#athens lawyers
legal2900 · 10 months
Proving Negligence in a Personal Injury Case by 2900 Legal
Understanding the idea of carelessness becomes essential when accidents and injuries occur in order to pursue a personal injury claim. A successful case must demonstrate carelessness because it establishes who is accountable for the damage and paves the way for compensation claims to be made. We'll dig into the essentials of establishing negligence in a personal injury case in this blog post.
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Describe negligence.
Legally speaking, negligence is the inability to take the kind of reasonable care that a prudent person would have in the same situation. Someone may be held legally responsible for the results of their conduct when their carelessness directly causes harm or injury to another person.
Four necessary components must be established in order to properly prove carelessness in a personal injury case:
Duty of Care: The initial step is proving that the defendant owed the injured party a duty of care. Usually, this obligation is determined by how the parties are related to one another or by the specifics of the case. For instance, it is the responsibility of drivers to drive safely to avoid collisions.
Causation: You must demonstrate that the defendant's breach of duty directly contributed to the plaintiff's injuries or harm in order to show causation. In other words, the injury would not have happened if it weren't for the defendant's acts.
Damages: Lastly, you need to show that the plaintiff actually experienced harm or damages. Physical harm, medical costs, missed pay, emotional pain, and other things fall under this category. The compensation requested in the case is based on damages.
Getting Information and Making a Case: It takes a thorough investigation and strong evidence to establish negligence. Think about the following actions to make a compelling case:
-> Gather testimony and witness statements from persons who were present at the scene of the occurrence.
->Assemble any images, videos, or papers that can prove your points.
->To prove a direct connection between the injuries and the defendant's behaviour, speak with medical experts. Examine relevant legislation and regulations to help support your case.
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In conclusion, establishing a line of accountability for the damage sustained is key to showing negligence in a personal injury case. You can create a strong legal basis for your claim by proving duty of care by best personal injury attorneys, breach of duty, causation, and damages. Don't be afraid to seek legal advice if you find yourself in a situation like this to make sure your rights are upheld and justice is done.
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danielspickellaw12 · 2 days
The Role of an Estate Planning Lawyer: What You Need to Know
Introduction : Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial and personal planning that ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. It's a complex process that involves various legal instruments and considerations, making the expertise of an estate planning lawyer invaluable. In this blog, we'll explore the essential roles and responsibilities of an estate planning lawyer and why their guidance is indispensable.
1. Creating Wills and Trusts
At the heart of estate planning are wills and trusts, two fundamental documents that dictate how your assets will be distributed:
Wills: A will outlines your wishes regarding the distribution of your property and the care of any minor children. An estate planning lawyer ensures that your will is legally valid and clearly expresses your intentions.
Trusts: Trusts offer a way to manage your assets during your lifetime and distribute them after your death, often bypassing the probate process. Lawyers can help set up various types of trusts, such as revocable, irrevocable, and special needs trusts, tailored to your specific needs.
2. Minimizing Estate Taxes
One of the key goals of estate planning is to minimize the tax burden on your estate. An estate planning lawyer can employ several strategies to reduce estate taxes:
Gifting Strategies: Advising on how to give assets to heirs during your lifetime in ways that reduce taxable estate value.
Trusts: Utilizing specific types of trusts designed to reduce tax liabilities.
Charitable Donations: Structuring charitable contributions to benefit both your estate and your chosen charities.
3. Designating Beneficiaries
Properly designating beneficiaries on financial accounts, insurance policies, and retirement plans is crucial. An estate planning lawyer ensures that these designations align with your overall estate plan and that they are legally binding.
4. Establishing Power of Attorney and Health Care Directives
Estate planning isn't just about what happens after you die; it also involves planning for possible incapacity:
Power of Attorney (POA): A POA document appoints someone to manage your financial affairs if you're unable to do so. An estate planning lawyer can help you choose the right type of POA (general, durable, or limited) and ensure it meets legal requirements.
Health Care Directives: These documents, including living wills and health care proxies, outline your medical treatment preferences and designate someone to make health care decisions on your behalf.
5. Navigating Probate
Probate is the legal process of administering your estate after death. An estate planning lawyer can help:
Avoid Probate: Through strategies like setting up living trusts.
Manage Probate: Guiding executors through the probate process, ensuring compliance with state laws, and resolving disputes that may arise.
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jamisonblog · 8 days
Adoption and Child Custody Lawyers in Athens, GA
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Navigating the complexities of family law can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to matters as significant as adoption and child custody. For residents of Athens, Georgia, seeking expert legal assistance in these areas is essential to ensuring the best possible outcomes for their families. Athens GA adoption lawyers and child custody lawyers play a crucial role in guiding clients through the intricacies of the legal system, advocating for their rights, and helping them make informed decisions that prioritize the welfare of the children involved.
