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Close up on my last drawing ! 🌬️✨
 Thanks for every single soul who leaved kind words about this drawing. The post was shadow banned, so I’m surprised to see that many reactions ! 
 While I was drawing this one, I was feeling emotionally overwhelmed and all I wished for was something to ease my nerves. I loved this scene from chapter 13 and knew I had to redraw it ever since I first watched it. For once, my brain stayed quite and I could just go with the flow, simply enjoying the process. So this humble redraw sparks so much peace to me, and I'm glad to see other people can feel it too.
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atchela-wander · 10 months
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Just quitted my job~ 🎉✨
These past 5 months I've been working full-time in a love-shop. I loved the job, it was both very interesting and fun, plus I met cool people. But the management- I've been warned and I wouldn't have lasted this long if it wasn't the case. But some things couldn't be anticipated. It's a shame, but I have no regrets. And now I have so many funny anecdotes-
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arnoediad · 7 years
Get to know me Tag
Tagged by @nataliebgdh. Thank you! <3
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Coffee 2. Phone call: Dad 3. Text message: a friend 4. Song you listened to: Tell me - hide 5. Time you cried: I can’t remember .. maybe a few months ago, for a guy who didnt deserve it
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yep 8. Been cheated on: yep 9. Lost someone special: yep 10. Been depressed: I’m always kinda depressed 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: just once
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Navy blue, black, gray
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yep 16. Fallen out of love: yep 17. Laughed until you cried: probably 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yep 19. Met someone who changed you: not really 20. Found out who your friends are: yep 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yep
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost everyone 23. Do you have any pets: not anymore =/ 24. Do you want to change your name: nope 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I went to a bar with two friends, one of them got drunk and we had to take him to my mom’s house, he slept over and throw up, the other friend gave him a shower, I slapped his face .. it was a fun night.  26. What time did you wake up: something between 8 and 9 pm .. and its Sunday! I hate when I wake up early on weekends 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: just rewatching the Office 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The Last Jedi! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: that’s a hard one .. I think that I would take my university more seriously  31. What are you listening right now: Hurry Go Round - hide 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I don’t think so 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: everyone! 34. Most visited website: Tumblr I guess
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: a few, I guess 36. Mark/s: stretch marks 37. Childhood dream: astronomer 38. Hair color: brown with the tips in blonde 39. Long or short hair: medium 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope 41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes I think 42. Piercings: none 43. Blood type: A+ 44. Nickname: Isa or Bella 45. Relationship status: single  46. Zodiac: Aquarius 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: The Office, Parks and Recreations, Full House .. the kind that I watch over and over again
49. Tattoos: one, I have the White Tree of Gondor on my arm 50. Right or left hand: right-handed 51. Surgery: Deviated septum 52. Hair dyed in different color: nope 53. Sport: Chess! and a few others, I’m not a sport girl 55. Vacation: New Zealand! Its freaking Middle Earth! also Greece .. Russia .. Japan .. 56. Pair of trainers: none
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing right now 58. Drinking: water, always! 59. I’m about to: go to my mom’s house (I’m on my dad’s apartment) 61. Waiting for: I dont know what .. 62. Want: so many things .. I cant decide to write here 63. Get married: One day 64. Career: I always wanted to be an astronomer, but know I dont know what is going to be of me
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: kisses 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller  68. Older or younger: older  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: yep 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope .. my head hurts when I’m not using it, so 77. Turned someone down: yep 78. Sex on the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe, but I dont really know 80. Had your heart broken: oooohhh yeeeess 81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: yep, my grandpa 83. Fallen for a friend: nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: kiiinda 85. Miracles: not really 86. Love at first sight: not really 87. Santa Claus: nope 88. Kiss on the first date: maybe.
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: I guess Thiago 91. Eye color: dark brown 92. Favorite movie: THE LORD OF THE RINGS
I tag: @suna-yodo, @5star-usopp, @pisces-no-aphrodiite, @abyss-no-ishi, @miichan-yamagusuku, @theyllhideeverywhere, @atchela, @behindheremeraldeyes, @perladellanotte, @hello-velia-odinson, @pain-love-sasusaku, @dundermifflinscranton, @madara-fate, @sasusake and everyone who want to do it
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lanottedellastrega · 5 years
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It’s in a hallway, so I can’t get far enough away to capture it in a single picture, but have a collage of my Ghost wall, featuring prints from @nemazine and originals from @a-wandering-ghoulette and @the-world-is-on-fire .
