint, school based on western standards, werewolf Hyunjin, witch/vampire reader
Nothing too bad overall. Mainly fluff. I sometimes use italics for emphasis. I use typical quotes for speech :)
Narrators POV
In today’s society, supernatural beings like vampires and werewolves are believed to be mythical creatures. Few people believe in their existence and have many false stereotypes surrounding these creatures’ existence. In reality they do exist. Supernaturals or whatever you like to call them, live a life hidden from society. They play the role of innocent humans in a world where they aren’t accepted. In certain areas, schools and housing are built to house strictly supernatural creatures. Despite their separation from the world, they still have many disputes between each other.
Name’s POV
My life has never been easy. From a young age I’ve been pressured to fit into a society that I was not designed for. I’m half witch, half vampire, a deadly combination in today’s world. Not only am I hated by humans but I’m also hated by other supernaturals due to some dumb disputes among species. I lived among humans for the the first portion of my life. I was constantly in fear for what might happen to me if I was discovered. I had to live and act exactly as a human, which was never an easy task. Thankfully, for college I was able to go somewhere I better fit in, an all supernatural college, NX University. My parents were opposed to me going due to their meek status against humans, but I needed a change in lifestyle. Thankfully I managed to get multiple scholarships to the school.
I had been living on campus for a few months. Everything was going smoothly. My stress and anxiety of blending in was long forgotten and I was able to express myself through my supernatural abilities. I took courses on witchcraft and alchemy, things I never would’ve had the opportunity to learn in human society. I shared a dorm with a fellow witch from my classes. Her name was Sunghee. She was what could only be described as text book beauty. She had glowing ginger hair that flowed over her shoulders and large green eyes. Her face was littered with freckles and she was rather slim. To go along with her innocent looks came her witchcraft. She was what humans would describe as a ‘good witch’. She practiced strictly healing and protection magic and had made a pact with herself to never engage in battle. She often spent her days collecting and researching herbs she discovered around campus.
After a long day of classes I was heading back to the dorm. I had what could be described as an infinite amount of homework and I wasn’t exactly excited to lose sleep working on it. As I approached the door I noticed something.
“Hmm? The door is locked? That’s strange. Sunghee usually leaves it open...” I mumbled to myself as I shuffled through my bag, searching for my spare key.
“Maybe she went to the shops for more herbs..”
As I unlocked the door and entered, I was greeted by emptiness. The place was sparkling clean, which was very unusual for Sunghee. She was more like the ‘messily organized’ type so seeing the place so clean was shocking. As I approached the small kitchen table, I noticed a crinkled note taped to the fridge. It read :
‘Hey name! Sorry for the sudden departure but I had some family business to attend to. I’ll probably be back by the end of this quarter. As an apology for leaving so fast I tidied up the place! Also, you don’t have to worry about caring for my plants and such! My friend Hyunjin will be staying here to take care of them! Hopefully you won’t mind!
- xoxo Sunghee ♡︎
“Only Sunghee would do something like this so suddenly and think nothing of it.” I sighed. I guess I had to get used to living with someone else for a while.
“I should really start my homework....I don’t want to be up all night.” I shook my head.
My head had been buzzing with witchcraft and algebra work for what seemed like hours. I was so focused on finishing my work before the clock struck midnight that when a knock on the door sounded through the dorm, I nearly fell out of my chair.
“Who in their right mind would arrive at this hour...” As much as I disliked the idea of talking, I still ran to open the door. As the old wooden door creaked open, the sight behind it almost made me fall over again. Standing at the door was a tall and lanky boy with longer blonde hair tied up in the back. He was beautiful and his perfection was accentuated by the small birthmark under his left check. I couldn’t put a finger on his name but I had definitely seen him before. He was deemed the school’s ‘pretty boy’ from what I could remember.
“Excuse me but what do you need? It’s quite late and I’m not exactly sure what you want from me?” I questioned as I leaned on the door frame in exhaustion.
“Oh hi. You must be name. I’m Sunghee’s ‘childhood friend’ you could say. She asked me stay here for a while to watch over her plants or whatever.” He shrugged as he pushed his hair back. Now that I looked at him closely I noticed he was carrying a large duffel bag packed to the brim.
“You? Stay here? There must be some sort of confusion. I thought a girl by the name of Hyunjin would be staying here?” I blinked in confusion.
“Oh she never explained fully then huh?” He chuckled. “My name’s Hwang Hyunjin. I’m not exactly a girl but I understand your confusion. You were probably thinking of Kim Hyunjin. She’s a girl in the shapeshifter division.” He suffled around awkwardly. “So are you gonna let me in?”
“Hoooold on there. I have no idea who you are! You expect me to just casually share a place with you for months? When I’m just meeting you for the first time now? Plus you’re a werewolf aren’t you? Bold of you to assume I could naturally just trust you!” I was beyond shocked at his audacity.
“Come ooonnn! I’m just tired ok! It wasn’t exactly my idea to stay here. Sunghee kinda sprang it on me this morning.” He sighed once again, rubbing his neck.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? If you’re trying to convince me to stay with some guy I just met than you’re doing a terrible job.” I chided.
“Look, we don’t even have to see each other or talk to each other. Ok? I’m just as unenthusiastic about this as you are but I know Sunghee would skin me alive if I didn’t care for her precious plants.”
I huffed. “I’m honestly too tired to continue with this conversation. Fine you can stay, but you better keep the place sparkling! Pull your weight in chores and maybe I won’t kick you out.” I didn’t plan on caving so easily but I was exhausted and needed sleep. I let the boy inside and then shut myself in my room for the night.
The next few weeks were....rough. Living with a teenage boy was hard enough but with him being a werewolf it was even worse. Despite trying to keep the place clean, everyday the place would be in shambles. He slept on the couch but would often shift to his wolf form while sleeping and ravage the place. Even with his sudden outbursts, Hyunjin did try his best to keep true to his deal. He rarely bothered me and the only time we really had a conversation was when he accidentally ate Sunghee’s herbs and needed information on which ones he should buy in replacement. One thing I did notice about Hyunjin was his habit to get home quite late. I was typically up into the late hours of the night doing homework so I always heard him come home. He would always be panting and out of breath, as if he had been chased back to the dorm. I did wonder what he was up to but I never confronted him about it, that is until one specific time.
It was a dreary Friday night in early October and I was finishing my physics homework for the week. Due to my growing hunger I decided to make some popcorn and maybe watch a movie later. As I was pouring the popcorn in a large bowl, I heard the front door slam open. Hyunjin must’ve been home. I didn’t greet him, as I didn’t typically do so but I could tell something was off by how he was breathing. He was panting much heavier than I had ever heard and seemed to be groaning in pain. I decided to ask what was wrong and finally discover what was happening. When I turned to question him, I was shocked by his appearance.
Standing in the doorway was Hyunjin. He was drenched it what appeared to be a mixture of blood, sweat and rain as it had been storming outside. What shocked me the most were the large scratches and cuts scattered throughout his body. The most noticeable of them were placed near his heart, from which blood seeped into his shirt. He also appeared to have some bruises forming on his face and his nose was bleeding. The last feature I noticed were the pitch black ears and tail that sprouted from his head and lower back. He was in partial wolf form.
“What the hell happened to you?!” I exclaimed. I wasn’t exactly expecting a bloody Hyunjin to walk through the door.
“Uhh....” he spun around, eyes wide in shock. He was like a deer caught in headlights. “I got into a small fight...” He mumbled, scratching his neck awkwardly. He wasn’t expecting me to be home.
“Bullshit! You wouldn’t look like walking road kill if it was just a small fight! Tell me what really happened!” I huffed. I wasn’t usually one to get mad easily but I had been suspicious of Hyunjin for a while and wanted answers.
“Fine...fine... I guess I owe you an explanation at least...” he stumbled forward out of shock and exhaustion. I quickly set the bowl down and went to help him walk to the couch. He was still badly injured.
“Fine but before you explain we better fix your injuries. You may be a werewolf but those wounds are deep. Without treatment they could get infected.” I quickly jogged into Sunghee’s room to fetch a first aid kit.
“Unlike Sunghee, I’m not a herbs and healing witch. I’ll have to patch you up the old fashion way.” I snickered. This would’ve been a lot easier with Sunghee.
“Fine, just get it over with.” Hyunjin sighed. I could still sense his distress from his previous experience.
I started with the cuts on his face. I washed them with a damp cloth followed by alcohol wipes. Hyunjin cringed in pain. I placed small bandages over the wounds and moved on to his chest. As embarrassing as it was, I was forced to lift up his shirt to access the scratches. Any other day the blonde would of teased me for being shy but he was currently in too much distress to do so. The wounds were deep but just shallow enough to not need stitches. I applied the same treatment as I did with his face but used a wrap of bandage instead.
“Ok Hwang, explain.” I crossed my arms as I huffed.
“Fine, fine.” He shuffled in his seat, cringing in pain as he felt his injuries stretch.
“I wasn’t lying when I said I got into a fight, but it was definitely more serious than usual. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now but I usually get home late and after a run in with some not so great people. They’re a group of vampires and shapeshifters that are a part of my gym class. I do excessively well in that class and I guess they were jealous of that so that’s why they first approached me. They wanted to ‘knock me down a peg’ and put me back in my place. It probably would’ve ended there but I’m so terrible at controlling my wolf form that I snarled at them. They chased me home after that. The past few weeks I’ve tried to avoid them, more for their safety than mine. I would sprint home each day in hopes of not starting any drama. Today was the one day I didn’t run home and those punks took advantage of it. They picked a fight with me and out of exhaustion I partially turned and swiped at them. They were pissed. My accidental turning led to them ‘beating me up’ except I was far stronger and managed to do more damage.”
“Wow.” Despite my suspicion I was still a bit shocked to hear the whole story. “I never would have pictured your lazy ass to be a fighter Hyunjin..” I chuckled. “That’s hilarious.” I subtly laughed into my hand. My exhaustion combined with the fact that Hyunjin ran away out of embarrassment made the situation seem hilarious to me.
“Don’t laugh! Hey! I try to keep the place clean! I do my best!” He chided, dramatically waving his hands around in exasperation. Now that I focused on him I realized he was still half turned.
“Hyunjin..” I giggled “You dumbass! Your ears are still out! Can you even tell?!” At my examination he quickly slammed his hands against his head, feeling that his ears were in fact still showing.
“Dammit! I swear these things have a mind of their own! If it weren’t for these dumb ears, I could’ve avoided all that drama!” He groaned as he tried to push his ears back into his head. I giggled and rolled my eyes. “You really do suck at controlling your wolf! As much as it pains me maybe I could help you out?” I stifled my laughter as I wanted Hyunjin to take me seriously. “Oh really? And how do you plan to do that?” He questioned, tilting his head to the side like a lost puppy. “I’m part witch! don’t you remember? I could make you something that can help you control your wolf better! For the time being I can cast a spell on you to alter your appearance! I’d have to be with you during school though...” I mumbled. Despite being ‘roommates’ I didn’t consider us to be close friends
“You’d really do that for me? Ya know you’re a lot cooler than you let on.” He chuckled.
“Could you maybe tutor me while your at it?”
“Don’t push your luck, pretty boy!”
Over the next few months, Hyunjin and I spent a lot more time together. Initially it came as a shock to the rest of the school. He was a werewolf and I was part vampire, both species that had strongly disliked each other for years. Along with this, the blonde was far more popular than I was. I was more the ‘nerdy witch’ type, who’s only care was grades. Despite all our differences, we got along extremely well. Someone who had never met use before would’ve thought we had been friends for years or even lovers. Due to our tight knit relationship, it was a common task to deny relationship rumors. As promised I did start working on a formula that would help Hyunjin with his transformations. For the time being, I simply cast an illusion spell on him each morning and would check with him throughout the day to assure it was still in effect. Throughout my growing relationship with the boy, I began to feel confused. I felt strong emotions for him, emotions I had never felt before and didn’t understand. I finally figured them out when on the phone with Sunghee. As I described to her my new found friendship with Hyunjin and how much I wanted to hang out with him, Sunghee pieced together that I must’ve liked him , or in her words had a ‘crush’. I immediately dismissed the idea, but over the following week I noticed just how much I liked his company. There was no other way to explain it. Thankfully it didn’t appear to hinder our friendship at the time so I simply pushed the thoughts to the back back of my head.
Currently it was approaching the end of October meaning both finals for that semester and Halloween were in the upcoming week. Hyunjin was stressed to say the least. Despite all the tutoring I gave him, he was still adamant on needing my help to prepare. I decided to make a deal with him. For my witchcraft class I had a final project which required a non-witch partner. If he agreed to do the project with me I could tutor him again for free.
“Wait so what is this project again?” Hyunjin questioned as he took a bite out of pumpkin pie. We were sitting in the kitchen discussing our study plans for that week.
“Well it’s for my witchcraft class, it’s my final project. I need a non-witch partner and I thought you’d be perfect for for it!” I chided, throwing my arm over his shoulder.
“The premise of the project is to develop the three main elements of witchcraft through a secret mission into human territory-“
“What?” His eyes widened in shock as he choked on the pie he was practically inhaling. I patted his back to help with his coughs. He sighed and wiped his mouth. “What do you mean human territory?! It suuuuper dangerous over there! How could they assign that as a school project?!” He was surprised to say the least.
“Look Hyunjin I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s not like I didn’t live half of my life surrounded by humans. Just because you’re some rich prince boy who has never seen a human in their life doesn’t give you the excuse to back out on me now.” I sighed as I rubbed my temples.
“The majority of humans are pretty chill. They won’t notice anything if we keep a low profile. All we need to do is collect an item for each element of witchcraft, that’s three in total. We’ll be in and out of there in no time!”
“Ughh... As much as I hate the idea of us walking directly into danger, I can’t afford to fail this test. Plus with all the things you’ve done for me, I think I owe you one.” He chuckled.
“Then that’s settled! Well leave tomorrow!” I clapped my hands together. “Better start packing Hwang!” I shouted as I dashed to my room.
That night I packed the necessities I would need for the small trip. I packed a map, money, a change of clothes, water, snacks, and some tools for spell-craft. Hyunjin and I were to be disguised as travelers who were stopping at the nearest town for some materials. The disguise had to be convincing so I told Hyunjin to wear old, battered clothes and bring nothing too flashy. The only downside to this town was their utter fear of supernatural beings. Many humans could care less but for some this fear had evolved into hatred. If any supernaturals were discovered in or near the town, they would most likely be executed on the spot. In order to keep our cover from being blown, I could not risk the use of the spell I typically used on Hyunjin. He questioned me about it before leaving.
“Wait! What about the spell? You know I still suck at control right?” He questioned, lugging his tan backpack from his bedroom.
“I can’t risk anyone noticing. You’ll have to survive without it for one day. Just wear a hoodie or something to cover your ears if they happen to appear.” He nodded, nervous as ever. “Don’t worry it’ll be fine!” I smiled. “Let’s get going.
The beginning of the project went perfectly. We were able to slip into the town with few people noticing our presence. For the grade, I needed to collect three objects to represent the three elements of witchcraft : defense, offense and recovery. The recovery object was the easiest so we decided to gather that item first. We stopped at a small tea and herb shop, which they surprisingly had, and I bought multiple bags of herbal tea along with healing incense. We did get some strange looks in the store but nothing crazy, they probably weren’t used to teenagers visiting a dusty shop like that. Next was defense. It seemed easy enough. Hyunjin suggested we buy a plank of strongly crafted wood and have it shaped into a shield. He went and gathered that part of the project while I purchased solvents from a scientist that I could use in defense spells. The final element was definitely the most difficult. Offense or in short, something that could kill. Sure we could’ve found a sharp stick or snatched a spear from some old museum but those wouldn’t get me a good grade. I needed something special.
“Hey Look! A weaponry shop! That’s exactly what we’re looking for I chided, pulling him behind me by his sweatshirt sleeve. “We can probably get a gun or something here...” I mumbled. As we entered the small shop we were greeted by an old man. He didn’t say anything directed towards us but a simple ‘Welcome. Shout if you need help’.
“Let’s go quick Hyunjin. I wanna get out of here as soon as possible.” I whispered to the boy as I signaled him to follow me into the store.
“Okay, okay. What do you want me to look for?” He whispered back.
“Find a dagger or knife of sorts, I’ll find a small handgun. Don’t buy anything too gaudy though, we don’t wanna draw attention on the way out.” I walked to the back of the store that was labeled as the gun section. I picked out two small handguns along with a couple packs of ammunition, keeping in mind how they would fit in my pack. I quickly met Hyunjin at the front counter. He had picked out a dark green Swiss Army knife along with what appeared to be a hunters knife. If the store owner didn’t walk out at that moment, we probably would’ve slipped out without paying.
“Hello! Is this all you want today?” He questioned. We both nodded placing the weapons on the counter. He wrapped the items lightly then packed them into a small bag. He handed the bag to Hyunjin as I shuffled through my bag for cash.
“Why you both look pretty young! You wouldn’t mind showing me your weapons license by any chance right?”
Shit. I didn’t think of that. I shuffled through my bag in despair.
“Umm you see sir I think I must’ve lost it while traveling....” I rubbed my neck, hoping he would buy my childish lie.
“I’m sorry but I need to see it in order for you to buy these weapons miss.” He smiled, an eerie smile at that.
“I’m so sorry sir but I can’t find it....” I awkwardly smiled back.
“Well then missy, you’ll have to give those back!” He reached and grabbed at the bag which Hyunjin had handed to me. Out of instinct I pulled it back towards me, effectively loosing my balance and stumbling back into the blonde. It didn’t take long for us to trip over each other and fall to the floor.
“You...you monsters! I knew something was up with you!” The man at the front screeched, flailing his arms about wildly. I furrowed my brows in confusion. It made sense when I finally caught sight of the boy beside me. The fall had effectively knocked the hood of his head and thanks to our luck, his ears were out on full display. We were screwed.
“Dammit Hyunjin!” I yelled throwing myself up from the floor and grabbing at him to get up. “Time to run!” Finally grasping the situation, the blonde sprang up from the floor and dashed out the door beside me. As we sprinted through the city, we heard what sounded like gunshots. I assumed they were signal flares, something to notify the people that supernaturals were there. It didn’t take long before a group of crazed humans were chasing after us with spears and guns. Just as the gunshots began to sound, I managed to put up a protective barrier around us.
“Hyunjin we gotta get out of here as fast as we can! We can’t risk dying or letting them know the school’s location!” I huffed. Running was hard. “I can only keep this barrier up for so long! Do you have any ideas?” I desperately shouted as we made a mad dash away from the town. His eyes seemed to sparkle in excitement at me asking for his help. He had an idea.
“You might not like this idea but I think it could work!” He shouted back.
“What is it?”
“I’m gonna need you to trust me fully! On the count of three, I’ll transform into full wolf form and run out of here with you on my back! There’s no way they could catch up to us!” He panted, his golden eyes shimmering in the sunlight.
“You’re really crazy sometimes Hwang, but this time I’m willing to trust you! Just don’t let us get killed ok?!”
“Alright it’ll take me a minute to transform fully! If you can hold up this barrier for that long we should be fine!”
“Alright!” We stopped suddenly. I closed my eyes in concentration as I chanted the spell for the protective barrier. As I did so, Hyunjin transformed into a beautiful, sleek black wolf.
‘Hop on!’ I heard him speak to me through subconscious thoughts. It didn’t take another word from him for me to swing my legs over his back and latch onto his fur. “Go Hyunjin!” I shouted, causing the wolf to sprint forwards, almost three times as fast as the pace we were previously at.
We ran for what seemed like years. The sounds of gunshots and angry shouts seemed to fade into the distance long ago. We had lost them. Upon passing the school gates, we both collapsed on a grassy area, Hyunjin returning to his human form. I rolled onto the ground in exhaustion. I wasn’t exactly the ‘athletic type’ and that amount of exercise was painful. I chuckled as I saw Hyunjin collapse beside me.
“What are you laughing at?!” He jeered.
“Heh, at least we didn’t die! Now you won’t fail your finals since you are guaranteed my help in studying! Aren’t you happy about that?” I chuckled again.
“Ignoring the fact that we almost died, that was the most fun I’ve had in years! Who would’ve though you to be my best friend-“ I was cut off by the sensation of warm lips against mine. Hyunjin was kissing me. I could feel my face heat up but I kissed back. His feelings were clearly reciprocated. Upon breaking the kiss, I faced away for, him and covered my face in embarrassment.
“Huh? Is that the great and fabulous name being shy at a simple kiss? You’re so weak!” He laughed as he rubbed his face against my neck, similar to how an animal would treat its mate. I chuckled. Two could play at that game. I faced him again.
“Is the great, dumb wolf Hyunjin in love with me?” I smirked as I saw the slight blush bubble up on his cheeks.
“Well maybe I am!” He chided. I smiled
“Well maybe I love you too.”
AN: This was from Halloween buuuttt imma post it now cuz y not 😗. Also I watched the Skz concert this weekend and it was AMAZING. I am currently still in post concert depression buttt maybe I’ll have some motivation to write again soon! Peace out ✌🏼
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
How Not To - Ralph Anderson x Shifter!Reader 3 (The Outsider)
Finale to Halfway Home & Control GIF Credit: X X @wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​ #mendotagsquad @crawlingmist​ @mendelskrull​ - for your special interest in this series
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Author’s Note: I thought I’d be lucky to induct Ralph Anderson to Team 10K. I didn’t realise he would become the second longest fic on here...
I underestimated just how much I wanted to put them through for their finale. I just hope it’s satisfying. 🙊🙏🤞
Muscially this has always been a big song for me, it seems appropriate to use it here. How Not To - Dan & Shay
Eyes Closed - Halsey
Special shout out to Amanda for her GIF analysis! Couldn’t leave it at just one, though...!  😅
Disclaimer: The Outsider nothing to do with me / These shifters are my creation, but I am once again using Stephen King’s ideas as references / lyrics & gifs not mine
Premise: Ralph Anderson never wants to hear the word ‘Shapeshifter’ again. Apparently that seems inevitable, and Holly brings him a new case. But they need an Outsider to catch an Outsider. And there only seems like one option...  
Words: 15,330
Warnings: Swearing / just a whole bunch of angst/angsty fighting / sex (not smut)
⚠ Hurt / Angst Caution Warning (Not as bad as previous... but it’s there!) ⚠
I can honestly understand why it's over I can go through the motions of walking away I can give you the key and take my things back I can find plenty things to fill my days
You're like second nature, baby, you're just like breathin' A melody that you hear and you can't forget The time goes by and I still need you Yeah, you worth the heartbreak and the regret
But I don't know how not to think about you When it's late at night and quiet And I know that I ought to be the one who is strong and just moves on But I’ll probably turn down your road, knock-knock on your door Fall back in your arms, wake up in the morning Hating myself for the way that I can't help the way I still want you I just don't know how not to, how not to, how not to I just don't know how not to, how not to, how not to
--- I, I know where to lay, I know what to say It's all the same And I, I know how to play I know this game, It's all the same
Would've gave it all for you, cared for you So tell me where I went wrong Would've trade it all for you, there for you So tell me how to move on They don't realize that I'm thinking about you It's nothing new, it's nothing new Now if I keep my eyes closed he looks just like you But he'll never stay, they never do Now if I keep my eyes closed he feels just like you But you've been replaced I'm face to face with someone new 
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If there was one call he never wanted, this one was it. Ralph could have sworn that when he said goodbye to Holly Gibney saying he’d like to work with her on a case again, he’d stated a normal one – and he absolutely did. Holly was great, once he’d got used to her. Once he’d kicked his ass into gear over the Frankie Peterson case and immersed himself into the supernatural side of things. When she called again and mentioned the word ‘shapeshifter’, once more Ralph was forced into silence. Preceded by ‘another’, of course, and Holly had to call his name multiple times before he found a voice to tell her he was listening. Now Ralph Anderson and Yune Sablo found themselves sitting back at Cherokee City PD as Holly stood in front of them: police board, evidence, photographs, markers to connect everything. Ralph’s heart sank completely; he didn’t need this again. He’d had enough of this for one lifetime, and unlike Shapeshifters he only had one lifetime. Holly had put together a good investigation; she’d been tracking this one for quite some time, and although it hadn’t stopped over in Cherokee City, it had been through here according to her research. Yet, even though Holly was able to track its movements, she was uncertain she could do much more without the help of the people who had been through this with her before. She was certain she could stop it, determined to, but after Tennessee she didn’t think she could do this alone. This shifter also seemed different to her than their first, it was only because of the patterns she recognised that Holly was even able to keep track of it at all – this one was being extremely careful. Still, none of these factors excused it from the fact that murders seemed to follow wherever it went – finishing it was the only option. And for that she needed Ralph with her, as he had been before. Holly paused her onslaught of information and turned back to them, glad they seemed to be following everything she said. When she asked if they were clear, both men nodded, causing Holly to smile… except she placed her hands together in front of her lips in thought; “If only there was some way to get inside the head of these things, then maybe we’d stand a better chance of catching one...” Ralph, who was still preoccupied with his own thoughts on Shapeshifters – for obviously he had many - raised his head slowly to her musings. Yune stood a little straighter where he was leaning against the desk and looked across to his companion – Ralph, feeling eyes on him, turned to Yune. “No-” “Ralph.” By the look on Yune’s face he wanted Ralph to at least listen to reason. For Ralph Anderson there wasn’t a reason on Earth he’d ever agree to such a senseless idea. “No. No we can’t-!” “She’s our best hope, maybe our only hope!” Yune at least had the decency to plead it. Ralph’s eyes only narrowed, and his voice was firm;  “I never wanna see her again.” Holly looked between them, clearly confused, “What?” Yune glanced across to her, just as baffled, hardly believing that Ralph wouldn’t have imparted that information; “Didn’t he tell you?!” “I said we broke up.” Was the flat reply from Ralph, the detective folded his arms, looking like he’d rather talk about anything else. Holly blinked a few times, quickly catching on, “Y/N-!? She- she’s a...?!” Ralph Anderson didn’t let her finish the sentence, teeth gritted; “Don’t even say it.” Before turning his rising anger at having to be reminded on Yune: “We don’t even know where she is - I let her go!” Yune folded his arms and crossed his legs, leaning slightly away from his friend; “And you’re thinking it’ll be hard to look her up!? We have the database – we’ll find her!” Ralph glared back; “She’s a shapeshifter-! What if she changed!? That’s as easy as...” He stalled, looking away again, clearly not in the mood to talk about it anymore. Yune had attempted many times to get Ralph to impart what he’d seen in that field in vain; and although he never told, Yune knew whatever it was haunted him. Instead, Yune turned his attention back to Holly, “It would take maybe a day to figure out where she is... if we go pick her up, two tops... do we have time?” She nodded, that was the only shot any of them had to stop this thing. It wasn’t like before; they would need a shifter to catch a shifter. Holly looked back to Ralph, voice firm, not to be argued with; “We need her.” Ralph was still staring at nothing, and shook his head slowly; “I’m not going. I can’t go...”
