#autistic shizuo
autisticshizuo · 6 months
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user autisticshizuo posts autistic shizuo content? shocking
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i make jokes like "izaya and shinra both have aspd except izaya hates it and shinra posts gore on reddit" but i think the real crux of the matter is that izaya fundamentally dislikes being on the fringes of society and longs for connection in any way he can get it, while shinra is prefectly content to exist outside of society because of his laser focus onto celty. because even if he doesnt have people, he has something. while izaya has nothing.
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izamationbroker · 2 years
this isnt a specific character but do u think any of these bitches autistic???
Right off the top of my head? Both the Heiwajima boys, with different presentations.
Shizu-chan struggles with emotional regulation and feels like he isn't able to connect to others. He stims when he gets worked up, usually through pacing or his muttering (killkillkillkillkill). One scene in particular comes to mind where he's literally bouncing on Celty's bike because he's so riled up. He takes things very literally, especially when justifying his own actions. He also seems to be somewhat routine oriented in that he wears the exact same outfit every day (further sentimental about it because Kasuka gifted them to him, and he gets very upset when those clothes are messed up), follows Tom around all day for work in a very predictable manner, and gets very upset when that routine is disrupted (usually by Izaya).
Meanwhile, I don't have quite as good of a grasp on Kasuka because it's been a long time since I've seen the Hollywood arc, but his flat affect and distance from others except his own brother is telling to me. Not to mention the way he expresses his care for Shizuo isn't very straightforward to most, like when he offers Shizuo milk to calm him down or gifts Shizuo his bartender uniforms to wish him luck in his new job. It's clear he cares a lot about Shizuo, but prefers to show that care in other ways than just saying so.
Kururi also strikes me as autistic, but that's pure vibes based off her typically nonverbal nature so I'll just call that a headcanon.
Could Walker and Erika also be autistic based on their hyperfixation (special interest?) in manga and anime? I guess you could argue that, but a special interest alone does not an autistic person make imo. They don't really display many characteristics beyond the manga thing, so it's more likely to me that they are just surface-level quirky otaku.
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shizuostrans · 1 year
God you’re so right about trans Shizuo tbh.
My friend and I have been watching durarara (rewatch for me, first time viewing for him) and we are both just sitting here like “why are all these characters so trans and autistic coded”
Absolute banger analysis posts btw thank you
- an autistic trans guy
i really wish i could say i handled reading this ask gracefully so i could properly word how much this ask means to me or how narita is physically incapable of writing 6 sentences from a character’s pov without coding them but it was more like
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shinraapologist · 2 years
im coming into your askbox now...! whats yr fave thing abt shinra? and do u have a fave official art of him? :3
I LOOOOOVE SHIIIIIIINRAAAAAAAAAA. I LOVE SHINRA. hes so handsome and perfect hes the most pathetic man alive i want to eat him i want to put him in a jar and shake him. he is the blorbo of all time. THIS IS SOOOOO LONG, THIS IS MY SHINRA THESIS. this is my shinra apologism bible. this is my shinra loving conversion propaganda.
shinra, at his core, is someone who loves so deeply and is so fucking traumatized and has such bad odds of overcoming it. he's been raised solely by shingen (someone remind me to talk abt test tube shinra) who has. no interest in shinras genuine care or wellbeing beyond an.... experimental context. hes trying to make a child into an accomplished surgeon.
this has consequences on the child.
i hc shinra as autistic (someone remind me to talk about who all in drrr is autistic. short answer they all are); specifically that he struggles with social cues, expectations, reading tone and situations, and emotional regulation and expressing his emotions "correctly". specifically, he over-emotes, to the point of theater at times. his neutral expression and tone of voice are overly excitable and positive, and he feels all his emotions very strongly and reacts as such.
already having trouble understanding what is and isnt socially acceptable (and the differences between different situations), being raised by shingen really fucks him over because he's given a rather.... broken moral and social framework. all the things you normally teach a child about right and wrong... shinra did not get those conversations.
as a child this doesnt bother him. he literally does not know any different. hes generally effervescent, hes a bright child and he loves his dad and he loves learning and he loves how cool shizuo is. he's never seen an operation done on someone who isn't under anesthesia and it bothers him in a way he doesnt have words to describe and his dad wants him to do it, and his dad is smart and he's supposed to listen to his dad and his dad says its okay, so its okay right? he doesnt like it, doesnt like how it feels to hurt the person he found on the boat- doesnt like how his dad doesnt think shes a person when shes right in front of him doing all the things a person does. but he doesn't know how to process that. the person from the boat seems a bit afraid of him after, even though she doesnt have the language to speak to him yet. he doesnt like that, either, although he cant put the words together to explain why.
