ateezmystery · 1 year
Ateez Updates
Admin: I'm using a slightly different layout this time just so I can do a faster update for everyone 😅
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I miss him...
Hey babyyyy! Come here and see how spooky I look!
*sigh* yet another dress up day in college and no one to partner with...
It feels like I-I'll never find my soulmate..
Time for another show? Horror version maybe?
Looks like I've been left alone again. Time to go steal some blood.
I like wearing hoods. Makes me feel safer.
❤️: @cupid-of-crime-dr-quinn @dark-royals-cb @multi-chae
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Imma go annoy someone!!
Time for yet another swim...
Seungie! I miss you...
Joongie! Come here!
I miss her. I hope she's doing okay...
I... I need a drink...
Anyone wanna come to a recently abandoned restaurant with me?
❤️: @modelseungsik @dark-royals-cb @chungha-oc @k-half-blood @multi-esme
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*snoring softly*
M so sleepy..
God all this college work is taking me out!
I miss his cuddles...
I wish I had my Matty here in my arms...
I wonder if I could convince joongie to come join me?
Time to take a rest!
❤️: @dark-royals-cb @universe-of-superm @glamrockpop-cb @9ateez-multiau-bot
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I feel like a princess!
A-am I pretty?
I wonder if Changkyun remembers me...
Please... I just want to find my person...
Royalty RP on my show tonight?
I'm so hungry...
*giggles* he's so handsome... There's no way he'd ever wanna date me though.
❤️: @sxryjin @the-hellhounds @kardpackcb
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Do I look cute??
I miss them so much... Do they even remember me?
Time to go out!! I've nearly finished all my work, I need a break!
So tired.
I don't wanna do a show today. I'm just gonna relax with a good cup of tea~
Bitey bitey bite-
Anyone wanna, um, cuddle or something?
❤️: @fallenangel-oc @dark-royals-cb @sugardaddybangchan @shangrixxla
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The stars are pretty tonight~
I need to go for a run...
Adminnie! I'm taking you out! Make sure you dress pretty~
Hwahwa! Um... Hello~
Imma just... Sleep.
Xiaoxiao! I miss you...
Do you think this will fool the humans into thinking I'm alive?
❤️: @dark-royals-cb @xiao-mingi
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I need snuggles...
Anyone wanna come n help me with something...?
I miss noona 😭 m-my heart hurts...
Ugh. I'm too tired.
I need food.
I wanna go walkabouts but Joong says I'm not allowed on my own...
(the pink broke on my phone so I'm using the emoji for this😭)
❤️: @supernatural-shinee @storybook-nct @dark-royals-cb
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I feel so small and cuddly!
Anyone wanna come on a walk with me through the forest? The sunset's supposed to look really pretty....
*sighs* thats all my work done~
🌸Maybe if I act cute enough I can get someone to take me on a date at least...
Woosungie! I stole your jumper hehehe
Mingi hyung! Helloooo!
I wanna go climb to the top of the building and sit on the roof til it gets dark!
❤️: @oc-acehouse @xiao-mingi
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i could have today’s up tonight if y’all don’t mind it being short as fuck 🤷🏻‍♀️ lmk
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starillusion13 · 11 months
omg Hi! Im not sure if you’re still accepting requests but if you still do… I would like to request an ot8 ateez x reader where they all leave her because of a misunderstanding and then they chase her back after but she doesn’t forgive/give in so easily ? Thank you love ❤️
Lost you forever
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Pairing: Ateez! ot8 x fem! reader
Genre: Angst, Mafia, Mature
Warnings: crying, mention of death, poison, mentions of mafia activities like shooting and deals in mafia, misunderstanding, pregnancy(?) [plz tell me if I have missed something] oc doesn't forgive easily coz she is deeply hurt.
W.C: 5.3k (i was so into it sorry)
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated 😭. Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
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“I have found her.”
All the noise died down with just one sentence. The room is now pin drop silent with all the heads turned towards the same direction and eyes focused on one person. The one who has just entered through the main door and whose voice made everyone stop in their tracks.
The leader of the group with a blank expression, walks towards the said person and grabs the collar of the leather jacket, eyes burning with his creased forehead but somewhere he wants to believe the words he has just heard.
“You realize what you are speaking right, Mingi?”
Nodding his head, he stares right back, “Absolutely.”
“Are you sure that’s her? Maybe, you might have mistaken someone else.”
Closing his eyes for a second, he sighs, “I have seen her with my own eyes, up so close to realize enough that it was her. Her sweet smile and those soft hands, everything is same.”
The one holding his collar loosen his grip and walks over to the table to get back his drink.
“Hongjoong, stop drinking.” The eldest scolds the leader before turning towards the other, “Then where is she and why didn’t you bring back her here? Where exactly did you see?”
“She was working at the café, down the Ross street. The target’s location was last seen in that café and when I reached there, he had already left and then when I heard that sweet voice asking if I need something?”
“did she see you?” The youngest asks him with curiosity filled in his eyes.
“No. I ordered a simple coffee just to see her longer and when she handed it over to me, I felt her soft and innocent hands touching my rough and ruthless ones. I was wearing a mask so she didn’t notice me but she was hiding her pain really well with her sweet smile.”
“But her eyes were telling something else.” Mingi turns towards Yeosang on hearing his response.
Everyone is feeling guilty that they are the reason you are working all alone there and having the pain inside you which your eyes reflect enough to let them know how you are feeling. They have been with you long enough to know every detail of your actions, to read your emotions from afar, to know if you are happy or to realize that you are hiding something then why. Why did they misunderstood you back then and left you all alone helpless?
“I want to see her. Take me there, just tell me which café is that exactly and I will be on my way there.”
“San, calm down. Take it slow. I know that you are eager to meet her like we all are but we can’t just go there like this. You know what we did back that day. I don’t think, she would want to see us again.”
If they had this much power in their hand to erase that day or to change the situation that occurred that day then they would have done long way back but now its impossible to do so. It’s been three years that they have left you but when their mission in this new country led them to cross your path again, they are not going to leave this chance out of their hand. Searching you for so long and not getting any sight of you has made their life a disaster. Hongjoong has been drinking a lot since he found out that he had done wrong with you and not a single member of his gang can control his vigorous nature but being the leader of the uprising mafia gang, he has to control his limits to not let the opposition know his weakness. Yunho is not better than him here, being the fighter of the group, he is overdoing and exhausting himself just because he can’t get you out of his mind and showing his anger on others. Well, Seonghwa needs to be calm here as being the eldest, he finds this as his responsibility to check if his members are doing okay and him being the second in command has to be with the leader most of the time. But the question is how can he just pretend that he doesn’t think about you, his thoughts are always storming inside his head which are revolving around how to get you back. San is restless, he is almost every time being out of the house doing illegal shits without even informing the leader and just messing up things, which sometimes almost bring them to face a hectic situation but thanks to Wooyoung who is always there to save him but what about himself. He is the one who would show his emotions up his sleeves but when it comes to get you back, he is lost in a void. He doesn’t even know whether to be angry, upset, mad or just forget about you. Forget about you? Is it even possible? Mingi is always out of the base, he has taken upon himself to look out for the targets and engaging with the spies all around to know the motives of other gangs and be prepared but one thing is always flashing to him, thoughts of you. Jongho has kept himself silent for most of the times, away from his members and just trying his way to find out where you are. Are you even alive? He is always there to bug Yeosang to find you in every corner of their hometown but you were nowhere to be found and once they had lost all hope of you being alive. Yeosang has taken the job of being hacker too seriously and that just to find you till the last cell of his data but everytime, he is just getting disappointed.
“Thank you for your order. Have a great night ahead.”
You smile sweetly towards the customer who just left the café and its almost nine at night so you should get prepared to leave for the night. You are always the last worker to leave on the busy scheduled day as you live just few houses away from here and the manager is too sweet to even let her guard accompany you to reach your house. She once requested you to do the extra night shifts on busy days as other workers live bit far away and you could be much helpful to her. She has this warm motherly aura and so you couldn’t reject her request.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry that you had to stay back late again. It’s Halloween season and you know how people are crowding over here.” Your manager having a guilty expression on her face approaches you.
“Oh no, it’s really fine with me. I can keep my mind off with some stuffs while working here so it’s not a big problem. I rather enjoy being here than staying at home and overthinking.”
“You are so sweet. You should take some leaves and rest for few days as I haven’t seen you taking leaves or going out with someone. Don’t waste your young age everytime working here. Have some enjoyment and refresh your mind.”
“Working here gives me the happiness. I don’t think being with someone can actually refresh my mind or rather haunt me…..Nevermind, you must go back as your son is waiting for you and after getting everything back to it’s place, I will hand over the keys to Mr.Lee.”
Nodding her head and waving at you, she rode back to her place leaving you and Mr. lee, who must be in the locker room getting his stuff and later waiting for you outside.
Arranging all the stuffs, it took twenty minutes as your other co-workers had almost done everything before leaving and the previous orders were simple so you didn’t have much to do. Picking up your bag from the counter, you give a final glance to the place to make a mental note if everything is fine. Satisfied with the result, you quickly went outside to see him already standing and waiting for the keys but he is looking impatient.
“Are you fine, Mr.Lee?”
“U-uh yeah…” sweats visibly lining the forehead and lips quivering. Why is he sweating in this cold night?
“If you need help, please do tell me.”
“Actually, I need to leave early… my daughter needs some help and she has just now called me so I think I cant go with you today.”
“Its fine with me. I can manage on my own, its just few steps and I will be home so don’t worry and leave. I hope your daughter is fine.”
He thanked you several times and left. Like always, your smile is still having that warmth even in this chilly night. Your hands rub your arms and you start walking towards your block. Everything is like usual until you start to feel someone is following you but waving it off as if it must be your fear of walking alone without him. Also, it’s Halloween and anything creepy can happen. Even the children’s pranks are creepier than ghosts. You quicken your steps, hands gripping the bag tightly.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and you almost had screamed when another hand pressed over your mouth, shutting you up and muffling your scream. Your eyes closed tight and hands trying to remove the palm from over your mouth.
“Y/N. Don’t be afraid, it’s me.”
