#attack on titan vets
cluelessjellyfish · 3 months
Break time✨️
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lewajek · 1 year
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Screencap redraws... this is the most fun.
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aotincorrectquotes · 9 months
Hanji: *takes off glasses* I don't want to see you right now
Levi: ??
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aot-apricity · 10 months
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retrograde-tonic · 3 months
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Did a redraw of the panel that made me love Levi in the first place
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moonspirit · 1 month
rip Sasha you would’ve loved Burger King
Rip Levi you would’ve loved technological vacuums
Rip hange you would’ve loved Reddit
Rip eren you would’ve loved bullying kids on Roblox
Rip gabi and falco you would’ve loved Roblox
Rip armin you would’ve loved YouTube
Rip mikasa you would’ve loved rock music
Rip Annie you would’ve loved crumbl cookies
Rip Jean you would’ve loved being prom king
Rip Connie you would’ve loved edibles
Rip Reiner you would’ve loved football
Rip pieck you would’ve loved Sephora
Rip Erwin you would’ve loved documentaries
Rip porko you would’ve loved joints
Rip Zeke you would’ve loved sunglasses
Rip onyankopon you would’ve loved bacardi
All of these are absolute truths and facts 😤!
Eren's bit took me the fuck out lmao xD I like to think Reiner is also the type to fall for hilarious misinformation because... yes, well, because.
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newjeansaot · 3 months
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animementrash · 9 months
AOT veterans headcanons
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Tags: just random thoughts on the main three vets, they/them pronouns for Hange, some may be ooc?, SFW only
A/N: Here are my headcanons based on how I percieve them, I have some more for the rest of the characters but I'm posting only three for now because they are longer than expected. (I also have NSFW ones but I'm waiting until I get more comfortable with sharing my thoughts before posting those) Hope you like them and thank you for reading!
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Levi Ackerman:
Washes his hands constantly, almost too many times a day.
Would rather fight a titan with an arm tied to his back than do the dishes. The mere thought of soggy leftovers sticking to his hands makes him gag.
Avoids going out to public places because he’s aware of his popularity inside the walls and doesn’t know how to act when he’s the center of attention.
Following the previous topic and contrary to popular beliefs, this man would never reject a gift/letter/trinket given to him by a local. It can be the most random thing but he will always accept them with a small nod, he’s deeply thankful for their blind trust in him.
Yawns and stretches ALL THE TIME, he is known for sleeping as little as 3 or 4 hours per night and while he’s able to go on with his day without problems, this doesn’t mean he isn’t feeling drowsy all the time so he’s almost always letting out quiet yawns and stretching his arms to ease the soreness of his body.
Sneezes a lot when cleaning. It’s not rare at all to hear him sneeze when he’s dusting or sweeping, if someone says “Bless you” to him he’ll quietly mumble a “thanks” before getting back to cleaning.
Has a favorite seat at the dining table and gets grumpy when someone takes that place before him.
Speaking of dinner, this man eats SLOW AS HELL, he’s usually one of the last to finish his meal.
Is constantly thirsty because he refuses to drink anything but tea.
Has memorized everyone’s footsteps and knows who’s coming to his office before they even knock the door.
Cleans and calibrates his ODM gear daily even when he’s not planning on using it.
Doesn’t like to be in new recruit’s trainings because he gets anxious when most of them hurt themselves while getting used to work with the ODM gear.
Trims his hair weekly, most people believe he shapes his haircut and has hairdresser-like skills when in reality all he does is trim it to avoid losing the shape it already has.
Can’t read cursive even if his life depends on it. One time Erwin handed him a memo written in cursive and he got so frustrated because he didn’t understand what it said that he ended up ignoring the memo. Turns out Erwin needed him to turn in some reports earlier than usual and got scolded because of it.
Loves eating fruit. Fruit was considered an ultra luxury item in the underground so when he realized how much fruit he could eat once he was in the scouts, he got obsessed with it.
Whines and complains a lot for a person who’s known to be grumpy and stoic. Ask him to do something he dislikes and you’ll hear a bunch of huffs and puffs before he goes to do it.
Talks with his horse. A lot.
Wanders through the empty halls when he can’t sleep and doesn’t bother to bring a candle to light the path, the cadets now believe there is a ghost haunting the headquarters.
Erwin Smith:
Hums and whistles a lot, he’s always making some kind of noise while signing reports or walking down the halls. You can hear this man before seeing him.
Takes more time than he’s willing to admit in styling his hair every morning. He is a firm believer that appearance matters a lot so he puts a lot of effort on his.
 Has a specific pair of glasses he uses when reading, almost no one knows about it besides Hange who helped him choose the right ones.
Talks in his sleep, it can vary between mumbled nonsense to full on speeches.
Has a journal that is more like a diary because he writes all his thoughts/hopes/fears on it but he’d be damned if someone refers to it as a diary and not a journal.
Is lowkey afraid of insects but plays it cool when he comes across one because he doesn’t want to come out as “weak”.
Snaps his fingers when trying to remember something.
People think he’s a very wise and smart man because it’s very common to find him “deep in thoughts”, truth is he just tends to zone out and disassociates like crazy.
Loves dogs, he’s the biggest dog person in the scouts. Often stops and pets dogs he finds while taking a walk downtown.
Cleans and polishes his shoes every night before going to sleep. Whenever his face gets reflected on the shiny shoe a smile appears on his lips.
Not always but sometimes sneaks out behind the barracks to smoke some cigarettes, tries to hide all evidence afterwards because Levi will start complaining about the awful smell.
Would rather be late to an early meeting than go without shaving, has to shave daily because by the end of the day he already has a shadow beard.