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ano-lantern · 8 years
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Thank you all @lovelyjakuki​ @nijiryuu​ @atchela​ ~!   You are too kind! ╰(♡*▽*♡)╯
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feynites · 6 years
Did a little bit of Tyranny fic! :3
Fatebinder Atchela had worked very long, and very hard, to arrange for the surrender of Apex to Kyros’ forces.
 Up until the Oathbreakers’ rebellion, it had been regarded as the most benevolent arrangement in the Tiers. And not without reason. Where the Bastard City had seen a bloodbath of ruling nobility, and the Vellum Citadel had burned, and the realms of Stalwart and Allure had been ravaged by Edicts that reshaped their landscapes, Apex had been able to sign papers on taxation and conscription. Had been able to gain privileges, such as the freedom to continue to celebrate local holidays, and use local scripts, and limit the period of time for which a citizen of Apex could be forced into indentured servitude to the armies of Kyros.
 Only the Bastard City could lay similar claims, and even then, with most of the city’s ruling class drowned in pools of their own blood, their replacements had been specifically chosen by Archon Tunon for their malleability. The Bastard Tier retained a few cultural relics, was thrown a handful of bones, but the realm was unquestionably subjugated to northern customs and laws.
 By breaking the terms of their painstakingly crafted surrender, the Oathbreakers of Apex had shattered any hope of regaining the high ground they had once held amid the conquered Tiers.
 It is a puzzle that Atchela has been worrying over ever since word reached Tunon’s court that Apex was rebelling.
 The obvious answer, of course - the answer which most vassals of the court seem content to accept - was that southerners are barbaric fools, and the terms of surrender had been lenient enough that Apex had grown bold.
 It would take a tremendous amount of stupidity for the people of Apex to commit to this path, though. More than Atchela would credit them with. Unlike most of the denizens of Tunon’s court, Atchela had sat through discussions with Apex’s leadership. Long arguments, debates, compromises. She had gone between the leaders of Kyros’ armies and conferred via missives with the Archon of Justice, had taxed her own knowledge of Kyros’ law to find loopholes and appeasements that would not incur the wrath of her own employers. She knows the stubborn nature of these people - but there had also been a reason why, in the end, they had surrendered.
 No Edicts had been proclaimed at that time. Kyros’ magically-enforced proclamations had not yet sundered whole Tiers. The only intimidation factor compelling Apex to submit was the simple reality of the situation. Kyros’ armies held the entire north, held the vast majority of the world.
 Winning simply was not an option for the Tiers.
 Apex alone had the foresight to know it, and Atchela had seen the resignation on the faces of her leaders. Once the Bastard City had fallen, the writing had been on the wall.
 If the people of Apex had been smart enough to see it before the surrounding Tiers were ground underfoot, why would they rebel now, with their chances of success vastly diminished?
 This is the question she has brought to Tunon, Archon of Justice. Tunon has listened, neutral as ever, before tilting his head in concession.
 “This is a matter worth exploring,” he agrees.
 “It seems to me… that desperation would be the key factor to such a decision,” she opines. “Particularly if our forces were not actually upholding the agreed-upon terms of surrender.”
 Tunon’s masked face offers no expression, but she catches a hint of disapproval in the way the vaporous shadows around him curl.
 “You suspect the avowed servants of Kyros of misconduct, before you suspect an unruly enemy of betrayal?” he asks.
 Absolutely, Atchela thinks. Tiersmen are still foolhardy enough to value their honour as more than a matter of pretense. Disfavored are only honourable where their own numbers are concerned, and the Scarlet Chorus would skin the rules and roast them if it seemed like an easy way to get a meal.
 “There is a lack of foresight, my lord, and then there is sundering an advantageous treaty for the sake of prolonged suicide. At best, the Oathbreakers could only hope to chase our forces from Apex for a brief period of time, before being crushed beneath the next wave of armies from the north. In light of that, I am willing to consider that they are being compelled by something more than Tiersman bravado,” she explains, choosing her words carefully.
 She always chooses her words carefully, now.
