#auntie hilda
littledigits · 6 months
I AM SO GOSH DARN PROUD OF THE TEAMS HARD WORK . so happy we can get a trailer to at least hype people up a lil bit before it airs next week !! ITS GONNA BE WILD YA'LL :D
although i will say - if you want to go into the season not knowing anything its best to avoid this trailer ! its not exactly ambiguous to some of the things coming up, even if theres still tons to experiance! so if you're someone who likes to avoid spoilers i'd say this gives a lot more to the seasons vibe then the first few clips released by netflix.
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mooncalf87 · 23 days
Can we all agree that Auntie Astrid never signed the paperwork and can just see Alfur because she's a fairy
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that-dang-deerfox · 2 years
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Credits to Idle#2565 and Half_Half#0643 on discord for this awesome discovery 
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ivys-garden · 6 months
My head cannon endings for all the Hilda cast post finale (Spoilers for season 3)
She remains in her home, never moving away. However she makes sure to visit Hilda often, which has become easier now that she's learned to fly again. She also doesn't get to lonely as she invites the Pooka to like with her and helps him practice shape shifting. When she dies she is buried where the fairy mound once was to be closer to her family.
He travels the world but always returns to Trollburg, on cold winter nights he joins Hilda and her family for tea and games, maybe the yule lads join in too. On his travels he spreads the story on Hilda far and wide even long after she's gone.
Tryla & Baba
They remain at the mountain most days but do ecompany Hilda on adventures during her weekly visit. They still live there long after everyone else is gone, telling tales of Hilda to the next hundreds of generations of trolls.
He continues living in Trollburg, working on wall and city maintenance with the bellkeeper. He never gets back together with Johana but he does try and be a better dad to Hilda, including taking her on that camping trip.
Begins selling her paintings to people, she also starts painting things from her and Hilda's adventures, including the Fae Ilse, which she still thinks about often. When she dies Hilda burries her at the fairy mound with Auntie Astrid, but she keeps a lock of her hair in a locket. One day, in the far future when Hilda has finally moved on she hangs that locket at the remains of the cabin.
Just keeps doing what he does mostly. Going on adventures with Hilda occasionally but mostly keeping to himself. He remains in the house for a long time, even after Hilda had died.
Keeps writing reports for the northern counties but he also begins working with Gerda and the safety patrol, his days are busy but that's how he likes them. When he dies, if elfs even do, he would be given a funeral pyre by the lost clan and Hilda returns to the northern counties to scatter his ashes.
Would go on many more adventures with the trio and would start to develop a crush on David, one that David would reciprocate. She would eventually become a wildlife photographer.
Started researching entomology and now runs an insect focused wildlife centre near the sparrow scout building, enjoying a more peaceful and quiet life than most of his friends. He also assists the linworm in a construction of a new garden on sparrow scout property, sometimes the two of them and Louise have tea together. He was the first to die out of the four and was buried in Trollburgs graveyard, later Louise would be buried with him when she died.
Finished her training and became a fully fledged witch. She would take over running the Trollburg library from Kaisa after Kaisa was appointed to the witch council. When they were teenagers she and Hilda started dating but they never decided to get married.
She still goes on adventures in her teenage years, it wouldn't be Hilda if she didn't. She and Johanna also practised flying with their fae magic. She always makes sure to keep in touch with Astrid and Victoria. She continues to paint and make music and becomes a freelance artist like her mum. Twig also grows big enough to ride when he gets older. She lived in her apartment in Trollburg until her death. She and Frida were buried together at the overgrown remains of the cabin
He's still there, deep in the woods. even after everyone else has long since died, perhaps he tells the tales of a mysterious blue haired friend to spirits to the passersby.
Or perhaps he would tell you that if you walk deep enough into the woods, you could find an old forest glen where a cabin once was, and you can speak to her spirit yourself
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sireditsalot4 · 5 months
A cry for help
Summary: After witch hunters attack you, you find your way into the Spellman family.
