thesongbiird · 18 days
plotted starter with @autopsified
Hot, angry tears stung her eyes as she slammed her car door shut and approached the house. The emotions she was feeling were bubbling into a dangerous cocktail inside of her. Anger, betrayal, hurt. No one had ever hurt her like he had, and yet she couldn't just walk away. It would have been the smart thing to do, but when had Beth ever done the smart thing? She followed her heart, whatever the cost.
Letting her anger take over, she pounded on his front door, so hard she was sure it would bruise her hands. She pounded and pounded but heard nothing from the other side of the door.
"I know you're in there. Open the damn door and talk to me, you coward!"
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leaveuswild · 23 days
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@autopsified : [ DARE ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  on  a  dare. eden @ quentin
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Quentin was organizing the book table of new releases when he was approached. He waited. Maybe they had a question. "Do you have a question? Or need something?" He wasn't bothered really; this was his job after all. In the back of his mind wondered, more so worried they'd recognized him from the news report.
"I'm not gonna talk about him if that's what you want..." He muttered, turning back to his work.
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 2 months
connie, for daryl
put a name in my inbox and my muse will have to admit how they feel about them. - @autopsified
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Daryl isn't sure if his feelings for Connie are only friendship or if there's something more there. He knows he views her as family. And she's definitely someone that he cares deeply about. Something more might develop if they had more time together. He knows he enjoys her company, and he knows that she makes him smile. She's a brilliant, smart, strong woman, and he doesn't want to lose her.
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radiaking · 3 months
+ memes / accepting!
@autopsified (norm) said: "that looks like a you problem."
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        The pair look quite comedic side by side, nearly an entire foot difference in height, as they both watch a frustrated (for her) Lucy gently storm off. Cooper blinks and looks down at Norm, face contorted in confusion. "Now why the fuck is it my problem?" It's his fault but that doesn't make it his problem.
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equationsoff · 24 days
❝ i don't like most people, but you're an exception. ❞ from enid. also don’t mind me accidentally hitting unfollow instead of ask
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" then you have bad taste. "
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pyredez · 2 months
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@autopsified asked: [ EIGHT ]  for receiver to have passed out from overusing their abilities and wakes up to sender at their side.
               IT   WASN'T   ANYTHING   NEW   TO   LEO,   WELL,   AS   FAR   AS   what   his   abilities   went.   It   was   new,   however,   how   far   he   could   use   his   powers.   Though,   he   guessed   he   had   burned   himself   up   before,   so   he   had   some   sort   of   idea   of   what   his   limits   were.   But,   his   own   self   preservation   wasn’t   his   top   priority.   It   was,   and   always   will   be,   those   around   him.   It   made   sense,   right?   He   was   the   cause   of   so   much   damage,   and   it   was   only   right   that   he   spent   his   life   correcting   all   the   wrongs.   
               HE   GROANED,   TURNING   IN   HIS…   BED?   THE   LAST   THING   HE   remembered   was   a   burning   orange   flame   that   was   himself.   It   was   so   hot,   so   intense   that   it   soaked   up   all   his   energy,   and   left   him   to   collapse   to   the   ground.   That   was   what   he   remembered,   not   this   comfortable   bed.   When   he   figured   this,   his   eyes   fluttered   open   in   a   frenzy.   His   chest   rose   and   fell,   a   staggered   breath   rattled   through   his   throat   while   his   chocolate   eyes   scanned   his   surroundings   until   they   landed   in   a   familiar   figure.   
            OH.   HE   WAS   SAFE.   HE   WAS   WITH   GOOD   COMPANY.   BUT,   his   whole   body   felt   hot,   too   hot   for   his   own   comfort   even,   “   I…   what—   where…   ?   ”   he   grunted,   slowly   lifting   himself   up   off   the   bed.   One   hand   was   pressed   against   his   forehead   as   the   room   started   to   spin   around   him,   “   Wh-What   happened?   ”
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atomiqueen · 3 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@autopsified (norm) said: "i missed you… more than words can say."
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        “Oh, Norm—” Lucy's first instinct is to pull him into a tight embrace, so she does. “I missed you too.” And she holds him close for almost a full minute before drawing back to swat him on the arm. “But I told you not to follow me up here! It's dangerous.”
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sonofsaviors · 5 months
It had been a month, two weeks, and four days since Logan had been separated from his father. They had been scavenging through an abandoned neighborhood in north Virginia, rifling through cabinets and cupboards and drawers for anything of use.
Negan trusted Logan enough to allow him to check a house across the street; they habitually whistled at certain times, to draw walkers out from their hiding places. The herd had materialized from the woods across the neighborhood and by the time father and son had seen them through the dust-streaked windows, it was too late to head back together. The best chance was to hunker down and wait for them to pass.
At least until Logan had accidentally startled a raccoon and drawn a few walkers towards him, and he had no choice but to run. He was too busy hauling ass to see his father's reaction or what became of him. He just kept going until he couldn't anymore.
Logan didn't even know where he was for a while, although he did find maps, but struggled matching them up to real life roads; he'd never had to do it before. He spent weeks scavenging plants he remembered from Scouts, subsidized with food from homes and buildings.
He would find Dad again, no matter what. Even if it took a while.
The sound of approaching footsteps drew Logan's attention and the young boy tensed up as he drew a knife. A lone walker stepped through the bushes and ambled towards him, halting for a second, and Logan could feel the hair on the back of his neck raise. Walkers didn't think, so why did it seem like this one was... startled by seeing him.
Logan growled slightly as it reached for him, stepping back carefully and waiting for the best moment. Of course, nothing could have prepared him for the very human-like noise of pain and bright, living blood that came when he stabbed the walker - the man - in the neck.
