#automobile engineering colleges near me
thegeorgetelegraph · 11 months
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Learn From The Best College For Automobile Engineering in 2023
Are you interested in learning the best automotive engineering courses from the best institute for automobile engineering? then visit George Telegraph today. George Telegraph is providing 100% job ready courses with professional job oriented courses. Visit Now.
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kolkata-edu-guide · 1 year
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How to Learn the Art of Automobile Engineering?
By taking the time to learn the art of automobile engineering courses, you can open up a world of career opportunities.
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dollycas · 2 months
Special Guest - D.S. Lang - Author of The Jammed Judges: Doro Banyon Historical Mysteries - #AuthorInterview #Giveaway
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The Jammed Judges: Doro Banyon Historical Mysteries by D.S. Lang It is my pleasure to welcome D.S. Lang to Escape With Dollycas today! Hi Debbie,  Please tell us a little bit about yourself. I am a retired educator, but I have had several other jobs, including mentor, tutor, and golf shop manager. As far back as I can remember, I have loved books and dreamed about being an author, so it’s a thrill to write and publish books. One of my favorite quotes (from George R.R. Martin) is: “I have lived a thousand lives and I’ve loved a thousand loves. I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read.” I hope my readers feel like they’ve lived a new life in a different time and place with each book, and maybe loved a new love, too, since my amateur sleuths always work with a lawman. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (of course!), swimming, and walking with my dog, Izzy. She is the inspiration for Tee, the dog in my Doro Banyon series. What is the first book you remember reading? The Little Engine That Could. I read it over and over and over. We lived next door to a train track, and I was enthralled with trains. Plus, I loved: “I think I can. I think I can.” The message of the book, believing we can overcome difficult odds, is good for any age. What are you reading now? I’m listening to Sisters Under the Rising Sun, which is based on the real-life experiences of women held prisoner by the Japanese during World War II. When I’m focusing on writing, I don’t read mysteries. However, I have several in my TBR stack! When I take a one-week break from writing, I will dig into them. What books have most inspired you? Many books have inspired me. One that I go back to often is Wisdom of the Ages by Wayne Dyer. He includes works by famous poets, writers, and scholars, along with his interpretations of their implications for today. Each chapter is inspiring. What made you decide you wanted to write mysteries? When I was a little girl, a friend and I were avid fans of Trixie Belden. Since Trixie had a friend (Honey Wheeler) who worked with her on cases, we played those roles. I was always Trixie! I still love untangling whodunits, so writing them is fun. Do you have a special place where you like to write? I generally write in the living room. There is a small ottoman next to my “writing” chair. Izzy often snoozes on it. When she thinks it’s “quitting time,” she takes her paw and hits my arm. Where do the ideas for your books come from? I have a vivid imagination, and I like to make up stories about familiar places. My books are set in my home state, Ohio. The first series features a resort near a small town. My dad was a golf pro, and my heroine has several pros in her family. My second series is set just outside my hometown in a village that fell off the maps before I was born. It was the birthplace of my dad and his siblings, but I’ve taken considerable license by making the town larger and putting a college there. I changed the spelling to avoid comparisons, but it’s fun to create a fictional village and school. I chose the 1920s because so many changes happened in American society after the Great War (World War I). Women got the vote (in 1920), and many more worked and went to college. Although most ladies weren’t flappers, styles changed. The bob became a popular haircut, and hemlines rose. Automobiles filled the roadways, and the appliances we now take for granted made housework and cooking easier. Is there anything about writing you find most challenging? I taught and tutored English at the junior high, high school, and college levels. Sometimes, I find my dialog is too formal or correct, so I have to catch myself when I write it. (If I don’t, at least one of my beta team members will!) During the Roaring Twenties, the median education among American adults was about eight years. Even in 1930, the high school graduation rate was only 30%. That led to a weaker grasp of grammar, so average folks spoke differently than today. I keep that in mind when I assign dialog to characters who didn’t finish grade school, since authenticity is important. The same is true for slang. I review words and phrases that might not have been common in the 1920s. An example is when I wanted a character to say: “I’ve got your back.” When I checked, that phrase did not come into usage until World War II, when it was used in the military. What do you think makes a good story? A compelling setting is important to me. That doesn’t mean it needs to be exotic or far-off. I love stories set in small towns, because they lend themselves to creating a strong cast of recurring characters. Appealing characters are important, too. In a mystery, I like enough red herrings to keep me guessing and plenty of clues, so I have a chance of solving it before the amateur. That is my aim with my books. Which, of all your characters, do you think is the most like you? Recently, a good friend told me that Doro reminds her of someone. I was taken aback because I try hard not to pattern characters after real people. With reluctance, I asked who? When she said Doro is like me, I laughed, but it made me think. In some ways, we are similar. I worked at a college for a number of years, and I love mysteries. We’re both only children, and we live in and love our hometowns. What makes your books different from others out there in this genre? Many cozy historical mysteries are set in England or in large cities like New York, Chicago, or San Francisco. Mine are set in small-town Ohio. This gives me a chance to showcase life in America a century ago. Adventures can happen any place! Sometimes, people who have never been to my state have misconceptions. The phrase “Rust Belt” comes to mind, but it doesn’t really fit. My hometown, Sylvania, is a “Tree City.” The entire area has beautiful parks and waterways, with Lake Erie only ten miles away. To give the stories a strong sense of time and place, I include lesser known vestiges of the past. For example, The Jammed Judges features a small-town May Days celebration, so I incorporated old-fashioned events like a cakewalk, a picnic basket auction, and May baskets. The last is a fun practice that is seldom seen today, but I was enthralled with it as a child. After reading a book where baskets were given away, I convinced my mother that we should make a few for neighbors and my grandparents. May baskets typically have fresh flowers, and they’re left anonymously left on doorsteps on May first. I’ll have a how-to to make a May Day cone on my Facebook page and in my newsletter. The cones can hold flowers, candy, or other treats. What’s next on the horizon for you? The next book in my Doro Banyon series will be out in August or September. I have part of it written, but I’m working out details. Doro’s lawman counterpart will be out of town when she returns from summer vacation. Although they aren’t sweethearts (yet), she is worried because he’s a former Prohibition agent. When he doesn’t come back on schedule, she investigates. Thank you, Debbie, so much for visiting today. I love that Izzy stays by your side when you are writing. She sounds like a wonderful pup! _____ Keep reading for information about D.S.'s latest book! About The Jammed Judges The Jammed Judges: Doro Banyon Historical Mysteries Historical Cozy Mystery 3rd in Series Setting - Ohio Publisher ‏ : ‎ Debra Sue Lang (April 2, 2024) Number of Pages - Approx. 310 Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CSXQQQ81 Journey back to the Roaring Twenties in small-town America and join Doro Banyon, college librarian and armchair detective, as she confronts another mystery. Spring in the air, and Doro is looking forward to her hometown’s May Day celebration. When her friend Aggie wins the baking contest, their celebration is short-lived because the two local lawmen—judges for the competition—fall ill after consuming extra portions of Aggie’s jam roll. Rumors run rampant, especially when the town doctor pinpoints the cause as arsenic poisoning. With the constabulary down for the count, the two friends must unravel the mystery. As they study possibilities, Doro and Aggie find plenty of dangling threads and likely suspects. Is someone trying to make Aggie look bad or get even with her? Or do area bootleggers want the police out of their way while a big load of illegal liquor is transported through the area? Doro resolves to crack the case before more trouble hits town. Great Escapes Praise for The Jammed Judges: Doro Banyon Historical Mysteries by D.S. Lang I adore historical mysteries and The Jammed Judges combines two of my favorite things – historical mystery and a librarian amateur sleuth. Fans of historical cozy mysteries will enjoy this latest mystery and I am anxious to get my hands on book four! ~Sarah Can't Stop Reading Books More About D.S. Lang D.S. Lang is a former teacher, tutor, mentor, and program manager. As an only child, she often created stories to entertain herself when she didn’t have her nose in a book. She is still making up stories, but now she puts them in writing. She writes historical mysteries set in small-town America during the Roaring Twenties. Her books feature women amateur sleuths dedicated to solving crimes, along with a team of colorful characters—often including a local lawman. Author Links GoodReads    Facebook    Website Purchase Links  Amazon - B&N - Apple - Kobo - Smashwords  The Rest of the Series Also written by D.S. Lang TOUR PARTICIPANTS - Please visit all the stops.  April 4 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT April 5 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading – REVIEW April 5 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT April 6 – Boys' Mom Reads! – SPOTLIGHT April 6 – FUONLYKNEW - SPOTLIGHT April 7 – The Mystery Section – SPOTLIGHT April 8 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT April 8 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST April 9 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW April 10 – Christy's Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST April 11 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW April 11 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT April 12 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR GUEST POST   April 12 – StoreyBook Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST April 13 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT April 13 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR INTERVIEW a Rafflecopter giveaway Have you signed up to be a Tour Host? Click Here to Find Details and Sign Up Today! Want to Book a Tour? Click Here Read the full article
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Emotional fatigue courtesy exhaustive vituperative harangue...
