#author: WalkAwayTall
walkawaytall · 1 year
Fic masterlist
Last updated 2023/12/22.
Thought I’d create a masterlist of my fanfic for future reference. This’ll also include details about posting schedules wherever they apply. Literally everything I write at this point is Original Trilogy Star Wars stuff with a fairly heavy focus on Han/Leia. I’m open to suggestions/prompts, but I make zero promises.
Purpose of Heritage ao3 | ffn Currently 16 parts, 143277 words and counting I’ll be honest, I have no idea how many parts this is going to be as I am updating more or less as I write. It’s a tight third-person account of how Leia went from a displaced princess at the end of A New Hope to a legit military leader in The Empire Strikes Back. The angst is strong in this one, but I promise I try to lighten things up every now and again. If you like longer chapters, you’re in luck because these keep clocking in in the 8K-9K range. The next planned update is slated for Friday, December 29, 2023.
Perspectives ao3 | ffn Currently 3 part, 7048 words
So, this isn't really a series exactly, but I don't know where else to put it. It's a companion piece to Purpose of Heritage, and currently just has the first half of chapter one from Han's POV. The intent is for it to be a landing place for perspectives other than Leia's for select events in Purpose of Heritage, but I have no strict plans for this. It's just going to be updated as I have ideas.
Untitled Vader Knows About Leia AU Through a series of unfortunate events, Darth Vader discovers that Leia Organa is his child when she's 11 years old. He wants to spend time with her. Bail and Breha allow supervised visits for their own purposes of attempting to get more information about the inner workings of the Empire.
Collateral ao3 | ffn 11 parts (10 chapters and an epilogue), 51135 words An Ord Mantell story in which I attempt to answer the question “What is everyone’s damage at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back?” because everyone (okay, let’s get real, I’m mainly talking about Han and Leia) just existing with that sort of emotional turmoil and vitriol for one another without a concrete cause makes zero sense. Obviously no one has ever done this before. I’m very unique and special. (See? I can make the jokes. But...uh, I legitimately think my take is a solid one? I’m allowed to say that, right?) Also, the epilogue makes this not a total downer, hooray!
Hearthstide ao3 | ffn 3 parts, 15468 words Life Day is approaching and Leia needs the celebration to be perfect. Han discovers there might be more to her fixation on the holiday than meets the eye. A holiday-themed story about grief, loss, love, and rebuilding.
Written for @yearoftheotpevent - December prompt: holidays together.
Han Solo/Leia Organa Drabble Collection ao3 | ffn 4 parts, 400 words A collection of drabbles I wrote for Tumblr using prompts chosen from a list by followers. All center on Han Solo/Leia Organa.
In-progress - titles are subject to change
Working title: Someday A missing scene from Leia's POV set in the holding cell in Cloud City.
Working title: Macabre Post-war Han and Leia have an unusual way of dealing with some of the trauma they've experienced: creating their own holidays to celebrate every time they should have died and managed not to.
Tell Your Sister ao3 | ffn 1731 words Yeah, so I rewatched The Return of the Jedi over Christmas and Anakin’s final words really sunk in and I realized just how heinous they are in context for Leia, so this is me working my baggage with that detail of the film out. It’s loosely from Han’s POV, but focuses on Leia and Luke discussing Anakin’s dying words with Leia reacting in a manner I personally feel is appropriate given the circumstances. It’s meant to be fairly light-hearted. Don’t take it too seriously. But also, even redeemed Anakin Skywalker sucks.
Fleeting Infatuation ao3 | ffn 1836 words This started because I wrote a scene for Purpose of Heritage that I really like, but I ended up killing the subplot that would lead to it, so I set out to write a one-shot that would lead to it instead, wrote this, and...this doesn’t even include the aforementioned scene. It just turned into its own thing. It’s set during a nebulous Hoth time period. Leia realizes how annoying it is to have a crush on Han Solo. That’s it. That’s the fic.
Served Cold ao3 | ffn 3216 words Written using the @yearoftheotpevent January 2023 prompt “snow”. Han really hates snow, Leia tries to fix that using questionable methods. Han eventually gets over himself. Mostly fluff, minor angst.
