#au!declan harp
My Alpha Ch. 3
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 Donations | Share your Thoughts & Feelings | My Alpha Series (coming soon) | Chapter 2
You wrapped your arms around yourself as you leaned closer to the campfire. The quarterly pack camping trip, you hated this damn camping trip and for the last two years, you’d been lucky enough to get your heat during EACH one. But, you should have guessed your luck would run out eventually. “Hot chocolate?” Declan's voice came from above you, looking up, you saw him extending a hand with a small, steaming cup in it. 
You smiled and graciously took the cup, “Thank you very much,” you said sipping the hot beverage. Declan took a seat next to you and smiled nodding, “Of course, you looked like you were ready to throw yourself into the flames to get warm.” he chuckled as you laughed some. “Yeah, I haven’t been on one of these trips in a long time, forgot how cold it gets.” you said quietly. 
Declan stared at the fire for a few moments, just enjoying being near you, before he looked in your direction, “Do you mind if I ask you something?” he asked as you looked at him and shook your head. “Where’s your mom?” he watched as you flinched slightly at the question. “I’m sorry, it's not my business, I shouldn’t have asked.” but you shook your head, “No, it's fine. I just…haven’t thought about my mom in a really long time…” 
You turned more toward Declan, wrapping both hands around the hot chocolate to keep them warm. “My mom and dad were killed by a passing pack. Since I was a baby, pack master became my dad.” you shrugged as he looked on with sorrow etched in his features. “He became my dad after I was orphaned…” you looked from the cup in your hands up to meet his eyes as Declan laid a hand on your arm. 
“I’m so sorry, that sounds awful, did you ever find out who was responsible for their deaths?” he asked as you shook your head, “No, dad just said it was another passing pack, I guess there's some packs that act on wilder tendencies than we do.” you sighed softly looking over at the fire, as Declan nodded, “That’s why I left my previous pack. The Alpha pack master always wanted to fight over all the omegas, he felt he was entitled to “own” them.” he shook his head, “Omegas, I think, are greater than Alphas…everyone looks at them like they’re this weak, timid, mindless, baby making, homemaker machines…but they’re strong…they not only take care of the younglings, they make a home for their alphas to come back to, they hold the entire family together…” he smiled looking down. 
“My mom and dad were true mates, and she used to tell us that Alphas were the biggest and best, because she knew, that one day my brothers and I would become alphas, She was correct by the way, we all became alphas, and last I heard my younger brother just had his 6th child.” he chuckled as you smiled, “thats awesome, congratulations,” you smiled up at him as he smiled back at you. 
Arthur glared from across the campsite, this could not be happening. You were not going to be taken from him, he refused to let you go. His plan may not have gone the way he wanted, but dammit, he’d come too far to lose out now. He had to get you away from Declan. 
“So, I'm sure you believe in true mates and all that?” you asked as he nodded, “yeah, I mean, I know it’s rare but I do, I believe there are two souls that are destined to be together.” he refilled your hot chocolate, and took his coat off, draping it over your shoulders as he noticed you getting colder. “Thank you, it's never been this cold before, but I also don’t remember us ever coming up this high on the mountain for these trips.” you said, shivering. “What’s the point of this trip anyways?” he asked as you bit back a laugh, “It’s supposed to bring us all together, and make us a better pack…but really I think it used to be a way for betas, alphas and omegas to just kinda...hook up, without their parents finding out…and dad just kept it going, but usually the alphas go out hunting, and the rest of us ladies stay here and…as you said “home make”” you laughed as he chuckled, “But it's not all bad, we really get to bond as a pack, which is nice. The guys usually share hunting tips, and they all usually come up with some project, dad usually talks to you guys about anything we need to be aware of, while the women bond, some of us like to sew, so we bring that along with us, others really enjoy books, recipes, even just talking. I think my dad misses how it was when he was a kid, and the women would all kinda….come together to raise and manage the kids, while the men hunted for dinner.” you rolled your eyes as Declan laughed, “your dad is not that old.” 
“Well, what’s got you two laughing so much?” Arthur asked as he stepped in front of you and Declan, “oh, I was telling Declan about why we do these camping trips.” you smiled softly as Declan nodded, “she’s actually given me quite the history lesson of them, I’m really glad I get to experience it this time, my old pack never did anything like this.” he smiled at Arthur who eyed you before nodded and forcing a smile on his features, “yes, pack bonding is important, it’s important we all remember our roles in a pack too. Declan, I wanted you to join us alphas tonight on a hunt. We’re hunting boar…have you ever hunted boar before?” Arthur asked as Declan and you both stood, “I have not, but it sounds exciting, I’d love to join you.” he glanced over at you, and Arthur could feel the time slow right before his eyes. 
An Alpha….checking in with his omega. 
It’s a silent exchange, one that usually happens without either party knowing, Arthur knew exactly what he was staring at and he had to stop it before it progressed any farther. True Mates. He watched as you looked up under your lashes at Declan, blinking once before a small smile crossed your face. Giving permission….to him. He felt his temper growing more and more as each second passed. “Great. We leave in 5 minutes, best go grab your stuff.” he forced out as Declan nodded at him before glancing back at you. “I’ll see you later,” he smiled as you nodded with a smile. “Of course!” 
Arthur watched as Delcan walked over to his tent before grabbing your arm. “Stay. Away. From. Him.” he growled using his alpha voice on you, but something in your eyes, you weren’t entirely buckling before him this time. “I was just being friendly…dad.” you said quietly. “Bonding...as a pack….the whole point of this trip. Declan is part of this pack right?” you asked, raising an eyebrow as Arthur flared his nostrils. “Just stay away from him.” he snapped, growling as others glanced over at the two of you. 
