#at the rate they're going it's gonna be another year too
catnippackets · 2 years
waiting for your bangs to grow out is truly one of the most excruciating things. psychic damage every time you try to do your hair
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atimeofyourlife · 9 months
Time after time
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: uncle wayne adopts steve | rated: t | wc: 942 | cw: reference to abuse, reference of canon fake suicide | tags: steve harrington has bad parents, steve harrington needs a hug
The first time they met, Wayne knew the boy couldn't be much older than fourteen. Definitely younger than Eddie, who was fast approaching sixteen. It was early, a little before 6 am, during summer vacation, no less. Wayne had finished his shift and called into Benny's to get a coffee and breakfast, on the mornings he did this, he was almost always the first customer of the day. Occasionally beaten in by a cop, or a firefighter, or anyone else that had been stuck with a night shift. But he had never seen a kid in so early. Sat alone in the corner booth nursing a cup of coffee with an almost empty plate in front of him.
"Mornin' Wayne. The usual?" Benny asked.
"You know it. But, uh. What's with the kid?" Wayne replied, nodding toward the boy in the corner.
"Dick and Linda's kid. They're back in town, and he needs a safe place. So he comes here."
"Why don't you report it?" "You think I haven't tried? His parents paid off just about everyone from the mayor down. Kid's not lucky enough to have any other family around to look out for him."
The kid came over with his empty cup and plate.
"I've told you a thousand times that you don't need to do that kid." Benny said.
The kid just shrugged.
"What's your name, kid?" Wayne asked.
"Steve, sir. Steve Harrington." He replied.
"I'm Wayne. And I wish my boy was as polite as you."
The second time they met, it was in more unfortunate circumstances. Benny's funeral. There'd been weird shit going on in town, starting with the Byers' kid going missing. Wayne didn't believe any of the official stories. But especially not the story of Benny's supposed suicide. He knew Benny so well, and something like that wasn't the sort of thing to cross his mind.  He took his place in the community too seriously for that.
But the kid had changed. A few years older, and a lot more haunted. The look in his eyes giving away that he'd seen more than his fair share in his young life. And he was jumpy, almost always looking over his shoulder.  He kept to himself, away from everyone else there. Wayne didn't see much of him until after. Steve was standing at the edge of the parking lot, his hands shaking as he tried to get his lighter to work.
"Here, kid." Wayne held his own lighter out.
"Thank you, sir." Steve replied, after taking a long puff on his cigarette.
"No need for thanks, kid. You doing okay?"
"I. I think I'm gonna miss him. He's helped me out a lot." Steve admitted.
"That was Benny for you. Always ready to help anyone out. But do you have anyone else you can reach out to if you need it?"
Steve hesitated a moment. "Yeah, sir. I do."
The third time, it was less of a meeting than Steve yelling directions at everyone. Tabitha, a woman who lived on the other side of the trailer park, collapsed in the middle of Big Buy. The kid snapped into action without second thought, checking Tabitha for a pulse, for her breathing. He yelled at an employee to call for an ambulance as he started chest compressions. At another to clear space. At some other customers to block the end of the aisle so no one else could stand around and watch. Wayne approached as Steve gave rescue breaths, before going back to the chest compressions. When he noticed Wayne, he looked like he was about to yell at him, but Wayne spoke first.
"It's okay, kid. She's my neighbor. And I know CPR too, so when you need a break I can take over."
They swapped places a few times before the paramedics showed up and took over.
"You did good, son. You acted quicker than any adults did. You may have just saved her life." "Anyone would have done it, sir. I was just the closest who knew what to do."
The fourth time, it was at the hospital. Steve in the hospital bed next to Eddie's, identical wounds, but Steve's were infected. Wayne got to talking to Steve while Eddie slept.
"I tried to protect him the best as I could, sir. I patched him up, and made sure he got to the hospital in time. I know I should have done more-"
"You did more than enough. You kept him alive, now you need to focus on making sure that you're healthy. And you can drop the sir shit. It's Wayne."
After that, Wayne lost count of the meetings. From sharing the hospital room with Eddie, to being friends, to being more. He would do as much for Steve as he would for Eddie, and wanted to ensure that both always had somewhere safe to return to.
"Steve, if you ever want to get out of that big empty house of yours, you're more than welcome to join us here. We'd love to have you move in with us." Wayne said to Steve one day while they were cooking together. Eddie always conveniently disappeared when anything cooking related came up.
"Sir, Wayne. I couldn't put you out like that." Steve replied.
"Nonsense. You're as much my kid as Eddie is, it don't matter who your momma or daddy is. We want you here, you spend enough time here as it is, we might as well make it official."
"I, Wayne. I'd like that." Steve was quite choked up, so Wayne pulled him into a hug. All was going to be okay, with him and his two boys.
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 2 months
30 Sickos, 3.5 Stars, and Pervert Writers
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As I gear up to publish Detente for the Ravenous, I've been thinking a lot about these tweets. I know that my writing is solid, but it's not groundbreaking. My designs are fun, but they're not revolutionary. My prose is simple, my plots well-trodden. The fights and monsters kick ass, but god help me my romance is milquetoast at best. It's not what I'm interested in. I'm interested in the 30 years war and Catholic kaiju.
We like to quantify things, online. When I'm shopping for games, I sort by "most popular" and "highest rated." I don't want my time to be wasted, I don't want to spend my money sub-optimally. It's easier to connect to folks over a movie that 3 million people watched as opposed to a podcast listened to by a few hundred. I am not criticizing the impulse. Life is too short, and none of us have enough money.
But as a creator, whatever that means, I think I have to get comfortable with my shortcomings, and be honest about what I actually care about. I am not interested in writing a novel that appeals to all people. I am interested in writing a novel where they assassinate Pope Kissinger. That doesn't mean I won't ever try to improve my romance, or make my character arcs less predictable. But if I am gonna write another book, I have to write it for me, not for my imagined literary agent or Big 5 editor.
There's this great manifesto on itchio by “Average Urotsukidōji Enjoyer," called "Good Writers are Perverts." It touches on this sentiment that I've been stewing on, and I think this passage crystalizes what I'm trying to do with my own work.
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I know my best work is the work of the pervert, the ex catholic who grew up on Naruto, the military history dork who trained for years to save lives instead of taking them. That is the stuff that makes me want to create, the hope that I can take all my stupid interests and life experiences and twist them into something at least partially interesting, to hit that 3.5 star rating that isn't all things to all people, but is at least one really good thing to a few people. If a handful of young folks get ahold of my work and it changes their lives in a small way forever, then I'll be happy.
I hope that as art becomes less profitable, as financial incentives only encourage the bland and inoffensive, the tried and true instead of niche and experimental, more artists double down, go deep instead of wide. I'm not afraid to fail, I'm afraid of trying so hard to be loved that I stop giving a shit about the craft
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transvampireboyfriend · 3 months
@steddie-week Day 1: Secret relationship
Rating: M Words: 2362
Modern AU
"I'm gonna get us some more popcorn" Steve says, slapping his hands against his thighs.
Eddie gives him side eye because it's only been ten minutes since the movie started and they're supposed to be discrete.
Steve silently shrugs at him, raising his eyebrows and pointedly looking at everyone in the room.
He's right, no one even reacted to Steve's statement. Jon and Argyle are absentmindedly playing with each other's hands, eyes locked on the screen; Chrissy and Robin are still whispering to each other; Jeff is still showing something to Freak and Nancy on his phone and Gareth is still dozing on and off next to Chrissy.
Okay then, Eddie thinks, and tries to communicate the same to Steve with a shrug of his own.
Steve smiles a small thing, and winks at him.
A blink and you'll miss it wink, but Eddie still has to bite the inside of his cheek to tame his answering smile and try to subdue the heat rising to his cheeks.
7:05 his watch reads when Steve leaves the room.
Five minutes should be fine right? For Eddie to follow without making their friends suspicious?
Eddie looks at the TV and tries to focus on the movie, but all he can see are colors.
He doesn't know what they're watching, was too distracted by the hair on Steve's arm when they discussed it.
The hair on Steve's arm, which Eddie only discovered yesterday, is so soft and fun to kiss.
And lick.
And mouth at.
Jesus, it's been a whole month since their first date, a little more than that since they first kissed and Eddie still acts like a lovesick fool.
Eddie starts bouncing his leg impatiently.
On second thought, popcorn takes like two minutes to be ready. And say it takes Steve an additional minute to put it into a bowl, then he'll be back in less than five!
Eddie's wasting precious time!
He stands abruptly and everyone does turn to look at him at that.
"Sorry," he smiles sheepishly, "need to use the bathroom. Be right back."
His friends turn back to the TV with hums and noncommittal grunts and Eddie at least has the sense to walk towards the hallway and not go through the kitchen's front door.
It's a redundant but necessary detour and in a few more seconds, he's opening the kitchen's side door.
Steve greets him by throwing his arms around his neck, "What took you so long?" he asks, leaning forward to bring their lips together.
Eddie hums against him and lets go of the door, letting it swing closed in favor of grabbing on to his boyfriend.
His arms circle Steve's waist and pull him closer as they kiss.
"Didn't wanna be too obvious" Eddie murmurs against Steve's lips, noticing there's no smell of popcorn or any sound from the microwave.
Steve hums, then grabs Eddie's face with both hands and soundly kisses him once, twice.
"I think I'm about ready to tell them," Steve comments when he pulls back, lowering his hands to Eddie's shoulders.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, feeling his heart pick up its pace.
Steve liking him back is one thing, getting to be together like this another, but him telling everyone about it? Eddie hadn't even dared to dream that big in the year or so that he spent pining after the most beautiful boy he's ever met.
Steve nods, a smile growing on his face.
"Cool," Eddie comments, unable to hide the huge grin that's surely showing his dimples.
Steve giggles, that wonderful sound reserved only for Eddie, and nods again, "Mmhm" he agrees, leaning forward again, placing his mouth on his and tangling his fingers in his hair.
Eddie searches his tongue the way he knows Steve likes, steals his air and sucks on his lower lip when they need to part, enjoying the way Steve's body goes boneless, melts against his hold.
"God, I love your mouth," Eddie sighs, making Steve laugh softly against him,
"Are you staying over tonight?" Steve asks, pleasantly scratching the back of Eddie's skull,
"If you want me to, babydoll," Eddie offers, thoroughly enjoying the blush that the ridiculous petname elicits as Steve scoffs and looks away from him.
Eddie takes the opportunity to smack a kiss on his cheek, feeling Steve's smile get wider.
He turns back to Eddie and his smile fades a little, Eddie turns his head to the side, worry creeping up inside him.
"Please stay," Steve asks, with something serious in his eyes,
Eddie understands. Maybe more than Steve would expect him to. So he makes it his priority to reciprocate his boyfriend's seriousness and moves both his hands up to hold Steve's face,
"For as long as you'll have me, sweetheart," he promised, hoping Steve can hear his sincerity, can understand how much he means it when they look into each others' eyes.
Steve smiles with something like wonder and brings their lips together again.
Eddie moves one of his hands to the back of Steve's head, and grabs onto his hair there, circling the other around his waist again and walking them back until Steve softly bumps the kitchen counter.
Steve sits on top of the counter with practiced ease, using Eddie's shoulders to jump up and then opening his legs like he always does.
And like always, it drives Eddie insane.
He takes his place between Steve's legs, kissing him insistently, his hands moving from his waist to the top of his thighs, rubbing there as he goes to kiss his neck, when the door opens.
Eddie's heart stops.
In the span of a few seconds which seem infinite to him, Eddie freezes, looks up from Steve's neck to his face, finds him staring ahead with eyes as wide as plates and straightens up, letting go of Steve's thighs to turn around and find Gareth rummaging through the fridge.
An agonizingly long minute passes.
None of them say anything, Steve staying atop the counter and Eddie frozen in place, until Gareth straightens up with a can on his hand, and looks at them like he hadn't even realized they were there when he came in.
Eddie can only raise his eyebrows.
"Sorry, Jeff did want a coke after all," Gareth says, like it explains anything, "You know how he is," he comments,
Eddie stares.
"Did ...you want us to pause the movie?" Gareth asks.
Eddie blinks.
"Uh, no. That's okay," Steve answers,
"Alright." Gareth says slowly, "...Cool," he concludes, and then he exits the kitchen without another word.
Eddie frowns, a little mindblown, immediately turning back to Steve and finding a similar frown on his face.
"Did you-?" Steve asks,
"No!" Eddie cuts in, scandalized and a little panicked, "Of course not! We agreed we wouldn't tell anyone!"
Steve's frown dissipates to give way to a soft smile. He places his hand against Eddie's cheek. "I know," he affirms, "sorry."
Eddie rolls his eyes a little, letting Steve know no apology is necessary and he sighs, calmer now that he can see that Steve's not freaking out.
He leans into his boyfriend's hand more.
"Do you think Robin-?" he ventures,
"I don't think so," Steve answers softly, "Last I heard Chrissy doesn't even know yet. And that was last week" he comments, moving his hand to tuck Eddie's hair behind his ear, absentmindedly caressing the strands after.
"I don't think she would tell Chris without telling me," Steve assures him,
Chrissy does suspect. Eddie met her a little later than he met Steve but she's rapidly become his best friend and regularly refers to Steve and Eddie as 'a couple'.
Eddie used to blush hard at the comments, before they got together. And she never pushed, but it was the thing that got him to notice that his looks were returned, got him to understand that Steve doesn't actually treat anyone else the way he treats Eddie.
Now he just sort of scoffs when she mentions it, but he hasn't told her either. Wanted to let Steve set their pace.
"I mean he is known to be distracted" Eddie offers about Gareth,
Steve laughs silently, "There's no way he didn't notice me up on the counter and you between my legs, baby,"
Eddie blushes. He can't get over the pet names, especially when Steve only uses them in private.
He returns his hands to rest on top of Steve's thighs and leans up to kiss him, trying to cool the heat in his cheeks.
It does not work.
Steve rubs their noses together when they pull apart, resting his hands on Eddie's shoulders, "You wanna tell 'em?" he asks,
"If you do," Eddie says, "but tell me if there's anything that should change" he requests,
One of Steve's hands holds his face again, his thumb softly moving back and forth on his cheek.
"Like what?" he asks, barely above a whisper,
"I don't know," Eddie answers, racking his brain for an example, "like, ...are you into PDA?" he asks in the same tone, not wanting to burst the bubble they created,
Steve strokes Eddie's hair again, turns his head and purses his lips, thinking,
"I'd like to hold your hand" he settles on.
He's gonna kill Eddie, one of these days, his heart will grow so big from how sweet Steve is, that it'll explode.
Eddie has to press his lips together so he doesn't smile ear to ear.
"That's not PDA, I don't think,"
"No?" Steve innocently asks, he knows what he's doing, the bastard. Eddie wants to melt.