You froze. Not due to the chilly wind just blew past you but because of the very familiar voice. Familiar? You don’t think it has that same familiarity like before. Every morning, this used to be the first voice you would listen while waking you up and engulfing you in a big bear hug. That’s past as now you are used to being wake up with your alarm or nightmares. Just a reminder, he is the part of causing that nightmare.
Parting your eyes, you can see the tall man standing in front of you. Looking down at you with a soft look on his face, teary eyes and hands slowly slip down from your mouth to your biceps to hold them firmly. The street is brightly lit due to the decorations for the occasion so everything is very clear for your eyes. You stare back at him and not knowing how to react as your body and mind is going against each other but you know a little part of your heart still beats for him, for them.
He is about to pull you in for a hug when you stop him with your hands pressed over his chest, preventing him from coming any closer.
“Stop it. You should not just hug randomly someone. You may know me but sorry I can’t really remember you.”
“Random? You are my angel. I want to hug you and say sorry for what I have done. Don’t pretend that you don’t know me, please tell me you have missed me equally.”
“Look, you must have mistaken me with someone else but I’m not her.”Pushing his hands off from you, “Even if I know your name doesn’t mean I know you, you are just like the rest of the customers in my daily life whose name I have to hear often. So it’s nothing special and as I don’t hear your name anymore maybe I would forget it forever.”
You make a ‘tsk’ sound on hearing him shout your name. Even if they pretend to be polite or gentle with you, they are the ruthless uprising mafia gang so what do you even expect less from them while controlling their aggression?
“This is you. Shout on me. Blame on me. but. Don’t show your kindness to me again. You have literally showed your true colors that day and look here we are. Standing face to face and you still shouting on me just like that day. You are still the same, Yunho.”
Hearing his name coming out of your mouth after three years is sending a wave of warmth to his heart. Atleast, you called him by his name even though your words are straight away piercing his heart like a sharp knife, you haven’t spoken to him like this ever but he knows he deserves it for leaving you that day.
A black SUV comes to a stop near to a side of you both. If it were any other time, you swear you would have got frightened but the raging veins with hatred towards him is not minding any danger surrounding you. You didn’t look at it’s direction but can hear several footsteps are nearing you. Why are you not scared? Is it because you are feeling safe in his presence? No, it’s just you don’t want to be saved or show your weakness, atleast in front of him.
Don’t turn back. You are just imagining things. He can’t be hear even yunho is not here, right? You want to believe this but the presence behind you is too near you, his warm hands placed over your shoulder sending a jolt through your body. It may be warm but is lacking the warmth, you can only feel the coldness of feelings there. Turning around, you look into the eyes of Mingi, who just called you with the name he gave you on your first date with him.
Okay, so everyone is here. All the eyes are just looking at you, only you. If it was something back in those days then you would have become shy and hide behind Yunho and not look at them but this time, your daring eyes precisely staring back at them. Their eyes filled with regret meeting your eyes filled with hatred.
“Why are you all here?”
“For you.” Hongjoong replies quickly enough and this made you raise your brow.
The scene is like a deja-vu, very similar to the last time you had seen them. Them circling you under the night sky and you are the centre of the situation but that time, they had that rage in their eyes for blaming you and hoping you to vanish from their eyesight but this time, they have the fear…of losing you again.
“it’s not funny. If you all are going to have some Halloween pranks on people then go somewhere else, don’t waste my time.”
“It’s really not funny and also not a prank. We are really here for you.”Hongjoong said calmly.
“And? You got to see me. You needed to know if I’m alive or not and now you might kill me as I already know a lot of your things and it’s dangerous for you all to keep me alive. Go ahead, shoot me.”
“Y/n, are you insane? How can you think like this that we will shoot you?”
“San, it’s very obvious from the way you were pointing the gun to my forehead with fire in your eyes.” You point to the middle of your forehead with two fingers. They would have found your acts childish but your tone is too harsh for their ears, making it obvious how much hatred you have towards them.
The said man fidgeting his fingers, looking down and a single tear escapes his eyes. The tear of losing you. You are so near to him, just few feet away where he can run to you and hug you tightly and pull you in for a kiss yet so far away because of the way, your eyes glaring at him.
Mingi moves aside when Hongjoong comes in front of you, “Princess-“
“Don’t call me that when you don’t know how to treat one. I’m not your princess. Well, I’m no one to you.”
No one to him and this word burns his heart. Not only his but others too. Still he tried to speak to you.
“Whatever happened that day, we are really guilty for that. We are extremely sorry to treat you that way. I don’t know what happened to me and I put the blame on you, thinking it was your plan, everything I had lost that day was because of me and I lost you but trust me, each day I have spent regretting for this. Please forgive me. Please.”
He is no more holding back his tears, being a leader is a great responsibility and controlling his emotions in every situation is the major part but you were always there with him by his side where he could express himself, to show his vulnerable self to you but this time instead of comforting him, you are mocking back at him.
“Are you crying because of regret or losing your mission that day? I’m sure it’s about the shitty mission or what else-”
Yunho turns you around harshly and this time you can see his flaming eyes, “Are you making fun of him? What happened to you really? You have totally changed. This is not Y/N, we knew back then.”
“Exactly, this is not your Y/N anymore. This is me. An orphan who lives alone in this block and works by the café down the street. Also, not nice to meet any of you.”
You give him a blank expression. His grip on you tightens and you just stare at the hold, hissing but not telling him to leave you. Why? Because you want to feel him. No. You want to see how much he can lose control on you and the physical pain is nothing compared to the mental pain, you have gone through the years.
“Please come back to us. We are here to take you back, to your home, our home.”
Seonghwa. Please don’t speak like that. He is a siren for this because even if you want to hate him, his voice is always as if lurking you to trust him, his words which are still soothing to your ears, remembering those feather kisses. No. They are pinching you like a thorn just like your words are doing to his heart.
“There is nothing called ours. My place is here and nowhere else. I guess you don’t know the meaning of a home. Home is somewhere you can feel warmth and comfort, a forgiving atmosphere to erase your pain into happiness. But the place you are mentioning is a prison to me, hearing the name suffocates me, the memories haunt me. Atleast, here, I’m okay by myself, far away from you all but still nothing is a home to me.”
“Why are you saying like this? Please don’t push us away when we just got you back.”
“So? I should forgive you all and get back to you. Never. This is not happening ever.”
You walk towards him, his ears perk up hearing your heels nearing him, Yunho has left his grip on you but his hands aching to touch you again. The memories of you both spending nights together with warm skin against skin, hushed promises surrounded by the burning love but now even if your skin is warm, the touch was cold with numb feelings.
You pull the strap of Seonghwa’s jacket and other hand block his hand which he was about to raise and swiftly pull the gun out, pointing it towards his forehead. Others come to a warned position.
“If I shoot you here and wait enough to bleed you to death.” You turn to look back at them, their surprise faces looking back at you but no one daring to step forward. “Then if I say, please forgive me. Will it be worthy?”
“But…but we didn’t hurt you. We…we just….” San doesn’t know how to complete his sentence. He is lost within his own words. Seeing you after years, your coldness towards them, even pointing gun towards one of their member and remembering how you and him were in the same position last time causing his hands shake. So ironic for a mafia member. No matter how strong they are, how ruthless they can be but when it comes to you, you are their weakness.
“It’s not always hurting someone physically. Their way of act towards you speaks volume and the words you told me while pointing the gun is way more painful than if you would have actually shoot me.” Turning, towards Seonghwa, “You have already killed me that day. I am dead for you.”
“Baby, please don’t say like this.”
“How many times do I need to tell you that I’m nothing to you all? Stop calling me names.”
Wooyoung’s eyes go wide on hearing your shout. He is so much taken aback by your outburst that he is almost looking helpless towards Mingi standing near him.
“I’m sorry…I mean…please don’t say like this. You are everything to me, to us. You don’t know how messed up we were when we left you. I’m so sorry to leave you but please atleast lets forget about that incident and please come back to us.” Wooyoung stutters but not again using the endearment.
Mingi chirps in, “Human can may make mistakes. Whatever happened that day, we know it was not your fault, it was a mistake and we really forgive you for that. I’m sorry for being harsh on you.”
“Yes. We are really guilty. We should have listened to you but rather we blamed you on the spot and said such harsh words which even if I want to take back, I can’t. I didn’t let you to explain but ended up on a conclusion.” Wooyoung ends the sentence with tears spilling from his eyes silently.
Do you forgive them? Yes. but Why? They are still telling you it was your mistake. You cant forgive them so. No.
“So you still think that it happened because of my mistake? It was an accident?”
“Stop it, Yunho. Don’t speak a single word. I’m getting annoyed with you.”
Your steps come to a stop in front of Wooyoung whose eyes are shining to get you so close to him. He raises his hands but got yanked away by you. Maintaining a straight eye contact with him, you grab his collar.
“look at me and say that it was my mistake. It all happened because of me.”
He remained silent. He parts his lips but nothing coming out and this is making you impatient.
“Tell me!”
Hot tears streaming down your eyes. Still your body is not getting enough warmth and craving for it during the cold night in that lonely street. Even if you are with all of them still you are feeling alone. Your vision is getting blurred but you roughly rubbed your eyes with the sleeves of the shrug. Your breathings are getting heavy and you are losing control.
The youngest pulls away Wooyoung from your hold and holds your red hands in his grip which are shaking due to the tight fist.
“Please, calm down. It’s me Jongho. It’s not your fault. No one is blaming you. Take deep breathes and calm down.”
He knows that you are hyperventilating and he still knows how your body is reacting and you hate this. You harshly pull your hands away from his hold.
“Don’t touch me. My body aches when I remember how I let you monsters to touch me, everywhere, every day. I’m feeling so ashamed of myself. Don’t make me regret more. I hate the fact how you still know this about my body and am beyond surprised that you still remember me. Oh wait, you have to remember every detail of your enemy before plotting a nice plan and attacking them, right? And today is the perfect day.”
“You are not my enemy. You are my-“
“Stop. Don’t complete that sentence, Jongho.”
“Don’t speak to him like that, he was not even there during the whole mission, he was in for a quick need for back-end support for Yeosang.”Mingi says in a moderate tone.