You watched as Arthur stormed off, gathering supplies and others for the hunt. You were standing in your tent, when you heard someone clear their throat behind you, turning around, you smile, seeing Declan holding the tent door open, “Mind if I come in?” he asked as you nodded, “Sure.” you nodded watching him duck and stand hunched over slightly. “I wanted to apologize for earlier if you got in trouble for talking to me…I don’t like seeing you get into trouble.” he said as you shook your head, “Don’t worry about my father, he’s just over protective…he thinks you're going to hurt me or something.” you wave your hand dismissively but Declan nodded, turning his head to listen before looking back at you. “I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed talking with you tonight and I hope we can continue our conversation over breakfast in the morning.” he smiled as you bit your lip, “I’d really like that,” you said softly. 
The small tent caused the two of you to stand closer than you usually were used to. His scent of pine and campfire filled your nostrils. As you looked up at him again, you could feel the blood rushing into your cheeks, “I overheard your father telling you to stay away from me,” he said softly. You nodded, “But I don’t want to, please be careful out there hunting with everyone else.” you whispered as he leaned down and let his cheek graze yours, “I hope you don’t stay away from me,” he whispered as his lips brushed over the shell of your ear. 
You let out a shaky breath as he slowly pulled back some, and pressed his lips gently to your cheek. “I’ll be fine sweetheart, you stay safe too. I won’t go far, so if you need anything, call me okay?” he stared down at you, his eyes soft as he smiled. You pressed yourself against his chest, rubbing your face into his shirt sighing, “I will. Thank you Declan,” you whispered as he wrapped his arms around your smaller frame. “Of course,” he stayed there for a moment before he pulled away and left your tent without anyone seeing. 
You stood with everyone else as the guys loaded up and headed out to hunt for the night, you kept an eye on Declan as he glanced at you, before they all left. “God he’s so fucking hot, Devin would kill me if he heard me say that, but damn what I wouldn’t do to let that alpha fuck me.” Marlene said as she and Christie walked back toward their tents, your father left a list of chores for the women and betas to take care of while he and the other alphas were gone. As the night went on, most of the women finished their chores and laid down in their tents. 
You however, were still sewing on some items when an alpha broke through the trees, “Pack Master has been injured!” he yelled waking the camp up.
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boogiewrites · 2 years
Declan Harp Masterlist
Declan Harp
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A Girl Walks Into A Bar Frontier Modern AU. Declan is a bar owner and local urban legend with a reputation he’d like to leave in the past. Bella is a rough around the edges, low key sweetheart that isn’t from his part of the woods. After meeting with the help of some bad luck and perhaps a touch of fate, how far will their undeniable chemistry take them until their histories catch up with them?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Chapter 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 CH. 7 CH. 8 CH. 9 CH. 10 CH. 11 CH. 12 CH. 13 CH. 14 CH. 15 CH. 16
A Witch, a Wolf and the Woods. An AU where Declan Harp is a werewolf. He comes across Evelyn Morgana, a dark witch who lives in a daunting mansion on the edge of the woods. He is drawn to her and her power, and finds his way into her home, her bed and her life. A dark, violent and highly sexual relationship follows as we watch their twisted romance grow and change while they face the challenges of navigating a magical world that tries to be hidden in the midst of the 1700's new world. Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Pt. 1
Filia Diaboli  Declan Harp Werewolf Modern AU.  In a world where supernatural beings are real and have to try to exist among hostile humans, Morgana and Declan find themselves fatefully brought together. A Princess in a hierarchy lead by her father, she has earned the title through hard work, violence, and charisma. Declan is a self-hating wolf, a descendent from an original line, and among the most powerful, the burden of denying his inner wolf is heavy. A soul connection will bring these two together and force them to feel things they never have before. Their souls combined might be what the Supernatural world needs to stand against the religious terrorists that try to destroy their kind.  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Ch. 1
Peach and Poppy  Declan Harp AU. Set in the 1970′s, Declan is a misbehaving psychiatric patient and Dr. Dixon or Dixie as he likes to call her, is a tenacious and underestimated new hospital director. Will this new job get the best of her delicate sensibilities like people are warning her? Will the charm of one of her patient’s awaken something in her she can’t come back from?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
Rosie & The Road Less Traveled Declan Harp 1970s Hippy/Roadtrip AU Rosie has made a bold decision and decided to leave her monotonous life. She sets out to create her own with a group of misfits traveling  across America, post-Vietnam during the 1970s. She breaks out of her shy and insecure, sheltered shelf to have an adventure where she learns the realities of life outside her former cookie-cutter existence. She experiences, a year of sex, drugs, and rock and roll as the group of ex-soldiers and free spirits change her worldview and show her another way. She meets the charming but damaged Declan who takes her under his wing. Will a budding romance for this blossoming Rose prove to be her gift from the universe for making the hard decision to be her own woman?  Chapters containing explicit sexual content are in bold.
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missjadesfics · 3 months
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Jason Momoa
Daydream - Jason Momoa x Cavill!Reader Jason helps his girlfriend Y/n with writing her new book during lockdown. | coming soon
Arthur Curry | Aquaman
Forbidden Fruit - Arthur Curry x Reader Arthur has a crush on Bruce's younger sister, Y/n.
Baba Voss
Conan the Barbarian
Connor Slaughter
Duncan Idaho
The Sword Master and the Ward - Duncan Idaho x Atreides!Ward Reader Duncan Idaho, the Atreides sword master, starts an illicit affair with Duke Leto's ward.
We Made An Agreement - Paul Atreides x Reader x Duncan Idaho Y/n and Paul are married, both agreeing they can sleep with whomever they like. The reader finds comfort with Duncan. But Paul questions if the agreement works for him anymore.
Our Na-Baroness - Feyd-Rautha x Reader x Duncan Idaho The reader is arranged to marry Feyd, and her lover Duncan goes as her personal guard to keep her safe. When Feyd learns of the lover's relationship, he ensures everyone understands where they belong.
You will never lose me - Duncan Idaho x Reader Escaping from the attack on Arrakis, Y/n Atreides is reunited with Duncan Idaho and living amongst the Fremen in Sietch Tabr. While Paul and Jessica work with the Fremen about the Lisan-Al Giab prophecy, Y/n and Duncan grow closer, revealing hidden feelings for one another.
