#austin romero
Bayley, Steve Austin, Xavier Woods, Big E, The Miz, Maryse, Shelton Benjamin, Tyler Breeze, Austin Romero 💞
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theunhingedcowboy · 1 month
A List of things that happened at Collision and ROH taping from this weekend.
First of all getting to be in the environment that has been created at the e-sports from this residency is phenomenal and I hope that it will happen again in the future.
Getting seats four rows back from the ring and we were still so close (that will change I'll explain) and getting to go with both my dad and cousin was so much fun
FINALLY getting to see Darby wrestle in person was amazing
The bull rope match was fucking brutal and the TV broadcast did not do it justice the crowd was so fucking over for Rosa it was awesome
So right in front of us about 30 minutes into the show there was a row of 8 seats that were empty right at the barricade and no one had shown up. So my cousin may have taken initiative and got up to the seats and by the Rush and Vance match we were all up front and no one said anything
My cousin saying to Turbo of the Outrunners that "he was like Hogan without the racism and an actual 10 incher" which Turbo totally popped for
Rush and Vance match was so much fun. Getting on tv for most of that match and me cackling like a psychopath made it loud and clear on the broadcast
Me screaming like a lunatic during swerves's match and afterward the cameraman came over to film me (thank God that didn't make the broadcast)
Swerve v Ishii was so fucking awesome
Heart eyes at Stat
Me handing my dad $10 when Christian walked out in the turtleneck ref sweater
Getting to see HoB so close was so fucking awesome
Juice being the chaos junkie that he is
Shayna talking shit to my cousin and then blowing him a kiss after beating up BBG and HOB
Flipping off the patriarchy
RoH Taping
Having beef with the premier athletes
Abadon, my beloved
Getting to see Sammy wrestle was also a lot of fun
Mina, my beloved
Toa mean mugging me when I did the claw for the von erichs
My cousin cheered on Cage of Agony only to accidentally drop his phone over the barricade and Cage to look at him and call him an idiot even though he wanted Cage to win
My cousin continues his years long beef with Matt Taven and Taven shouting at him "you don't have a wiener"
The Von Erichs and Sammy came over to sign my little autograph book, Sammy was so nice and it was so nice to see the Von Erichs again since I met them last year
This was the next day continuing ROH tapings
Tony coming out to say that someone wanted to say hi to the kids and me fully believing that it was gonna be Mortos until Hologram came out
I love Lance Archer. The guy in front of us had a bunch of signs and one of them saying "The murderhawk just needs a hug" and Lance coming over like he was going to give a hug only to rip up the sign
Watching Ari get beat up by Ishii made my day
Cheering so loud for Rocky Romero and him noticing me and giving me a wink (can confirm I am dead)
8 man tag match between Sammy, Dustin, and the Von Erichs v Dark Order and Undisputed Kingdom, once again keeping up the beef and telling the dark order they can do so much better than undisputed kingdom
When Harley Cameron came out and I told my dad to "get his girl"
Queen Aminata is one of the best female wrestlers right now I genuinely love her so much she is so cool
The Righteous reminding me in person that Vincent looks almost exactly like a friend of mine but with dreads
Taya v Mina was fun
Watching the Premiere Athletes at least 8 times over the course of 48 hours and continuing to make sure that we have beef
Also after the match my cousin and I were booing Tony Neese and he tried to get security to kick us out and my cousin blew Tony a kiss
Getting to see Briscoe wrestle this close was so cool and Mortos is so fucking over I love it.
