phff-authentic · 7 years
fourteen: sleepy journeys
delayed in true Mac style! woo - oops, i’m sorry. but it’s here now and I hope you enjoy it. let me know what you think - please!!
The drive to the villa was a longer journey than Kimberly had anticipated but Mia had her attention the entire ride. It didn't take long for the young girl to begin avidly having a conversation with her, a smile present on Kimberly face throughout the entire conversation. The two of them had an awful lot in common, such as having never ridden a horse - a secret they had chosen to keep to themselves-, a love for sweet baked treats and an abundance of energy. Playing an assortment of games in the car, Harry watched on pleasantly focusing in and out of the conversations he should have been concentrating on. Zara, Catherine and Kimberly made a point to include the children in all their conversations until they realised the fatigue that had begun to plague them, it didn’t take long for them to fall asleep. Mia’s hand gripped onto Kimberly's thumb as she had been trying to keep her attention the entire trip and head resting on her shoulder. Kimberly had also managed to have been worn out but the interaction, as she napped beside the young girl, a smile etched into her face in sleep. It was only around six o'clock when the car pulled up into the parking bays at the villa, marking the destination as over. The villa was big and spacious, surrounded by nothing but fields. The villa itself was almost identical to the stable but it was larger in size and  gave a more homely atmosphere. Mia was carefully lifted out of the car by Mike, whilst Zara gently nudged Kim back to her senses. Both women let out a soft yawn, giggling at each other before exiting the car. Meeting William, who held George in his arms, and Kate outside, they all made their way inside before being Kim was led off with the girls to her room. Upon arrival in the spacious room. Her bags had been placed by the foot of the bed but all she could focus on was how soft the bed looked through sleep clad mind. She wasn't the only one thinking so because it didn't take long for the three young women to all be fast asleep on the queen sized bed without having gotten changed.
The knocks that sounded at the door went unanswered and when the door opened, the three men's, who were stood behind it, questioned were quickly answered at the sight that greeted them. Mike quickly ushered the other two out of the room as they headed back down to the lounge. An array of drinks greeted them, each helping themselves, as they took a seat and simultaneously released a sigh.
"I suppose we shouldn't have expected anything different," William joked, sipping on his glass as s smile grew on his face, thinking back on the image he had just seem.
"They're almost as bad as the young ones,"
"At least they reached the bedroom first," Mike added, letting out a chuckle.
Kimberly woke with a startle, her eyes scanning around an unfamiliar room before they landed on the bodies that were beside her. Letting out a chuckle as she realised where she was, she reached her arms above her head stretching as she yawned, quickly glancing outside to see that the sun had sunk way below the horizon. Standing up, she quickly checked the time on her phone noting it was out of battering before throwing it back into her bag and grabbing a jacket out her bags and pulling it on before leaving the room as silently as possible. Trying to remember her way to the entrance, Kimberly trekked through the many hallways finding a clock on the wall notifying her of the late hour. Shaking her head at herself, she pushed open the door they had entered through and stepped outside. The cool of the evening hit her warm cheek harshly, but ultimately calmed her down. She couldn’t quite believe where she was and not that she wasn’t grateful for the opportunity wished she was home. She didn’t feel entirely settled here and even though the other ladies had done nothing but ensure that she was comfortable before the day had arrived and earlier that morning. She felt like an outside amongst them all.
The sound of footsteps shook her out of her thoughts, as she tightened the jacket around her and turned slowly to face the other person up at this time of night. The same face she’d become accustomed to seeing in real life, rather than plastered on her television or the morning newspaper, stood by the door. Seemingly dressed in checkered pyjamas and light jacket that wasn’t zipped up all the way.
“Is everything alright?” He questioned softly, not moving from his position as he glanced over at her. Kimberly gave a hesitant nod and a quick smile before turning away from his gaze feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden. Harry said nothing more, just slowly made his way over to her side as they both glanced out at the dark expanse in front of them, lit up ever so slightly with the few stars that weren’t covered by the clouds.
“It’s so amazing, you know?” She muttered, shattering the silence that had built around them. Hearing no response, she turned to see a confused look on his face, smiling gently before going on to explain, “That you can do stuff like this. I know you have responsibilities but when you get to relax...you relax in style.” A chuckle followed her words as Harry crossed his own arms across his body.
“Thank Zara, goodness I’d probably still be in London if it wasn’t for her.”
“You and me both.” She agreed with a smile, turning to look at his ever so slightly.
“Have you ever rode before Miss Kimberly?” Harry asked quickly, turning to face her with a grin on his face.
“Can’t say I have Mr Henry.” She replied, giving him a view of her teeth as she smiled back at him. If possible Harry’s smile grew bigger and before she knew it, her hand was in his grasp as he pulled her towards the back of the house villa they were staying in. The sight of the stables entered her view as her feet were moved closer to the large building. Immediately sensing what was happening, Kim dug her heels into the ground trying to stop their movement, “Harry, stop. I’ve never been on horseback let alone at night.”
Her protests were greeted with silence as the two adults entered the stable. Letting go of her hand, Harry disappeared further into the stable and out of site. Kimberly didn’t move from her spot but rubbed her arms gently as she waited to see harry return.
The sound of movement in front of her drew her attention back to where Harry had gone to see him smiling with a black stallion on a rein. Placing a helmet onto her head, her offered her his hand after bringing the horse over to stand in front of her. Looking at his for a moment, she slowly laid her hand in his as he led his over to sit on the horse’s nose. Harry to a moment to watch as Kimberly slowly rubbed the horse’s nose before wandering down to its side and gently combing her fingers through its mane. Stepping over next to her, he placed his own hand on the horse’s saddled back before whispering,
“This was the easy bit. Now it’s up and over.”
so our royal ladies may seem a little out of character but this is my story and i wanted them to be a certain way - i hope i am not offending someone. them again who knows what our royal ladies are actually like away from the public eye??
let me know what you thought of this chapter. thank you for reading.
Much Love, Mac x
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authentic-phff · 7 years
Tumblr media
I have been thinking about this for a while now and have decided to implement it! I am going to be moving AUTHENTIC to it’s own blog so it can be the primary blog, and I can have a free space to post all my Royals stuff, which would make things more manageable for me and the smooth-running of the blog its self. There are new chapters ready to be released and I’ll post the old one of the new blog slowly but surely.
When I have finished sorting out the blog at its fundamental basics stage, I will post a link here so anyone interested can view it.
Thanks for the support,
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List of Prince Harry Fanfic
To be added submit here!
A Journey To Remember PHFF
Die Königin PHFF
Little Bit of Everything PHFF
Loving Henry PHFF
Madly In Love PHFF 
Harry and Rosie PHFF
Authentic PHFF
Fates Intertwined PHFF
Start of A Lifetime PHFF
Tell the World PHFF
On the Brain PHFF
What Love Is PHFF
Always Be My Maybe PHFF (Part Two: That Little Thing Called Fate PHFF)
Forever Meant To Be PHFF
Little Moments PHFF
@cambridges-borbon-royals here is the list you requested
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emptytypewriter · 7 years
Okay guys! Thank you for the loving response to my note earlier this week I believe, what’s happening is: I am in the midst of sorting out and setting up a donate button for my blog. Basically, ever since I’ve been sick and in and out of hospital ( thank you @phff-authentic and @whitchester for being great friends and being there for me ) things have gotten really tough financially. Now I know I’m not an artist but I thought maybe any help you can offer or if you want a commissioned piece of writing I’ll do that too but I’m just trying to raise funds to live off whilst I’m working shorter hours and for my course which had to be postponed which meant I have a little more time to raise the money. Hospital bills have just about been paid but any help you guys can offer would be so so appreciated! I know it’s a lot to ask but that’s all I’m doing, asking. Thank you for your help. Please share this and reply if you’d like to help so I can let you know when the button is set up ( literally every penny helps. the smallest amount helps ) and just thank for your love and patience. If you want to know more about what’s been happening, I made a short post about it here: click me Lots of Love, -MK x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
I made a halloween icon for my blog!!
chapter fourteen - published (finally got round to being happy with it - I’m pretty sure there are still mistakes in it)
missing chapter - in process of being edited
thank you guys for baring with! I appreciate it so much!! <3
-Mac x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
thirteen: the royals
this was supposed to be up last week but i actually rewrote it which is why the delay exists.
enjoy this chapter though. don’t forget to leave feedback both postive and negative and something constructive if you guys feel like helping me out.
William watched his brother pacing the room with a slight smile on his lips, as he lifted the cup off the table and taking a sip from it. He fallen into silence when Harry had began mumbling his concerns out loud when he entered the room, his eyes flittering to the clock every once in awhile. Not that his skittish behaviour was something new, especially as of late. It both greatly amused him and also worried him, especially with how attached he was getting. However he couldn’t really complain, he, with the help of his wife, had instigated the communication so if anyone was to blame for how Harry was acting it was the Duke and Duchess themselves.
“I…I don’t know,” He responded, slumping into his seat as he looked over at his brother, “I just don’t want to scare her off. I don’t know if you realise but I really do like her. There’s something about that makes me feel whole and happy.”
A smile settled on William’s face, as he gently patted his brother’s shoulder in comfort,
“Oh, I know - everyone knows.” He teased with a chuckle and standing from his seat and fixing his jacket, “I’m petty sure even Dad knows.”
