#aussie blogger
shadeops21 · 5 months
Hello! I love your Cosplay Guides for COD! It’s very detailed and well done! But I can’t seem to find the character I’d like to cosplay beside Soap! I even found and looked on your DeviantArt, but he wasn’t there. Would it be possible to consider adding Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson? Thank you in advance! :)
Ah, here’s where it gets difficult as there isn’t a “canon” reboot appearance of Roach that is able to be properly broken down. A lot of the “remaster” Roach images out there are actually just using modified or “kitbashed” versions of AI NPC skins or generic MP “milsim” skins, which share a lot of the same core assets as the campaign characters in terms of clothing, plate carriers, and pouches, albiet in different configurations and colourations.
The OG trilogy doesn’t give us much to work on either as we didn’t really see more than his arms from the first person mode, and what glimpses of his body we do get, he’s wearing the same kit as the other TF141 characters as their appearance was a lot more uniform than the reboot is. The other issue with the OG trilogy is that the equipment, even in the remaster, is too low-poly and generic to really make any kind of identification of specific equipment nearly impossible.
(Post-note: This is turning into a longer response than I expected so I’ll throw this under the cut)
Personally, if I were building a cosplay for Roach that was in line with the reboot’s aesthetics, then I would start with what “theme” I want to capture based on existing trends. Looking at what the other boys have there are about three, maybe four distinct themes:
- Night Raider: the “nightwar” gear where they’re all in black and navy blue, night vision goggles, all that “going dark” angle
- Field Work: what the boys wear a lot during MW19 and MWIII, your more conventional SF look with the green, brown, and camouflage printed clothing and gear, maybe helmets or hats, etc.
- Urban Ops: essentially streetwear or civilian attire with their combat loads just thrown over the top, maybe a thinned out load for mobility or “short duration” actions. Think Soap’s tee & jeans load or what is worn during the tunnel fight in the end of MWIII.
Once you have a theme in mind, draw inspiration from the others for what Roach might have, and don’t be afraid to incorporate headcanons if you so choose.
Here’s what I would do if I were building a Roach costume, using what is known from the canon trilogy and commonly adopted fanon.
Theme: Urban Operations
- Ranger Green Crye G3 combat shirt, rolled up sleeves to below the elbow. UK IR flag patch on right shoulder pocket flap.
- Faded blue and torn denim jeans, single kneepad on the right knee.
- Mechanix Original gloves in Coyote Brown, cutoff the trigger finger halfway on the right glove.
Platform (vest):
- Crye CPC in coyote brown
— Condor Tactical Annex Admin pouch on the top velcro section of the vest
— 2x HSGI Twin AR Taco rifle mag pouches on the front MOLLE panel, occupying wearer’s left and centre row pairs
— Flashbang pouch occupying right row pair of the front molle panel
— Left cummerbund, running front to back: HSGI Single AR Taco rifle mag pouch, Spritus Systems GP pouch, Tactical Tailor PRC-152 radio pouch - all coyote brown
— Right cummerbund, front to back: flashbang pouch, Spritus Systems GP pouch
— Rear platebag just remains empty to accommodate a backpack when needed
— Patches: Green IR UK flag patch attached to the admin pouch
- Ronin Tactics TF Belt, coyote brown
— Left hip: ESSTAC twin pistol magazine pouch, with single HSGI AR Taco behind it
— Small of back: Blue Force Gear Micro Trauma NOW IFAK
— Right Hip: holster of some kind on a low-ride platform, suitable for a sidearm of your choosing. Recommend Safariland brand.
Beanie/watch cap with Opscore AMP headset over the top, half-face neckwrap in black or grey, with tinted wrap sunglasses.
Haven’t covered footwear as I have a few boots I wear personally, can’t go wrong with either Underarmour or Oakley tactical boots, or cross reference my guides and see what the others wear.
I hope this serves as a helpful guide or something to help you out with your own Roach cosplay. And believe me, if we do get a Roach character in the reboot verse you can bet that I’ll have their loadout breakdown done!
Thanks for the ask!