And that concludes my weekend I will make another post like this next week cause I am going back to collision for the final show. This was the most fun I have had all year and something that I really hope AEW does again in the future
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aewmoves · 5 months
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avenirdelight · 1 year
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Tottenham Hotspur — Behind the Scenes at Media Access Day | 2023/24 Premier League Photoshoot
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angels-hook · 4 months
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spurstwt · 7 months
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hiromusace · 1 year
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wdr2-rlbmut · 1 year
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From Zeus DVD: Skidoo (1968)
Director - Otto Preminger
Writer - Doran William Cannon
Starring Jackie Gleason, Carol Channing, & Frankie Avalon
Producer and director Otto Preminger reportedly experimented with LSD in the late '60s, which inspired him to make this notorious comedy in which Jackie Gleason plays Tony, a mid-level gangster and former hired killer not very happy with his life. He bickers a lot with his wife Flo (Carol Channing) and isn't sure what to make of his daughter Darlene (Alexandra Hay), especially since she started dating a hippie named Stash (John Phillip Law). Two of Tony's superiors, Angie (Frankie Avalon) and Hechy (Cesar Romero) order him to get arrested, go to prison, and once behind bars whack "Blue Chips" Packard (Mickey Rooney). Though he's not pleased with the idea, Tony grudgingly goes along, but once inside, he's accidentally dosed with LSD by counterculture activist the Professor (Austin Pendleton). His consciousness expanded by his trip, Tony leaves his violent lifestyle behind him and with the Professor's help plans an escape after turning the entire prison population onto acid. Certainly, your only opportunity to see Groucho Marx play a character named "God," not to mention a supporting cast that includes Slim Pickens, Peter Lawford, George Raft, Frank Gorshin, and Arnold Stang, Skidoo is also remembered as the film in which Harry Nilsson sang all the credits.
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blushdrunksaa · 7 months
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"my dad said if you were still looking for a job, he'll give you one at the construction company. i think it would be a good idea. it would bring in a lot more money, you know? and that'll help so much. especially with this new place," she said as she put books up in one of the bookshelves. she bit into her lower lip and smiled over at austin with a little wrinkle of her nose. "but if you wanna work somewhere else, i would totally get that. it's just an option..." / @midnightsaboteur
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heartsoulrocknroll · 5 months
AEW Rampage 3/20/24
The Gunns promo video on the Acclaimed. They are somewhere by a pool. Here comes Jay. Jay says he saved Darby's life by breaking his foot, and Darby can do anything he wants now, except climb Everest. Jay says just ask the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass, he is bigger than Everest. Darby will not triumph over him or breathe with the Switchblade.
The Acclaimed promo on the Gunns. Caster says even when they get hurt, they show up. He offers Jay White a ticket to anywhere he wants to go and says if he is smart, he will take that offer. But Jay is not that smart. He knows Jay is stupid, because only a stupid person would piss off the Acclaimed. Bowens says there was a video highlighting the history of the AEW tag titles, and the Gunns weren't good enough to be in it. Bowens says Jay should have listened to the internet and signed some place else. He went through Continental Classic and lost. He had a title shot and lost to MJF with one leg.
Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta vs. Kyle Fletcher and Powerhouse Hobbs (AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament) -- Hobbs with a spinebuster to Orange immediately. Orange goes for a topé to the outside, but Hobbs catches him out of midair and slams him back-first on the apron repeatedly!!! Trent with a Swanton bomb off the top to the outside! Orange with an elbow suicida to Hobbs outside, then a DDT to Fletcher inside for two! Nasty strike by Hobbs rocks Orange! Hobbs with a torture rack on Orange, but Trent breaks it up. Double team by Trent and Orange, as Trent dropkicks Fletcher into a pinning combo by Orange for two. Nice, vicious kicks in the corner by Fletcher! Orange with a stunner, then Trent follows with a half and half snap suplex! Trent with a double stomp off the apron to assist a Beach Break by Orange on Hobbs on the floor!!! Damn!!! Fletcher lands a spinning, jumping Tombstone on Orange inside for two! Avalanche half and half suplex by Trent on Fletcher!!!! Then diving DDT off the ropes by Orange on Fletcher!! Trent with a spear to Hobbs outside, then Orange lands an Orange Punch on Fletcher for three!!!!