The pure ecstasy was almost stifling. So high you could barely breathe. Being with a shifter was always like this; humans always loved softer – probably because love actually factored into it. Human guise or not, there was nothing about your feelings for each other that had anything to do with how you would tangle together under sheets. An urge, an instinct, a call to be answered.
Shimmers of silver in the darkness as your eyes glowed with a refusal to burn out. Elongated talons and razor-sharp teeth left deep scratches across your back, immobilising, painful bites to your neck. Females were bigger and stronger, and for you not to do him any real damage he had to hold you down. But those needles sinking into your skin and drawing up rivers of ink from your veins only hit you with a further shot of pleasure. He wasn’t the same species as you – but he was damn close in his true form. You always preferred sex like this; humans had nerve endings in places your race didn’t – a form of pleasure you were unable to replicate unless you presented as one. Also, having been loved on by one for four consecutive years (who also knew damn well what he was doing), it was unsurprising that you’d not want to go back to anything remotely animalistic. Still – you were unable to stop yourself from crying out as your race would. It was by no means pretty; nowhere near the same as whispering someone’s name breathlessly as you held them tight, the trail of their lips down your neck. It sounded like it belonged in the far-off wilderness of some ancient jungle – where it used to be heard frequently. A call answered by his own; not filling a starry summer night sky, but now a bedroom in a modern house, in some town that could not be further away from where you had been born and grown up. How times change - How your race had always underestimated the advancement of humans. But even with the way you were pinned now; with your blood running from at least three separate places, stuck in some ancient ritual, a biological need engrained in your race since millennia before you were born – the man you were with was not the one you were thinking of. Your eyes were closed, and all that flooded your head was Ralph Anderson. You could feel the way he held you, running his hands over your skin and paying attention to every detail. As a detective he never missed anything – that adorable little smile before he asked you if everything was okay. The feel of him inside your body; making love to your slow, steady, breathing your name carelessly – a whisper across your skin as he planted tender kisses instead of bite marks. Although sometimes Ralph would graze his teeth, even on accident, and you would shudder in the memory of something a lot more like this. If you concentrated hard enough on your human, your partner blended into him – and it was Ralph you could feel all over your body – even this rough. And you couldn’t keep him out, you wouldn’t keep him out. It surprised you that somewhere along the line you hadn’t tipped your head back to call his name instead. You missed him, more than anything – you missed having this with him. Ralph could care about you the way a shapeshifter never could. This was good, but it wouldn’t last. You were the only shapeshifter who stayed in one place. It might take a little while, but your partner would move on. For now you sated each other’s appetite; familiar company that you could truly be yourself around. You didn’t have to control your body; your own claws and teeth sinking into him as you tightened your embrace: you were in charge, and he would move as and when you wanted him to. That taste on your tongue, not quite metallic the way human blood was: of salt and earth, ancient minerals lost to time and space that no human technology would ever recognise. Damaging your partner as such was just another part of the act – it was expected, and your partner knew that he was damn lucky you didn’t kill him. Younger ones would suffer worse with you – even killed accidentally from too many fractures, broken bones, blood loss… Not him; with a name of ancient origin you thought he could have been older than you – but from a different part of the world.  
You squeezed your eyes shut again – on the edge of your, very human, climax. And Ralph was right back with you, the gentle sound of his voice coaxing you, hands laced with yours, how his kisses would swallow your groans as you struggled to hold back and the sweet way he would chuckle; ‘Baby… come on… just a little more… I got ya…’ Everything went cloudy for a moment, and Ralph flooded your senses heavier than before: it was his body and his weight, Ralph’s scent and his heartbeat flush with yours. His shiver as he unwound himself from that high that you couldn’t experience – not the way his human body would, but that fascinated you to watch, to feel. You withdrew your needle like teeth from the shoulder of your partner, running your tongue gently over the punctures to stop the flow of blood – you’d both heal quick. Another trait of your race. You slowed your breathing, silver eyes burning a little brighter, but Ralph’s ghost didn’t leave you this time. And before you knew it a single tear was sliding down your cheek. He didn’t see – this man would surely take his leave of you, even when you settled your head in the crook of his neck and pulled him closer, pretending this was anywhere near to what you had in Cherokee City. Yes, he’d leave – but Ralph Anderson never would. ***** Five Years Later… You raised your head from the morning paper – dumfounded. Once you’d got a good feel for people they were never really gone. Even if they’d never touched your soul – even if you’d never had their DNA flow through your veins, people still left a mark on you. This one you hadn’t felt in 5 years, and of all of them to turn up at your door, his wasn’t who you expected. You felt it long before his car pulled into the drive, but you let Yune Sablo step out of the vehicle before you opened your door, standing on the porch with your arms folded as he approached. There was a healthy silence between you as he kept his head bowed. Taking a deep breath before he raised his eyes to yours; there was a hard look on your face, it wasn’t welcoming. “What, is he too good to come and collect me himself!?” Yune immediately looked deflated, “You know I didn’t come here for Ralph.” You held your hand up, “No. Don’t – Don’t ruin it and say his name. What do you want?” “We need you.” Your arms folded and you ran your tongue over your bottom lip, eyebrows raised, “Uh huh.” “No really-!” Yune didn’t dare take even one step up your porch, he knew what you were. Even if he didn’t know what you were capable of, he’d seen enough from your fellow shapeshifters to not want to incur that from you – considering the displeasure on your face. “Y/N, there’s been a string of murders… Holly’s been putting it together and she came to Cherokee City for our help. But we need you.” “Holly?!” For a moment you seemed perplexed, your expression softened and Yune thought he might be able to sway you just by using her, but your eyes narrowed, “You told her?” “We had no choice. We need you. Don’t do it for him – do it for us. Do it for your race.” “Yune. It’s been 5 years, I’m DONE with Cherokee City. And I’m particularly done with its police department. What makes him think I want to see him again?” “I know it’s been 5 years. I think about that every day. That I could have prevented this, and if I’d just got to him quicker then he wouldn’t…” You let out a sigh, dropping your stance and relaxing, “Don’t beat yourself up over what Ralph Anderson did… I won’t let you do that to yourself. What do you need me for, you killed one before?” “Psychology. Getting inside its head. It’s trackable but… it’s careful. Much more careful than the last one.” You lowered your eyes, but nodded; “What makes you think I haven’t gone down that path myself? What makes you think I’m not gonna turn on all of you?” Yune shook his head; “I know you.” He did take that step, but hesitated as your eyes pierced his with an unnatural glimmer of silver. “If you care about us like I know you do, do it for us. Us.” He swallowed, “Y/N. You’re not a bad person. Or whatever you want to qualify yourself as. You can make a difference, and prove to us that you’re not all bad.” “I don’t have anything to prove.” This time when the silver shimmered to life it stayed, and Yune couldn’t tear his eyes away from it. He still had no idea what Ralph had done to you; he was starting to think maybe he should have pressed his friend before coming out here. You looked around at the other houses, suddenly glad that Yune was in his own car and not a marked one, “How did you find me anyway?” “Like I said, you’re a good person. You kept your name and you’re registered here. It’s not… too hard.” It wasn’t a warm smile by any means, but you flicked your head towards your front door – “Okay. Before I come with you, you best come inside – for one, I better pack.” Yune grinned, happy that you were seemingly accepting, that you would answer their plea: “And notify work, right!?” Once inside you packed quickly; not before making Yune a quick cup of coffee. Allowing him some time to unwind before he’d have to drive all the way back. As you packed, Yune sat with his coffee staring around your house. Minimalist. There were barely any photographs on walls, or pictures either. It hardly looked lived in; a shell of a house. Even the bathrooms held no trace of being used. But there was something else too, where there should have been a bathroom mirror, he was faced with nothing. And being inquisitive, Yune found that if the mirrors in this house were still in place, then they were turned around. He wondered if that was a question he could just ask. Yune supposed he wasn’t exactly sure what Shifter etiquette would be. You’d just have to tell him where that line was. Realising just how trapped you’d be with him in a car back to Cherokee City, you weren’t surprised that Yune wanted to try to get all his questions in. You didn’t seem reluctant; and he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to feel about that. Because you weren’t exactly happy either. “So, how’ve you been? What have you been doing? There, uh, anyone you need to tell you’re leaving?” “Uh, I’m an analyst. It’s okay, it’s a job and I get paid… I like where I live. And no, I’m not attached, which is also fine… What else is there to say?” “I guess I expected you to be upset but… you’re here. You’re just, gonna come.” “I’ll be damned if I let Ralph Anderson make me bitter and twisted.” You smiled, “The street I live on is entirely couples. I surrounded myself with love – as I always do. Now that is truly the only way for my race to live. I thrive on that kind of love.” If you could call what you were doing right now ‘thriving’. “I could have lived on his, but we all know what happened there.” “Do you miss him?” There was silence for a long time, and your face was stoic as you mulled your answer over, before it fell, and you started to look upset: “It’s not just about missing him, Yune. He’s a part of me – they all are. And I’ll carry them all for the rest of my life, every strand of DNA I’ve ever replicated. But Ralph… I let him deeper than anyone. It’s easy to collect DNA and just go off and use it, but he… Do you have any idea what it’s like to look in a mirror and hate every fibre of what you are? It’s not just me he hates – it’s what I am! I can’t get away from that even if I do wear another face.” “That explains the mirrors.” He said it before he even realised, and quickly added an embarrassed “Sorry.” “No. You’re right. I can’t… stand myself. But I can’t stay out of this form for very long. So, I have to face it… but it’s not easy. Ralph Anderson is torture. But he helps.” “You – shift into Ralph!?” “He never told you what happened in that field did he?” “No.” “Figures.” But you offered no more on the subject, turning to the window, and Yune wouldn’t press you either: “I drive his car, I wear his clothes, I can face him in a mirror and I even keep track of what he's up to. When I remember. He’ll never get out of my head, and I’ll never get over him. That’s what I’m learning to live with. And now he’s dragging me back. Do I have a choice in facing this? You already know I don’t, Yune.” He reached out and gently patted your hand, “I’m sorry.” You whipped around quickly at the feel of his hand on yours, and he caught that silver again: “I’m not afraid of you, Y/N. And I’ll get you back soon I promise. I won’t let him hurt you.” You could only nod, and barely smile. You understood Yune’s sentiments; but what he was promising was impossible. Just seeing Ralph Anderson again would be more painful than anything you’d faced. You returned your gaze slowly to the scenery and took a deep breath. You weren’t about to tell Yune that you were nervous, thoughts chasing themselves around your head. You were already being torn up by the prospect of seeing him again, and the longer you had to stay in Cherokee City the more torn you’d become. Get in, solve the case, get out. And it being that quick was your only hope… ***
Ralph Anderson would probably never admit it to anyone, but what he was feeling towards you wasn’t far off what you were feeling for him. Ever since he’d gone home from the ‘agreement’ he hadn’t been sleeping well. This morning Yune had simply sent him a text to let him know he was on his way to collect you. You still bore the same name and face – and Ralph wasn’t sure how he’d react when he saw you. Last night had been the worst; wrecked with dreams good and bad, and all of them about you. The worst, and one that had been reoccurring since you left, was the field – playing out exactly the same, except sometimes he’d pull that trigger – sometimes you would attack him and leave him to die – and sometimes he’d be back in that cave in Tennessee, but it’d be you he was facing. You wouldn’t leave him, and he was anxious. What would happen when he did see you again – would he be just as fearful as he was facing you before? Or would it turn to anger and hatred? He wasn’t sure he wanted to show that side of himself to his friends. Which made Ralph ponder exactly what you might be telling Yune. There’s two sides to every story though, and surely Yune would understand mine… He was nervous to see you too – because something else he’d realised, in the past 5 years, was that he couldn’t hate you. Of course, Ralph did hate you, but only because he couldn’t love you. How was that possible, after all you’d done? With what you were. It was still early but he was sitting at his desk and sipping straight bourbon. He’d need it, Ralph knew that much. He opened the top draw and was faced with a picture of you; pulling the frame out he stared at your face, wishing he felt nothing and only stopping when his eyes started to smart. It had only been recently that he’d cleared traces of you from the house. Yune shouldn’t have been surprised at the mirrors in your home because the pictures in Ralph’s told the same story, turned around or face down until he finally rid his residence of them. Your clothes were all in bags in the garage, but he’d never quite got around to his promise of burning them all. Ralph had been on dates but, he’d never found anyone else. He just classed himself as emotionally unavailable. But never had much trouble blaming you for this. Maybe he was just waiting for something he couldn’t have – and maybe Ralph was waiting on miracles. Although he’d never mention that either. As he strolled into the department that morning, Holly observed him with worry. Of course she was already up bright and early. Ralph slumped down in his chair with a sigh; and looked more tired than she’d ever seen him. Holly made coffee and set it in front of him without even asking. She felt Ralph probably needed more than that, but wasn’t about to encourage drinking when she needed them to focus. “You look like you didn’t sleep much.” “Yeah, well. It’s a big day, I’m not the best sleeper as it is these days.” She at least looked sympathetic as he gazed up at her to thank her for the coffee. “Are you ready for this?” Ralph nodded a few times slowly, before it quickly turned into a head shake; “I’ve never been more unprepared in my life.”
*** Ralph’s adrenaline and heartbeat spiked the second he heard your voice – but he could control it. Your sentences were cut and single words to answer Yune’s questions – but not unfriendly. The unmistakable sound of your footfall had him looking up as you both walked into the room. You stopped dead as your eyes caught his – as did your talking. You hadn’t changed one bit, you looked like you hadn’t even aged a day – frozen in time, just like the pictures, and memories that filled Ralph’s mind. Somehow that made everything hurt just that little bit more. Yune and Holly stood around like awkward third wheels; but, certainly aware of the hostile tension that had just engulfed the room. Your face didn’t really convey a lot of emotion, but your glare was heavy and it made Ralph shift uncomfortably in his seat. That movement undid all his hard work of keeping it together, and although he was still holding your gaze, he suddenly looked pathetic and guilty. It didn’t make you feel anything: As he should. You turned away from him, to Holly. “I believe you need me for your investigation.” Ralph immediately shuddered at the sound of your voice and found it hard not to vocalise something, even when you weren’t talking to him. “You want to get inside the mind of a shifter, you’ve got one. I will caution you before we begin, we aren’t all the same. So, lay it on me – what you want to know AND already know. Yune said there was a pattern, maybe I can determine what type this shifter is from that…” You took a breath, unable to keep yourself from smiling at her, “It’s good to see you again, Holly. Thank you for believing in me.” And Ralph knew that was an immediate shot at him. Holly instantly beamed, and the tension in the room dissipated, because you weren’t expecting it. The third human in the room was forgotten for a moment, and you let your icy façade melt. These two hadn’t done anything to you, at least not yet, so you had to behave amicably to prove a point. Not that you wouldn’t have – but in the presence of people who knew what you were, you at least knew you had to be careful. “It’s good to see you too, Y/N. I have to say this revelation is at least a little fascinating.” “Well… Anything I can do to prove we aren’t all like him. This seems to be getting a little ridiculous.” “You’re not wrong…” But she kept smiling as she studied you, “I mean, they’ve told me what they know…” she indicated to Ralph and Yune. “And you don’t appear to be like he was – you don’t shed, is that correct? You… uh… shimmer?” Your eyes gravitated to her coffee cup, “I can show you. If you want. The problem is your last one was a baby. If you start coming up against those much older it’ll just get harder. The patterns this one is leaving could just be a flashy show of confidence. Not mistakes.” “Show us?” Ralph shifted anxiously and you could feel his unease, turning your eyes on him: “You already know I can do you, what’s the point in that?” You indicated to Holly’s coffee cup, “If you’re finished with that… I can…” She tipped her head in thought, then decided to nod and handed it over, continuing her questioning as you inspected the rim of the cup. “You don’t need my blood?” “That’s the easiest way, and how we start off – then we graduate. Any form of DNA works fine and it doesn’t need to be consumed. But again, that depends how old you are.” You stopped twisting the cup and glanced back to Holly, “You’re SURE you want me to do this? I can’t get inside your head, I promise that. But I will feel your emotion.” She nodded, but questioned again, “What is that like?” “For me…” You gave a shrug, lifting the cup to your lips and running your tongue across the edge, “It’s all I know.” You placed it down and waited patiently for the DNA to code itself into you – “This’ll take a second-. But you put me in a café and you leave your cup behind. Bam. I have you on file for the rest of my life. Some would rather their long string of love affairs; one-night stands or kisses its all the same, some just like the taste of blood. I think the less interaction the better, personally.” You stretched, “You sure you’re ready for this?” Holly nodded, but you knew all of them were immediately more tense as you took a breath and shimmered – Ralph couldn’t help but be transfixed to watched the way your eyes lit that haunting silver as your body once more seemed to wash with pixels, before Holly stood face to face with herself. You blinked a few times, eyes still shining. “Sorry.” Holly and Yune jumped at her voice from your mouth, “The eyes always take a little longer than anything else.” “And you can just change back?!” “Mhm.” You gave a nod, “Give me a few minutes, it’s like going through a hard reset.” “Why are there so many different species? I mean he wasn’t like you… I met another and he wasn’t like you either…” “Evolution. We do the same thing in different ways. Species and genus, I guess. But practice. He took a month to change, it used to take me longer to change. I had to go through a middle step of reverting back to true form to switch humans. It’s not the most intuitive thing.” “True form?” “I said to Ralph before…” You paused for a minute as your DNA began to even out over Holly’s, “I’m much more traditionally monster than human. Think… animal, not… person. In fact, we’d fit a lot better in your animal kingdom than we would the way you live. Excuse me.” You held your hand up and shifted yourself back, “See. It’s THAT simple.” Holly tilted her head; “Could… you elaborate?” “Sure. I’m Quadrupedal, little bit more front heavy. Sharp teeth like needles, claws… I’m used to four digits. If we did stand up…  maybe 8ft tall, probably bigger. Females are the larger of the species. You seem to be getting lucky on that front. Males don’t tend to survive the mating process – think spiders.” “I’m starting to think it’s a good thing you look human.” Yune sounded more than a little faint. “Yeah well, humans went and hunted us down – so we had to adapt.” You nodded to Holly’s board, “What do you think you have? One like me? Worse?” “WORSE!?” Yune looked across to you. “Hun, I am by no means the oldest of my kind. There are worse out there than the type I am. There’s a kind that never evolved – think parasitic worms.” “W-WHAT!?” You smirked, “Yeah. Way worse. That’d kill me easy.” You shot Ralph a look, “Detective, sitting there thinking ‘shame’ isn’t exactly helpful.” Ralph looked perplexed for a minute, deer in headlights. “Just because I can’t hear your thoughts, doesn’t mean I don’t know what you’re thinking.” You sat back on the desk as Holly went through her discoveries and you started to try to piece together the person she was describing. Which type they could be.  You could already offer suggestions: it was a strange set of patterns, and there were things they weren’t seeing because they weren’t shapeshifters. You liked that at least two people in the room seemed receptive and thankful for your presence on this. Holly brought up her video footage after that – the suspects looked slightly different in each but they all had the same movements, the same way of doing things. They weren’t trying to blend into the people they were copying, simply use them as a disguise. You were impressed she’d managed to get so far on body language. Yet there was something familiar about it that concerned you. Just how many of your kind had you been around in your life? Too many to recall and yet each one, just like the DNA you all collected, imprinted into your memory in a different way. This one was in your bank somewhere. It wasn’t what you wanted to realise. That unease certainly didn’t end as Holly continued to pull up pictures; and suddenly you became too alert, straightening and stiffening on the desk your nails gripped the table, eyes wide in shock. He’s not hiding anymore… Holly read this immediately; “You know him… don’t you?” You swallowed hard, realising all eyes were now on you. You did, of course you did. And he wasn’t someone you had to comb through your memories to find – he was right there; the man had just left you. “Better than I would care to say…” you nodded to her screen, “He’s not hiding. That’s his face. The equivalent of what I chose to present to you.” Then you shook your head, “SHIT!” After what you’d been through for nearly three years? Now you find this out?! It shouldn’t have bothered you, loving and leaving was what your race did. But this was worse than that. Ralph could read you like a book, and found that his jealousy and pain were blending together; “Oh, it hurts doesn’t it? When you find out the person you’re with isn’t what they seem.” You didn’t miss a beat: “What, don’t like what you see in the mirror?” Once again your detective didn’t have a comeback. “How recently?” “He left me 3 years ago. That’s nothing new, that’s how it works.” “What works?” You hesitated, but opted to continue: “Well, any ‘relationship’ really. We don’t… mate for life.” It was like air had just left the room, and you didn’t dare look at Ralph Anderson’s face. All you would see was anger and betrayal. “We were together a surprisingly long while, I suppose our cycles can be sensed. 