Khal Drogo
Love at First Sight - Khal Drogo x Targaryen!Reader After being crowned the realm's beauty with her twin brother, Rhaegar, Y/n runs away from her family. She finds herself embracing the way of the Dothraki and capturing the eye of Khal Drogo | coming soon
Declan Harp
Dante Reyes
Lavender Love - Dante Reyes x Reader Dante meets his love on a race track
Joe Braven
Big Jim
Phillip Kopus
Miami Man
Savior - Miami Man x Reader After running away from home, Y/n adapts to her new life with her new friend, Miami Man.
Ray Cooper
Ronon Dex
Are you blushing because of me? - Ronon Dex x Reader Ronon loves making Y/n blush, even so much so it prompts him to reveal his feelings for her.
Sebastien (Witcher AU)
Moon Goddess - Sebastien x Reader Y/n hosts her annual moonlight banquet, which her friends Yennefer, Geralt, and Jaskier attend with a mysterious man in tow, sparking interest.
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Coming soon
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Wish I could see you - Baba Voss x Reader | coming soon Dothraki Love language - Jason Momoa x Reader | coming soon Daydream - Jason Momoa x Reader | coming soon
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sagemcmae · 5 years
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Something Wild (now COMPLETE)
A modern Reylo AU in Alaska with newcomer Rey, mountain-man Ben, and ‘the Bear’ Declan Harp. Beta’d by @riaria84
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Summary: Rey Niima agrees to take a two-year teaching contract in Crait, Alaska. She expects it to be a change of scenery. She expects it to be an adjustment. She didn't expect to see Ben Solo again. AKA my need to write a Jason Momoa/Adam Driver bromance, which turned into a mountain men Reylo AU.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Epilogue
Excerpt:  Quietly, he stalked towards her with single-minded determination. He wondered if she remembered him. She had to, right? There was no chance their meeting hadn’t impacted her as deeply as it had him.   “The girl I’ve heard so much about,” he crooned.   Rey straightened up with a jolt. Her eyes flashed with a mixture of emotions. Fear, indignation, curiosity, and there — right at the edge of those hazel orbs he’d been so fascinated with as a teenager — recognition.  He smirked.   “Ben?”   “Hello, little Rey.”
Read it on A03
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conziergearch · 2 years
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
moa for ur eternals verse, except it's the plot where immortal exes keep going back to each other / au
declan harp for ur eternals verse but he's a human
maren grim for ur regular verse bc she keeps hiring aisling to make all the baked goods for whatever event she has and they never rlly talk much until that one time where aisling stays a lil longer by chance and sees her visibly upset after being on the phone
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indizien-a · 3 years
Multimuse ask meme,   accepting ――   I still need to throw you Gus Fring but also Tom Keen obvi,   Phillip Broyles and Riley Finn could be fun and if u forgive my literal absence bc of my degree,   plotting a fantasy / historical AU with either Declan Harp or Ragnar Lothbrok with Liyah would just...   yes.
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Just Keep Swimming
Sorry not sorry. Also, this version has a read more. I swear I put one on the original post. :p
Summary: Virgil is the new kid (adult? kind of?) in school, and he’s still trying to navigate in unfamiliar waters. Thankfully, some more experienced fishies are more than willing to help.
Word Count:
Genre: Teacher!Human!AU; slice of life
Characters: Virgil (Anderson), Logan (Foley), Patton (Thompson), Roman (Prince), Sleep (Remy Cordova), Deceit (Declan Anwir)
Warning for DECEIT and a lot of dumb teacher humor. School stuff. Self doubt. IDK what else.
Twain uses syntax. Twain also uses many different types of sentences- “Oh my god if I read this repetitive garbage one. more. TIME.” Virgil Anderson threw down his pen, sighed, and leaned back in the plastic chair, roughly running his fingers through his hair.
“What’s got you all worked up?” Roman Prince queried from the copy machine across the sizable work room.
“Apparently, Mark Twain uses syntax. Of course he uses syntax. Syntax is sentences. My god-” “I hear he also uses diction and chooses his words.” Roman teased as he strode past his co-worker with a mountain of copies in his arms. “So I hear.” Virgil mumbled, allowing the grin nipping at his lips to come to light. Roman could win every once in a while.
“How long have you been at that?” Roman paused at the door, cradling his papers on his hip like a baby. “Not too long. Just long enough to be fed up already. These are honors kids, for crying out loud. I know they have better thoughts than this.” “They do. They just don’t know it yet. Who’s giving you trouble?” “Giselle Wilson.” “Oo yeah, I had her last year. She’s a smart girl, really, but very much a verbal processor. Try doing writing conferences and talking through her thoughts. She does better that way.” “I don’t have time for that though. We’re already behind as it is-“ “Lesson plans are a formality, Virge. Lighten up.” “Says the man who’s been teaching for 5 years already.” “You’ll get there.” Roman flashed him one of his obnoxiously bright smiles. “I suppose losing your classroom during your planning period doesn’t help, but…it all settles in after the first few years.” “Yeah, if I last past the dropout stats. What is it? 20% in the first 3 years?” “It doesn’t matter because you won’t be one of them.” Roman replied shortly but not unkindly. “As I said, you’ll get there. As for me, I must get back to my domain before the serfs run amok.” “Oh my god, Roman; you left them alone?!” “Just for a few minutes.” Virgil eyed the precarious stack he was hauling. “They’re fine. They’re seniors. Some of them can vote and serve; they can handle themselves for 10 minutes.”  “Whatever you say.” Virgil rolled his eyes as the other sauntered away, turning back to his grading with another sigh. “Another day, another assignment to grade.” Virgil had just lapsed back into the flow of grading when the tap of footfall pulled him from his focus. “Oh, hello, Virgil.” Logan Foley paused inside the doorway. “I forgot you do your planning in here. I can come back later if you are trying to concentrate.” “No, it’s fine. I need a break anyway. Papers are painful.” “I understand the sentiment.” A shadow of a smile graced Logan’s lips as he sat across from Virgil. “My AP Language students are writing responses to past AP Examination prompts, and reading through them is taxing. My students often do well, but…I do always worry.” “That’s fair. But hey, Mr. Teacher of the Year, I think you’ll be fine.” Virgil nodded slightly. “They couldn’t have anyone better.” “Unless they have me.” Virgil visibly tensed as their red-headed colleague slunk into the room. 