Is well aware of his attractiveness and uses it to his advantage when needed.
Visits his father’s grave every Sunday and spends most of the day there. Sometimes brings a book and reads it out loud.
Smacked his face after trying to see through a clear glass Levi had cleaned earlier, after laughing for several minutes Levi scolded him for dirtying his glass.
His wardrobe is full of neutral-colored clothes, he sucks at matching outfits so goes with the safest options.
Knows very well Levi can’t read cursive so when he’s bored, he scribbles gibberish on a paper and gives it to Levi saying it’s important to get it done by end of day just to get a laugh.
Has relatives living inside the walls who refuse to acknowledge him, some of them even pretend he died the same day his dad did.
Has an ongoing bet with Hange to see who makes Levi laugh the most, so far Erwin is winning by one but only because he accidentally fell from his horse and Levi found it hilarious.
Arm-wrestles with Miche a lot, especially after they had a few beers.
LOVES dancing, this man knows how to dance and isn’t afraid to show it. (Sadly for him he also loves to clap when dancing and this makes everyone laugh)
Hange Zoe:
Is both street-smart and book-smart, is the only person who has beaten Erwin in a chess match and also beaten Levi in a wrestling match.
Almost always has pencils sticking out of their hair, they place them there for a moment and totally forget about them.
Levi restricted them from using fountain pens because they would spill ink and stain everything and everywhere.
The reason why their glasses have straps on is not only because the risk of them falling off is smaller but also because according to them “it makes them look cooler”.
Wanted to join Erwin in giving instructions to Levi written in cursive but since their handwriting wasn’t as good as Erwin’s they opted for giving instructions in riddles, this makes Levi even more furious than the cursive ones.
Just like Levi, Hange takes a long time when eating dinner but the reason for this is not because they eat slow but because they talk a lot. By the end of the meal their food is either cold or soggy.
Tried to bite a titan once just to show them how it felt to be “on the receiving side”.
Their horse has tiny braids on its mane made by them when they were nervous.
Refuses to brush their hair because their ideas may “fall off” if they do it.
Tackled Levi once when they saw an “eerie figure” roaming the headquarters halls and thought it was a new species.
Has read more books than anyone in the scouts, knows a little of almost everything.
Says “wait, what?” at least twice when talking with someone, before that person can repeat themselves, they interrupt with a completely related answer and expect the person to continue speaking as if nothing happened.
Almost all cadets go to them for advice, they take this very seriously and never joke around when listening to their concerns.
Just like Erwin, they have relatives living nearby the headquarters but they’re not interested in one another.
Has a tendency to bite their nails when nervous, all his fingernails are short and bumpy because of it.
Is very quick at math and calculations.
Always carry a pocket notebook with them and writes anything that catches their attention so they can investigate about it later.
LOVES bugs, is always trying to catch them and examinate them. One time they trapped a cockroach and created a full design of an “armored suit” based on them, when Erwin asked where they got the inspiration for it, they just placed the cockroach in Erwin’s desk and Erwin almost fainted on the spot.
Randomly goes to Miche and asks him “what do I smell like?”, Miche stopped participating on their little riddles when Hange decided to put rotting food in their pockets before asking.
All their books have little notes and highlighted parts on them. Sometimes has two or three copies of the same book because their view on certain parts changes over time.
Takes pinky-promises as a legit way of commitment.
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starshower1215 · 11 days
All the veterans have different ways of making Levi succumb to their silly whims using peer pressure and manipulation. Hange will, as per usual, beg and beg until Levi finally does the thing they want to get them off his case. Erwin will always say, with a knowing smile, "I knew he wouldn't do it anyway." Mike always states it like a challenge: "I didn't know humanity's strongest is scared of a little prank." Nanaba likes to guilt trip him, almost, because I like to imagine Levi has a soft spot for the only other half-sensible person: "Fine, fine, go do whatever you want. I'll just go do the stupid thing... alone... sigh."
And he falls for it every time, he knows. But he doesn't mind, very deep down, because he has a lot of good memories from falling for it.
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lilliyoona · 4 months
Thinking too much about the fate of the scout vets gets me so sad…
Thinking about how Hange can’t even be properly memorialized. There’s no body to recover. It’s been burned into ash and trampled into dust.
Thinking about how postwar Levi might talk with a portrait artist, in lieu of photographs to remember them by. Describing what all of his friends and comrades looked like. Recalling them vividly with his minds eye. And how that one portrait of Hange would be the only proof she ever existed.
He sees the world now through one little eye, he knows it’s the only remaining lense through which his fallen comrades could see what their sacrifices were ever for. He’s the only one left to carry their memory.
He finds no personal glory or triumph in being the hero.
He resumes life with the noble and humble effort of planting trees.
And the world moves on.
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pulpolicia · 4 months
I was thinking about Levi’s first months at the survey corps, how he slowly warmed up to the other veterans and i remembered that Hange mentioned Mike smells every guy he meets or smth like that,
like, a good heckin S N I F F
I wonder how bad that went for both of them, taking into account that:
1. Let’s be honest, that’s fucking WEIRD and MORTIFYING
2. He smashed Levi’s face into sewage that one time💀
3. Im fairly certain Levi values his personal space, and Miche can get pretty damn close for that s n i f f
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wingedwhitelioness · 8 months
New T-shirt design preview from Airtwokyo 😭💔
“Dedicate your hearts”
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aotincorrectquotes · 1 year
Levi: I made my therapist cry
Hanji: that means you win
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aot-apricity · 23 days
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Levi and Zeke torment each other in yet another universe!
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retrograde-tonic · 4 months
The lovelies as vampires
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moonspirit · 4 months
@imagination-abound sent me these CD dramas
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