“But was there long enough to blame me.”
Hongjoong places a firm hand on Mingi’s shoulder, “No one is blaming you. It was an accident and you didn’t know what to do there.”
“I know that whatever you did was to save yourself and I’m glad that you are fine.”
You stare at Hongjoong for a few moments and then burst out laughing like a maniac. Any other person would have found you weird and commented that you have gone mad. Even they would have made fun of you and teased you that how foolish you looked like while laughing like this.
Frustrated groans and your hands raising to your scalp and you mess your hairs. You are totally acting like a drunk person.
“hongoong, did you hear what he just said? Did you hear everyone? He said that I did that to save me. Huh. To. Save. Me.”
You skip steps towards yeosang and slap him, “You think I have killed Mr. Kim to save myself?”
You could barely hear Seonghwa and Yunho’s shout when you grabbed Yeosang’s biceps and shake him. He is shocked not just because you have slapped him but seeing you losing your mind like this and having no control over your actions and he is still thinking that something like this might have happened which cause you to kill Mr.Kim.
“Tell me Yeosang. You think I did it for myself? Tell me.”
Nothing he said in reply, just stared right back at you, the only thought running through his mind is to hug you and say that he won’t be leaving you again. He would protect you from the whole world. His daily searching to get your location was always in vain and he still can’t believe his eyes that you are standing in front of him but your eyes showing the amount of hatred in you for him. a helpless cry audible to his ears to which he was deaf during last time.
“So, you do think it is.”
You take a few steps back, staring back at each of them. San tried to come near you but Yeosang stopped him and shook his head.
“I…I did it…I killed him…It was not an accident.” You look up to the sky and smile to yourself, “I did it to save my family. I shoot him to save you all from his evil planning. You all were my family and I tried my best to face him, my hands were shaking, head was spinning. I couldn’t place the actions and words right in place but I knew I had to do it to save you all.”
“save us?” Hongjoong asks you in surprise.
You chuckle sadly, “Your beloved dad had only invited you to the party so that he could destroy you and your gang. He realized that you are not his own son and Jungwoo is his real son so to give him all the power, it was a better option to erase you from the path. I got to know this because Jungwoo told me and he didn’t want to support his dad in this way and somehow mr.Kim tried to kill me when he heard that I wont let you join the party.”
“That’s why…that’s why…you were whining to spend time with us and cancel the schedule.”
You nod on Jongho’s statement.
“I didn’t know how to stop you so before I could come up with a plan, you were already in your way to catch your target at the party held by Mr.Kim. And…and…when I tried to follow you all, he caught me and poisoned me.”
“Why did he poison you?” Wooyoung almost shout hearing this.
“He wanted to see you all going down first seeing me die and then it would be fun to end you. He really succeeded here.”
“What do you mean?” Yunho asks you slowly. You glance towards him but nod a bit.
Picking up your bag which is lying on the floor because of the previous commotion, you look down and tears flowing continuously, “even when I was poisoned, I escaped from the room and when I reached the scene, you were already in the middle of the bloody scene with your target. He was going to leave the place and would leave you all dying in the bomb blast and that’s how I thought it was best to kill him.”
“You didn’t tell that you were poisoned, we thought you were acting of feeling sick.” Even though Seonghwa confessed what he did feel right back then still he is feeling guilty towards you. You stare right back into his eyes.
“When I shot him in front of you all, Hongjoong snatched the gun from me and you harshly pulled me towards the exit and then it went on with you all blaming me.” You cast a glance towards San, “you pointed the gun at me and threatened me to kill if I don’t spill whose spy I was. You even doubted me with Jungwoo that we were cheating behind you and it was our plan to destroy you.”
Huh. Such cheap thought they had. They all blamed you and called such names and even threatened to kill you. It was not enough that they even insulted you in front of everyone present in the party even tried to prove your imaginary relation with Jungwoo.
“I’m sorry…”
“Mingi. Say sorry to Y/N who was trying to explain everything to you all, who was enduring the pain of spreading poison in her body and was still trying to protect you. Go hug her and pull towards you and say everything is okay, whose hands were shaking because she never killed anyone in her life before despite you all trained her in every field for her self-defence. Go and listen to her and ask her. Are you fine?”
He can’t match your eyes so he looks down regretting his every move, you throw a dirty look at him yet somewhere your eyes showing a little bit of sympathy. Your body still reacting to their touch and wanting to run to their embrace making you hate yourself.
“You can’t go. She is dead. Your Y/N is dead. Congratulations, you have killed her that day. You have killed a new life with her as well. She didn’t even get to know who her father is. Mission completed Boss.”
You stare straight and boldly towards Hongjoong.
“Her? Father? What are you saying?” Yeosang is impatient on hearing such things from you. He is confused just like the others and their heart is racing whereas yours is calm but painfully beating.
“I have lost my first baby and one of you lost the honour of being the father for the first time. It was too late when I woke up in the hospital, the poison had already been spread too much. I don’t know how I am still alive but maybe atleast Jungwoo didn’t leave my side.”
It was a big storm for them. As if the ground disappeared from underneath their feet. You were pregnant and they were unaware of it. If only they had agreed with your warnings, then they would have been having a happy family time with you and their baby together. No matter whose baby she was, she would have been theirs, they all would have given their fatherly love to her.
Without saying any more word, you begin to walk towards your way and didn’t even look back for the last time towards them.
“Y/N…”You heard wooyoung calls you from behind and they might follow you.
Still facing your back towards them, you speak slowly but audible enough for them, “Don’t follow me or come to find me again. You have left me that day, helplessly crying in the garden. Don’t expect me to forgive you and go back to you again.”
You walk away, far away from them where your silhouette getting lost in the painful dark but they know atleast you are safe and alive beyond that darkness. Their eyes follow the last bit of your presence.
They won’t be giving up on you like this. They will get you back someday but they also know that they have lost a part of you forever.
“I love you but I have lost you.”
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Perma Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @eriny123 @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon [open!]
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Yeosang Boyfriend Headcanons!
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this guy is such a lil sweetie! he was a bit shy to approach you at first 🥺
as i said before in my previous ateez headcanons, yeosang is a big starer. he would legit just stare at you for half an hour and consider it flirting
however once he senses that you’re interested in him as well, his flirt game is turned up to the MAX
he drives you crazy the way he gives you delicate little touches, your heart stops every time he brushes your hair out of your face or pulls a loose thread off your sweater
when you weren’t afraid to flirt back with him, he knew you were the one. the second you started teasing him and giving him a hard time, he was like, “this is it. i need them.”
he’s so fricking observant too. he’ll memorize every little detail about you so he can bring it up in a conversation later
he’s also an impulsive gift giver
“hey remember that one time you said you mentioned that obscure cartoon you used to watch as a kid? well i saw a keychain of it and thought of you, so here you go!”
he tried really hard to wait to ask you out, wanting to give you time to pine over him and create a slow burn, but he just CANT WAIT to make you his.
and he was so tickled when you said yes, he would not stop giggling like a little school girl 🥰
he also knows how adorable you think his laugh and fanged smile is, and will use it against you to make you fall for him even harder
his excellent observance doesn’t end when y’all start dating. even if you just have the slightest change in your breathing pattern, he notices and is like “hey what’s wrong”
he’s the first one to notice when you get a new haircut, knows you’re sick the second he looks at you, adjusts your necklace when it gets turnt around, ties your shoe when the laces come undone…
because he stares so much he knows every little detail of your appearance
the different specks of color in your eyes, all your little moles and freckles, any scars you might have, the way you part your hair, whether or not you’re wearing makeup and what kind…
speaking of which, he dies a little on the inside every time you kiss his birthmark ❤️ he was scared to show you his bare face at first, but you were quick to tell him how beautiful he is (as you should 😤)
yeosang calls his partner “honey,” no i do not take criticism
and in his deep ass voice? ugh i would melt 😭
*when you surprise him at work* “honey! what are you doing here?”
*barging into your apartment* “oh my honey, i brought you your favorite food!”
*coming back in from getting the mail* “hey honey, come look at this new drone i got!”
he may seem all cool and statuesque, but deep down he’s just a big nerd 🤓 he’s always asking you to come to the park with him to fly his drones
makes you help him sort his candies by color 💀
he loves that you never see him as judgmental or picky because of his honest nature. you always take special interest in his opinions, and admire that he’s not afraid to speak his mind
and he does the same for you as well! he thinks so highly of you that he’s always interested in what you have to say about things. he wants to know all of your likes and dislikes :)
you guys tell each other EVERYTHING, there’s not much you guys keep secret from each other 💀
you know all of his memories with the boys, his childhood stories, his most embarrassing moments.. he knows all the drama in your friend group, your family situation, and your deepest secrets
he’s a morning person, so if you’re not then you’ll have to get used to him waking up early and fluttering around the house doing things
(and um i’m not a morning person but hearing his voice get even deeper in the morning would motivate me to wake up 😳)
after a while he gets lonely and starts pestering you to wake up and spend time with him in a pouty voice 🥺
*poking your face and shaking your shoulder* “honeyyyy, it’s almost noon… the day is half over and you haven’t even cuddled me yet…”
he thinks you’re incredibly cute when you’re half asleep and groggy in the morning :)
he ends up threatening to cook you breakfast which makes you LEAP out of bed 💀
consequently, he’s not a big night owl unless he has to be… if you’re one, he ends up converting you to a morning person because he’s so fricking persistent 🤦🏼‍♀️
but for a while if you’re hanging out with him late at night he’ll start nodding off, and when you wake him he’ll go “i wasn’t asleep” 🤡
san and wooyoung will try to call you guys at 9 pm to see if you want to go out to get drinks with them, only to find out that both your phones were shut off, and you were both in your pajamas doing face masks and watching a movie on the couch together, fading in and out of consciousness ❤️
wooyoung once called you his grandparents 💀 y’all know it’s bad if he’s not taking an opportunity to call hongjoong and seonghwa old
caring for the scrapes on his elbows and knees when he falls off his skateboard 🥰
he also desperately wants to teach you how to skateboard if you don’t already know how! he’s so patient and gentle with you, always letting you fall into his arms and catching you when you slip :)
“it’s okay honey, i’ve got you! i know it’s scary, but i promise it’s so fun once you get the hang of it. you’re actually doing really well for your first time!”
