pwhl-mybeloved · 4 months
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What a time to be alive!!!
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INVITO sabato 18 marzo al Teatro Magnani di Fidenza ore 18.00 presentazione del libro “L’umanità che cura - dalla prima linea del Covid – Ospedale di Vaio, Fidenza 2020, in occasione della Giornata Nazionale delle vittime della pandemia. Nei testi di Luca Ponzi e nelle fotografie di Marco Vasini, c’è il racconto di una comunità che nell’unità e nella collaborazione ha trovato la forza per superare il periodo più drammatico della pandemia. Evento aperto al pubblico. Conduce la serata Francesca Strozzi #parma #ausl #fidenza #ospedale #vaio #covid #gazzettadiparma #parmarepubblica #rai #sanità (presso Fidenza, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4YrE6tzYV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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link-ausl · 5 months
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My OC enjoying the night tonight.
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mutelelektrik · 2 years
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generalevannacci · 3 months
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Abbiamo il prossimo Ministro della Sanità.
Un intoccabile (finora). Dopo dodici anni salta fuori che oltre a sequestrare i poveri futuri dottori facendogli vedere foto di teste mozzate, è sotto processo anche per avere violato il contratto di esclusiva che lo legava alla Ausl locale, andando a prendere altri soldi in una clinica privata e, ciliegina sulla 🎂 di 💩 facendosi pagare in nero.
Un eroe italiano, pronto per la politica.
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buff-muffin · 8 months
I haven’t even met Uta and I won’t for ages but like. I’m so fucking disappointed in the missed opportunity of ASL brothers + Uta being AUSL rather than ASUL. Like??? COME ON!! It be funny. ASL= American sign language AUSL=Australian sign language THE JOKE WAS RIGHT THERE AND ALL OF YOU MISSED IT.
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thefugitivesaint · 1 month
It's been quite some time since I presented a mix of music for whoever out there accepts such offerings, so I thought I would extract a few songs that I dumped into a folder as potential mix material for your acquaintance. METZ's 'Demolition Row' is from a 2022 split with Adulkt Life and I think this song moves. It's loud and noisy and it works for me.
Molar's' track 'Ausl​ä​nnerwahlrecht' (which translated to something like "foreigner's voting rights") is from 2018. It's one minute and 30 seconds of angry punk. That's a generic description but it's a serviceable one.
Tame's 'Molars' is from 2019. Bass driven is always a plus with me.
Tempers' 'What Isn't There' is from 2015. The other tracks on this album don't do much for me but I would play this one in any goth/industrial club and I think the crowd would snack on this without complaint.
Dance Chapter were an early signing to the 4AD label and their two releases went practically unnoticed and unappreciated. 'Demolished Sanctuary' is from their 1981 EP, ''Chapter II''. IMO it should be considered a classic goth track (At the very least it's goth adjacent).
'Hunger for a Way Out' is from Sweeping Promises' 2020 debut. I'll just lazily label it as post-punk. Why not? What's the real use of genre labels anyway?
That's it. Now go about with your life.
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femmedesyeuxnoirs · 2 months
when i lived w my doordash addicted ex that couldnt survive a day eithout a gourmet dinner now im foaming at the mouth in the bakery ausle (the cheesecake is too big for my purse) crazy how much can change in 5 years
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unfug-bilder · 4 months
Woher sollen sie in Berthelsdorf auch AHNEN, was passieren könnte, wenn sie das Lied abspielen?
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burningman13 · 2 years
I’m making a life for myself here. A few months ago I moved to Chicago with my girlfriend. Years ago I came here for the first time for an improv competition. I loved it. And now I’m living in the same neighborhood I visited. My plans to move here originally were dashed. My ex needed to be in NYC for work. So that’s what happened, but it’s not what I needed. So now I stand at the brink. On the edge of 30. After years of different jobs and being aimless I’ve finally decided to finish self actualizing.
I started childcare not too long ago. 2019. YMCA. My counselor job at an overnights arts camp. Substituting. I was on track to get my NY certification to be a teacher when the pandemic happened. When my life crumbled apart. After putting humpty back together I’m finally back on track. To, for once in my life, become something.