“Your Highnesses, Miss Stroakes has arrived.” Both boys turned to face each other, a smile growing on William’s face as Harry’s visibly paled before they nodded and approached the door leading to the lobby area. Both their eyes landed upon the young woman stood by herself, preoccupied with the photographs plastered over the walls. William gave Harry a nudge, prompting him to fix his jacket and take a hesitant step towards the girl,
“I was only young in that photo, my first time riding that was.” He said softly, watching as she jumped slightly before turning to face him with a hand pressed against her chest. A smile slowly fell onto her mouth, as he hand fell to her side once she saw Harry,
“You looked ready for the day in you little dungarees,” She commented, a giggle leaving her lips; glancing behind her to look at the photo they were talking about. Harry stepped up beside her, his hands pushed into his pockets, smiling at the photo himself before looking down at her.
“Good Morning.”
“Morning,” She responded with a smile, looking over at William, who was stood by the doorframe with a smile on his lips, “To you both. I apologise for being late, I got held up at the office,”
“Don’t worry about it. Zara and Kate aren’t entirely ready either. Let’s get your bags in the car and go meet up with them.”
“I’ll go inform them that you’ve arrived,” WIlliam said with a smile, giving a quick farewell before taking off up the stairs. Lifting up her handbag, Kimberly went to grab her small suitcase when Harry’s hand went over the handle. Looking up, she saw him smiling at him and returned the smile before following him towards the doors she had just wandered through, to see the SUV parked outside the door.  
The pair silently walked to the car, Harry loading up her suitcase before offering to take the bag hung on her arm as well.
“Thank you for coming, I know Zara can be a little overwhelming but she means well. She just really likes you I suppose,” He explained, as he put the bag down and turned to face her. A smile sat on Kimberly’s lips as she looked at him before shaking her head slightly.
“It was my pleasure, honestly. I feel just the same with her,” She answered, with a firm nod, “She’s very likeable plus between you and I…I really want to meet Mia.” The both of them let out a laugh before he offered her a hand and they headed back inside.
Arriving at a door upstairs, Harry pushed open the door before motioning for Kimberly to enter first, firmly shutting it behind them. Zara and Kate were both sat at the desk in the large office, whilst William stood by the window.
“Kimberly,” Zara exclaimed as her eyes landed on the girl by the door. She instantly rose, Kate quickly following her lead before approaching the girl and embracing her for a moment, “It’s so nice to see you again. It feels like such a long time since we last saw each other.”
“It does indeed but you’ve kept me a lot of company during the week.” She commented with a soft smile, as Kate approached and the two said their greetings.
“What do you mean ‘kept me company’?” Harry’s voice questioned, his face contorting into confusion as he tried to process the words, “You’ve not seen each other since the garden party.”
“That’s not entirely true-”
“We met up for brunch earlier this week and we’ve been speaking over the phone an awful lot too Harry, this is the technological age, get with it.” Zara explained, smiling at the girls  before linking arms with them and announcing their departure, “Mike should be done with Mia soon, we’ll be in the dining room.”
William chuckled at the women, placing a kiss on Kate’s cheek as the she walked past. Smiling at his brother, who still had a shocked expression on his face.
“Did you know?”
“Of course I did, I dropped Zara and Kate off at the cafe for it,” He said, amusement lacing his words at Harry’s reaction, “Oh come on Henry, you’re not the only one who’s going to want to spend time with her. She’s a great woman, hard-working and kind-hearted, I’m pretty sure Dad wants to invite her to afternoon tea at one point to meet Camilla.”
“Why would he want that?”
“Because it’s so obvious you like a little more than a possible business endeavour.” William stated firmly, lifting his eyebrow at his brother when he tried to respond, “No, let’s not have this conversation.” As the words left the older man’s mouth, a giggle filled the room directing both their attention towards the door frame.
Both young royals were stood in the doorway as Mike appeared behind the two with Charlotte in his arms. Mia ran straight into Harry’s arms, giving him a hug quickly being followed by George who went to his father.
“Are you excited for this weekend poppet?” Harry asked his young cousin, who nodded quickly and shifted out of his arms before running to William.
“She’s not be quiet about since we told her about it, especially since we  notified her that her favourite person in the world was invited.”
“Me?” Harry chirped, smiling at the young girl before turning back to Mike who had sat down, Charlotte on his lap.
“No Kimberly,” He said with a laugh which merged with William’s, Harry frowning at the both of them, “Something about the Great Bake Sale being her favourite thing. I mean, the girl knows her likes.”
Finally standing from the office, the men took hold of the young children, leading them out the room and down the stairs. Laughs were heard from the living room causing George and Mia to rush off in that direction. Charlotte stayed by Mike, hand tightly wrapped around his finger.
Entering the room, the sight of a beaming Mia stood in front of Kimberly met them. The young was talking animatedly, the same energy being reciprocated by the older woman.
“I think you look absolutely lovely.” She commented, giggling as Mia blushed and quickly wrapped her small arms around her in a hug before running to hide behind her mother, “And you must be George.”
The words were soft and almost whispered as she tried to coerce the young boy into greeting her. He was stood in front of Kate’s legs, his fingers in his mouth as he tried to push himself closer to his mother.
“I’m Kimberly, mummy’s friend. Nice to meet you.” Kimberly continued, but the little boy just turned away from her to face his mum, causing the three women to laugh, quickly joined by the men by the door.
“Now you met everyone else, it’s only right we introduce Charlotte.” Mike spoke up, leading Charlotte to Kimberly.  Greetings her with a kiss on the cheek before introducing her to the young girl who quickly made herself comfortable beside Kimberly.
“Shall we get a move on before the sun sets?” Zara voiced after a few moments of conversation, earning a very clear yes as the group rose and made their way to the cars parked outside the house that would take them to the countryside villa for the weekend.
i hope this was okay. we’re getting to some serious harry/kimberly action now and i am thrilled!!
hope you enjoyed, let me know how to improve. let me know what you want to happen and where you want the story to go.
All My Love, Mac x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
twelve: cup o' coffee
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phff-authentic · 7 years
eleven: a garden party
Sorry this was posted late. Life got ahead of me. I'll try to be better!!
“Thank you so much for your help”.
“It is I who should thank you for all your help with my dinner after all,” He answered returning the shy smile on her face with a wide grin before it widen in realisation, “Which I’m not entirely sure what to do with all the ingredients.”
“No I don’t think you do, I don’t appear to have any paper on me, do-” She paused for a moment, biting her lip before releasing almost as quickly in fear of ruining her make up. Summoning the courage within herself to continue the sentence, she brought her hand up to swipe a wavy lock of hair that had fallen out of place, “Do you have your phone on you? I’ll  text you the recipe.”
A smile filled Harry’s face as he dug his hand into his pocket and pulled the device out unlocking it before passing it over to her, mirroring his actions, she gently took a hold of his phone as she passed her own over to him. They exchanged numbers before they were left in a short silence until the car horn went off. Turning to glare lightly at Jayne, Kimberly gave a short chuckle as she turned back to Harry who promptly pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back lightly before releasing her and muttering a soft goodbye.
“Goodbye Harry, I’ll see you around.” As she finished her sentence, she made her way to her side of the car but the sound of her voice had her turning back to the man who was still stood at the back of her car, granted more unsettled than when she had said goodbye, “Yes?” Her gentle answer seemed to calm him as his shoulders dropped slightly as the tension slowly fell out of them.
“I-I um, wanted to invite you to a garden party Nan’s having tomorrow.” He stuttered quietly, slowly taking a few steps to close the gap that had been created between them. Noting how Kimberly’s face reacted to his words and her mouth opened to respond - negatively he was sure, “I’m aware it’s late notice but Catherine would really love to see you there. She’s the one who urged me to invite you.”
Taking in a deep breath, Kimberly gave a stiff smile as his words raced around her head, trying to process them. Opening her mouth to state a response, she stumbled over her words before looking down at her feet for a moment,  choosing to ignore the eyes that were glued onto her.
“Of course, I’d love to.” She responded,  her head rising as she nodded at him. A smile flooded Harry’s face as his own mouth opened to respond but the sound of the car horn interrupted him followed by Jayne’s shout.
“Sorry to ruin the moment but we have melting ice in the back.” Before she shoved her head back into the car, prompting the two to say their goodbyes before she entered her car, giving him a wave as she drove away.
Kimberly caught Jayne up with what happened on the journey back, the blonde squealing as her friend spoke. It wasn’t until they arrived at the hall that she finally composed herself as she grabbed some of the wine and took it in, the boys taking over the minute they entered the building.
As the party drew to a close, the small group of friends sat together around one of the tables that still had an unopened bottle of champagne on it. Jayne, Kimberly and Josephine decked in their matching outfits and Richard, Daniel and Benjamin wearing their suits. Richard was cradling Kimberly to his chest as they all conversed in the quiet lull of leaving guests, who occasionally congratulated the couple before leaving.
“Guess who we ran into at the supermarket?” Jayne suddenly spoke, sitting up from her position between Josie’s legs, the redhead’s fingers slipping through the curls that had started to drop. Without giving anyone chance to answer, “Ginger Wales.” The statement caught everyone’s attention as Kimberly’s head dropped into Richard’s neck as she groaned. “And, wait for it, he invited Kimmi to a family garden party on Saturday. Tomorrow!”
“Did he Kim?” Daniel questioned, perking up from his seat and placing his flute glass on the table. A grunt came from Kim but her  head didn’t move. Jayne nodded frantically before going on to talk to the others about the party much to Kimberly’s displeasure. A groan left the girl’s mouth, causing her friends to chuckle at her for a moment as she finally sat up, shaking her at her friends.
“You guys are unbelievable.”
“Well, forgive us for being happy for you, putting yourself out there again.” Josie teased, leaning over to give her friend a pinch on the cheek with a grin on her face.
“I’ll have you know that’s not what I’m doing at all.” She responded, picking up her flute and finishing the wine that was still inside as she got up from Richard’s lap ignoring her friends calls as she began picking up the fallen balloons off the floor.