you guys will eventually become the cool skater couple that everyone is jealous of 💀
he ALWAYS smells good, and his scent somehow embeds itself in all your clothes and furniture so even when he’s not there, you’re thinking of him
when you see him after you’ve been apart for a long time, of course you’ll run up to each other for a bone crushing hug, and as soon as his familiar scent hits you your eyes well with tears
he hates seeing you cry, even if it’s from happiness
*wiping your tears with a reassuring smile* “oh honey, please don’t cry… we’re together now.”
he’s constantly putting your needs before his own, you actually had to sit him down and explain to him that while you love and appreciate his selflessness, he needs to take care of himself more often
he’s not the biggest fan of PDA, but he does enjoy holding hands… he likes walking with you and swinging your interwoven hands back and forth ❤️
you’ll catch him smiling at the sidewalk and ask him what’s up, he just says “i like the way your hand fits in mine.”
yeosang is a big forehead kisser 🥰 it’s his favorite way to show his affection in a sweet and delicate way
he’s so sensitive to your touch… if you just brush your hands over his shoulders and arms, it’s enough to make his heart flutter :)
there are a lot of nights were you guys just lay in bed next to each other and talk about EVERYTHING… it just goes on and on until one of you falls asleep
he never really lashes out on you, no matter how upset he is. before every reaction, his words and actions are carefully chosen and thought over.
he’s also very good at forgiveness. that’s not to say that you can treat him badly, but everyone makes mistakes and he knows that. he has this amazing ability to see things from different perspectives that allows him to forgive you when you slip up
overall, having yeosang as a boyfriend is a blast. he’s so sweet and attentive, and you never run out of things to talk about. and even if you did, he would just make something up to fill the silence! no matter what, you always feel so loved and appreciated with him by your side 🥰
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fairyniceyeah · 6 months
⌛🐶🌹❤️Oh, love is something good for us to share
Title from California (The Rose)
Summary: ATEEZ' Yunho is suffering from heat exhaustion at Coachella but he soon finds help from unusual caretakers – The Rose hyungs. But Dojoon and Jaehyeong themselves are not doing good either. (The Rose/ATEEZ - Crossover)
CW: emeto, talk of fainting
Sickie: Yunho (+ Dojoon/Leo + Jaehyeong/Jeff) Caretakers: Woosung/Sammy + Hajoon/Dylan (+ Hongjoong + Seonghwa)
Coachella was too hot. California was too hot. Yunho was too hot.
He had thought that filming the “Pirate King” and “Treasure” M/Vs in the Moroccan desert had been bad. But back then they had been able to take breaks in the shade, been able to drink between takes.
On the Coachella stage - despite it just being the rehearsal - under the sweltering Californian sun in a hurry to get everything perfect no real breaks had been possible. Wherever they had stood there had been sun. It had been exhausting. Within the first fifteen minutes he had gotten a bad headache, constantly blinded by the light, and he started feeling dizzy and unwell. The muscle cramps had started shortly after.
Yunho had tried to drink between songs but he had gotten too nauseous too soon. 
It wasn’t like it was his fault that he couldn’t deal with heat well.
He had been glad when their rehearsal was over (though he looked forward to the performance the next day) and they could get cooled down. So at the first opportunity once they were off-stage, Yunho had walked away from the group in search of a cooler place than their waiting area. The others had been too preoccupied with celebrating their successful stage and trying to deal with the heat as well. Poor Yeosang had looked downright sunburned, now matter how much sunscreen the stylists had put on him.
Yunho managed to stumble upon a bathroom, located at the far side of the artists’ area. To his surprise it was empty. 
Even better: Everything was deliciously cooled by an A/C and seemed clean enough. Not caring if he was delirious or thinking about any germs, Yunho just laid down on the cold tiles, feeling them absorb his body heat instantly.
Wow, that felt good. His clothes were soaked in sweat but the freeze on his back was amazing.
He closed his eyes, his heavy eyes with the hazy vision, and tried to catch his breath. He would get up soon to find his group. He would be fine for a moment here, he just didn’t want to brave the heat again.
Yunho nearly dropped off to sleep when he was irritated by loud voices from outside the door.
“Leo, I told you that eating fast food was a bad idea”, somebody said in Korean. Yunho didn’t even have time to be confused about that - after all they were in an English-speaking country - then the door was pushed open and a few people came in.
Yunho seriously couldn’t care less. As long as they let him lie there, he was happy.
But then there was a surprised shout, a curse and somebody gently shook him.
“I’m good, it’s just hot”, Yunho slurred and blinked open his eyes.
As his vision cleared, he was taken aback.
“Woosung-sunbaenim?”he asked, confused, brain not quite catching up to his eyes. Of course he knew that The Rose sunbaenims were at Coachella too and they had hoped they would run into them. He just hadn’t expected that so soon. Mingi would be so jealous of him. 
At the moment the only feeling he himself could muster was some form of shame - here he was laying on a hopefully not too dirty bathroom floor, exhausted to the core. It didn't make for a good first impression.
“Isn’t that ATEEZ’s Yunho?”, a different voice asked.
“Leo, get to that sink before you actually puke everywhere”, Woosung commanded, not looking away from Yunho. It was kinda weird holding eye contact with his sunbaenim, Yunho mused. But he could only blink. It was as if his body was mush. “Jeff, go with him. Dylan, come here, help me with him.”
What was up with his sunbaenims? Were they okay?
It was kind of a coincidence they had all ended up in the same bathroom in this huge area. Maybe they had looked for a more private area too? Yunho didn't actually care enough to ask. He just wanted his peace. Probably would not get that but so be it. At least he could brag to Mingi.
A second person knelt down by Yunho’s side. Ah, Hajoon-sunbaenim, their drummer. The older man looked really worried for some reason.
“Why are you here alone, Yunho-ssi? What happened? Where is your group?”, Woosung asked gently.
“Uh, I was too hot. It’s cool here, dunno where they are, sunbaenim”, Yunho mumbled. Maybe it should phase him that he didn’t know where his members were but he was so tired.
“No, stay awake”, Hajoon said, placing a hand against Yunho’s neck, “hyung, his pulse is really fast.”
"Yunho-ssi, what else do you feel?", Woosung-sunbaenim asked urgently.
"Head hurts, kinda nauseous, my muscles were cramping. I just wanted to be cool again, it's so hot." Yunho groaned. Couldn't they let him sleep?
“Heat exhaustion”, Woosung said grimly, addressing Hajoon probably, “if not heatstroke. They just had their rehearsal under the sun, no wonder he isn’t feeling good. Do we have water and where the fuck is that electric fan?”
“We only have this left”, Hajoon answered and handed Woosung a half-full water bottle before jumping to his feet, “I’ll see if I can get more and find his group. Do we need a medic?”
“Yunho-ssi, do you have your phone?”, Woosung asked. Yunho just shrugged and let Woosung pat his pockets. The older man came up empty.
“Go get water and maybe ice first, Hajoon-ah. If you find a manager or whoever have them call ATEEZ. No, hey, Yunho-ssi, stay awake, please. You said you feel nauseous? Do you think you might need to be sick?”
“Maybe”, Yunho admitted shyly. He was really making a great first impression. Not.
“It’s okay, stuff happens. Don’t be embarrassed. Are you dizzy?”
“A bit.” Ah, to hell with impressions. He just wanted to close his eyes again.
“Can you sit up for me?”
Yunho shook his head a bit. Sitting up sounded like it would make his nausea and exhaustion worse. Why did his sunbaenim have to insist on this? He was happy enough alone on the floor.
“Jeff, help me sit him up, please. He needs to drink. Oh, you have the fan, gimme please.” 
Suddenly everything swirled as he was propped upright and Yunho gagged dryly. Nothing came up, probably everything that was in his body had vaporized already. Did that make sense? Yunho wasn’t sure.
Somebody tapped his cheek and Yunho tried to swat at the annoying hands. At least the breeze on his face from the fan felt good and the cool of the wall on his back was welcome. “No, open your eyes, Yunho-ssi. Or I will call an ambulance.”
That had Yunho awake. He did not want to go to the hospital. And he really did not want to see Hongjoong-hyung’s sad, pouting, disappointed face if he ended up there. Or any of the others’, really. Besides, they were at Coachella - he wanted to enjoy it.
“Drink”, Woosung said with a bit of force in his voice, “slow sips, we don’t want you to get sick. But you need to hydrate a bit. I am a bit scared of delivering you into Hongjoong-ssi’s care like this. He might kill me.”
“Joong-hyung is a marshmallow. Or a minion or something”, Yunho complained but drank a few sips of the offered water. Woosung gave him a bright smile and stroked Yunho’s sweat-soaked hair back from his forehead.
“Can you hold the fan yourself? Here you go. I’m sure he is, just not when I return you looking like this. Hell, I nearly fought RM and Suga once when they brought a sick Jaehyeong to me and I didn’t know what happened.”
“Sounds like a story”, Yunho mumbled as he took the fan from Woosung’s hand and took another sip. The bottle was empty then and he pouted. Drinking had helped a bit to clear his surroundings and he finally was able to focus on something else than Woosung’s face which previously had been the only thing he had been able to see clearly.
“It was - should have seen his tiny ass trying to threaten a guy nearly a head taller than him”, somebody said and Yunho turned to look at who had spoken. 
The man had his back to them, leaning over the sink, so Yunho couldn’t be quite sure. But considering their earlier conversation and that the other man by his side had blond hair (so Jaehyeong, their bassist and maknae who still was like five years older than Yunho), he assumed it was Dojoon, their keyboardist, vocalist and whichever other instruments that dude could play. Mingi was so enamored.
“Is he alright?”, Yunho asked worriedly. It was a bit curious to see his sunbaenims like that.
“Huh? Who? Leo? Yeah, that dumbass just thought that eating fast food before jumping around in the heat during sound check was a great idea, especially when I told him not to. Sometimes I am right, aren’t I, Leo?”, Woosung grumbled but he did look a bit concerned when he mustered his ill member.
