#autistic caleb
aroacemisha · 2 years
Tbh it’s kinda funny how the “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic” thing is a pretty consistent theme with couples in my AU:
Caleb (autistic) and Evelyn (bad bitch)
Raine (autistic) and Eda (bad bitch)
Alador (autistic) and Darius (bad bitch)
Steven (autistic) and Belos (bad bitch)
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
Okay so I really like the autistic Hunter headcanon but I’m curious do you guys think Caleb (and the previous guards) would have been autistic too? I think yes but I’d like to hear other people’s thoughts
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its-your-mind · 10 months
Caleb demonstrating affection/acceptance by making frumpkin jump up on a new friend’s lap
Caleb judging people based on how they treat frumpkin unprompted
Caleb giving comfort by teleporting frumpkin like a scarf around his family’s shoulders
Caleb using frumpkin as a proxy for his own affections and emotions and interactions with the world
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demigirl-demigod · 10 months
Me, one year ago seeing people headcanoning Caleb Widogast as autistic: I guess I can understand why people would want to think that but it doesn’t really make sense to me, I mean I have a lot of those traits that people are saying he’s autistic for and I’m certainly not autistic.
Me now after finding out I am, in fact autistic because of said traits: Ah, I get it now.
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haorev · 1 year
Also I can’t get over Caleb wearing a scarf in the desert. Like I understand that it’s good for keeping the sand out of your lungs during a sandstorm and wool has moisture wicking properties, but still. It’s hot.
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critter-genfic-events · 8 months
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This week, we have ten fics featuring neurodivergent takes on our favorite characters! Autism, PTSD, anxiety, ADHD, depression and more - ten great explorations of Exandrians having to deal with the same issues a lot of us have under the cut.
If You're Happy and You Know It by pinkevilbob (1075, General) Warnings: None Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Caleb Widogast
Caleb feels ashamed when stimming. Jester doesn’t think he should hide his happiness.
Reccer says: I love how Jester’s happy hops!
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Say a Name, Any Name (My Name) by QuillAndInkWrites (881, General) Warnings: None Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Marion Lavorre | Ruby of the Sea, Fjord & Jester Lavorre & Beauregard Lionett
Jester chooses a new name. And then another. And then another, until she finds one that fits
Reccer says: I liked it
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whispers work differently now by Anonymous (5426, General) Warnings: Sensory overload, autistic meltdowns Pairings: Essek & Jester, Essek & Caduceus, Essek & The Mighty Nein
Essek and Jester are both autistic, but they have opposite sensory needs. When she invites him to a crowded festival, he gets very overwhelmed, but the Nein take care of him.
Reccer says: The descriptions of Essek's meltdown make me feel a little tense, but it's very well written. I also like that it's sympathetic to both Essek and Jester; even though their needs conflict, they still care about each other, and it ends on a hopeful note for the future.
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all the stars would shine a bloody red by InTheMidnightHour (1013, Mature) Warnings: Depression, Drug Addiction, Drug Use Pairings: None
Caduceus endures the turn of the seasons alone and what comes with that.
Reccer says: An absolutely visceral look of Caduceus's descent into choosing the lilies and the bottom of a pond just to overcome his loneliness.
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stare into the sun and see everything i've done by wtgw (3234, Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Caleb Widogast & Percival de Rolo
Two neurodivergent men with angst and guilt issues walk onto a balcony. (Or Percy helps Caleb cope with a panic attack.)
Reccer says: This is one of my favorite fics ever. The way Percy handles Caleb's anxiety is absolutely IC without feeling preachy or condescending to the point where it makes me feel better. Sometimes when I'm feeling overwhelmed I think of this fic. It's just that soothing.
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in the morning i'll be rising, i'll be waking with the sun by ghostsquidswrites (4156, Mature) Warnings: None Pairings: Eadwulf Grieve & Yasha, Astrid Beck/Eadwulf Grieve
Eadwulf and Yasha run together, and talk it out
Reccer says: This is an amazing pairing given the insight and weight they deserve, as well as being so lovely and atmospheric.