Sitting at her vanity, Kimberly’s face was scrunched up as her friends rushed around her with different products in their hands, getting her ready. When she had called them earlier that day, she hadn’t expected to be bombarded with all of them which was exactly what she found when she opened her door when they had arrived. Jayne and Josie were doing her make up, talking between themselves but never asking Kimberly herself. Richard and Daniel had decided they were going to do her hair as they came armed with different hair products and curlers which sparked fear in Kim straight away. The choking clouds of hairspray quickly filled the room as the two got to work. Adam had disappeared in her closet hunting down for something for her to wear, muttering to himself occasionally as he looked at her clothes.
All the details of the garden party had been sent to her via message at about the same time she got home last night or should she say early morning and it was only then she realised she had never messaged him the recipe she had promised to, making a note to do that before falling asleep. Being urged into her bathroom and promptly passed her outfit for the day by Adam. Carefully pulling the dress on, avoiding smearing the makeup or pulling any of the curls out, she straightened out the dress. Gently stepping into the heels lying on the floor, she stared at herself in the mirror cocking her head to the side as she looked at her friends’ handiwork. She had a light face of makeup, her eyes having the most makeup on them, making them stand out. The curls gently bordered her face, falling down her shoulder and back in seamless waves. The blue floral dress that Adam had chosen, lightly hugged her chest and flared around her thighs, the colour matching that of the heels on her feet. Smiling at her reflection, she pushed the bathroom door open, revealing herself to her friends - finally feeling up to attending the party at all.
Pulling up outside, the nerves finally began to settle inside her once again as she turned to Adam sat in the driver’s seat. Smiling reassuringly at her, he simple placed a kiss on her hand before getting out the car to open her door. Helping her out, she gave him a hug, his lips pressing against her forehead. Adam gave her a small nudge before wishing her well. Smiling back at her friend, she took in a deep breath before walking up the steps and giving her name, disappearing off inside the gates.
Stopping immediately as the large backyard scene came into view, she could feel her palms get sweating and her heart speed up. Immediately catching sight of people she had only dreamed of meeting all socialising with one another not even 5 metres in front of her. Holding her breath, she scanned around looking for Harry hoping that he’d be able to give her even the slightest bit of comfort - even though he had a way of making her feel worse than she did at the moment. Feeling her breathing deepen, her eyes widening in fear, she turn on her spot on the patio, heading straight for the gates she had just come through, hoping Adam was still there. Before she could even take a step, a hand fell on her shoulder causing her to turn around, the beaming face of the Duchess of Cambridge filling her sight, making her feel calmer instantly.
“Hello,” She greeted, gently rubbing Kimberly’s shoulder as she spoke, “Don’t look so scared, they can sense fear.” She joked, guiding the girl deeper into the crowd of people, keeping a steady conversation going at all times.
“I see Harry convinced you to come,” A chuckle leaving her mouth, as she held onto the girl’s elbow, “I’m thrilled to see you here.”
“No, thank you for inviting. Harry said you’re the reason why he asked.”
“He did, did he?” She hummed, Kimberly nodding her head before they came to a halt. Kate reached over tapping one of the men by the barbeque gently by the shoulder. Hearing a slight mumbled excuse me, the Duke turned around to face the two women, a smile lighting up his face.
“Miss Stroakes! What a pleasure to see you again.”
“The pleasure is all mine your highness,” Her words had both Cambridges shaking their head and chuckling quietly.
“Just William and Kate is alright for this occasion. Your friends warned me you’re a stickler for formalities.” William stated,  a warm smile on his face as he did so.
“Then it’s just Kimberly or any other variation of the name to you as well.” The royals smiled instantly, Kate’s smile growing if it could as she looked over Kimberly’s shoulder. Lifting her arm up and waving someone over as Kimberly got stuck in a conversation with William. It wasn’t until a figure stood behind that she turned her head away from the Duke. Turning around slowly, the younger Prince stood in front of her wearing a pair of sunglasses over his eyes.
“Take those off, there’s no sun around.” William reprimanded jokingly, as he looked at his brother.
“Look who I found trying to leave without saying goodbye.” Kate’s words had Kim’s eyes widening as she turned to face the brunette with an open mouth. The Duchess simply grinned at her in response before leading her husband back towards the barbeque.
“I apologise for them, they’re not usually like that.” Harry apologised, bringing a hand up to push the sunglasses so they sat on top of his head. Kimberly simply waved it off, saying her friends often acted the same way.
Offering her his arm, she held onto his elbow with her right hand, her left gripping onto her bag trying to keep a grip on reality as she was shown around the residence. Something about the whole thing excited her or more so something about Harry excited her, as she found her gaze falling to him rather than what she was being shown. As they emerged from the french doors, separating the garden and the house, Kate’s eyes fell on the two as they conversed at the edge of the crowd, the hand that held onto his arm never dropping not even when they sat down. A smile filled her face as she pointed William’s attention there as well.
“Would you like to meet the family?” The question caught Kimberly off guard as she choked on her drink, placing the glass down as she looked directly at the Prince. Fear laced her face, Harry could see it causing him to take action. His free hand fell onto her free hand, his thumb rubbing circles onto the back of her hand redirecting her attention. “They’ll love you. It’s only be Dad, Zara and Mike who you don’t know, they’d be thrilled.”
“I-I don’t know…I mean, I’m not really…I can’t do that.” When Harry didn’t respond, her eyes rose from their hands to his face, catching the fading dejected face before closing her eyes and speaking quietly, “Okay, I’ll do it.”
“You don’t-”
“I want to, I’ve always been a big equestrian fan, to meet Zara Tindall would be a dream come true plus I can rub meeting Mike Tindall in my brother’s face.” Laughing at what she said, Harry rose from his seat, their arms unlinking for the first time as he held a hand out to her and led her onto the grass heading for the picnic table where the aforementioned were sitting. Feeling her heart beat against her chest, she unconsciously gave Harry’s hand a squeeze receiving one back effectively calming her down slightly but missing the adoring look Harry gave her.
Zara had spotted the pair before they had reached the table, standing up and giving her cousin a hug. Letting go of Harry’s hand as she awkwardly stood off the side, watching the interaction, she spared a glance at the table, taking another deep breath.
“Where had you been? I’ve hardly seen you around today,” She stated before trailing off as her eyes fell on Kimberly, a smiled grew on her face as she moved over extending a hand to the girl, “I’m Zara, nice to meet you.”
“Kimberly, it’s wonderful to meet you too.” She responded, trying to contain her joy at the hand she held in her own. Harry’s hand rested on her lower back directing her forwards, throwing her mind into a jumble only catching the slight quiet exclamation from Zara.
“You never told me you knew Kimberly Stroakes.” As she sat down next to her husband, Harry pulling out a chair for Kimberly before taking one for himself.
“Dad this is Kimberly, Kimberly this is my dad.”
“It’s an honour to meet you, Your Highness.” She said, bowing her head slightly before looking up at the man,
“The honour’s mine young lady, I’ve heard a great deal about you.” Looking taken aback by his words, she looked over at Harry who looked heavily mortified before quickly introducing Mike and Kimberly.
“My brother is a huge fan, I know you very well. Probably too well.” The comment had the table of five laughing. Harry’s arm wrapped around Kimberly’s shoulder, giving her bare arms a little bit of warmth as the night began to creep in on them. The small group getting to know each other, the Cambridges occasionally dropping in and making an appearance before going to check that everything was running smoothly.
“It’s been great meeting you, Kimberly, I refrained from saying this earlier but I love hummingbird.”
“She does, she loves everything about it.” Mike pitched in, eliciting a chuckle from the girl as the couple linked hands.
“That’s wonderful. It’s been lovely meeting you as well. I’m sorry I have to leave so soon.”
“Don’t you worry about it, we’ll see each other again.”
“I certainly do hope so,” She stated genuinely as she stood next to the blonde who pulled her into a hug, quickly followed by Mike doing the same. Turning to face the Prince of Wales, Kimberly gave a small curtsy, thanking him before saying goodbye as she stood straight once again. Taking the arm offered to her, Kimberly took a step towards the gates she entered through until a hand fell upon her shoulder.
“Zara wouldn’t it be lovely if Kimberly joined us next weekend?” William’s voice came from over Kimberly’s head, turning to face the Duke who had appeared behind her.
“Of course, would you care to join us next weekend? We’re taking Mia riding for the first time and spending the weekend with the family.” Zara responded, the excitement growing on her face as she spoke, a sudden beam spreading over her lips as she made eye contact with Kate and winking subtly. “You can even stay at the villa with us all weekend.” Her words slowed down at the statement as she looked back over at in the younger girl. Stammering over her words, Kimberly bit her lip as she looked at the expectant faces before her before managing to get out a yes. At the single word, Zara handed the girl her phone to insert her number into before waving her off as Harry led her away from his family members.
“You don’t have to come just to please us.”
“I’m not-”
“I saw the deer in headlights expression before you agreed.”
“No, I want to. I quite like your family.”
“More than me?” He teased, as they reached the stairs, turning to face each other, smiling up at him, she gave a small shrug.
“I mean, Zara and Catherine are something special but I don’t think I like them more than you. Not yet anyway.” The redhead smiled down at her, their hands still joined as they looked at each other. The silence was broken by the sound of a car horn, drawing their attention to Kimberly’s car that pulled up where she was dropped off. Laughing lightly, she pulled her hand from him, thanking him quietly but before her hand could slip out, his grip tightened as he spoke.
“It was a pleasure, you better go before you catch a cold.” He murmured quietly to her, pulling her towards him and giving her a hug, kissing the curls atop her head before stepping away.