Presumptuous Man ao3 | ffn 1631 words Written using the @yearoftheotpevent February 2023 prompt "If I kiss you, will you shut up?". Han is concussed during a mission and has made that Leia’s problem. Virtually zero stakes, mostly fluff, I’m 99% sure there is a better ending buried deep in my brain using the repeated phrase “pick your battles”, but I got tired of trying to end this thing, so I called it done.
Speak Louder ao3 | ffn 1960 words Written using the @yearoftheotpevent March 2023 prompt “acceptance”. Luke has literally never seen Leia and Han apologize to one another, and he doesn’t know how that’s possible. Fluff and minor angst, but mainly fluffy friendship slice-of-life nonsense.
Reconstitution ao3 | ffn 2067 words Written using the @yearoftheotpevent April 2023 prompt “peace”. This fic has everything: post-ROTJ adjusting-to-post-war-life feelings, Han and Leia taking a painting class together because they both need hobbies, present tense for some reason, a metaphor involving dehydrated rations, a general vibe that I’m going to refer to as “casually poignant angst”. I’m not sure what I did here, but I do actually like it.
Opportunistic ao3 | ffn 3550 words Written using the @yearoftheotpevent May 2023 prompt "Who are you?" Leia in the moments before freeing Han from carbonite in Jabba's palace. I don't know what this is considered stylistically, but there's angst, there's flashbacks, there's Han Solo almost crying, and there's me, adamant that Leia releasing Han from carbonite the way she did could not have been Plan A or probably even Plan G. Girly went rogue, I swear.
All The Voices ao3 | ffn 2138 words Post-ROTJ fluff. Pregnancy causes Leia's bad dreams to get worse. The solution? A nighttime routine involving Han telling ridiculous bedtime stories to their unborn child. This is for a Reddit prompt challenge using the trope "Silence, you fool!"
Spiral Together ao3 | ffn 4666 words Pre-ESB nonsense. Some of the Rogues think that Han and Leia are in a fight and refuse to go on a mission with them until they make up. Which they take it upon themselves to facilitate. By locking them in a room together. Rightfully tagged with "Hoth Turns The Rogues Into Feral Space Raccoons".
Reactive ao3 | ffn 2405 words So, once I found out that it's canon that the Tantive IV was captured because of a faulty hyperdrive motivator, I have thought about the fact the Leia must have been panicking leaving Hoth. Like, a lot. And as someone who's had more than one panic attack in my moderately short life on this planet, I decided to explore that a bit and this happened. It's a little mushy, but what hurt/comfort fic isn't, amiright?
Confirmed by Sources Close to the Subject ao3 | ffn 3910 words Written using the @yearoftheotpevent June 2023 prompt: "You aren't what I expected." When Han returns to base with a new biography in hand, Leia is horrified to discover who the subject of the book is. Crack-adjacent, friendship/romance, fluff/angst.
Fortitude ao3 | ffn 2610 words "I've never done one of those 5+1 Things fics. I should try that." -me, like twenty-four hours ago
Five times Leia Organa lost everything and one time she didn't.
Nemesis ao3 | ffn 2688 words Everyone thinks Wilhuff Tarkin is exaggerating when he calls Princess Leia Organa his nemesis, but soon he'll have proof that she isn't what she presents herself to be.
So, awhile ago, I made this Tumblr post that imagined a world in which Wilhuff Tarkin declared a teenage girl his nemesis à la Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock, and then madame_alexandra commented specifically referencing the episode of 30 Rock called "Game Over", and five weeks later, my brain created this.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever written.
Terrified Without You ao3 | ffn 6818 words Han and Leia end up stuck in a crevasse together on Hoth after being in an argument about...well, Leia can't remember what exactly. With no way out and comms not working, all they can do is sit, wait, and try to survive.
Vague Hoth-era time period. Pre-The Empire Strikes Back.
Written for the @yearoftheotpevent - July prompt: Stars.
Every Version of You ao3 | ffn 2872 words Leia prepares herself for the aftermath of revealing her parentage to Han. My take on the Leia Tells Han About Vader conversation that must've happened post-ROTJ. It's mushy, it's angsty, it's all the things it's supposed to be, I think.
So, Now I Have to Destroy Them ao3 | ffn 3766 words Han Solo wasn't invited to join in a game of Bounty Hunter -- not that he cares. But everything changes when a certain princess asks for aid during the final hours of the game.