Athens, GA Adoption Lawyer: Facilitating New Beginnings
Adoption is a life-changing process that brings immense joy and fulfillment to families, but it also involves a rigorous legal framework that must be meticulously followed. In Athens GA Adoption Lawyer are dedicated to assisting prospective parents through every stage of the adoption process. From the initial consultation to the finalization of the adoption, these attorneys provide invaluable support and expertise. They help clients understand the various types of adoption available, such as domestic, international, and foster care adoptions, each with its own set of regulations and requirements. Adoption lawyers in Athens are adept at navigating the legal complexities, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and submitted on time, and representing clients in court when required. Their goal is to make the adoption process as smooth and stress-free as possible, allowing families to focus on the joyous aspects of welcoming a new member.
Understanding the Adoption Process
In addition to handling the legalities, Athens GA adoption lawyers often work closely with adoption agencies and social workers to ensure that the best interests of the child are always at the forefront. They conduct thorough background checks and home studies to assess the suitability of prospective adoptive parents, providing peace of mind to all parties involved. Furthermore, adoption lawyers are equipped to handle any legal challenges that may arise, such as contested adoptions or issues related to the termination of parental rights. Their comprehensive knowledge of Georgia's adoption laws and their commitment to ethical practices make them invaluable allies in the adoption journey.
Equally important in the realm of family law is the issue of child custody. Child custody disputes can be emotionally charged and complex, often requiring the intervention of a skilled attorney to reach a resolution that serves the best interests of the child. In Athens, GA, child custody lawyers are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective representation to parents navigating these challenging situations. Whether clients are seeking sole custody, joint custody, or modifications to existing custody arrangements, these lawyers have the expertise to advocate for their clients' rights and the well-being of their children.
Athens GA Child Custody Lawyer begin by thoroughly understanding the unique circumstances of each case. They gather all pertinent information, including the child's needs, the parents' living situations, and any relevant history of abuse or neglect. This comprehensive approach allows them to build a strong case that supports their client's position while prioritizing the child's safety and stability. In addition to representing clients in court, child custody lawyers often engage in mediation and negotiation to reach amicable agreements without the need for prolonged litigation. Their ability to navigate these alternative dispute resolution methods can save clients time, money, and emotional strain.
Addressing Complex Custody Issues
In cases where court intervention is necessary, Athens GA child custody lawyers are prepared to present compelling arguments and evidence to support their clients' claims. They understand the factors that Georgia courts consider when determining custody arrangements, such as the child's age, the parent's ability to provide a stable environment, and the child's relationship with each parent. By leveraging this knowledge, they can effectively advocate for custody arrangements that promote the child's best interests. Additionally, child custody lawyers are skilled in handling related issues, such as visitation rights, child support, and enforcement of custody orders, ensuring that all aspects of the client's needs are addressed.
One of the most critical roles of Athens GA child custody lawyers is to provide emotional support and guidance to their clients throughout the legal process. Custody disputes can be highly stressful and emotionally draining, particularly when they involve contentious relationships or allegations of misconduct. Child custody lawyers offer a steady and reassuring presence, helping clients navigate their emotions and make informed decisions. They also provide practical advice on how to communicate effectively with the other parent and manage co-parenting arrangements in a way that minimizes conflict and prioritizes the child's well-being.
For both adoption and child custody cases, the selection of a qualified and experienced lawyer is paramount. Athens GA adoption lawyers and child custody lawyers are well-versed in the nuances of family law and possess the skills and compassion needed to handle sensitive and complex cases. Their dedication to their clients and their commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards make them trusted partners in navigating the legal system.
In conclusion, the services of Athens GA adoption lawyers and child custody lawyers are indispensable for families facing the challenges of adoption and custody disputes. These legal professionals provide essential guidance, representation, and support, ensuring that their clients' rights are protected and that the best interests of the children are always prioritized. Whether assisting with the joyous process of adoption or advocating for fair and just custody arrangements, Athens GA family law attorneys are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of their clients and the community. Their expertise and compassion not only facilitate successful legal outcomes but also help families build stronger, healthier relationships for the future.
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blogposts-world · 25 days
Navigating Employment-Based Immigration: Your Guide to Athens Immigration Lawyers
In the dynamic landscape of immigration law, securing employment-based immigration status demands expertise and finesse. For individuals seeking opportunities in Athens, Georgia, the journey toward a new career path can be daunting. Fortunately, with the guidance of Athens Immigration Lawyers, the process becomes navigable and streamlined. Let’s delve into the intricacies of employment-based immigration and how our expert team can facilitate your transition seamlessly.