“You should too, don’t want you catching a cold.” She muttered back, smiling as she turned and went down the stair to the car. Entering it in silence, she gave a small wave to Harry as they drove away, a contented sigh leaving her lips, causing Adam to smile from the driver’s seat. His smile matching the one left on her face.
chapter twelve is coming out tomorrow and then, hopefully I’ll be on posting a chapter every week until the story is over.
All My Love, Mac x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
ten: ready made meals
Here you go. I’ve been a little busy so editing the chapters took a while longer than expected.
“I’m up.” She muttered, as she jolted into an upright position, the hands lying on her shoulders being moved away, a giggle following them. Carefully opening her eyes, she hissed slightly at the little sun that had bled through the gaps in her blinds, groaning as she turned her head to the clock on her bedside table.
A clap shocked her, a squeak and a jump following the sharp sound. The blinds were soon sliding up the windows, letting in the light of the late morning. Her eyes landed on the two figures, stood by her bed, the groan that came from her mouth loud as she dropped back onto her pillow. She brought an arm up to cover her eyes, a yawn escaping her mouth as she shut her eyes - not that they could see. A hand, presumably Adam’s, brushing stray strands of hair that had fallen from the silk tie she had put on the previous night out of her face lightly, lulling her back to sleep.
“I thought I told you those keys were for emergencies only.”
“You see though Kimmi, this is an emergency,” The voice of the redhead hovering above her came, only receiving another groan from the girl, “According to your planner, you have to meet with the caterers and the design team at half nine and it’s eight o’clock right now.” At the new information, the girl shot out of bed and glanced towards the alarm clock, cursing to herself as she pushed her friends out of the room. Shaking her head at their laughs, she headed straight for the shower, to start getting ready.
Pulling on the black and white ensemble and accessories that were chosen for her, she grabbed the box containing her shoes before slipping on a pair of ballet flats as she left her room. Bee-lining her way to the kitchen, Kimberly caught sight of her two friends and gave them each a kiss on the cheek before grabbing an apple and her bag from the counter top.
“Can you both please get Jayne up in time to meet the rest of the team and Adam, Rich said he’ll come pick you up. Your stuff are in the guest bedroom and-”
“Please don’t be late or Danny will kill you. Honey, we know. Calm down, go have fun. We’ll see you in a few hours,” Adam finished, cutting her off and giving her time to take the breath that she needed. His arm wrapped around Josie’s waist as she smiled at Kim and gave her a gentle wave off; throwing her the keys to her car.
Muttering a quick goodbye, she jetted off, firmly pushing the door shut behind her. Her head raced with all the things she needed to do, trying to organise her thoughts in order to keep herself calm. Failing to do so as her phone rang but ignoring the call as she pulled out the drive and onto the streets of London.
The morning rushed on by, the incessant ringing of her phone driving Kimberly up the wall as she tried to get sorted out. Letting the caterers and design team do their job in the hall, Kimberly went out to make a few phone calls and check on the team. It was two hours before the party and Kimberly could feel herself teetering on the edge of sanity as she rushed around. It was only when she arrived at the gallery that she finally let a genuine smile graced her face, seeing Jayne sat in the waiting room with the other girls and Danny.
Tugging both her friends into a tight hug, she released the before saying hello to the other as they all quickly fell into casual conversation. Every member was decked out in the same striped top and black wet look jeans, the golden accessories looking defined against the monochrome clothing. An array of golden heels were left at the side in a large clump despite their matching appearance.
“Oh I’ve missed you,” Her words flew out as she squeezed her friend tightly, Daniel’s longer arms wrapping around the two. When they finally split, Kimberly was pulled into their much taller friend, giving him a tight cuddle.
“It hasn’t even been twenty four hours yet Jaynie.” Kim commented back to her with a giggle, as they were all guided into their respective seats.
Daniel sat opposite them in one of the chairs, flicking through one of the magazines that were splayed out on the small table in front of him. A smile rested on his face gently, as his eyes disinterestedly skimmed over the pages - contented sighs leaving his mouth every once in awhile. Smiling at her friend as her head was tilted back, her eyes drifted closed until Daniel’s deep voice spoke out in the room.
“Kimmi?” Humming a response to show her acknowledgement, she didn’t open her eyes but her eyebrows rose slightly at the sound of her name, “Who did you ditch me to go to lunch with yesterday?” The words made her tense slightly as she tried to formulate an answer in her head that wouldn’t get either of her present friends too excited.
“You had a date?”
“Where did you get that from?” Kimberly squeaked at the blonde’s sudden outburst, her eyes shooting open but she didn’t sit up right as the hairdresser ran water through her hair.
“You don’t ditch us for lunch - no matter what!” Jayne stated a huge smile on her face as she turned her head slightly to the side, “Kim, who was it?” She asked, her voice rising in pitch at the excitement.
“It was just an old family friend, like Jose and Adam. Couldn’t miss out on seeing them, is all.” She answered, firmly hoping they couldn’t catch her lie. A towel was wrapped around her neck as she was lifted up until she was staring directly at Daniel who was already looking at her with a raised eyebrow. Lifting her own in challenge, she felt her resolve start to crumble as his eyes narrowed at her causing her to look away for a moment. When she look back, his eyes were still glued onto her and she sent him a look begging him not to press on any further. Giving a nod, he gave her a reassuring smile and dropped his head to look back at the magazine resting on his lap.
“I thought the bulb manufacturers are the only friends that really stuck with you after you moved.” Jayne said in an unsure voice, looking over at Kimberly now that she was now sat upright herself.
“Well, I grew up with them, we’re pretty much siblings but there were others that I just don’t talk to as much.” Lying was one thing Kimberly knew she couldn’t do to save her life, she just hoped due to the pampering happening Jayne wouldn’t notice her poorly constructed lies. Luckily for her, Jayne shut her eyes once more, getting lost as her hair was dried, hands massaging through her blonde locks, her darker roots beginning to blend through.
A sigh left Kimberly’s mouth, escaping all the other girls’ notice but Daniel’s eye caught her attention, signalling her that he wanted to talk to her once they were done. Shaking her head slightly, not to disturb the woman at work at her hair, she let her thoughts drift not realising the smile that appeared on her face at the images flashing through her mind.
Having headed off from the gallery before anyone else, Kimberly was back to ensuring everything was ready for that afternoon in order for the party to go off without a hitch. She wanted to make it special for Daniel and there was no room for error.
“K!” A voice shout, grabbing her attention from the clipboard she had requested earlier on, smiling at Richard and Adam who were both decked out in matching suits and were sauntering over towards her.
“Richie, Benny! Don’t you both look dapper.” She complimented, brushing their shoulder with the palm of her hands before grinning up at them.
“Before you ask, the other boys are helping carry in anything that still needs doing and also the kitchen staff, don’t have the right wine.”
“Caterers Be-what?” She said interrupting herself as his words processed fully through her brain. Her mind went into overload as she pressed her fingers against her forehead, “W-What do you mean, don’t have the ‘right wine’?” Anger rolled off her tongue as she bit it in an attempt to keep herself under control. Before either of the men could respond, Kimberly had stormed off towards the party of girls who had just arrived with Daniel. Gripping onto Jayne’s wrist, she smiled at everyone before directing her outside forcefully, snatching up her bag from the receptionists desk.
“Okay, honey, what happened now?”
“They don’t have the right wine Jaynie! There are only two kinds of wine that both Danny and Rich will drink and they don’t have the right ones.” She exclaimed, exasperated and on the verge of tears. A chuckle left Jayne’s mouth as she wrapped her friend up in a tight hug, muttering soothing words to ease her distress. Leading Kimberly to the car, they both got in, the keys being handed over to Jayne as they headed off for the supermarket.
“You get the wine, I get the ice?” Kimberly suggested as they both unbuckled themselves from their seats into the closest store they could find, not the cheapest but it was definitely Kimberly’s go to for wine. Only receiving a nod from her friend had her heading straight into the supermarket and heading for the freezers.
Gently placing another bag of ice in the shopping trolley, she started to make her way over to the self checkout till, ready to text Jayne if she wasn’t already waiting for her. However, her attention was taken off her route when she heard quiet muttering by the ready meals section. Her eyes flickered in the direction of the voice, catching the figure of a tall man hunched over slightly as he looked at the choices in front of him. His finger gently tapped his lips as incoherent words fell from his lips.
Slowing her steps until she paused in the middle of the aisle, she glanced back at the man before making the nice, but not so wise, decision to help the struggling man.
“If I were you, I’d go for neither, both are filled with things horrible for your body. Try searching a recipe for the one you like the sound of most and buying the right ingredients.” She spoke eloquently, smiling at herself and her achievement of talking to a stranger and helping someone - she hoped anyway.
As the stranger turned around, she found herself feeling like hitting herself up the back of the head, cursing at how she hadn’t realised exactly who was stood in front of her, now with a large grin plastered on his face. Her face heated up and were her skin fairer, a prominent blush would have been painted over her neck and her face.
I hope you enjoy it. I’m going to post the next few chapters later tonight because I’ve finished properly editing them all now. All My Love, Mac x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
ten point two: her mother's legacy
Outfit will be posted this weekend and linked to respective chapters.
Her voice escaped her as she glanced up at the stranger: who was not so much as strange as she'd expected. Her brain was yelling at her telling her that she should have just kept her mouth shut but she couldn't turn back time now. Kimberly dragged her eye away from the amused blue ones that looked her way. Shutting her eyes, hoping that if she wished hard enough, he'd disappear and she wouldn't be plunged into the inevitable awkwardness heading her way.
"Has the wise nutrition expert lost the ability to talk?"