This week I interviewed for the AUSL Chicago Residency program at DePaul University. If accepted, I’ll be starting a year long journey of getting my masters and certification working in disadvantaged schools. After that I’m obligated to four years working in this public school system. It’s likely going to be my defining moment. My biggest challenge. A road map to my thirties that will double my salary and change my life. The Qualm? Saying goodbye. To a whole version of myself.
The program starts in June. Which means no more camp counseling at Long Lake for the next two years and probably for good. The place that made me feel like myself again. Amongst the Adirondack mountains. Doing what I love with people I love. Calcifying my fate for the next few years. But I’ve come to live through the truth that everything has it’s time. Including Long Lake and including my twenties.
It’s somber. All of it. I feel sadness. Loss. But also peace. Is this what it feels to be responsible for yourself? To move on? One thing I know for sure. I need to write this shit down.
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tarifrechnerde · 2 months
Verbraucherschutz Bahncard: Klage gegen Bahncard-Abonnement wegen Jahresverlängerung--Viele Verbraucher kennen es schon, wenn ein Vertrag nach 12 oder  24 Monaten ausläuft, gilt dann eine monatliche Laufzeit mit einer monatlichen  Kündigungsfrist. Dabei gibt es Kritik von den Verbraucherschützer an die  dt.Bahn gerichtet. Eine wesentliche Vertragsbedingung wird kritisiert, wonach  nach Ablauf der Vertragslaufzeit sich das Bahncard-Abonnement um ein weiteres Jahr verlängert, wenn der Kunde nicht mit einer Frist von vier Wochen vor Laufzeitende kündigt ...mehr https://www.telefontarifrechner.de/Verbraucherschutz-Bahncard:-Klage-gegen-Bahncard-Abonnement-wegen-Jahresverlaengerung-news27536.html #Bahncard #Gericht #Klage #Verbraucherschutz
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exceltricks · 2 months
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infermieriattivi · 3 months
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
Livorno: monitoraggio legionella sul territorio comunale
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Livorno: monitoraggio legionella sul territorio comunale. Nell'ambito delle attività di controllo condotte dal Dipartimento di prevenzione AUSL Toscana Nord-Ovest sul territorio comunale è stata riscontrata la presenza del batterio della legionella sulle linee delle docce calde degli impianti idrici in alcuni stabilimenti balneari. Prontamente l'Amministrazione Comunale ha provveduto all'emanazione di specifiche ordinanze sindacali finalizzate alla massima tutela sanitaria. Si è tenuta anche una riunione operativa con i gestori di stabilimenti balneari, oggetto di verifiche, per definire le tempestive misure di abbattimento della presenza del batterio come da specifiche tecniche impartite dall'AUSL. In quel frangente, i gestori degli stabilimenti balneari interessati hanno comunicato di aver già provveduto alla disinfezione delle parti di impianto idrico interessate dalle ordinanze. Sulla base degli esiti favorevoli dei campionamenti che saranno effettuati nei prossimi giorni, l'Amministrazione Comunale provvederà alla revoca delle Ordinanze emesse.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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travisdermotts · 4 months
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Athletes Unlimited announced today that they will be expanding their existing softball season and introducing a traditional, city based league that will have 30 game seasons.
Right now, AU has been running both their two week long AUX season and their longer AU pro season. Both of these have utilized unconventional structures, relying on individual stats and player points and redrafting teams each week. The introduction of a more traditional league will offer a bit more stability and allow teams to build up their own identities and fanbases.
AU will still run both the AUX and AU pro seasons, moving the latter to after the end of the league season and renaming it to the "AUSL Champions Cup", allowing them to keep the unique structure that had seen so much success over the past 4 years.
As someone who has played and watched softball all my life, this is huge. Like hockey, there have been many iterations of professional women's softball leagues (some with more success than others), but to me, nothing has been as stable as the product that AU has been able to create. They have been able to attract and retain some of the sport's best talent and have been able to provide more opportunities for their athletes to play and to be paid by having multiple seasons a year.
I really hope that everyone who has given their support to the PWHL this season and is excited for the beginning of the NSL, can also find room to support another new professional women's sports league in 2025.
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generalevannacci · 6 months
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Prossimamente nelle migliori AUSL del Paese a Rovescio...
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