 Tunon is silent for a moment.
 “This campaign has drawn on needlessly long,” he finally declares. She lets out an inaudible breath of relief at the lack of further recrimination. “The Tiers are broken. Yet, it is true that resistance remains. There is some credence to the idea that fault lies with the armies and their leaders, even considering the uncivilized rabble which populate this peninsula.”
 He looks at her, then, and she bows at the stern shift in his countenance. Or rather, the shadows that make up more of it than his face.
 “But this court will not hear accusations without sufficient cause. You brokered the treaties with Apex. Many here whisper of excess leniency, leading to a vassal too willful to be managed.”
 Atchela follows her bow with an additional, deferential nod.
 “If it pleases my Archon, I would remind any member of the court that all treaties signed were approved by your hand as well as mine,” she says.
 “So they were,” Tunon agrees. “And if fault lies with the treaties, then it lies with the court. An impression of weakness which cannot be abided - the laws of Kyros are the will of the Overlord, as he well knows. Which is why Apex will also face the justice of an Edict.”
 Atchela’s chest sinks.
 She quells the feeling; buries it in her gut.
 All that effort…
 “The honour of proclamation will fall again to you,” Kyros informs her.
 Her head snaps up. She barely keeps the denial from her lips, as she freezes for a moment. To be chosen to deliver an Edict is a rare honour for a Fatebinder. To be chosen to deliver two is even more rare. But to deliver one to Apex…
 What has the Overlord decided, she wonders? Having destroyed half the Tiers with fire and earthquakes and storms. Flood, now? There is the Matani river…
 Tunon waves, and summons a scroll case. She has seen its like only once before.
 “Kyros has decreed that her armies will claim Ascension Hall in Vendrien’s Well by the Day of Swords, or all within the valley shall die,” he tells her.
 The scroll case seems to hum within her hands. A different feeling from the first Edict she held. This one seems almost to recognize her - which is a preposterous notion. Except that the magic of Kyros is, in its way, an extension of the Overlord.
 So perhaps, on some level, it does.
 Her fingertips go numb while she holds it. It takes her a moment to fully process Tunon’s explanation.
 “All? Even the plants and animals?” she wonders.
 The Archon of Justice ignores the question. Which undoubtedly means he has no idea, and no interest in getting caught up in a debate about the potential catastrophe.
 “You brokered the terms of the surrender that has been violated. Deliver the Edict, and then investigate the cause of the rebellion,” he instructs her, before punctuating his order with a sharp rap of his gavel against the courtroom floor. Though they are not in the main hall, the sound of it still echoes through the whole building. “If Graven Ashe or the Voices of Nerat have been subverting the Overlord’s will, they will face judgment.”
 “Of course,” Atchela agrees, automatically. She makes another bow, before taking her leave of the audience. Wishing, at once, that she had not chosen to involve herself in this debacle.
 She should have left well enough alone. Should have let the court shoulder responsibility for approved treaties being broken, or let the Oathbreakers suffer the full ramifications of treachery. They likely will anyway, even if it is discovered that the Disfavored or Scarlet Chorus were violating terms.
 All she has done, now, is made herself the bearer of bad news.
 ‘Peacebinder’, they had called her in Apex, after the surrender was formalized. Among other things, of course. Her eyes move down towards the scroll case in her hands.
 They certainly won’t like what she’s binding them to now.
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mymummydust · 4 years
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Female Papa Emeritus IV 
Inspo: @atchela-wander
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theoutermenace1986 · 4 years
I couldn't be happier with my lock screen and my home screen because it looks like Copia is going gaga over Terzo in his clothing while Imperator hangs on and Nihil screams at Aether to get the hose (again)
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EDIT: I wish I remembered who did the Copia art (I can't find them or remember their handle so if anyone knows, let me know so I can give credit please!), but the Terzo art is by @atchela-wander here on tumblr ♡
EDIT 2: Artist who did the Copia is @quartervirus !!! Thank you, Tiffany!!!!♡♡♡♡♡
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thelambofghost · 5 years
Received the stickers and drawing made by @atchela-wander ❤❤ They are so coool!
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monsterenergypunk · 4 years
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Ok for some reason one of your responses to that young 17-year-old TERF showed up like this for me and at first I was extra confused but then I realized it’s the frontman of Ghost (it is, right???) so I’m glad you have good opinions and good music taste.