Understanding Employment-Based Immigration
Employment-based immigration refers to the process of obtaining legal authorization to work in the United States. It encompasses various visa categories tailored to accommodate individuals with different skills, qualifications, and employment needs. From skilled workers and professionals to investors and entrepreneurs, the spectrum of opportunities is vast and multifaceted.
The Role of an Employment Based Immigration Lawyer
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Navigating the complex terrain of employment-based immigration requires adept legal counsel. An experienced employment based immigration lawyer serves as your advocate, guiding you through the intricacies of visa applications, compliance with regulations, and navigating potential challenges along the way.
Why Choose Athens Immigration Lawyers?
When embarking on your journey towards employment-based immigration in Athens, GA, partnering with a reputable legal team is paramount. Athens Immigration Lawyers boasts a proven track record of success, leveraging extensive experience and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction.
Tailored Solutions for Your Immigration Needs
At Athens Immigration Lawyers, we understand that each client's circumstances are unique. Our approach is personalized, catering to your specific goals and objectives. Whether you're seeking temporary work authorization or pursuing permanent residency through employment, our team crafts tailored solutions to suit your needs.
Comprehensive Legal Services
From initial consultation to visa application and beyond, Athens Immigration Lawyers provides comprehensive legal services every step of the way. Our team handles all aspects of the immigration process with precision and efficiency, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Expertise in Employment-Based Visa Categories
With in-depth knowledge of various employment-based visa categories, including H-1B, L-1, EB-1, and EB-2 visas, Athens Immigration Lawyers is equipped to navigate even the most intricate cases. We stay abreast of evolving immigration policies and regulations to provide our clients with cutting-edge solutions.
Client-Centered Approach
At Athens Immigration Lawyers, our clients are our top priority. We recognize the significance of your immigration journey and strive to provide unparalleled support and guidance every step of the way. Our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction sets us apart in the legal landscape.
Your Path to Success Starts Here
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Embarking on the path to employment-based immigration lawyer Athens GA, is a significant endeavor. With Athens Immigration Lawyers by your side, you can navigate this journey with confidence and peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward realizing your career aspirations in the United States.
In the pursuit of employment-based immigration in Athens, GA, having the right legal partner can make all the difference. Athens Immigration Lawyers offers unrivaled expertise, personalized service, and a steadfast commitment to helping clients achieve their immigration goals. Trust us to guide you through the complexities of the immigration process and pave the way for a bright and prosperous future in the United States.
Ready to embark on your journey towards employment-based immigration? Contact Athens Immigration Lawyers today for expert guidance and personalized legal solutions tailored to your needs.
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Need a DUI lawyer in Atlanta or Augusta? Call (404) 567-5515 or visit bubbahead.com for expert DUI defense. #DUILawyer #AtlantaAugusta
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samuelthomaslaw · 2 months
Family Law: Child Custody and Grandparents' Rights in Athens, GA
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In the heart of Georgia lies Athens, a city renowned for its vibrant culture and rich history. Amidst the charm of this bustling community, families face the complexities of legal matters concerning child custody and grandparents' rights. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the crucial role of knowledgeable attorneys specializing in these sensitive areas of family law.
Athens GA Child Custody Lawyer:
Child custody disputes can be emotionally draining and legally intricate, requiring adept legal representation to safeguard the best interests of the child. In Athens GA Child Custody Lawyer for guidance through this challenging process.
Our team of dedicated attorneys understands the nuanced nature of child custody cases. We prioritize the well-being of the child above all else, striving to create solutions that promote stability and security. Whether negotiating custody arrangements amicably or advocating fiercely in court, we offer compassionate support and steadfast advocacy to protect your parental rights.
With a deep understanding of Georgia's custody laws, we tailor strategies to address each family's unique circumstances. From determining custody arrangements to navigating visitation schedules, we provide comprehensive legal guidance every step of the way. Our goal is to empower parents to make informed decisions and reach favorable outcomes that ensure the child's welfare.
Athens GA Grandparents' Rights Lawyer:
Grandparents play an invaluable role in the lives of their grandchildren, providing love, support, and guidance. However, when familial relationships become strained or disrupted, grandparents may find themselves facing legal obstacles in maintaining meaningful connections with their grandchildren.
In Athens GA Grandparents Rights Lawyer seeking to assert their rights turn to experienced attorneys specializing in grandparents' rights. Our compassionate legal team understands the significance of preserving these vital relationships and works tirelessly to protect grandparents' rights under Georgia law.