"No, angel,"
"You want us to kiss with tongue in front of everyone?" Steve asks, in the same tone, but with a shit eating grin,
Eddie snorts loudly, has to lean his head on Steve's shoulder to suppress his laugh.
"No, I don't think I want that," he says, straightening up while his shoulders still shake with his laughter,
"Good," Steve says, looking smug, "Me neither,"
He places a kiss against Eddie's temple, gently scratches the back of Eddie's skull and asks, "What about you? Do you have anything?"
"Was thinking I like the things you call me in private," Eddie murmurs, emboldened by the tender touch,
Steve smiles softly, but wags his eyebrows.
Eddie laughs again, almost shy, "Shut up." he protests, "You don't even call me anything different in bed,"
Steve joins him, laughing softly, but then his eyes soften too.
"Hmm," he hums, leaning down to close the distance between them, "I can save the pet names just for you" he murmurs,
Eddie leans up the small fraction left to join their lips again, and Steve softly kisses back.
"Anything else?" Eddie asks as they pull back,
"Can I have shotgun privileges? And hold your hand while you drive?" Steve requests,
" 'Course you can" Eddie grins, sure that there are hearts in his eyes when he leans up to briefly kiss Steve's jaw,
"What else?" Eddie asks,
"Want your hands in my hair" Steve answers easily, in the syrupy tone he always gets when Eddie gets his mouth anywhere near his neck,
"Anytime," Eddie grants, softly biting where he just kissed,
"You?" Steve asks,
"Would you wear my clothes out of the house?" Eddie tries,
Steve smiles and kisses both his eyelids, making him chuckle a bit "I'd love that",
"Something more?" Steve gently probes,
"We can figure out the rest as we go?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"Eddie and I are together" Steve proudly announces to his friends after the movie's over and the pizza's gone.
He takes Eddie's hand in his and Eddie smiles at him so wide, his cheeks hurt.
Robin squeals. Eddie turns to look at her and sees Chrissy doing the same, with a confused frown on her face.
Eddie thinks that's weird, but when he looks at the rest of their friends he finds expectant looks on their faces. Like they didn't understand or something.
After a beat, Nancy asks, "What do you mean?"
"Uh. We're dating," Steve answers, a little nervous now. Eddie softly squeezes his hand.
"Yeah, you have been for like a year, right?" Chrissy answers this time, "Certainly since I met you guys,"
Eddie gawks at her, "What?"
"Robin, did you tell her?" Steve asks,
"I didn't!" she defends,
"Tell me what?" Chrissy asks, turning to her,
Eddie cannot believe his ears.
"Wait," Jeff says, "you weren't dating before?"
"Before what?" Jon asks,
"Before we met Chrissy?" Gareth tries,
Eddie's whipping his head back and forth between them as they speak,
"When did we meet her?" Argyle asks,
"Was it last year?" Freak adds on,
"Shush! " Nancy urges, pulling everyone's attention to her,
"How long have you two been dating?" she asks Steve and Eddie,
"A month?" Eddie says, his head spinning,
"And a half" Steve finishes,
Robin snorts and the group erupts into protests,
"No way."
"What the-"
"Oh my god?? "
"There's no way!"
Eddie nods at them, "Yeah, how long did you all think we had been dating for?"
"Before we met Chrissy!" they answer almost in unison.
"What? Why?" Steve asks,
"Because you go on dates," Jeff answers,
"What!? " Eddie's beginning to sound like a broken record,
"Yeah, you guys go shopping, and to the record store" Argyle explains,
"And to dinner at each other's places" Freak finishes,
"I do that with all of you!" Eddie protests,
"Yeah, as a group," Gareth counters,
Steve turns to look at him and presses his lips together when Eddie looks back.
"Don't you dare," Eddie warns, already trying to swallow the laughter bubbling up his throat,
"Wait, so you thought you were always sitting next to each other by happenstance?" Chrissy asks,
"You save our seats together? " Steve asks her like it's the most heart warming thing he's ever heard,
Eddie lets go of Steve's hand in order to bury his face in his own, he can feel his blush against his palms.
"You know we could hear you making out in the kitchen right?" Nance asks,
Eddie groans loudly just as Robin bursts out laughing.
"You platonically watched a movie together on Valentine's?" Argyle asks skeptically, "At the theater?"
"Oh my god " Eddie complaints,
That's what topples Steve. His laughter filling Eddie's ears.
He has to come out of his hiding place to look at him, seeing Steve joyful is what he was put on this Earth to do, Eddie thinks.
"You platonically got him a sunflower bouquet for his birthday?" Jon piles on,
"He said he'd never gotten flowers before!" Eddie defends as everyone laughs,
Steve chuckles, rubbing Eddie's back soothingly,
"What was I supposed to do?" Eddie turns to him,
Steve smiles brightly and places a kiss on his shoulder.
Eddie smiles back, placing a hand on Steve's knee.
As embarrassed as he is, he's really glad everyone finally knows.
Sneaking around was fun, but nothing can compare to having Steve like this.
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Pairing: Will Miller x Reader
Notes: Idk y'all my brain spit this out. I haven’t written Will in, like…..100 years?
Rating: Mature - mostly for language
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, angst, fluff. Not beta-read.
Length: 7.5K
Summary: Your first two impressions that you get of Will Miller are pretty stellar. That said, they don't actually involve meeting the guy.
The day you do, well. That's another story.
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GIF by charllehunnam
Your first impression of Will Miller is technically...Good.
It's from Benny, is the thing.
You hear the sweet and the sour, the grumbling when Benny is training at the gym alone in the mornings—"He's a hard ass, but he means well."
It's said with a little smile, with sibling love and familiarity that tells you that Ben and Will have told each other to go fuck themselves just as much as they've said that they're proud of one another.
Your second impression of Will comes from Terry.
Terrence Owen McLowery is your best friend, your informal trainee, and is currently ranked in the Middleweight division, just a few spots behind Ben Miller (but gaining, and fast). He's one of the few openly gay boxers in your area and in his division, something that he might get more hate for if he couldn't kick the shit out of anyone slagging his name off behind his back.
Terry gets to as many matches as he possibly can, even when he's not fighting in them. You try to join him as often as you can, but there are times when you just can't swing it. He likes to scope out the competition.
"I'm gonna be in there, kickin' their ass one day," He tells you, "I should clock their weaknesses now, not then."
He spends more time ringside than he does in the ring for the sake of observation. And he's seen the Miller brothers at fight after fight.
"You oughta see 'im," Terry says, a dreamy look in his eyes—and you don't know if he's talking about Ben or Will, but you kinda figure it's both. Look, you've met Ben, you wouldn't be surprised if good genes ran in the family.
"He's real level-headed, ringside, even when Ben’s in a jam," Terry adds, and you realize that he's talking about Will, "Kinda like you, but without the taunting."
You roll your eyes a little bit, "You told me the taunting makes you try harder."
"And I told you a real coach wouldn't do that,” You tack on.
Terry doesn't hmph at that one. He doesn't like it when you point out that you're not a professional coach. You taught him the basics a long time ago, back when the two of you needed to have one another's backs on the playground—and you keep him honest when he's training up now. But Terry needs a coach that'll actually help him in the ring, not do what you do. And sure, you don't do the worst job, but Terry could go further with a professional.
Your first two impressions that you get of Will Miller are pretty stellar. That said, they don't actually involve meeting the guy.
The day you do, well. That's another story.
You’re at the gym early. Terry is supposed to be there, too, but he took a late shift at work and couldn’t drag himself out of bed. You don’t blame him—a body needs rest if you’re going to put it through its paces. You’re striding past the ring at the center of the gym when you spot Ben sparring with another contender in the middleweight division. You spot an error, one that Terry makes frequently himself, and call out,
“Pick up your right shoulder, Miller!” 
The advice incurs a nod from Ben—and a glare from a golden-headed man standing ringside. Something in his cool gaze chastens you, and you hurry on toward the class you signed up for. 
“What was with that guy?” You ask Ben later as you’re stretching. 
“What guy?”
“Blonde, bearded…Glaring?” You remind him. Ben’s eyebrows shoot up.
“You mean Will?”
“That was Will?” You ask in a hushed whisper. 
“Yeah. Glaring?”
“He looked like he was trying to melt me with his laser vision.” 
It makes Benny’s laugh boom in the gym, and you glance around to see if you’ve attracted any attention. Sure enough, Will’s not too far off, his arms folded across his chest as he speaks to someone. His gaze darts between Ben and you, and his eyes narrow. 
“Aaaand there it is again,” You mutter, drawing your legs back from the stretch. 
“Hey,” You hear. You frown, turning back to the source, and find Will striding toward you. You’re about to offer your hand, to introduce yourself—in relation to Ben, or Terry, something—but he speaks again before you can get a word out:
“Ben’s got a fight coming up. He doesn’t need any glove bunnies distracting him.” 
Your mouth was opened to speak, but now your jaw drops, a scoff of indignation flying out. 
“Glove bunnies?” You repeat, stunned. Will waves you off. 
“Whatever Ben does in his own time is none of my business, but when he’s here, and when he’s in the ring, he needs to be focused.” 
Will doesn’t let you get in another word before he’s turning and walking away. You watch him go, stunned. Asshole. Asshole. As you turn to head into the locker room, you remember Ben telling you that he’s a hard ass, but he means well. 
Well-meaning or not, Will Miller is a dick. 
“There’s a man outside who’s looking for you,” You hear.
You glance up from your laptop, brows raised at your coworker. It couldn’t be Terry; he’d call or text you, not ask for you. And it can’t be…Actually, you can’t think of any other guy that would come looking for you at work. 
“Did you tell him I was in here?”
“I said I wasn’t sure anyone by that name worked here and that I’d check,” Molly relays. You nod a little bit, muttering, “Solid,” before adding, “He say who he is?” 
“Will Miller?”
You freeze, then, hands hovering over your keyboard. What the hell is Miller doing there? And how does he know where you work?
“Okay,” You nod, “Okay, tell him I’ll be out in a...A minute.” 
“Sure.” Molly starts to drift away from you before she turns, half-jogging back to your desk. 
“He is so hot,” She hisses. You can't help your grudging smile. 
“Yes, he is.” 
Asshole or not, you can agree that Will Miller is annoyingly, startlingly attractive. 
The man that meets you outside is a far cry from the one who accosted you at the gym just a week ago. In a well-fitting polo and a pair of khakis, he looks more like a suburban dad than a hardened drillmaster. You stop just a few feet from the door to your office, arms folded tightly over your chest. He clears his throat, approaching you slowly and stopping just a couple of steps from you. 
“Ben had a fight this weekend,” He says. Him starting that way makes your stomach swoop with fear. You immediately worry that something’s gone wrong, that Ben is badly hurt. But Will goes on: 
“He kept his right shoulder up. That little tip saved his ass a few times.” 
Your brows raise. You didn’t expect him to admit it, even if it did help. 
“I saw Terry, too,” Will adds, “And realized precisely how and where I fucked up when he showed me a picture of you.”
Will doesn't look like he's trying to melt you with his heat vision anymore. In fact, he looks...Genuinely remorseful.
“I see,” You nod a little. 
Will pushes a sigh out through his nose. 
“I’m sorry for approaching the situation the way I did. And for calling you a, uh—”
“Glove bunny?”
He winces with the reminder. “Yeah. I didn’t have all of the facts. Even if I had, it was still the wrong way to approach the situation, and I apologize.” 
You take a moment to drink in his face again, as if you’re seeing it for the first time. His blue eyes are soft where they were icy, and the once-harsh press of his lips is replaced with a regretful, almost contemplative pout. And then you nod a touch.
“I appreciate and accept your apology.” 
Something akin to relief seems to wash over him, and he holds his hand out. 
“I’m Will, by the way.” 
“Will?” You repeat, screwing your face up in mock confusion, “Will...Will...That certainly sounds familiar.”
A smile tugs his lips up just a touch as he pumps your hand up and down. 
“I train Ben Miller. I'm his brother,” He adds. 
“Oh, that Will. Right, of course.” 
You let his hand drop and folded your arms across your chest. 
“Blank slate,” You add softly. 
Will’s brows jump. 
“Well, Ben says you’re a hard ass and Terry thinks you’re dreamy, but I’ll try not to let their impressions color mine.” 
“Pretty mixed reviews.”
The two of you exchange curious smiles before you nod over your shoulder. 
“I’ve gotta get back to work."
“Of course.”
“See you around, Miller.” 
“Seriously, Terrence!” You call out as Terry spars with one of the other gym members, “Is this prep or are you trying to waltz him into tapping out?” 
Terry groans, reeling away from his sparring partner. 
“God, you’re a bitch,” He grunts as he walks toward you, bending over for his water. 
“And you’re a dumbass, Billy Elliot. Get back in there.” 
“He’s holding his breath,” You hear. You turn back to see Will Miller coming closer.
“When he punches,” He clarifies. 
“You can tell him,” You offer before you whistle sharply, stopping Terry from stepping more deeply into the ring. You nod toward Will and listen as he offers his tip. Terry takes his time listening, nodding, leaning against the ropes.
“...Think you got it?” You ask.
“Loud and clear,” Terry agrees before turning back to his sparring partner.
You glance over at Will, nodding your chin up. “Thanks."
“Sure,” Will smiles before walking away. Ben’s not too far away, working at a punching bag. You watch Will for a long moment before turning back to Terry in the ring. Terry ducks out of the way of an oncoming jab, and finds time to shoot you a wink before he turns back to his sparring partner. 
“Come on—” 
“I can’t tonight, I’ve got an early meeting tomorrow!” 
“Just a few rounds! Come with me, see Ben in action—and see what I mean about Will ring-side.”
“You just want me to go because you think you’ll be much less conspicuous drooling over them if I’m there.” 
“And for the record, you’d be just as conspicuous.”
“We don’t know that.”
“Yes we do.” 
“Come with meeee," He whines. "If you’re not there, I’ll curse out a redneck bigot and I’ll get in trouble for beating him up in the parking lot.” 
“Well then you and the Millers can tag team.” 
Terry groans loudly, tipping his head back. “Don’t. Don’t even think about putting ‘Miller’ and ‘tag team’ in the same sentence. My mind just went to about eight filthy places.” 
“Just eight?”
“Alright, nine.”
“Terry. Sweetheart. Angel. Not tonight.” 
“Four rounds.” 
“Two rounds.” 
“Ben’ll probably take ‘em down in one.” 
“I’m sure he’d love that you have so much faith in his skill, but we’ll have to get through the matches before his, and that’ll already be way late.” 
“I won’t make you come to the gym with me tomorrow.” 
“Probably because you won’t make it to the gym tomorrow.”  
“That’s not the point.” 
