#ateez highschool au
itstheghostofmypast · 3 months
Big Stupid
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Highschool AU Choi San x (F)Reader
Summary: He wasn't the brightest, but he sure was hardworking, especially when it came down to spending some time with his girl. But one thing was sure, no one could hurt his queen.
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-17
Warnings: Implied Bullying
Word Count: 2.6k
Est.Read Time: 13 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @illusionnet
Banner: @cafekitsune
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Quietly, ever so delicately she nestled between his spread-out legs, his entire frame occupying most of her single bed. It amazed her how he'd be able to make her bed look small, well, he often amazed her, there were moments though, where she'd wish he didn't, he didn't do something that would catch her by surprise.
"Hold still." She whispered, moving closer, not acknowledging the hands on her waist, too focused on his cheek. At any other given moment, this position would have had her blushing mad, just the thought of him being in her room, having her little brother constantly opening the door to check up on her when he'd hear her squealing in her pillow, only to roll his eyes and close the door again.
He nodded at her statement, but did not divert his gaze, instead his sharp eyes were settled on her soft features, flickering to every freckle, every twitch of her lips, to the way her eyes were trembling- with fear? Truth be told he didn't mean for it to happen, especially not after he worked so hard to get closer to her, to get in the same stupid class as her- even if it was just one class.
"Don't...look at me like that." She whispered, turning to reach across his thigh, picking up the bright pink box of plasters she sighed, turning to face him again, something bubbling within her, swirling with the feelings she often kept locked away, but he was making it difficult for her, especially after what had happened tonight, the conflict within her was on full boil, the inner turmoil. Should she be upset with him or should she feel flattered? Was he not worried about himself- should she be worried about him? But should she feel this way towards someone who broke their promise? Was it fair with her-
“Are you…mad at me?” 
Eyes flickering up to meet him, catching the cracked glass of his frames, relieved it hadn’t shattered, saving his eye- this moron. 
The words left hanging between them, hands ripping the paper of the little bandaids, part of her emergency kit, never thinking she’d be using her cute heart plasters on him- she was no medic, but she had to do something to stop the bruising, were the plasters enough? No? Yes? Love always makes things better, no? 
That’s what it was, wasn’t it, had her hands clammy and sweaty, fingers gripping onto his blazer to hold him back when they had come too close for comfort, gut twisting when he had landed on the ground, surrounded by them, sneakers padding across the moist ground, voice shrilling through cold silent night, knees scraping against the ground, crystal droplets clinging onto the lashes of the ‘independent, smart and perfect’ class president, meeting the curious eyes of the newest addition in her life- the big stupid- watching him slowly rise from the ground with a victory smile, as if he had not just been socked in the face, as if they were not surrounded by the same hooligans who had been the bane of her existence for the past few months- only for the verbal assault to turn somewhat physical, somewhat stalker-like, somewhat scary. 
Truth be told, she was more afraid of the way he had looked at her at that moment, than she was when they had followed her to the empty park, the way he had sat up, slowly reaching for her face, cupping her warm, wet cheek, thumb stroking the skin, the way he had whispered how he was sorry for what he was about to do, the way he had broken his promise, that bat of his coming back into the picture- her big stupid.
“Y-you said you won’t get into anymore fights…” she mumbled, gently sticking the plaster on his cheek, smoothening it with the tip of her finger, before repeating the motion with a new plaster, this time on his chin, her other palm flat against his shoulder, pressing him into the baby pink fluffy pillows, the same pillows he’d love to rest his head on when he ever came by to study- only to float into wonderland, flying across the warm hued clouds with her, waltzing across the azure heavens, looking up at him, her smaller hand clasped in his bigger one, other hand gripping onto his shoulder, holding onto him as he swung them around, dancing to the symphony of her laughter, making his bruised heart flutter, soar across the skies, only to nestle next to her calmer, sweeter and brighter one, ready to beat in synch with her- thus, to be shaken awake by her, bringing him back to her, a pleasant smile catching his eyes, blinking up at her, basking in her glow, enveloped by her love.
“I didn’t…I tried to…stop them.” he mumbled, a small pout catching her eye, as she bit her lip, trying to stop herself from mimicking him. He was right, he did, her big boy did try to stop it all, tried to warn them, tried to tell them to leave, perhaps they should’ve listened to him, it was no surprise that he could take them on like that- with or without the help of his friends. 
Head tilting as he observed her, noting the way her head dipped in thought, chewing on her lower lip as she tried to contemplate the gravity of the situation, weighing the facts and figures. It was true, he did not mean to break his promise, he had no intention of doing so, thus, he was only following her back home from her daily math tuitions, as quiet as a cat. Making sure to keep his distance, it was his fault that things escalated though, mid-mission he had gotten distracted, spotting a vending machine, deciding to get her a little snack, while she stood at the crossing waiting for the signal to turn green. 
That was his mistake, by the time he had realised that who the idiots passing him by were talking about ‘teaching her a lesson’ were, he’d already lost them- which is why he had run down the familiar path, hoping to find her the one place she’d go to get away from it all, her safe space, the place where he clumsily admitted his feelings for her, standing there with a poster that he had made with his friends, with a crooked ‘I <3 YOU.” It hurt him to find her in that same space, no longer safe, no longer secure, as she slowly backed into a tree, trying to negotiate with her peers, who knew kids in AP Math could be so psychotic- it wasn’t even that hard, ever since Jongho had given him these magic glasses he’d been scoring so well, they put him in the same slot as his girl- mission accomplished.
 He had called them out, walking towards them with peace in mind, asking them politely to leave, but apparently wearing these glasses somehow meant that he had magically lost all the physical strength and wit he had- again, he wondered how these kids ever ended up being so smart if they were so stupid. No, he still didn’t pick a fight, he had merely maneuvered around the hooligans, clasping his girl’s hand and pulling away, until a sneaky bastard had snuck up on him, which led to the others to join the fun, once the small mountain fell to the ground, trying to block the hits. Though that didn’t last long, once he saw the way she was shaking, eyes trembling and moist, her hands clutching onto him- no one made his queen cry.
“Thank you…for following me.”
Her words breaking his train of thought as he nodded instantly, body that had slumped and relaxed, jerked back awake to attend to her, regardless of how she was the one tending to his wounds at the moment. “If you weren’t there…I don't wanna know what they would’ve done.”
She could feel his grip tighten around her at the statement, noticing in the way his warm eyes had hardened at just the thought, though she knew deep down her big stupid was a softie, especially for her. Crumpling the wrappers of the plasters she smiled up at him, trying to bring him back to her, leaning closer to brush her lips against his, careful of the cut on his lower lip, trying to ensure it didn’t sting, only to gasp when he pressed her against him, squeezing her closer, looking down at her with his signature smile, causing her to gently poke his dimple, “Take off your glasses…they’re broken.”
Her brows furrowed at his curt response, no? Who said- no one ever says- he barely ever said no to her! With a huff, somewhat bratty, she reached up for his crooked glasses, only for him to turn his head the other way, earning a whine from her, which almost had him believe that she had given up, though as soon as he looked at her eyes, he internally groaned, he had seen that look before- that’s what he gets for dating Jongho’s sister, even if she was older than his friend, she would become as bratty as he did when either didn’t get what they wanted and right now, she wanted his glasses.
 “Sannie! Take them off! They’re broken.” with that she reached for them again, only for him to pull away, having her pounce at him, trying to push past his hands- an unfair wrestling match- one that ended as soon as it started, as he pushed her over, rolling her onto her back, her wrists gripped in one hand, pinned above her, pressing into the soft pillows as he pouted down at the way she was glaring up at him. “You dont even need glasses!” she spat, trying to pull out of his grasp before whining, kicking her feet against the bed, enough for the metal container to bounce off the bed, a loud metallic clang echoing across the room, though he didn’t even flinch, too focused on something else that was bouncing during her little temper tantrum, man, she really looked good in this uniform.
“Sannie! Stop staring like a creep and take them off!”
“I can’t” he licked his chapped lips, eyes flickering from her button up to her face, noticing her confused look, the way she tilted her head up at him, trying to understand him, as if she were trying to tell him that ‘she didn’t speak stupid’, so he’d have to translate- which he did, “They’re magic glasses, I can only take them off when I’m sleeping or showering, otherwise I’ll turn dumb again!”
“I-Magic-What?” Her words cut short as her face contorted in confusion, before a sly smile stretched across her face, a negotiation ready as usual, “if you take them off, I’ll let you see my- SAN!” she shrieked when he flipped her skirt up, glancing down at the pink cotton then up at her face, his face wearing an unamused look, as his hand fixed her skirt again, “Like I said, they make me smart, I’m holding you down, I can easily check it out myself, you don’t need to flash me.”
“You’re not smart, you’re a perv!” she whined, face blushing mad from embarrassment, true, it was a cheap tactic, but hey, he was her boyfriend and she really wanted to take those glasses off, they were cracked and crooked, obscuring her view of his perfect face.
“No, I’m smart, that’s how I moved up to your class too.” he stated as a matter of fact.
“San…you…you studied to get there- who told - who gave you these glasses?”
“Jongho. I told him I wanted to spend more time with you…but since you’re super smart I could never be in the same class as you, and being president meant you’re busy with club activities and school so I couldn’t drag you away from all that, you worked so hard for it- so he gave me these glasses, and said if I use these while studying, I’ll become smart! That way at least I’d be able to be with you and I’d become smart enough to do it all. And I did! Now we’re in Math together!”
Honestly, she wasn’t sure if she should find it sweet that her brother was helping her boyfriend or be upset about how stupid he was, or be amazed at the way Jongho was able to fix her boyfriend’s attention span issue- glasses to concentrate, wow. With a heavy sigh she smiled up at him, her heart swelling with joy at the realisation, behind all this stupidity, the premise of this nonsense, was her- it was all for her. God, he looked so sweet, hovering above her, with those glasses, heart printed pink plasters all over his face, his uniformed all worn out from the day’s events, hair a mess- but his expressions held the kind of softness that had her falling to her knees, his sharp eyes boring into hers, swirling with tenderness that had assured her of his caring mannerism the first time Jongho had brought him home, when the shy mountain of a boy had meekly dipped his head, bowing whilst he had introduced himself- who knew that shy boy would be holding her down like this, physically with his strength and mentally with his love.
“Let me fix them.”
That’s how she found herself back in their original position, sitting between his legs as she tried to wrap the pink plaster around the hinge of his glasses, she couldn’t fix the glass but she could fix the balance- ever so often, she’d glance up at him and smile at the way he had his eyes clenched shut. He had told her that he’d keep them closed so the ‘smart wouldn’t escape’, and now she’d look at his face, one contorted in pure concentration, his angular face waiting there, all putty in her hands- he really was her big stupid.
“There…we’re all done.” she smiled, leaning closer to slip his glasses back on, making sure to be as gently as she could, pulling back to smile at him when he opened his eyes and smiled back at her, “Do you feel smart, Sannie?”
“That’s good.” she cooed at his response, leaning closer as she sighed, finally relaxing, laying on her side, head resting on his shoulder, hands holding onto his bruised one, gently tracing the reddened knuckles with nimble fingers, his other arm holding her close by the waist. 
“Sannie?” she whispered, pulling his hand up to her face, pressing a gentle kiss against his knuckles, earning a squeeze at the waist, followed by a shy, “Hmmm?”
“Thank you for saving me.” she mumbled, eyes drooping as the exhaustion of the day finally started to settle in, not bothered about the position they were in, or the fact that she was still in uniform and so was he- his warmth and presence was comforting enough to lull her to a blissful state between sleep and consciousness.
“Anything for you…” was all she heard, before her body slumped against his, her gentle breathing and steady heartbeat pulling him in with her, his body sliding down to lay against her soft bedding properly, his sore back cracking when he stretched, slowly manoeuvring her to lay beside him, trying to accommodate the two on the small bed, so that she was on her side, head on the pillow facing him. His hand cupping her cheek, as he blinked at her, taking in her relaxed features, the cracked glass no longer obscuring the view as he smiled at her with tired eyes, scooting closer to her, placing his chin on top of her head, heart jumping with glee when she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her face in his neck, his own grip on her tightened,
“Anything for you.”
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A/N: Yes, I am obsessed with Baji from Tokyo Revengers, its adorable how and why he wore glasses. Yes, I am obsessed with this song as well- blame @edenesth
Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp @spooo00oky @bunnyluvr25 @s-h-y-a @ateezswonderland
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hylkun · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS: in which y/n l/n gives lee heeseung 30 days before graduation to prove his feelings for her are genuine.
PAIRING: popular!heeseung x quiet!fem!reader
GENRE: high-school!au, angst and lots of it, fluff, smau in some chapters
STATUS: ongoing (july 13, 2024 - ???)
FEATURING: enhypen, ateez, wonyoung, leeseo (ive), jungkook, hoseok (bts), jeon somi, zoa (weeekly) more to be added.
BEFORE U READ: contains strong language, heeseung shows reader so much mixed signals its crazy, drama, more to be added.
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day 1: the confession
day 2: the consequences
day 3: the jang wonyoung
day 4: the strawberry cheesecake
day 5: the bonding
day 6: the not-so-bonding
day 7: the visitor
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day 8: the applications
day 9: the miss not-so-great
day 10: the arcade
day 11: the finals
day 12: the after party
day 13: the library
day 14: the kiss
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day 15: the awkward stage
day 16: the silence
day 17: the regret
day 18: the apology
day 19: the counseling
day 20: the realization
day 21: the 'what the hell am i gonna do'
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day 22: the time's soon up
day 23: the last week
day 24: the preparations
day 25: the unspoken rule
day 26: the mr jeon jungkook
day 27: the oblivious
day 28: the ice breaker
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day 29: the last day
day 30: the love is in the air
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hongjoongsprincess · 1 year
Highschool au where you go to the same school as Sanhwa where they are on the boys volleyball team and you are on the girls volleyball team and the coaches make you train together and like a love triangle forms!!! BOOM amazing right??
Pls Someone right this🙏🙏
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yundeob · 3 months
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— featuring ot8!ateez in iconic HOLLYWOOD romance and rom-com movies
— TICKET BOOTH IS CLOSED! 🎟️ : the movies are about to start! all fics will have MATURE CONTENT! MDNI!
sit back, relax, grab your popcorn and tissues, and enjoy the silver screen . . .
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TROPE: exes to lovers! divorced!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
AS DIVORCED PARENTS to two twin daughters, you and hongjoong have your fair share of work cut out. Driving to piano lessons, cheering at hockey games, drop offs at each other’s houses, it can all be a little much. But could a relaxing summer retreat as a whole family possibly rekindle past emotions you’ve swept under the rug? . . .
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TROPE: bad boy!seonghwa, enemies to lovers!au , 60s!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, angst, crack
THAT WAS THE SUMMER before JFK got shot, before the beatles came, and when you were working part time at your aunts summer resort. That was also the summer you met resident heart breaker and cocky entertainment crew member, Park Seonghwa. Remind yourself why you’re suddenly dance partners with him again? . . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: dilf!yunho x formerstripper!reader, strangers to lovers!au, contract lovers!au,
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst
LIVING IN BEVERLY HILLS comes with its perks. But for two different people such as yourself and multimillionaire business tycoon, Jeong Yunho, both of you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for in the so called ‘Land of Dreams’. So the proposal is simple really… let him spoil you with money, jewelry and clothes while in return, you stay by his side. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: marriage!au, established relationship, spy!au, assasin!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, ANGST, crack
WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT picture perfect suburban neighbourhood couple, Mr. and Mrs. Kang would be at each others necks trying to kill each other first. You’ve both come this far in your marriage while hiding your secret identities, but it looks like only one person can remain standing. I guess you both did promise “in sickness and in health”. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: royalty!au, princess!reader x reporter!san, strangers to lovers!
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst
AS CROWN PRINCESS, you’re on a tightly scheduled tour of European capital cities. But after an especially rough day in Rome, you sneak out of the embassy to explore the so called Eternal City, running into no other than celebrity news reporter, Choi San, looking out for his next big royal scandal. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: college!au, stoner!mingi, enemies to lovers!au, fakedating(?)au, y2k aesthetic
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER Wooyoung is desperate in getting you, his older sister in college, to date so that he can finally date in highschool. The options for potential candidates are scarce, considering men flock away like birds the second you’re near. Good thing campus stoner and weirdo, Song Mingi is the same as well. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: fashioncolumnist!reader x advertiser!wooyoung, y2k aesthetic, fake dating(?)au, enemies to lovers!au, mutual pining
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
LISTEN, IF IT MEANS getting a promotion at your editorial company as a news journalist instead of pop culture and lifestyle columnist, you’d do anything. And that includes pretending to be the most annoying and clingiest girlfriend to some guy for 10 whole days. But just so you know, Wooyoung likes clingy. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: unrequited love, star crossed lovers!au, mutual pining, secret romance (shakespeare be rolling in his grave rn)
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, ANGST
FOR CENTURIES, a plague of hatred and hostility has been present in the relations between the House of Choi and your own. You know you can’t be together, but yet why do you keep catching that dark haired boy staring at you so longingly? And why do you want him just as bad?. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
a/n: for updates, follow my blog! this will be a work-in-progress so I ask for your support:(🙏
taglist: @vent-stink @dazzlingstarrs @vcutparis @xpixie @potatos-on-clouds @showingmafandomlove @bibbleypoof @kpop-will-kill-me @avantalem @beabatiny @gabrielle-brugger @nsixns @amaranth1ne @stayminho @myblovedjyh @kkeshia @rebekah-reads @yoonbroom @4kwp @butterflydemons @iwaizumiismybae @soobinsputnik @stayatinykatsy @atitties @justconniez @kitten4sannie @ghostskilledmyaddiction21 @cheolsthicthighs @morethingsfandom @geminiml95 @byuntrash101 @quailbagutte @syubseokie @newworldwritings @urmom26john @sleepy-kat-here @pearltinyy @hjshyhyssnmgwyjh @cursedeastern @starryunho @piratekingateez2001 @jiminbility @paumll @drinkingrumandcocacola @roomsofangel @channies-bbg-room @meanaonthemoon @teeztopia @pommelex @kiln9z @sanhwalvr @youresolivlie @edawg77 @a-0206 @summer-gyu @bvidzsoo @yoongzsmile28 @tournesol155
taglist became too long so find the second taglist here💀 no longer taking requests
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bvidzsoo · 7 months
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↳ MS stands for Mini-series; S for Series; 18+ for anything that contains mature themes; F for Fluff; A for Angst; you’ll find warnings at the start of each one-shot
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☆ Drive to survive ↳ [F]; non-idol AU; Formula One Racer AU; Red Bull driver AU ☆ You belong to me ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; mobster AU; Joker/Harley vibes ☆ I know you want me ↳ [F; A]; non-idol AU; mafia AU; enemies AU; police reader AU
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☆ Lust we both share ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; vampire AU; enemies to lovers AU ☆ Your desire ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; sugar daddy AU; university AU ☆ Take me to Paris... ↳ [F; A]; non-idol AU; mafia AU; single mother AU ☆ Obliviate Me ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; Harry Potter AU; lovers to enemies AU; tragic love AU ☆ Sugar on my lips ↳ [F, suggestive]: non-idol AU; university AU; sports AU; 90's romcom; enemies to lovers AU
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☆ Who am I? ↭ Part 2 ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; university AU; bad boy AU; gang AU ☆ From people you know, to people you don't ↳ [A]; non-idol AU; mafia AU; lovers to exes to aqcuittances AU ☆ bf!Yunho instagram stories ↳ [F]; smau; idol AU; boyfriend AU ☆ Above the world ↳ [F]; non-idol AU; Spiderman AU, strangers to lovers AU, highschool AU ☆ Under the pretense ↳ [F, suggestive]: non-idol AU; university AU; sports AU; 90's romcom; enemies to lovers AU ☆ How beautiful you are ↳ [F]; non-idol AU; Jane Austen AU; 1770 AU; enemies to lovers AU
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☆ Take Control ↳ [A]; non-idol AU; mafia AU; reader is a gang member
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↳ Coming Soon
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☆ Grease and Oil ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; car mechanic AU; mutual pining AU ☆ Love Me Like A Rockstar ↳ [S;A;F;18+]; non-idol AU; enemies to lovers AU; university AU; rockstar AU; he fell first, but she fell harder AU ☆ Forget-me-not ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; illegal racing AU; enemies to lovers AU ☆ Love you, forever ↳ [A;F]; non-idol AU; boyfriend AU; university AU ☆ Preying on you tonight ↳ [A;F;18+]; non-idol AU; Academy AU; werewolf AU; vampire AU; enemies to lovers AU ☆ bf!Mingi instagram stories ↳ [F]; smau; non-idol AU; boyfriend AU ☆ Cold Red Iron ↳ [18+, humour]; non-idol AU; Iron Man AU; workplace AU; enemies to something more AU ☆ Haunted me, haunting you ↳ [A;F]; non-idol AU; Hunger Games AU; victor AU; acquittances since childhood to lovers AU
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☆ Daemonium ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; demon AU; crack AU; dormmate AU; university AU ☆ I'll go animal to keep you next to me ↳ [A]; non-idol AU; mafia AU; stalker AU; university AU; strangers to enemies AU
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☆ Shameless ↳ [18+]; non-idol AU; mafia AU; marriage of convenience AU; established relationship AU
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☆ Black Ocean ↳ [S; A; F; 18+]; non-idol AU; pirate AU; siren AU ☆ bf!ateez drunk texting you while they're out with the boys ↳ [F, suggestive]; non-idol AU; smau; boyfriend AU ☆ best friend!ateez texting you about tomorrow's exam they have forgotten about ↳ [F]; non-idol AU; smau; best friend AU ☆ drunk texting bff!Ateez and accidentally confessing you're into them ↳ [nsfw]; non-idol AU, smau, best friends to lovers AU ☆ accidentally texting fwb!ateez about the hook-up ↳ [nsfw]; non-idol AU, smau, friends with benefits AU ☆ texting fiancé!ateez about their Coachella performance as you weren't able to attend it ↳ [F]; idol AU, smau, fiancé AU, Coachella AU lol ☆ Beyond the Obscure ↳ [S;A;F;18+]; non-idol AU; royal AU; assassin AU; fae AU; fantasy AU ☆ Cosmically divine ↳ [S;18+;A;F]; non-idol AU; Greek mythology AU
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☆ Devil!Hongjoong ☆ Vampire!Seonghwa ► Slow it down →  Park Seonghwa ► Summer Lovin' → Jung Wooyoung ► Does he know? → Choi San ► Love made me crazy → Choi Jongho ► Sweeter than honey → Jeong Yunho ► Stern, but sweet → Choi San ► Cherry Blossoms → Song Mingi ☆ Boyfriend!Wooyoung → Jung Wooyoung
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❀ join my permanent taglist here
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finnbbl · 6 months
Hyunjin X M! Reader - Dancer AU | SMAU | Chapter 1
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Ch. 1 - Can I get your Number? | Next Chapter |
| Story Masterlist |
Background: You’re a backup dancer. You typically dance for groups locally, but sometimes you’ll get the chance to travel on tour with artists. You’re very good friends with everyone in ITZY thanks to Lia (Who you attended highschool with)
A/N: Haven’t decided who you’ll end up with in SKZ yet, leave suggestions in the comments
Word Count: 1.1k
Written: Yes
Proofread: Like halfly
Warnings: Typos probably, Swearing, Y/N and Lia being a Simp
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As you smile at yours and Lia’s playful banter, you decide to put your phone away. Flicking the ringer button off, you slip it into your small cross body back you brought with you. As you set it down, you can’t help but glance over at the members of ATEEZ. They were dressed so casually, yet still enough to send your stomach into a frenzy. Not only had you been a fan of them for years, god were they attractive. That would not help you with your image, as same sex marriage or dating was highly frowned upon in Korea. You weren’t famous per se, but you were definitely known here and there. So you had to be just as careful as idols did about how you presented yourself.