"Oh stop it," She whined, covering her face with her hands, leaving her shopping cart to stand by her by itself, "I didn't know it was you, I would not have said anything had I known it was you. This is why I don't talk to strangers." She continued, her voice quietening significantly as she neared the end of her sentence. She watched as his smile grew, only making her face heat up even more than it already had. She thought she was going to implode - or even worse spontaneously combust.
"You talk to strangers for a living." His words came with a small chuckle, before she turned to face her cart full of ice once again.
"Not exactly."
"Yes you do." Her eyes flickered towards him, shooting him a challenging glance before he let out another laugh.
"My apologies, I thought I could be of assistance to a distraught member of the public." She muttered, pointing to the two boxes that were now place back to their respectful positions in the freezers.
"So, assist me." A smile crept onto her own face at his words before nodding enthusiastically. Promptly forgetting what she had ventured into the supermarket for, she took hold of his hand, pulling him into the direction of the fishmonger.
"This is my mother's recipe," Kimberly murmured, scanning the display, her index finger tapping her lips as she did so , sighing as she smiled and requested what she was looking for, "She always used to make it for my brother and I on a Saturday when she got back from work. It was our family tradition. No matter where we moved, Saturday evenings never changed." Taking hold of the pack she was handed, she thanked the worker and placed it in the shopping basket hanging from Harry's hand, a warm smile being sent his way.
"Sorry about that, you probably don't care about all that much."
"No, no, please, continue." Her smile broadening, she nodded before moving on through the aisles.
The pair moved through the supermarket, conversation seemingly flowing on its own when the vibration in her back pocket finally caught her attention. Pulling it out slowly from her pocket, she took a glance at the screen, cursing and squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before answering the call. Jayne's voice rang through the receiver notifying her of what she already knew. A frown settled on Kimberly's lips as she nodded despite knowing that her friend couldn't see her and muttered a goodbye before sheepishly smiling at Harry.
"I seem to have lost track of time." She muttered, gripping onto the bottle of spice that was still in her hand, glancing down at his watch she saw his own eyes widen slightly.
"It seems we're both to blame for that one."
"Most definitely, I should go get what I actually came here for."
"I'll come with you…you helped me after all."
Okay so the newest chapter (12) is nearly up and i just wanted to know how you guys feel about the story and how it's progressing and whether or not you want me to start some form of tag system so you never miss a chapter. let me know. I'm thrilled to listen to your input and implement your ideas.
All My Love, Mac x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
nine: all started with a coffee
Her gaze lingered on the cafe sign before her eyes dropped to the large windows, showing what lied inside. The table by the window was occupied by a couple, sharing a slice of cake, making Kimberly smile as she let out a sigh trying to let the tension seep out of her body. Her hands were still gripping the wheel despite having been parked for almost five minutes now but she couldn’t seem to relax once she had arrived. Taking a deep breath, she eased her right hand away from the wheel and pushed open the door. Stepping out from the car, she grabbed her bag and walked across the road.
Placing a gentle smile on her face, she gave the table a light tap as she looked down at the person.His head lifted up ever so slightly, the menu slipping down no further than the tip of his nose,
“Hello, I was wondering if this seat is available?” Her question came as she bit back a smirk that was threatening to appear. She watched as he placed the menu flat against the table, a smile pulling at his lips as he gestured to the seat opposite him,
“Please make yourself welcome,” His voice flowing out with amusement as he quickly pulled the sunglasses off of his face, “I see I thought better of my disguise than it actually was.”
“I’ve learned that the best way to be inconspicuous is not to wear sunglasses and a cap indoors whilst hiding away in the corner.” She said, humour flooding her words as she gave him a gentle smile. Only then did she notice the two cups of coffee sat on the table in front of her, panic beginning to come out in waves as she glanced back up at him, “Did I keep you waiting long?” His head cocked to the side hearing the slight panic in her rather controlled question before his own eyes fell upon the coffee cups she was staring at.
“Of course not, this is for you,” He responded, gently pushing over one cup so it sat in front of her, “I didn’t know how you take your coffee so I called in and asked your assistant I hope you don’t mind.” A swell of happiness erupted inside her as she gently smiled at the cup, before giving him a grateful look.
“So Your- Harry, what can I do for you?” She corrected as he shot her a quick look, as she hid slightly behind her cup; taking a sip. At her words, a large smile filled his face, Kimberly was certain that he was the inspiration for the Cheshire Cat.
“I actually wanted to - get to know you…socially,” He murmured, his hand impulsively coming to rub the back of his neck. A gentle smile filled her face as he finished talking, her head bobbing into a nod as she looked over at him, “Yes?”
“Yes,” She repeated with a gentle laugh as stopped her head from moving anymore, “Of course.” She watched as he audibly sighed, leaning onto his hand as both his elbows came to rest on the table, only prompting another laugh from the girl.
“Worry took over for a moment then,”
“So it seems. I think I saw your soul leave your body and enter again.”  His laugh brought a smile to her mouth as she let him question her about her interest, likes and dislikes as she repeated the questions back to him. Time was soon forgotten as they spoke, almost as though they had known each other for much longer than they actually had.
“You’re joking?”
“I’m not, you have a scout’s honour. If it wasn’t for that, Daniel and I wouldn’t be friends. Who knew a room slip up could result in a friendship.” She explained, laughing as she spoke. Kimberly felt comfortable and that was all there was to it. As much as she’d hate to admit it, she found it hard to settle in with people. Moving around a lot had done that to her.
But here she sat with someone she’s only met twice, and very briefly at that, laughing as if she’d known him for her whole life. It made her feel good, warm and wanted inside. It made her happy. The happiest and carefree she’s been in quite a while.
It felt too good to last and sure enough, it was. The buzz of both their phones disturbed the free flowing conversation they’d been having. Apologising, she took a moment to grab her phone which simply stated a few words from Daniel but were enough to get her panicked. Looking up from her screen, she watched the man sat opposite her slide his own phone back into his pocket before looking up at her with an expression that probably matched her own.
“Needed?” She only nodded before carefully pushing her chair out as he did the same. As much as she loved her job, Kimberly could not deny that it was very pressing and tiring but she did it because she believed in the good outcomes which urged her on. However, moments like the one she was having were rare and hardly never came around without her job being mentioned.
Yet, it was in the moment that they both thanked the barista that she didn’t whether it was the relaxing nature of their lunch that she found so hard to say goodbye to or if it was the person she had spent near an hour with. Be it the way his eyes lit up with humour or excitement or the smoothness of his voice and laugh. Or simply that he allowed her to be herself without putting on a professional front. But she quickly found that she enjoyed watching his lips curve into a smile; a smile that she found frightfully contagious and couldn’t help but smile along.
As they walked passed the couple still sat, completely entranced by each other, her fingers ran over the edges of the sleeves of that jacket that had slid over her hands, encompassing her hands in its warmth as well. The clouds had taken over the sky as small raindrops began to fall from the sky. Even the dull English weather couldn’t wipe the smile off of the girl’s face as a few drops landed on her skin only what followed could. Slowly turning towards her companion, sadness washed over her as he gave a sad smile that she returned weakly.
Both went to speak, chuckled falling from their mouths as they both stopped. Motioning for him to speak, she waited patiently as his eyes panned away from her face for a moment before returning to hold her gaze. The smile grew upon his face again slowly as instead of speaking, Harry’s arms wrapped around her shoulders pulling her into an embrace gently. Tensing at the sudden action, Kimberly felt her eyes widen, taking a few moment to process the action before returning it happily. Releasing one another, her hands went back to fiddle with the sleeves not quite wanting to say goodbye but the persistent buzzing in her bag told her she best get a move on. Taking a step towards the road to cross it and get to her car, she paused and turned to face Harry once more. Tugging her arms through the sleeves of the jacket, she smiled momentarily as she held it out towards him.
“This is yours, I never gave it back.” But he simply smiled and shook his head, taking the jacket and placing over her shoulders again.
“Wouldn’t want you to get a cold.” He muttered quietly but loud enough for her to hear, his hand pointing to the sky where the rain continued to fall, getting heavier by the moment, a smile shooting across her lips for a second before she nodded at him, placing her arms through their respective holes.
Walking across the street, she dug around in her bag in search for her keys before unlocking the car and pulling the door open. Turning back to the cafe entrance, her eyes were greeted with the sight of the man she spent her lunch with, his ginger locks slowly getting plastered to his head as the rain continued to fall, soaking through his shirt as he stood and watched her from across the street. Smiling for a second, she called out to him as she pushed her own wet hair out of her face.
“Well you should get going too, it’s raining and cold. Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.”
thank you for reading!! i’d love any feedback; be it negative or positive or even constructive. i appreciate the support. I’ll be posting outfits as soon as i possibly can.
All My Love,
-Mac x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
eight: notes
The heel of the patent black heels hit the leg of the desk repeatedly as the owner of the shoes leaned back in her seat staring at the ceiling entranced by her own thoughts as her fingers ran across the soft fabric resting in her lap. The office door was shut and the blinds drawn secluding her from everyone else outside the door. The paperwork that sat haphazardly across the desk, half completed despite it needing to be filed as soon as yesterday.
The landing back in England had been a cold welcome for Kimberly but the rain brought nothing but joy to the girl. The sun was something she appreciated whilst she was away but rain was something that she linked with home and she had missed it. The comfort of her own bed, the familiarity of her own house and the strange warm feeling of her own office. However, the only thing that wasn’t the same was that Jayne had flown straight back to New York and only Daniel and herself had landed in London the evening prior to their return at work that day.
4knock on her door dragged her out of her thoughts as she hollered a response, stopping her foot as she looked up as the door opened. A familiar head of hair peeped from behind it, smiling at her before entering entirely. Soon enough a coffee cup was sat in front of her and Daniel decked in a burgundy button up and plain black dress pants was seated in the chair facing her desk.