You didn’t always love the atmosphere around the fight. You used to hate the screaming, the overpriced beer, the rednecks. It used to make you wary, going with Terry. People knew him. It's not secret that he's gay. He used to catch more shit for it before he bulked up and started fighting. Even after he had, the slurs hadn’t stopped. It used to raise your hackles—but Terry’s got more of a handle on how he approaches those incidents, and he’s made a lot of friends that frequent the ring, both as spectators, and in the Middleweight division.
You wouldn’t say that you like going to fights now, but you don’t find it as daunting as you used to. Now, the atmosphere is exciting—it zips through you like lightning; it makes your fingers tingle, and your heart pound. 
“Here,” Terry calls out, pressing a beer into your hand. 
“I told you I’ve got work tomorrow!” 
“I got two for myself, you’re just holding that one for me.” 
“Bullshit,” You laugh, looking up at the ring as the bell sounds. 
By the time the first two fights are down, you know you should leave. It’s late, and it’s only going to get later—you’ve had three beers, and Terry’s coming back with another one. 
“Terry, I really shouldn’t—”
“Ben’s coming down the hall,” He half-yells into your ear, and you have to stop yourself from muttering, ‘Fucking finally,’ when it bubbles up in you. You push it down with a gulp of beer, glancing back and trying to catch sight of the Millers. You see Benny’s chestnut hair; Will’s bright head bobs into view just moments later. You and Terry begin to cheer almost on instinct as they come more fully into view—as Benny heads into the ring, and Will rounds the corner. Will looks around, and his eyes catch on you and Terry. He raises his hand to give Terry a pat on the shoulder, and meets your eyes dead-on. 
It’s a half-second, that’s all, but it seems to last for far longer. If anyone asked you what happened in that half-second, you’d tell them that you nodded to him—you know that for sure, because he nods, too. You’re not sure if it’s the beer, or the crackling of the air around you, but your skin feels hot. You don’t even know if you’re smiling. But Will’s gaze holds on yours for a long time, even as he walks on. When he finally looks away, you can feel your heart thudding in the vicinity of your throat. 
Terry leans over, his shoulder nudging yours as he speaks into your ear:
“Distracted much?” 
“...What?” You manage, tipping your head back toward him as you watch Benny climb into the ring.
When you glance up at Terry, you find him grinning smugly, and you reach out, shoving his shoulder as you grumble, “Shut up.” As the bell sounds, you yell out, “Let’s go!” and vaguely register Will’s yell of, “It’s time to work!” 
Ben is a hunter in the ring.
You can’t help but compare the way he fights with the way Terry fights. Terry prefers to hold back, to let his opponent dance around and tire themselves out. Terry is a slow-burn; Benny is a wildfire. Will is as much wind to guide his brother as he throws gasoline on Benny’s flame, honing his path and stoking his focus on the rare occasions that Benny takes a hard hit or seems to flounder. 
You plan to only stay for a couple of rounds, but before you know it, you’re cheering Benny as his opponent is knocked down, and stays down. The ref takes hold of Benny’s wrist, holding it up as he proclaims him the winner, and you and Terry crow with excitement. As the crowd begins to flow—as Benny is led out to be checked over by the ring doctor—you turn to Terry, ready to insist again that you have to leave. But you feel a hand land on your shoulder, and turn your head to see Will leaning in. He gets close between you and Terry, and asks over the hum of the crowd, “What are you guys doing now?” 
You should be more concerned about the fact that tomorrow morning (well, later this morning) is going to be absolute hell for you. You should be concerned about the fact that when you get home, whenever you get home, you’re probably going to need to have a couple of pieces of toast and a few glasses of water. Your head is buzzing with the beers you had at the fight, and now with the two that you’ve had at the bar. But the zipwire-tense feeling that had ripped through you is ebbing as you watch Benny return from the bar with a massive basket of fries and a fresh round of beers.
Oh, man. You’re really gonna regret this tomorrow. 
You push the thought away as you reach out, taking up a precariously full beer and leaning back in your seat. 
“Surprised you’ve got such a sedate after party,” Terry comments as he takes one of the beers. 
“Fewer glove bunnies than I expected,” You add, eyes sliding to Will’s, where he sits across from you. He appears to bite back a smile, eyes dipping to the table. Benny’s eyes dart between the two of you, brow furrowing, and you give a small, reassuring shake of your head. 
“I have a question,” Benny declares, leaning against the table. 
“Has it got anything to do with that swelling cheek?” Terry asks, waving a finger toward Benny’s face. 
“No,” Benny huffs, “I know how all about that. How’d you two meet?” He asks. You glance at Terry, arching a brow as he turns to you with a grin. 
“School,” Is your short answer. 
“I moved in around, like…Fifth grade-ish?” Terry’s brow furrows. 
“It wasn’t fifth-grade-ish, it was fifth grade,” You correct. 
“I wasn’t the most social kid, and that caught me a lot of shit. I got picked on, and this one,” Terry pushes his shoulder against yours, and you sway with it, bobbing back and forth, “Taught me how to keep from getting my ass kicked on the way home.” 
“Seriously?” Ben asks. You shrug a little. 
“It started with short-cuts to get him home, but when other kids caught on, things got a bit more…Physical.” 
“Did you already know how to fight?” Will asks. 
“I wouldn’t say that. I knew how to swing a fist, I didn’t really know how to fight. We both learned to, though, because we…Had to.”
“She’s been stuck with me ever since,” Terry sighs dramatically. You roll your eyes, turning a fond smile up at him. 
“He’s like my taller, irritating younger brother,” You add.
“I know all about that,” Will pipes up, and you can’t help but turn a laugh at him. 
“So what about you two, how did you two meet?” You tease, waving your finger between them. 
“Oh, man,” Ben mutters. 
“Well I came home one day and my mom said, ‘We have a surprise for you’,” Will says, “And then six months later, this dick shows up.” 
“And he’s been stuck with me ever since,” Ben smiles, glancing at Will. You reach out, plucking up a couple of the fries and dipping them in ketchup. 
“Did you guys get along growing up?” 
“We don’t even get along now,” Ben teases. Will chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Not always. We butt heads as kids, and we do sometimes now, but…We get our shit done.” 
“He’s a hardass,” Ben cuts in.
“And he’s a dumbass.”
You grin. “So you complement each other is what I’m hearing.” 
“Haven’t seen you in a couple of days.” 
You’re taking a long pull from your water bottle, fighting the dryness in your throat when you hear Will. 
“What can I say,” You manage as you lower it. “I only just recovered from going out with y’all the other night.” 
Will chuckles, leaning against the pillar beside you as you wipe down your treadmill. 
“Didn’t mean to tire you out.” 
“I’m out of practice. Terry hasn’t had a fight in a couple of months, so I don’t stay up that late anymore.” 
“Nope. I’m in bed at 9:30 and I like it.” 
You take up your water bottle, and the two of you start drifting away from the treadmills.
“Why hasn’t Terry been in the ring?” Will plies. 
“His rotator cuff’s kinda fucked up. He’s been taking it easy—Well. As easy as he's willing to take it. He has a check-in with his doctor in a couple of weeks.” 
“That must be driving him nuts.” 
“Oh, he’s losing it. He’s trying to go to as many fights as he can, though.”
“I’ve seen him at a few lately—Besides, Benny’s, you know. I was wondering why you didn’t go with him.” 
You stop at the door to the women’s locker room and turn around to face him. 
“Bed. 9:30,” You reiterate.
“Well I know that now.” Will tucks his hands into his pockets, smiling. “I wanted to ask: Do you think you could see it in yourself to duck your bedtime again?” 
“Depends on what for.” 
“There’s a fight down in Fernsworth this weekend. There’s a new kid on the bill, he’s apparently pretty vicious.” 
“Oh yeah? When this weekend?” 
You consider, lips pursing, and Will chuckles at your expression.
“What is it?” He asks.
“Terry’s got work that night.” 
“So’s Ben.” 
Your gut swoops in surprise, a brow lifting and falling quickly, but Will’s face remains as calm as ever.
“So?” Will presses. If you were reading into it, you’d think he was batting his pretty eyelashes. Before you can overthink it, you hold your hand out and order: “Phone.”
Will rifles into his pocket and pulls it out, passing it over. You add yourself as a contact, your heart thudding in your chest, ears going hot as you double-check that it’s right. You pass it back to Will, meeting his eyes again. “You can send me all the details.”
“Don’t feel like talking to me anymore?”
“I have to go to work, Miller,” You laugh, taking a couple of steps back. “Text me—And keep an eye out for those glove bunnies.” 
You get one last look at Will, at his sweet, amused smile, and you turn, heading in to take a shower (and maybe to silently scream into your hands, a little). 
You don’t dress up, and you do not tell Terry where you’re going, or with whom. It’s been bad enough that he clocked your swell of interest when you’d gone out with all of them, and worse still that he’s encouraged it. You’d been pressing your hands down onto the tops of his shoes, ensuring that his feet stayed flat as he worked on his core.
“At least—fuck him,” Terry had insisted as he’d come up from reps of crunches. “Do you—have any idea—what’d I’d do tuh—Phew—Have those pretty—blue eyes pointed at me—like that?” 
You’d raised your brow, casting a wary eye about to ensure that neither of the Miller brothers were anywhere nearby before you’d insisted, “Nothing is going to happen between me and Will.” 
“Why—the hell—not?” Terry gasped, finishing out his reps. He groaned, sweeping his hand across his sweating brow before planting both hands on the mat behind himself. “He’s leaps and bounds better than the other assholes you used to fuck with.” 
Like it or not, you knew Terry was right.
For your rough and real first impression, Will is actually kinda sweet. You still don’t know him all that well, and maybe tonight could change that. But you insist to yourself that you’re not going out to flirt with Will, you’re going to see this new fighter (Charlie “Shredder” Klein: 5’9, 194 pounds, rookie, southpaw) and gather some info for when, inevitably, Terry winds up fighting the guy. You dress…Comfortably, in one of your nicer pairs of jeans and one of your favorite tops. You feel cute, and you feel cute for you. If Will thinks that you’re cute in the outfit, well…That’s just a bonus. 
You don’t think he would tell you, though. Will Miller seems like the type to keep his cards close to his chest. 
The ride down to the venue is filled with polite small talk. The feeling in the cab of his truck is almost like the same nervous air of a first date. Your stomach is twisting like a nest of garter snakes; your skin is hot with nerves; you rub your sweaty palms nervously against your jeans. The two of you stick close together at the fight—though you don't exactly have an alternative; the venue is packed. Now and again, if you get nudged too roughly by someone else, or pushed one way or another, Will cuts a sharp, warning look at them over your head at the perpetrator. The third or so time it happens, you reach out, resting a hand on his arm.
“Don’t worry about them,” You say into his ear, cutting over the noise, “The fight’s in the ring, not with these dickheads.” 
Will’s lips twitch with a smile as he leans in to speak into your ear in turn. He says, “It’ll be here if they’re not careful,” But you almost don’t catch it. You’re too focused on everything else—on the press of his warm and firm body against your side; on the way his hand rests on your lower back; on the whisper of his beard against your cheek; on the brush of his lips and breath against the shell of your ear, and the way his voice seems to drown out the clamor of the spectators around you. It makes your heart tick up in your chest, a shiver tripping down your spine and stopping right where his hand sits. 
When your mind catches up with what he’s said, you laugh, nudging his hip with yours.
“Eyes on the prize, Miller,” You urge.
“They are,” He answers without missing a beat. It makes your stomach flip, and for a moment, you can’t bring yourself to look away. You finally force yourself to, and to clap as the announcer brings in the first contender, looking around to try and catch a glimpse of them—and not to overthink the way that Will’s hand is still resting on your back. 
“Weak spots?” Will asks. You consider for a moment, running your finger along the side of your beer bottle. The buzz from the fight is wearing off, and the bar that you've gone to is far more quiet compared to the venue.
“He doesn’t go in…With a plan,” You say after a moment.
“His coach was calling plays.”
“Yeah, but Klein wasn’t listening. I mean when you tell Ben to back the fuck off or get away from the ropes, he backs the fuck off or gets away from the ropes, because in that moment, you see things in a way that he doesn’t. He trusts you to steer him. Klein’s coach can yell whatever he wants, but it’s not heard. Klein’s in the fight, he’s on the inside, he thinks he knows best, and that…That got him fucked up tonight. Might not always get him fucked up, but today’s outcome, you know. Not so much.” 
“Strong indictment.” 
“You asked me what I thought.”
“And I got it. I appreciate that.” 
You raise your brows at Will’s calm, honest expression.
“What about you?” You ask, nodding to him, “What do you think his weak spots are?” 
“He’s a brawler, not a fighter. He likes to go in for little…squirrely swiping matches. He wants excitement, not wins.” 
You shake your head at the assessment. “That just spells trouble for our boys.” 
“Less trouble if we go in with a plan.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
The two of you lightly clink your beers together, sharing a smile before you take sips.
“I’m surprised you came tonight,” Will admits as he sets his bottle down. 
“Little bit.” 
“We didn’t exactly have the nicest start.” 
“No, we didn’t, but…I don’t know, I thought we were on a more level field now.”
“I think we are.”
The two of you watch one another for a long moment, considering, and before you can say anything, Will adds: “I’m glad you came with me.” 
“Yeah? Didn’t wanna brave the hillbilly circus alone?” 
“I have before and it’s never fun.” 
“It wasn’t so bad tonight.” 
“I had good company.”
You smile a little bit, eyes sweeping Will’s face as flattery wells in your stomach.
“...You knew Terry had work tonight, didn’t you,” You accuse softly. Will shrugs a shoulder, raising his bottle to his lips again. You can’t help your flattered smile, and you force yourself to keep your eyes on him.
“Ben might’ve mentioned it,” Will finally concedes. 
“Is it?”
“I think so.” 
“Good interesting or bad interesting?”
“I'm still sitting here, aren’t I?” 
Will’s smile widens, and your stomach flutters. “You could’ve just asked me out,” You add in a mutter.
“Well, now I know that for next time.” 
Next time. Your face goes hot; the beer in your stomach feels like it’s bubbling. 
“Yes you do,” You agree, nodding a little.
“When I do,” Will adds, leaning against the table, sending another burst through your chest at his use of ‘when’ where you'd expected 'if', “You alright with it being this sort of thing?”
“What, a fight and a beer? Hell yeah—Long as it’s before 9:30.” 
Will laughs, tugging his sleeve back and glancing at his watch. 
“You have any idea what time it is?” 
“No, and I do not wanna know.” 
You fold your across your chest, eyeing Terry’s form as he pounds the punching bag in front of himself. 
“How are you feeling?” You ask as he leans away from the bag, swiping at the sweat dripping down his face. 
“‘Bout what?” He asks a little blandly between pants. 
“The fight.” 
“You asking me because I got a fight, or does it have to do with who I’m going up against?” 