“Your students’ scores have certainly been quite comparable to my own.” Logan conceded. “Of course.” Declan Anwir chuckled. “This place needed me desperately. You’re doing great and all, Logan, but one man can only do so much. Especially after all of that-“ “Do you mind? I’m trying to grade here.” Virgil snapped, gesturing to the papers spread out in front of him. “Not all of us have the luxury of a classroom during all periods.” “Of course. My mistake. I thought this was the teacher workroom, after all.” Virgil rolled his eyes after Declan rose and turned his back on them. “Anyway, I have a lot of grading to do. Those AP essays won’t score themselves.” He gave them a sharp wave and went out. “God, that guy gets on my nerves.” Virgil filed below his breath. “Sure his AP scores are high, but the kids hate his class. He’s a dictator. One of my past honors kids from last year broke down in Anime Club because of the workload in his class. It’s nuts!” “His methods may be…strict-” “Tyrannical.” “But the data is unarguable. His students get top scores.” “And that makes it all the worse…” “He is not a bad teacher, Virgil.” “He’s not a good one, either, though!-” Virgil caught himself and snapped his mouth shut; he inhaled deeply through his nose and unclenched his fists. “…So anyway, how is everything going? With….you know-“ “Clear as of the last check.” Virgil physically relaxed, his sharp gestures softening. “Good. Glad to hear it. But don’t hesitate to let us know if things aren’t good.” “Of course. I cannot thank you enough for everything you did for me when-“ “Well, hello, gentlemen!” Patton Thompson breezed into the room. “No one told me we were having a planning party!” “Not a party, Pat; just…a chat.” “Nice rhyme, Virge; you just might be a poet after all.” “Never again.” Virgil’s lip curled, and Patton exploded into giggles. “You teach English, silly goose; you’ll have to deal with it eventually.” “Yeah, Yeah-“ “So how are our freshman, Patton?” “Oh, they’re fine, as always!” Patton laughed as he headed toward a copy machine. “My precious babies. Still adjusting to high school life. It really is so hard.” “Pat, they’re 14, not 6.” Virgil muttered, the grievance not at all expressed in his expression. “They’ll be fine.” “Ooooooh I know, but I just want to scoop them up and take care of them, you know? They’re so helpless-“ Logan sighed. “They play on your kindness like a harp, Patton, and you know this. Yet you still give in.” “It’s just because they need the push, but they’re too scared to ask.” “Sometimes, I think you’re too soft for your own good, Pat.” Patton flashed his co-worker a grin before removing the warm papers from the finishing tray. “Soft inside; tough outside.” “Soft inside; soft outside, is more accurate.” Logan interjected seriously. “We’ll work on the tough part, Pat. I’ll teach you how to do a teacher scowl.”
“Don’t need it, but thanks for the offer!” Patton saluted. “They’re just fine with me as their Captain-”
“Don’t.” Virgil quipped.
“What?” Patton peered at his co-worker with his signature doe eyes.
“Don’t do it. I heard ‘Dead Poets Society’ through my walls yesterday. How many times a semester do you use that movie, anyway?”
“I use clips every chance I get! It really is a versatile film. I thought you liked that movie?!”
“I do, but hearing it quoted weekly makes it lose its appeal.” Patton’s jaw tightened, and Virgil backpedaled. “Sorry, Pat. I didn’t mean to go off on you like that. I just….It’s been a day.”
“Mass grading. I counseled you against such practices, Virgil.” Logan interjected. “It is not only harmful to you, but to your students’ grades-”
“I know. I know! I just….god, I agonize over grading. I start out so harsh, but then I worry that I’m too soft, and it’s all just so much.” Virgil slumped dejectedly, eyeing the stack of essays with malice. “And I have no one to blame but myself because I assigned them.”
“True that.” Patton shrugged. “That’s why I assign stuff that I’ll enjoy grading. And that meets standards and is good for the students, of course!” Patton giggled, swiping up his copies from the tray. 
“But you’re experienced and just…talented enough to do that. I’m not there yet.”
“But you will be one day.” Logan replied softly. “It takes time. Remember, you just got your Bachelor’s Degree. Patton and I both have our Doctorates and years of experience to drawn upon. You will get there. Be patient with yourself. Besides….if your students’ reactions to your activity last week was any indication, you are already off to a satisfactory start.”
“What was your activity?” Patton called over his shoulder.
“Nothing that great, really. It’s basically four corners. I put a scenario up on the board, and they go to one place or the other depending on their opinion. I try not to let them be in the grey area, and they have to argue their points to each other. It’s like an informal debate, and they get really into it.”
“I do not believe I have seen or heard your honors students be so rambunctious.” Logan commented.
“Yeah, sorry about that. They’re really passionate about Of Mice and Men, apparently. And the death penalty.”
“That one can definitely get people stirred up!” 
“Shaken or stirred, Patty, because there’s a difference.”
“Hey, Rem!” Patton greeted their sub-turned-part-timer. “Ready for the day shift?”
“You know it. I’m joe’d up and ready to flow!” Remy snapped a finger, the other hand grasping a coffee cup, as per usual. “Whatchya got goin’ on here, Toddler Teacher?” Remy gestured to Virgil’s piles. 
“Honors Lit. essays. This batch hurts.” 
“And so did the last one, but surely they’re getting better!” Remy pulled out a chair and sat backwards, resting his chin on his arms. “Shoot.”
“Twain uses syntax-”
“That’s all I need. You’re in for it, baby boy, but it’s normal. They’re still adjusting.”
“It’s week 3.”
“And they’ll be adjusting at week 13, too. They’re teenagers. It’s normal. You just gotta know when to hold their hands and when to let ‘em go.”
“You talk like you have teaching experience. Or parenting experience.”
“We’re their school parents, in a way, you know. Or at least, we can be.”
“I don’t think I’m at that stage yet. I think I’m still in the ‘weird older brother stage.’”