Lobbed and unleashed upon the heads of (yours truly and the missus) so called selfish "monsters." The evening of Wednesday April 19th witnessed us (birth parents of our first born) weathering blistering telephonic brickbats. She (unnamed eldest daughter) spewed venomous bilious froth across aforementioned medium encompassing quite a few hours. Upon being queried how costly the purchase of pre owned 2020 Hyundai Elantra, I responded quasi cryptically indicating nine thousand dollars paid (courtesy trust account, whereby mine older sister made executrix), which represented less than half the total dollar figure of said automobile. Acknowledgement of vehicular acquisition triggered unfettered tirade loosed out the mouth of progeny not only denouncing decision regarding spending beyond my means, but excoriating me for being an ingrate throughout the lifetime of offspring, a veritable charity case, who exercised little or no foresight and abdicating financial responsibilities incumbent upon a negligent father. At a tender vittle young age upsetting behavior on behalf of gifted daughter threats of self harm near impossible mission wrought helplessness at horror parental sense and sensibility, nor forced therapy (which backfired, when prized progeny) violently against professional intervention then cherished child fought tooth and nail desperate measure for measure didst disengage reception and begat stone walling response, when lovely lass
verbally probed with kid gloves courtesy child psychologist myopic yet keen eyes of mine did gauge and grievously concluded helplessness and stark similarity
when writer of these words in the throes of severe depression viz anorexia nervosa at prepubescent stage race against time confronting uncomfortable truth life of Matthew Harris at stake, thus Boyce and Harriet battle regarding earthling in the balance did wage. Nevertheless ill preparedness to sire kin ushered me into emerging adulthood, where raging hormonal secretion think seminal intercourse without birth control analogous to Russian roulette spin no surprise when haploid male germ cell hit figurative bullseye with resultant "bun in the oven" read embryo a biological win. Though a whip smart girl University of Pennsylvania alumna from engineering school and living independently approximately one third of her life, she never lets us forget financial hardship linkedin with parents who exhibited severe emotional impoverishment, hence psychological indelible rupture forever alienating a sad papa. Despite understandable estrangement after premature ejaculation took aim, (I accept onus of supposed blame) omnipotent bond rent asunder between knight in tarnished armor who could hardly wait until college matriculation time came cuz darling daughter her manifest destiny, she wanted to jimmy and game essentially severing home ties haunted by abominable ghosts of yesteryear donning and modestly trumpeting success at life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness mantle of pridefulness without prejudice wear.
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unaloquita · 1 year
the day i visited the dental center to get my crown checked out on wednesday last week, there was a single orange and black butterfly that flew across our window view when my mom was driving us back home. when we arrived home and my mom parked her van under the carport, i went to the restroom to urinate and then came back to help take out groceries & to retrieve my pan dulce and my guatemalan tamale that i bought at a panadería named, Delicias Bakery. i bought four big conchas of different colors: pink, yellow, white, and chocolate brown (i've noticed that these are usually the colors bakeries make their conchas in), but i stopped in my tracks when standing at the front end of my mom's van. i spotted the orange and black butterfly that i saw previously on our way back, and she was cooked and dried up but she was also stuck. i grabbed a small branch stick to gently remove her small body, and her wing broke instantly like crunching on Catholic communion wafers and getting the crumbs on the carpet. i assumed she lost her life from the heat of the engine expelling, but i still wanted to remove her from the heat. when i successfully took her off, i went about my way because my mission was accomplished.
i should've moved her to the pile of leaves and brush that lay in my mom's gated off garden where i also layed down to rest my cat Cocoa years before and a few other nameless animals i found around my house.
one time during a spring season in 2019, when my mom drove me to the Poppy Festival [i hate the Poppy Festival; the times i've gone, i've seen no actual poppy flowers, but there's almost always a stand that sells taffy], a mass of butterflies were flying, maybe migrating, but they flew across roads where there were many many many vehicles dashing to and from places. i closed my eyes while sitting in the passenger seat, and i peaked through my slitted fingers. hmmm; cars / automobiles need to begone so nature can take its course without it getting hurt. thank goodness i don't like going out to places unnecessarily anymore.
i do want to return to using the bus for non-emergency activities; i think i would get a reduced bus fare since i was eligible for a "disabled" category TAP card. my TAP card's identification picture makes me cringe but the picture i had on my community college I.D. was way cringier x_x i asked my mom if she could ride the bus with me because i have anxiety [and anxiety is a handicap!] which makes it hard for me to concentrate on my surroundings and bad men who make heart eyes at me [scared]. i could easily fall into an automobile accident fatality statistic. ugh. i've gotten into some silly near death experiences [this could be me being melodramatic but in the moment i felt like i almost got seriously hurt ded] while walking across the crosswalk [a.k.a. danger zone] by myself.
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shrishtyunikart · 1 year
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) Plastic Engineering
B.Tech in Plastic Engineering is an undergraduate path of period four years. The path has been designed to deliver the specialized idea of a B.Tech plastic engineering program that covers plastic processing, plastic, and synthetic materials manufacturing, plastic storage science, development of Synthetic Materials, etc.
The admission process and the eligibility criteria for B.Tech in Plastic Engineering near me colleges in India differ for each institution. Colleges grant admission considering the scores obtained in the relevant entrance exam and class 12 board exam. The admission procedure for B.Tech Plastic Engineering in India is similar to that of any engineering course. The B.Tech Plastic Engineering Eligibility is discussed below:
Students who've exceeded Class 12 in Science move from a diagnosed board are eligible to use for admission to the B.Tech Plastic Engineering course. Almost all the top engineering institutes in the country admit students based on entrance examinations like JEE Main and JEE Advanced. There is also a round of counseling held after qualifying for the B.Tech Plastic Engineering entrance examinations.
There are a big range of presidency and personal colleges/ universities that provide this course. The average B.Tech Plastic Engineering fee structure for the program range between INR 40,000 and 2,00,000. All About B.Tech
B.Tech Plastic Engineering degree holders can get hired in public and private organizations B.Tech Plastic Engineering Jobs like Plastic Engineer, Lecturer/ Professor, Scientific Writer, Research Scientist, etc.  They usually get employment in areas like Textile Technology, Automobiles, etc. The common B.Tech Plastic Engineering placements package deal that may be predicted with the aid of using clean graduates of B.Tech Plastic Engineering salary commonly stages between INR 5,00,000 and 7,00,000.
B.Tech Plastic Engineering syllabus and topics are designed to teach scholars to focus on special fields of plastic engineering. At the top of the course, the scholars can be prepared to paint in numerous industries as plastic engineers and have different associated roles. B.Tech Plastic Engineering syllabus and subjects are explained in detail below. B.Tech Plastic Engineering syllabus allows scholars in turning into green and innovative engineers. The syllabus covers essential subjects inclusive of machining, polymers, chemistry, etc.
Listed below are some of the top B.Tech in Plastic Engineering College in India which offer the course: Name of CollegeAverage Annual Fee (INR)LocationAryabhatta Knowledge UniversityINR 40,000Patna, BiharGujarat Technological UniversityINR 75,000Ahmedabad, GujaratInstitute of Chemical TechnologyINR 95,000Mumbai, MaharashtraLaxminarayan Institute of Technology, NagpurINR 1,04,550Nagpur, MaharashtraBiju Patnaik University of TechnologyINR 1,06,000Rourkela, Orissa
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haverfordblog · 1 year
How To Get Best Audio Visual Installation?
Audio visual services are quite useful in a variety of situations and events. Regardless of the crowd, the technology employed ensures that everyone have a clear view and audio of what is going or what is being given. Large crowds are controlled with audio visual technology, eliminating the requirement for everyone at the event to be close to the speaker. They can be positioned in strategic places of the premises or location to ensure that all attendees are catered to.
To improve enjoyment, the system could also be placed in residences. However, the most typical locations for the Audio Visual Installation are sports stadiums, retail stores, military posts, training rooms, colleges, universities, boardrooms, and even automobile dealerships. The systems are used to send vital messages or presentations based on location or customer requirements. This industry offers a variety of installation and machinery that can be employed to meet the requirements. Many of them are as follows:
Video walls or digital posters
Projectors that are digital
Touch screens and interactive screens
Visualizers of digital data
The use of white boards
PA systems or audio systems
Lighting alternatives
Screen coverings for protection
Whatever your requirements are, there are a few factors to consider to ensure that you receive the finest installations for your requirements through Audio Visual Installation Companies.
To hire or buy - Because most audio visual equipment is highly expensive, it is advisable to hire it if you have a one-time event or activities that are not particularly frequent. If you manage a company that needs you to have them available around the clock, you should consider purchasing the equipment you require. Choose vendors and Av Installation Near Me on whom you can entirely rely, whether you are hiring or purchasing.
Your unique requirements - The equipment required to meet all of your requirements will be determined by the event or requirements you need to service using the audio visual installation. Select vendors and technicians who have everything you require for your event. It is considerably simpler to rent everything you want from a single source because it might result in discounts as well as save you time shopping for all you require.
The Av Installation - Select a company that not only provides high-quality equipment, but also has experienced installers to meet your needs. The installers must be able to assess the number of systems required and the best places for them within your facility, in addition to making any necessary connections. If you are unfamiliar with controlling audio visual devices, consider hiring experts for the event or receiving training from them to walk you through the fundamentals if the installation is for long-term use.
The group - A competent audio visual business will include engineers, programmers, and designers who can tailor your system to your exact needs and preferences. When making your decision, consider the team's qualifications and experience. Audio visual installation solutions can have a significant impact in your working environment or at home.
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thegeorgetelegraph · 1 year
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Best Automobile Engineering Colleges in India 2023
Are you looking for diploma in automobile engineering from the best institute for automobile engineering? then visit George Telegraph today. To know our subjects, course details, fees etc. visit the website now.
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The mysterious death of Stanley Meyer
Stanley Meyer was born on August 24 1940. He was a man with the mindset of an entrepreneur. He was recognized by many national and international scientific boards and organizations. He won the awards Inventor of the Year in 1993, and received substantial support from other countries such as Canada, England and Sweden. 