You purse your lips, eyes sweeping the gym for any sign of either of the Miller brothers. Finding neither, you answer, “Both?” 
Terry chuckles, turning back to the bag.
“I’m not gonna go easy on Benny just ‘cause he’s a friend, and he ain’t gonna take it easy on me, either—”
“I know—”
“I mean, we always knew this was gonna happen—”
“I know! I know, oh my god, I get it.” 
“I’m just sayin’,” Terry mutters, punching viciously at the bag again.
“I’d be a bad coach not to ask, you know half of the fight’s in your head. And speaking of bad coach,” You add, “You found anyone else yet?” 
Terry casts you an irritated look out of the corner of his eye.
“Are you really talkin’ about this right now?”
“...Okay, letting it go,” You sigh before tacking on, “And you’re holding your breath again.” 
“I was about to say the same thing,” You hear from behind you. You turn to see Will just a few steps away. You smile almost involuntarily. You haven’t seen Will since your not-quite date, but you’ve thought about him and texted with him plenty.
“Shouldn’t you be mindin’ your own fighter, Miller?” Terry asks, straightening up and raising his hands to stop the swinging bag.
“Don’t worry, McLowery. The second he needs minding, I’ll be on it.” Will takes a few steps back from you both, shooting you a wink before he turns away. Your stomach twists, and you carefully smooth your smile away before turning to face Terry again. 
“Alright, c’mon,” You wave him toward the bag again, “Let’s go, we got half an hour and then we gotta get going. I can’t be late for work again.” 
It’s odd, finding yourself on the opposite side of the ring as Will. As nervous as you are—for the way your body feels like it’s buzzing, a tingle in your fingertips—you know that the boys’ll take this seriously. It was going to happen sooner or later; you just didn’t think it would be so soon. You hope that they come out of the ring with their friendships (and their bones) intact.
You shift from foot to foot, drawing a shaky breath in through your nose as Ben and Terry begin to circle up. Your eye catches on Will’s for just a moment. You trade nods, then turn your eyes back to your respective fighters. It’s a heady moment. The room seems to quiet around you for a moment as Ben and Terry approach one another, each with one fist out and one by their cheeks. You hardly blink as they get closer and closer—
“I almost had you.” 
It’s a gravely mutter, the first thing that Terry’s said since leaving the ring. He’s got a fat lip, and his right cheek is going to make it look like he’s part chipmunk in the morning. It’s a moment before Ben offers a grumbled, “...Almost.” Then, “Didn’t, though.” 
Terry takes a swipe at his head. Ben ducks it, raising his arm to push at Terry’s shoulder. You shake your head, leaning against the bar and watching them teasingly grapple. 
“You think they’d be too tired to do that by now,” You comment, shaking your head. 
“Adrenaline’s probably still pushin’ em. They’ll crash later.” 
The both of you are speaking a little more softly than usual; you had yelled your heads off at the match, and you're not sure about Will, but your throat feels so fricking raw. You nod, smile widening as the guys scrap a little more. 
“Hey—Alright, alright,” You finally raise your voice as they knock back into a stool. “If your sorry asses get us thrown out, you're paying.” 
“Drinks are on me, anyway,” Benny turns to give you a grin, teeth bright beneath the shiner developing on his right eye. Still, it’s a relief to see the boys settle. You shift on your stool and lean back against the bar, twisting your seat back and forth. 
“How are you feelin’?” 
You glance over at Will, brow furrowing in confusion at the question. 
“I didn’t just go five rounds with those numbskulls,” You point out, nodding toward them. 
“I know. You seemed…Tense.” 
“I was worried about ‘em.” 
“Both of them.” 
Will nods, eyes sweeping across your face before he glances around to the guys. 
“They’re doing alright.” 
“I know. I’m—I’m calming down, I just…” You trail off, shaking your head. “So many of Terry’s other friends in the ring are in different divisions. This is the first friend he’s, like, fought-fought.” 
“He did alright.” 
“No, I know. Nothing too broken. And Ben’s fine, too, so. Like I said,” You raise your hands in a slight pushing motion. “Calming down.” 
Will smiles, taking a step closer and sliding his arm around your middle, bracketing you against the bar. Your stomach flips at the closeness, at the weight and warmth of his arm. 
“Glad to hear it.” 
“You’ve just been completely chill the whole time?” 
Will shrugs. “I trusted the guys to handle it. They handled it.” 
“Alright…Knowitall,” You mutter. You smile as Will takes a step closer. He seems to glance toward the guys again before he lowers his head, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. Your stomach bursts with butterflies, and you gently lower your head, resting it against his. You turn your head as you hear the bartender’s, “Here you go,” behind you. The two of you straighten up, turning to the bar fully and reaching for your beers. 
“So,” Will clears his throat, “You busy this Friday?” 
You smile, trailing your finger along the side of your glass. 
“Is there another southpaw you wanna get a look at?” 
“Nope, just dinner. I thought maybe I could cook at your place—that way I won’t interfere with your bedtime.” 
You can’t help your grin, or the slight tip of your head as he crowds close again.
“That is so considerate of you, Miller.” 
“I do what I can.” 
You try to chip in for the groceries, but Will won’t hear of it. He won’t even tell you what he’s making. 
“You know that I can probably mentally tally up whatever it is you bring and, like, Venmo you that amount, right?” You ask. It’s a little huffed as it leaves you, your gaze and focus on the swinging punching bag in front of you. When Will doesn’t answer, you glance over, and do a double take at the sight of him.
He’s watching you with a warm, sweet look, his hands tucked in his pocket as he slouches against the wall beside you. You raise your hands to steady the bag and keep it from swinging and hitting you in the face, stomach fluttering at the way this man is looking at you—like you’re dolled up and wearing a goddamn ballgown, and not sweating in the middle of a gym. 
“Besides, what if I have an allergy or something?” You add. 
“I’ve already run the ingredients by someone.” 
You frown. “Who?” 
Will doesn’t answer, just shrugs and holds his gaze steadily on yours. You narrow your eyes slightly, turning to look around the gym. Terry’s not too far off—and he’s pointedly keeping his focus on anything but you. 
“...Terrence,” You call out. 
“Busy!” He yells back, plucking his water bottle and phone and hurrying to another machine. You roll your eyes, turning back to Will with a mutter of, “Spy.” 
His smile widens.
“I can be there by six, that alright?” He asks, pushes off of the wall. 
“If I see any kind of calculator when I’m cooking…”
“Oh, you won’t. I’m like a phone ninja.” 
Will chuckles, leaning in and murmuring, “See you tonight.” 
The closeness of his murmur and his breath brushing against your sweat-slicked skin sends goosebumps skittering down your arms. 
Your plan to stealthily tally everything up disappears as Will unpacks the groceries. You blink, stunned, before you pick up a jar of sauce, turning it around in your hands. 
“Are you fricking kidding me?” 
Will doesn’t answer. He just backs off, an amused smile on his lips and his hand on his hip as you reach into the grocery bag and rifle through it before reeling back, screeching, “You took off all of the labels?!” 
“You thought I was just gonna let you look through everything and tally up how much this cost me?” He turns and reaches into the bag again, continuing to unpack. “Amateur hour.” 
You bite your lip, watching in silence for a few moments as you think. What sort of 3-D dating chess is this man playing? 
“You are…Frighteningly tactful, Miller.” 
His smile widens, and he seems to duck his head to unearth something from the bulging grocery bag, but you can see the creeping flush of flattering rising up in his cheeks. 
“I can still guestimate, you know,” You warn. 
He stops then, bracing his hands on the counter.
“Would you just let me do something nice for you?” His brows raise, his lips on the edge of pursing in disappointment. You’re stunned into silence as he adds, “Nothing has to be owed. I just…I just wanna make you dinner.” 
You pause before you nod a little. Will’s brows raise further, and you nod again, watching as he turns back toward the bag. You hesitate before nervously sidling up beside him, pressing yourself against his side and eyeing his steady hands. 
“Can I at least help?” You ask. Glancing at him, you find Will’s annoyance smoothed away, replaced with a somewhat serene consideration. He nods, concedes: “A little.” 
Will designates you two things to chop (red and green peppers), and one thing to stir (vegetable stir fry). He keeps his back to you as he adds seasonings to your chicken (“It’s a secret recipe,” He insists before he shoos you away from the counter. All you get a glimpse of is the garlic salt).
You don’t know exactly what he puts on it, but when you take your first bite, it’s perfectly moist, and damn delicious. You don’t even bother to hide your groan, or the way you close your eyes to just savor—and try to work out one or two of the spices. You get hits of chili. Chili and…Cumin? Little pops of cumin—
“I’m not telling you,” Will’s mirthful warning floats across the table to you. Your smile widens, shaking your head and opening your eyes. 
“No idea what you’re talking about, Miller.”
“Is this your secret recipe?” 
“My mom’s.” 
“Did she make it a lot growing up?"
“In the summer, mostly, for barbecues and stuff.” 
“Tastes pretty good from the oven.” 
He grunts, nodding. “Better on the grill,” He admits, “With a little char on it.” 
“Mm, noted. Are you and your mom close?” 
Will quirks a brow as he reaches for his drink, and you realize that you’ve been bombarding him with questions. Before you can apologize, he offers: 
“Pretty close. I try to see her at least once a week. It used to be more, but she said I was smothering her.” 
You smile, chuckling. 
“That’s kinda precious.” 
Will shrugs a touch, pushing his veggies around his plate. 
“My dad passed a couple’a years ago and I think coming around as much as I used to might’ve helped, but mom’s got her own life, you know. She’s got a book club…She’s apparently a bingo assassin.” 
“Oh yeah. Some people think she’s cheating.” 
“...Is she?” You tease. 
“I wouldn’t put it past her. What  she lacks in subtlety, she makes up for in sneakiness.” 
“Is that where you and Ben get it?” 
He chuckles, ducking his head and poking at the food on his plate. 
“Some of it, maybe.” 
“And the rest?” 
“Do you think Ben would agree?"
“Do you always ask this many questions?” 
You lean back, poking at your food in turn and fighting the embarrassed churning in your stomach. 
“Not always,” You mumble. You hear Will huff a soft laugh, and smile as he reaches across the table to take hold of your hand.
"I don't mind," He insists, thumb sweeping along the side of your hand. "Long as I get to ask a few, too."
"This was nice," You offer, almost woefully trailing Will to the front door. You've wanted to make a move since he put you to work in your kitchen—you've been thinking about it as the two of you were at your sink, doing the dishes; since you were sitting on your couch, talking about work, and the gym, and who Ben and Terry are facing next. You've been so close so consistently—arm to arm, hip to hip, knee to knee. The tiny touches have made you crave more, and Will's sweet smiles have made you do whatever you can think of to seek them out.
When he'd told you that he ought to get going, that he was meeting Ben in the gym at five the next morning, you were pretty sure that he was telling the truth—but you were already mourning the loss of the moment, and his warmth in your apartment.
"It was...Once you stopped pestering me about paying," He teases as he pulled on his jacket. You rolled your eyes.
"Well, how about I bring a bunch of labeless groceries over to your place, make you dinner, and see how you like it."
"I think I'd like it a lot," He insists, straightening his collar. "How's next week?"
And it's so swift and so smooth that you're certain you look more than a little gobsmacked. But you nod.
"Yeah. I can do next week."
"Okay." He opens your door. "It's a date."
Just like that—so easy and open, and such a far cry to the first time he spoke to you at the gym.
"Good," You agree, leaning against the wall by your front door. "Let me know when you get home."
"I will." He leans in, and your breath catches in your throat as he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth. You bite your lip at the gentle prickle of his beard against your skin, eyelids fluttering as Will stays close. He raises his hand, gently sweeping his thumb against your lower lip and tugging it from your teeth.
"Don't do that," He shakes his head. "Don't bite your lip."
"Why?" You mumble, leaning into the flirty urge that's rising in you. "There someone else that's supposed to do it for me?"
Will breathes out a groan, resting his temple gently against yours.
"I'm trying to be good," He warns. You sweep your tongue across your lower lip, letting the tip graze his thumb, and grinning as he swallows thickly.
"This feels good to me." You reach up, cupping his cheek.
"You realize if we do this, you'll be up past 9:30?"
"I'm willing to risk it."
You think for a moment that he'll draw away, that he'll call it—
Your stomach drops as he pulls away and you hear the door shut, but grin as he crowds up against you, lips pressing warmly to yours. You sigh, looping your arm around your shoulders and keeping you close. His hands slide over your hips, drawing you into his chest. You slide your hand up, gently teasing your nails against the nape of his neck.
"Remind me to apologize to Ben the next time I see him," You mumble.
"Why's that?"
"You're going to be very late tomorrow morning."
tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa​ ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices​ ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @lorecraft ; @kmc1989
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CM New Beginnings Fics
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Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who participated. I am so happy to share everyone’s hard work. If you have a oneshot or masterlist you’d like me to add, please send me a message - new additions are always welcome.
First, check out @emberfrostlovesloki 's 🌈 Masterlist of Entries ☀️: This lovely prolific writer has entered several fics, which include Hotch, Emily, and Spencer fics! Check out their page for even more!
🌼 SFW S.R./Reader Entries 🌼
Play Dates by me: [GN] Reader finds out Spencer hasn’t had many dates and offers several Play Dates.
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by @foxy-eva: [GN] Spencer was the right person at the wrong time, no doubt about it. When Reader is finally back in town, they're ready for a fresh start. 
You're Gonna Go Far, Love by @writer-in-theory: [GN] After relapsing, Spencer takes the first flight with no plan other than to get a fresh start.
Love Like the Sea by @rynwritesreid: [GN] After Spencer lost Maeve, he swore of love, until Reader came around.
Cowboy Like Me by @foxy-eva: [Fem] Spencer decides to fulfill a childhood dream to become a cowboy.
In Sickness and In Health by @pathologicalreid: [Fem] Minutes before Reader's wedding is supposed to start, Spencer gets cold feet.
Maybe We Found Love Right Where We Are by @andiebeaword: [Fem] Spencer just got engaged to Maeve on Valentine’s Day. Finding out his best friend’s heart will be broken changes things. 
More ratings and pairings below!
🌼 Other Pairings/Gen SFW Fics 🌼
Silent Demon by @angellsell: [Derek/Fem!Reader] Reader celebrates a month milestone of sobriety, but she isn't very proud of it.
Hearts on Our Sleeves by @angellsell: [Hotch/Fem!Reader] Aaron and Reader decide to give a try at a new relationship after a long dry spell.
Good Fortune by @reasonablerodents: [Hotchreid] Spencer and Aaron are the only ones without a partner for a New Year's Kiss.
And When Dawn Came by @snarkylinda: [Gen] Spencer calls Emily the night that Cat has the baby he decided to adopt.
The Date by @codename-mom: [Gen] Jessica didn't expect what her former brother-in-law was going to ask her.