“Now don’t you say that, Virge!” Patton cut in. “Your kids love you!”
“Yeah because I’m…unconventional, I guess.”
“Because you’re a good teacher who does your best and cares about them! That’s all they want and everything they need.”
“True dat, Patty Pat.” Remy sipped at his frozen coffee.
“Sometimes it doesn’t feel like enough.”
“It is. Trust me.” Patton smiled warmly and jumped a bit when a sharp ringing sounded overhead. “You’d think I’d be used to that darn bell after all this time-”
“Well, they did change out the system this year. The pitch is higher and more shrill than it has been in the past.” Logan sighed, hauling himself from his chair. 
“It does it’s job, though.” Patton left with a wave, easily weaving into the sea of students in the crowded halls. 
“Time to get to it.” Remy slapped the back of his chair and rose, shouldering his laptop bag before placing a hand on Virgil’s shoulder. “Have a good one, kid.” He gave it a squeeze and disappeared into the mass of bodies as well.
“Are you managing well, Virgil?” Logan asked in a low tone, making direct eye contact. “Really?”
Virgil sighed deeply and gathered his papers and pens. “Yeah. ‘Well’ is a relative term, but I’m managing, that’s for sure.”
“Remember to inform me if that changes. We are here for you if you need us.”
“Thanks, Logan.” Virgil’s smile reached his eyes as he fell into stride beside the older teacher. “So, what were your kids doing yesterday? They got pretty loud, too.”
“Peer editing argument papers.” Logan replied, traces of a grin gracing his lips. “Some of them had opposing stances on the same topic, so I paired them together to gauge the result.”
“You’re a mad genius.” Virgil laughed out loud as they merged together into the current of teenagers, chatting until they reached their shared hallway and parted ways into their respective domains.  
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hxaxm-private-blog · 6 years
Frontier AU: Declan Harp/Skye
Declan tossed and turned in his sleep as he hid in the confinds of an abandoned house with the one woman who would do just about anything for him. From lifting a bounty to marrying a repulsive war captain turned Governor. Why did she keep risking her life and freedom for his own? He was truly puzzled.
The nightmares were back. Flash backs of being tortured by Lord Benton as he told every gory details of the demise of Declan's family. These images still haunted him and broke him down. Declan sat up quickly covered in a thin layer of sweat, breathing heavily as he scanned the room with his one good eye.
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justabouttv-blog · 6 years
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Frontier, une date de diffusion annoncée par Netflix Frontier la célèbre série historique américo-canadienne avec Jason Momoa (Aquaman, Game of Thrones) nous ramène au XVIIIe siècle dans des temps durs. Au fil des 2 premières saisons, on suit Declan Harp (Jason Momoa), mi-irlandais, mi-cris (tribu indienne d'Amérique du nord), dans le monde de la traite de fourrures. Voir l\'article en entier : http://justabouttv.fr/actualites/frontier-une-date-de-diffusion-annoncee-par-netflix/
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My Alpha Ch. 1 (Alpha!Declan Harp x Omega!Reader) Series
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Thank you all so much for the demand for this series!! This first chapter-talk about slow burn- but I promise you all you're gonna love this series!
 Donations | Thoughts & Feelings | My Alpha Series
You looked around the meeting, the fire in the middle of the circle kept you all warm on the breezy cold fall evening. “We gather because our ancestors did this, and we do it to respect them, us, our kind and our pack!” the pack master yelled. The men, women, boys, and girls howled and cheered. You sat quietly on a log watching everyone. You presented at 16, an omega, and here at 21, you still waited. Mostly due to the fact your father was a pack master and didn’t allow anyone to go near you. 
Also, because once everyone heard that you were Omega, they avoided you like the plaque and made their alphas do the same. Funny, Alphas are always so strong and fierce, until their wives or ehem-“Mates” were around and then they were whipped little bitches. You tucked your hands into your pockets as you sat on a log, listening to your father introduce the newest couple in the pack, the 17-year-old girl grinning proudly, the mark on her neck showing in the firelight, her 20-year-old boyfriend holding her possessively close to his chest. Your father and the pack gave them happy smiles, grinning as they announced they were engaged. 
After everyone had settled down, your father smiled, “Now, we have one more matter…a newcomer has joined our pack…Declan Harp, he comes from North Montana, ventured down here for a fresh start after a painful past.” Your father held his hand out a little as a rather tall, handsome man came out from behind a few others and looked around the group. His eyes landed on you before he looked onto others. The pack welcomed this newcomer and soon, the meeting was left to everyone chatting and sharing beers. You stood off to the side watching everyone, alone and seeing all the women watching Declan talk to the pack master. 
Soon after their conversation had been turned toward the pack and your father motioned you over to them. You huffed internally and walked over to the two of them. “Declan, this is my daughter Y/N, our pack is lucky to have what Omegas are left in this world. Omegas are an important part of a pack.” Your father was proud of the fact that his pack had many omegas. You hated it, but you looked up at Declan and swallowed before you let out a soft “Hello, welcome to the pack,” you stuck your hand out. 
Declan smiled and shook your hand. “It’s nice to meet you Y/N,” you smiled at him before your dad wrapped an arm around you. “Proud that my daughter here is an omega.” He looked down at you and squeezed you closer. “She’ll make a fine mate to a great alpha one day” he spoke as if he knew the future already. 
Declan looked from you, to your fathers hand squeezing your shoulder and he felt something in his gut. He wasn’t sure what it was, but there was a feeling that your fathers arm around you was wrong. 
You looked up at Declan again before looking at your father, “Why don’t I show Declan around town, since he’s new and all? I know the lumber yard is looking for someone to work there. Maybe he might be interested?” you asked as your father looked down at you, eyeing you before shaking his head. “No offense Declan, but I can’t just trust you to walk around town innocently with my daughter. You understand right?” he held you tighter to him, giving Declan a tight smile. Declan smiled a little. “No Sir, I understand completely. Why don’t you give me the address of the lumber yard and I’ll stop by there tomorrow and put in an application.” he smiled down at you. 