Navigating grandparents' rights cases requires a nuanced understanding of state statutes and legal precedents. We advocate zealously for grandparents seeking visitation rights or custody arrangements, leveraging our expertise to craft compelling arguments in court. Whether facing parental opposition or navigating complex family dynamics, we provide unwavering support and strategic guidance every step of the way.
Our Approach:
At our firm, we approach each case with empathy, integrity, and unwavering dedication to our clients' best interests. We understand that family law matters are deeply personal and strive to provide compassionate support while pursuing favorable outcomes. With a focus on communication and collaboration, we empower our clients to make informed decisions and navigate the legal process with confidence.
From initial consultations to courtroom representation, our attorneys are committed to providing responsive, personalized service tailored to each client's needs. We prioritize clear communication, ensuring that clients are informed and empowered throughout every stage of their case. Whether advocating for parents in child custody disputes or championing grandparents' rights, we are steadfast allies in the pursuit of justice and resolution.
In Athens, GA, navigating family law matters such as child custody and grandparents' rights requires experienced legal guidance. Our team of dedicated attorneys combines legal expertise with compassion to help families navigate these sensitive issues effectively. Whether advocating for parents or grandparents, we are committed to protecting our clients' rights and promoting the well-being of the children involved.
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attorneykimga · 1 year
Attorney Kim Stephens
Website: https://www.athens-lawfirm.com/athens-dui-lawyer
Address: 1143 Prince Ave, Athens, GA 30606
Phone: +1 706-548-3933
If you have been arrested for DUI in the state of Georgia, you need a powerful defense. DUI is a serious charge that can drastically impact your life, but a DUI arrest does not have to mean a DUI conviction. Hiring an aggressive DUI lawyer with a winning reputation can help you to protect your future. When looking for an Athens, GA DUI lawyer, look no further than Kim T. Stephens. Kim Stephens has over twenty five years experience as a DUI lawyer, winning cases in state and superior courts throughout Georgia. Mr. Stephens has achieved the highest possible AVVO ranking for DUI defense and received the AVVO Client’s Choice Award for DUI defense. Kim T. Stephens was also was named to the National Trial Lawyers Top 100 list and named the Athens Banner Herald’s Reader’s Choice best attorney for several consecutive years.
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athenslawfirm · 1 year
Website: https://www.athens-lawfirm.com/athens-felony-defense-lawyer
Address: 1143 Prince Ave, Athens, GA 30606
Phone: +1 706 548 3933
Athens felony defense lawyer Kim T. Stephens has defended people charged with crimes across the state of Georgia for more than twenty-five years. Kim Stephens has won or successfully resolved serious felony criminal cases in Athens-Clarke County, Gainesville, Hall County, Jackson County, Madison County, Oconee County, Oglethorpe County, Hart County and other counties throughout northeast Georgia. He has also been successful in superior, state and local courts in Macon, Augusta, central Georgia, Gwinnett County, Atlanta, Fulton County, Douglas County, Forsyth County, Barrow County, and most every other county in the metro Atlanta area. Stephens has won or successfully resolved numerous high profile cases in Athens and Atlanta, including representing Atlanta Falcons’ football players, UGA athletes, as well as professionals such as doctors and real estate agents throughout the state of Georgia. Felony defense attorney Stephens understands the damaging impact of the media on successful individuals charged with serious crimes and works to minimize the impact on reputation and home life in addition to aggressively defending the charges.
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Athens GA Adoption Lawyer
Adopting a child is a joyful event. It is also a legal process that can have alot of delays and barriers. The lawyers in Athens, GA Adoption lawyer Samuel E. Thomas is dedicated to representing and guiding you through the adoption process in a streamlined and cost-effective manner. Seek legal advice early in the process to ensure that there will be no unpleasant surprises later.
If you are interested in adopting, we invite you to contact our firm to discuss which adoption avenue is best suited for you.
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legal2900 · 10 months
Debunking Common Myths About Personal Injury Claims
People who lack personal experience may be discouraged from suing or even contacting a personal injury attorney in Athens, Texas due to preconceived notions and misconceptions about how a personal injury case may be handled.
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hostageofeurope · 2 years
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Last Wednesday I also went to the office of the European Lawyers in Lesvos to find out why haven’t they responded to any of my emails sent to them over the past few years.
Having found their office with a lot of difficulties and after speaking with some people there while recording, they promised to take care of my query within 24-hours.