Relationships: Zelda Spellman x Fem!Reader
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You don't know how long you've been running but you know you've gotten far from your attackers. "You're a witch! Witches should be burned!" The male hunter takes a swipe at you with his knife, and you duck out of the way. The female attacker joined and pretty soon both hunters have you cornered against a tree. You only had a second to think or it's all over-
without thinking, you kicked the guy in the family jewels. Bending over in pain, holding himself he yelled out loudly. "You stupid bitch! We'll find you. You won't get far!"
That must've been hours ago now.
You hug yourself trying to warm up from the cold but to no use. The sounds of wolves howling fill the woods and you jump, tears stain your cheeks. You know your mascara is smeared and look a hot mess. Laughing to yourself, you spot a good looking area to hang out for tonight and run to it. Making a hole not too deep in the ground, you gather little wood shards and place them in and rub your fingers together, “Incendio.” You say. The wood shards alight with fire and you let out a sigh of relief immediately putting your cold fingers over the fire. Over time the fire grew and your heart slowed. Fatigue and exhaustion taking over.
Tickle tickle.
You go to brush off the leaf that’s on your face and go back to sleep but immediately feel it again.
“What the-” you fully open your eyes and see a man there with his finger close to you.
“What the fuck! Who are you?” You start to back up.
“Wait-wait-hi! My name is Ambrose, I’m not going to hurt you,” Ambrose looks you over and you see sympathy in his eyes. “come with me. I’ll take you somewhere safe, away from them.”
Them? There is another question at hand.
“If you’re wondering, I am too a witch. Everyone is.” Ambrose gets closer and you flinch. He assures you he won’t hurt you and you let him grab you and bring you close to him. The both of you reach a road and across you see a giant mansion with what seems to have a cemetery. I’m going to die for sure.
“We’re almost there. You’re doing fine.” Making it to the house, he guides you up the stairs and grabs his keys from his pocket. Opening the door he lets you in and take a look around the giant house. “This is huge,” you look at the wallpaper and art on the walls and can tell an elderly woman lives here. Maybe a grandmother. “Thank you, my aunts have an eye don’t they?” Ambrose goes over to the stairs that open up into two. “Aunties! Sabrina!” You jump from his shouting and try to regain yourself. “Shit.”
Footsteps come from upstairs and seconds you see two older women, you assume to be the aunts and a young girl, maybe the girlfriend come down. “Aunts, Sabrina this is…what’s your name again?”
“Y/N, and she needs our help. She was attacked yesterday by witch hunters-”
“Oh! You poor thing. Are you okay?” The shorter woman came from behind the taller one and grabs your hands keeping eye contact. “Do you have family around here?” You shake your head. “She can stay here for as long as she needs,” You look at the older woman and was mesmerized. Her ginger hair was curled over her shoulders and the outfit she was wearing, a green blouse tucked inside a black ankle length skirt had you in a gaze.
“Oh shoot- we didn’t tell you our names! I’m Sabrina, his cousin, and these are our aunts. Aunt Zelda and aunt Hilda.” Hilda waved joyfully and Zelda gave you a pleasing look. You nervously wave.
“You poor thing. Come-let me show you to your room.”
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supercap2319 · 10 months
You love making Harvey kinkles underwear disappear.
It was a little spell that Nicholas Scratch taught him that his aunties would certainly disapprove of. More so Hilda, than Zelda. It was a disappearing clothes spell. And while he would never be that cruel, Y/N had a habit of using this particular spell on Harvey.
He would find the young mortal boy and just point a finger at him as glitter and sparkles of magic would wrap around his body until his underwear would disappear from his legs. Harvey would frown and look down and check himself downstairs only to realize he had no underwear on.
Y/N would laugh silently. Especially, in gym class when Harvey would get comments and wolf whistles as he went 'commando.' Harvey blushed and tried to ignore them as this happened all week and even when he brought extra underwear in his locker, Y/N loved making those disappear too.