You checked the time noticing it was barely 15 minutes until scheduled makeup. 50 until sound check. If you were gonna go to the restroom, you had to go now. Exiting the door and walking down the hallway, the silent clicking of your shoes was the only thing that could be heard as you hurried to the restroom. Eyes scanning every door through the hall until they landed upon the men’s sign. Aware of the short time, you didn’t waste any time opening the door. Though failing to notice the tall and buff build of the guy next to the mirror. Or failing to notice him at all. Putting your hand under the sensor of the fancy sink, you quickly splashed water onto your face. With a couple deep breaths, your hands propped themself as you hunched over the sink. The nervousness only thickened. “Think I’m gonna be sick.” You muttered under your breath as you relaxed your head into your hands. “Are you okay? Do you need some help?”
Eyes shot open.
You knew that voice. You could recognize it anywhere. Although your mind screamed at you to not look at the owner of the voice behind you, your body moved quicker. Whipping around to be met with the strong build of none other than San, one of ATEEZ’s members.
You were next to San. The San. From ATEEZ. The group you’d loved so much and the man you’d found so damn attractive. You could’ve swore you saw all eight of them in the other room. Anxiety must’ve gotten the best of you though, and you failed to notice he wasn’t there. “S-San? Woah what are you doing here?” Breathing out nervously, you had realized how dumb you sounded. “What are you doing here?” Your words played over again in your head. What a dumb question to ask someone who’s in the bathroom. “Uh I mean-“
He interrupted with a chuckle. “I guess I could ask you the same thing but uh… fairly obvious.” San states as he examines the state you’re in, your body language. You smile nervously, one foot is anxiously dragging itself along the floor as you try to back up more, except your body is already pressed up against the counter. Embarrassment and anxiety creeped up your spine to your neck and face. “S-Sorry I’ll get going.” Shooting him one last gentle smile as you turn to head to the door. “You know it’s okay to be nervous.” He says before your hand can reach the door. You hault. “I get nervous sometimes too still, but I promise it gets easier the more you do it.” You can’t help but turn to face San now. “Really? You get nervous?” How could someone like him ever get nervous? All of them looked so put together and organized. Much more than you were. “Yeah, just because someone’s popular doesn’t mean they don’t get nervous.” He said with a laugh lacing his words. There you went, making yourself look stupid again. “Pathetic…” You thought. “I uh.. I just figured you know you all.. I mean, you all look so.. calm and I know for a fact my anxiety shows when I’m up on stage and-“
“Well you’re surely wrong.” You paused. “What? What do you mean?” How could someone like San know anything about you or the way you preform. “Y/N right?” Eyes widened as you held a sharp breath. “Y-Yeah how’d you-“
“You’re a damn good dancer I can say that.” A smile fell upon his soft looking lips. San knew who you were? And he was complimenting you? He must’ve noticed the shock on your face when he said that. “I take it you don’t think very highly of yourself hm?” You could feel yourself cringe at his words. It was such a blunt and direct statement, but very much true. “That obvious, huh?” Nervous chuckling fell from your mouth as you spoke. Although, you definitely could feel yourself begin to relax more. That was until San started to move closer to you. He was so.. fucking hot, it made you nervous. “You gotta give yourself more credit man,” One of his elbows nudged your side as he smiled lightly. Something about San’s smile was contagious, cause soon you found yourself smiling along with him. “Look, something that puts you aside from other backup dancers is you’re kind. You’re patient and you have an amazing personality. I can see it when you’re performing.”
A comfortable silence fell between you two. With San’s comfortable and reassuring words, you felt at ease. Most of the anxiety slipped away. “Here..” San broke the silence as he reached one of his hands into his pocket. “Put your number in my phone, I have some techniques that i’ve found pretty useful with calming nervousness.” He said as gently held out his phone to you. Hesitant, your eyes shot from his phone to his eyes, alternating between the two. “A-Are you sure I mean-“
“Yes dude, I’m sure. Plus, I wanna get to know you. You seem cool.” You looked down, biting your lip before your eyes found their way back up. “Okay.. Yeah sure.” Your hands reached for his phone. His hands grazed yours as he passed the device to you, where the contact screen was already open. You shakily typed in your number, still not sure if this was a good idea. Nothing wrong with him, but your emotions or hormones could definitely not handle it. “Awesome,” San said as you handed his phone back. Both of you must’ve lost track of time, he spoke up. “Ah shit, we should get back. Makeup is scheduled in five minutes, come on i’ll walk you back.” You couldn’t say anything, all you could do was nod in response as you followed him back to the dressing room. Your nerves may have settled, but they were back just as quickly thanks to San’s charming face and personality.
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green-agent · 6 months
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Jung Wooyoung x fem!Reader
Highschool au, Implied academic rivals to lovers.
Genre: fluff, crack, slight jealousy
W.C: 600
Warning: mentions of a playboy (not Woo) let me know if I missed something.
Note: Just randomly had this idea. I was having a long writer's block cus of Brewing Love Next Door so the series can continue later.
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"You have a crush on her"
"I do not!", said a furious Wooyoung. Making Yeosang roll his eyes.
"then why are you so interested in her love life?", San added, slamming shut his notebook.
"Look, I just don't want her to date Jinwoo, okay? He's a playboy, she's gonna get her heart broken." Wooyoung scoffed.
"First of all, she isn't an idiot. Second of all, if you dislike her so much, why do you care if she gets her heart broken?" Said Yeosang in a 'are you dumb' tone, opening a book on Mathematics.
"And seriously, do you think she would want to date Jinwoo?" Mingi spoke.
"I mean... he's handsome. So…" Wooyoung mumbled, suddenly feeling insecure.
"and he has dated half the girls in our class. It's no surprise. Y/n, out of everything, knows good. I mean Ruka, her best friend at that time, dated Jinwoo and now? She hates the word love." Yunho stated.
"Ruka also hates Y/n, what about it?"
"Wooyoung, you just have to admit. The feeling you're feeling right now is jealousy.", Explained Mingi.
"I'm not jealous!" Wooyoung said a little loudly, earning a glare from the librarian.
"said every male lead after seeing the female lead with another guy." Yeosang stated with annoyance.
"And what if I do like her?" Wooyoung sighed, annoyed by his friends' nagging.
Yunho,Yeosang, San and Mingi exchanged victorious looks.
"Then you should confess" Yunho grinned.
"Mr. Jung, do we need to talk?" Said the librarian, glaring at Wooyoung, who quickly apologized and 'no'.
"hell no" he repeated.
"do you want her to date Jinwoo, then? No, right? Then confess" San said as if it was the most obvious thing.
A familiar classmate and friend tapped on Wooyoung's shoulder. "And who is it that you like?"
Annoyed, Wooyoung replied before turning around, "don't be oblivious, Jongho, it's Y/n-", and once he had turned around, he definitely didn't expect to see You. All grinning. How was he that big of an idiot to not differentiate between his friend and crush?
"you have a crush on me?", You said, grinning at him.
"y-y/n, what are you doing here?…" He stuttered, making the other four boys have a hard time not laughing.
"if you somehow managed to forgot, Wooyoungie, the library is my second favorite place in this school" You said, adding the nickname to tease him.
"and the first?" Jongho finally came back to the table with the book on Biology he was looking for.
"the cafeteria. But that's not what I'm here for. I was originally here to ask you out on a date. So, Wooyoung, wanna go out with me?" You said, loving the effect you had on him.
He was kinda... okay not kinda, but very red.
"date? Oh-um... y-yeah...sure, I'd go with you", he managed to speak.
"great, so I'll meet you this evening, at the Destiny Cafe. Like at...5?"
"sounds great..."
"I'll see you later, then. Bye!" You said, walking out of the Library with a proud smile.
And Wooyoung stood there, red. Blushing and smiling. Internally screaming cus oh em gee! His crush asked him out.
"oh my, Woo, she asked you out first!"
"yeah, you better not be a dumbass during the date"
"buy her flowers!"
"and if you have time, bake or cook her something delicious"
The four sentences were said by his friends, who said what, he didn't remember. He was too happy to listen.
You asked him out.
His crush asked him out.
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If you are a reader of Brewing Love Next Door, I'm sorry to inform you but the updates will be very late. I'm sorry again 😔.
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Taglist: none (send an ask or dm me to be tagged. Either in Ateez works, all my works or the TXT ones)
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bee-the-loser-recs · 4 months
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☼ My Seonghwa One-shot Fic Recs ☼
𖤓 POV: You're a stereotype in an 80s classic By @atozfic 22.2k, Breakfast club au, bad boy Seonghwa, reader w/past trauma, bullying, strangers/enemies to lovers, slow burn, highschool au
𖤓 A natural connection By @jagibangbangchan 5.7k, dragon Seonghwa, nymph reader, fantasy au, magic, smut, marking, past violence, pet names
𖤓 Scrooge, Stargazing, Streets of night city & Captive By @lilacmingi 3.4k, 5.2k, 5.2k, 7.8k respectively Christmas au - Roommates au, grumpy/scrooge Seonghwa, fluff Hogwarts au - fluff, "scary" Seonghwa, star lovers, cuties Bouncy lore au - Rebel Ateez, individual scenarios, motorcyclist Hwa Pirate au - Pirate Seonghwa, hostage situation, angst, fluff, e2l
I apparently don't have as many recs for Seonghwa ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌
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seosracha · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS-> when sim jake, the highest scoring student and an easily identifiable perfectionist starts falling for a messy and careless girl, he cant find any words in the world to express his love for the only star in his eyes.
PAIRING-> sim jake x fem!reader
GENRE-> angst, fluff, unrequited love, highschool au, oneshot
AUTHORS NOTE!-> this is one of my old ateez oneshots that never got the appreciation (I THINK‼️‼️) it deserved:///
PERM TAGLIST-> @bubblytaetae @qghosty @viagumi @artstaeh @bigtoewinwin @strwberrydinosaur @enhacolor @rendezrei @shinsou-rii @notrosemary
Jake wanted to be considered a perfectionist, since he strived towards outstanding scores, a foolproof attendance and he longed to outdo himself in anything he sparked interest in. The watch his friends gave him never left his wrist, and you could catch him sneaking glances at it every minute or so. Jake was never late. Guards who watched over the school's property often spotted him at the crack of dawn, studying for exams or finishing yesterday's homework. 
Beneath the orange haze of the early morning sky, Jake’s eyes flush wide open. His body is sticky and he can feel the hot sweat creep down his neck, as he forces his body to get up. Then it hits him, as his still blurry vision spots the light blue alarm clock amongst his school uniform. His body trembles, as the usually blue numbers don’t light up his face anymore. His chest heaves uneasily, as the palm of his hand rummages through the white bed sheets. Jake’s fingertips hit the cold black surface of his phone, and roughly  pull it up to the side of his damp thigh. He reluctantly opens his phone and the white numbers on his screen read 6:48. Panic subsidies the liberating feeling he woke up with. 
“So  fucking stupid” he mutters, but the admission alone was enough to calm his heart. 
It was early, yet the scary thought of a 90/100 points on his English exam found a place in his gut, and nagged him every time his eyes read over the four digits. 
A cold shower refreshes his puddled mind, and washes away the thick layer of sweat. Jake tries to relax into the cool water, the panic fading away into a fabricated confidence. 
 “I’ll ace this” he exhales slowly, and the unnerving thoughts vanish with each scrub. 
Your eyes flutter open, as you try to avoid the boisterous voice of your older brother. His footsteps echo through the small apartment, and you can’t figure if it's them getting closer or your head still in a state of pain. You abruptly rise as the wooden door creaks open, the fit figure of your brother emerging from behind it. 
“Have you seen my spare arrows? I really need them” he says, throat tight. 
His hair was messy, and you could make out spots of dry shampoo he probably applied earlier. He looked tired and sore from practicing late at night in the depths of his room. His figure is hunched over the door frame, the creases on his school uniform evident. 
Words leap at the tip of your tongue, and you clench your jaw to keep yourself from screaming right into his pretty face. 
“What time is it?” you ask, dodging his previous question. The feathery sweep of  chilling air alleviates the tension in your muscles. 
He shakes his head and rubs the tiredness off his face “It’s 6:48” he replied, the bright light illuminating his face. 
You cursed and slipped out of the warm covers. The cold air from your room's air conditioner settled on your bare legs. 
“They’re in the living room shelf” you finally tell him, and he exhales sharply, giving you a cheeky smile “You better give me a ride to school now, Jungwon” 
He laughs at your seemingly normal request and straightens his posture. He averts his gaze from the shiny floorboards, and looks straight into your sleepy eyes. 
“If you listened for once in your life, you’d know I have a competition today” he says giddly, and you have a strange wave of anger swarming through your body. You envied him perhaps, for being able to have a cheeky smile on the first thing in the morning. 
“You can still drive me to school?’ you reply and he just chuckles, stepping out of your dusty door frame to gather his lost arrows “Hey! I was talking to you” you breathe out. 
“It’s a ten minute walk. I’m not going in that direction anyways” he says loud enough for you to hear. He precisely opens the drawers and gently places his hand upon the arrows shaft, making little to no noise. His worst fear was the angry footsteps of his parents who were woken up by their child's antics. 
“You’re so annoying Jungwon” you sigh into the sunshine, that leaves it’s intense sparkle on the length of your tense shoulders. 
Jake finds the school's uniform to be extra itchy today, as its fabric clings onto the recurring sweat on his body. His eyes furiously scan the emptiness of his poor decorated room, stopping at every metal object. 
He exhales yet another breath of disappointment, as the keys he’s been seeking for turn out to be his friends' sunglasses covered in the perfect way by stacks of crumpled paper. 
“Fuck” he curses under his breath. 
Jake can’t help but feel as if the world is against him on this day. Through the small window next to his bed, he can see the usually busy streets start to  fill up with cars and people. His body aches as the stinging sun burns into his skin. 
He hurriedly grabs the notebooks and textbooks off the messy shelf above his desk. The shelf was the only thing he let be messy in his life. He learned to live with its messy nature, and millions of unorganized worksheets. Jake isn’t even sure if these are the right books but the competitiveness in his veins leaves no time for a second checkup. 
Did he even do the homework? He’s not sure. 
He slams the apartment door shut and so do you. 
He runs down the stairs with a thud but you choose to take the elevator. 
He drops the bag that hangs loosely on his broad shoulder, but you don’t so instead you keep humming the melody of a SKZ song. 
The hurry seems to stop as the both of you meet at the entrance. 
His great memory can resurface your smiley face anytime. He also can recall you being the last person to arrive in class, so considering the walk wasn’t too long he was shocked to see you up this early. 
You smile at him, and he doesn’t know if he should wave, smile back or maybe strike up a conversation. He doesn’t like the idea of an awkward walk to school adding onto the bad things that have already happened this morning. 
“Sim Jake! You’re a morning person aren’t you?” you say, and he can feel the tension in his muscles turn into a heatwave only he can feel the effects of, as he scrambles up a response. 
“I’m always up early” he replies and it sounds meaner than he intended it to be. Not like he wanted to be rude in the first place. 
“You seem a little grumpy for an ‘I’m always up early’ guy“ you quote and he feels  heat decorate his chiseled cheeks. The bitter taste of timeless greed ushered him into the depths of his own curiosity. What exactly was it that you wanted from him? Were you making fun of him? Or maybe you had a nice start to the hot summer day, unlike him? 
“I wanted to study for the english exam, but my alarm clock broke” he answers. 
You can see exhaustion lifelessly beam from him. 
“Ah, the exam! I’m sure you’ll do well” a smile pops up on your face, and Jake spots the dimples he never seemed to notice. 
Jake’s heart courses a steady blood through the canyons of his chest and uneasy stomach, as he wonders if replying with a simple thanks would be better than disagreeing. He didn’t want to seem eccentric. 
“Thanks. I’m sure you’ll do well too” he replies, and it feels as if the tension in his lungs fills up with oxygen once again. 
You make the incital move to leave the building, by stepping out of the moving doors. He is scared to do so, as the sun already looks ready to make him sweat his ass off. 
Jake exhales. His sneakers stalk towards your direction, and you smile as he finally pops out of his petrified state. 
“I didn’t exactly study for it, you know?” you reply to his non-compliment. 
He shakes his head, and chuckles. The sound of your voice seems to alleviate any tension in his muscles. 
“Why not? I mean this is a pretty big part of our grade” he murmurs. You roll your eyes playfully, and chuckle at the boy.
At this moment Jake wanted to fade away from the perfect class title. Maybe then you wouldn’t perceive him differently.  
“I was doing my nails! Do you like them? `` You beamed, and showed the baby blue gel nails into Jake’s face “You can take my hand in yours, that’s okay” you reassured him. 
He felt relief wash over his body, as he grabbed  your smaller hand in his wrought one. He looks at them closely, trying to figure out what exactly changed. He sensed that asking wouldn’t be an appropriate response to your hard work, so he just mustered up a kind response “They look great” he finally said, and for the first time you saw his sweet smile. 
The trees moved along with the light breeze of wind, birds sang a luscious melody and the sky was clear. Jake sinks into the beams of the midday sun, accepting it’s warm nature. It’s humid and noiseless. 
“Really? Seojun and Jungwon said they looked bad”  you laughed and he let go of your hand. “But I think you’re right,” you add quietly. 
“Yang Jungwon? The archery guy?” He was curious, since he knew Seojun well. She was Heeseung's girlfriend. 
Seojun and Heeseung we’re deeply and irrevocably in love with each other. They became one with one another, and shared the beautiful bond everyone envied. They sunk  in the commitment, intimacy, passion and admired the individuality they kept. Now, in 11th grade the fire they started was only growing, and even after countless hook ups, it still felt like their first time. 
“Yeah, archery Jungwon! He’s a senior and my brother” you explained and Jake nodded in understanding.  
“That explains why seniors never mess with you or Seojun” he chuckles and you hit his forearm. You never realized how built he really was. 
“Hey, you’d take that chance if you could too” you said and he hummed in agreement. 
He blows out a steady breath. Jake has never felt so comfortable with a girl. She gave him a mold and he fit perfectly. He’s grown weary of chasing after that which destroys him until he’s in deadly silence, burned to the core. He wanted to finally open up his arms and detach from the raw perspectives tight grip. 
“I’m really surprised we haven’t been talking earlier” you say after a brief moment of comforting silence, and Jake feels like the birds chirping tune has become more joyful, the sun joists a little brighter and the wind perfectly sweeps across his face. “I mean, Seojun and Heeseung have been dating since forever. Heeseung is your best friend right?” you ask, knowing the answer. 
Jake had many friends, or at least he thought so. His deskmate and platonic soulmate Heeseung, the mother of the group, Jay, the swim team captain and somehow his friend, Sunghoon. Then there was Sunoo who’d barely show up to class. Yet when he did, the whole class would cheer for their entertainment source, and wait for the chaos to begin.
He descends in the golden hope he’s been given. He breathes in the contentment and liberation the conversation has brought him to “I’ve known him pretty long. Although he never listens to me” Jake laughs and looks at you. 