27 years is a long time to wait for something like that.” Holly blinked a few times; “I didn’t think you could have… children. Every 27 years?” “Nothing to us. But I can assure you, we have children. At least my branch of our race can.” “So... you’re not sterile?” “Anything in your hospitals, honey, would say I was, even during the cycle. Males don’t have cycles but would still show as sterile in your readings.” “How many do you have?” Well, you’d come this far… “Alive? I can’t tell you. 17 total.” Ralph did the quick calculation in his head. That made you 435 years old, minimum. On the assumption that every 27 years you did in fact bare children. And you looked like only the last 2 numbers of that. But it was bothering him; “How – how can you not know how many are alive!? You only just had one.” You sighed, turning to him – sure enough he was the spitting image of the man who’d pointed a gun at your head. Only now Ralph just looked like he wished he’d pulled the trigger. “What part of monster, or, animal don’t you understand?? We’re not humans, we present as human. There’s no 18 years and close relationships, Ralph. Once they’re ready to leave, they leave. When a bird can fly it leaves the nest. It’s exactly the same – you’re thinking too much about my body not my genetics.” Why was he still so pissed about the whole kids thing, anyway? Why did Ralph care either way about you and your race? You crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes; “As you keep pointing out – Ralph Anderson – I’m not human.” You turned back to Holly, “His name is Aldric. And we have a problem here, his race is like mine – maybe a little worse and certainly faster. I might be bigger, but I’m almost certain he’s older than me.” Ralph scowled from his chair, folding his arms and crossing his legs: “Fucking perfect.” They continued their rounds of questions and you remained to help them work through patterns you could see that they couldn’t. But every time you saw Aldric’s face it jarred you – mating wasn’t the problem, that was a call you had to answer if possible. If their first shifter had been around you’d have still answered it; it was the fact that it had been a relationship, of sorts, first. And you didn’t form friendships with Shifters that did things like this – dead against killing for what it had cost your race in the past. Aldric had passed all your tests, a genuinely upstanding guy – you hadn’t sensed that he was hiding anything – so what had happened? It wasn’t a question you could answer, but one that you desperately needed to know. Nothing like having a second personal stake in all this… Having said that, every time Ralph said something pointed or facetious, you only ever responded cold and emotionlessly; shutting him down at every turn. You weren’t going to let him sit there pretending he was in the clear on this one. You were around the point of calling it quits, when they were all explaining to you where he’d been seen most recently. Currently it didn’t look like he was moving from that city – they all theorised that Aldric was choosing his next victim before he moved on. You couldn’t help but agree, even though you didn’t want to. The next few days would be vital. Although as they continued talking about next steps, you tipped your head and lost yourself in another thought. Was this going to involve killing Aldric? Was that what you wanted? Was it the only way? Could he be brought to justice… could a monster like you ever be brought to that kind of justice? Instead you voiced your question quietly; “Don’t you guys think you’re going to need a lawyer when this blows up?” They turned to each other, and it was obvious that none of them had considered a situation that didn’t end with a body. Yune frowned: “Well there’s always the DA?” Ralph immediately scoffed, “The DA is useless, I still don’t get how he won the election. I don’t trust him with half my shit.” “…Then who!?” Yune was clearly going to keep your spirits up, yet you weren’t under any illusions. Instead you got a bright idea of your own, Hayes: “I know just the guy.” Then it really was late, and you did all have to call it a night. Ralph was the first one to stand, and looked to you, “Well, you can come stay with me.” You looked at him like he was insane, and then laughed, “I’d rather sleep in the car. Or in a jail cell here, than go home with you.” That clearly stung, Ralph wasn’t expecting it. But you had enough doubts about this detective not to take him up on it. You didn’t want to be in that house, and certainly not with him. Ralph was making his feelings for you quite obvious and if the last five years had changed his stance, he might truly kill you this time. To stop the silence from being any more awkward, Yune stepped in, “It’s okay – you can stay with me. It’ll be fine.” “Oh…” You weren’t sure you expected that, “Thank you.” He nodded his ‘you’re welcome’, “If you’re ready we can go. Be back here bright and early.” You all said your goodbyes, but you paused at the door; “OH! Can I take the map? It might take me all night, but I’ll figure out where he’s likely hiding. Shifters are nothing if not habitual…” “Sure! Thank you, Y/N!” Holly once again beamed as you rolled the map up and smiled back, “No problem. Mutual goals and all that right?” “Mhm, Goodnight Y/N! Don’t stay up too late.” “I’ll try-!” You grinned, “Goodnight, Holly.” The obviousness of you not even acknowledging Ralph, let alone wishing him a goodnight, was not lost on him – you still didn’t care. With the map tucked under your arm, you followed Yune out to the elevators. “You still love her, don’t you?” Ralph’s eyes flicked to Holly, then back to your receding frame – talking to Yune, you seemed so much happier out of this room. Out of Ralph’s presence. The detective chewed his lip, deciding to let his expression answer for him. ***
After staying up most of the night pouring over the map and your laptop, you had a fair idea of where Aldric could be. After all, you knew him, right? At least you thought you did. You were starting to think that the revelations of your ex-partners were becoming a little too much. You left Yune’s house early – just about catching him as you were taking off out the door. Upon asking where you were going, and you announcing you were about to drag the ex-DA into this, he laughed. “Need a lift?” “No. I could use the walk.” “You know where you’re going?” “Mhm. I did the research; I’ll meet you all back at the precinct. Hopefully lawyer in tow.” “Alright, see you soon Y/N… OH!” You turned back at his gentle tug on your sleeve, “It’s good to see you again. I don’t know if I said yet. It’s just real good to have you back.” You let yourself beam, “Thanks Yune… I needed that.” The sign read K.W.S.Hayes and Partners – KWS? Well okay, Mr. Two-Middle-Names. You laughed to yourself as you walked through the front door. You were glad everything was still quiet; you could avoid a lot of people you knew and awkward questions that way. You didn’t even need an appointment. Well, not that you’d let someone who barely looked out of her twenties stop you, with your “I’m an old friend.” Kenneth Hayes jumped, and this time his papers did scatter everywhere. You watched them float to the floor, only wishing it was five years earlier, before your eyes met his again and you closed his door. “How the HELL did you-” “Old friends tends to get me places.” “Jesus, who let you back into Cherokee City?!” “I’m not in your office to do anything but get you on this case.” He hesitated, “What case?” “Surprise, surprise, there’s another of me out there and your PD want my help.” There was too long a pause and you knew that he was only pretending to be disinterested, “No thanks, isn’t that a DA role?” You folded your arms, “They left you in the dark last time. I won’t let them do it again. Besides, I hear the current DA isn’t so hot and I KNOW a good lawyer when I see one.” He squinted at you for a moment, then scoffed, very nearly disgusted. “Find someone else.” “Don’t misunderstand me, Hayes.” You took a step, eyes flashing. “I don’t just want you on this case, they need you on this case. And if I have to drag you across town to the PD kicking and screaming… well…” You indicated to yourself, knowing that would explain enough. Hayes swallowed, accepting his fate, “When do we start?” You smirked, “Oh baby, the fun has already begun!” As you might expect, and they probably expected to from their previous experience, there was a good network of caves on both sides of the city and scores of abandoned buildings grouped together - from what you’d been able to gather, also fairly overgrown. “But he’s older than you.” “It’s habitual.” At this point you were getting sick of Ralph questioning everything that came out of your mouth, and were sure the other three (now Hayes was up to speed) were sitting there internally groaning ‘ohhh my god, will you two quit it! We got a case to work on.’  “It’s not about the hiding to change, although it may be to do with not wanting to be disturbed. It’s about dragging your prey somewhere quiet. It’s about remaining inconspicuous and in the shadows. None of us grew up in cities and towns, the world simply changed around us. Places like naturally occurring caves are like our ancestral homes.” You tapped the map, “Abandoned shells of buildings are an alright substitute. We all adapted to this sure, but he’s actively killing – and that’s an instinct we evolved with. He’s thinking home. I know it.” You placed your balled fist against your mouth for a moment allowing for a pause for thought; “I can’t get you closer unless we’re actually there, but, once we are it’ll be more accurate. And I can pinpoint exactly where he’s staying – especially considering our history.” “Can he sense… you?” “Possibly. But I doubt he’d think twice about it. He wouldn’t know why I’m there…” Suddenly you found yourself getting disheartened: “I just don’t get it. It’s been the first time in a long while I’ve seen so many of us. Holly you’ve seen three, well four, of us now. How am I’m the only good one? It was never like this. They shouldn’t be the rule.” The silver shine on your eyes was dull as they smarted, and Yune put his hand over yours; “Maybe it’s because you’re the only one left alive old enough to remember the times when you weren’t oppressed. You said it yourself, you don’t know how old he is. Maybe everyone else has heard these stories and wants revenge. Wants to feed on our pain and suffering, because humans caused your entire race pain.” “But how can they not realise that LOVE... love is...” Holly reached for your other hand, understanding what Yune was trying to do; if they lost your help to delusion they would never get anywhere: “But you experienced that. Who’s to say they ever did?” Try as Holly might she was unable to keep her glance off Ralph, who gave Holly a similarly worried look. “But how can they not tell the difference?” “Closed off to it? Maybe they don’t recognise it... maybe pain is so strong that the sustainability of love is not worth it... it doesn’t register.” You took your hands back, not allowing a sob, but rubbing the tears away before they could flow down your cheeks. Too many people were suffering – you had all suffered too but, humans didn’t need to bear the sins of their ancestors. Was there no way to live in harmony? You found yourself crying, not only for your race, but for everyone who had to grieve because of it.
*** You all gave yourselves an hour to get ready, not that you weren’t already living out of a bag. The original idea was the four of you went down and confronted him, as they had done in Tennessee. That this time they’d keep Hayes completely in the loop. The lawyer was already clearly invested, which made you happy, as he shook his head: “I didn’t get involved last time on your decision. I’d quite like to be included this time on my own terms. I can see it through – then I’ll avoid any strange stories floating my way.” He was clearly referring to that Jack Hoskins lie, he nodded to you, “Besides. I trust her.” Your eyebrows raised at this but you bowed your head in thanks. 3 down, 1 to go. Of course he would be the most difficult. Yune let you sit quietly alone as he packed and before you knew it you were standing back in the precinct deciding on whose car was being taken. The final decision landed on Ralph’s and Yune’s, so you split your things and yourselves between the two cars. Obviously, the idea was to keep you and Ralph separate. He wasn’t so happy about that decision and ended up overruling everyone by force; arm out to pin you back against his car. “What are you-” “Nope.” “Ralph!” “They might trust you, but I certainly don’t. You’re coming with me.” His voice was low and left you glaring at him again, he nodded Holly towards Yune’s car but she was hesitant. You took a breath and moved her on instead. “It’s okay Holly, I’ll be okay.” She clearly wasn’t having that, and as Ralph kept you pinned there, you watched her whisper urgently to Yune; you could imagine that she wanted to make sure this car was in sight of theirs the whole time. You drew your eyes away from them and back to your ex-partner, “What, so you can finish what you started?” “Don’t flatter yourself. I swear to God, you even THINK of hurting them.” “Don’t you think I would have done it before now? What is wrong with you?! How can he change your opinion of me so easily?” “You lied to me!” “And you threatened to shoot me twice. You said it yourself Ralph, if you didn’t love me I’d be dead, so you can stop acting like I’M the threat here.” It was strange to be so close to him again, his DNA used to be a part of your everyday existence. By shifting into him so often – and being comfortable there – you’d kept that true. But now he was back this close to you, your body was giving you many different reactions. It was as repulsed by him as it wanted to pull him into you and never let him go. The confusion was not helping you keep control and you knew that silver was burning again by the way distress momentarily flickered over his features. Somehow the car ride wasn’t as tense as you imagined. You supposed there was so much you really had to say to each other, considering the passage of time. Yet neither of you knew how or where to begin; and both of you were guilty of something. For a long time there was silence, before Ralph took a calm breath and broke it. “Why did you come back?” You eyed him curiously, “You needed me. I assumed if you let Yune turn up on my doorstep at all, you were fine with it. I want to stop this as much as you do, even if you don’t believe that.” “You understand why I have trust issues with you, right?” “I think you must understand the same.” Ralph nodded: “As long as we’re on the same page.” There was another pause before he started again, “Five years is a long time to still hate someone.” “I don’t hate you, and I’m certainly not scared of you, but if you touch me I’m gonna throw a fit.” He nodded to the car in front, “Don’t think I haven’t seen Yune checking his mirrors every five seconds and the way Hayes always turns around. They’re watching out for ya.” You lowered your eyes to the floor, and spoke quieter, “I am not to blame for the sins of my race. I wish you’d been able to see past that. But every time you look at me, all I can see is how you feel about them. I’m the rule, Ralph. We’ve never been like this... I guess we’re all just angry.” “All. Including you.” “Understanding, of why humans rose up. We’re not Gods – even if we acted like it. Stories passed through generations; those so twisted by what happened. I get that – it hurt, to be hunted that way. But murdering humans doesn’t help anything. And killing you all now? Children with bad tempers don’t represent my race. And yet will become the poster children.” Ralph shifted in his seat, about as uncomfortably as you might expect, before turning his eyes on you. There really wasn’t a lot you had to ask, he understood what you were getting at. You turned away from him, rubbing your hands together, before moving the same motion to your wrists. It was too painful for him to think of you in handcuffs, so he took another breath and smiled. He was beginning to think that you were as wrong as you were right; no, you weren’t like them, but Ralph considered that you were the exception these days, not the rule. It was unfortunate that the group had dealt with so many bad ones. He was warming to you; it was going to take some time, but he knew he was. He wanted so badly to reach for you and tell you that. But he knew he couldn’t, Ralph Anderson swallowed fixing his eyes back on the road and the car in front just as Yune eyed him again. They didn’t trust him with you either and he had more than proved they had grounds. You should have known that the amicable atmosphere between you wouldn’t last. Your question was innocent enough, he knew you had ‘moved on’ – if that was even a thing your race did; you’d at least have classed yourself in something akin to a relationship with Aldric. He was the father of one of your children after all – but Ralph had kept quiet about his own love life. It’d been five whole years – he might have been older, but that didn’t mean you didn’t know how women looked at him; and with that face? You couldn’t blame them. “Are you single?” He blinked before he answered, slowly, “Yes.” “Huh.” Your mouth became a thin line, nearly a frown, “I’m surprised, I thought it’d be easy for you to move on. Surely all the girls are killing to date you now? Have you been with anyone?” Maybe he had and it hadn’t lasted – it’d been a long time. You were met with immediate hostility: “Well how can I trust anyone is who they say they are after you?!” Feeling that was pretty uncalled for, you shot back, “Don’t blame me for YOUR feelings. You know all the tells. You should have just gone ahead and dated!” Ralph glared at you, it was icy and threatening, causing you to back up against the car door; “Yeah well, I didn’t, did I? I didn’t just go off and fuck someone else. And have kids.” Your eyebrows knitted together in anger, “Screw you Ralph Anderson. You’re the one who said you never wanted to see me again. And I TOLD you, we can’t have children. What is your obsession with that-?! I’m surprised not to find you married with kids the amount you go on about it!!” “Well I’m not, am I?! I don’t just get to choose to do something like that! I accepted we couldn’t have kids, but that’s all bullshit anyway! All you ever did was lie!” “Don’t you put this on me!” You slammed your hand on the dashboard, turning your body fully to him; “WHY DOES IT ALWAYS COME BACK TO THIS, WHEN YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDN’T CARE!!” “Because you can have them!” “Once every 27 years Ralph! And you can’t treat them like human children. They would never stay. You can’t bend them to that, and they wouldn’t be… yours.” “I dunno, surrogacy? Adoption? We never even talked about it.” “Why didn’t you bring that up!? How easy do you think that would be? I don’t… die like you do. I’d live my life with you, and then when you passed on, I’d take a few years and disappear. And then start over. But there’s never going to be another you Ralph. They always warned me about humans, and they were right. But you were worth every fucking second until you tore it all up." “Are you saying this is MY fucking fault!? If you’re at least over 400 then how the hell did you ever think we’d work out?!” “I’d age up with you. It’s easy. Ralph, you never would have noticed. Without him all my little tells are ticks and tricks of the light.” “You bleed blue!” “Well that still took you four years and killing one of us.” Then you remembered, “Fuck, you nicked me, didn’t you? To check that I really was…” You placed your hands over your eyes, groaning, “Why didn’t you just ask?! You could have just asked. And calmly told me to get out… instead you pointed a gun to my head and threw me in a jail cell.” “Y/N-” “No. No.” You protested, “I’m fucking DONE Ralph. Don’t touch me, don’t even talk to me.” You rolled your body away from him and curled yourself up as best you could in the seat, closing your eyes. Hopefully sleep would come quick and would last the rest of the car ride. Hopefully it wouldn’t be plagued with bad dreams… You wouldn’t say that your dreaming was bad, just that your dreams were more content to feed you memories… This one of Aldric, of course. You understood why, perhaps most obviously because you couldn’t wrap your head around his sudden change. Aldric knew all about Ralph Anderson, you were only too happy to share your experiences with someone who understood them. Yet it wasn’t just because you’d told him, but because of your tendency to shift into Ralph: just to hear his voice, or see his face (albeit in a mirror), because you felt safe and comfortable in a body so familiar to you. Ralph looked – and was – a 6ft-odd tall, sure of himself man; no one was going to bother you when you were Ralph Anderson. It was a face Aldric got used to, but saw less and less of the longer he stayed. He counted that as progress, with his best smile. Aldric knew you still had bad days, where you’d lie on the bed and all the mirrors would turn around – humans had scarred you deep, and he didn’t like that much. Unlike everyone else, who would get angry and do something about it, you’d become a little more withdrawn; a mix of heart-break and self-hatred. He’d asked a thousand times ‘why always him’ and it wasn’t a question you could answer. ‘Why someone who caused you so much damage?’ The simple answer wasn’t one you could say out loud: that DNA coded into you was all you had left of him. The long answer would require you spilling to him all your feelings and details of your relationship that were yours to know – and would go unspoken to your grave. The best you could do was shrug; “Because I loved him. He’s just… familiar.” That was a lie too, there was no loved past tense about it. Even if Ralph had uttered that word himself. Aldric took your hand in his, with a gentle sigh: “Isn’t it amazing, over millions of years of our own race’s evolution and countless lifetimes, just how much one man has fucked you up? You’re hung up on one human and four years… in all that you’ve lived. Y/N…  I’m just sorry he did this. Though as if it isn’t something typically human.” He took a breath, gathering your body to his and stroking your hair; “Well. I’m here, for now… and I won’t let them hurt you again.” Aldric was always so nice and gentle with you and just as lovely to the humans you lived around – he never talked about having problems with them, so you doubted it was all a façade. It didn’t make any sense. How can THIS man now be murdering people…!? *** Ralph wasn’t the one who woke you up when you got to your destination, Hayes was. If he was trying to make up for anything, you would call him out on it – but he wasn’t. He was just trying to be a good man – whilst simultaneously checking that his friend was treating you right. You appreciated that they were worried, they didn’t have to care about you. Only that you’d help them solve this – and you would despite Ralph’s treatment of you. Or, in spite of it. In fact they always kept at least a body between you and Ralph, and you wondered exactly who they were protecting; him or you.