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applejee · 9 months
that post about there not being snow in december and someone reblogged a tone deaf reply from an australian like “this is like if people came on here and said they don’t care about the australian bushfires because it doesn’t affect them”
they did. like this may very well be an american microblogging website but there is complete radio silence, every time this country is ravaged by bushfires…. during black summer it was majority aussie and kiwi posting about it, rarely did i see usamericans and other nationalities posting about it, like that is not the example to use lmao
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onlyifurinterested · 4 months
hiii! this is my first post on this blog honestly i don't know what i'm going to write about. probably anything that i feel like really interested in. i don't have heaps of spare time so i'm probably going to be an irregular poster sorry
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goodfish-bowl · 2 months
Beloved by Death
Danny Phantom x Katekyo Hitman Reborn Crossover
DP Crossover Angst Week Day 6 - Runaway
Summary: Danny runs away, and somewhere in Canada, ends up joining a circus to get himself fully out of the reach of the GIW. Aka, a "Danny is Skull" fic, because I have never seen this khr crossover trope applied to DP before.
Notes: To my DP people unfamiliar with khr, I've tried to make this understandable without having knowledge of khr, but should I have to, I will include anything essential to know in the beginning chapter notes on AO3. Danny's also trying to figure it out too.
Word Count: 2368
AO3 Link
The feeling of weightlessness drowned out anything else Danny could’ve experienced at the moment. It welcomed him, and his core sang with joy as he soared, a moment of reprieve before gravity reasserted its control over him, and the half-ton machine under him. He gave it throttle and his bike roared, tires spinning freely in the air. Danny joined it in a battle cry of his own as he crested the peak of the jump. The crowd gave a roar of their own. It turned to white noise in his ears as he pushed off the foot pegs, letting himself tumble backward in a flip through the air, not once, but twice, inches away from the bike that had brought him there.
For his hard-won, half-second of glory, Danny allowed gravity to snatch him and his bike in its vice grip once more, hurtling him back toward the earth. Danny used a foot to catch the handlebars (a near miss, it always was, caught only by the toe of his boots) then easily slipped back into his seat, catching and steadying the machine with his legs first, then enforcing an iron grip on the handles just in time for the collision into the dirt ramp. The impact shot through the spokes and traveled up his arms and knees, pushing him further into the seat, before momentum shoved him forward and down the ramp. 
With practiced ease, he pulled in the clutch and dropped the bike back down several gears until the speed of the jump faded from his head and veins as he made his lap around the track in second. The noise in the peak of the jump had been near-silent compared to the thunder of the audience as he let his heart slow and breathing even back out from the adrenaline of the jump. It once again turned to white noise in his ears as it always did, and satisfaction curled in his veins.
Danny had managed to do it once again, completely unassisted by the ‘cheats’ he held close to his chest. He knew his eyes would be alight from the adrenaline high under the visor of his helmet in glee. He didn’t snuff the sensation but rejoiced in it, his helmet was tinted for a purpose other than just the stadium lights. It was a job well done after all. 
Danny took a victory lap and listened as the crowd chanted his name, posed for cameras and video cameras as they caught his visage, tossing in some ground stunts to give the magazines and bloggers something good for their pages. He relished in the attention, just like he was supposed to. 
After another round of deep breaths, just enough to clear his head, Danny held a button on the outside of the helmet. Danny slipped into the stage act easily, the Aussie accent lining his Italian perfectly practiced, probably even more so than the stunt he had just pulled off. Every inflection and even the very pitch of his voice was part of the show. A tone echoed through his helmet, and with a signal disguised as another pose, the miked headset built into his helmet connected to the speaker system hooked up throughout the entire area. 
“HELLO, adoring fans of mine! I, the Great Skull, accept your warm welcome to the coasts of Italy! Thank you all for coming out to today's performance! WELL? Are you impressed?!” 
The crowd gave their roaring validation. Danny haughtily laughed along with their cheers. 
“Of course,” Danny continued, arrogance saturating in his tone, “You never should have expected anything less from I, the man hated by death, the immortal stuntman, Skull!”
Running away to join the circus had not been in Danny’s initial plan after crossing the Canadian border. Clockwork must’ve been screwing with him for everything to line up like this. But, even despite his hesitation, Danny couldn’t let an opportunity to get out of the country slip out of his hands like that. With the GIW on his tail, likely caught up arguing with Canadian border control and the politics of sending an aggressive, very noticeable, government agency across country lines, Danny would likely be able to hitch a ride out of the country with the circus before the GIW could figure out where he went.  
Luckily for him, the circus was advertising an open position for a stunt rider, just someone to ride around the ring and do a couple of tricks for the opener, nothing too fancy. Pay, room, and board were provided, and the applicant was expected to travel with the circus and continue performing along the way. 