The next morning, you woke up to an empty house and smiled softly, ‘thank god…he’s so overbearing sometimes,” you stretched and walked into the kitchen, pouring yourself a bowl of cereal, you plopped down at the table, turning the kitchen TV on and watching your favorite tv show ‘Charmed’. You grinned while seeing the sister witches battling the source of all evil in the episode. 
A loud knock sounded on the back door, causing you to jump and glance behind you toward the back door. Getting up, you moved the drawn blinds to see the new alpha from the pack meeting the night before. You smiled and unlocked the door, cracking it open. “Hey!” you smiled at him. 
Declan looked at you and smiled. “Good Morning Y/N, Hope I’m not bothering you, I was looking for your dad actually,” Declan said looking down at you. You shook your head and peeked up at him, “You’re not bothering me, I just haven’t seen my father this morning. He might be in town,” you told him softly. Declan nodded and reached in his pocket pulling out a card, “I, uh, wanted to give you my number. Your pop seems to be pretty protective of you,” he said as the corner of his mouth pulled up into a half smile. You smiled a sly, shy smile and plucked the card from his hand, flipping it over in your fingers, reading the phone number on it. “uh, thanks…I’ll text you sometime.” You said as he grinned. “I’d really like that,” he smiled and walked down the steps before looking back up at you. “bye Y/N,” he waved a little and walked off as you bit your lip, closing the door and locking it. 
As the day went on, you got dressed in your dinner uniform and headed off to work. You tried not to think about Declan, how handsome he was, or the fact he smelt so good. You started your shift, trying to push the thoughts of him from your mind but found it difficult. You wanted to get to know him, but your father wasn’t going to allow it. Your gut told you that your father never had any intention of you finding a mate. 
You walked through the diner, carrying food to customers, taking orders, laughing and joking with the locals as they tipped you and treated you nicely. You got a feeling of eyes on you, but figured it was just customers waiting on you to serve them. But you never would have guessed that there was an alpha sitting across the street in the dark, watching, waiting to pounce on you the moment he had the chance.
Tag List:
@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @forgetmenotsexy @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @wolfieeebbbyyy @dontbescaredtosingalong @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur
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My Alpha Ch. 2
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 Donations | Share your Thoughts & Feelings | My Alpha Series (coming soon) | Chapter 1
As the week passed, you’d began texting Declan without your father being any wiser. He’d been out of town for a few days on business, but when he returned, you were in for a brute of trouble. “Y/N!” he yelled from the dining room as you came home from work one evening. “Hey dad!” you smiled softly, “I didn’t realize you were home yet, how was your trip?” you asked, coming over and giving him a peck on the cheek. “What in the hell was that new Alpha doing here the other day?” he growled. You blinked and reached over to the desk against the wall where your father had always kept all his important papers and such. “He wanted to drop off his phone number for you, and wanted to offer that if you needed anything to reach out to him.” you said quietly as you handed him the card. “Did you invite him in?” he glared, snatching the card from your hands. “No, of course not. I was here alone, I…I know not to do that…” you whispered looking down. 
Your father sighed and leaned back in his chair, “I think you’ll find that he’s trouble, I don't want you alone with him do you understand me?” you looked at him and nodded. “Yes sir, I understand.” you spoke in a quiet voice, afraid that if you spoke any louder, he would back hand you. “Get upstairs and undress, I’ll be there in a moment.” he said looking back at the card. 
You stood there for a second, chewing on your lip. “Do you have to do an inspection? I hav-,” the hand that struck your cheek was quick, the force knocked you back a bit. “I said. Get upstairs, and undress. I didn’t ask you to fucking speak!” he roared. “YOU DO WHAT YOUR ALPHA TELLS YOU TO DO!” Your lip quivered as you looked away, your whole body shaking. You felt his breathing, hot with the stench of whiskey embedded in it, running down your neck as he stood closer to you, his lips close to your ear, “What do you say when your Alpha gives you an order?” he growled. “Y-Y-Yes Alpha,” you whimpered, trying not to cry. “Now, be a good little Omega and do as your alpha tells you. Get upstairs, strip down and wait.” he growled. You nodded as you swallowed thickly, trying to keep your tears from running down your cheeks. “Yes Alpha.” you whispered and turned rushing upstairs. 
You had mere minutes before he would be there, so you quickly sent Declan a text. ‘FYI, I have to delete our texts constantly, so, if you text, and I read it but don’t respond, it’s because I deleted it before I had the chance to text back. Do not reply to this, I will text you later tonight.’
You sent the message, noticing it had been read, and quickly deleted the conversation before laying your phone on the counter. You stripped down from your work uniform, tossing the dirty clothes into the hamper in the bathroom and stood in just your bra and panties. You turned on the shower, and took your place, standing with your back to the door, watching the steam from the hot water begin to rise in the small bathroom. 
The door opened behind you, and hit the wall as it swung. You didn’t move a muscle, knowing that if you did, it could be so much worse. “Underwear and Bra need to come off as well.” he spoke with venom etched in his voice. He’d never made you remove your bra and panties before. You turned your head to glance over your shoulder at him, your brows furrowed with confusion. “But I-,” “Did I ask you to speak?” he interrupted you. “Do you need a refresher in how this all works? You're the omega, when your alpha speaks, gives you a command, asks you a question…you don’t question him. You DO AS YOUR FUCKING TOLD!” he grabbed you by the arms, and threw you out into the hallway. 
As you fell against the banister, you cried out in pain. Before you were able to get up, he straddled your waist, and grabbed the front of your bra ripping it from your body as you struggled against him. “Hold still you little bitch,” he growled, reaching for your panties as you slapped at him, “Get off me! Please stop!” you cried. He got a hand on them, and twisted, the material ripping on your left hip, but not the right. “Hold still!” he yelled as you cried and struggled. 
The doorbell ringing stopped him in his tracks, you were able to crawl away as he stood up and looked down at you. “I find one mark on you from another, I’ll break every bone in that little body of yours.” he glared with a snarl before he straightened his clothes and walked downstairs to the front door. When he opened it, he froze for a split second. 