Last Recruit by @/codename-mom: [Gen] There's a new agent at the BAU eager to start her new life. Her name is Penelope Garcia.
First Steps by @/codename-mom: [Gen] Rossi found a young agent named Aaron Hotchner who could be a good new recruit for the BAU.
First Day at School by @/codename-mom: [Gen] Jack is now old enough to go at school and his father has trouble to deal with this very special day.
🌼 NSFW Entries (S.R./Fem!R) 🌼
Second Time's a Charm by @foxy-eva: Back in college Spencer Reid and Fem!Reader left many things unsaid. Years later they give it another try.
It’s Too Cliché by me: Reader and Spencer are the worst at friends with benefits. After an exchange of gifts & nasty words, the two reunite on a very eventful NYE.
For the Love of Lace by @reidmotif: Reader decides she doesn't want to pine for her best friend anymore but needs his help deciding what lingerie to wear for her date.
Sweet Agony by @incognit0slut: After tragedy, Reader believed she was unworthy of love. Spencer proves her wrong.
Maybe Someday by @dudeitiskarev: (Mini-series) A case brought you back to Spencer, and this time, he won’t let you slip away.
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Co-Creator Bonus List
🌼 SFW S.R./Fem!R Fics 🌼
The Only Hoax I Believe In by Foxy: Spencer struggles with his addiction after prison until Reader is determined to help him, no matter the cost.
The Perfect Plan by me: Reader has a question for Spencer, but things don’t go according to plan.
Impromptu by me: Reader learns some shocking news when a case lands her in the hospital.
Defining Family by me: Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
Clean Shaven by me: Reader helps Spencer shave after prison.
Drunk Dial by me: It’s been years since Reader talked to Spencer, but after a bunch of drinks it seems like a really good idea.
Repentance by me: Spencer is confronted with his second chance at life, finding it full of regrets. Reader tries to talk him through it.
Happy Hydrangea by me: TransMan!Reader. JJ is corrected in finding out Spencer has had a boyfriend for a while now.
🌼 NSFW S.R./Fem!R Fics 🌼
Lily of the Valley (Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3) by me: Unsub!Reid. Spencer was found guilty but mentally ill after the torture and murder of several men. He finds solace in his psychiatrist at the institution.
Duet by Foxy: Letting the love of his life get away was Spencer’s biggest regret, so he decides to go after her.
Honeymoon by Foxy: Spencer and his wife are excited about their future (and their honeymoon).
To Have and To Hold by me: Reader is trying to save her marriage, but Spencer seems resigned to its failure.
Stork Song by me: Spencer and Reader try to find intimacy again following a terrible loss.
Domesticity by me: Reader gets worked up watching Spencer with kids. He notices.
Different Kind of Daddy by me: After a rough day, Reader has good news for her husband.
🌼 Other SFW Pairings 🌼
Till Death Do Us Part by Foxy: [Emily/GN!Reader] Reader didn't expect grief to linger after Emily came back from the dead.
Motherhood by Foxy: [Tara/Emily] Emily and Tara finally become mothers.
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Happy Reading!
P.S. If I missed your fic or you have a new one to add, feel free to send me a message. I would love to add it!
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baby-tini · 1 month
do you think you could make some hcs about how each Mikey would react about reader successfully escaping and he finds her years later? And if not that's completely fine, have a good day
Not exactly HCs, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless~
TW- Kidnapping, Abuse
With Street Racer!Mikey, there's no escaping really, and I don't mean that as in you're not gonna get away, I just mean that he doesn't really have any bad or toxic behaviors, so there's no need too leave really. But, for the sake of this post, I'll say he does. I would say that it wouldn't be easy, simply because of his reputation and the fame that he has. I do imagine that he's pretty big on social media and he obviously has pictures of you, so fans are gonna recognize you. With constant paparazzi in your face and fans swarming you, leaving Street Racer!Mikey isn't going too be easy. If you did manage too get away though, he'd be pretty heart-broken and upset, I don't see him getting super pissed buy he'd be pretty upset and would actually file you a missing person, because, why would he look, knowing he doesn't have the capabilities in doing so, he'd have the police do it for him, When they do manage too find you though, his eyes are just empty as he takes you in his arms as he welcomes you home, stating that he was so worried and that he's glad you're safe.
Manila!Mikey would be the easiest, surprisingly, simply for the fact that he doesn't have the influences that the others do. He's not a big gang leader anymore, it's just you and him. The most difficult thing would be living in the Philippines, specifically if you're not from there and you're simply just a tourist, Manila, in the Philippines, is surrounded by water, so you can't leave without a boat or a plane so you'd have too be hiding out there. Getting on a plane or boat would be relatively hard for you because that's where he's constantly gonna be looking out for. It'll be harder for you if you stay on the move and are changing your name or look constantly. He will find you though.. and when he does, whether that be years or months later, you're deeply in for it and you're never leaving again. He might even go as far as too break your legs so that you physically can't leave him again, his approach isn't really that bad though, especially if you're in public, he'd just lead you away, whispering threats in your ear as you feel his gun digging into your side. When he gets you behind closed doors though... it's not very pretty for you.
Bonten!Mikey and Kanto!Mikey are the hardest too escape from, simply because of their influence and authority. They're both infamous gang-leaders and have a plethora of disposable men that are constantly watching you.
For Bonten!Mikey though, your biggest problem wouldn't even be Mikey himself, it would be Sanzu. He is extremely loyal to Mikey and he reports everything you do back to Mikey, even the smallest of things, like eating a certain thing or where you're going and how often you're going too. Now, with Bonten!Mikey, while he is busy quite often, he's not away all that much, he just sends his executives away too do it for him so that he can stay with you and you're always physically with him. So much so that he'll stand outside the door as you're showering, he's truly so clingy, so escaping him has an extremely low success rate. When, or if, you do, he's gonna lose it. He turns more cold, if possible, and everyone bares his wrath, he becomes more physical and he's teetering on the edge if a breakdown. You are another person that has yet again, left him, and he's just out of it, even slipping into a depressive episode. That was until, Sanzu had found you, and he's quick too report it too Mikey and he's never driven so fast, demanding, over the phone that Sanzu consistently trail you as he gets there. You don't really know what's happening as you're thrown into a car, it's dark and it's cold, you can't even see anything as you fall face-first on the soft cushioning as his hands immediately grab for you. The same cold hands you've dreaded feeling since you've escaped as you stared up onto the dead black abyss that were Mikeys eyes. Kanto!Mikey is a very similar situation for you, its very hard too leave for you because he's so notorious in the gang world and there's a lot people that are willing too hurt you. So, he's already very watchful of you in the first place. You're constantly with him, you don't even have room too breath- much less have freedom around him. He's also so very strict with you and he has rules planned for you, as well as consistent updates about you, from his men. Now, lets say a miracle happened and you did escape. He's not going too stop until he finds you and if it takes him years too find you, it's gonna be a brutal meeting when he sees you again, he's gonna go from having his hands around your throat too making out with multiple times within the same hour and it's excruciating for the next few months for you. You're gonna be walking on egg-shells for a long time and he'll never trust you again and you're not gonna be on your own ever again. You can do nothing by yourself, ever again. Good luck.
Toman!Mikey is a good 50\50 for escaping for you, it's not the hardest but also not the easiest. Again, going back to him being a gang-leader, he has people watching you and it's for the simple facts of safety. He understands how dangerous his reputation is perceived and there'll be people that are going too use you as collateral too spite him and Toman!Mikey can't have that happening. So you're already on a pretty tight leash and are constantly escorted by his most trusted men to everywhere you're going, and while he would constantly like too be with you, he knows that's not very plausible, but he's fine with the cute pictures and videos that he has you send him while he's away from you. When you do manage too escape though, Mikey doesn't really notice at first, simply because he's away, but when he receives the flood of texts from his men, detailing your escape, he didn't think it was actually an escape at first, he thought it was a kidnapping and he was quite infuriated. When he does figure out it's a kidnapping, he has his men working day and night looking for you, no rest for them until you're back in his possession and they know that. When you're back in his arms years later, you are no longer given the freedom that you once had, but you now sit, as a caged bird. No longer allowed the fresh air as he, personally, watches you from the video camera he had installed in your new room.
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thisapplepielife · 2 months
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Written for @corrodedcoffinfest.
Got You Good, Kid
Day #15 - Let's Talk About That | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language, Smoking, Mentions of Unplanned Pregnancy, Eddie Being a Bit Lot of a Dick | POV: Gareth | Pairing: Gareth/OFC (Off-Screen), Background Steddie | Tags: Modern Day Setting, Road Manager Steve Harrington, Eddie and Gareth are BFFs, But Gareth's Keeping Secrets, So They're Fighting, Fucking Interviewers, Fucking Paparazzi, Fucking Eddie
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Gareth adjusts the mic on his collar. Beside him, Eddie's fidgeting, Jeff is texting and Goodie's head is tipped back like he's sleeping or counting the ceiling tiles. 
It's the usual press junket. The same ten questions they all answer, over and over again. It's a goddamn bore. 
"One more question," the journalist says. 
She turns her iPad towards them. It's a picture of Gareth, standing on a sidewalk, a lit cigarette in his hand.
Yeah, he smokes when he's stressed sometimes, sue him. 
"Any comment?" 
Eddie leans forward, looking more closely, "Yeah. Don't smoke, kids."
Everybody laughs, and Gareth thinks that's it, until the reporter swipes to the left and another picture fills the screen. Eddie's not looking at the screen anymore. Now, Eddie's looking at Gareth.
Steve comes in out of fucking nowhere, "No comment. We're done here."
And they are. The room is cleared, and they make a quiet trip back to the hotel. 
Only after the door closes, does Eddie wheel on him.
"What the fuck is going on? Did you get a girl pregnant, and what? Just not tell any of us?" 
Gareth quickly looks at Steve, and Eddie doesn't miss the flick of his eyes.
"Oh, you're fucking kidding me. Steve knew? Before me?" 
And Gareth can't really determine if Eddie's mad that he's gonna be a dad or that Steve knew before he did. 
"He's Steve. He manages everything. I was waiting until the tour was over to tell you."
"Are you with her?" Eddie asks. "Is this why you've been bailing on us?"
"We're taking it slow," Gareth answers. He likes her. Could love her. But they agreed to focus on this first.
"Yeah, looks real slow to me."
"And I haven't bailed. I haven't missed shit."
"Eddie," Steve says, trying to rein Eddie in before he's too revved up.
Too late.
"How goddamn stupid are you? She got you good, kid."
Gareth clenches his fists, instantly mad, because that's not true. Not at all. He doesn't think this was some scheme to baby trap him and milk him for money. Corroded Coffin is famous, but they aren't so rich and famous that he'd be a mark for that kind of plotting. 
He had a one night stand, and she got pregnant. She told him. They made the decision together to proceed.
"That's not fucking true. The condom didn't work." 
"That's convenient. She probably poked holes in it."
"Well, it was mine, so..."
Eddie just stares at him, before finally saying, "Mark my words, because you're definitely getting an 'I told you so' when you're nothing but a checkbook and never see this kid."
"Eddie," Steve warns, and Eddie turns on him.
"And you? Not telling me."
"It wasn't for me to tell," Steve says, calmly. Because Eddie can't ruffle Steve's feathers, not like he can Gareth's. Steve won't allow it. There's no steamrolling of Steve Harrington by Eddie Munson.
"She looks like she's about ready to pop! How long have you known?" Eddie demands. 
Gareth's known for months. He just didn't know how to tell Eddie, because Eddie would be worried about the tour, the album, and everything else that affects Eddie. 
Gareth knows Eddie loves him, but Eddie still thinks he's a kid that needs tending to, even if that hasn't been true in years. 
"A while."
"Where does this girl even live?"
"She's a woman. We're both over thirty, yet you're acting like I preyed on a groupie."
Steve interjects, "I'm in contact with her dad, he's a lawyer. We're getting the parenting plan hammered out so Gareth can co-parent."
"Co-parent a kid from where?" Eddie repeats.
"Omaha. That's great. Convenient for us all." 
"Well, it's centrally located," Steve offers. They both ignore him.
"She probably sold those pictures. No paps were in fucking Omaha."
"I think it was probably a fan…" Steve trails off, trying to bring reason to an unreasonable fight.
"I don't know what you want me to do, Eddie. I can't unring this bell."
And, honestly, he doesn't want to.
"You were smoking near her. Good job, dad."
"Did you see her when I was smoking? Fucking no. Because she wasn't there yet. Goddamn. You judgmental asshole."
Eddie huffs dramatically, "This is a fucking mess. If Steve wants to help, that's fine. But I'm not."
Gareth nods as Eddie storms off, and he'll come around. Gareth can't have a kid Eddie won't have anything to do with.
This'll blow over. It has to.
But Eddie's still mad. Weeks later. After the show, Steve's waiting with a smile, "You're having a baby. Wheels up in an hour."
"Oh shit," Gareth says, "too early?"
"No," Steve says, "just unwilling to consult the tour schedule. Already rude, just like you."
Gareth laughs, and runs towards the dressing room to shower. He passes Eddie without a word, but tells Jeff and Goodie the news.
Eddie pretends he doesn't hear, and Gareth can't dwell on the fact that he's losing his best friend. Has maybe already lost him. 
His daughter is coming, no matter how Eddie feels.
And an hour later, when Gareth is climbing the stairs of the borrowed private plane, Steve is the one behind him. Jeff and Goodie, already on board. 
The plane is crawling across the tarmac, when Goodie speaks, "Hey, wait, there's Eddie."
Sure enough, Eddie's on one of those little carts, being shuttled by airport staff, arms waving.
They must radio for the pilot to stop, and Eddie eventually slides into the seat next to Gareth.
"So, we're having a baby," Eddie says, and that's enough of an apology for now, because he needs Eddie.
There's a beat, and then Eddie asks, "Are you sure it's yours? You've never been early a day in your life."
Gareth laughs, "I'm sure. She must get that from her mom."
Eddie smiles, "We're having a girl?"
Gareth nods.
Eddie leans over and kisses Gareth's head, "Sorry, I'm late."
It's okay. Gareth thinks he's right on time.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @corrodedcoffinfest and follow along with the fun! 🦇
Notes: Lord, I think one was edited and changed and fiddled with the most to stay at 1000 words but say everything I wanted to say. Take away ten, add twenty-seven. Rinse, repeat. There was a whole flash-forward at the end that just had to go for word count reasons. But just know. It works out, for all of them. ❤️
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
wasting company time
for @corrodedcoffinfest warm up round prompt 'get a job'
rated t | 736 words | no cw | tags: they're idiots and i love them, especially gareth, he is my most special boy
If Gareth had to help one more person today, he was going to quit his job.
Which he couldn't. He was the only one in the band who currently had an income.