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I'm the Cleric by devil_seabird_king (ShaaKi) (2100, General) Warnings: None Pairings: Fresh Cut Grass & Milo Krook, Caduceus Clay & Essek Thelyss, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III & Pike Trickfoot, Deanna Leimert & Prism Grimpoppy, Jester Lavorre & Marius LePaul
What if Exandrian meds were derived from arcane magic and stopped working during the solstice?
Reccer says: This is a great exploration of a throwaway line, some of my favorite types of fic!
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Aeorian Dreamer by Lizable (2490, Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Fresh Cut Grass & Ashton Greymoore
What FCG's life was like before Aeor, and what might have caused them to forget
Reccer says: It's a very interesting take on what they might have been like in Aeor - including therapy!
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Fools Crushin' by Ms_Fahrenheit (1013, General) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek & Verin
Teenage Essek and preteen Verin tease each other about crushes. (Also see the first part of this series)
Reccer says: Arospec/acespec mood. Cute sibling vibes.
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secrets with no one to tell by memorysdaughter (3138, Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: None
Vax thinks about how all of Vox Machina's members are different. Except, according to Vex, him
Reccer says: It's a nice, sweet exploration of how all of the characters of Vox Machina could be neurodivergent
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. Want to make your own recs? Check out the rules, and then use the form to submit!
Next week, it's all angst. Have some good whumptober recs? People being sad? Now's the time to rec! After that, we're following it with a week dedicated to Percy, who is famously not angsty at all.
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
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Day five: Magic/Grimwalker
Pretty sketchy and less polished than some of the other drawings because idk i think i have to update my drawing tablet’s driver because i cant for the life of me draw a curved line anymore. not without immense struggle
Anyways, I went with the grimwalker prompt, because i reread @lindendragon ‘s analysis about how grimwalkers are a subversion and analogy to the changeling trope and how it could be related to autism just like changelings were, and also how they were meant to be a copy of the idealized version that Philip had of Caleb, but that it never worked since, besides each grimwalker being their own person and not Caleb, that ideal Caleb he had in mind wasn’t the real Caleb, but actually him masking for his own survival. And that the Caleb that he found in the Boiling Isles was the real Caleb, not having to mask anymore. It’s a neat analysis, here’s the whole post
I didn’t know what to do with the colors so I took the color palette Spirit Phone from @color-palettes minus the white. Which meant listening to Lemon Demon while drawing this, which was fun!
Maybe I’ll do an extra drawing for the magic part of the prompts, I really want to do something with it, I just don’t know what
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widodiangelo · 2 years
i like to think that caleb really, really loves to just rant and info dump whenever he learns a new spell/magic thing, but he feels embarrassed + self conscious about that need and so he bottles it up but one day molly notices. and once he gets him to spit it out he asks him to tell him all about all the cool stuff he learned and caleb can’t BELIEVE he’s really asking but slowly he does. because every time he comes back from a library or book expedition molly comes running to his room or his seat at the tavern and asks him to tell him everything. and molly can see it makes caleb SO HAPPY and so he keeps doing it.
and molly doesn’t really understand a lot of it, he’s not the biggest magic user, but he loves hearing caleb get excited about it so he asks every time. and he listens. and the mighty nein start to notice.
and so after molly dies, beau starts asking. and then nott. and then jester. until he feels comfortable enough to go to any of them to tell them about this “really cool thing i learned about the physics of how gravitational force effects magic in certain ways and it’s so wild guys you have no idea !!” and he just lights up. every time. and he still misses when it was just him and molly. but molly always did leave every place better than he found it. including the m9.
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mauvesockss · 1 year
fingers crossed and uncrossed and tapping and so forth for animated!Caleb to be just as fidgety as table!Caleb
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y'all I'm not fucking ready for this.
How many weeks in a row is this with no DDB sponsor?
Matt is dressed in Ruidus colors. fear
personally? I think it would be very funny if somebody replaced Liam's chair with one that's a foot shorter than everyone else's.
I'm fully expecting Ira to be a Garmellie/Artagan situation. This motherfucker is an archfey slumming it on Exandria and ancient god-killing wizard dilfs are his dive bar of choice.
Ira was around for at least one previous apogee solstice, but he was in the Feywild when it happened so he didn't get to see the true extent of is power.