"That's the sixth time this has happened this week. Who's stealing my underwear?" Harvey asked Y/N at lunch.
Y/N faked a look of innocence and smiled. "No idea, Harv."
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nathaaaan · 5 months
Yet another idea
I’m actually going to die if I don’t get this off my chest. I’m going to start rambling about an au for Hilda, but I’m not sure if I’m gonna write it, but just in case I don’t I’m putting it here.
What if… instead of Johanna getting sick at birth, Hilda got sick?
I already have a song in mind so it will be at the bottom of this post. BUT ANYWAY.
Since Hilda got sick, that means that Johanna was the one to sacrifice her life for her daughter. Then who lives with Hilda? Auntie Astrid, and Astrid does not take Hilda’s memories because Hilda didn’t see her mom take off and leave at ten (INSTEAD AT 5 AHAHAH). So really? Hilda is confused and upset, she doesn’t understand why her mom left her, and she doesn’t understand why her father left her.
Was she a mistake? Had she done something wrong? Was she not deserving of them?
She has constant nightmares about her mom leaving her. It’s been so long she barely remembers what her mom looks like. One thing she does remember is Johanna’s gentle smile and her brown hair. It’s the same nightmare every time, she’s doing something in nature—whether it be climbing the trees, or walking with Frida and David when she meets them, the world around her disintegrates but when she looks out into the void she sees her mother looking back at her before disintegrating too. Everyone left her.
Other times she sees a hooded figure staring at her—sometimes she vents to the figure, because it’s the only person that she can talk about her problems to, and they’ll sit… erm stand and listen. Auntie Astrid won’t tell her anything about her parents, and she doesn’t want to bother Frida and David with her problems.
OH YEAH, and when she meets Frida and David for the Sparrow Scout, then they come over to the apartment, either Frida or David make the mistake of asking: “Where are your parents?” And Hilda just laughs and ushers them out the building saying something like, “C’mon it’s best to be ahead of schedule right? Right!”
Hilda also reunites with her father, Anders. When Anders takes Hilda and her friends to go eat and Frida and David say something terrible happened to Anders, Hilda eats her soup before saying about Anders not being in her life until now. Anders asks about her mother and Hilda slams her fists on the table and says, “She isn’t here.” Before apologizing right after. Anders suggests they make up time for some overdue family bonding! Hilda agrees because she knows absolutely nothing about this man.
After a whole buncha wacky adventures, Hilda somehow goes to Fairy Country and technically reunites in the same way Johanna did with her parents originally. Like when Johanna and Hilda are sleeping on the giant mushroom, Johanna’s mom comes in and looks at her. HOWEVER, instead of staying asleep, Hilda wakes up and immediately recognizes her and just starts telling her off as she flies away. After like a minute of standing on the same mushroom, Hilda decides that what she did wasn’t nice and goes to find her mother to apologize.
All that fluffy stuff happens, but you all know the deal, correct?
When Hilda decides to go home, she gets sick again and everyone surrounds her as they watch her slowly die. This could go one of two ways! Hilda dies (potentially in her mother’s arms because Johanna says screw it to the Fairy Entity snd goes for her daughter, GOING AGAINST THE RULESS!) surrounded by the ones she loves the most. Or she lives and happily ever after!
Idk if this idea is original or not, lmao
LISTEN, LISTEN TO ME, the song title does not align with this idea that well, HOWEVER, the lyrics do. And I keep thinking about this song because of how the way it was written and just… THE INSTRUMENTS OMG.
go listen to it omg 😭
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sea-owl · 13 days
About to expose myself a little bit but I don't care.
So back in my fanfiction.net days there was a certain flavor of How to Train your Dragon aus that I really enjoyed. There was only like two and to my knowledge both remain unfinished to this day but for some reason they were my favorites.