The next day the Managing Director called who has sincerely apologized for the delay in responding and explained due to lack of expertise and strict prohibitions set out in their founding documents, their organization is unable to help with my case before the ECHR.
So after years of utter negligence and only after visiting and recording my visit to their office, this was what they said. That’s the mentality of these people.
See their email in the attachment.
Please spread the word, sign my online Petition now and donate if you can.
Sign the Petition at:
👉 🔗 https://change.org/HostageOfEurope/
Donate to my Fundraising Campaign at:
👉 🔗 https://gogetfunding.com/hostageofeurope/
Thank you for your solidarity and support.
🆘 💔 🙏
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gakiofficial · 2 years
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Online www.gaki.gr In store Gaki Syntagma Athens Greece 4, Karagiorgi Servias & Stoa Kalliga
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a-d-nox · 7 months
greek asteroid observations (part 1)
these observations are completely hypothetical. they are based on my (the those closest to me's) experiences with each aspect/ placement! please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy (these are not the only asteroids in affect for you). take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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⚡︎ libra (7°, 19°) and taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) adonis (2101) people tend to be very in to "being aesthetic" and making things look aesthetic
⚡︎ people tend to be jealous of 7h adonis (2101) people's lovers/husbands
⚡︎ virgo (6°, 18°) amphitrite (29) people don't reject people lightly; often they end up criticizing them and telling exactly why they won't be with a person who admires them
⚡︎ 7h amphitrite (29) people are likely to get cold feet on their wedding day
⚡︎ mars-amphitrite (29) people often refuse to be the pawn in someone else's game
⚡︎ saturn trine amphitrite (29) people often raise the bar for people's expectations over time
⚡︎ sagittarius (9°, 21°) anteros (1943) people might be the fun idea people but others often get the credit for putting their idea into motion
⚡︎ 9h anteros (1943) people often have a lot of friends in college
⚡︎ saturn opposite anteros (1943) people are prone to feeling alone and as though no one is there for them like they are there for others in their time of need
⚡︎ cancer (4°, 16°, 28°) aphrodite (1388) people tend to have a lot of family drama
⚡︎ virgo (6°, 18°) aphrodite (1388) people can be very critical of their romantic partners
⚡︎ pluto negatively aspecting aphrodite (1388) people often have a lot of obsessive lovers that don't know how to quit / leave them alone post-rejection
⚡︎ nn positively aspecting aphrodite (1388) people may feel fated to help others see/find their beauty
⚡︎ part of fortune negatively aspecting aphrodite (1388) people may feel like they are unlucky in love/romances
⚡︎ air and fire apollo (1862) people are often very poetically inclined, while water and earth apollo (1862) people are often more musically inclined
⚡︎ moon negatively aspecting artemis (105) people might not enjoy the feminine companionships they find in this lifetime
⚡︎ mercury negatively aspecting artemis (105) people tend to be antisocial and often do not feel that they get along well with others
⚡︎ scorpio (8°, 20°) asclepius (4581) people might have a voluntary surgery one day or a cesarean section
⚡︎ 4h and 5h asclepius (4581) people are likely to foster children
⚡︎ 8h asclepius (4581) people, like asclepius himself, often have an idea that will break the mold and scares others
⚡︎ libra (7°, 19°), taurus (2°, 14°, 26°), and/or positive aspects to neptune astarte (672) people are good at hiding in plain sight via clothing, makeup, etc.
⚡︎ 7h astarte (672) people are likely to have a foreign partner they meet in their home country
⚡︎ higher thinking and/or religious beliefs tend to be suffocating to 9h astraea (672) people
⚡︎ mc-astraea (672) people tend to look down on the general populace (they see them as savage or lacking morality)
⚡︎ 7h athene (881) / pallas (2) people are likely to get a divorce at some point in life, but they are likely to walk away with a lot of "shared assets" - they would make great family/martial lawyers
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
I made my Apollo & Cassandra post a while back so now it's time for Orestes :)
just. ahhhh. how do i begin.
at the beginning i guess.
Orestes is a young child when he's smuggled out of Argos. By his sister to keep him safe when their father is murdered by their mother. He's a young boy exiled from his home because of the actions of a vengeful queen.
Years later, he receives a mission from Apollo - kill his mother to avenge his father. And he does just that.
Apollo was a young god, not even born yet, when he was exiled from the very earth by a vengeful queen. His mother fought and ran to find a place to deliver him and his own sister to safety. In his mother's honor, he goes out of his way to kill those who dare to harm her - Python and Tityus, to name a few.
The parallels get me okay? Even if it's not a deadringer, they are sill there.
Apollo defends his mother while Orestes kills his.