Also realized I wasn’t following you yet, fixed that. 
Yeah, I mis-clicked and didnt delete the picture in time ;w; So awkward
PS: the artist is @atchela-wander, a fantastic person and creator whom I recommend everyone follow! Atchela...sorry for accidentally reposting your art... I tried to delete it, I really did Q_Q
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Metallion Magazine n°112
I bought this magazine solely because I saw Devin Townsend name on the cover. And I spent an hour translating from French to English his little interview about his newest album: Empath.
@atchela, I think you could be interested!
                                            Devin Townsend
                                                  Live Free
 Devin Townsend has for most of his time worked in total independance, in order to never restrain his inspiration. It was wondering when he would kick in the anthill again and fire his pals of the Devin Townsend Project. Well, it’s done, after ten years of loyal service ! Now, here comes Empath, one of the craziest albums of the maestro!
 How would you introduce Empath ?
 It depicts my midlife crisis. It summarizes perfectly all the styles I approached during my career. It is extremely diversified and emotional, going from rock to extreme metal through jazz and musicals, it reflects a whole load of colours. I hope it will warm the hearts of the fans because it’s an anti-depression album. I needed to compose in this way, having been victim of severe depressions myself.
 Can it be compared to Infinity (1998) ?
 When I composed Infinity, I was far younger. The album was made in pain. I was litteraly obsessed by the writing, and psychologically, I was not doing well. At the time, I was sure that music came from my “inner self”. With Empath, the diversity is similar, but the spirit is different because the music does not really come from me. It is inspired by the nature of my environment.
 Empath is also the beginning of a new era since the members of the Devin Townsend Project have not been invited. Do you think this opus wouldn’t have been possible with them?
 Yes, I think so. If I had kept the same line-up, I wouldn’t have could fully express myself. Devin Townsend Project was a band of progressive hard rock, which limited me... Empath was clearly not compatible with the idea of the band. After years spent with those guys, the relations have evolved. They became my friends. At first, I thought I could afford to be guiding and say them: “You must play it that way!”. But towards the end, I saw clearly that I could not impose my vision of music to them, I had to extract myself from here.
 Was the moment of separation sad?
 Yes, very sad! You know, the problem was not only artistic, it was also financial. For the band to function, we had to produce between fifteen thousands and twenty thousands of dollars by month.
My music is selling well but it is not so much. In order to maintain the salary of everyone, I had to release two discs a year and spend my life on the roads, far from mines. In the end, I was trapped in a gear preventing me from doing any pause. The pressure was immense! I ended up giving up everything, not without giving to each member of the band three months worth of salary so they could have time to flip.
Once the split was official, it was not question of making compromises anymore. Things had to be done in the best way.
If I wanted an orchestra, a choir or I don’t know what, it had to be this way.
 You still kept Anneke from this period. She seems like you right-hand woman, participating to most of your projects...
 She was not a member of the Devin Townsend Project, or at least not a salarian. She was there as a guest, always having the kindness to help me when I needed. It may be why our collaboration goes on.
 Do you remember the first time you heard her sing?
 Oh yes! I was in a friend’s car and we were listening to Mandylion (1995) by The Gathering. I was instantly spellbound, but our meeting happened only twenty years later.
 You have another famous guest on the album, Steve Vai. How did you end up collaborating with him once again?
 Steve made a solo on the final part of the track “Singularity”. I must admit that at first, I had thought of Vernon Reid from Living Colour, who is one of my friends, but he did not have time to help me.
So Vernon contacted Steve, who called me and said: “If you want a solo, you will have it!”.
 A few years ago, you expressed some bitterness towards Terry Bozzio who participated like you to the album Sex and Religion (1993) from Steve Vai. Terry did not like you and took you for a novice. With time, did you try reconnect with him?
 No! And I must admit that I have been too critical with him. Maybe I should not have...
Indeed, he was not particularly friendly, but I think I overreacted. I only have good things to say about his battery skills. That being said, I don’t really want to see him again.
 Will Empath be playable on stage?