Danny’s only doubt was actually doing the stunts. His only experience on a motorcycle had been from Johnny and he wasn’t sure how valid that was, considering Johnny had both been messing with the bike during their lesson, distracting him while Kitty stole a bunch of stuff. Danny had never been on a non-ghostly motorcycle before, but he had a scooter for a while, and he knew how to drive the GAV, the Specter Speeder, and the OPs center. Danny probably had built up a couple hundred hours in that spaceship flight simulator. He could figure it out. If not, Danny could always fudge it with his ghost powers. The GIW wouldn’t be able to get him for at least a week more, even if they did pick up his ecto-signature. 
Danny spent the entire application process nervous that his fake documents would be discovered, only to have them barely glanced at other than making sure his passport wasn’t expired. The “interviewer”, an older woman with the remains of grease paint smeared on the edge of her jaw, eye bags that rivaled Danny’s own, and a cigarette hanging from the corner of her lip barely looked up at him. 
“Okay, kid,” the woman started, actually looking up at him, jutting her thumb at the mess of a dirt bike behind her. “Hop on, do something cool, and don’t eat shit, and the position’s good as yours.”
Danny didn’t like the look of that machine, and he was used to the prone-to-explode technology of his parents. It was covered in dents, and the plastic pieces looked like they had lost a fight with a weed wacker. But the engine looked… mostly intact. They even gave him a helmet to wear. There was a small track set up around the parking lot where the interview was being held. He should be fine. 
Danny went over to the bike while buckling the ill-fitted helmet, checking it out more closely, turning on the gas, and making sure it was ready to ride before pulling out the kickstart and swinging his leg over, trying to remember everything Johnny had taught him about motorcycles in the past, even if this was a different kind of bike. Taking a deep breath, Danny slammed his leg down on the kickstart and the engine thankfully revved to life without issue. He took a moment, revving the bike for a bit in neutral, just to warm it up, before putting up the kickstand, and shifting down into first gear and going. 
It was… surprisingly easier than with Johnny, and Danny supposed it should be since he didn’t have every inconvenience happening to him at the same time. Danny sped up, up-shifting into second, then third gear, getting a feel for the clutch on the bike. Using a straight stretch of the track, he did a small wheelie, turning sharply in the turn, much tighter in a loop before finishing the turn. He weaved through some cones, only having to use his flight to catch himself from falling just once, refusing to put his feet on the ground. Picking up speed once again, Danny used the small ramp to make a jump, using a bit more of his flight to keep the bike stable while landing. He did another lap, trying to figure out what other motorcycle tricks he could try when the bike underneath him groaned. A harsh grinding noise caught Danny’s attention before the wheels locked up beneath him.
Danny let out a yelp as he was tossed over the bars, and flung clear off the bike. He twisted, instinct after being tossed around so many times through the air, to land on his feet, using more flight than he’d like to accomplish the feet, hoping that it hadn’t appeared too gravity-defying. Danny winced as the bike crashed to the ground, cringing in on himself and looking over at his interviewer. 
The older woman along with a few people who had apparently shown up to spectate, were staring at Danny with wide eyes. Danny blinked. 
“I didn’t eat shit.”
The older woman gave a deep, heavy sigh, while the crowd gave a polite applause, causing Danny to sheepishly smile.  
“You didn’t eat shit,” the woman echoed, giving his papers a second look. “Well, kid, welcome to the circus.”
Danny gave a low groan, quiet enough that it was unable to escape his helmet now that the comm system had been shut down. He rubbed at his throat, still stinging from the volume, and longed to do the same to his ears, but alas, helmet. The volume always had his ears ringing, even through the specially crafted earplugs he had made. It took a lot of effort to be that loud for the entire performance. Hopefully, the hired hands had left him a cup of something warm and heavily caffeinated in his trailer like he requested. Some warm tea would’ve been nice for his throat, but he still had a meet and greet to get through and an act to maintain. Coffee it had to be. 
Danny pulled open the door to his private trailer, fingers already hooked already around the quick-release latch of his helmet, when he found himself staring at someone who was objectively not supposed to be in his trailer. They were also not one of the circus clowns he was familiar with. He was dressed strangely, in checkers with a metal mask and matching hat on his head. He was lounging in one of the cushy armchairs Danny had. It took nearly everything he had not to immediately go for the throat. 