 It was late, but you had to strategize and figure out where he was. It wasn’t hard for you, Aldric was everywhere, so whilst the other three were trying to figure out the best and fastest way to hit him, Hayes drove you aimlessly around town. “Where you think he’ll be?” “He’s not in town – but it’s a recent move. I’m certain he based himself here.” “Will he be able to sense you?” “We’ll need a miracle…. My reason for being here could be anything. It’s the rest of you I’m worried about.” You were lying down in the back seat, trying to focus on the signals you could feel and almost taste in the air. That familiarity hurt now as much as Ralph’s did… You pushed your detective back for a minute, why won’t you stay in your godamn lane!, as Hayes took his rings around town further and further out, until you sat bolt upright. “STOP.” You were immediately on edge, too close and too soon. Like your head was spinning. “Woah, you okay!?” Hayes turned in his seat and it was plain to see the tension in your face and body, “Y/N? Is he here!?” You pointed to the map; “Are we leading anywhere?” “Uh…” He picked it up, “Yeah, there’s like an outcropping here…” Hayes jabbed it, “It looks like mountains though, and we are slightly inclining.” He handed it to you and you studied the map hard for a moment, before you traced your finger along what looked like a mountain ridge to one small black dot. “Here.” You turned to the lawyer and for once he didn’t even flinch as your eyes flickered bright silver – was that fear? “Do you have a pen?” “Yeah-!” Of course Hayes had one in his pocket, you put a ring around it and turned to him pushing the map into his chest. “He’s there.” *** Holly was the one in the car with you today, and she took your hand in hers. “You okay?” “No.” You had to be honest and she smiled, squeezing your hand, “Oh, sweetheart… This must be harder for you than anything else.” “What if I’ve always been wrong about my race?” You chewed the inside of your lip. “You’re better than we are, Y/N. Whether you’re the exception or the rule shouldn’t matter, should it, but how good you are. And after what you’ve seen from this particular community… that’s enough to twist anyone up. Yet here you are, still you.” You turned slowly to her, and couldn’t help but smile: “I could say the same for you.” She laughed, “I guess we both understand each other.” “An outsider knows an outsider.” You repeated a phrase of hers that had burned in you then, it held no less significance now. Holly squeezed your hand once more as you seemed to approach the cave entrance – your breath caught again and you tried not to let Aldric flood back: focusing just on Holly and smiling through it, “You got that right!” You slid out of the car with her, watching the guys all gear up just as fast. They would have to work quick and quiet if they were ever going to make it through this alive. You were glad everyone was wearing long sleeves: no one was taking chances. You nearly scoffed as you watched Hayes holster a pistol: “You know how to use that?” “I’m from Georgia, sweetie. Yeah, I do.” You laughed as if that had any merit to it, and Holly cleared her throat, holding a pistol out for you. You raised an eyebrow and grinned, shaking your head; “Honey, all my weapons are in built. I don’t need that.” Yune also sidled over, “And none of us want to see that in action.” “Pray you won’t need to.” “How is he?” “Quiet. If Aldric’s expecting anything he’s not tense, or angry, or frightened. I wouldn’t count on the element of surprise, just assume that he knows.” Ralph seemed to be taking an awful long time about this, and your eyes narrowed at his back, causing the others to turn to him. “Ralph?!” “Yeah, I- you guys go – We’ll bring up the rear.” “We?” “Yeah.” He pointed at you, “We. I want you at the back where I can see you.” “Why?” Although you knew it was a stupid question as soon as you said it and his face darkened, “Okay. Okay, we’ll do this your way.” Although you were loath to point out that if he was scared you were about to team up with Aldric, putting you at the back left the four of them trapped in the middle. It was more likely so Ralph could keep a gun trained on you at all times. You turned to the rest of them, “You guys go. Be careful, maybe two groups would be better, don’t do anything stupid.” They almost couldn’t believe you were agreeing with this, but nodded along – anything so as not to cause a huge argument right in the middle of the operation. They weren’t walking so fast though, clearly not wanting to completely split the group, you assumed that they would wait for you just inside the entrance. You crossed to him: “Is there gonna be a problem with you and me?” “No.” “Ralph you don’t have to lie to me.” “I told you, they might trust you, but I don’t. That’s all there is to it.” You leant against the car, looking dead in his eyes, “How do I know I can trust you?” “You don’t.” And he proved it; all too late did you realise that he’d been ready all along, and before you could stop him, your wrist was cuffed to the door handle. “RALPH!!!” “Shut up, or I really will finish what I started in that field.” He growled, hand over your mouth as you struggled. “You son of a BITCH-! They will DIE without me! What are you doing-!?” “We survived before, sweetheart.” His smile wasn’t friendly, so the pet name wasn’t either, “I don’t trust what you’ll do when you see him, I don’t trust you around him, or us. And I won’t see good people die again on account of YOUR race.” “Are you kidding?! I thought we were getting somewhere, but here come your true fucking colours again!” You pulled against the handcuffs, “Ralph! Let me go!” “No. You’re gonna stay here until we get back. And if we don’t get back, you’re gonna die here.” “What the fuck is your problem!?” He raised an eyebrow, and you realised it was another stupid question. “RALPH!” but he turned and started walking, “Shit! RALPH!!!” You tugged again, foot up against the car, to no avail and the cuff dug in. You rolled your sleeve back, wrist already showing a friction line. “You fucking asshole!” You turned back to watch him walk into the distance, “Are you SO stupid as to kill everyone on account of me-!?” When Ralph reached the group of three waiting just inside the caves, they all peered around for you and simultaneously took a deep breath to give him hell. He held a finger to his lips – knowing that what was waiting for them was far more dangerous. They didn’t need to announce their arrival any more than necessary. “I don’t trust her. Would you? We’ve seen what one of them can do, you think we can handle two of them? I don’t think we can risk it.” And the look on Ralph’s face said no protesting. “Where is she?!” Yune hissed, surprisingly looking the most pissed. Considering he’d tried to do right by you twice before Ralph had decided to screw it up. “Safe. But most certainly in handcuffs, now are we moving or what?!” They all looked to each other before begrudgingly moving on into the caves together, but Yune paused before he allowed Ralph to go any further. “You’re a fucking idiot. You know that?” “I’m doing this for the good of everyone.” Yune rolled his eyes, and muttered something in Spanish that Ralph assumed wasn’t good. “You ever think about her?! Even once?” Ralph gave him a look that shut the conversation down completely. But it couldn’t have juxtaposed the situation more; and his outward attitude was fooling everyone nicely. Of course he had; he was doing it to protect you. *** Focusing on them and their wellbeing became increasingly hard for three reasons. Ralph and your bond wasn’t the strongest, even though you had his DNA in your vein’s – as the group of four traversed deeper you started to lose him. Aldric’s own feelings were giving you unease – pretty sure that he knew you were here, if he hadn’t already he’d become aware of the presence of four human’s soon; without you protecting them you were sure it would become a massacre. And finally, you were trying to concentrate on breaking the cuffs – or the car door, whichever buckled first. Preferably the cuffs though, because hopefully you’d get to drive out of this. You had more strength than a human in you, but all that was helping with was the metal digging deep into your skin; ink blue already ran from your wrist and spotted all over the ground. If you did all die here forensics would have a field day with that. The change happened instantaneously. Aldric’s calm aura became hostile, forcing you to gasp and wheel back to the cave entrance: Guys! Why didn’t Ralph think about this? Aldric was leaving a string of murders, did they really think he would care about 4 bodies in the middle of nowhere. What about your presence; this wasn’t going to end well no matter what way you looked at it. And Ralph - Aldric knew everything about Ralph, if he attacked them your detective would be shown no mercy. You turned back to your handcuffs; “SHIT!” crying in both frustration and the pain of the cut. There was no other way to save them but by shifting completely; reverting back into the real monster they thought you were. To save them you would do anything. To save him- You closed your eyes and breathed deep, inhale, exhale; your eyes reopened to blurred and burning silver reflected back at you, human skin dissipating into something rougher and grey; elongated fingers splicing from five to four digits – this was the first time DNA separation had caused you to feel so dysmorphic. You knew the look you’d see on his face; if he rejected you now…well, hadn’t Ralph already? The metal snapped without you needing to pull as your wrists expanded – body filling out to complete mass. You stepped back, hands down; quadrupedal, and turned towards the cave entrance, sure of yourself enough to sprint towards it. They needed you NOW – or they weren’t leaving this alive. ***
Four beams of light swept in concentric patterns across the floor, walls and ceiling of the cave. It seemed darker and colder than the one they’d confronted the Outsider in. But pretty – patterns in rock cut and smoothed from millenniums of ancient water ways – the paths weren’t narrow though; it didn’t feel half as claustrophobic. There must have been openings they couldn’t see, as the air smelled clean and fresh, and every so often a soft draft would catch them from the depths of the cave. The majority of the time the four remained quiet; and Ralph assured himself that every time one of them shivered it was the cold – and not fear that he was sure all felt. The occasional verbal communication was to check everyone was close; and to agree on which direction to take – it wasn’t hard, Aldric wasn’t trying to cover his tracks. Ralph supposed he didn’t expect to be followed, or he had the confidence to know if he was found he’d just as easily kill those that stumbled on him. But three of them had come across his kind before and lived; the fourth was at least clued up. Ralph Anderson didn’t plan on dying here either. After about half an hour of careful searching they entered a larger cavernous area, much like a room, and all of them froze. To one end was a semi-circular collection of lights; all in the same UV soft white spectrum. Near to those was a heap of blankets, bundled together in organised chaos; but they were within a ring of piled up silt and dirt that covered the floor. Ralph swept his torch but saw no evidence of bones which would suggest food, hunting, more murders – you had said you didn’t need to eat; you could survive on feelings. The Outsider had and you had announced grief as unsustainable… yet Aldric was perhaps different. Able to sustain himself on something else. Aldric also wasn’t ‘a baby…’ Ralph received the feeling that he was being watched all too late, and a cold tremor ran over his body. From one of the darker corners of the room came the sound of shifting rocks, and an animalistic growl. All of them whirled around, torches gathered on two eyes – iridescent silver. “Shit-!” Ralph was the one to voice what they were all feeling as they backed up; all four of them clicked their safety’s off. “This isn’t good right?”  Hayes’ comment was unhelpful, but it was Holly that came back with; “We’ve done this before. We can do it again.” Yune was the only one to glance down; “Uh, guys!” Ralph let the others call attention to whatever he’d found, he was way more concerned with training his gun on this man. Holly and Hayes did, and then gave each other the same look; the prints in the dirt were not feet or shoes, as they had been elsewhere in this cave, but four clawed and elongated. They were in more trouble than they’d realised. As Aldric stepped into the light of both their torches and the semi-circular arrangement, all Ralph could think was someone had smoothed down and elongated the limbs of a blue-grey crocodile. In this form he stood a little higher off the ground than that – and those razor-sharp teeth and talons told the whole story. He was maybe Ralph-and-a-half should he feel the need to stand on two legs; and it was already apparent by the way Aldric moved across the floor that he was deadly fast. Even though the four of them were getting pushed up into the wall, Ralph kept in front; if Aldric came for them he’d sacrifice himself so they could get a good shot or a head start out of here, whatever it took. Aldric growled again, this time as his mouth opened Ralph noticed those needle like teeth had more than one row and the only thing he could think was ‘this is how I die’. Only Aldric did draw himself up onto two legs; ‘Oh no, this is much worse!’ “Do we think guns will work in here!?” Yune was trying to focus on not making his hands shake. “Hell, maybe we’ll at least bury it under rubble!!” Holly’s voice appeared calmer than Ralph would guess she was. Both of them holding up better than the lawyer, whose face was white and Ralph was thinking Hayes regretted his demands to come along. The shifter wound up, muscles in his back legs poised to spring; Ralph’s finger moved from discipline position to his trigger, swallowing hard. They could get through this, they could… even if only three of them made it out alive. This time the creature roared, echo loud, Hayes took a further step back and connected with sharp rock. Nowhere to go. Aldric sprang. The blur of blue and grey was joined by another call. This one different to the one Aldric was emitting: like no known animal on earth. Blood – or assumedly blood – spattered across the ground as Aldric reeled back from the force of the bulkier shape. Larger, spine far more defined down the slope of its back, and not ending in a tail like Aldric did. It turned, face fairly flat, skull round, just as reptilian with the same ghostly silver, needle teeth jutting out at angles and barely containable. Compared to Aldric this creature was much better proportioned, and the power as it launched itself at him again made Ralph glad that wasn’t what they were facing. Claws ripping through Aldric’s arm once more, before the force of its leap had it skittering off in the direction of the lights. “There’s TWO of them now!?” Hayes had finally found a voice, but Yune was smiling; “Of course there’s two of them!” Ralph didn’t understand why it hadn’t clicked with him before and he turned to Yune almost in shock; “Y/N!?” By the time they all turned back, in place of the creature was something a lot more human; panting, balancing gracefully on one hand as you pushed yourself to standing. Brushing your hair back from your face, eyes still that silver, you dusted yourself off, looking to the darker spot you’d pushed Aldric to. Although no one else in the room had eyes good enough to pierce that darkness, you did, and if he went for them again you would step in. Your wrists still ached, and as you shook them out blood cascaded to the floor; what you really wished you were was self-healing. The human laugh emitted from the dark corner had the group looking from you to him and Aldric stepped out of the shadows. Picture perfect as the day he left; the man on the CCTV Holly had identified. “Y/N… I suppose I should have guessed that.” “I don’t see why. After all, I’d never have guessed you’d be out here murdering humans.” “Don’t you preach to me about their race.” Aldric stretched out, placing a hand over his arm; “Man. That smarts; you’re a little sharper than I remember.” You glared, stalking around him so you ended up in front of your friends. …ex-friends. “Why?” “I got tired of the injustices they get away with, that they’ve always got away with because of us. It was time to stand up.” You planted your feet firmly in front of them, stance strong but wide – showing him you could cover all angles. You weren’t sure you were about to accept that as an excuse; you knew the pain he was talking about and you’d never gone there. Aldric merely scoffed; “Really? You would defend them after what they did to you-!? After what this particular man did to you-?!” You held your nerve, not rising to the bait. Ralph Anderson felt four pairs of eyes on him and at least two of them held a degree of hatred, he shuffled uncomfortably for a second, glad he couldn’t see your face. You opted instead for: “I thought I KNEW you-!!! You’re killing people-!? That makes you no better than the shifter that caused all this-!! For godsake Aldric, we have a child!” You stopped yourself from going any further, eyes pulling from his face momentarily as you frowned; what a human thing to say. Aldric wouldn’t give his angle up, and smirked pointedly: “Oh, we all have our weaknesses, darling.” Your eyes widened, for a second your silver was shot with red at the blind anger that overtook you. You hated him for that, for insinuating that Ralph was yours… the problem was Aldric was right, and he knew it. You were defending the man that had intended to kill you, twice, over the one that had cared for you – maybe even loved you for almost as many years. Ralph would never understand you even if he tried and Aldric was the only one who did… Yet here you were, because you just could not let Detective Anderson go. And you would rather die than lose him. “I want real answers Aldric. Even you must know that there’s only two ways this ends.” “As long as both end with him dead, I’ll take my chances.” Jealousy?! Was that it? After all this time…? Aldric looked like he regretted saying it and cleared his throat, “Don’t you ever get tired, Y/N? Of defending everything they do? It’s not just us, it’s the world, every creature will be driven to extinction by the end of this, just like they tried to do to us. With what consequence? We kill a few of them and we’re the ones that end up hunted to our demise in caves.” “It’s murder.” You knew that feeling, you’d felt it many a time but you had never let it consume you, and Aldric had finally let all his hatred take over. “It’s justice. It’s less than they deserve. And I know you see that.” “If we let you go, you’ll just do it again.” “Well then you have a choice to make, Y/N, because I’ll start with your detective’s friends, just so he can watch, and then I’ll end with him. And if I have to go through you, then I’ll make sure you get to see me kill him. Don’t worry, I’ll go slow – make a spectacle. But really I’d rather you didn’t make me kill a member of my own race.” “Stop it.” “You think I won’t go through with this!?” His talons were already elongating and you swallowed hard – there was no choice, you were standing here because you’d already made it. “Y/N…” Holly tried once, but you shook your head. “Go.” “What?!” “All of you get out of here.” You too entered that between transition: not human, not monster. “Y/N, We’re not leaving you.” Yune didn’t seem like the type to make such a stupid comment, but here he was. “If you don’t leave, you will get caught up in this and you will die. I’m not prepared to take any kind of risk. GO!” Now your voice fluctuated into more of a growl. “As soon as I’m done with you, I’m dragging your detective back here screaming and begging for his life.” Aldric’s eyes were hard. He was glaring through you at Ralph, who was urging the others to leave, and quickly. “You’re not going to fucking touch him.” You heard them shuffle away, catching them in your peripheral, Ralph last. He stilled for a minute and turned back to catch your eye. You gave him five seconds of satisfaction and locked with him – Ralph opened his mouth; you had no idea what to say. If it would even be of consequence, if it would be what you so desperately wanted. Or just good luck, will you be okay, do you want help, do you need this gun? Whatever it was neither of you had time for, and you gave a slight shake of your head. This time his face changed, not stoic, not mad at you, but startlingly apologetic. I’m sorry - two words he’d never got to say, before Ralph backed up, and faded into darkness. You turned back to Aldric, who had been privy to the whole exchange. “Un-fucking-belivable. You still love him.” “You said it yourself, we all have our weaknesses.” You couldn’t deny it. Aldric sneered: “I mean it, when I have you close enough to death to be immobilised, I’ll kill the other three – perhaps even mercifully. Then I will drag his body back in here and it will give me no greater pleasure than to gut him in front of you.” Then he smiled, and it was frightening, wild, one you might expect out of such a killer. “Heck, maybe I’ll even eat this one.” It was the last thing he said before you saw red, and lunged for him. ***
Once outside the group of four weren’t about to admit how in over their heads they were. Scrambling to set up behind cars, weapons trained on the cave entrance. “That was crazy.” Holly was the only one who thought about talking, “You think the one in Tennessee could do that!?” “Maybe…” Yune’s arm twinged at the thought of that particular shootout; “But clearly a lot slower… Ralph!” Detective Anderson by this time was back by his own car; handcuffs in bits, but the blue that covered the floor had him more concerned, and he shifted the dirt around to cover it up. “I’m coming-! Just let me get rid of her DNA…” The other three exchanged looks; now he cares? Or did he always care? Ralph pulled open his trunk and gathered spare guns, before settling with them behind the car. “How long do you think it’ll take?” “We have no way of knowing. They looked so different… But I’m thinking those scratches she gave him were nothing more than grazes. Warnings…” Holly mused, hand over her heart – it was beating far too fast, “It could be a while.” “Maybe we’ll lose both.” Yune’s muse was sad, and he hoped against hope that wouldn’t happen. He still wasn’t prepared to count you amongst them, even when you were one. Hayes’ eyes had hardly left the cave mouth; “Have we considered what happens if the wrong one makes it?” “Give it hell.” Ralph voice nearly shook with anger, and Holly and Yune once again raised eyebrows. Seemed Ralph Anderson wasn’t about to hide his feelings anymore. “…We can’t let it get out of here.” “Especially not if it’s killed her, right?” Yune looked across to him, almost smirking. Ralph didn’t verbally respond, but the nod was enough. It wasn’t long before they were met with a shuffling sound, and the scattering of rocks as they were kicked out of the way by tired feet. “That’s two legs, right?” “With the echo it’s hard to tell.” Holly and Yune listened harder; half minded to throw the safety on. But they both knew that your race could be tricksy; there was no way they could risk that move. “It sounds hurt.” Hayes’ mouth pressed into a thin line, “Let’s just hope we want to help it!” Sure enough eventually it was you that hobbled into view; though in the state you were in it really could have been anyone. Covered in red and blue blood from head to foot you were clutching your right arm, which seemed to be hanging fairly uselessly by your side, and you were certainly limping. Honestly, between the four of them it was hard to tell who was the most overjoyed – despite the initial reaction of horror at your presentation, they were all grateful to see you standing there. The way you felt could not be more different. There wasn’t a part of you that didn’t hurt, physically and emotionally. At this point there probably wasn’t much of you that wasn’t bleeding. And despite the fact that walking back to the entrance all you could think was ‘He had it coming. He brought it upon himself. He’d kill your friends if you’d have let him go. He’d have done WORSE’. You still lamented at having to kill yet another shapeshifter just to protect them. They were good people, and he was a murderer that much was true; but it was affecting you deeply. Aldric and you had created a life together – and your heart was broken. Yet another one of an ancient species struck from existence – maybe you were all too dangerous to be kept alive… Even when you were trying to do good. Your eyes were still shining in silver, but part of that could have been accented by the blur of tears. Ralph Anderson had never felt like a bigger fucking idiot.  For a moment you had never looked more stunning or beautiful, even though you were injured, limping, covered in blood and still seemed like a threat – more than one shifter tell still in play. Therefore Ralph was the first one to move from behind the car, running across the path to you. The movement itself spiked your adrenaline, body throwing you into a defensive stance as he slowed to a stop beside you. Your eyes were hard and cold: somehow you were also scarier than any time he’d previously seen you like this. The power in you to still be standing right now; how many years and lives you’d lived to be here right now, with him. Just human. Flesh and blood and bone and nothing all that special compared to what was in front of him. You’d given him your heart and he’d never really returned it. Ralph got the feeling you’d never wanted it back. You stood for a few seconds, feeling like far longer, staring at each other. It felt like you were between saying something snarky to him, or half expecting him to shoot one of his many you’re not human phrases at you. He wanted to, of course he did, but not for any reason you’d think. Instead neither happened, and Ralph grabbed you, one hand into your hair and one on the small of your back, his lips crashed onto yours. You made one small noise of surprise and complaint, before you pushed through the pain; closing your eyes and letting tears run. Just about able to tangle your left hand in his jacket as he supported your body. The (arguably) best four years of your life flooded your head immediately. It had been so long that his kiss felt foreign, even though it was so familiar. How many times had you relived this… wished for this in your head? Granted, this was never exactly how it happened – but then in your wildest dreams you weren’t sure you’d ever expected it to happen. Ralph didn’t care that there was blood all over you, that all he could taste was metallic, a little too much iron, flavours he’d never tasted in his life – he’d attribute that to your non-human DNA – he needed that kiss. YOU needed that kiss. He loved you. He loved you so much, he always had. It had prevented him from pulling the trigger twice – but it was also why he had so much anger and felt so much heartbreak. Why he was so glad that you were here right now. He broke the kiss slow and delicate, so as not to hurt you anymore, but didn’t exactly pull back; his forehead against yours as you opened your eyes. Ralph was crying, and you knew why, you knew exactly where this was going and you’d let him say what he thought he had to. “I’m sorry… I’m so, so sorry… Y/N… I… I don’t know how you’re ever going to forgive me. And Geez, if you never do then I get it. I don’t deserve you to, but I…” he shook his head “I never stopped loving you. I didn’t. I don’t know if I hated you because of that, or… because what I’d caused to happen. I’m not worthy of your forgiveness either, but- I’m sorry… I just… I’m so sorry.” You did pull slightly away from him, eyes returning to a far more natural colour as you studied Ralph hard. There was a lot you had to say; certainly nothing that could be fixed with the words or kisses that spilled from his lips. Ralph Anderson would, in time, earn your trust back. But he’d never lose your love – and he knew that, somewhere in his heart he knew that. You sighed; “Don’t you think it’s a little too late for sorry?” You shook your head, but as you stilled, you smiled: “I forgive you...” “C-Can we go home? C-can we start over?” “Home?” You tilted your head, “You may take me back to Cherokee City. But as for your other request, I’d quite like to pick up where we left off, Ralph Anderson.” “I…I think I can do that.” “Wait- I have a request of my own.” You took those steps back into his body. “Yes?” “Kiss me, again?” You nearly got a laugh out of him, and you would take it, as his arms wound around you again and you felt his lips back on yours. Your relationship would have to heal, but would probably take a little less time to do so than your body would. There would be a lot of learning to be done; but you could both do it. You could both fix your mistakes. There was a light at the end of that tunnel and you could walk through this together. In all your lifetimes, every lover that had come and gone no matter how long or short, you’d known as soon as you met him that there would never be another Ralph Anderson. And you were right. But there was no one else’s hand you would rather be holding down this road. And you couldn’t wait to live the rest of his life with him.
I know this one is a big one but thank you SO much for reading it!🙊💕 It really does mean the world to me, and if you can give this series some love I’d really appreciate it, I do feel like this is some of my best writing...
You guys are so great! Thank you for sticking with me!
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headquarters90 · 4 years
Meetings (Warrior of the Crown 7)
Pairing: Darkiplier x French Goddess!Reader
Words: 1,354
Warnings: N/A
Series Masterlist
A/N: This one is a little shorter than the other ones but I got to a certain part and didn’t feel the need to continue from there so, yeah. Jade Darrow
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“So, cousin dear, why have you called upon us?” Jean-Louis spoke sarcastically and you glanced over at him before shifting on your feet. “Also, why is as…Ares here?”
“Y/N?” Bellatrix raised an eyebrow at you and you lifted your eyes to her. “What’s going on?”
“Hypatia showed up last night,” you started, ruffling your hair, “and Ares was under her control so he’ll need a necklace too, which is why he’s here.”
“But that’s not all, is it?” Hades spoke and you shook your head. “What else, sweetheart?”
“I think we may have mistaken who we thought the Warriors of the Past were referring too,” you answered, your eyes shifted towards the entities in question.
Dark had an annoyed look across his face as he stood there, his arms crossed as he watched you.
Anti looked uncomfortable standing next to Dark, glancing between him and you.
“What do you mean?” Iris questioned as Bellatrix furrowed her eyebrows at the statement and Angel looked towards the entities.
“When I fainted that time during training, the Warriors of the Past spoke to me and told me that I had a possible lover closer to age and training beside me, someone I least expected,” you explained. “We thought it was Dark because of that other training incident.”
“If it wasn’t Dark, who?” Emma tilted her head at you and you shifted on your feet as you looked towards her.
“We discovered last night when Hypatia had Ares attacked me. I was still weak at the time so my reflexes were slow and…Anti pulled me away in time,” you answered.
“And you keep ignoring anything dealing with feelings for Dark,” Juliette snorted and you gave your cousin a dull look. “Y/N, if Dark wasn’t the one they were referring too, that means you fell in love with him.” She raised an eyebrow at you as you stared at her, ignoring the snort that came from Sébastian.
“We’re not discussing this.”
“Actually, we are,” Makaria pointed out and you gave her a dull look. “It’s the reason you called us here, actually.”
“She’s not wrong,” Jackie shrugged.
“It’s obvious who you’d choose if you had too,” Isabelle butted in and you let out a sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“I’m going to continue studying,” you muttered, turning to walk towards the dining room before you were narrowing your eyes at Apollo who had a grin on his face. “Don’t.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t say anything.”
“You thought it.”
“So, maybe I did. Hello, Dark.”
You glanced behind you at the glowering entity before raising an eyebrow at Apollo who fell into step with you.
“So, what are we studying today?”
“You’re a pain.”
Apollo grinned at that, his eyes moving to the table filled with books before they returned to you, raising an eyebrow.
“Avoiding the library again? Makes sense. My brother is here. Let’s pray Aphrodite doesn’t show or we’ll have more trouble,” he voiced and you rolled your eyes, watching as Dark resumed his spot from earlier.
“Aphrodite showing is the least of my concerns,” you said, moving towards the table. “You’re a distraction so your help isn’t needed.”
“Oh, I’m the distraction?” Apollo raised his eyebrows in the direction of Dark and a scowl found your lips.
“Yes, because all you do is talk,” Dark deadpanned, his eyes glancing up at him.
“And yet, it’s ironic when it’s you she’s in love with.”
“Apollo,” you scowled and a smirk came across Apollo’s lips as he returned his gaze on you.
“Just proving my point, sweetheart.”
“Flirting with a brother’s ex, are we now, Apollo?”
You flew your hands up before they rested on your temple, pressing down ever-so-slightly, closing your eyes.
You regretted closing your eyes, however. Your senses, trained to pick up the littlest of noises in case you lost your sight, had the bickering between Apollo and Ares louder than what it was and it was worsen your headache – why were you getting those so often all of a sudden? From the use of the abilities maybe?
Hearing his deep voice, your eyes opened, looking towards him as he gestured you over to him. Allowing your feet to move, you soon found yourself close to him.
“Don’t touch but look.”
Eyes falling where he was pointing on the page, your eyes soon glided over the sentence, furrowing your eyebrows.
“An Ijiraq was one of the hardest to turn to the darkness? I can see why a Djinn might but an Ijiraq?” You voiced, your eyes lifting to Dark’s. “Ijirait are shapeshifters that would kidnap children, hide them, and abandon them. Djinns can be responsible for misfortune, possession, and diseases but they can also be supportive and benevolent sometimes.”
“You are well versed,” Dark commented and you gave him a dull look before it fell at the slight tug on his lips.
“I need to have Auntie try to get a hold of the Inuit’s Gods, see if they know of a Seraphina,” you spoke, leaning over the table to look at the book. “Sébastian.”
“I’m being graced with the mission?” Sébastian raised an eyebrow and you lifted your eyes to him. “Right, one of two that you trust to deliver so and one can barely leave your palace.”
“He’s allowed to do as he pleases. He chosen not to.”
“Who would choose to leave you?” He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes. “I shall be back with news?”
“You know, prince-”
“Don’t even finish that sentence,” you chirped in, shifting through paperwork. “You no longer can call me that.”
“Still upset about-”
“Must I remind you, I broke up with you, Ares.” Lifting your eyes, you met his blue ones, watching annoyance flash through them. “Please, leave me to work. Unlike some people, I have a city to maintain on top of everything else I do. I don’t have time for your chitchat.”
“Always hated you in this attire.”
You waved him off, your eyes dropping to your tablet of a reminder of a meeting with someone in a few minutes. Standing, you made your way out the door, stopping at a chest coming into view before lifting your eyes to meet Dark’s.
“Are you needing something? I have a meeting to get to.”
“Business meeting?” Dark raised an eyebrow at you and you let out a soft sigh.
“I don’t know. Excuse me.”
“I’m curious to see how you work.”
Your eyes glanced back at him, noticing he was following you, and scrunched up your nose before entering the throne room.
“What are you doing here?” Dark deadpanned and you lifted your head, meeting green eyes that held a wicked glint.
“I can come and goes as I please. I am one of her best friends after all,” Ivy replied with a wicked smirk. “Anyways, Flinn has business to speak to you about, Y/N.”
Raising your eyes to the King of Sins, you watched as respect flash through his eyes before nodding his head with a smirk.
“Nice to officially meet you, Y/N. I can see why the Source choose you as the Warrior of the Crown,” Flinn commented, his eyes flirting over to Dark, and a hum left his lips. “The Source works wonders, didn’t it?”
“What are you wishing to speak to me about?” You questioned as his eyes turned to yours.
“They could be stronger than what we think,” he started, “As you know, I speak to the Source directly and I was to keep an eye on them but they’ve stayed under the radar until now. There’s a chance they’ve been training for this moment. A good chance since it was only recently that the Warriors were where they needed to be.”
“There’s also a good chance she’ll be trying to get her husband back.”
“No, Y/N,” Flinn spoke and you lifted your eyes to his, watching as he took a deep breath. “She’s wanting revenge.”
“And we’ll be ready.”
“She wants to take away your lovers, Y/N. She plans on putting you at risk of turning to the darkness.”
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mythologyfolklore · 4 years
Trusting the enemy - Pt. 04
Sigyn – Devotion
(A/N: Set right before Ragnarök.)
In the beginning she hated him.
It was easy.
She knew at first sight, that he was a foxy jerk, with that stupid effeminate and freckled face, the stupid bright green eyes, the stupid gaudy red hair and especially that stupid, insufferable smirk, that made her want to bash his face in.
She still can't believe, that her father made her marry this man!
And to add insult to injury, he called her tiny! She isn't tiny! Just … vertically challenged.
