#audhd ramona flowers
punkeropercyjackson 26 days
Did (one of) the Scott Pilgrim selfship meme('s)at last or rather @theautisticcentre did it for me!!!Perlex <:)
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punkeropercyjackson 26 days
Pjo normies couldn't handle canon accurate but better written Percy,Percy in the books is an ultra fusion/between spectrum of these too
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punkeropercyjackson 4 months
Percy Jackson is literally Ramona Flowers,Leo Valdez is literally Scott Pilgrim,Rachel Elizabeth Dare is literally Kim Pine,Clarisse La Rue is literally Roxie Ritcher and Jason Grace could totally be Todd Ingram.These are all compliments and completely serious
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punkeropercyjackson 4 months
I've always thought Ramona Flowers was an absolutely great character.Even before i got to reading the comics or watching the show she gave me good vibes and once i finished ny readings,i was super confused at the reputation she gets because what the actual fuck are people talking about????I get that a few times she wasn't well written but for the most part,she was exactly what the people think the show changed about her:Her own person and not a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.It's right there in the text and even some dialogue that she's a decontruction of the archetype,not a bad example of it and she's got tons of good qualities like she does a few bad ones because she was written as a human just like Scott and everybody else in the main cast and i think it's really unfair she's constantly being used as a punchline for things that aren't even applicaple to her and has become slang for 'basic alt girl who objectifies herself for men' when even in-universe she's pretty open with not wanting to be seen as that because again,she dyes her hair for HERSELF and dresses for HERSELF and does her hobbies because SHE enjoys them and it's irrelevant that irl dudebros still missed the point and of Scott Pilgrim himself because he's the bad guy until he grows he fuck up and works on himself(and on that note,Knives Chau is such a caricature of asian girls and the freak ass pedo thing with her and Kim Pine later on makes it so i wipe it from the series since supposedly O'Malley only added that to enforce how bad Scott is but never called out Kim so it was just projecting and not an actual characteristic of Scott and Kim's seeing as he has Scott find it gross yet had him do it anyway and same for Kim and Knives shouldn't have to deal with it and i will be rewriting her as real rep).Ramona Flowers they could never make me hate you
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punkeropercyjackson 5 days
The hard facts on Ramona Flowers is she was always a good character who existed outside of Scott Pilgrim and y'all only don't know because you're pick mes who hate alt women so you think the only reason a woman would wanna be alt is for a dude because uuuhhhh something something alternative subculture is male-coded and normies is female-coded and also because you never actually read the comics
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punkeropercyjackson 3 months
RAMONA FLOWERS VARIANT PERCY JACKSON IS REAL NEOW(<Art was finished almost two months ago)
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@biandbored drew it!!!鈾lso this is canon based /srs
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punkeropercyjackson 4 months
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I stand by my tag on this post even though nobody gave a fuck.Scott obviously would take up Ramona's hair dying addiction and i WILL be joining them too(not a tgirl but i am a girlfaggot and selfship with Scott because i love girlfailures)
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punkeropercyjackson 5 hours
Ramona Flowers!Percy Jackson for the cultured in the Pjo/Scott Pilgrim crowd
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By my lil bro @theautisticcentre and mi prima @biandbored
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punkeropercyjackson 5 months
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Percy and Ramona are the same so i asked @theautisticcentre to make this edit,tysm馃檹馃徏
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punkeropercyjackson 1 month
Percy Jackson is trans and she kins Ramona Flowers.Source:Dude trust me
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