#atrocious takes on tumblr dot com
gay-otlc · 1 year
Tumblr media
Straight trans guys need to understand that something that has repeatedly happened to them never really happened. Straight trans guys need to understand that they imagined all of it. Straight trans guys need to understand that they are not the authority on their own experiences.
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alexiaugustin · 2 years
season two of shadow and bone should have shown absolutely every last fucking person that this show is a soulless piece of trash adaptation that doesn’t understand nor gives two fucks about the source material they're allegedly trying to adapt and that the people behind this show were all lying to your faces when they apologized for the things that upset people for 24 hours before season one streamed two years ago, because after all this show still erases the trauma of a woman’s sexual abuse story and they are still sexualizing bisexual people and they are still fucking everything about these characters and their dynamics up.
season one should have upset most people enough to stop stanning this show but during the last two years we have learned that there’s A Lot that the tv industry can do that people won’t care about. an ableist, colorist and fatphobic and age inaccurate casting that hurts people by taking their representation away is something people won’t care about. complex characters being reduced to an inch of what they actually are like so they and their relationship can neatly fit into archetypes, tropes and ao3 tags is something people won’t care about. showrunners getting exposed for having their white stunt doubles do brownface is something people won’t care about. a show having a dumb script that makes everyone on the show look like a fucking loser is something people won’t care about.
and now season two is out and they did everything they already did in season one wrong but it’s somehow still so much worse. after watching season one i felt like the deeply offensive and wrong things about this show were still explainable, season two actually has me at loss for words because of how bad it is. because of how there’s not a single thing they did right about the soc books; not the characters, not their relationships, not their storyline, nor the world they live in. i could give a few examples like the fact that kaz told inej that feeling as if she’s not really free from the menagerie where she was sex trafficked as a child "isn’t her fight anymore, it’s his“ just because pekka rollins owns her now. or the fact that wylan and jesper met via a one night stand and were fucking by episode four even tho they don’t even kiss before the end of ck. or that they turned pekka rollins into a super villain who wants to kill kaz even though the whole point of his role in the books is that he has no idea why kaz has it out for him and he doesn’t care abt these teenagers.
i could explain all these and so many more examples in depth, and still it wouldn’t be enough to capture the the true scope of how bad and truly horrible this show is. and yet. and yet when i log into tumblr dot com or twitter dot com i see gifsets of this show, of the relationships they don’t understand, of the characters they butchered and i'm seeing people rooting for another season of this nonsense. at this point this show feels like a social experiment that’s trying to see how far people will go to defend a deeply offensive and atrociously bad piece of media. and during the last 48 hours i've come to realize that some of y'all will never be able to be pushed too far. some of y’all had their brains rotted away a long time ago when tiktok and ao3 made you believe that media is nothing more than the consumption of aesthetics, tropes and archetypes and that it’s a good thing if these are responsible for the death of art. if you claim to love the book and the show at the same time you are lying to yourself because that is simply impossible. you have, in short, truly lost the fucking plot.
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fiddlertoad · 2 years
so like i have a crush on a dude so i guess i like some level of masculinity, which is now oppositional to my set of beliefs. i'm angry for holding such atrocious feelings for some goddamn dude that i found on Tumblr dot com. i have to resolve these feelings and therapy is pretty expensive, so i have a grade A idea and i need the community support for this.
is it a good idea to write a poem that roasts the shit out of this dude, with so many layers of irony hiding my genuine feelings for him?
(sorry if it sounds harsh but i am mad for liking dudes if it wasn't obvious enough)
anon i know you sent this to the wrong blog but somehow you sent this to the right place BECAUSE I RELATE TO THIS ON SO MANY LEVELS.
write it, it's cathartic, let it consume you through art, take the best out of it and when it wears out let it go. Enjoy the ride in all ways you can. And you're not going mad, welcome to having a special interest on someone, basically, if i were to guess.