In the year 1975, during the Arabian Oil Embargo, Saudi Arabia was cutting its oil supply to the United States, and oil prices were drastically high. The US was running out of oil, and many corporations became bankrupt or were losing lots of money as a result. The American automotive industry was under massive scrutiny, as due to oil being scarce and expensive, demand for new cars dropped to near zero. Stanley Mayer then got to work, developing a car that would revolutionize the entire auto industry, and end the United States’ major dependence of oil and fossil fuels. In an interview, Meyer said that “It became imperative that we must try to bring in an alternative fuel source and do it very  quickly.” He meant that an alternative fuel must be developed in order for the US to be prepared in case another oil crisis struck America to keep the entire economy on wheels.
So Meyer developed the hydrogen fuel cell car. He claimed that with his device, cars could be powered by water instead of gasoline, which was abundant.
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It was revolutionary. With that mechanism applied to the mainstream auto industry, emissions from automobiles could be eliminated, and the threat of global warming could potentially be reduced thanks to hydrogen powered cars which emits only water and oxygen. It could also end the US’s dependence on oil, or even end global dependence on fossil fuels in general, as we are slowly running out of oil. It was the ultimate alternative fuel, and the best part is, its abundant and can be found everywhere.
Meyer showed off his brand new hydrogen powered car and made demonstrations around the United States. Some of the people who saw his advanced contraption were Professor Michael Laughton, who was the Dean of Engineering at Mary College in London, Admiral Sir Anthony Griffin who was a former controller of the British Navy, and Dr Keith Hindley, a UK research chemist. They all agreed that Meyer’s fuel cell could turn water into hydrogen fuel with electrolysis, and turns out, produced far more hydrogen than estimated calculations. Meyer claimed that his invention did what the board of sciences thought was absolutely impossible, turning casual tap water into hydrogen fuel and drive his hydrogen powered car cross country with only 75 liters of water.
On one fateful day in March 21 1998, Stanley Meyer was mysteriously murdered. 
While in a restaurant along with his brother, Stephen Meyer along with two Belgian investors, Stanley was murdered by poisoning. Stephen Meyer remembered the events of what happened on that fateful evening, “Stanley took a sip of cranberry juice. Then he grabbed his neck, bolted out the door, dropped to his knees and vomited violently.”
“I ran outside and asked him, ‘What’s wrong?’ “ Stephen recalled.
“He said, ‘They poisoned me.’ That was his dying declaration.”
After a three month investigation, the police concluded that Mayer died of a cerebral aneurysm. But many people who knew Meyer thinks that he was murdered, as his invention could have massively paved the way for free energy. Other evidence that he was murdered was that Meyer’s patents attracted much unwanted attention from governments, mysterious visitors form overseas, and lucrative buyout offers. His brother, Stephen Meyer even said that the two Belgian investors who were with Stanley on the day of the murder knew something, quote: “I told them that Stan had died and they never said a word,” he recalled, “absolutely nothing, no condolences, no questions. I never, ever had a trust of those two men ever again.”
The perpetrator, along with its motives behind the murder were never found.
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theculturedmarxist · 4 years
The New York Times is literally a propaganda outlet and Timothy Egan is a deceitful chode. His every word drips with the anxious desperation of the Democrats who know their goose is cooked.
Watching “Succession,” the HBO show about the most despicable plutocrats to seize the public imagination since the Trumps were forced on us, made me want to tax the ultrarich into a homeless shelter. And it almost made a Bernie Bro of me.
That’s the thing about class loathing: It feels good, a moral high with its own endorphins, but is ultimately self-defeating. A Bernie Sanders rally is a hit from the same pipe: Screw those greedy billionaire bastards!
Sanders has passion going for him. He has authenticity. He certainly has consistency: His bumper-sticker sloganeering hasn’t changed for half a century. He was, “even as a young man, an old man,” as Time magazine said.
But he cannot beat Donald Trump, for the same reason people do not translate their hatred of the odious rich into pitchfork brigades against walled estates.
Because powerful oligarchs that own their government murder them with impunity when they do.
>March 7 was a bitterly cold day in Detroit, and a crowd estimated at between 3,000 and 5,000 gathered near the Dearborn city limits, about a mile from the Ford plant. The Detroit Times called it "one of the coldest days of the winter, with a frigid gale whooping out of the northwest". Marchers carried banners reading "Give Us Work, "We Want Bread Not Crumbs", and "Tax the Rich and Feed the Poor". Albert Goetz gave a speech, asking that the marchers avoid violence. The march proceeded peacefully along the streets of Detroit until it reached the Dearborn city limits.
>There, the Dearborn police attempted to stop the march by firing tear gas into the crowd and began hitting marchers with clubs. One officer fired a gun at the marchers. The unarmed crowd scattered into a field covered with stones, picked them up, and began throwing stones at the police. The angry marchers regrouped and advanced nearly a mile toward the plant. There, two fire engines began spraying cold water onto the marchers from an overpass. The police were joined by Ford security guards and began shooting into the crowd. Marchers Joe York, Coleman Leny and Joe DeBlasio were killed, and at least 22 others were wounded by gunfire.
>The leaders decided to call off the march at that point and began an orderly retreat. Harry Bennett, head of Ford security, drove up in a car, opened a window, and fired a pistol into the crowd. Immediately, the car was pelted with rocks, and Bennett was injured. He got out of the car and continued firing at the retreating marchers. Dearborn police and Ford security men opened fire with machine guns on the retreating marchers. Joe Bussell, 16 years old, was killed, and dozens more men were wounded. Bennett was hospitalized for his injury.
> All of the seriously wounded marchers were arrested, and the police chained many to their hospital beds after they were admitted for treatment. A nationwide search was conducted for William Z. Foster, but he was not arrested. No law enforcement or Ford security officer was arrested, although all reliable reports showed that they had engaged in all the gunfire, resulting in deaths, injuries and property damage. The New York Times reported that "Dearborn streets were stained with blood, streets were littered with broken glass and the wreckage of bullet-riddled automobiles, and nearly every window in the Ford plant's employment building had been broken".
The United States has never been a socialist country, even when it most likely should have been one, during the robber baron tyranny of the Gilded Age or the desperation of the Great Depression, and it never will be. Which isn’t to say that American capitalism is working; it needs Teddy Roosevelt-style trustbusting and restructuring. We’re coming for you, Facebook.
Yeah, just look how well that’s worked out, you fucking idiot.
The next month presents the last chance for serious scrutiny of Sanders, who is leading in both Iowa and New Hampshire. After that, Republicans will rip the bark off him. When they’re done, you will not recognize the aging, mouth-frothing, business-destroying commie from Ben and Jerry’s dystopian dairy. Demagogy is what Republicans do best. And Sanders is ripe for caricature. 
The same Republicans that got their breakfast ate by the dottering windbag cheetoman? The same Republicans that are unpopular with over half the fucking country? The same Republicans which have shown majority support for Sanders’s policies in the past? Those are the Republicans you’re talking about, right, Timothy, you fucking asshole?
I’m not worried about the Russian stuff — Bernie’s self-described “very strange honeymoon” to the totalitarian hell of the Soviet Union in 1988, and his kind words for similar regimes. Compared with a president who is a willing stooge for the Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, a little vodka-induced dancing with the red bear is peanuts.
Nor am I worried about the legitimate questions concerning the candidate’s wife, Jane Sanders, who ran a Vermont college into the ground. Again, Trump’s family of grifters — from Ivanka securing her patents from China while Daddy made other promises to Beijing, to Don Jr.’s using the White House to leverage the family brand — give Democrats more than enough ammunition to return the fire.
This is fun. Due to a complete lack of incriminating conduct, little Timmy has to invent wrongdoing to libel Jane Sanders. I suppose he’s relying on his readers being too stupid to read the article that he himself links, another NYT hitpiece that desperately tries to paint Ms Sanders as a shady character without anything in the way of tangible proof.
>Federal prosecutors have not spoken publicly about their investigation, though late last year, Ms. Sanders’s lead lawyer said he had been told it had been closed. And while doubts remain about the contribution pledges claimed by the college, the lawyer has said that neither Ms. Sanders nor her husband was even questioned by investigators, indicating a lack of significant evidence of a crime.
>After Ms. Sanders’s ouster, the college’s troubles worsened. It abandoned a promising effort she had undertaken to sell some of its new land to improve its finances, interviews show. A few years later, when it did begin selling, it was to a consortium that secretly included at least one member of its board, raising conflict-of-interest questions.
>There is little question that the college’s 2016 demise can be traced to Ms. Sanders’s decision to champion an aggressive — critics say reckless — plan to buy the land. But with potential students put off by the lack of a campus, and with many such colleges struggling at the time, her move was the academic equivalent of a Hail Mary. Her allies said she never had a chance to fulfill her vision.
>“Jane made an audacious gambit to save the college,” said Genevieve Jacobs, a former faculty member. “It seemed to be a moment of ‘change or die.’”
>In interviews and emails, Ms. Sanders expressed frustration at her dismissal and the college’s failure to continue her rescue plan.
>“They went a completely different direction in every way than what we had proposed and decided upon as a board — with the bank, with the diocese, the bonding agency,” she said. “They didn’t carry out any of the plan. It was very confusing and upsetting at the time.”
The TL;DR seems to be: Jane Sanders tried to save a struggling school with an audacious but risky plan that ended up being aborted when she was let go by by a board, some of the members of which may have had a stake in seeing it fail. At the very least, a much more complex situation than the aspersion of “running it into the ground.”
Trump bragged about sexual assault, paid off a porn star and ran a fraudulent university. He sucks up to dictators and tells a half-dozen lies before he puts his socks on in the morning. A weird column about a rape fantasy from 1972 is not going to sink Bernie when Trump has debased all public discourse.
No, what will get the Trump demagogue factory working at full throttle is the central message of the Sanders campaign: that the United States needs a political revolution. It may very well need one. But most people don’t think so, as Barack Obama has argued. And getting two million new progressive votes in the usual area codes is not going to change that.