The fics were hybrid dragon x human romance with Hiccup being the human and Astrid being the hybrid, usually half night fury and Toothless' sister. Two outcasts coming together. They both had the premis that the night Hiccup was supposed to shoot down Toothless Astrid takes that place as the one who gets shot down with either her tail fin being gone or a damaged wing. Up for debate if Toothless is with her or finds her later. Like I said there was like and both were unfinished but I want to throw some thoughts into this au as well.
So, to start, I would set up Astrid's birth as like she's the byproduct of the gods messing with mortal lives. Say her mom, let's call her Hilda, was from House Hofferson and a shield maiden who had no intentions to marry and unknowingly rejected a god. The god wanting revenge curses her to temporarily fall in love with one of her village's greatest enemies, and that one night affair led to her being pregnant. In shame, Hilda fled before anyone else could no.
During her time away Hilda gave birth to a baby girl who many would say is cursed. Born with patches of black scales on her body, black wings, tail fins attached to the sides of her legs, ears like the night fury on top of her head, and pupils that change like a dragons there was no hidding the baby girl's paternity. Though she did inheirt from her mother as well, she was bipedal like her mother, having all ten fingers and toes even if they were covered in scales, her mama's blonde hair, fair complexion, and blue eyes.
Hilda wanted nothing to do with her baby, and the last thing she gave her was her name, Astrid.
Astrid was taken in by her father, who had a son already. They taught her all they knew about being a dragon. Eventually, their father passes, and Toothless and Astrid stay together.
Now, this is where I might differ from the others. Because a part of me wants to go the route where Astrid and Toothless get caught in the Red Death's nest and Astrid escapes while Toothless stays behind to ensure she survives. I also want to add Stormfly into their little family because I love her and Astrid's relationship, and I ship her with Toothless, so yes, I'm gonna be self-indulgent. Stormfly escapes with Astrid, carrying the hatching on her back since this point in time she was much faster than Astrid.
The two of them eventually find their way to Valka's sanctuary, who, over the years, teaches Astrid about her human half. From Valka Astrid learns how to talk in a human language instead of just dragonese, she learns to read and write, her numbers, and much more a child her age should know. Years pass, and Astrid can't sit still anymore she has to find her brother. Valka advises against it but Astrid has to go.
It was during that fateful raid that Astrid once again was reunited with her brother but they both get tangled up in a bola and shot out of the sky.
A viking hatchling frees them, and her brother pins him to the ground. He roars at the viking hatchling, and they both fly off or attempt to. Astrid was mostly protected by her brother during the fall and her wing ended up sprained. Easy fix she could do. It was her brother's tail she didn't know what to do. No tail fin means no flight.
The viking hatchling finds them the next day. Astrid thinks he looks a bit like Auntie. He's certainly curious though. He won't leave but he's also not doing any harm, well more harm than he already did.
Astrid nearly gives poor Hiccup heart failure the first time she speaks Norse to him.
Or place Toothless and Astrid's reunion after the first movie. Toothless is gonna try matchmaking his sister and new brother. He thinks Astrid and Hiccup would he perfect mates. Astrid tries to foil this plan by pretending to be more dragon than what she really is. Toothless know she's lying. Astrid gives herself away when Hiccup catches her editing the book of dragons.
Either way Astrid gonna be a proper little sister and make fun of her brother's new name when she learns Hiccup named him Toothless.
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Nuvemini Gang! From left to right; Hilly, Beebles, Cheri, and Lil’ Hil!
Hilda Weiss - She doesn’t attend the same daycare as the other three- in fact, she doesn’t attend daycare at all! Her dad is so busy with his work, he leaves her under the care of auntie Fennel, who takes her around laboratories and facilities.. she’s learned to use battle simulators at a young age, and probably knows some advanced maths too! She dislikes auntie Fennel’s colleague, Dr. Colress.
Bianca Alabaster - Little Beebee is the starlet of the daycare! She’s a little princess wherever she goes.. which she hates, because all she wants to do is play with her best friends in the dirt. Has the cutest clothes thanks to her cousins in Kalos, but she wants nothing more than to be a cool archaeologist like Miss Lenora from Nacrene City! To kickstart her career, she collects pretty rocks and flowers she finds.