“Before you ask, no I haven’t finished the paperwork yet.” She uttered before he opened his mouth, gesturing to the many sheets that lied on her desk. A laugh left his mouth as he gave her a look that told her he knows she wouldn’t have attempted doing it.
“I wasn’t going to mention it but now that you have, you should do it,” He responded, leaning back into his chair whilst bringing his own cup to his lips and taking a sip to hide his smile from her glare, “No but honestly, have you talked to Jaynie? The party’s tomorrow.”
“Relax Dan, she’ll be here. I’ve made sure of it.”
“Thank you…for everything you've done to help.” Daniel thanked, his broad smile returning to his lips as he reached down and placed a box on top of all the papers, “Think of it as a thank you.”
Raising an eyebrow, she grabbed the box, pulling the lid off and gazing inside. A large smile filled her face as she shook her head slightly reaching in to pull out the contents. Her fingers wrapped around the metallic heel as she held the shoe up to her face as she eyed it carefully.
“The shoes you wanted for the party! Surprise.”
”That I wanted, pretty sure you wanted us to wear them. They’re beautiful though, thanks Danny.” She responded with a giggle, putting the shoe down and rounding her desk to drop herself in her friend’s lap and pulling him in for a hug. His arms rounded her waist, securing her on his lap and returning the embrace.
“This is yours too.” He said quickly, moving one of his arms so he could reach into his pocket. Handing her a plain white envelope, she glanced down at it for a moment before placing it on her desk and returning to laying her head against the steady rising chest of Daniel, “We should get back to work K. I’ll be back at lunch so we can go out.”
Barely muttering a coherent response, she slipped off his lap and pressed a kiss against his cheek before waving him out the room. Dropping into the seat her friend was just sat in, she pulled her shoes off and placed her feet on the seat before grabbing the letter she had just put down. Carefully opening it, she pulled out the small card that was sat inside. Scanning over the words written in black ink over it, she couldn’t help the smile that grew on her lips as she raised her head, her eyes landing on the dark jacket lying on the back of her chair.
A sense of warmth washing over her as she remembered the soft fabric against her skin. Grabbing the phone, she typed in the number on the card before hesitantly bringing it to her ear waiting for an answer.
Conversation eased out between herself and the receiver of the call, time passing before she had even noticed. Kimberly hand repeatedly ran over the words in front of her, the smile on her face refusing to be wiped away no matter how hard she tried. Her eyes fixated on the dark fabric draped on her chair.
“I’ll see you then.” The voice from the receiver came, Kimberly gave a goodbye before hanging up the call. A sigh came from her mouth the moment the phone was placed back where it belongs, her hands shaking slightly as she let the information sink in.
Without a second thought, or putting her shoes back on, Kimberly had left her own office and walked down the hallway towards Daniels, waving to some of the other workers as she sped down. Pushing open his door, her hand instantly went up over her eyes a squeal escaping her lips.
“Stop being such a child Kimberly.” Daniel’s baritone voice came, a teasing tone coming with his words.
“Dick!” She yelled in response with a laugh as he ran towards her and pulled her in for a hug. Pressing a kiss against her head, he led her over to where Daniel was leaning against his desk, “So change of plan. Can’t do lunch anymore.”
“Woah, you never miss lunch.”
“Oh honey, I’m having lunch just not…with you.”
“You don’t matter anymore Daniel.” Richard spoke up laughing beside me as Daniel just raised his eyebrow up at me.
“I got a call to go to lunch with someone who I can’t really say no to.” She explained, grinning up at him as innocently as she could as she slowly made her way to the door, slipping out of Richard’s hold, “Go with Richie to lunch. I’m sure you both have things to catch up with from the past month. I love you both, goodbye.”
“You’re giving us a lift.” Dan shouted as she shut the door to his office, causing the girl to laugh as she wandered back to her secluded office.
When the time had come for her to leave for lunch, she grabbed her bag before pulling her shoes on and the jacket then heading for the door only to be greeted with two smiling faces. Stepping between them, the three of them headed towards the garage so they could leave.
Sitting behind the wheel had never made Kimberly feel so at home but after having been driven everywhere for two weeks she was more than happy to be behind the wheel of her own car. The drive, however, wasn’t as pleasant as the one that morning to the office when it was just her and her car. Questions were flying from the pair in the back seats without remorse as they attempted to get to the bottom of who she was meeting.
“C’mon K, give us a clue.” Smirking at his question, she tapped her nose with her finger as they pulled up to Daniel’s house before finally turning to the pair. Blowing them a kiss as they exited the car, her window rolling down.
“I’ll tell you when we get back to work. Richie’s coming back with you right?” Nodding at her question, the man in question approached the window and pressed a kiss against her cheek.
“Stop stressing about us, run along to your date. I can’t remember the last time you dated someone.” Scoffing, she mumbled something about it not being a date before she smiling back at him and waving out the window as she pulled out of the drive and redirected herself to the cafe they were to meet at.Her fingers dance on the steering wheel the closer she go but she kept a mantra going in her head to keep herself as calm as possible. She didn’t know why she was so nervous, it wasn’t anything she hadn’t done before but it was a new feeling indeed.
feedback would be highly highly appreciated!!
All My Love, Mac x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
seven: set a course for home
Kimberly was leaning against the hood of the car as she watched the children in front of her. Surrendering to the endless amounts of energy they had, she let her friends play with them and even Harry joined in. Pulling her phone from her bag, she subtly brought the phone up to capture the moment before smiling down at it and crossing her arms. The sun had sunk halfway beneath the horizon, leaving pinks and oranges filling the sky. The more the sun set, the colder it got. Her short sleeved shirt was doing nothing in her favour but she couldn’t bring herself to interrupt the game so they could return to their hotel. Something about it all reminded her of her younger years and brought a smile to her face. Her thoughts, however, had drowned out the sound of the world around her, even the cheering and shouts from the children.
The sudden warmth that enveloped her body brought her out of her head and glancing at the jacket that was now draped across her shoulders. Looking at the hand that was withdrawing away, Kimberly brought her eyes upwards until she was staring directing into the blue eyes that she’d seen just that afternoon. A gentle smile was on his lips, his hand running through his hair before dropping to his side. “You looked cold, I hope I didn’t overstep any boundaries.” Only then had she realised that she hadn’t spoken, returning a smile in his direction. She gingerly touched the bottom of the jacket, turning away from the man for a moment. “Thank you, I appreciate it,” Her response came quietly, staring at the ground, the zip being fiddled by her fingers, “We didn’t know you were going to be here, we would have made other arrangements. We wouldn’t want-” “You’re not unwelcome here. From what I hear, you love spending time with the children more than anything else.” A short laugh left her mouth as she looked up at the young boys in front of the both of them, nodding she gave a shrug of her shoulders. “Guilty as charged. I don’t know…they remind me of the young hopeful I once was.” She explained before they both stood in silence. It only took seconds for her to look over at the man beside her through her peripheral, a small smile settling on her lips. The orange glow the remaining visible part of the sun was giving off matching his hair perfectly as it reflected onto his face. The smile that rested on his lips, the hand that sat on the back of his neck as his bright eye wandered over the game that was still happening. A yawn escaped Kimberly’s lips, her hand coming up to cover her mouth before rubbing a hand over her face. Finally getting the courage to call out for her friends who were too engrossed in their activity. Laughing at their panting forms, she walked towards them as the boys gathered around the three of them. “It’s late guys. Let’s go,” The negative response of the boys didn’t escape her ears as she turned towards them and smiled down at them wrapping her arm around the shoulder of the closest boy, “We’ll back very soon. They’ll definitely want to play with you guys again.” “Yes, it seems I’m owed a rematch.” Daniel stated, bringing one of the boys in for a hug as we all said our goodbyes. “Still a sore loser Danny.” Jayne joked as we finally started walking over to Tumisang and Harry. Cathy with the help of a few of the other adults had gone to get the boys to bed. Tumisang handed Kim her bag before she gave him a hug, the other two following suit. After farewells were made, Harry walked the team over to their car chatting quietly with Daniel as the girls walked ahead. Hands gripping onto each other, Jayne resting her head on Kim’s shoulder as the exhaustion hit her hard. Using her spare hand to rub her friend’s arm, Kimberly smiled at the driver who had the door open, gently helping the blonde into the car before she dozed off against the window. Smiling, she stepped away from the door and back towards Harry and Daniel who seemed to be finishing their conversation. Stepping towards the pair, she bit back her own yawn as Daniel backed away and headed into the car beside Jayne. Opening her mouth to say something, Kim caught herself as she shut it again and went to pull the jacket off. During the time when they were walking back to the car, Kimberly had put her arms through the significantly longer sleeves, revelling in the soft fabric and smell of the jacket. A hand, however, placed itself on top of her own, halting her actions entirely. “Keep it,” He said, beaming down at her the shadows that covered the majority of his face making it harder to see but accentuating his jawline and eyes, “Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” “You should get going yourself then…I have your jacket and it’s cold,” She spoke back to him with a smile growing on her lips, “Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.” Flashing him a warm smile, she slowly turned and made her way towards the car, pulling the door open. Looking behind her she watched as he waved, giving a small one back before entering the car and closing the door. Letting out a happy sigh, she heard a chuckle come from beside her but the lateness of the day had begun to catch up with her. Placing her head onto Daniel’s, who was sat in the middle of the two girls, shoulder; he brought his hand up to stroke her arm as he was doing to Jayne who was a mirror image of Kimberly. Squeezing their shoulders he placed a kiss on their heads before sinking into a slumber of his own.