“Seojun is so stubborn too! She never listens and ends up getting in trouble” you smile and he chuckles. 
Living the life of the remarkable couple that was Heeseung and Seojun, must’ve been so carefree and fun.  
“I guess they’re meant to be,” Jake said and the giggle that leaves your lips is carefree and sunny, and grounds Jake in his growing contentment. It’s astonishing how easily you encit this light from him. 
“No joke, they are. I always end up third wheeling when i'm sleeping over at Seojun’s” you said, and he gives you a questioning look “She ends up calling him on facetime��� you voice an answer to his inner question. 
Jake felt as if he could talk to you for hours, but when the picture of the newly renovated school started becoming clearer, his heart sank. He started picking up various screams and he could see the 10 graders playing on the school's court. He also didn’t expect you to ever talk to him again. 
“Did you do the math homework?” you ask as the school grounds enfulge the both of you in a seemingly playful atmosphere. 
Jake shakes his head and you make a shocked face, which leaves him fearful. 
“It’s okay Jake,  Jieun probably did it” you answer with a gentleness you never knew your voice could possess, and reassure his inner dilemma. The usage of his name makes his uneasy stomach warm. 
As he expected you to leave his side, you never did. You walked  close to him, and he could swear he felt the positivity radiate off of you. Although you kept quiet, as you two walked up the never ending staircase. 
“Y/n! Why are you so early?” Seojun said, already all over Heeseung. He was pouting at her, and Seojun was applying her favorite cherry lip gloss onto his soft lips. She spotted Jake but that didn’t exactly answer her question, just enfudgled her in deeper confusion. “What are you doing with Jake?” 
Jake tried to focus. He read over the sentence multiple times but it all felt like a blur to him. He found himself forgetting basic things, as his gaze couldn’t help but avert in your direction. 
After you two walked through the large wooden doors, Seojun kept on teasing you, and Heeseung almost instantly repeated her action but directed it towards Jake. 
‘Is she your girlfriend?’ ‘Is her your boyfriend’ 
‘Did you two already kiss?’ 
It was the consequence of having an annoying and childish friend. 
His warm hands tremble slightly, as he gropes the plastic pen. 
“What’s the answer to number five?” Heeseung whispers, but Jake ignores him. “Jaeyunnie?” he breathes out, and Jake kicks his foot with no answer. If only he had number five himself. 
He’d been skipping questions, now on number eight still not grasping anything printed on the paper. 
‘The period between childhood and adulthood is called?’ 
“Easy, youth” he whispers, and Heeseung turns into his direction with a pleadfull look on his face. 
A smile perks up on his lips as he writes down his answer with confidence.  Yet he sinks back into his chair, when the next question doesn’t sound so painfully obvious. 
‘Hugging someone who is hurt is a signal of?’ 
He sighs and writes down bravery but is sure the answer isn’t correct. He ducks his head low, dropping the pen. He glances down with a small smile, studying his dress pants. He gathers small pieces of lint, and throws them into the large pocket of his backpack. 
Jake sneaks another secretive glance at you, and you seem just as confused as he is. Although you keep writing so he assumes you're just shooting your shot. You try biting at your fingernails to relieve the stress, but soon remember they aren’t bare anymore. 
He stares at the blank, gray TV mounted on the wall. It seems like a dust collector, since the teachers never turned it on, but with the right remote it could show anything he wanted. Maybe even the answers to this impossible test. 
“I think it’s okay to not have answers,” Heeseung whispers. 
He tried to copy Jake’s answers but instead he spotted the page empty with nothing even scribbled over. Jake’s pen layed lifelessly just like the look on his face. 
“This is gonna hurt” Jake responds, but doesn’t remove his eyes from the TV. 
Softly, and quietly, Heeseung says “I know” 
He likes teasing Jake for his perfectionism, and longing passion for achieving great scores. Yet deep inside he has the need to comfort and reassure his friend at times like this. 
Jake squeezes his eyes shut, until he can feel the pain. He tries hard to muster up any answer that would at least give him half a point, but the bell relieves the pain as his eyes flush open. 
Panic rises as the calm aura subsides. He has to be hallucinating, but the students rising from their seats and handing in the test say otherwise. Time doesn’t even feel real anymore. 
“You want me to hand that in for you?” Heeseung asks, pointing to the empty paper. Jake shakes his head, and Heeseung just shrugs while walking off. 
“Babe I did so well! I didn’t finish one exercise, can you believe that?” Seojun squeaks, and wraps her long arms around Heeseung’s neck. He pulls her closer to his exhausted body and spins her around. She laughs and he just keeps on repeating how proud he is. 
“I knew you’d do well!” Heeseung says and she kisses his cheek, leaving a wet spot. 
Jake doesn’t understand how Heeseung isn’t envious of his girlfriend at this very moment. He bites his lip, and feels guilty. 
Maybe if he was in his friend's position it’d be different. Maybe if he could actually experience real love. 
His eyes catch your figure stalking towards the teachers desk, where the stacks of tests lay. With a sigh you let go of the paper, and smile at the teacher. Jake repeats your action. He doesn’t know if he did it because of you or perhaps he has come to a realization he won’t write anything. 
“I’m counting on you Jake” Mrs. Kang says and he flips the paper over to hide the fact he answered barely two questions. He gives her a polite smile in return. 
Some students are still glued to their chairs. Most of them are scribbling over their paper at an inhumane pace, and some look like they’re praying for a miracle. 
“So, how was it?” you ask, bringing Jake back to reality. 
He looks at you and smiles. All his worries fade away as you return one back, with the sweetest look on your face. 
Jake regrets not noticing you earlier. Then he wouldn’t feel like the side character to Seojun and Heeseung's story. 
“I knew this would happen. It went horrible” he answered. 
“Don’t worry! I didn’t answer a single question correctly” you say, and rub his shoulder. 
Jake feels the coldness of the classroom turn into a warm summer field. He bites back a cheeky response “I’m sure you’ll do better next time” 
“I don’t think so. I probably can’t even introduce myself in English” you giggle and he does too. 
“I think I just panicked” Jake says, and you pout. 
“Why? You know you don’t always have to be perfect. It’s fine to not be the best always” you voice with a dismal tone. 
His heart climbs, climbs, and climbs until it finally explodes into a flowered array of colorful sparkles. He feels as if his chest is on fire. 
“I’ve always put so much pressure on myself-” Jake starts but the couple interrupts him. 
“Let’s go outside! The archery team came back from their competition!” Seojun says, and you roll your eyes. 
“I really don’t want to hear Jungwon bragging right now,” you say. 
“Jungwon’s so cool” Jieun joins in and you make a disgusted face. 
“Not really. He’s off limits by the way, Jieun” you respond and she just pouts at you. 
Jake listens to the interaction unveil, still standing close to you. His hand brushes against yours. 
“I can’t believe you’d think I like your brother,” Jieun asserts sadly. 
“You do like him,” Seojun says calmly. Jieun gives her the scariest stare, and Seojun clings onto Heeseung's arm for protection. 
Jake fights the urge to laugh at their ridiculous approach to a seemingly serious topic. He’s reminded, fondly, of their immaturity- their youth. 
“Y/n don’t listen to this snake. Everything she says is a lie” Jieun looks straight into your eyes. 
“Whatever Ji. As long as your not making out with him in my house im fine with it” you say and Jieun bites her lip at the thought of having any intimate moment with Jungwon. You spot it. “You’re disgusting” you laugh and slap her arm. 
You then turn to Jake and pull out the pen you were previously scribbling over your exam with. You write nine digits on his hand, and he doesn’t understand what for at first. 
“Let's talk about this later. I want to help you” you say with a cute smile as Seojun starts pulling you towards the school's exit. You mouth a fast sorry, and leave him alone with Heeseung. 
“I can feel it coming” Heeseung sings and Jake just rolls his eyes leaving the classroom “Oh” he makes a frustrated noise, and looks for his next target. 
Sunghoon. Perfect. 
Jake’s finger hovered over the call button, his mind puzzled. He bites back his tongue. 
What if you don’t pick up? 
But when he accidentally touched the screen a bit too hard, and the dialing sound erupted through his phone's speaker, he had no choice but to accept the reality. 
Things happen for a reason. 
“Hello? Who is this?” he hears your voice. It sounds so full of life and delicate. 
“Uh, Jake. Sim Jake. I’m sorry if you're busy I just-” he rambles but you cut him off with a laugh. He pauses and feels embarrassment creep onto his cheeks as he lets one of his aggravating habits unleash in front of you. 
“No no, I’m not busy. I never am in a matter of fact” you say and he exhales a sharp breath he’s been holding in ever since the call started. 
Why was he so nervous? 
“Did you eat already?” you ask and he sits up straight on his bed. His nerves are now comforted by the mask of darkness, and his confidence grows with every inhale. 
“I did. Mom made jjigae. She usually never puts this much effort into dinner, and makes me eat out with Heeseung” Jake explains and you smile. 
Jake didn’t catch the moment where you two became friends. His far fetched knowledge wasn’t aware two people could bond so easily. The last time he hit it off with someone so easily was when Sunghoon joined their class last year. Some things as simple as this made him question himself. 
“Lucky” you expressed “My parents left for Busan this morning, and since me and Jungwon don’t cook, like at all, we had to eat leftover rice with some kimchi we found in the fridge” you explained and Jake thought about bringing you for dinner next time. 
He shook his head. 
“I tried catching up on some English, but I seriously can’t understand anything, Although I did make some sense of the last topic” you voice, not letting Jake speak on your last statement. 
A tingling sensation rushes down Jake’s neck and chest with a dangerous thrill. 
“Good” he lets out a shaky breath “I like that” 
“That sounded like you're trying to seduce me” you laugh, and Jake’s heart leeps unexpectedly. 
He wasn’t trying to. Or maybe he was. 
“Sorry” he mumbles “I’m just really tired, and I still haven’t finished the assignment” Jake explains and you feel bad for him. 
“Jake you need to stop overworking yourself. I know, we aren’t that close yet, but we all know you barely get any sleep” you scold, and his breath deepens. 
“I don’t want to disappoint anyone, '' his voice trembles. 
“You won’t. Jake this is highschool! You should be more careless, have some fun” you say “Maybe fall in love. Ah, I wish someone wanted me like Heeseung wants Seojun” you giggle. 
Everyone wants you. I want you. Don’t you know that? 
“Maybe you’re right,” he speaks with a low voice. 
“I know I’m right. I’m always right” you assure and hear a quiet, breathy laugh on the other side of the call. 
Jake thought you’d be the one to cut their conversation short, tired of his shyness, and drained from constantly coming up with an entraining topic, but you didn't. You didn’t hang up on him. Jake tossed and turned in his bed, regularly kicking off the bedsheets and bringing them back up when his body reaches an uncomfortable temperature. He listened to the soft sound of your voice until his mind seemed to shut it out, and his eyes eloped him in a universe of constant nothingness. 
“..she ditched me for him on my birthday! Can you believe? I was so pissed  at her for the whole week after that” you said and the other side of the line was quiet. “Jakey? Did you mute?”
You waited hoping to hear a response soon. 
“Oh, well you must’ve fallen asleep. Goodnight” you whispered softly, and smiled. 
don’t fall asleep next time!!!!!!! 
let’s get a meal tomorrow
i’ll tell you the story again hehe 
He had overcome his initial shyness. He spoke to you with a newfound confidence. 
It’s been a month. Or two. Jake can’t recall cause time spent with you never felt real to you. 
When Heeseung initiated your newborn friend group visits the beach in honor of graduation, Jake made sure to workout everyday, and follow his strict diet. He wanted to look good. 
For you. 
“You should tell us about how you found out you’re in love with Heeseung, Seojun!” Jieun beamed. 
Jake sits up rapidly glancing once again at the landscape in front of him. Soft wind blows and the hot sun seetles on his skin. 
“Not this again” you roll your eyes, and Jieun gives you a death glare. 
“I want to at least know what it feels like” she protests. 
“All of us have heard this story millions of times, Ji” you say and she acts offended. 
“I haven’t” Sunghoon declares, and takes a long sip of his ice cold water. 
Jake and Jay agree with him. You sigh and lay back down on the soft towel. The sizzling sand settles on your back through the material. 
“You’re just jealous no one loves you like Heeseung loves me” Seojun fights, and snuggles into the warm embrace of Heeseung's toned arms. 
I do. 
“Yeah right” you huff. 
“It’s hard for me to put into words what it feels like to be with Hee'' she starts and Jieun smiles “I don’t know the exact moment I knew, I just did. If you ever fall in love you’ll know it” 
“Even when he made me sad countless times, I still knew my anger wouldn’t last long. I started to love him for who he is on the inside. I started to love his flaws. The kisses and sweet words, they're still a first time feeling. He taught me answers that couldn't be obtained by counting. I have someone like him in my life and I know what I feel is real and will never compare to anything I’ve ever experienced. And if you love someone enough, they’ll always know where home is” she finished and Jieun was quietly fangirling, with a tear streaming down her rosy cheek. 
It felt familiar to Jake. He couldn’t quite grasp it yet. 
“Are you seriously crying, Jieun?” Jay interjected, and Jieun whipped the salty tear away with the palm of her hand. 
“Am not. The sun is just really bright, and I don’t have sunglasses” she protested and Jay just laughed. 
Jake felt awkward seeing how he changed after meeting you. 
He doubted his feelings for you. He could push them away. But he knew they were real. He learned to love every part of you. 
“I seriously need to get a girlfriend,” Sunghoon said, and Jay eagerly agreed with him. 
A sinking feeling begins to rot in his stomach as the realization dawns on him. 
“It’s a lot of searching but sometimes the right person is next to you the whole time” Heeseung explains. 
Jake looks at your sunkissed figure at his words, but quickly averts it to Jay who was pouring water into his cup. He didn’t want to be so obvious with his feelings. 
“Don’t even think about it” Jake turns his head to Sunghoon, who is pushing Jieun’s figure away. 
“You’ll never know if you don’t try,” Jieun pouts and crosses her arms. 
The blazing sun makes your skin glow a soft porcelain, pink lips pressed together. Jake likes it. He likes it almost too much. 
Jake spends lonely nights in the darkness of his own room, thinking about you. The image of you laying next to him, makes his heartbeat faster, and an unfamiliar feeling becomes one with his bloodline. You consumed at least 50% of his brain. 
He gets deja vu. His finger hovers over the call button, hesitation and panic replacing the air in his lungs. 
Why does he feel like this? 
“Fuck it” he murmurs. 
‘You should be more careless, have some fun, maybe fall in love’ 
“Hello? Is everything okay” the voice he adores so much speaks through his speaker, and he almost forgets that he dialed your number already. 
“Hey, Y/n” he speaks with a low voice, afraid of the destiny spreading before him with every word. 
“Jake you seem off” you say, and he straightens up his posture. 
Stop being weird. 
Jake remembers sitting here, on his bed, after the trip to the beach came to an end, the sun setting, forcing himself to accept the first pieces of the truth that changed his heart for good. The time span between that and now feels like he’s discovered so much. 
“You’re the best thing that has happened to me” Jake confesses. “And I know you changed me” 
You hesitate, flustered by his sudden confession “For the better, right?” 
“I don’t know that either” Jake says, and his voice trembles. 
He looks out the window, and it reminds him of the day that changed the way he perceived things. But this time instead of a bustling atmosphere, it was almost unoccupied. The street was lifeless, because without a purpose it feels the same way Jake did before he met you. Empty. 
“It’s okay to not know” you say, and Jake is brought back to the day he sat in the uncomfortable classroom chair, nothing in his head accept you. It took him long enough to realize his mistake. 
Jake feels a pinching feeling overcome his body. His hands, his head, his body and his soul. He wanted to cry again but he  didn’t  want tears to disrupt the heartfelt moment unveiling in front of him. He learnt to be grateful for what he has, but he never experienced what it's like to get that taken away from you. 
“I wish I could feel you” Jake’s voice falls into a low rumble. 
You inhale sharply. 
“In my arms” he holds his breath “Warm, and real” 
“Don’t do this, Jake” you whisper “Please” 
Heartbreak was never so loud. 
A silence falls within the call. He’s stunned into silence. 
“I think I love you” 
His eyes squeeze shut. His heart seems to stop pumping blood, as he doesn’t hear your voice. 
As you can sense Jake’s wiliting stature, you speak softly “I’m sorry for doing this to you” 
“No it’s fine. I’m sorry for ruining our friendship” he replies, tears forming on his waterline. 
You don’t disagree with him. His heart begins to shatter. He knows he’s lost you. 
Jake loved to absorb new knowledge, and study complex problems. He liked the feeling that coursed through him as he successfully solved a math problem or answered a complicated chemistry equation. The one thing he learned so quickly was how to love you. How to appreciate you for your individuality, and cherish the moments spent with you. 
But the one thing he couldn’t learn was how to stop loving you. 
I’m going to miss this
“It hurts” he whispers, not capable of holding the stream of tears anymore “But it’s okay” 
“Jake I really hope you find someone that can love you the way I can’t” you wince. 
Everything brings him back to the day he first met you. 
Because now that he won’t have you by his side anymore, the unlucky days won't magically turn better. 
He hates the fact he will never be able to hate you. 
He hates the fact that you are so imperfectly perfect. 
Jake’s quiet cries are the only thing consoling the immediate silence. 
“Please remember me when our youth is gone, Y/n” he says hanging up the call.
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ateez highschool/college/uni!au collection
the academic influences of our own daily lives floating into fiction gives it a pleasant splash of boring grey in an otherwise colorful world (i have no idea what i'm saying). basically, this is yutasbellybuttonpiercing's attempt to expand across fandoms to reach a wider audience and make more people happy (i wish). no, but seriously, i feel like it's finally time to introduce you to some new thangs (jail for me for One Thousand Years) before i decay in correlation with my writer's block on every single neo fic i'm currently writing. hence, i am proud to announce, more sooner than later (i haven't done anything besides work and come up with concepts for these bad boys in the past 48 hours), THE FIRST NON-NEO FICS ON THIS BLOG.
Let me know if I should put you on a taglist.
unnecessary background information that you can feel free to skip:
the relationship between ateez and i can be described as an on-off situationship with constantly changing interests, but i can finally say: they're my second ults. what started with "who's the guy with the blue shirt in wave?" has gracefully developed into a "mmmmmhhhhaaa yunho (!!!!!!)" and an equally important "GGRFAAAHSHBSGFDSHSNNSNAHHHNHHNNGGG JONGHO".
this shall be all. now, i present: the teasers.
I. kim hongjoong
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a tale of skirts, painted fingernails, a silver ring and gender trouble
status: conceptualizing...
access the full solo teaser here!
II. park seonghwa
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how to avoid the sun
status: conceptualizing...
access the full solo teaser here!
III. jeong yunho
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friends who diddle
status: the diddling has begun...
access the full solo teaser here!
IV. kang yeosang
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헤헷 (working title)
status: conceptualizing...
access the full solo teaser here!
V. choi san
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the rizzler
status: conceptualizing...
access the full solo teaser here!
VI. song mingi
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slowly i'm going down
status: it went down!
access the full solo teaser here!
VII. jung wooyoung
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on my last nerve
status: conceptualizing...
access the full solo teaser here!
VIII. choi jongho
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status: conceptualizing...
access the full solo teaser here!
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skyechild · 8 months
Sweet Dream pt.1
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𖤐 pairing: Jeonghan x GN!reader
𖤐 genre: fluff
𖤐 warnings:
𖤐 wc: 600+
𖤐trope/au/kinks: road trip, non idol au
𖤐 summary:  Jeonghan was usually full of surprises, this time you were the one to surprise him. An idea for you both to go on an abrupt road trip to celebrate your 3rd valentines day together. After all, Jeonghan would be your one and only valentine for the rest of your life, the best dream you could ever imagine.
𖤐 notes: hey, surprise im your valentine for svthub, hopefully you enjoy this as it took me so long and with everything going on for me personally. im so sorry its short usually i write it longer. but this is only part one
𖤐special tag: @synthetickitsune
𖤐 tag list: @svthub ,
𖤐 Playlist: Crazy Form by Ateez, Getting Closer by Seventeen, Aya by Mamamoo, Limbo by Jun
𖤐Prompt: “You will always be my forever valentine.”
Jeonghan grinned as he spun you around into his chest. "Hi." You smile at his word and motion, looking up at him. "Hi..." A glance at the clock told you it was midnight on Valentines day. You grinned widely and looked up at him. "Road trip?" Jeonghan nodded, his own attention being drawn to the clock.
"Happy valintines day baby." He hummed before he nodded. "Where do you want to go?" He swayed with you in his hold gently, resting his chin ontop of your head.
You pursed your lips in thought as you rested your cheek against his chest, his heart beat strong in your ear. "Hmmm.....how about we just drive? Choose a direction and we just drive. Pack some clothes and when we get tired? We stop somewhere and stay there. We can shower there, sleep, eat then keep driving. We dont need a destination."
Jeonghan smiled widely. "Sounds like a dream." He pressed a kiss against the top of your head and nodding before releasing you. "Go get packed. Ill let our friends know, and our mums." You nodded and quickly disappeared into the bedroom you both shared, a grin on your lips as you shoved clothes and things into two bags. Most of it being Jeonghans clothes as youd rather be in his than your own.