“Ah jeez, ah fuck, he has no sexual indiscretions that I can dredge up and his Feminist polemic against pornography and the rape culture that it engenders is old news, and if I actually reported on it honestly people might actually read it and support his ideas. Oh, well, you see, despite the incredible groundswell of support for just such a thing, Barack Obama, the man that gave the banks trillions of dollars and then allowed the state apparatus to function as their gestapo-cum-storm troopers, says we don’t need one!”
Timothy Egan wants to dismiss “two million new progressive votes” after doing a little gaslighting. His Democrat masters don’t want people to remember that it was Obama’s promises of Hope and Change after 8 years of Republican tyranny that generated a record breaking voter turnout. They would also like you to forget that 2016 was a 20-year low in voter turnout. Do you think those things are related, Mr Egan? Do you think that there might be some connection between Obama taking advantage of the desperation of millions of people, betraying them, and then those people not fucking showing up next time, causing your party to lose to the dimwit that they themselves boosted to the position?
Give Sanders credit for moving public opinion along on a living wage, higher taxes on the rich and the need for immediate action to stem the immolation of the planet. Most great ideas start on the fringe and move to the middle.
But some of his other ideas are stillborn, or never get beyond the fringe. Socialism, despite its flavor-of-the-month appeal to young people, is not popular with the general public. Just 39 percent of Americans view socialism positively, a bare uptick from 2010, compared with 87 percent who have a positive view of free enterprise, Gallup found last fall.
“Just” 39 percent of Americans, up 4% from 2016. This is ignoring for the moment that due to Americans’ piss-poor education system they have no idea what “Socialism” means aside from “more government.” Looking at the breakdown of results, it seems as though they just asked people off the top of their head what they thought about X, no definition or elaboration given. Unsurprisingly, when you look at the actual numbers on specific issues, you can see exactly why Egan has to play this deceptive bullshit: of respondents 18-34, 52% have a favorable view of “Socialism,” as opposed to 47% supporting “Capitalism.” This is in sharp contrast to the 35-54 and 55+ cohorts. 65% of Democrats have a favorable view of “Socialism.” Those with a “Liberal” ideology are even more in favor at 74%, Timothy Egan, you massive shithead.
What’s more, American confidence in the economy is now at the highest level in nearly two decades. That’s hardly the best condition for overthrowing the system.
"The highest level in nearly two decades.” That’s faint fucking praise right there.
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You can see the tremendous fucking crater caused by the crash in 2007/8, a reversal of a whopping -81 points from the previous year. With many economists forecasting recession beginning either this year or the next, we’ll see how long the confidence lasts. 
So-called Medicare for all, once people understand that it involves eliminating all private insurance, polls at barely above 40 percent in some surveys, versus the 70 percent who favor the option of Medicare for all who want it. Other polls show majority support. But cost is a huge concern. And even Sanders cannot give a price tag for nationalizing more than one-sixth of the economy.
A ban on fracking is a poison pill in a must-win state like Pennsylvania, which Democrats lost by just over 44,000 votes in 2016. Eliminating Immigration and Customs Enforcement, another Sanders plan, is hugely unpopular with the general public.
“Medicare for all is really unpopular, except when it isn’t.”
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Hmm, you know? Hmmm.
As for fracking, from his own link:
>A November poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Cook Political Report found that only 39 percent of Pennsylvania swing voters saw a fracking ban as a good idea, even as nearly 7 in 10 of those same voters said they supported the idea of a “Green New Deal” for the environment.
Democrats are whinging on the jobs “lost” to a fracking ban as though it exists in isolation. 39% might support a fracking ban, but 70% support the GND, which could potentially offset the “job loss” with industry that has the potential not to leave their state as a fucking environmentally ruined horror show. I haven’t run the numbers on this, but not living in a cesspool of polluted air and water tends to be pretty popular, Timbo.
More shellgames from Mr Egan regarding abolishing ICE.
> Only 1 in 4 voters in the poll, 25 percent, believe the federal government should get rid of ICE. The majority, 54 percent, think the government should keep ICE. Twenty-one percent of voters are undecided. 
That sounds bad. Maybe it’s not such a good ide
>But a plurality of Democratic voters do support abolishing ICE, the poll shows. Among Democrats, 43 percent say the government should get rid of ICE, while only 34 percent say it should keep ICE.
Sanders is a rigid man, and he projects grumpy-old-man rigidity, with his policy prescriptions frozen in failed Marxist pipe dreams. He’s unlikely to change. I sort of like that about his character, in the same way I like that he didn’t cave to the politically correct bullies who went after him for accepting the support of the influential podcaster Joe Rogan.
Democrats win with broad-vision optimists who still shake up the system — Franklin Roosevelt, of course, but also Obama. The D’s flipped 40 House seats in 2018 without using any of Sanders’s stringent medicine. If they stick to that elixir they’ll oust Trump, the goal of a majority of Americans.
Democrats lose with fire-and-brimstone fundamentalists. Three times, the party nominated William Jennings Bryan, the quirky progressive with great oratorical pipes, and three times they were trounced. Look him up, kids. Your grandchildren will do a similar search for Bernie Sanders when they wonder how Donald Trump won a second term.
“Failed Marxist pipe dreams.” Aaaaay lmao. You should also have an inkling something is wrong when you have to go all the way back to FDR to find someone that supports your point. Talk about “poison pills,” Obama proved himself to be as much of a snake as the rest, and the effects of that resonated in 2016 when the Dems ran on a platform of “that’s a nice country you have there, you wouldn’t want Trump to get elected, would you?” How did that work out? You ran one of the most unpopular politicians in the country—after very blatantly rigging the primaries against Sanders to do so—against one of the most unpopular capitalists in the country, and lost, dipshit!
Ironically, I think Timbob’s closing statement will prove true, though not in the way his clown ass intends. Shills like Egan are doing everything they can to try and poison public perception against Sanders and his policies, who only proves increasingly popular as time goes on, so much so in fact that the DNC is already biting its nails and muttering to itself about ways it can try and cheat his supporters again.
In conversations on the sidelines of a DNC executive committee meeting and in telephone calls and texts in recent days, about a half-dozen members have discussed the possibility of a policy reversal to ensure that so-called superdelegates can vote on the first ballot at the party’s national convention. Such a move would increase the influence of DNC members, members of Congress and other top party officials, who now must wait until the second ballot to have their say if the convention is contested.
They deny it in the article, claim that changing the rules would be “bad sportsmanship,” but one would be a fool to believe them. If anything, their ambivalence towards relying on Superdelegates would make me even more nervous at this stage. Politico wants it to seem like the DNC is bent on playing fair, but more likely than not they have no intention of changing the convention rules because they believe there’s no need. With Warren’s flagging support and the luke-warm response to Biden, I doubt they’re overcome with optimism of beating Sanders in an honest primary. With all the shenanigans from last time’s primaries in mind, it’s likely that the machinery to rig the results their way is already in place—the primary could already be over before it even begins.
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shrishtyunikart · 1 year
B.Tech in Automobile Engineering
B.Tech in Automobile Engineering is a four-yr undergraduate software that gives perception and knowledge on growing new ideas and procedures, production processes, and design in the field of automobiles to formulate new models of products and refurbish the existing ones with new-age technology.
The B.Tech Automobile Engineering eligibility standards for this route application are given below:
Candidates are required to have an intermediate degree (10+2) in Physics Chemistry and mathematics.
Candidates also are required to have a minimal rating of 50-70% of their previous examinations.
Candidates are also expected to have qualified entrance tests conducted for B.Tech admissions such as JEE main, JEE Advanced, and MET to secure admission in the course.
The B.Tech Automobile Engineering admission process consists of an intermediate diploma in Physics Chemistry and Mathematics, with a certified important B.Tech Automobile Engineering Entrance examinations such as JEE main/Advanced, and IIT JAM to secure admissions in colleges offering this course. After the B.Tech Automobile Engineering course, the candidate can secure B.Tech Automobile Engineering jobs as Production Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Development Engineer, R&D Executive, Automobile Dealer, etc.  The average salary earned is approx INR 2-10 LPA. The average B.Tech Automobile Engineering fee structure is INR 3.11 LPA
There are many options after B.Tech like M.Tech or MBA Courses. Students who choose to in addition to their research associated with engineering can also additionally hold with M.Tech. MBA is a prudent option for B.Tech Automobile Engineering degree students who want to enter the job market with high salaries. The average B.Tech Automobile Engineering salary is in the range of INR 5 - 10 LPA.
In India, B.Tech Automobile Engineers work in a variety of fields. Some B.Tech Automobile Engineering placements areas of recruitment to keep an eye on include:
Automobile Manufacturing Companies
Multinational Automobile Companies
National and Private Automobile Companies
Private Transport Companies
Self Employment by setting up Workshops and Service Stations
Defence Service
The B.Tech Automobile Engineering syllabus gives hands-on stories over 4 years. The college students analyze cutting-edge upgraded technology worried withinside the car enterprise and the essential engineering subjects. Students increase hands-on abilities to paint with engine spares, layout additives of automobiles, and layout automobiles' fabrication. B.Tech Automobile Engineering program topics cowl the engineering concepts utilized in car engineering, along with trucks, cars, motorcycles, buses, etc.
B.Tech Automobile Engineering courses have tremendous growth in the automobile industry. Here is the list of the top 10 B.Tech Automobile Engineering near me colleges in India.
B.Tech in Automobile Engineering
B.Tech in Automobile Engineering is a four-yr undergraduate software that gives perception and knowledge on growing new ideas and procedures, production processes, and design in the field of automobiles to formulate new models of products and refurbish the existing ones with new-age technology.
The B.Tech Automobile Engineering eligibility standards for this route application are given below:
Candidates are required to have an intermediate degree (10+2) in Physics Chemistry and mathematics.