Dropping his hand to his side as he watched the car drive off, Harry quickly made his way over to the car. Saying a goodbye and giving his thanks to Cathy and Tumisang, he stepped into the car and strapped himself in. A smile remained on his lips as he watched the sights pass him by as the car drove. The lack of his jacket bothered him not as Kimberly wearing it was enough for all his concerns about getting cold to be washed away by a warm flush. The way it fell lower than it did for him and how she played with it as a way to pass the time. But despite the pleasant feeling in his chest and settling in the pit of his stomach, something had him confused and stopped him doing the one thing he wanted to at lunch. It was something he couldn’t explain. Call it conscious or common sense but he shook his head. Thanking his driver as they pulled up to his destination. He stepped out the car and finally relaxed when he got to the bedroom he was to call his for the next few days.
thank you for reading!! I hope you like it, let me know if not and what I can do to improve and make it better.
All My Love,
Mac x
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phff-authentic · 7 years
five: flights after lunch
He sent a smile to the man who held the door open for him before making his way back to his seat. Taking a seat in the chair with his name written on the drape that ran across the back of the chair, Harry scanned the room for a moment before he found myself being called into a conversation. His eyes landing on Kate and William who were both looking at him, the hint of a smile playing on both their lips. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he leaned his elbows against the table giving the couple his utmost attention - of what he could give. It took a moment for either of them to speak but after exchanging a brief look, Kate cleared her throat and spoke up. “Where did you get to?” The sound of William’s hum of agreement came shortly after, leaving the two looking at the younger prince in wait for his response. Their being there wasn’t an accident of any kind, in fact, it was completely planned. “I just went to speak with Miss Stroakes, that is all.” He responded gently, a confused look flashing over his face as they continued to stare at him.
Harry was an admirer of the work Kimberly and all her company did and even the blind could see that. Her aims and the way she moved the company forwards with passion had attracted his attention from the days when they had just started. Unfortunately for the Duke and Duchess, they had to deal with the redhead spouting nonsense about any new news that had been released. So they upon hearing that the launch of the New York branch coincided with their being in America; making a few calls, the trio were on the attendee list. “Finally get all your answers,” Even if he had tried to miss it, Harry couldn’t miss the teasing tone that followed his brother’s words. Shaking his head at him both in response to his question and to his immaturity, he took a hold of is glass and took a sip. “I see. There i-” His short encouraging speech was cut off by the same voice that had only been for his ears a moment ago, filling the room through the many speakers attached around the room on the ceiling. “Good evening and welcome ladies and gentlemen.” Her words echoed around the room. The more she spoke the more people seemed inclined to listen. There was a genuine air of her voice that made it obvious she cared for her cause. The room had quieted down when she began to speak, Harry falling into intent concentration. Before he knew it, the dinner was coming to an end and people had begun to make their way slowly out of the room. Harry stood with the Duke and Duchess as the three of them began to walk over to the door. His eyes scanned the room to find the woman who had intrigued him after only seeing the blond pair by the door. When he spotted her, she was deep into a conversation causing him to smile before turning back the way he was head and saying goodbye and thank you before the trio left.
It was the royal family’s last day in the States and the only free day they had besides a lunch date. After tonight, however, Harry would be heading back to his royal duties and yet unlike his brother and sister-in-law, he wasn’t heading straight home but had a stop to make on the way there. Having skipped breakfast, Harry decided he should head to the café he was meant to be meeting the Duke and Duchess at. Getting into the car waiting for him, he rested his head against the back of the chair until the car stopped. Thanking the driver, before exiting and making his way into the rustic looking café. It didn’t take him long to spot the other two and soon enough he made a beeline towards them. As he got closer he spotted the guests with their backs towards him. It wasn’t until he sat down that he realised who they were. “Afternoon Harry,” Kate welcomed, giving him a brief hug and pressing a kiss against his cheek, “This is Miss Jayne Griffiths, Mr. Daniel Lansbury, and Miss Kimberly Stroakes from the dinner on Wednesday.” A large grin fell upon her lips as she pointed to each of the three guests sitting opposite them. Ignoring her, Harry shook off their hand, stating a hello before sitting back down in his seat. “It’s nice to see you again,” Harry spoke up, noting how her friends had started a conversation with William and Kate, leaving the two of them to speak to each other. Her dark brown eyes drew up from her concentrated gaze on her cup to meet his, nodding gently. “As it is to see you.” She answered, as gently as he had before she opened her mouth slightly pausing before any words could actually come out. He didn’t notice he was doing it but he watched her intently. He was staring and only found himself conscious of his actions when she looked up towards him once again, “I apologise for cutting our conversation short the other night. I…was needed.” “Don’t worry, you seemed awfully busy. I certainly couldn’t have kept you from your guests.” The two fell effortlessly into a comfortable conversation, forgetting the cups of tea and snacks laid out on the table but most importantly forgetting their companions sat beside them. Glancing at what the girl opposite him wore, a pale pink jumpsuit and blazer, and he couldn’t help but feel slightly underdressed at her formal attire. Not that he was complaining, he thought she looked exquisite in her clothes but it brought an instant worry. Harry was donning a simple white button down and a pair of jeans, looking rather casual but her statement brought him out of his wandering thoughts. “This has been lovely. It truly has but I’m afraid we’ve got to go.” She announced, catching the attention of everyone else at the table. Daniel checked his watch, nodding before giving a short word of affirmation and excusing himself from the table. Kimberly assumed he had gone to pay the bill and sent a smile to the trip in front of her. Sending her goodbye to the Duke and Duchess before finally turning to the younger of the three. “Your work is amazing. I hope it brings us together once again. Maybe upon both our return to England we might meet once again.” “Thank you, Harry, what you’ve done is remarkable but I’m assured you know that already. But of course, we’ll have to make plans for it.” He couldn’t help the smile that lit up his face when she smiled at him. Both rising, he brought her in for a hug and placed a kiss on her cheek. With a nod and one final goodbye, the young business owners headed out the cafe and quickly made their way into a car that was parked outside. Returning to the table, he watched as Kate and William’s hushed whispers faded as he got closer. A smile was placed upon both their lips as Harry took the place on the other side of the table. “And what were you two talking about?” He questioned, pulling his tea cup closer to himself, looking at the couple in front of him expectantly. They didn’t say anything for a moment, simply exchanged a few glances before turning back to face the young Prince. “Nothing exciting, what were Miss Stroakes and you talking about?” William asked, a hint of amusement in his voice but he kept a straight face nonetheless. His head went to rest on his fist as he waited for his younger brother to respond to his inquiry. Harry was slightly taken aback by the question seemingly but he assumed it was because they had spoken since he had arrived. However, nothing entirely exciting had come up. Business and duties were discussed and a few other topics came up but nothing personal. “Nothing exciting,” He answered, repeating William’s words back to him eliciting a whine from Catherine. A laugh slipped from both Prince’s mouths as she pouted at Harry. Shrugging his shoulder, her arms came to cross her chest as she shook her head. “There is no way the two of you spent over two hours speaking and not even touching the cups of tea ordered for you, and you discussed ‘nothing exciting’.” She ranted, feeling slightly exasperated with the whole situation. Harry didn’t know why she seemed so bothered by the answer but he knew that either way, she was just looking out for him. “We spoke about work and what we both do.” His shoulders’ rose and fell as he released a breath looking at the pair staring at him with slight disappointment in their eyes, not aimed at him - he knew but still made him feel increasingly uncomfortable. “But what about that when she left? You invited her out somewhere.” William mentioned, drawing a deep gasp from Kate. Her hands wrapped around her husband’s arm, squeezing slightly as she grinned at her brother-in-law. “You did! That was a meeting proposal and she accepted it.” She continued but Harry simply shook his head, reaching over to grab a cupcake that was displayed on a stand. Their words slowly made residence in his brain, leaving him to think about what they said as they changed the subject. His focus however was drifting towards the woman to continue working. Her laugh stayed ingrained in his mind as he thought back to the simple jokes he had told, making her laugh and how her face lit up when he laughed about her comment regarding changing her shoes the moment she entered the car; replacing her heels with a pair of flat sneakers. Soon afterwards, the group also left the small café being driven to the landing field where their flight home was waiting for them. Standing outside the car, the brothers’ embraced each other in a hug before Catherine was given a hug also. “We’ll see you back in England.” Catherine said, pulling away and going to stand beside William, “Say hello to the children for us.” “I’ll definitely tell them you said hello so long as you tell George and Charlotte, Uncle Harry says hi.” He said in response, smiling as he waved them off. As the door closed, he made his way over to the plane that would fly him to his own destination. He was taking it as his own break but at the same time, he wouldn’t be spending his time doing nothing. As he relaxed in his seat, he closed his eyes smiling to himself about his day before dozing off for an early nap.
I just had a weeks run of Les Mis which was amazing but it wore me out which is why I haven’t posted! I hope it wasn’t too much of a problem.
kimberly's outfit: here
All My Love,
Mac x
13 notes · View notes
phff-authentic · 7 years
three: surprise, surprise
The three friends walked into the building, Daniel in the middle, the girls flanking him and their arms linked. As they were spotted, they were led to the ballroom that was decked out with free space in the middle but tables were placed strategically around the room with bottles of wine sat in ice water to keep them cool. Lilies and violets were the centrepiece of each table and a stage was stood the farthest from the door. It didn’t take long for the three of them to be consumed in their work, making sure everything was ready for their guests, most of which were potential sponsors or even investors.
The hall had cleared of the crew that had helped set up the decorations and the sound equipment. Security stood by the door, clad in black and straight faced as the three came to the door. Daniel made his way to the front, whilst Jayne stood beside him and rather thankfully, Kimberly stood last in the line as the three of them watched the doors open.
