fr-familiar-bracket · 8 months
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stopdoopyphotos · 19 days
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mystery rock
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7cat · 2 years
abby tlou ellie tlou lev tlou
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frtools · 2 years
New Flash Sale: Augite Protector
A new flash sale has been discovered for Augite Protector
Keeping an Augite creation in good working order involves semi-regular patching and allowing the creature long stretches of slumber.
Game database: click here Marketplace link: click here
Treasure: 18000 14400
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dovalore · 11 months
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augite protector | mossy protector | aragonite haunt
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blueiscoool · 4 months
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440-Pound Mayan Sculpture Discovered in Mexico
Less than a year after a massive, ancient stone carving was discovered in western Mexico, it is on display for the public for the first time, officials said.
During a construction project of the Pátzcuaro market in August, researchers uncovered an enormous sculpture of a person lying on their back and holding a stone, according to a May 10 news release from the National Institute of Anthropology and History, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.
Weighing around 440 pounds, the sculpture is about 3 feet long and 2.5 feet tall, researchers said. It is carved from augite andesite, a dark black porous volcanic stone, according to the releas
The heavy statue was brought to researchers after it was found dismantled, officials said, and through preservation and cleaning, it was restored to its original shape and color.
The stone was carved by the Mayans during the late postclassic period, between 1350 and 1521, according to the release.
It is uncommon to find these kinds of artifacts in western Mexico, archaeologists said, which raises questions as to why it was there.
The image of a seated person is classic for a chacmool, a ritualistic table that was used in pre-Hispanic times, according to the release. Archaeologists believe it was used in sacrificial and offering ceremonies.
Researchers are not sure of the origin of chacmools, and few have been found in the archaeological record, the researchers said.
Only 70 pieces have ever been found, and one hasn’t been found in this region of Mexico since 1938, archaeologists said.
Since the piece has been well-preserved, the researchers hope it will shed light on how the sculptures were used and how the art form was created centuries ago.
The sculpture is now on display at the Museum of Popular Arts and Industries of Pátzcuaro.
Pátzcuaro is in southwest Mexico, about a 230-mile drive west from Mexico City.
By Irene Wright.
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avanii · 8 months
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The Beast of Mafic Magma, with its augite crystal claws and teeth, is always trying to find a way to the surface. Another beastie for my geology monsters project! This creature is based on eruptible magma, I may make another of more 'dormant' magma that's kinda just hanging out in the subsurface, we'll see! Painted with acrylic inks.
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aviamos · 7 months
Introducing Augita, my exorcist OC
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Named after a mineral called Augite. The five spikes are parts of her helmet, her halo is bended to go with them. She's the tallest among my exorcist OCs, wields a giant hammer to turn sinners into piles of lumps. Though she bears a tough presence, keeps the highest kill count of the army, sugar-rich, pastel-colored desserts like those which gained floods of likes on insta are her nemesis.
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Eizen’s 6☆ Evolution image from the “The One That Carries the Curse” chapter in “The Augite Sleeping in Avalon” scenario.
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fivepebbles · 6 months
Hey Pebs, Choose one.
Red-Winged Owlcat.
Augite Protector
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gotta-pet-em-all · 10 months
Pelipper mail!
It's several denominations of Hisuian Era Pokedollars, along with some coins.
Attached is a note. "Hey, so I thought Myths would like authentic currency from the Hisuian Era, so here you go. I'm not gonna need it anymore, considering I use Yen back home. Let me know if you want anything else from here. -Ren"
Oh holy shit these are the real deal. Palkia’s Pearls! Thank you,, on my way to put these in a very safe place and look at em a whole lot,,,, they’re so clean too! Most modern found coins are rusted or scuffed, hard to restore all the details.
If it’s possible, could you attempt to find me a stone called “black augite”? It’s become so gods damn rare in the present times due to the mining industry has harvested almost all for industrial purposes, but I’d kill to get my hands on a genuine sample.
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candyredappledragon · 8 months
Sorry, curiosity get the best of me. Because i thought the stone you mentioned looks like Black Augite. Pointy looking stone (also awfully polished too somehow)
youre fine.. i dont know rocks but that sounds co ol?
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naphiatra · 2 years
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Augite Protector
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wikimediauncommons · 9 months
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file: Pigeonite, Albite-Anorthite Series, Augite-358246.jpg
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magevivika · 2 years
...In Black
(Spoiler Warning: Demon's Souls)
The smooth stone supported the soles of her boots as they materialized on the landing before the arch stone. As she had done dozens, perhaps hundreds, of times before she turned to the left and strode down the short stairs toward the gap in the towering pillars. Her footfall echoed in the empty Nexus with only the light from the augite of souls at the hip of her tattered clothes to guide her way.