You threw your bag onto your back and grabbed Jeonghans as you came back into the room just as Jeonghan appeared from the bathroom. "All done?" You nodded and grinned, repeating it back to him and biting your lip. Giddiness filling your system. The idea of a random road trip had butterflies swirling through stomach.
Your gaze locks with his as you grin at him. "Ready to go." You murmured to him as you got closer. "You let everyone know right?" He nodded, a smile on his own face. You beamed brightly as you hopped your way to the car. “C’mon Hannie.” You looked over your shoulder at him as he grabbed the keys, quickly following behind you, a smile on his face as he unlocked the car, letting you toss in the bags. 
It was well past midnight by now, about two am. You were excited. Not a place in mind, no ideas, just a road trip to anything and anywhere. Just like what you both did when you met in highschool.
The random road trips during winter and summer breaks with your friends that slowly turned into just the two of you as time went on. Sometimes you ended up skiing down the mountain snow, sometimes walking in the forest. Other times you just drove til you both decided to go home.
You slipped into the passenger seat with a small grin, watching as your boyfriend hopped into the drivers, angling yourself better so you could lean against the door and still face Jeonghan safely.
The corner of his lips quirked up into a smirk once he caught your position and gaze. "What? You gonna watch me the whole time i drive?" He teased and you rose a brow back, biting your bottom lip. "Perhaps." You laughed at the surprise on his face. Usually you werent so bold, but maybe the early hours of the morning and excitement changed it.
"Alright, ready to go?" You nodded and grabbed a blanket you had thrown in the back seat and placed it on your lap as he pulled out and started driving. Once Jeonghan's hand found its place on your lap as usual you held it tightly, smiling as you traced a line around his ring finger and the back of his hand. "Hey Hannie?" At the call of his name he glanced over with a hum. "Do you think we will be together forever?"
He grinned softly. "You will always be my forever valentine, So of course we will be." You tried to fight the blush on your cheeks, only causing his grin to turn into a smirk. "Something that small gets you all red?" He snickered quietly as he laced your fingers together.
"Forever Valentine. Forever my valentine."
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itstheghostofmypast · 4 months
Help me, Help you.
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Highschooler Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: Sometimes, its nice to help others, sometimes, its even better when someone helps you.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.7K
Est. Read Time: 8 min
Warnings: None
Rating: SFW
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @san-network @illusionnet
Banner: @cafekitsune
A/N: @edenesth if you know, you know
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Of all the days it could've rained, it had to be today. It all had to happen today, the one day she overslept, was late to school, forgot her project back at home and had to run to the school infirmary after lunch- who knew that milkshake had gone bad? Either way, the moment the final bell rang, she was about to bolt out, only for her teacher to call her over, wanting to talk about something- That something had her grumbling to herself as she came to a standstill, staring at the empty grounds, only the fresh scent of wet soil had her whining to herself, it had to happen today, didn't it?
Bag over her head she jumped onto the step of the bust stop, skipping a step in a hurry, though her muddy shoe ensured to ruin her day even more. A small yelp escaped her as her world tilted, eyes clenching shut, waiting for the blow, hands instinctively letting go of the bag to grab onto something, anything-
"Careful there." His words had her eyes snapping open, only to realise that the warm, fuzzy sensation came not from the anxiety, but the warmth of his hand in hers- oh. 
The two sat quietly, the rain filling in the empty silence as she wiped the mud off her bag pack, still too dazed to even speak up, though she'd give him quick glances, only to find the blonde glancing back, before quickly looking away covering his not so discreet behaviour with a fake cough.
Choi San, the great athlete of their class. Choi San, apparently the sweetest guy in class. Choi San- Honestly she had no other information about him other than those two things and - oh yeah, he had just gone blonde recently, so that was new. Wasn't a bad change though, just caught her off guard. Not that she'd be gawking at him, but he did sit in her line of vision, and the hair change did cause news to flutter around, curiosity being an innate human nature had her peaking up from her book that day, glancing in his direction; only to be feel the world around her come to a stand still, focusing on that dimpled smile, twinkling feline like eyes, only to gasp when she realised those eyes were now focused on her, causing her to fumble with her book, lifting it to bury her nose in the textbook once more.
Sighing he leaned back against the bench, his bag seated between them. He had been sitting here for almost an hour before she had arrived as well, it turns out that due to the heavy rain, the bus schedule was disrupted, which meant he had to sit here, without an umbrella and hope either a bus arrive or the rain stops. How would he know he would end up saving the girl he'd been pinning over for the past term. It wasn't always like this, he didn't notice her right away, she was but part of the background of his world, but that was because San was busy making sure his world was perfect, and his world was happy, which meant making sure everyone around him, teachers, friends, classmates, all were happy. So, did he join the football team because someone asked him? Yes. Did he join the baseball team because the coach asked him? Yes. Did he end up staying back on cleaning duty most days when his friends asked? Yes.
It was ironic how he would help everyone, or everyone would come to him for help, he liked helping, it made him feel valued- but she was different. He'd never helped her, not because he didn't like her, no, but because she didn't ask. That is until last term, on the last day of class, after the final bell had rung, he walked back to class, yet again on cleaning duty, only to freeze at the door when he saw her in class, asleep at her desk- why had no one woken her up? He had walked over to her, deciding to wake her up, only to freeze mid-action when she abruptly sat up, blinking at the empty classroom and then up at him. To avoid looking like a creep he cleared his throat, "Class finished...you should go home."
"Then what are you doing here?"
"Me? Oh...I uh...I got cleaning duty."
"Oh...need some help?"
That was all it took for Choi San to fall to his knees, for his chest to feel all warm and fuzzy and for his heart to go pitter-patter, bouncing around to the symphony of her presence, wanting to escape the confines of his body and nestle in the pocket of her coat, all because she offered him help- no because she was the first person to ever offer to help him, rather than ask him for help. A 'yes' had escaped past his lips quicker than he could stop himself, and fotunately for him, she had quietly begun to clean the class with him, brooming one side quietly, leaving him standing there in all his jittering nervousness. As soon as he had grabbed the other broom, the two had begun to sway to their own mundane symphony, one so simple, one so quiet, one so natural. From that day onwards, he had done almost everything to get her attention, even going as far as going blonde- Hongjoong did say go long or go home and his forever home was only with her, no matter how delusional the highschooler sounded, his friends had agreed and only encouraged his extremely unsuccessful efforts of attracting the - as Wooyoung had dubbed her- orange cat of the class.
"I like your hair."
The words sliced through the hissing rain, causing him to turn around and look at her, all wide-eyed, all flustered, all a nervous wreck. She gave him a small smile, at the sense of his unease, great, he probably thought she was a creep, clearing her throat she corrected herself, "Thank you...for earlier...I was dead sure my day was only going to get worse, but then you came!" she smiled, only for the words to settle in, oh god, why did she say it like that, judging by the way he was now shaking, she was sure he was trying not to laugh at her, trying not to run away.
Okay, one more try, "W-what I mean is...thanks...I was having a bad day, and you made it a bit better."
"I...can't tell if you're flirting with me or..."
"I really am not...it's just coming out this way-" she paused, noting the way he had averted her gaze, a small pout gracing his features as he let out a small huff like a grumpy cat- oh- nodding she continued, "Unless...you're...okay with it?"
Letting out a dry laugh he shook his head, running his fingers through his hair, an act that had her heart tingle with a strange sensation, "No...I mean...I finally thought you picked up on my advances...I've been trying all term."
"I...you really didn't know, did you?" he whined, turning to face her completely, "I tried all term to get you to realise I have feelings for you- I even dyed my hair so you'd notice me more and talk to me!"
"But I do notice you," she mumbled, "Though you're often surrounded by people so-" cutting herself short she changed topics real quick, letting the intrusive thought win- mind you, this was a pressing matter, " hey, do you know anyone who doesn't have a partner for the history project? Mr.Kim said there was someone but he couldn't remember who."
"You're looking at him." he pointed to himself, "I wanted to ask you but everyone kept asking me so I got busy saying no to....oh..." Her first half of the previous statement rang in his ears, hitting him like lightening, she wasn't in the background because she wanted to be, she was in the background because he was always surrounded by people.
"So uh...if you need a partner, I'd love to help-"
"Yes." he cut her off, "Yes, I need your help, yes, I'd like to partner up with you, yes, we should start working on it right now." Standing up, he wasn't going to waste any more time, he wasn't going to let anything or anyone distract him anymore. Grabbing his bag he took a step closer to her, giving her a dimpled smile, which she returned with an adorable little smile of her own, making it difficult for the lad to not squeeze her in a hug.
"Gimme." with that he took her bag from her, ignoring her quizzical look when he swung it over his other shoulder, before turning to look at the rain pouring down on the earth, much like his feelings, well then, no more fooling around then. Turning back to her he smiled, "Ready to help me out?"
"Jee...I guess if you're that desperate," standing up she dusted off her skirt, then looked up at him, "Sure, I'll help you."
"Good, remember, no takesies-backseies," He announced, offering her his hand, his smile growing into a boyish grin, eyes crinkling with glee when she placed her hand in his, nodding in agreement,
"No takesies-backsies."
The two looked at each other, she never really did get a good look at the sharp-featured softie, while he'd be lying that this was the first time his eyes had wandered across the face of her map, drinking in every feature so pleasant and pretty. An air of something new settling between them, merging with the scent of the summer rain, like a rainbow waiting just around the corner, like a little bud ready to bloom and flourish once the clouds decided to part, letting the sun shine down on it, helping it grow and prosper, to embrace its simple, yet, unique potentiality.
With that, he sprinted out of the bus stop, her right behind, hand in hand, as the two ran towards whatever was on the other side. Her squealing and his laughter complemented the droplets dancing around them, gracing them with a new beginning, watching them run into the new chapter, to find their happy ending.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @spooo00oky @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp
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hylkun · 2 months
DAY 3: the jang wonyoung
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SYNOPSIS: in which y/n l/n gives lee heeseung 30 days before graduation to prove his feelings for her are genuine.
PAIRING: popular!heeseung x quiet!fem!reader
GENRE: high-school!au, angst and lots of it, fluff
BEFORE YOU READ: cursing, slight bullying, wonyoung and somi are portrayed as mean girls
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Now, you'd finally started to feel bad for ditching Heeseung yesterday. As you walk through the gates of the school, you tell yourself that once you find him, you'd apologize for your sudden leaving. However, a figure - scratch that - 2 figures stood in front of you, blocking your entryway. And it just so happened to be the two females you probably hate the most on Earth.
Jang Wonyoung and Jeon Somi.
You sigh to yourself silently before attempting to go around them, but Wonyoung stops you from doing so. She definitely wanted something, and it wasn't good. "Wonyoung, what do you want?" You hissed, but she only smiles slyly in response.
"Oh, nothing! Somi and I just wanted to say hello, is all." She claims, making you scoff. Knowing Wonyoung, she isn't the type to just talk to someone unless you had something she wanted. "By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what's your status with Lee Heeseung? Girlfriend, situationship, what?"
Yup. The 'something' she wanted was Lee Heeseung. You should've seen this coming, especially since she's been infatuated with him since elementary.
"Firstly, that's none of your business - secondly, him and I are just friends, nothing else." Can I get inside, now?" You reply, in a hurry since Yunho and Leeseo were in the library awaiting your arrival. You try to get through, but Somi shoves you back.
"(Name), you poor soul. We promise we won't do anything, just tell -" Somi is cut off by Wonyoung, as she signals to someone in the distance. You turn to see who it is and speak of the devil - its Heeseung. Wonyoung skips over to him and places a wet kiss on his cheek, making your heart skip a beat. Was Heeseung involved with Wonyoung in some way? Somi notices your disapproval and snickers. "I guess you were telling the truth, then." She laughs, and walks over to Wonyoung and Heeseung.
You take another look at Heeseung, and you make eye contact with him for a split second before rushing into the school. At this point, Yunho and Leeseo were probably becoming impatient.
"Where the hell is she? It's been like an hour." Yunho grumbles, putting his head on the table out of boredom. Leeseo is about to convince him you're coming, but there is no need as you bust through the doors of the library, clearly out of breath. "What the fu- (Name), where the hell have you been?"
"Wonyoung." Is all you say, holding onto the table to catch your breath. And just by hearing that name, Yunho and Leeseo knew exactly what went down.
"Girl, come sit down because you need to spill everything that just happened out there."
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"So you're telling me he literally let Jang Wonyoung kiss him? What a bitch!" Leeseo exclaims, grabbing the looks of other students in the library. "Sorry!" She says before slumping in her seat.
"That's crazy. Like honestly. Maybe it has something to do with you ditching him yesterday." Yunho pitches in, and you nod. After you ditched Heeseung yesterday, you immediately texted Yunho and Leeseo. Knowing him, he probably got the wrong idea.
"I'll talk to him in Physics today. Hopefully, nothing goes wrong." Your friends encourage you which gives you a tiny sense of hope that all will be well.
Curse you, Jang Wonyoung.
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You enter the physics classroom, immediately scanning for Heeseung. You sit next to him, after all. And you find him. Except, Wonyoung is sitting in your seat.
Next to Heeseung.
You approach both of them, and your heartbeat quickens. You weren't too good with confronting people. "Um, hey- Sorry to bother you but, Wonyoung's in my seat. Move, please." You say quietly.
"Excuse me, I couldn't get that. Could you repeat it for me?" Wonyoung asks, with a mischievous grin on her face.
"I said, you're in my seat."
"Ohh! Actually, this is my seat now. Heeseung asked for me to switch seats. So now, you sit with Hoseok. Y'know, the talkative one?" Your eyes twitch at her words, and you look at Heeseung for confirmation. However, he doesn't make eye contact with you, and that's all you need. You scoff before making your way to your new involuntary seat.
Why did you have to get yourself involved with Lee Heeseung?
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TAGLIST: @zerobaseone-zhanghao @jooniesbears-blog @heeswif3y @nshitae @llvrhee @ikeusimp @starfallia @softieluvsyou @rairaiblog @lhspeachie @nishiriks @13tter
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pandenewie · 9 months
Prom King
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Y/n and their best friend Intak made a bucket list to make their final year of high school absolutely perfect. Although Y/n’s list of to-dos is now complete, Intak has just one more thing to tick off - win prom king. All is well, until they hear a certain Kim Sunoo is also running.
PAIRING: sunoo x gn!reader
GENRE: nonidol!au, highschool!au, enemies to lovers, slowburn (they hate each other for most of it) fluff, crack, ft P1harmony Intak, Itzy Yuna, Le Sserafim Kazuha, Ateez Seonghwa, Stray Kids Minho, TXT Beomgyu, Enhypen Jay
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Part of Y/n regrets teaching Intak internet slang. The amount of “slays” and “side eyes” heard each day would draw any sane person to their limit. But they suppose the goofy smile on his face makes up for the near insanity. Just.
Y/n and Intak have been friends since middle school after he accidentally made them cry because their team lost dodgeball. One apology and a shared popsicle later, they were inseparable. Now, all these years have passed and he’s still the same 12 year old boy from back then, stealing their pens and waking up early just to carpool to school (he claims Y/n’s car’s a.c is better, but really he just wants to spend time with them.)
“You literally saw me an hour ago.” Intak can’t help but roll his eyes at his friend’s words, pulling Y/n into a side hug nonetheless. “That’s like… a whole 60 minutes.” He groans, causing Y/n to sigh. “Oh no! Poor little Intak… how are you gonna survive when we go to university? Or even worse, when we have actual jobs?” Intak lets out a laugh, attempting to brush his hair out of his face. “Bold of you to assume I’m not attached to your hip for life.”
Intak has always been clingy - or better yet, loyal. Once he opens himself up to someone, he attaches himself wholeheartedly to that person. It’s one of his many dog-like qualities that make him so easy to be around - so easy to adore. Stressing over homework? Intak will lend his mostly wrong answers. Crying over an ex? Intak’s over within minutes with movies and ice cream. Y/n feels very lucky to have someone like him in their life.
A lot of people at their school assume that the two are dating, which is honestly laughable to them. Obviously to an outsider, this sort of affection may seem a little odd but with Y/n and Intak it’s just natural. Their relationship is anything but romantic. Besides, Intak is just so… Intak.
“You know, I feel bad for your future wife.” Y/n sighs as they walk with Intak to their next class. The boy turns around to look at them confused, Y/n mentally cursing at his long legs as they struggle to keep up with his speed. “Why? She’ll love you too. We can be a cute little trio!” Intak gushes. “And be a third wheel for the rest of my life? No thank you.”
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The rest of the day speeds by quickly and before they know it, the final bell rings, dismissing the students for the day. Students rush to get out of their seats but are immediately stopped by their teacher, Mr Lee.
“Before you run off, don’t forget you have your final presentations due next week. Try to meet up with your buddy over the weekend if you can.” A class of groans erupts at the teacher’s words - bar Intak and Y/n, who look at each other with a smirk. Pros of being partnered with your best friend.
“Oh, and the list of contenders for prom king and queen is up by the gym. Voting starts next week and remember you can only vote once so… yada yada no one’s listening. You’re dismissed.”
Before Y/n can even finish packing up their books, Intak grabs their hand and pulls them out of the classroom. “What the hell Intak? My car is that way!” Y/n groans as he pulls them through the halls, not so gracefully bumping into a few people along the way.
As they eventually come to a stop, Y/n realises that he has taken them to the gym. “Look, there’s my name!” Intak gushes, pointing at the bold Hwang Intak that’s written on the paper. Y/n smiles lovingly at their friends happiness but can’t help the gentle roll of the eyes that follows. “Did you just take me here to brag about running for prom king?” “No, I’m here to check out the competition.”
At the beginning of the year, Intak and Y/n each wrote a “bucket list” containing the things they wanted to achieve in their final year of high school. It was full of simple things, like having perfect yearbook photos, joining certain clubs, etc. Y/n ticked off their final one just last week, after they had finally gotten an A on Mr Park's “unbeatable assignment” they’d heard upperclassmen complaining about for years. Intak however, has just one more thing on his list. Win prom king.
Intak’s eyes vigorously scan over the list before his shoulders seem to deflate. “What’s wrong?” Y/n asks, immediately squeezing in next to him in order to see the list as well. Their eyes quickly scan the names before landing on the one right at the bottom… Kim Sunoo. “Well… there goes my bucket list.” Intak laughs, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
Sunoo has always been Intak’s rival of sorts. It all started years ago, when the two took the same dance class. Intak and Sunoo were each other’s biggest competition. When it came down to Sunoo’s fluid and flexible dance style versus Intak’s bold and precise one - Sunoo almost always came out on top. Intak was good, sure. But Sunoo had a natural charm to him that Intak just couldn’t compete with. The same thing happened throughout school, when they both decided to join the drama club. Intak once again, was in second place - constantly losing roles and opportunities to Sunoo. 
Finally, high school came around and Intak managed to find something he really shined in, which was soccer. Not only did he really enjoy it, but there was also no Sunoo around to steal his spotlight. That was until Sunoo joined the cheerleading team and once again, the spotlight became shared.
“Come on, I’ve got practice but I can walk you to your car.” Intak attempts to pull Y/n away from the list but they stay put - anger practically dripping from their body. “That selfish asshole.” Y/n scoffs, aggressively poking his name, as if proving a point. God, even his handwriting is annoying. “He’s already the captain of the cheer team, the lead in the school play, has nearly perfect grades and is on the student council. He just needs to have this too? Can’t stand someone else having the spotlight for one fucking night?”
Y/n is fuming. It’s no secret that they aren’t the most fond of Sunoo, especially due to what he put Intak through over the years. This is just the icing on top of the “reasons to hate Kim Sunoo” cake.
“Hey, it’s alright. I don’t care that much anyway.” Intak attempts to calm his friend, finally managing to pull them back the direction they came. “You wouldn’t have put it on your list if you didn’t care, Intak.” Y/n sighs. “Well yeah but I’m up against Sunoo! I’m not gonna win so there’s no point in making a big deal of it.” Intak mumbles. Y/n can tell that he’s disappointed. For whatever reason, winning prom king is really important to Intak. So in that moment, they mentally promise to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Intak doesn’t hate people. No matter what they do or say to him, he just can’t bring himself to do it. Y/n however, isn’t anywhere as nice as Intak. So they hate people for him. This is evident on their face as they make their way towards Sunoo’s desk as soon as class is over.
“We need to talk.”
Sunoo looks up from his book at the sudden presence, and his eyes light up with mischief as they lock with Y/n’s.
“Y/n! To what do I owe this pleasure?” His voice drips with sarcasm as he lays his chin in his palm, looking up at Y/n with a smirk. Violence is never the answer but god, does Y/n want to punch him right now. “Oh cut the crap Sunoo.”
Sunoo knows all about Y/n’s hate for him. And although he swears he’s done nothing to deserve it, he certainly isn’t opposed to biting back. What’s the harm in dishing out the same treatment? Besides, Y/n looks extremely cute when they’re mad.
“You know, you look so pretty when you smile, Y/n. It’s a shame I only see you when you’re scowling.” Sunoo teases, bringing his finger up to gently poke at the furrow between Y/n’s brows - causing them to push it away almost immediately. “Stop being such an ass and I’d have something to smile about.”
Sunoo can’t help but laugh at Y/n’s meaningless jab, only making them even angrier. “Why the hell did you sign up for prom king?” They spit, almost as if the words were venomous. Sunoo can’t help the confused expression that makes its way across his face. They’re upset over that?