Straightening out her skirt and taking a few deep breaths, praying that her unruly curls looked somewhat presentable. As she looked up once more, her eyes landed on the couple that had just walked through the door watching as they greeted her two colleagues before approaching her.. Placing a smile on her face, she extended her hand to shake theirs before quickly engaging in a conversation. It didn’t take long for more people to start joining the first couple, the team welcoming and wishing a good evening to them all.
Kim’s smile extended as a familiar crow-haired man came towards her extending his arms and bringing her into an embrace. Dressed in a fitting black suit and a bow tie placed around his neck, he smiled down at the girl despite her heels. The volume in the room had increased which meant the two had to raise their own voices to
“Kimberly,” He announced, once he had released her, his hands staying on her shoulders as he smile. The girl sent a large grin back him way, moving her hand to grip his, “Don’t you look just beautiful.”
“Thank you Mr Watts, you look dashing yourself.” She spoke back, her voice laced with joy instead of the stress that had loomed in the pit of her stomach up until she saw the man. Getting lost in a conversation with the taller man, it was interrupted by a hand placed on her shoulder, redirecting her focus. A smiling woman entered her line of sight as she turned. A dark green dress was draped over her body and yet still hung to her curves perfectly, the tips of her gold-toed heels peeking from the bottom of the dress. Squeezing the young girl’s shoulder, she went to stand beside Mr Watts who instantly wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. The girl giggled at the sight of the two, shaking her head slightly before resuming the conversation, Mrs Watts joining in as well.
“You’ve certainly overdone yourself Kimmi.”
“I couldn’t have if it weren’t for you offering your hall, Mrs Watts.”
“That’s makes me sound old Kim, it’s just Josie.” The woman said in objection, leaving the three in laughter,
“That may be so but we’re in a professional setting, I must call you by your respected names.” Kimberly responded with a hint of amusement in her voice, the two women getting into a playful argument about it as Mr Watts was dragged off by some other business owners. Jayne’s voice soon sounded all too close Kim’s ear as her hand wrapped around the girl’s bare bicep.
“You know what I was trying to tell you earlier?” She questioned quietly against her ear, and after receiving a nod from the dark haired girl, continued,  “Well, it’s here so greet it.” Pulling away from her friend’s grip, she looked over her shoulder, feeling her jaw drop as a trio were being checked through by security.
“Jayne! That’s the royal family.” She whispered harshly to her friend, drawing Josie’s attention that way as well. A squeal left Josie’s lips as she saw who was stood by the door. Pulling a face, Kimberly glared at the two women staring in astonishment before excusing herself from Josie and grabbing Jayne’s wrist pulling her over to Daniel.
“Did I do good or what?” He muttered as the two stood back in their places beside him, flanking him once again. Kimberly’s eyes met her tall friend’s bright ones that seemed brighter with joy before she shook her head, looking up awaiting the family. It took no longer than a few seconds for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to be in front of the three of them, introductions happening quickly until a quiet conversation between them and Jayne transpired; the three of them leaving to be lost in the throng of guests.
“Hello, I’m Daniel Lansbury and welcome to the Hummingbird New York Launch.” Daniel’s voice entered her system, drawing her attention away from the lost blonde and to the tall man now stood in front of her and Dan. Dressed in a pale blue dress shirt, a narrow navy tie sat against his chest and abdomen. He wore matching navy trousers and a navy jacket that wrapped around his arms and back tightly. His blue eyes piercing into her own eyes as she watched his hand slowly leave Daniel’s and be placed in front of her. Lifting her hand, she placed her palm against his and felt his finger wrap around her hand tightly, shaking it and pressing a light kiss to the back of it. A tentative smile made it’s way onto her face, bowing her head before realising she hadn’t introduced herself.
“I’m Kimberly Stroakes, welcome. We’re thrilled to have your presence here tonight.” She greeted softly, afraid that her voice would shake if she spoke any louder. It wasn’t the only thing she was afraid would shake the moment, he introduced himself, not that he needed to but out of courtesy, his voice making her feel light-headed for a second before she shook herself out of it.
“If you’ll follow me Your Highness, I’ll escort you to your table.” Daniel spoke, saving Kimberly from the encounter and just as fast as he came, he was gone. A deep breath left her mouth as she turned to look at the crowd, Jayne’s grinning face being the face she caught, telling her she had witnessed everything. Shaking her head, the girl quickly distracted herself by greeting the newcomers being the only member of their team still by the door, feeling a sense of unease all of a sudden.
I've also started a new format for posting chapters, hope it's alright and easy to navigate.
All My Love, 
Mac x
21 notes · View notes
phff-authentic · 7 years
one: new york, new york
Tumblr media
The sun beat down against her skin as she stepped out of the airport. Her phone was promptly turned on as she walked down the stairs and headed towards the terminals. Fatigue plagued the girl’s body as she collected her bags and walked through security before finally reaching the arrivals lounge. She was told a car would be waiting to pick her up, despite her refusal, she knew a car and driver would be stood waiting with her name written on a piece of white card. It didn’t take long for her to locate the smartly dressed man who, despite the spelling error, had her name held against his chest. With a smile and a wave, her feet carried her towards him and she was quickly out of the crowded airport and heading to a black SUV parked outside.
Once she had finally settled in the car, she let a smile take over her face as the sights passed her window. She was happy to be here and not just because of the warmer weather or because she got to stay in a city where anyone who’s somebody in this world stays but because her dreams were finally unfolding before her eyes. The very thing she had been dreaming about for the past several years were finally becoming a reality and she couldn’t be more pleased. Many had said she couldn’t do it for many reasons but she set her heart out to prove them wrong and she had.
Kimberly Stroakes was a twenty-eight year old, Business Major graduate. When she left education at the young age of twenty one, she went to work for a law firm in London which meant permanently leaving her home in the Midlands. Over the years she had grown accustomed to moving, the Stroakes had lived up north in Yorkshire, going so far up a few months after settling in Yorkshire that she found herself making friends with someone who could have voiced Shrek, had they wanted to. Her homes had never been her’s to keep which is why her family became her home. ‘Home is where the heart is’, was to her the most literal statement that could be said. Making friends was always tough because she up and left them a little while later. While this did do it’s damage to the girl, a smile remained on her face whenever it was announced that they were to move again. Everything changed however when they settled in the small town of Stratford-Upon-Avon.
Stratford was the home of Shakespeare and, to Kimberly, was the reason they resided there for so long. The girl was brought up to Shakespearean stories as bedtime stories and whenever the chance came herself, her parents along with her brother would go along and see as many of the Bard’s plays as they possibly could. She felt at home. A place where she belonged and for the first time in many years, a fifteen year old Kimberly Vivian Stroakes prayed that they didn’t move. And they didn’t.
The next four years of her life were an absolute dream. She knew what it felt like to have friends to go out with. To talk to about girl things. She had the capability of being a normal teenage girl unlike the majority of her life had been. She was no longer detached and an outsider. She was where she was meant to be and there was nothing about that she would change. When the time came, in her second year of A-Levels, to choose what university she should spend the most important years of her life in. Armed with her best friend, Jayne Griffiths, the application for University College London was sent off.
And that was where it began.
Although her hopes for getting in were high, the hopes of her family were not so high. Nor was the hope of her teachers and quite frankly, the majority of her peers. It seemed at the time that no one believed in her and that she only had her dear best friend to keep her focused on getting to where she wanted to be. But quickly after being told she wasn’t good enough, or she was treading in dangerous waters, doubt seeped into her optimistic head. UCL was one of the top universities in the world, why would they want someone who was so different and just barely achieving good grades. So with the dream of UCL leaving her head, she moved on to find something more realistic. Universities closer to home. Safer options. Places that would accept her.
The car stopped just as she shook her head and thanked the driver as he opened the door and gave her a hand out. Following him as he pulled her suitcase into the hotel and towards the reception so she could check in before giving his regards and leaving the building. A smile placed itself on her clear glossed lips as she approached the desk and made herself known to the woman sitting behind the desk.
“Good afternoon ma'am, welcome to The London, how may I help you?” The woman’s voice flowed out softly as the memorised words left her lips. Kimberly passed over her reservation information and debit card before waiting patiently for the room key. It took a few seconds until she got her card back and the key-card was placed in her hands also.
“Thank you very much.” She muttered as a bellhop came to her aid, loading her bags onto a cart and taking it to the elevator. Finally looking the notifications on her lockscreen, she noted the missed calls and messages. Unlocking the phone and opening up her messages. Most were from her brother but a few were work related. Sending a short message to the little man in her life to assure him that she was safe before setting off to sort out the issues that her colleagues had addressed.
The monotonous tone of the recorded voice playing through the speakers brought her attention away from her phone as she left and made her way down the hallway before sliding her card in and pushing open the door. She gave the bellhop a tip before he left the bags in her bedroom for the next few days and went back down to the lobby area.
She was finally alone. For the first time in almost ten hours she was able to be alone and properly so. Even though she had travelled alone, she was constantly around people and people were constantly in her space. Though that sounded  selfish of her to want her alone time. She always remembered she wouldn’t be in this hotel room had it not been for that fateful day at the park. Pulling off her heels, she threw them by the couch and plodded to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. Her quiet time was her thinking time and it wouldn’t be complete without the smell of chamomile filling the air as she wrote down thoughts and ideas on to paper before they became a jumble in her head. However it never was long before something disturb her and surely enough, heavy banging filled the room causing the girl to groan as she pushed herself up from her position against the kitchen counter and went towards the door. Sighing and forcing a smile upon her lips, she pulled the door open and greeted the person standing on the other side.
kimberly’s outfit: here
I have spent time going through the original chapters and edited them slightly to ensure the story flows and that it was the best it could be. Thank you for rejoining me on this adventure and I hope you like it, please feel free to ask me anything at all.
All My Love, Mac x
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