“Fuck off, Sammy”, Dojoon replied, sounding very nauseated and ending his sentence with a harsh swallow. Uh-oh. “California, our worries make no sense”, he added in English. Why he suddenly switched languages Yunho wasn’t sure but he congratulated himself in understanding it. Maybe it was one of their songs? He'd have to ask Mingi. He was too tired to remember.
“That was not what I was going for with the lyrics. Like not even close”, Woosung complained, “and I told you multiple times that a large order of fries with a burger was a bad idea. I am from California, I know what I am talking about.” That at least answered the lyric question.
“Can we stop talking about food now?”, the third member, Jaehyeong, cut in, “besides: California, where people make freedom.” 
He, too, didn’t look so good, Yunho thought. Well, that was a lie. His sunbaenims did always look good. He himself was probably looking pathetic though.
“You too?”, Woosung asked, exasperated, “Freedom to make dumb choices, I guess. I can’t go with you lot anywhere.”
“Stop picking on me when I am not even there”, Hajoon complained from the doorway, holding a few bottles of water and an ice pack in his arms. That looked like a lifeline, pun intended.
“I wasn’t”, Woosung complained, but added a suspicious: “You didn’t overeat before practice, did you?”
“I’m not stupid”, Hajoon commented, earning himself a "fuck off" from Jaehyeong, at the same time that Dojoon apparently lost the fight against his stomach and raced to a bathroom stall. Disgusting sounds echoed through the bathroom and Yunho cringed. Hearing that did his own stomach no favor.
Woosung sighed and gestured at Yunho. “Joon-ah, you got him for a moment? I’ll check on … Joon-ah. Fuck your names.”
Hajoon rolled his eyes but he gave Yunho a kind smile as he knelt down by his side and pressed the ice to his neck. Oh, God, that felt good. Yunho moaned at the refreshing feeling, not even caring anymore how he was kind of embarrassing himself. 
“Hi, Yunho-ssi”, Hajoon said, “can you try to drink a bit more? Oh, Jeff, you too.” He pushed one of the bottles to Jaehyeong, causing it to collide with the other man’s legs. Jaehyeong just groaned.
“Idiots, all of them”, Hajoon commented and grinned when he got Yunho to giggle a bit. “I wasn’t able to locate your members but do you know any of their phone numbers?”
Quickly Yunho gave him Mingi’s phone number - the only number of his members he knew by heart. Hajoon typed it into the keypad. Before he dialed he looked up and called: “Sammy, you know, you could have just asked him if he knew any of the phone numbers.”
“Sorry”, Yunho mumbled, feeling himself flush. He should have thought of that. If only his head didn’t hurt so badly.
“Wha…? Oh”, Woosung’s voice came, then a middle finger appeared under the stall. 
“Hey, I didn’t do anything. Neither did you, Yunho-ssi, he’s just a grumbling old man”, Hajoon said with a laugh. He seemed happy to tease his hyung. Somehow he reminded Yunho of Jongho.
“Wait until you turn thirty, I will make so many jokes”, Woosung called, then went back to comforting an obviously still very nauseous Dojoon.
“You’re still over a year older than me, hyung”, Hajoon teased and winked at Yunho. Oh, teasing to make Yunho more comfortable with his sunbaenims. That was actually kind of nice.
“I’m going to call Mingi-ssi now”, Hajoon said and put the phone on speaker.
“Hello?”, Mingi’s deep voice filtered through the air. Yunho smiled a bit, he did want to be reunited with his members. Just somewhere cool. 
“Hi, Mingi-yah”, Yunho whispered before Hajoon could say anything.
Mingi gasped and he sounded panicked when he answered: “Yunho? Yunho-yah? Where are you? We were so worried? Hyung, no, wait….”
“Yunho-yah?”, Seonghwa’s worried voice came instead. His overprotective eldest hyung must have snatched the phone from Mingi. 
“Urgh, give that to me”, Hongjoong said, sounding further away and then louder: “Yunho, baby, where are you? Whose phone are you calling from?”
Yunho hid his face in his hand. His members were embarrassing - Seonghwa and Hongjoong actually acted like parents sometimes.
“Uh, mine,” Hajoon said, obviously suppressing a laugh, and introduced himself: “Hajoon from The Rose.”
Instantly the other side of the phone turned quiet. “Sunbaenim? What’s going on? Thank you for calling”, Hongjoong asked, trying to sound polite and not overly scared. He failed spectacularly at the last part.
“Yunho’s just not feeling so good”, Hajoon started to explain. It was very obvious at that moment that Hajoon was one of the younger members of The Rose - he had never learned how to deliver bad news and not make anybody’s leader panic. 
Before he could get any further, however, he was interrupted. It would have been rude in any other situation but it was actually kind of sweet how worried Hongjoong got.
“What’s wrong? Where are you?” There were probably a thousand bad scenarios running through the leader’s head at that phrasing. 
Hajoon quickly gave a description of their whereabouts to Hongjoong who promised to be there as soon as possible and was about to hang up when Yunho mumbled: “Hyung, I really don’t need all of you to come. Take Seonghwa-hyung. Don’t bring Mingi.”
“Alright”, Hongjoong said softly, “hold on, baby, we’ll be there soon.” The call ended.
Hajoon had his eyebrow raised when Yunho looked at him. “Why don’t you want Mingi? Aren’t you like best friends?”, he asked curiously. 
How did Hajoon know? It would be something an ATINY would know but that didn’t really make sense, did it? Urgh, thinking hurt. 
“We are”, Yunho confirmed instead, “but he is totally a Black Rose. I doubt that he wants, uh, this to be his first real interaction.” He awkwardly gestured at Jaehyeong, who had sat down by the sinks and was slowly sipping on the bottle of water Hajoon had given him.
“Fair enough”, Hajoon agreed, grimacing. "Actually, thanks, I guess."
They looked up when the stall door opened and Dojoon and Woosung stumbled out. Dojoon was still very pale and Woosung had a stabilizing hand on the small of his back. But Dojoon was looking much better than earlier.
“How are you?”, Jaehyeong asked dejectedly when Woosung deposited Dojoon next to him. The older man just groaned but accepted the bottle of water their leader pressed into his hand.
"Thanks for asking, Jeff. Oh, me? Yes, I am feeling better too, thanks", Jaehyeong said rhetorically, a bit annoyed. He acted a bit like San when he was pouty. Weird.
"Be nice, kid", Dojoon replied, causing them to argue quietly.
Woosung ignored them and came to crouch down by Yunho’s side again. “Are you feeling better then? Or should I prepare to run from your leader?”, he asked teasingly.
“Uh, what?”, Hongjoong asked from the door. None of them had noticed him and Seonghwa entering. With all eyes on him after the rather not eloquent question he turned beet-red. “Sunbaenims”, he muttered and pulled at Seonghwa to make them bow.
“Don’t bow, Hongjoong-ssi, Seonghwa-ssi”, Woosung said with a smile.
It was Seonghwa’s turn to flush. “You know us, sunbaenim?”
“Of course”, Hajoon agreed, “Woosung-hyung is totally an ATINY. I think he has merch, actually. We all love your music. Also we tried to do the Bouncy challenge and I nearly ruined my ba… too soon?” He glanced at Woosung who just rolled his eyes.
“Yes, three weeks is too soon, brat”, Woosung replied, “also, may I remind you that you cried more than me that day?”
Hajoon seemed to choose to ignore the second part though he ducked his head a bit. The cough that he muffled with his hand sounded suspiciously like “grandfather” but Woosung just gave him a simultaneous warning and exasperated glance before focusing his attention on ATEEZ's eldest.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa both seemed as taken aback as Yunho by Hajoon’s confession of being ATINY. It was not everyday that a sunbaenim who you adored adored you right back. Wow. While Hongjoong had turned a bit red again (maybe he just had sunburn though?) Seonghwa couldn’t quite hide his shock, evident by his wide eyes and open mouth.
"I'm glad you are here, Hongjoong-ssi, Seonghwa-ssi", Woosung said, pulling them out of their awe, "I think it's only a case of a bit of heat exhaustion but you should get Yunho-ssi checked out by a medic, just in case."
"Thank you, sunbaenim", Hongjoong replied, distractedly, and rushed over to Yunho now that the greetings were over. Well, to be fair, the only thing that probably had stopped him before had not actually been social conventions but rather confusion. 
Hajoon scooted to the side to make space for him and ended up beside Yunho, also leaning against the wall. With his head pounding and eyes dropping, Yunho leaned sideways and rested his head on his shoulder. Maybe it was a bit inappropriate - after all they had known each other for less than an hour but he was tired. Hongjoong only looked worried and surprised but nobody said anything about it.
"Baby, we were so worried when we realized we didn't know where you were", Hongjoong mumbled, placing a cool hand tenderly against Yunho's cheek, "you can't just run off, especially if you don't feel well."
Yunho flushed a bit under the attention. All eyes were focused on him and it made his skin crawl. He had not wanted attention. That had been the first reason why he had run away. Apparently you couldn’t feel unwell anywhere in peace. Deep down though, he was glad.
"Didn't want to make you worry", he mumbled, staring down at his lap. Now that the excitement had died down again he felt like he was hit by a truck. And not an ice-cream one. "I was just a bit too hot."
"You never handled the heat well", Seonghwa sighed, taking Yunho's hand in his own, feeling the pulse in his wrist. “Remember filming Pirate King and Treasure?”
Hongjoong groaned. “Yeah, that was fun. Sorry, Yunho, we should have paid more attention. I hope he didn’t bother you, sunbaenims?” 
If Yunho hadn’t been so comfy he would have been offended. Being a “bother” was Wooyoung's job. But he was content to just watch with half-lidded eyes.
“Not at all. He’s a delight”, Woosung replied, “and please, stop calling us ‘sunbaenim’. ‘Hyung’ or our names are fine, ‘sunbaenim’ makes us feel old. Hajoon, I am warning you.”
The drummer had opened his mouth to probably make another joke but decided he wanted to live another day. Yunho giggled a bit. Their dynamics were funny, he had to admit. 
“Alright, thank you. Hyung”, Seonghwa said, “we don’t want to keep you here, surely you have other things to do?”