he likes the girl. shes pretty, in a way he had absently found other girls and women pretty, the same way a flower or a very nice teapot is pretty. but this time, it catches a spark in him- she's captivating in a way none of the others ever have been. he likes how she carries herself, the way she interacts with the world, and he wants so badly to talk to her. so he does. he follows her all around their little house, although at first she's always in the room that used to hold a bunch of spare medical equipment but now holds a thin mat and a black motorcycle. he lets himself in without bothering to announce himself or ask, because hes never had to ask to go in here, and doesnt see any reason he shouldnt be now. sometimes, she shoes him away without fanfare. other times, she allows him to talk to her, chattering a million miles an hour about what hes learned in school or with his dad or what he's been doing out in the yard. she seems like shes listening, even if she never replies. she couldnt, obviously, she had no head. after a few weeks she begins to sometimes come with him when he tries to pull her by the hand around the house.
shinras not the type of kid to want to draw, so it's a few weeks before they reach a point in school where he has homework to take home. theyre learning to write, and although shinra has been reading at a level a few years above his age for a while, he hasn't written any- he's never had any need to. he drags the homework with him into the spare room to go bother his friend after school. she's interested in what he's doing; he can feel her watch him write his shaky pencil strokes as he traces the hirigana outlined on the paper. he explains them to her as she watches, having no idea she can't understand him yet. he proudly holds his finished assignment out to her and beams when she examines it closely. her hand hesitates as she reaches for the pencil; she pulls it back almost as soon as she begins. he thrusts it into her hands, excited that his friend wants to be part of what he's doing. he brings her a spare piece of copy paper and watches as she carefully copies his hirigana. he's happy, pointing to each one as she draws it and telling her which one it is. to him, it seems like a fun game. the next day, he steals a copy of yesterdays homework from the teachers desk when she isnt looking, and begins grabbing an extra copy of each assignment he gets. he and his friend do their homework together every day after school. she sits with him at the kitchen table to do it, now. each day, he does his first and tells her all about what it means. she picks up quickly- within months they both can write simple sentences, and now shinra can really talk to his friend.
once they begin being able to talk, the two are inseparable. shinra grabs an empty moleskin from his dad's office for her to write in, and the more she writes, the quicker she learns. she points to every new object they encounter, and shinra is happy to tell her what each one called. he wants her to come out with him into the yard, and she gestures at the wispy smoke rolling from her neck. he gathers a few hundred yen from random drawers and the pockets of his dad's laundry and the sidewalk on the way home from school and buys her the biggest sunhat they have at the department store the next time he and his dad go. she's happy, when he shows her.
shinra grows far too quickly into a teenager, still wickedly smart and still so deeply, wildly infatuated with celty. he tells her everything, and she tells him more and more, too, as the years go by. he's careful, now, to do all his homework with her and explain the concepts to her as he goes. it's extremely effective studying, and it motivates him to fully understand the material. he's beginning to understand the way he loves her, beginning to realize how lost he would feel without her. he knows he needs to keep her in his life. he also knows now his dad sometimes says and does things he dislikes. shinra operates entirely of his own desires, listening to his father when what shingen asks of him suits him and ignoring him when it doesn't. izaya had asked him once if he had any idea of right and wrong, and although shinra remembers the face izaya made when he told him he felt that anything that felt right must be right, he doesn't know what to make of it.
within another two years he knows he's in love with celty, has already confessed a dozen times. she always brushes him off, but he sees the way she's beginning to smoke up more when he says it. it reminds him of the blush he gets when she says something funny or is particularly cute to him. his love is big enough that it feels like it could burst from his chest. he has no idea what to do with it, how to show it in any semblance of a healthy way. he tries, he stumbles, and gets up and tries again. conversing with humans still confuses him- still cant read facial expressions, still cant understand the vocal inflection of others- but can read celty like an open book. he's beginning to feel less and less human, but he's not upset by it- he's never felt all too human to start.