Cheri Slater - The smallest and youngest of their group, born only a few days before the year ends. Little Cheri is very quiet and terribly lonely because their family is often busy- but when they do visit, they’re quite doting! Little Cheri’s uniform is an old variation of the preschool uniform which belonged to their older brother, who is an ace trainer that specializes in dark types. Loves singing and talking to the sea!
Hilbert Blackburn - An honest child who can tell no lies- it pains him to do so, apparently. He dreams of becoming a cool trainer and traveling with his beloved friends around the region, and maybe even the world! He thinks Champion Alder and Mayor Drayden of Opelucid are the coolest guys ever, and aspires to be just like them. When Bianca isn’t playing dress up with Cheri, he insists on playing Pokemon battles!
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littledigits · 6 months
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Some expressions I did for Astrid to show her range, I pretty much just treat her as older Hilda because they are so similar. I adore this character so much. HONESTLY. GOALS. WE SHOULD ALL STRIVE TO BE LIKE AUNTIE ASTRID
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epiphanyfics · 1 year
The Morning After. (Drabble) (Ambrose Spellman/Reader)
Synopsis: You have breakfast with your friend Ambrose after sleeping over.
Pairing: Ambrose Spellman/gn!reader (Platonic implied, could be read as otherwise though.)
Word Count: 308
Warnings: None! Just a neat lil' breakfast drabble.
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You woke up to warm sunlight hitting your face through a window. You peeled your eyes open and took in your surroundings. Lately, you seemed to have made a habit of waking up in this room. Nothing too serious, though. You and Ambrose Spellman were friends. You came to visit him often, and sometimes those visits turned into long nights lying next to each other and talking about who knows what.
“Ambrose?” You called out, but got no reply. You assumed that he must’ve already been downstairs by now. Groggily, you picked yourself up and started down.
“Are you down here?” You called out again, this time being met with a reply. “In the kitchen!”
Ambrose sat at the table, eating breakfast with the rest of the household. You hadn’t talked with any of them, not enough to know what would be appropriate anyway. You stood in the doorway and gave a meek wave.
Ambrose cleared his throat dramatically. “Aunties, Sabrina, I’d like you to meet one of my friends.”
Zelda, Ambrose’ aunt, looked up from her paper briefly to give you a stern look over. “So that’s what you’re doing holed up in your room.”
Ambrose ignored the comment, and gestured to a chair next to him. “Waffle?”
“No thank you. I’m not really that hungry.” You went to sit down beside your friend and gave a smile. “They do smell amazing though.”
“They are amazing! Aunt Hilda works magic in the kitchen… Pun intended.”
You stifled a laugh, letting yourself get more comfortable around the new group. “I’m sure she does.”
Hilda, despite your previous objections, put a plate down in front of you. “You should try to eat, flower.” She insisted. “A good breakfast makes a good day.”
You laughed, and took a bite. It was delicious. Maybe you’d eat a whole plate after all.
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supa-suckers · 1 year
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Dating Headcanons:
Okay sooo he clingy ngl here, he clingy and needy it's cute untill it isn't and i don't really see him as the type to back off and give you your space without taking it the wrong way.
He dosen't stay mad or sad very long dosen't really see the point in properly understanding what led to the argument or whatever it was but will try.
Movie dates, shopping dates, arcade dates, taking you to his special spot date, cuddling under blankets and watching your favrouite stuff date, (trying to) baking dates, he wants to see you happy he's down for any date long as you are.
Dosen't like to talk about his work very much as the public preception is of him being a 'supa sub' and he never really feels essential or appriciated in the team so he tries not to drag that into his private life.
Will teach you a few tricks if you ask though.
Gets you funny little random gifts for you everywhere he goes, he'll tell the team that he's getting a gift for Aunt Hilda and they'll be like 'a heart shaped nose ring? for your auntie??'