Candidates also are required to have a minimal rating of 50-70% of their previous examinations.
Candidates are also expected to have qualified entrance tests conducted for B.Tech admissions such as JEE main, JEE Advanced, and MET to secure admission in the course.
The B.Tech Automobile Engineering admission process consists of an intermediate diploma in Physics Chemistry and Mathematics, with a certified important B.Tech Automobile Engineering Entrance examinations such as JEE main/Advanced, and IIT JAM to secure admissions in colleges offering this course. After the B.Tech Automobile Engineering course, the candidate can secure B.Tech Automobile Engineering jobs as Production Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Development Engineer, R&D Executive, Automobile Dealer, etc.  The average salary earned is approx INR 2-10 LPA. The average B.Tech Automobile Engineering fee structure is INR 3.11 LPA
There are many options after B.Tech like M.Tech or MBA Courses. Students who choose to in addition to their research associated with engineering can also additionally hold with M.Tech. MBA is a prudent option for B.Tech Automobile Engineering degree students who want to enter the job market with high salaries. The average B.Tech Automobile Engineering salary is in the range of INR 5 - 10 LPA.
In India, B.Tech Automobile Engineers work in a variety of fields. Some B.Tech Automobile Engineering placements areas of recruitment to keep an eye on include:
Automobile Manufacturing Companies
Multinational Automobile Companies
National and Private Automobile Companies
Private Transport Companies
Self Employment by setting up Workshops and Service Stations
Defence Service
The B.Tech Automobile Engineering syllabus gives hands-on stories over 4 years. The college students analyze cutting-edge upgraded technology worried withinside the car enterprise and the essential engineering subjects. Students increase hands-on abilities to paint with engine spares, layout additives of automobiles, and layout automobiles' fabrication. B.Tech Automobile Engineering program topics cowl the engineering concepts utilized in car engineering, along with trucks, cars, motorcycles, buses, etc.
B.Tech Automobile Engineering courses have tremendous growth in the automobile industry. Here is the list of the top 10 B.Tech Automobile Engineering near me colleges in India.
0 notes
letholojimin · 6 years
Redamancy (JHS ft. KNJ)
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- reposted because i accidentally deleted the original post dated march 2018
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader ft. Kim Namjoon
Themes: best friend + roommate au
Genre: angst, mild smut!!!
Word Count: 4,115
Summary: With your love life failing at every attempt of yours, you fail to realize that you’ve been looking for it in all the wrong places.
“I will treat you better than anyone else. I will treat you how you deserve to be treated, but all I need is a chance, Y/N…”
Rays of light from the sun shine in from the coffee shop’s glass window beside you and you keep yourself occupied by drinking from the warm beverage you had purchased to keep you company as you wait for Jennie to arrive. She had texted you an hour prior to the present, informing you that she had something she wanted to tell you. Luckily, you had both been in the university during that time and would be free during this time so you wait for her, scrolling through your phone.
It’s winter- the season of loneliness and though that never really bothered you to an extreme extent, you know that you would prefer to stop spending the cold nights alone. You had gone through a certain number of boyfriends and flings- none of which ever lasted. It was always a problem with your schedule that caused your break-ups, all of them complaining that you weren’t as invested in the relationship as they were because you were too busy attending to the things you had to do.
You never kept them around or wanted them back if they said that because if they couldn’t understand that you have other commitments as a university student with a hectic life, then you couldn’t be with them because it would be irrational for them to think that you’d give up your own life just to be with them. Sure, at times you’d cry over some people if you really did like them but sometimes relationships ended just as soon as they would start and you wouldn’t be that attached.
The chime of the coffee shop’s door distracts you from your thoughts and you see the girl you’re waiting for, her brown hair tucked into a beanie and her hands taking her gloves off. Jennie spots you and smiles, pointing to the counter to inform you that she’ll be with you shortly as she’d like to order something first. You nod and wait, nothing else occupying your mind after that.
Jennie takes a seat in front of you taking a long sip of her drink before placing it down on the table in front of you both. “Hey,” you greet. “What’s up?”
“I’m just going to go straight to the point here because I know that you probably have something to get to in at least the next thirty minutes.” She starts and you grin because she knows you too well. Your organization had a meeting twenty minutes from now so you were glad that she knew better than to be slow. “I know this guy, and he’s probably your type.” She continues, telling you that he’s much more mature than any of your previous significant others. He’s a hardworking student just like you and so since both of you understand the pressure of intense schedules, maybe you’ll balance each other more than you’ll clash.
You lean forward and raise an eyebrow, urging her to continue. You haven’t even dated in a while so a date doesn’t exactly sound that bad. Jennie briefs you on his name and tells you that he’s in the same year and that he’s an Engineering major. Jennie knows him because of a mutual friend who informed her that he’s looking to date and when her friend told him all about what he’s like, she thought you might like him.
The quick meet-up ends with Jennie giving you his number and telling you that he already has yours. You should expect a text from him soon.
Jennie’s Recommended Mystery boy - 3:47 pm
Y/N, right?
Y/N Y/L/N - 3:50 pm
That’s me.
Jennie’s Recommended Mystery boy - 3:52 pm
Hey there. My name’s Namjoon.
Y/N Y/L/N - 3:53 pm
Hi :) You’re Jennie’s friend right?
Namjoon - 3:53 pm
Yeah, a friend gave me your number :)
Namjoon - 3:54 pm
I actually know a place that serves really great pasta, maybe you’d like to head there with me sometime?
Y/N Y/L/N - 3:57 pm
Sure, why not?
Namjoon - 3:58 pm
Great! How’s tomorrow night?
Y/N Y/L/N - 4:00 pm
I’m free from seven onwards, so I don’t see why not :)
Namjoon - 4:02 pm
Send me your address, then? I’ll pick you up then. Dress fancy :)
The meeting for the organization passes by quicker than expected and your classes end at five o’ clock, leaving you room to drive home during the rush hour. You live nearby the campus so traffic is the least of your worries but you’re so eager to shower and change into more comfortable clothes. That’s probably a downside of college- you’ve always got to wear something different so since you’ve run out of clothes, you’re facing more uncomfortable fabric.
If there’s one positive thing about being in university, it’s the fact that you get to live with Jung Hoseok- your best friend from high school. He’s a constant beam of light in your life, always taking care of you and helping you however he can.
Both of you live under the same roof in a relatively large apartment funded by both of your parents who tell you to simply focus on being students for the meantime, and so the two of you are always working so hard in university. His course is no joke and with the addition of dance on the side, he’s left mentally and physically tired everyday but he never fails to maintain communication with you and make you smile. Needless to say, with the amount of support your parents give you, both of you are afraid of failure. You and Hoseok are perfectionists, but when everything is too much for each other you’re always there as a support system.
When you get home after all your obligations that night, you and Hoseok share McDonald’s takeout over your kitchen table. It’s tradition to have dinner together at your shared place during the rare times you both get home early enough to have the meal together, so you always make the most out of it. Tonight, greasy fried food is on the menu.
Hoseok tells you about his day briefly, telling you that it’s just the same old- nothing new happened or nothing is interesting enough to be talked about. When it’s your turn to share, you get straight to the point and tell him about your scheduled date tomorrow.
“Do you know anyone named Namjoon?” You inquire. Maybe he’s met him, and if that happens you can hear about what he’s like. To your disappointment, he only shakes his head from side to side and asks why you’re asking then continues eating his meal, utensils clanking on the plate slightly as he cuts through his chicken.
“Well…” You begin, nonchalantly wiping off the salt on your fingers from the fries you’ve been eating as you continue. “Jennie set me up with him, and now I’ve got a date tomorrow night!”
Hoseok’s suddenly more invested in your conversation, eyes looking up to see you beaming- this was your first date in quite a while but instead of happiness for you, there’s a completely different feeling and he knows deep down why he’s not enjoying the news. “Yeah?”
“Yeah!” You fail to see how he doesn’t exactly want to hear more about this date of yours but he puts up with it, your cheery voice still not enough to distract him from the jeering thoughts and the uncomfortable swirl in his stomach.
Your chatter continues for only so long before your meals are finished and you dispose of your plastic waste quickly, not having to wash anything due to the containers. He’s quick to escape you, disappearing from your sight the moment he’s thrown the trash and you- you are ignorant.
With thoughts of you littering his head, he tries and tries to do anything and everything to get you out of his system. He can’t shake off the fact that he might lose you again for god knows how long, but he tries to think about how maybe you’ll be happier and maybe this boy will treat you better than all those you’ve met before. But Hoseok knows he’s lying to himself, because he can treat you better than anyone else.
That night, Hoseok doesn’t sleep.
You’re clad in a black dress which cinches at the waist and flares down up until your knees- a comfortable piece of clothing to make up for the painful thing on your feet. You endure it, pushing yourself to get through the night and you simply hope that Namjoon is tall, so that your heels won’t make him look shorter than you. You won’t mind if he is, but you also wouldn’t mind if he isn’t.
He texts you when he’s outside and you get up from your seat on the couch when Hoseok exits the kitchen, only looking you up and down before going back upstairs wordlessly. You don’t expect him to say anything so you grab your coat and open the door, coming face-to-face with a blond boy holding a bouquet of roses. Once he sees you, Namjoon quickly greets you politely and offers you the roses. You place the flowers on a table near the door and smile at him, murmuring a sweet ‘thank you’ and walking outside with him right beside you.
The boy sports a dress shirt and black slacks along with leather shoes, you notice. He stops in front of the passenger side of his car- a sleek black automobile- and opens the door for you. You blush lightly at the thoughtful gesture and step in, the smell of air freshener and leather entering your nostrils.
Namjoon rushes over to the driver’s side, lanky frame passing in front of the hood. You wonder just how the night will unfold, considering that so far, he seems to be a gentleman. Maybe this will be different from all your past dates. Hope is something you cling to because it’s the only you can grip and you tell yourself it’s possible for you to get something more than a disaster out of this.