also, i have my dms opened for rants, i may take a while to answer tho
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scopop08 · 6 months
Eeevery day I log on to Tumblr dot com and see at least one atrocious take from mcytblr
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ohworm9000 · 1 year
I’m tucked away in a little corner of a cafe, looking thoughtfully at my tablet’s screen. On the outside, looking like I’m taking care of important tasks/reading/working. In actually, I’m going insane on tumblr dot com reblogging my gay little characters and reading the most atrocious smut you’ve ever laid eyes on
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fleurdulys · 6 years
one of the most important things i’ve been learning these past few years is to keep my mouth shut about things that don’t concern me or that don’t really affect me or the world around me.  it’s okay not to have an opinion on everything.  like sometimes i still falter but i’m getting better at it with age
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monstermoviedean · 2 years
taking breaks from forced socializing to post atrocious things on tumblr dot com
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GAMZEE: ThEsE rEdEmPtiVe FuCkIn EuReKa ThUnDeRcLaPs AlL bAnGiNg At My ThInK pAn... GAMZEE: GeTtInG mE tO gO aLl LiKe, BoO hOo, I’m BaD, i’M bAd! GAMZEE: WhAt I’m SaYiNg AbOuT iS tHe RaW sHiT i DiD gOt SoMe ExPlAnAtIoNs To MaKe YoU sEe ThE tRuTh. GAMZEE: ThE tRuTh ThAt My GnArLiNeSs HaD a MoThErFuCkIn TeNtFuL oF *rOoT cAuSeS* yA gOtTa InDuLgE mE aT. GAMZEE: lIsTeN uP bOyS aNd HoEs, CaUsE hErE cOmEs A bUnCh Of NoIsE tHaT’s MoRaLlY fUcKiN mItIgAtInG aS sHiT. GAMZEE: hOoOoOoNk. JOHN: (oh jesus.) ROXY: (shh!) GAMZEE: I bEeN aLl LiKe. AbUsEd AnD sTuFf, HoMiEs. GAMZEE: As A cHiLd, I gOt MoThErFuCkIn NeGlEcTeD oN bY a StErN oLd FaThErLy GoAt. GAMZEE: I wAs A dIsApPoInTmEnT oN hIm, AnD cAn’T sAyS i BlAmE hIm FoR aBaNdOnInG tHe ShIt OuT oF hIs UsElEsS kId. GAMZEE: I wOuLdA mOtHeRfUcKiN dOnE tHe SaMe ShIt At Me If I wAs A bIg CrUeL gOaT. GAMZEE: sO ThAt ExPlAiNs LiKe, PrEtTy SuRe MoSt Of My CrImEs In A wAy ThAt MaKeS a MoThErFuCkEr WaNnA tAkE hIs FoRgIvEnEsS oUt FoR a FuCkInG sPiN. GAMZEE: tHeRe’S oThEr ReAsOnS tO cOnSiDeR, LiKe... GAMZEE: ShIt ThAt MaKeS tHiS rEdEmPtIoN aRc FuCkIn TiGhT lIkE aN uNcRaCkEd ElIxIr. GAMZEE: LiKe, HoWs My PuRpLe BlOoD mEaNt I gOt ThE cUlTuRe PrEsSuReS pUt On Me To Be A SaLtY dAmN jEsTeR fOr LiFe. GAMZEE: WhAt aBoUt ThAt HaNd ThE mEsSiAhS dEaLt Me, My BiTcHeS. GAMZEE: a MoThErFuCkEr’S gOnNa EnVy ThAt LiKe A wIcKeD cOd RaSh. GAMZEE: So HoW cAn I fUlL aNd TrUlY fUcKiN gEt BlAmEd On FoR, wHeN iT cOmEs To A lITtLe BiT oF sUbJuGgLaTiOn I gOt CuLtUrAlLy HoRnSwOgGlEd Up To DoInG, aNd AlSo TrAgIcAlLy GoAt AbUsEd WhIcH nEeDs To MaKe YoU sHeD a TeAr FoR tHiS mOtHeRfUcKeR, lEsT yOu WaNnA bE aS aTrOcIoUs As Me.
These are all points I’ve seen people use to explain Gamzee’s character on Tumblr dot com. Hearing someone give the fan explanation for their behavior is quite jarring. It feels insincere on a story level, since it is basically what fans say to reduce his responsibility, and on a meta level it almost feels like the writers are making fun of these fans. Very weird.
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