“I don’t know, Yuna signed me up without telling me.” Sunoo shrugs nonchalantly. This answer only adds fuel to the fire that is Y/n’s anger. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me. Do you even care about being prom king?” They scoff, causing Sunoo to shrug once more. “I think the whole thing is stupid to be honest.” He says. “Great! Drop out.” And with that, Y/n swiftly turns on their heel and walks out of the classroom.
The silence however is short-lived as Sunoo jogs up behind them. “Why the hell would I drop out?” He asks, causing Y/n to roll their eyes. “You said it yourself, you don’t care about it. And yet you running for prom king directly stops other people from having a chance.” Y/n states. Now it’s Sunoo’s turn to roll his eyes. “You’re acting like it’s a scholarship or something. It’s just a dumb plastic crown-” “-WOULD IT KILL YOU TO THINK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE FOR ONCE?” Y/n yells, cutting off his sentence.
“Kim Sunoo! Y/N L/N! Why aren’t you two in class?” Mr Lee pokes his head out from his classroom, looking at the two with a scowl on his face. “And what is so important that you need to yell in the halls?” He continues. Y/n looks at the ground sheepishly, mumbling an apology. “I want to see the both of you in my classroom at the end of the day, now get to class.” Mr Lee scolds.
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Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with Kim Sunoo across from a visibly frustrated Mr Lee is not exactly how Y/n saw their afternoon going. Intak waits nervously outside the classroom, pressing his ear against the door in hopes to hear what his best friend is in trouble for now.
“It’s not just today’s stunt that I’m upset with. You two have a knack for… disturbing the peace whenever you’re together. And honestly, it’s doing my head in.” Mr Lee sighs. “Now we obviously don’t expect all of our students to get along perfectly, you’re human beings after all. But is it too much to ask for you both to be civil about it? Or at least wait to scream at each other after school hours?” He continues. “No offence sir, but I would rather jump in front of a moving bus than see Sunoo after school hours.” Y/n says, causing Sunoo to scoff. “It’s after school right now, dummy.” Sunoo rolls his eyes. Mr Lee sighs once again, sensing that an argument is about to start.
“This is what I mean. When I don’t get along with someone, I go out of my way not to see them. It seems you two go out of your way to fight.” Y/n and Sunoo both mumble out apologies. 
“I’ve been talking to some of your other teachers and we all agree that something should be done about this. So, we’ve decided to sign you up with the community centre down the street. They needed new volunteers and it’s the perfect opportunity for you two to put this weird feud to rest and make some real change. And, it’ll look good when applying for college, which is a nice bonus.”
Y/n and Sunoo look at Mr Lee as if he’s just told them the worst news imaginable. In some way, he has. “Look Mr Lee, I’m all for helping the community and all but can’t Intak and I do it?” Y/n asks, causing Sunoo to roll his eyes. “That defeats the whole purpose if you do it with him.” He scowls. “I don’t want to hear any fuss about this. It’ll be two days a week, after school Thursdays and Sundays. And if I hear that either of you are acting up I’ll have no choice but to strip away your senior benefits - which means no senior trip and no prom.”
If Y/n hated Mr Lee a minute ago, those words that just came out of his mouth made them love him again. Poor guy doesn’t know that he’s just given Y/n a great idea… Sunoo can’t run for prom king if he’s been kicked out of the whole event. All Y/n needs to do is find a way to get Sunoo in trouble at this community centre without getting themself involved.
Waiting outside the community centre in the scorching heat is not how Y/n planned to spend their afternoon. And with no sign of Sunoo, their anger starts to boil up - much like the temperature outside.
Just as they’re about to give up and tell Mr Lee that Sunoo was a no-show, a familiar car pulls up in the carpark and none other than Kim Sunoo steps out.
“You have some nerve. I’ve been waiting for like 10 minutes!” Y/n scowls, causing Sunoo to furrow his brows. “What time were we supposed to get here?” He asks. This only frustrates Y/n more. He doesn’t even respect them enough to value their time?
“God, you really are selfish. The email said 3:30.” Y/n pulls out their phone to back up their point with the email, only for their face to fall. “3:45 babe.” Sunoo smirks, watching as Y/n’s face heats up in embarrassment. They were sure it said 3:30. “Were you just so excited to see me that you came early?” He asks, making Y/n scoff - avoiding eye contact. “You wish! I was just… showing my dedication to… y’know, serving the community and… stuff.”
For the first time in what seems like forever, Y/n feels small under Sunoo’s gaze. They are so used to butting heads, always having a snarky remark or point to make. It seems that this interaction has somehow managed to knock Y/n off their pedestal - at least a little.
“I’m sure you standing out here has done so much for the community. Now, I don’t know about you but I’m gonna go inside.” Sunoo says, playfully ruffling Y/n’s hair before entering the building. Y/n scoffs out a few insults before fixing their hair and following suit.
Inside the building is a lot cooler than outside, the cold air conditioning a stark contrast to the outdoor heat. The two stand awkwardly in the front reception, watching as the person behind the desk talks on the phone.
“Wait, I’ve got people. Go complain to someone else.” The person says before abruptly hanging up, his irritated expression flipping to an almost scary smile. “Hi! How can I help you?” He asks. Sunoo nudges Y/n, who rolls their eyes before speaking up. “We’re here for the volunteer thing.” Y/n says, glancing down at the name tag that reads Minho - with a small cat face drawn next to it.
“Cool, what department?” He asks, typing something on his computer. “Uh… what?” Y/n asks, causing Minho to let out an exaggerated groan, spinning in his chair for added effect. “What department are you in? It’ll be on the sign up email.” He clarifies. Sunoo scrambles to check the email from Mr Lee, not seeing anything about a department. He shows Minho the email, causing his eyes to light up. “Oh! You’re the trouble kids?” He asks, turning his attention back to the computer momentarily. “I wouldn’t say that…” Y/n mumbles, causing Minho to laugh slightly. “It’s not a dig at character, trust me. Nothing wrong with a little rule breaking.” He winks. “Don’t tell your teachers I told you that.” He adds before standing.
“Looks like you’ll be doing a little bit of everything. I’ll throw you in with Seonghwa at first, that way you can come to me when you actually know what you’re doing.” Minho says, unlocking a backdoor before gesturing for the two to follow.
Minho leads them down a nicely lit hallway, pointing out different rooms and doors as they go. “Since we mainly do goods distribution here, we’re split into department’s so it’s easier to manage. You’ve got Seonghwa for kids - so that’s everything from toys, baby products, anything else children need. Then Beomgyu is in grocery. That’s just your basic food items. And then finally I’m on clothes and pet stuff.”
After his little introduction, he stops at a door before loudly knocking, causing Sunoo and Y/n to jump slightly. The door quickly opens and the head of a man who looks around Minho’s age pokes out. “Fresh meat.” Minho jokes, gesturing to the two students. “I told you to stop calling them that! And you wonder why people say you’re scary.” Seonghwa sighs, opening the door fully. “I’ll take it from here. You can go back to your phone call.” He continues.
Minho bids his goodbyes before walking back off down the hall. “Don’t let him scare you. He’s secretly a big softie.” Seonghwa says. “Anyway, I’m Seonghwa. I run the kids department here. I’m guessing you’re Y/n and Sunoo?” He asks, causing the two to nod silently.
Seonghwa looks at the two suspiciously. “Are you sure the school sent the right kids? Your teacher said you’re at each other’s throats 24/7.” He asks. “I’m sure Y/n will start something soon.” Sunoo mumbles, causing Y/n’s eye to twitch. They bite their tongue however, if they want this plan of getting Sunoo in trouble to work then they’ll have to make sure they’re on Seonghwa’s good side. “I’m sure we can put our differences aside for this. Especially since it’s helping the community.” Y/n says, causing Sunoo to roll his eyes at their words. “I hope so. It’s amazing what can happen to a bond when you do something like this. You should’ve seen Minho and Beomgyu when they first started.” Seonghwa says. “Right, I guess I’ll give you a tour of the department.” He continues before walking them down the hall to the storage room.
“And we barely even argued! Which is weird.” Y/n exclaims, after reciting their experience at the community centre. Intak hums, shoving some of his lunch in his mouth. “Maybe you two are finally getting along.” He says nonchalantly. “Oh please, I’ll never get along with someone like him.” Y/n scoffs, causing Intak to roll his eyes. 
“I still don’t get why you hate him so much. You guys are more similar than you think.” He points out, causing Y/n to gasp. “First of all, never say that to me again. And second of all, he made your childhood miserable! Of course I’d hate him.” Y/n states matter-of-factly. “I wouldn’t say he made it miserable. I’m already insufferable as it is, imagine how big my ego would be if I never lost anything! Plus, it’s not like he beat me on purpose. That’s just how stuff goes sometimes…” Intak rambles. The two lock eyes for a moment and for a second Intak thinks his little speech got through to Y/n. “I’m still gonna hate him.” Y/n shrugs, causing Intak to sigh.
By the time Sunday rolls around, the fact that Y/n will have to spend all day with Sunoo finally settles in. Sure, they’ll have loads of stuff to do to hopefully keep them busy, but that won’t change the fact that he’s there. His presence alone is enough to frustrate Y/n.
“Sunday’s are pretty busy since it’s the one of days we hand everything out. So we have both delivery trucks picking stuff up and individual people. I’ll probably keep you two on sorting for now, just so I don’t overwhelm you too much.” Seonghwa says, making Sunoo and Y/n nod. “We do grocery on a separate day from clothes, kids and pets because of the amount of stock. So Beomgyu will be wandering around if you need any help and can’t find me. He’s only a few years older than you guys so I think you will get along well. You can always ask other volunteers too if you’re stuck.” With that, Seonghwa dismisses the two.
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“Why the hell would you do it that way?”
“Babe, Seonghwa literally said there’s more than one way to do it.”
“Stop calling me babe! And if he saw what you were doing, he’d change his mind.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
The sound of Y/n and Sunoo’s argument fills the sorting room. It all started with Sunoo deciding he was going to stack the lego boxes upright rather than laying them flat. His thinking being that it takes up less room and leaves space for other things. Y/n however, insists that laying them flat leaves plenty of room for things to go on top - as well as making the container easier to close. Both are technically correct, but that’s not an acceptable answer to them.
As the two continue to argue, Sunoo yanks the box of lego out of Y/n’s hands - causing it to fall, splitting open and scattering lego pieces all over the floor. “Oh you’re so fucked.” Y/n laughs, causing Sunoo to complain about how they started the argument.
“Who the hell is screaming in here?” A voice asks. The two turn around to see Beomgyu standing in the doorway, his eyes lighting up as he sees them. “Oh hey trouble. I should’ve guessed it was you two.” He says, his gaze then falls to the lego all over the floor. “Oh shit.”
Sunoo and Y/n quickly try to pass the blame onto each other, causing Beomgyu to wave them off. “No offence, but I don’t give a shit who started it. Let’s just pick it all up before someone stands on it. Stepping on lego might as well be a torture method.” He says, crouching down to grab the broken box.
He notices the quiet atmosphere in the room and awkwardly laughs. “Don’t get scared now, this kinda stuff happens sometimes. If it makes you feel any better, Seonghwa takes home the faulty ones to add to his collection.” He says. The thought of Seonghwa at home surrounded by lego sets makes Y/n and Sunoo laugh slightly.
“Just… try not to do this sort of stuff when you’re in my department, okay? Spilled lego is a lot easier to handle than food.” The two nod as Beomgyu places the box on the counter. “Well, I’ll leave you two to it, then. Maybe try to be a little… quieter with the next argument.” He winks before leaving the room.
“So… how was Sunday?” Yuna teases, causing Sunoo to look at her with an unimpressed expression. “Oh shut up.” He mumbles, causing her to stifle a laugh.
“I just feel bad for Y/n.” Kazuha says. “Being forced to spend time with Sunoo would be hell for anyone, but especially them.” Sunoo rolls his eyes at his friend, flipping her off before turning his attention back to his food. “Zuha’s right, you’re gonna drive them insane.” Yuna says. “Hey! They do the same to me!” Sunoo complains, causing Yuna to roll her eyes. “Well yeah, but they do it because they actually don’t like you. You do it because you’re trying to live out some weird enemies to lovers fanfic trope.” She points out. “True, not sure why you thought that would work.” Kazuha jumps in. “We get it, I’m a dumb guy who doesn’t know how to communicate my feelings. You’ve said this all before.” Sunoo dismisses.
“Just saying… maybe if you, I don’t know… spoke to them like normal people do to their crush.” Yuna shrugs. “Cause that works out so great for you two.” Sunoo deadpans. “You’re bitter because you know we’re right.” Kazuha teases, causing Sunoo to roll his eyes again.
Speak to them like a normal person. The thought has been running through Sunoo’s mind ever since lunch yesterday. Given the nature of his and Y/n’s relationship (if you could even call it that), he never even considered talking to them normally to be an option. But as he spots them walking down the hallway as school comes to an end, he figures what better time to start than now?
“Y/n!” Sunoo calls out, jogging through the halls to catch up to them. “Go away.” Y/n replies. “Oh come on babe, would it kill you to give me two seconds of your attention?” Sunoo asks, grabbing Y/n’s wrist. “Let go of me.” Y/n snarls, despite making no effort to pull away. Sunoo chooses to ignore their request, opting to teasingly pull them closer. “I wanna show you something.” He smirks, causing Y/n to roll their eyes. They quickly pull their arm out of his grip, folding their arms securely across their chest. “Well make it quick, I’m going to watch Intak’s practice.” Y/n mumbles.
Sunoo rolls his eyes at the mention of Intak but chooses not to comment. “One of my neighbours was talking to my mum about a care package she got. Apparently she’s signed up with the community centre. My mum sent me a photo.” Sunoo says, grabbing his phone and showing the picture to Y/n.
On his phone, is a picture of one of the boxes they packed on Sunday. This one is one of Y/n’s (you can tell from the way the lego box is placed). Y/n’s eyes light up at the photo, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Sunoo. “She said her sons were super excited when it arrived. They made the lego set together almost immediately.” He says, swiping to show a photo of the completed lego set.
“Oh my god! That’s so cool!” Y/n exclaims, leaning closer to get a better view of the photo. Sunoo attempts to ignore the way his heart skips at the gentle pressure of Y/n’s shoulder brushing against his. “I know right? Obviously it’s nice to make a difference but… actually seeing it is just… it’s awesome.” Sunoo says, causing Y/n to nod enthusiastically.
It goes silent for a second as Y/n suddenly notices how far they were leaning into him, immediately stepping back. Sunoo can almost see the invisible wall being built between them as Y/n puts their guard back up - the sight causing Sunoo to frown slightly. “I uh… thanks for showing me that. I’ll see you on Thursday.” Y/n mumbles awkwardly before walking off down the hall.
With prom just over a week away, Y/n can feel their plans of getting Sunoo kicked out slowly start to slip through their fingers. Turns out, trying to get Sunoo in trouble whilst staying out of trouble themself is a difficult task. It’s not like they can just start an argument like usual, and Sunoo’s unfortunately not the type of person to easily fall for sabotage.
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“Hey trouble!” Minho exclaims as the two walk into the community centre. “Are you ever gonna stop calling us that?” Sunoo asks, causing Minho to laugh at the slight pout on his lips. “Stop breaking Lego sets and maybe I will.” He teases. The two teens visibly tense at his words, causing Minho to only laugh harder. “I’m just messing with you, shit happens. But do that in my department and neither of you will reach adulthood.”
He’s joking. It’s a joke. But the downright evil smirk on his lips almost makes it seem like it’s not…
“Anyway, this week is your last week in the kid’s section so try to make the most of it. We’ll rotate you every two weeks so you get used to all of the departments, then you can pick which one to volunteer in for the rest of the program.” Minho explains. “Oh! And before I forget!” He adds, aggressively wheeling his chair towards a cabinet - pulling something out of one of the drawers before wheeling back to the two.
“Your very own name badges! I didn’t draw anything on them since we don’t know what departments you’ll be in but we can always add to them later.” Minho says, handing a name badge to each of the students. “The drawing is for the different departments? I just thought you really liked cats.” Sunoo shrugged. “While that’s also true, they have a professional meaning too. Cat because I run the pet department.” Minho states. “But don’t you also run the clothes department?” Y/n asks, causing Minho to sigh. “That’s just temporary. Used to be run by this dude called Jay but he… took an early flight. If you get what I mean.”
“He means an actual flight.” A voice interrupts the conversation. The three turn around to see Seonghwa standing in the doorway. “Jay went back to America to be with his family. You really need to stop telling people he died, dude.” Seonghwa clarifies, earning an eye roll from Minho. “He’s dead to me.” Minho mumbles, causing Seonghwa to scoff. “Anyway, I’ll get these two out of your hair. That lady from Goodwill is supposed to be dropping stuff off in an hour so try not to ignore her when she gets here.” Seonghwa says. Minho waves him off nonchalantly before going back to whatever it is he does on his computer.
As the three walk back towards the storage area, Sunoo takes note of the little drawing of a lego block on Seonghwa’s name tag. He nudges Y/n gently - subtly pointing it out to them, earning a gentle smile and quiet giggle in return.
“Since you’ve already mastered packing boxes, I figure I’d let you unload and organize today. All these boxes came from a delivery truck yesterday. You’ve just got to unpack them and put them on the right shelves. Easy?” Seonghwa asks, earning affirmed nods from the two. “Great, if the three of us work hard it should only take us an hour or two. Then we can go over some stock checks and maybe do some more packing if there’s time.”
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There's not a lot to argue about when you're busy working. Especially when the two are working with Seonghwa - someone they absolutely don't want to annoy. But it's a weird feeling for Y/n, practically spending hours on end with Sunoo yet not even muttering an insult.
“Okay, that’s us.” Seonghwa announces suddenly, causing the two students to look up at him confused. “But we still have a few orders to pack?” Y/n questions, causing Seonghwa to wave them off. “I’ll finish these later - we get in trouble for keeping you after hours.”
The two collect their things and go to leave but get stopped by Minho and Beomgyu, who are chatting about something in the reception area. “Woah woah, where are you two running off to?” Minho asks. “Uh… home?” Y/n asks, causing Minho to narrow his eyes at them. “You got a ride?” He asks accusingly. “I drove.” Sunoo nods, before the attention shifts to Y/n. “Oh, uh I caught the bus.” Y/n admits. Minho sighs at their words, rummaging through one of his desk draws before pulling out a set of keys.
“Beomgyu will drop you off.” He says, placing the keys in Beomgyu’s hands. “Have you seen the state my department is in? I don’t have time to play uber driver.” Beomgyu argues. “So you’d prefer our little Y/n here to catch the bus at this time of night?” Minho argues. “Why don’t you drop them off?” Beomgyu asks, placing the keys back in Minho’s hand. “I’ve got a very important business call and Seonghwa will kick my ass if I miss it.” Minho shrugs.
“Well, I’m sure Sunoo can drop them off.” Beomgyu suggests, turning his attention back to Sunoo. “Uh… I guess I could-” “-Really, it’s fine. It’s only like a 10 minute bus ride.” Y/n clarifies,  earning a death glare from both Minho and Beomgyu. 
“Y/n, if you get on that bus and get kidnapped and murdered, I will personally study witchcraft and bring you back to life just to kill you again myself.” Y/n’s eyes widen at Minho’s words, causing Beomgyu to awkwardly chuckle. “What he means is, we don’t feel comfortable with you taking the bus alone and strongly advise you to get a ride with Sunoo.” Beomgyu reasons.
The thought of spending any amount of time alone with Sunoo makes Y/n want to pull the hair out of their scalp. But they suppose it is better than potentially getting kidnapped. And Minho and Beomgyu don’t seem like the type of people to budge on this sort of thing. So Y/n reluctantly agrees, and Minho makes sure to walk the two to the carpark and personally watch them drive away - for extra precautions.
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The car ride is silent and awkward. Despite the lack of arguing that has been going on between the two, it is blatantly obvious that there is still a massive wall placed between them.
Sunoo doesn’t know what to do to break the tension. Does he just let the two sit in silence? Does he try to talk about his day? Does he turn the radio on? Deciding a conversation is probably the best way to go, he lets out a shaky breath before mumbling:
“So, how are you liking the community centre?”
With the silence that follows his words, he almost thinks that Y/n didn’t hear him. Either that, or they hate him so much that they’d rather ignore him than have one conversation. Considering it’s dead silent, the latter unfortunately seems like the more likely option. Sunoo’s thoughts however, are cut short when Y/n replies:
“It’s more fun than I thought it would be… and the guys are really nice.” Sunoo nods at their words, letting out a small hum of agreement. “I was a little scared of Minho at first.” He admits, his attempt at potentially lightening the mood successfully landing, as Y/n lets out a small, breathy laugh.
"Yeah… I don't think I've heard someone affectionately threaten murder so much before." Y/n jokes. They're still turned away from Sunoo, opting to stare out the window in order to avoid looking at him. But at least they're joking now. It's progress.
"What happened to your car, by the way?" Sunoo asks curiously. Y/n sends him a confused look, causing him to elaborate. "I mean… don't you usually drive Intak to school everyday? Why didn't you drive here?"
Y/n let's out a scoff, looking back out the window. "The idiot tried to cook a pizza on the dashboard. Some bullshit about it being the hottest day of the year. He saw it on tiktok." Sunoo's face scrunches up, mumbling a small ew. "Apparently it'll take a while to clean, too. I think melted cheese got into the radio or something." Y/n shrugs.