Wow, this rocked!!! What a great match!!!!! Orange and Trent had some great double team stuff here, and man, Fletcher and Hobbs make an awesome team. Rating: 3.75
Katsuyori Shibata vs. Kevin Matthews --Shibata with vicious elbows in the corner and a running dropkick!! Matthews gets a little bit in before Shibata locks in a sleeper and hits the PK for three!!!! Go off, Shibata!!! That is how you do a squash!!! Rating: AWESOME SQUASH
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Rocky Romero -- Strikes by Takeshita, but Rocky gets a big shot of his own in!! Rocky with clotheslines in the corner. Takeshita muscles Rocky up effortlessly onto his shoulders lands a neckbreaker!!! Takeshita with a huge elbow outside, then just absolutely lays Rocky out with another elbow inside, then lands a back suplex for two!!! Geez!!!! Rocky lands Sliced Bread off the top! Rocky lands two topés and goes for a third, but Taskeshita CATCHES HIM OUT OF MIDAIR IN SUPLEX POSITION, but Rocky escapes!!!!! Takeshita goes for an elbow, but Rocky moves and he elbows the ring post!! Rocky lands another topé, then Sliced Bread inside for two!!! Rocky snaps back the injured arm and locks in an arm bar!! Callis with the distraction to break the hold. Takeshita lands a Helluva kick! Rocky avoids the power drive knee and lands an uppercut! Takeshita blocks a Sliced Bread attempt off the corner and lands the double leg-trap piledriver, then DEADLIFTS ROCKY BACK UP INTO A BEAUTIFUL BLUE THUNDER BOMB FOR TWO!!!! Holy shit, I'm crying!!!!! Rocky lands a jumping knee, then an enziguri! Takeshita lands a huge lariat!!!!!!!! Then a beautiful rolling elbow!!!!! Then a spinning falcon arrow for three!!!!!!
That slaaaapped wtf!!!!!!!!! Takeshita is a machine, and Rocky looked great here. Just an awesome match. It was short, and you can say I am overrating it, but I do not caaaaare!!!!!! Rating: 4
Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale vs. Julia Hart and Skye Blue Street Fight -- Statlander with a drop toe hold, sending Julia face-first onto a chair, then lands a backbreaker by trapping Julia in the chair and slamming the chair down on the mat!!!! Willow dropkicks Julia as she is still trapped in the chair! Julia gets her spike and swings at Statlander, but Statlander moves and Julia hits Skye instead. Statlander has Julia on her back, runs, and drives her into a table in the corner! Willow with chair shots to Skye and lands a cannonball in the corner for two! Julia and Skye with chair shots to their opponents inside!! Statlander suplexes Julia onto the set up chair!! Damn!! Willow body slams Skye on the floor!! Geez!! Willow goes for something on top of the announce table, but Skye reverses and lands Code Blue on the table!! The table does not budge and it looks nasty!! Holy shit!!! Skye pours out a bag of tacks in the ring. Statlander comes in with a bag of her own and dumps out more tacks!!! Great moment, I popped for that!!! Statlander goes to the top, but Skye traps her head and lands a kick to the face with tacks in her boot!!!! Skye picks Statlander up off the middle rope and lands a powerbomb onto the tacks!!!! Skye pours tacks in Statlander's mouth and superkicks her in the face!!!! Willow is back up!!! Willow lands a DVD on Skye off the apron through two tables set up on the floor!!! Aaaahhh!!!! Statlander backdrops Julia onto a pile of chairs inside!! Statlander goes for a 450 off the top, but Julia moves, and Statlander's legs hit the chairs! Julia locks in Hartless, and Statlander taps!!!!
Wow, what a match!!! Why tf didn't they give that more time???? Awesome, nasty-looking spots. Great execution. I loved every second of it. Rating: 4
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leo-and-me · 11 months
I know, guys! There is MORE lost media.
#canada #cbcnews #canadianbroadcastingcorporation #lostmedia #justice #WeWantJusticeRightNow.