Lips pressed on bare skin and hands are groping each other and you and Namjoon are slowly turning into (if you aren’t already) a sweaty mess of flesh and lust, actions driven by desire. You guys simply hit it off after a night of wine and Italian food at a fancy restaurant and now you were in his apartment, making out with each other.
He leads you to his room and soon enough, you’re lying underneath him naked and begging for more of his touch, for him to pleasure you. Namjoon’s fingers thrust into your heat at an increasing pace, digits slick with your juices.
Arousal drips from your center, and soon he’s getting a condom from his night stand and sliding on his length, turning your body around before placing his tip right by your entrance.
His fingers grip your hips tightly before he slides into you, your nimble fingers gripping his cotton sheets. Namjoon groans when you urge him to move, thrusting in and out of you rhythmically. It’s not long before you slam your hips against his with every movement of his, moaning and whining. You tell him to move faster, harder, and he complies.
Soon, you’re at your peak, body falling into the mattress. If not for his hands holding your sides upright, you would have fully collapsed. He rides out your high and chases his own, slamming against your spot relentlessly. He comes, spilling into the condom and you move away from him from overstimulation.
After disposing of the condom, he collapses beside you, breathing heavily. You don’t meet his eyes though, closing yours and pretending to fall asleep.
Namjoon might be a good fuck, but what you’re looking for is real love.
When your heels click into the living room, you’ll find that Hoseok is still up- he looks like he hasn’t slept at all and though it’s common for you to ask each other how a date has gone after going on one, you didn’t expect him to stay up this late. When you look at the clock, it’s just struck half past three o’clock in the morning and there’s an unsettling feeling of doing the walk of shame, regardless of if you’re facing your closest friend.
“Where have you been?” He asks, standing up from his seat on the couch and placing his mug of hot chocolate on the table in front of him. Hobi looks at you and only then do you realize that there are dark circles under his eyes- ones you fail to notice during the daytime wherein the sun shines too bright that everything else is simply cancelled out. Sometimes, the light is too blinding- and you’re a sucker for being blinded.
“Out. You know I was on a date, Hoseok.” You reply curtly, undoing the straps of your heels and neatly placing them near the door. Though you’d normally place your shoes in your room, you have an unnerving fear of tripping down the stairs wearing heels so you opt to keep them near the entrance. He was the one who suggested you do this, in fear that you’d be your usual clumsy self and that one day he wouldn’t be around to help you. It’s easier that way.
Though your best friend would normally dismiss you, it seems like he’s a bit more persistent this time. He stays, walking closer to you. “Do you know what time it is, Y/N?” His voice raises ever so slightly towards the end of his question and you can’t help but be a little taken aback at the unusual amount of concern he’s displaying. “Do you know how long I waited just for you to get home?”
“You don’t always have to wait for me, Hobi. I appreciate it but you don’t need to stay up for-“
“But I do!” He cuts you off and you’re rendered speechless. You’re in the dark- you have absolutely no idea where this is going and why this is happening in the first place. Hoseok’s voice only grows louder and more angered and though it’s probably a false notion- you’d think it’s pained.
“What…” You whisper under your breath, but you know he heard it. You look up to meet his eyes once more and you notice that he’s very near you now- near enough for you to see the details on his face: the curvature of his jaw, the slant of his eyes and the bridge of his nose. His eyes hold something mysterious, something you aren’t used to because as close friends, he tells you everything, no exceptions.
“Look, it’s late and we should both be getting to bed, don’t you think?” You remove the loose ponytail which your hair was stuck in, a practical style you’d gone for before you left his room tonight. “No, Y/N- I want you to stop going on those fucking dates, alright? None of them ever work for you anyway,”
If it wasn’t for the proximity you wouldn’t be able to hear the last part- but you did. It stung, and you didn’t get it- you don’t understand why he was saying that to you when he knew all too well that your love life is always a complicated mess from the busy schedule your practical life revolves around. You never have times for these kinds of things and now he’s telling you that he wants you to stop going on dates at all? Who does he think he is?
“What the fuck, Hoseok?! Who are you to tell me what to do? This isn’t even like you!” The rage in your voice becomes more and more prevalent with each word but his expression doesn’t falter. There’s a kind of fierceness in his disposition and it’s unnerving because you’ve never exactly seen him like this before about this kind of topic. “Are you telling me it’s a crime to fall in love?!”
“It’s a crime to fall in love if you’re not falling in love with me!”
You’re speechless at the words that escape his mouth, feet planted to the floor. You can’t move, you can barely think and from all the things you’ve ever heard in your entire life, you consider this to be the biggest surprise of them all. Hoseok doesn’t have any regrets- not even when he sees the flabbergasted expression on your face, not even when he sees your eyes growing wide because relief is a feeling that overpowers all of that. After all, he’s very much tired of hiding from you and running away from the truth himself.
“Hoseok, what are you saying?” You find yourself mustering up enough courage to finally say something, anything. “Why?!” His voice is stern, and melancholy is laced within the word. It’s almost like you can’t reach him anymore and you wonder just how fast everything went downhill. “Why do you wear all those ravishing clothes and dress up so well for guys who only want to dress you down?”
You never expected him to say something like that- never even expected him to comment on your dates gone one night stands but it’s different now, and you can tell that this pains him to say just as much as it keeps you at a loss for words. He’s finally burst, and you don’t know what to do or what to say because this has never happened before. “Hobi,” You exhale, treading on dangerous waters.
“I don’t get it, Y/N!” His hand raises to his hair in frustration and for a split second he turns away from you. “Why do you go out on these stupid dates so others will look at you yet you don’t realize that you’re the only girl that I see?! I don’t need that, all I need is for you to give me a chance…” His fierce gaze softens as he continues to speak, finally spilling things he’s been yearning to confess for longer than you could ever know. You can’t believe what you’re hearing, and though your heart would normally flutter at the words, what takes over your thoughts is the person who’s saying them. “You don’t see how I look at you and you don’t understand that you’re fucking exquisite- and I,”
“I will treat you better than anyone else. I will treat you how you deserve to be treated, but all I need is a chance, Y/N…”
Hoseok sees your face. He sees just how confused you are, how unsure you are of what to say and decides that he hates himself. He can’t believe how stupid he was to think that maybe one day, when he would gather up enough courage to tell you about what he feels about you, maybe, just maybe- you’d reciprocate and things would turn out for the better. But he was dumb to even think of that, blinded by his own need to be honest with you and there’s nothing that sounds more appealing to him than just turning around and escaping to the door, grabbing his coat and his keys on his way out.
Just like that, Hoseok walks out on you for the first time in your life. And you have no idea when and if he’ll be coming back.
If he had liked you since before, you don’t know how you could have been blind to all of it. You’ve known the boy since you were fifteen and you didn’t even notice a change in behavior whatsoever? Ridiculous.
Midnight paints your thoughts colorful, drawings pictures of memories and retracing the words he had previously said in the past few days in a desperate attempt to gain something, to look for a sign before everything came crashing down. It’s silent in the household even as you leave your door open- there’s no sleep music faintly playing from his room, no plates clattering in the kitchen for midnight snacks, nothing.
It’s a dark thought leeching at the back of your mind, forcing you to stay awake even when the clock rings to signal a new day for you and when the sun rises up in the horizon, light streaming in through your blinds. You don’t hear anybody in the shower or nor do you hear the sound  of the television downstairs and it’s just lonely.
You’re probably overreacting. You’ve been through nights wherein Hoseok doesn’t sleep in his room. Parties, projects, outings- you know what it’s like without him. But what you aren’t used to is the fact that he is not present because of you and the fact that you did not end in good terms.
So you get up after a long night of no slumber, going through the same exact routine you go through every single active day, except today it’s a lot duller.
The next few days, Hoseok doesn’t show up when you’re around. He times his visits to his own house when he knows you won’t be there. He has a copy of your schedule and so you know when he won’t dare to come, and you take this as an advantage. When you hear the jiggling of keys outside, you know you’ve got him.
The sound of the doorknob twisting interrupts the silent atmosphere in the house and he walks in, sighing. He turns to close the door so at first glance, he doesn’t see you in the living room. When he leans on the wood, however, he sees you sitting on the couch and though your relationship with him isn’t in the best place, he shrieks lightly before putting a fist to his chest. “Fucking hell, Y/N,” He breathes out in shock.
You offer him a light smile in response, opening your mouth to speak. “Hobi, we need to talk.”
“About what, Y/N?” He says exasperatedly. It’s a terrible feeling that registers within him, the pain of unrequited love something he can feel within his veins. “You already know how I feel, and I already know what you feel. What else do we have to talk about?”
Hoseok knows that he’s being irrational. Of course you had to talk because you couldn’t ignore each other forever. You lived in the same place and sneaking around when you were at university wasn’t something he could do for the rest of time. You had to speak to each other but it was eating him alive because he knows what you’re going to say. You don’t feel the same way, and he has to accept that sooner or later. He hoped it was the latter.
You urge him to sit down on your couch and he does so, but why is it that though he’s only feet away, he feels so distant? He feels so far away, and you wish everything could just return to normal.
“How do you know how I feel?”
He turns to look at you and his chest aches, yearning for something he knows he can never have. His role in your life was to be your best friend and he was going out of line. He knew that, but he was done hiding behind it. It would be unfair to you if he kept lying about what he really wanted, so he finally told you. Look where exactly that got him. Honest, but still unhappy. “Your silence was the answer.”
You’re at a loss for words. It’s true that you didn’t feel the same way about him, at least not yet, but during that time you were so shocked with how fast everything was happening that you didn’t even have ample time to process everything properly.