Declan stood there, he had a good 5-7 inches on the older alpha, and was doubled his size. “Good Evening,” Declan smiled and nodded his head. “Mr. Harp, what are you doing here?” Your father called out, a little louder than normal, which meant he wanted you to hear who was at the door. You heard your father open the door wider and allowed Declan inside. “Well, I wanted to stop by because I tried to catch you a few days ago and you weren’t home. I’d left word with your daughter but I never heard from you.” He said as he entered the house. Arthur, your father, nodded and walked toward the living room, which was opposite of the stairway and banister in the upper hallway. 
“Girl is more brain dead than a vegetable, what can I do for you Declan?” Arthur put his hands in his pockets and stood tall, watching as Declan nodded and smiled some, “Well I went down to the lumber yard and had filled out an application, but since I don’t know very many people here, I was wondering if you could help me find a job and if it’s alright, possibly use you as a reference?” he asked as the older man had to hold in a laugh. “Tell you what, Declan, why don’t you come work for me? I own the construction company on the southend of town and while it’s hard work, it’s also honest work. Why don't you have a seat, I’ll go in the kitchen and grab us a couple beers,'' Arthur told him as he walked off to the kitchen. 
Declan glanced around, looking for any sign of you, he could smell the distraught and fear that coated your scent. Glancing to see the kitchen door closed, Declan stepped out of the living room and into the foyer to see you leaning against the banister, an arm covering your chest as tears silently fell down your face. Your eyes were closed, lips quivering, as you shook slightly.
You caught the smell of the forest, a woodsy pine, like fresh dew in the early morning, mixed with oak. A splash of rain intertwined with dawn, and warm cinnamon mixed with pinecones that littered the forest ground. Your eyes opened to see Declan staring up at you, eyes wide and his nostrils flared. You held your arms to yourself as you bit your lip, “I was never here. You saw nothing.” you mouthed to him before moving back into the bathroom, pressing yourself against the tub behind the door you buried your head down in your arms as your heart raced. 
Declan stood there, his widened eyes became narrow as he turned his attention back to the kitchen door, he could hear Arthur shuffling around. “Hey Arthur, I gotta get going. Why don’t I come by for that beer some other time?” Declan called out, glancing back up toward the spot you were sitting last. “Oh alright, well, if you need anything, give me a holler Declan.” Arthur said coming out of the kitchen. 
Declan was standing by the front door, acting as if nothing had been seen or heard and nodded. “Absolutely Arthur, thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Just text me the time to show up and I'll be there.” he shook his hand and walked out the door as Arthur chuckled. “You got it,bye now.” he closed the front door and turned glaring back toward the stairs. He moved swiftly through the house, taking the stairs two at a time to  find you curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor shaking like a leaf. “Take a shower, I’ll start on dinner.” he grabbed the door and pulled it shut, sighing to himself. Sometimes he forgot you didn’t know; and Arthur wasn’t about to let anything jeopardize what he had worked so hard to get in the first place. 
You came downstairs about 20 minutes later, dressed in a pair of flannel pajama pants, a long sleeved shirt and a pair of fuzzy socks. Arthur smiled at you, sliding a drink to you at the island and looked at you. “You understand why I do the things I do right?” he asked as you sat down and sipped your cup of tea. “I guess…” you mumbled, staring down at the counter. Arthur sighed, “I don’t trust other alphas around you, you’re my little girl, I’d die if something happened to you. I love you too much, I’ve worked too hard to protect you,” he pulled you into his arms, sniffing your hair as he kissed your head. 
You sighed and hugged his waist, wishing more than anything it would stop. You looked at him after a few minutes. “Hey dad, are you going to let Declan come work for you?” you asked as he smiled. “Of course, he’s a pack member, packs take care of each other. Now you go sit and I’ll finish up dinner.” he kissed your forehead before releasing you.
Tag List: @notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @forgetmenotsexy @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @wolfieeebbbyyy @dontbescaredtosingalong @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur (if you want to be added to the tag list let me know!)
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My Alpha Ch. 4
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Donations | Send Thoughts Here | My Alpha Series | Ch. 3
(Thank you all so much for your patience while I get my hectic life sorted out. Here is Chapter 4!! Thankfully I've already finished the first half of chapter 5!) (For some reason my tags are not working, its only letting me tag a few of you and I don't know why. I will keep on tagging blogs if you want to be tagged though!)
Declan and you both sat in your fathers tent, you were trying to wrap your mind around what had happened but no one had seen. “One minute we were walking and talking just fine, the next, he was just…gone. Y/N…I swear I don’t know what happened.” Declan said quietly as you nodded, “it’s okay, I imagine he just lost his footing is all, at least you guys were able to get to him and he’s going to be okay.” you cleaned the scraps from your fathers head, looking back at Declan who sat on the cot on the other side of the tent. “he can’t travel in this condition.” he nodded, “We’ll stay until he’s good enough to travel again, until then, I'll watch over the pack and make the necessary adjustments, I'll put together smaller groups to gather different things such as wood for fires, hunting trips, etc. we’ll get this all figured out.” Declan nodded as you stood up and covered your father up. “Thank you,” you whispered as you walked out of the tent.  
Declan looked back at Arthur as he laid there in bed, breathing shallow and light. He could do it, he could end it now. He could do it for you. To protect you. 
Declan followed Arthur through the woods, the rifle slung on his back. He didn’t mind hunting, he actually liked it alot, however, he did not want to be out here with your father, he’d rather be sitting by the fire, you by his side as he listened to you tell story after story. He tuned Arthur out, walking on until he heard a few branches break behind him, looking back Arthur was gone. “Arthur?” but he was gone, “Arthur!” Declan shouted louder and began to walk back where the pack master had been just moments before. 
Declan looked around and saw him lying on a cliff about ten feet below the edge, he was unconscious, he had landed near the edge, and Declan knew it would be difficult to get to him, he also knew he could just jump down to him and kick him off. But, what kind of pain would that cause you? He hollered for the other alphas, so they could form a plan. 
