#auternative universes
biscoitorecheado · 2 years
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What if Mary Jane had been bitten by the spider (part 2) made by me. I hope you like it :)
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duardarts · 8 months
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auternative universe
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iinterludia · 3 months
Fanfic do Dia #3: Bad Boys Club - MiMoon
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Sinopse: Seus olhos têm crescido frios novamente, sua língua afiada escava em mim, eu não aguento mais. Você vem para mim, mas então você desaparece como um sonho. Sem tempo para tocar, eu estou cativado por você. Eu não posso simplesmente deixar você ir assim. Esse jeito que você fala, está me deixando louco. Esse jeito que você ri, faz meu coração bater. E o jeito que você beija... Deve ser o seu sabor. É o modo que eu te sinto contra o meu corpo? É o jeito que você age, tão perverso? É o jeito como você mexe quando seus quadris se movem com a batida? Sempre que eu te vejo, você é alguém desconhecido. Você sempre me faz ficar tão nervoso. Você sussurra em meus ouvidos, perco meu foco por causa do seu feitiço. As coisas são apagadas uma a uma e eu posso apenas ver você. Você me leva aqui e ali, você é como uma montanha-russa, seus lábios são como um aviso. Você é um garoto tão mal. Talvez eu esteja jogando minhas cartas de um jeito muito seguro, eu preciso mudar. Eu não tenho medo de você, eu preciso enfrentar, agora eu não posso mais voltar atrás, eu não consigo parar sozinho agora. Você é como um lindo pesadelo e eu sou só mais uma vitima do Bad Boys Club.
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TÍTULO: Bad Boys Club AUTOR(ES): MiMoon CATEGORIA: EXO COUPLE: Chanyeol x Baekhyun (chanbaek) , Jongin x Kyungsoo (kaisoo), Junmyeon x Yixing (sulay) GÊNERO: Romance, Yaoi TAGS: auternative universe, comédia, ficcção adolescente, amizade ONDE LER: Spirit Fanfic
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Mini Review (Alerta de spoilers⚠️)
Olá meus bombons, como vocês estão?
Depois de duas FDDs só na categoria Harry Potter, dessa vez eu trouxe a categoria que está no meu top 3 de leitura: EXO. 
E o primeiro post não vem só com um casal principal, mas sim três: chanbaek, kaisoo e sulay. Quem já é do fandom sabe o que é  royal couples, ou seja, casais comuns de se ver no fandom. 
Bad Boys Club é clássica e caótica ao mesmo tempo. Chanyeol, Jongin(Kai) e Yixing(Lay) são os populares, já Baekhyun, Kyungsoo(D.O)e Junmyeon(Suho) são os nerds afrontosos. Nesse mar de clichês, você se depara com putaria na aula extra de biologia que o Baek dá para o Chanyeol, também temos referências filosóficas com o Kyung (Se você contar que ele colocou fogo no quarto do Jongin...eu nao irritaria o Soo), lições de moral com o Junmyeon (Sou rica e herdeira, mas sou humilde). 
Essa fanfic fala de amizade e romances adolescentes, e também me lembra umas das fanfic que ainda vou recomendar aqui chamada Damas Grifinórias, no quesito “eu faço justiça com minhas próprias mãos” trazendo uma camada decente de comédia para a fanfic. Conforme a fic vai passando podemos acompanhar o amadurecimento deles, quando a percepção de aceitar ajuda  e aceitar consequências de outras decisões são o clímax desse rolê. 
Por hoje é isso, nos vemos no próximo FDD.
XOXO, Interludia.
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black-bees · 5 years
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Alternative Universes with my diamondsonas. Chocolate’s AU - Chocolate is out of White’s control and she colonised 3 planets. The Command - Chocolate is out of White’s control and she’s in The Diamond Command. @the-diamond-command Underworld - Chocolate survived but lose her “familly”, now she’s in @howgab‘s Diamond Authority. White Stars - Three diamonds was born to destroy Homeworld.
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donatifiore · 3 years
Julie is a writer in the wedding section of Hermes Magazine and has to work with the new photographer, Luke, who keeps getting on her nerves.
At first, both looks that they just don't get along, but what is behind all the rivalry?