Eddie had been fired for missing too many shifts because of shows, Jeff was too busy with classes to also have a job, and Frankie was waiting for the right thing to come up. Gareth sucked it up and worked nearly full time at the diner.
He couldn't cook for shit so he was a waiter, and being a waiter was not his ideal position. The waitresses he worked with wore short skirts and flirted their way to decent tips. That didn't exactly work for Gareth, who worked the shift when mostly truck drivers came through with exhaustion seeping from their pores and gruff voices barely even placing an order before ignoring him.
The bell rang above the door and Gareth groaned.
"Have a seat anywhere!" He said from behind the counter, taking an extra minute to gather himself before having to help.
"Nah, you're gonna come with us."
Gareth looked up to see Jeff, Eddie, and Frankie standing at the counter, grinning from ear to ear.
"I'm clearly working. I don't get off for another hour."
"You don't need to work anymore."
Gareth was not gonna get his hopes up. They may be smiling and encouraging him to leave his job, but they all were irresponsible sometimes, even Jeff.
"Did you all get jobs?"
"We all have a gig. A decent one. One that pays," Frankie leaned against the counter. "One that requires us going on a little tour."
"You're telling me we have nothing for two years and suddenly we have a tour? With who? Where?" Gareth folded his arms across his chest, frowning. They were fucking with him.
"We didn't have nothing for two years, we had shitty gigs. Everyone starts with shitty gigs," Eddie argues. "And one of those shitty gigs had someone who works with a metal band who's going on tour in a month. They opened for Sabbath on their last tour. We're so fucking in, baby."
Gareth still couldn't believe it.
How did they land that? How did anyone see their Hideout show and think 'yeah, those are the guys we need'?
"I don't understand."
"Take off the apron, even though it's doing wonders for your hips," Eddie wiggled his brows playfully. "And come to the trailer. I've got everything there for us to look at with a lawyer."
"A lawyer? We can't afford a lawyer."
"Correct. But Steve said Nancy could take a look at it and make sure the language isn't trying to fuck us over," Eddie poked Gareth's cheek. "Jeff's mom said her brother could look at it, too, but he technically is an insurance lawyer so it may go over his head."
"Nancy Wheeler is gonna read a contract to make sure we don't sign our lives away?"
"Precisely," Frankie nodded.
"Anyone better for the job?" Jeff asked.
He had a ridiculous crush on Nancy, so of course he would think she could do it easily.
"A real lawyer maybe? Someone who is used to reading contracts?" Gareth was not quitting his job for this.
"Okay, well, do you have real lawyer money hiding somewhere in that apron?" Eddie threw his hands up.
"What's your obsession with this apron?" Gareth teased. "I just don't wanna end up jobless and then not even have this gig to fall back on."
"It's your damn hips! I said!" Eddie rolled his eyes. "If I promise to find a lawyer, will you please quit this stupid job?"
"If you can find a lawyer willing to work for free to look at that contract, I will quit this job and give you my last paycheck."
"Deal!" Eddie ran from the diner immediately, leaving Jeff and Frankie shaking their heads.
"He's never gonna find one," Jeff said.
"I know. I'll see you guys in the morning for practice."
Frankie waved and walked back out the door, but Jeff stayed for a moment.
"Hey, I know you're being cautious. But also, I think this would be good for us. We should probably give it a go."
Gareth looked behind him at the line cook shoving a french fry into his mouth, then at the one guy asleep at a table in the corner.
"Yeah, alright. Let's give it a try."
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askagamedev · 1 year
a lot of people are probably asking you this, but if they aren't... do you have any clue what's going on with bioware? first moving swtor to another studio, which seems like it can be both a good or a bad thing, and now they're laying off 50 more people? studio veterans included?
this just seems like a very weird move to me, if not outright shitty. i want to believe in bioware, i love their games, no matter how flawed they are, but in the three years i've been familiar with them, things seem to be getting worse and worse. i know that DAD is in alpha so probably this layoff won't affect its quality too much, but again, that looks like a terrible move towards the employees themselves and the studio's more distant future.
Bioware is basically following the publisher mandate. In March of this year, EA declared that they were going to cut roughly 6% of their workforce (~800 layoffs) to lower costs, likely because they (like many tech companies) over-hired during the pandemic and need to correct the burn rate to appease their shareholders. These 50 devs being cut are Bioware's unfortunate sacrifice to the layoff declaration. As to whom and why, I suspect it is a combination of things.
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Bioware probably had some kind of incubation team working on a secret new project that wasn't a sequel to an existing current franchise. I know that they would often have one or two such teams going at any given time - Anthem was one such project, as was the short-lived Shadow Realms project. New projects like that are much riskier than franchise sequels, so it is likely that the publisher decided that the risk moving forward was too high and they cancelled the experimental projects in favor of focusing on their established brands (Mass Effect and Dragon Age).
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It is also likely that some of the long-term veterans are quite expensive to keep - they have high salaries and have been around long enough to collect on many of the big benefits EA offers, like sabbatical leave and the like. There's also the real possibility that there could be some bad blood or major creative differences between the current studio leadership and some of those veterans that were let go.
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My heart goes out to those affected and I really do hope they land on their feet. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that employers never deserve any more loyalty than they're willing to give their employees. The employer will never choose an employee over its own survival, so we as workers should expect to do the same for ourselves. I never consider long tenure at an employer to be worth much when it comes to the business decisions, because I know how little it is worth when all is said and done. Business gonna business.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
So this is inspired by a reply to one of your asks but what do you think each pairs of BTS will be doing if you lock them up in a room for an hour and left unsupervised.
Hello anon. There is way too many pairs in BTS for me to cover them all. So allow me to only do Jikook duos.
I will start with the duos I as Shaz deem to be the weakest, to strongest.
Okay JK's weakest duo which is also his weakest ship; If you've been around for a while you already know who I'm about to say 😂😂😂
(The tiktok on the post Here is how I feel about JK's ships. But I swap tkk for ynkk) So Yoonkook alone. Here i talk more about them after the Suchwita episode. But I will now also bring back the IG photos from the concert
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Spot the difference? 🤭🤭🤭🤭 and i will be a nice blogger and not bring up the fact that on day 3 while we were busy watching Suga's concert JK was on tiktok liking videos.
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Sorry anon..I crack myself up when I talk about Yoonkook but umm... yeah so. We already know what happens when u put them in a room together. They run out of things to talk about. We saw on Suchwita and we saw on Bon voyage by JK's own admission. When I see Yoonkook fanfic on twitter I get very confused 🤭🤭😂😂 because they don't click. Not really. If asked they will choose other members first. Definitely not eo. Yoonkook content with just them 2, I doubt they'd be very entertaining. Not without buffers may it be human or machine 😂
Finding Jimin's weakest duo is actually really hard because like RM said; Jimin is the king of chemistry and put him in a room with anyone and it will be funny and quality entertainment. But I will try.
I'm sorry but these 2 alone, together? Nah... Jimin may be the king of chemistry but even he can't fix the Vmin chemistry anymore. There was a time everything used to flow great between them but in recent years Vmin just ain't it. If u think I'm making this up go back to this live before JK comes in
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They kept running out of things to talk about too. Jimin even pretended to leave at one point. They were super awkward to say the least and I feel like they were both grateful for JK's presence. @magicshop-pjm1 likes to go "Vmin is dead" every 2 to 4 business days which is absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂 but I think anyone not in denial can admit while yeah, I'm sure they still care about eo, something somewhere went wonky and they're not the same anymore.
This tweet is a joke and its hilarious 🤣😂😂 but unfortunately i find it accurate. Them 2 alone aint it
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This was kinda obvious. Some people would rate this duo lower than Yoonkook but I think that's not fair. If you compare them with an unbiased eye Tkk are stronger than ynkk. First they are closer in age which helps. Meaning they're gonna be closer, too. But put them in a room together and it's not even awkward its nothingness. I'm talking silence. By JK's own admission here it just wasn't working. And we all remember the joint IG live where they ran out of things to talk about and JK would play with Bam instead. Another duo where JK needs a buffer for sure. I mean, sure tkk have been out and about but notice how its always with the Wooga squad? Never just them two?
On the plus side, they look really good. So, I'll give them that. 💚
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Again this is so hard because Jimin has very strong duos. But yeah, I will put RM second last because RM as a person (bless him and his dimples) he's not the most entertaining and has to bounce off of someone. Them together, alone won't be boring but I'm not sure it would be that memorable or mind blowing. These are just my personal opinions guys so feel free to disagree or chime in. But yeah. I feel Minimoni is 2nd last for me.
I do find it interesting how comfortable RM is with skinship when it comes to Jimin considering he's not big on that in general (unless its Jin) He's even the one who initiates so he is quite comfortable around Jimin.
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Anyway, they're a nice duo with a dynamic that gives you UWUs but they're not the most interesting in my eyes. Sorry Minimonis 🤷🏽‍♀️
What's the most recent thing that we know about them? We know they hanged out after JK left Jennie's CK event. And we know before that JK said him and RM hadn't drunk together in years. Years. Not months. Now this dont mean they don't see eo. It just means they don't drink together often. I do find this to be significant however because both men love their liquor. But, they drink with other members just not eo so.... 😬😬 again, not making this up, its as per their own admissions
So Namkook in a room together 🤔 what do we got here guys? Have we ever had this? We had a Namkook live but the only memorable thing for me was them outing the fact that Jikook live together. I am blanking on Namkook which makes me feel confident about the position I've put RM.
Give it up for Jimin's type thou everybody 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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I would actually have Jinmin and Jihope as a tie but since I'm choosing I will rate Jinmin lower. But man. These 2 together are the absolute best. They are such a comedic entertaining duo. Them together alone in a room is worth every penny if we were asked to pay for any such footage 😂😂 they are funny and they bounce off of eo so well. Never a dull or awkward moment between Jin and Jimin. Never.
These two are the ones you throw to a team that's drowning. They are the ones u assign to a team for better views. I love them together fr fr. Best duo. Such a good duo. Honestly. Throw JK in there and you are set for life with the best trio ever. Go search for any of their compilations and I dare you to be bored.
And we haven't even began to talk about their visuals
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First photo of them that pops up on Google and... as it should. Most beautiful man alive Vs world wide handsome =perfection 💯💯💯
(Off topic BTS main visual was always Jin and then V was added to the visual line then eventually JK. Now dont get me wrong all of them are drop dead gorgeous but is there a reason Jimin isn't part of the visual line?? Anyway...)
Hopekook in a room together alone, I'd say that's solid entertainment right there. They're good together, they're funny. It's Jhope we're talking about. He rivals Jimin on having chemistry with the members so him and JK alone i think that's a solid video right there. No awkwardness or nothing and Bonus skinship for the Hopekookers. Good times, really.
JK is extremely comfortable with Jhope so yeah... they're a good duo. No one is getting bored.
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Okay y'all. We know most Yoonmin supporters are rubbish vermin but don't let that make you forget that Yoonmin are extremely entertaining together. Put these 2 in a room alone together and come on... GOLD!! The Yoonmin Suchwita episode is hands down the funniest for me. I laughed from beginning to the end. Swear to God ✋🏽 that episode and the one with the drunk TXT members are great rewatches for me ngl. Also Jimin is Suga's favourite member so Suga is super comfortable with Jimin in everything. But my favorite part of them is the bickering of course.
They can't ever seem to stop fighting which is just so freaking entertaining. Remember ITS 1 when Jhope told Jimin he was being cocky so Jimin said he was going to look for Suga so that the guy could kill his cockiness? He said going to Suga would bring him back down to earth 😂🤣 Because this is who they are, its what they do. They insult eo and call eo out. So people who get mad at Suga need to watch a good old Yoonmin bickering compilation. They've called each other ugly, fat, stupid, skinny, and a bunch of other stuff some people seem to have forgotten.
Anywaaaaaay. Yoonmin alone together is quality content and that's why Suga is high on this list.
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Surely I don't need to explain why this duo is number 2 in terms of JK's most entertaining duos. Right? Like its self explanatory? I've stated many times; imo Jin is JK's favourite/closest after Jimin. Some of u disagree and say Jhope nah, its Jin. Imho.
Tom and Jerry, perfect title for them 2. Love it. Put them in a room together and you're set.
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chaotic thread here for those who need a refresher
Jihope aka Hopemin
We don't need to imagine. This duo have been alone together or engaged just them enough to know they are entertaining as shit. Its usually mostly Jhope laughing at Jimin's antics but this usually prompts Jimin into getting funnier with every laugh he gets from Jhope.
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Much like Jinmin they are the duo you shove into a dying group to give it spice. They are absolutely epic and I feel confident putting Hobi on the number 2 spot of Jimin's most entertaining duos.
They do have awkward moments when they're checking eo out to try and out compliment eo but that's just entertaining as well 😂😂
Last but not least Jikook/Kookmin/Minkook/Mingukk
Now hear me out. This isn't just my bias that made me put this duo at the top. Alright? There is this ongoing unfairness taking place in the fandom where people undermine Jimin and JK's funny n chaotic sides.
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Together they are hilarious and entertaining and this duo doesn't get enough credit for being as funny as they are.
The reason they are number one is because Jikook alone together is a complete programme. Humor, Check. Chaos, Check. Romance, Check. Sexual tension, Check.
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Hate or love this duo, they're a perfect recipe for entertainment.
Would love to hear your thoughts but this is how I'd rate them. Thanks for the ask anon, twas fun 💜
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The Uncanny Valley: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
Summary: Therapy isn't something you're taking too well, but if you want to keep your job, you'll continue to go. you're forced to confront thoughts and memories of your own family when you come across the father of the unsub.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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If drugs are being used, then a doctor might know something about it that the team won't. Rossi calls in a doctor who is around all different types of drugs to get a professional opinion on the case.
"So, doctor, if a diabetic were given this battery of drugs to keep her paralyzed, what would the reaction be?"
"Diabetics metabolize everything they consume differently which includes drugs. It all gets broken down to blood sugar at varying rates. Most likely, this patient seized up minutes after she was medicated."
"You're saying she's already dead?"
"Probably. Although, there is another possibility. Bethany's condition could break down the drugs faster than the other victims. She might regain control of her body. Every hour that she doesn't turn up is a reason for hope."
"We're still running out of time. If the drugs don't kill Bethany, she's not gonna last long without insulin."
You and Spencer take it upon yourself to talk to a collector to try and get into the mindset of someone like the unsub. There is a store in town that is owned by a collector who likes to sell some of his things and give them to other people who are collecting the same things he is. Spencer breaks down the situation you're in without giving too much information away. He's still a civilian who doesn't need to know police business.
"Look, collectors are good, honest people. Just because you enjoy dolls doesn't make you a freak or a pedophile."
"We appreciate that sir, but the woman that we're looking for has lost her ability to control her obsession. She's killed three women trying to recreate a type of doll she had a child."