It was at that moment that he looked around and seemed to take in Dojoon’s and Jaehyeong’s complexions for the first time. He faltered for a moment then his face turned worried.
“Are you alright?”, he asked. God, he really was a mother sometimes. Even to people like four or five years his senior.
“Yeah, they will be fine. They are just regretting their decision to eat before jumping around in the heat. Turns out, what a surprise, it wasn’t a good idea”, Woosung explained before the two could defend themselves.
“You’ll hold that over our heads for the rest of our lives, won’t you?”, Jaehyeong whined, throwing his empty water bottle in Woosung’s general direction. He missed spectacularly. 
“We had that particular problem before”, Hongjoong said pointedly, staring at Seonghwa. 
“Oh, that’s what yesterday was about?”, Yunho asked. Seonghwa flushed and stuttered: “I … uhm, I’m sure the food was just out in the sun too long.”
“Yeah, sure”, Hongjoong deadpanned, “but you are right, we should get going. We already sent the kids back to the hotel. They fought hard to stay and are really worried about you, but we all deserve a night off. The only thing they can do at the moment is rest. But I fear Mingi may have paced a hole in the hotel’s carpet by now. Anyways, Yunho-yah, do you think you can stand? We’ll take you to the medics to get checked out and then how does a nap sound?”
“Heavenly”, Yunho mumbled, “hyung, I am so tired. My head hurts too. But I can stand.”
“Still nauseous?”, Hajoon asked gently. Shockingly, no. Yunho shook his head. 
“Okay, that’s good”, Hongjoong agreed, “medical and then you can sleep.”
“Up you go”, Seonghwa said and with his and Hajoon’s help Yunho was standing. Well, leaning on his Seonghwa-hyung but he was on his feet. Hongjoong reached up and smoothed Yunho’s hair out of his face.
“Why do you have to be so tall, Yunho-yah?”, the captain asked fondly.
“You’re just tiny, hyung”, Yunho quipped, causing Seonghwa, Hajoon and Jaehyeong to laugh. 
Hongjoong groaned. Woosung patted his back in a sympathetic gesture. “I feel you, Hongjoong-ah.”
They all burst into laughter again. Hongjoong and Woosung both had similar pouting expressions on their faces.
“Okay, let’s actually go”, Hongjoong said, shaking his head, and turned to Woosung and Hajoon, who had come to stand beside his leader, “thank you so much for your help, hyungs.” He bowed a bit.
“We’re happy we could help. Feel better soon, kiddo”, Woosung replied and turned to Yunho. To the dancer’s shock he actually hugged him. Oh, wow. Hajoon followed suit. 
“Thank you”, Yunho mumbled and looked at Dojoon and Jaehyeong who were cuddled up together still, “I hope you two feel better soon as well.”
“Thank you”, they echoed. Jaehyeong waved and Dojoon added: “I’d hug you too but I think I’d puke again if I have to stand up.”
“Great, let’s get you idiots back to the hotel too”, Woosung mumbled and knelt down beside his two unwell members.
Yunho, Seonghwa and Hongjoong waved at them until they left the bathroom.
A health check by a medic and an order to rest and drink plenty later, Seonghwa and Hongjoong led Yunho back to the hotel. He nearly fell asleep on Seonghwa’s shoulder in the elevator but was shaken awake by Hongjoong. He whined.
“You can sleep soon, you big baby”, Hongjoong said fondly, “just, you scared us today. Really scared us and I hate to think what would have happened if The Rose-hyungs hadn’t found you. We’ll talk about that another time but for now be prepared to have five anxious dongsaengs fuss over you.”
The captain unlocked the door and as soon as they entered the hotel room, Mingi practically assaulted Yunho with a tight, comforting hug.
“What happened? Yunho, why were you with The Rose-sunbaenims?”, Mingi asked, never letting go. Yunho was content to be just held.
“Well, the The Rose-hyungs found me, actually”, Yunho said and couldn’t help but brag: “Woosung-hyung called me a ‘delight’.”
Mingi’s shocked and envious face definitely was worth getting heat exhaustion.
But he would never dare admit that particular sentiment to his Hongjoong-hyung.
Yunho liked living.
Notes: Guys, I’m not from America and have never been to Coachella. I tried to research a bit but I couldn’t really find much about security and backstage areas for the artists. I doubt they will just walk around with the other people though, so a more comfortable and sanitary backstage area is what I imagine. Correct me if I am wrong and get me a ticket then:) 
This was written before Coachella, so I didn't know the performance times yet! I decided to change a few things so this is now after the rehearsal which was during daytime.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ Fairy's Masterlist - The Rose  
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atzupdates · 1 year
[230621] tablo (blobyblo) Twitter Update Admin note: He quote-tweeted Hongjoong's cover from Lee Mujin Service ^-^
tablo: Oh wow… that is a beautiful rendition. This song was born out of me when no one would listen to me… so it’s amazing to see it speak to others like this ❤️
HJ replied: 🫢🫢🫢 sunbaenim it's an honor for me.. Thank you for gifting us such precious music and although it's late happy 20th anniversary 👏👏👏 Thank you 🥹
tablo replied: Ah! It's me who's thankful !!! (fyi I like ATEEZ's music a lot. Wonderland, Fireworks, The Real 🔥) Do your new song promotion activities healthily and well ~ hwaiting 🫡🫡🫡
HJ replied: Wow..! I will work harder as much as you watch over me! Fighting 💪💪💪
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asherthehimbo · 1 year
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Series discription: Trying and maybe even succeeding to find ones soulmate isn't easy, but after that, it's supposed to be smooth sailing. Well, not for these boys. Let's join them in their adventure of finding love.
warnings: Mature themes, cuss words, more warnings to be specified by story.
Asher speaks: Although these stories are all based on soulmate au, they do not play off in the same world, and there is no connection between stories unless stated otherwise. Most stories have a crossover with Ateez cause I can♡ The stories won't necessarily come out in age order either. there is no specific way to read them. These stories are Male!readers, so please be respectful about that. This will be specified in the tags and story so as not to make people uncomfortable.
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Bang Chan: [Male!reader]
Listen to my music, listen to your heart
Status: Coming soon
Synopsis: When his soulbond turned out to revolve around music, Chan had not been surprised - practically his whole life had an aspect of music in it. Only problem is - his soulmate's music seems really, really sad. Ofcourse the occasional party song is in there, and hey, even some of his own songs are there. Yet he can't help but cry everytime he hears the beat in his mind flow softly, a voice - on the verge of/ or already crying - singing the saddest songs Chan had ever heard. It pains him greatly, but there is nothing he can do except search for his soulmate. Who would've thought that his soulmate -one who he could tell went through so much- would be his best friends bubbly older brother whom he used to have a crush on.
Lee know: [Male!reader]
[Always Black Cats And Bitter Coffee]
Status: complete
Synopsis: Minho absolutely hated this, having to see his soulmate's emotions in the form of a color on his skin. He hated the fact that for the past two years, all bright colors had drained from his skin, leaving only the darkest, most dreadful colors Minho could think of. Being paired with his friends and some strangers for a school showcase wasn't so bad until he found out the cute senior was his soulmate, and his brain exploded in 100,000 different pieces. He wants to talk to him. He wants to spend time with him, but how is he supposed to do that when his soulmate only interacts with 3 people on the team? Oh, he knows. He could go to his soulmate work! Nope, this only causes him rage - seriously, what is up with rude customers and flirty coworkers? It seems like everything is thwarting all Minho's efforts to get close to the love of his life. From obsessive exes to a secret backstory, he can't even begin to comprehend. How is he supposed to do this?
Seo Changbin: [Male!reader]
[To be loved by a writer]
Status: Coming soon
Hwang Hyunjin: [Male!reader]
[an Artists muse]
Status: coming soon
Han Jisung: [tbc.]
Status: tbc.
Lee Felix: [tbc.]
Status: tbc.
Kim Seungmin: [Male!reader]
[Not really a dog person, tbh.]
Status: coming soon
Yang Jeoingin: [tbc.]
Status: tbc.
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Stray kids masterlist
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boopiddyboop · 1 year
Random ATEEZ astrology: a newbie’s inconclusive study
With nothing but caffeine and 3 hours of sleep fueling me, I have finally written down my initial observations about Ateez’s charts- a pet project I started 4 days ago due to jet lag. Its almost drunk astrology, but with REM cycles ❤️
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(I’ve seen this gif so many times in my research I love it so much)
-So everyone knows Seonghwa has an Aries stellium, right? But I haven’t seen anyone mentioning that all of those placements are combust (combusted? Being combust by?) his sun. His Mars, Saturn, and Mercury are all being hidden in some way. With it being in the 10th house… I’d say it’s his work that keeps him feeling like he can express himself properly. Really feels the pressure of keeping his idol image, probably.
-I don’t have a grasp of what personalities each of the members has, specifically in who is the scariest when they’re angry, but by chart? You could not pay me to fuck with Yunho. Scorpio rising AND Aries Sun being ruled… by Mars in Scorpio. I know Seonghwa is “Mars” (love a good wordplay), but Yunho…wow. Warrior boy. Don’t let that Pisces Mercury throw you off. (And with that Gemini Moon he kind of gives me similar vibes to Jimin from BTS).
-Speaking of Scorpios and Gemini Moons… hey Hongjoong. Capricorn rising this time though- everyone I’ve known with that placement has had … less than ideal relationships with their family (specifically fathers). I know he has a brother he seems close with (thank you, Jupiter in the Pisces 3rd house), but that Saturn in Aries in the 4th. If he’s on good terms with his dad these days, it’s definitely something they had to work hard for.
-Yeosang is so pretty. Like, he’s not even my type and yet. There’s no astrology observation to go with this point, it’s just an objective statement. Would love to hear guesses on his rising.
-San has a similar chart to several of my exes. So there’s that. Also love seeing the Scorpio Mars make a reappearance; what a manly group, at least image wise 😂
-Mingi with the Leo sun, Cancer Moon. It’s just ~much~. Offhand, I’d guess Gemini Rising for him, throwing that Jupiter/Saturn in Taurus into the 12th house. Poor baby.