She hated him and he hated her. Simple as that.
But when she found out, that he already had a family and children … maybe she hated him just a little less. Of course he would wish to be with them, rather than with an arranged wife, with whom he fought every day.
Sigyn knows, that she can be a colossal bitch, but she is understanding and she loves children.
In retrospect she knows, that this is what won him over.
When she met Loki's not-so-little ones, she adored them, still does, like they're her own.
Sigyn finds it really sad, that so much shit needed to happen for her and her husband to grow together.
When the triplets were taken away, it broke the trickster's heart and she remembers, how he cried every night … and how she hated it.
She still doesn't know what exactly happened, but something clicked in her head.
Something, that prompted her to go and travel all nine worlds, just to find them and ask them for a token. And that she got: a curl from a queen, a fang from the wolf of wolves, a scale from the world-encompassing serpent.
Loki has never said thank you, nor has he ever told her, that he loves her.
But she knows, knew from the very moment he first kissed her.
And when they finally had children together, she finally realised, that they were meant to be – and that she would follow him to the end of all worlds and back.
Sigyn is nothing, if not loyal.
All nine worlds know this.
Even when she hated Loki, she took her wedding vow seriously.
She has sworn to be his faithful companion in joy and grief, for better or worse, to share happiness and grief, to easy his suffering and to be true, no matter what.
Loki is a pathological liar and the biggest slut she has ever met and now he is also a murderer and a traitor. Of course she would never condone, what he has done. She would never attempt to excuse or even defend his actions.
But she will also never desert him. He is all she has left now, really.
This wily shapeshifter, who slowly but surely has won her love and devotion.
She will be by his side until the end, even if it means wasting her life away.
Breaking her word is not an option.
Defeat is not an option.
She, Sigyn, Bringer of Victory, daughter of the Father of the Slain, goddess of fidelity and constancy will be her husband's protector as long as she lives.
For she is Loki's wife and she holds a basin over his head, because this blasted snake up there is not allowed to cause him unbearable agony, not on her watch!
He may be a foxy jerk, but he is her foxy jerk.
Loki has never told his wife, that he loves her.
He doesn't know why.
But love her he does, has loved her from the very moment she accepted his children with Angrboða as her own. Seriously, it was comical; she was cuddling the Niflheim out of the triplets and fawning over how cute they were – and he blushed. And that after centuries of loathing each other and leading a marriage neither of them had wanted.
And when she gifted him what to this day is his most priced possession, he fell for her completely.
Loki doesn't know, what he has done to earn Sigyn's unwavering loyalty, but he has it.
He never says I love you, but he has a way with gestures and words.
When he calls her a diamond and she asks why, he laughs and tells her, that she is just like one – precious, beautiful and the toughest natural substance there is. And she chortles and tells him to quit being sappy.
It sucks, that it has taken him centuries to realise it, but she is the best thing that ever happened to him. If he wasn't currently chained to three rocks with the entrails of their son, he would even say that he's very, very lucky.
Wait, scratch that.
He actually is very, very lucky.
Because even after all he has done, she is still by his side, easing his suffering significantly and keeping him from losing his mind completely. Even now, that he is a murderer and traitor, even as he's chained to three rocks with the entrails of their own child.
She has been offered to stay in Asgard and live a halfway ordinary life as a de-facto divorcee … and refused. She chose to stay with him, even though they both knew that it would mean wasting her life away, even though she has every reason to hate him.
He doesn't deserve her, he knows.
And she knows it too.
She knows him.
Always has.
Sigyn is not a Pollyanna, not someone to see things through rose-tinted glasses.
She is realistic and intelligent, impossible to fool or deceive and she has seen him for what he is right from the start. His sparkling wit, his silver tongue and charm never worked on her. No wonder she hated him at first – and to be fair, he made it pretty easy for her too; Loki remembers how he never was home (because she was too shrewish to handle), how he had more lovers than he has freckles on his face … and how he always lied.
Sigyn's attitude hasn't changed much since, just because she's fallen in love with him.
But love him she does and he hasn't the faintest idea why. It makes literally no sense.
But he is grateful for it, even though he never says so.
This petite, starry-haired goddess, small but strong, volatile but kind, quick to chide him but never untrue, never breaking her word in all the millennia they have been married.
Dear, poor Sigyn, so full of sorrow, who unlike him has no more tears to shed.
His long-suffering wife, who has watched her own children die most cruelly by the hands of the Æsir and gets reminded of it every time she looks at the chains binding her husband.
Loki is rarely moved by someone else's suffering, but his family is the exception.
Often he has asked her, why she is still here.
Her answer is always the same: “Because I love you, because you need me and because we only have each other left.”
She really is all he has left.
And he trusts her.
His trust in her is as unwavering as her loyalty to him.
So what if she still calls him a foxy jerk.
He is hers.
“Hey Sigyn.”
“Wanna hear something funny?”
She rolls her eyes, but humours him. “I'm all ears.”
“I don't think I'll be able to shake my chains off, when Ragnarök comes.”
“How is that funny?”
“I hope my little ones come to pay me a visit, when Fenrir gets out of Gleipnir.”
“I still don't see, how-”
“Remember how they called you 'Sigyn of the Starry Hair'?”
She smiles fondly; of course she remembers. And how Jörmungandr liked to snake around her body and rest his serpentine head in her curly black and star-spangled hair, hissing about how soft it was.
“And you, Loki? Remember how they took human shapes that one time, for your birthday? And Fenrir another time, for Týr?”
He giggles: “They were so adorable!”
That they were, she agrees.
The goddess of loyalty wonders what the Midgard Serpent looks like now, if he takes human shape. He probably has a scar on his head, where her half-brother Þórr hit him with his hammer. And the Fenriswolf surely looks ferocious.
“And they loved you”, Loki whispers, “I'm sure they still do.”
The feeling is absolutely mutual; Sigyn doesn't care how enormous they are now.
“You're beautiful.”
Where the Niflheim did that come from???
“Shut it”, she mutters and blushes. Loki chuckles, but complies.
Sigyn isn't beautiful, at least not as beautiful as she once was.
Her black and starry hair has lost its lustre and is completely dishevelled, she has grown very pale and thin and she is ageing. And the rejuvenating apples they still have won't fix this, because those grey strands and lines on her face are the result of her sorrow. Probably she has dark rims under her eyes too.
She must look hideous.
Loki knows her train of thought. “You're still a diamond to me”, he consoles her. “You're just one in the rough now.”
She snorts, but gives him a fond look.
He grins, but it fades quickly and his head sinks back onto the rock.
He's so tired.
Just a century earlier, he got to take a nap, because of Óðinn's short visit, but that was a few hours of rest. Apart from that …
“It feels like I haven't slept in millennia”, he groans.
“I don't think you have”, Sigyn replies. “In fact I'm quite sure, that you haven't slept at all, since you … were imprisoned here. Apart from that one nap a hundred years ago.”
Loki looks up to her again. “You're tired too, my Sigyn. You can't convince me, that you have got any more sleep than I have.”
“You're right, I haven't”, she confirms.
And she isn't just exhausted.
She is dying, both of them know this.
Century after century of being in this dark cave, holding this big basin and scarcely eating, drinking, sleeping or even getting fresh air, her incredible strength is waning and her life energy is slipping away. At this point she is so weak, that it's inevitable.
The thought makes Loki's heart shatter. The only thing he can do is hope that he will be free, before this happens. Not just because he doesn't want the venom to drop on his face non-stop. If she has to pass on before him, at least she should die in his arms.
Sigyn knows, how her husband feels about the prospect of her dying before him.
But she has sworn to last as long as he needs her and Sigyn will be damned, if she ever fails to keep her word!
At this point, it's probably pure obstinacy, which keeps her alive, because like Niflheim will she be defeated by something as minor as death!
“Hey, Sigyn?”
“You're doing that thing again.”
“What thing?” She knows, what he means, but it's funny hearing him say it.
Loki grins: “That thing, where you think about how death can kiss your arse as long as I need you. I can tell by the way your jar clenches and the way you frown and glare.”
She giggles: “You know me so well.”
“And you know me, my better half”, he purrs.
Damn right I'm your better half, she thinks drily.
But he made her laugh and she is so grateful for that. Loki is so good at making her laugh, even now. It's one of the things she loves about him.
They sink back into silence for a while.
Then something unexpected happens and Sigyn is so surprised, that she nearly drops the basin. She manages not to, but decides to tell her husband of what just occurred.
“Guess what just happened.”
His head is directly below the basin, so he doesn't see what's above it.
“What is it, my wife?”
“The snake just bit the dust.”
The trickster's eyes widen. “No fucking way!”
“Yes fucking way. Give me a moment to empty the basin and then I'll see, if I can find something to open those fucking chains.”
“Try the teeth of the snake”, Loki advises.
“Will do”, Sigyn says and goes to empty the bowl.
When she comes back, she has a sharp rock and a few herbs.
“Alright, let's see, if this works”, she mutters and cuts the dead snake into pieces. Then she uses the leftover teeth and finds that, yes, they do cut through the chains.
The now free trickster tumbles from the rocks to the ground.
“Holy shit, am I free at last?”, he groans.
“Yep”, Sigyn nods. “It's finally fucking over.”
Loki would stand up and laugh triumphantly, but he is just so tired and everything hurts. However, they both really want to get out of this damn cave and so she helps him outside, carrying the bowl full of snake meat and herbs.
They both blink at the bright light, but manage to drag themselves to a nearby river, before slumping against a tree, both groaning from exhaustion.
The trickster leans against his wife's shoulder. “Darling?”
“I'm in no condition to start Ragnarök”, he admits.
She laughs: “Obviously. Come on. I'll cook us a nice snake soup and then you'll take a nap.”
He smiles. “Sounds good, my diamond.”
They have themselves the soup and then she lets him rest his head in her lap.
“Sleep”, she coos. “I'll be there, when you wake.”
He sighs and closes his eyes, knowing that she will indeed still be here, when he wakes up.
No one is truer than Sigyn.
“It takes courage and strength to make a man depend on you, but it almost always pays off.”
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whenimgoodandready · 6 years
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🎶Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon, You come and go, you come and go, Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams, Red
, gold, and green, red , gold , and green🎶 You know I just had to do it! Welcome to my new review posts for Season 3 of “Miraculous Ladybug”! That’s right! I’m adding in pictures for this season (FYI, I’m using the akumatized villains looks for ‘em, but in this case, you’ll know why I chose the end shot for this one). You like the new frames? I think they’re cuter. We continue with the dynamic duo as they try to thwart Hawk Moths plans in their formulaic plots with some new additions and twists and turns thrown here, there and everywhere! Let’s begin!
*Chameleon-We first open with Marinette running to school with a pastry in her mouth (a common anime thing) and it’s the new school year where everyone has new seating arrangements. It looks like Marinettes gonna sit next to Adrien from the looks of it, buuuuuuuuuuut that’s not the case as it was all done for “her”...................................Lila Rossi (“Psycho” theme music plays) She’s baaaaaack!.............in school that is after “coming back from Achu” :P. Well, Well, Well, look who’s finally coming back AFTER A WHOLE SEASON OF NEARLY BEING PUT IN THE SHADOWS!
Lila still has everyone (minus Marinette and Adrien) wrapped around her pretty little finger by faking disabilities just to have things her way and have others do things for her gaining their love. Marinette tried to call out Lila for all this only to be called out herself by everyone! “Superliar” over here had everyone turn against their school Darling Marinette to the scum of the Earth! Ouch.
Here, in this episode, we finally see Lila and Marinette interact face-to-face and we get Chloe 2.0! She becomes another rival and plans on stealing all of Marinettes friends and Adrien all to herself. (TBH, I really wanted Lila to act as a foil to Chloe with Chloe hating Marinette and loving Ladybug and Lila hating Ladybug and loving Marinette (like how Paulina and Valerie are with Danny Fenton/Phantom in “Danny Phantom”) IF Marinette tried to befriend Lila with her accepting and Marinette politely convincing her (and failing) to stop lying. Unfortunately, my wish didn’t come true again for this show :P). This angers Marinette to get an akuma sent on her, but she’s smart enough to resist by being positive. Strike 2 on Hawk Moth for failing to akumatize “the young lady with ponytails”, but then it goes to Lila when her attempts on Adrien fail as he knows her lies..............she grabs the thing!
This time, she becomes Chameleon and unlike the other akumatized villains, she doesn’t get a costume or anything and only shapeshiftes by kissing the thing she’ll transform into putting the original to sleep. I always imagined when I read the title of the episode she’d look like a lizard girl or something, but I guess Hawk Moth wanted another tricky villain. This was the first time ever someone saw an akuma coming and willingly took it! Don! Don! Don! Aurore, Ms. Bustier and Marinette saw it and freaked out trying to avoid it (with only Marinette spared), but Lila was all “My body is ready!” (Badum-tish!🥁). If what we’re seeing is correct, Lila will be frequently akumatized this season like how I theorized last season that didn’t happen. When Ladybug tries to make another truce with Lila she “accepts” only to continue her dark deeds. I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but just in case, let me say this again, Chloe easily forgave Ladybug in “Antibug” since she knows Ladybug is a good person and wouldn’t do anything wrong, but Lila doesn’t forgive Ladybug easily in “Volpina” as she doesn’t know her and her first impression of her calling her out on her lies made her think she’s nothing but a clingy aggressive jealous b****.
In the end, Lila’s bulls**t is still in effect and there’s nothing Marinette can do about it. Adrien is the only one on Marinettes side knowing the truth, but he doesn’t speak out on it like she does which I hated, but then I put it in pros and cons for the two of them:
Pro:Speaking out on injustice
Con:Backfiring on her
Pro:Preventing another akuma
Con:Being too aloof
Marinette is more of the activist that tries to do good, only to fail at times when it’s too big for her to accomplish, especially due to her impulsiveness when she doesn’t have anything straightened out to back her up whereas Adrien is fully aware of all the injustice and can’t speak out much on it due to his lack of social understanding, upbringing, fear of disappointing others and caustiousness of keeping things in check. He’s only looking out for his loved ones as he doesn’t want to lose another. The only thing they can do is stay positive and let Lila’s lies backfire on itself when the time comes. That reminds me of what a certain Blue Fairy
said, “A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose on your face”. Hopefully, everyone will know the truth and it’ll be satisfying to see :). The musical chairs act I found funny cuz Marinette was so close to sitting next to Adrien (she was right about the distraction), but at least there was some sort of karma that Lila deserved.
Hallelujah! We’re finally gonna get some more appearances by the compulsive liar we know is Lila! And a little something about her I should say. (Ahem) There’s been some debate over who’s worse, Chloe or Lila. A friend of mine mentioned this and how similar they are. However, we’re quick to judge that Lila is worse cuz of this episode, but let’s not be too hasty. Both Chloe and Lila lie and cheat to get their way and know what they’re doing is wrong, but don’t care. Here’s where it differs, Chloe is open with her meanness and doesn’t care about others in a friendship sense as she mistreats her only friend Sabrina and comes on too strong on Adrien wanting more than just friendship much to his discomfort. Lila, on the other hand, hides her meanness and wants friendship and does underhanded things to get the love and attention. You may also be thinking that just cuz Chloe’s slowly going through a redemption and becoming a superhero means she’ll eventually turn good, but it doesn’t excuse her past actions. If she really is gonna redeem herself, she needs to do it herself more often and not be embarrassed by it. Lila may have secretly gone to the dark side, but she never realizes she did wrong like how Chloe did in “Zombizou” and “Queen’s Battle”. We know why Chloe acts the way she does from her hinted backstory, but we know zip about Lila and why she does what she does. We still don’t know anything about her as she’s still new and alls we got is that she lies and hates Ladybug. We need to see how this season goes before we can judge her and Chloe more.
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ch 18 replies
Kay please I beg you, act like a normal human being for three- I can’t finish this I love her so much.
Kay: “He’s super cute” Klavier: “When did you see him?” Kay: “I stalk him with my Murder.” Sebastian: “Can you stop calling it that?” Kay: “My council.” Klavier: “Can you stop stalking him?” Kay: “No.”
Kay: “My homebirds”
Sebastian: “I am begging you to stop.”
Dammit now I want to write the inevitable conversation between Kay and Klavier about her doing this. Poor Klavier. Poor Apollo. 
It’s a bleak thought, that Phoenix might be expecting otherwise.
Gee, not to name names EDGEWORTH but I wonder why Phoenix is so worried.
Phoenix: -desperately tries not to get attached to people because he has a valid fear of losing them given all of the fae shit that surrounds him-
also Phoenix: -gesturing at Vera and Klavier- “I guess I’m their dad now I have no choice in this matter I have to do this”
HIM! I love that you have Larry greet Mia- oh my god I just had a thought about Larry and Mia, after she defends him Larry gives her that statue/clock and like holy shit that’s a lot of work and look just saying, to a Fae the statue probably has more value than money.
For Nick DAMN IT Phoenix who likes to eat, he’d prefer money.
Mia’s like “This debt is repaid in full” and Phoenix is like “WHAT no it’s not? I need money for rent?? Chief are you serious--” 
“Yeah,” Apollo says, “that’s kinda how I greet my best friend, so.”
Hey Roddy I’m going cry now.
I’m crying inside every damn time too, like I know I made a lot of jokes about Clay dying especially with the Bullshit Defense AU but I am. genuinely. fucked up about it in this one.
I’m so proud of him. Also super pleased we pulled him out of the dumpster and turned him into someone worth throwing in AUs.
WE CAN REBUILD HIM. And we have. I loved your idea about him getting to mentor Vera, and then it fit just as perfectly in this AU what with the angle of Misty also having been fae, so it’s just.....our boy is here! And we’re proud of him!
“Are you the friend whose mentor was one of the fae?” Apollo asks at the closest thing to a lull in the conversation; Trucy is laughing while Phoenix and Larry glare at each other in mock anger about a joke Apollo didn’t catch, off a discussion about shapeshifters.
Look I’ll tell you right now, it was another furry joke. It’s always furry jokes.
Anyway Apollo might have been scared a bit by Iris, but so far his “asking people things straight-out” hasn’t gone wrong. Like he knows Larry is human, what’s the worst that’ll happen? Blackquill will probably put the fear of god into him except as I write that, no, he won’t, because Apollo will just not ask him and instead go straight to Klavier to ask “hey what the fuck is up with this prosecutor” and while Klavier does try and stick to a stance of “not airing out people’s shit unless it’s super important”....it’s Apollo. He broke that rule of his for Apollo first thing by talking to him about Phoenix. Apollo is never going to learn his goddamn lesson about asking this sort of question. Phoenix and Klavier are both going to advise Apollo to make a deal with someone for the Sight because they figure that course of action is less risky than Apollo continuing to do as he does. Apollo’s gonna ask Ga’ran flat-out. Apollo doesn’t given a shit.
“That’s me,” Larry says. “Unless you’ve made other unfortunate artist friends while I’m not looking, and that’s unlikely, since the only friend you’ve made in the last seven years was a mortal enemy.”
“Look at you,” Phoenix says dryly. “You’ve learned how to use logic, even though I have made friends, thanks.”
sdkjfdklsfk ROAST HIM LARRY.
Phoenix is like “Excuse me, I’ve befriended Athena” “She’s your daughter’s age” and honestly he’s thinking about Lamiroir too, although she still is an “unfortunate artist friend” actually, just not the same type of artist.
I’m never getting over the concept of “Larry accidentally became a witch and never realized it”. like I’m just. That one is gonna be the funniest part of this entire damn AU isn’t it. Everything I write for it going forward, and I used the best joke in the trilogy material that’s just tangential to this story.
Larry is meeting with his agent – apparently he hasn’t been home in a while, has a lot to catch up on,
:3c been touring in Europe or something Larry?
:3c you know where he’s been.
You know having Mia call Apollo puts the fear of God into me. Didn’t help my cheerful music I was listening to ended right before this scene so uh yeah.
Mia manipulated your music to get the proper dramatic effect.
Trucy’s expression tells him that she has definitely had Eldoon’s this early in the morning at least once before.
You think he or anyone can stop Trucy?
“Like most magic, it depends.” Klavier’s eyes have a vacant, absent look, one that glamour can’t hide. “The scar on Kris’ hand, though – that was iron. I don’t suppose he ever forgave me for it.”
Klavier accidentally whacked his brother with iron and left a scar and honestly? That’s probably not the wildest shit that happened in the Gavin household, especially that first year after Klavier arrived back. Like. Listen. There’s Kristoph, who’s just had a world-shaking revelation about himself, and he’s also going “shit, can I use magic now? Can I learn magic?” and probably attempts some stupid shit that goes terribly, also let’s be real he probably put Klavier up to it with the iron thing, like Kristoph touches some himself and he’s like “okay, that just makes me feel sick, okay” and then a different time it leaves a little burn that fades in a day and then Klavier just whacks him and that’s how they both learn that none of this is fixed effects. Also while Kristoph is having his crisis, Klavier is like a goddamn....feral child, like not really but he’s still emotionally maladjusted and has no understanding of human social mores or human technology, plus his glamours, means that like, shit, the coffee maker made an unexpected noise and now we can’t find Klavier, because he probably ghosts away from anything that frightens him and it’s like when your hamster escapes its cage because you can’t find the damn thing except instead of a hamster it’s a 10-year-old child who’s still practically invisible and it’s like. it’s like trying to coax the hamster back out. Kristoph just. sets out a box of poptarts. ducks behind the couch. waits. It’s fucking remarkable that neither of them accidentally died in the fucking free-for-all of the adjustment period. 
Honestly now I’m realizing I need to include a scene where Klavier recounts some absolutely batshit childhood anecdote and he’s like “haha you know how it is growing up” and Apollo who’s remembering like 87 near-death experiences with Nahyuta is like “yep” and Phoenix is like “No?? No??? Are you two okay???”
It took me a minute to figure out that was Athena he’s on the line with.
I figure I should start including her a little bit before she actually arrives. Poor girl wants advice for taking the Bar and Phoenix is like “Yeah, I don’t know what to tell you, it was literally just luck that I passed I’m almost positive”
Oooh love how you describe his not quite invisibility.
A great chapter, good luck with your school work!
God your “murder” joke is so good I’m still just. Kay. Kay. I love Kay. I figured out how to get her into one of the next two chapters -- not sure how the three big events I have planned will fall in the next two chapters -- because I love her. Apollo is still not gonna learn she’s a shapeshifter from that, though, because that’s hilarious.
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Holy toast it has been literally over two years and I was so certain I’d posted these! But they’ve just been sitting in the back of my draftbox for some reason, presumably because I didn’t get them done in order. Now, I am like two years behind on Steven Universe episodes, but before I get all caught up and decide whether or not reactions and rewatches are something I want to post, here before you is a blast from the past! By which I mean, my thoughts while rewatching/reacting to a Stevenbomb from two years ago. The below text remains completely unaltered from how it has been sitting, complete, in my draftbox for two years.
Day Three of the Stevennuke!
This one has some fun stuff in it, doesn’t it though?
Week 1/Episode 3 of Summer of Steven (Wednesday, July 20)
Too Short to Ride
1) Okay it had to be pointed out to me, but Peridot’s consistent “Wow, thanks” as a reaction to being given gifts, after Steven told her that’s how human-gift-giving-rituals work, is so precious.
2) Okay, so who else is majorly sympathetic to Peridot here? Most of us internet-folk, suddenly losing all the technology and access to media (including any familiar written works) to which we’ve become accustomed, we’d be in pretty dubious shape.
3) Peridot with a Twitter, a Tumblr, a Youtube account. Oh dear. (Anyone else notice some of the other icons on that tablet of hers? Peridot with Tinder, that’s a recipe for I don’t even know what. Although, the interesting point was made that, although it’s possible those were apps preloaded onto the tablet, it could mean that Greg was looking into, what, dating services?)
4) “I really like this. But it’s a shame it doesn’t come attached to your body...” Peridot, makeshift-smartwatch user.
5) And, what the hell anime/cartoons has Peridot been watching, to do that, that, transformation-sequence-sound-effect thing when displaying her velcro tablet-holder?
6) Peridot having to take the time to parse the phrase “hang out” is interesting- like, it raises the whole ‘what language do gems even speak on Homeworld and is there translation weirdness or what’ question.
7) Okay, the arrangement of that Funland sign weirds me out. Like, it’s a big arch, but it seems like it was drawn flush with the wall/booths behind it? And Steven, Peridot, and Amethyst didn’t have to go under it to enter at all? I may have just missed prior examples of how it was drawn, but it’s just kinda weird.
8) Okay, but actually, with that height-restriction sign, Peridot isn’t actually that short. Like, it looked very much like Mr. Smiley sort of, patted her head a little too hard when compressing her hair, because it looked like she was not standing at her full height. I dunno, how that scene was drawn also kinda just bugs me.