 It will have to be. I intend to play all of it by 2020. To build this project, I already know I will have to call the three drummers who played on the album, Morgan Agren (for the free jazz ambiances and improvisations), Anup Sastry (for the progressive parts) and Samus Paulicelli for everything metal. To this will be added the choir, the orchestra, two keyboarders, three guitarists, a bassist and a percussionist, but it will take time.
For the moment, I am starting a tour alone with my accoustic guitar.
 Your project seems to be on the same level as The Retinal Circus (2013)...
 It is far more ambitious! From a financial point of view, I will only be able to set up this king of show in a few cities. I will have to think of a less ambitious formula with “lighter” rearrangements, probably one metal oriented show and another one more prog’.
 “Detox” seems to be the only title from Strapping Young Lad that you accept, playing it during The Retinal Circus. Do you still reject the band?
 During the last ten years, I admit I did everything to expulse Strapping Young Lad from my mind. But Empath changed my relation with metal, that I learned to reappreciate, I am not afraid or ashamed anymore to confess that metal is full well a part of my personnality.
 In “Detox”, you scream this phrase on loop: “Hey you Mo’!”. What does that mean?
 “Mo” is the abreviation of Moron, a typical Canadian expression meaning: idiot, silly, retarded.
And to avoid people misunderstanding, it’s me that I qualify of imbecile in this track! (Smiles)
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atchela-wander · 5 years
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I’m so in love with Copia’s new look! I had to draw him playing with necro-magic on a rat skull.💀☄️ Perspectives are awfully wrong on some elements and I didn’t create my brush for the pattern on the blue part of his robe but shhhhhh~!
For more fan-content: @a-wandering-ghoulette
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arnoediad · 7 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @nataliebgdh​, thaank yoou <3
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Navy Blue
Lipstick or chapstick: None
Last movie I watched: Brother Bear (I looooove this film)
Top 3 Ships: Sasuke x Sakura (Naruto), Viktor x Yuuri (Yuri on Ice), Kagome x InuYasha (InuYasha)
Books I’m currently reading: I’ve just finish Steppenwolf, Hermann Hesse, now I’m going to read The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli, and then I’ll probably try to finish The Last Kingdom, Bernard Cornwell
Top 5 Musicals: I never liked musicals, sorry!
I’ll tag @atchela, @hello-velia-odinson, @thegirlinthefandom, @5star-usopp, @cherry-cappuccino, @abyss-no-ishi and everyone who wanna do this!
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avaalone · 7 years
Tags tags tags
Hi there ~ here’s a post with a few posts i’ve ben tagged in and that i let pile up because i have no control over my life (feel free to tag me in more stuff though, i always love them even if it takes me forever to do the actual thing!) 
See the tags under the read more! 
1. Tagged by @charmed (like forever ago, sorry for not doing it earlier)
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better
Name: Hélène :|
Nicknames: Hélènou, Lélène, (the two first are gringey but i’m weak for my friends showing that they actually like me so what can i do,,,) Ava
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: around 175 cm, i don’t even know lmao
Ethnicity: full French
Orientation: srfhbxdh
Favorite fruits: PEACHES 
Favorite season: autumn aaall the way
Favorite books: i haven’t read a book in forever lmao 1984 and Milk and Honey
Favorite flowers: idek i love all flowers, but like,,, moonflowers are cool
Favorite animals: horses i guess?
Favorite beverage: Tea, but i love a good latte
Favorite scent: The smell of the ground after it rained on a hot day? the smell of new books? the smell of my horse? who knows 
Favorite fictional characters: I cAn’T ChoOSE?? The Grim Reaper from Dokkaebi just pooped in my mind so let’s go with him. Also Sugawara Koushi my precious sunshine 
Number of blankets i sleep with: 1
Hours of sleep: what a funny question to ask a sleep deprived insomniac
Dream trip: Seoul city
Blog created: My blog just turned 1 last week! 
Number of followers: 125! thank you all to actually put up with my lack of constency when drawing,,,
@datchu tagged me on this one! Merci! 