Vague Hoth time period when people aren't yelling at each other.
Written for the @yearoftheotpevent - August prompt: “You’re The Only One I Could Turn To For Help”.
Brief Shadow ao3 | ffn 764 words Shortly before the move to a brand new base, Leia grieves.
Written for Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023 Day One prompts: Anniversary/Memory.
A Billion Ways to Die in Space ao3 | ffn 994 words When Leia's mission runs late, Han worries.
Written for Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023 Day Two prompt: Reunion.
Theories ao3 | ffn 1415 words Reeling from the escape from Hoth, Leia considers the possible reasons Han has decided to leave the Alliance. AUish I guess because I headcanon that Han and Leia's first kiss definitely happened before that one in the circuitry bay.
Written for Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023 Day Three prompt: Rescue.
The Short Stick ao3 | ffn 4985 words I started thinking about Main Character Syndrome and how, in so many pieces of fiction involving episodic adventures, it has got to be exhausting for the non-main-characters to just exist alongside these people, so I wrote a fic from the perspective of a character who barely knows Han, Leia, and Chewie as she’s forced to accompany them on a supply run featuring a definitely-not-Alliance-approved sidequest. This is all during Bickering URT Hoth Days and is written from the perspective of a character who technically exists in canon but has very little established about her in general (Samoc Farr).
Far Too Violently, Far Too Long ao3 | ffn 7329 words Leia keeps a journal of letters to Han while he is frozen in carbonite. Later on, Han finds it.
Written for @yearoftheotpevent - September prompt: "I wrote this for you."
Entirely Shattered ao3 | ffn 983 words So, thanks to this Tumblr post, I noticed for the first time ever that someone appears to be working on top of the Millennium Falcon while Leia is handing out orders right before the Battle of Hoth and also said someone appears to stop what they're doing to watch her as she speaks before starting their work up again. So. Uh. This is that moment. And making it fit a prompt required a bit of stretching, but I feel like it still works :D.
A vignette written for @yearoftheotpevent - October prompt: Lightning.
Intentions ao3 | ffn 3635 words Luke pulls the brother card when asking about Han's intentions with Leia. A lot of irritated ridiculousness ensues. This started as a sort of twist on the interpretation of a "meeting the family" prompt, but I don't know what it is now.
Just Tauntauns ao3 | ffn 4799 words Princess Leia has hidden on a closed Millennium Falcon with Han Solo three days in a row while Echo Base is in lockdown. The Rogues are obsessed with what this may or may not mean, and Wes Janson takes it upon himself to dig up the truth.
Absolute Echo Base nonsense. If you want to get picky, this is technically canon divergent, though no one can prove it didn't happen.
Written for @yearoftheotpevent - November prompt: Secret relationship (reveal)
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otterandterrier · 5 months
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Happy New Year, Han/Leia friends! 🎆 Here's my now time-honoured offering of some of the fantastic fics I enjoyed in 2023 and would urge you to read (or reread). Thanks to all the authors for continuing to move, inspire, entertain, excite, amuse, and even make us sad from time to time. And thank you to all the readers for helping us keep the fandom alive!
As always, please remember this is a very personal and therefore subjective selection of fics that I put together because I want to, not because I owe it to anyone 🙂
And Then We'll See by @captaincwb
Another time by @lajulie24
A Quick Fix by @keys2thefalcon
Bittersweet by @corellianangel
Every Version of You by @walkawaytall
Exit Strategy by @organanation
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by @lajulie24
If we survived the great war by @lajulie24
In Writing by @madame-alexandra
Milestones and Proverbs by @madame-alexandra
Next Time Just Say So by @captaincwb
Next Year by @hanxleia
Personal Effects by kroland
Presumptuous Man by @walkawaytall
Scruffy by @diplomaticprincess
Surface Pressure by @diplomaticprincess
The Lay of the Land by kroland
Theories by @walkawaytall
This Flight Tonight by @keys2thefalcon
Vanity by @madame-alexandra
Why'd I Go and Throw Our Perfect Dream Away? by @hanxleia
wrap me up and keep warm on a cold night by @yoyomarules
[all my yearly han/leia rec lists]
Please consider showing some love to these writers if you read and enjoy their fics!