9) What got Steven’s last lifetime ban revoked?
10) Mr. Smiley needs some hired help. Preferably sooner than later, because having someone that sleep deprived watching over most of the dangerous rides at Funland is pretty not good.
11) “I’m not falling for that one again.” Do you mean people have tried to use the excuse of Onion setting the roller coaster on fire before?
12) Still paying off the last lawsuit might actually be the reason for the understaffing, actually.
13) “I also do not steal Steven’s clothes when he’s not looking.” Uh-huh. Sure you don’t.
14) “Um, excuse me, but you’re wrong.” Peridot didn’t need much in the way of social graces in any sense that resembles Earth-Western-Human back with Homeworld, did she.
15) I really like how Amethyst hears Peridot’s bitter talk about shapeshifting and it being an insult to your intended form, and then just is like, bro. Tell me the truth, now, something is up with you. Because yeah, actually, the deflecting thing is something they do have in common.
16) Why did Steven try to shapeshift a cat finger if he knew it would freak him out?
17) Manual activation of shapeshifting powers. That’s one of those ideas that could seem good at first glance, but is, in fact, less good. Peridot’s intermittent deadpan “Ow”s support this.
18) I can see where Peridot’s talk about being an Era II Peridot, and therefore somehow less-than could get to Amethyst, given the whole “overcooked runt” thing.
19) And like, she made a good point, at least about the ‘We don’t care about you because of who you could be, we care about you as you are’ thing.
20) That all being said, there were a few problematic points about what she said- not least of which, a few that were a little hypocritical. Remember all the way back in mid-season-1, where Amethyst was all, I-only-feel-how-I-want-to-feel? The extension of that was that other people couldn’t dictate how she felt- even if she was modulating her feelings with potentially unhealthy behaviour. But here we have Amethyst (giving advice she would have given herself, true), trying to tell Peridot how to feel, about herself and the things she’s lost or the things she’s not. Trying to say that how Peridot is feeling right now is incorrect. It’s done with the best of intentions, but it is still rather not okay.
21) Correspondingly, as well as it did end up turning out, what with Peridot finding out about her metalbending powers, it was super not okay for Amethyst to be trying to take that tablet away from Peridot. Like, on several levels. Like, on a surface level, there’s the fact that the tablet was a gift. And gifts mean things to folks, and even if maybe the gift itself isn’t being super good for a person, the emotion maybe attached to it is important.
Secondly, the tablet is Peridot’s. If you respect a person at all, you need to respect their stuff, their right to have stuff. Peridot’s not a prisoner, and she’s not a child even if she can act like one. Heck, with Steven as a point of comparison, we wouldn’t even expect anyone to be policing his possessions at all. (And on that, note, even a child should have the right to their own stuff, a right to some personal boundaries). Peridot came into alliance with the Crystal Gems with nothing of her own. Her tech was demolished or dropped into the ocean, and that’s really all she demonstrably held as her own. Her tape recorder is gone now after the attempt to patch up with Lapis. But we saw the extent of what she considered hers and of value when she was trying to find a gift for Lapis. She has Camp Pining Heart DVD’s and whatever she’s made recently of the barn. That tablet is like, one familiar thing, and one of a very few things she even owns. It’s not okay to try and take that away.
Thirdly, it’s also not up to Amethyst to determine what Peridot does and does not need to cope with the new turns her life has taken. It’s not up to anybody but Peridot- it’s not up to anyone but themself to know what they do and do not need for their mental wellbeing. Maybe they ought to have help now and again, maybe advice, maybe some Serious Discussions. But trying to run someone’s life for them under the assumption that that’s what’s best is not a thing that ought to be a thing.
And last (although this one is perhaps slightly less of a concern, and also I feel like I’ve forgotten a point), Amethyst is stronger than Peridot, almost certainly. We’ve seen Peridot is less strong than Steven, and I feel like we’ve seen in the past Amethyst is as strong as or stronger than Steven. More than this, as someone who’s been a Crystal Gem for so much longer than Peridot, it’s entirely possible that in Peridot’s mind, Amethyst is still in some level of a position of power over her. Like, obviously at this point Peridot is well trusted, after that business with the Cluster and Yellow Diamond. But It’s quite likely that in Peridot’s mind there’s the lingering fear of ‘If I make Garnet or Amethyst or Pearl angry at me they might throw me out I may lose their trust I may lose their friendship’. Whether it’s warranted or not, it’s not an unlikely train of thought, and while honestly I wouldn’t expect it necessarily to occur to Amethyst, the physical strength thing, I wouldn’t expect her to not notice. Peridot couldn’t have won that tug-of-war for the tablet, not if Amethyst was really as intent on taking it as it seemed- Peridot either doesn’t have or doesn’t know how to access (as the episode tells us) any or all of traditional gem powers, such as shapeshifting, that might have equalized her lack of physical strength. Amethyst was, in essence, acting on someone who couldn’t fight back. That whole scene, honestly, has some undertones of bullying in it.
Like again, it ended well enough. Peridot has metal powers. She won herself that alien toy. (But notice also, that Amethyst stopped trying to toss the tablet when Peridot demonstrated those new powers. If she really thought the tablet was that bad for her, then why did she stop? Or was that one moment of Peridot being happy with herself enough to convince Amethyst that it was all cool now? One way or another, I’m really not happen about Amethyst’s reasons regarding this. Even with the best intentions. And honestly, I get the impression that some of that was Amethyst losing her temper, more than anything else.) But still, there were some things. And I hope they’re at least a little addressed at some point- at the very least, as an extension of the question of Peridot’s limb enhancers and how Amethyst ‘lost’ them.
22) The shorty-squad thing at the end was pretty cool, though.
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ravenpie52 · 3 years
With Domicile’s Conclusion:
I’m writing a wrap-up of sorts here, explaining all the lore and background info for the series (and where it might go?) in a fully transparent manner. Don’t read this if you want to puzzle some of it out first after finishing the series. I’m posting the art assets I drew at the bottom too.
Prepare for a long one.
1. Series Lore
First off, the most important thing. Raven is not a true “Player.” I categorize Players as beings separate from mobs that sorta just, appear (though they all have their own backstories). They have a lot of power at their fingertips. They can manipulate the world drastically, travel between worlds, and set up worlds as “hubs” (servers) for others to gather in. The existence of a Player influences the world around them. Worlds are literally made for Players, and can barely exist without them. 
So what happens when a world lacks a Player? Well. Mob AI is fundamentally changed, for one. They do not aggro on beings that aren’t mobs unless provoked. Therefore, all hostile mobs ignore Raven’s existence because they are not recognized as anything worth paying attention to. Things also got messy and the world deferred a sort of “awakening” to those of the highest “power,” Evokers, in order to try and pick up the slack in a way. (Though the world doesn’t have thoughts, I’m just personifying it for ease of explanation.)
Evokers in Raven’s world have a higher “sense of self,” and in doing so took on a fraction of Player abilities (building/exploration/crafting skill and world manipulation). Many of them banded together into the Evoker Collective to try and figure out what’s going on with the world. There are legends of “Players” that all sapient mobs know, and yet....there is no trace of one...
Eventually, one such Evoker got the idea to try and MAKE a Player, or at least, create an entity that could try to fill the void. Enter our dear shapeshifter. Unfortunately, Raven either accidentally killed both their creator and work partner in their eldritchy infancy without realizing, or scared the two off for good. I’m leaving that for others to decide. Thankfully they started learning life lessons from passive mobs and ended up in a village in a form where they were mistaken for an actual Player and could learn about it.
Secondly, in a broken world, the connection between the dimensions is super fragile. This is why Raven didn’t get any dimension-related advancements. They don’t exist. All knowledge regarding the Nether and the mobs within was left vague or nonexistent and Evokers had to figure it out themselves. At most, villagers know of a far off place that is very warm and red. And they know of a hard, purple rock, that when made into an upright square...does something... Only Evokers actually ended up getting there.
When it comes to the End, that’s a complete mystery, though they did find a stronghold containing a portal. Unfortunately, they didn’t know enough about Endermen (named “Warpers” instead) to figure out the whole deal with the frame.
There is no Enderdragon. With no Player to defeat her, she does not exist, nor do her pillars, her crystals, or her egg. And with no dragon to defeat, there are no End Cities. The only thing that exists is the anchor point, the bedrock fountain.
IN COME CYAN AND GREEN: residents of The Liminal, the space between worlds and dimensions. You know that dirt screen you see whenever Minecraft is loading, showing an error message, looking through options, playing the credits, etc.? That’s a place. You can fully enter it only after hopping into the fountain the first time in a world. All those other times you’re kinda just a blip. 
It’s implied in my custom End Poem that it is possible to acclimate yourself to The Liminal better and eventually stay there without being pulled away. Furthermore, it is being said that Raven has the possibility to join the ranks of Cyan and Green since Raven’s also somewhat detached from the universe (due to being made from its own cracks). However, that will take, like, hundreds to thousands of years.
Cyan and Green gave Raven a boon after being impressed by their ability to be, well, a person. They gave them the knowledge and ability to world-hop, like Players, so Raven can now go to other worlds as well as servers and isn’t stuck in a broken one, hooray! All the other worlds they visit will be actually made for Non-mob Beings, so there’s proper mob aggro, regular dimension stuff, etc. There’s gonna be a violent few lessons Raven’s gonna have to learn fast. Good thing the other ability that Cyan and Green gave Raven was the ability to respawn in other worlds. Yep! Raven was unknowingly in hardcore mode this whole time and didn’t realize there was anything different!
Despite getting a slight power boost, Raven is still unable to shapeshift properly. They can only get forms slightly right. They worked really hard to maintain their zombie mimicry at this level of finesse (even if it isn’t perfect), so they’re unlikely to change shape unless it’s necessary or accidental. People are more receptive to Raven in this form, after all. This is my excuse for why Raven doesn’t shapeshift in-game at any time....there are no mods for this.
2. Out of Character Stuff
Here’s a previous OOC post I made regarding some of the filming stuff.
Domicile was always meant to be Raven’s backstory. It’s something I could point to when people might go: “What’s their story?” It was just for fun, but I put a lot of work into it, and it has felt very rewarding. For example, I’d been trying to figure out how to present the flashback of episode 6 and the custom End Poem for episode 7 for aaaages and getting those all settled has been great.
If you’re wondering why I have silent moments for montages in my videos and didn’t see the answer anywhere else, there were times where it just didn’t work out to use the webcam microphone I was borrowing, or said microphone messed up the audio (I’m FINALLY getting a replacement mic in a few weeks). At a certain point I decided it was a feature to have montages with only in-game sounds. Like, asmr or something.
None of the mods I installed changed generation. Everything that looks different from vanilla I made happen in creative mode. I made the mini-mansion in the roofed forest, the temple topper and stairs for the stronghold, fixed up Hometown to be nicer, and got rid of all the obsidian End pillars with creative mode punches. The pillars still stick out of the bottom of the island, I couldn’t be bothered to do that too. ( >3>)
One of my rules for the RP was to keep all knowledge in-universe. Raven had to only know things they could conceivably find out from villagers or their books. (And sometimes they just straight up forgot some of it.) After this, there’s gonna be a time skip where Raven learns a whole bunch of Minecraft basics from faceless Players. So in the future I won’t have to pay quite as much attention to what gets called its proper in-game name or not.
Also I had to hold back from singing any real life song lyrics to myself and I couldn’t give anything a name that alludes to our world. The orange tower is called Traffic Cone in my head but Raven can only call it a tower. That sort of thing I can be way more lenient with from now on.
I want to make future RP content with my character, but I have no friends who are fitting that particular niche to roleplay with me for a multiplayer series. I’m keeping an eye out for potential roleplay servers and such for outside of video RP. But at this point, I think that if I am to make a multiplayer video series, I’m gonna have to wait for someone to approach me with an offer. 
Though, I’m still gonna post art of the character here, no doubt.
By the way, since this is working as an archive of sorts, here’s the link for the written piece that started me on the track to making the series. I’m thinking of changing the canon time Raven spent wandering around the tundra thinking they were a mob to be a bit while longer than a day.
More stuff involving my Minesona can be found under the #Domicile tag, but later I’m just gonna tag all new stuff as just #minesona.
3. Art Assets
Here are the assets I made for the videos, excluding the blurry picture of the Evokers, that one’s kinda not worth much, lol. I’ve posted the first two elsewhere, but thought this would be a good archive.
The thumbnail:
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The title card:
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Raven falling from The Liminal, losing their form a bit after Green and Cyan’s influence and Raven’s emotional bewilderment:
(You can really tell that I loosely traced a reference photo of someone falling, lol. I have no shame, this pose rocks.)
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For fun, here’s the skin I use! I didn’t make it, but I’ve used it for years, so it’s me now. >:) 
Here’s the Skindex link.
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Once again, thank you all so much for anyone who watched the series. Every view means a lot to me. I’m so happy that people watched my stuff and liked it. Thanks for reading this! <3
0 notes
armorbirdpress · 6 years
Armor Bird Reviews: Deadpool 2
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If you'll excuse the cringeworthy wordplay to start us off, I've been dying harder than a mook at Wade Wilson's mercy to see the Deadpool sequel, and I finally got my wish last weekend. The first movie is as of now my favorite in the X-Men film canon, and this is coming from somebody who's seen most if not all of the movies over the years and really enjoyed both Days of Future Past and Apocalypse. However, Deadpool topped them both by quite a margin by not only rerailing the Merc with a Mouth, but also using quite a bit of self-deprecation among other humor to blow a mile-wide hole in the fourth wall. So, was Deadpool 2 able to outdo the first film in terms of quality and humor? The spoilerific answer is under the cut!
Deadpool 2 starts off... pretty badly, actually. There is definitely humor and a bit of a jab at the ending of Logan - the film literally opens with a music box shaped like the dead Wolverine, in fact - and we get to see the Merc turn himself to ludicrous gibs literally within minutes of the studio titles. Fine and dandy for an introductory sequence, right? But then we get to see why he blew himself up: someone shot Vanessa while he and his gang broke into Wade's apartment. That... that's not how I wanted to start us off. It was a disappointment to me especially since Vanessa actually gains powers in the comics and I'd have wanted to see that play out in a Deadpool sequel, rather than her getting fridged less than ten minutes in. For reasons I'll get to much later in this review, the impact actually wasn't as bad as Mako Mori getting fridged in Pacific Rim: Uprising - which was in its entirety a bitter disappointment for my taste; I seriously hope a third PR movie does get made after all that fixes what this one made such a huge mess of, but I digress. Having Vanessa's death solely be for the sake of Deadpool's development was an upset I worried would detract from the rest of the movie. I even saw it coming, actually - Wade's narration mentions that like other family movies, which he insists this film is an example of, it starts with "a vicious murder"... definitely not him, but with nobody else significant other than Vanessa and her bringing up an interest in having children early on, I just knew it would end badly for her. Again, I'll get back to her later, but her fate left a sour taste in my mouth and I seriously hoped what followed made up for it.
To my surprise - and to my surprise, to my pleasant surprise - Deadpool's quest to do something decent for once, while undermined a little by his love interest's demise, combined the standard dose of fourth-wall-breaking antics, that continent-wide streak of dark black comedy that only Deadpool could deliver, and an impressive degree of character development while still keeping Wade a demented, murderous flock-head who only endears us because of his deceptively sophisticated sense of humor. Even in-universe, a brief cameo by some of the other X-Men demonstrates that with the exception of Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and the newly introduced Yukio (who I would later find out also showed up in The Wolverine but in a different timeline and portrayed completely differently), nobody wants anything to do with him whenever he shows up at the mansion. And yet he still charmed us all in spite of all of that. I don't know how the heck he does it - perhaps it's his casual transition between talking with the characters and the audience, and vice versa, or maybe it's his self-deprecation and acknowledgement that he's a total a-hole, or maybe it's both at once. But he remains as quotable and memetic as ever in this movie while also learning valuable life lessons about caring for others, which makes him as strong a protagonist as the first time around while still making his character arc here more distinct and special.
By the same token, the film does a good job of making it seem like there's a main antagonist - the spotlight is put on Vanessa's murderer, Cable, that mutant-hating preacher who abused Russel/Firefist, Russel himself, and Juggernaut, in that order - but ultimately having the main conflict being Deadpool trying to do good for both the world and himself without vivisecting people the way he usually does. There's no major threat to Wade in this movie apart from his own inner struggles, including wanting to see Vanessa in the afterlife, wanting to protect Russel from Cable (who is himself slightly mistaken), and wanting to punish those who abused Russel while not inciting him to go down the dark path Cable was trying to prevent in the first place. Likewise, Russel himself wants vengeance against the preacher who tortured him, but if he kills him he'll start wanting to kill more people and cause the bad future that Cable didn't want, so it's down to Deadpool to get him to see sense. Deadpool's ever-present rival, Colossus, also comes to terms with the nobility of the Merc's intentions, and even gets to loosen up and try out his more vulgar approach to life for once. And even Cable himself, who seems like a villain in the second act of the movie, ultimately comes to understand that you don't have to kill people to prevent a dark future and acts accordingly to help Deadpool. The main theme of the movie is that reckless violence only begets reckless violence, and that breaking the cycle can be difficult - it takes a selfless act from Deadpool himself to do the trick in this case - but the act of caring for others, so complicated and yet so simple, is a more sustainable solution than selfishly acting on your own interests. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the world could learn from Wade's example if only it took the time to listen.
I've rambled long enough about this movie without getting into the supporting characters as well as the blatant (and bitingly subversive) attempt at making it an X-Force pilot. The marketing played up the characters recruited by Deadpool to rescue Russel to the point where some of the trailers even included scenes featuring them that weren't in the final film (and may have even been made specifically to throw off the public). With one exception, not one of them even survives long enough to participate in said rescue - Bedlam gets hit by a bus, Shatterstar is shredded by helicopter rotors, Zeitgeist goes feet-first into a woodchipper... Even Peter the memetic ordinary guy dies trying to help that last one, though he and the aforementioned exception are also the only members of the group to make it out in the long term. Only Domino, thanks to her luck power, manages to not only stick the landing but be an awesome character from that point forward. Now, I know that weaponized luck ability sounds Suvian, and if written badly it is. But if a line from Domino when the gang gets to the orphanage where Russel was kept is any indication, she used to live there as a kid - and who knows if she was tortured like Russel was. Exploring the problems of her ability, both in her troubled past and in the present day, could be an interesting avenue to explore in her future appearances. It also doesn't hurt that Deadpool actually throws shade at her luck ability for not being photogenic, even though the Disaster Dominoes she causes allow her to get to Russel with ease. Come to think of it, a further way of deconstructing her luck could be having her eventually become aware of the collateral damage it could cause to others, and try to rectify this oversight before she ends up getting lucky at the cost of someone else's life (Maybe she already has and hasn't realized it? I can't tell). Ultimately, Domino is my second favorite character in this movie aside from the Merc himself, and I hope to see more of her in future X-Men installments.
So, where will the third Deadpool movie go now that Vanessa is dead? Well... Towards the end of the movie, Cable used the one remaining charge of his time-travel device to retroactively save Deadpool, by using the same skee-ball token he'd taken from Wade earlier as a pocket protector for its owner (previously he'd taken a bullet shot by Cable himself to save Russel and demonstrate his hidden altruism). In a mid-credits stinger, Negasonic and Yukio fix the device... and give it to Wade by mistake. Whereupon the Merc proceeds to abuse its power to undo the deaths of Vanessa and Peter (along with two old shames of Ryan Reynolds' that I won't spoil even here), meaning that surprise, Vanessa escapes the fridge after all! I honestly should've seen this coming, but unlike with the Time Stone in Avengers: Infinity War, Cable's device never was played up as a means of setting right what had gone wrong in Deadpool's history, so the stinger was a bit of a curveball for me at least. Still, it was a massive relief in hindsight that Vanessa's death was undone, since that means she'll have more room for development in the third Deadpool movie. I'd still want to see her develop superpowers of her own (I think she had shapeshifting in the comics) and ultimately end up fighting alongside her fiancee, and in fact that could be the exact conflict of the third movie if I were to guess - his coaching her through her new life and the complications that both of them being superheroes (well, super-anti-hero in Wade's case) would bring to their relationship. Fridging her in this movie was a mistake, even if it was temporary, but unlike with poor Mako Mori, there is at least a very good chance that the upcoming third film could more than make up for it, and I really hope Vanessa gets a much bigger spotlight in said third film than in this one, because gosh darn it, she needs and deserves it. On a slightly unrelated note, I'm also hopeful that Yukio gets more screentime, especially considering her lovable personality and relationship with Negasonic (major props to the producers for the same-sex pairing representation!), and as with Vanessa, I hope she gets a bigger role and becomes more pivotal to whatever shenanigans Deadpool gets involved with next time he hits the big screen. 
As a re-railing of Wade's character, and as the first R-rated X-Men installment, the first Deadpool already did set a pretty high bar, especially since its production was super troubled and it was only after several shake-ups in 20th Century Fox as well as Reynolds supposedly leaking footage of the movie himself that it managed to see the light of day. So was Deadpool 2 a worthy successor? There were a few bumps in the road, sure, but they weren't as consequential as I feared they would, and it was otherwise a hilarious and awesome romp that matched the first film in terms of quality and, yes, even exceeded it, thanks in part to solid supporting characters (Cable and Domino especially) and a slightly less cookie-cutter plotline. It's not perfect by any means - but then again, I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as cinematic perfection, and nobody isn't allowed to gut movies they enjoy nor are they forbidden from providing their feedback on what could be done to make these movies better. All the same, the Deadpool series has thus far been a winner in my book, and I rest my case in the wake of Deadpool 2. I look forward to the future cinematic fourth-wall-obliterating adventures of the Merc with a Mouth... even if the rest of the X-Men probably wouldn't.
Grading Scheme:
96 - 100: A+
93 - 96: A
90 - 92.9: A-
87 - 89.9: B+
83 - 86.9: B
80 - 82.9: B-
77 - 79.9: C+
73 - 76.9: C
70 - 72.9: C-
67 - 69.9: D+
60 - 66.9: D
Below 60: E
Writing: 10
Characterization: 8
Pacing: 8
Creativity: 9
Consistency: 8
Cinematography: 10
World Building: 9
Music and Sound: 9
Effects: 8
Engagement: 10
Final Grade: 89 (B+)
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corystssides · 7 years
Bottled, Part 4
Words: 3919
Summary: Everyone has bad communication skills and no one is quite sure what’s going on.
Warnings: verbal fights, physical injuries, forcibly making someone sleep, I think that’s it but as always, lmk
Tags: @yep-another-fander, @softlogic, @literallylogic, @tssanderssidestrash, @diplomatic-arsonist, @saltequeen, @fallingineternity, @satisfied-sanders-sides, @vixenneko, @the-strange-universe-of-cake, @fangirlfiles1, @mira-jadeamethyst, @frustratedwaffle
Note: This was supposed to be the last chapter but it got surprisingly long and honestly I’m not even going to ballpark how many more chapters there will be because I will be wrong.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5  Part 6
Anxiety was trapped in a bottle, again, and this time, he was alone and ignored. Like a villain, of course. Patton and Logan had somehow ended up in a bottle right next to him, which he didn’t understand. Somehow, Logan appeared to know nothing about the bottles, and whether or not Patton knew anything was unclear. Apparently, the bottle counted as a “sudden change” for Patton and made him confused. It didn’t affect Anxiety that way though, so he wasn’t sure if he believed it or not.
They had talked to him for a couple minutes, using a marker that Logan had, but then ignored him in favor of talking to each other and trying to push the cork out of the bottle. It wasn’t working. What really sold Anxiety on the fact that Logan didn’t know what was going on was how intently he was trying to get out and how increasingly frustrated he was getting. If Logan had built the trap, he would have already gotten out by now. Especially considering how red his face was getting, Patton was either flirting or telling jokes, both of which had a tendency to irritate Logan.
So Logan didn’t know what was going on, Roman didn’t know what was going on, and Patton either didn’t know what was going on or he was stupid enough to get caught in his own trap. Personally, Anxiety was betting on the former. Doing that, however, meant that he was ruling out all of the other traits as the culprit. Which meant that, for some reason, Thomas had created these traps for the sole purpose of bottling up and possibly killing him and Patton. So now there was only one question: Had they been created subconsciously, or did Thomas actually intend to get rid of the emotional traits? Maybe he really did want to grow up and be a “real adult,” and had lied to all of them in that one video to throw them off while he created a way to get rid of his childish emotions once and for all.
Anxiety saw the glass starting to frost up again, and shooed that thought away. The first step was to stay calm and not negative until he could figure out a way out of the bottle. Roman’s sword had not stayed in the bottle, not that it would have done any good. Well, it might have, and this might be a completely different bottle, but Anxiety preferred to think that this was the same bottle he had been in with Roman. It was better than the thought of many bottle traps just lurking somewhere in the mindscape, waiting for him or Patton to overreact to something.