Would you rather:
- build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope 
- get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga fjkhlkjf how do you choose when you love both 
- go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with Jungkook would do both, but,,, jimin u kno
- do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin actually just sit and watch because i’m tall and awkward and i don’t know what my body is doing 90% of the time and i can’t sing to save my life 
- kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga 
- babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v i hate 75% of childen and 85% of dogs,,, sorry the statistics said so 
- meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family LMAO DON’T MEET MY FAMILY THEY’RE AWKWARD AF
- film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v 
- hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook 
- go to paris with jin with OR to london with suga favourite city with favourite man so who’s the real winner here 
- film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
- attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook
- spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
- fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
- have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin
- have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep
- have a dance party with j-hope OR  sing karaoke with suga
- go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
- have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line lijkrhgql why not BOTH 
- celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and jin
I’m pretty sure I was tagged in something else but i can’t find it anymore smh,,, sorry @ friend who tagged me, i still love you and tag me in other stuff!
sooo i’ll tag @nappingsuga @datchu @iamtheshadowskeeper @comeherejimin @namjobava @zo-chu @talant31130  and @atchela. Do one, do both, do none... as you want! (and as always, if i didn’t tag you but you want to do it, say i tagged you!) 
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nijiryuu · 7 years
I finally made it! 
Everybody wants to be a Cat is one of my favorite songs (especially after I listened to the Yamadera Kôichi version) so it was clear at some point that I’d be recording that song. I also made it a duet like my favorite version. At some point I sound like I’m yawning but that’s mainly because I sing deeper.
Actually I already recorded this in March together with my singing teacher but it took a while for him to edit the background music until the both of us were satisfied. Initially we recorded it with guitar but that doesn’t fit into a jazz song. 
I also should check my email account more frequently since my teacher already sent me the finished version in early April. I love to neglect my email account and therefore didn’t notice that he already finished the song. We also haven’t seen each other because of the holidays so I only learned when he told me on Monday.
Anyway, here it finally is! I hope you’ll enjoy it!
@starblazer124 & @atchela since I promised the two of you in particular that I’ll notice you once I’ve uploaded the song.
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ishxallxgood · 8 years
I’m a dork and love these things
vanTagged by the wonderfully talented @paxohana
1- Name/Nicknames? ishy
2- Height? 5′5″
3- Hogwarts House? Slyterhin
4- Last Thing Googled?  ISU Figure Skating 2015-2016 season
5- A fictional character I’d like as a sibling? Hmm this is a hard one.  So many fandoms to choose from.  Phichit.
6- How many blankets do I sleep with? One
7- Favorite artist/band? BACKSTREET BOYS! xD  (aging myself here) But currently it’s Adele.
8- How many blogs do I follow?  116
9- What do I usually post about? YoI, One Piece (namingly Doflamingo, Sabo, and Law) mostly YoI trash
10- Do you get asks regularly? No.  I don’t think I’ve ever received an ask edit: evidently I have to turn on asks first... oops.
11- What’s your Aesthetic? Phichit in stilettos on a pole <3
a - age: older than Viktor…
b - biggest fear: Earthworms
c - current time:5:35pm
d - drink you last had: Iced Coffe
e - every day starts with: A LOT OF COFFEE (or a sugar free RedBull)
f - favorite song: Of all time? Or of the moment?  Of all time probably Kelly Clarkson’s Beautiful Disaster.  Of the moment, Origin of Love from the Hedwig and the Angry Inch Soundtrack (though Darren Criss’ version is my favorite)
g - ghosts, are they real?: They can be
h - hometown: San Jose CA
i - in love with: Trafalgar Law, Donquixote Doflamingo (YES BOTH OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME.  SO SUE ME) Viktuuri
j - jealous of: no one.
k - killed someone: can’t say that I have
l - last time you cried: Two hours ago when Niall Horan’s This Town came on because I’m currently writing a super angsty Viktuuri fic and that song triggered the feels
m - middle name: My Chinese Name
n - number of siblings: Two
o - one wish: YoI SEASON TWO
p - person you last called/texted: my husband
q - questions you’re most asked: Are those your kids?
r - reasons to smile: existing <3
s - song last sang: This Town - Niall Horan
t - time you woke up: about 8 this morning
u - underwear color: I don’t remember
v - vacation destinations: anywhere.  Last place I went to was NYC, next place I’m going to is Chicago again 
w - worst habit: going beast mode on my kids
x - x-rays you’ve had: at the dentist four months ago
y - your favorite food: sashimi
z - zodiac sign: capricorn
Ok…I tag @mamakat926 @d2diamond @mygeekcorner @atchela @jenroses
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