Heart shaped anything (jewlery, candy, ciggarets if you smoke, tea sets, pens, lens), random snacks with odd flavours, couple's shirts (no pressure doe) sappy rings and the list goes on and on.
Whenever he's watching a sunset he wishes you were there with him :(
Will introduce you to his family but not to his team as again he's insecure about his football career and this relationship is something he holds really close to his heart he dosen't want it tainted by that, so you're most likely not public either.
Saying all that some members of the team will meet you anyway because y'know (cue plotline about Klaus having a secret spouse and the team not believing him)
Likes the idea of you too living togeather but won't bring it up unless he thinks you're interested.
Klaus vapes btw he might just get you to start too.
Again will teach you tricks. He's a good teacher really patient too, might even teach you a bit of german if you're up to it.
Holding pinkies and swinging hands, holding onto your arm or shoulder, running your hands through his hair maybe even braiding it, kisses on his adam's apple and his knuckles, smoke kisses, side hugs, rubbing noses.
Sometimes he has problems with social cues and whatnot so he'll just give you this 'fucks goin on' look in the middle of something.
He hogs blankets and whines if you ask for them back. Might also ask you to lay on top of him sort of like a heated weighted blanket.
He'll randomly just spill to you about all his insecurities and grief one night just before bed and then will pretend it never happened the morning after.
if y'all ever break up it's clean and quite not to say it dosen't hurt or that he dosen't miss you he just has a way of keeping it hush hush.
Might not stay friends but you can always rekindle the relationship.
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antihibikase2 · 8 months
Burn Heal : Prologue
Ice Burn : The turn after using this move, the user surrounds the target with an ultracold, freezing wind to inflict damage. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Five consecutive knocks in a rhythm against an aging wood, followed by two quieter ones.
"Hijo? Are you done?"
Cheren Slater takes one last look at the tall mirror, glass decorated by once vibrant, now faded stickers of Pokemon in cartoonish masks and outfits.
The big bow settled in the center of his pastel pink smock top was a lovely touch- it looked heavy at first, and he initially worried that such a large accessory would weigh down on the delicate fabric.
But no, it stayed in place like a little Ribombee would to a flower- just like he himself had, a fragile creature in wait.
The door creaks open, and the familiar bun sitting atop Marian Blake's head comes into view. She gives Cheren a few seconds to think before she allows herself in the shared bedroom of her child and her ward.
Though, he might as well be her child at this point, shouldn't he?
Empty indigo eyes blink at his own reflection, before a thin smile stretched across his lips.
"Sorry, I was just, ah, making sure I looked presentable."
"Prese-?! Hijo, you look more than presentable! Look at you, you're going to steal the spotlight away from the Pokemon in this outfit!"
Like an actor with a script, this was Cheren's cue to let out a shy little laugh from his throat, no matter how much it stung.
"You're quite the flatterer, Miss Bla-"
"Oh, we've talked about this, hijo. As long as you're under my roof, you're not just Nathaniel's teacher, okay? You're a child under my care- call me auntie."
Not even a second passes when another thought comes to her mind.
"Better yet, call me tita. It's not too late for you to familiarize yourself with your Hoenn roots."
How optimistic of her, for her words were true; Cheren Slater was still youthful, mere months away from turning seventeen.
If he so wished, he had his whole life ahead of him to further his connection with his Hoenn roots, especially as he had earned himself a seat at the league, who would always be so kind as to send him on a research trip to his desired region if he just asked.
Unfortunately, Cheren Slater was an emptied vessel, whose life had ended just weeks ago in the coldness of the Giant Chasm.
His dream of basking under the Hoenn sun was purely out of reach, and to think otherwise would only be lying to himself and the people around him.
Still, he was quite the liar- he pleases her attempts at reassuring him of his place in her home, hoping it would be enough to deter her from worrying even further.
"I'll think about it."
Thankfully, she's not pushy.
She is, however, observant.
