yellowis4happy · 10 years
atlphyre replied to your post:bisexualtransgirlsmellerbee answered your...
Always West Indian. I’m half Caribbean and the diversity and culture reminded me of visiting Trinidad and other islands as a kid
Thanks for the input! This is another new one.
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allyitis · 10 years
what is mollu's favourite crayola colour
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk i haevn't ememorizzed all the ingricute colouter names b/c i'm a terribel artist. but like. silver????
do any of tghem taste goodd??????
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demonguysobchild · 10 years
sdfghjk bb
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tonelessturbo · 11 years
A song you like with a colour in the title: Fuchsia ruler
A song that makes you want to dance: *loud eye brow waggling in Dex's direction*
A song that you never get tired of: Obviously I had to actually post this time to find it
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kiterstock · 11 years
The answers I've given so far, posted like this because mobile was being mean
Viciouschristine asked for 10-17… 10. What are you craving right now? Lips against mine. 11. Turn ons? Hickeys, androgyny, masculinity, femininity, confidence, dancers/singers/performers in whatever capacity, comfortability, exhibitionism, dominance, motivation and drive, competence, etc etc etc 12. Turn offs? Certain fetishes (bloodplay, breathplay), clinginess, prejudice, hatred, jerks, etc etc 13. What comes to mind with the word cabbage? The time at my aunt’s house when I almost died choking on a cabbage roll. 14. Last time I cried and why? The last time I cried was probably a week and a half ago because my counsellor got me to dredge up a bunch of shit I didn’t want to address. 15. What superhero? Um, wolverine I guess 16. Has the person who hurt you most in your life apologized? Short answer: yes, kind of. But she didnt know the full extent of pain she caused, and the apology made nothing better. It made me feel guilty for harbouring resentment towards her. 17. Bite or lick ice cream? Lick
Mollu asked 4, 10,11, 47 4. Do you plan outfits? Sometimes. Sometimes its just like…. this smells and looks clean, so ill wear it. 10 and 11 above 47. Best experience with drugs or alcohol Alcohol, a few weeks ago, I drank a bottle of wine and went out with a couple friends. It was a good night
Atlphyre asked 22, 33, 44 22. What are you listening to? Distant bridge traffic, my fan across the room, and myself typing on my tablet 33. Five facts about me Im almost 20, and almost always assumed to be 23 or so. I study French and psychology but my true passion is student leadership. I don’t remember what I originally wrote as my other three facts….. so… I have a sidecut that I buzz myself or with a friend’s help. I don’t identify my sexuality with any label currently.  Ummmm…. I have 2 nephews. 44. Fave bedtime story? As a young child, Grandfather Twilight
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atlphyre · 8 years
Tumblr media
Natural crazy curls and no makeup :) #selflove #curlyhair #nomakeup #hawaiipics #desigirl #mixedrace #girlwithapearlearring #atlphyre #bibeauty
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connectingfannibals · 11 years
London Ontario Canada
Added! :)
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demonguysobchild · 10 years
atlphyre replied to your post: “how am i supposed to study when im crying my eyes out because my mom...”:
I left home. . i'm on campus I have a private study room all week let me know if you want my number
my exam is at 9am tomorrow but i'll hold you to that for my saturday exam
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hannibalscannibals · 11 years
atlphyre replied to your post: Re: Abigail. Hannibal eats those he hates, and he did love Abigail. Also. How did Will get those defensive wounds? I think its HIGHLY probable that a one eared Abigail is living in hiding somewhere, and Hannibal’s goodbye was because he’s leaving to go with her, and he’s hoping Will follows.
He sorta ate Mischa though
He did but not willingly, and it's what fucked him up to start with. He said he's very different to Garret Jacob Hobbs who likes to honour all his victims (by using/eating every piece). He said to Abigail that he regrets not being able to save her in this life so that confirms the Mischa reference. I highly doubt he would eat her as he only really eats the rude (from what we've seen so far).
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fuckinghannibal · 11 years
In response to that ask about a Hannibal-Clarice RP: countlecter & agentmstarling :)
Thank you very much! I will be sure to pass on the info. :)
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kiterstock · 11 years
What are the first 5 words that you think of when you think of mee
Art, beauty, funny , sexy and awesomeesauce :)
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atlphyre · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SfiMA87bM4) Mollu and I singing together again first time in 5 years? <3
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atlphyre · 10 years
Anon PSA
I will not answer anonymous messages from people who clearly know me in person and are trying to be aggressive. I will also not be able to post messages if you put personal info about me in them as I don't feel comfortable doing that.. feel free to ask off anon.
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atlphyre · 10 years
I agree. While I always thought the scene could have had another paragraph or two talking about how with a half human its different, and humans are held to different standards, i wouldn't shit on the entire series due to one paragraph. The rest of the books have great themes about empowering women and what is wrong and right
Thank you for your addition! — I certainly can’t say what will or won’t make or break a series for everyone individually but sometimes I think Tamora Pierce adds these lines to challenge our modern conventions and make us think about how we perceive things as normal in our society. She is faced with the conflict of being true to the message as well as true to the character and in this instance I think it may not be all it seems.
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atlphyre · 10 years
Just a personal for anyone who might follow this blog and to everyone following my Tamora Pierce blog. I am writing my MCAT soon and as such may disappear for a while. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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