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littlejamb0 · 3 years
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Error dib of my friend's au
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therayofmoonlight · 3 years
For the Honor of My Questions: Animals and Magic
(I think I need a name for this once and for all!, so let's just name it with the same hastag name you've been using for months when I'm going to talk about something or curiosity about my AU! :D)
- Magic was not only used by humans and certain races of magical creatures, but also animals have used it in the past! (and no, I'm not just talking about existing magical animals, as many animals in the current daily life/current nature could do that!) magic was a force that was always in nature and around us, so many managed to use it for their very well, like animals that communicated with nature spirits. (From an Earth dimension point of view) animals (as well as people) ceased to maintain such a normal and civilized contact with magic when Earth Fairies were murdered (by Fairy Hunters) this caused: many animals they currently know snippets of magic only because they've heard stories from their packs/relatives who came before them (because I don't know if you remember, we may not understand them but they have a whole story just like us), GENERALLY wild animals have the best stories that their forefathers told them about magic, just as people do reports turn into stories and then into legends, domestic animals often don't believe it, and just as many just think they were silly stories.
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alusniper · 2 years
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• A R T • T R A D E •
💛Art trade with @djudjuxd
💛is a couple of fanchilds (Frans X kustard) which in this case would be Cinnamon herself from an auternative universe lol
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ask-the-kfc-kids · 5 years
Do you guys know about auternative universes?
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biscoitorecheado · 2 years
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Mary Jane as Spider-Woman.
based on the Tobey Maguire trilogy.
Hope you like it :)
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therayofmoonlight · 3 years
Some Sketches
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-Some sketches I made a short time ago, some of them helped me a little in making other poses or gestures for characters, like looking at other angles and walking scenes, others... show some scenes from the story, like a little walk that
"Iris, Leon and Atomo even make it to Magix City, but... there is something very strange in the air! Have you ever had the impression of being followed?"
-The boys will feel it for a while, and even after certain strange things happen they name this "thing" U.N.P (Atomo clearly named this mission). As night falls, the siege of Alfea closes, students start to return to the school, but others like Fellix tend to take a while, with some narcotics suppliers around the city, he keeps a cold and serious look so he doesn't get caught by some guard and raise suspicions, and even be alert if anyone decides to want to fight (otherwise, Magix will definitely have a fire in some alley..something normal! ;)) Besides also making Atomo's Zenithian outfit out of curiosity (which by the way was TOO FUCKING CUTE) I also started to have the courage to show some design ideas for Pixies in my AU (I don't know why, but I have great difficulty make them o^o")
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therayofmoonlight · 3 years
Moon Prism Power, Make Up!
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(This really may seem strange, in the sense that it presented several universes at the same time..I KNOW !, but I am really very paranoid to think that people can take these ideas)
- Well..from last year I have been thinking about it, a unique universe of Sailor Moon that would take place in Brazil, and that would be done just for the fun of me and my friends, where each one would also be a respective Sailor !, but that ended increasing and getting much, much more detailed, so...I would really like to share some ideas that I had. -  The little story is still building little by little (in the sense of adapting the script), so the designs can sometimes take time, or change over time, but I will really try to post some more things (believe me, I really thought many things)
A greater sense behind attacks and magic in general in this AU, each Sailor obviously has a connection to his past planets / worlds, but what I mean is that how these attacks would act in the real world, not just hitting an enemy and doing so smoke, each one has a different feeling.
The power of sailors is not limited to women only, in the past, interplanetary kingdoms had princesses and princes who were also trained from an early age to be sailor soldiers and possibly good bearers of their power crystals.
More detailed explanations (and consequent changes) will be the result of this fan-adaptation.
life in other worlds, this really will be a very interesting subject that I will conceptually show you !, unlike what was originally presented, the humanoid life that existed does not resemble human, in fact they are very different beings between the races of each world, having its own unique characteristics, not only that, but I’m also building ideas for each planet before destruction, and what their respective biomes and differences were like in the past.
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therayofmoonlight · 3 years
List of Characters
I decided to make this list both to get an idea of ​​how many characters I have and still have, and to make it easier and in a way ... fun (maybe), every time a new character is introduced I will just repost the Blog (so I will have a bigger wow than I need to do..believe me, I have more than 20 characters..the vast majority of Fairies)
Iris)- “Fairy of Art” and prince of Miranda.
Leon)-  “Fairy of Jungle”, friend of Iris (mysterious past).
Atom)- “Fairy of Mathematics” and nerdy classmate.
Fellix)-  “Fairy of Fire” and Alfea's delinquent.
Belo)- “Fairy of the Mind” (background character in development).
Sirius)- “Fairy of Moon phases” (background character in development [Alfea/Solaria]).
Salin)- “Fairy of the shells” (background character, [Andros] but with importance).