The boy scrambled back a bit in surprise, before more footsteps made him look up. A group of walkers - wait, no, people wearing the faces of walkers - stood staring at him.
Logan stared back, completely bewildered and lost for words.
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tidaltow · 6 months
@autopsified || cont.
Usually when someone made a remark like “Pinch me” or “Bite me,” it wasn’t actually meant to be taken seriously. But, see, Percy was outside the realm of “usual,” and when he barked comments like that, oh, he was absolutely issuing a challenge; frankly, if someone decided to take him up on it, he was impressed and recognized, Hey, they might actually be on level playing ground in the realm of “weird.” The difference and the unexpected of this specific encounter, though, was less about Medusa meeting his challenge and more about the way she met his challenge.
She could’ve pinched his arm. Anywhere on his arm. There was a lot there to cover: shoulder, bicep, forearm; it wasn’t like her options were limited. Heck, if she really wanted to get up close and personal, even a little twinge to the waist would’ve done the trick. (Would it have been a bit strange . . . ? Sure. But Percy would understand the logic; most people had a sensitive spot there.) What she did . . . could also be categorized as “up close and personal,” but like, more demeaning and basically the kind of gesture Percy would expect from his mom when he was way, way younger—
A small and sharp sting blossomed in one cheek, enough so that he actually flinched and reeled his head back. Effectively, that proud smirk dissolved into a grimace, and before he had time to stop himself, his free hand lifted to rub at the spot he could just tell had turned red. It didn’t make much sense why that warmth seemed to have spread to the other side, too. He decided not to dwell on it.
“Okay, wow, so you’re just gonna . . . say stuff like that. Pretty not cool comparison,” Percy complained, and as if he expected that she’d drawn blood, he checked his fingertips quickly. Satisfied with the lack of noticeable damage (outside of that flush in his face, apparently), his hand closed into a fist, and he met Medusa’s gaze.
“Uh, well, he’s not here currently, but . . . Yeah, he’s ‘allowed.’ Welcomed, really.” At least nowadays. Better not discuss the amount of animosity toward the poor guy years ago. . . . Regrettably not something Percy was entirely guiltless about. “Next time he visits, I’ll introduce you two,” he offered, and that smile returned a touch softer than before. “Bet he’d like you. He’s super friendly. Even with scary girls.” And especially with pretty girls, but Percy would sooner be caught dead than say that out loud.
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thesongbiird · 1 month
@autopsified liked for a sinday starter!
Her hands moved over the taut planes of his body as if they had a mind of their own, she was utterly caught up in the moment and despite being fearful of her own inexperience somehow it seemed that her body knew what to do.
Gentle gasps escaped her swollen lips as his mouth travelled downward, nipping at the sensitive skin of her neck. The sensation was almost too much, too pleasurable, if that was even possible.
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gleamingcrowns · 1 month
send ❤ to just. grab my muse and kiss the HELL out of them. just do it. || from Connie( @autopsified )to Daryl
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Daryl stood there for a moment, fully in flight or fight mode. There was a moment, a beat where he was wide eyed as her lips found his. Placing his hand on the back of her head, pulling her into him. There was no sweetness to his kiss, it was rough and hard. It was full of passion, ache, and need for her. He let his hand grab her hip, pulling her hard to his chest. Soft grunts left his lips, pulling back after a minute to look at her.
Signing to her as he tried to gather his thoughts. 'You could have asked me, i'm not that dumb to say no to that.' He smirked and tucked one of her fallen curls behind her ear. Still holding her against him, he now felt his body vibrating. When was the last time he kissed someone? It wasn't like he had kissed a lot of girls before, and since the apocalypse, it got even smaller for women. 'You make me nervous." He signed again.
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wavrlynatural · 3 months
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autopsified asked: “so i need to baby you.” -jonas
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Her eyes made their way to his, holding back the yawn that wanted to escape. "Mm... No, why would you have to do that? I am totally fine, really-- just day dreaming of the best shoes, that look amazing, but are also functional." Seeing as she still has to hunt demons, and other creatures.
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 2 months
carl, for sophia
put a name in my inbox and my muse will have to admit how they feel about them. - @autopsified
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Sophia knows that for her Carl is her soulmate. She knows he's her best friend and he's also the first boy she ever loved. He's smart, charming, and strong. He's been there for her when no one else has, and she can never repay him for all the times he's kept her from falling apart. She hopes that he feels the same way about her, but she knows that she gets jealous of the time he spends with Enid. Even if she hasn't told him how she feels about him.
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radiaking · 3 months
+ memes / accepting!
@autopsified (dane) said: "none of that is true, and you know it."
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        He cocks his head to the side, one eye twitching in quiet irritation. "And just who the fuck are you to tell me? You can trust your so-called brotherhood all you want but this ain't my first rodeo. Now from where I'm standin', you don't look that stupid." A pause. "Am I right or am I wrong?"
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equationsoff · 1 month
@autopsified asked: "shouldn't you be in school?" -eden
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" shouldn't you be at work? " five retorts on instinct. sometimes he can't help himself especially when asked asinine questions. " i'm homeschooled. " it's easier than saying i'm a fifty-eight year old man trapped in the body of a child and legally dead. god, he hopes she's not a cop. having to call one of his siblings to get him from a police cell for skipping school would be morifying.
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atomiqueen · 3 months
@autopsified replied to your post:
nice dad =/= good dad
​no but FOR REAL. lucy's arc has to involve a lot of recontextualizing her history and her relationship with hank, and part of that is also a decoupling of the concepts of niceness and kindness. she has to learn that they are not necessarily the same thing. that it is perfectly possible for a man to be nice without an ounce of kindness in his heart. she has to make peace with that reality to make peace with who her father really is.
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