"Does that mean you'll need a ride on Sunday too?" Sunoo asks without thinking. He internally face-palms as Y/n visibly tenses up at his words. God, why does he have to be so stupid?
"Uh… Intak should be free on Sunday…" Y/n mumbles. Sunoo has to stop himself from rolling his eyes. A habit, he likes to claim - opting to ignore the tiny amount of jealousy boiling in the pit of his stomach at the mention of the other man's name. Of course Intak would be the one to take them. The two are practically joined at the hip.
The car is silent for the rest of the drive, with the two only mumbling short goodbyes as Sunoo pulls up to Y/n's house. He chooses to stay, watching as they walk up the driveway and into the building. Y/n doesn't look back.
“Oh, how's the plan going?” Intak asks suddenly, as he pulls into the community centre parking lot. "Huh?" Y/n asks confused - causing Intak to deadpan at them. "Your whole thing of getting Sunoo to drop out of being prom king. It's on Friday." He clarifies.
Oh right. That plan. Y/n honestly forgot all about it, especially after the awkward interaction they had in Sunoo's car on Thursday.
"I haven't made much progress." Y/n sighs. "Because you're making progress in other areas?" Intak asks, a small smirk spreading across his face. "Don't think I haven't noticed the tension at school, and different from the old tension." He adds, earning an eye roll from Y/n. "I think you need to get your eyes checked." Y/n retorts, ruffling Intak's hair before grabbing their stuff and getting out of the car.
"You're picking me up tonight, right?" Y/n asks. "No, I'm gonna abandon you." Intak deadpans. Y/n gives him an annoyed look, making him laugh. "I'll text you when I get here." He says, causing Y/n to wave him off. "No need, I can spot your shitty car from a mile away." Intak goes to reply but Y/n shuts the car door- making sure to slam it for added effect.
As Intak goes to drive off, he winds down his window. "Have a fun day at work my Pookie Pie!! I love you." He calls, blowing a dramatic kiss to add some flare. Y/n rolls their eyes, flipping him off before entering the building.
Sunoo is already there, signing in at the front desk with Minho and Seonghwa. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Y/n." Seonghwa says, earning a scoff from Sunoo. "Yeah, a shitty one. Where was he the other night?" Minho grumbles. "He was busy with soccer practice. And uh… he's not my boyfriend." Y/n says, awkwardly scratching the back of their neck. "Might as well be." Sunoo mumbles bitterly, his comment not going unnoticed by Minho and Seonghwa, who both mumble short apologies for the mistake.
The two share a knowing look before Seonghwa claps his hands, gaining the attention of the two teens. "Right, since today is your last day in my department we'll just focus on practising what you already know. And later on, Beomgyu will give you a tour of his department so you can get straight into things next week."
Minho watches as Seonghwa gets the two to work, immediately going to find Beomgyu and explain to him what the heck just happened.
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There is something wrong with Sunoo - that much is clear. He and Y/n aren’t friends of course, but there hasn’t been this much tension between the two since they started volunteering. Y/n doesn’t understand what went wrong?
As Sunoo ignores their question for the umpteenth time, Y/n finally feels themself snap. They grab the box of toys out of his hand, shoving it back on the shelf before crossing their arms across their chest - effectively cornering him in the storage room.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Y/n whisper-yells, not wanting to gain the attention of Seonghwa. “What’s wrong with me? You just ripped a box out of my hands?” Sunoo rolls his eyes. “Because you’re ignoring me!”
It’s stupid, Y/n knows. They’ve spent their entire high school career wishing for the day that Sunoo would start ignoring them. But now that it’s here, they hate it.
“And why do you care? We aren’t friends, Y/n. Even if I try to talk to you, you just go right back to running off with Intak every chance you get.”
And then it clicks. Everything always goes back to Intak.
“Oh my god, Sunoo. This is all about Intak? He’s my best friend, dumbass. And your stupid grudge with him doesn’t change that.” Y/n is fuming, and their volume is no longer at the front of their mind. Sunoo scoffs, pushing past Y/n and picking up the box once again. “I think you’re the dumbass, Y/n. Because everyone but you can tell that you and Intak are not best friends.”
Before he can get back to work however, Y/n catches up and shoves his shoulder - causing the box of toys to fall to the floor. “You’re a fucking hypocrite, you know that?” Y/n scowls, earning another eye roll from Sunoo. “I’m not the one in love with my best friend.” “People can be just friends, Sunoo! You of all people should know that!”
Y/n knows they are yelling, but they don't really care. In fact, they hope that the entire building can hear every word they’re saying; maybe then Sunoo will understand how ridiculous he is being. Even if they were in love with Intak, which is so far from the truth, what the hell does it matter to Kim Sunoo?
“No one says shit about you and Kazuha. Or you and Yuna. How is this any different? Do you get like this when they talk to other people, or am I just special?”
Of course you’re special Sunoo wants to scream. But he holds back - knowing better than to dump all his emotions onto Y/n. Especially now that they’re this worked up.
“Are you two finished?” A calm voice breaks through the tension, and both teens snap their heads to look at the figure. Seonghwa stands leaning against the doorway, his face expressionless as he looks at the two.
It’s as if they’d seen a ghost, and Seonghwa has to hold back his laugh at this. Remembering that he is, in fact the grown up in this situation - he takes a deep breath before ushering towards his office. “Come on, let’s all have a little chat, shall we?”
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Seonghwa is scary when he’s mad. Minho and Beomgyu would be too, if they weren’t spending their time trying to hold back their giggles. They can’t help it though - not with Y/n and Sunoo sitting there like two children being scolded by their parents.
“I have tried my best to not… interfere with the relationship between you two. Simply because it is none of my business. But when you are in our building, you must obey our standards, and whatever that was back there is certainly not the type of behaviour we like to see.” Seonghwa states, his voice clear and stern. “Isn’t that right, guys?” He adds, turning to the other two adults in the room - who clearly were not paying attention.
“Uh… yeah.” Beomgyu replies, his voice cracking slightly. This finally sets Minho off, his fit of laughter soon turning into a safety hazard as he begins to choke on his own saliva. Seonghwa can’t help the sigh that escapes his lips, watching in mild disappointment as Beomgyu pats Minho’s back in an attempt to help clear his throat.
“Anyway, we think it will be best to separate the two of you for a little bit, until the hostility goes down. Sunoo, you’ll spend the rest of the day with Minho and Y/n, you’re with Beomgyu. I’ll continue where you left off in kids.” Seonghwa says.
“Wait, so you can’t deal with them so you just pass them onto us?” Beomgyu asks, offended. “Be grateful you’re not getting both of them.” Minho rolls his eyes, letting out a yelp as Beomgyu pinches his side.
It’s weird to see them talk so openly about the two, as if they aren’t sitting in the very same room. Y/n can’t bring themself to look away from Seonghwa, a strong sense of guilt building up in the pit of their stomach. He looks stressed, and Y/n can’t shake the feeling that they’re a major factor.
“Well… is there anything you two would like to say before I send you off?” Seonghwa asks, the attention in the room turning back towards the two teens. Y/n gulps under the gaze, glancing at Sunoo from the corner of their eye - who is avoiding eye contact all together. The two mumble quiet apologies, which almost go unnoticed by the others. Seonghwa sighs once more, gesturing for everyone to leave his office.
“You look like someone died.” Kazuha states, dropping her food tray on the table and effectively snapping Sunoo out of his thoughts. “His relationship with Y/n did.” Yuna snickers, letting out a shriek as Sunoo’s empty milk carton flies towards her head. “Resorting to violence, now? No wonder Y/n doesn’t like you.” Yuna teases, throwing the milk carton back towards him.
“Wait, what happened with Y/n?” Kazuha asks. Sunoo sighs in response, picking at his food. “Nothing, I just fucked everything up… like always.” The response earns some eye rolls from the girls. “Stop acting like a pick me and explain what happened. Or I’ll go ask Y/n myself.” Kazuha threatens, although her words are all bluff.
Sunoo lets out another sigh, deciding there’s no use trying to argue with his friends. “I got jealous of Intak and said some… things. Y/n got mad, for obvious reasons and now we’re not talking.” He doesn’t even need to look up at his friends to tell that they are rolling their eyes at him.
“You are one of the dumbest people alive.” Yuna scoffs. “I know.” Sunoo whines, resting his head in his hands. “What did you actually say to Y/n?” Kazuha sighs, mentally putting on her couples counsellor hat. Sunoo hesitates, knowing he’s about to get ripped into by the girls. “I said that there’s no point in us being friends if they’re just going to run off with Intak every chance they get… and that it’s obvious their relationship is more than that.”
The table is silent for a few moments as Sunoo’s words set in. “You are the reason I hate men.” Yuna groans. “No literally, do you realise how hypocritical that is?” Kazuha asks. “Obviously but I was angry and just said whatever came to mind.” Sunoo frowns.
The girls give each other a look before turning back to Sunoo, who continues to wallow in his self-pity. Sighing, Kazuha moves to sit next to him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Maybe it’s time to be honest and tell Y/n how you really feel about them.” She says, causing Sunoo’s head to shoot up from it’s position on the table. “Be honest?” He asks with wide eyes. “Yes, Sunoo. If you tell Y/n that you said that because you were jealous and you like them then maybe they’ll actually give you a shot. It’s a much better plan than whatever the hell you’ve been doing this entire time.” Yuna points out. “And if they reject you, at least you tried.” Kazuha attempts to reassure, only to be met with glares from her two friends. “Way to boost my confidence.” Sunoo mumbles, picking up a spoonful of his lunch.
“So… I heard you’ve got prom tomorrow?” Beomgyu asks, trying to break the ice. He hasn’t been alone with Y/n before so he’s not entirely sure what to say. Judging by Y/n’s groan at his words - he definitely said the wrong thing.
“Not looking forward to it?” He adds. “Since Sunoo will be there, no, I’m not.” Y/n mumbles, trying to turn their attention to the box of cans they are currently unpacking. They have nothing against Beomgyu, he’s sweet and all but god, does he not know how to take a hint. 
“What happened between you two, by the way? I know you never got along but something must’ve happened to cause such a fight.” Beomgyu pries. “I really don’t want to talk about this right now.” Y/n sighs. Being met with silence, they think that Beomgyu has finally given up. Until he speaks again:
“You know, I heard that hating someone uses almost as much passion as loving them.”
This causes Y/n to choke on the air in their lungs, looking at Beomgyu with wide eyes. “I’m not lying! Hate sex is apparently really good… not that I would know, of course.” Y/n chooses not to pry at Beomgyu’s blatant confession and instead raises an eyebrow at him. “Are you really recommending hate sex to a highschooler?” They ask, causing Beomgyu to wave them off nonchalantly. “It’s an example, Y/nnie. I’m just saying that hate can be a confusing emotion. Sometimes you think you hate someone, when really you like them and just don’t know how to express it.” “That sounds pretty toxic.” Beomgyu waves them off again. “Just trust me. I know a lot about this stuff.”
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“So… how are things going with Y/n?” Minho asks, his sudden words causing Sunoo to look at him with wide eyes. “I… huh?” Sunoo asks, confused. Minho rolls his eyes at this. “I’m not an idiot, I see the way you look at them. And judging by the way they treat you, they do not feel the same. So what’s the plan?”
Sunoo is overwhelmed by the sudden topic. “Uh… give up and go home?” He mumbles. This was not the answer that Minho wanted, judging by the look on his face. “I would slap you right now if Seonghwa wouldn’t fire me for it.” Minho threatens. “Listen, as someone who is basically an expert at this whole hate to love thing - I’m going to give you some advice.” He continues, placing a hand on Sunoo’s shoulder. 
“You need to be obvious enough with the flirting that they can pick up on it but subtle enough that they think you’re just trying to annoy them. Then, when the tension gets high enough, you go full on flirt-mode. Catch them by surprise and reveal your feelings while their guard is down. And if you’re too scared to talk, just kiss them. Works like a charm.”
Sunoo looks at him skeptically, causing Minho to roll his eyes. “You think I’m joking? Beomgyu would tell you the same thing.” His words are very clearly alluding to something but Sunoo chooses to ignore them. “What if they just end up hating me even more?” He asks - his words causing Minho to let out an annoyed groan. “Then you suck it up and move on. If you open up about your feelings and they don’t accept it, then they’re not the right person for you. Was I this clueless when I was a teenager?” Noticing Sunoo’s hesitation, Minho continues. “Look, you’re a nice guy and you seem to really care about Y/n. I’m sure they only hate you because of some petty bullshit and not because you’re a terrible person. Have confidence in yourself!”
Sunoo nods affirmingly at Minho’s words. Have confidence in yourself.
“Can I look yet?”
“How about now?”
“Still no.”
“Intak, I swear to god, if you open your damn eyes…”
“I won’t!”
Y/n rolls their eyes at their best friend, looking themself over once more in the mirror. Once they’re happy with the completed outfit, they turn towards Intak - who’s stood in the middle of their bedroom with his hands covering his eyes.
“Okay… you can look now.”
As soon as the words leave Y/n’s lips, Intak’s hands are flying away from his face. His eyes fall on Y/n’s outfit as they stand awkwardly in front of him. “Woah… is it wrong for me to say you look hot?” Intak laughs, letting out a scream when Y/n hits his shoulder. “Hey! Don’t crinkle the suit!” He whines, earning an eye roll from Y/n. “Then don’t say cringy shit.”
“I’m serious though, you look great. Everyone’s gonna go crazy when they see you.” Intak compliments, causing Y/n to scoff. “Yeah, right. If I look so good, why am I taking you as my date?” Intak frowns at this. “You’re the one who turned down my idea of you and Sunoo going together.” He points out. “Yeah, cause that would literally be considered a form of torture.” Now it’s Intak’s turn to roll his eyes at Y/n’s exaggeration. “You’re just pissed that you guys fought. It would’ve been a great way to make up, you know?”
“Can we not talk about Sunoo right now?” Y/n asks, almost desperately. Intak narrows his eyes for a moment before sighing. “Fine. But as soon as this thing is over, you’re explaining what the hell happened with you two.”
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Prom - the supposed “best night” of a high schooler’s life. The glitz and the glam. Food, drinks, music. It’s everything a teenager could wish for.
As Y/n and Intak walk into the school gym, they look around in awe at the decor. “You know, this turned out a lot better than I expected.” Y/n comments, causing Intak to nod in agreement. “I know, right? It barely smells like feet in here.” He jokes, letting out a pained noise when Y/n jabs him in the side. “So… are we going to the dancefloor first or the snack table?” Intak asks, causing Y/n to look at him with a blank expression. “Snack table it is.” He adds, laughing as Y/n aggressively pulls him towards the assortment of foods.
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“I’m just gonna head to the bathroom!” Y/n mumbles, their voice slightly muffled due to the music. Intak sends them a thumbs up, letting them know he got the message. After a few moments, Intak feels a sudden presence behind him and turns around to see Sunoo standing there.
“Looking for Y/n?” He asks, causing Sunoo’s eyes to widen slightly. “Uh… yeah. I thought they’d be with you.” He mumbles. “Bathroom.” Intak shrugs, earning a slight nod from Sunoo. Intak gestures for him to take a seat and Sunoo hesitates for a moment before sitting down.
“How did you know I was looking for Y/n?” Sunoo asks, causing Intak to shrug. “Well, you weren’t coming to hang out with me.” He jokes, earning an awkward laugh from Sunoo. “Are you still upset about… you know?” Sunoo asks. “Oh, god no. I got over that like, freshman year.” Intak says, waving him off. “Oh. Okay, well… I feel like I should apologise anyway. I wasn’t like… trying to compete with you or anything.” Sunoo says, causing Intak to laugh. “It’s all good, like I said, I forgave you ages ago. Y/n on the other hand…” Intak trails off, causing Sunoo’s eyes to widen.
Everything finally seems to fall into place. Y/n hates Sunoo because of what happened with him and Intak? He supposes it does make sense; they are best friends after all. But if Intak is over it, then why isn’t Y/n?
“Can I be honest about something?” Sunoo asks, causing Intak to look at him confused. “As long as you don’t confess your undying love for me. You’re cute but not really my type.” He jokes, making Sunoo laugh so hard he almost falls out of his chair. “Trust me, you’re not my type either.” He responds, causing Intak to scoff in feigned offence. “You know what? Maybe I do still hate you.” Intak pouts. He keeps the act up for a few moments before returning back to his smiley self, gesturing for Sunoo to go on.
“This is gonna sound really weird but… whenever I see you and Y/n, I can’t help but feel jealous. Like, you guys are so in tune with each other and… you’re close with them in a way that I can only dream of. I don’t know… guess it made me unknowingly hate you which probably added to why Y/n hates me.” Sunoo rants. Intak’s face doesn’t give much away, as he stares forward with furrowed brows. For a moment, Sunoo thinks he’s said something wrong.
“Y/n’s a complicated person. They like it when people are open and honest, but hate being open and honest themself. They’re also super stubborn… you probably already know that. They hate admitting when they’re wrong but really admire it when others do.” Intak says. Sunoo looks at him confused, not entirely sure what he’s trying to say. 
“Y/n’s basically a hypocrite, who looks for people that do and say the things they refuse to. That’s why we’re so close, we balance each other out. You, however, are more like Y/n, which is why I think you guys butt heads. You both want to be more open but your stubbornness gets in the way and you argue. I think that’s the difference between me with Y/n and you with Y/n.” Intak points out.
Sunoo’s face screws up at Intak’s words as he lets out a dry laugh. “Doesn’t sound like me and Y/n are a good match, then.” He mumbles. “I think you can understand Y/n a lot better than I do. Sometimes they do things and I just don’t get why. But if you and Y/n are going to be friends… or more, one of you will have to adjust a little. And judging by this conversation we’re having, it looks like you’re trying to.” Intak says, a genuine smile on his lips.
Sunoo is in awe. He’s never felt so called out yet reassured at the same time. “Where the hell did you learn to give advice like that?” He asks, shocked. Intak laughs slightly, scratching the back of his neck. “I watch a lot of couples therapy programs. It’s a guilty pleasure.” He mumbles. Just as Sunoo is about to ask what shows, the two are interrupted by Intak’s phone going off. He looks at the screen to see Y/n calling, immediately answering and putting them on speaker.
“Intak! You have to come outside and see this dog. It’s wearing a little bow tie!” Y/n exclaims, happily. “Outside? I thought you were in the bathroom?” Intak asks. “I move quickly. Now hurry up!” Y/n ushers, continuing to rave on about the dog as Intak waves goodbye to Sunoo.
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“Ladies and gentlemen, if we could have you all to the dance floor to announce this year’s Prom King and Queen.”
Y/n is probably feeling more nervous than Intak - judging by the way they’re squeezing his hand. “I think you’re gonna break my knuckles.” Intak leans down to whisper, causing Y/n to roll their eyes. “Shut up.” They whisper back.
Has the principal's intro speech always been this long? No one asked about how proud you are of all the contestants, they just want to hear who won. After what feels like literal hours of talking, the drumroll begins to play throughout the gym.
“And the winner of Be Lift High’s Prom King is…”
“Hwang Intak!”
Y/n is probably more excited than Intak, too - judging by the way they practically scream in his ear. Intak grins widely as Y/n shakes him back and forth, receiving a few pats on the back and whoops from the crowd around them. Snapping out of his shock, Intak gently pulls away from Y/n’s grip and walks up to the stage to be crowned.
Despite Intak walking away, Y/n immediately feels another presence beside them. They turn to see Sunoo standing there, watching fondly as Intak accepts the crown. Y/n attempts to ignore him, turning their attention back to Intak. Despite this, Sunoo had already felt Y/n’s eyes on him and gently nudges their side to get their attention.
“He looks really happy.” Sunoo points out. His statement earns an eye roll from Y/n, who immediately turns to him with a smirk. “Jealous you didn’t win?” They asks snarkily, causing Sunoo to laugh slightly. It’s not the sarcastic laugh he usually does around Y/n. It’s a small, genuine laugh. “No, he deserves it.” Sunoo smiles before turning his attention back to the stage, where Intak is about to start his acceptance speech.
The smirk on Yn’s face immediately drops as they take in Sunoo’s words. Sure, he doesn’t have to be jealous… but Y/n at least expected a snarky comeback. Why is he smiling like he and Intak are friends?
“You look really good by the way.” Sunoo says, not taking his eyes off the stage. Y/n immediately scans his face for any signs of sarcasm or teasing. None. Awkwardly coughing, Y/n turns away from Sunoo and back towards the stage. They mumble a quiet shut up but the subtle blush that spreads across their cheeks shows they didn’t hate the compliment.
“And we’ll now announce Be Lift High’s Prom Queen…. Nakamura Kazuha!”
“Fuck yeah!” Yuna screams, immediately covering her mouth when she realised the rest of the crowd hadn’t started yet. She mumbles a few apologies before pushing Kazuha towards the stage.
With Kazuha now joining Intak on the stage, Yuna squeezes herself between Sunoo and Y/n - slinging her arms around both of their shoulders. “Do you think anyone heard me swear?” She jokes, causing Sunoo and Y/n to laugh. “Judging by the way Mr Kim is currently glaring into our souls, I’d say yeah.” Sunoo says.
The trio watch in amusement as Intak shuffles aside for Kazuha to give her speech, her sending him an awkward yet genuine smile. “They’re kinda cute, don’t you think?” Yuna asks, causing Y/n to scoff. “Oh please, she’s way too good for him.” They laugh. “I don’t know, Zuha’s taste in guys is…” Sunoo trails off. “Questionable.” Yuna finishes for him. Y/n shoots the two a confused look but chooses not to ask further questions.