the longer shingen is gone, the more shinra realizes how badly his father affected him. he begins to resent the man- resents him when he fumbles a social interaction and loses a well paying client, resents him when he does something he feels is right and sees celty hurt or sad. the resentment eats him, leaving him lost and adrift. every time he looks in the mirror he sees his father. his life, his passion, his income, his reputation- its all intertwined with shingen. he hates his father so much he begins to hate himself.
seeing celty come home from the first dollars meeting breaks something in him. he starts to blame his father, if only the rotten bastard hadn't done this to her- and pauses. shinras continued to lie to her too, he's just as responsible now as his father. the feeling makes him sick. he almost tells her then about saika, but the words catch in his throat, and they taste bitter when he swallows them.
that changes something in shinra- he's trying to be better, be kinder, question what he really feels is right and wrong. trying and stumbling and trying again. he forces the truth from his throat, tells celty what his father did, knows his four year old self couldnt stop shingen and his twenty three year old self does not need to continue to cover for him. the truth tastes just as bitter on his tongue as it did in his throat.
he begins standing up to shingen, bit by bit, always feeling he's falling short, always realizing too late when hes crossed a line. trying and stumbling and trying again.
when the stranger kisses him, and he feels a pinprick in his shoulder, all he can think of is the way celty jumped. her shock and pain swirl inside him as violently as she's chasing them- his celty, his celty- he needs to get back to his celty. saikas voice buzzes in his ears like a swarm of wasps but all he can think is celty celty celty-
he needs to find her. when his father hands him the sword the swarm of wasps in his brain swells to a roar and reverberates around his thoughts. celty celty celty- love celty- love- celty- love love love- his broken bones and torn ligaments scream against the flight of stairs to the rooftop backed by an orchestra of celty celty celty love you celty love love love love celty-
it was never a question of following her. shinra would have begged shizuo to throw him after her whether he'd had a plan or not- the sword that had slipped into his body was burning inside him and screaming a chorus, pulled itself to his palm and the sea of love love love celty- guided his arm, guided his thoughts, guided his heart and his soul. trying, and stumbling. doing what his father would have done- what his father already had. he cant help but to get up and try again. i love shinra because hes. fucked up and traumatized and still loves. loves imperfectly, loves messily and loudly and is loved in return. hes a work in progress, hes a horrible little man, hes a poor meow meow and a pathetic wet rat and i could talk about him for ten years. i could talk about his and celtys relationship for ten years. i think shinra as a character is massively underappreciated and massively mischaracterized. this only scratches the SURFACE of my thoughts. PLEASE feel free to ask me abt him he is my little bratz doll im rotating him in my mind at all times. i need to reblog this with my favorite official art tumblr is either overworked or my post is too long-
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urfaveisautistic · 7 years
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Your fave is autistic: Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!!
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twyrinehaze · 3 years
hi durarara fans can i interest you in: autistic shizuo heiwajima
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you should watch durarara!! it has such a fufilling plot and shizuo is deFINITELY autistic like hes so autistic coded he is EXACTLY like my younger brother and i its wild
I’ve had it in my list for a while now!! Maybe I’ll check it out while I’m marathoning shows during this cold tgrefw
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autisticshizuo · 1 year
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just a color study + doodle of my favorite autistic child being autistic
i might be cringe i might be childish IDC he is my comfort character and I GET TO PROJECT MY IDENTITY TO HIM
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eyyyyyyy my boy
A: he’s autistic. Guy gives me so many signals of it like, he has very specific tastes in food, he has his own things dude also wears the same outfit every day yes I know for other reasons but going so far as to do that? He’s definitely on the spectrum somewhere and so is Kasuka.
B: that there’s a group of vending machine repair guys who meet up for drinks and talk abt him like ‘it was on the fucking roof what the shit’ ‘dont complain he’s the reason we all have jobs’ I feel like being a vending machine repair guy/construction worker in Ikebukuro is a very very stable career. Not likely to go out of work.
C: I mean the friendly reminder that he’s referred to as like, an avatar of violence. He hates violence. He hates himself and is trying his best not to get annoyed sometimes but even then it doesn’t always work. He just wants some calm let this man be happy pls dont let him constantly be suffer. That’s kinda obvious but uh other than that all I can think of is how he doesn’t get close and be more frdly w Kadota bc he doesn’t want to get him in trouble. Bc he believes he’s inevitably trouble. I love Shizuo so much.
D: hmmm yeah him meeting Felix would be a time fuck the fuckin timelines. Also can we have him wrecking other characters continued as a saga like...hmmm Doubs wd be fun to get rekt, there’s so many. I just want a saga of assholes getting rekt.