Orestes was ordered to kill his mother while Apollo murdered others for Leto on his own accord.
And what REALLY gets me is their different motivations in this situation - Orestes believes he's avenging his father, the man he never quite knew. Apollo meanwhile wouldn't loose sleep over Agamemnon's death.
Apollo wasn't aiming to avenge Agamemnon. He was avenging Cassandra.
But he couldn't tell Orestes that, now could he? After all, what was a mere slave girl from Troy to Orestes? Especially since he didn't know her at all.
Avenging Cassandra wouldn't be enough to convince Orestes to commit matricide. So Apollo uses Agamemnon's death as incentive for Orestes.
And it works. Apollo's goals are met - Clytemnestra and Aegisthus are killed, and Cassandra's soul can rest easy now in Elysium.
He could cut his losses and leave Orestes to the Furies. He no longer has anything to do with this.
But Apollo stays with Orestes. He helps him rest in Delphi before getting him a headstart to Athens. He defends him in court from the Furies, in front of the jury of Athenians and Athena herself. He puts himself firmly on Orestes's side and uses whatever means necessary to get him off the hook.
And if that means manipulating the city of Athens via their sexist ideologies? It's free real estate. When you're in court, you use whatever you can to help your client.
And Apollo wins. Orestes is free to go, and the curse of the House of Atreus is gone for good.
just. vibrating from this. the similarities between Apollo & Orestes in their youth that diverges in stark ways. How Apollo could have dropped Orestes the moment his own goal was finished, but chose not too - he chose to take it a step farther and get rid of that curse for good. So Orestes and his family could live in peace.
When I first heard about the Oresteia, and what Apollo says to free Orestes, I had a hard time reconciling it. Apollo just didn't give off those sexist vibes to me (as a matter of facts, very few gods do - after all, they appear how they want when they want. gender is meaningless to gods.).
But I did some digging. Some thinking. And really, Apollo is quite in-character during the trial - he's in Lawyer Mode. He manipulates the system to his advantage as well as the Athenian citizens with their misogynistic beliefs.
Because think about it. Apollo uses the argument, in brief terms, that a mother has no claim on the child because they are only for making babies. This gets half of the Athenian jury to immediately side with Orestes.
Is this a bullshit argument? Absolutely. But sometimes a bullshit argument gets your client out of trouble and that's the job of a lawyer - to help their client.
For a closing statement, I also want to say that I don't think Apollo himself believes that sexist opinion. After all, Leto was the one running around the world to find a safe place to deliver him and Artemis - Zeus did very little to help.
It was his mom who did all the work, and Apollo is very clearly a mama's boy.
Plus, 99.9% of the people Apollo hangs out with are women. Leto, Artemis, the Muses, Athena, Hecate, Aphrodite, ect ect
There's no way he actually buys that argument. He just used it to gaslight the very-sexist Athenians into voting in Orestes's favor because godsdammit that curse needs to go!
thank you for coming to my TEDTalk. I have feelings. goodnight now. happy new year. i shall post a snippet of a storyboard idea for my mythology series tomorrow that features apollo & orestes because I HAVE FEELINGS.
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mariacallous · 9 months
NOVI SAD, Serbia (JTA) — In the heart of downtown in Serbia’s second-largest city, nestled between brick buildings on a leafy street, sits a large synagogue.
With its 130-foot-high central dome and faded yellow brick facade, along with its Jewish school and offices on either side, the synagogue’s three-building complex has become a must-see tourist attraction, with multilingual panels in its courtyard explaining the area’s Jewish history.
The synagogue was built to accommodate up to 950 worshippers in the first decade of the 20th century. But like the city and Serbia more broadly, the building has clearly seen better days. On two recent days, a family was camped outside the entrance, begging passersby for money.
Before World War II, Novi Sad had roughly 60,000 inhabitants, 4,300 of whom were Jews — about 7% of the total population. Most were affluent merchants, lawyers, doctors and professors. Their wealth was reflected in the city’s opulent synagogue, constructed between 1906 and 1909 by Hungarian Jewish architect Lipot Baumhorn, whose work incorporated elements of the Art Nouveau movement.
Today, however, the prominent building serves a dwindling community that, like others decimated by the Holocaust and further eroded by the Balkan wars of the 1990s, fears for its future as residents disperse abroad. Only about 640 Jews remain in Novi Sad; others have sought a future in Israel or countries that offer more economic opportunity.
“We use our own shul only for Yom Kippur,” said Novi Sad native Ladislav Trajer, the deputy president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia.