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“So, what were you and Sunoo talking about when I was on stage?” Intak asks as he and Y/n slow dance together. “Oh god, don’t remind me. Weirdest conversation we’ve ever had.” Y/n rolls their eyes, causing Intak’s to lighten up with interest. “Come on, spill the tea.” He says, laughing as Y/n physically cringes at his choice of words.
“I don’t know, it was just weird. Like, he was saying how you deserved to win and when I tried to tease him about it, he just didn’t react. And then he said I looked good… without being sarcastic!” Y/n rants, earning an eye roll from Intak. “You call that a weird conversation?” He asks. “Well yeah, it is for people who hate each other.” Y/n huffs.
“Y/n… you don’t seriously think Sunoo hates you, do you?” Intak’s question causes Y/n to look up at him, a confused expression painted across their face. “Uh… have you seen the way he acts around me? We’re like… constantly at each other’s throats.” Y/n points out. “Yeah, and who starts almost all of those arguments?” Intak asks.
Y/n falls silent for a moment as they think back to all their arguments with Sunoo. Sure… they’re often the one that takes it from teasing to yelling but… that doesn’t make Sunoo completely innocent.
“I think you should apologise to him.” Y/n’s eyes practically fall out of their skull as the words slip past Intak’s lips. “I think that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said.” Intak raises a brow at Y/n, almost in a challenging way. “Y/n… you know how much I love you but as your best friend, it’s my job to tell you when you’re being stupid… and this whole beef you’ve got with Sunoo is stupid… maybe if you start seeing him as a person rather than as some annoyance in your life, you’ll start to recognise that.” Intak says, finally, before dropping the topic.
Y/n pouts slightly as they mull over Intak’s words over and over again… he’s right. Y/n hates it when he’s right.
I think you should apologise to him.
Those words have been repeating in Y/n’s brain all week. It’s very rare for a piece of Intak’s advice to stick with them for this long - usually he just says a few quotes he stole from Twitter and hopes it does the trick. It doesn’t. 
Walking into the community centre, Y/n is surprised to see an unknown man sitting behind the desk instead of the usual Minho. As soon as he hears the door open, the man looks up and sends a small smile to Y/n.
“Uh… hi?” Y/n asks, walking up to the desk, puzzled. “Hey. You’re one of the volunteers, right? Y/n?” The man asks, causing Y/n to nod quietly. Their eyes quickly flicker down to his nametag - reading the name Jay along with a small drawing of some shoes. Jay? As in, the guy who used to work here?
“I thought you were in America?” Y/n asks, causing Jay’s eyes to widen slightly. “Oh… I was, yeah. But now I’m back.” He shrugs, passing Y/n the name tag box. Their eyebrows furrow slightly when they see that both Minho and Beomgyu’s name tags are still there. Just as they’re about to ask, they get interrupted by the door opening.
“Sorry I’m late, the coach tried to have an extra cheer practice.” Sunoo says as he walks into the building. He stops in his tracks when he spots Jay behind the desk. “Who are you?” He asks, bluntly. “Jay, and you must be Sunoo.” Jay says. Sunoo glances at Y/n, as if to ask what is happening. Y/n just offers a confused shrug back.
“Okay, as you can probably tell, I’m not Minho. Something happened and he had to take the day off which means, obviously, Beomgyu had too as well.” Jay says. Y/n and Sunoo aren’t sure why that’s obvious but they choose not to question it. “Because we’re down two people, things are going to look a bit different today. We can’t have you both in departments by yourself because, no offence but you’re not fully trusted to be left alone yet. Seonghwa’s still in kids, but he’ll also be checking on you two in grocery. I’ll take care of clothes and pets myself.” Jay says, earning affirmative nods from Sunoo and Y/n. “Cool, Beomgyu should’ve left you a note of what he wants done today but if you need any help, just ask me or Seonghwa.”
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Beomgyu’s “note” turned out to be the computer password so they could access todays food pack orders along with the words “fuck things up and I’ll kill you” scribbled at the bottom. Not extremely helpful but Y/n expected nothing less.
“So we just… put the stuff on the list in a box?” Sunoo asks, making Y/n realise that he hasn’t actually worked in grocery yet. “Oh… yeah. We print off the order ticket, grab everything that's on it and put them in a box, stick the ticket on the top and then tick the packed button on the computer… it’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it, and everything’s labelled so you shouldn’t have any trouble.” Y/n rambles, quickly demonstrating how things work.
The two quickly get to work, in complete silence. It’s a little awkward. This is the first time Y/n has actually seen Sunoo since prom, other than quickly passing each other in the halls, and the first time that they’ve worked with him in the community centre since their fight.
I think you should apologise to him.
Groaning slightly, Y/n turns their attention back to the order they’re currently working on. The last thing they need right now is Intak’s stupid face in their brain, trying to convince them to apologise.
“Hey, Y/n? Can you come check this for me?” Sunoo suddenly calls, snapping Y/n out of their thoughts. “Uh... yeah, one sec.” Y/n replies, putting the finishing touches on their order before walking over to where Sunoo is working.
They find him in the produce section, looking puzzled. “Everything okay?” Y/n asks, causing Sunoo to jump slightly at their sudden presence. “Oranges and mandarins are the same thing, right?” Sunoo asks, causing Y/n to giggle slightly. “Um… no. Mandarins are little and come in pieces that you peel off, oranges are big and you need to cut them.” Y/n says, causing Sunoo to nod. “We only have oranges, then,” He says, turning to look at Y/n. “And I need mandarins.”
Sighing, Y/n does a quick scan around the produce section. There are in fact, no mandarins. “We’ll have to check the back storage.” Y/n says, walking towards the door to find Seonghwa. “You coming? I can’t carry a bulk box of fruit by myself.” Y/n says, causing Sunoo to immediately follow them.
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Once the two grab the key from Seonghwa, they make their way to the back storage room, where all the unneeded products are kept. It’s weird being in here again. Last time the two were in this room, they were screaming at each other. Walking past the kids and pet sections, they finally find themselves in the grocery area.
“Over there.” Y/n points in the direction of the fruits, going to walk towards them. They realise that Sunoo is oddly quiet and turn around to look at him. “Are you okay?” Y/n asks. It’s silent for a few more moments before Sunoo blurts out two words Y/n never thought they’d hear him say.
“I’m sorry.”
Y/n doesn’t know how to respond. It seems that even Sunoo is a little taken aback by his words, judging by his wide-eyed expression. “Um… what?” Y/n laughs awkwardly. Where was this coming from?
“I’m sorry for… everything, really. I’ve been giving you hell for years for basically nothing. I was just jealous of you and Intak and I took it out on you when I should’ve just-” “-Are you kidding me?” Y/n asks suddenly, interrupting Sunoo’s words. “I’ve been thinking about apologising to you all week and you beat me to it?” They continue, causing Sunoo to look at them confused. “It’s not a competition…” Sunoo laughs awkwardly. “But I’ve hated you for years because of something you did unknowingly as a kid… and you didn’t even do it to me! Why the hell are you the one apologising?” Y/n asks, a small pout to their lips. Sunoo can’t help but look at them endearingly… are they really upset that he apologised before they could?
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/n asks, causing Sunoo to laugh slightly. “Sorry, you’re just really cute.” He says, causing their eyes to widen. A pink blush immediately spreads across their cheeks, earning a slight smirk from Sunoo. “Shut up.” Y/n mumbles, avoiding eye contact. 
“Would you feel better if I took my apology back?” Sunoo asks, half jokingly. Y/n pauses to think for a moment before silently nodding, causing Sunoo to break out into a toothy grin. “Okay, then… I'll take it back.” He says, his words causing Y/n to look up at him again. They bite their lip nervously as he quietly waits for them to speak.
“Okay so like… I’m sorry for being a bitch and hating you for something you didn’t do. It was really childish of me and I hope that we can be friends… maybe.” Y/n rambles, their eyes nervously flickering from Sunoo’s to various parts of the room. Sunoo smiles at their nervousness, his heart swelling slightly at their words. “It’s okay… when I found out you didn’t like me I started purposefully annoying you. If you can’t tell, I think you’re cute when you’re mad.” Sunoo says, the pink blush on Y/n’s cheeks turning darker with each compliment. “Stop calling me that…” Y/n mumbles.
“You don’t like when I call you cute?”
“Hate it.”
“Your blush says otherwise, babe.”
“Shut up!”
“So… are you just gonna ignore the fact that I said I was jealous of you and Intak?” Sunoo asks, causing Y/n to look at him confused. “Why?” Y/n asks. “Because I like you and I hated that he was close with you in ways I couldn’t be… thought he had a better chance with you than I did.” Sunoo mumbles, causing Y/n to scoff slightly. “Oh please, Intak wouldn’t have a chance with me if he was the last man on earth.” Y/n says, choosing to ignore the part where Sunoo said he likes them.
“What about me?” Sunoo asks, stepping forward slightly to minimise the gap between them. “Uh… what about you?” Y/n asks, attempting to step back but getting stopped by the shelf behind them. “Would I have a chance?” Sunoo asks, continuing his steps until he is directly in front of Y/n, their back pressed up against the shelves. “Um… if you were the last man on earth, you mean? I guess, I don’t know. I don’t even think I’d survive long enough for us to be the last people on earth. Especially if it was like a zombie apocalypse or something, I’d probably die super… early.” Y/n rambles, the last words trailing off as Sunoo gently grips their chin, lifting it slightly so they’re making direct eye contact.
“I mean now, Y/n. Would I have a chance with you now?” Sunoo asks, his grip on Y/n’s chin stopping them from looking away. Y/n’s breath seems to get caught in their throat as they see Sunoo’s eyes flicker down to their lips. “I don’t know…” Y/n breathes out.
Their mind feels fuzzy. Up until about a week ago, they don’t think they’d ever had a positive thought about Sunoo. And now here they are, trapped between his body and a shelf, as he confesses that he likes them? Y/n has no idea how to process this new information.
“Are you guys okay in here?” A sudden voice calls out, causing Y/n to immediately push Sunoo away from them. They shut down the part of their brain that immediately misses his touch and peek behind the shelf to see Jay looking around the room for them. “We’re fine! Just took a while finding what we needed.” Sunoo calls out, going to grab one side of the mandarin crate. Taking note of Y/n’s slightly dazed expression, Sunoo can’t help but laugh slightly. “Actually, do you mind helping us carry this? Y/n’s a bit out of it.” Sunoo calls out again, sending a teasing wink to Y/n who immediately scowls at him. Guess that his feelings for them won’t change the constant teasing.
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“I saw you drove today, your car’s fixed?” Sunoo asks as the two walk out of the community centre. “Yeah, it is. Which reminds me that I need to get Intak to pay me back.” Y/n says, taking a mental note. “Well, if you ever need a ride again, just know my passenger seat is always free for you.” Sunoo says, his words causing Y/n to blush slightly. They mumble a small thanks, causing Sunoo to smile endearingly. “Well, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sunoo says, causing Y/n’s eyebrows to furrow. “School, babe.” Sunoo clarifies, making Y/n’s mouth fall into a small “oh”. Sunoo shakes his head with a gentle smile, ruffling Y/n’s hair affectionately. “Have a good night, Y/n.” He says before going to get into his car, waiting until Y/n has gotten in theirs and drives off before he leaves as well.
“I told you so!”
Y/n reaches over to cover Intak’s mouth with their hand, shushing him as they look around the classroom. Thankfully, everyone else is busy with their own conversations to be listening in on theirs. Intak licks their hand, causing them to immediately pull away with a disgusted look. “You’re so gross.” Y/n mumbles, wiping their hand on Inak’s shirt sleeve. “I don’t care, you and Sunoo are getting together, I was finally right about something.” Intak teases, earning an eye roll from Y/n. “We’re not getting together, he likes me. There’s a difference.” “But you like him too!” Intak urges. “And how the hell do you know that?” Y/n asks, defensively. “Because we’re besties! I can basically read your mind at this point.” Y/n looks at him with a blank expression, clearly not believing his reasoning. “Plus you’re blushing, which is kind of a dead give away.”
Y/n throws their pen at Intak, who only pokes out his tongue in retaliation. He is right - they both know it. Which is what makes the whole situation more frustrating. Being confronted with the fact that you might like someone when you’ve spent years thinking you hate them is not a fun feeling. Y/n can’t help but think back to the conversation they had with Beomgyu last week. Sometimes you think you hate someone, when really you like them and just don’t know how to express it. God… did everyone see it but Y/n?
Obviously, they always knew that Sunoo was attractive (although they’d never admit it). And yeah, maybe a small part of them did secretly enjoy having Sunoo’s attention - good or bad. But does that really mean that they like him? Like, want to go on dates and hold hands and kiss and post cute couple pictures with cheesy captions to annoy their friends kind of like? Surely not…
Okay, maybe.
But liking Kim Sunoo and wanting to date Kim Sunoo are two completely different things. You can like someone and leave it at that - a hypothetical crush with no real drive to transition into an actual relationship. Just someone to watch from afar and dream about until you either get over them or fall for someone else. That is exactly what Y/n plans to do with this whole crush thing. Sunoo, unfortunately, is not making this easy.
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The sudden call of their name causes Y/n to jump slightly. That doesn’t sound like Intak. And Y/n doesn’t speak to any other men at school because, why would they? Which means it has to be…
“Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you?” Sunoo asks once he’s finally caught up to Y/n. They look like a deer caught in headlights, looking directly into the eyes of the one person they’ve spent all day avoiding.
Y/n is almost too distracted by the situation to process the words coming out of Sunoo’s mouth. He’s been looking for them? That should not make their heart flutter the way that it does.
“Where have you been?” Sunoo asks, his follow-up question finally breaking through the thoughts that are overflowing Y/n’s brain. “Oh, you know… around.” Y/n attempts to play it off, aimlessly waving their hand to appear as nonchalant as possible. Sunoo doesn’t buy it for a second, looking at Y/n with raised eyebrows. “Okay… well, I was wondering if you were busy this afternoon?” Sunoo asks. “This afternoon? There’s a game on.” Y/n says, causing Sunoo to chuckle slightly. “I know. I’m a cheerleader, remember? I was meaning before the game.”
They always get paninis with Intak before his games - something he claims gives him good luck. Despite this, Y/n can practically hear Intak screaming at them to say no, they’re not busy, and they’d love to spend the afternoon with Sunoo. But some part of them is holding back, scared of getting too close to Sunoo.
Sunoo notices Y/n’s hesitation and his face falls slightly, though he immediately covers it with an understanding smile. “Intak?” He asks, already knowing the answer. Y/n nods slowly, an overwhelming feeling of guilt washing over them. Why did feelings have to be so confusing?
Sunoo goes to walk away but Y/n suddenly calls out, their voice leaving their body before they even have time to comprehend the words. “You can come,” Sunoo stops in his tracks, turning around to look at Y/n once more. “If you want.” They add.
It’s silent for a moment before Sunoo smiles - not the sad one from before, a genuine smile. “Sure… how about I bring Yuna and Kazhua, too?” He asks. Sunoo’s not an idiot, he can tell how uncomfortable Y/n is in his presence. If he wants things to work out with them, he needs to give them time to get comfortable. If that means bringing their entire friend group on what he wanted to be a date, then so be it.
“I’d like that.” Y/n smiles.
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“So uh… where are we going?” Yuna asks, curiously. Her grip tightens on Kazuha’s arm as the trio walk down the street. “That cheap Italian place down by the library.” Sunoo says, his words immediately causing Kazuha’s face to screw up. “Who gets Itallian before a game? Isn’t that more of a post-game meal?” She asks. Sunoo shrugs. “Apparently Intak needs his good-luck panini before every game and I’m not really in the mood to argue with our star player.”
“He plays like that because of a panini?” Kazuha asks, shocked. “It’s not the panini, idiot. It’s the fact that it’s his lucky food… think of it like manifesting.” Yuna explains. “But with paninis.”
Thankfully, the restaurant isn’t too far away from the school. It’s likely why Y/n and Intak started going. As soon as the group walks up to the little building, squished between the public library and a laundromat, Sunoo realises that it’s not as bad as he thought. Freshly painted with what looks to be a handmade sign hung carefully above the door and intricately decorated on the interior.
Stepping inside, the group’s eyes immediately land on Y/n and Intak. They’re the only customers in the restaurant, so it’s impossible to miss Intak’s wide smile and over-exaggerated wave.
“Wait, this place is so cute!” Kazuha exclaims, immediately going to sit down with Y/n and Intak. “How long have you two been gatekeeping this?” She continues, pointing her finger accusingly between Y/n and Intak. Y/n immediately raises their hands in surrender. “Ask Intak, he’s the one who didn’t want anyone stealing his luck.”
Intak’s eyes widen at Y/n’s statement. “Hey! Don’t turn this on me!” He exclaims, his face heating up slightly as the group laughs. “It’s okay, the golden boy just didn’t want anyone stealing his precious spot. No biggie.” Yuna teases, patting Intak’s shoulder with feigned sympathy as she moves to sit down as well - pushing Sunoo to sit in the spot next to Y/n before sliding in after him.
Sunoo attempts to keep some distance between himself and Y/n so as to not make them uncomfortable. Yuna doesn’t seem to get the message though, sliding into the booth and pressing Sunoo right into Y/n’s personal bubble. They don’t seem to mind though - judging by the subtle blush creeping up their neck and gentle smile on their lips.
“Is now a bad time to say that I’ve never had a panini before?” Yuna asks. ‘Oh god, don’t make him start.” Y/n mumbles. Their words fall on deaf ears, as Intak begins to ramble about paninis and all the amazing combinations you can have. Y/n zones out of the conversation, aimlessly flicking through the menu instead. 
“What do you recommend?” Sunoo asks, quietly. Y/n looks up at him with a raised brow. “Don’t trust Intak’s recommendations?” Y/n asks, jokingly. Their words cause Sunoo to chuckle quietly. “More like, I want to have your favourite.” Sunoo mumbles, playfully winking when Y/n’s face flushes.
This is going to be a long night.
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“Oh, shit. What time do we have to be there tonight?” Yuna asks, pulling out her phone to check the time. “Practice starts at 5, game at 6. I’ve only told you, like, 4 times today.” Sunoo says, a not-so-subtle roll of his eyes earning him a slap on the arm. “Thanks, Kim Sunoo. Where would I be without you?” Yuna replies snarkily. “Not the game, that’s for sure.”
“Are you coming early too, Y/n?” Kazuha asks, finishing off the last bite of her panini. “I always do. Intak forces me to watch him practice.” Y/n says. “It’s not forcing! You can say no…” Intak pouts. “If I say no you get like this, which is not as cute as you think it is.” Y/n laughs, causing Intak’s mouth to drop in offence. “I am so cute! You’re just blind, clearly.”
“Maybe this time you can watch our cheer practice, instead.” Yuna suggests, “I know a certain someone would love that.” She continues, a little quieter so only Y/n and Sunoo can hear her. Y/n’s face heats up at the implication behind Yuna’s words as Sunoo nudges her in the side, his face telling her to knock it off.
“Or just watch boring Intak, whatever you want.” She finishes with a shug. “Since when was it International Bully Intak Day?” Intak asks, sulkily taking a bite of his (third) panini.
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Intak gets pouty when Y/n doesn’t pay attention during his practice and games. Y/n has made that mistake far too many times, and now makes sure to keep their eyes on the field at all times. Why is tonight so much more difficult? Kim Sunoo… that’s why…
Y/n never really watched the cheerleaders before. Like they said, Intak got pouty. But tonight, their gaze can’t help but slowly drift to where Sunoo stands. They jump slightly as Sunoo tosses one of the smaller girls in the air, lifting her up like she’s nothing and catching her with equal ease.
He must be pretty strong.
Y/n immediately shakes the thought out of their head, looking back at the field. The game has long started since now, the bleachers filling up with loud, enthusiastic supporters all there to watch their team win. Intak’s on fire, as usual. The crowd roars with every point he scores, expecting nothing less from their school’s star player.
As Y/n fixates their full attention onto their best friend, they hardly notice Sunoo walking over to where they’re sat. Sunoo smiles down at Y/n, finding their concentration cute before playfully ruffling their hair.
“So, we’re pretending you weren’t literally staring me down a minute ago?” He asks, his words and action causing Y/n’s attention to immediately flicker to him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/n mumbles, swatting his hand away before fixing their now ruined hair. “Course you don’t, babe.” Sunoo replies, messing up Y/n’s hair once more before taking a seat next to them.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on the field… you know… cheering?” Y/n asks, trying to make it seem like they’re annoyed by his presence. Y/n’s never been an actor though and Sunoo can read right through them. “You expect me to cheer for the whole game? That’s so tiring.” Sunoo frowns. “I should get to have a good time, too.” He adds, sending a playful smile to Y/n.
That’s how Y/n and Sunoo ended up watching the game together. With every scored point, everyone around them got more enthusiastic - their excited movements pushing Y/n and Sunoo closer together. Neither of them minded, though.
Sunoo suddenly lets out a groan when he spots Yuna calling him back onto the field. “I have to go back.” He mumbles, looking at Y/n apologetically. “It’s okay… go do your thing.” Y/n smiles. Sunoo can’t help the way his smile mimics Y/n’s, even the tiniest bit of their happiness is contagious to him. God… they’re so pretty. Before he can even realise what he’s doing, Sunoo leans in to press a quick kiss against Y/n’s cheek, ruffling their hair once more as he stands before running back to the field, yelling about how he’ll “be back.”
