#aurin rambles
rhetoricalsoapbox · 8 months
I love when I write a depressing chapter out of nowhere while listening to some of the happiest music ever
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calissarowan · 2 months
Icy x valtor, girl, icy/princesscore, heterochromia with dark blue and silver with icy blue highlights
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Wow, I am so sorry this took so long to get done! I just didn’t really have any idea where I was gonna go with it for a while, and then inspiration hit, and here we go!
This is Freya Zima, Witch of Winter and the Princess of Dyamond. I came up with some lore for her while I was drawing, so I hope you don’t mind if I ramble a tad.
So, in Freya’s reality, in which Valtor and Icy are together, because the ask says so, Valtor learned of Icy’s homeworld’s destruction, and used his Dragon Fire to attempt to thaw it. As he was so weakened, and lacked the power he once possessed, he was unable to do so in full, but he did manage to free the planet’s people from the permafrost. However, the kingdom is still trapped in an eternal, bitter winter, and as it is a kingdom led by one of the Trix and her evil wizard partner, asking for aid from the other realms is implausible, for obvious reasons. Not to mention that Dyamond’s plight was ignored for years anyway, before Icy even took her first steps on the path to villainy, as the kingdom was one of the only ones in the dimension in which witches and dark wizards were more prevalent than fairies, and so the planet was looked upon as something of a black sheep.
So now Icy and Valtor rule, and Freya has grown up in an eternal winter, and has learned to bend that winter to her will. She’s a sweet, lovable girl, striving to be the best princess she can be for her people, but she’s also a strong skeptic, as she’s grown up knowing that her planet was ignored for years by those claiming to safeguard the worlds.
She is probably closest with her aunt Sapphire, who’s still a fox, but, thanks to incessant research by Darcy (who jumped right on board with this whole ‘saving and ruling a planet’ thing if Icy was doing it, along with Stormy), she has regained the capacity for human speech, and uses it to get into all kinds of scrapes with her niece.
While I was drawing this, I decided that she exists in the same canon as Sera, Sage, Aurin and Zoe, and later in life, I believe she and Sera would meet, and I firmly believe the crushing is very mutual.
I hope you like her! Sorry she took so long to exist.
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
11 for Tulia / 17 and 21 for you? <3 -Oliver
thank you Oliver @voidendron 💚
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
Tulia is pretty open about her identity, and when she’s off-duty she’s relatively blunt about being unapologetically who she is (a bit to Zhorrid’s chagrin, on the rare occasions that they go out together, with Darth Doom-and-Gloom trying not to have a Facial Journey with her nearly six foot tall Imperial Barbie girlfriend on her arm)
17. Do you share identity with any of your ocs? Which ones?
Lesbians: Velda, Hinah, Navosi, Terreti, Mena, Eleison, Raz, Tulia, Gezta, Nyrie, Baize (not properly introduced yet), Aurin
Aces: Kestrel, Dee, Baize, Nikazi, Arvi
Somewhere to the left of female I guess?: Moxie
21. Free ramble card wee
I don’t really know what to ramble about lol. I hope other people enjoy my little weirdos, even if not as much as I do, but that folks get some kind of enjoyment out of seeing them.
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At some point ranboo may face reveal, and that is a day I'm both excited and terrified for bc brain has convinced me that that's literally his face. Like he's just mask man. But he does have a face. That's just inconceivable to me. But also it's great bc it means he's comfortable and well enough to show his face
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novasiri · 6 years
Things to do-
-Finish AE Page sketch -Finish Wildstar/Terraria Image -Start on Morvaig's character reference -Work on AE character references -Contemplate days to stream more art.
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lyseeart · 4 years
More OC rambles: all 3 Argentum kids are bi.
Rosie probably prefers women to men at like a 80/20 ratio? Similar to Merc, actually. Thank goodness they’re so many years apart in age, because otherwise they would probably be interested in the same people, and probably even make it into a competition, the little shits. Actually once they're both significantly older, I can see that happening regardless......
Aurin is the only monoamorous one, and idk if he has a strong preference for men or women, it’s around 50/50. He's the most idealistic romantic, and would totally dream of a cottagecore fantasy where he settles down with the love of his life to raise bunnies and chickens.
Going into the military is probably going to be such an awakening for him lmao. Just imagine, he'll see one of the other young officers walk into camp, shirtless and damp from skinny dipping in the river, and the poor boy's face will light up bright red
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Is there anything you wanna share about Penelope? I'd be delighted to learn anything you're in the mood to talk about in regards to her
Oh god, yes, please let me talk about Penelope. She’s been on my mind lately and I’ve been itching for the chance to ramble about her.
(Under a cut, of course. I don’t want to clog up people’s dashboards with my lengthy posts.)