Danny bristled at the man’s sheer presence, unsettling him deeply. Something bubbled up, not his ghost sense, but a sense of danger all the same, along with a tugging sensation far too close to his core to be okay. Danny felt his eyes flare behind his helmet, immediately pinning down the urge to hiss at the intruder and forcing himself to calm down. Danny couldn’t tell what this man was, but he wasn’t a ghost. He had spent enough time being super cautious, borderline paranoid, about outing himself as one over the years. He didn’t want to toss all that effort out the window now. But there was still an unknown part of him being tugged at by the man before him. Danny had to be cautious and avoid a fight or exposing himself at all costs.  
Danny let his hands fall from his helmet and onto his hips, facade sliding back into place. Damn, just when he had gotten so close to a break. At least he still had the earplugs in. 
“Well, isn’t this a surprise?! While I, the Great Skull, appreciate meeting my fans, it’s usually reserved for the meet and greets! But if you couldn’t resist coming here to meet me as soon as you possibly could, that is also understandable!” Danny exclaimed, hiding an internal wince at the volume to his already worn ears and throat. 
The man in the metal hat rose from his seat, a smirk on his face, amused but rather indifferent overall. Danny’s hackles raised, but he refused to give a visible reaction. It would ruin the act after all, and this stranger was putting on one of his own. 
“Well, I certainly am a fan. You’re the greatest stuntman, after all, how could I not be impressed,” the stranger acknowledged.
“Of course, of course! I have fans in every corner of the globe, and I intend to share my greatness with every one of them!” Danny falsely preened, “Still, I must ask you to wait with the rest of the adorning crowds to make my acquaintance! It’s a bit rude to intrude upon the Great Skull’s personal space, don’cha think?”  
Metal Hat gave a wide smile, as if finding what he was looking for. “Of course! My apologies, I just intended to hand off an invitation, for your eyes only.” 
A letter seemed to manifest from thin air, pulled from nothingness as the stranger reached out to give an ornate, off-white envelope to Danny. He could see the edges tinted by what looked to be an indigo flame. They were gone the next time Danny blinked, but burned into his memory and the envelope was still there. 
Danny snatched the envelope, holding it up to his helmet’s visor to get a better look at it, but not taking his eyes off the stranger.   
“I will consider your invitation! A party is absolutely needed to celebrate today’s grand accomplishment!” Danny didn't want to go. He wanted a nap.
“It will certainly be one for the ages…” Metal Hat hummed in amusement. It grated on Danny’s nerves. He was being led into something, wasn’t he? 
“Then of course the Great Skull must attend or it would not be nearly as grand!”
“Then I look forward to your attendance.” 
The stranger gave a tip of his ridiculous(ly) heavy hat, before letting himself saunter past Danny, and out the trailer’s only door. So close, he could see the indigo flames clinging to the man, biting at the something near his core, rubbing him the wrong way. Danny let himself bare his teeth under his helmet just to satisfy the urge. The door clicked shut. 
Danny gave it a moment, no more than a second, before he kicked the door back open, letting it echo across the open space he’d been allotted, only to find no one there, and his door thoroughly removed from its hinges. 
The whole place reeked of indigo. 
No way in the infinite realms was he going to that party.
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jewish-sideblog · 4 months
Hi, Australian Jew here.
Sending this anonymously because I'm not openly Jewish on Tumblr, however I am considering doing so in the short-term.
I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask you a few questions, if you're open to it (feel free to ignore this if so). Just so you know, I'm asking the same questions of the Jewish bloggers I follow who post regularly - both those who blog about the current Israel/Palestine situation, and those who identify as Jewish but post mainly fandom/other content.
Do you or have you receive/d abuse for being Jewish, or for your stance on the war? If so, how often? How do you respond to any hateful messages? Do you post them publicly or answer them privately? How much would you say your mental health is/has been affected by any messages, or by the content you see on your feed? Have you developed any strategies for handling social media during this time?
Thank you for reading. :-)
Shalom, Aussie chaver!
This is a question I've answered privately a couple of times, and I'm kinda surprised I haven't talked about it more publicly before. Thank you for the opportunity!
Before October 7, I mostly received microaggressions for being Jewish-- especially within goyishe queer communities. That sucked, but nothing I couldn't shake off. Since then, as I'm sure you can assume, it's been a completely different beast. This blog alone receives weekly hate mail, and that can increase to multiple daily death threats if a post I make starts to circulate. Some of that abuse is under the guise of anti-Zionism, but a lot of it is pure bare-bones mask-off antisemitism. 95% of the time, I just delete them and move on with my day. It's difficult to read them sometimes, of course. But there has never once been a hateful ask in my inbox that amounted to even a remotely reasonable critique of my character, of my posts, or of my identity. So they get trashed.