"What do you think about the gods?" "I don't think about them." good answer, good answer
Aberrations and other "mythological creatures" born on solstices (even normal ones) are particularly powerful.
The circlet prevents Imogen from hearing the thoughts of people around her. It just eliminates that entirely. And with it goes most of the reasons she'd have to side with Ludinus and Otohan. Truly the peak of non-wizard mortal hubris, to consider killing the gods before looking for an item or a spell to solve your problem first
Sending to Keyleth from Imogen: "We're a couple hours out, to the southwest. Are we meeting up? Just going for it? Help?" "I'm gathering those of able-body who recovered from our last endeavor. I'll look for a tree. Let me know when you need the cavalry; our arrival isn't quiet."
"I go over and give Fearne a big hug." "Aww—" "I reach into her pocket." never change, Ashton
A ways out from the crater, the Bells Hells come upon a structure in the storm — the wood and stone wreckage of a skyship that carried a cathedral on it. It's mangled and burned; the brumestone has been scavenged. It looks recent, and the outer hull is covered in mounts for heavy armor, harpoons, and cannons, but it was brought down by battle on the deck, not by massive damage to the outer hull. The iconography indicates that it was from Vasselheim, possibly a Judicator ship.
jesus fucking christ. Matt could not say "DO NOT GO THROUGH WITH CRASHING THE SHIP" any more clearly.
if that dispel pulse is shutting down the automatons briefly, then maybe it's not actually intentional. maybe it's a by-product, an unintended consequence.
it never ceases to amaze me that without fail and across all of his characters, Travis manages to be both the voice of "fuck it we ball" and the person who slows down combat to calm players.
like, does CritRoleStats keep track of how many combat encounters each PC has started? bc Chetney has got to be up there with Imogen this campaign
this battle music has the same opening notes as the 2001 theme and now I can't hear anything else
The spellcaster has a +6 spell attack, but also cast hold person at 5th level and did 15 damage on a fire bolt, so they're most likely 9th level with a +2 spellcasting ability modifier.
Ashton rage build update: 2 on the d4 is the space build (portals!). they took the Crusher feat for their 8th level ASI. also, when the space build is active, they can use portals (either as a bonus action or as a result of hitting a creature or as a result of bringing a creature to 0 hp) to teleport to any space they can see within 30 or 60 feet of them.
As a reminder, shock flare is a reskin of arms of hadar, but it pushes creatures away instead of preventing them from taking reactions and deals lightning damage instead of necrotic.
Tal saying "five foot step" gave me hella flashbacks to Pathfinder 1e
"Well, I don't get to choose, do I? Let's just go with it." god fucking damnit. Ashton's rage abilities and how fucking random they are is so poetically and narratively intwined with the themes of this campaign, it's wild
it will never not amuse me that Matt, without fail, misunderstands the way the command spell works. it's super minor and not a big deal but as someone with a DM who's pretty on-top of it, it's very funny
Imogen gets pulled into a tent by a very quick and quiet force.
"Who are you, and why are you fighting the Vanguard?" "I've got friends coming in. Friends or enemies?" "I asked you first." "The question isn't why! It's 'are you fighting too'?" "Who are you with?" "
oh my god of fucking COURSE there are already infiltrators in here. of course there are. why wouldn't there be? Ryn didn't come here alone.
y'all you have no fucking idea how excited I am——
"He can go say hi to the rest of his friends we've put there [in jail]." how fucking many of the Cerberus Assembly are in jail now? we know Trent is in there but who else?
CALEB!!!! blorbo!!!
"So. What's the play here, Beauregard?"
They're both friends to the Verity, and they've worked with Ryn before. They came here with her, trying to do a recon mission before she was taken.
The Children of Malice are a front for the Ruby Vanguard.
Caleb and Beau saw the other skyship go down. It was from Vasselheim. The Vanguard struck the skyship from the sky at Ludinus' request, though Caleb hasn't seen any sign of Ludinus being in the crater for many days. But the perpetual dispel pulse was intentionally installed.
Caleb, Beau, and Ryn were all on the Shadowfell team — they were able to damage the key, but unable to completely destroy it.