-and with our last birthtime (though I think this one is provided by his brother, so slightly unconfirmed), we have Wooyoung. Fire 3rd house and Scorpio Mercury strike me as very ~fun~. His only mutable sign (Sun in Sagittarius) being ruled by Jupiter in Aries… boy is not a passive participant in things.
-A Saturn in Gemini makes me feel old, looking at Jongho’s chart. Of everyone, I know his personality the least, but there’s gotta be some kind of benefic going on with his Mercury/3rd house… he’s got a very pretty voice ❤️
If I’ve missed something, or you want me to elaborate on a point, feel free to harass me in the askbox ~ I’ve got the time and delirium right now 😊
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edenesth · 2 months
hey! It’s been a while. how r u? anyways i wanted to ask you who are your ult boy group biases in kpop?❤️
Hello, my love!💕
I'm alright hehe hope you've been well too! As for my current ult boy group biases? I'll let the list below speak for me🤧🫶🏻
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ATEEZ — nearly the entire group tbh, choosing a bias would be like making me choose between mother or father🤡 Seonghwa's the ult but the way everyone has been taking their turns wrecking me, lord tbh idek anymore
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Stray Kids — ults are Lee Know and Bang Chan but the others love to wreck me every once in a while, so there's that
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NCT 127 — that's right, I have a thing for dem foreign swaggers; namely Jaehyun, Johnny and Yuta. But then again, the rest have their moments and so it's never fixed🤧
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SEVENTEEN — mainly the 95 liners (S.Coups, Jeonghan and Joshua) but as always, I have a hard time staying loyal because you have people like Wonwoo and DK being boyfriend asf
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EXO — absolutely hated how difficult it was trying to find a good pic of these two together but my ults are Baekhyun and Lay, but of course, like all the other groups, the rest just enjoy wrecking me from time to time *ahem* Suho and Kai *ahem*
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Honourable mentions:
MONSTA X and GOT7 — I remember being obsessed with these groups at one point and have even seen MX live twice. Not only that, they're the only group whose lightstick I own🥺 my biases then were Minhyuk and Kihyun for MX and Mark, Yugyeom and Jinyoung for G7
But yes, that is all I have for now hehe ofc, I do like a ton of other groups but let us not get into that🙈
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starjxsung · 2 months
that might’ve been the best night of my life dude. all my muscles are screaming in pain and also it hurts to speak BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT!!!!
this was also my first kpop concert ever and i might be addicted to them now. i need to see stray kids and bts and shinee and txt and probably ateez three more times. everyone was so sweet and the energy was so insane.
AGHH i just wanted to rant about it because the post-concert emptiness is CREEPING up on me star!!!!! i need to go back!!!!! i miss hongjoong!!!!!!
RAHHH OH MY GODDD IM SO GLAD YOU HAD FUN ‼️‼️‼️‼️ Ateez are so theatrical and such amazing performers I’m so glad you were able to kick off your kpop concert journey with them !!!! Manifesting you get to see every kpop event you dream of and meet so many more kpop fans you deserve this experience ALWAYSSSS ❤️
I MISS HONGJOONG SO BAD TOOOO is he your bias ?? The way he did that guitar solo for guerilla WHEEWWW 🫡 MANIFESTING MORE ATEEZ TOURS ALWAYSSSSS I’m so happy for you bby feel free to spam my inbox w more about it I love hearing about peoples’s concerts 😭😭🥹
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mirageofficial · 2 years
❝  come sit a little while with me.  tell me how you’ve been?  really.  ❞ 4 xepher! also hello lovie! ❤️
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PROMPT "come sit a little while with me. tell me, how’ve you been? really."
SUMMARY with the sudden push for mirage’s debut and two more members abruptly being added, xepher feels overwhelmed and afraid to let the girls down. but, there’s a certain advantage to being in a group: you’ll never have to walk alone… and most importantly? not on nari’s watch. always make sure you have a nari in your life.
CHARACTER(S) xepher & nari with mentions of the rest of mirage and ateez
WARNINGS mentions of lacking self-confidence and esteem, briefly describes moments of depression and anxiety. platonic cuddling but it’s all for comforting purposes.
NOTE hi my lovely!!! this was the most healing prompt ever, my heart feels so full after writing this… thank you so much for sending this in & feel free to request more! i hope you like it! i’m very sorry for falling off of the face of the earth for a few days, i’ve been sick so i haven’t got a lot of energy but i’m trying my best i promise 🫶
RECOMMENDATION listen to exhale (sabrina carpenter) & alive (audrey mika)
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xepher didn’t like that particular feeling of failure, and everything else that follows after it— just waiting around the corner, dying to consume her like the rest of her doubts and mistakes. she wasn’t perfect at all and she knew it, but she strived for it since she so desperately wanted to be something that her team could look up to, proudly beaming at her.
because after everything that they’ve been through to get to this moment, the last thing this team needed was a leader who couldn’t lead or represent them accurately.
“i know what you’re thinking.” nari spoke up quietly, leaning against the doorframe of eunae and xepher’s bedroom, watching the younger lay on the bottom bunk bed and stare at the one above her.
“no, you do-”
“yes, i do. you’ve got that face you make when you’re overthinking, more specifically when you think you let us down.” nari replied over xepher’s denial, which was also cut short, “i know you better than anyone else on this planet, xeph, do i really have to get another degree and fly across the world to an audition again to prove it?” she joked lightheartedly, watching xepher give a weak smile in response. the older took one last second of taking in her friend’s state before quietly sighing, walking over to sit on the hardwood floor next to xepher’s head.
“can you come sit a little while with me, please?”
nari nodded immediately, jutting out her bottom lip when xepher’s turned into a distressed pout — making her rise to squeeze into the younger’s bunk, laying beside her as xepher was closer to the wall.
“of course… but as long as you tell me how you’ve been? i’m worried about you, really…” nari said, opening her arms out for xepher to take refuge in, her heart breaking at the way she was immediately clung to.
“everything is suddenly moving at a pace i’m not used to, unnie, and i’m afraid that because i’m thrown off balance and shaken up, the others won’t see me as a leader.” xepher explained in a rushed whisper, trying to get out everything that was on her mind before she had the chance to cry.
“and what if they secretly think i’m too young to lead us? even i don’t think i should be the one that becomes the leader… it should be you, you have way more experience and underneath all of this, i’m just… ailee.”
though her heart was breaking with every word, nari rubbed circles on xepher’s hoodie-clad back, listening intently and taking in everything until the girl finished.
“i know that eunae and nako joining the team and preparing for debut is all very sudden, i feel the same as you but i also understand that pressure you have on your shoulders.” nari started, speaking gently and quietly enough for only xepher to hear, “i feel your stress. every day, i carry this fear of not taking care of everyone enough as the oldest. i can’t read everyone’s minds, except maybe yours… but still. you get what i mean.”
“xeph, you’re more than ‘just ailee.’ you’re the first female trainee here, you’re a legend, you know? you’re incredible at what we do for a living, and you’re worth more than everything you’ve achieved… they appointed you leader for a reason. we’re all stressed out, worried, and afraid right now, so don’t think that what you feel is foreign. we only have a few months to adjust to two new members and debut, too.”
“you know why you’re our leader? because you’re the strongest in the face of hardships and defeat. nobody bounces back like you do, and you inspire me every day. so screw it if the other girls don’t see you as a leader, arin and i know you were born for it. ateez knows it, too. heck, i’ll even call up hongjoong if i have to!” nari continued on, smiling small when she could finally feel xepher shake from giggling into her shoulder.
“so… don’t ever question if anyone has your back, because if no one else does, i always will.” the older girl reassured, gently patting xepher’s back as she softly thanked her, hugging her tightly while yawning.
“with you in charge, we’re gonna be the best girl group ever, xeph, just wait and see.” nari sweetly cooed, “so, get some rest, i’ll wake you up in time for us to head to the studio in the morning.”
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TAGLIST / @i9noah @thestealerzz
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staytinyville · 8 months
secret admirer invading your inbox! do you prefer short reader fics or tall reader fics? which speaks more to you? And how do you feel about size kink? depending on the first question, ofc
Hello Admirer!!❤️
I am a short girlie! And because of this. Yes. Size kink go brr. 💀💀😂😂 I am a major sucker for big men. Yunho, Mingi, BASCIALLY THE ENTIRETY OF ATEEZ (because I’m actually 4’11) like oof.
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i-like-yoongi-a-latte · 9 months
K-Pop Recap Of 2023!
Tagged by: @ambivartence thank you Siyuan 💕
Groups You Started Stanning?: uhh let me think... annnd I forgot everything I did during this year. I didn't start stanning any group in the sense of binge watching videos etc, I started listening to Seventeen more, so maybe I'm slowly starting to stan them 👀 also let me explain, I listened to Finnish music a lot more this year and fell in love with Kuumaa's music (my spotify wrapped was not just kpop this year lool)
New Ult Biases?: Jihyo, she just took a hold on me like girl you're trapped and you have no choice
Idol(s) Who Got The Most Of Your Simping?: Yoongi (obviously), Jungkook, RM, Chan, Jihyo... basically my ults and their groups tbh
Most Streamed Group(s): Twice, Ateez, Stray Kids, BTS, (G)I-DLE, IVE, iKON, Fifty Fifty, Blackpink, SHINee, Le Sserafim, Seventeen, The Rose, NMIXX, Monsta X, NewJeans, Kara (I listened to step so much last year it was a bop and still is)
Most Streamed Soloist(s)?: Agust D, Jin, j-hope, RM, Woosung, Jimin, Jungkook, Kai, Taeyeon, IU, Young K
I took these off my spotify 2023 list so there might be some artists whose one (or two) song(s) I had on repeat lol 👀 italics means I listen to the artist a lot, and not just one song on repeat hehe
Top K-Pop Song(s) Of This Year (Opinion Or Streaming, You Choose): People pt 2 feat IU by Agust D!!!! such a lovely song. the whole album is top tier! especially Amygdala <3 Standing Next To You by JK is also a very good song, honestly speaking I didn't expect JK to debut as a soloist with a full-English album but nevertheless it's a bop. also Queencard, what a power anthem. Set Me Free by Twice! and Jihyo's Killin' Me Good... the list goes on and on
Top Debut This Year: I am so bad getting into new groups akdhshjd so I don't know... besides who debuted in 2023??? my sense of time is so bad and I tend to just cling onto my old faves. recommend me some maybe?