"Describe the line to me."
"There's a pattern to the victims. They're all in their twenties and petite."
"Most doll lines revolve around infants. Is she dressing them like babies?"
"No, she's not." Spencer looks at you to see you studying the things he has in his store. You're not touching anything but you are fiddling with your fingers as you look. "Their wardrobe consists of chiffon dresses worn by one blond woman, a redhead, and a black woman."
"Is she sewing the dresses herself?"
"How did you know that?"
The store owner goes around the counter and takes out a big book of dolls. He flips through the pages to the ones he thinks are the ones the unsub is trying to recreate.
"It's the Valois line. They were a local company back in the late eighties. They promoted feminism and multiculturalism. Strong, independent girls from different backgrounds who could still be friends."
"Y/N, check this out." You walk over to Spencer and study the contents of the book. "Each doll has a birth certificate to fill out, a form to describe their lives, and a kit to sew your own clothes."
"JJ said she's been at this for a while. She's probably been sewing since she was a little kid."
"Wait a minute. Sir, what's this contest that they held?" Spencer asks when he sees an ad in the book.
"That was to see who could come up with the most imaginative doll. Sew a dress and write an essay to describe her. If you won the contest, you'd have your doll featured in next year's line."
"That didn't end well, did it?"
"It's a classic tool child psychologists use. Tell me a story with these dolls sort of way."
"When the company got essays with thinly veiled references to physical or sexual abuse, they turned the entry forms and the dolls over to the police. The publicity killed the line."
"You said the company was local, right? They might still have the clothes in evidence."
The detective was able to get the dolls that were in evidence once you asked him to. By the time you got back to the station, Derek was reading some of the essays while JJ and Emily were inspecting the dolls. You used to have a doll like that when you were a child. Your dad gave you one to dress up with doll clothes. You didn't have the skill to sew and it's not like your parents were gonna do that for you.
You grab one of the dolls and think back to your childhood. You got a lot of dolls, in fact.
"How are the essays going?" Spencer asks Derek.
"It makes for some pretty depressing reading. Prentiss is having a good time."
"Hey, these dolls are like little time capsules only eighties fashion wasn't so kind to them. I'm surprised how many little girls knew how to make shoulder pads. How's it going on your end, JJ?"
"I got a list of vendors the victims went to--tailors and seamstresses, that sort of thing."
"JJ, you said something about a handkerchief hem, right?" Emily asks.
Emily shows her the hem on some of the clothes on the dolls.
"That's exactly like what she sews for her victims."
"What's the name on the entry?"
"Samantha Malcolm."
"She's on my list," JJ says.
"Wait a minute, guys. I have her essay around here somewhere." He looks for it. "Right here. 'Sally doesn't like the room with the lightning.' That can't be good."
You take out your phone and call Penelope to get information on Samatha.
"Okay guys, I just got Samantha's medical records. Oh, my god, she was doomed. Like Emily Bronte doomed, like Shakespeare doomed."
"What happened to her?" Hotch asks.
"Right. For the first ten years, nothing. Then, she starts a battery of electroshock treatments."
"At ten? Who subjects a child to ECT?" Spencer wonders.
"That would be her father, Dr. Arthur Malcolm. He runs an inpatient mental health facility for troubled young people called New Lives. At first, the essay that Samantha wrote raised some flags, but her father explained that the therapy was to deal with the recent death of her mother. After that, he started her on a serious regimen of anti-psychotic drugs which he weaned her off of a few years ago."
"It explains her familiarity with medication. Where is she now?"
"Her father declared her incompetent so he's still the legal guardian. Everything is in his name, and all of her records list New Lives as her residence."
"She can't keep victims in an inpatient facility. She needs privacy. Garcia, what about real estate holdings in her father's name?"
"Just his own, but New Lives has a bunch of outpatient and halfway houses all over town."
"JJ, where does she work?"
She checks her list. "I have her placed at three different shops around town."
"Alright, let's split up and cover the shops and the facility."
"I want to go to New Lives," Spencer says. "Whether or not she's there, I want to talk to the father. There are literally hundreds of therapies to help kids through loss. Electroshock is not one of them."
"Take Rossi and Y/N," Hotch says.
Rossi drives both of you to Arthur's facility that's right smack dab in the middle of town. You step out of the car and feel the sense that someone is watching you. You look around and know Samantha is out there. She's close whether on purpose or just passing through.
"What is it?" Spencer asks.
"She's here. I feel her. I can't find her, though."
There are too many people walking around that her energy mixes with everyone else's. Rossi takes you two inside and gets approval to talk to Dr. Malcolm. The second you see the doctor, you freeze in your steps. He becomes blurry through your tears but neither Rossi nor Spencer notice you. Rossi begins explaining the situation briefly but you can't hear the words coming out of his mouth.
"I am very confused, gentlemen. What does this have to do with Samantha?"
"We need to talk to her. Is she here?"
"No, she's at work."
"Does she live here or did you move her into one of your halfway houses?"
"As a matter of fact, she is in one of my houses."
"We'll need the address."
"I need to know what this is about."
"She might be tied to a series of abductions."
"That's not possible. It's not my daughter," Dr. Malcolm shakes his head.
"Is Samantha on her own at this house? There are no other patients, right?"
"She thought that was best and I agreed."
Rossi looks back at Spencer and notices the painful look on your face.
"Y/N, are you okay?"
Spencer turns to look at you and grabs your hand to which you squeeze. The feeling and energy you're getting from Dr. Malcolm is the same one you got from your rapist. It's similar to the same feeling you've been getting with your dad recently, but you're not going to open that door.
"I know a child molester when I see one."
"I beg your pardon?"
"You subjected Samantha to electroshock therapy when she was ten. The effects of that would be permanent, especially at that age but you knew that, didn't you?"
"My wife died when Samantha was ten and she never recovered. I tried everything. Child psychiatry and pet therapy. Nothing helped. She was cutting herself. She was in pain. But I want to go back to the part where you're accusing me of being a child molester."
"Really? Okay. I noticed you have toys in your office. Why are they here?"
"I use them in my therapy."
"I understand that, but why are they on the top shelf away from where any kids can reach them?"
"They're reminders of patients that I've helped."
"Okay." You grab one of the toys from the shelf. "What was the name of the girl you helped with this one?"
"Jenny Larson."
You grab another one. "This one? What was the name of the girl you helped with this one?"
"Abigail Moore."
"How about this one?"
"Linda Krauss."
"I'm assuming these girls are nine or twelve, right?"
"My PhDs are on the effect of trauma on prepubescent girls. I do not appreciate what you're implying," he glares.
"I'm not implying anything. I'm making an inference. An inference is an educated guess, and based on that, I form a hypothesis. For instance, my hypothesis here is that after you raped your daughter, you submitted her to electroshock treatment to make sure she stayed quiet."
"This is outrageous!"
"Then, out of guilt, you bought her toys. More specifically, you bought her a line of dolls. Because that's what serial molesters do. They give gifts. So, you continued the pattern with your other patients and once they left your care, you added their toys to your collection."
You pause to think about your own situation. Your father gave you a bunch of toys to keep you happy. Maybe there is no correlation and you're reading into but you'd rather not think of your own father in that light.
"I'm sorry, you can't back up your story, Agent."
"This is why I love my job, doctor," you laugh. "The jury is your peers and the witnesses will be Jenny, Abagail, and Linda. The DA will put them on the stand and I'm going to personally bring these dolls in. We'll watch how they react." You start to raise your voice and slam your hand on his desk which scares him. "Not to mention your goddamn energy painting a not-so-pretty picture of you fucking these girls!"
Spencer pulls you back to help calm you down and Rossi steps in to take over.
"Or you could tell us where your daughter is, and we'll tell the DA you cooperated. Once we walk out this door, that deal comes off the table."
You turn to leave the room and Dr. Malcolm says something right before Spencer can leave.
"2529 Adams Street. You'll tell them, right? That I cooperated?"
"Where are the other toys? The collection isn't complete," you glare.
Dr. Malcolm has no choice but to give them up. He gives you the dolls he took from his daughter, the ones that made her start kidnapping in the first place. Rossi informs the rest of the team where to go, but Spencer thinks it's best if he goes in first. Samantha is mentally unstable so she needs to be approached delicately and carefully.
Spencer goes in knowing he can talk her down while you go in so you can help the girls she's taken.
"Samantha?" She is in the middle of taking care of her victims and she gasps when she hears Spencer's voice. As he is talking to her, you have your gun out and trained on her. "My name is Spencer and this is Y/N. We're with the FBI. I know what your father did to you, and I want you to know that he can never, ever hurt you again."
"He never touched me," she shakes her head. "He's a good father. He loves me."
You say the same thing about your father.
"I know that he probably forced you to say those things. He'd punish you if you got it wrong and send you to the room with the lightning."
"Yeah," she nods.
"The dolls that your father gave you after he hurt you, what would happen to them?"
"He kept them in his office with the other toys, but when I moved out, I had to take my friends with me. I couldn't leave them behind."
As he keeps her talking, you slowly move to the right to get closer to the girls who are begging you with their eyes.
"Of course. When you went to get them, what did you find? He gave them to another girl, didn't he?" She nods emotionally. "Do you want them back?"
"He said I couldn't. He said they were gone for good."
"He lied. He's been lying to you for a long time. Do you want to see them?"
"Can I?"
"Yeah." Spencer reveals he has the box of dolls and she immediately goes over to him. This is when you put your gun away and tend to the girls. "Do you want to play with them?
"Don't worry, you girls are safe," you say.
You take out each IV tube from each of the girl's arms. If they could cry, they would. Bethany is the one with diabetes so she is able to move a lot more. The drugs Samantha gave her wore of quickly.
"Thank you," she whispers.
"It's clear. We need medical in here," Spencer says into his earpiece. When the team comes into the house, Samantha panics that she isn't going to see her dolls again. "Hey, Samantha? You need to go with these men but your friends can go with you, okay?"
"They won't take them away?"
"I promise no one will ever take them away again."
She is taken away but she is happy because of her dolls.
"Well done, Agent Reid."
Rossi goes over to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder for comfort.
"Are you okay?"
"No," you whisper painfully.
Another job well done. Another successful case. It doesn't feel that way. It feels like the world is caving in on you and you can't get to safety. You dread going to sleep but you know you have to at least try. Maybe this time you won't have another nightmare. That's the hope, right?
You're back here again. You're back in the same nightmare. The same car is on the side of the road where you're walking. Someone grabs you from behind. Who is it? It doesn't matter. You scream out for help. You kick and fight to get away. It's no use. Whoever grabbed you has a tight hold on you.
Help! Someone help! Anyone! No one is coming to help you. You're all alone. Spencer stands on the other side of the street just watching. Help! Spencer, please! He doesn't do anything but stands there watching you get dragged into the car.
"Y/N, wake up. You're having a nightmare."
You gasp awake and look around the room to make sure you're not actually inside that car. You're covered in sweat and tears.
"I'm right here. You're okay."
"No, I'm not," you sob. You turn over in his arms and cry into his chest. "Please make this stop."
Spencer is heartbroken for you. He doesn't know how to help and it's killing him.
"In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate." - Isaac Asimov
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
𝐹𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑦𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑒╰🎀 . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna, & Megumi with Chubby!Fem!reader who is a Fashion Fairy ᮫ׅ ๋ 𝆹 ׅ╰🧚🏻‍♀️ . ִ ۫ ⁎ .
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🧸 A/N : hey hey i'm just done taking a break for like 2 days so now i'm back writing again hehehe :) also i forgot to make the pt 4 of the baker series with gojo, but i already put him in here so i'm just gonna post this first, and then maybe i'll post the baker series pt 4 later. tysm! if you like my writings, please reblog & feedbacks me! ty!.
🧸 Warnings ; genoside mentions & murdering attemption include, Mocking/bullying (not from the jjk characters) and maybe some misspelled word. reader skin color is not announced.
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Gojo ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• Yuhh another fashion-enthusiast 👸🏽👓🤏🏻
• love your style so much that he sometimes buy clothes that match your style.
• really support your ethusiasm over fashion!
• every week after he had done his training or mission, he goes to where you lived, knock the door at your house, and ask you "Y/N lets go shopping tonight~!"
• if you refuse he will be a pouting baby, whining over everything. but if you accept him, this goofball will be Over the Moon 🌙🌬
• like, after you accept his invitation, he will goes to tell his happy news to his friends and his students in a rather exaggerated manner.
• Yuuji, Megumi, Nanami was exhausted at this point, hearing gojo mumbling "She accept it!" over and over again, at this rate they dont even know if this was a blessing or a curse.
• so mother fucking proud having you as his S/o. always mumbling and bringing it to others. but if some lowlife starting to mock you, he's going to act like an annoying offensed teenager saying "How could you say/do that to the love of my life!?" but... if that lowlife is taking it as far as wanting to hurt you or endangering you, well i suppose they're gonna have to encounter the Horrifying side about Gojo Satoru (although he'd still be in his Goofy attitude 💀)
Nanami ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• didnt mind it, in fact he really love it, but he just doesnt show it too much.
• we all know Nanami is some sort of stoic person, so its not so surprising hearing this. he really really love you, and would die & kill for you. but he's a Man that doesnt really show it out loud.
• he's showing his love with how much he want to spend his time with you.
• one of his favorite part is that, he really love seeing how confidence you are in your beautiful clothes & jewelry.
• theres nothing more entertaining for him than seeing you compliment yourself in front of the mirror. he really love seeing you happy, and he would want to keep your confidence forever.
• but theres a time where some pest trying to somehow.. trying to.. lower your confidence. trying to.. make you uncomfortable about your own self & body.
• and if nanami knew that his beloved s/o is getting mocked and look down by some pest, he's going to go straight to their home, knock at their door, and lecture them with the wisest yet cruelest words you could ever imagine for 5 hours straight until that pest is become a crying mess and begging for mercy.
• after he done with those pest, he's going to a gentle giant to you. he's gonna try to make you confident about yourself again.
• what do you need? cuddles? food? more dress? more clothing? jewelry? hair accessories? no problem, its all for you.
• Would kill for you if that means he can see you happy and being comfortable with yourself again.
• and that's just how Nanami Kento show his love and devotion for you in his own way.
Sukuna ʚ ₊˚ ᥀
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• oh my god this man.......
• he looks like a dilf but i'm telling ya this man is aged MORE THAN A 1000 YEARS OLD. so i'm just telling it may not go so well.
• he sometimes think millenials opinion and choice about their style and fashion are weird, but its not like he cares about them.
• hell he's the King of the curses! why would he cares about mortals fashion anyway? *pfft*
• but its all change when he meets you, the love of his life although he'd rather cut his tongue out than calling you this lmfao
• oh how he looove the the colors you put outside your skin, how they compliment your curves, giving you the best look, and the confidence. yes.. the confidence 🙌🏻 the way you compliment yourself in the mirror, also the way you gave zero fuck about some people who want to take down your confidence.