“We get six to 10 people for Shabbat — maybe 15 — but fewer than half are male so we can’t make a minyan,” said Trajer, referencing  a Jewish prayer quorum of 10 men. He spent eight years in Israel and also served in the Israel Defense Forces. “Even in Belgrade, which is much larger, the rabbi doesn’t always get a minyan. And nobody here keeps kosher. You can’t get kosher meat.”
Novi Sad was a thriving center of Jewish life in prewar Yugoslavia and the city — now a metropolis of 370,000 sometimes called the “Serbian Athens” — was named a European Culture Capital of 2022 for its arts, food, architecture and other cultural scenes.
But most local Jews see few prospects for themselves in a country beset by economic turmoil. Between 1990 and 2000 — following Yugoslavia’s collapse; the ethnic wars in Croatia, Bosnia and later Kosovo; and the imposition of crippling sanctions by the United States, the European Union and the United Nations — Serbia’s GDP tumbled from $24 billion to $8.7 billion. By 1993, nearly 40% of Serbia’s people were living on less than $2 a day, and at present, the average Serb earns approximately $430 to $540 a month.
Despite those difficulties, Serbia agreed in 2017 to pay just over $1 million annually over the ensuing 25 years to its remaining Jews as compensation for property nationalized by the postwar communist regime. Half of that money goes directly to Jewish community organizations, 20% to Holocaust survivors and the remaining 30% to projects that aim to preserve Jewish traditions.
Since 2012, the Novi Sad community has also earned income by renting out its huge synagogue to the municipality for classical music concerts. In return, the city maintains the complex as a historic monument, and it is now repairing the synagogue’s roof and fixing leaky water pipes.
“These buildings were close to collapse,” said Trajer. He added that the city’s neglected Jewish cemetery can look like a forest. “So we are cutting the trees and struggling to put up fences.”
Although antisemitic incidents are not too common, Serbia, like most other countries in Eastern Europe, also contends with a strong nationalist streak. Trajer, who monitors antisemitism closely, said around 1,500 Serbs belong to extremist groups, of which perhaps 120 are active. Serbian Action, a small group of neo-Nazis, occasionally holds rallies and spray-paints antisemitic, anti-immigrant and anti-gay graffiti on public buildings.
“In high school, my history professor joked that Hitler couldn’t get into an art academy, and that’s why he decided to kill the Jews,” said Teodora Paljic, a 20-year-old Jewish university student. “I don’t talk about these things with people I don’t feel safe around.”
She said that “Life in Serbia is very difficult” because “all the prices have gone up, but salaries haven’t increased since 2019.”
Novi Sad is the capital of Vojvodina, an autonomous province that covers much of northern Serbia, and at the local Jewish community’s zenith, 86 synagogues flourished in the province. Today, only 11 remain standing, and most have fallen into disuse.
Mirko Štark, president of the Jewish Community of Novi Sad, said Jews first settled in the city in the 17th century, shortly after its founding in 1694 under the Hapsburg monarchy.
“When the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where most Ashkenazim lived, introduced new laws that restricted Jews from living in cities, many people ran to the border area, where these laws were not so strictly enforced,” Štark said. Later, when the Serbs captured Vojvodina, those restrictions were rescinded, and the Jewish community blossomed.
Following World War I and the establishment of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes — later Yugoslavia — Novi Sad’s Jews enjoyed a cultural and economic renaissance that saw the formation of a Jewish community center, athletic clubs, choirs and several Jewish newspapers.
That renaissance ended abruptly in 1941, when the Hungarian army, in collaboration with Nazi Germany, occupied Novi Sad, making life for Jews intolerable. Over a three-day period in January 1942 now known as the Novi Sad Massacre, the Hungarians rounded up more than 1,400 Jews, seized their property, shot them in their backs and threw them into the freezing Danube River.
After Hungary’s capitulation to Germany, armed guards herded the city’s remaining 1,800 Jews into the synagogue and kept them there for two days in deplorable conditions without food or water. On April 27, 1944, the Nazis marched their weakened Jewish captives to the train station, then forced them on a train to Auschwitz that took two months to arrive due to Allied bombing.
Only 300 of Novi Sad’s Jews survived the Holocaust, and rebuilt the community virtually from scratch in the ensuing postwar chaos.
“There were no religious people anymore, and no rabbi,” said Štark. “Many went to Israel in the first aliyah. The small number of Jews remaining tried to keep the community alive, opening a kitchen to provide food for people who couldn’t buy for themselves. My grandmother survived Auschwitz. She worked in that kitchen.”
According to Trajer, from 1948 to 2022, no Shabbat services were held. These days, Trajer conducts all religious services because he’s the only one who knows the Hebrew prayers fluently.