“Then will you wait for me?” You ask, the whole point of why you waited for him finally being brought into the conversation.
Hope takes form in his eyes, barely there but present. You take his hand and slowly entangle your warm fingers with his cold ones while you wait for him to reply. “What do you mean?”
“Will you wait for me? Will you stand by my side?”
He breathes in and smiles because at least there’s the smallest glimmer of light for something more, the kind he believed he could never have. He clutches your palm in two of his own before his voice comes out shakily. Even if it doesn’t end up in both of your favors, he’ll know that he had you at some point. He hopes he doesn’t screw up and he swears that he won’t because like he said, all he needs is one chance.
“However long it takes.”
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thegeorgetelegraph · 1 year
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Best Vocational Training College in Kolkata For Automobile Engineering
Automobile engineering is a highly specialized field that requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Vocational training plays a critical role in preparing students for a career in this field by providing hands-on experience and exposure to real-world challenges.
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mccabe56guy-blog · 5 years
6 Explanations Why Here Is The Best Bet For That Cash-Strapped
Van Hoey is really a pharmacist and medical author/editor in Wa, D.C. She's labored extensively on National Institutions of Health and business drugstore guides and it is a surrounding book writer on matters in diet, infectious disease and more. I'm not shock the corollary is number one... one is n't individually owned by.I but I've seen so much nutrients and over here seems like every other person has a.good vehicle. But using an automobile sales tax of only 3.25 pct, auto acquisitions within this express is likely to be cheaper than most. The initial automobile actually dispersed was a green and red street roller made to fit inside a match container so Port Odellis fresh child can go on it to college. Maruti Suzuki recorded a fall of 27%, Mahindra recorded a tumble of about 40%, and Engines confirmed decline that was 12% while in the vehicle revenue. This auto is really liked by me but will trade it for another thing the moment repairs are completed. A 18-month German judicial investigation concluded in 1999 the accident of Henri Paul, the handle of the car at high speed dropped while have been worse beneath the effect of alcohol, authorized from the simultaneous existence of a antidepressants caused tranqulizing and remnants of antipsychotic in his physique. HOT CARS: An all-new Toyota RAV4 crossover as well as a renewed Honda Civic compact; a new electronic model of the Fiat 500 mini-car; a BMW batterypowered concept car made out of carbon-fiber; a brand new Acura big car; an all-electric Chevrolet Interest; Ford's Transit Connect Wagon. Between 5 - 10 millimeters in diameter, the Orange Sac Spider was accountable for automobile Mazda to remember the Mazda 6 vehicle constructed between 2012. You will be able to likewise find these cheap body sets with various car-parts merchants and tailored automobile retailers. 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Stuttering fiscal growth, unhelpful demographic tendencies plus an arriving escalation in automobile capacity may soften among the several brilliant destinations in a worldwide industry that's under great pressure. They could help than you have to you to avoid spending on insurance from your carrental firm. http://unhommeremarquable.info discovered that just 18 percent of motorists had previously advised their car insurance corporation from what they previously claimed that the number of miles they owned per year changed. Most of these toddlers manage like snot that is hot; Mercury Hardtops and the Zephryr are beauts. Anyone actually had the nerve to express if you ask me oh well then possibly the 2 people within the auto may have struck a telephone post and died instead. Furthermore, while Iam nowhere-near not as small or powerful as I was I'm constantly planning to be far more buff compared to average person. Leap it again If the scenario gets too warm for the secret-agent he'll move undercover - or under-water. If you are using these handy guidelines you'll be properly to some gratifying activity of Hot Wheels diecast on your way gathering. This assessment helps you to locate a robust Flash vehicle charger, that will be able to cost an iPhone 4S or above while using an electrical requiring routing app in the same period. I recently started to work with a plastic crate because I used to be worried about what could occur easily had acar accident. Acar loan, as an example, starts at 1.99 percentage and shirts out at 3.59 pct (if the loan is prolonged to six decades)for anyone with stable credit scores. Medications with possible unwanted effects that induce diarrhea and warm flashes contain steroids that are specific and antidepressants. Whatever the type of automobile you-drive, a paint job that is brand new can transform it into a genuine showstopper. I almost ripped the trigger and a friend distributed a Big Dummy and purchased. It absolutely was an example that is really nicely spec'ed, than I assumed it will have, also it journeyed for much less. We purchased a 2nd hand car through auto-loan with all the support of my spouse's firm. In line with the review, marital position is not nearly as insignificant in car-insurance pricing as age and sexuality. English Stereo obtained it 2 DJ Chris Evans for that £10.9million that is unbelievable to end up being the car that is most high-priced ever. http://unhommeremarquable.info can spot the hot-spot about the back of her heel (it is like somebody is pushing a hot dollar against your foot); but if that hiker has neuropathy related to diabetes, she will not. Hours earlier, Suhr informed correspondents that around 9:45 a.m. two officials approached a-27-year old lady as she seated in acar that had been claimed as compromised. The big shame is the fact that Nissan presented a warranty without also speaking about how they intend to to correct this dilemma in future versions. I'm likely to accauire a palm system that was second with the manager of the automobile had left international and quit a Unique Electricity of attorney towards the relative of her wife approved them to and to method his car's purchase signed the deed of sales on his part.
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Mr. Akash Talole
Countries & Regions /   India   
I. Job description
I joined Somic Ishikawa Inc (Somic Ishikawa) in April 2020. When I first joined, I was assigned to the Global Advanced Technology Development Department, where I was in charge of developing a system to detect machine failures. Although I had no work experience and my Japanese was not fluent enough then, I still remember the people in my department welcoming me with open arms.
In July 2021, I volunteered to be transferred to the Design Department. I am involved in design and development of ball joints (main business) domestically and internationally.  I find it fulfilling to work utilizing my forte, language skills, since I often communicate with people in the joint venture company. We also use Japanese when communicating among teammates, and I have many opportunities to talk to Japanese customers. I find it appealing that I can acquire high business-level Japanese language skills along with technical skills.
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 II. Reason for relocating in Shizuoka Prefecture
Before coming to Japan, I lived in Pune, India. My father, who works at an automobile company, told me that Japan is the best in the technology and automobile fields. When I was studying mechanical engineering in college, I began to develop a desire to start my career in Japan, partly influenced by my father’s words.  
I studied Japanese for a year after graduating college. At that time, a friend of mine told me that there were many headquarters related to automobile industry in Shizuoka Prefecture, and those were proactively involved in developing the latest IoT and AI technology. I found Somic Ishikawa when I was searching for a company where I could leverage my skills. The interview was held online while I was in India. Finally, I was hired, and came to Hamamatsu, Shizuoka.
I was familiar with Japanese culture because I had watched anime when I was in India. My friend also told me about Shizuoka's excellent climate and nature, including the ocean, forests, and Mt. Fuji, which influenced my decision.
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III. Attractive qualities of living in Shizuoka
One of the features of Shizuoka that makes it a great place is the fact that beaches and other natural sites are easily accessible. This includes places like Miho no Matsubara, Shirahama Shrine, Shiraito Falls, lakes near Mt. Fuji, and Kisami Ohama Beach. I have also taken an hour-long boat ride from Shimizu Port to the Izu Peninsula. I really enjoy the rich nature of Shizuoka.
I like visiting beaches, and I especially like the beaches in Izu. Hamamatsu, where I currently live, also has beautiful beaches, so I often go there on the weekends. Hamamatsu also has many restaurants that serve delicious Indian food, sushi, which I love, and eel. The food is varied and satisfying, making it a very comfortable place.
I stayed in Tokyo for around a week in August 2019, but the cost of living in Tokyo felt high. In contrast, the cost of living in Shizuoka feels lower than in Tokyo. The climate is mild throughout the year and it is comfortable to live in.
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IV. Message; What I want to share with people who want to live here
Shizuoka is home to many automobile-related companies. Because of that, if you have background of mechanical, IT, or E&TC-related fields, or if you are a student majoring in AI and IoT-related fields, you have a lot of potential in Shizuoka for employment. You will need the basic Japanese communication skills (equivalent to JLPT N3), but there is not much you need to worry about as long as you have that level.
As for the nature, both Mt. Fuji and the Izu Peninsula are breathtaking. The climate is also warm. There are many Indians who live here. Temples and other places serve as areas where Indian and japanese cultural exchanges happen. When I recently gave an online guest lecture at the University of Pune, my alma mater, I introduced many job opportunities and explained about favorable environment for foreigners in Shizuoka Prefecture, as mentioned above.
Finally, Hamamatsu, where I currently live, has many active communities for foreigners. I believe that those  will allow you to expand your network of friends, regardless of nationality. For example, Indians here use social media like Facebook and WhatsApp to share information on events, so you can find your favorite activities easily. Aside from social media, there is a popular badminton community among Japanese and foreign people. Participating in the HICE (Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange) exchange events hosted by Hamamatsu City about once a month will also help you meet Japanese people, other foreigners, and also to learn Japanese culture through some activities. This is why I believe that Hamamatsu is a remarkably comfortable place to live in and a city where people of various nationalities can coexist and prosper together.
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thesewomenarebadass · 6 years
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Mary Earhart was born on the 24th of July 1897. She was the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic. She was also active in the creation of the Ninety-Nines, an organisation for female pilots.
Amelia was the daughter of Samuel Stanton Earhart and his wife, Amelia (‘Amy’). She was born in Atchison, Kansas, in the home of her grandfather, who was an important member of their town. She had a younger sister named Grace, and they were nicknamed ‘Meeley’ and ‘Pidge’. Their mother didn’t believe in raising her daughters to be “nice little girls”, so they had a slightly unconventional upbringing. However, their grandmother disliked that they didn’t wear trousers.