• but that doesnt mean that people can just get away. you may used to it but sukuna was far from it. he's going to go to that fuckface place and take their lowlife lives.
• he may even go as far as planning a genoside if it means keeping you safe & happy.
• but we all know he's a major tsundere, so he only would-to-never admit all of this at all.
• he probably would admit this in the most confusing way you could possibly imagine.
• but again, thats just how he show his love for you. he would kill for you, and he would even start a genoside if its necessary enough to keep you safe & happy.
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seramilla · 3 months
More Fluff!! (Hopefully this isn't too long)
Lucifer's Rebellion has been going on for years now. Everyone has lost someone they loved and they're all tired. Lucifer, Lilith, Micheal and Heavenly Virtues (no Elders were invited) meet up in secret to, hopefully, find a way to end the fighting. They argue for hours before finally coming up with a plan: both sides would offer up their top generals' hand in marriage. They hoped that this would allow some kind of trust to slowly, but surely, blossom in both side.
At first Sera and Carmilla were a bit peeved by the idea when they were told of their roles. Carmilla thinks Sera is a stuck up bitch and Sera thinks Carmilla is just another bloodthirsty revel. Both of them decided to let off some steam in the nearby woods. During Sera's walk, she felt a sudden large spike of magic and immediately went to its source, only to find Carmilla blowing a couple of conjured training dummies, breathing heavily as sweat fell from her brow. Cue gay panic Sera. (Note: Neither of them know what the other looks like, both always wore a mask and full armor when on the battlefield)
Carmilla, sensing she's being watched, turns around and sees a tall and beautiful angel watching her, blushing so much she looked like she was about to-. Yep, she fainted.
Carmilla quickly catches the strange angel and gently lays her down, finding her more enchanting up close.When Sera wakes up, she's confused at where she was before the recent events caught up with her and she's back to being a blushing mess. "Woah, woah!. Calm down. Don't want you fainting on me again" She heard a voice jokingly say beside her. When Sera looks over she sees the angel smirking down at her and she nearly faints again (A/N: Dang it Sera, that's your future wife!! Get it together)
Thankfully, Sera managed to stay awake and the two actually have a great conversation. Well, after they got over the "your my enemy" talk. Unfortunately, everything must come to an end and they return to their own camps, both promising to not fight if they ever see each other in the battlefield. It's only when they're back at their own rooms that they realize... They never asked the other what their name was.
When the leaders finally decided it was time to introduce the two betrothed to one another. Imagine the bitterness from Seramilla, as they are about to meet their future partner. The confusion when they see each other and the joy they felt when they realize this is the angel they're gonna be spending the rest of their existence with.
Both sides had probably been worried about a potential alliance. The fighting had been going on for so long, that even in angelic terms, after decades or centuries of war, both sides had been skeptical that this idea would even bear fruit. The soldiers and officers are tired, disgruntled, and low on morale. None of these angels or demons know each other. They wonder what in the Hell the leaders in both camps had been thinking concocting this plan!
Carmilla and Sera, however, are pleasantly surprised that their betrothed happens to be the person they met in the woods that night. At any rate, it's not as...devastating as either of them thought it would be. Some of the other matchups are horrible...absolutely atrocious. But the first time both Carmilla and Sera meet on equal terms...at a banquet scheduled for each of the couples to mingle and get to know each other in a more casual setting...Carmilla and Sera seem to be the only two who even remotely get along at first.
They dance. Carmilla is a great dancer. Sera less so, but Carmilla teaches her the steps. As an orchestra plays, Carmilla leads, and despite being much shorter than her counterpart, she manages to dip and twirl Sera in spectacular fashion, moving her partner across the dance floor as smoothly as a swan navigates calm waters. They dance until both are out of breath and smiling in each other's faces. They are so close to kissing...but eventually, they pull away in embarrassment. This is supposed to be a date...but unfortunately, not just a date for them. All eyes are on the pair, as during their dance, they've become the center of attention.
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smytherines · 3 months
☠ agent curt mega pretty pleaseeee
Ooooohhh angry/violent headcanon for Curt. This is an interesting one. I wrote waaaay too much here and I'm probably gonna end up in fandom jail for this one, but...
I mean we've talked about this before, but I genuinely do not see the horrible toxic manipulative Owen/little innocent cinnamon roll Curt dynamic that a lot of people seem to get from A1P1. It just doesn't track for me with what actually happens in that scene. Interpretation is an art, and everyone's art style is different, I just personally can't see anything to support it.
For me, pre-fall curtwen is a relationship of equals. Equals who often irritated each other because they were very different people (but also because they were very similar people), equals who didn't have any real concept of how to have a healthy relationship (especially with another man), equals who individually had a lot of flaws and messed up coping mechanisms and (in my headcanon at least) neurodevelopmental disabilities that made them uniquely suited for espionage, but also gave them all sorts of weird problems that they had no way of understanding or fixing. For me, they each gave as good as they got. For better or worse.
So keeping that in mind, I think about that part of A1P1 where Cynthia is insulting Curt while trying to recruit Owen to A.S.S., because that interaction, and what comes after it, is very important for my understanding of who pre-fall Curt was as a person.
Even though Owen doesn't entertain the idea of working for A.S.S. for even a second, Curt gets jealous, and pissed off, and hangs up on Cynthia. I think Owen's line is "What are you, jealous? You know I'd never work for the Americans," and its incredulous, like its a silly thing for Curt to get upset about because Owen would never even consider it. Curt pulls his flask out as soon as the call is over, and he responds to Owen pretty sharply by saying "Oh I do know that you couldn't handle it." He responds as if Owen has threatened his status at A.S.S.
We see this dynamic again when Owen chastises him for drinking, and Curt mocks his accent while saying "not until the jobs done." We see it again when Owen gestures to the banana peel like "what are you doing," and Curt responds fairly harshly with (I think, I'm doing this off memory) "this whole place is about to be garbage anyways, who gives a shit."
Those moments, for me, imply that Curt gets embarrassed easily, he gets jealous easily, and that he reacts very defensively when he is criticized, which is just Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria 101. It couldn't get more typical RSD than that. And each criticism, even though they're individually pretty mild, just seems to make him act more recklessly during A1P1, like he's trying to show that actually he's a badass and Owen just worries too much. Again, very RSD.
The thing about RSD is that- especially when you don't know you have it- sometimes your first impulse is to get furious. Not annoyed. Not irritated. But like blood pulsing in your ears, seeing red kind of furious. Your heart rate elevates. It's like your body goes into fight or flight, and more often than not your body is going to pick fight. And because ADHD is a lifelong thing, unless you're getting treatment or at least a diagnosis and information, you literally have no concept that this is not how other people react emotionally, so you justify your own behavior because you truly do not understand that this isn't normal (ask me how I know hahahaaa)
As much as we love them, and as much as I truly believe they loved each other, they probably got into a fair few fistfights over the years. These are two men who are accustomed to violence. Who are very good at violence. Who have a flirty torture scene and then tell the guy whose knees Owen just shot out that "you've just been used for sport" (Owen), and "I hope you had fun- I know we sure did" (Curt).
To me, pre-fall Curt seems like the type to put Owen down a lot with relatively minor digs "as a joke" (aka he is bad with feelings), and to some degree it doesn't bother Owen that much because that's just how they are. They banter. But sometimes, maybe when Owen is tired or feeling particularly sensitive that day, he'll go straight for the jugular- zero in on the thing Curt is most sensitive about. With Curt its death by a thousand cuts, with Owen its a laser guided missle.
I've talked about this before too, but I think that by the time we get to A1P1 Curt probably already has a bit of a drinking problem. After the fall, drinking is just how he manages to survive his grief. But I think before the fall he could get miserable and sour and petty while drunk, take out his insecurities on the people around him, and probably on occasion just start fights because he's bored and will take any stimulation he can get.
I don't think this is just a thing he does with Owen either, I think this has probably been a problem for him his whole life. He feels things very close to the surface. He is very emotional, which is a thing you're not allowed to be as a man, as a boy/teen/man in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, and a thing that is very dangerous if you are a gay man during this time period.
He also has a big fucking ego. During the 54 Below concert spoken intros they describe what happens in A1P1 as "when these two spies are together they are gay and unstoppable- until Curt's ego gets in the way." And I think a big part of that ego is wrapped up in his performance of his gender. That if he's the very best at this extremely hypermasculine profession then nobody will notice any of the stereotypically feminine traits he has, no one will think he is actually sensitive and tender-hearted and more vulnerable than he appears. He thinks that performing stereotypical 1950s masculinity will insulate him from anyone ever finding out his secret- that he likes men, that he's in love with a man.
Also, ADHD can make you very impatient, easily bored, and Jesus let me tell you I know from experience that when an ADHDer gets too bored for too long, they get irritated. At everything, at nothing. So the combination of these factors makes me think that he probably was the kind of kid to get into scraps (especially at any suggestion that he was not masculine enough), the kind of adult who felt too much and got it out with aggression. He was a brawler. Spying helped focus his aggression. He got to still have it, but he got to feel like it was serving a noble purpose.
I do also think that, even if he gave Owen a lot of shit (particularly for the crime of not being American), if someone insulted Owen in front of him, or if one of their enemies hurt Owen, I fully believe Curt would go full-on berserker mode to defend Owen. So it isn't entirely a negative thing. He can utilize his anger and violence to protect people he loves too.
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thisapplepielife · 3 months
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Written for @corrodedcoffinfest.
Tonight Isn't The Night
Day #7 - Prompt: Celebrate Good Times, C'mon | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Older Steddie, Man Plans and God Laughs, Grand Romantic Gesture
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Eddie wants it all to be perfect. This has been a long fucking time coming, and if he fucks it up at the last second, he'll never forgive himself. Jeff and Goodie are playing chauffeur, picking Steve up at the airport under an elaborate ruse.
They're supposed to keep him busy, and then drop him off at the arena to meet up with Eddie, pre-show. Eddie rented an event space, and Gareth is helping him try to get it ready.
Eddie planned all of this. 
But Eddie's nervous. 
Gareth is crawling around the room, stringing lights so it'll be romantic, and Eddie's gonna owe that kid. That kid is forty, and a dad to two, but still. Crawling on the floor sounded like hell on Eddie's worn-out body, so Gareth had gotten down and was doing it without complaint.
They don't have time to complain. Not when Steve will be at the arena in t-minus two hours. And Eddie will need to be there, if he doesn't want Steve to realize something is up. 
Eddie watches Gareth crawl out from under a table, and Eddie wishes he was still that goddamn spry. He used to be. He used to be made of elastic, Uncle Wayne always said so. But those days, and those muscles, are long gone, eaten away by bats over two decades ago.
Eddie's hip is killing him today. As if the Upside Down has decided to rear its ugly head again, just because he's so fucking happy. It's bullshit. 
He doesn't want to take anything that might dim his memory, not today, so he takes three ibuprofen and calls it good. That will have to do. 
The ring is burning a hole in his pocket. He keeps palming it, checking, double-checking, just to make sure it's still there.
It is. 
The small box, hard against his thigh.
He's gonna ask tonight. After the show, when they're alone. He's gonna take him back to this venue, take him up on the roof and while meteors fall from the sky, he's gonna ask Steve to marry him. 
When Jeff opens the door, he's making a face that Eddie doesn't understand, not until he sees Steve.
Steve's in a bad mood, a terrible one, actually, and Eddie cups his hand over the ring box. Tonight isn't the night. Goddammit. When Steve stomps off to the bathroom, Eddie fishes the box out of his jeans pocket, and tucks it into his jacket.
"What are you gonna do now?" Gareth asks, in an alarmed whisper. 
Nothing. He'll do nothing. 
He'll listen to Steve rant and rave. He'll be here, and present, not at all thinking about the thousands of twinkling lights or meteors up above.
It's not the night. 
After the show, Steve's still pissy. The ride back to the hotel is filled with Steve bitching and moaning, and Eddie knows better than to try and offer any suggestions, not while Steve's like this. This is just venting, and if anyone knows about venting, it's Eddie. He's made it an art form over the years.
But right now, it's Steve's turn. 
And Eddie listens.
Steve's mid-rant, when he looks out the window, "Hey. Shooting star."
Then, "Oh. Another."
"There's a meteor shower tonight," Eddie explains. 
"And you didn't make plans to view it?" Steve asks, because he knows Eddie, and this is a thing they've done dozens, maybe hundreds, of times over the past two and half decades. 
"Well, a little, but you're not in the mood for that tonight," Eddie says, trying not to sound disappointed. 
He isn't.
No, he is. He really is. But he understands. Life doesn't always go your way. Some days, you're nearly eaten by bats. Others, your marriage proposal gets scrapped. Eddie's used to be fucked by life, well and good and raw, by now. 
Steve looks over at him, "I'm not in that bad of a mood. We can still look at the sky," Steve offers, and Eddie would like that. He really, really would. But he can't take Steve there. It's too much, too over the top, and he'll immediately suss out what was really on the agenda for the night. Then he'll beat himself up for ruining it. 
So, no. They can't go there.
They end up out in the parking lot of the hotel, sitting in a patch of grass that Eddie's pretty sure other people probably let their dogs piss in. But Steve's leaning against him, and that's always gonna make for a nice night.
It's quiet, and peaceful, neither of them saying a word, until Steve suddenly says, "We should get married."
And Eddie nearly chokes. 
"What, you don't want to?" Steve questions.
"Steve Harrington, I'm gonna kill you, and then I'm gonna marry you. No, I'm gonna marry you, and then I'm gonna kill you. I had a whole night planned. And then, well," Eddie says, waving his arms around Steve's head. "Pissy. So. Postponed."
Steve is just looking at him.
Eddie keeps ranting, mocking, "We should get married."
Steve smiles, and Eddie digs in his jacket pocket, handing over the velvet box, "Here. We're engaged."
Steve throws back his head and laughs, absolutely delighted and it's contagious. Eddie has to laugh, too. He's not mad. He's frustrated. 
He's in love, and not even a little surprised. Nothing ever goes his way. He has the opposite of the Midas touch. 
Except. He gets to love Steve Harrington. 
And that's a pretty big win.
After a beat, Eddie says, "Please don't tell Gareth that this happened in the hotel parking lot. He crawled all over, stringing lights, and I'll never hear the end of it."
Steve laughs, and then kisses him, "I'll never tell."
And he doesn't. There's an elaborate romantic story that's fed to Gareth and the public, but it's not the truth. Not a word.
But that's okay. That just means the real deal is only theirs. 
A secret between them, the stars, and the dog piss-soaked grass. 
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @corrodedcoffinfest and follow along with the fun! 🦇
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