He looked back over to the other bottle. Nothing new had been written on the side, and Logan and Patton seemed to be arguing about something now. He thought he read the word “love” from Logan’s lips, and wondered if he had finally realized how much flirting Patton had been doing. Anxiety sighed. It was lonely, being in a bottle by himself and being ignored by the PTA squad. He thought of summoning Roman, just to have someone there, but decided against it. If all four of them were in the bottles, who was going to get them out? Even worse, what would happen to Thomas?
Anxiety suddenly realized that only one of them was outside of the bottle. Only one of them currently had any influence on what Thomas was thinking and feeling.
Roman was the only one influencing Thomas.
He was in Total Daydream Mode.
Oh God.
Total Daydream Mode was quickly becoming a total nightmare. Roman had been almost finished watching the memory of the last video when a siren screamed throughout the mindscape, alerting everyone that “DAYDREAM MODE IS NOW ACTIVATED! DAYDREAM MODE IS NOW ACTIVATED!” He had been confused at first. After all, he hadn’t activated Daydream Mode, and none of the others could activate Daydream Mode. Then he realized that meant only one thing. Somehow, all of the other traits had disappeared.
This meant that he was in charge of Thomas. At first, he tried to keep things running normally, trying to keep the conversation between Thomas and his acquaintance flowing while he summoned help. He brought Patton’s children, one of the substitute teachers from Logan’s school, a Nightmare or two from Anxiety’s realm.
Naturally, everything went to hell in a handbasket. There was no possibility of the figments taking the places of Patton, Logan, and Anxiety, and since Roman was the only trait there, he was the only trait influencing the figments. All of a sudden he had a nightmare of a substitute teacher terrorizing the children, who were trying to fight back Percy Jackson style. There was no dealing with this.
He banished the figments, and made Thomas excuse himself, saying “I suddenly feel really, really sick.” Driving home was an absolute terror without Logan and Patton’s influences. As soon as Thomas was inside and the door was locked, Roman snapped Daydream Mode straight into Dream Mode. Hopefully Thomas would forgive him later for using direct influence and making him pass out on the floor, but if not, that was another matter for another day.
“Anxiety!” he called through the mindscape. No response, not even a general location. “Patton! Logan!”
If they weren’t responding, they were going to be in trouble. Roman snapped, teleporting to his castle, and ran for the armory. He tried taking the usual route, only to find a wall instead of a turn. He turned around to go back the way he came, only to find another wall. The castle was shapeshifting before his very eyes, an unfortunate side effect of Dream Mode. He groaned in frustration. He didn’t have time for this.
He closed his eyes, visualized the doors to the armory, and started sprinting forward. A few seconds later, he crashed into something solid at full speed. He opened his eyes. The armory, good. He threw the doors open and dashed around, looking for his sword. He searched every nook and cranny, but the sword was nowhere to be found. He grabbed a flanged mace, some rope, and a shield, confused as to why his sword wasn’t in its proper place.
Then he remembered that he’d gotten it stuck in the bottle he and Anxiety had been trapped in. Wait a minute. The bottles! They couldn’t teleport out of the bottles, and presumably only Thomas could summon them out, since it was only Thomas’s summons that he’d heard while inside. And if Thomas was the only one who could summon them, then it was unlikely he could ping their general location if they were trapped inside the bottles. The other sides must have somehow all gotten trapped.
Roman grinned, an idea starting to form. He could summon the sword from anywhere, but he could also summon himself to the sword. Then, he would be in the location of the bottles, and hopefully, the other sides. He pictured the sword, more specifically the point of the blade, since he knew the point would be outside of the bottle. He willed himself to the blade.
And suddenly, he was there. He was in some sort of grayish place, with a dull concrete floor that stretched out into darkness. There was no ceiling above, at least not that he could see, only more darkness. His sword was a few feet away on the ground, surrounded by shattered glass. Roman carefully maneuvered over to it and picked it up. Since he was already holding a mace, he sheathed the sword.
Unsure of which way to go, since the others were obviously not here, he called out again. “Anxiety! Morality! Logic!”
He looked to his right, where the sound had come from. “Logic?” he called out.
Whatever that was sounded too heavy to be Logan’s footsteps, but if he was trapped in a bottle, then he could have knocked it over somehow in order to roll it. “Logic! I’m over here!” Roman called, picking his way through the glass towards the sound.
Creeeak. Thump. It was getting closer. As Roman walked, he saw other things get brighter and clearer, while it got darker around the glass behind him. Was he glowing? Perhaps this strange land was set up like a video game, where you could only see a few feet around the main character.
Creeeak. Thump. Roman saw something move, something too big to be Logan or a glass bottle.
Creeeak. Thump. It was some sort of large cube, tilting up on its side and then falling over in order to get closer to him. Seeing it made him uneasy. Was this what Logan was trapped in?
Creeeak. Thump. Now it was in the light. It was some sort of clear block, and it was empty on the inside. As it tilted, the glass on the side about to become the bottom shriveled away like magic, and the glass that had been on the bottom appeared in just the opposite way. Roman moved to the side. It swiveled toward him.
Creeeak. Thump. It was targeting him. It was some sort of trap. And it was not something he could fight.
He turned and fled. The trap sped up behind him. He saw the shattered glass and leapt over it. He looked back as the trap went over the glass. It picked up a lot of glass when it tilted to the next side, and the glass was now bouncing around inside of it. If Roman got caught inside the trap now, he would surely be cut to ribbons. He ran faster, passing bottles, steel traps, and what looked like very large dandelions. He was so intent on running that he didn’t even notice when the light ran out in front of him. He slammed right into a wall of darkness, almost bludgeoning himself with the mace. Instead, he put a worrying dent in his own shield. Gasping, he turned left and started running, now weaving behind bottles and jumping over steel traps and hoping he didn’t find any other of the blocks that would trap him. The wall curved, making him constantly turn left. The trap behind him kept having to stop and adjust. It also kept absorbing other traps, slowing it down. He was losing it.
Eventually, he could no longer hear the trap coming behind him. He leaned against the wall and put his shield hand over his mouth. He was desperately out of breath, but he had to be quiet. Noise was what had drawn the trap in the first place. He slowed his breath while doing his best to get oxygen back into his body. He listened carefully, but there was no sound of the trap coming.
Making sure there was nothing hazardous beneath him, Roman sat down, leaning against the wall. Already, he was exhausted. He had used up a lot of energy trying to keep Thomas alive in Daydream Mode, and then even more forcibly putting him into Dream Mode. Then of course, all the running he had done both in the palace and in this hell space didn’t help either. He couldn’t rest though. He’d let Anxiety and the others down enough already. This time, if he failed them, they might be trapped forever. And if he got caught in a trap, and all of them were trapped, what would happen to Thomas? Would the figments form into new versions of them in the absence of all of them? Would he die? Or would he become merely a shell, lacking all of his core traits? Roman wasn’t sure that Thomas could live without the other three. Without Logic, how would he learn, or repeat something that he’d already learned, or figure new things out? He could hurt himself or die so easily without Logan’s influence. Without Morality, how would he keep his friends, or stay on the right side of the law? If Patton wasn’t there, nothing could stop him from acting immoral, and who knows how far that might go? Treason? Arson? Murder? Even Anxiety was important to helping Thomas. Anxiety kept Thomas from being reckless, and he reminded Thomas of due dates and keeping in touch with friends. Without Anxiety, who knows what kind of trouble Thomas would get get into? They could feasibly get along without Roman, but the other three were essential, and he had to save them.
Ignoring his tiredness, he got back up. It seemed that everything in here was a trap, so he wouldn’t be able to defend himself. He set the shield down against the wall behind him. No sense in carrying the extra weight. He kept the mace, though, because the sword had already been shown to not help with bottles. Hopefully the mace would be able to shatter the bottle walls. He also kept the rope, because rope was almost always useful in adventures.
Very quietly, he started to walk through the gray. He tiptoed away from the wall and through the bottles, peering through each one to make sure his comrades were not inside. He did this for what seemed like hours, with nothing to show for it. He passed the trap that had pursued him at least twice. It was full to bursting with shattered glass, steel, and dandelion fuzz. There were other block traps that he passed, too. He held his breath and his sword as he passed them, trying to be as silent as the grave.
At what Roman assumed to be the center of this grey place was a spiral staircase. When he finally exhausted his other options, having searched each and every bottle, he decided to ascend. Normally, he wasn’t afraid of stairs. Why would he be? However, this staircase had no safety railing, and the stairs looked worryingly thin and flimsy, connected to nothing but the pole in the middle. Plus, everything else in the grayspace had been a trap. Who knew what harm the staircase would bring.
Still, he had to save the others. He stepped onto the first step. It gave a loud squeeeeak! From somewhere in the distance, he heard an answering creeeak! No turning back now. Roman started hurrying up the steps as fast as he dared. The floor faded into darkness. He could still see nothing above him but darkness. The only things that seemed to exist were him and the stairs.
Suddenly, his foot was met with nothing. He fell, upper body slamming onto higher stairs and lower body dangling above the darkness. Panicked, he gripped tightly to a higher stair with his free hand, then let go of the mace to grip with his other hand. The mace, tilted on the edge between two steps, rolled a bit and fell into the darkness. Roman swore. Then, before his exhaustion could take over, he pulled himself up onto the stable steps. All he could do was lay there, gasping, fear making it impossible to even let go of the steps. He looked down at where he’d fallen through. It looked like there was a stair there, but his left foot went right through the illusion when he kicked at it. He wondered if he should summon the mace to him, but already knew he didn’t have the energy. He wasn’t sure he had the energy to continue however far it was up the steps, if the steps even had an end to them.
Realizing how close he was to passing out, Roman decided that the only thing he could do was rest. He didn’t want to chance falling asleep and rolling off the edge of the stairs like his mace had, though, so he took his rope, tied it to the pole in the middle about four stairs up, and then tied the rope around his waist. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, with the excess rope he also tied knots above the third and second stair up, the loops resting securely on the peg that held the stair in place. He tied another knot around his waist, and then looped the rest of the rope around him. Curled around the middle pole and securely strapped in, he let himself doze.
“How long have we been in here?” Patton asked, bored, uncomfortable, and fidgety.
“I don’t know,” Logan said. “My watch has stopped working. Do you remember anything else?”
“I don’t think so,” Patton said.
After trying and failing to open the bottle, and trying and failing to convince Patton of the very obvious signs that Anxiety and Roman were secretly dating, Logan had decided to write down everything they’d learned so far about the bottles and interrogate Patton to try and jog his memory. He had originally wanted to get Anxiety’s input on this as well, but Anxiety seemed to be ignoring them in favor of doodling on his arm with the sharpie. Because of that, all Logan had were his own observations and Patton’s faulty memory.
So far, this was all they had, and most of it raised more questions than answers. Why did the frost happen in the first place, and why were they unable to recreate it? Why was he here if it was for emotion-based traits only? Was it because he had touched Patton? That was something he didn’t understand, as he and Patton had made physical contact before, and nothing had happened before. Of course, this was before the shape-changing video where Patton had hugged Thomas. Had something gone wrong because of the two interacting? Would that make it so that Patton could never touch anyone again without this happening?
Then there were the last two points. Anxiety had accused Logan of inventing the bottles, and Patton said he hadn’t believed Logan when he said he didn’t. Was that why Anxiety had been so worried when Logan had come over? Why was Anxiety so afraid? And if that was the reason, why is he so calm now that he’s inside the bottle? Is it because he’s in Patton’s bottle? Logan didn’t see why that would make any difference. He also didn’t see why they were switched now, especially if they never had been before. Perhaps it was because he was here, too. Maybe, somehow Logan was the cause of the switch. He didn’t see how that worked either, but without further data, his own presence was the only new variable he could determine.
He looked away from his notes as he felt Patton flop across his thighs. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m uncomfortable, and you’re soft.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “I am not soft,” he said.
“You’re softer than anything else in here,” Patton replied, wriggling around to make himself more comfortable. “Including, I think, me. I think I’m bonier than you are.”
“That is improbable, considering that we are the same person.”
“But are we really? We’re shapeshifters, and while we all typically look like Thomas, how do you know that we really look like Thomas? How do you know that there aren’t some details that we missed? And since we are different, and we all stand on different sides of Thomas and we all see him differently, how do you know that we aren’t all slightly different?”
“That...is actually a good point,” Logan said. “I hadn’t thought of it that way before.”
There was silence for a moment as Logan pondered whether they really did look like Thomas. Then, realizing that he was getting off track, he wrote that idea on a different sheet of his notebook and turned back to the task at hand.
“Tell me a story, Lo,” Patton said, now kicking his feet in the air and doodling on the floor with the whiteboard marker.
“That is unconducive to figuring out how to get out of here.”
“I don’t know how to get out of here. I’m positive that I didn’t even know before I forgot everything.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t reason a way to get out of here.”
Patton rolled onto his side so that he could face Logan. “You’re going to reason your way out of an emotion bottle?”
“Yes!” Logan snapped. “There’s a logical explanation for everything, including this! If I can figure out how this works, then we can figure out how to get out of here!”
“Don’t snap at me, Logan!” Patton snapped back. “Just because your logic’s been faulty lately, doesn’t mean you have to get angry at me!”
“My logic hasn’t been faulty, you’re refusing to listen to facts!”
“You’re so absorbed with your ‘facts’ that you can’t even tell when people are lying!”
Logan was about to strike back with a correction on that when he noticed something that snapped him out of the argument. “The frost is spreading again,” he said.
“What?” Patton asked, confused by the sudden change in conversation. Then he looked around too, and sat up. Where he had been laying was now rippled and thicker than the rest of the bottle, and the area around it was frosted. There was frost about halfway up the bottle.
Logan moved too, and where he had been sitting was only frosted, not rippled, even at the spot where Patton had been laying on top of him. He rubbed at the distinct line between the ripples and the frost, noting the different textures. Then, he started making notes.
“What are you thinking?” Patton asked quietly, already ashamed of how he’d reacted.
“I’m thinking that you’re somehow causing the glass to warp, and I’m thinking it has something to do with your emotions.”
Anxiety had watched anxiously when the bottle containing Logan and Patton started frosting up. Worried that they wouldn’t know what to do and that Patton would freak out until the bottle crushed them and they died, Anxiety had started writing on his bottle, desperately hoping that they would look over. Negative emotions make glass thicker, bottle smaller. Think positive! he wrote, carefully avoiding touching the glass with his hands. They paid no mind to him. Knowing it was futile, but desperately wanting them to stay safe, Anxiety started pounding on the glass. “Patton! Logan!”
The glass started blistering, then spreading. It quickly covered the writing. “No!” Anxiety said, quickly stepping back away from the wall. He hoped they could still see it from the other side. Frost was starting to creep up from the bottom again, and Anxiety took a deep breath. He had to stay calm. He sat back on the floor, twirling the sharpie between his fingers. Between the frost and the rippling, there was only a thin strip of clear bottle on the side that the other bottle was on. He could barely see the others, much less communicate with them now. He resigned himself to being alone and trapped until someone else figured out how to break the bottles. He hoped Logan and Patton figured something out soon.
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ii-thiscat-ii · 7 years
And here’s something else I’ve written!
Trigger warnings for parasites. Certain other things too, like blood and surgery without anaesthetic, but mostly parasites. Beware.
(Oh, and for the second part, which you can read even if the trigger warnings scare you off, you might like to revisit the list of sheep in the flock.)
On Ao3
Dipper’s day began normally enough.
He had been bored out of his mind for the last… unreasonably large amount of time, and so had decided to try the whole human thing out for a bit again. It was going surprisingly well. He was pretty sure around half his neighbours believed him to be some kind of vampire or something, which was a very distinct improvement from the last time.
Right now, he was headed home after grocery shopping, which was a perfectly mundane activity, even if his shopping list was mostly sweets and soda. It was a bright, warm spring day. The sun shone, the birds were singing, and the first few bugs were starting to buzz around. One had even stung him earlier.
It was a small, subtle thing. If he had been anyone but himself, he probably would not even have noticed it, but he was and he did. For a fraction of a moment he even considered letting it live, as a tribute to the pure nerve it took to sting him of all people, but no. Stinging bugs did not deserve his mercy.
He was just rummaging around in his shopping bag, looking for a small chocolate bar, when he felt something weird. It was almost like itching, a small movement just below his skin. He scratched at it while still focusing mostly on finding his chocolate, and diverted a miniscule amount of power towards removing the irritation. It was almost as if he reacted to the sting, even if the thought of him having an allergic reaction to an insect was laughable.
His efforts to remove the irritation did nothing. He furrowed his brows and paid more attention to it, but still most of his focus was on trying to get his chocolate bar out of the bag without tipping the largest soda bottle out of it.
Then there was another sensation. The smallest on feather touches on his power reserves, so much deeper than any part of his physical body.
He jerked his hand back in violent surprise, throwing the bottle wide and paying it no mind. By the time he realized exactly what was going on, it was already too late.
The man they wheeled out of the ambulance looked terrible, arms twitching feebly and clothes splattered with blood. He looked like he was just coming out of teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. Still, when his eyes cleared, they were open and attentive despite the trickle of blood running from them. He looked like he was following the conversations going on around him easily enough, but Maggie had learned never to assume.
“Mister Pines?” she said, using the name that was written on the ID in his pocket. “Do you know where you are?”
His eyes turned to meet her, and she was sure that yes, he was completely lucid, if in pain. “Emergency room,” he said to confirm her question. “I collapsed on the street and started bleeding, and someone called an ambulance for me.”
She nodded. “Very good. Now, do you know what’s happening to you? Would you be able to tell us?”
He nodded, and she let out a quiet breath of relief. Patients with strange unknown ailments did not happen as often as the medical dramas implied, but they still happened, and they were never fun.
“Static worm,” he said. “I need it out.”
She reconsidered her relief.
She knew what a static worm was, of course. It was one of the many things anyone who worked with non-human medicine had to know, but were unlikely to ever encounter. They were increasing in number, but still counted as rare creatures.
They preyed on shapeshifters. Any kind of shapeshifters, from werewolves through selkies to those strange, bug-like, subterranean things. They found their prey through unknown means, and would proceed to lay eggs in them, which would almost immediately hatch into the larvae the species was named after. The larvae would then somehow freeze the shapeshifter’s shapeshifting ability, no matter how the ability worked, and feed on the magical powers involved until it was fully-grown and ready to release its offspring on the world, all of which was more or less traumatic and possibly fatal to the host.
They also never preyed on non-shapeshifters, like humans.
“Okay,” she said, jogging alongside the stretcher as they moved him along. “Then I’m going to have to ask you some questions. They are only for your own good and will not be made official in any way in case you’re worried about hiding. Exactly what kind of shapeshifter are you?”
“Nothing you’ve ever encountered before,” he said.
“Are you sure?” she asked. “The more we know, the more likely it is we can help you.”
“My kind is very rare and practically invulnerable. We-” He swallowed, probably trying to get the blood out of his mouth. She wondered how much of his lungs was actually filled with air. “We don’t show up in hospitals very often. I’m sure.”
She nodded. Okay, unknown preter. She knew the procedure for this. “Healing factor?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he said. “Damn good one, but this thing’s stopping it. Just get it out and I can fix the rest myself.”
“That’s very good,” she said. Then she called out to ready the damn surgery room already before she turned back to him. “Anaesthetics that work on you?”
“Only one,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut in pain. “But its side effects would… complicate things. A lot. We’ll have to do without.”
“What kind of side effects?” she asked.
“I’d get very high, try and probably succeed in running away, and if you did manage to help me despite that, I’d probably immediately kill you once my powers came back.” He looked her in the eye. “We’ll do without.”
“Yes,” she said. “It sounds like we should. Will you be okay?”
The way he scrunched up his face showed clearly enough that he was not looking forward to the experience, but he nodded. “I don’t experience pain like you do. I’ll be fine.”
They finally got him wheeled into surgery and onto the table. They started cutting off his clothes and he complained about losing his favourite shirt. One of the students joked that if he could complain about that, he was doing fine.
“I hope you don’t mind we’ve got students observing, do you?” Maggie said. “This is a perfect opportunity to see an unusual case.”
“As long as you get this thing out of me I don’t care what you do,” he said.
Maggie absently noted that without his clothes he was more obviously unusual, lacking certain features human males tended to have.
“Would you be able to tell us approximately where it is?” she asked.
He nodded again. “Inside the ribcage, cosied up under the right clavicle.” He dragged his hand over to indicate the spot. “Crawled through my lung a few minutes ago.”
Powerful shapeshifters tended to have unusually good internal sensory systems. She realized he probably felt that quite clearly, and she tried not to cringe. Working in Emergency for a long time would harden anyone, but certain things still got to her, and parasites were unusually horrible.
“I love powerful healing factors,” the surgeon muttered, cutting into the skin of his chest with little regard for if he would be fine later. Maggie quietly agreed. It made things much easier when they wouldn’t have to worry about killing anyone on the table as long as they succeeded in getting the worm out. Honestly, for being a critical case with an unknown species, the situation was almost ideal. At least the patient was awake, cooperative, and had some knowledge of his own anatomy.
“Your limbs seem a little weak,” she said, partially because it might be important, and partially because Pines seemed like he could use a distraction. “Is that something we need to worry about?”
“I kind of half-assed the body today,” he said. “Wasn’t doing anything strenuous, so I skipped on a lot of the detail and compensated with my abilities. Paying for that now. Should probably warn you I didn’t fix up any proper organs either.”
“Yes, I see,” the surgeon said, having just broken through his ribcage with almost disturbing ease. They had an odd look on their face, and they hesitated for a few seconds, looking down into his chest cavity, before they continued.
“Er, are those lungs?” one of the students asked, pointing at a couple of vaguely lung-shaped, muscled organs, one of which had a big hole in it and lay flat like a punctured balloon.
“The heart isn’t plugged into anything either,” the other one said, pointing at a lump about the size of a fist whose only apparent function was to make the sound of a heartbeat.
The rest of the chest cavity was filled with some sort of blackish red goop, which might explain where the blood came from, what with the heart not working.
“I did say I was half-assing it, didn’t I?” Pines said. “I needed enough to sound human and not much more.”
Maggie had to admit that having the patient sass at them during the operation was a bizarre experience, especially with his insides open to the world and also apparently torn up from within, while she could see his one working lung-substitute expand and contract as he talked despite his chest being depressurized.
Then she was distracted by the surgeon swearing like a sailor. They found the static worm.
“Holy fuck,” she said when she saw it.
She had never personally seen a static worm before, and she suspected neither had the surgeon, but they had both seen the pictures. They were white, shapeless worms with sharp spines sticking out of them, varying in size depending on the host. They should not get much bigger than her pinkie finger. This one was as thick around as her wrist, and almost as long as her forearm. It curled around his uppermost rib and had its spines deeply embedded in the bone.
It also moved, squirming away from their attention with vigour.
One of the students had to go excuse themselves.
“Just…grab it?” Maggie asked.
“Just grab it,” Pines growled. “Get it out, before it gets worse.”
The surgeon only hesitated for a moment before they grabbed at the thing, shoving their hand straight up under the ribs, but the worm squirmed away. It broke off several spines and slithered out of the surgeon’s grip, down through the lung it had already passed through, tearing the hole much bigger as it went.
“Fuck! Get it!” the surgeon exclaimed.
Maggie grabbed a scalpel and stabbed at it, to which it reacted by wiggling behind the spine. Pines growled loudly and suddenly, and there was a sharp sound of something cracking. It might have been one of his fingers where he clenched them against the table.
The surgeon dived for the worm and just got their hands on it before it could disappear through the diaphragm, whereupon Maggie stabbed it through the middle.
It violently tied itself into a knot a few times, spraying goop and blood everywhere, before it finally stilled.
The surgeon picked the worm up and put it in a tray.
“You missed a few pieces,” Pines said, and then they all watched as he stuck his hand into his own chest and pulled out the spikes stuck in his ribs.
He dropped the spines on the table and let his hand flop back down.
“If you don’t mind,” he said, “I’m going to pass out now.”
No one particularly felt like objecting.
They all took a few moments to gather themselves before they put their tools down and started looking for the needle and thread.
“Do we even need to stitch him back up?” one of the students asked. “He did say healing factor.”
“Yes he did,” Maggie said, and pointed to the edges of his wounds, which were slowly starting to knit themselves together. “He was probably right too, but we don’t know what he is, we don’t know what this thing’s done to him, his entire ribcage’s cut open, and he’s passed out on the operating table. We’ve all heard stories of people with broken legs who think they can walk it off. Never take a patient on their word that they’ll be fine unless you’re sure yourself, and this time we’re not.”