Y/n sits there, stunned, for a moment. Did that really just happen? Did Sunoo just kiss them? They bring a hand up to gently press against the spot where Sunoo’s lips just were. The skin burns slightly at the touch, likely from the ever growing blush that seems to be constant whenever Sunoo’s around. It takes Y/n a handful of seconds to snap out of the fluttery trance Sunoo’s kiss put them in - and he didn’t even kiss them on the lips! This crush really is going to be the end of Y/n…
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Intak’s yell could probably be heard from the other side of town. But Y/n doesn’t care, as they run happily into his open embrace. Every win for Intak is like the first; it’s only fair that Y/n matches his enthusiasm.
“You did so good, Takie.” Y/n says, giving Intak a loving squeeze before pulling away. Kazuha is next, running to give Intak a hug - much to the surprise of the rest of the group. “Guess we’re all hugging Intak.” Yuna shrugs, running up to him as well - making sure to grab Y/n on the way and pull them into the, now group hug.
Sunoo watches the group with an amused smile on his face. “Bring it in, bro.” Intak winks, making Sunoo laugh slightly. “Okay, bro.” Sunoo says teasingly, before joining the hug as well - making sure to take a position next to Y/n.
“Why are we hugging?” Y/n asks. “Because I did so amazingly that you guys just wanted to show how much you love me?” Intak asks, hopefully. “Whatever you say, buddy.” Yuna laughs.
Pulling away from the impromptu group hug, Y/n can’t help the way their eyes naturally drift to Sunoo, who was already looking at them. The rest of the group immediately notice their two friends, Yuna giving Kazuha a knowing nudge.
“Hey, Intak. Didn’t you need to show me and Yuna that… thing?” Kazuha asks, suspiciously. Intak’s face lights up at this. He loves this game. “Oh, that’s right! I almost forgot. I’ll go show you now. Just you, me and Yuna.” Intak says. Sunoo has to stop himself from physically face palming at the performance. “I think they get the hint.” Yuna laughs, grabbing the two by the arm and pulling them away from Y/n and Sunoo.
“Well that wasn’t suspicious at all.” Sunoo jokes. “What would he even have in his car to show them?” Y/n laughs, looking back in the direction the three went, only to spot them not-so-subtly crouched behind the bleachers. “They’re watching us.” Y/n mumbles. “Of course they are.”
Silence falls between the two as Sunoo appears to have a sudden wave of nerves wash over him. Y/n looks up at him with slight concern - Sunoo doesn’t normally get nervous. “Look… I just wanted to say that I had a really good time with you today… it’s nice to just hang out without working… or yelling at each other.” Sunoo starts, causing Y/n to laugh slightly. “We do yell at each other quite a bit.” They agree. “That’s not stopping, by the way. If you do dumb shit I will call you out on it.” Y/n playfully warns, causing Sunoo to laugh. “Oh, 100%. Just like how I’m going to keep purposefully getting on your nerves.” Sunoo teases.
Due to the conversation taking a playful turn, Sunoo’s nerves start to subside. “Look, I know this is all very sudden for you so I don’t expect an answer straight away but, I was wondering if you wanted to-” 
Sunoo’s eye brows furrow slightly at Y/n cutting him off. “Would you let me say it?” He asks, teasingly, causing Y/n to laugh. “Sorry, I got excited… keep going.” Y/n urges him to continue, looking at him with a playful smile. “I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date… with me… and not our friends, this time.” Sunoo asks, smiling gently.
Y/n can’t stop the giddy feeling that’s building up in their stomach. It’s almost like they want to start jumping around, they’re so restless. Never in their entire life would they have thought that they would have these feelings about Kim Sunoo… guess the heart works in mysterious ways.
Y/n nods enthusiastically, jumping to pull Sunoo into a tight hug. “This is new.” Sunoo comments, hugging back nonetheless. “Sorry, I’m just weirdly excited and I didn’t know how to say it in words.” Y/n mumbles against Sunoo’s shoulder. “Don’t apologise… I could definitely get used to this.” Sunoo says, tightening his grip around Y/n’s waist.
The two stand there for a few seconds, trapped in their own little bubble. Their precious moment is soon interrupted by the hushed whispers of their friends, who still haven’t left their hiding spot. Sunoo pulls away with a groan, shooting a fake glare towards the others. “Okay… let’s go get those idiots.” He says, wrapping an arm around Y/n’s shoulder to pull them in the direction of the rest of the group.
“So, just so we’re being clear… our next date is gonna be with our friends, too?”
“Without, Y/n. Without.”
“Sorry without… Yuna and Kazuha, but Intak is coming.”
“Bring Intak and you’re not getting a second date.”
“I’m just teasing. Besides, I doubt you can stay away from me after this.”
“You know what? I’m starting to regret confessing to you.”
As the two playfully bicker back and forth, Yuna, Kazuha and Intak notice them coming over and decide to leave their hiding spot. “So the lovebirds finally got together, huh?” Yuna asks, earning eyerolls from Y/n and Sunoo. “Nothing’s official yet so don’t jinx it.” Sunoo warns, causing Yuna to look at him with a teasing smile. “So I shouldn’t talk about how you’re madly in love with Y/n and it’s taken you literally years to-” Yuna’s ramble gets cut off by Sunoo charging at her, causing her to end her sentence early with a loud squeal.
“Zuha, help!” Yuna exclaims as she attempts to run away from Sunoo. As the three friends laugh and chase each other around the now empty field, Y/n feels the sudden presence of Intak resting his chin on the top of their head.
“You look really happy.” He comments, the simple words causing Y/n’s smile to spread even further across their face. “I am.” They reply. “Sunoo’s cool… he’ll treat you well.” Intak mumbles, yawning slightly due to it getting later. Y/n snorts slightly at his words, playfully elbowing him in the stomach. “Why are you acting like my dad?” They ask, earning a shrug from their best friend. “I’m just happy that you’re happy.”
Walking into the community centre feels a lot different on this particular day compared to all the previous times. Perhaps it’s due to the fluttery feeling in Y/n’s chest at the thought of seeing Sunoo again. They haven’t seen him since Friday night, where they agreed to go on a date. They did, however, text throughout most of yesterday.
Minho is back in his position at the front desk, with Jay, Beomgyu and Seonghwa in various other parts of the reception area. Sunoo also stands in the reception area, signing in for the day.
“Y/n, come and clear this up for me.” Minho says as soon as Y/n makes their way through the sliding glass doors. Their eyebrows furrow slightly but oblige nonetheless, not wanting to piss of Minho this early in the day.
“This kid says that you and Sunoo didn’t argue at all last week.” Minho scoffs, pointing accusingly at Jay, who holds his hands up in defence. “I honestly didn’t even know they were the problem kids until like, 2 hours into the shift.” Jay argues. “We didn’t argue.” Y/n shrugs, causing all the adults to look at them in shock. Sunoo tries to hold back his smile as he finishes signing in, unfortunately not going unnoticed by Beomgyu.
“Did something happen between you two?” Beomgyu asks with a smirk on his face, throwing his arm over Sunoo’s shoulder and shaking him a few times. “Beomgyu, that’s none of our business.” Seonghwa attempts to scold. “I see blushing.” Minho teases, pointing at Y/n’s face. “Let’s just get to work, are we going back to the old schedule?” Y/n asks, turning their attention fully to Seonghwa. He almost looks startled by Y/n’s question. “Can I trust you two to work together properly?” He asks, looking at both Y/n and Sunoo suspiciously. The teens quickly nod. “Okay… we’ll go back to the old schedule. You two will be in with Beomgyu today and then you’ll start fresh with Jay in clothes next week.”
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“Okay but like… you guys are dating now, right?” Beomgyu asks as he walks into the food storage room, a large box of bread in his hand. Y/n and Sunoo look at each other, both questioning his words. That’s not even something they’re sure of. They agreed to go on a date… does that mean they are dating?
Beomgyu notices the confusion and chuckles slightly. “We’re not labelling it, huh? I remember those days.” He smiles, placing the box on the table. “Just try not to let it get in the way of your work… no matter how hard that might be.” Beomgyu says, almost as if he’s speaking from personal experience.
Going on a date with Sunoo is exciting and terrifying at the same time. Everything is changing… they went from spending all of their time with Intak, to suddenly being in a friend group with Intak, Sunoo, Yuna and Kazuha. What if this thing with Sunoo doesn’t actually work out? Their friend groups have already basically intertwined and Intak seems to really enjoy having the others around. The last thing Y/n wants is to ruin it for him. They really like Sunoo, too. This needs to work out.
“Stop worrying about shit that isn't going to happen." Intak playfully scolds, softly hitting Y/n over the head with his book. The act immediately snaps Y/n out of their thoughts, making them look up at Intak with a small pout. "You didn't have to hit me." They mumble. "Yes, I did. You've been like this all day. Your date tonight's gonna go fine. I don't get why you're so worried." Intak says. "I'm just scared that I'll mess everything up." Y/n frowns, shaking their head in their hands in an attempt to silence their negative thoughts.
"You didn't mess it up when you literally hated him… how could you mess it up now that you like him?" Y/n struggles to argue with Intak's logic. They know that their insecurities are irrational and yet there's still this tiny part of their brain, shouting about how terribly this is all going to go.
"Well, no time to be insecure, here he comes." Intak says, gesturing over Y/n's shoulder before walking off.
The sudden presence of an arm around their shoulder causes y/n's entire body to relax. They know it's Sunoo; it always is.
"Where's he going?" Sunoo asks. "You scared him off." Y/n jokes back, causing Sunoo to laugh slightly. "Hey! I'm not even remotely threatening, thank you." He argues, pinching Y/n's shoulder. Strange how as soon as Y/n is in the presence of Sunoo, all their negative thoughts from before seem to mysteriously vanish.
"Are you all good with going right now? Or did you want to head home first?" Sunoo asks. "Well I didn't bring my car today and my ride just abandoned me so, I guess now works." Y/n shrugs.
Dinner and a movie - the most timeless first date. There's enough time at dinner to talk and get to know each other whilst also being able to just ignore each other during the movie if the dinner part doesn't go to plan. Y/n and Sunoo don't exactly have to get to know each other, though. It's more just getting to know this new side of each other.
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So far on the date, Y/n has learnt that Sunoo is quite the gentleman. They're not sure if he's just pulling out all the stops because they're on a date or if he usually treats his partners like this but the chivalry is spot on. Letting y/n choose the restaurant, holding open the door, pulling out their chair, the works.
"You know," Sunoo starts, pointing a fry in Y/n's direction. "You never actually told me that you like me." Y/n rolls their eyes at his statement. "Yes Sunoo, I agreed to go on a date with you because I don't like you." They reply sarcastically. Sunoo holds his hands up in defence. "Is it wrong for me to want to know how my date feels about me?" Sunoo asks teasingly. Y/n's heart flutters at the word date but they try to ignore it. "When you're only asking because you want to hear me say it, yes."
Sunoo looks at Y/n expectantly, making them sigh. "Fine… I really like you, Sunoo." Y/n says, the genuine tone in their voice makes Sunoo smile brightly. "I really like you, too." He replies. Y/n grumbles something about him being stupid, which makes Sunoo laugh before turning back to his food.
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"Okay, they didn't have any mint chocolate left which is… honestly criminal, but they had your favourite so I just got two of them." Sunoo says, happily handing Y/n an ice cream cone. "How did you know cookie dough is my favourite?" Y/n asks suspiciously. They have had many conversations with Sunoo, none of which involved anything they liked.
"You always bring those little cookie snack bars to the community centre… so I just took a guess." He shrugs. Y/n's eyes narrow at Sunoo. "What else do you know about me?" They ask, making him laugh slightly. "I'm very observant, so, a lot. You'll find out eventually." Sunoo winks, causing Y/n’s eyebrows to furrow.
Once the two find their seats, Sunoo pulls out the rest of the snacks that he had snuck into the theatre (why would he buy a bag of lollies for $6 when he could get the same ones at the grocery store for $2.50?) Y/n’s eyes widen as Sunoo lays out the snacks he had brought, each one being one of Y/n’s favourites.
“Okay, you’re messing with me now. You asked Intak for help, didn’t you?” Y/n asks, skeptically. “I swear, I didn’t.” Sunoo says, only confusing Y/n further. “Then how did you know to get me all of this? Y/n asks, their eyes shining in awe as they look at Sunoo. “Y/n… I’ve liked you for… almost 2 years now? It’d be weirder if I didn’t know about these kinds of things.” Y/n’s eyes widen at Sunoo’s words. It’s as if all the air has been knocked out of their lungs. “You’ve liked me for two years?” Y/n asks, almost in disbelief. “Why didn’t you say anything?” They ask, going to hit Sunoo’s shoulder but Sunoo catches their hand instead, holding it gently in his. “Be honest, Y/n. Would you have liked me back 2 years ago?” He asks. Y/n falls silent. They both know the answer to that. “I don’t know what to say.” Y/n mumbles. Sunoo smiles, reaching over with his other hand to ruffle their hair. “You don’t have to say anything.”
Their hands stay intertwined throughout the entire movie. It just feels right, the coolness of his skin contrasting against Y/n’s warmth. The way they each tighten their grip whenever a particularly tense scene plays or how Sunoo’s thumb gently grazes over Y/n’s knuckles when a sad one does. Neither wants to let go. Even when the movie comes to an end, the lights in the theatre turn on and everyone starts getting out of their seats, their hands stay intertwined.
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“Okay, turn right at the next street.”
“No, the one after that.”
“There’s like this big tree, remember? That’s the one.”
“You missed the turn off.”
“Has anyone ever told you, you’re really bad at giving directions?” Sunoo laughs, as he does yet another u-turn. “Why do you think I’m usually the one driving? I don’t give directions, I take them.” Y/n grumbles. “We’re going to your house, Y/n. Surely, you know how to get there.” Sunoo laughs. “I’ve never been this way so I don’t know the names of anything.” Y/n argues. “Babe… use google maps.”
With an exaggerated sigh, Y/n finally pulls out their phone and types their address into google maps. “There, since I’m clearly no help.” Y/n pouts, shoving their phone on the dashboard. Sunoo can’t help but smile affectionately as he watches Y/n sulk. He reaches over to playfully pull at their cheek, causing them to swat his hand away. “You’re so cute.” Sunoo coos, laughing at the way Y/n’s face immediately turns a dark shade of pink. They mumble a quiet shut up reaching forward to link their hands with one of his, once again.
By the time Sunoo pulls up outside of Y/n’s house, they’re no longer sulking. Sunoo puts the car in park, taking off his seatbelt before turning to Y/n with a smile. “I had a really nice time tonight.” He says, reaching forward to take hold of Y/n’s hands. “Me too.” Y/n smiles. “And I’d like to do this more… a lot more.” Sunoo says. “Me too.” Y/n laughs, feeling overwhelmed with the amount of affection they feel towards the boy in front of them.
“Can I be your boyfriend, Y/n?”
Time in the car seems to stop just as those words left Sunoo’s lips. Kim Sunoo… as Y/n’s boyfriend? Months ago, Y/n would’ve thought that to be one of the worst things to happen to them. A form of torture… they’d probably say. But now… as they sit in Sunoo’s car, their hands intertwined with his, after one of the best first dates they’ve ever been on… they can think of nothing they want more.
Well… maybe they can think of one thing they want more. As their eyes flicker down to Sunoo’s lips, Y/n can’t help the overwhelming thoughts of how they would feel pressed against their own. Sunoo seems to notice, with the way the corners of his mouth turn up into a slight smirk. Is he licking his lips subconsciously? Or is he trying to drive Y/n even crazier than they already feel?
Y/n realises they haven’t answered Sunoo’s question. With their mind racing a mile a minute, they don’t even know what to say. Y/n’s brain flashes back to what Sunoo said earlier in the night… You don’t have to say anything.
Y/n decides to communicate their thoughts through their actions, not trusting their brain or voice to formulate a better response. With a simple nod of the head, Y/n slowly leans in, their eyes fluttering closed as they finally feel Sunoo’s plush lips against their own.
Y/n hasn’t kissed enough people to know what makes the perfect kiss but they reckon this one comes pretty close. They were never one for cliches, but the sparks, the butterflies, everything’s there. Everything’s right.
Maybe Intak was right (this seems to be a pattern recently.) As their lips dance together, Y/n can’t help but think that nothing with Sunoo could go wrong. They know it’s unrealistic, that all good relationships run into problems along the way, but that’s for future Y/n and future Sunoo to worry about. Right now, they can just relax in their ignorant bliss.
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jjunieworld · 9 months
決定〞 𓋜 ───── ﹙ 𝓖uidelines & 𝓡ules .ᐟ ﹚𓂃 🗒️
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𓄹〞 なにそれ意味深でかっこいいじゃん… それっぽい単語集で踊ってんだ 失敬。 𝓉𝗁𝖺𝗍’𝗌 𝒢𝗈𝖽-𝗂𝗌𝗁。 神っぽいな, それ "𝓂𝗒 𝒢𝗈𝖽"。 ❞
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i. not all requests will be done. if your request doesn't inspire me, makes me uncomfortable, or goes against my guidelines, then i will not write it and it will be deleted. if you have a problem with this then you will be blocked. if you send me hate for your request not being done as fast as you want it done, you will be blocked.
ii. be as specific as possible when requesting! everything in the ask may not be added or may be altered for the plot, but i will try my hardest to include everything! you may request more than once, but do not spam me with your request. do not spam me on when a request/wip is coming out, you will be blocked.
iii. do not send in your full length fics and ask me to write your smut or dialogue and do not send in a request of another author's work but with a different group. you will be blocked. if i find out that you asked multiple authors (including me) for a certain request, you will be blocked.
iv. my blog is a safe space not only for me but for everyone who enjoy my works! so feel free to send in asks about your day or rants and i will try my best to reply/give any advice! if you notice that i haven’t replied to one of your asks, just know that i will read it at some point! i do not accept asks with links in them, so please don’t send them to me. they will be immediately deleted.
v. i do not write smut for idols under 21, do not ask me. you will be blocked. the only thing i will write for them are sfw works.
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𓈃 ⋆ GROUPS THAT I WRITE FOR i make masterlists for groups as i write for them!
tomorrow x together, enhypen, ateez, stray kids, seventeen, p1harmony, bts
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𓈃 ⋆ WHAT I WILL AND WILL NOT WRITE read before requesting. if your request goes against my rules it will be deleted. send an ask on your idea for one of my maybes before requesting and if you’re curious about anything not listed.
YES! 𓄵 smaus (fake texts/scenerios for requests only!), oneshots, drabbles, headcannons/scenerios/reactions, smut, dubcon, age gap that isn't super large, bondage, choking, spanking, bloodplay (only for vampires), parent!member, voyeurism, exhibitionism, dacryphilia, degradation, yandere, threesomes, consensual free use, consensual somnophilia, breeding kink, rough sex, more tba... MAYBE? 𓄵 spit kink, daddy kink (but not ddlg), infidelity (i don’t condone cheating, just purely fictional), foursomes, gore/killing (thriller/horror concepts), babytrapping, parent!reader, highschool au, face slapping??? (sexual), more tba... NO. 𓄵 dark and/or racist themes, sa, abuse, race play, noncon or cnc, feet, piss/shit or puke kink, abuse, lactation kink, pedophilia, incest/stepcest/fauxcest, illegal or super large age gaps, extreme bdsm or bedroom play, knifeplay or gunplay, member x member or idol x idol, extreme pain, ageplay or age regression, bloodplay (when not vampires), hybrids, pet play, anal, fisting, male!reader (i can't represent it), specific body types, eating disorders, mommy kink, fivesomes and above, self harm, kidnapping, boy pussy, more tba...
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𝓉𝗁𝖺𝗍’𝗌 𝒢𝗈𝖽-𝗂𝗌𝗁, 𝓊𝗇𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗋。 ぽいな-ぽいな-ぽい 憧れちゃう! ∿ [ continue on to . . . masterlist , taglist , wips ]
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solarswonderland · 1 year
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minor | she/her | carrd | request guidelines
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tomorrow x together
- yeonjun : love, soulmate [ smau, oc! reader (xiara) x yeonjun, soulmate au, fluff ] - DISCONTINUED
- yujin : bad hair day [ fluff, crack, bf! yujin x gn!reader ft. bff! gyuvin ]
- yujin : a photo and patriarchy [ fluff, bf! yujin x gn!reader ]
- hanbin : dear hanbin [ fluff, highschool au, gn!reader x s.hanbin ]
- niki : one job [ fluff, bff! niki x gn!reader ]
- sunghoon : pre-midlife crisis [ fluff, bf! sunghoon x gn!reader ]
- heeseung : happy accidents [ fluff, bf!heeseung x gn!reader ft. jay & niki ]
- ot7 : enhypen as texts i found on pinterest [ fluff, smau, bf!enha x gn!reader ]
stray kids
- han : rebellious insomniac beans [ fluff, crack, bf!han x gn!reader ]
- ot8 : boyfriend texts w/skz! [ fluff, smau, crack, bf!skz x gn!reader ]
ateez [discontinued]
- san : prank? [ semi smau, event fic, fluff ]
- seonghwa : instagram posts with boyfriend! seonghwa [ insta au, fluff ]
ateez 9th member oc : @ateez-jieun
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networks: @kflixnet @zumblrnet @k-labels @straykidsland
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