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hanleiacelebration · 4 months
Han x Leia Holiday Exchange 2023: The Reveal (Part 2)
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Okay folks, it's time!! All the assignments have been submitted, everybody's got their gifts... so there's nothing left to do but reveal the authors for the 2023 Han x Leia Holiday Exchange 🥰 See the AO3 collection HERE!
We’ve also put together a masterlist with all the fics, authors, and recipients for this year’s exchange, which you can find below 🎉
Writers, you can promote your fics and repost them wherever you wish now. And in your role of recipients, please remember to read your gift and leave a comment thanking your writer if you haven't had the chance to do so yet. (If you’ve already left a comment, maybe you'd like to go leave another one now that your writer has been revealed! Did you guess who it was?)
Thank you to everyone who participated in another amazing exchange, including our pinch hitter, betas and cheerleaders! We're super proud of you all and the bangers you managed to put out, and we hope you've had fun! 💗
A Light on the Horizon written by @maggzblair (MBlair) for @hanxleia (AdiGallia9)
bad idea right? written by @diplomaticprincess for @lajulie24
Beneath a Desert Moon written by @luckylolabug (buggybugs) for @soloorganaas
Christmas on Coruscant written by @bookishbrigitta for @maggzblair (MBlair)
don't let them get you down (you're the best thing i've seen) written by @hadleyfraserfaggot (beyondtheoldheadstones) for @thesandwichincident (JuliaRose12)
Don’t slip away before the dawn written by @otterandterrier for @diplomaticprincess
I want to drive away with you written by @jainadurron for @bookishbrigitta
late night ponderings written by @hanorganaas for @hadleyfraserfaggot (beyondtheoldheadstones)
Sixty Years written by @hanxleia (AdiGallia9) for @jainadurron
something in the way you move (makes me feel like I can’t live without you) written by @lajulie24 for @hanorganaas
The Cufflink Tax written by @walkawaytall for @luckylolabug (buggybugs)
there's a war outside (but it can't get us here) written by @thesandwichincident (JuliaRose12) for @otterandterrier
We'll Get There Someday written by @corellianangel for @walkawaytall
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walkawaytall · 1 year
First Lines Tag Game
Look, I just saw this from one of @lajulie24's posts awhile back and since I posted my 10th fanfic today, I thought I'd give it a go. Also, I just...don't tag people in these things, so consider yourself tagged if you want to do the thing.
Rules: share the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy, share anyway! ❤️
(all links are AO3, but everything is cross-posted on FFN as well)
Collateral - The Committee met twice a week — double the number of meetings compared to when they’d first formed — and now, a mere ten days after relocation to Echo Base was complete, Leia was seriously considering adding a third meeting as schedules allowed.
Purpose of Heritage - None of this was supposed to happen.
Tell Your Sister - The celebration had lasted well into the early morning as soldiers and leaders, weary from years of war, were reenergized by this latest victory.
Fleeting Infatuation - Leia Organa had a problem.
Served Cold - Their first trip to Hoth together was going to be an unmitigated disaster if you asked Han (which no one ever did since the princess was the one writing up reports and presenting findings to High Command).
Presumptuous Man - Han Solo’s biggest flaw was that he didn’t know when to shut up, but no one else seemed to know when he should shut up, either, so it tended to work out for him.
Speak Louder - He’d never seen them apologize to one another.
Reconstitution - There is something wrong with her eggs at breakfast.
Opportunistic - She came back different.
All the Voices - It started with pregnancy dreams.
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walkawaytall · 1 year
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
Han scoffed. “I mean, if having to carve corridors and hangars out of a glacier isn’t a dealbreaker—”
“It isn’t.” That had been declared a plausible solution before they’d headed to Hoth. Leia had wondered about how realistic the plan was, but had been assured by beings with far more military experience than she had that it made sense to make use of natural surroundings to hide the base. Carving straight through an existing glacier certainly fit the bill.
Han paid her interruption no mind. “—then the place looks perfect. No murder insects, and you rebels seem to want to be surrounded by as much inconvenient water as possible. Seems ideal.”
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walkawaytall · 1 year
When there was nearly enough light outside to safely tear down the shelter and catch up with the rest of the group, Han touched her elbow gently. “Hey, we need to talk before we head back,” he said. His tone left little room for argument.