What Cheren was wearing now was noticeably lighter and looser than the semi-formal uniform he had taken to wearing when he accepted the offer of being Aspertia trainer school's teacher
Realistically, it shouldn't have taken him almost half an hour for preparations, especially with how responsible he was with every second of his time.
But then again, even when kept out of the loop, her son had told her enough of what she needed to hear- that the poor child standing before her now was undergoing a crisis of his reality, and would spend hours upon hours gazing into his own reflection to confirm his own existence.
If she hadn't checked up on him, Cheren would have lost himself in his own dreams once more, a sight that she, as a nurse, had seen quite often during her days of work.
She may not fully understand what he was specifically going through, but-
"You seem to be ready now, aren't you? Why don't you head downstairs with the kids, I'll give your Hilda friend a call and tell her you're all set to go,"
"Oh, I can-"
"I'll do it, hijo. You make sure Nathaniel doesn't forget his tickets- he's league champion and he's still quite irresponsible with his things."
As Cheren grabs his things, the moody little Minccino that had been sleeping on a bed by the foot of the mirror scampers after him, climbing up his back and settling into his shoulder.
Just as she's about to take her aged Xtransceiver out of her duster's pocket, she couldn't help but notice the lingering smell of white jasmines in her son's room.
"Strange," There was a small chuckle in her voice. "Was there a funeral?"
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ladiesandwitches · 6 months
Standing in the doorway, Zelda barred entry through the front door by her mere presence, her gaze silently piercing through Leo's very soul as she considered everything he said and everything she had learned of the young girl before her. She kept the silence for a little longer, letting its threatening tension hang in the air, before finally stepping a little to the side.
"I suppose you had better come in," she gestured for the girl to enter, before telekinetically closing the door in Leo's face unceremoniously. "Hilda!!" she called loudly, commanding her sister's presence. While she waited for her to appear she turned to Aiden.
"Is this all you have?"
"Ooh, is she here?" Hilda asked, coming in from the kitchen, wiping her hands on the apron wrapped around her middle. "Oh poor thing, look at you; Zelda, you haven't even taken her things. You can't just leave her standing in the hall like she doesn't belong" she mildly scolded her sister who only rolled her eyes in reply.
"Come here," Hilda encouraged, bringing Aiden into a tight and warm hug, before pulling back to look at you. "Why don't we go to the kitchen, whip you up a little something to eat while we all get to know each other, and then later we'll show you to your new room, how does that sound?"
"Ambrose isn't busy, he'll take your bags up," Zelda added just as her nephew walked in. "Won't you, Ambrose?"
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"Uh, of course, Aunty Zee. Absolutely," the warlock immediately gave the only expected answer, going to the task just as the aunties swept the new arrival in the direction of the kitchen.
"Now what sort of things do you like to eat?" Hilda asked Aiden warmly. "What do you feel like? Anything at all."
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sireditsalot4 · 5 months
A cry for help CH 3
Summary: It’s a boring day at the mortuary.
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Zelda Spellman x Fem!Reader
A/N: Again, if any grammar mistakes I apologize.
Looking out the kitchen window, you watch Sabrina and her friends along with a couple of academy students hang about talking and catching up on their lives. After all it was a Friday, but for you it was just a regular day. Boring day, at that fact.
“Why don’t you go out there, love?” Hilda asks. “Make some new friends.” You shrug, still looking out. “I don’t know, it’s just I’m not a part of them so it’ll feel weird…forget it.” Turning away from the window, you look at what Hilda is doing and see her grabbing fresh lemons, “Need help?” You start to grab the lemons and grab the cutting board. “Oh, thank you dear. Nice slices,” She instructions. You hear high heels coming towards the kitchen and a second later Zelda appears in view.
“What are you two up to?”
“Making lemonade for the kids. Want to help?” Hilda holds up a lemon to Zelda, who makes a face in return. “I’ll pass. I actually want to talk to Y/N for a second. Do you have a second?” You stop what you’re doing and look up. “Oh, okay.” Grabbing the lemon and knife from you, Hilda waves you off towards Zelda. “Off you go, dear.”