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autisticshizuo · 2 months
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user autisticshizuo posts not only autistic shizuo but autistic kasuka too :> !!!!
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shinraapologist · 2 years
time to ante up to the promised essay in your shinra post on which characters in drrr are autistic. NOW
short answer they all are. long answer with receipts under the cut (sources: my autistic ass)
mikado- has trouble navigating social situations and responding "appropriately" to them, and his vocal inflection that doesn't necessarily "match" feelings,. his special interest is the dollars and watching the interactions between them and studying what impact his actions have on them. hes just like izaya fr. i feel like the paralels between them dont get talked abt enough. mikado is izaya if he got scared straight at the end of his middle school homoromantic friendship that resulted in him being stabbed instead of going hm. this will have long term consequences on me actually
masaomi- has trouble understanding the motivations and feelings of others. he masks strongly with his confident "ladies man" persona.
anri- she has a lack of vocal inflection, doesnt make eye contact, has trouble navigating social situations, her vocal inflection doesnt necessarily "match" her feelings. she has sensory issues (wears her her hoodie dress because she likes the sensory input, not to little and not too much.) relies on a routine (nothing ever happens nothing ever changes).
celty- uses strong body language yet struggles to read the body language of others. mirrors extensively. she mirrors everyone to a degree but especially shinra and shizuo. this should not be news to anyone just LOOK at them. i love them.
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her dramatic body language is 100% mirrored from shinra. since she spends a lot of time with him and he emotes so strongly she's memorized his body language in association with certain emotions and performs them when shes feeling that emotion. (in SH she's even depicted as rolling around on the floor when shes upset, which is something shinra does 18436 times.) is shown to occaisonally wear regular clothes (mostly pajamas) when shes capable of making anything with her shadow which to ME implies she's seeking the sensory input from the soft fabric. she also tends to think in extremes, everything is very black and white for her.
shinra- has trouble regulating his emotions and helps himself regulate by stimming (dancing/wiggling when hes happy, rolling on the ground when hes upset, getting very still when hes concentrating or anxious.) over emotes to match the intensity of his emotions regardless of the situation. his neutral expression and tone of voice are hyper and excitable. has trouble understanding social cues and social norms. wears the lab coat ALL the time to the point that other characters comment on it. not something a neurotypical man does. his special interests are surgery and human anatomy. he genuinely loves his job in part because even though there's an anatomy "standard" no human body ever actually looks like the illustrations. he loves to study the variances he notices in his work and loves to perfect surgical techniques.
shizuo- has trouble regulating his emotions. his neutral expression and tone is said to be flat and without affect. struggles with overstimulation (wears the blue lens sunglasses to avoid the bright sunlight, wears his vest fitted at the chest for the slight compression) (because hes TRANSGENDER and really liked how his binder felt. brought to u by me who had a phase where i was binding unsafely purely for the stim of it. dont do that btw i can no longer bind at all 🤪) he has meltdowns when he gets too overstimulated. he enjoys uneventfullness and routine but from a combination of powers that be and his tendency to escalate situations when hes upset, he doesnt get much of that. escalates situations due to losing his emotional regulation. he also has trouble reading situations as well as trauma that leads him to constantly feel on edge and anxious.
izaya- somehow the only canonically autistic character. he has a strong mask in his usual calm vaugely smug demeanor that slips when he feels strongly about something. (stomping on the cell phone, laughing when he's delighted by human behavior, punching the telephone pole.) he has very black and white thinking that often gets interpreted as being morally grey. (he is btw. literally everyone in drrr is. its the morally grey fucked up characters media idk what you want) he would describe his special interest as humanity (and does, in canon) but its more sociology and human behavior. just like shinra, hes always in that damn coat. autism behavior.
walker and erika- they are autistic in the same font. twins. besties. wear comfortable clothes for sensory reasons (although erika's interest in fashion is enough incentive for her to sometimes dress up despite the sensory issues it causes. me too tho.) both have a special interest their light novels. both dont understand social norms and theyre both aware of that and neither of them care. legends.
saburo- struggles with social interactions. special interests in his van (possibly cars in general) and ruri hijiribe. had no idea he was autistic until he met walker and erika who assumed he already knew. looked at one (1) website and suddenly his whole life made sense.