With 640 members, Novi Sad has the nation’s second-largest Jewish population after Belgrade. The capital is home to more than half of the country’s 3,000 Jews, out of a total population of 7.1 million. Smaller Jewish communities can also be found in Subotica, Niš and other cities. Only the synagogues in Belgrade and Subotica — the latter located a few miles from the Hungarian border — still function.
Most members of the Novi Sad community, including Štark, have married non-Jews.
“My wife is not Jewish. Neither was my mother. Only my father was Jewish,” he said. “After World War II, the choices for finding husbands and wives within the community was limited. For this reason, we accept non-Jewish spouses as members. This is the only way to survive.”
Štark, 70, is a retired professor of media production who worked for years at Novi Sad’s main TV station. He’s also the longtime president of the synagogue’s choir, HaShira, which sings in Hebrew, Ladino and Yiddish and recently won an award for its performances in neighboring Montenegro. Only three of the choir’s 35 members are Jews.
“When I began my mandate as president a year and a half ago, we woke up many activities in the Jewish community that had existed only on a small scale before,” he said.
Besides the choir, these include the Zmaya dance troupe as well as a Jewish culture club that meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. to discuss books and Israeli movies. There’s also a “baby club” for small children and another club for teens, whose activities are led by two adults. Hanukkah and Passover are celebrated by families together, and on Tu B’Shvat, the community plants trees.
The community is also investing in its members, and Paljic is emblematic of that hope.
Paljic, interviewed at the trendy Café Petrus, a 15-minute walk from Novi Sad’s Jewish cemetery, is the daughter of Jewish parents who met at a Purim party in Belgrade.
“My grandparents were killed in Jasenovac [a notoriously brutal concentration camp], but my best friend’s grandmother survived Auschwitz,” she said. “The problem is, people don’t talk about Judaism because they’re scared. There is still antisemitism. Last year, somebody drew a swastika at the entrance to the Jewish cemetery in Belgrade. We were all shocked.”
This summer, Paljic worked as a counselor at Hungary’s Camp Szarvas, which brings together young Jews from throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The camp welcomed 20 children from Novi Sad this year; the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee paid their tuition.
While she would like to be close to her family, Paljic said she must be practical.
“I want to go somewhere outside Serbia when I finish college,” she said. “I don’t see my career here. I love art history and photography, but there’s no money in that in Serbia.”
Despite the challenges, Štark isn’t ready to say kaddish for Novi Sad’s Jews just yet.
“We will keep the Jewish spirit alive here. We are working hard, starting with the children,” he said. “If we don’t, everything will die in five or 10 years. So it depends on us.”
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tenbiin · 5 months
I hate his ass
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EDIT: Putting some bio here idk
Name: Thenes Aegeus
Sign: Libicorn
Age: 10 sweeps
His first name may refer to Cleisthenes was an ancient Athenian lawgiver credited with reforming the constitution of ancient Athens and setting it on a democratic footing in 508 BC which refering he is a lawyer and it could be from Demosthenes which is a politician that accuses someone else about corruption which impifies Thenes accuses his own moirail for corrupting corrupting money.
His back name is from the name of Aegeus which is a founder of Athenians insitution and is the founder of Athens city. Athens is widely referred to as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy which is created by Cleisthenes. For these accomplishments, historians refer to him as The father of Athenian democracy which might be reffering to him trying to add a new law in the whole Alternia which is about justifying the lower bloods but this make the higherbloods despise him alot. His back name might also be from Aegus which is a genus of stag beetles which has similiar pincers with his horns or can be refering his lusus which is also a beetle.
Troll handle: acebricTribunal
Acebric because of how critically sarcastic his words to intimidate others and tribunal because law place, teals ykyk.
Other stuff: He just thinks hes the same as those nobel highbloods, he hates the lowbloods despite being as a teal someone who works for the law system. He just does all of these law things because he just have to and because money. Hes a huge workaholic and have a bad tasting buds, ussually eats unused scrapped papers in his hive. He just treats everyone like shit including his moirail and matesprit but thats how he shows affection.
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All of them are horrible beings, him and his matesprit culled his kismesis and just kiss infront of the remainings.
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Lusus is a stagbeetle and deer mix and ps Id like to think hes just like the actual Libra sign like Terezi but its justice with a twist since the sign is more curly like.
He speaks by replacing sS as $ and anything like I, Me, Myself, Mine always have a capslock infront as if he thinks hes just great. everything else is lowercase and >B-} >B-[ <B-[ emote variants ig.
Art styles might look different but all sprites and arts are by me 👍
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