Choreographies You Learned: does it count if you kinda know them in your head?? lol I had an idea to start learning different chorus choreos by myself but then life and mental struggles happened... maybe this year (she says every year)
Albums/Merchandise You Bought: D-Day by Agust D, Indigo by RM, Me Myself & Suga photofolio, BTS Beyond the Scene book, Shooky pc folder book, Cooky stickers, does SKZ season's greetings count if it's in the mail as I pre-ordered it last year? + BTS Memories of 2021 as it was on discount... my savings are like bye girl it was nice to know you
also I got a Shooky plushie and Suga pcs from a Korean snack box...
New Kpop Mutuals You Made?: I don't think I've made new kpop mutuals this year bc I wasn't that active here but I cherish all my followers, whether mutuals or not ❤️
Tagging: @hansungiee @jcismycopilot @reedskz 💜 and you, the reader, consider yourself tagged if you'd like to do this 🥰
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nymeriaaa · 2 years
tag game: get to know me!
thank you so much for the tag @svintsandghosts ! ♥
1. Birthday? 22nd oct
2. Favorite color? green or purple, depends on the shade
3. How tall are you? about 5’3
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? id say about 12 but i only wear like 3 pairs lol
5. Favorite song? currently it's regular by nct 127 buuuut don't ask me my all time fave coz like... i couldn't choose. it would probably be an mcr or green day song lol (or treasure by ateez)
6. Favorite movie? um well i love edward scissorhands and the lotr trilogy. oh and the harry potter movies too! school of rock... horror would probably be the descent part 1 only... ahh don't make me choose seriously i could list so many 😩
7. Who would be your ideal partner? idk... just someone who loves me for me and is kind, loyal... accepts the fact that i have many kpop boyfriends who will always own my heart 🙄
8. Do you want children? not really but i'd definitely compromise if i met the right guy and he wanted one
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law? nope
10. What color socks are you wearing? none
11. Favorite type of music? pop punk/post hardcore/"emo", and kpop lol
12. How many pillows do you sleep with? ok so 2 for my head, 2 on the other side of the bed, my boomerang pillow and a big square/european one as well... so 6 lol
13. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my side but when im just chilling in bed i can lay on back too for a bit
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping not having the fan on, i don't care what temperature it is. my fan stays on. (im keeping this answer cause same 100%)
15. Have you tried archery? nope
16. Favorite fruit? watermelon, blueberries and mango
17. Are you a good liar? no unless it's at work and i have to come up with an excuse to get out of going to another store or to not send one of my staff to another store... then im a brilliant liar. oh im also really good at lying about why i can't hang out or go somewhere if im not feeling up to it (which is most of the time lol)
18. What’s your personality type? istp. im very shy and the biggest introvert unless im comfortable around you, and awkward as fuck lol
19. Innie or outie? innie
20. Left or right handed? left
21. Favorite food? sushi. japanese good in general is just 🤌 delish
22. Favorite foreign food? oh well i just answered that in the question above? japanese. chinese, thai, korean and vetnamese are amazing too!
23. Are you clean or messy? both but trying to fix bad habits and keep my room clean and organised but it's hard when your mental health sucks sometimes
24. Most used phrase?
probably what the fuck and the word cunt in general. oh if you ask sandra my 2ic it would also be i don't care 😅
25. How long does it take you to get ready depends but if its for work about 30/40ish mins
26. Do you talk to yourself? of course
27. Do you sing to yourself? yes lol
28. Are you a good singer? hell no
29. Biggest fear? this is stupid and lame but spiders/insects/bugs/creepy crawlies... just all of that 😬
30. Are you a gossip? not really, maybe a little at work but it's more just complaining and bitching about our shitty area managers lol
31. Long or short hair? for me? long hair. but i like both on other people
32. Favorite school subject? um... none? lol like i didn't have any one subject i was really good at compared to others i was just kinda average in everything but really really bad at maths and science
33. Extrovert or introvert? introvert
34. What makes you nervous? yeah people, public speaking... there's more but ill leave it at that
35. Who was your first crush? his name was matthew it was in year 3. i found out he passed away a few years ago and he had a wife and kid so that was sad
36. How many piercings do you have? just my ears (which have kinda closed up lol) i used to have my lip done too many years ago
37. How many tattoos do you have? one but wanting more!
38. How fast can you run? no ❤️ (lol same)
39. What color is your hair? purple atm but it's faded so i need to redo it
40. What color are your eyes? hazel
41. What makes you angry? so many fucking things. work makes me angry (not my team in store but mostly everyone else) i could rant about my workplace for a whole fucking month i swear. when i see people talking shit about people/artists i love. people who play games and toy with other people's emotions and use them... im gonna stop but i could list a lot
42. Do you like your name? yeah
43. Do you want a boy or girl as a child? none but if i were to have one... i guess a boy... idk
44. What are your strengths? um im friendly and welcoming, kind. i think overall im a good person and that's a good thing... lol
45. What are your weaknesses? shy, ignore red flags and forgive people too easily. scared of confrontation due to being shy so i don't speak up as much as i should especially when it comes to my beliefs and i guess in that sense i can be a bit of a pushover... but only in certain scenarios. i definitely need more confidence
46. What’s the color of your bedspread? black and white atm
47. What’s the color of your room? black, grey and white wall paper on one wall then just a neutral, off white colour the rest
Tagging but no obligation; @alphadisaster @septicrebel @jin-neck-shaft @hyuckilstan @saynofakke
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
First off, hope you had a good & safe Thanksgiving. Second, I come bearing gifts.
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And third? My takeaways from the ATEEZ concert last night.
It’s a cult. They are leaders of a cult we all just willingly joined.
The really be popping pussy from beginning to end. Like no warm up either. Straight up coming out and popping it.
They ALL sounded amazing live and were very stable for the level of performance they were giving us.
San is incredibly stable even when he’s mid flight.
Wooyoung has a really sweet voice
Again, all sound amazing live.
Also Jongho said his mic is on and has always been on *snaps in z formation*
Yunho got me looking. Enough said.
Hongjoong has BDE.
San and your boy Yeosang were serving straight up pussy.
Speaking of Yeosang, the cyberpunk performance? Straight up criminal. I didn’t know I’d be attending a strip club. Wigs were snatched. Breaths were lost. Dicks were grabbed. No..literally.. got a full on dick shot from ya boy. Jail? Jail.
I was in a Yeosang section. The girlies were no fairing well.
Seonghwa was serving straight up dick. Like put that tongue away.
Everyone progressively got less dressed but my boy Jongho got more dressed as the show went on.
“Balance.” - Lay
Jongho “I may not show any skin but I will wear the tightest leather pants and slay” Choi
I am still so heartbroken and sad that I could never get tickets for ateez 😭😭😭 istg my chest hurts when I even think about that stupid situation.
I'm glad that you got to experience the greatness, though, and that you had fun!! 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ These pictures make me 🥴🥴🤧🤧
I absolutely agree that being an atiny just means we're in a cult lmao. It's the best cult I've ever joined!! 😤😤 (I like that this insinuates I've joined other cults lmao.)
MY BOYS ARE PERFOMERS!! 👏👏 There's no lies being told!! They are SINGERS and their mics are always ON. 👏👏
CYBERPUNK!! YOU LIVED MY CYBERPUNK DREAMS!! 😭😭❤️❤️ You grab that dick, Yeo!! 👏👏 I've been LIVING for the Twitter videos from the other concerts lol. I'm very happy to hear the girlies were struggling thanks to Yeosang. It's what he deserves 😤😤
DEMON LINE!! How did you survive demon line?!?! 😭😭 omg I bet they were so messy 😭😭 your descriptions are giving me life!! 😭😭
THE JONGHO COMMENTS!! 💀💀💀 IM CRYING!! 😂😂😂 He got more dressed as the show went on 💀💀💀 that's GOLD
Oh god. Thank you so much for all of this. This was ICONIC. This made my entire day so much better. You're the best, and I hope you've been good and had a great Thanksgiving (if you celebrate)!! ❤️❤️❤️
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 year
hi sweetheart!!!
first of all, big congratulations to nearly 900 followers! you deserve each and every single one of them, thank you for being on here ❤️❤️
i was wondering if i could have a detailed ship with mingi from ateez for the special ship event? i might be a little late, but here’s my big 6 ❤️ thank you so so much in advance, and congratulations !!!
sun: libra
moon: aries
rising: sagittarius
venus: scorpio
mercury: libra
mars: virgo
Ahh the first request for my boy Mingi😩 thank you so much for requesting and for your kind words my love. 🫶🏻 thank you so much for participating and I hope that you’re happy and healthy and taking good care of yourself. ❤️ here we goooo
ohhhh I sense a really romantic relationship here!! Both of you are really warm people who are just in love with love lol. Mingi would be really clear about his preferences in general while you are more flexible and would love to adjust to his prefrences. Nevertheless you both would have a great way to support wach other and commnication between the two of you would be sooo good. You two can help each other grow personality wise without judgement or anythink like that. Because your communicative skills are so good problems or tensions that may appear between the two of you (maybe because Mingi can tend to be somewhat closed off while you're more direct) you're able to talk about that stuff and about your personal needs and what you need in a relationship to be happy. Speaking about his maybe closed off demanour such as his reserved nature at times you would be the perfect partner for him since you would make him feel extraordinary nevertheless and would just love him the way he is (omg he would deserve that so much). What's also a good point in your relationship is that both of you would want to keep things private and you wouldn't just jump into the relationship but rather try to deppen the bond between the two of you over time (which is also why you would want to kep things private as long as possible). Besides privacy you both would also need intimacy and you two would be sooo supporitve with each other. it would also be a balanced relationship between giving and taking. OMG okay but why dies that fit so perfectly??? based on your venus signs Mingi tend to seen more cool and aloof sometimes and thus seem intimidating but you would know that there is so much more to see in Mingi than just that. 😩
Your song: Falling in love by 2NE1
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