Okay, so, Penelope was the third character I ever made for D&D Fifth Edition, after Cai (elf cleric) and Aurin (tiefling bard), respectively. 
She’s an artificer, which means that I’ve had to redo her character sheet several times, since artificers aren’t. Y’know. A base game class and their kit keeps getting revised. Hopefully I won’t have to tweak her again, since the artificer rules that appear in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything are supposed to be the final version, but you never know.
Backstory wise, she’s lonely-rich-kid-turned-mad-scientist! Her parents were minor nobility who decided to have a child for Clout™, only to her off to their servants once it was no longer fashionable to bring her to galas. As a result, Penelope grew up with only her family’s staff for company. Now, this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing -- Alfred, her goliath valet (and a friend’s D&D character), became both her teacher, bodyguard and best friend as a result -- but it also wasn’t a good thing, if you catch my drift. Though she learned a lot about history, philosophy and (mostly importantly) science, she didn’t have many opportunities to practice etiquette. Or interact with people her own age. Or, uh, anyone who wasn’t being paid to spoil her, basically. So it’s not really a surprise that she became... a strange young lady, to put it mildly.
She was really interested in mechanical engineering for a while (she built her clockwork owl familiar when she was only fourteen), but eventually shifted her focus to biochemistry, figuring that it would be more interesting for her to study the bodies of living things rather than build bodies for artificial creatures. Somewhere down the line, she developed the theory that the origin of magic was tied to some biochemical reaction within the bodies of otherworldly creatures. Determined to prove this theory, she packed up her chemistry set and set out to do some field research. (By that, I mean finding monsters -- everything from beholders to illithids to angels -- and cutting them up to see where their magic comes from and maybe harness some for herself. Alfred usually tags along, just to make sure she doesn’t get killed. Or, uh, kill anyone she’s not supposed to.)
She also works part time at a prestigious college, though it’s very rare to actually find her on campus (she keeps odd office hours and takes lengthy sabbaticals). Not that her colleagues mind. Most of them don’t like her very much. She has a slightly better relationship with her students, though some still spread rumors that she’s involved in... unethical experiments. No one can prove anything, though. No one alive, anyway.
TL;DR, she’s an extremely wealthy, socially inept alchemist who believes that magic is a chemical process and is willing to dissect god to prove that theory. 
I initially based her on Patricia Tannis from the Borderlands series, but somewhere along the way, bits of Yzma from the Emperor’s New Groove started creeping in. (I blame Alfred’s player, honestly. He gave me a Kronk-like bodyguard to interact with.) 
She also has a probably-non-canon descendant named Petunia living in the far future. (By descendant, I mean the descendant of a clone she created, because she was in no way interested in having children the conventional way. Not that the players in my Starfinder campaign, where she was an NPC, ever found this out.)
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a-blue-tree-man · 6 years
14, 16, 19 and 23 :0c
What’s their least favorite place, and why?
COLD PLACES. like north of holbrak and even there he hates going, the cold physically hurts and he complains loudly about the fluffy white bullshit. on a less silly note he hates going back to maguuma and thunderhead peak... you know the spots. and clarr island... really anywhere you can think of that bad things and friends died he has a really hard time going back and being ok.... yaaay?
What’s their history? Does it follow the Personal Story or did you create something new?
it follows the story mostly with some slight variation up to a point. for the most part it is the same until after the most recent living world. spoiler alert by the way~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPOILERS I SAY AGAIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~just in case lol. funnily enough before the season got released his story already involved things going pear shaped with aurine so... that was.... convenient but yeah after that it just keeps going more and more down hill. losing the people he cares most about one by one until there is no hope and no reason left, everything’s gone to shit so he decides its finally time to use a device he and taimy had been working on using the time space rifts kralk had been opening up, dimension anchor, and the infinity balls ability to dimension shenanigans, to ultimately go back in time and create a timeline where things went better, fix things. unfortunately it didnt work as planned, he did go back and change things but things didnt go better. things didnt go better a lot. over and over he would go back trying over and over watching things play out, watching his loved ones fall over and over... not... great. in a few timelines following he started to try and help a couple of others through being commander hoping they would get it better than he had, some timelines he would happen upon his younger self and.. “remove” him from the equation. lots of sad was had by all. now things are looking better now that he’s teamed up with a few commanders over several timelines and keeps going back to those ones specifically. friends and new hope has been obtained, and from there the story is still going, mostly through shenanigans and rp :) sorry its kinda rambly and not all that coherent and less than specific i mean i can get more specific but it would be all disjointed and longer lol but yeah
tldr: yes same until shit went pear shaped then time travel a lot
List 5 of their favorite things, can be anything from food to places to activities, etc etc
Give them an AU, any AU.
hes a shiny gallade!!