Leia eyed him quizzically. “Okay. What’s going on?” He took a breath and Leia got the distinct sense that he was working out how to word something. “Just say it, Han. You’re not going to hurt my feelings.”
That invitation apparently gave him the ability to proceed. “What you did, runnin’ off like that, was stupid and reckless.” Chewie interrupted with a growl of protest in Han’s direction, but Han held up his hand to stop him. “No, let me finish.” He focused back on Leia. “You spent half the trip out here telling everyone to stick together and stay near camp for safety, and then you went wandering off on your own in the middle of a snow squall. You could’ve gotten yourself killed and you put anyone willing to go looking for you at risk, which is the last thing I expected from you leadin’ a team.”
Leia realized very quickly that she’d been wrong about him not hurting her feelings; the words he used stung and she found herself torn between trying to defend herself and actually absorbing what he said. His tone was firm but not harsh; he didn’t sound like he was lashing out. His face betrayed a mixture of worry and frustration, but not anger.
“We do well to listen to those we trust, Leilei. Especially when they’re brave enough to disagree with us.” Echoes of Breha’s voice rang in her head. Leia didn’t think Han needed to possess any particular type of bravery to chastise her — he’d clearly never thought much of station or title when regarding an individual and he was rarely shy about making his thoughts known — but, as she’d confessed earlier in the morning, she did trust him. And though his delivery lacked even the slightest hint of tact, he wasn’t wrong. She could’ve died; he and Chewie had been at risk. If anyone else had decided to look for them, they’d have been at risk as well.
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walkawaytall · 4 months
Oh, hey, now that authors have been revealed, I can share this! I wrote this! And I quite like it.
Summary: Two scenes exploring the changes in Han and Leia's relationship over time as they prepare to attend parties they really don't want to go to.
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walkawaytall · 8 months
Hey, I got this chapter edited quicker than I anticipated. It's...not perfect, but I think it'll do. I couldn't keep debating certain things about it any more and just had to make some decisions.
“Gotta talk to people,” Han said once they finished.
“Not really our area of expertise,” Naj said.
“Talkin’ to people?” Han asked drolly.
She shrugged somewhat awkwardly. “I don’t strike up conversations with strangers in my everyday life. I can’t even imagine what that would look like if I’m trying to gather information. Anyone would see through me. There’s a reason I’m not in intelligence.”
“Same here,” Jarys said.
“You just gotta give ‘em something to talk about,” Han said. When he was met with mostly blank stares, he glanced at Leia a bit helplessly. She shrugged, unsure of what he was expecting of her. “You have someone go in and get settled, then someone else does somethin’ to make a scene. Gives you an in with the people around you — somethin’ to be appalled at together — then you make conversation.”
“What sort of scene?” Rory asked.
“Somethin’ bad enough to get kicked out but not anything that’ll have them calling in the authorities.” Han’s eyes were on Leia again and she felt as if he were trying to communicate something to her.
She crossed her arms loosely in front of her chest and sighed, recalling a rather annoying conversation from weeks prior. “Like counting cards?” she offered flatly
Han snapped and shook a finger in her direction. “Exactly like countin’ cards. It ain’t illegal, but they’ll want ya out. You make a big deal about it, but don’t touch anyone or anything — we don’t want assault or destruction of property charges.”
“Counting cards playing what?” Einara asked.
“Sabacc,” Leia answered before looking at Han for confirmation. He nodded with a small grin on his face.
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walkawaytall · 1 year
Chapter 7 is up! It has everything: Hoth, hypothermia, mysterious creatures, a side character that canonically exists but also was created by Hank Green (yes, vlogbrother Hank Green) for a chapter of From A Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, so a lot of my worlds are colliding right now, a Luke Starkiller reference.
Also, I mention this in the author's note at the end, but I'm taking a longer break between chapters this time. I've been recovering from professional burnout and I think writing has legitimately helped me with that, but now that I have some energy back, I need to get some life stuff in order which means I can't spend all my time outside of work and school writing (well, I have proven I can, but not if I want folded laundry and clean dishes). I may or may not return to the every-other-week posting schedule; I'll reevaluate next month. But chapter 8 should be posted Friday, June 16, 2023.
Thank you for reading!
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