Hercules)- "Fairy of Racing" (background character in development [Alfea/Paragon]).
Castor and Polux)- "Fairies of Cimetry" Ciamese brothers in the third year of Alfea.
Uran)- “Fairy of Space Time”  (background character in development).
Horus)- "Fairy of Scarabs" (background character in development [Alfea/Erimos]).
Grenat)- “Fairy of Magnetic metals” (background character in development)
XXXXX)- (Secret character)
Romero)- “Centaur of Wildflowers” (background character), brother of Uziel and Arvid.
Uziel)- “Centaur of Rocks” (background character), brother of Romero and Arvid.
Arvid)- “Centaur of dew” (background character), brother of Romero and Uziel.
Milo)- "Specialist of design".
Andromeda)- “Fairy of Nebule”  Princess of Cosmocia.
Katrina)- “Fairy of Hurricanes”  Closest friend to Andromeda.
Marizete)- “Fairy of Green Dragons” (character in development).
Leaf)- “Fairy of  Shining Fireflies”  (character in development).
Maple)- “Fairy of Pollen”  (character in development).
Elisa)- “Fairy of Mirrors”  (character in development).
Lotus)- “Mermaid of Aquatic Bugs” Salin's little sister.
Hope)- “Witch of Autumn” (character in development).
(Non Binary):
Ginga)- “Fairy of Stars” (background character).
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therayofmoonlight · 3 years
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My first Specialist ...YAAAAY :D
- This is Milo, the Squire (in training) of Iris, a shiny-looking guy, like a real Mirandian ;3
- He is honored to protect the prince of his kingdom..in fact, he respects him a lot..Hm..sometimes it seems that he feels something for the prince...
- In his Specialist uniform, he has as great attraction, two earrings with Giant Alexandrites!, His relationship in red font is very reasonable, he arrived just like many others totally without practice, but ... Thinking about Iris inspired him..HMMM.
- Being quite sincere, both have very similar ways ... HMMMM (LOTUS...TAKE CARE)..In Miranda (his and Iris' homeworld) he was the closest friend before traveling to another world and leaving Iris completely (he already had emotional problems at that time), but when Iris went to the world of Magix, more specifically to Alfea in search of being a better Fairy (and among other personal things) he was COMPLETELY HAPPY, and went to visit him when he arrived.
- Your weapon at the school, by the way, is a Lilac double club, it has a seismic sound effect, it can cause great tremors if hit on the ground. -Mystery feelings..more and more mysteries..HUMMM, this is curious..this is strange
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therayofmoonlight · 3 years
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(Ours, I wanted to risk something from my babies) - Well, I didn't doodle Leon for a while...hey 0uo'', I finally managed to do that!, Even though it was simple I really liked the result and creating an attack for him! (finally), I'm proud of myself - I really wanted to express the way of each one more, so here it is! :D
(Attack) "Blowfly swarm is an attack of the type Destructive, where Leon materializes dozens of blowflies made of energy, they can practically damage an enemy by damaging the skin (practically eating and tearing the tissue until it reaches the blood #thatshurts)”
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therayofmoonlight · 3 years
Curiosities that no one asked..
- I did not want to remove the content, I need to buy new materials for drawing (I am completely screwed), so I will go back to talk a little more about some curiosities about my AU ;) (sorry if i was rude ;u;)
Tree of Life and Mother Flower - The Tree of Life is a magical tree that is linked to each existing magical creature, on each planet, place and universe, and this representation comes into the world in the form of flowers where each one is connected to specific branches that are linked to those due places, flowers start to grow for various reasons, being the birth of that being, or representing the magic growing in the heart of that being, before you manifest magic freely, practically the world sees you as a normal person !, where even in spells to identify magical beings you can go unnoticed, the flower that represents you in this tree grows and blooms at the same time that you ripen and manifest magic for the first time, thus finally blooming! - the Mother Flower on the other hand.., has a very peculiar history, when the great dragon was shaping the worlds and their respective destinies (more specifically, the world that in the future they would call Magix) he..simply left one of his scalings fall to the ground, with the phenomena that happened, like rains and displacement of tectonic plates, the water began to manifest itself in different places, "drowning" the land that was on this scale, causing a kind of magical Nymphaea to germinate, and that did not it stopped there!, it pierced with its raised holes in the universal veil, thus having cosmic roots that only expanded over the millennia, from within that majestic flower a beautiful little creature was born, it was not male or female, and was named as "Miracle , the first Pixie "
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