My coping skills for mental health on the internet right now boil down to two things. The first is that, for every death threat I get in my inbox, I get more thank-you notes. I hardly have a big following here, but it's clear that the people who follow me appreciate what I do here. Knowing that I bring more hope, strength, and truth to my Jewish community is what gives me the strength to brush off the hate mail.
My one real strategy for handling social media is the Queue. Oh, G-d, I love the Queue. I'm honestly only on tumblr for like an hour twice a week. It keeps me from the despair and the doomscrolling while still letting me post several times daily. I think my Queue is 50 posts long right now so I could stay offline for two weeks and not have to worry. The side effect is that I often reblog posts which are a week or so old, but as long as I remember not to cue breaking news, it's not that big a deal.
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yakultii · 1 month
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile! Add a heart so we know how long the chain's been going! ❤️🖤💖🤍💚💛💗💙🩶🩵🤍🤎💟💜❣️❤️‍🩹🧡💜💝💕💖
AWWWW YOU’RE SO SWEET <3333333 fellow aussie moot !!!!!!!! I think you’re wonderful !!!!!!!!
(no stress at all hehehe <3 )
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cloudless-petrichor · 7 months
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This day in history
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TONIGHT (May 15), I'm in NORTH HOLLYWOOD for a screening of STEPHANIE KELTON'S FINDING THE MONEY; FRIDAY (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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#20yrsago Mayor dispatches cops to bust blogger-critic https://web.archive.org/web/20040605152433/https://www.loiclemeur.com/english/2004/05/a_french_blogge.html
#15yrsgo The Yggyssey: Pinkwater takes on The Odyssey https://memex.craphound.com/2009/05/15/the-yggyssey-pinkwater-takes-on-the-odyssey/
#15yrsago Sony Pictures CEO: “Nothing good from the Internet, period.” https://wwd.com/feature/memo-pad-uniqlo-nabs-deyn-bad-internet-classic-martha-2136751-1496073/
#10yrsago FCC brings down the gavel on Net Neutrality https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/05/prepare-take-action-defend-net-neutrality-heres-how-fcc-makes-its-rules
#10yrsago IETF declares war on surveillance https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7258.txt
#10yrsago Rob Ford: a night of drunk driving, racism, drugs, beating friends and demeaning his wife https://www.thestar.com/news/insight/rob-ford-one-wild-night-in-march/article_7167c4f4-2a92-5444-b0d1-54d16a6a3f5b.html
#10yrsago Aussie politician calls rival a “c*nt” in Parliament, gets away with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TsNL3uBw1g
#10yrsago Mozilla CAN change the industry: by adding DRM, they change it for the worse https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/05/mozilla-and-drm
#10yrsago De-obfuscating Big Cable’s numbers: investment flat since 2000 https://www.techdirt.com/2014/05/14/cable-industrys-own-numbers-show-general-decline-investment-over-past-seven-years/
#10yrsago Nude closeups of people who are more than 100 years old https://web.archive.org/web/20140516055234/http://anastasiapottingerphotography.com/gallery/art/centenarians/
#5yrsago Alex Stamos on the security problems of the platforms’ content moderation, and what to do about them https://memex.craphound.com/2019/05/15/alex-stamos-on-the-security-problems-of-the-platforms-content-moderation-and-what-to-do-about-them/
#5yrsago Axon makes false statements to town that bought its police bodycams, threatens to tase their credit-rating if they cancel the contract https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2019/may/09/algorithms-axon-fontana/
#5yrsago After retaliation against Googler Uprising organizers, a company-wide memo warns employees they can be fired for accessing “need to know” data https://www.vice.com/en/article/pajkkz/its-almost-impossible-to-tell-if-iphone-has-been-hacked
#5yrsago Foxconn promised it would do something with the empty buildings it bought in Wisconsin, but they’re still empty (still no factory, either) https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/13/18565408/foxconn-wisconsin-innovation-centers-factories-empty-tax-subsidy
#1yrago Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/15/finnegans-snooze/#dirty-old-town
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Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. 💞
awww mercii toi tu est incroyable aussi <333
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
First thing I thought when I read this morning’s misplaced wattpad nonsense was “hahaa, I can’t wait for the Aussie blogger to wake up.” And you did not disappoint. 😆
HAHAHAHAHA the Aussie blogger I love this 😭🧡
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shadeops21 · 2 months
An Insight Into Your Resident Gear Nerd/Researcher
I figured I'd take this moment to share a bunch of songs that have been in my rotation for the last few hours/days/weeks/months. Only because I can't not share these, and also this allows me to showcase my equally broad and eclectic tastes in themes and genres.