As children, the girls spent a lot of time playing together. They climbed trees, hunted rats, collected animals and explored their neighbourhood. With the help of her uncle, Earhart made a ramp and attached it to the roof of their shed. Her first go of the ramp left her tattered and bruised, but it exhillerated her, and she exclaimed “Oh, Pidge, it’s just like flying!”
Her father’s job as a claims officer for the Rock Island Railroad meant that the family had to move to Des Moines, Iowa, where she saw her first aircraft the following year at the state fair. Samuel tried to get his daughters interested in flying, but Amelia took one look at the unsteady “flivver” was enough to put her off the idea.
When their parents moved into a smaller home in Des Moines, the girls moved in with their grandparents. During this time they were educated by a governess and their mother. Amelia greatly enjoyed reading and often spent time in the family library, and when the family reunited in 1909 the sisters were sent to public school.
Even though the family’s situation greatly improved, it quickly became evident that Samuel was an alcoholic, and he was forced to retire from his job five years later. He never got his job back despite rehabilitating himself. Amelia’s grandmother also died around this time, leaving a considerable estate that placed Mrs Earhart’s share of the inheritance in a trust, as she feared Samuel drinking the money away. The Otis family home was auctioned off, along with everything in it. Amelia was heartbroken and later described it as the end of her childhood.
In 1915, her father found a job at the Great Northern Railway in St. Paul, Minnesota, and it was there that Amelia started Central High School as a junior. He then applied for a transfer to Springfield, Missouri, but the claims officer re-evaluated his retirement and took his job away. Amy took her children to Chicago, where they lived with friends. Amelia looked through nearby high schools to find the one with the finest science programme. She eventually decided to attend Hyde Park High School, but she was unhappy the entire year. Amelia graduated in 1916. She continued to aim for a future career; she kept a scrapbook of newspaper clippings about successful women in largely male-orientated careers, including film direction and production and mechanical engineering. She began junior college at Orgontz School in Rydal, Pennsylvania, but did not finish her course.
During Christmas break 1917, Amelia visited Grace in Toronto. WWI had been going on for 3 years, and Earhart saw the injured soldiers coming home. She trained as a nurse’s aide with the Red Cross and began work in the Voluntary Aid Detachment at Spadina Military Hospital.
When the Spanish flu pandemic reached Toronto, Earhart engaged in arduous nursing duties that included night shifts at the hospital. She was eventually admitted herself, as she began to suffer from pneumonia and maxillary sinusitis. She was discharged about two months after the illness started. As she was in hospital before the tie of antibiotics, she had several small but painful operations to wash out the affected maxillary sinus, but they were unsuccessful and subsequently she suffered from strong headaches. Her recuperation took almost a year, which she passed at her sister’s house learning to play the banjo, reading poetry and studying mechanics. Chronic sinusitis hugely affected her flying and other activities later in her life, sometimes she had to wear a bandage on her cheek to cover a small drainage tube.
Around this time she attended the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, in which one of the mail events was a spectacular air show. A WWI flying ace who was participating saw Earhart and the friend she had come with standing away from the crowd, so he dived at them, hoping to give them a fright. Amelia stood firm, and later said, “I did not understand it at the time, but I believe that little red airplane said something to me as it swished by.”
In 1919, Earhart enrolled in Columbia University, in a medical studies course, but she quit a year later to be with her parents, who had reunited in California. In December 1920, Amelia and her father visited an airfield where Frank Hawks gave her a ride that would forever change her life. Within minutes of the flight she knew that it was what she wanted to do, and she decided that she had to learn. She took an assortment of jobs and managed to save up $1000 for her lessons. She had her first lesson on the 3rd of January 1921, at Kinner Airfield. Her teacher was Anita Snook, a pioneer female pilot. To get to the airfield, she had to take a bus to the end of the line, and then walk four miles.
Earhart’s commitment to flying meant having to endure the challenging work and basic living conditions that came with the training. She updated her look to fit in with the other pilots - she cropped her hair and bought a leather jacket (which she slept in for a few days to make it look used). Eventually she bought a yellow Kinner Airster biplane, which she nicknamed “the Canary”, and flew it to 14,000 feet, which was a record for female aviators. In 1923, Amelia became the 16th woman in the US to receive a pilot’s license.
In the 20s, Amelia’s inheritance from her grandmother steadily lessened until it was completely gone. This caused her to sell the “Canary” and the second plane she had bought, and purchase a yellow Kissel “Speedster” two passenger automobile. Her sinus infection also came back, and she was readmitted to hospital for another unsuccessful operation.
Her parents got divorced in 1924, so Amy and Amelia took a transcontinental trip from California, eventually ending up in Boston. Earhart underwent another operation, but this one was more successful. When she recovered she went back to Columbia University for a few months, but had to leave because they could no longer afford her tuition. She began working as a teacher shortly after this, then a social worker in a settlement house.
During this time she remained interested in flying, even becoming a member of the American Aeronautical Society, and eventually becoming the vice president. She also became a sales representative for Kinnear Aircrafts and wrote for local papers to promote flying. She became increasingly famous in her local area, so she began her plans for an all-female flying organisation.
Earhart’s first transatlantic flight was sponsored by Amy Guest, as the trip was determined to be too dangerous for her to make herself. She took off from Trepassey Harbour, Newfoundland on the 17th of June 1928, and 20 hours and 40 minutes later she landed in Pwll near Burry Port, South Wales. Amelia had no experience with the equipment used for the flight, which meant she could not pilot it herself, but it did spark her interest in making the trip solo.
When Earhart and the crew arrived in the USA they were greeted with a parade along the Canyon of Heroes, followed by a reception with President Coolidge. Shortly after this she set off on her first ever long distance solo flight, across North America and back, and was the first ever woman to do so.
Earhart became known as the “Queen of the Air”. After her return to the United States, she went on a two-year-long lecture tour. She began to undertake mass market endorsements to promote her flying career. The money she made with some of her endorsements was saved for a forthcoming expedition to the South Pole.
The marketing campaign was successful in catching the public’s attention and put Amelia in the spotlight. Rather than simply endorsing the products, Earhart actively became involved in the promotions, especially in women’s fashion. Promoting products helped Amelia pay for her flying, she even accepted a position as Cosmopolitan’s associate editor , which she used as an opportunity to promote greater public acceptance of flying and to campaign for more women to enter the field. 
In 1929, Amelia was one of the first pilots to promote commercial air travel through the development of the Transcontinental Air Transport, and she invested in starting the first shuttle service between New York and Washington D.C. She was also a Vice President of several airlines, including what was then called National Airways. During the first Santa Monica-to-Cleveland Women’s Air Derby that year, Amelia made her air racing debut, coming third in the ‘heavy planes’ category.
Earhart became an official of the National Aeronautical Association in 1930, and advocated for the separation of women’s records. The following year she set a world record for altitude, at 18,415 feet. She also became the president of the  Ninety-Nines around this time. The organisation was created to provide support and advance the cause of female pilots, and Amelia herself was a spirited advocate for women in aviation. When the Bendix Trophy Race banned women from entering in 1934 she publicly refused to fly Mary Pickford to open the race. 
Amelia spent a considerable amount of time with publisher George P. Putnam around 1928, and once he was divorced in 1929 he proposed to her - he asked six times before she said yes - and after some hesitation on her part, the couple were married in 1931. However, Earhart was adamant that this would not be a traditional marriage in which the woman was inferior to her husband, and wrote him a letter on the day of the wedding telling him just that. Her ideas on marriage were unconventional at the time, as she believed in the equal sharing of responsibilities and kept her own surname, refusing to be called “Mrs Putnam”. The pair had to forgo their honeymoon because Amelia was taking part in a cross-country tour promoting autogyros. They also never had any children of their own, but George had two boys from his previous marriage, whom Amelia is said to have been quite fond of.
She set out on her first solo transatlantic flight on the 20th of May 1932 from Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, and intended to fly to Paris. After 14 nearly fifteen hours and enduring icy conditions, strong winds and mechanical problems, she landed in Culmore, near Derry in Northern Ireland. For her trip she received the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Gold Medal of the National Geographic Society and the Cross of Knight of the Legion Honor. She went on to make many pioneering solo flights and broke many flying records.
As she became increasingly famous, Earhart developed friendships with people like Eleanor Roosevelt. The two shared many interests, most notably women’s rights, and the two kept in contact throughout their lives.
A fire broke out in Amelia and George’s house in 1934 that destroyed much of their belongings, so the couple decided to move to California. They bought a small house in Toluca Lake and remodelled it to suit them. A year later Earhart and her friend Paul Mantz set up the Earhart-Mantz Flying School at the Burbank Airport, but it was short-lived. 
Amelia began to plan her round-the-world flight in 1936. Her trip was financed by Purdue University, where she had begun working, and a Lockheed Electra 10E was built to her requirements for the trip. Fred Noonan and Harry Manning were selected to be the navigator for the flight, and the plan was that Noonan would navigate from Hawaii to Howland Island, which was a difficult section of the journey, then Manning would navigate to Australia where she would carry on by herself. Due to mechanical difficulties, the first attempt to make the journey was unsuccessful, and the plane had to be shipped home from Hawaii.
The second attempt was a success, with Earhart and Noonan departing from Miami on the first of June 1937 (the direction change was to do with seasonal weather) and, after several stops in various countries, they arrived in Lae, New Guinea on the 29th. They only had 7,000 more miles to go. On the second of July they took of and intended to land on Howland Island. Their last recorded position was 800 miles into the journey, at the Nukumanu Islands. 
There have been many theories as to what caused Earhart and Noonan’s failure to navigate their way to the island, but to this day nobody knows exactly what it was. Search efforts started approximately an hour after the pair failed to show up, but they were never found. There have also been many theories on how they disappeared, but again, nobody knows exactly what happened to them.
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