Despite the state of her attire, ragged as it was, it was valuable to the magician for her craft. But the darkness was no obstacle to the champion of Boletaria as her feet carried her without a conscious decision. The darkness did, however, obscure the presence in the corner until the guest lifted her chin to expose her pale skin to the faint orange light that her hat brim had shielded. The champion halted mid-stride, the tatters of her skirts swaying about her legs, as her stance instinctively fell into a position ready for battle.
“Blanca.” The familiar voice greeted her with warmth that melted the tension from the redhead’s posture. With a nod, Blanca sheathed both her curved sword and her off-hand flamberge in one fluid motion with the ease of long practice.
“Yuria. I did not think I would find you here.” There was a lilt of curiosity in her words that implied the unspoken question. She did not wait for formal invitation as she moved to seat herself in the same cross-legged posture beside the witch with her back to the wall.
“And yet, you approached as if expecting me. Perhaps you noticed my candles.” Yuria tilted her chin toward the small cluster of candles she had lit on the ledge to her left. Just the one, small, cluster. Far fewer than there once had been lighting this corner. Blanca followed her gaze, the softly flickering light glinting from the silver coronet across her forehead and her shining blue eyes, before she turned her face away from the light with head bowed.
“You miss her?” The witch observed as the stoic champion was not usually forthcoming; but not so difficult to read if one knew the signs. “I miss her too.” Yuria added, softly, then turned her face to look toward the center of the Nexus. “She was a reassuring presence, here, lighting the candles with her brazier staff. And, I hope it is no intrusion to say, but voices carry in this cavernous place so I did overhear your conversations. She was so dedicated to you.”
Blanca’s wine-red hair caught the candlelight as she turned her head to meet the witch’s gaze. “Of course she was. Who could do otherwise?” The side of her mouth lifted in a smirk of confident amusement. Yuria couldn’t help herself, she didn’t try, she lifted her head and revealed her pale throat as she gave an unrestrained laugh.
“Oh, Blanca. I do not know! Perhaps someone for whom you had not saved their life. Perhaps. Even then, well, I should have my doubts.” Yuria’s smile was warm and amused but her cerulean eyes remained earnest as they ever were when speaking to her savior. 
The redhead nodded a few times, bowed her head as she leant back against the wall, then she looked up toward the dark chandelier hanging above. “So, you’re saying I need to stop saving people’s lives to get an honest opinion, hmm? Ah, might be a tall order, that one.” Blanca turned her head just enough to regard the witch from the corner of her eye.
Yuria shook her head but the wide brim of her hat did not hide the amused curl of her lips. “I suppose we shall never know, then.”
There’s a hum of amusement in the single word response. “Fair.”
The women sat in silence for a time. The passage of hours in this place felt easy to let slip past without notice. But, eventually, Yuria spoke softly once again. “You still have it?”
Blanca nodded and sat forward, no longer leaning against the wall, to fish a pendant from the faded yellow collar of her robes. “Yes. I had this made to contain it.” A clear bottle hung from the sturdy chain by a metal eyelet but rather than containing spice it held a set of four slowly swirling lights. Without the witch needing to speak her concerns the magician offered further explanation at the look of curious concern from Yuria. “It is secure. I took heed of your words. It shall not fall into the wrong hands. Not while I protect it.”
Yuria released tension from her shoulders that she hadn’t consciously held. “Good. That is a relief.” As Blanca slipped the pendant beneath the collar of her robe once more Yuria leant back slightly to regard her outfit. “You still choose to wear that? I am certain there are people who would gladly tailor you more fitting attire.”
Blanca leant back herself and spread her arms to show the torn yellow sleeves and the dark ratty bodice with tattered reddish skirts hanging from it. “More fitting than the robes I saved the world in? That hardly seems possible.”
Yuria breathed amusement through her nostrils before observing. “You are much more humble than you make yourself out to be, Blanca. For all your brazen comments you ask for nothing in return for all you have given us. You are allowed a little reward, you know.”
The magician smirked and paused for a moment, tilting her chin up, as she regarded the witch. “What greater reward is there than learning witchcraft, from the one and only Yuria, whenever I so should wish? That, I truly doubt, is possible.”
The witch’s hat obscured her face entirely for a moment as she bowed her head but she lifted it to meet the magician’s gaze with an unmistakable look. “You only need ask.” Blanca did not ask, for her answer was already crystal clear, as the light in Yuria’s eyes had swept from her own mind any thought of missing candles. There was no lack of light and no need for further conversation.
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augite! this is an iron rich pyroxene, which is an inosilicate (so its formed by chains of SiO4 tethaedra), its particular because it has a 87° cleavage along 2 directions, which is due to a structure formed by what are called "i-shaped beams", and it has monoclinic symmetry
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