I'll throw them under a "Keep Reading" as I have an entire soundtrack worth to share, heh heh...
Disclaimer/Foreword: Please do not take these as an indicator of my own mental health. While some of these may seem on the sadder/depressed/edgy end of the scale, I am (relatively) okay and of sound emotional and mental state. I do happen to go for a lot of drives during the night and these are major vibes when cruising down mostly main roads and freeways with the windows down... ;)
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nuri148 · 6 months
OMG I hadn't seen this?!
Thank you, Val! 😘🥰
Tu est marveilleuse aussi! 🤗
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spinebuster · 1 year
ok if i'm not Thee aussie open blogger for you then i'm not doing my job good enough
and if i'm not that blog to you, u gotta tell me what i am to you bc ?????
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Love you, best Aussie!!
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dceasxx · 8 months
Girrrl can you please tag some Aussie bloggers❤️‍🔥
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smallerplaces · 10 months
Having woken up at 2:30 in the morning from a dream in which I was Miss Parker from The Pretender and things were blowing up, I've been reading the floating wrecks of doll blogs last updated in the late 2010s. It's wild and sweet and nostalgic to see the things we were all so excited about back then.
There were a number of "focus the collection" resolutions floating around back then. I particularly appreciated Dollz4Moi's list of "levels of dolls it can be really stressful to keep having lots of."
The Project Doll: you bought it as a fixer-upper, years passed, no progress occurred.
The Get Doll: you bought it for the clothing or accessories, swearing you'd donate the doll, and then never donated the doll.
The Me Too Doll: you bought it because all your doll-collecting friends were buying it and it was fun to be part of the community.
At this point, I have 19 fashion dolls (counting Baby Allison but not counting Cinderelsa's fetus).
Kid Kore doll's new gender-affirming hair. The flocking arrived yesterday, I'm going to get Mod Podge this morning, and the hair will be done this weekend!
4 articulated bodies in the body farm. These don't really "count," as they're intended for slow, gradual future use. It would be a problem if I kept getting more female bodies. I will probably add a couple guys when I get Kenzo's new body next year.
4 wigs: same deal.
Fabric, so much fabric: other than the ticking for Arvin Lebec's mattress, no new fabric until the stock is sewn down!
Recombined MTM head and Simply Fresh body, from rebodying Kylie. I don't have enough general stuff for a donation bag right yet, but she goes as soon as I do (which happens pretty often, since there are always unplumbed depths to Mom's closets). I have not counted her toward my total, since she will never have a name or join the community.
Moi Aussi
"Moi Aussi" is why I bought Life in the Dream House Raquelle for $10 at a MarshMaxx, back in the day. Moi Aussi also got me into Bratz, though my first one, Meygan, was awesome, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
Fortunately, my "thing" these days is 1980s and 1990s clone dolls, primarily Kid Kore, so while there's no community that's interested, there's also no community to support reckless urges to buy the latest thing.
The closest thing I own to Moi Aussi dolls these days if my old-school Sparkle GIrlz Mini (but i was an early adopter on those, bought my first before most bloggers did their reviews) and her contemporary counterpart, the Glitzeez Girl (for comparison). They're small, I have a ton of clothing that fits them, and the total 4.5" community is still only six dolls.
I will confess to feeling temptation over articulated Zoe at Five Below. She has an old school Sparkle Girlz-style face-up. I'd rejected her in-store, then someone else featured her as part of a haul.
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She violates my current ban on exaggeratedly large heads. (They're cute, but mixed-head-size communities end up looking weird together.) Fortunately, my local Five Below is all out of the Black version, and my interest is definitely not on the level of placing an order.
The other temptation comes from the news that Dollar Tree Beauties have gained articulated knees and a better quality of plastic. I figure this is one I'll capitulate on eventually (because $1.25), but I'm saving that for one of those days when there's an itch to buy something new.
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