seiji- his usual speaking voice is very monotone and his facial expressions are typically pretty reserved. like izaya and celty he thinks a lot in black and white.
mairu- her speaking voice is very monotone and she doesnt tend to express her emotions outwardly. she's selectively verbal also. likes her gym clothes for sensory reasons.
kururi- autism/adhd combo platter legend and we love that for her. special interest in martial arts. she doesnt quite get social norms nor does she care.
manami- i dont have solid evidence for this one i just know that is the hairstyle of an autism hero.
kasuka- speaks in a monotone, has one facial expression, doesnt outwardly show his emotions (altho ppl close to him can still read them). doesnt comprehend neurotypical socialization but gets along really really well with other autistic people.
ruri- she is just like kasuka fr. walker and erika moment with these two.
saki- masks really heavily but is bad at it. me too girl. when shes comfortable and not masking she somehow seems less stiff.
akane- really struggles with figures of speech. hates eye contact. special interest in art and drawing and i hope she starts making art again. i love akane thats my child and the entire awakusus child and shizuos child also.
vorona- she speaks in a monotone and HATES eye contact. she gets away with not making any by always looking at her book instead. reading as a special interest. she has an amazing memory.
slon- struggles with figures of speech and emotional regulation.
kasane- also speaks in a monotone. takes everything very literally. another strong black and white thinker. special interest in cats and cat behavior. cats LOVE her. cats always love autistic legends. also the yellow pantsuit? a slay. no nt person would ever pick that up.
dokusonmaru- got it genetically from his father kasuka. also all cats are autistic inherently.
characters that arent autistic but definitely have adhd: KADOTA. aoba. mika. tom. chikage.
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shinraapologist · 2 years
light novel reread, vol. 2 ch. 3: ikebukuro's most dangerous
here's the introduction to niekawa as we head into the slasher arc. the anime did him really poorly, i think. he has a lot more character in the novels.
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he's genuinely passionate about his work; i feel like the anime portrays him as washed up and burnt out.
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mr shiki is canonically jealous of shizuo.
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i love simon so much... shizuo's truly loved by his friends, varied as they are, which we see a lot of in this chapter.
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niekawa is the first person who mentions celty being a quick typer, but it makes sense for how often she uses her PDA. like simon, she's quick to claim shizuo as a very close friend.
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theyre BEST FRIENDS, your honor. celty thinks shizuo is so cool. she also makes a point here and it is something i want to come back to- i have a theory that shizuo (and kasuka) has werewolf blood the same way ruri and kujiragi have vampire blood.
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TOM!!!! he's here, everyone please clap.
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tom has shizuo wrangling down to a science and he's probably exhausted trying to tell everyone to just listen to him.
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the first description of shizuo's face up close paints him as undeniably cute. i love that for him.
i also love that shizuo, who seemingly is far from wealthy, has his signature fancy sunglasses. either he saved up for them because he really wanted them, or they were a gift from kasuka.
i have a theory that he wears the blue lens sunglasses because he's easily overstimulated by bright light, and the blue lenses help not distort color as much as a gray lens. the blue lenses are also supposedly calming to wear.
@shizuostrans has made a really good post on this passage and shizuo being trans and you should read that.
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THEY LOVE EACH OTHER, YOUR HONOR. this is also the most autistic thing anyone has ever said. i think its hilarious that narita only made izaya canonically autistic when half the fucking characters in drrr are blatantly autistic. like why did he stop at just one. cowardice.
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as far as i can remember, this is the only first person description of anyone getting their ass kicked by shizuo. it's worth noting that at several points niekawa states he's accepted he is going to die.
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niekawa: yeah theres no inflection in his voice whatsoever when he's in a neutral mood narita: hes not autistic tho :/
shizuo has some semblance of self regulation skills; he knows when he's reaching the end of his fuse and he knows when to walk away. its too bad its just not working
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(adds this to my werewolf shizuo evidence locker)
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babyboy go to therapy <3 take responsibility for your own actions <3 i love you <3
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shizuo put niekawa in a COMA. (after tom threatened him not to go to the cops over it.)
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i have nothing to add about this exchange, i just think its cute. i feel like they wouldve been good friends in another life.
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urfaveisautistic · 7 years
shizuo heiwajima and shinra kishitani, both from durarara, are definitely autistic :0
ill reblog shizuo for you and queue shinra
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tagged by @chancellorxofxtrash
RULES: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends~
Also gonna cheat at this bc Naritaverse, man. So broad and full of nonsense!