Following Zelda into the living room you watch her grab two brandy glasses from her stash she has in the middle of the hallway and pour herself and you a drink. Walking back to you she holds out the now half full glass. “Come. Sit.” You follow and sit across from her in the chair. She sits down and places her feet on the little foot rest she has. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
“I actually want to tell you that I admire you, you came a long way in such a short time. I knew witches who went through what you did and they would keep it with them for weeks, sometimes years, but you-you are different,” You feel a blush spread across your cheeks. Zelda raises her glass to her lips and takes a sip and you do the same before looking at the fire that is behind you. From the corner of your eye you see Zelda lean forward towards you which brings your attention back to her and she leans in with a look in her eyes.
“You are a remarkable woman, Y/n. Truly,” This time you didn’t break eye contact with her. You glance down at her lips that part slightly and your mouth goes dry-
Sabrina’s voice sounds from the entrance, along with her friends. Quickly pulling apart and standing, you place your glass down and Zelda stays sitting, calm. Hilda comes out of the kitchen with fresh lemonade and the teens run up and each take one. “I should go wash up for work tomorrow. It was nice talking to you Zelda. Maybe we should…do it again sometime?” The ginger nods. “Anytime.” With that you wave at Sabrina and everyone and make your exit to your room.
“What were you and Y/N talking about?” Hilda asks handing out cups.
“Nothing of importance to you, sister,” Zelda responds, getting up, annoyance in her voice. She walks past Hilda and grabs a cup for herself.
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yiga-hellhole · 7 months
AND! yuga headcanons 🫵
oh yuga my yuga my beautiful yuga my yuga MY YUGA!! AUNTIE
i’ve said this before. he is bigender and goes by he/him and she/her. he doesn’t care which you use but will get positively giggly if you refer to her as a woman
as he is the counterpart of ganondorf, so too is he the equivalent of a gerudo of Lorule. haven’t come up with a name for them yet, but they’re a tribe of witches that live in the mire, of which the hermits go on to become wizzrobes. they have a desire to appear refined and stylish similar to him, in contrast with their murky surroundings. he takes it to the extreme though.
she is a very skilled, speedy, byzantine-style painter, with skillsets in many other forms of art too. the portraits and drawings you see in link between worlds are what she can whip up in a span of seconds
much like ganondorf, as a representative for his tribe, he arrived at lorule palace offering to be an advisor when the continent was crumbling around the mires. except he’s a far more patient man, and found it a far better idea to land himself a cushy job at the noble court where he can sit around and look pretty seated upon velvet cushions all day, rather than murder the king and get what he wants right away. the death of lorule’s king he actually had nothing to do with whatsoever. it was mighty convenient though!
other than her royal advisor, yuga is also hilda’s personal dressing maid. he doesn’t trust anybody to know how to preen that beautiful young lady as well as he does.
in spite of her status as the resident wine auntie, she holds her liquor terribly. whether she’s a giggly or a terribly melodramatic sad drunk is entirely dependent on the company she keeps
he’s the only one in the villain team that knows how to cook. there is no servant status in the mire, so his sisters were just as eager to push chores on him as in any family. he makes a mean soup dumpling
before she was the royal advisor, she was also training as a mage to be a hermit, but in her own obsessive ego found it a terrible shame to waste her talents on joining an assimilationist hivemind. it was quite the scandal when she forgoed her training to focus on her painting, but she more than made up for her tarnished reputation with her one-of-a-kind scrambling of art and magic (which dealt with enemies of the tribe in an awfully creative way), and her consequent favors won with the Lorulean royal family.
that being said, her motivations for kissing up to the royals were half genuine desires to restore the land of Lorule and better the standing of her home peoples, and half pure selfish greed to make a wish to attain unlimited power. what would she need that power for, you ask? well, what does anyone, really?
he laughs EXACTLY like trixie mattel
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