Caleb refers to Ludinus as the most powerful of the assembly, "the one who could topple it all" if he goes down. He and Beau came here alone;
The entire site is illusion-proofed, there's a dispel wave every minute. There are also mage-hunter golems here, which we've only ever heard of existing inside the Heirloom Sphere. I am forcibly reminded of the fact that Ludinus Da'leth is aware of the Happy Fun Ball.
"The absolute, absurd amount of muscles she has—" "Like Marisha?" *raised eyebrow* Matthew. (fuckin' simp (affectionate))
Ludinus has been reverse-engineering Aeorian technology and using distilled dunamis energy to power it, with multiple mesh-like power sources. He's "obsessed" with divinity and appears to be "counting on opposition, which makes [Beau] uneasy."
"What's dunabis?" "...there isn't time to lecture. It's a very obtuse form of magic that exists between the fabric of all other forms of power. It's one of the oldest and most fundamental forces within Exandria and beyond. It can alter time, space, probability, entropy — it is dangerous in the wrong hands, and unfortunately, a very strong source of it has been in the hands of Ludinus and the Assembly for some time." The 'very strong source' is presumably the beacon, which Ludinus has had since 835 PD.
The Cobalt Soul has been trying to nail down Ludinus for a long time, but "he's always one step ahead."
Caleb specifically refers to dunamis as chaotic, referencing Ashton.
Ludinus has apparently been doing this outside of the Assembly. Caleb's contact in the Assembly (Astrid, presumably) notes that even the rest of the Assembly is afraid to get involved in Ludinus' plans.
Halas, Trent, and "Bendathar" are in Beau's list of archmages they've fucked up.
Hey! Beau knows the Ashari! that's cool. She also knows Ira and his history of designing the keys.
There are dozens of mirrors and hook-like spires facing toward the key itself. Everything is reinforced with a massive amount of residuum — the device, the walls of the excavation site, and everything beyond. "An all-out assault would be far too dangerous." Caleb gives a sending stone to Chetney, who gives it to Laudna, under the assumption that the groups are going to split up to cover more ground.
given the fact that the solstice didn't actually happen this episode and that the Mighty Nein and the Crown Keepers are now attached to this, I feel like my "PFS2 special scenario" theory has some more merit
Beau disappears, Caleb goes invisible (they both start to circle around), and the Bells Hells start to descend the crater.
also, last minute update: Fearne would have flirted incessantly with both Beau and Caleb.
threads that have connected in this episode:
Missing residuum shipments: the malleus key and its surroundings are reinforced with residuum. that's a massive amount; it's possible that Trent's supply of residuum, the stuff the Nameless Ones stole, and the stuff the Paragon's Call were trafficking were probably all going here.
The Cobalt Soul and the Cerberus Assembly: It takes a long, long time to dismantle political systems. The Cobalt Soul has apparently imprisoned more Assembly members than just Trent.
Out-of-the-blue rolls: Those random rolls Matt had Marisha and Liam make were indeed rolls for the Shadowfell expedition that Beau, Caleb, and Ryn were involved with. They rolled shitty, so the Shadowfell key wasn't entirely destroyed, but was damaged.
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c-kiddo · 2 years
i said it before n ill say it again . .. . . but the way imogen, laudna, caleb , yasha and caduceus are so potently  autistic in different ways. .. . . .. .. thinks about it so so much 
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a1asta1r · 2 years
Adam “Low-Empathy” Hayes and Caleb “literally an Empath” Michaels is the best fictional gay couple ever
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humanbeanisnotamused · 8 months
there's this little scene living in my head which i described to a friend as "bea is going i think someone has a little crush on you :))) and jean is focused on some deeply autistic little ritual and saying nothing at all"
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gorgynei · 2 years
every yasha caleb conversation has a certain autism flavour to it but this one (e22) is so special to me. "you seem awkward like me", yasha's horrible advice, the way they're both speaking in that awkward stilted way that they do sometimes. literally legendary revolutionary life changing
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sweatsnervously47 · 7 months
Big Mouth showing the friendship of autism and gay warms my heart.
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flintstonegummy69 · 2 years
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