I choose:
Naritaverse (Baccano!, Durarara!!, Etsusa Bridge, Vamp! Hariyama-san doesn’t technically count in the verse but gdi I love it??? so there) Mini Ninjas  Overwatch
The first character you loved: Shizuo bc holy shit. hOLY SHIT. He just means a lot to me ok. From Baccano!, Luck bc hot damn mannnn. And EB, gotta be Hayato Inui bc fuckin trash. For Vamp!, I’d say the Viscount, Gerhardt von Waldstein bc what’s not to love with him? Mini Ninjas - Tora. I played him most in the game originally and bless him he’s adorable. So extra in the game and so endearing in the show. Love him so much. Overwatch - McCree. Bc who doesn’t love a man who dresses as a cowboy for no goddamn reason?
The character you never expected to love so much: I only have one I didn’t expect for Naritaverse I think and that’s Elmer. I liked him as a character sure but I think I’d discarded him kind of in my mind until reading the novels when you realise what a fucking mess he is and I love him so fuckin much. Everyone else I kind of expected to a degree. Oh wait, for DRRR!! SH, Jami. Narita can always get me with those strong af cuties and I told myself this time OFC NOT and seriously before I met him as a character I was like ‘why shd I care about YET ANOTHER insanely strong weirdo’ and then AND THEN it was Jami. Mini Ninjas - okay for the game, honestly Kunoichi because you unlock her at the end and she’s kind of more difficult to use right and she is very much the opposite of me in style but dammit I’m attached she’s one of my kids. For the show, Shoko because she seems just a bratty villain but she’s also deeply unhappy and in a situation that you can’t help feel sorry for her. She’s so cool sometimes too, even if her character design is extra af. Overwatch - Roadhog. Gdi I love Roadhog now.
The character you relate to most: ahahahahah definitely definitely Shizuo from DRRR!! and Yahiro from SH bc they both speak to me, as a person who had anger management and anxiety, which caused me to be kinda violent sometimes when I was younger. Also both come off as autistic, esp Yahiro, and I feel. Kinda Hayato to a degree (using fiction as a sort of escapism to a degree). Honestly, Hiro. He’s a fuckin fool, in the game and the show. He doesn’t get so much time to show it in the game but in the show he’s a jackass and like...same. Weirdly Junkrat. 
The character you’d slap:  Izaya, Huey, everyone from EB but esp Gitarin because I feel like that would be fun not for any real reason, Mirald from Vamp! bc trash, I’d kind of like to slap the Viscount because he’s just a puddle of blood and that would be fuckin stupid Shoko needs a fuckin slap tbh, so does Ashida, and so does Hiro bc oh my god that hellchild I WANT TO SLAP NOBODY OK PPL ARE GOOD i kinda wanna slap reaper back to life but i dont think how that works. possibly sombra too. and maybe widow. ok fine I do want to slap people.
Three favorite characters:  Shizuo, Elmer, Hayato Tora, Suzume, Hiro Junkrat, Lucio, Reinhardt A character you liked at first but not so much anymore: uhhhhhh none? Like...I like everyone as much as I ever have.  Kunoichi was done a fuckin disservice in the show yes she was adorable but then also FFS Again, none here. I like everyone to the degree I always have.
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you: Ferret von Waldstein irked me to start with but she grew on me a lot Kunoichi. I didn’t like her because she’s very feminine in the game and I just didn’t connect with that. But yeah I’m attached. Also her in the show being a tiny little child idk I don’t rly like that choice but she’s adorable Roadhog. So fond of Roadhog now.
3 OTPs: Debt Collector trio (or just Shizutom too), Kuon/Yahiro, Izaya and fucking off pls, Mask Maker trio (also just generally Huey/Elmer and Huey/Monica), Mirald/Dorrikey, Tsukumoya/Hackey (idgaf if they’ve met I lvoe them) sssssh ok Tora/Shun (been trash since I played the game), Hiro/Suzume in the game but also Hiro/Aika in the show and kinda Hiro/Shoko bc SHRUGGING Hiro is a player apparently kinda fond of Reinhardt/Ana but that’s just a guilty pleasure honestly, Tracer/Emily bc canon cutes and yessss and uh tbh I can roll w most ships for it SOOOO TAGGING uh @intenseglaring @sighdonia @martymcsigh @xdomino009x @muchymozzarella @silkreverie
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