You sat outside by the fire, warming up some tea and soup for the other alphas who were still awake. You were lost in thought when a hand touched your shoulder, causing you to gasp and jump slightly. Evan, another alpha in the group, who belonged with Marine, smiled down at you. “Evan, hey, what's up?” you asked standing up from the log you’d been sitting on. “I wanted to check on you. Arthurs going to be fine…I’m sure of it.” he smiled down at you. His eyes traveled from your face, down your unmarked neck, pausing for a moment at your pulse point before moving toward your chest. 
You visibly shivered and slightly pulled away from him, “I actually need to go check on him again, excuse me.” you tried to move but he grabbed your arm. “Why don’t I come with you? My dad is a doctor after all, so I know a thing or two.” he grinned, but it didn’t ease your nerves. It only made them worse. “Evan, that's nice but-” “We can handle it. Why don’t you go check in on your pregnant omega? Marine was asking for you earlier when we returned.” Declan's voice came from behind you as you felt his chest against your back. Evan looked at him, squaring his shoulders before he nodded a little. “Alright, just holler if you need anything.” he said before quickly walking back to his tent. 
You watched him go for a moment before you turned and looked up at Declan, the closeness between the two of you, made your cheeks grow hot, biting your lower lip at the feelings flooding your system, you glanced up at him. “Thank you,” you whispered. Declan swallowed and nodded, “I’ll always protect you.” he whispered back before he glanced around. Most of the pack were tucked away in their tents, and the few who remained outside were packing up for the evening to head in. You watched as the last camper climbed into their tent and zipped it up, before looking back at Declan. 
“I heated up some tea and soup if you want some…I’m sure you'd like to eat and go to sleep after the long day you’ve had.” you whispered as he stared down at you. “Honestly? I’m content just standing here talking with you…” he sighed, “But I imagine you have other things you need to take care of, and I don't want to stop you from doing whatever it is you need to do.” you instantly grabbed his forearm, “I don't.” you said urgently, “I just need to check on my father, if you give me a minute maybe we can continue our conversation from earlier?” 
Declan grinned and turned “that sounds great, I'll make us some bowls and I'll grab some glasses.” you smiled and walked back into your fathers tent checking on him, he was still sound asleep, his wound still looked good but you wanted to keep a close eye on him incase anything changed over night. 
After checking on your father, you rejoined Declan out by the fire and enjoyed some soup. “This is delicious,” Declan commented after a few minutes of silence. You smiled over at him, swallowing the bite you’d taken. “Thank you, Stews and soups are my most favorite foods,” you took a drink before turning toward him, “There's this festival, once a year in Italy, that is nothing but soups and stews! You can buy little sample jars from vendors and get recipe cards as well, it's so cool, I’ve always wanted to go…one day,” you smile was sad, as you looked back down at the bowl. 
“I’ve never been to Italy, but it sounds incredible. Maybe we can go together one day?” he asked as you grinned up at him, your eyes lighting up even in the dark evening. The flames danced across your skin in patterns, “I would love that,” you whispered as he scooted closer, “its chilly tonight, would you like my jacket again?” he asked as you moved closer to him automatically. “I don't want you to be cold,” you whispered. Declan chuckled and draped his jacket over your shoulders once again. “I’ll be okay. I just don’t want you to be cold.” You lifted your shoulder, pressing your nose into his jacket and breathing in before you scooted next to him, pressing yourself into his side. “I think I’ll be plenty warm right here,” you breathed out looking up at him from under your lashes. 
Declan wrapped an arm around you, pulling you even closer, though it was impossible and stared down at you. “I want to try something,” he whispered as you stared up at him with doe eyes. “Okay,” you breathed out as he lowered his head, his lips brushing yours gently. You closed your eyes feeling his lips graze yours; there was a spark the moment his lips touched yours. You pushed yourself against him, pressing your lips to his urgently. Declan’s hand found the back of your head instantly as he threaded his fingers through your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling like fire was pulsing through your veins. You craved to be closer to him in every way, craved the feeling of his skin against yours. 
Declan bit your lip, growling as you gasped, the need and hunger growing deeply in his soul. Time stood still as you melted together, feeling like your souls intertwined and the earth stopped moving beneath your feet. That tiny voice muttered in your brain, ‘True mates’ as your lungs felt like fire was igniting in them. Desperate for air, you pulled back slightly to catch your breath. 
“Wow,” you breathed out, panting softly. Your eyes remained closed as you pressed your forehead against his. “I’ve never felt that way before…” he stated in a husky breath as you met his stare.
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@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @leaveitbythewave @sleutherclaw @sandlee44 @aaqua-tofana @nohumanswereharmed @msgrandma49 @traceyaudette @cevansbaby-dove
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My Alpha Sneak Peek!
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My Alpha (Alpha!Declan x Omega!Reader) Since I'm having trouble finishing up chapter 1, here's a sneak peek from a later chapter I've already written lol
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“Jesus Christ. What the fuck is going on?” You whimpered quietly as he looked from the barn to you, then back to the barn, it took less than a second for him to piece it together. “You’re not staying here. You’re in danger here.” he held you closer to him, the anger radiating from his body as he snarled in the direction of the barn, before he pulled you back through the trees.
You knew your father would be angry, “I won’t be able to return home,” you whispered quietly as you looked up at him, tears in your eyes. Declan stopped and looked down at you, his features softening as he pulled you into his arms once more. “Shhh, you don’t have to worry about that anymore, you can stay with me, and everything will be fine. I promise, I’m going to fix all of this, no omega should be put through this type of torture.” he kissed your head smoothing your hair as you sobbed into his chest.
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You guys are gonna HATE me during this series!!!
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Have you guys been naughty or nice this holiday season!!
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It’s my birthday!!!
I want to celebrate my 29th birthday today by answering any and all questions regarding my series that im working on and that are currently out!!!
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Can you tag in the first chapitre of M'y Alpha please
I am so so so sorry I just now saw this!!! I will definitely add you to the tag list and Im going to tag you in chapter one right now!! :)
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