The Beachcombers was a 19 season long show, spanning from 1972 to 1990. Many people grew up with the show, but similar to many other CBC based projects and shows, it was lost due to poor care and treatment. This CBC-based loss disrespects Jackson Davies, Shirley Milliner, Reg Romero, Bruno Gerussi, Brent Carver, and Michael J. Fox, similar to their loss of Leo & Me (1976) and Witch of Westminster Crossing (1977) just to name more of their faults. The show was a gem for Canadian history and it was by far the longest running Canadian show. Many people loved the series, but are now unable to watch it due to the CBC's lack of care for the show. Many of the actors whom were in the show have since passed away or have gotten fairly ill, which adds much more salt to the wound. The CBC is ruining legacies and will not stop unless we make them. Sign this petition today to show that you care, both to the world and to the CBC. Sign for change, sign to help, sign for respect. Sign for whatever good cause you want to contribute to. We need help. We need it soon. Media-destroying events happen all the time, especially in Canada, such as wildfires and other catastrophic disasters. Any number of unstoppable things can happen, and the likeliness of the show being permanently destroyed is increasing by the minute. Justice for Brent Carver, justice for Michael J. Fox, justice for Jackson Davies, Justice for Reg Romero, justice for Bruno Gerussi, justice for Shirley Milliner, justice for Pat John, justice for Robert Clothier, justice for Rae Brown, justice for Joe Austin, Justice for Cameron Bancroft, just to name a small percentage of the innocent people affected. These people all deserve justice. One signature contributes massively to the cause. Help us make the change.
These people never deserved the loss and disrespect that the CBC brought them. The injustice was never mentioned in the fine lines of the papers they signed. They had no idea this would be brought unto them. Justice for The Beachcombers.
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testifyatx · 1 year
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angels-hook · 4 months
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this got me dyin 😭
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spurstwt · 4 months
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Spring Training:
Jake Lamb assigned 18
Luis Barrera assigned 19
Taylor Jones assigned 25
Chad Wallach assigned 35
Kevin Padlo assigned 37
Ryan Aguilar assigned 39
Aaron Whitefield assigned 44
Chris Devenski assigned 49
Jonathan Holder assigned 56
Austin Warren assigned 61
Nash Walters assigned 62
César Valdez assigned 67
José Godoy assigned 70
Jacob Webb assigned 71
Cam Vieaux assigned 72
Jhonathan Diaz assigned 74
Fernando Romero assigned 77
Kenny Rosenberg assigned 78
Gerardo Reyes assigned 99
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Warren Spector (known for a LOT of stuff, but most known in the mainstream for Deus Ex) just wrote a blog post about his 40 year career in game development, a truly spectacular feat considering this industry grinds up way too many developers in less than 5.
There's SO much to go through, but some highlights for me were:
Wing Commander is why video game expos to this day play their sound so damn loud. When they displayed the game the devs bought a home theater setup and set it to max volume to grab as much attention as possible
Deus Ex became a reality when Spector told Paul Neurath to shut down Looking Glass' studio in Austin (his own studio) to save the company, saying "I'll find another deal. We'll be okay." In came John Romero to the rescue promising Spector the biggest budget he's ever had, the biggest marketing budget he's ever had, and zero creative interference to make the game of his dreams if he joined Ion Storm. That became Deus Ex.
Spector's original pitch for a cyberpunk game was actually a sci-fi spinoff of Wing Commander called Alien Commander, but Doug Church had a similar pitch that he loved more than his own, which became the landmark title System Shock.
He's often credited as the creator of Thief: The Dark Project, but Spector insists he worked on it for 1 year out of its 3 year development and the credit should go to Doug Church and Greg Lopiccolo.
Spector originally wanted to be able to fight in Thief because sometimes stealth was too hard, and the other devs said he was crazy. That "I want players to be able to choose to fight or sneak" is eventually what led to Deus Ex!
Spector had a collab going with John Woo (holy shit) where they would make a movie and video game series together called Ninja Gold, but unfortunately studios dropped them.
Epic Mickey was shooting for the Moon. After the movie studio deals and the collab with Valve fell through, Spector's studio was desperate for work until Seamus Blackley suggested they pitch to Disney. Spector thought it was crazy, but they went for it and to their surprise they weren't just given a Disney IP, they were given Mickey himself. Unfortunately, working with Disney can be cursed but we all already knew that
Very important: The game is called "Deus Ex" only partly because it's about gods from the machines. Spector thought it would be really funny if people mispronounced the game and had to say "sex"
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