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slyasimplied · 7 years
Just because, some ramblings between Illirian Sly and Aurin Sly, or the differences between the two races. I also need a better way to differentiate the two... W*!Sly and OC!Sly
Physically, they're about the same except Illirian's are taller than Aurin. I like me some height differences, but not so big that it makes it look awkward and hard to draw.
This version of Sly has no fear of technology and fully embraces it. W*!Sly hates ships, while OC!Sly is all about her ship. It's her baby.
Speaking of, she still has The Opportunity but it's not as shiny. I like to think in this universe an Illirian Kano helped Sly get her ship.
No Weave, no feeling an abstract thing that connects them all but Illirians can actually hear molecules vibrating. Think Quake from AoS and how she shakes things. Illirians have a less destructive version.
The Aurin welcomed strangers to their planet. Fuck that shit. That's how you get an intergalactic empire to notice you and mess your planet up. Isolationism all the way for Illirians.
Ironically, W*!Sly wishes Arboria would have remained isolated, while OC!Sly wants to visit all the planets and meet all the sentient creature despite having to renounce her home world ties because of it.
I'm STILL upset that male Aurin never got bunny ears. BUNNY EARS FOR ALL ILLIRIANS.
I still love the height differences in genders. Smaller males forever.
Absinthe, Gem, Daze, Kaman, and Bird still exist in this new universe, but how is the question? :^)
As far as Wildstar RP goes, W*!Sly has her empire and she's rather settled. OC!Sly still has to start from the bottom up. She's not exactly interested in a criminal empire either. Survival is her main deal.
OC!Sly really wants a pet, because her ship is so lonely... W*!Sly only has pets because they were bribes.
The only enhancement OC!Sly has is a translator chip in her brain. No nanites super healing or stealth capabilities for her.
No Stalker claws either, but a bracer + fingerless glove combo type deal called a gauntlink that acts as datapad/smartphone holoscreen device plus knuckle claws and a mini palm fired projectile overcharged thing like Ironman has in his suit
OC!Sly is still all about tea and has many Illirian plants she gets leaves to brew from. Ultra contraband as moving any flora off Illiria is an international crime.
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tricai · 7 years
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So I’ve been trying out Wildstar again. I chose an Aurin and made her to look just like my character and she’s so cute help ;-;
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rhetoricalsoapbox · 1 year
🎻 Helmer, 🚫 Aurin, 💛 📚 Merriweather
Ooh boy.
I'll go in order, but this'll be a long-ish post. Buckle in.
Going in order, I'll start with Helmer.
🎻 "does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?"
God, he plays a LOT of different instruments. He's best with piano and violin, but you could honestly hand him anything and he'd play something beautiful with it. You could also probably hand him any piece of sheet music and he'd be able to nail it fairly easily. (He's also a great singer btw)
No one, including Helmer really knows why music was his talent -- like Aurin's necromancy or Cerillia's shapeshifting -- it's just one of those things that's probably better left unanswered.
I could definitely see him nailing something like this pretty easily when he was younger. He'd probably scare Aurin to death since his "music corner" in the attic used to be directly above Aurin's room, and being quiet really wasn't Helmer's thing (still isn't).
Not sure if I'd call him a virtuoso, but he's outstanding.
Aurin is.. yikes.
🚫 "does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?"
Did you have to ask?
I think it's fairly clear that Aurin has a smoking problem, but for the decade I suppose it isn't insanely bad.
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It's definitely a regular thing; probably more than regular if you'd ask Merriweather, but it's not his worst problem with drugs of any kind.
^ And in case you were wondering, he did go through the entire pack before the end of the day and he did buy Malikye a new one.
Hooray! Love for Merriweather! I'll start with the yellow heart first.
💛 "how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?"
Fluently, Merriweather speaks English, French, and Russian.
Russian isn't a great language for the 50s/60s, but she picked it up during group meetings and stuck with it. Her mother also stressed her to know some minimal things as she thought it'd be important for a "person wanted to be involved with the scientific field."
Merriweather also, while she doesn't speak either very well, can read some Latin and German. The only reason she ever really learned german was to read the Communist Manifesto in it's original text (Manifest der kommunistischen Partei), and she learned Latin through reading and writing some of her own stuff for the lab + her practices when she still had her medical license.
📚 "what level of education has your oc most recently completed/is currently in (GED, undergraduate, grad school, phd, etc)?"
Merriweather has an MD and is extremely proud of it. She is one hundred percent the type of person to ramble about her "academic achievements" if you give her the platform to.
She's disbarred from practicing medicine, partially because of her "unethical behavior" and partially because of how she got the degree in the first place; but she is an actually okay doctor and still does practice medicine to a degree.
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