“We stitch him up,” the surgeon continued, “as best as we can, and then we keep him under observation until he either wakes up or we’re sure he’s stable, to make sure there are no complications. If he’s fine when he does, he can walk.”
With that, they started putting him back together. Or trying to. Maggie picked up a big piece of unidentifiable something that had been thrown around during their chase through his chest cavity, shared an awkward glance with the surgeon, and dropped it somewhere around where the lungs should be. He was still breathing, somehow, when they were done, so they assumed it could have been worse.
People on the street were staring. Of course people were staring, they were making a spectacle of themselves.
Lolonja sighed deeply and massaged her face with a hand, but said nothing. At least the hands were nice, if unusual. This whole situation was unusual.
The Master was unwell. That was the most unusual part of all. It happened, but very rarely and never for long. This thing that had infected him and tried to steal his power had left traces, and this time he needed time to recover.
She understood the instinct, to steal power. Anyone who had ever lived wild in the Mindscape would. Still, the mere concept that something so small could even dare to harm her Master made her angry. She was glad it was dead now. It deserved nothing better.
Most of her siblings seemed to agree.
The Master was unwell, but he was also recovering steadily, and at the moment he was staying in a human hospital. This was unusual, but also an opportunity, so Lolonja and several of her flockmates decided to go visit him, because that was what people did when their loved ones were hospitalized.
Unfortunately, the hospital did not admit animals. As a workaround, someone had the bright idea to disguise themselves as humans. Lolonja probably should have realized from the start how badly they would end up messing that up.
None of them looked human, that was for sure.
Groknar (the Destroyer) was a little over two and a half meters tall, had arms as wide around as an average child, skin as black as coal, dangerously sharp teeth and a set of ram’s horns on his head. Star (the Survivor) was about one forty, snow white skin with golden highlights in her hair, three fingers on each hand, a short tail and eyes that were bright blue from edge to edge.
No one else were much better. Lolonja admitted that the hooves she were walking on were not very human-like, but at least her eyes had pupils. Incandescence, who after an incident a few weeks after she joined the Flock would never again take a human-like form, walked beside the small group as a large, neon, rainbow-coloured poodle.
People were staring, and whispering. She swivelled an ear (also not human?) to listen. Everyone seemed to realize they were not human immediately, so that was a moot point. On the other hand, no one seemed to realize what exactly they were. Guesses circled around some kind of satyr subspecies, which was good enough.
Either way, the hospital came up in front of them, and they walked in.
They crowded around the front desk once it was clear, looming just a little over the receptionist, except for the couple of dreams, who could just barely look over the counter.
The receptionist’s eyes widened steadily as he looked between them, and he started smelling slightly of fear. “Can I help you?” he asked.
“We are intending to pay someone a visit,” said Devil’s Child, attempting to give a reassuring smile.
The receptionist flinched back at the sight of a mouthful of needle-sharp teeth. “Okay,” he said, swallowing. “Who?”
Devil’s Child seemed to realize that he was not being reassuring, so he licked his lips with a forked tongue and tried to hide his teeth a little more when he continued. “He is likely checked in under the name Tyrone Pines, after an urgent surgery. It would please us if you would tell us where to find him.”
The receptionist gave another nervous glance at the sharp quills sticking out of Devil’s Child’s hair before he started tapping away at his computer. After a few seconds of that, he looked back up at them. “So, er, you’re his… friends?”
“He is our Master,” said Baaasly.
Lolonja punched him in the side and hissed, “You don’t say that to a human!”
The receptionist paled, and she cringed before glaring back at Baaasly. Baaasly just looked confused.
“Why not?” he asked.
“Humans get twitchy about the ethics of person ownership,” she said. “They tend to react badly to that.”
“How come?” Thalia said, looking up through the bright pink curls that hung in front of her eyes (and grew down her spine and arms.) “It’s not like humans can even own each other. They don’t work like that.”
“One day,” Lolonja sighed, “I’ll have to sit you all down with a history book and teach you some things about humans.”
She glared for another second, (and punched Killer in the ribs for good measure, as she had mostly been snickering and not helping at all,) before she shook her head and caught the receptionist’s eyes. “It’s a… mutually beneficial arrangement,” she said. “Don’t worry. We’d just like to know where we can find him?”
“A- ah, yes,” the receptionist said. “I, uh, I have the room number here. Just, er, you’re not allowed to bring animals?” he gestured at Incandescence.
Incandescence sat back on her haunches and looked very petulant. “But I don’t want to wait outside,” she said.
“I… guess you’re not an animal, then.” He looked just a little shaken, but he did eventually give them the number and instructions as to how to get to the room, and they smiled their thanks and left.
The next obstacle they met was the elevator.
Killer read the sign saying how much weight it could take, took a quick headcount, and crossed her arms (and claws). “We’re not all going to fit,” she said.
The group exchanged looks.
“I… suppose we could split up…” Lolonja suggested, dubiously.
They exchanged a few more looks before everyone ended up looking at Star and Thalia, their two bright, small, breakable dreams that had insisted on coming along and should definitely not be left alone in any way for any amount of time, lest they may get hurt.
“Stairs,” Groknar said.
“Stairs,” Lolonja agreed.
They took the stairs.
They found the room just as a nurse was exiting it. She closed the door, preoccupied by her tablet, turned around, and stood face to face with the group of disguised sheep.
She opened her mouth and made a choked squeaking noise. Then she closed it again. “Sorry,” she said. “Didn’t see you there. Can I help you with anything?”
“We are just here to visit Mister Pines,” Lolonja said before anyone else could say anything.
The nurse swept her eyes over them and cringed a little. “There is a visitation limit of three people, I’m afraid,” she said. “Some of you are going to have to wait outside.”
They looked blankly at her, and she faltered.
“I… really don’t think there’s enough room for all of you,” she said.
“It will work,” Groknar said, crossing his arms.
She swallowed, and stepped away from the door so they could pass.
The room fit them all easily enough, though it did look as if it was a little bigger than it should be, almost as if someone had changed its dimensions from the inside. The Master looked up at them from the bed, a book open in his lap, and he had a look of utter amusement on his face.
“Did you guys walk here like this?” he asked.
Incandescence jumped straight onto his bed, tail wagging like an electric fan, and licked his mouth. He grinned and pulled away just enough to give her a hug and bury his face in her fur instead.
“We did!” she said. “We got some very funny looks and Lolonja was sighing all the time, are you okay?”
He laughed. “I’m perfectly alright. I just need to wait until the block on my power disappears on its own, since I can’t burn it out myself without taking half the city with me. I’m not actually in any trouble. I hope you didn’t worry.”
“Of course not,” Lolonja said. “We just wanted to visit and bring you some snacks.”
Then they crowded closer around him and handed him what they had brought of chocolate, cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and the jar of pickled eyeballs from his pantry in the Mindscape.
At some point as they sat there in what was basically a pile on his bed, another nurse came into the room, looked at them, and backed out slowly.
They barely noticed. Hospital visits were fun; they should do them more often.
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ladytrollfishes · 7 years
Heist Pt 2.
You try not to feel nervous as you stride on in. You’re Lady Marien Podoga and you’re a seadweller and you have absolutely nothing to fear. You’ve got your bodyguards George Dundee and Irishi Izhaca at your side, and you sure absolutely do not have anything to fear what so ever.
That doesn’t stop your skin from prickling at the stares and glances you get. You told Hadean once that this is the point where you usually have to run, but you’re not Daginy right now! You’re Marien.
Tomie and Vadaya step forward and open the double doors for you as you step in and watch as the secretary sits a little straighter and folds his fingers together on top of the desk. He’s teal, weedy looking, but you can’t see what he has under the desk. There could be anything there. There’s a few security officers, milling by the door behind you, casually chatting with each other as people come in and out of the office. They wear guns, one of them is olive, the other is cerulean. They’re wary of you, obviously, keeping their eyes on you as they chat. But you think it’s unlikely they’ll attack, so long as you can keep the disguise up.
“Um, ah yes, hello and welcome to-”
You cut him off with a wave. “I’m here to see Ms. Gastra Hilben,” you say softly. “And no, I don’t have an appointment.”
“Uh,” he says. “Let me see if she’s available she might not be in.”
“We can wait,” you say, and stand and watch as he picks up the phone on his desk and dials. You can practically see the sweat bead on his forehead. Poor dude.
“Ms. Hilben,” he says after a moment. “Are you available? There’s some here to see you.” A pause. “No- no appointment I- ah, of course-” he puts the phone to his chest and lean towards. “Name?” he asks.
“Lady Marien Podoga,” you say. It’s a fake ID you have set up, linked to a real world company that doesn’t update its website often enough to catch on to the fact you’ve added an extra profile to their board of directors. “I’m here as a client.”
“Lady Marien Podoga,” the secretary repeats into the phone. “She’s looking for business.”
A pause, as the secretary listens. Seadwellers aren’t a patient lot, you imagine, and you lay a careful hand on the table and clack your fingernails against it.
The secretary jumps- he’s only teal, as compared to your supposed caste, and you feel bad, but you can’t let it show on your face. You have to sell it.
“I uh, yes, Ms. Hilben, she’s right here next to me,” he says. “She’s uh, very distinguished.”
Another pause. You hold your breath.
“Please head on up,” he says with a nod, gesturing to the elevator behind him. “Her office is on the fifteenth floor and to your right.”
You give him the merest of nods and head over to the elevator. The secretary is pointedly not watching you as Vadaya hits the up button.
We’re head for the fifteenth floor, you think at Nanako.
Got it, lah, she says in return. Moving to a better position. All clear?
Clear, you reply.
The door slides open with soft chime.
You step into the elevator and as the door closes behind you, Tomie leans over to you.
“Great-” he starts and you cut him off with a sharp wave of your hand. You look back up at him, still in character and raise an eyebrow.
“What did I say about talking to me, George,” you say quietly. You’re willing to bet someone, if not Gastra, has bugged the elevators.
Tomie’s expression drops and he straightens back up and you chew on your inner lip to resist the urge to apologize. You chance a glance at Vadaya, who hasn’t so much as twitched. You can’t see his eyes even. He’s wearing sunglasses, to hide the light his eyes make when he uses his psi, and Tomie’s wearing them to match.
You take a deep breath. You’re not ruining things now.
The elevator slides onto the fifteenth floor and you step out. It’s a small but luxurious office, full of windows and elegantly placed sun shields. A stocky cobalt woman steps forward to greet you, extending a hand towards you.
“Hi, Lady Podoga,” she says, all charm. She’s strong, clearly, adding muscle to the blueblood strength. Getting this close to her was dangerous, if she caught on to what you were doing. “I’m Gastra Hilben.”
Vadaya steps forward and holds an arm out, blocking her from getting too close. She startled and looks up at him, but he stares over her head.
“Please, Irishi,” you say. “I’m sure she means me no harm.”
Vadaya takes a step backwards and you nod towards Gastra.
“You must excuse my bodyguard,” you say. “There have been several assassination attempts lately and he’s a tad paranoid. All the same, I would decline a handshake.”
The minute she touched you and felt how warm you are, the gig would be up.
“Oh well,” she says, taking a step back and standing up straight. “I’m very sorry to hear that.”
“You have an office where we can speak privately?” you ask.
“Of course,” she says and gestures behind you to a frosted glass door and leads the way. While her back is turned you glance around to see what security she has up. You spot three security cameras, a motion detector and two heat sensors.
She opens the door to her office and you step inside. She’s got a similar set up in here, a camera, heat sensors and motion detectors. You soak in every detail and feel out the light with your psi as you walk in and sit down, Vadaya and Tomie standing at your flanks.
“Please, what can I do for you?” she says.
“You are certain we will not be overheard?” You ask. “No one will be listening in?”
“Of course not,” she says. “We do bug sweeps regularly. Discretion is a business value, after all.”
“I see,” you say. “Then we have business to attend to.”
You snap your fingers and Vadaya steps forwards and puts the briefcase on the desk. You focus and when he opens it, and reveals a set of four gold coins set into a black fabric cushion.
You scrounged the fabric and had Vadaya construct something that would hold it and the coins in the briefcase.
“They date back to the fourth Empress’ reign,” you say. “Tokens for her court of Ladies. There are nine in total, and the collectors are chomping for the entire set.”
Gastra leans forward to examine the coins, eyes wide.
“You have nearly half the set,” she says.
“And I don’t intend to lose them,” you reply. “You may touch them, if you like.”
She reaches out with a finger and fascinated, strokes the gold coin. You see something purple pass under you and around the desk and fly behind her husktop. You gave Vadaya a thumb drive with a key stroke program to plant in her compute.
Gastra sits back, satisfied.
“Well you’ve come to the right place,” she says. “I have the most secure safe in the city. Your collection is safe with me.”
“I need this off the books,” you say. “There are those who are aware that these four are in my possession. I am prepared to pay for it.”
You snap your fingers again, and Tomie sets his briefcase on the desk and opens it. Inside is a load of counterfeit caegars. You hope Gastra checks before she takes them to the bank.
“The combined worth of these four coins is worth two million caegars,” you say. “This is four hundred thousand, in terms of your fee of ten percent, doubled for your discretion. Are these acceptable terms?”
You keep watch on Gastra, and she keeps her face professional, a polite smile on her face as she scans the contents of both brief cases.
“Of course,” she says. “I would give you my standard contract, but you prefer this off the books, you say?”
“Yes,” you say. “I will sign a contract but no electronic copies.”
Gastra reaches for the cases- greed getting the better of her, you think, and you raise a hand.
“But first-” you say, as Gastra reaches for the cases, and she hesitates. “I would like to see your facilities. I want to know how my property will be protected.”
She hesitates, then straightens with a smile. “Of course,” she says, “It is only fitting you store your own things anyway. Come with me.”
She stands again and you follow her across the office, taking care to note the security measures once more. You pass into what’s clearly another wing of the office because Gastra puts her palm against a small screen by the door and scans her eyes.
“Biometric scanners,” she says, as the lock clicks open. “Doubly reinforced steel.” She glances back at you as she holds the door open. “Even your average seadweller can’t punch through it. It’s been tested against a psi rating of 7.5 on the Gamden scale.”
As she passes through the hall way, she points up around the hall. “We have motion detectors, heat sensors, and cameras that will alert a team of highly trained guards we have on rotation 24/7 every day with no exceptions.”
You pass a security check point with two guards sitting behind a desk, who check Gastra’s ID.
“They check everyone who comes through here, including me,” she says. “Shapeshifters.”
“I hope two guards is enough to deal with whatever threat comes,” you reply quietly.
“There’s more,” she says with a wave. “They do regular patrols and they’re on rotation. I expect we’ll run into more on the way.”
You study their faces as you pass, so you’ll be able to replicate it later, and pass on a description to Nanako.
“Do you have plans in place to deal with any psionic threats?” you ask.
“We hire nullifiers on the guard,” she replies. “We rotate shifts so we have at least one on each round.”
That wasn’t good. At least one meant there was sometimes more than one. If you got nullified during a break in, Vadaya was pretty much the only one who could remain a combat threat. Tomie would probably be unable to break into the locks safely and you have no real way of knowing who the nullifier will be.
You arrive at the end of the hall where there’s an impressive safe door. You stop to look at it, but Gastra gestures you on. “We have three safes built into this floor, all separate from each other,” she says. “I intend to place your items in one that’s in a less obvious position.”
You pause, then nod, and follow her around the corner as you see two guards appear out of a door. A break room?
You try and get a good look, but it’s hard to grab all the details of their face in a glance. You can see more parts of the uniform though, and you can see their belt full of tools. It looks like the standard arsenal is a gun, taser, handcuffs. You suspect they have nullifiers in the pouches as well.
She arrives at a another safe door, identical to the last one. It’s closed shut with a wheel handle next to a key pad.
“Electronic locks can be hacked,” she says. “But you can’t hack a twelve cylinder mechanical cycle.”
She hides her the code with her body, but you count fourteen tiny beeps as she punches something in. She steps back to show you as a panel in the wheel slides aside to reveal a combination knob, which she hides again, as she unlocks it.
There’s a series of thuds as she turns the wheel, and pulls open the door. From beyond it, you see a small room lined with locked boxes, each with two keyholes. There’s a series of sensors in here too, up in the corners.
“Motion detectors in here too, as well as a seismic sensor. The door itself is triply reinforced,” she says. “And each lock box has two keys. One master key which is always on my person-” She pulls a key on a chain from around her neck to show you. You zero in on the key, memorizing the look of its bumps and ridges. “And a key for you.” And she pulls another one from her pocket and holds it out to you.
Tomie intercepts it with his free hand and looks back at you. You can tell he’s trying not to.. do something with his face. You’re not sure.
Gastra coughs into her hand and brushes her hand down the front of her suit. “Yes, excuse me,” she says. “Your box will B439.” They’re all labeled accordingly, and she inserts her key into one of the locks and gestures for Tomie to do so accordingly.
“On my count,” she says. “Three, two, one.”
And with a click, the box slides open, empty and waiting for your fake artifacts. Vadaya steps forward and places his case into it, and the drawer slides back closed. You hold your hand out for the key and Tomie drops it into your palm.
“I promise you, Lady Podoga,” Gastra says. “Your coins are in the safest place on planet.”
“Now let’s see about that contract,” you say.
“Of course,” she says, and leads you back to her office.
The contract she lays out for you is pretty standard. It’s about what you’ve seen on her website, with the promise to keep your valuables secured and a 100% guarantee upon loss of the item. You send the whole thing to Nanako to record it down.
She signs it with a flourish, then with a pin, pricks her own finger and presses a bloody finger print into the contract.
You sign it too, as Marine Podoga, and pull out your own knife pricking a finger and pressing your decidedly not really purple blood into the paper. Your illusions will cover that for you, up until she pulls it out again without you around.
She waves the contract in the air to dry it, then puts it away into a folder.
“Thank you for your business,” Gastra says, smiling, as Tomie slides his brief case over the table.
You’re out in ten minutes and you have to escape to an alley and hyperventilate for a while, as Vadaya stands guard out towards the street and Tomie flits nervously next to you.
“Kid, kid, you were great,” he says. “That was amazing, you were terrifying, don’t- no don’t worry about it, this job is going to go great, that safe’s got nothing on me, we’re going to do this job so well-”
You ask Nanako to send Herlyn and bury your face into your knees.
It takes less than a minute for both of them to arrive, Nanako immediately distracting Tomie and leading him away as Herlyn settles in close to you, draping your jacket across your shoulders as you lean on her.
“That was a lot, huh?” she whispers. You nod, pressing your fingers to your eyes and unclipping the hair extensions, and pulling your jacket closer to you. “I wish I coulda seen you work though, that must have been pretty damn cool.”
She hands you your eyepatch, now that you’re not using your psi to fake a pupil in your conformer, and you slide it back on, feeling a little bit more secure.
“Do you need a moment?” she asks, and you shake your head. You don’t have a moment. You need to pull it together, because you have a pretty short time frame on this job. You gesture everyone to gather around, but they’re distracted and you can’t find the voice for it.
“Hey, guys,” Herlyn says for you. “Gather ‘round.”
The imps step back closer to you, Nanako and Tomie chattering as Vadaya stands there, ready as ever to accept orders.
“Nanako,” you whisper, and make an illusion of the guards you saw. “Last one of these four you see walking out of this building, grab them. We need the ID and uniform, then have him get very lost. It’s gonna be a stake out.”
She straightens and gives you a salute, then steps back.
“Herlyn, you’ve got the transcript of the contract right?” you say, and she nods and produces the notepad. “Tomie, you saw it, make a copy of it, as close as you can get.”
He salutes.
You make an illusion of the master key. “Vadaya, can you construct this?” you ask. He frowns at the illusion for a moment, then forms a purple key in his hand. “Find a keysmith and make a permanent copy before either of us forgets what it looks like.”
“Take a picture! Then no one forgets, lah,” Nanako pipes up. You pause for a moment, then sink your head to your knees again.
It’s so obvious, you can’t believe you missed that.
“Okay, pictures,” you say, waving your hand in the air. “Leaves less of a trail anyway. Bring out the palmhusks, get a couple angles. Oh and get this too.” You do an illusion of the contract as well. Gastra’s signature on it will be important.
“Got it,” Tomie says.
“No worries no worries,” Nanako says. “Go get some rest now, yes? Cannot have you do everything, lah.”
You take a deep breath. You’re exhausted, and you’re going to have to try and pull this heist today.
“Stay in contact, okay Nanako?” you ask. “And Tomie, if you could, when you come back, could you uh, get me some coffee?”
It’s weird asking an adult blueblood to do a coffee run for you, but he just gives you a salute.
“Come on, let’s get you back to the room,” Herlyn says and holds up a hand to haul you to your feet. You take it, glance at the imps, and nod.
“Let’s go,” you say.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Meet Your Mysterious Defender: Who Is Boogiepop?
This article contains some spoilers for Boogiepop and Others. If you want to come in completely unspoiled, head over and start watching the show here on Crunchyroll first!
  What would you do if you got stood up by your significant other, only to find them later that day dressed like a goth superhero in the middle of town? You'd likely have questions... and, at least for one character who matches this description, we have answers. Well, we have some answers, anyway. Enough to approach (if not completely answer) the first question a new viewer is likely to have: who exactly is Boogiepop?
  The mysterious Boogiepop is back on our screens as part of Dengeki Bunko's 25th anniversary celebration. Who—and what—this entity is remains of great interest to the "Others" of Boogiepop and Others, but we'll try not to keep you in the dark. The truth is, though, that no one, not even Boogiepop, is entirely sure who they are. We can establish who Boogiepop isn't, though, despite sharing a body (and a voice actress): high school student Miyashita Touka.
    Touka is a fairly average student. She doesn't stand out for being exceptionally good or exceptionally bad. She has a boyfriend named Keiji, whom she's teased about because the school doesn't allow dating. She also has a strange habit of not showing up for things and taking random, vague sick days with little explanation after the fact. Coming from most people, excuses like Touka's would make it sound like you're being deliberately ditched. Then again, it's unlikely any of your friends is housing a world-protecting entity.
  When danger rears its head—in the form of an "enemy of the world"—Touka takes a back seat to Boogiepop. Dressed in a dark cape and tall hat, Boogiepop is calm, focused, and has no qualms about killing whoever or whatever is currently putting the world in danger. Considering the first story arc deals with shapeshifting Manticores invading Touka's school, the "weirdness" bar is set pretty high.
  Some adaptations of the Boogiepop and Others books have Boogiepop claiming to be Touka's alter ego or alternate personality. However, it would be more accurate to say that that's a way for humans to understand the idea simply, rather than considering it an actual medical diagnosis. Granted, a flashback in one of the light novels does have Touka visiting a psychiatrist since her parents believe this is exactly what's wrong with her—suffice to say, her screening does not go as anyone expected.
  So we know that Boogiepop has the ability to summon themselves at will, or can at least sense when they are needed. We know they're skilled enough to take on superhuman entities with little to no trouble. But that still leaves a lot of avenues open. Are they themselves another super-evolved entity, or something else entirely?
    If you ask the students of Shinyo Academy, Boogiepop is an urban legend, a shinigami with the appearance of a handsome boy who will lead girls to their death when they are at their most beautiful. Things get a little crazy when the subject of the urban legends actually begins making appearances, though—clearly either the students weren't planning on this, or someone severely misinterpreted a previous Boogiepop sighting.
  The idea of Boogiepop being a shinigami makes at least some degree of sense, since death is absolutely on the table whenever they're in town. If they are, though, they're a wildly specific one: their only targets are "enemies of the world" when they are at their most dangerous. Plus, what they do isn't so much leading these people to their deaths as... you know... killing them.
  The best cue we can take as to the identity of our strange, smirking protector is the name they gave themselves. It comes across as almost musical, but the reason behind it is more to do with how they came to be. When the world needs them, they "float to the surface" like bubbles. Their name is evocative of that movement: drifting up as needed, then back down again into the shadows. As for what Boogiepop knows of themselves? They know their mission is to destroy the enemies of the world; the rest, they either don't seem to know or aren't concerned with.
    Digging deeper into the source material, Touka may not even be the entity's only host. Boogiepop Dual shows the world's protector inhabiting a male student, watched over by the school nurse—herself a previous host to Boogiepop and well aware of their quirks. So no matter what happens to Touka, it seems this spirit will keep going.
  There's no true clear answer for what Boogiepop is exactly; even Boogiepop doesn't have that answer. The one thing they know about themselves is the only thing we really need to know: they're here to protect us. Maybe they're a shinigami. Maybe they're a second personality who just happens to be extremely skilled at bringing down baddies. Or maybe they're some bigger motivation given form. Whatever they are, the world of Boogiepop and Others is lucky to have them... especially considering the dangers that lie ahead.
  What are your theories on Boogiepop?
  Watch Boogiepop and Others on Crunchyroll
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